Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Oct 1876, p. 1

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annssu ","Upssuo- -- Business Direc tory. WUITEX BBANOI, THOI'DOW, OINION BANK. > WH IT B Y ÀGEBNCY. Also Sub-Ageucy at Liverpool Markiet.< svinps Departsuebt u counflion vitls bath offices, wveierasest lg.pAi on dope. ,ste cf 81 upvsrds, Hw. B, TOut Wbltby, Sept. 181,1876 - 89 F %RIVWR1L Ar RVILPUGEitt 1) URIT11l~,ATORNBTS, SOLI. ivitors, Notaries Public, sud Couvey. Ã"fbee, ftret e!oor south >cf the. Royal Rlotai, Whitby. J4MgS8 RUTLEDGE, B. A. J.E.P'RIWELL, L. L. B., Oouut Crown Attrney 48 1 ARUISTEB à ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, -NoturyPublie &a. OBCa.-Ov r. Ad. micns tre, FJiok Street, Whitby, ont.- (CRARLE14 C. KFLLIPR# XTTORNEY-ÂTLÂW,ýSOLIOITOB IN '0n, Brooak, C ye, raOuuug LYMAN INGLINf 1, L Le B., 4)RRTSfTER AT LAW,.-OIOITOIIIN C haucsry, Couveyancor, ha:, h. Sim- o Street, Omhawa. G.VS NG MMTH..LL. B, .B AtRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT.LÂW, 'Notary PubIlié &a.,&C 1loick, Brook tret Wbitby, Outaio. A* G. ITOMILLAN, (Lai. Greeuwoâ od hM ala.) B AREISTER, ATTORX1ET, SOLIC- itâr, NeturPblcOouvo'aianer. ce. tdogg-Byron 1tet out, i oift O fa, 'Whtby,-Ontario. UOGAN k nommeSO, BARRIITEES, ATTORNEYU.AT.LAw, SOLICITORS IN C.&AN7ER-Y, OONVEYANOEB,tc., OF.fIOB-Prêvindiel A## 'urance Buildingt ConfiT STIZZET, Toiozrr, 3. Daoo, q.c., J. G. Ronnsox, ml. A. TIIOMN SHUMTON, R. J. ITtNN, M. »., S RGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, IlByron Street, Wlitby. Dr. W. J. ouRNiq. Orasos-Next door ta Cmeosecbz OMfie. s Esi e t Mr. Lewis Honok's. Wm. MaDRIEN, .,MRC8, i-1Y' HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., the sys e. O. H . Oshawa, Ontario. W. ADAMS, @OrEtI W . LCard.) Dental Room-Dundas Street, Wib ver Mr, Jaunomu'store. Nitron Ozide U diusistered for 1h. painless ex. traction of tbath. .N. V %RN* L.D. 8. ST ERTE iuaerted ou *11 the iatst Priuoipies cf the. art, [Ls Cheapthelb.cheapeat, and asegond -as the beut. Tebfilaed witb Gold sud Silvor. Teeth extsacted *ithnnt pain, by produoing loral îsomthesia. Dental Rooma-in Cow. ..ane new block,-over Atktuaon'n Drug Store, King Street, Oushawa. 8 THOMSIAMDEVERILL, J3UILDER AND CObNTRACTO11, .DUNDAS ST., WHITBY. - 1W AUl crdera promptly exeouted JOHN4 ROGINSON.'9 -H ISaloon, Brook St., Whltby. * JOiIr4 WOLFEINU>RN, AGENT FOR THE CELEBATED Scattiish Granite. At Marbîs Wnrks cf Jonathan WolioudeuDtundas Si., Whttby. r MBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER .Lu sud Joiuer, Green Street, Whilby. A ,14rge quantity ni aU uulula of intber cou- stautly on haud,, [j E.ODELL, A T UE R LY , Clark Dliri8ion Court, Tp. Clerk, Comissioner in B.. R., Land Agent: ho., hao. jAherly, Couay Ontaria., @h.ly "p. Sud. 187 .88 À R D.' - W. G 3OHoe~, - -PROPRIETOR. lhmus, 61.00'par Day. Stabling In con- muotion. 'S HE ÂMBIOÂ HOTL. ligiflIan~d 8iingg 4ý= , P, ss, oqia ihiir T CAF > IEfuUg . . 1 CItnt* rat M«ai MLOW a 880,01no&DY con a osuMj ~'4lg$1esWtd So- -- wedls gt1sd Companiy in]CanadiL. GEBG DOW, BORITO. . ii 8O!4lA& ll. L FAIEBANKS, 3 J .:IKEL GBG RWýPBRITn, ul8tub,1874. 2 Seoretaiyy. PrWsieut. - ogWo lonel"boolýt Boîtes ofI luuranôsgo alow that U9O~ODU tod up aud rnovated though S usre810dittf. mnti lords uporo oomnsinfo rrcepi. ~ ~rd~ I<LEN, MAJOR MITLLS1 B-HAEEOI Toronto, 3uly 1bu 1874. 29 OlO 4Dlest Pins Luber, WOU sessonea.Asuac Mad J$ ITISEI AMEBIOAN HOTEL, WEI TBËY, OTAIÈ'10. Hseuwyreuovated aud furniuhed hOughousd u ufiret.clauu order for . cpto iuet An omanibus to aud rom ai ris lss smple rooms.. o0NTABIO HOTEL. WE!TBT. ONTARIO. THOS. MÀSON, PRO0PRIETOR. Superior ..cornodstlon. Table,,oupplisd wishx beit iu season. Genuine Uquoro. CiKare,-beat brandi. Billard rooin. Boomy et ue n heds. 40.ti ZucisBoards, - Plooring,. 2 i 4 5cusîling, 2+ticb Planlu, 1 00,000test olOak,, -YKaple for asies, lut quality, 15;000 fI. Square Tituber, AU o!f iich i wlHlbesaI heý'p for cash. Hle wod ualobeg ta isaY -liaI the GnItt Mil is running,in d h çlalugdnal.tclas work. ChoWumUne 0 Imys in thea-week, for every B. MAJOR, Dec. 16th, 17.Proprietor. -1OODNES ORTH LES. Arrangementse au be suade for salesha. Ai lthe Cinnoiesc offce. Whitby, Observai Office -Prinae Albert, amtdt tht 8tandard - W.,M. WILLCOX, CA&PIýTAL, 8400,00ô. . Prince Albert, sept. S4th, 1872.'j '- 89 -ýS J -OHN -L.. WATKIS, rPreparedicaccer risin'au clus of AtJCTiONEERFt, &o., &C. egts * sedcmpsny lin ada& ALI SDDVSrNCUT ,ýIsolated adnda1 o an- rdouaproporty lu. ALI'lDBViONCUT ural for tire. ear or leus stspeFàisilo And General Comu*ieion' Ageut, Part ratu.t. P#AIl>fA lit err1 Office, Brook St.,'Wu~ pH IIRTX PIRE niaNS ANCE Co. Lombard St. mCand Éuig Cnaa, London. EiTmiIiEB ex1782. GILLESPIE, -MOFFAT &' CO., Agepta fan Canada JAMES DAVIDSON, - Macnager. busunancai igainatl"ssby Pira are offect. el aunte mcsb nessonable tenms, ansi loaseu s ail withaut rafoeoce o thie Board lunlLon- 'Li. FAITB&aSby Agent, Whby - li W ITBY MACINlE WOEXS i (LAVE CLAYTON'8) BROCK STREET, WI'rBY. The undersignod beis ta inforut the tianm. ors of the surroundinmg country, that ho a iu stock a large assortment 09 Cutting Boxes, Churus Turnip Dris, Horse Bakes, Wsggons, Sl LCarts, Panning Mill, en Yekos, ff.eTrees, Wheolbarrows, 4., &o. Eepairing of aIl kinds oxcuùted witb nosiness sud despatch. THOMAS MrCANN. Brook-St. '])U INFLOUR & FEED STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Begs ta noiify hie friencle sud cuetomerB that he is n0w.prepared t e upply . Flour and Fced of the i3est Quality, at the lowest living pAices. Flour, Corn, Chop.F ecd, Bran, Shorts, Oat. meal, Craoked Wheat, Peas, Los, Po- tatce, &c., at Whclesale and Retail. Clteaper itai th£o Chca.pe8t for Cct8h. At the Dominion Fliaur anud Feed Fktore, Crosby's Block, Est door, Dundas Street, Wbitby. CHAS. PENNYLEGIÃ"N. Whitby, AprLl 24th,ý 1876. 18 v ALISES AND TRUNES. LEATHER VALISES AND SARATOGA TIIUNKS, &C n., et WILLIAM THOM1PSo3ýS, Sailler and Hlarnees Mal<cr, BROCILkT., WMITBY. Joue '21, 187.211f S. R. WICKETT, Importer, Manufecturer and Whoiele Deaeor in Leathers, Shoe-findings, Etc. S,ile Agent for Ontario of J H. Moonoe's eelebrated Colored end Faney Leathers. No 52 COLBiORNE STREET, TouitoTo, ONT. ly 35 P. 0. lBox, 322. S TAGE DETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY Leaves Oshawa et 5.30 a, m., and 1, p. ma. Loaves Whitbv et 10.30, a. ma., and 1.w0, p. lu. Fare 25 enuti; each %vey. WYil oell et ail the hiotels, and 'Lt privae residences (when ordere are left at any of the hotele.) Connecte with Oshawa nul Bowmanville stage; aino with the Whitby anud Port Perry Railwav, anud with Brongh. arn mail ai Whitby. HS OPR Whitby, March 9th, 1875. il-tf An .êdtj1tbe earth iadreîryo Racla mea.db*w moouelasUheur litslark, Eaoh gova aoli ~bitho heory; And for tha hearis tbit !lnan -Witi tthemab*inel« , ol er 4m, There'. abrighi à lghl bahlud the clonaits As elver sh aberé tbir. A Loin fýom tlË'Dead. 8 A.'w 1". 1 ý - ý . J ýgime 1. i te w iàls I tho& = 1e45 W aiêîsréd ut Alîleraisoit. After 'a-long- absence frein Eoklaud,soptant uneaparlilg rock ie tisa mï:iddle of the R21- Seo,.bak suad 'iroary Adeet eoe acry t pitradise. Il wlae dhgist.fu]iyfnoiar Lon- dan Io.; ad, a groat .part bf my spara lime, and more tian aIl'osy s pire manoy was sýont by, me in îth e meîropolia.*- 0 epnt, I am a atmed' 1a canfees, in*t rialaus living anul ruch dtsorder. ttili,0 hal it ouly boon titat, I'shicld, passibly,e lik. many of osy bratlier7officýZs, attise cosi cf Ïmuait ubsequent pain, sudd weariness, anu- pinciig, hava passed tismoogit My cycle of diseipationandol sattled s)awn ut lnst ; but, iunaditian1 ta my yaulhful aberrations, I hal n fatal prediieclion for games of scili and chance. I was lte beat wittplayer lu the ragiment, and conlholl my awu witi lte crack playersof ltae clubs; and isnd I stuck la whist, which, iu My bis. lief, nover ruine(] nny man wio bal n t( bsoat] upan bis stiouldars, I couil hava f made a lacent incamo ont cf my ikili ; ci btut my modeprato 1wlnningsa atwhsist B were swaliowed up, sud muait more i loet beside, autulimited 1a0, .blind t( itsokey, hazard, oailter kiudred gantes. Ta crawn-al, I took ta isackiug ir Isorses, sud last at that, I uel isardily say A. long rua of eil luck bs-set mue; Iheed bl tal My availsitie fuols, bal,ir tuortgaged my Cammission ta tite ut-.d most penny I conl misa upon il,anud found myielf ai ltae ed of thte Epsom R %vaek, feeerc an d, piralèd, inbody, in r ROUI wratcited ansi degpiairingc. I' bâtiLE corme la tisenoucf my tter ; I wasC regularly done np; lite hmd nolliog but e eil in store for ma. On li foilowing 91 week, I shanldlie postosi as a defauller on lte turf ; Iiitonld. beave ltae army 91 in disgmaco: anulsuait tidingi wonldit i kili my olI widowod mother. et Il wns Sunday nigbt; I md lboun l London, trying ta ras money, but use- lessly; lt ewoowedcIltoiÃŽrfiets ta me. i I ouly wanted a itundredpounds la pny t Muy Derby losees; titis achi eved, I qgulil c adil out, sud retire without open dis. Il grace; but .1 cituidu'l reie il. -Ont;s mn o ffered me fifty penda for My bill ti of two Isundred and fifty patuds aItitrea wnti, bol I waeu*t qoîle sa mal as-' la take tlisa ; 1 cuigit' as well smash for a huuslredt as fiftyv.'st My met sovereign wuj ciaulgel inu paying ny itotel bil au thel Sunday i niglît. I liad a roture ticket ta Aller. shoit in suy packet, anuln few shillings besides ; noîlsing ciao lu the orrin l tise way of availabie assoe. I tiik if e I hal beeu posseesesi of a five-pounl ir notp, I shouid Ilave gone lowu to Liter- et pool, anud taken a eteeraeo passage la Americe, Il was lte limiteI citent of qs my mens wlsich mande me resolve ta s gro iack ta my quarters et Aiderslsatt, 0t aud sppear on parade th~e next day. Pl The lock lu tise coffee.raam wiere I tI ws sitting shewesl italt-past den usP tliei Isîur o tIse nighlt ; tis.e waiter 'only ci w55s isi me mur, arraiglisg bis spoOss01 anud apkiue lu tise buffet, vawning usur- i rptitionsiy orery 00W anl thon, quilo I: inditlerent to tise probloms wlsiit seero asitatin Me'. Waterloo Bridge or el Aitiershott. I muet make up my minI P quiclely :enotbor five minutes, anti ilai be tîî o 100late for tùe cur; lte atter R t~always open. PI "Waiiter, a Haanm1", I sîsoutel ail if of a indden lu a toise wiict tonde lIseof lutn junsep. an At tisat tinte, thore was a train which et lefi-not Waterloo, lsit same station a littie -distance dawn tie lino-; il usiglît w lstve beois Vauxlisal, or passibly NinA it Elmas, I scarcely emembor wlich-ieft fo tise station ut miduiglît. It was popu isriylitnowu amoisgst ns as tise Coll- in mont Train. bts passeugere were blal fe bodies for lte Woking Cemetery. Tite fr msiiwey campany, ovtr .eolicitaiis t e. - i comîinodats tte public mnl to nunfo honest p enny, lîste, for tlîe convenience e3 of te camp, affixed ta titis train ana ct first-cles., carrnaee. Afior ienviug tise Ii de-ad bodiès ni Woýing, ltae carniage al sens rtsu on to Farnbtorought, wlience yon tl could wetlk 1talite camp, il you hal l o0 bee'n prisdlenl enaugi ta orlon a dly ta meet you. (I Thte hotel servant wito useoresi me ta s lIhe cab got a itantisacne graluity for hies a pains. It seas my leaee.takirig of tiseil ,;trnng mysteicuts iglîl. Bah 1iti was I' tite moon. We mad jil tloftthe clools ro cf Loudon baiind us, andl ltaegreal Ia round moan, rising ont of river.misla, tI casi her gianieus heain ightathwart de us. But I tunnel away frotu her lun h disgusi. XVitlwas the boanty cf ltae d niglat to, me.-a iuined spendthrift-hocc scoru and laugiting-sloak cf lte world 1i a The blpck cenfinaouoltecter aide>a ibt a more congenial companion to me. I ib lit another match, anulrail lte inmcip.-m lion< on tise plate : "Wcn.LcàM Hsr.TE. h COTE, àiedý 251h May, 18-$ agad 25 'g CThe bairoumy head rosin'&Bmas;P my hein ,cassaiÏt.-ïiàtst. ylowü w Dama, my own iage,.and lhe Vary date. b ,ýcf lteo day tisai wns now jisi bora! (Ir de'stroction, as a mentiscf escape fr id ai tha dégradations of lice. -I1,woulî il accepi lIhe èomen. ,I carrtil withi, & aPF practice I bit aqotirel le itc ai, aM loto my- waistcailpochai -It.wùuid an -blîl il lweulty P aces, and wonld glivé-et) 1 me t S~, alwefao~Id E*a 0c&M8î dbte;euponmê-Wth aV',p r*or aie momnsat, Ihougî lihal I bal instieadpssei jta tIse laolcf sitadows; tit Iwiedisetiolil ii, .t ,kio. ,upe Duny own mnontai remai ns;sd tisa' . sougt t tiat 1 hal ceàsol to--Ite an iudieidunlity, nl telbecama-tse mare staeow e!on athougit, îtrmuc cia chill teerm nodolbarrer te my seul, ltai every allier impule of il wag:lain an eager effort ta nomume mayinlieiàual existence. ý :4cama ta myîalf wth a deep geup, sliggiDng mrY fingen-nails ioamy palme. Ah, lthe joý oft tint momeint, after lthe torture a!flthe stmuggle bek la life I Life eggod, misér-able, il miit ho, lbut tll deaslife, iow precians àilee; itcw nnfabtomaitly deep, lselow ltse ut., tacet iveocieduess of beiesg, wisthe iTeal nityss of non-existence i Sitalowî 1 Edeflelthem. "Coma forth, al molei1" I siotae, ta My double in lthe coffin. Hae came CoffI, Bseolhituseif opposite ta me, aod laid a linger on m rnytit -laid a longer ou my arrn,ndl leaneà fcrwarl ta speek luto my ear. idMarcy, mency 1" shrieksl tie figue in a volte ltat piencosi lie roar of tIse nrain thon thuuilening oven n bridlge. "Seo 1" oriel lthe figure, siipping a papen uta My.Itands; "lkeep i t, keep il;-,only don't betray me." Wisw-w. wenl tie wlËisl aiflthe an- gins, itriekng, se il eýMed, coae into ssy enra. I turued my hual tor a ma- mnntheliamacuid jusý passed loto a baoud;lthe figure tai vanishied ; thc coffin siîll sool lu lie corner, dank aud ,nirn. Tise train siackeued, eiopped. IJet, mail a veine-tintof ltae ,nard's, "tiere'e na body in tlia idle fial-claîis caai ; liare's sorne parties .arng ta meel il wilh nu 'damia." IlAl right, Jack," smil mucher- vole; 'lthey'va came ta tetoit hirn. Bear à hand heme, will' you?-O Lord 1" asonl. ed Ithe min, as te saw mo iittlog in ltae corner. 11Oh,1 ber your pardon sir. I sape yoa ran'lbeen muctnnoyesi, sir ?-Jack, whti uIyen mao by put- ;îug tise gent ino tIis compartmoul 21' 111 diln'l," ggowlid Jack; lie muit a goI lu by iseelf." "lAh rigit," I sail, geîting out sol .lretehing myseif ounlthe platfa rm. «.1 wll gel loto lIhe Oeil carnage. Na bodies lîsere, ar'c teora 2" "&D'ye caîl me nobody ?" salidPal [b-illy, lookîng ont of lise svindaow. '1Juilu i, Billy, me biay i1l've cloar- .1 out fic nesi ciflthe aompany ; .ye'll inîraduce n 15111e frecit capital m iotah concern." Whata& coutrnet lualite scone I bal bnittaI wlas ltae cbterful ligittesi carri- ue, %ihLý ils occupants,,ail ýbrother- 0fficers aoP gn, e.smoking, chàffiug, and dlayiîsgie1s ona rug stretchel 'over noeir knees!1 Sureîvlthe witole cf the provious ceee al been a Ireatu, or coula il bave te-n an incipieul allaek of D. T.? not brossgit uit y drink, nleed, for I sens not given ta10 ibt, but sy irregular hsabits anlstness of mioa., Il waqo'l 1111 1 reacisel my-own hbol at Aldensitî, titat I titougit cf tite, saper whicti the gitoot bel givan me, and which, lun my delirium, I bal imna- ,ined I taI Irtmoi tbamy semistcoat sookel Home was a test, aI &Il avents: if therasens a reni papor, beering signs of ifs glîostly origin, thon 1 was etll sune, nlltÈe apparation I bal witness. ed wsees ua n eluelon of lthe brain. In lt-3corner ci My seaisîcoat pockei vas a pioce cf fiinsy paper; I uufulieles 1t, and founlil a Baisk cf Engimnld note for a hundred pounîs. Fmom btaItohur, I aras n atered on. I paid my gamablisg deits; cou- fesed nîl my emniammsqmeulb ta My nriendi, who lifled me onI of lthe mire; saa'cr toueel n carl or a lie; studiel onr lise Staff Collage ; passaI a 9ood examionlioo ; went la Sandhurs, came out with itigi touer,nl iaviug a litlte influence aI itad-querters, gaI au appoitment as cotouisionen, ta seabcl lie Amenican War et Secession, on zonerai -'e saff. Il sens aItthe close of n blooly but deciî.ive battie, or sanies of baIlles, sîsicit reeuitad id fle raInant of lthe army of taeSoulth, tat I visitesi ltae fidi toFpitale aIthe rear cf tisa Fedec al ersny, lu seactof a friensl seioliait seau seounle(l duriug lthe day. Thea Idonos nl attendanut. wara Ioabusy la ,ay nny attention la muy sants, and I wniked downen bslong rsso! iOfhtsilYý improvisel coucites, lryiug to racaguise nUy friand. Sorape a! peper, an s4e'iici ltae nomes of ltae patients bal been itastly sarasel- ed, wee pinuel taelthe caberinga, and I stanlel as I rend onoua, Il William !leslhaoto"-my own nome. Thte min- 1ontamptd.oninpmoel.Il. neyer ros-8 td landrif 1 mu~e a st ltel a litld son m.s ai Ithégof'ag tn oliiu. sotldnê forgel Belfor -fhode[' relira eliesitnol wif I ms cea a otlanè and aGcidFnl. As I paâssed lthe uaus'a- ciai di,îho-lay on i ftlansd auns- Ou sdaoui,, theisaealpsn ç ai te saude'l.-Xhlor an it site w as looking j Ifor. -- -- lar "tVexe you lockiuglfor some oua- ter ' hto, àkel.gs'a 1"Iî1'i noue ofycur afflaini, mialer, whio ing he I'm loakiu'i for. -Whýo b6 you tliiryaonv. muât kciew oiter fallis' niea2" -D, mI'sian officarbu tise rond, rna»arn." nr" "Oh, you ha. 'WelI, hheat, Pm'rn rm sueod Pnnsippaey, lu Morris coonty-,and I'sra île0c coma dawn iortea teput my han l auto - itnrn naman by lte o;neaof Simpion. Do lnu yen knaw Simcpson?2H' sikloku,~ etin anul talks*lteé ulceel yôàen en 4eard. 01l.uta, Hewa s àBaptist 'up: ltra ; as like n - --ranc nol ha ain'l eoting lova bore.- Do. Ta cc yen knaoW Simupson?" prince Npma'ngi, 1- don't kuow any sob itwlh t man.",,'10T ".Titais juil sehat I axpaclte »Isear._ ewn The nae htig il blhalhe aman. Ne* ieil sen,ý or mpeta tt i.in't Simùp. - An i- son aI ail, But if I gat my Isande on ente la ltaI Simpson once, ilt Simpson te b e, "Witla. s b eau bing 2" - Tisec "He['s beau sioing llot iht's mean n, for a min la le. *- Ha pnetenlel like e t a Tui wanied ta mmry me, nul- kepl il OP 1111 mpa, ovryiiug was noaîyaue thonu il the plicat, lat inula Simupson wesrs't ranly, - l'us lmet mal, mimler, andUl fI -bad hihmFlseli . Simopson hlm." jta 66Do yau llîiuk it's bora aI ltiî aI vi1 dapot ?"1Pa - ",TÉnt'e what I'd like le know, ton taI lse'î a min liai travelo. If -I lay -my *su a hands oulo hlm, ha'l Insel bock, ta oinsk Parsippany, cm I'il kuew lte nesson ctekp wity."hnl ::I hope you'Il finI itiw, titan." ten "FinI hlm, mister 2 I'm oblaegel ly ho-, te find hlm. Dilu't I ali a eowvanul nanit calf anullte onîy leceul shoatl enlte &A place jil ta boy a nies Iras anu-I tIan2coati sitaei 5o ai I couhdlhock ni fizie as> ny peîitic womau lu York witan. site's ngoiugs-o are noi ito mariol ? Do yen lhink I'm golug> listaI beck home ncw withoul hlm, mie a frdnt~u silder sud Peryioly lnughing ?.No ilel eir ; I'm agaiug ta flud cul Simpson." cousul AnsI elî man.hed o ou hgethe depai, culeé gieing svaeny canvenieul plaulaintaltentu floor a stamp pssneit suititem - umbrelia keope< as site rantîenel, "Tiat Simpson;" tiftl T E EM STA D A CO N,ý A " 'F IE E h & L I T E, rINSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financial Result f 14Monthi Busi- ness ta 3151 Dec., z875. Autoizel Capital........... $5,000,000 Sobseibel Capital ............ 2,800,000 Fuid up Capital ............... 200,095 Govomumeut Deoait.- (Fine> ... 50,000 Govermmnt Depasil, (Lii.) ... 50,000 Total Revenue, Fine Pretuitunu, ad Inleqrest.......... $2219775 Toal Lossi............'.:*».*.. 68:528 Isivete Fonids .............. 6194,718 Casth linsal nul Dapoîi..... 49,10-q Othen Assass................. 59,8u8 Total Asele .............. 4298,794 Tua Company has now estabisited itaelf, anud ha@ 21 B ranches sud 207 Ageucied lu lise Dominion. GEO. J. PYKE, -Manager, i6-ly C. NOURSE, Agent, Wlitlby. lei COeÇMPANY falu Who gem si .erêais.sontusp York journal Luinian Ceuni, uvitre colonel -lie promplly incnetuc caioel vmge aft-enhe aljOê nkey. Belng 4 'lal firniiY, hm Ltien afcet, a italion of bis *~ dnese, butl hi ben lhb iuim-- ýinviade by Te ly dnmggzed o hoa-nile--dung Ps inal ralie boanlur ,ýgof 1 t, togaîther wUlsa sngreat deIea-of ial ac4 aoclisl ito-y o! TÙle, hlaIe lu a-bock aboutto ab. pnze. d by a leasing irnuLandau, théa peu of Olive EHarper, mnl an-_ 1"IThe Tame Turk." As a h àïnmation o! catirhing Under diII s,w-v belleefl ii lauupanal in'l sOuais o! lilas-store. Olive Harper Ebouse in Pisilaielpia, has tlzree rns l a iaréhming-ialy cein- m. X,1 D'Apony, han huibaul, h a taoking gaemasi-, fa otanndu aIt plaeso! carpanlry bucomonaa as soan as il is *fintuhed 2?-A-gae. Goal itoiequanlers for yonng meon- On ltae sioulders o! lhitaiswaeethearti. Mhen dlesai o mip o! van beceme a .siip of panae2eWhe s iadrapa hor nancer. Home is tisa vardict of a Kacas jury: "Diel of n kick ith ie stotsch tram bis vite, n ul ho neyer kuev visai inrt Match faclones are lie boit plsa - to loak -for amateur puigalts. Tise bo eng ed. in - "Onu v, antaI, enqui-e withbl,- va. inscribed an n placard- ut ~te eibi cf a Ecraw4y nng, ltatsea ag hald titrowinadit mudlise streeta o! Rches- ta itrtthes-herday. Il isra goed sigu, Whau you go lut aa y6ungz man's rooa sud finI a veil ihumbeel Bible lyler tapon-lise table. il lsa ssig -ltaitteeoanepiauis s- Vauti u inte-itoîie. 1- A %isiton nI lte-jExpasfitian, listin aI a Frencht realurant, meakly intimaI- ed sehen hie bill vas presoustd tatliaus boilel egg conlaineil s a cpiiceo. Theo pallie vaiter ssid h4\--etssl have the. bill cas-ectedal, so seauneurieu i vhtà n.w ilil, upan vhiciàtholie irger. f 80 cente ton 'eggm,'bhail ivën plue en.s item of 60 cents frechickbn.< Titis noIé tram a Chicago gfIYlo ber lavas- vis made publie hnongis àlaw- suitl: Daim Saml,, Pip'a vetermillians is ripe. Came sud bring some poeiny lile yeu breugil store. My loeor you vil aven 1flow-11ke valer running- lova a'Inter nov., Bring a place as long as your atm, aud have a heap mare about htu nirviug ringts ansd other svaot thiinge- CorenextilSun- day sudl doi't fnle me. " , Il consoles, lte New Os-Issus Repasl.-- licasn ltaiCharle ouois vihion be- biig enaugt i L sshf. "O grattians. ne 1" aieialmed Ms-. Mannavial to Mms. Quoggs, m{sing bier hindi' ail apeaking lu a u.ry --aacied topo. -BS1e -wu so iU webai, hw bonnet camaebanme tisai sa o oldn't get ,up ; but, eaar sanies1 a i 3m. ltai didn'l maýt-es setlsig, for sae just put > ber bt I n, nul lay vith bles- heal ont cf the vlulov lies vwao.1 àtsnou.' tiWIaI'a your businmss ?" osai the. muglaýttof a poicscous-i. the - othas- mcrnnlg, fla, prisoner."I'm ut a o. , ercatiottisl, yeur wcnusip"'iAnoalser- vatiensï viptw ti s thaï -pnOua iJj looksa rasnin lte asi- inte vit ho eau stal at i gh, if à pIees FourWas's-p.J' A Seclemn vent ta a lawye -oaoa for ileica, suùdedtai Wthe ircaonum- siau&cea aoficie-case. "Have yau. toM - mue lte LacIs pge aOis' lb'ey -nans-- roI 2"akeëltisa làivyen. -ftOk, a esr 1" roplilolhe. III tisot bt ehst to tell you the, planitruth. Yecun puet LW1 lieut auto il Yens-self.'5 "Shul aur eyesaisten. mitm. eaid unie Yal".-.0V0,l ulgiet rapen st ore oo-CI de ýmaùeà an idB haim eMU Iii]» oulwhe suid doe'oi reega sdVM,'au Iink I dodose omn - " q' ,&Vy, &dno; oounU4iR>.fy m, n holi camei out shoo.trigiit pae-'mice.1 A.n vhttiso fssaiebloIéiabut g'f ]Éît ilîbe TeoOsW 1for tho:lOOmf*s-i-af ,disconBolate virgis, -whemroSr$b.ydo l aengàah,-A BalleS lady wvss MUr!4 - in le Herabilh, 8ei h wks fie b .,-I ýswY vas. s--, WM. O'NEILL PRRIT. Parties tllgts ri u evn on vR hmv e vi iencn f 11 einr ttem. - T lIÃŽQUEEN'S HOTEL, (L.AS VE 5IMEiIOL,) isutCSt-SVEEEV, wilT :P, TAYLOR h McCANN, 'PROPIIIETOBS. 1 Tise sndarignol desine ta liform thiir frlsnlm sud lie public bbiihisey havne taken bs abav 'e ikuow ,t-hiis hbe have nevhy ilta-up Sud renoaaed, and put iuýo the bit of crIer for lia ecoammoda. lion ci guesi.. Tise Bar, vhic is l theo iaul. maunastisn tho Oount, h voil suppliel vibi 1 lie finesl brande, o! vines, Uquors, sud ci.i gars Ampencsesierotsugod foa r m eau ravedrer. J. P. TAYLOR, PHIIM CCANN. late ai Toronto. R YLHOTEL, WHITBY, JAS. PRINGLIg,. PROPRIrETOR. The largesi sud mcii commodicua hatel lu the town : bu large sample ronme for commercial travellers. Table well ou1splied witi the best lu eaon. Beibrande 1 qucra sud ci"ar. Encloeed. yadlad ahodrcom; attentive hoallers. éhargen ta su it e limes, N. B.-Livery attached. 27 CORNER orci' itaAND TOUX BTS., JAMES POWELL, - PitOPaRzTOa. Piret-delas commodaion; 1bath-cactus, ko. Board, $1 50 per day. 10 AEMSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALEiZO-,) WHITBY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTRONG -PROPInIETOR. w HITBY HOUSE. -DUND&S-ST., WHITBY. (WxEST OF POST OFFICE.) JO.WPH A. BÂNVDEL, PROPRIETOR. This bouse ha been reeestly but, te la'rgean n m m , and fittel up i u first-clse styl e. et ines, Liquoresud Cigare; iroYeh Lager Deor. Goal stabling and ou- closed yard; attentive catlera. 4 COMMETIICIAL HOTEL, CARiTWRIGHT, ONT. JAMES DÊWART - PROPEIETOR. Goal accommodation f1 Tan PAFEN is 0ONqFILE wiTHf Whero Advertlalsg Contrazcan cibe 3soudte OI\J 0 VTO 0LEND. The unlanriguselba suy amount of MoXn- ey tc Leul upan Fartu or Town Praperty, nu ununsually Loy Bates o! Interesl. Loas u eauiorepain-lu momta suit bar- Sevamal Improvel anumaldWilI Lands forsaetcote u mle in Municipal Deten. tns., Bank, sud cther makeatable Stocks. For burIser particubars applyl JAMES HOLDEN, Officiel Assignee, Broker, ho. OFFICE-Oven lte Dominion Bank, Mo- Mfillanu BroehtS,,Wltty. BDpmil 9h1@P8 2. 15 L I vE R . y ilege taelisîorun11W i teul oIdtit pubie os-- - '=- ..s on th ,5., . 1 conNwlS.TSSYAs dT' 7iTs.a April 121h, 1870. WAISi' & SHOULDER CHART. 1 villsant change cf a titch. F or.unie, vitit inca instructions, et- MISS MeINTYRE's Dfl35-mA5mrIJo ms155, WE.TBV. Agents vantaI. Liseraliniucementî ta tise traIe. - - Wsitby, Aaeg. 18, 1874. 84 LI-STOF THE DIIIONCOURTS OS' TmE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, -FOR TE YEAB 1876 Witbb.. 8 12 1 118î2il onery26 131202512 5114 14'27 11811g. 2 1I 141 1227' il 122 Cuit'1 281 1 27 2'I7 1216121 ~.hny, 1 1 80 I1101 19 GEO. la. D>ELTNELL, 1Whltby, Dec. 111h, 1875. junior Julgo 5t -6~-UG- SMI1THFi - ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MON EY TO LEND on Far a nulTeown Popecly, et LOW RATES cf Interesî. For drtiser particuli .ir I Apply la- JOHN FARQUHARSON, Augumlîi15lit, 1876. CUSToits DEPARTMEET. Whitty. 84 'Ottawa, Apfil 22, 1878. AUTHORIZED DISCOUNT ON AAmeican invaice until futhsr tie)- llce, 11par cent. J. JOHNSON, tiunSTrrunE rota GuNeiowssî.-A suitituta for gupovdon bas beau lu. sanital lunEnglaul, in lte ehapeocf papen impregoatallIth 'a ciamical tombluatigu o! chlcoraecf polait. nitrate of potast, prussiate of potasit and chtromate cf potasit, couplasl vilaà lilîle pavderel citnncoal anul inder. Thse papen is rollaI nreend Ibese ltter in ltae dacirel sitzes for ennînrilges. Thte a'vantagcs offerel anea ta no langer' of explosion existe except frora acloal- contact vitit lire ; tliIntener cf lte mmm is not sailel. lese stoke anu.ls,e nebound araenmade ltan seit gunposeer,ý anules bedamage takps placa trami humnility. Xrery salisfaetory trials havo beau maIe cf the nae malerial. -An aId calomel ps-eaciter iu Ibis cily vas lacluring n yautit of bis fold about lte sin a! dancing, whlen theelaIter pro. testaI tint the Bible elainiy. ssiI lTIsera le a Lima ta lance." !'Yes', Ian am a a ima tg dance," -ail ita lark divine, "caul it's seben a boy gità n selippin' for gwioa le a baU" -* A-gentleman caugit a negro cnrrying off sanie cf hie fancy poultry lte ter uighl' "Wflsal aeayon doitg sili my citiakons ?" lie ,yellasi. .'41- ens gwine fan tan fetlem'eobaek, boss. Doe'@- a uigZgen 'mon'- bore wtmt's bin 'spulin' longer me 'bout dem ciikans. I mail day vus Caecumn' Ctyniz, au' ha mil loy sens Ahîbaman puillais, an' I. vus- jas lakin' 'em 'roun' fer ber 'stcblish my isollelge. Dey don't lay nesigo,lass day, base 1" E! day doe, I'm migty 'shamel ar hustît'u' v 'puirmenu'. Aigs la stase." A lady exnmiuiug lte haulsome lis- plny cf glaces anul'itosiery aI tise faim ne- cenlly, visaely namarked, as- han eyeu rested o a npaid of ten-button kils, ",yes, tbey araeany hanîsgomi, bul ona Inesîi vt aut te voir tem unlese t tas eaIsaudsnme anto." !'Andlikavisa titese,"l sigoifioantiy addaiem ercomopan- ion, ns ilte pointe1 ta- n pair cf hansi- somely emnbrailemel stck-wc nsk pardoni, eHI soma oua Bay "Oh?" A vilow cf rMY iequaiulanco nI lita Oceanvas empisalieoultehorrible figureatilte lavelieat voman Must CUL wtile vile, bming. I sras-bal liaI tho Qoeu of -Love -mold Beauly vas tabiel te have spruug ftm, lifam fout f tisesanul liaI mie 1mumi, b4ave teen chas-minge "Oh, yes ; but site taI ntling on. Ialsau1 lul boi chearmug-" Hro hon speecis carneý to a sndden biait,sud otnerving roses blootàming-ai oves-behon face, - I aisi, "r have, no douisl of itl" sud aiketavay. -Long Brancl. Latter.. lIoy TO GET nEccs.-Natising la mena easy titan Le grow s-is- Ib isonly tla bruît uabcdy tla befrieulna na-to gel everyîiug â ahIsve a-- yen gel-le atit onselvos and ovss-ybody. bologz-. ing te us-tle he, ien-bl ,.o! no' an, anul havene- min ..for -our -frlend-lç9 r lsop Issupn-interas-O.ýUOsi, coul upon cent-to -Wit mean, miarable -suid -lait piga fr sone bWenly aor Ihfrty yau -nud riches alwil nme a sssnp aud"Sae und diiaPpoiju t , Anb~- d wbou prety nesiry:euougb vealth la coilctel by a li6regedr4o! al.the .charitioe. c f -ith hun he hartsuI- iiihslb peuie etf ugmfilihy ineanuoes-«Ilesh cames to flusiht 1h. Nork-thebody la burie l lu a hale, 't he iradanceavor-_its sud ticý ipiniL gos-visere 2 eeWncx..Yaeterday mcmnlng a boy suee Wooayanda vsetkdngLstore, vos-itýo - o arisksn~y.? lithdrua¶is blhl4 p el e waheYvr& W or itl "08;o, at ala:"~w I 9tSs arnica or amontia "~~dtono vit' ie rTeply '. 'What lu 1t' for?2" akede ite dmrUgill tîtî46111holicita if!I tell," rpplie'1lie boY, sterling slowly eut. HaW vaut as fir e ens la r, gel a brnlit ides, ýa1A uss- unuil-anuisid .iIf !yonr etife tht Yeu othe OlSA it esIls oais- Dlepe'let it Dominion Govarmseut $50,. 000. lZIperiencel Agents ltrougeot te Dominion. Fieo fi8ks sritslen ni Aslequafe Rates. C. NOURSE, Agent, Wkitby. Wititby. Marcit 7th, 1876. I INSURANCR COMPANY (FInIE AND LIrE) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - - $ 10,000,000, isatiCEni: SIEDICALtADVIaxeB: MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. laeLd 08<-e for CEIasla : 191 & 193 St. Jeunes Street, Mlontreel. l<ORBES & MUDGE, Chief Agents. R. Hl. LAWT5ER, Agent, Wtitby. Augut ltie, 1875. iy.81 N OBTHDBRITISH laMERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY! Sale, anul mali, charges mtucleî, prompt selilemeul ai claimi. Whity, oue GEO. YULE, Agent.23 T E A E uneuiieonarai nstosie _____ _2,1875. _________ KNG BROTHERS, WHITBY. ONTARIO, W STER N ASSURANCE COMPANY MEADS OFFICE, TOROeNO. ImorerDeles sI tlulatuan i ttICAPITAL STOCK, - 400.000. Iraporters, eulers anS'agt faOUTreaO01 Altt1, Kinds af JTOSEPH HOLAt4N, Z3ROOKLIN. ONT. LEA THEF? AND FINDINGS, Ai1-se Agent fan the CANADA FARMEtS' Catlî jiaisi fer Hiles, Derliand Leither. MUTUAL INSUBANCE COMPýANY, Leather sî:c-t-lied. s1,,,î e-easiln -.- L-WVBELTINO MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 MONET TO LEND 1 A large quantity1cfmanay ta tend aI iov intoreat, prlvate uled. Fan sale, sevemal Towen lots, tva Frase Rousse,sud a large Brick Hanse. Fan taras, apply ta G. YOUNG SUITE, Wiiby, Poli St, 1874. 7. To lte Inhaiitanti cf Duffine' Cree- and Vicinity : I hava ucv openel a Bnteher'a Stop in Mr.W. Cuihbetans, wseae may te seen ane aiflte beel dlsplays of af.Park. mol Fowl avor affamaI b tise Fubie. ir Reasouable Prices i Coma cue, como iau, ana get aomelhiug te dc you lte ýTowu of- Whitby, taiton appontel . 1~rDST :Wsiy icebr2n,17. 8 OFFICIAI ASSIGNEE, Peby, eteber,2ud 187. 5 1 Parties ude.-vavemet--ant1 (UNDER TIE NEW ACT,) For lie Coatsty of Onianio. Ail buoinu enlngsled io igscharge iii te osroiuily at- teudel ta. Whltby, 3sn. 141h, 1874. Sly HORSE MEDIGINES. Au4marlp us caie besi Hors. Med **Nootrge Isor adeica. N. RAT apeai-cin ha aceommoalael aI na mauet's notice. RICE. FIERBON. Whitby, Sept. 21, 1878. 8 PRESCRIPTION FIREE F OR te upe Cure ci Seminl Weak. Bnoggist hatise inigrodieulu. Adlrers DAVIDSON h Co,, BOX 2298, NLv York.- Seplembor, 1875. -ly2 y OUNÇGui IOTEL, suONoîr ROAD, 5IV& 'i R-ial Viil~ U 13 ~Rtf,,-cn ttsu;t.eLring the conn,. W, 1T Yample acenueain for llssuItars n 'f1.I WH i T Y , Sontsosu.Tisebhrand lharder supîtlied îlot~ ~~~~o a tn pesi iaaifine dean vwiho0 es cf ItqteolMsaud viande lu ta ote ii s aa nLubsj- Ail imîî for nI lu inte>country. Nana bssè bljsdex êvoset.y antI beit.iie ~uns e s ud cl.atansfs eve nt ei sado 15 ba itA e 'e 'ivry o-sablg Mae mu pi q . m swvso %nd.Gria uih4;enlng sti4a'ljsilîg n sail.n u Pop QIr tw iRîl s ,r hs i--oaIesaa reptyRBIa.YON* apI mti pns ap,, ar. e D -Ps-apxitor IWO.- - B RO'UGHAM CARRIAGE WOýKS. S. WEBB Rleepectlnly inlortus hle Patrons and tie Publia thhaihe has purchaaed lise Right fan Pickering, tb Manufacture - Conboy's Patent Seat ton DUGGIDS, CUTTERS &c. Ail parties vili b seeli te aae ou'- Bucglem and Cîsîtens, tefare gleiugthem r dre else- Broughtamu, uly iti, 1878. lyr-8O T. H-. M ,M 1L L AN, -.-Agent ton lite, ROlYAL. INSURANCH COMWPANi, O-<FFIÉE-Ointsnlc 'Titn s'ian - Sas-tap CITY 0F TORONTO ," I1CpI ite). Seases -leily font of Vonge-St., Tenan1te, et 7 n. rm., arrivetaaI Niagara et 9.30 a. ta., anI Leivsftoî sIlO0 a. ns. Con. siestians for ttc Falls, Uuffalo, Rochester, Albany, Cleveland, Nae Yorks, Pitadeipîsie, &Lc. Tick te naulai nformation et 8 1-moant Street. id D. MILLOY, Agent. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, G Â 'f Montreal, Tire, Litead Guamantea Begs tb aunounce that ho ies ramoeelta Dopamimene, King St.. s ac b dore C&PITAL, *2OOOO EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, Brackliu, Dec. S, 1872. C H 1C 15m49 APPLE 'TREES, 1 ABOUT 40,000, -AT T- HOME NXUR! SE RY, Tram Ivo ta four yeare cf age, emtmracing aIl the bout Vniettea. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Na. 8, 2ud Con. P'ickering, on Kingston RosI, ')st Office, Wbibby. 10 OoACRE FARM 1IN MA.RA FOR SALE.! West-isslf ai Lot 1lu i te Sixticonces- sion of Mars. One-bali clesred, and unIe- cultivatian. Laog Hanse, Bans, &o. Wili- lun tva mailes cf Britabin. Railvay Station. H. B. TAYLOR, - i -Dominion Bank, Wihltby. ATENTS FOR f IVEWNrioyS Eixpedîtiously sud Fie criaCn ads, lthe Unitel S ta sudsIEurope Pa tentu guananhtel or no change. Rend ton prineet instructions. Agency in aparalicu2 heu yarm. HENRY C*RTST, - Ctlawa, Canada MehaniialEeglneer, Solicitor of Patent and Barnugisî ans. 8: -FOR SA&LE 1 tôt 19 lu WC Som.,miou.90 opposite Lukea shaw.raoms, vitena vil be fauna fine stock of sîtk asd felI itats fom ladiemsolndgentlemen, ni bis oeaumanuu. factura. - 9ýe"Strase bals calomel sud alteral lu Oshsawa, July 6ih, 187M.39 yE 7OMAN 0113S0E,. iGonoral Commnission Merchant and Produce Dealer, Agenitfon r uEntL aLO C'csuî-I, UN.- ION Fine Ineumance Campanies. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1 AioAgent for tae LosusoN aa CANADISI Loas sANDzuAGrser Costs'Ascc.MonY olan. cd ou real asIate, payable frmm wocta Tacelva yoare, aldin susus ta, suit parties- 9ý' Inlerest 1ev aldshe commission chirgel. Matgages bonght. Office ab, GIBSON h SPARVELL, China ra. Store, Bon2dasSt., WiIhy. Wiitby, Marais 151h, 1876. 12, VAUABLE PRIOPERTY FOR SALE. The inssoen uT ffers for unIe ihe !dllc- Ing esinable pnoperty,, in lise Towen cfwit. b :An excsellenît Brick Cotteq itis litre OTfd bitu, iitted on the corùla cf Grean d St. Peter Sîs.. lu lie South Ward. Aise, j acre Of lad, vail fesjee sud ia Isigis itite osf cualtivastion cancer Wellisngtonu sud ýGi!. farlse, Nantis Wsrd. acre on Centra St. ,%onth cf the resilee oi fC. Draper, Es qï-.In lie gautb WarI. AàtuteS20arqoagoal ?,&na, being composd ai ofparlailot 18, lotis on.j 0f ownsip cf Murray, Co. Nortisumbler. laud. &-alia-ou=d nmms,,ea 41t..,, GRAND TRUNit RAILWAX HOTEL, A NEW RE VE LATION IN THE AT WEZTET STATION. SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. Commissioner of Customs.

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