Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Oct 1876, p. 1

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-y-sts4l-- -is av 4ti diwng. u 0 ry, 'ONTARIO BAUX, TEOKAS DOWo, D[OMON BA2NK. l'WHITB.Y GE NOY Alto Sub-Ag*ncy at ierpool. Market. SvniDepartiouto i nnconw both offices, wJere interest la P&M on dqx sita ci PIUpwardg. Whitby; 6Sept.1, 1876 ne J. EACDOWELL, (?aoaro, QO.,anSDr.MoM olzal. 16 oitroI WBLLe Pul&&CeDn Office, iret Soor uouth of the.-Roya: y 'AXES RMELDGNe. A Oouil&y Orowxi Attorney. a -7JjB S ,cv:&rK OR DONÀ-lA, Notar uli, &o. Omfcm-Oerr. U iOi'iine»re, Brook Street, Whlftby, ont. CH1ARLESN C. KI8LLFR, A TTORNFY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN iX hancoerOonveyancer,&o., Cannini- !on, Brook, C. W. LV4N LNGLISII. LL. B., B ARRI8TUR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN <Ihanoery, Convoyancer, &.,&o. Blm- en@ Street, Oîhawa. G-.-YOUNG DNMITH. LL. B., 13ARRISTER, JtTTORNEY. AT- LAW, 13Soicitor in Obancary anS Insivency, Notary Public &o., &o. office-omanil Block, Brook étreet Whtby, Ontario, A. G. DICIILLAN, (Late Gresnwood & MoMlian.) DARRISTCU, ATTOBNEY, SOLIC. £)itor, Notaiy Publie, Convayanoar. (A. ifce-Byron 8îreet, South ci Poit Oafce, WWltb, Ontario. DUGGN & ROBIN4ON, SOL7CITOR8 IN CHANCERY, %JOVYANCERS,.fo., toFpipoE-Pr0wi,âieurance Duildings Couitr ST21EET, TORONTO, J7. Duooàoç, qc., J. G. RoBNosozo, m. à. THOMIAS BURTON, fi-cm 910o 1 o'ciock. B. J. GI-fN, MI. D.9 QURGEON TO TEE COUNTY GAOL, M s~yron SiwO, Whlby. Dr. W. J. BURNS. Onicu-Nexl Soor 10o îNa LzOffice. W Raesidence, aI Mnr. Lewis Houck'a. Wn.e, 15RRIEN,.ID.MR.,. Gý"S ZHO8PITAL LONDON, RNG., the spa B.0. IH. LOshawa, Ontario. - W1. AI>AMI4, ][DE NTIST, (SUCCES. mer 10 W. H., CarS.) Wtitby aven Mn Jamoaon's Store. -Ntresg OxiSo YU" adminitred for the painleus ex- traction ci testh. C, N. VARS, L. D. 8. TEETH Iinserteda n- ai the 'Q7~'latesi pinciplea aoflte art, as chaop asute obeapest, anS su good asathe hast. Taebb iloS vwilb GoiS anS Siven. Teeth xtracted vithout pin, by producini; tocal attesta.'Den t.1Room-lu cv-. an'a nev bbock, a-ven tkinson'a Drug Store, Ring Strçot, Oshawa. 85 Tt]rUMAts DEVERILL, BUILDER -AND CONTRACTOR, DONDAs 9T., WvrnraY. laW'Ai ai-Sera promptty executed JOHIN RO13INSiONPL HIAIB DRESSING AND SH1AVING L.Saloon, Brook St., Whlthy. if) iIN WOLFEND48EN, A GENT FOR TEE CELEDRATED 80. coîifih Granite. AI Marbie Woi-km of Jonathan Woifeuden, Duudaa St,, Whllby. GEORKGE t U<RIIIcK, 'UMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER .LJ anS Jaluer, Greeau t-eet, Withy. A ang. quautity ofaI ilkinda 01 lumben con- e sanIly an hanS., 0l.E -DELL, A T H E R L Y, Clark D 'li/aon-Court, Tp, Clark, Commlasiounrln -B. a., Land Agent.* &c., -&Co, Ithtany, Counity Ontario. Attsnlv P5. lu2n, 1872. 88 CÀ ABD. UR, -DO0GART, t'kyoieian, Surgeon, Acceoher, St., ho. Wbitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 4 RDOBT. RIAMSAY, M. 'D., L. M. EDIN. Grad uas (viit h onora) cf lhe Univesity cf Quoen'u cilsege-, canada; Philodelea Univ. cf Medicine sud Sur-lihbmna Unlv. cf Fnsyvof;Ee~dc Penusylvanlsansd Licenliate cf iici-oficy ai the Univ, of Edinburgj Scotandj Coi-- oner frte Couuty 0f outarlo. OffIce- Coldvater St., Orilua. Auguit 4tit, 1875. lyr86 'JH .M. ILLCOX, 0f, the Town 01 Whiîby, bas bien appointeS OFFICIA.L - ASSIGNEE, (UNDR II E NEW ACT,) For lb. Couùtyl7Of Onbail, AU husines outruated ta hi. change wil ta csneluly at- tendeS la. Whiîby, Job. 14t, 1874. 8Y T NE BEST HORS5wE MEDICINES. AU deoenptlons oflte haut Horas madi. lnom-kepi cuonsantonhaudnfral05j, 1h, Wlutby LlvrySiltbî0a LWNo. >changelaor advico. -N. RAB DOI~LER INLUYIER, *WHITB.Y lIa on I plendid stock of Que_ e1 a Oi- I aî eb8,eA LLi r.. il OOieaOi---- -' . u iacs ufor enS bul4 1M biiiig« Fla'ialug n'nd Dropuisd '~Y4,Gra.' aasa., ýr al i on WB.UG&rT Pmof IL LItq gu"t Md'-»-& Port Ferry, sep, 8tb,187&.ca te~ he *4ne.sooltaIc. BAS? NAXXXKgf nTRONO. - R0' SALE, lbA TU;iTO I GLEN Âo :IL i~~eotlou. ~~~42 M'ON00 test Pkltt unevelàan 1 Ich Botla, r. x A Y', 1 (L=Ira a"icaBoum-)4 Pong Boarde, WHIT B Y, 0ON' A8IO. 100,00 eeî OOak, uoa~newly retitd ami furni bdMaple foraies, ut quaity Sthieughou*, aS u t uinflrut-04aus eider for aeba r- ~ ~ â 'a raepio f u amibuubte, Bw1o'M rom ai trains. 2 t. Square IOiE~tr31i. s * apa~OZ Aul of wblcl will besold, chesapo' L. ONTARIO HQTL. Re would alob> 10 Bey that th. Gr lii iaznnlnqan a dingirsclmiî wo la W ITBY,' ONTARIO. 5iiizal- ae utseeo -THOS. MASON, 1BOPRIETOB. B. MAJOR, Prop"i r, ,8nior *-coorodation. Table, nu Dec* Ith, 1878. 1) O1?ro, best brands. Billd ok. '% ;Om O NEWS FOR THE LADIS s Sabl iýha. 40-ti GD lS AT G' TTB' TRNRAIW O TElà ANEW EEVELÂTION IN TH AT RIT T TATON, SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAXlMi WU--OVNEILL -.PROPRIETOR. CORNWALL'S SELF-ÈITTING Parties taklng the train anS 4ane boras. .q Mhavemetwell take care o tiî h* WAIsT & SHOULDER CHARI - reuru.Dresses fited from meauremant âkc -without change cf a stitch. T'R QUIIN's ]HOTEL, For sale, wlth free instructions, ai (LACE OOIeBCUL,) M M 3CINTYRE'S BIZOCK-B=]TEWY, - VEB-IÂIN Oxe, Wl.y.- TA~YLOR & MeCAXiN, PROPRIETORS. Agenù wanteS- Libe.alS lducementi The undsrlgnsd d.emire te inform Ihï hetae rinsuS and the public tbat tha3r have tùken Wbltby, Aug. Il# 1874. the abowa weil kuown hotel, which tbay have uawly Sedup and ren, Sud ,..it 0 fnbo th. bot of eiderlfor -hé coomckw 01?ISTTHE DIVISION COURTS tion of guens- - The Bar, wbhlinthe hnd L19 momnit lthé Oouu<ýpiswesU*snpplw S ithi OT1 thls. 1 br Wà«vie.liquona, LuSci- I - 07T gare. Ample ondloieS ihZ2rom anSgooa, stablinïlg, - talli, &o. Detachod rooms for commercai travellero. COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP MOCANN. FOR TETEAR 1878 lote of Toronto. RPOYAL OTEL, "Ml n ~' WRITBY, Witby..a812j 1l11li81I 2 1i Brougha 1 211j 4j124 212 JAS- .PRINGLE, FROPRIkTOR. ot 26 18 I20 25286Iô14 14127 Uzbride. 271 1141 126-27 1 I6j1151822 iThe largeat and mont commodcus ons bl 2,an o'tn28 16I 127281 71216121 fthe town -,bai large, @ample rooma for BaIrn 1 i1291 li2o commercial traveilers..Table well supplieS Athorly.. .1 I-J1711 110 119 wilthahbesinaema. oui etbranda1.,,.n -10 and c*ae BEls satteuyhie ardaanS shadroom lis. lrs cages te suit the N. B.-Livenp attacheS. 27 5HARESlPEARERHOTEL, - CORNMEtR XGAND .aU> roor., TOBONTO.I JAMES P0OIMLLy - PROPMTEon, -Finit-doasa accoamodaion; bath-i-oma, f ho. Boord, $1 50 per day.- 101I A RMSTRONG IHOUSE, (LAT£ ALBxIN,) WHITBY, ONTARIO.- B. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. yWHITBÉY HOUSE. DUNDAS-S'r., WHIITB3Y. (WEST OP POST OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDEL, pBopRIE.TOB. Tiisiouso tas hoon recentiy huil, ig lai--e and room;, sud SitteS uap lu finsl-clas style. Bestinles, Liquors anS Cigare; fi-sai Lagon eeon. Good tabhhng asud en- ciased yard; attentive ostiens. 46 ü OhIMERCIAL HOTEL, OAI'WIGET, ONT. - JAMES DEWART - PIIOPRIE TOR. GooS accomumodation +fii2 TRIS I'AI>R 1 ON PILE WitI Whebre Advertiajn tnOoss a .s5s 1\1ONEY TO LEND. The undersigned toi anv am<,unt aiMou- epitc LenS upon Parm or!Pon Pnopenly, ai- unuuuoy Loy Rotas of lutereat. Loasa u bs repaiS ln umo te10sui bar. G. YOUNG SMIT1H, issuE.R 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTABZIO. MONEY TO LEND on Fari n d Towu Pnoperty, aI LOW -RATES of Inlerest. For fui-ter psrticnlai-a Apply lu- - JOHiN FARQUHARSON, GEO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Jndge. -Whithy. Angnel 101h, 1876. CusTotis DEPARTMEET. Ottawa, Apnil 22, 1876. A UTHIORlZED DISCOUNT ON .A-Meicsn invoices until fntber no. lice, il per coul. JJOHNSON, Commissionor of Customs. 1 29-tf K ING BROTREÉIS, - WHITB Y, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers and Manufacturons cf al AiNDaINDN8 LEA THER Cash pale f6r Hides, Borx, and Leather. Loatiter stretched. 9ý"7BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON - SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 Severol Improvad Fari nsd WilS Lands, lu -, Ici-sale chesp. A large quantlly of moneyt le inS at loy Inveslmenla mado lu Municipal Deben- inlerasI, pivale ndm. lurea, Banli, anS cîben martetatable Stocks. For sale, se-s-ciai Town lots, tva Frame For furthor parliculri apply -i, Hanses, anS a longe Brick Hous. For terme, applp ta JAME'S HOLDEN,- G. YOU'NG SMITH. Offfcial Assignese, Broken, ha. Whtbp, Pet.gt, 1874. 7 OFFICE-Ovon the Dominion BanJo, Me- Mllan"a Erock St., Whithy, Bpri 91h, 1@72. 15 Tc lte lhabitouts of Dufflua' Creek and Vicinity: ~ IV ER y.I have novopened a - Bulcbar's Stop lu Mr.W. Cuthen'., vioe j2j MM ~~~~~rusopte seauon ofne ietdspso MA ir jx 4yBeof, Park, anS Fow vvanoffea o t~h Public. L-* Reooable Pri-ei I Canme t] Begs te butai-m his friands suS tha public oue, came ail, and gel samethlug te, do yen Ibal te carniesa authe Livery business aitg00e!. R&Y'S OLi) STAND.1 RICHARD ST1A. Pania nqunig aneyace-~vs-e ae!Wbllbp, Decemban,22ud, 1875. 52 opn nbs aceomraodoîateagnament' RUH AIIAEWRS RICEI. PIERDON. 13I.> 'T Wbltby, Sept. 21, 1875. 89 - .- .W EBB PIRE SCIRIPTION FIREE, Ras actlully informa bie Patrons ana the 0; ORIbePublid lheiai a burohad theitfortian OBLhe pas [Cura ea inal Wsalu ikrig.oMauuu Fnai s, cal ahool anS d lodru ' aen ea bndlcralouscm xces. Any Drai i sthe lnpsSl.ute. ASSreaitéit e DAVZDSN&hCo., Box 9296, NLv York. -for September, 1876. Iy.12 1BUGIGIES, CUTTERS Le.'21 O'U2N'S HTELPAl partiesa viiidc oli ta oses aur Buggi'es tal yOUG$HOEanS Cubters, befors giving their ordera aise. Pt IIONOK IIOAD;, DALTON, hr. o BOR. H VONO, -, Brougham, July 151h, 1876. lyr-SO ROB. R YONGPROPRIETOR. Reialahe information rogardntheCOD. ç D .oni tny,otao., Iurnisbed te parties ha uirnt- ARDI ampi, acco0mmodation -fer -Huntoj n . f 1S0'Amn h a n adrsli T.H. M 1ML L AN, ilh thhauot 01.liquors 'Md vuadu te be - -Agent fonr the ounin ltevo Nno abut ohiStO 4l RYL gingO5CMIAY JUS I OSS PB5O58 PTLY ÉÂU. 29 - -- Seoreary. ,, Prosldmt. ABuane Or;ay >Office4 Pr;; -, Aibe M. ui 'O', r:G "", CAurTL, ns race about Aberthep*jlreet. B pla0n "boa b.W7, TIili ol-mCon an thdt -w Tii ci& ma n l CaaSa.a 5 nirrwNorButonthgaes bredtn bj' th urdin 19 s ofdtfroru botter fl ah, yes po a t &aS olaa rSo pry lu- iah esa o uiteprassible ýIau glr *bu.o1-d s a~ r 4i r br a ea s or -int s a b3 p 1 v A n ea n si ge t, P o t nS thi g ee r eadzÊ in g le on ve rn hal o o le b t a y t ei , th f ip o lyth a yet b o L. FAIRBANKS la. Ferry. Quake ta the atorm-winda song andsud 131W011othens are nnglug dor-be lla de a gl o sat Wudyn11 h aI tilaguotand asw ho Sudsn-hlm ïawou 't" ai R git Agon41 fohftye ranaa sokalaeussnmutd utig W aa y'gla en s ith theSeeiam er afrt T JAMES DA IëSON, -M-naàer Dxea ares Ch '4W Ad en ralCmisiUon A et r t. fd, e ocsn-ota b tarm lo r WaggumSîsghs C~rta Fanitg Mllo Seeneami deayanwhh fe n etr ebull ,,theî-Èr meý owret, ealyI den' t 2 [EQ edntem ilracoîsbis nSe&. oy ed. h-ids og adf o worke 16 11f he faoiy is hraîfds-' pil'O i e. r eth tiaelb L. FARu.S noatuema anSr dosa e r ra ig apaela n goa îch.Iîyo el te wiloutrofn~ue btheload l La- Rpaiingcf il ind Arnoul wth Thon a trt a gu oin ybssowe, wh trate. ualan ar'fgh fr"i- a îes eue L. FIRBNKS.THO AS MCAXTN. u eblemmee cf eavubur sypalh; cief ondtre wii o er llaplei e - tellas l«i o ton muab abou Agent, WhACHINE. BrK-St.1oiritwhe giefclodolafr,-lim e aly aiaIlWOkua, Apri 12h, 876 16ly h.iby, pni4th 186. y-1 An hoerraS joy ta lcmaron u ihee ie h salecau roSunlbots, olig t wt a asm euofrlly an (LTECLYTN' h S cf eacnlofe n d yeor, n oanbis la evidenly banu tsimpih "Ifm netai ral surewt T. brct TndE "STADA CON "ProsshLnFo.E OIN IONFOR h FRE TORE Thon ttn p-s nnstar b antsedtîing snwo, oa . xrsioefnagaa lefnshm ough c th"si e gy tena la T nf li N 1 8 .n h l o .sl h i tim f am± trc. B inh6w y n o ous oitt T e undeaignedbop t infor thecomo. hereuiuoul<i ae rn the dakyt pursed colleaîiu is, ILE eCrsOMP Nof thLue panl ! witeristuneouChtry, ao tret eianc soutuî5 og.t ahubsaave hear ya Dog t n iil h m ri uda an c sto er l ni îca fo p unk . ov j mltor Ih as su d S, poa g rlth FiacilRout for Caaa Bu i n tto s ow pla anD 1 sfpa, rovidence. othestio f lTho chides â hida busheiu Ibis sakdNs iifeli JA E Autoe aIa......... Noo loéloirsaSIFed h e Bent Qualitya - as a pedeatinpas, u thn pr-gaud ,o.cf. Tae help fomly vreasatodaI to lo ingta gsuand ltaIh ontr onti o muiîsba ab PaS pCaial........20,9 (Fo& CrWu hjort,o. Aud Mrs. heipandt iteotonrall.nir -tctoîntect c i estetaods InGovrmn ep gi os e . ( Fins usafec- , , hfe ee, rvaninge eu Th uyiîbl.scrtt Gdo h otrsoveumnt8000 oa, tekrrasî Pu Ot, Panltds oilittit aitr ad Hebld OOb e o otlltfa a i isbl is l h h h To talReeus, re Pratote Boadins Ln- tao nosfa isl and eectoil ithte ater This imat raenegla. o m s- mevniug-iî con aSin ta r e.......5 2 ,7 5 Ceapner tand flsa h. pofrCs . i Tyhouorthsgn a r vfs ao ut b is Oesanatiere wllb ap pra ledg nSmateller lu ita year luuo m b sit. S c hl mutvofighlikva m ee ing, l bein abou Invstd Fnd .......... ..59,13 CobTHîc, aîdOMA, Du CNdo NSret etpumiretoak en.riefoslrowsuer, foe bedtime.î* ' ton n hi - t AgeenAtti8988 CHS. ENNLEGoNkS. Andilovsageng fyacn s 1 a g rac e. a This l litle ca n oaa S tefrtiy ititle . dee ym Ttil Aota------------ y Whitby, Apnil 24bb, 1878. y18 in upnso b bopctb -ibostae si a oompaig nloe, as a "Thn i emsîH auraht T. I oi uybi o stblmedisef -o o fthe îci ut fia S tm epot fta vunaS po- lte ult rttn ,~ heDomnin. 7. LIS S ND TRU KS lb fur bldrn acu d-tei tala a u mci IbDoseavi- oo'u l fth v e fto,tcsiS )n ,SRNECANY. . &., ei ta bis mottereB,-l e lg hesplcee r ukau. "eyîiey 'm Manager, thonuan sarollnerStalm W hi stmas - 1r. etlan vasout, bis >panhe-aet lie esoh- HEA the ýE rnxoed rnston1f i Oe uhypersagn ccmfrty Sli ogr0 -an ii ie us, Best oiyhefrad n utm thnes fo ber 0Y5w jus la ameei, or anygorl.r'p Fiania Raut f 4 enheBcernhingnw re vito uplyAl harolla be mucl e saion od'a ieu idoro scmpacent rveabS n heen obl iSta i ne s e upper,18 5, F ou adoor f h B stfltya aPt t r an a s. n h nýp o r w iy n ft o A u h ze C ia l .. .. .. ..p ,5, 00 h eic h eb is fa la er ai e a da on . -va s n g a h a f t ab a le i u P i - d o ms m e p e p s 'a t o ub ta ., te c,wat ananingipiut stado.on is K te eugld hosentiatrui ibe a t en-places o Cyae n spd blai d C p i a . . . . . . . . . . . M 0 5 l o rTCr n Ho p - e e m n os , O an a b i e t le ps a lo i gt h e h lmo t , o i o n ab r a t i o n fa n l e a e i On ai d t o l - u , a S w b a W I L L I it (ieýtâos,&oA M Sitasot novbenddehlm, an naz he gclalte arsiud > o, ab s e dum-aNeew auaxicaen S ToaIRvneSiJre rANCe4 fautai, thegfaavoae viabiscauqe uesvîtsi'ta eïrl ro lite panAtig Oe fteprua andICOMPANY..... #2S,75 Ceaer Maidthaeas Mkeoifr Cahsitk erd, te r mathe inaoudtioettherMes orig a mech gabern tyeh figue.hSteDodmltenaonabFleuror amnnd l lit halordeaninsant u Ie metin.oSie v In este 24I, 187......281f.. 011,718 roeey'bilocmoustache., Dbite Stitt, lias agitationber sudures nfoàse yfnn-ieviuga metin , t gIna ou Cah uhad n Dpoi ....-4,18witb.t, ltastera ind ae whlm ftlen iesituring.m, NSw -iho Ibis sit ha- n onn a whitoô r.b esu fil Dteposil wth ominion..G............ 5,wae stiarfnllh 00o oia itti ciaer.n âot itiotlndHae iavn 000.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~HS Exeine guatruhuîtoIpreMnfcue udWhLEGale titaae ai accacabyvitsaua fbarquetsheWt anli t a ils inkt esSB x-terialTaIui t ipcn s Domiis opn arcw .;ïýhd t.1offlxed, rsite cme y uta t e S :by rz oto no e o Fbe icn riie a A eq at Rle. arlioter " nu Hle" uiing néahont ? , hsraeîin ausgdinns Io 'éus -t cry C.dNOURSE, Lranches'and 207 flndings iEt c On th o ale ae a ndlm moter "tsLts vnastugbos.u ita u a Vl o rd m e t r is th oiio.AIESAD TUNS ythRegnour, itelden oun g ei t bel aoyin sn o o Bib'i l aaeln l a uvi ia Aget~Whiby Soe gen fr Obalo f ; X. ouny' cftwrtî- ive asînau aflo su a vlta noeredlie eaeglulti. an aboyaS ber b;y'sent WhtbMa-c th 17. il tNxtta1isO1 i et" ll Il a fi hep urain i ae c-aopromese pesous aIhot cManaeaCooeSaSgeryLetr. teran is wno vuseganm WUîng ce n Pepa unungu. V aofiote t ao E E N C.No. 52get, COy.LATERVLISRE STREET rahte itag fohafmily cercble, why;lbth," aulS Illr wih h deuws hte ny ~ g~O5 nan "eoeaeme~s"vili me ningel nglt mlu." f ursb.ank1 Site volinet l IN U A C CQ P A Ylta ivr e aid , comloth e S lut i to ga e sncudf lprs w t ngs.Phep a.i fler mo igtre s a tiini;a (ru At ir) .AOND x, feli epcttr anstn iug fl;e Tbyersacom o,"asidReinga hyoRin a hd, tianma.gir 0F LIchaRrOLierLONDON. - ters sstsud oa"fulteof fin o an around ("5 TAGE DETWEEN litro a sl ta e ble Lie olie neot S rento uapi n. Steala CAPITALTOGAOOOOOo.of lieanbell.co anetowsmata l ue ntadsrigbree smeig rsyohrP -1- Toindl-f alte fraBih huactiee lih ai mefforts eta eroe - anc eginal atingerat t d ho hasle, pori o ulite miouietr anStheopelu usaes n sud site i ber >O6NSBN&c.,.BAN ,EQ.&.D W c , A tDA arindtean nvpetue bell. As hri-ea, ier oor itigargbscu pe. nleas I-do oual ta tal HeaS Ofice for Canada: 191 & 1 3 St. L aves Os avu utlie w h cf lii sta . lu-nH o us s ni itt nrorspi it S, an JamestiSt-cettMo.treol. upen hlm.dolook- 8.10a, u., sd 1,p. u 0Pt0 seacri;iO g staa, ahiiefoi lie e od . nS ah m a PORBE h MUGE, Cief Aents. LuvWbaIA 10.3, a.M.,Sud SSh"Litîlnowps 1deli tiympnda arisgo ttaehohad maSowte bseato r ho decuxlospion.mpSa ~ugui lat, 175.ly~ IU eU a ailttc oies, sd atpni ate leras sefapoitg dooe as," e ret-flloen nt teeti, sud pogethaI 'nse hefare I aav whotha - r Side e (iinandorsare bIt aI au of aid. faoe e o ri aea dofut I slt opae111 m .tic e tprd bieOMPANY oneca itfighuasu r"eavsheil, RohenaiSe 2" sake bs whoova s pleyinthe iautandan ttcsanintecmeehing. l'il Sa IN R H BIIS E C NTL o mn Rilîe a Tage; s Ia ITBY. a bit, ndt * e r. awnhi, hc W i-al ae mtcmer nt g Haoth a loaS "H wbutsaveilIndm mer a F/BEINSUANC - CMPAY an Pun PervittaiwavsudnebhBrouit Al ta vit radounthe dybellfr e aup. e ao l rn flways eddit bngit THO. OPPR.24,u1u874.n au"IOahlmapuapa , bndsouberas ti nditI pauseSla.i lcdbc ~~1angsmoerapemp Whlbp Mo-c Ut, 178. - î as a bigh as l ai n irnd ber Fhlm, a tengson adh l-ulna a Be:slie b lkeyeS donc Wy ly Jn , o.fU E goi T E R" it' bet sen biemin g ed i - ofBtbers itodr sh scdlu w l , aindil teldlvng a ___________s___________________oneof__ lîte motter. 1878. 28 omnin ovr bars0- .R . W IET , t osevodprcera nig htm, a S oubI uppo s Re a t v on cbthailthet ly oten-; 00 ire ale fvthen rale 000.Exprieced gens trougoutthe Imprter Maufature an Whle l vnt t ui lin oe. But li e-brfte. %hti h rz nto nole i Dominion are aBibi. v am a o ca alkneS aboadbtepu t p ?,"1enag e "'ottiti boruse,' olSjý HEA» OFFCIE, TaRNTO. " CT ea0F rTiRnT >Olir bAthtIts untlteattet i ie anS a h ureS taer byssan therand gain limeaingntlni P ire R i8k w r tien ai A eq u le B ie8. L ea h e rs $ h o -fi ifi n S pC eu n; tp eapi he r ien e h - d eS ie li t e r, in ginteno 1da. B ut illera v a s a k oec . r po t as.i n 'intere' 1s an CAPITL ST C - S4o,oa. BîDci, ae ol ob fYneS. uardeenuoro theem pents. Tite - Bibi egansw but bis Iter, "iands ne ervosDeaic W Etb Mr Peu menaa1876. (l iloncuo, a 7ma I . arrvafoIrNigaraut wro gabnoutI comtalitrisdeIboursansîîoof ou 980 s.r.,anS e fsoloe nd a XII s t Cpu- besoia trd,jnîo wth e acnn a m l i ,"sai in,,hum a chnce ta finieposi i bi litiecf pbiai UJESE.HOLMN, O~NOTNecin orbite FOBufalo TRoEE7 .ae tienbig fer ession cf el, is mspeeh, ut voh i papr viin. su seankust ie vasint la Aibuy CevladNeYonaPiilde yhaamusedmen vilit a t teond ir aIamulnow pareone, anS velomed Toe is eetsigsmaei Q T RO TOeet. f'I OW " f n geVeni g.-itte litt drsutoîlprsone lte yrs : heps u l. Noer t iteleasKol( MUINSURANCE COMPA NY p. D .MILOT, Agen. the riueitiar aIlicps an he ci e t igThy'l-addpinbo ,"Saiudo? GinlSd iike a lm beaumcabts Hthd Ofice, iiuzartof su îng nd e a rt s o n nars. a s e p n. I' g e0f o a o o lonkaS scra k leS, a neaO "OPLIveRPOtOou& LaINilNl.îveuîy s u aI is au my boy.io r uasîs- ia cul n n0 . TAGE DETWEN he ta-tale s inerrptedby te sand T e ntop a s ilcle utecant by ,-butlitImy fot a reng CAoITAeL, $,000e , LesdGSnnc Bg eanooebiafebu eoed "u te as freablu Tmpoe m s't e en ouwlv ed. asod i. ther.lierhafre"inbudMr. WHITBlu versA. te osterody." Phn hekllepalperanSKoatheec lteouedst od neePnts sundell oertcotlY DaparlS: menI, Ring SI.,a 1evndors i n ald iii Iba eara doth melthe dforrm rinskeovtsmape ne beenWadprae MIfti CamesItreL, - - 5r,000,000.aEASTh0F THEmPdeTtOFFIE, sud meemeiefaidly rejuvenoted My lb oposteLueM. ho-ooavt nShIt p, IanS duning y o hairin lie iSS icfonean sitlng b -w pte altal B. . AW ER aen, W ity. Pae-5 ensnecyii. n neofthen l envobi rda ilu hiob àlle et borgh eiy andcitd lix.a t homa. Sor Islug us 6 iodl t,185 y-3 W as ud get al teen. elshidstpo v a-te lee vwan ingo uli s îs ru e g "Ilua ru d n alld bc on ltd a ntrlplfr ia fare. ecs(hnodr r ef tayc ad.r ein.(ti h ey al iteip o.To hw iPrd cthe Sotn l colre sud hOsawaened If ea ait r e gingl ,tmat eken bis ebo wsai.nmngt 10 ma£ O t ýli tacoi b . VId ORTH BRIISI & M RCA TIL Bom aniloag;ajie. cunesitthoemitedby lte i puis " a o e t&o i a lyd ý'c O elIrm m id Port P_____ i vititorigialnasnov prsrve, sud oppeotaco of n)tarea fotofcamoed ta bsheim.1 A Aet lie cagoa olteng luheS, Ses fo "Yim e a nd' sm"ohn liedhiu o fangt-ite mueauaI grancea ocori FIR P L E U R E S 'O.C M AN Y EOammaN G WItbS.ON, ilPPR proveu and thvere tes'L an S ea d n ehimper. omtigtrgc ad Bluner bc. ee ac Saea d elale c age m d rao p om t Whtb ,Mach9h,185 1 -feasn ig a s is m o l d ro n "hMir- -j a m Stini li st - e an m5'.in " fitoathtcuheafsr Geneal Cmmision erchn en. a eioaspiymioler is a sciter 2 uas ieod I ta daoniy oingulo HO (i- 40,00 , Aet E M "We*ebe ohrigtenih hota seou mt wsy, he ?" os t he jo o butFh. a om rent AT iuE- Mn. 175 28S arsdfor s. era ipé van. Iappoe entlp aldwsnncaaty okn o.irsintl hetlîdirnet itwndhone. Btabcr a F .tte, !rem twe o le r p sra f oo m b~ ha abe nvet Ite hetavi r viit anav oteredyng hn a ft uc o Col. b oou ially b a m e baccepta i ha~~~~e beAVtihi nî othasiaunituretateu, n o nb ofte u amgn . tot ir Iouane umanes " ha l i? e d squck" tra iteipee. Btter a o ed ur foalL Bt Koae' s o E AD o. FFIuS CPkEni, TOuR NgTO.n dC T F T R N O 9 yugpol eeatatdt h i-Bl ea ee Roe, e Ofos hib. AES 0 IS RA C L W Hla "Pno fthi arns Te leiethealibali enbu b air" h e , Thatavebas DoeS roruto e 7 . ., rriesat iaaraat W hst aznau ab h h. altr" g n Iito vn l hisp akeChlmc tv iitha 18 b e t of prlai g J O S E P H H O L M A ý B R O O L I N , N T . n e t i O n B f e r t h F a ll , B u f al b , R c h e s t r , s p e ti o n l i t eSe xh a s t c fn fI bee tuai r o fes, a n S p t r o n a g , a n d wr e o m d cIe sgnme ti n g s s e a < AL 04 ACtfr e AM NDM AR lS, o TAg-ea linformiuxatin Oat ntqure Bagnoole!, vifilleatpeufacel 0021- h tS ti eocher, b o yetolS lv ,a iS& aiery a usenf is Lonia cxo Ct'îy o b n nt eer.u 1. Std w n b y rglsé.t a ol r oS ou rfficeat1 payabl fNoiando 611" hIarnt ouft o f it inreveenty o hedlog e aI m auy more qutionstI anSj onoveredmnn is c , thi 05fr.. of chare. £h iion 1Sta2npg the mwxià W e al h e U el L l 1 4 l u 1 . ~I n te re t lo y a la n n e c o m m i ss o l v o i g l a x sion it a ffi b ility a n S n te re st o i eb a c o m e . n ir - - w e r e j u s I d e b k liii charge. otgaes bougbt. - bibMn. ud Ina Phipa roieSby-becld5d ou of MooOua-h,, cerî n ndr OfficeatandDidthy knav odcn't rng poureell on ntr d altivatlon. Lif Houas, ann,&c. with. - Iese inportunateta n urlneS thitan - m,?; By-nooatu r vr iy'-c, aalgW'ut 'marai a i n s6 re ein. BEali y station. G IBSON &S PA BVE LL, apsa fro in s ait o te , t e m et the 4ti* r l a g li i Z ey noStq iaa lt ef r a-c a l W . o s h H. B TALOÉ yongaéésabotýtom. Wag' 1 ast litlofocûlyaor alaptingi; ileif 1p ou. pour disciplina 10 iau H. B.TAYLORChna ra store 0 oni; ace. boutlitei. Il W55OS t - o cI n o n o n i W b l b pD u n d a s S k i W h it y ti h e p a S j i t t t - o a k on d t b I h .- f o t o f o a p o i i n , n h k p g o > 7 n d . r l ; " ~~g5 - W bly, Mri18b 87 heratid rnexitene. ana& rSes. ' -Il' "Âuol c, il a go -n P .& T E N 7 F O R n U I X N TIN s 12 ld ren reg & rî1, it&où ,,q u ite -m a t « r "m u ay cu g o m m e 2r m os O Mcrr 1" ; d a co , , e n t al o D ge . po'diltfôialyand vro- Bh,émuàÏÎ o àlprly secured ln Onu. VAU POER f ors ha bê hoi. orgth.SALIMM.P.lu rclnly Ye 'Glt Il4na1, -l-"téUe VARandLE FOR S a a enlu, but-rosentivit "da Ha tol a smoment, geltini;vnyei ".nazi house sbowabl- Ml the UntSated nalr. Ps - paneense UrD1eûo IWte ast hv mdsseviicui.aexl1gus' lfon2 ut gannledcuechng. 8aSfor -Tuitesn.bafg.e.a.elb. ofstaIgnsd tien bluT0'eut l*ndistinaîly: front vindeva, anS wvckvWt inteef instructions.. Ageuey inopr. rTh ubcibnoffana Ion u ale lteé follov. even a lampai-ai-y otîlviounanof titan- "N. -iep;I rang pour bal hfor ButthIe-noit vas nufizeepi yaàra. lu"nt"ig voluable pnoporty, u intae Town af wtit- salves an,,the.w parentÉ' vart. The NNRY GITST, bT.:-An exceent BrickC lta.vt b ce toyîie o ul it- foîl acn E, u n sPoi-y" itithat e Our, purpoge. Thte wi itoa, Canad. 8oladP iutooute crnr'f Grezo a 1 aIe vu nlv~I atta aret'sont f te oom.dot aSti.gl wo M fb hani a i E ngineer, 8 elcit o t ~ P ate t t p o St u., lutlb. Sont ] W r d. A I" se, -latt irs tbo . T t fé ei dg bft1loae 'onié g- sl fa c p h o w n 't trou ble u s ogai n," t e t.op, 6s a u al n eies S DaaughmmO 4at recflan, i ucter Welgonb and pepî va oins astouismmnt.: &,d ai9,1Raginald. "Il tttava htyou cal a.ay,-vhfle.» o nof 91 iq lord ais., North a -oingtre 8 uliglit stock ta thsi-lesof pnopnletv co'a orfOra, il la lolerably., offea he itefnco ýýla4 s ADSiut cf theaosaiStance 0ff O. DraperB.i ta ee budWn ùhtu8&Atate.os.:w1 PO~~ t ~ the 20 cmý'fl »b te hchhây spp it's called coeaIuof ý fiké ll' W Il net give -us ai .-Phelpi- repU ilion. avant ta tsll us, id- ie saltr-o Phelps,Its , silievo lu sacrai thingm a&bout pe bey dou't tua dn'l ho afroid Lounselves, if 9 ,fo tit's tigi 2itaten aI lit taIt I reanesubi tati il aI ail," b Ihougite; "Pc Mr Ant Rota. vwholeved ojos iall, il happeno I, titan o bal 'se tobhledeto nue lthe disadvai ge. Hala anS itild-en, os Il ,suýd pou Koa lu't haaj e ne frein aven4t S9'olaru., Rat tiat-re'me'mbe iaen cousgiderabi' titis ,fathar, ,bi an vbite fonr nat ponticulaý -replieS. "Tus vW. ýWallXat id taîkini;, sui sha vas alvopi ,homo frainMlts place itene mita ie aober. Snob in ils os Ibey 2lp boîtaSthem unt pan migit ,ka vas tnimick. peculianitiesIl ia panlicipatadl 'as au excellent arIeS Ihat vhen 2ybody off, site in. iI'm sorp vere aroud, a thoy a-e 10. extausied lthe aestin;, toot o Sd lthati vould LitjuI for once, inebady'm bell. noSd vitit ber, iusly il vonid un ige sud ne- Iht iancit a istan t0 roaan. il aul lthe Ire cnazian, tell1 i-scres a mnu on Hala aut of Phielpa, 6"vare Seclaned lthaI fe in ny baud- don-bell, aha, & i, ioo, Ion,, nrm, ota vas tia ataop of a Lite vas haut 'Camne back, it." - . jual 1ew sho moinon as oh. o t me I I con oe nov. Ste t bp ltae brick -drees up Irain b site aaomed ) ta tesp an, 1, ouxiaus, to oà fibforltae iebody miot an Tulllo'é, anl * toling ,ble vlan ttc tilnaer titan aitad talion o ky af siokuase nSp up vould bat bell. aS-Deocon ns. Ra liS g .for a oui- ungaI bis se lte bhous, t vene in he ipose yon'vae br neaglactini; lni; ta Scrnp-j ue heap lad to theo alaugitter, oad vag 4t ushened jutoa aCOZp roomvith *buta A single occupant.- "alThe preieat Young lady thot I aven te av, viitlte bravueit eean, lthe sun- à niest tain, Meost lmptinc bauds, Sai-ot- hl. ies.t SgusanS Searoot siuslthai Goal a ven put, togelther, mot Seanunelp re&d- a ng bp ltbe tabla. )f A Leap Yeor Henoine. 1A natter remaullo ending;orlea oop 2peur oSveuture cocurred un eue aI ur eneigitboung tovus a:1ev day. aâge. yOa cf the belles cf te-place remant- ablefan 'han gcoS proctieal sens., as Wael 1o s ber educotion anS gccd loolia, joineai viit a fev of bar asisters lu invhlini; 9-soins aIflthe ycung mou te acaompany i tem lu a literory club Iast- Spring. lu litAe usual spinitoaIfIn vii caracben- lias suait adventures, iÛtandini; etbiitg bt fn. Sean alterarodajior friand retunnedi the coU, anSd thon cama aaaam 1aud ogoin, apparanlly muoli pleased vIt lthe cempanp b. found n= 1h. girl bvho: ladscortad hlm ta the olub. Tbings vent àAloug about -as noualin snob casas until s 1ev veeia ago, vhau an ana occasion, smitenterrueodtlb usual course oclavants hI' saysug, &&Seo' lare, Henrp., Id lite ta knov lifyou mean busines bpiteae .rpeae cola.s I Meann business, and if pou loe me\oas vall ai love you,- l'!likt t nake yen îMy luaband, anS the« soanar lthe beller." Hanr saiS. '*Yi business, andSany time yau Moy dix vii - suit me." The tvo wpre*s e jole in nanesoon aller, evenybodp but, olS prude admiing the mallar-oIfacfàt mor.uen of tarmintiug vitlas begun lu s bit oljuvenlle Inn. -AI oLoudon breakat laiteasau Sykas, ltaeouug vie of aanveallhy Yorkshire baronet aI a famutos uportini; fomly, vara o fkint cf hlack 4k liaS bock vitit unusuol tigituau, aowvite vaitceat aven au siniroidareol shirt Iront 'lootaned vili beavygelS sluiSs, sud o peau velvet -ceol Mode 11k. o moun's tailcost. 'LàdySykea iadaughter lu-liv of t bite SmTaol"'of Boucie- 'auli'a "Fipini; ScuS." Tietelher day a weuld-be famionabla lady c&Ualta n euighbori son Qnaan'u avenue, aItai a.t ethougt vouid ha =upa âlme. Il"G e.in," moiS lthe regta; 4"ve are havini; a tableau." "I asu se gladS, spiS the visitar. I tbougit I sinît 'em, and I Uta Ithern botter Iban anytblng fan supper." If ccoistancy h reallpa jevel, vit -alctkcI trinlets muat ha lying arounsi ie GaearnaÈnent offices aInttava. "lDoos our constant choanr diuturb yot o?ý" akeal onaelfIhe Ibre. lslkative iLs4ai'sof a sober-Iotini; <ellow pasaen. gar.> 'INpb1msam ; Vve be. n muleS nigt nta sonrs," vagthterepl. "I gess SoS Istes v'd all dia andl Matamnal poant-ý "Why so 1" shs.aak- eS, upon reooverini; freni ber astonila- mont. 'Oi, Icans. heovea'. onc oa Ccsp place to 1ivoi," Helola lte verdict of a K-uiý jury IlDiaS cf a kickin thé stoniséli frorn his vifs, and ha nô'verlin.w wbatIit blan." - y 1 ý 1 hitby, bec. nig hý to thé

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