Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1876, p. 3

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andt tsa baled w thorolugi Io .tht settllng, lIse loe a hosei Icini ha lIs.y hi nxeiiusl sa thx.e feimeoilug- if lotobéeer. e "square#" ayatis# le ornes Ie lasttug. Sud- Wiled frein iay à Per, "eof tiret Moiu's, but .etabi. di- vatis at big ,4au barris ary Iitie barre]. or Io. Boiied *l to le . "U»9"Sus uDIMnraufuinsubir- W&5to the, vantçs oufllts ofthtIe brewery whlob, ieovsra sone 1f4 sces cf gnotd, sud 'are thoen piIed ùàso diravautsusId drays, dra by ibase -anaamgflenthouses witb the sighit aofhieh eey Loudoue,r ls fauqliar. Nearly' Iwo huudred of tht-eowplendid animalaAre kepi an ',the e#4iablislxvunt. 'CI&y are slîedi tb hcîne 4ar su db ave a hbonas sur peou ati totlxemas-ves -t'ôwsatht-ir ittie ailtctnts. Anoshar Iuierastiig sîgbtin fsia' -cooperage, whare the barriIsaare 'macle, rapaned, elqaseti anti examineci. A Munder ln Essex. 24emiAtosrrlblen aofEssex,' Jaly 24.t Atemleý Bifihappena io le-ay, r$ saling lu the mardor cf Mn. 'Danial Kanyoa, ,cf Mersa. It appears tIsai Mtr. Resyon sud s man uamad Beleher, Who Lad bs-an near mighours for a nutiýber cf yeana, quarrelled about ildrawing hay <om theahrm e fBelolimr, luti upou land aise -laimeti by Mn. Kt-nyoas- and abiout! wbicbthare bavui beeu serions qnar-ls. Pnavionatly Bel. cher ibreatenaîl te shoot 'Keîîyon i qho canms upon tihe laund, sud Kouyon fiens- ailste-d in doing se. To-de yBqlclier carnedoat bis ilmnres itltL al O-fft-t, tIsa chat caasing Keuyoui detth iu a fc-w--lxctre. Boleber-ebasae arresteil aadl ranvéyc-d to ib.-gael et.Sandwich. Macla ci mpaîylis ex pn.-sed fer thé feuily cf Mrlin. Io ni, who wan Iigbly cesissad as a elgh Loar. The flaz erop Ibrangîxout Ontario promaises 4o surp&Ae, - if pot-ibla, tii. oil f sny prartous year. 'GroWver. zp ct omim-uce hbrvastiug it l lIn days. Tii. tIs ansd ecracrujia of Ijîluols ara raponied a failars. D. MoKay, bound for Liver-pool. -wlxo wsrit ta Bimouiki by train Satnnday.1 vas ounid ils-ailyestanilay, bsving, h la preeninaîl. faUt-n off the Bl.vààuiskfi vliarf. The coroner i. lu possion o lb. valuablei found on bis jiersoèn. Hltm horne on relatives ara not kbown. . Patrick 'Ford, rpsfding ai 21 Coopi sires-t, Boston, killscI lis wife with aie lait hunulay uigbt, auJ afterwan.1 lu ,'kit cp1iug ta .sAd*pe from - the or cers wt3ilia, te arresi hlm, jampe inca, the roof cf the boeuad r.eciî', iiijaaliss (rom wlîich ho <ied fa thirt minutes. jeaonsy i.. supposeti taeliai beau the case of tIhe mander. A lettar from a eorfeîpondent at F0) midaLeod tatd JUnei;,27tb, speaki of large gathering af Iullans mt the CYj rpo->,slii, on the Canadian sida, a wblch thea sioux were endeavosing t, suir ne the oth..r tnibas to war ounlth whites. Stting Bull was present a tiisCaunnai,- and iaimeiiately affe ainsI have gono sesntIs, as Casier wa kilîJea on Juna 21s. ; DF,.&TU isAÀDzNcvîwr'a CuAxi.-Gog, han, N. Y., JnIy 20.-Mr... Mary, wifi of Tlîeodore Bail, aged îbiriy tOva years cf Warwick, this aaorulng, aftsr havin, atnotb drawn and saffering a nervoui sDama, went ta sloop lanlthe de>tist'i chiair-sud dled wlthout waking.' Thesasherifff1ouits, Colorado, or Pia aturad Joe Talimarige an. céip aplizte mnrerer,.of Mr, NeIlpeaz, inet Monucain valleyý Thew..ra bronght te Busite sud lodg. cd il) jail, enad coufessed thes mander. On Siiuxlay-nlgbt a-compauy afodii zens I oncid the jail open and buna thera, Evexybody tIse approvas o. ide Ret. TUE 1Mossxa,-BriglîarnYoung, Jr. anI J. F. Smiths, n.pbew of tIsa Orsi 1)ýopbe, ara nsnaad às candidates.fur te saccepsortibip le the Presfdenej cf the, Charcli. As, aitIsae late confer. eneeoïyogug Bigliani was permuîtait te nisuaga saveral si es-ions, and te do anic f bis fatber's work, and as hae îîaxltlolpaWed fIn a ret meeting of tIse a prosteucalîed by the 'Prasiclant, it l» tlwîîglttl mt hbabas alroady been agi. epted s the lirospective bt-ad of tlita eburcb. Jce Smith, bcwevar, will ho a powarlul rival Ha la axoeeiln#y po. pîtier wîb the bitter a&#& o Mormons, and la sowlug lb. siead cf discantion axnong the'radical., by pîsacbiug ibal P.lIyg4nmy fa- not -a part cf lIhe îte Marmona religiona, and thai the go caill. td "iravvlatjons" of flsii nelo on lis * Naljtct, instead of biug in tihe hre'id itet If, ara simple forgeries. * A bnisueli lina o! railway .fron Chbai. liami, lormillanbrland eeîînity, N. B., Io tite, mata Une cf Ibe lntercoolxînl ivas ojîèaned on Monclay. Tho No%,a Scotia Govarrnaeni lies mwar.lad tbe cautract for thb cumtrue- tien d*a railway frein New Glisgu, tirtuiali Pictouaand Aîiigcnlsb coi. tics, te tiie Irait cf Canso, witle a steain ferry acos te Cape Breton. KTANLLVTI ltExpLomas, ESAcu) Pnom g. ali ltianuancas ib is rorxing that Attitra rom htemx M. Staley, the muca xîonar, bave basa receivedl dii 'Arl 24, litteen days' aaareb froaUii Two GzîaIRLijaisURVTeO DBT.-Cin- ch-inat, Jnly 2f. -Two yoang dangb- terani'et -.Priteauri, Dean Loganspori, talinýws'ns barnde0deasth on Can- day nîgi t the explosion cf an coil eautfram whîob tia.y ware pcarng kanosene on tIse Icien fine. Bai'.- oBetChamhers, bate cf Eail Wlitiaîra, bas bas-n indcitd as panier- ci SI. Andraw'i Cburch, Whiîby. Tas Piuoz oôr WHEZAT..- The prices cf wbeaî ia faillig COnilrably in Eug- an tberowxug croppromnises well, apil l, wa~- l e ky has no influence- on ti marke. The consuaiption of- Ba$ auId axwlxeâîconhtinuas on ilb. lîxrm, an actaeas a check on the de. uad for Bsian ad ai'ricanîaai. -rien. Tue Daks e! Marlbononglulaeta sua- cëeùe Ibmlike cf- Aberdleen.- ne Lord. Lieuteluent of Ineîand. T'le Rsinambassador la Rugiead, 460111,11, ihst bistpos-lîhan le iinlelerabie lias ke'lt te . neallad. lu Taxas walermeionm weigh &tfl PaýUucilapieoe, aiosaui fi-es, per M. od id lep le ire -8 ]g O'Al ... ..........e Rlay.................. #7 0 8 Putear...............6e @ 180 coa, per ton.- ........#67 88 0 Wood ............. .. 40 46 îPark, par owi. ......... 7-00 (à $7O0 Chicons.. 80 @40p.rpair .60eu 00 Tukypurl .- &PplOsper bihl . iOO Obhte ...............0l> ic e W I............. e 2C binfdorquatear... 8$60 a 66 0 shoepils ............#1 z25 a si 'u Rides... ............ 4 00.00 Tunnlps.::........0e>oGoii Cannois............5eo20o STOCKS. »AIKS. MURxS. BEiISR5P Montra.........1971 Touato.... ...... .. 187 lu Marchante----------i..92 0î1 Coouidto ......100 99 Cemuxar.e........124 li98 fUamilcon-----------...98f 198 Standard ........... 7 86. Inipaial-----------..10>6 105 Ceuntyô6par cent.Deot e, go Townshtp Debdinras, jnIly 21h, 1876. TORONTO MARKETS. TOacaTo, Jtly- 26th, 1875. Psul Whasi.,.............- Ob'998@0$s Sprng Wheat-------------.se $949#097g .-s.............-. 7Oc'O78e Hiay..ý......... ...... ... go #1 Park .......... -i 60 Buter ................ ..18e0O@2'. BEgs---------------------0 La17e 4 ppias------------------8i50 (3 12.26 I. - ipt,.'s eO,--,,-gfil nmad l'ois. iOF$bloc-11B athoro àhknoleige et tOa aneturs? C lavs wbl']gavera tise oers$.lena et digestion ant irtntioî, aad bv a careful -application etftisa fiai- frepartias et wii.ia'lacted cocoa, Mn. Eppe l'as previdet aur breakfast tables vils si dliaeley Ilavorati beverage, vhicb mai gave nMany iseavy dociens' bils,"' It 1 .ylith-usns11111u-Osee nc- articleseoftiSai that a constitution mnay be gracsaiy bail np nti] strong eaongb to rsst every taîi- denc 10 ises.. u-ndrets otiabîle mals diis ara floating areunti ns ready le attel, seheraver tisera le a wsak point. Wo may eseipemyalfatal @hai t by kaeplng nin. salves weli tortified wtitit pure b1cnd -an ts pà%panly noanisihat trml."-Cvil 8erv i, -Gat.vete. Scit inePackslaý and Tins, 11h. ead 1b., - iàhelid- soiEp>ps & on Iiemoenpathlc Chenisis, 48", Thradneetle Sit-ot, an 170, Plcadlly London. OXYGEN 18 LIFE. tlypoclicndi,, Tlmidity, Indigestinù Fait- tire uf Harlng, Slghi sud Memery, iksîî tude, Want o Power, &., whose casaes ad mit idter manust r- hy the nov reineti PHOSPHDYNE (Osonle Oxygn), wbleý al once sllays ail Irritationsi antiexcite- ns-ni imparts nasi'energy antilifteh Ie anfoobleti constitution, anti rapidly« canon îver otage ci thesehithento Inicurable ani llîtrasslag maladies. Sld hy aIl Chemistit and Dru e tsthra touît 1h.GlaIse. ýCAUTICN.-Thî farge santi nones Ing deaanti ton Dr. Bnigst'a Phospbniyn- bas lad ta several îimittons antan sîmi Ian namnes ; purchsen ci this medicint aboula haert-fore ba carpful te observa that esch cae hiers tis% 0-cv.nmait tarup, wih tha, words Dr. Brlght's Pisphotyne, an- angravet thoreen ant li tia.me verdi. nre alun bown on the boit]. very case bears 1he Trade Mark sud Signature ef patentes. EXPOUT AGETNS.-Norien, Walnay k Ca., 107 Southwark St., London, S. E. ti ci oi id VEw ADVERTISEMENTS ýl RAND FIREME«N's PIC-Nic AT '.'OORBETT'S POINT Tue Pi-men of thea Town of Whltby, -thair trlande, an t ts publie genarally lis- ted holding a grand Fie-Nie e-t Corbett's r Point, o aday piw-ailaletih ie mayer as tisa annual clvii- holiday, FBIDAY, AUGUST 4-rt, 1876. rh Fr Company has sacunsdth Ie services ai tise Steamaer *Niîggana" la convey aIl pun. » ons vi.hlng te te-ke part in th isePc-nuie- *freminWstby hbrotier10CorbaIt'. poinît anti *ratura. Psre-ltraisn trtip,, Scs ; Cbild. raenuundan 10 years, 10> cents. Tise stmer viii baeve tdia-barbon aI 9,80, a. m, sud aI 12 o'cicck neon. Tesm ins vii ataitise 'revu Hall to ceuvav Ladies, C(biitreandsu Baskeats tu lise Hartlaur e-t 9 a. m., shîîrp, ntit litpas t een, a. m. Games, Amusements, &c. Thes followag liai-sns viilbai given by lbe lire Company for nompaîtiti t uring tise dey, viz : lilot Rac-touroasrs .... #0 $15 0 oc Boeut Rac-ivo oura .. -. a S 1 àue Qîsoît Inateis-Olen ...... 1 50e .i do for Firemen.. 8 1 riOc Ruuutng race for mnt,Isestit 2.5001i 60e Juap furnien.. .. 2.50 1I SOc race ion boys, hasts 3.60 75o 24?c - Itrai-lt-g race, boys 1.65o 7 25SP Jump fur boy>s .... I.60 7<e 85e1 s andiug 46... .60 75o 25ce Elpp-ats-p-snd jutp for boys 1.60 75o 25ae Fur Boat raced sud Qoitît matches an ou- trance teeet fIiuîy cents wili bischsargea. For umeu'a nîntiung nece anti ronnînt-jump unuattrance te-.i ofv. Boys compating must c ha ntan id vian of aga-enîrnuca fur boys 1Me In ail cases four or more te enter wltn the exception ef the binet race. Admission te tb:itround, tre. No lu- toxicstiagiiqoss all o n tIse grouti.« Thse 1h09va l] bo on-pnreiy pic-nie et y le Tisa Uddtellbvs' Brauseanu (slvanlY"s Quadrille Bands vil ho in âtresuice dr-. inqd he day anti evecn TisaStsamer viii make turIngqtise aiter- ucon-shenttrcip. oui into tise lake. Tise viii ha a moôopight excursion An Isa even. ig.. BAVE THE QUR.EN I THOS. TOMS, W. J. G[l q, Captain. Sacnaleny.P WIsAcby, Jaly,27th, 1876. 81 G EIST MILL FOR SALE by Publie Auction, aitisae CR-OWN INN, COLUMBUS, tari, on- Thmusdy, l7th, of August neA, l o'clock, t.he ur~gMr. JohE. Bliclie, a Grisi and FlonrI-ngm , conîti,. tng Two iUun of Banz Stonasi wfth ail the seeiisary Machxney for doeln1 a marchant oir gnsti±g- business. Caj>acty-Fongy to vhfty Barrais per day. - 1 Attached iherato are SM CRES 0F LANDj, ith 1woDLweUllHanes, Stables etc , etc. Situataéd laoaa ai 1h hst whet districts of Ontario, sa ile"s from 1h. U.rand Truîik aud two mai as from th. Port Wàiiby and Port Ferry Itailway. STIXaXs-pJ,uO vnln oue month;' ba]. Once in saven squsl annual' izsisiments i-es.. iii Mm4&tân Tu 00=11h=08e 'wiute aboaerequisition, jÙ tbd etlby dMayreftaTwe FEIDAX, ÂUGUBT 4TE, 1876, À PUBLIC HOLIDAY vitixinthé.lilmita Ci the. Corporation af the Town ci- Whity. Andi I raque s aialplacas ai business wqiiiln tht. Corporation may bha Clouad an sald day, for tha bottar observance of th. G OD BA VBESHBQ U1-N $ G. YU~3i 8M taK, Mayor'. office, Whisthy, enly 241h, 1878. 81 (lýARD OF -THANKS.j Ferait me bto tank 1th.e ers ci 1h.à Csnada Live Stock Association for thalr vory promai paymaa ofc aim et 0100. for Inanrace alcumbeni on the deaih et myd herse, whieh occurrea inl May iwi . can0 saly racommendth Ie Abnve Company to t Stock raimsnwîshlng 10 insane, As at ihoroghly neflable oe, andi tIsaitbaËy Wl] ho 40esaitinl a stratght forward mannar thrýough the êvary attentive andti affitn agent, ME IL&uN, ofciOshawa. JOHN BURNS'. July 22,1876. 1n.-81 s 0F CE. 17 et i he de of uut,. 1)., me1tes#Mdtaome ABRARAx REBSR d leundensignadj aduxlnistraîtor daiy appolit, atidrassati, Alena .Onlanlo, theii]]ful l Iars . et theïr e ama, a stalenmant cifit ir seoa 1 aud tIsa nature of toiuihescty<Il anyl heti by ihain, tet ixar 'ie ï eiia Man, suraim aadressi anud deiption or la deisit tereot th*ywil1 ha par.mptoly excludad freux auy banait unÎdir tiadis- tribatisrn ofthe tte alitar salu at nr. tionati data, te ha made. amongoi 1h. par. tiesau4itlodlhnoto. Titis' Notice là givan -undar Stainte cf Canada, 291 Vie., Chap.> 28, Soc 27. ABBRAAM BRSO, Admiuistrator et rsase Reason, deceasoti, Toronto, 12ts Jane, 18à7d'.25 N ORTEIN CENTRAL R. R. CO'Y. Route recoxmaended by D. MeDengaU] î. Oniario Centeniai Cammlssloner as. h shortest and mnsidirect it4e OENTENNIAI EXHIBITION, AT PHILADELPEIA. NEW YOixRî CNTrRAL, NORTIIRRN CEIITRýAL, sud 7 PENNSYLVANIA Raîlroada No tuaI ai 1he raad ia th orenghly atone bal. lafsteti. Fiva Fait Trains dai]>- with e. 0gaîxi Pauman Pallace- Sleeping or Day Coaches on eacis train.ý vuA NEW loRa CENTRAL s. a. 5a.m a.m p Lea&ve Nia gara Falia.4.tO 7M ' 4 Bus. Bridge-...4.20 7M65 2.00 7415 Buffaloe-.. ...45 1*0 1.50 Sm8 Charlotte... . 4.03 7M8 Riochestar ......7.30 .25pm .ni685 IZ0am VIA iNO5TEMRS CENTRiAL D5AIWAT. am .m p.eam a.m Leave (aaandaiga. . 45 4.4O0 CM L45 Pen aw en......2l5. SM 748 2.42.. Watkini-.......&7 7M,0 &87 8,i8 &00 Arvee Havae .. ...12.27 7.0918 fi . ... 808 of ra 1.30 8.10 11M 4.810 .00 doTroy --........S.ýM -....10» 95.84 10.1>1 Mlixasqua 4...... ..... 11.06 6.02 50.38 Waiiemoport.11.10 ... 2M74 2 !qerthuxub'rland,1240 . 11.252.00 unbury-...._1250 ....2.101.8a 215 Harrisburg-..._2.4,51.... .511.40 4.10 Ballmoa---------86.25 7.8 Wslslsgtoun........ ....009.07 1 .07 PhIiodelpin .. .7.00 ... 7M .39810 7.20 1 Nov lorjg. .10.10 . . .. 10.25 0.45 1020 Pavsengerd:bhav- the privileire et stoppina off ut any point, suid of Visiting Washington City en-route te the Cantnial. - n- ndeusts siloniti visit the tor tamed "WATKI1N'S G LE N -ia thaînrenote. Thea Glea la iocated on thse ilite of the Nonthern Central ouiy, sud its picturasque sud remantie caery iss aot i.Urpased in the wald. 1An alegaxxgtly ilustnictetipamphlet, de- scriptive of the Exhibition, with ligt et h0ous lis Phtiad4,phis, their pices, sud a great des!ai Olt tien valuatble informtion, eaunIan obtaineti freul-tIse Western Poson- icer Agent. Canadiaus residiuig on the North Sbore ei Lake Ontario, eau taire the steamer "*Nonsemau,"' leaviîlg Coiborne at 6.810 amr.; Cobftxrg, -7.80 a.M.; Port Hlope. 940 am.;1 making direct connections vith Northera Central trains esvlng Roechester, N. Y #,or nlvlng la Piladeiphîs nazi morniug at 7 o'cieck. Steamers tram Toronto viii aIse make direct connections at Nie-gara or Lew.1 imtan. Be aune anti purehase sud purehase yn tickets via New Yorkl Central, ro r Central, sud -Penivivania R. R., which tan ha ohtaîncd Oc ail Ticket Offices at ne- dat'ed ratas, or at thse office et the Nortisara 4 Central Itaiîway Company,2Exhned Street, ]3nffalo,k N. 0 4 zhsg 1). M. BOYD, Ja. a S. L. SEYMOUR, Gea. Paso. AgI. Western pattn. Agent, 42 Exchsange St., Buffalo, N. Y.. July 22nd, 18703. 8i I F !AMILY EXCURSIONls, TO :tOCHESTER, N. Y., PER STE(AMERcu SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. As s Speciai Indîî-eîns-itt te Familles te 'Vsit tis e hanîîîul Ciîv etfIRochester, tur- ing tis a wrm, atininer inoistlio,, TiL-keta good for two usays (inciudiig dataetflassas-) wHi b li ie-lly Stamen 'Nonstiao,' Thte 151A tiiy qf Septemubî-r, sîe.l, UI tise uuidarmeîîious-d aapnocclcnted i-s frora t'ont Hope or Cehourg, uauteiy : Fer ta-o iutoxaers i, (jamily t le Ctailotte 1am]l ns-ura - - - - 8i8 iM Esach addiioiaîe-imeutîer - - 1 0Ou Clildren unter 16 3 tors no gohincdi) 50 Tickets mme aproînUret troux tise antan. moutlons-t Agaj ai tise Steamer, nr tsA fana vil bucishargat. E. STEPHENSON, Doin. Tel. Co. Agent ut Whicby. CENTSENNIAL EXCURSION TICKETS 1 <Jentenubal ]I zou-siein Tieketis ironu Wiit. hy, et gnenttly reacet rates. Price t-tua 81540 te 18.10, acon Co eroei; aisefor sale. BEi ithy. Jnly 241h, E. STEPENSON, Agent. 1870. Id-si BOUGHAM CARRIAGE WOES. Regpecfnlly informe shis Patrons andtihie Pub Itis-I ha$ aiprehissettise RigsI for .Pickeng, to Manufacture I Conboy's Patent Seat fanr BUGGIES, CUTTE.RS &c. AU acise iido vaou toe Ou cr Buge su Cter.faore giving IhaIr enraie Brouobanî, muly 101h, 1878. lrS Cuarsi D ÀixcxT. . Olttava, Apu'l 22, 1876, A.FH 1ZD DISCOUNT ON tice,l1i per cent. J. IIIENSON, 291 Commlsslonertof Custanme. pRQB TO ENTI ELECTORFDIngT-R IOTe, SOUTH RIDING, TOWIT: -Or THu - COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. NOTICE la beraby gi-i n lisat tise Hon- orable Thomas Nis-iolson Cxihba, et the Village etof hçawa, Produce Marchant, a candidate aitishe present electlon et a maux- bar 10 repraseu t tisasaid District iantte Hoei iCommoas, of Canada, hIs aappoint. ati Willian' Fredenc.k Cowan, ai the Village et Osava, Esqisire1 bis fiinai agent for tise parpnoes% of sait eIection. accordiag ta tisa Satute la sncb cane madie sud proçiti- cd. Glit a nis-r my bluat iWhitthbis 2btis day ef Jane, 1870. ..HAM FERRY, at-28 Retnruing Officar. BLMI seilw Lines, 'Very Chçap. COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES, is, Ledgers, Blotters, &o., this week. FANSý! FANS. $tylii. The Largest. Stock. in Town. CROQUET, Can'1 bc beat ini kinds, or price. MAGAZINES &NEWSPAPEIRS,' Quickness, prornptuess and pntüUality gua- ranteed. 1:2rALL.GOODS- SOLD AT CITY PRTOES. J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookreeler sadstationer, Whitby. G aI Bs THE COUNTRY ELECTED IS S4FE! F LOWERS ! FLOWEIS OVER 2,000 TO SELECT FROM CAN'T TURN- OUT McKENZIE! WR[GCHT & BROOKS BROCK STREET. R 1OYA T E L,--- - Alld if-you want Forks, Scythes, Cra- HARVEST IS COMING W uIlTB Y, JAS. PlRaNLE, PROPRIETOR. The largeat anti mont comutodioni isotal in lise town: bas large sampla raout, fer coîmmercial travellers. Tablie tnt-l suppliat vush tis eatin seanon. Bant brandai quors and cigare. Encind asi1rd sut shedreooi attelitiva ho-tiers. U.iargcs te sait tisa N. B.-LiveryAitcsed. - 27 C OTTAGE FRnSALE 1 Thai BrickCottage, jastnt srt ai tisa Blrown St Pattarson Mauactnning Co's. Worici, witi cte laut adjoining. Tus-ne are ou cte promises n Stable, Hart anti Soit For lurtiser panticalsa apply le J. E. FAREWELL, Barister, Ste Wisitby, Me-y Ont, 1876. 19 F OR SALE J That eligibie Painily Resitience vith1Di acras ai land, cemprliuig Garden sud Or- csard, aMl of excellent qnality, fermerly bc. cupied by tise late Jphn Rfamer, Esq.,, siu- ite about eue mile est aiWisithy, eu ch. Lingetou Rtoat. The. Hanse contains Tan Eiooms benides kîtcMniiin ear, viti gooti c lan. Hart sud Soi t water on tisa premi. us; aIse barnand ste-hie. For funthen pantieulars auquire et JOHN TAYLOR; Esq., On tise promises. ~Isithy, April 121h, 1875. 16 Dii-L&VY No. 8, UFf1876. COUINTY 0F1 ý A By. toil close tise ancrate, i rnd ioultseven iI TIIORARl, concession of TIsrt Tise Conacil oiflt.Manicips f tets To-asIp ot Tiorâcis enacis : Tist freux sud suter tisa final 'passisg oet l-iiiBy-lsw tise remi on lot neveu, la h li raI caacn- sien ai Tiserais, fro thlie Camai-on i-oaci la East be-nkoethlie Beavon River ha closat op anti ne longer coisdered a P'ublie Hlgbwsy ai tise Township of Tlsorah. IL Tisat tise sait rond ha soidto the pro. pietor ai tise adjacent latdion tise mut anti note of Tan Dolars per acre, provids-t ai. wsys tisat if tIse prepnietor etftisa adjacen'i tant shahllteclisse an refuse te purchase tise sait rend eai ha prJi;e Serein stalt, tien il she-l Se sols t tee-ny other persan for tihe same or a graster prt -e, sud lainIs utonnor as tisa Couacil ebail enter on dater- mine. NORMAN F. PATTERSON, OTC iinhy givaît 15e-t the above B- i vii ha renght bieora tise conacil o7Thorsb,%vti a vlev te tise fluaI pggliiug Cf lisaine etaIsmeeting ni tis aaTCana- cil le ha held Ilu lie TO0W N'H AL L, ai Beavenisun, on Saturday, thne 29th Day of Judy, 1876. GkORGE SMITH, Thora , J ne 171s, M 6. 26nhi iek BY-LAW No. 9, 0F 1876. COUTYT 0F ABy-iav ta close up THORA t,0f thet. meron 1878. J - Tise Concil et tise tfani iity tf-tisa Tevnslipipe TIseraIs etacte: ýI. Tisat tram andi sf111- the fluai pflSiing oethIis By-lav 1 t iaofdtisei-oaci kaovn as tisé Care-e 110ati yig-batveen tisa allevamca for rusa haiveefn tise Finuthant i PIt nceeian et tise Township oi Tho~îhaixContre i-at ha ciosédti ansd ne ioager eniered a PubliceIHighivyof tise!TVnho f TIserais, Il. TisaI tJî* sint &part =eft iéiCamai-on Rond biret. eCIsa. ap hi 0soiat 10tlie pro- otf aitha adjacendt land fo rth. entaoe neandetDoBae tvddavj ia if 1h.é-pitr ils isaîln tiecli.or nisete an sehnai-crati at te pi.laeu ta ,thon il shah ha soi.) te eny oô r -pnoi fonrae ae oa ter rpriea nl ailci, unr astihe Council of Tiorabial i-tan or teteruna. NORMLAN F. PATERBSON, dies, and ail kinds of Har-vest Tools, Cheap. Go to HATCOH-'S. For Hafrest Gloves, well made, and Guaranteed to-fit. Go to HATCH S. -00-- PAIS Food for Potato Bugs, Hatch's TO PARTIES BUILDING, If you want First-class Locks; Butts, Glass, Putty, Cut and other Nails, Paints, Ois, and al Building Materials usually kept in a First-class Hardware Store, Cheap. Go to 1-1-A rC 01- Whitby, July loth, 1870. No. 4, Brook Street, Whitby. DO AJCHO- GREN'ADIN ES; BATTI BTS, MýUBLINS, WORSTEDcC - SUMMER A.1o. a superi-or lot of, stri X-~ihIiner-y suitable for the- season. MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING DONE TO ORDER. and ODD« FELLOWS' BUILDINGS! HAS ýNOW IN STOCX, SUGAR CURED HAMS, CUMBERLAND'BACON, ROLL ,BAC ON, NEW CHEE4rE, COCQA N UT, KEILLER'S MARMALADE, MALTBYS Ke CASH PA W- FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. âFg- Whitby, Jane 14th, 1876. P T R S IH Important to- the Affliceted. BRUNTON'S _RHEUMATIC ABSORBENT RELIE VES THE PATIENT FROMI PAIN IN A FEW HOURS, AND NE VER FAILS, IRheumatism is a poisoning of the blood fromi acids acting on and cuntracting the muscles, and giving- intense suffering. It arises in the stomah from Inpaired Digestion.'- 1 1The active principle of this discovery is to Absorb thie Poisonous Acrid Acid by Outward Application. It is composeil entirely of vegetable substances, and has never beau nseil hafore the pressaI propriptor applié-d it. Freux the nature of the disease of Rheumatiaux, and.tho Fecui.dir Pro- pprtias of ibis Remedy, it lsaua impossibility that it çan fail ia Eelieving the Patient fromn pain in a few honura when applied as directed. Thora is a distinctive fasture in fi as eoopared witb othor P-atenL Madîcines. Almost ail oilu'rs profem; ta cure a -vsriety of 'aiieasr s. Tha proprietor only claitas that Lis reanecly will relieve the Patient fra'.n Pain frein Ebaninatisux, an'. tbat it la the only remedy (by outward application) known toScience that wwJ do Ro. This préparation is guaranieed to ramove Itheumatier Pains in à few honra ai the mnoneay kafauded. ta Price 5Octs par Botte. Sold wholesale and Ratai] hy A 3d n gen;eral:?, pply of Cerner Bneek anti liants. Sis., Wlxitby. Whiihy, Jane 6tIs, 1876. S. W. B. SMITN, - GO LDSM ITHIlS SILK, FJ3LTAND STRAW'HITS. GOOD QUALITY FELT HIA T8 FJIOM 50 0t8< A T Straw Hats tt lOos., or'three for 25 cents, which other stores sel at 20 cents apiece. The newest styles in Engishl and American 81k and -~"The Gentst Furnishings leading as usual. - Fine Regatta Shirts withtwo Collars for 75cts. The cii I attac8ed Regatta, splenaid pattarns, anly $1.25 ; Fine white Shirts for-SUas ; 2 Pair. Fin. Cotton Sax fr2 i. Underclatixng, ai 4Ots. ; 5 Bxe's Ccii trs at 25cms. ; Gents' Lisle two-buttn Glovesta SOe, and aiher lines aItIshe lowest-pnices. Whitby, June 6th, 1875. ýNO.TICE TO CREDITrOn OF TRE LATZ Notice la benaby givan inpruac Stalute 9uis Vie:, Cap., OR, Seci. 98, tisai eneoitors andi otiser pegons having clair upan Or 9feeting tisa esisat oiant Ras:g echsm, la.itisaf&0 ovMi issctPicke of Ontario, a=à", v ýâmm*O=day ai Jane,1878, à Isireby niquirai ou or baioeath.e17im d Ld Auguema. 96Lté und by.vtt in, MAN HUGH- MoBRIEN,- Hiatter, &c. si in ta May, lotil,1876. May. lOth, 1976. D m IETO ROCHESTER A N T W R -TEilE 5aAàx leB SBe lave -oivite-ther cuto mers and the general public- --to their- store tg compare prices witli any offered in the 4CNO RSE MAN,,' on - --(i.OIbboEi, kava,) '- heyhave 110 intention 'ai retiring from'the rétail trade, HALL. Just to hand a lot of Tho&. Russell &Son's celebrated, Watcheg, Gold ànd Silver cases, -at specini prices. Waltham and Elgin- Watches -H] Gold and Silver cases, Jewelry, &o., at depressiou prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL IGIITS t Perambulators, 3.and 4 whe'ejs, Can- adian and American makers, beat Value in-to*n. OALL- AND EX A MIýN E Practical Watchmacer. Whitby, May 22nd, 1876. . -imd evun peady cta-e by lte indicons nue ef Ibis Most invslne-hie remedy. -DR. BRIGHT.S PHOSPHODYNE Il S0L8 excuT In CASES at Ios. 6d by ail Chemists anti Patent Medicine Vendons tbroughlbut the Globe. Peulldirections for isa. Sl taeaFgiait.Freneit. (4rinan, talie-n. Dntcx.-p lobsi, Perlaitepe, a5lb. ,nitan TaSui. Panslan, Rindo- qt9ýn, Madra-se, Bengalee.-Ciiinese and-Jap- 'nsea Langnsges. acceaspanying ee-cit ase. L45rCAVTI(1N-Tte lsrpe and ilncreasing de- -nanti for Dr BightaPhoipht>nebas led ta avennl tmilatians unoer uimilar nines ; ps- shasers af-Ibis matiline abattit tbocmfreta-hi, tnrafal la observe Chat sacis case benne tise 'eaglieitGevernutant ttsp. vîitthe würds Wwtla eis uon rtre eant n ti idhat lte lame vendsi are alto blova oa tise bottie. rtverycse herstise Trots Mas-k ead sinus- tare et palttnse. Tise pubie areaie-se partlcu- lal eautionetegainaI purchaslng ipaniena iitîaions lmpou-tad'froin lte 1tnited Ste-tes sud ai-e requented te note tiste-s directions o 'Or usOe rinted Sanafl tisa languages as uove, vlthalst Vwhiei natte can pessby ba gannuine. EXPORT AGENTS.- Norton, Wataey-&-Ce., loi7 Seutirk Stroat, Lmodc, .L. Evana, Leseber & Evans, w0 Batbiecns Cie, 'Cndan ECi' B.a.y. Bea 3.bite & Ca., 16 Colcinit treat Lendoega,, E. C.t LontonE. C. naE.a onn Farrlusgdou Streiet. London, Newbery & Sons, 87 New &aW St', London, E. . T. Sanger & Soeno, lI_<017,rd 8it. Leudon, W.- G. Carlin g S&Ca. W0 't. mai-v Axe, London, jI. Stone &t ro. 16 George Striet. Maunioin Ronte, London, El ' a ' n i o i t e , 1 ý8 L e a o h a l l S r e e t , L o i a - Bonneville. & Ce., 2 Birabant CI. Pilpet Lne, Landau, EL Coelley & Ca 190 <IL Wlncitaster St. London, EL E. BrooksS& Ca..Fît' Peters Cithabes, Comiii Street, Lendon, El boay lott, 157. m 1 25 A Situatet on the m fretu tse fioanmisifn commat thiei 'oth M5ace--s c Lo tIse -Tovnship cf1 clan. On the freni 75 ai storay Fre-me Hem Stone Celi.r; 2 Cl Wells; Freine Be- Cov stales anti Ce sitatble 42%8W11ith Ci Cardiage Honm. 20 anti Stable 6014, Pý w-Ib Par, Pinta&ai dae-, togeiher wit Orcisard. Tise ah.uu et. TIdinsoneecdfi nio. On tise rosi-:s tllaiS, ut ee 4Ox2à 20524, vitis kitchef wells, a naver-falinu of tlrcImanc. TIse aboya farm ivï Whit P 'Pickcng, Jane 201h, 1876. N, 0R te i a l M bANY" op IR LOOiC e"aclOt b idle5i5-at, iearia e . 25"amu,.Î. . ase lun ilas fui. nOuit. -i me 1 1 1 . 'l 1 L i . i 1 - 1 1 2Z LOWES POWELjý Whitýyp June 14th,,ý IWO. i-n;,; lçç & :Bl:;bc)-2 1 1 Whitby, June 6th, 1876. 24 4-à 1 1 . 1 IL 1 à

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