Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1876, p. 4

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ote u. uaut n hAWu&U IJjDW, soute, iLU pro. WhitIby, k8it 4dz, 1878. wt.d thotrato ; lain of whlob D BY 000DBÀA."D GBOZ ami thé "la ex- ,r he itssta go rof oan, STOREAT AU DL exC rieOCSOi8 clr êwatLb own tllàUe 0 b tri for Eeuo.5 ITP,0ç TITOCIES IN A MINUTE 1 At IKNtrTING MACHINE 1 mi. iwr~narIrowr, and wid.nm &I aime catplote. Krlti Orer , tà8ggzîtà, WrIltsîs luvofs, tu. ch. 75pur, omit.pIofIvt 14,menu, k di q0d.iArmors aCat reblo *1 udlr un by eonvertUug ih 0045h. WoxecuMalte $8.00 por Iportant- to the, the tocaury "te etfsoru,.r bu bbéà Und - -- flitd teO open businessin the atbe ins.i - - - A Large, and weîi BRUNTON'SI - RH>EUMATIC ABSàReENT Sekotct Stck fELIEYVES THE PATIENT FROM 'PAIN INf A FEW HoU fiS b uhseilttooriy.nenequal lai prlce anu! quaity te any that outra N EVf> AL i'oi inu for yor l y.0Attl e cai à 'ù ta sailat)as lu.wli4eo îitrîînhserne 'hgi. Rheum atiflm is a Poisening of, the blood fromi anids aoting- D. UcBRADY, -On And ouîtraoting the Muscles, and - giving intense suiffering. Lt arise -anchley. in the stomîch from Iipairati Digestion.. 1udey, Nov. 241h,- 1875. _T4 ~ he aitive icpx f -t-s-discoei e Absorb the .Polsenous 'c"rîd Acid by OutWàrd Applix tin The OttawaFre Prtis »compos ti:rétly of,-vep#~ble subtt > ms, asud liasnetior, been D A' L '-'& W E E KLV. Frein the ùaturo of the disease of Blhauin&tiîm, a.nd the Peouliar Pro. PoIîIti iliu Fes i P'tai',p-rtits of titislemedy, it ie an impcsaitbiity Ihaàt cai fail itn. Relieving the Un l -dlfl ielFo fP-an Patient fror p air, in a Le w tours allen appled am direceet. teii &1parts ual theuDutauinua $8 peu- i neThre lsadistinctive fetitre in it as co rparedi with other Patent Meditoinex forcbîîacilGsc ýpriitd mtt'r2 per anuum. Psa re TU1E ONLY r. vJUr~A iu B.' LISZIID AT Tmin ICAPITAL. EAlSLIEST POTTMiOAL INTrLLtrNcvc. LA= TttTTELnCJUA 111C NTMSV. 1 611Y-IMAIÃŽLE. AIMICLIE. ParticQ deîlriug a en""paper from the capital,.aiid a Livoly, SprtIo louc.ubd Jourzuii, wi take Uio DtIYPa. 1', a A flasutifti011 Chromo, uiailetd tao vMr 'subccriberof a te VPiMLy Pazk: pars&. JJu" u .11lrs rolssto-u ueuat'VL~Ijty cOfraietases. The proprietor oni: daZims thut 1*l ii. eY idywl relieve the, Patient frotu '.Pain froM Ihheumatism, aný, tbat It la thIe onlY remedy (Il outward application) known to Science thst vili Ths preparation i. guarantectd to remove nBlinmatie Pains in a Loy housýor the, money refauuled. S#e Pria, S0ots per Boule. SoIt) wholesale and beu by ýWhitbY, Jdne Otis, 1870. S. W B SMIerH. Corner Brook aud Duradas SIs., Wiiitby. - ING TOBACO AU o~f whioh, along with My le sold oheap for Cash. Doi Oob Pipes at the Oddfellows' Whitby, July 2ýgth, 1876. The undersgned, 111 returning thanks to his nurnerou stors o r p- st a- 'vers. bega ýo ,announcetthat on- and after the F IRST 0 F SEPTE MBE R N EXT, he will- discontinue, thé system of g1Iv3ng long oredit, and wVill thence fOZWard oeil for CASR only, or shqrt credit of three zn-onths to prompt paying cus- toniers, thereby enabling him te Bell Goods at much iower Pricee thiiheretofore. -His present. Stock of BOOTS, & SHOES and work of - Aortoi Ti'ail kinda iw. --yavv %AnuIwL îaaapo j.t,. ltuwi ve oi.. i ,aT L Sa'W.una. oeud for 8itipl, '.W >11CIL. L ,~.,'.- V u1AL aniutîiutri"iaLtr rilesMa »a Lo.]TC F .JB I..IC )est, prices for Cash. 1,ueLt ndC ralrte principal office .taaSptme > 80 'nn~o n - te lg. Co., catîl ebulb, V.1' ord'of. -Hia;îsaceounts are being made Up, and b ray o New ork *o no OPR ýVIT'ri-TANI POT P"ii.'Tdelivery,1 n h above date. Htsving pressing, clainis te - t-e- lretU. itMiîu 37i IX g_ _OJALWY ineet, he iespectful1y requests immediate .payment. Al T1Mos ALE No. là. GRA.ND BONA F IDE SA-L E. Notes and Accounts past due, will epadinc r 1)ULICkeT [E ffert nit Maudnly, Mûy iLli, 1i76 hnsfrcolcink'hu lrÉe oie ho ilPïtrtfii,îruip ljl, torî a t le. Trains rmtt- by Toranto tiîui, whioh ls t.wn * t¶voIgn II(VELet IIURLTON, tior tes etîil 'Prrinte, ElUitu DateisMlid la ltth:ity-twu'Minutes fiower then G.T.18. ime. -JOIHN SA UNDERLS. %.ahi'af tit, i da id> btu dheî,oîvd by mu. Ot ' Ciiti ratent, Ail doits due by ithé iatu Tttttoa OCItTIt. FIC' d n o rot willl tic sttiot) y J. 11. Floar, Who ina. 2 >1.onN& i iiI f.oliituu t atilieo and tii wlîm ËIailan Whithy Jun .. . .dol. 9. 10 'tit i. c. 7 07 p.in r"îîua u. , 1 1)(Vr lnrookliit.... .......,10"di 7.85 doi ANN UAL CASE SALE. a 0.A.T1\TJ TI1 J.Ttuaan, i < 'o. l to 4 yrtie ............ u e l 7.142 DuPaiu,'Creoul, A..2901., 1876, 87-311. gota i .Iî 803 I tfaiîabaster ....10.22id 8 17IlN TH L'rinc Alori. 10.82 o 8.27::l vve offer Our large and choice stock N H Port Parry... arr>,.' 11.40 OF S8.35BL - Prince /Albert. DR *'D A ~ lofancioitr. 20".4. ..:..TtD~ 1 1'-~ Mrtki..... ........70 2.2 l it.Ï.0 o-ii.f24 'i. i b LZ..... . .0 it. i1.55 AND.G OO S, 10E 0F Whithy un....arrive7.85 do 800 I Tris t~ua' i.AT THE VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. Cunoctiî.g jîit Tîîcùauw t2h. 00 G T.R., enst aî,d vwo at Per lh GRoc D LIQUORS - - i.X;, eaf nai Y' ffîrre cnnectiaîg with the t tPi ' u h d n d i î v wi f i O or o r T O S U I T T H E T I M E S . MA N SION H O U S E, it Ûta ,baiiülposrg otiL,aWhitbs', kpilil 26tb, 1878. 1 _ C er Ç O';;D TRonK 1M., JAES0iLDN,-brgnsand Melodeou Orgaus ft gieatlyruueprc, TIOR~ONTVO, * ONTARIIO. -- for Casha or Note payable ini October next. - WM, ICEtdY, PlRORIETOR. WA NT ED. I E ?C H A NIT T AIL OR I NG. Ctd tte"1GNFCT1Y n xmn u tiiitt ultti itav, c<utiontttftwto t ,,th. 'es lm 7Fi>wîat ri'liahliiontrgott ii aaslle ---eol-.- stock AIse lcond'taîad ftfii itl [Itai i ptio Io lti'itgws.adtfi w i u iti ii , i r t i ti Dolyait>,tck lo eo d-iid Orgqaiaa, .cîd ],eoeî,tt,. o ,.. t'J I'i.tftid titl ttncr iaj .velleri 6a h o f5 loti tafoitI ii i lttaatî iil It ý'iiiof tii' '-110,I.i hI itoi lto.!i, 'lit Itou, , lias t " ~aLJîiirifoî i(iiuii u 'i u wiiitrail vS I TJll*.iM UD (j EzYA.R WOOD M'F'O. CO.1 ttîl tl uir'iaio îa .lrnhiîu iaiti.'iicuuu'i ga,,2iit tut' .J U S T R E C E IV E m. g't ' u itil'ii (I'itoti't'i li teiiinill 11111 t" îiî ach rii , î':i (1'î ý*>..> 'i. i>.> M id' of Spri' Goods, i' ' ' iiig Englisb, Scotch, ibMay 1~,5,17 t-'v fit" t,.'.1. iiuwtî i iv ) Tiatli- ., Mr'c 'tt, ~'In +qii u-tiIuil".'tIîi~' 'iii',', r> 't). , ~ ~~ ~~ *,,t1iftç a oilt, i i t]i "ra on -.\i.siî Bî'oad-elotl 8, Doeskius, &c.,&c '['ut ,î'~n'Ji1 -'i r 'i'tit t' itl,'iîiîi.t'sa fo,i' tut o ' y-irs, it tai ianD IMCIN ! ELGIN !!E LGilN! f rlit! i, î, tý,1ltof î ; îl: î,iîXc 2,wt, :ui , Itf i IV". G O J ' _1l l) S IT S A .T $15 ti u ti'tuainaitiaa C2v ii-- tM "it't" iy r'fntig wub thi iia.Oil'taiuti A. & R.1. PRIN GLE, u' i i-tf-ndi,, ti t "'i ' l"i'-'l nia, C iii'.-uttg)i M.,ua .i @ t,o Ic i n :a,a ti irt,-a ut a caFof iîclScut W it ,MarchattTailors. Z <' to > l . i.--iv. vfi. tI .îi t i.tp'o gitaîi t 011i"i' ,Po- 0'(10i it)for ltI i,'ri'"v itliiti and L i'.-c, î vii lly, M*EtLit, s'-,-.1 'r.i'tutpu i)0î~. li nuîiîu"ctui, rO th , >' ii i. a k-oftn wa r tilc' tonilggi Yliaii c ilmanilvr PctruiN b uIiug aidu el lubtt-'tiiiig t'a. ,i 'ai l . . f O TI1 f . '1 [f )%.~ il'iîrtfrira Aikts ai li t tî- C >."I Oto l it bl' ieitrs gt'aiert agelit@ :;, i o. L)4:.:E - el Toroitn Airit12,18titrîwsi-7- ID.,êà. < Qurr / ~ ~ q A ~ ~ E N G: L I S H R E M E D Y 1 B O A M M U J S T I E' ÃŽe 2;1. . large and -well assoe'jted stock olIioomn Papùr anld Win. OÃ"]RI- Dr., dow 3id1"Nc he is prepared to sell at the lowcst - - ' '-" A splendid itss<)rtmciit of t tioneily, 'a ~ ~t~ ? ~' P$"tt i~>iFl ME]) IC N E nw andortmnetn fait GoIda ivur Wîîthc1 utnd Cl nd T finest, bcqt, Rud cheapest Watches made, for the me- <i APC F C II D C N il - asso . me oo cîî ..Eùey p.trn nî c inp ate. 011 ney, ar e the EL GIIN W A TO I EI, w 'hic h ea n hue ha ll t Taylor & Bar. or )o(lc! lvo'), I. iox o Alorder: for Euo-liuuh îsd Anîeî'îau Periodlicals and Aiso alage stock of Euglish and Sviîs ti ches tlwaion lband. Cîoek.. ,ýl~'.~if ~ ' ~ n.oiciii ui ore r out iw tirnei: a, .'ctut. tD rut sta>, WO 0511 Bll r c ie vradF nyG ost sut vr at ndpci-. T ËT ir;Titiîun.tut"1ii t' a , . 1&Iheo'iat Jifpria.., .t.rud efttei' lltîiot. giva good Otjf.cton .erchiats, BotStreet, Whitby. - ~~t>at lekid ta T.,aiTy o, î'iatT.,aand IL rI¶'5toAaTUB JAdb>avil oisf.Iliachu ava t 1ttyApi Oh,171LEWIS ALUIN.------ -- - -' -- Fb nlire at a r u v ititinq o. hgra ~"1IU1î OP, jALbTho Rpecif1ît folntht ti' onatit f.,a lite F t ud ainc osilit-oaat ofu'i»rtue lt i Lat - LIST 01,' LITCTIONEliýS ô T A C R E 8Sj ôLicIlsed fer t, oath i cf Or.ttmri t, North fi-euBo siuat-t n h Ku;oo- zacl aMlle. Tho )e f"ie ito uilne l t,l ot', Git tariu<for(SoutTRiding fOnaio orhRidinroCBo train the> flouritsht. Ttuwn oaitiluebnaiasta ai i l par nuelage, gorauix picetisoesfor 8. G E N T 'S C LO T H 1 - 1101, Oidl te §utilawect 78 tait) the rooney, est b ýNX a acrétitutaiLot Nô,18, concessioan 2 InZtIA. ut'> c. To Twnshipf il'Viocrilli. 1>11e drât. WIdsr.Ot A N D NK.Isiaas uzî,.,~, Lcia iyt.C 0tu tho fi-ont 75 acre. sthor a ta utluttas 'rwo.Byrne anti cil driignfots, Nt'rthu-op & Lynian.Don asfl.. . horah... ......ar.................. 0, 1876 sbs>sy Vmn r u ue. e[tuwoîi1iiut, taillu Toronto, whoIlleais açouitz. ï 5N*'il,'11 '- Cam~c- Gtlatî CeIi'r ; 2 Chiten.,8U'ierRilnN________________________"IINTf nii>e£-a J.ng Cw G 00 D S e. H.Caron.... Brtvertan.TIn ah............187 Wels; [ura.oan , 60a 0,su'tiiStono Dow aR po and tlt, lf -' carrip lucFoflos 20:1; leriiuîînu ('OW.htii ltuaitittbl, I60124, l'IR.hoafe 24X18; G îratii whhiîj esu, PlUtuai'sdm Cherry tracta lit tbuta. tiauu, SogtOr with O0airas cf gf tt, atut O)rolierd, The thuya farta , ui l tlte airain- et). This fa ane utl thohast faruitslu )tita. ?Ia. On ILietestrltg ond tibrauo IBantu OiizhIS, anal att. 40s24, 8004 iPhfnk litItse "i3:94, %wth kilehet Aand aoecellar t 2 weii, ane-rer.tsilhlug Sprint, Rmît!Ji 0acre.. The abo,.aent mwhl bs sold on m'aeataabls terni., appiy te te proprtetar on the pre. anloiaIL. 8.WIL9ON, lokeftipg, aune 2Oîb, 18 NV itbylP. o., Ont TENDERIIS FOUs RAIL.WAy TIFSI 60:.000 TMes delIvIread onu the lirce Y, Port Pery- and isay Ext. alwv And Lfuoày. D13iiL . la_é_0.Bavern an! OrMlia. SL~oPort Jea..iiuc m i...I o Let% r r i -- <'i-P.5cm-1-tcd ' F -ut. un ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t tait)t:ç '! r., n 'ic ]. ra.-4Wt- t titi tttu(m, ii -Aiftha lautO, For Superioi' Clothing suitable for Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merohant Tail- oring ostablisunent ýof i ) E-INTw D'UNIDAS STREET, A GOOL) FIT AND STYL1SH CUT WARlRANTED 1 Gent's Furnishinig Goods cfj Hats anîd Caps, Umbrellas, &o., NViLby, Jnly 27Lh, 187ri. alkitids, inicllidinig Sirts, CHOICE WINE8 PURE LIQUORS at WTIOLE~ALE a~ 1~ DUIT) U4 C.. Mcaore...... John MeUh] & C.. Donafld )à T. ilso. ThmaeGordcne...... Dane. WhiebJ. . ThmsPencher... Da. E. oDeii Donald Rosa... lias 5a>res ... Jcybnuten Bro>wn.... LIST O0F JohnC . James Biggo... A. 0.. bu-baudl.. James lakwul, .. Peuht$ rGover... Johaj Giliga .. DuoSett * Bras... Duft-t Ores ... dsay, O L A YWlxtby, April 4th, 1% Rp F yP.,1 iMDI A71. Poter. 1 SUf ineo' HGE T iOJ A, I S & '3fO' ~ o~ - ~ <-"I G S A E 1 .&chuuairu. Canula t an.... Soastîalttd..... Clroniocu...... Part Perry Sainuingtd. Bbanaluon.... Vitgeby .dý PE])LERS FOR THE 00. Oshuawa...... ... On foot....... ie1 horse, Cono2ty,,.. do, . 2. ,hus>, , ty. Oiiawa ........... Jhersi e o 3f~~., Noun-litcin., ocs. do. do. ,...... ..ro.......... orhRtdîng. NorthRtutg North, titding.. Iteacl ..........: Seaut............ North llinxg. South Ihig South Riitg. South Ontairo. Mara....... . 29, 1818. Oct, lot, 1876. Il l, 1876. U19, 1876. Oct. 26;11 1876. Oct. 251h,- 1878. Oct. 28th, 1876. Oct. Q289h, 1876, Nov. 111h, 1875. Nov. 2*dnd. 1870. Dca, 2nai 18-'o. Dac. lIbla, 1875. Pan.- 24t1i, 1877. &Tan. '26h, 1877. Pette Qd,197t7. M'rih 8h, 1'77. Diar, 1Otb, 1877. Mar. loth, 1877. Mar. Glet, 1877. ONTARIO. 21et Apefl' 1878. 8th , ,1875. 9t.~-1870. 4f à 4az. 877. ,~lai Apitil, 1877. u. .aTea~lrer, 15 ?rNa e, (A» WflRR- t 0 j';; . In China, Stone and F'ancy Teu Sets. àa chine anti Fanoy Dinner Sets. m~ ad i la China, Stone and Fancy. Toiet Sets.' in Par1ur; ubie and Bedroom Lamp. Mach th, ta Gçs--FrdtCake. anxd Trifle,Dielxes. InýGobletb, Tumbleré and'Wirie Glanes, Ini Table Sots-Ail in New PFattemns. Te a]]l la FANNC0Y GOQ0OPSFO PES TS in: Cups, Saucerai, Mugs, -Vaiso, Toys, &c., &o.OFCID GuBoo SAIV& hj alkindi of Choice 'ami1y.' Grocories, Bebt ca. Bondi ,rus, !'ob aco, mnd ail'id4sk fF ayPpe, Iaros, Baconi, Lard. Oertejr. cRI' JonI' the bb&t branidis awayi on haut). iem TWe î 1i iý hit muarket price paid in;caeh for, any q.uantity of Good Dressed LECT H oge ats, Smn I >ail 0" e luMsrowfiiî Peae, & . A t A U WILLIAM TILL'S CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS,. THE OLD STAND, BRiOOK S.TIiEET, -WÉiITBYI Go where you- cannot fail -to0 beý ploased ini making selections. of good furniture. -Splendid Parlour, Drawing Room and Bedrôom Sets, New Design-; we11 -worthy -of inspection. at astonishing 170W prices.' Diii- ing-roomu Etension TàUles-a very superior article. Gilt Comnices,' Picture Framing iiin cvery style.t Borne fLue Chromos and Engraviziga for sale. T X-1lR T . C>~ In ail its branches ; funerols fally supplied, A stock of elegant caskets. Coffins alwaye'on hand, trinaued to suit (hustoniers, -and a weil appointed Wharse consaninbereadine Se,. WM. TILL. Whutby, Norenthur 241h, 18751 DOMINION OIRGAN cols IMPROVED AN» REMODELLED CA BINET AND COMBINA T/OV w m1 Coo w Thiis Comnpany bas recently beau reoraie by the addition- of, three .f thti ont'a procticai men frr-n t i-iFrcltory of Cicauzh L&Warren's-Organ Ce., Dptrlit, Mich.. tcl ait'k iusp imauctivé aipsrt lintais nwn particullar uiepertum'nt, eund tr rcw îmnuf'.ctnrin!u Ra Orcann EQIAL. anud iu-tmuny pointasAttPataîOn, to any itnufacture) in Liai'Unitedl Statea or Cuanadua. Wtn tait. plauri ru atur'uuiehng tna <ar cugtuiproanti, the tratie gfaneraiiy' ulR we havo murerlt-ho rigliut to manufacture aund use, in tht' Dominion cf Cati- Am. thléi' aeiebratet SCRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, Pnrtnd by Lettprai; eteLlu inte Unitedl States, Engtonr aud Canada. Py nains of tîji, intventionti au orRnîi auultiiirig tvenoroî tharee sots of aceds becoines tuai iu ".uiuina atui pover, uturi faut Sîîpu-riiar ici Quutlity aud Brtiliinay of Toue- an orciiuary reed orau <f six or eiglut randu. KE" Our et'ishrauaîi "Von Cd-(t"I,ta"'Voxn uaiatua," nWi!cts P-at-eut "cton' onpli-r,"' '-Calfr.o"or "Ciarinet*' Noi'ý,*'Fuilgiti Horn," 'Ducat,"' ",Erline," Creiriona," andî Grandi Oria ihtop, an'i ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, ân ha obtaiie.dont,' iin titasa rgaino. a'enty-five Diffeî'ont St.yle. for the Parler and the CJ.urch, of the bosi mîtterial and u'orMaUship 1 -:;e QUALTTY -ANDS VOLUME OF TONE UNEQUALLED. PRICZES-$50 TO $1.000. Fauîor antd WVrerooiiiF, Cor. Teitupi l'titItand Wellington Bts., Bowmsoville. Agents Wntcdt in Every Couiity. Sa Bnd for Price List. Adclre-, DOMINION OIIGAN Coi, BomàsnvilIe, ont. General Agents fur Canada for the IlCclebrated"' Bradbury Piano. (eap Harness, Trunks, W h/ps and Lash-es, Whitby, 15h instant, 17. I1ilesire to cal) the nttantintt cffLthe public to the foot tttat at no time during the pist Sain yeara have I hein able ta offc'r Haî'u of ati descriptions ut as low a price as I eau this Spring. My exps'upea beliig liglat I cao do it. No more elylieti or hettîr Harneai. maie t intis mCoxu y. Cash purchasers willitfot special inunemont,-tbat is what I sam aflt. -Cati ond inj;eco.. ROSpaoîtfully yonrs, gZ-"d» epuiting donc îrnnsouaciy. Pleaso notice-Second Humneme Sttop Sounth, naiSto Grostts Flalilitare Stors', Brook Streef-t. lisfed Tuentt, a-rs aga. 1 John ston's 8e/f Raking Beaperp, AWARDEID THE FIRST PRIZE.- At the, Priovitieial ITtiiîcaî i'o.o, in 1870 %&-. olter tO <mv ',Custutw ers for the 'comîîîg' Hrv, . wo dis- inle .Xachiîaeit. whiu.h in stylu a1a,îdcçntrcjx.nbre the latest and itiost ceuita I uprnsvemrents. o1 the day. JOHINSTONYS SI I S F-RAKN GX -EliAVPI TRE I"RING 0 ~PR. ~i t îî t " <c f ;~ ~fci I 0', iul~~ It 2ia I CatICP.t i-ti' t -~>'~ru'~,. tut'ac~ ht - tioR.Pck. t' Y oit1tjR ti-ra wn'pe awdi'd>"d amI Egluibi>ton liait) ta ta. i$7î'>.iu a' O.~tPiut r' afos ui .' s u l.a c e . IdDi, anthiif th "Gcen Book" &. - Téhe world"reownped aithoi, la thia .&d. mauirtblo'Lectutre; elearly proves' tram' bis owia omporienae.utthéii. awfnJconso.Ioencea oi Self Ablite may b. offectns.ly romo>vo4 witbout medicino, anti witbout 4sngeroils liurgiiaopera&ticMtsbonigla, hn rmuàtof rin.gs, ,or-cordiahs; poltinnt, a moodoe el onreat once certain ande onlby wblcb every snfierir, Oc Mtaier what bis condiclotu May b., mas' cae himself-chupy, Priras- iy and radiéely. - '4The Lecture wl11pra'r e boan t,, thaonsstiad thUsndca. Sent under seal in a pilain envsiope, to any address, en reosîpi oi six cents, or-tire postage atanapa. F.-BRUGMAN L& SON, - 41 _nn-St., New Yotrk. Poil ffici Boxd86. y-17 E RAL ESTATE COL UMN.-ý I. Brick Hanse, "satoruy.snd-ahalOn* punlop axi Centre ai'reets, with quarte- acre ai land. Desirable fsmily residence. 2. Brick Haonse, Tiro Storay-harcl and ti itater-quarter acre-acely laidS out,-fruit sud 'ornainental treea.- Centre itreet. 8 Frante Dsreiiiitg-table ad i Wood- ldnoara two acres ofIsand, fruit anS oraetitreee,-dyrou Street. AUl the abuve praportiex are desirably eituated, and sales eau. be efectot) an ver tu.w carma by a oamaji paý, nnt eteash,an tnta tJsaut conuvenicucesof purchaser. GEO0. T. HALL, Lantd, Commnission; ana general Agent. OFFICE- Dsnilas St., Whitby March 8th, 1876. - - i T OFII 0F EES TO Bý AE bUnder Order [n Cannii, dateS 24th àpry of Jaly, 1814.) 2. Anteat of esch inuti. ~dual tapon a warrant ..................1 8 .Su'r'riig soiMona or subpoeu;a... ù-Miuaage ta îirs'e aunouâ,, sub- fSnua or wrran t... 0 ..... 10 4 fiagewsaa n ser-rite nabot bu upan prouitoficiue difl.genco.... - 0 5. iicago taking -drisan.'ra tc' gaol, excliveof i subarrimeoto enec. es.a'riy'-t'eoded in hoir con- veyaci>CO-....................0 I 0. Attonding Justices on, suit mary trials, or tai examiniation of pri- .500cm'.4 charged winh crime, for - ach dny ucesaarily empioyed, iu anc or maore cases, when.iot engagea maro [bta faur boute.. i Go 7. Doa. fa. whon enagaged a =re than four heure ............... 1A 8. Attonding Assisýes or Sessions, cccii day .................... 1 50 '9. Mileago traveling, ta -atteénd As- sits essens, orbtefore Justices (whaa publia convoyance can lie taen, anir reasoncuà disitur.ý =tapIst o llas .. O....10 10. Sunamoalan J E for0rneM Inqoîst, utclu =8 ga tn<Iitg as iuost, and, ail services tan res- pectthelrenf, il held on smo day as Jury auniutoci........2 Q00 1.A[tencling eaah idjeurmoent [bereof, ii noSengeuagAimore fotir houri.............. 1o 12. Do, do. il engagei mtre_ Iban four houra.. ............. 5 12 iirIta aurnzone or âoubpeat a-tu 'belayeCoraner <Subje N.10) ;ý (ujc 14. mile4. e ,-v**Of*'a ..... b5 0 imia~ y under Corourà4 .arn ............... 2o0 17. Serring. Statreus warrant, &aS e t raaiogaie,M............ lie. 8.Adveralsaig-nndor .Siatreswar- rant.,. .I................. 19. Travelling teueke-dixtess, ortoi sarcuh ifor gocd te màkù dis. tr9ua, Whest ne goad*iÏa.:land..0 Oà10 20. APPmaélùentii,.- betber be ona, eo»'reI.ceate à tii. aolisr on -hendvaolteods 21. ~ ~ ~ ' Caacce aead.commission and dellvery of gooda, àceu.in 22 Exensîng searab warrant ... 1 60 2.Servieig -nôttes. on oonatablea. Pub i 4b rdcr, .5 - .J. MACDONBLL, Clerk.9i the Pwes, 0. 0O, in .verv Town.tiip inu Onfotoetelle)thé farnonPîize Ma dai Oreant Mounfactor- ad bY theSoUitli Anusfioain Organ Co. anti Geo0rR' Siecit sud Co.'e Pistîoiu, Spatial inidue. aietito witi be givcen to firat-cîasuo anta sua> clebs of tliree or four i' sbinit tua pairtîFe. AnY nuil ber tif tePtimornioli: in fa-or <'fII fltoea dr89:iseaorgane Coni be fairirh- et). luatai; theere ro tc widely hnrmwi- areati aunahrtt haçing bpen so]dti trongh' out ttîe Dominion atidhovinjeRiven salis. faction lu oveminstane- No Leestin oi' ai bowcaor flatsaing tan add to their Tie. Sfeck Piano Co., rei~cvrdtheii anfly,91 gasîti Iam awaddtl osiny .xhib. - ir et dip Vieaxaa Expasitio> in 1879. Chùrcb4tt recjniruug cratusyll b. hîbcly decl iL wu. Etylve 81,.S ith AmraeaaL3we won1I ld all teDtioD 50 àud halF, iLs, proportionsas-tirae of sud ils Mustn ai qprie; i ré sln5- ed. The-grama cîgan tlop glýeS- lie ployer faciltieR -îo~virtus; sot)spieodid affc'~~ t"s ui-t C8. ' inu' ci/t t te sa'itlt "iit. itttii a'~~~~~~~~~;L -utorr,'- ~ lrr,"tC'XcI "I Cl f H dur ort Pi c -' w -G - best icee loas .BTI ofHe L 'cfP, -te., A Ath, 'Us-adu oi th,' 01onet 0oFi, For fis entrust tandee HR] ANDDL 2LLWoAIý 01-7CANAD4. ,Afflieted.,,-, Wh ; 1 1 1 Wx. TILL" . Bu- 1 WHITBY. Ç-qQý . w

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