Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1876, p. 4

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ONUA0LIA1U A YEAR.ý 4 $his price leps v ry mb noaiiargln ým1»cu o pr il=ut ay1usd eau Le Fit as th sst, maseis5tan utening ithe clreuissian niflýn Tub a- êsgexerolfuitu'ElgtoPlagePapar -~i andtonaos eeakly 48 eolumnoi ai glu*a. pa andRlde.4mattet.- 8W4D lFOR A SPIICIMEN COPY. BZMUEMBLT4 IFIS18ONLY 0 N E DOLLAR' A YA Salsciba ynmosetfautheon gel youo T.tl R. WHITE, -THE' GAZETT1E, - Moxtrecil F YU on- SALI", - A. ne-asouei ..- aroofor uale lus -Eut Wllttby, Ixoi 11h, S13.,- - 1u2 POR WITOTAND~ POlRT PERRI P BTENSION llAILWAY. TIME TÀBLE No.1. Takes e got on Mnoioday, Pftay Stis,176 -"-Trains mn loby Toroito trne, %whlcli ta tivru ty.lwu minutea silower than G.T.r. tiniu. Whi loy .Tn. -.** io.0.10 as.i.l. 7 07 p.eo ...sth..........92 o 75 lIrimikldtn..... ......4 " 7.85 M U, ... ... .8ris 7.62 1 .ý1lc1jt.. 1010 " 81.05 mielenister. ..14).22 " 8R17 prixoca 1Abert .... 10132 " 1.27 Pot Porry. ,..nriive 10.40>" 81 J-o... -p. 000 ) 't.. 'i.1.2.5 pan. M'tni.t'. -..'(jR) 1.57F 'ouot..........1.1 7 70 blri.... ......u.120 " 11 W'tottb.... "1c.]{7.119 w,. 2,554 """n-n tà i-. 1. 1 oîcoit ir r itlatosly.- I.'l,, Un't iax o ct fit port l',axr' witht M: agil foi' Pîxboligo', l ill'o.WoUst' isl T1.14 ut liid3ay, tlut-e'-uuuuîlc-tio.g %mi otili. NMdli.tisanl:lltnv an'l with eleamtar for i,'suioji iott ieii oi.r.ygot.ît, sudft tlcrgerin 'oiint 1ISol iot Psotif ti pteo.oure rmort, JAMlES UtiI)N, - 1ROCK S'I'IIETWiIISI '- Iii.. i lxdtutîoilogirn.ic farosi AcI):"i> or'ottltog,'oir' t tle bast l'i i.,.Cltflrilot, PloiO( -ii. .i LremrL'b Wa;cgna, S-iglo. t tt-.,i-'x'o.iî.; 1.,, 'J'î,î.L7, t~-il i '.io, 1:7,;. iirccho.iit. MANSION HOUSE, TJOIIONTO, OSTAP.1O. V/M. KELLY, PRORIETOR. 'l't b in la atucotil ini thue restra o er- r .x 0ic tise ity, C"oneilie-ioltu tii'tihitenle cr.tabligltals uatib iîubililucna, ao,'l for imoolte and tc'oeno tri lî'îere io ai oest cligfileisituation. '17lou loncoan bas beau tloox.gily r lraiie xi .a -fuo'iahed -titroughonî, aud isâltlt)îtioooah lostna ccc.reaiandotool iaiiien, tyla, euial te Imoylrst-CrO isop l nIitieD-iniiixtiî. Thle hi arcoinsitandil lrawiooî,-reorne arc large and aoh-Y, anti thobi.t sanitfi-)'rageoltinosak arc Ths largo axox-td oiiesit c.î.iooisc onts, cilra racotuodlitt.. oicui-snintlyý îiicated 0ou thoe>lrat Il t. Oinnltuons aeealcarlngua alw'ays uady ft- tlo in ofuxoIait n gxeta arri'miog by 101ai te triil]Oxs clieoinuiîiats, clouîlgo ta il~vey tioam te tise deliots ait4 lu arît-sou 'I'.tegraph o illiu c iuttxn -listil 'rotAtrit 12, 117tli jusli, ùnt, LEDi4-0 ul.LL;; N- 1 NiW S P itIN G C A P i'T S WILLIAM CORiDON ll'isîl , T îeF;try anid loe-uu Doe ,tîîutosks aunti. lir-( U1--lihwii lbu cli t al; wc. îr GV.IORDION, jIitou.81m;. ~J'AS IL H. AMO dOM'N F U R N I T UR E. WI.31L 14'SAIJu.E &RETAIL. i3id.g,189 'Yonge St 114ve alaoysoun homoidaîFait1 Stouck aievury. r - lisngt.ieia lino, au-I taesby uîcixu t tentin ta ii wwof aithoir enatousoor, ti ment a noiilliaiî, oaithue plètroîîoigeltloeîo ex- huv o> Iies, sa ttention paai thlemjýkig ai E - DL ZE'W OR 1< --OTTOMANS5,- FANCTY OHAtfSO 3 Fratie D teIUng-.stâb)la duntI . she, nulytw- «es f ailnd, freit as Milttise above prapertis are dulrmMy uitétiotd, andalsu eau - b.e #ton oV' low tarais ly arimmil Pa luiioss ao miont toe10saitS eouv9niepoo aifpaxohaïur. GEO. ýT. HALL, Laudt, coluoisrLssa, anai generul Agent. OFFICE-Dundits 89., Wbitby. ~mtch 811,,1876., -iu T ABIFFH 0FFEUS TO- nui TAKEX .BY OONSTÂBLIIS. (Under Order ti Cunuci, listexi 24th a of joly, 1804.) -2. Arreeaéof eacb individual tapon a warrant: ................. 8 2. Se-evioig suinons or mbpoio.... O Bô 8: Miloage ta serve sunoos,tulb- poena or wvant...........O010 4.?Jlessge vhon servie casinoS Le uouaproo ci due.dilliganca. -.. 0O10 5.mtlage toktcg drisonexai bpaol, exclusive ifd îsburseno snec- eaaarity acpndedlin ialr cou- voanuce ............... A...O0 10 0. Attlndîng Justice& eu summnary trials, or 0on eramtatt'o '01f p- sonars chargad wit imeoluini eselo day rnocase.rily oosojloyed lu on@ or mors cases, Whounsont eugagen anars thaxo four hours.. 1 00 7. Do. îdu. when enfageti more tlian fouor houre ..........f.........I1 80 -8. Attnndiug Asizes or (egoianu, easc i -ay............. 160 .Mlie a ' 0tVelt att4lici As- szefs, seai0ua, or belore Justices (vbsono public conoyance con Le takia, ,o lre ona lledis burse. ottaàallnweol... ... 010 10,ii Suonnoonino' Jury for Coeronsca' Icqueet, faxcuitug attsaoiiut lniquest, anti ailsecrvices ixures- pect tiocof, i solai on saine day as Jury ramoioueil........... 200 11. AttenooUug cacis adjoiuiîmoit tixereof, if nt çngage<l more four loo ...i.............. .... 1 00 12, Do. do. if engooged ieorae tiou four houres............. ...... 1 60 13.,Servlogsg enuinons or aul)lSî.oîo ta attenid before Coroner. (axbjeet -No. 10)....................O0 25 1-i. bfileage xervilsaUo ...........O0 J i Eliuuliols o.ly nolr Curo,,r'~ warrant............ ........? (0 16. Ie-lioorytxq.c iaour.............. it 17. Serving loiroos..warr-ant, sud ro- t rijingog aine................I1 60 1 fI. Ad'.rthlooiig uder oitrexo war- rant ... ........... à ..... 160 10 tlos'Iio o anokt, itreas, (Pr ta !-lh o. 'o 6; u ti ata dis- trnj, lou n godoarefed.. O 10 .1 'rosx'ot.,,o, wior (ày -ut itreOo, 4 ent..1ix. tise IL ta"oo, - itue ixtue ofnind 21. Coto. 1 s.ad cosiuloitu s:ud invî "nta c..l the e, on nt o p re u of gouda. 92- . lixuotiog.scrch awarranot...... il5 Fl 1oîvi lo.tovAon u.cinootaile.. ixinperiouatty cenved. ....1(050 t'oilied loy oidor, il. J. IACIXINELL, - CIs c f hol 'eauc, C. Q. .VNI)'tcUI . ili!jJo-'I'iltîVALISE S S MAATOGA TRUNKS, WIL IAM GîIEAT IS ENCLISH REMEDY! Mre Tah-ing. Gray's Ltr ~kn SPECIFIC MEDICINE ac. t'roiiuc'cd licn%-cc ti iia'xauublittli. n'ae'of toliacco and flohéiollu opîria: Obt ttin soeeffle MledtCt,,u la nonce uspeuiiy ,-ecomciicoed oie an ,iot.oilig ie oron'bfoc Oi*ýj;îic::cox. ioxyquo. 131-11ca-nooiFoa Iîc'oir'Y iandîtal.tiûlaeases that foultoir ici...setî-cuiwcu i 18-01 Abuuie, ibn Lots op Cinooay. *o.':sîVenai.xiLcARRITUDE, lA'reMcitH vAiRCH,, DroI3t68Op VIo TSoION, Pr- MoT'rIME 01,u Aoox, a.l oinany ether diseases tisat ie o l Itsaaaî'orcoa.nos geod a PI'.1eoMATtoz(;r.vu. il nf wliicli, a arulir ans anal cooued tb evlaxtigiroux 100e peth of natoure acooer tiusec 'heILs fle lc tloolclooe itivei-rb'cîilt of a lifo i nd u oir î-eora ritof aîrico-l ineclutract- ing theseaiectaldlooeaen. 1I-cl partculrstIn aur raparta, wsteb re deat'e té scud iras loy nIIotî uivory ouo. TheoaSîeuiIc ilte.ltclue la oeil 1)y ail Drng- gîtn 4t .81 Pur îooita.o a, ixpxieai'esfores5. or F'illi enott by iaont ni ccelÏti nfthec moce, t'y od'lcýi-lnr -WILLIi-o tsA.y &' Co., Wtondsor, Ont. Sold i n Wlotby by >j,. W. il. Soifta, Jas, Byo-ne and aIl droggiit.. Northriop &2 Lyooan. Toronto, whoaeieaenats. 7 U4ABAÂ LAINDS FOR SALE- Lot 1 1 ltb C04L.esalon, 2w0 seca. soutlhati aiflot 10, lu 121h aicolcssto 1(10- acres. Aaui utixniilon from, Athorly itail. (iO.Saio. .1. n. pEittre, '>IDA1I IAILWÂY 01" CA&NAA. TIME-TAI3LE. - Golnig North ta Psterbooo&LakSl Camn oulofmn rliobLuuY,. M: . aM. .ai...... 00p,cl AT THE VE .RYL0WESTj.JV.ING PIE GROCERIESAND -TO SUIT. THE TIMES. .Whitby, Aprfi 26thi,'1876. ~ - - -- - .18 and Shoe Gs! PRI, IN , T ',OF ei CA]RIIAGE'S' AND, BIGGIES I 000- THE LABGEST AND -MOST COMPLETE TCKO Carria go, SegsadCUtter fr~adel do rast gatly me O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITBY. VRY OHEAl'. CAIL & SEE TIIEM. MEL CHANT TAILORI-NG.IELG-ýIN J UST RECOEIVED Ail kinds of. Spring -Goods, including Eng]ish, Scotchl aînd Canadian Tweeds, Worsted, QeIods, Fancy Yestings,, Broad-cloths,- Doeskiins, &c., &c. GOOD'. TWEED SIJITS AT $15! 1Brook Streeot, Whillay, May- lot, 1876. -A. & J; R, FRINGUE, Meî'chaîxt Tailo's CEIVED ..A~T2 AL Là1N'S BOOK AN]) 1'music STORE,; A large andi well aissorted stock of i oou Paper anid Win- dow Blinde, which ho is pi-epared to soit at the lowest rates. reduced ptic1es, Call at the "IORGAN FACT0IRY" aud. examinle 1om' stock. AISO Becoul-hand Organa and Melodeons atvery Iow prices. THBE MUDGE & YA.RWOOD M'F'G. 00-. Whiitby, lMay l6tli, 1876. IELGIN! ELGIN ! I z The linestr, -lbst, anîd che)aptist Watches mîade, for the mno- ney, are the ELGIN WAIÇIHElS, whidi eau lie had uat Taylor & Ban- oîard'ai, iii cvery grade, bath in ol ad andi Silm'er, Ladies' ad Gants sizes Alia a lar.ae stock of Eliglish and Si~tWAochieti alwayi oni h tii. Cloeksý Jewellery, Sivr and isiF auiy G onds ta suit every taste ad pocket. ---A splendid assoi'tment of statioilel'y, Pti'iembür lime pl e-n'tdaim toi (ri3sî.. MacNaehtaros, Hardlwarc N en-iffcellavieous ]Jooks beautifully bonuti, alinde of Sehiool ]3aokei. Merclonrts, Brooki Street, Wliitby. Violius :sod Coucertiuas. Sewing iahnsbs nakers. Largo and 030w ahsortmcîoit of heet Gold and silveî' Watches and Chains ons iaid. Wool aosd Fancy departuoeît complote. Al -orders for Etiglisli and Arnerie~u Periodicais and ~esausproonptly filled. We are now ini a position to sîîpply l'rize Boocks foi .3 ao! rt hAl' price, and wv feel tilat we eau give good sitmsfdcioi LEWIS ALUAN. Wlitby, April 5thl, 187(j. 15 G REA T At Auction iPîices $ 7,000 WORTH 0F BOSAND SHOES To be sold without reserve Parties iii want of Boots and Shioes will fiit hia rare opportuîiity tii purellase heap for Spî-ung woinr. IRemnember the place, at KIRK'f3 BOOT & SIIOE STOJIE', Ontario Bloch, Brock Street, Whitby. C. KI RK. Whitby, Apri l2th, 1876. GENT'S GLOTHIG AND TURNJSHIN.G GOODS1 For' Superior Clothixig suitable for Summer wear try the Clothing Storeý and Merchant Tail- oîing, establitinment of cTOEilqr DUNDAS STRIEET, WIIITBY. A GOQI) FIT AND) STYLISH CUT WARRANTE])! Gent's F'innishipg Goods of ail kinds, inejhîding Shirts, Hu.ts and Citps, Um tbrîllàiîi &o., WIoilby, Juiy 27th, 1875. 14 CH" RO/CE WINE8 cà PURE L IQUORS ut WHOLESALE and ]IETAIL.to sait the, UOLIDA D M 'D UNUSUJALLY LOW PRICES. ýTRY, FREDERIGKNEL', 81.1M 0 P, TBEE T, OSHAWA. - AGENT FOit DAVIES & -BRO.'S' FUJIllNIT-UIE! FURNITUBE! N N"is Uthet j-iînc ) to buy ood and cheap I'rit ir. -lavib-ot- agitou-t lte bo tioc',ltely enrit-d oviixly J-dinL!- I. soxiso, wùL' ltit.> ttopoportillity tsf iîsritioxg hIis o-amy foitods to give a;- a cxiii, oand we .titre ail thot -we tire lireposred t-o do a's dil1> thero: in the future, FI i Mr. ao lias élonv iin lie poort. TILL & JOHN'STQ1N. Orders hy nmail proniptly attetided to.. 13 DJTIING- Th e only fi-rst- usxo.ss Establishmnîot iu n eCoiity w-hure ut arc. fully sllpp ised. TILL,& JOHNSTON. Wdltby, t>ctober Itt,8ci1Z). 40-13 LISIT 0F A1TCTJONEEJRS Licensed for South IRiding of Ontario, North iRidiug of Oiitario, and aeparate M\fuicipalities in the latter. C . M o r e . . . . . T-. I.('ancre-.... Cr. "Monce j.. .0011L. WatGisi. .. T. H. %iatai'.. C . il o .... ThaoinaGolyJ Ja.amlg3....J... Jubu M. atkgil... J.. P;ilio'vs... H. Ea. Olce.... Thin ois .x...r. lin. Wloaia... Doanold n.Bo... ..u-"...... 'tl.4 ii m . ... . Port Pea. 'ort ers.. Coioto ... 'x-ai rton ..l . Paorti'rr Viiioitlcld.dg South i. ding, rlioncili ... .. t........... 8ofli iding. Nrth ltoîlig . lN.rili liiog. Beach .......... Scntt ...i..j..... ,Nort.h iiiog. Siouthx Ridini:.. Oouti i Riuoo.' Sousth f Otarlo. MiLra ........ ... Brook ......... Brocu....... thxbonige .... LIST 0F PEDLERS FORTilECO. JamesBog'. &.. O. Ho bud.. Jaue' Bia-we Falla MioGvers... John Gittiesuf. Dufbett liro>,. Duslet tBrtos. Cao. BuoIo osbsawi. t hersa....... 1 homea, >Coooty... 2 baoud, Coucoty.'. 2herses, ('iiity... 1hoisrde, CountY... 1 horioc, Couuty.... I occe, .....n..... WIV. LAINCG, Wbitbjy, April 41-l, 1870. FASHIONABLE TA IL O. LicENSarEXc.IizE. S8-pl. 210, 1876. 22, 18761. 29, it87(0. t 1-I lt18761. 1 r,1876, 19, 1 P7 r. 0.1876. Ou i1, 8761. 2th, 1876, 11e, lt].. 1876. Nov Iud, 1876. lic. 2n'l, 18-6. Doe. lIts.,.1876. Jeu. 2li, 1877. JTa..0 55h, 1877. Vib' lua, 1877. M'rrh 8th, 1,,77. Mjac. uh, 1877. Mac. Oish, 1877. Mar. '21a0, 1877. ON'TARIO. 2Iut Aori, 1876. $thIsl"a, 1876. Jtli Dec. 1876. lditDcc. 18761. 151h lier. 187(G. lDelc. 1876. 20t1i Jan. 1877. 12Iat Max. 11877. let A'prli, 1877. Co. Trensurer. Go where you can get -a Wiell1-fitting Garinent :-To the -GEO'RGE GURLEY, OSH-AWA. SUPLARIOIt CUTTING SEIAPEfS' THE woiRX i A Large Stock of inie Clotls ; best En~ieî Scotcha~ soaii Twoods. G0:> Excellent Ovarcoatitige an Speîai etPiitterný. À good, fit Giuarusntead.il GEOR~ ~tJRL~Y, KI¾sg Slaves, Ouluswa. -5---, JIJT TE PACEF BQÃ"T A.ND- Sl[ - noia Stp àd ac Toilat Sets. - Iu Parloeur,-Table and- Bcdroeiîr.Lampe. In Glasse-Fznit,- Cake and Trifle Dishes. -~ Ini Goblets,; Tumblers and Wine Glasssa, In Table Sets-AUinu New Patterus. FAN*CY GOOS FOR PRESENTS, In Duipe, Saucera", 3Mugs, Vases, Toys, &C., &c. Gansais SP;ABVErL have al kinds a! Choice Faily Groceries, ~Best Teas, Tobaecea andi ail kixio'f Fancy Pipeës, Hamas, Bacon, Lard, Oyalers ai toe best brandi .always aunbaud. Tlia highcst market pricail li cash for aoiy quantity of Good Dxess8cd Rogu 0at, -Bna1 Peale, iMerrowottë tÉà Pes", &C' At aIBSON & SPARVELL'8. Whitby, Dcc. 151h, 1874.,5 -WILLIAM TILLeS CABINET FACTORY AN D FURNITURE WAREROOMS, THE. OLOe.STA NO, BROO>K ST/?EET, WHITBY. Go where -you cannot fail dleased ini mah-ing selectionis of good furuiture.- to, be1 Splendid iParlour, J)rawing IRoom aiid Bdom Sets, 'New Desigoox well worthy of inspection. at astoriisiuig low prices. Dm-. ng-î ioo siîiTables-a very superior article. Glit Comoices, ]>icture, Fraining ini evcry'Htyle. ionie fine Chromos -Iud Eoigraviugs for saole. lui aol Ïtb branci-s ;iLunerals fily supplied, A stock of elegant caskets--. Coffinti alvays 0op land, triononed to suit Ctustomers, alod a ýwell appointee, WM. TILL: WNliby, Novrmlitur 24f1,, 1675. DOMINION OIIGAN CO' S IMPROVEl) AND REMOPELLEI) A ND CO0MB/NA T/ON w .-, G- 1%T, D M MZ irlnwmn'ienit nOauri.adif lb. oit anoatCit to 'oonnifaoturo'iI in tihe Unitéil Statps or Canada. We tek. ppenenre 1,, annn.icinir ta coxr cutrotonirs andîxine:.trado genprslhx: lit we liavA eecnreil the right ta manuifactura anud use, in the Domiuion of Cen- ada, tii coiebrateAd SCRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYLING TUBES, a'cnrpd lîy Latterp Patent li in Unitedl States, HîcEnt and oniCanada. -fDy iueane 'of îhiseiiioi'in oraan contatni'sg two or Iliree sets of reeds bpcoMeý qunI ini lu lxmp nori iooW<r, nti fer Snp"rior in Qoolity and Biiliancy of Te o xan ordinary ro'ed oilgan oif six or cigrot oeeoio.i YJRý' Our et-lelîruil.d -Vax Geleste;" -Vox fluoinnro," iVilccox Patent "Ociavor ALI. THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, mîhl lme'obtaeineul only ilii hose oogaois. Tweît-fivei- iiercot, Stylos for the' Tarlor and the Clitor'h ftohs onrterisol ï.tîid workonanoaihip S QVALITY ANID VOLUINE cOF TONE UNEQUALLED. PI'PCES-$50 TO $1,000. Faitcry anti Wareronxioe, Cor. 'Iemiperauct' and Wellinutou ins., iowanville. Agesîtd Wanted li Every Cotuuîy. ' K Seosaifor Prie List. Adolcc'e, DOMINION OP.GAN CO., Bcoiuvillo',tOot. Generni Agentsx fur Canada for the IlCclebrated', Bradbury Piano., PiowmsmnviIll', Marcîs 28tb, 1870.i Cheap Harness, Trunks, Whips andi LasIw8i. ofth Vitit1iY, 15111 instent, 1876. i demie oin t h i le attsntiou ef lionpblie te then fott tii-t at 030 hune dufruu- 'lia piat lice years liane I been ai.e ten oller Ilxriias of' ail dellcn iptious t e. a loy 4 prci.as I eau tis Spriîsg. My espeu.-s beiîxg Iiguuk 1 eau do it. Na mor, .tIylirli or bettr- Ilrnes mail. in îlots County. Cash purchasra i l fluti pecia; tuduce nuts,-ti-îfit la whet 1 am Afoifn. OIaîi 1)1inepi-et. - 1?eapeccfully yocsre, J. R.PHLP Lý Repoiilg doue rosa o'.hly. PIer.. uotice-Seeond HaruÉesu Shop 3eîto, nc:lta Grass'. Hardwiire Store, Brock treect. lsitablisleed Tteexibi Yea a-go.12 John st .on',s Self - Raking- oa per. AWARDED.THE' FIRST PRIZE. At the Provincial Exiiibjtioti, Toronto, in- 1870, We off or to our~ eustoiuers for the corning H arv cot, îwo dio. fiîîat Machines,--w1tich iii style, aîd constructibn. ensbract the latest and Most usetUl imprýVemetîts of the day., JOIINSTO'S SIYGe SEF- p~Ai l -lIiS.h The 'universRl sucmés of thiE M. trili, ceid lu tbhu inril,,f tise tarte img Reaping Marbsel t aioubuemore gn anar. saccesit Iaailesg finhume. thoaco b CAYUGA - TUT eBED E SE, Rocester. wa boerwnofiol.R-BELLACE.- My old tuner. wlob oa t,-kdOi re aor pifano forthe jpast ten years s.iyý Ihalt thei N.10 OrclÏestral jouIstrereived *U00n Yeu n the Lest nmade asud fineal instrument iu îhis city. Tours, &., D. M. SOME'RVILLE, Cleveland,O0, Elm Street WV. M. Schhol, Toronto. W. hbave great vleasare in i tating uat ai ,&D instrumnt ta lamai othe angiug ou a SUD. ..ay Scheel, nothlug Canmeeldil. Tii. lne o.. soit and ful.,'Thse basa la grýand, amd whon C1W00voices a asng tIne th et piano ean Le disntyber. vryna nngs out as clear asna hall. S,- J. HUI4TER. Pster, WLtitEIEG KENI]iPY, Supt., SAMTEL, FRISBY, Musical Couillrn It heu given. my ian-iilthîe very lsigest satisfactIon. BEY. J. BREDIX, Barre. iopton, Janu. Sut, 1876. MR. J. REESE, in. agokoowledginf tise- entire satosisèdion, .and biabl appr&cia tioàoni tbeEnà. 9 Ma'bu. .,hek P5.sso purehassea fron your aiew, days $inca. Very respetinul1 E snialolllen, Ont,, Jeu. 18is, 1876. PROF. J. REESE. Duzs Smn, -The. MedliumnMathtoshek %ve got:from you gives entire satiofactian in every-respect. I caiunhoeiatingly reeo- onenai it ta al irig i Pester ni Preyeran Cburcnh Oebawa, an.2 8rd, -18 76. PROF. lBES, lirAi s jo Ibave founi lbh Mat'hu- .loek ad a you: rapreseaoted il-a lhrst-clas piano.- 3Many isoiais hava lried l, and pronnuuced il e:cellent, Beopeetluily, MES. B-MITCRL.. Hamipton, Fnb. lot, 3B78. mi1l. J. R£ESE, The Matbushek Plana 1 pur. eRoleed froio nu.asgîven euotioiýsagaésac- tion andI prnj*ep lisait a auperior instrumuent on every respect., 1 wouil recnnxxnnd ail - - te Matlinob-lo4 befnre purcbasini, il T. iFHJLLIPS. Enoaole.Jan» 5h 86 l'EDF. J. RElISE, Hampton, Dm:=i Son. -1 bava mueh pleasiore iu eddiug nsy testimouy la iRe iany youlbave already recelved inlafver af thoe welrneritedl Ma*lrnaek Planaopur cbasad humyon recently. i arn veR mails fiea wllb ilin li eve oepect, and canoli- or,: for beauty =adLto, it la unarpasse4,d- by any instruanent I have yet meno. S. C. HILLIER, If. D. FULL AGRAPPE, 7-OCTAVE PROM $300 PIANOS frnon otiior-relelalemakerEata !stonpea Whnlesale agents for the Dominion af Canada for thse PItANCE ORGANS: Agents wanted lu every City, Town anil Cciinty lu tse IDomInion. INORIR IS &Ï, SOPEIR, 8 Adalaide-St. East, Tarante, SOLE AGENTS. JOSEPH REESE, HAMPTON. aýgent ln Dsrliosgtnui, Wlbs1by andI Cari- A-DARD. To ail wbo are.a sfferlng froon lhe errars nid indiocretionu. oiyootb, nervans .i-nk. ,ias,'early'decayi- osai inenhond, T vil end a r-ecipt luit will cure ýynn, PuE IF CEÂIGE. Thia grl tremady van tiacovcred by amà elneySuouth Amer. ci. Seoid a sel .doe vdeiepe te '1Ev Joari T. li4ixe, Stction lD, Bible Flouge, Yçew York City, 21, TOUqE. LOT AND BLACKsm2TI LS IOP FOR SALE. At ÂAh.urn, in lbe Township of Whitby, ~ouuy Qnari.-Couinrs>i ealllngJij =treastone cellar, pump, &,c., with hall =n ocre well, piantaxi with gond fruit trees. ,tlso ]lacklimitb ,Sbap' on the.lot, 88=W0, 4 oes anI s i fTante. Hama Power, 'uriing Lathe. Vertical nd Grindatone ind tiore dif1orýnz presses for noakiug inoxild boards, ai 'ina Rlt Cutter. Alan 100 acres ai iazi, (5 seas clearadi, 4,,utL.half loi 2,dilth concession Mas; .itbj, 4 mile' of- acbaoI nnsa A chaies ot, settled al] arond il. ThRMS aiýsale-vcry liberosi. Part cilthe .oUI cLaie nooey of thea Ashburn property ciii bp atlowed a tor-rnaion nmrortg. A 'n'aij lsarg.oin au ba nbiaiueà for rcoidy cashi., -pply to JAMES WALItEB,- Ashburn, P. O. lunoe luth, 1$76. «.28 Two Patent Riglits for1the mnufacture 4if twn ni îboteadtug plnugbs ofithe counotry for~ sale. Agents Waxoted ;n éIvery Townsip iu Ontario ta saeli the laimons P.rize Mîdal Organ Mauufacliir- i dby thé Sxnitb' Asnerocan Organ Ca.- sud George Stock andi Ca.'s Piàios. Speolal iuducFwanis wiII ha given slarraànt lis LIQU ORS, L EWIlS - A :1 - *09 CA B/NET CLEARANCE SALE 0 F :BI m r a -Ur so0iMqe way Ibolltln.

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