Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1876, p. 2

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th&&' ui on îc4I iivuçss noe. i, voire mbred' andud rade à )leseh, s&a., lie pro] son si on ulot Ni s, i sby, an Tua 70. ,L. Fairbanks, euc c luspeuent., ho.1 1 00l., 1870, thse proi lie asIate a of h le1 lot No . I, 0Ia 0o041 L.Fairbanks, Ancoa 21to, moplnta, &o., i. thd le îropertj uvension, lot a. 18, rilng. Thoma Poas paru-staock, Inîpieonta, M., or No. al, lu hile $ti cou.-aifWlsllby Frltisy5 Ooeur tt,1870, lth@ pros ai Mr. Aloi. Haopklus. L.Pains &nctloneer. to ebeim'ps -ts ou la. 111,luli 7tk cou. Wbilby oluiy ct. 2und 1876, leth a aiMsJatus A. Olve . isanke, Ascioloer. muscs <te I.C V< ti Mi ba ,lied ion 1 on l un sery n lot lt ONLY Si So PER ANNUM. Whltby, Th"rdy, 1Ip. 28, 187E Auction Bles, If von asre ta hive a good sale i aiu attractive b l bré teuh i ed àheaply asud in the boit style-$ the CIU11NCLZ 'office. À notice in th CUOtaCNzLE wili make your sale wideI known. andi be certain to îneune you large attendance ou the anction dac WlIien ather sales go off badiy, thos alVertis:ed in. tiie CIIINICLE Mrein varlably wall attendeti, becanse, havinr the largest aud wilest circulation it i thb paper tbat,rcaohes the people. The Ëastcrn War, Th&~ latent doîpatobes give but ver3 l ittIn uewatiast wëecan rcly on. Il i saiti tlîat Enssila in anxions for %ver and liai isueil in order for a «suerai cou. acrîptionoaud for the preparafian of a * rogi4trsr of ail liores liable to seizure -in caqe of war. Greatexcitement pro vails ini Loulou over this uews. Tb&h stiqpcusion of liomtllities betweeu Servis nand the Porte have been prolongeti. A.FaÀul» DiïioOvgasao.z-A pericu nam11et Miss A. Lyons of Danudas, was dotsee sthoNviug mons work, artificial fliweratn a bouqiiet of ov4iriaetiugs, ast the Provincial Exhibition, whioh it was proven bcçfore tth. Couailof tbe Associa. tion site had n band in naaking. Thero. fore, iu accordance withe lies of the Assuciatioun she heap forfeited ail ber pîhies, whîother thsy were Awardoil foi lier own wnrit or inot, aut i ieap dhé & rxhlit auy imore. - (Coîîî£CIauro,.-IU ou" lait weoks;' im'ic we 11v Mnsrs. Ilirrnil & John. stoor crlit for tn.ldng Dit prizes for the lie4t torsins in bathiRanni-al pturpeis aud lIlivyt4Nlght ciasrlu, aima a firît for a lictavy lraugjzlît 111fr. ']is hlaunerror, - t ilhouci bave beau irai for thogenerai, * purpuse toatu, anud second for bath thse bonavy iliauglit teai n sd flhly. It was ¶rr. Jaià,eq T.Ii. ,videson«Éawell kuown sps af tOfmaes, that wirnieil off ftic. iret p)rîze for tb. best heavy cràuglit toamn, iisu Mi. Wm. Mililer wlîo tank the. frit prnyn forthie. boit hîeavy dranglît anc. yeur 04,aidllIy. Tua 0WEtSTERN PAFMu-At London, the Western fair oponuti Tutiiday, aud the. day was a rmoit dusufal oile for a fair. Fuuw peuple were bolul enongh ta viisit * the «rouinds, andi thas. who filu, $pont inclit cf thée t ime Inutise vaions builît. Irugi. Tbeeutrfr.s nurnbar Ibis yean about 8,400, hslng au lncruuutse of about 4OC1X avenrtha of osat yeur, 1 r1IP anOr GAoL AT MONTIEA.- Oà- last W'unsday uaorulng three prison. ors, naineil Fele, an American, wbo trwt ta tal a bal of diainoia; Pat. ick Iîenuetiy, allas Dace, andi John Jil-yru, two 1usd clanacters, who were trraignedl nu a charge of carryiug bnrg.* larsolts, ocuipusifrmintheiNlntitreal geal, .l3pvuin was 4'ouuti lu tii. «sol Yfirtd evPruiy hurt, anl on beln re.. inal~ol wai ondto have sustaineil a. Fovere Obock from a fal, Folîns sud Kennedly have fioh yot beon bocapturoti. 'Pua NElW AsîLUN sonIt IDOTSAT? OuLxa.-The Idiot Asyluin ah OrIllat whlohc for bowetlm, paît hbau on un. dOîgaicg îepairiu, was îeady to recelve paictisto &onday, At present oaly sboet forty patienta wlilIb. recu'lvoîl but wlien 1h lu flly camplototi, prapor socousodallan wili b. tona for about one hsundreti andfIfty. * 3Usat7 WILLIAM YOUNG, whoo sn. toucs ofibaufflsg, for bluira sescuy lu the imortier of Abel Macdionaldl, at ber. BUBIinmuDsowxrse.- boy adi Aslert sklou uit luto lite m isear Olmobretret ianlWToron. titi vas nsrrwlv reacuoti froîn Ir!lg DaY ?Ji. Branocl of the Grand d Tva <E5ySWL- * blseU#, Who jobou *h timeurionliave roluto uunial, sud express lieus. eusod villaieitrip andu ibigon, A question of essielbrate lls.hod4l belveesa tva meui fposition, s e vk isisillà a ýi tiu1l senluubIý. ra~iug becsau -aid hu by one.P lb. othhs,it le only met te gin.t other, beloic the.,audience tins dreecat,, lie isuefil cfi& r.ply. * ha Ibis groiudolocusmoD faIs-items'vo 1 boon teta ay befor. aur readers, tgl ofth lioe ntteI uIa4 dressé'd ou sutijool by Ms-. Wbie ta bis&Cserc. Thbe "puoeus" vas ual madef lic Montreal fins, bat ouiy ihrougit. TM@isverbal -correction lu suppieol MUr, Wbte,but nef teatho exten of allerlng lie actual point ai lie - Ment, is: liaI lise pureisas v ;a auecè fo/pd Iobt iali rms. Ay upen lie varda "froi" and t 1thmo In thiccasu, dosea ualby auy usm s justily UM bieozi lu lIse gravese l5ai015 tshai tisesteinont les0,-de- liberate faisoooct," vsolie eiru re-. ferreti to-Mîsare. Cooper, Fifman & C.-iave canfasseti lu the reporhta thie Commeercial Agenoy, Ïb Moutreal, tiat-viohor hoy 5014 lu lie Irans- action as principale o' as ýbrokers-il braugit thora gain t e e îtentfIl& " vei large soin of spsney." The d<Iul by Mr. Msckousic ai liaI part 0allie oaalmont bas jeanu mati. under s siarpuea f aiesanti boitinee ai front, vhills v. muetoocoule 15 st1Hl calculati t inspire confidence in hic Mst poaiti e tateuseule.1 Uri. =!$esiletton aitea slatstesev il.- tbal tbe contracta-for lie steel rails at were not 'obhsined afler a menthe bd- ho vertisiag;" but wbla ha certaialy ly breaks down that .statement ai tbe sa Premier, tii. point i. but af minai im. kY. partance. s Langnage caniti not declare more n- atrongly than Mr. Mackenzie's in the 29 aboya citation, liaI bis brother was ual la concorued inluthe.puroliaae ai steel alle, ln aay shspe or fora. Ou tuas point, Mr. Wbte's letter supplies the ioliowiug from thbe Parliamoutsry returna: ry "Sontroail ifth .anuary, 1875. "DE 8 sa.-iu reply te telogmranofthe 7th id chasad ou iccaunteof Domnion Goverument 0,000 tocs Bessemer steel rails, et 110 les lSd 2. a. . b. Liverpool; aq9h agaluat buis of lading. 'We h 1 aie eutmateil frelahts te Van- a couver lryst'ts\viz Esqubnaa tCowicbsan Day, sud Nanisino, ,aet£2 5a Cd sterilig, partote. 7e "The Goverement assuming the respensibil- e-Ity of freighl, &o.,snblch iteaa« ta pas ii. vers, makers not assunu de very le Vant- acouver Parts. a"Should you require the traek balte for tblfs lt, vse au arrange fer tbem sud include. W. are advised that stsal rails are uew heid at £11 09O %1~'Ve would be glad ta he favoured wlth the addrosi of yeur bankers lu Eugiand, te sWhemn we suppose the binle ef ladleg wlll ne. quire te be presenhed. Klndly ceufirun the 8coutracisemoon as possible, ta suabie us ta sable repiy, the uecesary documents ta fol- 'leurs ltul. t <Signed>, WOOPEIi, FAIRMAK, & CO." q Helu. A. MACKENZIEs, Ottwa.' "OTTAWA, 21st Jauuary, 187e. "GsuEc.-Xs,...n nîpir la youn neyerai Commsuuncatonsaon belialf o f Messns. Naylor, B itutuien, e COl., I1sam ho stata that tie Govoru. ine4t acceptesthem 00er ta ssîpply 5,000 tans of r teel rails ah £15 los Cd sterling, r tan f. o. b. ai Liverpool, aud silewi £2à os Odrpar tan, fer freigitt hle Vancouver Ports. ruam 'l'uu UeUsérat ut lmesus îuounnc, r.. Jeukîns. Lsd., wfi ses to the Insuraese. *"begsers. arten, Rtase, &o., are the FIsse- ilal Agents cf lhe Govemmnt, ln London. **lhave, utcý. <Signs>,"F. BRIAUN. Secoetan.y. jMsn.COOPER, FAuSAN, & Co. "Mecireal.' Tha lter before us liaviag sliewn ibis%, liat Mosne. Cooper, Fairusan, & CO., af Mootreuil, were 1rckcréi lu the isurchase uof the steel rails, proceodtol show thah that finun incindes lhe Prea. ior's brahhei'. TIhe finst advertiaeu.nent la thiecase 9f thc Rails ih ctet inbthse alliciai report, notion date cf tIse 29th of Sept., 1874 ; aud the hast action Ofthie Gavernmetit ou tise sailleaUbject, bearin in thse saune document, the date ai Apîili Stis, 1875. Mi. White qusohesl tbe folnwing from the. Protbonotsry's affice, luin ouresl, tb'îlî11W tIsat Mr. Charles Mackenzie wau a member ofcf the firun Of Cooper, Fairunan, & Ca., be. fore sud aîter the finît af these datis 1-ROVINCE OF QIJEBRO, D55TIIICT OP MoiTsueL,0 Wa, tus unrIanlgued, coe iîereiuy cctify liat we hauve enitoeainita eO-Panacrilp, unden the style Or fl7hn01 ai t7ers, Fairmnan. & Coiun. Xsuy aserhauts, whlch urusconsistse o Jaunes <C07er,o e it ly et Moutresi, aud Wserc iaftrleen residlng et Waelonte esald pnov i nce, usgeceral 1 parteers. sud CHARLES 31ACKENZIE, ef SARONIA, intlis lrevince e Ontîiru, ses s5c5alapatuer,thie saiS LCHAULES MACKEN- FIFMEN THîUSND DOLLARS ta the Capital stock et lic sai4 partusrsilp. Whioai said co-partiierisip -eeuauueniced aun FItST DAT 0F JANuAnIT .r, (1878) a IRs T iancntarOha0FJANUAIT, 187. DateSib is second day et Jauuany, oua thon. Sand elgil hundreut and eeveet-h4i.'T fligneS> JAMYiS COOPE, V. FAIRMAN CHRLES IiCRENZIE. igucite s.prienee of (iones), JOHN C, (IMUFFIN, N. P. E Fy1eci anS nîgisterau t Iis inventhiday of Januiary, one thoussuul lgt hundrcd sud mev.B HtUBERT?, PAPINEAU, &ItONEY, P'. C The pamnemhilp point hiler. 'JO pîcai wae epecial, sud coulti net b. dissolveti in lsw witbont regstration. No eucb registrahion ih an record, That s dis. solution bas, bowevor, beon madie, lu lact la ubewn' by Mr. Wihite in the fllowlug extrait from, tihe rogists'y ailo general partnerahip : a Piovutaor' QhsBs, I WO, Fuomes Cooper sud Frucdenick Pim inu, th Ci ty af Montréal, liard. varo Menuhats sendImportens, bereby cen- tify tliaiwe bava carnieS an sud lintet 0" un busi s suIch allihe saihithy lManhreal lu Partnerip unilerthie nainsor drus of r5ac. Fairma & Couspany,ansu tisaI tise maiSca.artesrslsp hac subasihet unslie téfouithi av of May, lent, cn at b s, the saiduTffeues 0oor anti Pro-eetck Fsa an are oued bae Oa cea& esac the cai da9 Oflue ss'i ates!#sof ties ai pe)'fes-. slip. l Oins ur hande aI Monhnea tisi tveuhisîi day oif uly, anseIlsousasud igit Il edroisand eveety'ftve, <signehi), JAMES COOPER, F. FA.TBMAN. Vyheti antienregitene t Iis tvenlyfossrlh day of A.ngut, oes Iousagt gblbodmet sud ceonty.Ikvs. - HUBERT, PAPINEAUT& ONEY , 1 -P.8. C, E ven auming the last citation ta bo-goti for the i. iolutian oais speciai pantuersbip, i it i ual lske effect unlil tie " 0ai May,1876-.4 tisys ailen lié date of the ordeî ln Council plactlug ie lait buelusu conàectes ivi ti the tel raile lite balgdc af 'Cooper, Fsiiman & Company,-tiaî lie besd ti isi Gorneut, tho tiraI admises- ofthe Sovereigu, ai Ibis Dominion ; sicult have osid, in lie tehth. ai tuse u-. sicubled Ïfada troa the record, tbat: "Na brother or relatioof a ue bas "&oY bulèesI, disooi or tissdirect, ar "an s-ensee, in any oallies. coutise, "or #vei recelveti, or has aj nsdaim ga "acent a0/ zrcltdfront any a,"ueof 91041 au, sdIbO have repeale th le sans. atateuselu i ffot, vithin tise beauing -. hiUndredss ln thet* wbl l a s7,i s u of*c sud Durham sAosle; Meusa. B.l hua, Jas. IL Davldi4h, . hn, WM m. ih, ansi fi#impe Smuith, in iieavy diangbl hos«.s Tises. Guy, lu Divonan sd Ayroi uaile; Mr. Geore Hlgglngbottot Duriauts; Mr. Wm. UodgAoa usa aine show in long-vaoled Cola 'eep; Moeus. Jeffr.y 'Brou., in eolo sud Leloeseabsep ; Mn. Tho *Maptino, i lasd grains ; Me Klug Brcs., in letier; H. M. Tisai lu polty ; sud Mr&. J., L. Susi, Miss Strickhand*a ant inuas aqui Gis, ;mi rwoid ,Lin. air" son ln ladies vare anul fine anI#. - Béat Roadcler Stahlicu 4-yeare aid and ove-8-;rt, Jas. Gootie., Béat 2-yr oid Carnage StaUlon-Srd, ~L. Bankey. Bout pair unaloheti Crae IHrse's Seliugs or mares) aven 15* banda b. , as ot l ven 10-1s1'!N. IBay. -Le utyearling beavy elý-agbhtColi' (emehusive c Oycleales m4 ut Buolko) -Brd, 1D. S. MeFaikane. Bout tva- y raild boav diaugit Pilly (exclusiveofaiClydestalesansutSufales) -Ors, Jua. Dr-yden. Boat beany draugbl Shallian (inclut. lug Clydeadalesansd Snffolk)-let, BIchait 'Graissun. Beat 2 yr-ohd beatty tisangit Sîsîlou (bindiug Clydiesialea anti Snflolks).- OEGrahams. faIhsàvy drangit yearling Colt (muludiug Clydostiales sut Suffaik)-- lat, Jae. I. Daviduaon. Beat hosvy drangil Stallian, a07 âge (including Clytisatales anti Sai- falk)-lat, R. Grahsam. Boit 2-yr ait boany ds-augbt Filly (iucludng'Chytesaaes anti Suffohis)- 2ud, Thaspacu & Smtih. Doit heavy Draugil yesrling F1117 (inelutiug Clydestiales & Suflolk)-lsit, W. M. Miller; 2auI, Diurel John. stan. Bal eany draugit Braocla ae vih rfosi by heu site. (lddino Chydoailalea andi Suffok)-lst, W. -CATLIE. Bout S-yr aid Durhams Bulh-lst, Jno, Drydena; 2nti, George Higgin. bousin. Bau 2-ys, aid Durhaun Bull-laI, Birre l à Joinstan. Boat l-yr aid Durhamn Bull- lit, J. D. McAvôy. . Beat 2-yr oId Durhams Heifar-S-rd, Jua. Dryden. Beut l-yn ohd Durhamin feifer-lsh, Binreli & Jolsastan. Best Durham Heifor cal, under one yper-2ud, Jue. Dryticu. Beet 'Devan Bull Cali, under 1 yean -2nd, Thea, Guy. Boat Devn o a-2ati, Thos. Guy. Boat 2-yr oit Devon Heifer-uil, Tias. Guy. .Beeul1lyr aId -Dovon Heifor-8md, Plsos. Guy. Deat Ayrsbiro Bull, 4 pears aid anti opwartleT-.-st, Thes. Guy. Bail ll-yn ait Ayrobire 'Buil-1et, Thas. Guy. Beet Ayrsiire Bull Cuill under 1 year -nti, Tios. Guy. BesI AynsinsCov-2nl anti Srd, T. Guy. Besi 8-yr aid Ayreisire Cov-lal, T. Guy.. Beat 2-yr aid Ayr8bine Heifer-2nti, Thas. <inn. Basi 1yn ahd Ayrslsbe Heifer-i2nd, Tîtes. Guiy. Boat Ayraiire MHouer Calf onteu 1 year-T. Guy. Beal l.yî aid Grade Heier-lat, Birail u& Jeinatan. Best Fat Cov onr elier, uitai 4 yeans olsl-8rd, Birnoli u& Jabustau, SIIEIP. ]3ee, long wiuoleti Colsiwold Bain twa siseans sud over-ah, W. Hotigeon'. Beat, long wooied cohawold, Shearliug Ramn-Orsi, W. Hotiguon. Bail, long woolad eataswold, Bam Lanb-2ad, W. M. Millor. Best, 2 long woaled ohswobd, Ewas, 2 abeaus sud aver-2ui anti Ort, W. Elatigean. BasI, 2 long wooied catavolt, Sicaml. [ng Ewell-2ad, AVen. Hotigson. Best, 2 long wooled cahswoiti Ewe Lamis-int, Wm. Hatigeon. BesI, Leiceeter Ram, 2 shseare sud over-2ad, Jeffroy Bras. DouaI, 2. Leicester Ewes, 2 uiîaan.s' anti over-Brti, Jeffney Bras, BesI, 2 Lincoln Ewes, 2 sheans anîl oves'-Brdl, Jeffrey Bras. Baqt, 2 Lincoln saariug ewes-8rd, Jeffray Bros. in nj il r3 if 2d ke e- la seuud dI. M1. 'ThomIas. Boat pain silvar Polautis, 'lot, H. M. Thomas. Gaine, boat pair rode, (black, bine or brava,nt imparteti), 2nd, H. M. lbornas. Game, beit pair tinckvlug, 2nd, H. M,. Thoinas. Gaine, boat pair pile, visite or bIne, lat, H1. M. Thsoms. Hamburge, boat pair silver pancilleti, 2uti, H. M. Thomas._ La Floai, boat pair, lit, H. M. Thoas Houdans, bost pair, 2ud, H. M. Thomas. Beat pigeons, Jacobine, fan.tails, barba anti tampohans, 2nti, H. M. Thomas. Boat collection aofanDy other variety ai pgooua, lot, H. M. Thomnas. hln 15eet pair whitle Darinlgs, natim poiteti,Luti, IH. 'M. Tihoas, Bout *aircoloroti Dothlnge, ual un. paiteti 8d,lH. M. Thomas. Boat pair Cochin (innainon or bull) nal impontoti froun Europe, lot prise,- HL . .Thomas. Boat pair pirtritige Cochin&, ual iuw gitetifroun Europe, lot and 2nd, H. Thomas. vbeaiboul ,Boit pair Cochin, wieo âk o impontetifratEurope, lItaud 2ud, ]H. M. Thoau. Brahmas, not importeti lieu Europe', boul pain dark, lI prise, H. M. Thoamas. Boat Cochinu, pair partritige, ual in. ponbtid, Ord pris., H. M. Thiomas. Bail pair cinniaunon or hof Cocuesz, 2u2d prila, H. M. Tlimas. Beat pair partr ae Coeb lu priSs, H. M. Thomas.g Boatati-whte r backCoolsin, lat pHz,.,oM.hs.dîu 2dpie Boa aoIrted dakitce, 2laprisie, Lpît ,ir ida PriJ,L auy ocoormua-la , s Boat tblet cuahisla-2ud, Misa Mz se .s.T(amause'). Beslpslutlcof aianimal$ frinilits, c il (îopy)-lIs, Mie. 'J. L. Smith. xffl pahutbno f flvers orflruitp -ohL, (opey-2od, MimsSa rlklsd. oooorigi 1)Z lSt 18 Beel psînting Laver an froil, vs colore, (angiàl)-2ud,, PalmesStrilki Beat figureanilalasujev -coiours,(igl-a, Miss Siniakla' Boat painting dôfor as-ail, vsl calours, (cpy)-.lat, MWfueS. Sticklul Beat paiutingâciiilite, fDot floyer fruit, walen caloura, <ecpy)-1alt Ma Mis. J. L. Smith. Bost erayoU, 'plain, (erlgna)-2t M iesSîikianti. c Boa cry or pa a rts-ail (aigi Mmc. J. L. Smnih.. Beut pend:l dravlug,(ep-2 Miss S. Strilaut. WIDE AWAKE for Oclaber la fuli goati thinga, boti fat- yaung santia Noue ai us eau afford ualta n eati "Ti Buriai Places ai Florence," hy, Loui Chantier ManItou. Na. V. ai ti "Bebsvng Papeis" telsli e childtr "1Hov togesiv a paity." "6]1ov O() WouMsu Campeti0O0-"' gives Lau Dsieer'a shere le Sir Sainuel Bakeu expadtion lula Central Afmies la sU] prose theso sans-rat,. Thse article,, Dalla' Fair,"' viii roues entisains Ihs-oughaul lie eoutry.-Chiitrent ltse rigbl sorI vii everyviene respont anti aid 80 benevolent sud inherealit au cuterprisa. TIsane are tItre, excelle, slories, "Davidi Bombueil," "Cisnilo Week iu Boston-," aud "Unie Bahuts hy Sarah J. Prichard, Charles E. Rus of ltae Bosiasu Trattcsipi, ant ie Kaudîicsk Johînsan. The, utIle peop] viii finti thein spucial deliglit in No. IN ai thse Chassie ai Bahy-lauti, "Puas i Boots," "Funny RIat," hy Margae Eyliugc, snd "Piokhs-Wbukie's lMuw una." Ouly *2.00 per sunuin. Etite hy Ehla Farman. Publisiiers, D. Loti rnpe &t Ca., 80 sutd8-2 Frankelin Sîme Md. nu. ber adi. 1r fi ut, sna, ad, Ia. ig Id- rsa lm in aît tIs esanhier part ai tbe niglît Ise was *ln- 's gageti in prayer sili tbe Rev. W. Fife. î"Afier tbah gentlemsan bati «ans, Young, rd who hai secretad a Bibi. witb a biass un dmp wreucied ci tise latter ud sharp. le eati thi.e ege eglinuitIhe wali witb tise V. -intenhion ai cnmtsithiag suicide, but re. n peuteti of bis iuteatiou, asun ade lrauk aet admission o? bis thaughts ho Mr. Fife. n- Ha s&aisi ha woul have committeul soi. d cil.e, but, reuneunleredth îe wickeîlness h. nifuaking bis lite in bis owu handsansd ),also tIsai ho remelnberesi the kinti ser- vices of lha minister. H. was appar. enhiy lu a caim alite ai mmnd wlîeo bo arase athbali.past four o'ciock. Up ta c-seven o'clocic was %peut exclusively witils r tise minuster, aud siuetly aflerwanzItheli un enilurs ofthe praseawere admitetîslo 2.pearetl anti unfustenedth Ie shachries kr which bal beau on hlm sioce lus rec:.îu ýg tore. Ble kept hluslayes fixoul ou tise c unechanie ashîe kncked off tlie rings, sud as uisey flU ta lhe groundth te husug. inuapp@aed ta ptnion ii, te wisich Ihoi subuntted wtîb ithe greatesi resuli. se noss. Tluaenouinful procession then laadvauced sioug tieccaiduor, headeti by leSheriiY Maitin anti Deputy Siieniff Martin. As îtey pased ta tise stair- way tionr, Young askadto samy good.bye te iis ueplîew, sud, standing at the Ldoar oaitulue <el, sud lookiug tirougi h tisa sunail openiu, tbaiti, "This is Isard, f sen't itip 13o agead boy. God blemy. yau. ' Tise doonatimnuwasethseu marciîoutoîfise acaffols wisiclislie as- ceodesi, supprrci on lise nuglît sol left by a couple af conslabies. Hle walkeid -wîths cousidersisie nerne acrosa tIie yard anti up tiie stairs of the, weird looking structure. Deputy Siîeriff Martin 8 briefly «aria tIse atiia aunouuicetu, stating tisailise bal h in lIsiaud the warrant oftexccntin ai Joln Youuog; antid opt ua lw 'b e a long tlla Ilfrosc a pilinlùl lssîby ouid agalu * tivolva un hum. t The pnigouar wss tiscu aiketi il ho S Ili ussytiiing ta sîy, and, without unov- tng, and inl a dlean voie, saiS :-"11 hope tihaï, hua wihh ho a sarning &0a ah you yout-g5mon. Duu'*t folliob n y tracksj laea good wuany aroui isens- uhat I know, ansi tisasaunetla tise sirangens preisent. I bardly tiîink l'u wontiîy ai tiis doathu, but as it lesPo or-t irreti III have ta put up witlsil. I bave notbuusg wteataeBay bot I booeta muet ssiI of yon soias day lu a - botter worlti. I isapei you wjil hua earnel, aoi ual coin, ho sasîhlike tuse. I linik tîsis shouili warn you." Ticeisanursan tisonunotiouedti t Young ho knuc ou thie trais, taciug lice t noti, wiih he sud, antd tic nope wns placei arouuîdluhis ueck, the icuot union tise chin, aud sliistiy ta the icit, sud a whsite cap was lnuswn ovar liii face. Rev. Mn. Copp, aofoirtrit, off-ed ac short pî-ayaî-, anul the Res. Mr. Luschi8 usuiitggilusn tha Lord'a P-rsîyer. As tise latter sai "Amen," tiese ignal wae >given, thie isaugunan pulhedtiltîsoit, but lte hip oftihe boihl moka, andsthtu rîp P diii ual mare. A hiaulimr wms saeni for Ftndtihe boit wsbnisien, the trîîp Il aîviugiug readiy, ani tlue ladgy of Younsg hînnginlu uitiair, ho tulffiunut et ls sentence. TIi. body lisd a full o nse feat iwo bisehes. tha nope stretcing iunnlaan iuches. No bisune cau ho ah tiseut o hue Siseniff an officiais, as ltae trap anud boit wcre carefulhy tesiedth ieP night previons. The dlaIy wae la ho regnelird, but t lwss, af course, tataiiy nuforseen. A dazen twitcitings wemeoabsorved i;a lIse body hnng, bul aller iv. minuntes lifo wans lalhy exliech, andtihle boudy was ceit dowo in bwenty minutes aller.I 'lh. wile sud daugitrofAibe'liMac- l: donalti wero lu thajail, but diti nat sea the exeentuon. b 'afitiavil, sud tbcq th cselsedy fi court. Stateue $bus prepanesi ver liatually ack i ,au,,ar, good ganu fanth lii.lgent~ i lieOfathe &Wra, wb are aller aiâli the yperguauaWhvie. àosie any bèensi rOS tbm isv. Ta-da Dal oniy lie delietinos, bott hein ots ployer, lie Inspoltr, vePut halatte vitusai box, sud-h. latter vas fonced la ýcoulées iaIst,ïbi luquiretiinüto the palltica esinigoiîthe varions iceused viotuallr i i ~li rogs-qaof the Ps'c tiscitrî SecreÏ- 1 The logal- genîlo. insu via vrnn lie 'admission irai the reautast, om4sl, titi ualhouilaheto express bis opinicn ofeo.cb methotis01 procatinro. Auythiiug mors conlempli- bue thsn sucaieaueoaipaver esne voll b. conoiv.d;inîlitte "Cirlsîlat polithias," sud bjp colleagues may jus as veli uailnstati liaIHamilton-Ia not Wa he relsinsti hy heinby anal tactici. The firat coulait liaI coeurs hene viii surprise-tiose Wbo imagine tuis ta b, a Gril airangiaiti, mark inJ Hailnli poblic oasiS upon lb. Pro. vincisi Secrehary te ieanti ampiain." Executius il Cayuga. TUE ELDER TOUHO EXPIATES SIS CRIME. John Yo uag, ia altieroaithe tvc prisuanscouviciti aioltheusurder oa tIhe aid minuAheMactiualti, anti viti vioe. uariug sîcape sud subsequeni stiventures the psblicare familiar, vas emeaated ti aCyuga isal Fritiay usoru- iUgfattllalf-p36t66a70n. Ha siepI hie uigi hefone bis axacutsidom about Ivo isous anti vas î'alhenitless, andti lok con- sisierable ierest in tIhe unilarahions ai several aberg3taien vho reuaai Thte Cropa ià Britalu. The Marit Lcuc Exsprte in ils veek- ly rsvbev oI tic Bnititoiscoan matie ays -"The publicastion aiflise agricuj. tonal ralurns fon 18375-'76 enabias us ta tarin an idea as ta the yieiti of lb. bouse cropa anthie exteul ta viticitve shahi tue Sepeudantut oeforaigu sujpplias. Thoe reunrna show s deciineluin he Insa aifviseai piantiof ai878,000 acres iraus isal ysar, anti ai 078,000 acres inounthe averagea aea pisutetil uring lic eigIsI years prenions le 1875. The derelinfoun hast yean, bovever, May ho matie nîsin the increaset i yeltipas' acra anti improvei condition, sud the yiehd ai lie presset eepf;h oslimahed aI 10600,000 qoartona Wîti 800,000 querlers deducted for seeti, liera vill reunain 9,800,000 quartors fer eonsunp. lion. Eriglanti wili require bu lb. coin. ÃŽ,29 ser about 18,000,000 qnsrters main ateekaon anad anti f reigu imnportation, becuseoef lthe deflcioey lu tisa home sopphy. Much interesl iscentereti in lb. Auseriesu crap. Thse week closes vti local imado very siaady, but viti. ont great sssiuatiau as boyae are act- lng villa grealcaution. Thes, spply sud deunutiahIbis moment pmetty evenly canler balance esci other. Fias white vbest realsus auccaâsioa ativance oais shilling par quarter, buh enqainyisn nol beau hnisk. Feedhug stuirs; are beiti fuly. Bsnhey, ai, anti inabse-hava improvail in prico. in vheat y the cargo, trade is quiet but ilaady, anti mats. coutînnea very Aia yil, lain me canas ratècu higier pnlces la a na rs t Vctora 0aon salurday LordDtsffs'rin sait iIf Boteminel vos-s choua anthie terminus ýof tie raflvav, ls ho ug t4à e Briish'. Clunbieïn mLsas t 1% 45t .ssL,, ~*-' --c------a. tri. Tie Taylor Case. Ou1CIION OP' TUE MCNTUBAr, POLICE AUTHOP.ITSES, Atter dahibonuttio the Poliel Cousmit- tee bas arrivesi at tisa ltvsing deebiausn ho tise Taylor Casage esladT lise Comsiobîtea recaguisa anti regret tisai an arror aijuizinent was comunitteti on tise part ai the Acting Sergeant of tisa Ciabolhaz Square Station sud consales Loy, Ababiuson, Lahihaute, andi Martel, yul the Comunitîce do not uleena lie sondtiftihes. ahicens ta beofaIneclilus nature as ta warrant ilium suspension or diemissal rm lthe force. "Thse Comuniîtec canîhen ail constablîes ta bc on Ibain «nantilinlIse lustureagmiust tisa praclica, np le tise prescut lima in cogne, of ireating aillCases oaIInessi- tulity as lise resuit ao' drink. C'Jo future pnîntesi nagniauions caon leruiîtg the reatunent ai mil pnisonore tL1 bc postedul p in aIl lie police sta Lions af tise City, andti lt a s sea a cas, et insunsibiily, no usattan irouis suat cauise, tua brouglît latuahesttian, s physicien shsail at once bu sswutsanail. "liat ýia imnbter piiuuwut hosup. pîiesi tusevcury statioanola ha uset in 'Tisat thte force lue sutumouct i e cc ut a huit', anti that tbIse trPeso1lutiis and tise regusubos reterretilta. Liu neat suld osujuailedtai ho iîuly the Cliairuntîsi of tuis Cousmitteai as any a day as Tise.MaSn Posîtrsaanti Most valu hile madicai varks eaven givon ho the pres re tisase writlen by lthe Consuit- ing PIsysician aiftie'Poahodjy Madical usttilule," Bositon, wvisa isa lavotedt hie lit le tady of the ubjecla ai isicis lie Ireats inu hseir pagea. Thosu booke are pobifiee by thse Inelituts. <base stiverlisemeut may buo -fannil lu un comumue, antiasoulti b. penoseti 3aelnlly sy lIse yooug aI both sexes. Tise Scbence of Lbte, an Sal-Presprva. on," la a pîscticail raatise tspan mat- ura deAply aoucerning the eaiîi anti vigar ai bauaild anti yeung, anti has lirpady iiad a causer oai usefulnees ,anti Popnlaniîy graifybng ta tisa anubor. Eqnaiy admirable la tie vork entiticti 'SexuaI Pbysiohogy oi Waman anti ber Diseases," hy tIse saine ahi. auhhor, who bac vnibten anti pubîlabeti ahill inoliser, enhitîsti "Diseases of tIseNer. ?s anti Norvoos Maladies," s liinely 3rincion. A Goiti Medal huis recent- ybeen presentet tha aulior af tise 'aika by lie National Medical Associa. In. See ativerliseuneul. A Doxsi eTRAOEDY.-A melaaclsoly listie tuagedy accurroti in Ottawa in Salurday evsniug isat. Il appoars bat a youog zmn nameti Tupper vas îiding bis vile for frequnaing a clir. otabie hanse, whon aie alruak iim on ho beati viii a chahr, anti ho icîshlatei 1h hie filt, knàockiuig be or ian. Sie ret but balf au heur afor the frcaso, id nover spaketobh.unideratoti.Ths .,yra ui brongil iin a verdictex terating Tppa.om ailÏ11. bisuse anti rving tha the causa ai deahas syno- ope protineeti hy excihainent. Buccsoss.,-Hlsnry Ward Beochur lbas IsonetIsaiasîicaîîy uei'sived bhy'tha ongregqationsiioa t ITarante. Suutiay amrning h. preachinetheu iaN îrtbsru nDgrégational Chnci, anti. as vasth. ase la His eveîlM*soérmiou ii sthe Granil Ipersd Hanse, Ihiousaude were uabis ýlabo bsah came oui vili sarticles oaa. emong tlsoee.vo sa villiugi7 toak, im i bi bpihl8., VI o t' al E al vi ic 011 du th ci tiv au c« «il ce Ct cal ta, dei hit ry ilese aurswu ts ud 55 -6, 'ÇeniîG. Apl- catioln ta tie Lieutenant Gavernor 'ta ahave monuments ireetet 'a& corners ai lo htein p art af ti con., aignetianti yAlbsrt Yovlie, Esq.e P. L. S., r" .in m.uoedet ladots. vaniL; Tiefolloving e6 choqua wene graoted. ÈM voueirs r.- ai eeivoIo sine :-C.ID. Jobustont IronI je for ightlf ai a, *20 ; Pal Haley, varie td an Nulle point road, *82 ;- Piauk' 5- Heitzui, %varie an tb eau., lots 10 anti 0.11, #19.50; Michael Kelly, vorla an M 101h co.,'iota 25 antid.90 0 Ã"; Jaune >o MaUsaugh, Cas for township bIos )f 0 *,, Hector MeLsugihin, nrepaiK. ÃŽ_tavu hall dcci, 61 ; John, Steel, v os-k ton con. 10, 880 ; Robent MoBeti, vork on o DUson., loIs 10 and 11, *29 ; John it McCookeil, vauk auù'Ttb cou., 1hae10 [a sud Ili- 49.20; John Steeu, 018; ýCienla, h fou postage, ha.9 ,865 ; Hale Bras., Sprnuing, $8;11 Tiomas Wsron, servics as5 contuissionir,. *10; Mu. Dlncasi B. y, Mcfousld recoleti au ,aiâeî for, bis itnotes, smouuîiug ta *077.50, duo Ibtis -Corporation," he, anIngdoue varie ion liaasuon th. loti cëou. A by-iav vas passeti fer thile purpoao ai raising lhe soin ai *2,800 fer .munici-. Lpalprposea, exclusive ai R. B. - u n ty rate; $60 ta h. empantiatioa lie lîti 'cau., lot 1, pnoviding vomie is iaon. tbbs fail, sud tie pariy dabag th.- aune to wait fai psy tli next fail. ThA i R. R. Ca. te hava lhe s-ast cresaingiaIt theu Ulne ai roadti IrongI lteusuniol- palily put lu oudr.-Tszc gSInîlot 16 lu C con cancelled. The beacureris quanuenhy report shows* a balance onu i lant of 8787.28. Conail suijournedti thIe second Sator- ay lu Octoien. East Wiby Council. Ceuncil Boom, Cnuimbuq, September 4, 1876. The. Council met. Meunhors aIl pra- sent. Minutes ai haut meeting reati sud confirmet. Comsmunications recehned : Prom tito Cauuty Clerk, atiiingtheîaaiount tai ha ralset by tbis Mnnicipality for «ca-. cmii Cauuty anti Elucationai purpoisasi tIse pueseni year la b. $2769.60 ; frauni Township Treasura.r, balf year's report1 ho SOtIs Juae, sievbngbalanc, la favon ai lia tewnship of 8801.45; imnWrn. Buckler, auking furtiar relief. Mn. MoXcuzia, secantied by Mi. Me-1 tbertili, moveu tisatIshe Cliekhe ilu- stuocledt t write W. E. Ys-nl P. L. S., la menasureansd stake- off the estahu. lishidnoati aci-oci Loto 18anti 14 in lIse 8tî Cuou., leasing la anti sssing hy Efarntians fiuring mils. M Ou mnotion af Mn. Licie, lie Reeve grnt iR is antan ufavonn ai Wun. rIunt for 010.00, ani R. J. Mackia, for t $6.66, being 4- vainue aI biair ebeep kilI- cul iy dogs-=-their clam3 bcing satietuto-P torily proven.D A iy-iaw vas uhen itrodueued sud L passedt la asca, levy anti coliecl certain t suns aifunoney Ion «suerai Couny ulya Edtiomionai purposes, sud fou genenal t Townehip anti other purposa for theia presest year.V TIse fohlaviug acconuts vene cudenet i le ha paiti, vis :-of J. Havten, lai s cetar tituber, $5.94 ; ai Jaunes Burns, a for cedar liunber, $10.17; ai Wm. Luke, lI poti ug a fence ou aideaf road lunfit % co., 85.00 ;uoet Henry Palmer, roai calstna-ct, $611.0; of IL. J. Maclala. ne-' libe of certain indigents, 89.00; af A. D. Hoitl, gravsh ton roatis, anti baud rail- uugý, $23.90; relief of Elîs ollolluson. D $5,00; ta Robert MeLeunnau, a hlinti iuls.uoua year's relief, 520.0>0, ans Ic af Pîiiiil arpuin, radtactic, $48.5.0 I Tise counciadjosîrnet, bu mel on bise % firnsi, Moutiay af Octobernuext, at 10 w eao you, bell us wby aur lait bhief consimbie <amenon ie se thorougi. ly negîcctd by i s ancessor iu afice ? Vo see tuftiOu simost eves'y Occasian niaitL constablces are requireti, the Ber. 'less ai Cutnanon are ignored, andti t non af yeserday are caiheti ioa equisi. tion ; this is otse il shueulti he, antji hava liai confidanco inar preet Chieft lai, wbau Ibis uneets isis eye, hi ciii put maliens night. Aleck seouns ai ths praseot lime mare haie and hleaîty thsan he bas heen for 'cane, sud 1 amn sure noue ai ns cati uuny, liat as a peacemnaken, physicaliy nr c.tli-nwisa, ho la quite etînai toany suit cau bc appointod in tawn. Wbsu we look at luis, andtihie long- seruic e lias reueneethie town, altan for the rost paltny nemuueratiou, va are justi- Redi el ieving tlsst aur natopayers anuralhy woul1 Sgail un sea Gainer. o's luostioluntise decline ip flits made mare coionialie tian itle, ty givine, li eunployineut as allen as circuin- 4ILuices euh alunit, b itablina Ion wii ,e je yet se wall qualsifi. loira, &C,, WE AilE MANY. A Cary lIMosînCSE blas bal iceên ie- tuidoil hy thaCourt oi Clsaicery lu Ton auto aga-nsi s Canadtian po(siis;sen. A Tornoofirm repulisiie i the vonk aI s vaii-known Eoghisiî wriher, and ltae latter sueti foi an injonction la resiraiî themn. Tie puhîseherii piledti ut llusy itau a niglut to poblisixthlie work. soil il la stalesî baset ieir cdaim lupoul tisa At ai1875, andi upon tisa ýirituiIj North isununica Apt, wiic exusnesslyý gives Canadlathe niglit tus icisiate ou1 tise copuyright qusthion ; uipon tise opin ion expresacti iy Lord Carnarvan ta luis mpeecit in tichanlose af Lordsinbu Jly, 1875, ta tIihe efech that tIse oAd vouli p lacé Canadian publialsens 0ouithe saune footingvwihAunerican puhlisisere ; anti uspon the facî iliat Lord Carnanvan ai ltaIt tisue pnacunad i alepasstage cf an Ac-t sactbouiug tise Canusibian Copy. right Acti.tis CanadiunAct pravidt's tisat in oarntapresetve lois copyright, au Engii aution muat bave lus hoosk pninleul onrarpublisiet inbuCanada vihtin aixty tiays afile appparsuce in Englauti. Tiiese stipe vere nai laken in tlire. oentl case, andtihei defentiauts couse- quaui ctt nhtir supposeti rigit ho publili . Ise h of aIthe prosecu. tion, il is siaitid, vas; thât visera tihe intenuats af e British subjs-et sud re- sidaut in E ngiantiara concerneti ln lie action af parties liviung lu s colony, thse Imparial lav overrides colonial legla-' .r Il Éi Ili gc A QUER PutCZ FR As STOvAvÂ.- On lb. l7hh, Ivo cars loadeti vits lard aI the Dutrait depo aI the Miciiau Centrai, more accidantally tappleti aver iat tb. Detroit River. 'Asthey tiisap. pearel aven tise boyaoflthe hast, tisose aboard vere sionisiedtileuer fondi cries for ielp issuiug ironsoeeoa the cars vici gnatualiy floatetdavu ubte river vili one endi préjecuinq about riz foot abavt'.le surfPce. In lui manuen the tva cars tinifti ta Adams & Fergo- aeara. Ah tut point they vene broken, open sud a «sont, frigiienei, woe-be-gone.lookilsg insu appaeti at eue ai lie apeuingu, minus bat, anti covereti fraun bad-hafootvith lard. Ha1 gave -ubs' una as John S. Martin, sud saiti]Ise baticravliet mbthe, car vbile il vas baing locadetin luhi. hope, ai deadbeàtlng bile way tOi lb. Est.' Tise Reformas-saol Souli weliingtis met an Satnrday ta take stena saill the eat- vaeateil hy lin. FPer Gowu. Informuation lias lucen reas-ivea l m Landau liaI Hem Msja;ty vilI ualetsW ativisat t disaiiov -he Suipreme Court Act. ' i Tic rovivalogf lie oilrefiningbusineea ut Lr'inndanute coçntinues. Lijlors as twfo anut lree yeara are gati- ing towanlrsgain. hsve rom'ainedneai home, d"A r day the youngcat taughteur, Vag#1 oanately *asataIhome anti m" onaof ihe victime f aibr islier'a pa. Of lie motbinotbing la kîhau, Bave liat' ber instin'ôtions tal her faunl bave b.eau, Immey 'nt aise ha lvap Caen .kuiuvu sa a dtlful vie 80 mate-, The father sut lînabauti, Palý rbek Donavibnvisa is alpufe reepans nible ion lie fearini crame ommýaiteil, ul about a ya ago bat beau-,couciiored su ludustrinus, iaud.veuklng min, and ofis geniai hempoîmeut. -H. movadtë Yalngstovu frein Ohie tIirty-five yeua aga, -an turing the greater paît WB thse lime wvedatias forjsmsnon le vônka ah Faut 'Niagama: Tcaeienisu on viliho neaitet iInclut. about foir acrea cf Gavernmeist landi, locatîd it a short disa frus lie- Fort, aL. about th. saune disîsucu'. roun Lait& .Ontario. About a year &go Mn. Doma van, it is sait, wvie dîgging asgrave in lthe village cemeusry vas ovorsone vith Iseat, anti since Ibalt lime hie ho telleot baa been sounevbal impaicti. asen eul ita Buffalo Isoqphîsi, anti et fam recovereti as to variant bis friand, in hringiug bbm, home agata a shor lime age. Il appears main bis evi sitory liai sbnce lis retuto ho isalsDou (seu vIaI Iho vas hetora bis misen- tua, andti liai bhas antartusinet ans piciaus thaI bis wvue andutiene. ry- ing ta put hlm ouitciftthe vay by oceans ai slow poison. On Wetinetimy nôs ane vaa at home bol Mr. Danovan, cuis, vif,, anti dangiter Maggie.. Eui- unui vas at tIs. village. -About noua tise residents lunlIse vicîiîiy of thei ions. vere ahuimmedt h Ie cry oalur' -ler, anti at the saine instant Magagiv rususiet froun the ions. caverel vitis bloti. Tbey vereot long lancibscoven. ing tise cause. Puoceauuing ta lie haude lu question, liero llsey foont Mns. Donovan ounhhblou, mauuking in ber ova biuoti vith banrIseati fbarhuhiiy unugleti. Tise fnigiteneïd- danghher vas but a lithie botter off aud vas acarcely able te stand. Hisi hea(]preswnteti severîl giîsthywvande. "Fathar dit it" vas ahi alue ceuit ay. Tvo mnusav Mn Doues-auinubis siinteleres-rnnng la untds lthe halo., They ai once gave blisse cul arrivetil oly in tinie tasc hlm emange fram thse valur, buta vilicut hae bad mpung train an eminence above the vater abouitvswnîy feet. The muid-errsait :-411 killed muy vile, or ah least I suppose ashe la deati nov. Sîse anti Etimn have fora long Lime Ieen giving me saune stoffifln y tes sut coffeho gel me ont oaIthea y, Aut sie founti fanit viti, neuîrhy et'ary- tiisng I dit. Yecîtentay 1 ivitte iaber af it, anti she Imiket back anti I got unsd. W. ver. bath la blaune. Yeileîday juet isetor, dinn e vas gosng ta the asilk-itouae, anti I met lier vils un axe andi &truck ion a beavy bioçv orntise liea'I, anti aie tell iusîauîiy. 1 aimnck hem tva an tint ites sitar ase viastown, and 1 guese I killet ber. To Ihte 111 i the Wltif by Chroiciclc. Intcreeuing To Iovalid Laies. HARLEMVILLE, C(iuibsia Ca., N. Y. July 9th, 1873. R V. Pzgaaco, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.: Dears1rs: -YoUr havariglejusi -mrccciv cul. I intënned ho have vnitien ho yan teverai waeka since cu'nceininn«tlb. îm provemant af uny bemitii, vici is csow veny apparent. I lase ussaîlonu hoclh. uot i"svumitoPrescniplion vtit the hesu ret;uite, althusugi I vili admit 1-va" souenaita liccuurageti ailer ie nse (lot a sînhortie 'iîîy). I 'teok il unule, vcny digaulvantgu-ius cincunstatucaî liavhng'lua. supenvistinft he bousest. duinig the season cf I"lieuse cleaniîg' 1 wua abligodtiioutgb tIse incustpetesu. cy ai heip. le do mare tiien 1 ought. aînd, aocurse, enifereti dreally, lifteul wlitan iougbi isot ta -have raîieti in isusut, asudtiti ail I cauldti ta riug "lorder oun aIciaoa"-but upan ieyingc amiie il ertes andi ilaltiOting lie. rom- euly I indafti eu usiug les han cne boatte lusbe se muai benefitedti tal1 have tibusontinusîlt ha osa, vlth ne re- tur ai thie symptoins ai vbici I vraie you. I htave sufferadti hinblyl'sud wbaî atiiedti ta ny disîres s lia ecousciaus- uess of net pnocnnlog relief main andin any sources, aItinas it aeomeul about imnpossible ta stand "0 gres al van l distîreis. Ali aIthe"a severe nurahgae pains bave disapposîsti, tbey vere sa bat ah hunesthiat I conît haidly valW witiooi sauna externat pressure. Tiey seer taeisave beflL-ma like magie, anti. tienly, anti have hall no relunu ; ail other symptaîna ave heen rmoved. The severe veaienes anti faiuting bave dis;appesred,banll 1can nov go oUp tairs vihcomparative ease. I vaulis bave infaîmeti you oeatua is fMy inprave- ment, for I appreciateil il, but 1 vas féarfuli itvas oiy troaient benefit I vai; neceiving, but I think sufficient lime bas elapsedtiet consitier- the boue- ficiai resuits permianent. 'Acesepl îuy beat viahes fo>r yeux future succees anti yeur kitituesa lu ýadvliug me. Ve-my huny, AIOERticAIe WAR àSTEAMERm dan iardiy ha venv fast sailere.' Th"t "F anklin"ise tes lake Boss Tweed on board-aI Viga, sud procýeettiureotiy te Nowv' Yrk, anti tbe voyage is -expeetecUt'take' liirty tisys. Vigo ile .of li- usarstponts lu .spain, sud-the diatanca cannaI be sa: muei grester as ta take nosnly luse limes thé. nb.r"of days as for the. tnp' irons Livarpital i ti@oes sven unoulrate apaaci., Perbapi, bovever,,s lsudable tesire for sconomy by ,ssviug, coahwvienever uber. s nytiing like a favorable wiud muiy bave pomelhing la do vlhtuas ratier lengtby voyage, au tiugi 0 go no. Tii preva ve beu oampellad ta. of the 60th au,1 87thi Haliisx, ou aSotof of diptierua. ballon buret with began tg descen& abt rapidy earthi into the. grond iij farehead wu Mtnt i by tb~aktfallim itfera bady hr, sudi r- thmu; ;uey sensIsahve aneir neartns at andti hofr fineplaces ; tllsiyuili isve le tiseir homes, in uhart, though strippat -anti deantet. Aflen everythiug vain- âbshekaîf beon haken thore romains iu O veryhoseoaemacs aifaObjecte liai ýY are ul orth es orryluwawa*y-'beiuiing, id evîn ôoul, sàmoug vici lhe fuMily 1' hilt,'ud enangi la replace, iovever, Opoly, vialevor lias bseu laken, il ncigis for tie fis-st uccusaities of lii,. td Bit il,iftes- pilage, the mahh2is ap- Ai'- pie t hesa bomes are sutibalt; < tiese poas- vaim-ont objct-liaecsl- off claîising, lie nagget boddiug, the >t broken cookiug olenalis, vbieh are' sa s ortiles sund'yet sa preciocue, aie 5al1 cousueni ndt lIe'people an. educeal W th leCondition oa i ilIaplicttl1s I The auliaritiesbat sont sois tenta 'hire iornthopeople, vbicb vere ait sud s rgged, capable ai si.lembng lieusfroin -theii sun but not freinthenain'. But stieme vere nat eoougi for sîl. 'The i MalinIlikevbse recebvoti a lihîle- fa10d, Dow sud tien, vbiaih tiadh. butd whvichbabsmey kepht " ioseisiw t"atan,,ne i arvees or otbon mens ai existence fr i m aîaving. But le re a. va n ual L eutough, andtihIs supply vai unceulalu,' annad migil ceses aI auy moment. t When ve vare îtarting the vounen sud cshinarn gusîhemet arcunti us by lisý ironret sudblenket up tIsa van Tiay eiîovad us tIbm, ragged clotbiug, anti saiti, 'uieu, e vers riab ; wv ad ai h toues. ansd fumiture anti caille sut -tIseep,andulles. rags are ali vobave sof.' They banedt hein leau, skiuuy armas, ta show ns tliiiemauctien ; ttey haredt iu obrunkan, abnivelisii ireasha, uit vicit hein, iaggard, saetceai baats wve. l-ng.ho tw usai tliay litatnu mile.-Goti kuavu. Ȕhier heiov cbeaks, antienukan eyes, eanu'l despaiing faces voie proolonanugi. rPius eu, "tVaire sirvhng ; aur babas are elarviug-slarviug ta desîlu. Can yan to notiing foi ou?2' Anti vs coulti da uoîbing ; eolbing but- shed use e s ea s . q "AndtihlbTurks of lie neigibauning villages, vIsa bave likenItae hosus aud -siîsop anti cattia of these slarviog vounenanti chiltren, titeir ciotiuansi hediling, sud lb, imues fmain tIsait-roofs, COAuthe village iaoeimei, sud rite thiaugh on lte horsés thby have stolon, looking upon Ibis maisery viti indiffer- eut eyes. W. sav caverai baie wvia [laed coma ont ai more nio.ihy, vehi lad, fat, bnsolent, smiling them .cou- tempi for tue slanvitig bainga arounti them. Thse Turk is' not auly vitiaut ptty, haeh'is ilaoutlpalniotlinm. He tocs nualolok opon these people as bis ueigihours, his canutry.men., He l ta ignorant anti etupidtakoIbtil- jurnug theminbe i nurlng bimsolf, liai- ise is shtackiug bis lovn country. - f kuove no sncb lbiug as couuny. Hle1 aniy kuos Islam. Tise people oft lotis, the uomatic tribes ai Centrai Asia, viaunlhe lias never seau, oaI i a hae bas boardl once ai Ivice penisapsinla h ie lite, ara ucarer ho Isian han is. oeml dons- neighaurs. TIh, yardst country, patriotieun, do net pembut in biso isuguage. Tiat lies. Cinistiaus, bise near ueiglîhaums, are Isit counmun fi tIsai ou lhiusas unucb as'on bimielfi tiepeutis tise grealue sud prosperily oai lais country, is s iactwvici bau nu 8 place in bis mint, vich lhan no lu- I fluecoan hlus acii. Ha e uhy kuov tIsaI tlîey foruinon part cf the. religian of Mohammedi, audlie hooks no fui- tiser.a "Whou va lait tIse vilage a huastred a of thuese vomea rau aftar ss for a amile," itis Itour cres anilam entations. It E saeuna îbeythbougist ah finit ve isat coin. ta bling them foaul or succaur of socus kint, anti vben they ibamnodthlai vu bat ouly corne h a ke an iuquiry. btjini disappaintmeut was bitter aui overpawering, anti thy eset dovu ht tlîa waysite, vlihem -irlitthe anes shonu- s tiseu, cnying ant ivriugiug tbeir banla,E rorking l to i ra, anti moaninis, raîher fi ta tiiemeelves bimu to nus: "What ahiail ve do ?" WVitat mialve ta 7 We are stanviug I Wc are simîving 1 We art- SAM. le wos anouge ansi ne Tim U. -Si INx.azN NoocurxOso.- The Sioux Commiasianere bave succeeti. edin luing s Council viti R.d Chaud sud bis folioere, The. Indian 'chief axpruisati bis williugpess la giv up the Black Hille country, providedthelb. n servation ho ba given the. bribe, wýe suihet o ita wsnts. THE GovzaNXFcurTO AssIsExsmrr ORS AT* THE AIJSTRItIA E XPOSITION - 1%e Govenment bas tieitid ta sisI ctaulacturers sud producers wia de. tire ta exihilit allie camiug Anatralian, Exposition. lntontiing exhibil6re musI nurnisi tis Minister ai Agriculture, bc-. fore tie 6tb ai Octobor vili a fill des- -'nipticu i2 lfse articlos tiey desiro ta auti, sud muet have sncb articles reaily fon shipienot llaten h thle 2I1h af October. EXPLOnSIoONF A CANNONos-n Sun- lay, the lOtt instant, whiie saine can- non vene heing testei an lb. beachi seman Pauama, one cf ibeun explodoti, killig, fo 'ur persans, daageraualy vndiug tva or tires otiera, sud :iighhiy iumhiug about eight oliers- l'ba Preuideut ai lie State sud hestiag uffleere cf lise squad, areasmoug lh. tort. SHEP oI'FR ENGcA.iwn.-A fret ahip- mnt af six hiundre - sbeop bas beau scalu as ansi p animent irois Guelph ta ingiauti. Thi e venture in- expecteto t' more profitable tisa lie abipuxeul af NEXT PAN-ANGLICAN SyNcan.-The Ancbbisbap of -Canterbury is'ulwdres. il a latter ta tisa bishofaithe Unitedi Stes, Canada, sud Wost Indien, pro. aosiug Jnly, 1878, as the lime for bol- ig lia noxt Pan-Anglican Syncti. A marine sala foi cariyiug bulii- bas been patented by Mn Gowley, aof goe; Orlans, When thb. abip sinki- ffc ae flashs. Tise Boaton ,lbtodist minutera. otot, 40 go 8, 1"liaI vo bsueby disp- nrova ai tb. pahicy ai holding camp- leotinga on lise Sabbial." A Nov Orlesa lth officer la mce- emo bargaiuinig ho apri'ed aiall.pox id receive 85 for every patient seul la, certain boapital. Mr. Campbellthe'oOpposition candi- ste lu the. VIc>na, r S., eecion, as ehectet by a mafarily ai 90. The, appabulmeult to li'e Sonate of ir. Poser, hale, M. P,. for Beauce, se ,szetted. The resuSi fb.heNevfndlsud isi- ria ibis aeasou is behow 'lie catch af est yeax. RAiLicOAD DrsÂsnios;-Six poumons oire kiliei lait Frihay manirangoheb sauuIle.Bsiioad -usai Columibu, 0., id ans nunuavu man hy a collision -on se North Peunsylvania ,Bàiroad. CIEN COiifloguIaNEH ON' INIoeu ANI) CLAMNS APeannua.-Mr. Sprout s been appointeti Chief Cammias'ioc. tfor tb. settlement of ludian Land aima. Hoevas iommeîiy Agent Gen- 'ai, in Landau, for the British Colm. si Govesuninnt.- QuEISECLxeîsLK£UIW.-Il 5idoxpeclAdu aI the Queblu Legisîsture vill be ueusti erly lu Novombes. Moniigneur Fabre la nov Blbp ai lotea ,RTHQuÀu. -T eiies ofivans- lle, Iladiana, ver. terrilasilby lvO ,cssv.iosof esrthquske Ou Sun- ay nigil., Nd-damage, howveo, vas une. CAUIssO.-Ths Public areo varued, aât agaîn: s large nuaibèr oaihelie lh l ite ulelunot, International Bank af tuante are in cirulationi. The typo e athiinmatch in Mntrial, k l h va :a e wi eri lai wi Po Li lia et CU eri hi Mi Vil Su do To impemial:. Coibty 6 p September Toi Toa and ty ai byhe judi deucy la dia wherover th escape ma", selves se-oU i Gazzet. I SIre, d Livo Cand Hypochoudr *tude5 Wss1t ah once iffli Meut, impa enfeoblod cc e"ey sage ademn naines; posa casa beara 1 the vords 1 beam the ' EXKPORT &Ce., 107 Sc Try I t- Waood's 1 ha unlike auy tienr- restaue thse sair; rosi heada ; rame e rupliaus; r put of wilca whera, Trad lirices byýC. A Agente fer th and by FOI In tlcs.snattri By vintue cf th 'Sâigsso.sud by o fèer for a THTBSDA: Bolie, Braies a Dateti aI Wbl 40 BXACK ET Applysa Boston. 1 SAD ACCIDENT.-A sati accident oc. curreti last Wotiuesday alternoon ue thse ireighh shedis af the Wbitby & Poti Penny Extension Rsilway, ah Brookiu As Mn. Ogilvie, a fariner living nosr Asiburu sud hIs wife wqre driving aiauj the aido ina which crosses the. truici near tIse sheds, the baors. Iook irigIisiat a paasing train, turneti auddenly ananas sud thiew thein bath ont. Mn. Ogils-ie snstaioed serions bjues about the bsck aud heati. Mus. Ogilvia was sighiy bjurati. THiE DIP-s"CUuLTrS IN5TETiu.ANsvAAî. REPUBL.-SiI' Garuet Woisaly witi Sir T. Shepston, wbo la Govern oo Natal, bave been enimusteti wilb Ppecial pawcrs ta Ireat fan Great Britain lunree gard la the Ti'snsvaaiBopeublic. Iti hopeti that thay wili cifet ancIs a st. tieunent as wilrpsuitlt iste nativie securing justice anti thus*avoitheliswsnu whichi would othcrwie lake place. WiceT Pis-nBORanaE LLCTIoN TsssiL.- The. pétition againet tho elistrn ai Mr. W. H. Scott, as M. P. P. for Weost Peterboro' in bise Local Legisîsturc bas beau set down for trial on Dec. luth, TaE PasnRT HOPEuCENTRAL F&r.- Thse central fair, viticis emlunaces six caunties, vas oponeti ah Port Hope hast Tnesday. Thora are lires lion- suti six udreti entriea. TEE PnoviNCIAL FAIR 0F 1877 vilii te Isalti-in Londan, Ont., andthei Kingston papers are compiainiug ou accouaI aI 1h nat beissg iseidthelure' Tsx Mcrcluuznt, of Bowmauviil, iaIs margeil its airculati ýn ino.talitiatIste lie Staieaunan. LIBEL SUIT.-Mr. James McClure, dry goails maurchant, NMonîneal, Ibas haken an action ion 06,,000 launages stosinst Mn. Mitchell Sylvealen FPoley, puopnietisu ai the Joaurnal of.Comrnercc,, Monhreal, fou an article nsflactiug an lb. plaintifs 8chiarachen. SEOOTlsua AT WASuslaTcsos.-Th8 rnil, elsoaîing by membcirs of 1h. hIris, Scotch, Ausînalian. anti Amenloan teauns taak place, lasi Tneadlay. Firiug was DUs hy teatun, .but luy individuals, vio vae e lecheti by lots audsl angeti iuto six É a¶ulI, tour equis isaving fit'. Iembeoan sd Ivo haviîug fonr oaci. Tien. vers ton abats ta ascii in, the, higliset passible score heiug 50. The iolioviug -aie lie biglesat scores made by tie diffurent tesmna: Iii-Fenton, 48; Auierican-WeIs. ost, 47 ; Atutraiin-Slado, 45; Scotch -Ba, 44. Susicieus DEATE OF AN OLe MAN AT OTTAWA.-AnOlad Man vas fount ai adhoti iev tis ys ago lu bis btoce outhie Piasaba Ottawa. Tbe bodiy vadbuniod lu apaupei'e grave, audthbrea tisys afor is vife, via is s yong vo- man, vas mairieul sgsin. A fev isys prvius îo bis detie hie ohd man coin- piainedti le bpolice Ihat bh ife .ost stlemptedto poleon him, bul as no evi. douce canîti he obtaiued tisa case * vas tiroýppadi. Detectivo Gronhx la nov lu. qui r i g mb ticmalter sud au inquest vihi frobsbly b hblti. vec ITr GA.-L. F. Davoupasut, May.i ai o ainsick, Gs., sud J. M. Doîlor,1 Cbainofaithb.Board of Hoaltb, Sp.i 'eifibh or tie stniceon City. lf liA. porpaionladowa vithi yellav fever. )Busainesos in suapeutied anti aup. ples exhausteti. Unless iti le speodiy; sent, msny vihi di. ai starvalion. The1 sufferiug sud vaut caunot ho deairibeti.ÃŽ Contributions ai money sud supplies1 are sorely ueeded. TIra WINNErtsAT TU Ots ;-r.SHOW.-1 The. oup for lie boitsestterdag ilutheie Centennial Dog biaw bas been avard.i oi t9 "Paris," owned by L. H. Smiths,1 Sli6hno, Ou. Hnsitdu otpeed. i CaTTnic OR ElqoxL«D-Tio enter- prise ai ahippiug beef caIlle tethie Eng. uni market se altsiuiug te considerabie proportions, sud dealers in Ibis section are entorni mb lie venlumoervit), spirit. SAN A1USTRALAN VSSainFeuswEEDu. -The Dmtrdauangz,frora Melbounea, lu Sydney, foundered usaiJervia Bay dus-lug abaoncnsý, ou the lîti Is t. sixhy ai tie cov a* nti p"Songeri wome dravnce ;- " -SEM TIse Bi-Util h,-W. T.sii...... ý . 'ws'e'"'e, venusun a~'ia poaledat f 'e 1 1 CANADIAN CATTLE TO TE ZFRNou.- The jiidging of'ho cattle took place ab. the. Cesiteuniai Ist lueday. romý appoarances Canaa will labo firit prizes.- for fat ae, boier, sud &4yrshire6;- andi a vry close match with Hléeford. if -canada, dose ualget th. &ist she munet b. ommendou. TIt he rhorn judginjz la ual completei aud cannaI b. Bams'x CasEWs ETEW ET SVAGES.- tnts'iligence bas been receivod ah, Ply- mnouth from Sydney ai lie capture ot a. vesseijiamted ti reDauciufrWave'by the' Ravages <aof'the Sôlom nac sda, Who have eshea ber créw_- Que man ascap- ed to anýadjoining ielanti, andi gave in-. -formation f6 a veRsel, whichi weut in pursuit andi fouud the Dancing Wave a perfect-ebamable. - The Saiidfly basý beau sont ta chaetie the murderer by the anîtorities, wiib a cMWcf maa.iof. war s mou. -Anotber ship'e cmew -xai been treatel in a, sitilar mlanuer, but the -détails hati not beon receiveti. PROBA13LI M-UmDu.-Tbree -,armeti sud mauked men entmod lb. dwolliagy oi Warren (Jaswel, at Eden,,Est El- .-in,. aiont.,ane.o'clocklst- Suntay 'aorning andi atemptod tai rab hinm. On bis',offering resistauce, on, of the sconudreli discliargeti his revolver aI Mr. Caswell, the .bail enteming his uick. Ha is m«nas.precamione condition, and -tiere la flot mnch- hope cf hie rocovory. Tbe mnen decampeci-asosoan as the shot; was fired. Thres men are nder arreat, au suspicion. HELL GÂ&Tz ExrLmNaic.-Hallott'a Point reef, thse great obstacle ta ussi"- tion at HeU Osato, no longer exista, lihe blaîts conductei by Ganeral- Newtou- andi Captain Mercer having bean ue'nc cessfnlly accompliabeti 51 ton minutes bo threa lait Snnday afteruoca withont the. sli ghest-nihap. A largo nuubier of apechahors aasembled to witnessa-the. explosion, anti thoir cnriasity Wus grai.. fleti by a clouti of spray and smoke, iml wbîcb fragmente cf rock sud lumberl - were burled i mb the air, sud. a heavy ehock ho lie grouid, accompanioti by s 1 -- FIELD GRSAIN$s. Tva busallofaiFyfe apring viiest, bot, Thsoms Mandereen. Tvo busieis hanhey (2 maveti) lot, WVi. Thampeon. Twa husess oste (vwhite) $rd, Thomas Tvo busieleaof auy atiter kinti ai fieldi peau, lat, Thoaus Mandensen. Ell-busehof Ahsc cIa-uer Peeti, 2ad, I. M. Thomas. DeuI, 2 bueluele f ai sa hlack-2uti Thomas Mauderson. LECATIIIIRAC. Betupper lealion, lusoihdes-2nd, King Bnros. Bout caif ocils, 1 dozeu-let, King BesI cav, huffeti, tva aidea-nd King Brou.-2d Bout day, pebbi.ed, tva aides-2ad, King Buos. BesI kip, tva ekins-lelt, King Dieu. Beet healier, kindti l tbarviso des. Dibeti-lal, King Bras. POULTETr. Beel pair eoloaed dancing (mat import- b), 2nd, H. M. Thomas. Boit pain-goldenPolantis, lit, 2nti 1 '. 1 m 1 km 1 1 1

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