Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1876, p. 2

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- - tW ue lm*Ii1dito tvii eno. Zi '7 0 ' ua 'a ""' l Valey i . B . Sulltlhà Co.una aeton. G<uvernm.-Y 4 hd.&W. B. Smilth .d lestmweek adtont à« surrumotd4onuy by Toronto lu. TOWNIIP OP WIUTSY. fenances andunder the. el;ezrstig ~~~~~~~~~j üat~tPpr.adMg. I la th at 1Mr. J.B. BUell, guidancead admonition of Toronto W1U-!-Gq. Yuj~. the. piffit worthy r..,., i je e~ UWPPjuitbict aspo uuw Ù$tm2out--oo. Yue. I besp' epreont tie oIgted on auiy aumbex &MNwpersPmn& ea . d bY thé. preaut deputy reeve, Mr, of ontaide con8tituenulng. Âmcug tbe lor Brnad.B. P. Campbell, for therevelp. Peopleocf tllBt CityWho are At heusle Comotdntos" ZC. tme menibers ofthti eglalwatare are Bo oia ode- Ur. Ewers, 1Ur. Holîm, nu, d 1Ur. Murs fo BeBtlune, Orooke, Cam- ilar. St.etohaare uaId te ycsndàdBte c ro, IIodgfne, Laudr, Macdougall, *t. Jhn ae mrdta . iae frMleMovltiand WeUs. uppomug htw urgi u4 Oohenfeotlothmtocueye teyamnt ul ?bo Wst ii«ore k. n-leader.of both is o teî ii.Hue., they vreb l i Nt eurel fl. Baen by MUr. John Nett. >. nut bave cou.ideralle influceeover 0"6 T04-- JeirlsveraI ýparty followers. If Wo Où " pic", &.-W. P. WilI"cok% Masi T. P. White, Jobnai «Jgjý beb.added th" Prcp aed redit Wh ha DyO tr-1 l 8î,'. MacIi., foover sud, 1). Panr1yVally vote exohange, their power will F NIIIQII e tfo ddmu-P.Feowm Ia. hvW r.tIfi!* ikthfnd I«mOd. dd te these UtheOaler-. *NàDépesionAt ddeUoi' 144M av, w ar tldi" frmd àticet en ptlc efforts, of lobbylng couitraotcrs, B are ruualing for reeve, depnty rétives, wlth their peoulierly Pereseasve in- Goiaeb!-Ladleo Colle"e. and otwilmàn, in the order ln whloh finencesP audt muet b. abdautted that - - --- Re "Ms Are'placo.t a l~W lebnus coalition end tt1'iL. , U1r. Mle,(h a e)adM.8 .prove a Vary formidable body tW deal kLronU, c Green, run respectively for reesîud with. Se formidable, lndeed, tual fret depoli reeve, on an ýindependent perhsps the. best thlng Ufr. Orooksecau - ticket. Ur. 8. K. Brown, w. arc in.-do je aI once Wicdinide the ramaliug ONLY et 59 . PER ANNUN. frnd il o fe l. m suri between the. Toronto contract. formt!, M ne offr agin.ors, the Toront oity Counoil and the 14t 1876. - 1*0 x.redit Valley Dictnsand so lave aIl Ur. 14,r and Ur. Amey aie candi. fnrtber dispute about the disposition of KV*çpê~.A~ a ~.OEî~«<LE ata fe reva ud epty : Mr. the Provincial fundu. BrethwAl l»movlgIsAa fth But thotngIhtreason when -ancceeul BretOýr e moing-way rousthebecomes patriotlem, succeons lu muha townsip. raid ns isproposed on the provincial Pl4lsavs et advertlsemoe ts Ur . Gilespaiasubeau aoked to con- funde May prove one of thosq victorias 1ieek oblige s p. bdoeai'ditorlal coni. test the reeveablp sud May stand. that nltlmately lialle fatal to thie in- Mone tlpon bnitters oome general dividual oonqnerors. Whatever the Iwprtace wich~o aillueudd 1r. oJtaeje e b apomil >' frmembes of the Legisîsture inay ra. iniprtace o wiolwo ad ntedea 31r.Uclae e t'beappsedby r. ireo ti require, the people will rofurrlng.r.Watrren. iena'nd substantial rimsons for thie RAMA.sinking of thae money iu aithor a The Dunkin Act ln the côunty or No opposition toe1Mr. Jas. MoPhereon bogus railway seheme or I Pyn Ontaio, ho, oweer, icaiato te urde h ntin unnecesary investmneut Ice tRiat whobowver lîsit~te tebaren lm.of naw Parliament buildings. à by-qlaw wlll lie brouglit bofore thieself longer with tRie dutles of thea office. t (Couuty Connail at thie 0 *u ssso UXBEIDOB TOWNIqHtP. TaEQUY AND PIIACTIE.-A contemp» for the purpoïe cf baing sabltted te Ail thie old coancillors tire ikeily te -orar>' cf thie one.sided "Free.Trade"f 9. uru*o n 470that the. Ottawa luni- bbc riepayers on theiestaot! cf lt be candidates. 'te~so 9L ue.,. n hava petitioned the Govemu. tilsttho Duki Act ln force ln thi. UXBRIDLiE VILLAGEx. ment te redaca the dut>' on American notau>', I he ettics u avr cl Ri Mr. Geo. Wbeler js a candidate for pork frein 82 ta $1.90 par barrel, and inesue aran A. b wRl4oites b r.election as zeave. affects tei regard the incidenýý as an Luiae warraft Iti, leuu cl osublt o . SCOTa.argument against a Fair Plnay Volicv for the uty f 00 conci to u6mt th SCO'r.Canadian industries. Oua Point, Ilow- lylaw. It la for tIe ratapayars te de. Messrs. Smith 'and Rowland will ever, ie net toucheil upon, viz. : How tilde b> tiieir yea,'sud nay'whethaor they likely be ra.elected reeve anud 'lputyi>' l, if n protective pclicy jesos bail, tInt ar l fyo' f Ri mnsreorne.For reeve by acclamation. thie Americans are able te command ouralvs w ni>'us> tht whav nvet TtODÂf.thie Canadian market? Thoorizing is ourslvet WC ay y fiet w hav ilver 71101à».811vary pretty on papee, but the fact t Jooked upoi l te Act wiltli aver, ive Mr. N. F.- Paterson ouglit tu bu> re- thatj'ohnathau, (protected te death,) I lave. betore us thie expamlcuce of ils electeuib>'aglamation as eave. HMî manage. 10 seil Mi"e Canada, (bleessda Wvorklng lu chlier localltles, wladrc it has prasence in thie ciuny ouncîl l@ au ac. with- whst passes for l"Frac Trade.")'0 tirovea4 a lalu, andi jugeai cf l-senu. qusilion te that body. perk, sugar, tes, fleur, hardware, silIce,M 0 calbcoas, fnînihure, &o., &ôt., is more te ing, bias beutinactuali>' 1h. causie cf l.InO. thc point. Io business so brisk lu Can. Ot'etslngthe vce cf inteiuperauce. This 31- James Graham will b. unoppo. ada thaï; we eau afford te giva Up s WCeaehali b. plepaoroti te show at he i.86sd- man>' branches cf tradeP The aily Ij proper tirno, as weilas. te &rgue thie OBRAWA AYD EASI WHITBY. lista cf insoîvencies de net support that Cr questioni fariy uponIlse marite. The present rapreqeatatives il, we Tho. IV. ina>'cat. Au aulvanoo flt1he are tbld, bhoepposedin lubath thesa Muni-. Mth aotes! Sgltavem whic hac *groatL il&JOrty ofthIe people cf tIe îown clpalitles, sud a smart ocuhesi je ex- y .abymgîtbv dddta of %Vjitby ara opposedtgtetRie-measure, pectefi. thie barre! of 4.meîican pork centaine di only 190 lb.-thst the dut>' charged la tr ansd that thie geuniy town aîeuld be s.IÀIWYT MKL6-.u'i 2.00 whcerossi; t should Rie oui>' At tRieP exceptatdfrom It. opération. Iu North. probabilit>', before anotber issue cf Tis rate cf one cent per lb., sud thus the 'Sh l'îmbarlasud sud Dnrhaw, the Tensper. CilROinILgo the track.laylng te Manilla petitica et the lambermen. e tiLtIe ,ttoners have excepted Port on thie WlîiLby and Port Perry Bailway UOPOansdCOebeurg, iesvlng tRos towns wlu I bàv aa finluhed, . ere thianPickerng Harbour. lu te ot udpenheelyfo thniéivs.ton cf te thirteen miles, tram Port EXPOIITS.-Sdhooner Fabaila, 6284 au 17e ibuti l b il. samne 'privilege for Perry te Mailila, bave beau cotupletail buseasof bail.>'; sobcoaer B. W. FOl. AUi Visl teWu cf WRitby aud uo for 01sI. as w. gO o esse tRis waak. gr, 6284 bualiels, etfl4rley; schooner h îIwa, wlîan thie by.Istv le submitted t,,4- - .J. Walters, 1180 busbiels ef harle>'; t ' le, conut>'canunil. 'Pcrlaps, lu tlh, CONEzîT.-Tîîa yeuug ladies of the schooner Vary Battle, 10978 bu*ohels hii Innantîn, thîe propor cearma swuuld ha collage, betora leaving_ for Christmas, et harle>'; sciooner J. Walteris, 11978 te *~bushelsetfharle>'; socooner D. M. Fos- lit' fur thioguO.ppose o i c t la the two give a concert uder Ufr. Torrington'a tar, 1070i0 uhmI of barley; uopelo le towns te get up betitions atntaffect, direction. Thie lecture tRial1 vas teoCity' ef Montreal, 18897 bushels et bar-. have beau giveu on Friday>'next, b>' le>';proyellor City o Me t rel 7 n Whitby Frat Market. Dr. Haracîl, et Cobourg, i. postpoaad basha[s eo barie>'. otaa,87 il until thiir ratura. ImpoiT.-Schoer irada Wind, tict - Wti tlbé cantîuuaetflItapreliant SNAXL5OIM 212 tons et cea! ; Balla 1015 tons oet Or Aaeartuerkther, Ithora Iover>' AT LUSADXlt Eiotu. ceai; Fiera Emma, 200 tons et ceai; trcI schooner FIera Emmna, 2142 touaset Pic I'ruéiwpct ufthtRe irat frea faim la Whitby, Mr. J. S. Robertson le auppliid withiceai; schooner Mary Fox, 80-7 barrai s et toiuorrow (Tîursdssy> being a comploe giRt books, te>' bookis, toys, annuali &c., of piastar;, schooner'Viauna 150 tous the arccasâo., and otlier articles lu great sud ut ceai; schooner Balla, 100 tons cf oet - tmptng arit> fo th hoidas. coal; schooner Mary Fox, 100 barrais th Affairs n the oaf.ae unt. u -NEW STATIONIuIY ANDl Booc STORLE.- AIIanvAL.-SdIIeuner Wooid Daok te t Iislast despatebes annuace tRie pool. 1fr yule lias re.oponed Ris naw Stati. 410 uhi ha o aas pu. tnd Lieu ef affaire lu théenast ase MOre enar>' sud Bouok Store, whuchlu j ver>' Genaral Sassions sud County Court, tras pacific. ThI e Presenstîves Of Eulg. complote, sud whoea verything iu the i- lu ]aan ndIl " u uaare sald t e Rinl ne. line wl hac tound. [Sec advt.] Wbitb>', Diec. 12, 1876. 'T cord. _______________ xssn Lu~~mu'astoc Peocourt et Genernl Sassions oethîe ÏS~1i Honzàs Oeorg Bro & str. te Cout ettocve war sudandi Cauni> Court openeti ah duew lion GergeSro Onorethe our ofOlier areandjewelry as withoat s Whllhy ou Tuesda>', is lionor Jutiga to d ofQugliss, Bînal. rival, in variet>' sud cheapness. Burnbam presicling. ,The panai ut sua grand jaers hsviug bavai calli ovar, con@ Xr. Broewn bas Appoed lu P01r8011 NAVIATJOaf Oosc.-Tho Wellantd the folowing geutlcmeu answared to do f bpfoÏo ti. courts te sell W causa againat Canai wag- ciesail for thei. sason ou their namas angilware swomn; bond tRa roie for a criMnlainformation. Monda>'. To ---oo-,-omma.-n =_ hLm_ ieBve>'-l-dfec-c-Ti l-srarhaa rz__oesdJon-dars.Iih' Ga.tn sh lne, bau *'ad l sic- lu sIuti. "unsofrrsetboi lkels sud o01W tRie court. Thie evidence would,'-doabh. undel ne.,ant, ~ a< lat tbRis blo~ nrtable articles ýfir6n ehlcls lu thé lau b. tRieaie as that on wlîlcR the Lr talet l li*~Vdf >i n fio bd e reportai * mgistrales eoovxcted, sud tRia grand tRiaic ângrf he atint tw îpélenelljury wouid probabl>' arrive at the sanie haret pain i~ zhino MNerz.Ã".0 sdiite aacailae nsendiuo the cases for ca l'sIoWadlprogrtouing freai'. 7-eecond deputy reave i.eO&nk er. tia.Thie grand jar la thie courseetfaMy et i1Y., D~ire, Draper, (alêbougli au in. * their duhias wculd vasil the gaol ant i thus. ,sd lesat onremlttiug la u t. * Lusd. * report uvonfis condition. that t Th ad*urY thoen retia. his . %ndinm-uipguler proitréte RiubaUd, 3ay.'ib AIBE STAPPRDiu las beau Ry appeal es. Licen us npecter. nder * D >er's suilden lUnose l 49W ilveslesg Iiaresting sud instructive Mr. Macdicaeli (wth whom wae Mm. W. MéAr rn5i54>,?à vIde 1beliàg cf sympathy in atidrusse. Swltie aw turing bie H. Bhlling)raadthe Couvieiin audfnat. cUntic [Weà sltairity.. Nov tlat bRislamIi. Ireetj$iP ie lhe Olti Oontr>'auesei. 3coet ppa in Ibis case,wblah vas ialns <~n~ol ~egn b~écela owaU>' on t* os!tjaof etTemperance,' cf for t.cmo.Ti.cono icu vas o s whicbhRhe Wvred getieama5 b sluigbillardis beb.plailcnmr'b ~ ~a f itansfuues, ntr.regarded asi th eteottg sy. te ioregulations cf tbe LioenceCons. broug] dee<an 144Ms~ buIn... connectîcu Fsthai Staferd'eare have affecte eieners. Grounds cf appeaf-That ]Hco eottlc bé ciçisu li btb7. woudens for hii people and. hie Tam. tbe Board cf License Cemmisaicuars as ho nrane cause wftRii l ev years. IHis haîtnô poer te mmette sud ralations, autre& *11gg :Oà%o jusZ" As a Dow Lîn uarroâw.mlunded dvccacy cf sud it t th.justices bsd nu jumiadic. JI bei iiri*lJqlq ~ li~Mesms. Hn- té merhf- Temperano. zsalot, thht lion lttYI>' .oi éron- k grrq puliaed t Ba IPDlLldseek tc, 1ireet drliking b>' Iaw Mary Anu WAl biappeiiauî, aOe.c;.atail eW~Kuv~, a*ltaastiai D a laonc, sud-mai@ereal teMpane. iMon, X. GrleonM= aRlQuigler anti g» ~ ai i mîay rov moe ~j. sudalIohhns irew lWlei<> May Wallaee, r. pc dents. 1 r. Me- li o lu t hah individual aféoo s m tg Mlhlaut iff on Uba i rtia appalâant np. big shonhi eut asud dslk),btoi lab. C 10iane Conviction fiikor £ ao an o5rla eauas bfgR e Il me quasheil. --ad lfor flt C)L~n.L.-r. 1orgaî, ctI! ~ -"~J ~ sud omrw. îou PÀî: tj>ML u r. pp. u, ttu eUugan sd attention ýte 1reiig --Mmf.,Pareveli rown At omy, po ayer,'4bipea fM ou dotie thechiae sure ot overcons. peaed for the. respondeute la'i ,bath eb Nolthl1>res.dah', a large drova ciug l.mptsiciiasd .1e0succoeaoins u*Cases. 19lei e si;Ée eep fe 'the Obi4ustina n lqm ongansd virtueus as vel COUNTY COURT., ute, perWhttby & port sgc ataulX.The toowug i lie , of ocae ou, tRieva Par'Dna d Jirt. oua car, cou. Tas M-àyoLaLtr-Dr. Poclele a cos. the civil étooket :fec dfiu -181W4 Aérgè1 5NIbd'date for ie-elaatbou. * UxbrldgCabimt e ra Organ Mea. be A» &o. Px*p#J',iS8 Obtug pr lb. Tac DuxmAo.-Tlieeoamiy coun. 4fatuITîç Mes lo Canadafor fln W cerf, ci~l l t .upetîionedte, bwuialia by. C~a~HM oe1f~l; ~~ ~'~P"~ ~, * .0userferet - W~WC5P'05._A4ss~-,~. 'M. Heveil, s e s . O U e u e O eJ U 0 1 a n du a u i p o i e o f 1e ' -s -n a .ii . V5( n l i ô u r . T h j t followig cases. it mine ike h eusr. nastr.,i W ins1w oc a c o, C o îe t l . a i tl oyb eew m P a t off." r ib tio onroissory nteand acaount. lltage mana r rbar~qe states, plevin. Pisutif f urulshed, par agrea. the ýstage oarèucateeinub m ent, n quantit>' et seot p oeu , th lu T I~ atter, I w o e ss iat ne, ish crsate Rie ratumust, sltar barvashing,,gat rcptt ti aatoh aI 42.2&, par butiel. Defndant de. this viP e. Ri e eirthe ct was h linemeil 88 bushela ai Draper's elevator, p ie.1eoes hihw l a k i g a w a r é o u t r e o l p i u C m y c l'a i o f t "T b e ,T o O r p ba us ," o m b r e , takig à arabuoe ecept I Coroil ce, a06 pat, m t, sud tie instnt, Dame., A dispute about the prie. t ub. bara dc eîoi onatwt Dqantdy are, sud defeuilsut hheretor inafi nal. e'eg usiai e t h e R fir mt r eoeip t e a c lle il sud o b Ith o1 g l j we r bali g , i n p e fl a sh,' another lu ie ow n Dame. Pli ntif soa) rig a buu IRe cene r >', l e i ismueatinreplavin. Hishaor hall tRiitirae ropertiesýrere lu s blaze. tRia prupart>'or rigRit cf possession did Ano0ther acier, Mr.' Burrulht, not meut litRie plaintiff so as -ta entihle mis~n~ Stuart B. Hand, raporter hlm. te lb. writ, sud .hhat tandem e t hae, * r 'aafAdctertiser, 18 Supp chaque, whioli hsd boeu offered lun pa>'.ed ftýo Rieamoag the victimes. meut, was not a legal tender. Verdict , 1i., business manager of1 fer defeudaut. hr, sBays that Most Who lest Il Jutigmaut was tliveret b>' hie e4î thegallery. sud feu wii! h ouer in thée fdlowiug case : tie cecllarr H. gas al! mi, Jones v. Hold&.-The dcaration havee otut if they U net b. contains a cout lntraspas.suad eue lu parti thiicken. truver, tRie cliattel la question balng a N i York, Dacamber O.-The extc uheep sud ilse. Mr. G. Y. Smith cf tRie'limiter in Brooklyn thenîr, appeareil for thie tafendaut aut Mm. comnas more.aplig mn Farewell(wihiMr. Billings) for tReienimtiiselknownai ao, H. plsintiff. No special damage i.s llag. Murdol. Alter andaavcring te osl éd lu thie declaration. Thé pies le not tRi o irs cf IRe psnio.stricken adien gauli>. (b>' Statut. C. S. C. ch. 126) h.e wett te his dressing rooni te gel:1 sud itvas îtahad b>' cousel tînt thie ciohig, sud muet bave boa safecai resi. tietoeeu vre tRiatRihe defendant Thé Iblwing la n liet cf nams lu doing whal h. did, acteti boita finIeIhose vhosa bodies have se far beau nesa magistrat., sud that thie sclon covaei :-Mrs. Philp Cadmus, Gsei couidti neh mainhaliet ntil thé. cou. W. Calmais,.IL Trear, George Forni viction lu quashatd. It lu admittail Ihat Aune !QnuinBasins Frendrias the. deudant is a J. P. for Ontario. Josaplino ut, hr ut e TRie tacts appear te ha briefi>'. Que Soloin, Plaifip solomon, TMary sal Ward Riaving hast a shecp laid an in- nmon, Lina Solomon, Dunlop Soloma formation hetore the detenaut. Louis. Pamper, Wm. Hotereoh, i( Wlereupou tRia dafentint issued a sud t 1o chldran, Hugli Douer, NicRi searol warrant settinR forth IltRial on las EýIe, Adelia Iliheil, Margua tRia 411 Jane 1876. Wsrti lad a ave Lihigata, James Cowan, Etivard Beati stolon off the hîgRiva> near Rbis place et Ana Martin, Mme. Conlon, James Do! resideace, sud tRial lie biad Imacet ihemraDil, Thiomas Boyle, JuIn Wood ta tRie résidence efthe p rasent plaltiif Jamoes',Lydon, John Gowan, Geori sud fount saiti aee ith tRie wool tlea Baicihatga, Bennett BaYce, Juni altoîn,." Tle information, ns averti te Motean, JTohni Morreli, Daniel Celin b>' Wnmd, is suhetautial>' tt h. Sanie ThouAý9 Demipsey', Etiarti Doroh, afect. île plaintiff appeareti batomeaaenoLasse, John Mo'wbary, Jol thie dataudant nti vidence wns offéeat Tracs>, Robert Jackson, W. Fardei betoma Rum anti two other magistrate, Lawrence LambR, Wm. Donlen, CRiarli alec satndung theliîeariug, which ce- Harrison, Edwarti Telepaml, Emar cupiod two desys, TRiheeudant wtîs Hamnpton, Mrs. Fred Hampton, Jamn told b>' bis brother niagistmates as weal Henaigan, AbraRiam Loy, John M te b>' the leâmnet gentleman wlo al). Culoci, D. Rosa MoCalieugli, Samai peareti for the accuseti tRiatRihe charge Haskins,, Daniel MeGinnip, Hautr was ouaet laroeuy sud tRiaitRiée mag. Lnntz, 'Claties Lantz,Fsnny Muliana; israta muet eftRar dismiss the case, or Charles Baumne, James Ranine, Chanie cmît tRié pmiseuer. Thie dcfendant's Leoil, Gearge LeelI, Thomas Chichesi 'eply vas thal ha mnev tRie Jm (nat or, Staplen Ferdhani, Daniel Damkii staling thiat hée differéil froth iis viéw). Mm. Jaolasouu James Cullen, James M( Hie- brother niagistratos came te- the Nell, John Puillanti, Win. PaRiantý conclusien tRiai tRie _natr vas ona cf George MeILanghlin, James Jilzil ispaieti ovnamslip, lu whicl a magis-.'Dauiel MoLeor, James Goociwiu, A traté cetait hava no jurisdiction, ex. Abrami, Geo. Lortinér, Caleb Laverie!i pmassaI su opinion andl desired le re- Michael Coure>', James Collina, Joli ord tRie saine, Ihat the complaiut Kennedy, LouuisAibartis, Armnla AI ihulti ha duomiied, but tRia deleudant bertis, Patrick Broderick, James Doon efuseti ho meceguize Ihair autherity te er, George Stapheus, Miss B3rown. it, anti matie an crIer lun the tollow. TRie tallowiug arc the naines efthusi tg wod. I finI tirat tire sheap andi whoae lies hava e en auicatifieti L .,tnhiiuIongste B. Wari. .Pactrie fnEoeen Arthur Blpl.lear3 Md1autil(Ozomnhlm lueIsaetîhasamp L. lia mer, AraniamDitz, Stephar id I adjuniga the saiti Jouas te psy Orarn. Thos. Wlistiago, James Me. tae cashs in the suii." Clau, Wm. A Gmay, OIes. IlI. Lait Themaupon Jouis lu order te obtain Win. M. Burton, Jus. J. Culier, Mm, às dioharge, pormittuti tRi constahie Joepha Rogera,IobI. Jaekst, Cliarla, b aba ava>' thie ae, tRie detenaat Il. Styles, Louis L. Beckett, Mary aving airad>'tikon charge ofet iaMaînnua>, Jolti McGiui, Joseph laece. Leoaey, Jue Addison, James Gmty, Subssquautly tRie detenauttt rmw 5p Mms. Ana Martin, Mme. Richard Bermy. nid filaI wiih thte Clark ofet ia oe Tua Majonli>' of tRie bodies esau nevet diocument pui'portiag taeRie a convie- ho incleutifieti. Man>' familles viii bu ta, tRie crimea st out beiag thnt lie aeprivad oettte sadt prîiliige ut bary- nes Ilnnlawtuuly tek a certain ove îug thitir deat, sud in fuel viii kuate tan2 R. X's, dlock ou 4th Jane Ia6t, ait no mon ilinu lIaI le>'vistcd tRie tRia- ikering suadRiaviag kbard lice xaîtor :aire on that ii'futeti aigRit, aud mer, >tl' i sticorupînint I do tudjaîdga iRaitrevar taure seu. isait aw 1at fleace is the pr?,e~prl It ies tnlod tnt sauman la tRie auch- the said W. anud I order sud ad3uîlgc ca't, seeiag escape impossible, drewv s te mail Joues ire disoliargati thertmoiu rcvolver and ti oIiimeif ilmougîlithe )o givilug np tRia saiti awe anti fleece hoarl. StRie saiti W. enI pnyiug tRie eosta ot It le nov atatet t ltRie unibar of sà sait." The coshs varo izaI aI $20 lives 1<-ut viii rond 13870. Meaeuras are i tRie paper coalalai the utuai dis- beiug talion for the relief ofthîe sauf.- ss0 clause but tRie Warrant ta commit crema. rasa of deatilalefteut. Elle aliogeti conviction lias net beau MLSI ORNKIe.EOry D istionati. Enidenca vas attince te L..-e 'o vw tRiaitRioe detaulani refaseti te tube .Satur*dtry au orniag the extensive at u matrisl vidnce von eqiestei ane ti c atm'otM. oaeo le se, by tRie ceunsel fer lthe accusaI Jam esret, in tits tewn, vas entirel>' a y 'is brother magismatas.oidesiroycd b>' ima. lTae building vas îgidering the evidanca, I muet sud uucfonsmlaousdi a fint th e detenlaut diI net aet astimateti thée iaeîiinery, pleut att ifcde ln tRis anatter. The a -stock iacflusivo, la vorili 85,000. SIert- 1r. v tarwards anotlior fira brokéeout mption lni mv is tRiai s magistraler s n gond fait, but I hiala te arbi. do ar off on tio opposte Bide of tIi. yatbihbandaI proceetiingi ot sane Street la île baker>' tofMr. Poara, da fi.nse lu pieetdmet viewhîicRiwps lun ashort lima catirai>' con. 1varnlug,as lueiris int>', mati>' me oumt. isesSha>' mndtug as I de Ihat Rie lactat mala MAILS; uit THE NoicTc'WS'.-Thé I. sin atrengtheaeî la this b>'tha Saskatchewvan niail iavas Winnipeg ,umetancep lIaI hoe hinisaif is suaent for Edmonton once every thRma. veks. 1net offereias iaaml lan enz ailILtiapamîs ou--Chr-s-n-as mes oul hali ve Rai nt-y- su cf ord a 1îve ___ nie tae Sn ansecouli haa heastl' beianei esterda3' alopiti suan icutduientpro. 9-Nolvitlstandiug ni>'Opinion aidng tRiaieleeture ehail vote at îté defandant bas tetll>' aiceedeti Presiîiantiai elections viva coce insteati jUriudiatiou, I lhiuk I mast- hoît cf b>' bellot. - . or tire auRierli>' cf Gmahaut Vs. TIna Uicueîpaoyre.-TRiare ara 45,000 1 rtîar, 23 U. C. Q. B. 478, that tRie womiaing mnea oui cf employmanî ln m Loction existaI de facto, howaver Nev Yor. staineti, antitRiaïi li acces- tirai machquasi coniction shonît FUi4EJ4L Or TEE OUNRIiCOGNIZED jUashet bafome tRiS nclin hé VICTuaS, -Te tuaaluthe unmecog.1 1ut nizal vie iasof tle Brooklyn Theatre tÈliug tRie sirong opinion tRiai 1 do fine, tut ibernq on. buadrati, teok tRie higir baudet sud, I ma>' say,-place. at 4Ã"neio'clocb on saturda>', sudC guscontact cf IRis tietendant, notIijtRis!tncing tire intense colt vas I nsonpelUed under tb. autb. watnessed b>' rovds of People. TRio e fthe ahane case, virich', vas net remains mtere bur-led lu a large oir-on.- at tRie trial, to enter a non suit. lar trench lu Greanveeti Cpeir>',c tir plintf hs tre igh len n ud tRie fneral servies ver. coudugted tm i iciau entny 'et s verdictlin b>' miniatersotfthe Episcopal, Baptit, faven, îhanld- I Ie vr 1ong lu the aud Unitarian Chancir. ,judgninut, I lbiuk I ahomîId nov MEETING- OPTI> IMPZRîAL PÂnIz,. he dansagese ln uae suair- entr>' SRnu.-T à laperial Parliameni Rjas_ Id haie Thora lu no speoill beaun pr rogued until the SiR ci agelarit ti a dealaisto. It àla Fbrua>, te mntai ten "for thé e ablà 1plaintif muzngit bave been n- psob e. Urgeai 'ana linpraýý 1,tliemeto if ciaiuýed (Ses.BrowV8 . bnas." prts 1,,Di ni il M. anl M. 025). As il is I fiaI îeSadr lukla elnt alne efthlie eve te be #9 alanthe 'h S tirBn la eoae, 61., Su tînt tRie 6amagau tvuld half.yearly diviula'nt ah Re rata cisix Isid nt #10. par cent. î AzçcirîaF Soanc.A tispateir, ,ýyn Dee; . 1ti frinVitcý ,B., ' ays -fltty -rouinds, loi boors.Jug,é'ý]3nrnhm ad. ofanIuruitieiln bave beeu distributed THE -WHITBY ICMRFETITR CON ECT ONFE WHISTMhASGan -a- ;e The' undersigned lias ro- 2, fittel hie gtore aut filUeà it vitir a , full suppi>' of the ai Choicest L uxuries of the Season, bo whiiclt le bègs ho nal the atten- Stien of hie runu>'friandes u d tire 3_Publie gc'nerally. Ho tendons hi$ ý1 alnera thaniks fer pasi fanersanul y support, sud trusts b>' prompt at- tenton anud eepmng.thc boat et cnaythiug ho mnit the. future saupport of uustoeés. Hie prasout stock embraces tho LARGEST AND BESI DISPLAY F FANCY CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED IN W H I T B Y. -u- FRUITS 0F BVERY DESCRIPTION. 1501 BAIRELS CHOICE APPLES. FI08. CALIFORNIA PEARS. DATES. CATAWBA GIAPES. ORANGE. LEMONS. NUTS. ALMONDS. BIIAZIL. WALN UT. FILBE1tTS. HICKORY. . PEANUTS. CHESTN UTS. -00- Baskets of fruit,* caudied fruits, Yokohtamia, Japanose, anul Ladies'ef tire Perid assortaI bas. ketsa of sveetîeaats. Sugar To>'. Clîluese Lanterne la greant variet>', aud ougar hoyauofe ver>' description. -00-- The attention of the public is ase directed te hie flua stock et Teas, Coffes, Sugam, Spices, Iav- orng Essences, Raisins, aud a full lino p otG or Magazt ie, Quie, L Cheap for Cash.-t---WiDo-ae &. BROOK-ST., WHITBY. Tore4 ns'yythé Publie will find it itdvantage- (1.) OUR STCK 15 LARG'EST. (2.) OUR GOODS' ARfl THE CHEAPEST. GIlET BOOKS in every style of Bindling, selected personally by the Subscriber. TOY --BOOKS from 2 Cents to $2, each. -00- Dolls, Bugles> Horse Drouk, B&c. and lnlereutfdr my o echo I ani, Gevlleruen, Your obedfient sev'. 50 W. H. BILLINGS. T0 TEEI ELEOTORS 0F TEE TOWN 0F WHITBYJ' ueottul>' slicitM for thé e -hieciln of G. YOUNG 8MTH sas>Mayor lor 287.' TTIM PRBEANiD INDEPENDENT AI tRie solieltaton etfruauy of: thé Most lnflueullsl atepayars ofthIle 1towu tata for the P.eanesblp for lm7., 1 respeytaysk thie houar ef yoar vota sud I2nfeuen W teaure m>' elmuln. I remain, Gentlaeen, yur obIt servant T 0 TEE ELÈCTOIRS 0F TEE TOWN 0FWHITBY. You vote sut lutamest ý%re re- speciuhi>' eclciet fer tRie re.eleotlon of YEOMAN GIBBON « as Reene fer 1877. T 0 TEELECTOis 0F TEE TOWN 0FWHITBY. GzNrazczr:1 i beg rampactull>' te, solicit yonm vote sud luterest as Deput>'dleafor 1877. During the seva earstRie raLeý E a y e rs o ut h e C e n î Wre d d lt m e t ie Riner te elaci nie to a seat ah th. Countcil board, I endeasveare to ditsoharge my dut>' falthful>' the vhole tuwn. My record le bear yn.As lu tRie ËasI, gse uure ia vth mbetaflort h e oaa ance tRi iireats anti pruspanlt> et t e To wn ot WhiIby. 1 hava tRie houer te Rbe, Gentleman, Your oRediant mrnant, T O TEE RATJIPAYBRS 0F TEE TOWN 0F WHITBY Ycur note ant ilnterast are niait C respelulnsoiie ? aor cf aurRimLe0W C N arsJ ' ANCERfa Y ruanu 0 erea et t .hé Courh et Chamcryi mte n caseetWRIGHT agulut DIOIRNSON, tRie cradtors ct M ary Wright, late et Pickering, lu'tRia Ceuni>' et Ontario, whe liaI ou or aboeut thea menih ot Jel>, 1876, are on or hatara tRie 18t) Doyf etDcembar, 1§76, ho saut b>' post '~epail), o J. I. Gardon, efthRe Town y'Wrt Esquire, tRie Soiitor et John Wrighit,tii.&dmniistatof otRi tede, themr Christian ant Suruames, attirasses anti description, the fuil particulars cf tRii cilants, e- shatamant et th air accounts and tRie nature eft[h. sacuriticis.<if an>') Riait b> ithrn :or lu a tt hareot they vw Rle paremptoril>' excînted troua thé befil -e! tRie sait decrea. Emer>' cralitur holding su>' socuuity in te prodluca the sanie baera me at m>'chambers at tR.he ovu of Whihhy, lu tle ceu i>'c Ontario. on tRié 201h Day out December, 1876, ait tn o'clock lu thie forenoon. being tRia hue spponteil ton ad ltou ontRie aims. )atadthis 2nt Day et Decamber, 1876. (Siguati, - GEO. M; DARTNELL, J. K. GORDON, 1: Master. PlIS 'o Solicitor, WRitb>'. 2in-50 T ENDEIRSREURD SEAL4ED TENDERS vill b. requiret b>' tRieundersugnati np 10 thé 2717& Dayof DECEMBER, Instant, for tRie amoiona0cfa Dveiug RHanutRie Trown ct-Whltby, for Mr. G. Young Smith. Plans anti Sptoiticalioas Mn>' ha seau viii [ha ntarBgieInluOshawa, er-ai the Law Office ot Mr. SmihinluWRiIIy. -H. R. BARBER, 1Archtec< - Oshawa, Doc. StRi, 1876. 21n'50 P ORT HITuYAND PORT PERRY ETNSION RAILWAY. - IME TABLE No.'- 10. T*es Sait on Monda>', Dec. tR, 1876. Trains rua b>' Toronto titre, which lu Ivan- Iy.twu minuites iloer [han G.T.R. thue. No. 2 MAiL. -WhulbyJaaneîtion. .dapart. l0.60a.ra. Wiby ..........l 11.00 Jirookia ::.........g 11.20 Myrtie ............ 11.88 "8urmalt . .... 11.50' Mancestr ..... 12.00" Prince :A1bert. - - " 12.10 " Port Perry... rive 12.15 Poit Penny. par. 6.00 na. Prince Alberami... di6.019I Manchester . " 11.. .20 ci 'Sairmmit......" 6.8(0 d Myrte........... 8.42 se <. Brookin .......... 7.00 WiIby ..... ..arrlve 7.40 'Plztarm stations. Trains so nsg; LRIB Oui>'. stp u i Coniteotlngast Whutby nictien-viihah LT. IL, est snt veut; aitPort Paryvih tage for Uxb id e, su Steamr-Ma 1l duti et Lula$y, thoeacenuactlugvs théme ilani t ea ndut hý tç&:unmr tor %nucn'aslu, Zeboygeon, sud Blurgeon I, tint Hlaie, a bautittil pleasure rmort. 0 O I C E 1 Strayet on tRio promises et thé sabsoriber,, ot No. 6s;.trI Concessioea et Plokeri*ng, sa ni Lambhi. Th eovuar-isreqaiasted ho 1. iva proaert>', psy çxAnges" sud ako hlm 'ai'; otervue1Re vii e ld.seecorttng isv 1psy expe-se, T11M0 8MDILL. ~0 RENqT t liaI ver>' ELIGIBLE FARM, Dr00-&c AN N JAL S. British Workmlan, Band" of of Hope, British Work- womnau, Juveuile, Chat- terbox, Cliild's Coin- panion, Children's Friend, Day of liest, Good .Words, " Leisure IIour, Little Folks, Sun. day at Home, Sunday W.PWILCOK.BIBLES, PRAYI Duili-i. BOOK%, HYMN stmas Concert! BOOKS. gmnela fiilte Masic Hell, - Chris ONTAIC TUESDAy RVG., DEC. 191h<, 1870, uuwi 1VIIS et 7:30 o'ciock. biR. F. I. TORIIINGTON, Dirocior. Witby, Dec. 181, 1876. lin-81 OTRI LOOAN ANDSAVING5 DIVIDEND NO. 7. Notice la iaeby given tRal a divitent of Five pr Cent.a fom tRe crrent haIt year, being at tRia rate et Tan par Cent, pe- au- nm, huastRIs day betngdeclaretupuntRie paît up Capital e t tRie Comipany';asdtih saine vilho te sudjusyable Lt the offIeý of the Comanin',taOshawa, on andutetr rUESDAY tRie 2nt day ot Jahnar>' nazi. B>' et-daeft[ha Board. T. X. MoMILLA, Smo-Trous. Osaa', Dec. il, 1876. 8lu-8i 'rive eursPAY-ok! m3esuwuon in' em ~TORE AÀND DWELLiNG >woD eg, w l tw u~p an i t vii ery Deer Ifr,87 . f AppicaIo t 1Parpila-mont, bOTIOR i a Ilqaile W I4 v hbe à ,t of htarle A fisI= iL21 Pl Purchased a Baukrupt Stock whioh we will sel ut 50, per cent. beldfw the regular selling prices -ou-VE*T MARKS, FANCY PIC- TURES, DIARrEsY, NIX NAXS* 0F - everykid GAMES :o' ALtL KflIts The mnotta. of the "BUY-FRnm,ý DRESS -HALOUSe CLODS GLOVE, #f I ana MANTLEs, Havin aeS LARGE OUFCASE 0FS FUitefrS LAIS9itabENTforN LAIDIE'RENTS A] we are prepared týo se11-,them CHEA PÈ.R than _any Hous i -Townm A Large Stock of R EAD Y -NADE CLO0TH ING, Gents' Furnishings' ýkept constantly on. hand. - F'RESH -STOCK D. OEMISTON, Ventera Solicitor. «MILLIONi ELDORA $PRI Bol Éiver Valle> Yor panhlculars, appi>' B. 'Wbihby, Dec. 4th, 4876 'SALTR1 SALTI1 R In Darrela. Fine fo (lbam for Curlug POr* Firut Frize asud meUa (World'sPsFar.) COAL, WOOD, SALT, PLA - and, WA -Couiiâsïly uoùbant. Wbiiby, nec. StRi;1876. SALT! 500 BÂtiS 500 BARREILS Juat recainat uni - T.)1 'WitbY, Neis--. Ust, 1876. CHANCEBY SALE OF VUALS HIOU&ES AN' "' Tii TOWN 0F Puruast te a Daarea Chancer>', mate in -WRIGHT Ys. dato>d't[h. ud Day cf E vii lia uold vith -tie -Geo. ]EL Dartnel?, ERu sait Court ai Whutby,1 hanlt. Âuctioueer, ah AMBICÂN HOTEL ii WEITBY 2!UESDÂY. 26là day ai 2 o'clock lu thie afterc esi e tRsfollovlng v s ana dLants situe Wiiby, lu the Ceuni>' cf PrAnuttL 1.-That bauli ,011 trilkcot 1 GirIs, Stabe a GWa roamprlaing ne-third of l et in compestetf, ofltN.Twercly-s ranesslon et lia Tovush 'O=ng Tov iota demI1 oi tha si Nt.i. lh.S-1, uR0bl CfrIS IIRSTMAS qEW YEAR'S. li" e Se c t O ur'm otto i ý 6 5 l ba givan, its and qù'ick return BLAI dM D 1 l«u-do-w"ý. ----,Do- go- TREE.1 Having made -00- -00- 1 iabet WEAR$ AND AISO a ,-Y" 0 Eýý- R LE -S , B00el AND Will have a Grand 1 1 ER

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