fla 110DBAZD GBOOBUY STORE AT AUDLEY. à ;ýVB±j E HdU5E.) týlo&t h susr<r ube nduoe4 ÇEj 0F LIFE, Aý barge apd wéll ZBERVATION, Selected Stck WLLON COPIE. SOLO., .q7slnpies»qa , s 1hîep te4 tu the Autotbertcbt.datowvl rtV.Gvu Medical ^suola- osUtjndge for youilf. suad ifyoctib 'h 18,$876..,î 1 le e teweoP.ioh ou P!l4ROt MJICAL D cR1Y or wn ;o, ui. cf ixbnssdtetand, ty ple . btitty LLAN LINZ t mira '-LIVYEEPOOL, LONDONDERBE, ai - GLASGOW, iLr I ThP brplokns ittaiem t pa disuses, enth outswlh mmrsthteitsprie* of lhe bootç. The Intitut. aita pubtishas dé THE PHY8IOLOQY,0F. W0JWAN1 AND HER DJSZABgS." Prie,,ta, The boss book efthIfe kiud extant, A140 another ýIabIiait mail wà rk 1mat. *liiez eciusl valy'mental sud Mrots tDlsease liîqrevtaol O ototave tiases, tWenty oie. ganletgl'avlsfCn tount inlusubstantiel muIsUn. i o ly hroly foighti erfor pint. * >lîIuctf ytg an(il idie aged Mon t) fAirjat 1101Vite, ithlie tsciou0of ai le, or goif ir»rîtrî.Tho m utitîr hm irattrad Iran * Itu, lise ltt lcultt. anti tgsmn theO iii(Cttilttgliytji4uofthe ite t'aioay ,tUîlittttNo, 4110ilistStrect, 80e. t'mti tMlA, httttt.NJutlTli.4ht. 'lie lt-lnesut ,11 tsItevetitl l sCoinp ari. sut lis Iitît C<ttucttnay on oIPuytolo. gy vet r iWiul"4os u lnA,4t, fosiein a in lebttont of Pandora's ftt tt icite jittîsuber iuaanew, à ines l10itS Siilttg (futitne meluattle wokni, publiluhd 11)vie ,1ml'a>lî' etitîl Iîtstltttte wih ara i1tau)kitiqt4 tttigistiitt t tw Otoatoithe dsmauladies 'iL114.ltuttt iertal l<m t Yotug, lte middo tiajît, i. l veslitaoet .- ,uw TXai"tnnws u11ltrot , adUn i)tt ledaIbis e ontr.s s'it ireatia M aiatutr e lase Wl a of ttUtit Nitllpoeurancearlits noton citl, iî't taila tare titan aite ittindait Indlb t of<ias titare iîrltillicy. utsl!inntoitîrl a uti s ire Iila tdodf. I lmJ tiFt itc,,alle mie4tiaviamr strutaiin oetil l)it, lâ)u 1tteNuust(itlata.1 à 1 ji tiyntiîo itim i,5fttW4", L» ...d' 'tttîlti!t' nstt, Ouit tsellaît of tent9 for- ' l4,Addrait I'gADODYY SIJIDI.1 t'uî iUt1 1 (m,i'itt, 1o, 4 LttîtliilSt., -Bas. tIi.Mî,' .ptilicitaîsîrulitia.- .J-i. 'l h ,tttot U1 lcet lusutAd on te îîtt iltt iltI e at miii tiailail idljnos êiîîîît4il1i, attrrcy tislrttsOfho hon uti, i) À, x.ti.a. /il the Surrogate Court of-the .County of Ontaio.1 1' i l tti nI.'t'iay gîvt<ai ttat ail crsd1. ~' ~ a ttr.siîtalli tor Jturilnd iavl aany "f choti'ta Vtal'ltwstiîlit fifV1LVly, lu tii ofîîtv t )ut ti', Vtntan, dat-esurd, '- or l lliaaittitlllit l[*Iftii amty aifAug - at, A. P , i 17, ut tu'ri,îy reque'tittad ta i-1t11 it p.rriiliri aif tl tti I aîlii mit til 4:11tit'y o, 4 ttiti trit ,al the citans- 1tturai 14Vît'.aî-ortai tit Otaattsttt, sude I'utaîa ,tftolamt ciliiltt tesltaent of tt it 'lel1luit, 2.17 Nttl"ro-a rct -' ar'î o litorattu'aretIlle twtînl ittale t aI sEisrita sil ltho t'tî l aditriînle tleitetoînf lte saad ttîaiu orinoiagthe parties satlltlil terela;, hl lîîtitoîiz cly t thellJigo f wici Ilai tjitd htl1 loem itotise, undth ie said ex.t 'tuatoi.r Wan1tiutt thoIl il uitfAl I lie t4ptu go tiraaiwhoiaaseCu.înalal txittuator 8sial J'iaitoitt i'eat ven litt ttatu of ltse Sîutýio 29 Viat, <Iap,2K1, sec. 27. 1)iai 4a', Nltlbr' tti, Itirti Aog., 18701. (MOMiIE FLINT, 4îlu E xoeilor laeWiiiaîîîi Flint. 1 ttPMWELL&RIUTJEDGE, liillitrq for Execotar. 16 VWILL KNIT 20,00 STITCHES IN A MINUTE!1 1NITTEI9 In A iRAOTIGÀOA ILY KNITTiNO MACHINE I Klhî mail iticait af work, narras'. sud idons * l ; slt4rtaw au41 sis ompiste. Ruita amer lu i cirrît tiga eîs Sac-o, Stoeking, Miî.t~i, SUI,-- , Wa4t1tI«, GltQ'a, oec ilt lini tia s'cry Immelbie varlty cf plain sud [foaoy iy tla1, 75 pur cetaL, prolit injmenui. fitaturlng I-iitgnoçtda 'srar p gcen trahie. Ib ts of t l4irr Nool, by cbnvertlng it mla nlîr goOdAn. Wonieto nais 81100 per AoasTtý W.sX=r.. S@d for- Simples, V c itant ioel&ro opY.IUClual celce îalt ina8tlI4oorYu i Io rd KaItig ma.. ilCo X M.'<IB 4w~Nw York; No. 20 Wvest 31-dStret,S. î au, mina. 187 PRORISTOR. usIha 1 biten Mo su Cabiu, front Wlà itby- - - 069, #79,, 089 sý ccordbtmg te accommodation., Intermedlate - -#de04. steerge-as low a any éther line. Prepalti passage certificstes .lssued at loweat rites tec persanswahlug te brlug ont iands. For tickets sud farther lformtion apply te- Wiltby, Augual 030. YVLE. Exp.sud Tei. Oficeý, P ORT WHITIIY AND PORT FERRY EXTE'NSION RAILWAY. TIME TABLE No. M5. Takas affect an Moiday, May BIth, 1876. fraino munby Tranta timo, shicli la tweu- iy.twu mninutes slowar Ibsu G.T.R. lime. INo. 2 MAIL N1< Imix. Witby Jun . ... dep. 0.10 am. il. 7.07 pr. .htb .......9.20di 71 Su ilt. .....10.10 8.0 ?IeUCIester. .......10,22 " 8S17 Prince Albet...10.82" 8.27 ,Port lsrmy. .,.arrlvs 10.40 " 8,85 TRAIN G0011<0 SUTE. Port Parr ..dep. 6.00 a.m. d 1.28 p. Prince Atet 6.10 -1.1il liueaser .6.96 "l 1.45 Il 'Sutiit......6W " 1.57" blyrls. ............,42 " 2.10 à 3rooklin .... .......7.00. ' 2.27 Whtb .... ...At. 17.20) ~An. j12.47 Whitb . 's.17.20 u. 12.55 Whltby Ju..arrive 7.85 8.00 OPlalferm atatits. 'raind stop ow Sig. naIs anly., Cponusctlng et Whitbr 3uustlnwith ltse G. u T-.sansd wastt; st Part FPerry wllb s .g frUXIîridgo, and Steamer MmvPl* 1,08a1 of oLlndsiay, ltera couuectinig wllh the Miland Ratwarandi withsteanmrfor Poeson Fails, Bobesygeon, andi Sturgeon Paint natal, a b.anllfnl piseurs eroort. JAMES HOLDEN, 20 Managlng Dlreclor. WANTED. W R ant ellaie, nerg tie01,s1it0 Dominion ai Canada." Thtis wanrk I truiy msgniiseut, contalniitg acer 2,001.0 double colmmî quarto pages, tand oacer 800 u rb Mit page sugravingo. lTe war!al .pnb 1g. il iu paît., au a pltan wiati mures ite voieiîtote every Englibli realing iemiy. ro ailergetiat yonng mten or ladieas. whoarem wlliiîg te work, tue will guarantea a. par. nanet pasitian for two yerean sd fon PAY. Dnt atî t u t write for aur Itrivate terme, stîmpia pages, etc. Thiis a grand oppomtulty for scitool teacîtars ta maka stars ttau double their salaries wtbout lu. teriariug wllh Iheir profossional, dutl.so. Tite n'om isfaIs ieg mauulastnred stea sait cf amer $20,000 for the literai,', arliatic and mnerbiuivit work of productngtte patos, by titi, ld i elLkinown, relablo Loveli Prnting and Puitlsing Co., ai Motreai AI -etîters [romu Agents musl ho addresà ed ta tse Pubiilhers ganeral- agentls as fol. -Iows. - HAZEN B3. DTGNEY & C0., 28 atîi 10 St ri ancîis Xavetr Slt'i, MaNTiRtAt, QUE. Nolittresi, Aîîg. 19, 1870, 5, THiE 0GR EA T ENGLISH REMEDY 1 k Dr. William 14 Before Taklng. Gray's Ms LaIi SPECIFIC M EDI-CI NE Cures aIl Nritavoun, uelitans Tasteons, Dzuirà T, l'tiwt'nivros etcs., witicb, lu maur caaes, are pmadused iy amer Indulgence in lte oas or tbissond ascobolla opîrlîs tbutnthe lb. Spce linstilin bcmrse ? gallUreroommeudeits un oiailsg s r SZMINAL WaAElea ltP£BftATfltitUOA, IMtoXartst', anti ahllSaissles titat followas a e etîenca e f tAltoo%, so Lreno etF Maueiv, ItNt<ttE5L LAmfisTrnit, PAINi 1*a4rni nACit, Dîsîsi OFi iVîNtet, Pa. itArTCir.01,I AG£, aud mssy atier disoaxsa tIlatd lx iAt<iTv or CoNaouteprnoteanti a l'nsscAT'uDEGRAVE, ail of Wbiltlc , o mle are ilrat ceusait bydevlatlng fron lite path ci nature sud amer indulgence. 1Tneofipecîale moeine la the resît oa alies stîdy and mauy yara e rse ein Ireat- lus tlase aplal 4eAoes. FeUpartleutars lu ouriatnph et, W we o eire ta senit fr5.by gios t a81 per package, or six packages for 85, or 'wMttbc sont by mailt ourecelpl oi lbe nuousy, Or sitdresatng WILLIAM GIRAY & Co., Windso, (Out. 5Sold la Whtbrby 6. W,D., Smith, Jas, ~ILAND EAILWÂY OP CINADA.' .Gclng North iront Port Hope la Lludsay bmOvrfon ganti lil. Lseeo Porfflope- 10Il..iOOa n A .Iiled...25 .B. 0o1-0g Northite Il'oerborp' Lkfli» Comlug South frouris le Lluduay, Pel«a r'msd lPort Rope. ta ., 'r Pt ]tete,"p:w - IMW PLUNNE' NEW BLÂNKETS. And, a large'uwLo4h oertdbado WWicb our oustomere are so well aoqu=iiitçd 'w1tijï.OiJ Cini -We ire always happy to show yebou~,u t~k JAMES SEA. C ARRIALeES ' ÀN 'D. B.UGGIES!l Tifg-LMP*ffl- AD MQ9T OOMPLETE STOCK OP Carriegs. $ldigftsand Cutters, me.-0,"DO0N:OVA N9S. CARRIAGE FACOQRY, BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VERY CH1EAP. -CALL & SEE THEM. .Important to the BRUNTON'E S' RHEUMA 4d A Afflieted. AIBSORBENT RELIE VE8 THE, PATIENT FROM PAIN IN A FEW HOURS, AND NEYER FAILS. Rheuxnatiom le a poisoning of the blood from acids acting an cn onactiug lte muscles, sud giving intense suilering. It arises in th e tomsoh from:,Impared Digestion. The active princip1e 0f -this discovery is to Absorb the PoisnoùsAîd Aeîd by Oùtward Application. It is composcd eutirely Of vegetable, substances, sud lias ncver becu und. ýifes tb.pressnl proprieler applied til. - Pýrom the,.,nà lnre cf lte disease eofRlacumatiatu sud lte Peculiar Pro- pertiscf Ibis Rsntsdy, it I. au irnpossibllity tlit au caifaitlunBelieisvg ltse P atient frointpair# la. & few hauts when applièd sas directi. SThée. 1*a diuiuetivi festro lin tas compareti witb alter Patent Me4icinani. Almical aH otitors profos e cure a varisty cf dlseaés. Tits. proprietor oniy ocie hs lit4s rsm.édy wili retieve ltse Patient front Pain frein Bheunatisnt, andi taIt il' is tse cniy é.tendy (by onîsard application) knowu te Science Ihat wilt Titis preparaticu la guarautesdti t remove Riteuatio Pains in a, fow vheur. or lbe mney refaudeti. 1-- Pricets cers Botte. Solti witaisale andi Rotait b7 1wititby, June oth, 1876. MER CHANT S. w B. SMITH. Cornter Brock sud DundaiS te., Whitby. TAILORINU.1 J USI RECEIVED Ail kinds of Spring Goods, including Énglish, Scotch, and 'Canadiax' Tweeds, Worsted Goods, Faucy Vestings, Broad-cloths, Doeskins,, .&c., &c. GOOD TWEED SIJITS AT $15! Brook Street, Wbitby, May lot, 187o1. A. & J. R. PRINGLE, Mcrohant Tailio. RE;o:CEI«VEID ATr LEWIS ALLIN'S -BOOX A.ND MUSIC STORE, A large and well assorted stock of lloom Paper and Win- *dow Bhinds, which ho is prepared to seil at the lowest rates. A splendid assortment of stationei'y, New bMiscellaneons Bocksi beautifnlly bound, ail kinds of* Scbool Bocks. ViolinesudConcertinas. Sewing Machines-best makere. Large snd ucw assortmcnt of best Gold and Silver Wfttches sud Chalut ou lisnd.' Wool and Faucy departmeul complete. AUl orders for English and American Periodinals and Ncwspsrers promptly, fiiled. We are now1 in a position to supply Rrize Books for S3chools at halM price, sud wc feel that we enu give good satisfatction. Soliciting orders, &c. Whitby, April Sîli, 4870. GE NT'S LEWIS ALLUN. CLOTH IN'G AND) F1-U RN I S HITNG GOO D S Do- For Superior Clothing suitable for S:ummerwear try the Clothing Store and Merdhant Tail- oring establisument of 10O IS :F m IPV >t«UsO(DN, DUNDA5f$ STREeT, WHI~3Y. A GOOD FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARRANTE]) 1 Gent's Furn ishing Goods of ailkIdndsï including Shirts,- Rat sau d Caps, Umbreflas, &o., .;WiIt~, Jiy 21h,187. - Si 0110/OCE WINES cd PUeý4IQlUQR at WHOLESALE and R.ETAIL to suit the, HOLLIA Y IDE!..M ANI! UNU$VA4IX LOW 1F11,B hDJZ R 10H, 8IMQO ~T~~TOSE WÂ AOFjT F'OR;W DAM& BO.8 &Med lýX G- mAi e & Porter Ah f wieh a11~gwith my othez be sold.ohéap-for Cash. Do not-ft Cob Pïie'à t the Oddfeilows'Bui [whilby, Augusl 111h, .1876; Bee the new .Corin 'Next -door to B. Frost. Wbit~y, uly 9th,187i5' TO You8OES Havematreeevedthe argstbest ase( stookofe,,rookery and Glassware ever and cheRpest -lu China, Stone sud Faucy Tes Sets. lu hina sudPscDinner Sets. Iun an to. td Fency, Toilel Sets. lu Parleur, TbeadBedoo Lampa. 2i' In uitsCakâand Trifle .Diohes., elu Goblete, Tumïblers andi Wine Gisses. Iu Table Sets-AUin l New Patterns. The undersi.9ned.inçrnm-A v nn returning thanks to his numerous customers for past fa- vors. bqgs to announce that on, aà d -tfter the,-FIRST 0 F SE PTEMBER NEXT, he will ,icniu h ytmf giviug long crediL, and wiil thence. forward seil for, CASH onl1y, or short credit of three months to- prompt payixngcus-, tomers, thereby enabling- 1dm to sou .G-oods at muchl ower Prices than heretofore. Ris present Stock of BOOTS & SHOES8 and work of ail kindsa le heavy and wel assorted, arîd1 will be soldat Lowest prices for Cash. His accounts are.-being made up, and wiil be ready for delivery on the above date. Hwving pressing dlaims to ineet, lie respectfuily requests immediate, payment. Ail Notes and Accounts past duo, will be phtced in other hiands for collection without further notice. JOHN SAUNDERS. IN THE PRICE 0F ORGANS. frOrgaus and Melodeon Organs at gueatly reduced prices, 1 CAB/NET frCatsh or Note payable iiu October next. CaIl at the 11O1GAN FACTORY"' andi examine our stock. Also Second-band Organs sud Molodeons att very low prices. THE MUDGE & YARWOOD M'F'G. C0. Whitby, May 15th, 187(j. E LGIN ! z CD 02 Q- The finest, best, and cheapest Watches made, for the mo- nay, araelte ELGIN WATCHES, which can be lîad art Tîaylor & Biar- nard's, lu cvcry grade, botlî lu Gold and 8ilver, Ladies sîîd Gants aizes Alsô a latrge stock of English and Sn'iss Watchas slways on baud. Clock, Jewelery, Silver-ware, anid Facy Goods to suit evcry tatstc sud pookat. Ramnember ltae place-iiext door ti, Greta & MacNachtsn's, Hardware Marchants, Brock Streat, Whitby. 'LIST 0F AIJCTJONEERS Licensed for South Riding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. B. Hl. Cameron.... C. Moore...... John Mc&ill & Coa.. DonaldRos b. H. Walsht... Wm. Gorion.,. James Digby, Jr.«: James Digity, Jr.. Jobn L. Waatae.... J. C. Pilku, W. M. WiilteX. C. Wilson...... Thomas Tockr .... Dan. Witale.. Thomas Foucher,.. J. I.L1allerson.. L. Fairbanks ... Donald Rais... J i t s t oB ro w . . . . LIST 0F John Ca"r. lamesIBrig.p... John Oiligan.. Duffet Bou t5bif. RZBIDEsca, Oshatwaa... Theait...... Beavertoni.. Orilia .... Asittim... Canninglonl. Sunaierlanit. Ciaremout ... ClaretuonLt... lors Pcrry.. Part Perry.. Maarkbam,. ]lloomugon.. Witbr. .. Beaverton.. mauns l...... Village Uxitritge MUNICIPAL] South Riding Mare... Tiiorsit.-. do. ... Thorait. do. :: flrotk . .. Southt Iiditg. .Uzbridg... .. North Ridiu1 Beach... Scot.... North Rudiug. South ltiding. Soutît Ridinqa Saouth Ontn Mars... Brack... Brook... Uxbrdg .... PE])LERS FOR THE Ositawa.... Brookln.-.. Non-Retialant. do. Oihawta... lios-Bediseut.. SWitby, April 4th, 187t,. FAýSHIOZNABLE On foot.. 1 boras.. 1 horste Cou 2 #orm;, Cou 2 homnes, Coi 2 hornes, Cau 1 home, COUD 1 homne, Cowm WU. LAI] JTY. LICENsE Expiaxt. ....lune 28, 1876. Sy.20, 1876. 221, 1876. 29, 1876. Oct. lot, 1176. Oc.19i, 1878. Oct, 26tit, 1876. .... Oct, 26tb, 1876, 9 ... Nov. 111h, 1876, .... Nov. 2u,1878, .... Dec. 2nd, 1876. .... acDe. 151h, 1876. .. Jeu. 24tit, 1877. Jau. 201h, 1877. Pt b Fiii2nd 1877. .... Mar. 101h, 1877. .... Mar. lmlOttn17. .... Mar. Raz ,1877. 00. ONTAIRIO. .... 21i1 April, 1876. ... I.8h May, ý1876. miy.-.i 9th Dec, 1876. 1ny. 4titDec. .1876. ulty... 151h Dec. 1876. uty...l 1tii Dec, 1876, tIr.... 20&1Jian. 177.. 'tIr... 2lal Mar. 1K57. &:G, Co. Treasurer. TA III ~ORIN G Gowhezê yoU u ý.nget a- Wel-Ifltting Garment :ý-To the Tailoring Estab.lishmenit of 1 GEQORGE GURLEY, ~c'rr a i-s- ýCTTITNG E r bf Flne Clôths 1 îxceiIent,.Qvercoqtix OSHAWA., Iu Cups, Saucera, M:ugs,. Vases, Toye, &c., &c.- Gusot & SPABYELL have ail kinda o1f Choice. Family Groceries, Beet Tees, Tobacco, and al hindis cf Faney Pipes,Hemi;. Bacon, Lard. Cysters c01 tbe boat brauds always'ou baud. nhe higliet market price paid in cash for any qunautity «f 0ood Dyressed' H10g8, OuI., SmaU Pesas,'Marrowfat.Ë1'aseà &c At 1Whitby, Dec,. 151h, 1874.. GIB SON & SPAJWVELTOS. W I L LII-,TI L L FURNITURIE WAREROOMS: THE, OLD STA NO, BIi'OK TREET, WHITB Y. Go" where you cannot fail ta. be pleased i making selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Dra'wing Room and Bediéoom Sets, N'ew D'esignswi ort inspection. at sstoniehing low, price. Din- ing.room EÊiteuio ab--a very superior article.' Gilt Coin1eps, Picture rirang in everyý style. Soine fine Chromos aud Engravings for sale. Iu al ils brâuche; funerals fuly supplied, -A 1 st .ock of elegant skets. Coffins always ôu hand, trimmed to sunit CuGtomers, and a weIl appointed Hearse coustsntly in reainees. Whitby, Novemnber 21h, 1875. X.T L DOMINION OIRGAN IMPROVE]) AN]) IODELLE]) COIS] A ND COMbSINA T/ON ORGÂNS. f-t I-i f~5 o- o This Coxnjany lis receutly beau re-orgauizad by tlia addlition of three of the tmont practical mnen frani the Factorv of Clonugh & Warrený'. Orstan Ce. Détroit. Mich.. Pacb taking an active part in hi. cwu partieular tiepartnient, an( atro now niafcturinir an Organ EQUAL, andiii in ay peinte supERIoR, tO au' imanufaotured uilte Unité d States or Caiaia. We tae pl-eà qure in annouueinr to cor cuÃtnniets andth ie treite génerallh tbat we have securti the right to manufacture sud use, in te Domnion of Cati. atda. lbe celebrated SCIRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, Pecureti by Lelters Patent in the Uniteti States, England ant Canada. By nueans eft Iis invention an organ coutainiîîg lwo or titret sete of reedï becomeb quai in volume andi powéIr. andi far Superior ini Quiliiy'and Baîlliancy cf Tonc au ordinary reeti organ et six or eiglit rfedts. SOîîr celobrateti "Vox ce-leste," -Vox Huimaina," Wilcox Patent IlOctavt <'copier," '-Cielo" or IlClariuet" stops, "Fugle Horn," "'Dulcet," oin, * 'Cremona," andi Grand Oruan Stop, ani ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, anu be obtaineti ouly in these organe. rwenty.five Difféet Styles for the Psar flnd the Churcli, cf the bet;, f- materiai and workmauship ! rI-* QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F TONE UNEQUALLED. 1'RICES- $50 TO $1,000. Factory sud Vererooans, Cor. Taniperance and-Wellington Ste., Bowmanville. Agents Wanted in Every Couuty. 9:,»Send for Pricc Liet. Addrees, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Bomanvilla, Ont Generel Agente for Canada for thc IlCelebrated" Bradbury Piano. Bowtivnille, March 28th5 1876. 14 Cheîp* Harneug, Trunks,, W h/ps and Lashes. 0C1IRC 0TYTL.& R Wbitby, 151h instant, 1870. 1 desire le catilte attention cf the publie le the fackthal et ne tinte durinug the paet five years bave I been able te offer Harness. cf ail descriptions ab alow a price as. I cau Ibis Springz. My expenses being liglit I eu do itl No zmore stylieb or betl.r Harnes. rmade in Ibis Connty. Cash purchasers will fiud opecial indnëement,-thst'IRwhat 1 amrn ftet. Cati and inspect. Respectfully youa'a, J. R. PHILP. L~.ie'ltepsiring doue resnnbiy. Please notice-Secoetd-Hamnes Sbop South, next ta Grose's Hardware Store, Brook Streèt. Establigshed Twve-nty Ysar. OfIo. .12 dohn.ston's Self'-. Raki-ng IiReaper, At the, Provincial. Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We offer to our customers for the coiuing Iiarverit, two dis- tinet Machines, which iu stylei and coustrudion, enibrace the latest and mont useful improvements 0f the day. JOHN'VNS SINGLE SELF-JIAKING II-EAPER The nivesal UCCO' oftI Il 0ahî, Itthi~el oselyc-îttf Pa triai adlI ihe hauS, tfthc tarttem,. s-î.rrsnt Osi, ttn'.. ,it,seael.ti iaeg -Realin& inhitteir hum. rjtcrs gondîI)ntis ndti eates f iiotî., n t, [ acnetivi inae aùxuccnd tilegiefihuma. tht heretnlitme cftered to the public., CAYUGA, fTe wr wre JUNIOR, e Finit1'Trize ',n Tco&lIWho ar sud indiÃcretiez2 nases1 lc 6,8 1lisooleredby' ce i wau aMUI SET ýJasaptiT. egical operettansbougies, Instrtuments, ringsý, or cordiale; pointlng ont a mode ou cunre at once îcertainsd efectusi, by wbfrh every suflerer, no matter what bis condition May be, may cure bimseif cbeaply, private- Xy and radicsily. -: W The Lecture ,wil prove a boon, 10 th onsana sud thonsandi. Sent 'umder, ses!l e âplain envelope, 10 auy sddress, on receipt of six cents, ur two postage stampa. F. BBUGMAN & SON,, 41 Min-St., New York. Post Office 33ox4..] REAL£8 TA TE COLUMN, The iuidereigned lias inýstriictions& to offer for sale the, foilowing pr o- perties: 1. -mrik HRnse-, storay-and.a.lmaIfou Dunlop snd Centre-af reets, with quarter- acre of, land. Desirable fansily residence. 2. Brick House, Two Story-bard, and soft water-qnuarter-acre-nicey laid- ot-fruiit and ornamntal trees., Centre street. 8. Prame Dweling-stableo snd wood-de ahed, nearly two acres of land, -fruit> and ornamenital trees,-Byroù Street., AU the aboya properties are desirably sitnated, sud sales eau -be effected on very low terms bys ail Ups.Yint of cash, sud on timb to suit convenience of pu=claffer. GTEO. T; HALL, Land; Comijilasion, snd general Agent. OFFICE-Dundas St., ÉVhitby. March Mt, 187d. I rpARIFF (IF FEES TO BE TAKEN 'B -XCONSTABLES. - (Under Ordar lu Canil, dated 241h daY' ai Jnlr. 1874.) .1 2. Armait cf aach individus! upon a warrant ..................515 2. servlng surmmons or subpoena.... 0 2& W1 ieage ta serve summons, bý poena or warrant ............0 10' .Mileaga ivien service canna ob , 5.pîon proakfi dse duiigne.... 0 le .Mieage taisig drisanera ta guol exclusiveoldasbursemeit sec- esssmiiy expended in thair con. veyance ............ ........O 11les 6. .Attending Justices au snnmary trials, or on examinatiann r- - sounscharged sitit crime, oar saab day necessarly -euiployed ta one or more cases, s-heu ual engagen more tit four hboum.. 1 M30 7. Do. do. when eugaged mors titan. .four itanri ................... 1 50' 8. Attouding Asartes or Sassions, eacii-day ................ 1....1 50 9. Mileage traveling la attend As-. sites, Basions, or before Juiittees-' (whien publiaconveyance cau be meto be al1owed.) ......0 10 10. SuMmonine Jury for Coroners' Inquest, inclnding sattending ail inquest, sud aU services min res pect tttereof, if belit on sae day as Jury tummoned ........... 2 0 - Attanding -acii edjonument litemeof, if nct engaged more fourhui....... .. 10 12. Dc. do. if engagail mère tita four houri .................1-60 18. Serviug annimonormsuitpoea ta' attidbafore Coroner (subjeot No. 10) ...................*..025 14. Mileage servng ,Me ..........O0uts 15. EXitu _ln 9boy under Coroner'. warrant ............ ......... 2 00 16. Re-burying saea...........2 O0 17. Serving distreso ivarraul, sund re- l.-rnuuq sane ....a........... 0 - 18. Adverlang undar dittresa iwax- , Y ant ....................1 19. Travelling té maie distress, or la search f'or goda "to maie dis-, tresi, when no goids are Inuit. -010> 20. Apprulsomeuli, wbther bL ana or omnore, 2 cants n the Uellr,- on te value ai gootis. 21. Catalogue &salesd canimlasion sud delivery of gotde, 5Sots. lu lte #, an net produce, of gaods. 22« Executingsaroi warantý .-. 1 60 23. Samvng notices on -coustabtes. wben -prse=shl srvsd-......O50 Publlaed by omier, H.luMcDO-NBLL, Clark aoflte Peaca, C. O. Agents Wanteti in avery Towcahip ini Ontario toael ltse faÃnon. Prize Medai Organ Manufactur. ed by ltse Smuti American Organ Ce. sud George Stock sud Co.'s; Pisu. Special isdnoo'irtets 'viii bc gjveu te ims.oi~sSgets udclubs of tires or four wiiihinpg le purcitase. 'Any nunnbar'cf testi.aoniat. in favar cf tbosa fit-ciapperginp can be fumniait- eoù; buI s t1ty ate ,0 widely kuown- greatilunbers itsviuebeen aa68 througi*-, eut lét Dôntinion sud havinggivan salis. façtieijnever-vinohtance- Noaleslimnii- ai itatver fIillring eau add te their 1 ;é-StckPlane Co., rf'cived lte ottly gold utedat awardsd ta soy eibib-- itor. lAtsheViezna Exposition in 1678. - Ciurees rqniipgorgana» wlll b. iiborally tiait vith. Style .22, Smtithi Anterican, 'vs 'ouiti c..I atenion t as~ein é~eclllyadatedarhurebes "ad hall$, prýoportins ire -graafl . lu'hIs it-re,' tp tan ha nsUf CIf ' t,1e' ip nî -re u e vra cfICu- PFl w5 'vpor sîtt11ili i,' 'I.riig foirt teé power of lte instinweatt l ia r-f btwrony. E LGIN ! !ELGIN !t H BAli st, Block, Whitbý OQFFICE Wmt. Il whitby,c Omide Ga traction c - as t . Te l Teethi,ext an'@ nos i King Strc BUMDIn Sain large qpanî - itsntly oui] CIerk Di Athorlv I -CA Ph'ysiciarn, Whitby BSel AWARDED THE--FIR8T loi Irminuy uvvLia 1-, - - ---- -i -- ý-- 0- - Il 0 1 F'OR' PRËSENTSl FACTORY- AN D, PRIZE. N E">,à 1 ý - 1 ICABINET