Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1876, p. 2

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vot'tmu4wi atue uit-s c uire su cU ý-,XUdâý -41, O n0ubt-Towe o puie ieatentioe <nom Ibme main il Rou tonItl on tatlaI of rechprocai Irade, w, JPeuteW . Giesce 8... tli e mcii tae saiot lbave- itm.in-L lphean, cOr eni.glboê. undr proeent cire ÇaPIOfTi*ak-a'so,Etarn@., Of t-ad. upon equllalule termes, il 4ldf snLe-itlîrop & Co. LA".U* Li)ra-y-0 "0 ekm13Co., slsowhng lie Geeernmesiî Of the Un Canl-D. aliert ts aI Canadiaifa ban taie, cet t$$ Ieues-iStephenson. himmelvm. W. av,&m triti> uuwnoirl Wrt- ýmanked the l. ifntroai -S .tar, thiu it OfTabi're-- - ben fle the attitude cf wnieg ______ "%iaI meought t e ln a epolitot èýâ- ccuesanti, andi lie eoumqu.nce îUfEJ.ITflhlbeau liai treesmeat cf lie imperiot '.s-.-v.~~~ ~tit-~4UUUt cectempleca enter lia allen te - t'~in-t'n , . ~lot. Analentier 1h. operatice 0 Ot-iLY Si 5o pzR ANNUM. fiscal aystem tIlu as e lometi ur tm ' - - --'-'---'-'-- """-"'-"ufacturheg Industries, cr tarkatm W iWiliby, ThtIrq~ayn,JIII 27. 1876. ýo allen-telo lthe bandit o! Ampi-ti t ,i-, -- - pntsdacenm titat tlie>- ve neocisposît CinleHoliday etcl-alte aeew lie ceispAtitton wt - -u Ili' vbt-citedowe b>- lacght.-lngtil wargôm iiCanada. Ta thenireciproc In' ci emanlanau, witli a t'oqnimitiore ta usena lte leing cf tb, don. of g te tiayor, àîle worsp hl imueileicustusmere. TIi.>-bave aîsnced es proolannutli sipîioietigFpiiay, à4h edvutage - Ilireugît e lempoui t- utc A13îilliîCo 0 oikfeciavuî tis e nmue fie, anmeutyi. are te ne b-ut-c>-ta p Civie lîùlilday. The frientawill ceIe- witi minI 'Promisealarge uand 0' lirai,>01liholiday by a grand, pieute et -profita, Ie Oun epinion ilte cemiaig tiub»Poiti. Tiiayhuve ntme lamuetithiek of ROIRgte Our ceiglubecra. liâi - - 'nsauqcca.'u. t omsaim at ae itaci, teamokfor tha fat-or ef rpoiproci - useOurlcsg eliîdes-abie erpeeme te carry The Irue interae! ofCquct3' im ltaiff fuit, lti- Pooacaacema hole greuncie OUAntttagea aàpre.bintive laniff - iib. ivahlatblo olail, andtie coece- keapiag eut as fanraÉosibie att goi wic iay eti uaile atgr~anse for ds.ut . cenfliit nfjti>y îvth Caneti il ý41-A1i1 mrlly ofit1mltittlzene, asi dcte. dut>- agaitein nm, lcIusm meet- - -xioct t1oco iii )b ai, e penis lhe holi. çmit3a corresponding impeal. y d11Y 'at Ceî-behî'm teint. Tiersta e o bat-ane ntglsttahogît-o breati wFetei w0mre pîqLueequ or tîsiglisful spot dan oui>- baves a tone te exeuatîge, an ontieéLake ; It la eaay of aseet, andi we shtocdti terefere lb. prepn'ed lutaddi1ul-n letbcîerditnaryweaemeftooo. meet ocr nciglbus isttii> n tarif c- Clt cltthe îsr iaarrsbeie nea8peerin' dollar for dollar for tli mteu-osi te ply beluceti Conbtt,mandieme. Thi thle oin 'attviprai Wilir bat-ouc', iirtug tise day. An muici the Clnedin ppiopleeau c all t'îtmrntin olliar colemne givea ta coalemplate et prement. If it bc Il l1tui4t1d pîciîculari. ite practice, lIse Attticans will t G -'LL bielong te learunng tbnîhe luy oet, ha'tltty, -hfie nainîtioueof ct-u- prcmnao hem paset i aay. T'rieope, idîtit Jteck pîtîce un ttoutiy-lhe ot concession mhiliî bat- anteti Ile elcuathuo cuils aoffusn Mendtîy ut-zr. a tise irttriul bontîls, an-I wuit AthUeitsI tîlautociMr. MoNabi, I-e trams from oui own pobple seosetl it-tItcuatnidtte, Isatia itujenit>-an h-adages,, ha ceteil longaiotig cul'r Dr. M 'M )Ct-ut Il. lliitThn 'ie acnd it-memeisii;noe(es. Wiiecs hcl tasa.tltut'try s ttuioui it eklslrrn. cedet-standti ttCaisula.siti t- rote Mr, MtTdilei,thie Opposition candi- ier,lt, cîc( laite higium'rouendi <n 'il ltta gizoe. i tte soutet w mliîeavy tada ntattct-s, hhey iail baipreaîacui 0'iit giatutt Ittîn. lits retti mocîti aualoîcl lIseinitiativ.e nrtconelî-uctit lu smîother - seure bleir lo Luc it Mttîiycmsalintte>- malutils>abregaedet taitl4.Ot-Otl cahomrsamoci inujortîi-t i -cte v 1861-It ii fiomth ls uiteul Stalf ltc 1 flsille -reauétaon gtuoin ou at,&ai. t it tie ficuult avattiut-s mion.itensi blietu. ent it i:;inte spowrt-nof Canetd a oil '~~' duce tuea tb>- thIs doptinof<tedi! Ctuc'auaîîu,'ai EnucteesaTuctit-su,-asîinetos'>-tartîl'. 4*iýl.'lc ntien'ti lcnl - i h ncîta i@ Thesoargueasont t k<uiait ta ti-iIce'usra'utet e- àr. 1). McDu- tmor-ti peliolti punc, h lItare ta.'lotu "'mil, lite ('eIL-)teîtîitti cucmiioo' fiur iepalot i iectiîr-uat u Cuttani. t . it -itu lurtesî cîndl ciiimî issthur tnitt'a'c'iî)g lt tre tuie Edo. 0 lii eut l iicîoîh~îe t -e edînst Pl1tht uopinion rons teinupailyan' f hie ruIb:i lq ttî stuu.IIall) atd -tIse ut-cuifehpaîricîlsea of taelovterusmel hcy tiînliIiare tlut pri-muet-etfetaip. eunusg thea su-adoelshor-e ftîhse litho a piugtofft a al>- point cunul a' isitintng humpi-amat t uiaonOet lit- eyaac ici î'ait-hiii.tot Ciuy cit l etic mfat-faruistiMastecjayagttetiugcafrlo . 1 iif4îNIkliGît-e' uJn 05aroeîuvlegss s oeauen ffordtabtt 'ittu e rfiose îu-irîleudl b>- noîtu ler inît. lice ofiai. i. î'eleinits af buinesse. Ici un oti't ti1% -c ouï Jli htitiair t-t utihe uni tctur- v/ay eue Cetatiiele qutit-tu.4eula tth5"1.> h (luct vur î'suîy toiult'orti- set->- bau b(tlIr o'aiiiacad ly tilctise rtq-nitit ilu't ic la c tîjuisu T he 'It tripth erlita-i nuîtout iatîsta ina tit'-'urih'e - at-i tthl 1u3' s ltliiuiiitt-r Alr c f iteauhîJi. Ccnîpu-a-ul V/itls theîî- hftuse ti 1, n'uitt ia ti' Nî'h-ti (uniia.ttai' hein', luliiorncllh uiteti1iclsas, l$-0u.at-r li u eti- te ltie pesî lu Iue i ,< 'flteaeuhù0el mt.t' pl- 'ut Miuî1t ttI ttuilnilctive-1t htttltazgi a: h llktis teutuut-îî. s'-Vr1î tus ba s.k-s thit-xrcnccrHtlsingfotaut ai- utsr u1teh , ima li hutti ie oit i-iiiul i li aoicîuîly. -uat.] hijl ait taicfui 'niunuisu(oc t1itpiiu. lb-ec- tt- tsus l-"cuil-actl tXu.sz sil Itus;îiiousg theta ke psisre acndiui si rtaus.-'t'sc-nt uiiiiît.--Tti Ilgili',etuivueîrea ost 'fiietaiy. Ttis -'uthuii Iutit'iauîbut Ex-itiisttms, otider te tiat mnreue uuaaînst ilsu(Iot> t lii't '.-iuil-t tsntsubeîth tîttaailLagai of lît-ir pïcipitaqily le oit, mtuiltaeotualy tib - uttotise Ie ittcî'ifnt tliee t ut-utcL-r, ad mih ht<oloueelint- teet!of a Very RoVer- e ahLstb otau îiîc'-ci 'outuandiBleri;ngîroi] and otî Uhi 1t17 eu hôittie, ltIn tact, tlisat, ont niailt tuemse-ves ofetliteelvactitgs sac thiila te ondGat succicsltti. htaîls.easily ithilin ti-uttutl ut uîîifî hta- It 11 1 iTiglit Sutiis;atlnît 8 Caligi. PýiPO5t5. Wercl lieue rssunt'îeut aif tIt Iauutînb.s Iltutuitiusu ansti ic sathinoteesecostl id ntaimat-e itliiiilt"'ai otiul tia itu, ciet i tuclu ai. "- Min at-s'es,, tlay uoil hi-bett'er ppt îci- IliýzhaiSeedelet. Sut-nif f eynoitia., partimps .mu-ce -bilen arnmbliea alra>- sth Ie troche etf lus(leue Acu-îîîmnapLn8dsc, uu'u aulttuthel-, anti .ouie.uantoni>- nsie- ie1teleti ittu an fttitiu, mid caheuce cienosîs beysdathy atgi'avt theils neal ci 0 i,000: uthia R aatiefor dimage clote b>- ptoking out thio0bî'iett 1h Llînt mil i 60,odesmsai->-tatiuhis itIse Andi h-ttelt- aeving larga open guijssil, Vonebteînttpal i ettloce etili. JoAuelis te mails, tant lise paratpet stone. in ýrev?4, ercnulo, b>- thue dut-ty oatt ucmuesenlar> danger of loppliug off'. lougesea I ta loma0106 ut of iei' atnîcal ---------» streal. NAL *ut.METNGaiGRAND rEsteAsuP-- Tuta uaitutîta îîuAn.-T, eks aIET 1L . . .F.-The menuet meeting doli Lilmeun>, piîbliebjcdti Ilut imuae t' oteGrand Eecampmetîanti Grand tonli, at tee cents a ncmlst', lia.sjît Lotigo-hijie year, wilt tia fieldt aI St. ýver> nemme cemploe anuirai, uhijoîtCathiqiea, wwwmseiug on Tnestia-t t4 bocIk tonusmeual'd oeil frotte- (11 #4. noix,-The Reprsseutisen fl-oi nI>- lie woi-iim of good'ati mel-iiucwn Witby are, J. H. Penny, H. IL. Taylor, 'nt eno are pubtiebotille lia magazine. -anti Dr. Canece. lie Outarte Nemi Comupan>-, cf Clin. YOiUNGoMAX' DuiwsDA T 1» At-Bt- eni, -Jonpli tqty, manager, are tl iutne.-Ou Thunsa>-eveuing latst a- rîtoalelagente for Ita gmagazine ti aoverai yonng taon lien. batbing iii the river, oe o eh hm, namneillichent May., FAuIî.îEutînîxews-Atouîo ivte ttempledt lesîvmntacrosa, but bciitg iretdeto the pochi iniucements, ituenthle doo mas caniètitome b>-thie ,lUTatlcfutilllseialrltîsof vittînlt- entrent anti troaeti. ltae opanieca iloeuter, or winhicg-te ejoy a pions- tniedta te ave ita, but il boiu.g uenrty us lte Laite dlu4the ii.peseel in te lci-semnm uitxenljam- ailiercoma tsi NEweran 'Lticeu.Suir- remHaeeoAslfuer of llese' tuqbfluteti au, action for tamaga, for t R libo otatnecl atp4lLon JEailttg Tises8, mili 1,At g ts ~.Toenatdempatcheu eut to'the efeci ltaiMr. Heu- ueInseveel, sre RoZ iTt-~ aucx imv Lieu-- dat-k, word natbie t b tc0u. Tecemiiehs, o! Lonîlou, rmco tIi. bas- Meplé Lenfe, ef Guepi, ou Tlttstty liat, byea score 0!(10 lq 7.- DreuTUI'v Fiit AT LAauE.-A -ditirclit-. APeebt-oit.outin ie .oui Grandt-uunitBattu>-Station on Tius. Clay lita, b>- whici a numaber of ltvee mare, loch nau ecensitieruileanocti, et propent>- dett-oyeat. Bruamz AV-%YaîfUDeArrtU.-A. YOUaI,i malm Bdiet i. Jessîphif cf u itut. Ro Mah 40C., M wr.1 as et-ana do tiec orrt uhippusu; 0UIta 5scertliin uw Wd0 if21f ia omal irgsp1toth o*pt SAYÉ la til iilh h,~I ôf8Q Ui9.a&y. Mi 4Bf , and enced d a m ilo tellervi, tir..j ElqOiçÃ"nd b ' e-io w L t h ~ i a o q 1 ~ . o n 4 u h t 4 o w . s h o l d i o t f ~ r t . l t e a r n y a i e tt r .h a n a t W a i , â 1M r .- eudtt basic iiiattirlogplaaiof tation t £ "'a lue"_ he raAutprooss t adiuage .ï t- wtfignth, ,i *ppr au. h é r1aôsc~ao~tMr. 1,îy .~OWit'Toiie, ýblbheCcatUe.'tiieder, S a wat osthefovR rth _IlMi unlar heac ta a if e ar s Dti.a idwo.ede, grta iiie the lra4eiftheu oue nry.- Maeimngit li iirlecstiâ bIyi lY ôcg îiircu.-hgtî1wwý8AA 11194, polwy in ia uee th plà o:,lga tion tIitl i. rWt ioila. 'ttav on c:ne ', Otom n ue,* 'tMo aw 15 A f-rom-Nirot irto te Morava- valley ;- a@w, Ât un 0 a a aqyalc ~e <4 ~ ~ ~ ~ p ~ epm *$Oîolli j ena,~ te~ utc u rah Zzmlna- O.tn1alia' from Bela O aJoi~wuî yg 1ti r 94Iither foak .udpoos ' oa' - ý0l. p m ,- h o , £ S. b e u , A n ~y~t& ii la g wia ' f o b4- o l a e 4 m .liti . m atul t oip sa il, s a v al ls oi] ji uî s e t. T h p o - e îî e i k u m w -3 sè 1j é r IJ d 'f or ty rs hey'pavtei hi > , tra sti the18as, ti- M-o tinnîeeî~0 uicUOatjo. tvameva-ry appm 'ho. "-6a 'ill Uyî "t fo "h olwigi h esl fte Belgrade, jnîy 25--yesteriiav thO'ro ilthe îlxeowantar the. uiaîw%;F a jo , S d orgt"o tU aJO uBrthe owies4 fr of parîiitioaQ. Tltaet iifolbwig i th i'ulcfthe .Seiau itaruq goder Gen. Zîîck encoll io ffok onti 1befre we iza. titiler anwa ormueliw'uaiet tii. itltem 3 ta Atand, and mcuciilesl lb. atimfiidte pay auoicaticift oucahers for the Connty of tered htheTurks on the- 'btleit-n aa e U tnj" olYawa btto ir ewgenedeitvr y mtnfthbeand e 'e forkeIà thqui work._ bl' for, anottiér urfeiiag cof go mach ar, 0eiiirio, juit eoed.te' or. Ti furtllerÃŽd Y f ireIae o e hifia, wal 1o 1c e-e te faty 0vfTrv eto n were for of le uti r02 UltlY ranI liypocrisy as the former inveetiga. On-ehidred and eiglitee cancdielatel.4 huer.suwitanlew by a tryhai, lio genlméenwo e D a glenet-nwhiccthe par'ty uay at r au 'ôf D.utieech car' itou, and eventu aine-', have devej6pe -Jer clar oIe,, tiiirey-two for ecconi egîenttheéhc te irvaa e, mi. lu outWere or fu- Ster, 'aer aae loun eueéc il'o ti onpleteIy omcoceoRfci, everal of tii.-di'inof.cbn e bt ire:rf-mG beapadaunîon Dif a pnliprtothmwichdrie clase, and jâne for ârst Class, preaeuted r1uriîebgace, Were ,lisraocÃŽied. TWîî four mziit£, o efeiîthat tige aqualli l otp cf cnâieue in îii. Goverm.aoen etrci e. ed ~iievuytoc ; for Tiit'waý'a moeof te lhe rejecîloofet he clan. the or>- of &"PiielfiaScaniiai." It fg < i.etelv.mfor exaination. Aato tié- otiier mien: rvit ucoaare aloi i tîuîe'uti éibin began to Uie~iy~i1b h eo av wîî îîCr*.g ~ ~ a uccegie of the eoeno f iraIcae i rpre.UOtOdt eiewv.We ota- d.y '.'-.oiu, the1 ti.taxpayers aare Dow,' concereed. examinera. neucî peak, ais bis p oence relatively 5.-iSi. ormet.~,- cer ..ToaM.E are et -O e eamiedain oroto.t ti. Slîiiîcamurdelpi lanîd afil mymelfif rati the. ganawav te) -?Jr.R. Momahen, aserchant, of Lii» ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l -------- r e eb zmnu.j et. Rpuiîliotied. Tii. Principal factoaarc- i;. ewIat wam tlb. ùtttplr, we fuundliîe Coiliugwooli, white capachiig a crame ticli Eco~<» A' is g Worie EtD.-The Tho. foliowing have eucoetl in tlb. iroaey keown. iThe rtport -of tt butt- nk ohuidwey, anti thé water (ftifckor> One i.20rbcinât., wasMumn'e tie' roronl0Mail bu managed ta ahgwwitil secondi clue in obtaining cîifc Ee: ngliah comel t aISàouica t'O Mittiter, rifdettaakiniiî ler idruin«mrt.,àdd naottebue lcetieli hclearees thst the - promtise il Jarnie Dividsoe, William Ore, Ellîott fllhi sud Waîmaali zoueralethte down bathin utii, utolipit, eil tliroughafter.- eoO4î aconcwy le cîlmiaictratlec tamade by Aunte .J. Bei kioldet'. oî,u4 îirîî iienc. ice.Ceumul fromny parti. tihé lee ekyligil. loto tihe calsil. Cota rW.BoePoemo fA>itl Vry the.Liberat party oce ammtiueîin'the Tire foiIewîiethav li a in'. ciipa tti cPlueof'egrltlic coê atrantàd iu iae>turc at tii. Ontario 8.houll cf Agrieui. cr riumo pwr av etbeu'ep.clame certificat",: ai ii-dtireiiothretki. Tiio Cotioul-ru. tfi Gacipi on Tvèfieril 'r o1so ýfhaenî edet questa that Sir Et-nry Ellidit ahlalmciipit ut ti' cbiwier w hn e, -oit Gueph u mday eroute , Taking tii. publia accouantsfor 1872 8 GRAtta I., MsLrg-t F. Clegiiora,îlait ttîla temîicinoy tath Ae, uiitheile ale o i Everytîu. frllaniyleatamrMrvn Wei oprn h om xoddu.çflliecuLtdn Croahy, W, ia. Vaukt-'a', Mjiij'. le owits tmae Oncoufaiee te plrchae heep,Plgm, anîitiioregbretî gur Jhn ogq, ilelcies Pntn, inisAil tho sofasa, aettcem, chaire aît tablegs caetît, for hhe>lotlet Farta H eil i ton "countingencies" b>- the dpirtmentm Clîrigtain, ClirieitenB. -Gordon, Fociet, demtitaya a Te, u*ki26-A 'tetctnul alî eentrwà6e i te1-ý ,tl lin inte omatebine bock for 187W., i t Eaislip, Btnjicmin H. Brown, Thomas. rout i sh st~ecsejthése Srviît an ti oeurnefl aurrl w'atr wapttysa îg L'DÀ âsNCsl oyl ty. preducea a very remakable array of Fierihure, Aletxander Hendfersen, Bob. frontier, andi defegated the servi, iitsegitefrsr acwy u TaLsmvMauCmu-oyt ertHar, lozndA Sngser kilin8,60mï-. lalebùrit rot te aieligue ce otic port. mie,* aud Keeer, chergeci with bernig the lor. figures. The, irregular expenditere o rci it Qiuel an e.kiiu ,00m.. tam breltuc nifromeusti aoop it.'Thle first persqon Dovey Houa, Liedaay, of wiii 'the-y' lte Publie Worka Deaenment ije ic G DF, Iî I.-Ainni.A Adrem, Emuavillages. Titirleen Tiirkihbttalion, 1teaw was.e Ma y, WhoeW"aa li in b were lessees,onte gtô he4 OrI fir»,t neutîiol periot wa $8,08lt2.95, Tîth.tou, Mary A. Madion, Mary F. Qear Nevelnje. &bidul Rt-rita, CeM rn laco. 1'crePt aîeug te wlî.re mît- on Weirîemîtsy cand Thtrmey las.,anti len in thé lami 'S17,458 54, àa iffaronce Maclonil, Caait-MePliail, Etiza Jiitit pauiIerie.Chief of tiié Turhjalitreops. W,,,,euanCaeghfthotd et lier, and we foutid Net Goilty» Per egainet eajuousy of $6,t581-41. Ile t'MaBraîiy. Catiierine Manno.Enitea M 'a iled t Nissa. A great battu , m eagieOuocr way ovet the- generel wrolt A MÃ"NTREÂL JEWELLER ABSCONI)ED. Sinih, Donald Cambern iliLmHd wiièt Deprtilen ofJusicetiitreis u I- le-, JhnLenir, Hcnry O'Brien, josephi Ltindau, JnIy '26.-Tise Siiaa-d'a e f abin lnrnitere ntil ive got'tià the.-B.. -Metter, a jew.vllerwho ham.been licre"~e of $8,684.22, jen'that of Fcinancerln amrEl-t Vîtcî peca asslte is'aainei ftî-r latciiwaY ; but lte vemeel bOlee doing bumiemma je Montreal for tie pai w, $4,76G.85, jen the Roceiver Generete Rowe, Hery Stanî.y. Adata E. Sta. witîîidrawjeg troai il thé-i. position e e miltpt i stops. îl, Ie Mhywederaiiie 14 e«ar, gave t credito rhheip on t, oice., j$2,9-9-6.07, ini the Departnet of0fhiit, Roibe-rt Stillwitt. writliine ii. ter. Tii. prevailitigtg egl hý,npinj, wîîreeMn. Eow- large andi valuiate 'stock. of jewellery, te i .litia anti Defeece 164,1118.561. inflituaI GEanu 1.-sbella J. Anderson, oino uitilituris lataliatehéTurk, lîtittiaiiaetiy- re,ied ht-r, lié,'besug ai gelîl antidativèr watciies1 &c., acpe 01r clStato in 1.U, etIse Prit-y Coueu Franci BrynAriiie Ballard, Saath sofllwhntiiithar. Ioi. en hotitan eatthie' entraece of tI cebin te be Worth moule ixty-tiioetaii air ~ ~gicoîurt Dpat~. oitrt Boieniilo Moîcs Crouîy, Eîiic i-tic-. 'ri Ç rpltt diltrepsion a inti nuiui niade MY weY ýtiirotîgl héiwater, riyment >ý2,2hI3 85, je t1i0 Marine tutti Cliff, Dinecan Carriiehaei, Henm'y Gil- ti'iaicamsp. Set-irai cJatptseieq et wîsjcîîwaic tht- e ue.,ry waistdeep. tia DESTRUCTI'VEII&lLsToi.-ThA cleps cMI 1eisheries $4,687.81, inte tier-ior De. tliber. Rt-chie Harrison, James F. ,Içü altier m've tbave laid iiew e lile tii'.le of Mr. Moutent,* wîewas on fifuy farta.je inte periai of Caiinir, cet. partirsont. $7,493.27, - 'Wa havea hus ati['trt,-inizton, F]tti'aitSliseirGe(irge W. araisanti gone home. OtîW-r atviei's trujgIig te temo va a sofa thet hll Qucîbec, w-ne receut>- detnoyed by a SinCreulie o0x Viticiets te f1alentino. isrt tîtat Abdutl K1'rita îîtenîîm tahi' lcit tlracuvon lite leesaie, e-eline hirific lialestonin. Dot f xPýDdtuo i th iem i -----farce an entry inmu Servietut fa" "' !ua,i Mcaér. Gereer and îl Ms.Hter. KILLaD airLbGEItrrN.-Týhree men eu cocstiegouciiis its taio yea-mvf no es-emCricket. Kral.'ujevatz, anti dictaistoruetarin who we e ndliv ailieg fer jsiop. Wien Weil trnck tcy lihttiing isikiti,ýà tliusfi-ouit47.7,ai the rlrie Maof1conint Theerinti. liT 'ealii-l bita, Mr. Gareer hait baud ofiiîciing a: etorm wlicis passed ever Outa 'Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WIB fri i.ia i.pinmso cnirwt'iYVS. '5TltINI]Y COLLrCOV. 5CHUOS., TatîcuîdsBelnî.iph fre. Girner lii the rirlt erne, nuit w ouTuurtaîay tact, ta have noe t nIis regarî.t, bseu fulfilled.PR 0>1. montions, etierre-se-rvt-, reilîtuns t'h othsmisa nul Mje Heunter çere twgiriff h. Iisthe alittai- ofteiegîrephlsig thon 'a 0st1* Grtttiiîy supporte the proposai for weut uat tsymsltlcrltdfenthceIloBBEUt Lcnas.Arabbi-r, givig i i e vly ht-ai'> ici'.taute eiown ity tIti' A *i<- e [' a, 'iilt-flîlttiîitctheconférorie ou Eastern wîiigilt tat Wall îîoîilieg tisein iwn bisig ame vas John Augler:.on, culerti samie efficiai documentie. Tii-expeus' i Ci..Oniacwasplaeti o bi- ht-id at E-rli ltter tii' ý,r. voiiitail(l 't ceceùl n gttu< ditions,- et'f a fî.i't.'r, usaediitPtlip ei ntier titis hea in te72-8 watl816,0t44, Coltege cricàet t gaeu ic, Port HSalle, on fiais iî-c-jsmive utile oit 'co-titionilIti le 1 lcnZe ttrie of ieriliatelîwav. 1 itobi'uewlin lives cear B]3eleville, auel ce in1874-5 netc h-se than 42-2,4W, a iliffc'r. eileeday tact, balwoee thse Wlithy' hat ttltu ttalies et di.,cupuirbu blis iri.'tly fthets leîsiighti <ifMr. ontant. - w- taî'ittg sûctirLtl tihe catit>box and a go-il 'put mitcci icaiecut the- liraseut ieiîverînis't niauj Triîty Collaeecricket cli is. ti-.1hiifîîr" tt' enirirseîicpes. tnt-oteg ta i vlicro Ms,(eruer înîl Miss w'Lc.'l, vatt; uiet ',o reaki- off wittt ii-. a$16l,455. Coccilim chut-n tlis.t aircîlJi~ Jitly 2g.-Tlsuc (ba ic, 4 Fetit cr- tilt tî i'Gîreî ooty, w!i-tho wall ise~uvereul iy LMcs. ebrvie it-kflcDîýpaitnente. and ti ltiai'vhih "t'tRtF'ehi esituti St. Ptitîuiibira sipoitai statietli tn'tEcni- iîoiulizor) tuc Nrr. G-rint-r', ciritrndut ti'tti, ini i Li.itig Ladte bhla dis- ta b.ryceuoifint etýa-lers; aq rc- ith i igitl-si.x rutis. hoa pare. IiOW heli tilii ialilWtl I )tils;ia otl s unîdMis flîîn:er tiheg(zirt' geattît-istilier hîl4ibauti, Wiliehat ýp ieîedttieinu'i-l tidr us w tîlieirtdctt- '"""' - hoiuiof IMiset; litpr'e hti.l--ic i ti' snit-t Lawlon ahot hime tciier, statly, litad c'as ici 181il , #SdiS.85. whuli' i, Allitk oJ Laingicle i'Ciilos(Ais' ttiLj'i'%GEsct- ru-nt-ciîtise flcwiiîc"î- iras rusluig inleiuDt biiua 1874 5, il iwclli-iiut) TO thic illjuoin" ti Lltg ......... bA Lain ......... J rItiiait .a-ri tst sficeuit ioe IIiksusi tiita tl tcrOU Fus nit is n thi'walu iy a- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Lgij ç irscRtazv., b i-a-biiitti-i . titittiititt -nusireac in itl' uittic-nerol re.]tpil ir i f' iue iie i ii-r i s-'ii'uf -' tf ,8 .1 pw 4out .....a.t...w , etbALti' " /" ut'.' af i4î 0w je l vga ui :îlid fiie bi'ing waiutaiî .i ni anl ipr fi-w fte iit'iPo tu r e ie n kicei, sa t lpi ii fitnt dtise ovîuciiaietî'n f cfieîtic crioai-lt b A Liti-.' 1 b 7iî'î"t t ira tt lit îlt flor wliicls tnoai'rtnt whera 'Mas. Garni-r was'inîile rîpptid Ly thé. Ieiiias. (i it u li ti ie r'ritc-tics ,tllîsý tl'jea A T Cuam libet ilt. îtaiia cast h oi-fnîu. 1Latil titiu t-tna îsutftit. b lt- taiig ilin lit-r A deqtrntis-a t, ir e cu't'da'tl h Mr. uit -tht- litziriu aaîilisi il i-f ise ll. ..îa i-i" b "îit ' ....... . it- lim itisi fatrine liini-ua iti tîtli-it' Oilit- t tlt i-si mitp-. at ii aî" A iiev A lîisla'n s L iteeo etd whici c ctîttait tt'd~pstl ni-a < tiie r'ette, l ltii CA L tt.criatt- i etv;y ii'iiýfeàei i iietî UtýY 't i:tl s i i ttii st are.i 10t a b tliroxvn u t , .... t e-idt'.... ' 't.. a t i.lt'taeelvt-9 mt ii t i 1!1itil 'ýclail ina Llsft w.att-r. 'aVliii ! ce I't>int Aux 'Vt'-istîtlu, on ritay, l-t enti-etv as uutrisînîurîtv ~ t-t--nI, e.-. Ling. 1) '- ivmo uist sa , and i tii as yFtari-u --c îd i-I ft'lf tt:o alec itaîl o:u- %uclilitsdestrOi-4 ilprcô1s-rLy to i ta ld !ue cf i-veti\'i'tOtt' i re t-rm it e-tcc.lu...tte5 l> u 's .......îain îtri- ciiia] i uilt-oh i uva't-.i lier. ei-ibiut i12-J,0Jaj ; lilky ciarted. il cttieçc'ti. lit la tlitît'ii.ai. utd-iit a lit-cl (Yit- ' i'ti'-:c TO ti-stuc:Vi-. Ctisi:i. ua .I'ricTi.uc- <F 1'aAof-ti c-cyueusy ht bai-n ti !i' t110 ms- el 1,e lIta1r 1 1 ZV tIi l-. - 2p.T-'- A TLF T- if O a c i t ue h t u- s i-. l ui i , ii tti a '5Xutttl - l i i c' a 'k t -in' t t'crad.iera' ce -eh!te a riou i" t us ea h'. aut ti ui l i ti-. tiio ->t i sit n t titi- la e, ei l . tint' L i e . .. . . .. . (' ýt , et. .. .. .... l li4 i ii- i -n 1t li t- a S f it - t- iî i rc - ut <u[ t s- t lt lt lu l t- c l intm e c . ti s i tat C i a t -l'ir a u- att, d v t>. ct i ait, be, h a v e su tati-il u n ciu htur o o r ra t1i r éh a v a b e a u ti m i !tiiiti ,t usail anti I - t io t r-ht- a uic'ntfo i. 'totîts... 43 i,-tliteliiiigt e gu f i o t -f c citaiiîiort I r jia4i u ilI it- -au.,, nut- 'ti ate i u, r Lit', als lanttitd -ciitsi- w i i l n o î lî u p ilr -ih y t t 'aii ti l 277 îi e tt- ut c'et. b ' li ait u t be piita ui <if li ai vtuîc t. ii- t t tt att-a' hueS- aAll~~~ b Otitisîi t.' cou il t - l t'u iira ltî.t it ii u t F --a c' e t n l nt t y aî u î -' i ia u - p r'<. ht e l ju t -t tî . kt i de m htiou tî... lrhippi t itif h rzlt I hpin a tii asuir he3 Jaotn i h t g)îî a timustiatas, t-. ir p u h i c c a . l e r a e d . S l l e y , it a.t... lul i il lth à r ai - t i a n d l t . tu er b n. - - ' u î . - e W îcî ' " " ""arr a ls inthofkle î istautit -.f 1bo1ictu t -cn ý -j-ecsý laip ic- u5cl in at-. ut-., tu--in It4 sent-ui l at., ttti ai ity uto 0 tflint-Mr.xul' lnîirit'cct' fat-ri-c.2J338..ha"e 'ee ' i-ci-ilici tnaile n eait Mc. tJ ten .I'kt ur', t a-llJR i~batî..lu 2t t rit t i't gî iriuuii i i ti of e luvcid'e-iff.ly 1aiatcn . l si m ras ç ti iti-lait nilts u Tu t :,h-caiî o mres n ts .1aituia-ii tL su iltc uî-tt' m 'itt- - tLog, r uts t -tuil rie n lrt. -wlli; h kitun itrt-uv c-i ahiet tfWltl-- 'uttt o ai,ct. udeUbhn a-s " flir yetil e t-ne Ic-nd rit Mr. ctA a rd ît-u- -i-tu t. ....u ....' 1-'ufi- ile it it' m ai uur ai il tiu î Ii nthîi iats-siil fIl.,. e u-'ic.Gp~sst at eut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z 1 t cs'oitueet!nutnu-ctu.iiCiici &litaetu - sif bîutt' tiîi Citiur teti'aatiat, t'at- b' - ~ ~ ~ e Aaii i-lenîa-itiiFilî at 4I'---------':::: ic. si ~a-V-'i t- nusahinn lcîthu aî rar ACudt'Oî lii i».xtwicaio rtacbc u oif) e . ctî-.iu lioiritii'tieLcert rt-wiciJ -ît-i-3Nut 1-evi-The t t i'îî v -, .i'u n t t u jit-i icilii' yesscdcny vein Q ue t ie tiuir. . f M . i i- s t iPark t-tIt, vci jJil e r i ;;.îuî- Ti s ait m ir-IR, ii - o- 'irw y t ar esin tl :> G. p prvaMafi broI eOchawa, abuîusn Xri"tGain- .-Zurti kile ittirilees:c't,' l 1, vo r, 4 l l tt- f iuî i!.1in le Riýlit1p. e Iol -an o r u- ttt ta- uti-a inta la --' rl-e T.t'-'lî'uit los hiat ait l'ut t-t-at-s lf ewsîl - taIt-- tourm is or fd ii s 'r a oVEPNîaGiN ti-a l n ien Mt Iufia/ u reiha aiis i .tlY -~ ' -nit, 'a a -ttlait], ltai o i itlu--f i d lie- ii it t- rct': b il, lUI lai olt- ia ts o il nin. Ad-uptl si NeîLîsi Coi ...t.....u-2 oittusalsuttliai; ichathf, lit t o ). lc hi iv C a' ir le ' ta n i C î u u t a i u i a l - ' t s t r ~ ~ ~ ~ ' c - M u t ' t l i . u - i ' t - a a u p - i tiiti J. 1). Caylty, i eitla, t e îec-T lcroîtaiih a-a-htu iau c iipr wt-.nileur n'hyn-iii ..nit fîuysehili cegse Mt-t-ht Wet'<i hoti-t-c ii- Tht--y4o li, alip ofla dIit.l ia- mb t Iti' outin art-i'LYSi-ere frtl aiicîs pn, ru n iieai, tish e us-i parleton u iiandosi-l*,nie. ; T uÇ;, ht- H, on qte i n tînt-tn lu -i t- 4îiî - lpr A nzto 14 ij. i as eti.) rr teiltl)drt '1111( ut-it- tar titti-c Cs c- "Ytinu. t ind ' - at -. "' ýitgldu ad . e r1i-tan- iit- n lý -------n-iaiitait ainultio. Iii'oshuliik tohe's-iu fige O "Itlfell-iws' B aulqetsliuun1Ai-e cii' mat-a hart- litaig <i-t-t-uit art-tilt usheulca'l la 'iicliiçlLhM 11 un usa.-LT stAT TtuEs aO in cillA i-' Reiuý a vr rpo ng plllllei tia-'ttiltif t-. ti-"t'iî- MIui.~P I i-naputet utta uat u -n Cetuuacis . 1)t. tialst-mIcit ut-l, na- -ou, ,. neIccU e i--e' i-Trrti.]-!asti--î-- wt taiXpa <ntne lte Oi-ui iC, ca lt itta.so i yonei-t-i' cl Ienta aittia e ti hr. ii tinît-ttilid at ita tic batina elewrrie l a uiyhîrrs ecar -uII WAO i .8 Mrlin Cayet ac te iciî'tt tso . 01-1eùvrr s-olc.Ing f pecA nu.icisiho îltiif y..4t-l i tinie tr o ts iifa"ia u- Iura-at r a e atco, ilinapoprt atéofc fCîunî)iuns. vitavla gcftoit i i iiiieit litai sraiuitni c mie--l3tulanofCîbbathAtotctutat itît-od 'ti'vca uit titoing cuul itil s Cp t- linty-iiu te pou AIut- lui- n.1 t- - w- -t ilt-pqita i-eýft-yvlal gtie ailune.Aýo1 f LM-r Vilco pnevdb i.. tli ifLa l ..... iîug iiILtttc-s, anid, WC ar!" ple t-cilt1 Tlti - lchsutîaleungo )Shuii lwa %(n iiiiîutuc of thte Jniaà %cta"îtîtci -- -seuoelaI'piuatiael h;uii-, tthi il i Gc orge, di-tîanti11 il't i iu'acr lfitI, litrisgli tîto hiualAsuiotita.I s J4 iylieSeiytus ettaett- t-t iii'îutcaalî.plt-ulbttata it, ue ct--tc.-uscummcitiat -l i<'lo-tt- ttetIi-l'inc f aals .til u-,a i ieing n-%vlit-ii- nctle iutd cii o 4 .i;is ai<le t- e It- rs. 'aalîs & -,). l'i- r tt i-atili iiu iiî-J îacoulm ticL bbf ; lt oi( allant, lh ienrid i mli neit--i a ad. -I'iuîsforeru u]u teh lia'opinuion cf a tu ttlà i i cite ciuupt rm onuer in wu i t h ttiy ' o i li at- atiouetu-h dilaiarz. Iu tttie, us in l% tter E n laûi.......................1,405 - --'-" *- '- 810lso Do ut ha mut tapain tics b1suitýeSaI )O &L ATtt.O. Mii e laiat . It-oe aioga pidsii T h acilne $ oî n - -- - - - - - - -.4à.-ia iti a it I'lcîî.tstl uîl -i tlt-i. rl, i>ve1 i a Ttusu- s a - a Iit-t:rt' i ou-uwhieiliait-VEu scie nt'oercobm-n Irchaitti------------------.......J7iSpzcaltiî in Medicine. csusiiity. I i ut'ts ,rlnacîs 'lgent-t--iei udei oitt tnt-îti nirlîitihescCity ration siclicete usaabsuihmuut 'eOf t.- wlu the1373 te Wu-o putîiisiî 011ur-cgtItp'. a fl lilngit sti Co i r. t*,Ê pclr lvrîr r i uth rt-îIow8lsip in Whilby. we havai reoeiveai halctaesguurta-îtgthîîa tcii leta igtil ti tcia-lt uuw. tii'f' ilthilduit:It-us t reitiuie atil i-sp a- ttlitiiL't'u., pit-îahaoiîeat andtfi L-t'. Pie. 01. t tut- il ic~tîai..Dr. IL. V. l'lcî'e, in-cr-nhis itlhaut tItis. nuse îttl i-c le itaciy ms-lu l haveî ias- îtil liaiceg4ti il fisationt orihet it lrietictil Isse-/o. Inî'iunti--------------------..... of131ait iaa, N. Y ,ici st-ich lit-e-te fa".rtýic"-tut lt-uv, liueui,,a-rriagootiR lt it-at-oi lutt,, bt iW1lco:u a ttisu notual hpsar nt eut.e et tin Or let, W10t-iihl tcuitalîly t.scotiand .......................-.ttu8t mii oneiularuitlforce an-d ce fu'iuo uiuânîy bai, lu îiatticaîl ilut on Atitas ttatong'slisoitîtin,;ahaiiîitati(jo t- ,amunc-e-l il. beneîs ltiste wiseto cotin Eul- .....---------------1,302 flis rt-at-itnorutdierîuiiog Ihir výIisn-le l itien. stu. Wîîbetîi.t hiîcy Ituva'lot beof n * uaciy. Thisen-t deatli, me ns'e tott - -e «0 é- -tead icitentice la aa Pruglee dauattment of " a.---- tccistuq* it tail, or whel.lý" - si nîenri- bia treuunt teho tii. nc ofîu e smboet i ASaîir Drt-acu-Tliu iaid tuîiî-h'tri-atImentof litui-etn.-' A RichinBlîdersAwtcît Deaih. l-iiptl-i4theîhh tiglta'y, îî t Wusele J lie ~ ~ ~ ~ dtat teuaiht i enitgtt ttl- ~ î du-fanal thce er-"tc»intee t. ironio ttuau.Tînt-rainei art jie elsîrli -t l Coti OrGov-rrtilnt inlr lefoin akpa tp te rijpti;ofhelmi Ccii t-o tati î hen eotand tcllare ln-hteuulit of ut&'aVilittua Ioucîtcui 'gir ueutnactsisn'a ary lihuFir. tnettîeiz ofc iutltahtai and tcf-iett. 1fr. 'aWtiiaimtn ieQnira', a w t 10t,,Ott tuaellity1' uin a'eîi4tce strong anti infini-niiel commilteus lias iliSîtrîni'î, theto utaeut f iii. ciii ete., iuîuî l militlu,-farau udt coana mie iitîer'if !14-8 DéXaisîtsasunneur, Bt-icilt n1auiea.Iîeg enntes t tois - TInt t ice vFcinul( inti nsta tht-itîvald. Dr. Pipre lt-e, ijtil yptstsrtlay. Ht- s-tutrt-lin-!Ta lthFretcIs Miiteter of Marinen-e. '1114 beau appointeul te cutititr andl report \isknzt-im t--ne worg titan thétii;th -e anuiiter eofe' worlc mcicita ice n a lilz-uttop buggy uttiî Ilis -I4pst son, pet-le thtt-th isesu e.fit-lit-ries art.cr-t npo te uesio.McDoe' i tueIîii, f lte e-m n'niicimant ai-ails-attaleet a large cicritîhcîtUn - lied a sîtinlt-il hairsa, JeChuiiongauitlalty ilttiminibiltig itn rieltion '-'ce-lies psuacical ahape anti reLuIt in actceiuse, pri-vidîei inrissucplortu na, tîc-clid lits' -Tht.Pt-eplt-'s Cuctmon St-na, Mecicai 'senu(t-tics eur Fullond mtrpt't'làndth clitllltt e itfvenit(., thý roeo otlte ,ci E istere 8tar Loilge ulîl have tht-ehl. If thheLiltrais arc litotal i wh Advimur'-ocoitainiucmimevillehu- tcouh iviteel etflthinLggy pussed oil ai, c COiltiati, iiacomtang inadeqniuliutlathite atut areilil et heing tise fret lodiOjeCnt hie pulilc mont-y,ta met-e lte Consen. duitiliînua'cely.iihnsîtrahed ages,i eut tien 1ili, mîtich tt tult-u éiallin ldtfliu. Snî îîîtîî îsmaken steîs iiis tisaIdinscition it- lltaIifi-iu-- aeip ce-t-uli o c'el ciu.telecfrtt saikhes, t-tu.ring o. Oe vl ttci .t by aticib i etc 'p nspueet-tua mit e ;. hodu't kuteirhoi 't mosk ut-Ilcaenlan-.dfoc isegiîct rahe ie-."ni.i îtsint-ic mîet- mîtekes u eVtîhcaeownConti.lte GJOona, geotîerent, anti pt-etpi-t-, yoix te inspeal, se itîdthe Tories'. Suellijencuit sructian of lie pa'opI,-et.let-ga', d, titis pi'ajt-citjg poinît, wmiciitwf tS lhter <ay, anti wtt.n lii. fatitor.'mWho tli demenvýe, lu yuur 0go aunit trul>- chtirit-tht. duteece pet fort-tib>-lte Ee$gishi anditwîsicîî ncay ho liai for 11150 (puntt reggeîl aani maîp, etrnck tht-literrettuea, i,,t,~aiIi ksîe d. alita 'ueork. matutinal -orean etftiie Goversneet. psitt) ly adisrin> tise autto.D.tt fat tt tt-"tyrrittoso i' mn wouet, t uel îîî lchstîd r5 s bat -Wei nsry colt-,iutiuucsLiteratu con- Fitn obs Dom been betore tte gecerai miiestreuittiflIuaw. VTeht.hone uI> f' osM4AWA & rltING PîARX-Twe rae. tissa tiJssseirs ditseplcotnteat. Aittif- publia laongt-nouelI t 10 iabia'tht l- or- tcaeiîfi-rVRýad us pf-it etlite Thse exhibition of newepapers anti lut i are aeocîed te cerne offat--rrtihe--fino halh ls beu el rim" laredueutte mratien et a cuit-tfuit cstinaîceoft hua'pavt-ntut itil atuasirtg swtfie. . Z tsstuII15iptts mot- o anho- ipetied t et Ibis 1itXe> arh neaiwnnsethutt e t-pre t tcia-tiof ethi. Irualrent andti tuamed.i- itroc inhtletetils-cp-aîa-at6 sttnscs. Pau.mii etcLmc c uets abeveeourma ou Wednesslay, Aucapset, deiossora 1" Shel'. I;of Bait-lhile -Star. icina'u, anti t e marîuc-, we are Ulai t'ataihe bot-mepleingoed ont aocc switluy use. Soeents ceauti tit ticîeslhav-e. lr-ai- 4C'i- 2nd;'eu et'810, fo homealiaIbav- -'a-.-.-kusow, lias lise n niversalîy favorable l 0ii I . u l a nIÃ" ac ulip. . ic.btn ot-tntimac>- of îîîsm rare n e y r b e t 2 .5 0 ; an d i a p sra e t o f $8 0i à b ail b y 'g ater a h M i e - E n d , L o n - te b o tl h- lfa a eh e ttg e. - G u ir , ulît i el triîd to Clita-ch i r. te c n e a A m on «s- mIs- m a-a L o t-' e f fer'ail green bot-sem. Bath are jtkelv don, wes Ont-il -for bilm-'conm truaneye>-. ... stnefT%- gnem vpaes nti ail ttO sonD1,'1 Prayer te 824 Inegnagea frem lthe kna Ireta ctojenlitnpc'ssontrd for tirde- A gentlemn mIte 'tt e-s te luaep bigs Chat-li',(, u'csgrun, 1, Wlii'e hey tIiýpsct>latActtit--cny-<of St.'Pbuseg lt tb fliilat,'nît e capital cI'nys Sqpartday. bsoane ha wue teoispor to p&>-tic nani- a ii-ct-eulisspi-ainiveti Mnr. Aider-.u'aicciaaiîi Atlanttic-avenue, it.hetoru htn.ie aise e very t-ttuiîtltcollection ht Meay b. leaketifor. Rue tart Al two fllei, TIse boy raptiateti tie offence, t<nEyou s auh eî,in, î. hiruseil towaral Vaeudehiîateeen tatorpe 0,01o0k, p.. miaretipon hie infartenate parent. ant, la contrihete 91300,110) lefoul a thse iheals cabehitg Inthe cat- treeSu, J -yCiemmai' stlestas Rer. Mr.~l - -a-e------apé mtaig hi m o lb. t-lanmoethaiceca ew Scliool of Art aed au Art Gallery lipsatthle cart-cgr e e tstu iî TIti aye TAcet- DiaeAa'Rn-TIio yacht Movi mite, declereal lic mouiti raiser- auke e cotebieuti. riaItut .hoek., Mi'. 1CGuire- laïu-etos , raui pt racen au anthe iawht wue truusk by a tual Off Blaphe. fiie in thewater t tce 1witprsontit -Ad ano ls isiamval Ilîcemu in a Complete m'ornireait, an tome, S. I. Club.Woulla anti turnei aeagnfor his -graceleem ciilî,i, enl A paieiet glait wttouîhia scaii'esdabîe .11k . e Lndnaus oice." 18rteh - dremyned iimaeîf tu Ibe Regeet's Canal. nîceen s telten jesrlatte sroof oft tistîtmin bhô aug ttei eboulte r.. Tii. Lo st nilonkto-.ei the cut' I bottmaide up: - i5'5 ereoam - eca -the tIi.a aia -ecab, te eahtus- lthe pass. woctntaulereemicfsdh-ita>lnerelseoil &rone. 'Hentaa-n om tolîtn tc- hu- egr a '.aitlie apr ithent leenin. laO13 no cuW it r. n.MoGnire'o ronntO ce acnt cf thse nuisanice caemeti tht-e eenîa eul ay-ci enu eati'erE cngotfo ré ai>- f pot-er l cili ht ihewaa frt ireti a 1 fa ie coller. boue'by lhe celag. -~ Foa~ei--ypugmit a a'ted W. nej' the houRa, wiîe ie eWent tnt-o litigî.- sho Thé ~î- trisu om i a Pepolilical ctlla'pttignî4ise ng'-tgor. N. Ailey, in the *mploy- of Me&Srtu gantien for a mornent. Tiio, eI!s Tise>- cali mi ~ . ee ,-,K." mbulaxcesiveulteu u-. l.os> egtj rot~wn l AiMe~Atctilatuig teig.de-e 'fut* > ,czeibsm ýrocgl fier t'a t, tcnmedtely, 1whlcb medne ht.lugei , tfsClorad,o' tsavtg ui ldsttyfsoin bt-ewtIsyn hfrenOlýYddu~~yAtl ~ W411e $ho fonud' lhàt"à ,pet pig h.d if, owam 16,000lid, and for ixty l4ouselai eu tlië>t-tl, 'and hJiàl faec an là - - ~.nnul c'f, Itàlisn'ýi e2 Z p te:n off: l'$ irn a, tmand i usîta moali hoPlaîleno braed buîtia tta large forte. e le ba~tw Uasir Eur.lu8ViL, by j-p~ - ' aiise«k aad- ineffensive, suilepent Mcmt cf l ios ag uI' Jge to fÇmustlof art4 ,ua. 'WC - in tu luero ome. W ien C on eoll>- acter ail t ruht-n t bl a t th ei. n lt 6<fst e E îc on pro s. ,ftais plnce il msdozing eptier a snai t-calice witll Wbeeqaly benefeial. Ie 0 talcie. Ccnnniîy gel oe bis bandsanuJparltcular, me hope.' tist exringm-m- kresandl arswhed' entier the table, bers of!the cemttierciail" woî.lil yull aee apieisdon. O!flIse dogotaare iu biteth, inuil not morély -,& endamnationcf lhe anîl t!raggetIbo .- aeiisi u tal o t h le practi..' cf proeediga ~ quota Lin front centre- 'Ã"! h. room, «Tii. dog triedt thie Comiefttée of thSu tock--Echange trot eue>, but C o rnuo lhi - lelt tigiti an ti hn. h e b. lnegt b eff a<ste Iat em ents, but rimtng ho hie feel miookte lodg uctil ilsd a jeatoîal rap-oc! of al oo tmiutqn h weicuttt tore tie eàit off. The belldog raja. rer iprecate rucas b>-thuse cf îhot-ouabliy amr6ue-1, matie a mavag- famebOOtla.,t-ýThe ocmuaonILaw'. wli 14'ah <tir hietaalIant. Connol>-cdrap neprt ta o opitra>- teits rubi- fIs pei ou hie' iacutiacuikneaa anti kerck- 'renciing. Ucuar- andi nmcruplou eîi titaidog nue>-av ilhis taliaI. Th- 'lbuhm'" and I bearcc migtind t$im- 4,g rueltet et bitra agate anti caugit sales nten u phenant pomition if the mIin by lthe foret-rn, l&acrn ti eta m ulîlwhch basi-eaclied Mn. Aapjeell Y' 1Y befona -Ceenol>- couch îoke il anti Mn. Reocker,,wer et'ota in icliefl jce . Tihete , cre tme m en tentîtit aga st t em . it w uî b pid h> pjace bopidis Fogars-, anthti maie a easY te fudit ic moine cf Lord Elien. iioea intentèea. Fogerîy exclaimeti, lorougsjuignionl. ample warrants "Egt bita alone i The mtn's te blâme, for tahulug cninsinat. proeedings on ac- andl 1 hope tIhedoiz will -kfll hihm.' i d'cent of m'any Irregactýiece muipus Aftr st-vendahhatempts te fasten i e:nahallceged' inetheeCty, andl wic seit on Ceenoi>-, b>- uviire-hi abtter are rarel>- made lhe basia cf an aetioe. meu bah>- toi-a, lie deg ait lamI *cacbht The warning given by tiie fate of lie Irlt b>- th.hot-fl houlde- tansuk lIa Enptec etirectera m"i'indue. a mlutar- t-euh- ho tti- ifuît tenglih, onusîolsina slnd>- cf 'lhe prineiplea cf the Englisli lb., iant-s anit aecurng a lieli- tintcriminelll w f fruau n sd ceempiro>- as Ceentle-coutil nol ht--ah. Connolli>teapplied te cemmerce. lune ecizedtihie -logm toreabhociter in bis tluth, aciithoîent-orover ae miei AohrTragedy>. tuehe aciemei oue nnthr, lie mae fia-situa ehnckieg tii- dag'wih iis fimts. -M'UBDERED. WITH A MOWINýG he- nachetil anoisetc e floo-, suit - BLADE. lie blueul Ibat doutait trom thei, mouncla nîîixed i iahithe st nd icoveriudt htei We have nanticutars cf aietser mi a neditihai md. Stah at Iceat of dcectitui- irage 'y qe lie Gatineau. ths ittigi anti dimgracctnatcexhibition. Saine lime agoe aman -namaetiMerlin the SPi-tator9 Iriedtialepeullte dot- Keale- qe-rretieetira-fs*cloee met- ua>-. Tluey tuiseti uts legs, hemmi' -_tot- iti e noightbor namAe ug hem, cd il, penret h-i wuier on il, -but ait lu Lest Saterd>- Reae - mot Hughes and no pnrpime. Itrnaiuttained 11e hoît, revis iithequumrret1. Afc'r Rs.inbot ifs ey-m uzhciin te ace satisfacton. vir/ats R-e>- jumpet jet. Hughes, At, lenLhh tt'cgrty du'em hie uistoi, cutI mat-gen aeutattempteil Vo aînike hlm, naistuniug Ihat, il msasa tue ta bave ubenteupon Hstaapiokeis uphe blae laO stve lise lite ofthLIe metst br'ute ai ot a mowmiug machine, anti atruct bis uiîe hua b>-taktrîg tîat af tis. et, hi- suluzigot îon tise-heal mithia Iltlhe pla-ei it et-steet tic dtng'astutae ant ictt teeth tu icttin-g a terible iounti. IL, is ht tîtriîluhtise lieutt. Et-e v en lia>- sy aiti lie t-clshum st-t-ra tîmee aft. nsi ta pr t--is jît. ise. Is, anti Iied iim ep ini a horrible Cotseallt>, alttouxh usat>- exheeste Marinen. and muait truie lits etfbltil, ltaiu net, he mouetieti mise mc.tahen ta Dr. cîlucret one crv oh pain, noret-ktaFi.ilm cirgir>-. ah theatce, -'uhene bia Rigauo ai ccuesin'. Wîsets tht- dong '.i'unnts ut-ne nîletdedtah. -"ou oxuum- me tuka' e ', hie trteti te rime ta bis inatinil mas forint] ti h tad wàs ici-t, buh foI-bac t-kainsasi enuconccîcua. har-ItI>- ont, p, antîthe docto: gare il le usas gireut a giass et brandI~, anti a as hileopietn 'ý tîtt ha Coulnet lire toîsasue llcdî. Cuîsottyssrjigbr uuîy bccnns. H. h ingoreti ou, hase- Stireurta mus t-anus-lat-tcrtuul, tui-e a'rr nithiq bmonxg.wbee ie dit-t. ki-ee'nJîeiug'xeti jeinttFimeplaces;. le lent-es n mite nd dve matI ciili Tie Jairemît-ule uotflthesarntîi- aies mqes -. t-tii bittes] awayi, ant il sit1)ty-tht kie. - [is s;iîcuîlutsa rmus a litilpy mceass etfif-eh WIDE AmAYLIÇ eaRAUcGus, 1876.- ut lions'. US mo(iAsem-r, tiraest'-ilWihe Awnke for August sets forth n suit ite e-austi-n tai% qiart-w; ns uthtc tae ptiug repact fo- folks litît. étcil bg 1tP -ufu ftte tut-e-s mc-tee liras liai-t.-twcsai-ias,, tour short sqtos-les. ssi-eai iuc. Fre meus at lti-e ila'lirius, ilne aittule, a paper ef the iupoeti, Haime"' Iis 111h hie iras ci-ii-t mlii t-anviiT- st-nie,,'riulative te J. T. Trouwii, an oiuuns, l i et f lîjuihoe ai. itiiusethe papen, an aticei1relative te -8avi zg Lite b>- lhé Racket A pparitc," kiLMr:o e13Y A RA'r'ransnsaiu-Sgoçx. aiothes, t-adi>- w-itt-n, about lIhe- 11:0O FAT£ aiv A nateyf ecr.1otai ,', uniinerr cI Ramep, mlile tic deperu. t>us,, Jusi at-n Monilu>-nitlungineittaete el fihleti,ail prosighi> Jucet, luts ~ St-ait Gnîllau, iluglîter et attuîte. - ' psin eutnes ofi't t i e . ui The epeunng short atony - Jenùy's t-ru litîts girls. naM et Jenîtte Wagneiurk, .h-Nr '--y "e ll unît Leam V-nbi, melit eut in the iti'- liher Piatene Taiten" iîs mal tolotuliei 'aVehoif ftiNtntieta pick hsuahie. lcy pen anti pa-nait. lute erli s in i viri ra'ttrusui eryieg le thse vitlage, ce-i genluine lie>-, wiute i t Ne-Fashi sii tlîah lies Gceîiloe bcd bt-en bit-tue loneti Girl," Nta n t-auti type of i 'a ratit-sequae anti mas stek in lthe tlosannua o! eus' moie-n girls, hi-r usiou!e about a mile eue-. Tise yaig 'lt-t-urnenitber -dtitea pchhiug 1t tuer la f' abar, aitpelh-a ceepia' mii hcoetra>- iboula Tii. sîlquet. ufit îcnuis anti Dr. Crane, hantene to apiper, îtMeeanersat Home,"Ilouglit to be lthe spot, geihoiyth-le girl. Ou c aî-prnetet nas n tract to- generat titrinu. iug it a eta-et-tnt ig lt p nisenteul sa-if. t n. A m o eg th t- p e e , that C lassic Mliss Goouilae la>- in convulitns au lise cf*Balty-ians, ttJack seul tic Ben"-slalk," gceut, ana iri soiieutaensuenrt- b>- lace Dot>- Bâtes," illutrateilb>- ious suze. Dr. Crane uit oece tolaceri-Chaote 'Doty* Fine-, and *he Fi-st c ît h i stit- b ase a n il r a're a îe t t e ta c t t i nt T o o l , " b>- E Jig a r F a w ce t, 'vjV l 1 b e th e ti he u h i t c a c u e m e i t a t a r ua t t a c k . u i d l > - r e e i . Se meas entrolu' uncieucions, anti was Ouy 82 pt-r apn.' D. Ltirop t once' prn on ic d he onu a l tin oian C e,, B oston. tîiu. Tisa suaite ihad saoukhils fange tîep jutte t-cuit et ier ltg je tue EXTRADTIOit DEUtNCT,--.The -atie_ p uiuuc .a ndcit i one o tf the m wias f eu e-I t e o fth e U ni ed S tate s ce th m q u es. itLue-in>' a hir stohing. he otr tin ofetraadition seeme .te icîicate lidintisîeccii seau reneuies as are ei]ticent-t> tithe Tnet>- for tit paspose tu suchcaes, but, thu ntttitte youeg te regardei aI Washtngton ne a detuet %vo c-acn ieulin e f-- m m u tes a ter th t- It is o nl>- nece nll>- t int 5 r. Secietar>- utrriait on-erathar andi peni-. UR,Fisi declinedtiatetake att-ps tae reaeive a limhs sîna-ihet eo tiat tIseene bitcen by nnîilerer, Ibeegi Ceetîia unes perfect. Jîlie seahit nrtttti- min. Sîe îîeîî t t>-rend>- le givs hlm up, anti nom ha Iti- masintent-se ugeny. Tue catîtît refuses le permit bis office-a ou the itecus ctaintgtitiscase ece ra-laaîl Sein Yonk frontier ta bol an abseonut. 1y tli tisiehîy tha' lithie girl tîs.feousa ,:inz Montireé aieiter, thougtitcharges -"iTuy meeu ut-ichiie bt-tihts user tîce 0 et tiandtiari-teecun e pr-ffer-et -ins ait lia it-h tuibltthisa i, ail uefteal hum, both bteieg a xtiadiahla cFars- flulel. Suiîtsniy Miss Geodie offences sueder lthe Trih> of 184. irve a luiîtsaeant, anti, drloppii irTsiniiiaa a se it tcns- ?ail, rse wttihiy ouI tot ice buierho-tut-n a fine titlirke eut some medias autt lt o a ait -t-nea- -t, sîcatiati aetonîubts stor-. Se etrong waLstise 'ai>- G eil, inu - G at, a a tlesuake bs ausp icion agaiVs î' IYIcu a a uW 4 ,as tIe > itIen me !- Stphwhe lu-eu lsuf on the-tacts reveelei b>-ninvietigation, iliet -uses anti ceertneuced noiltng tui)iie baci been ment-et miii a notice by: urieluinu>. TIse liths 'aVehli ginlt-an ta- cee Ofthe inacrance compactes tint titi ttir teu an tm va petion oft liaitpiteo eût O Iicaim moctld b, neatateti,. itlteP, uultial I-'tiuta ho stihl taltsatidnue en asrt-st moultie tise neil pro. uj- MNise Giuauiita. Aiionh liait tif tise ci-ethiet-ie lavecueti, tahuung mîti cîxft ýbY n ftecoupany's ta-t tIhta Ittli umuaeFc vnmuk -em sa 8tlit 6is Pertcise tt(il ia nt eti-ea ut atftoer sevei-a S - y i ug r; e ntI e e ues o f m nt r o n th e 1 , 1 r t r , bu-t ý , m aiiiitbalsta.ta> itoitie. îîym elapSsent A later t thhe-uaa- 1 i t u t u au r b i e i i n t . s ls e t h a e t l p r i t i d 9 0i r e x p r e m a t u i t - r e g r e t f o r lt h e e c a g > e h e mia's, catnmd i utgî nn-> thahuikreti tl ied fhlm tsi viiî hm pi-nît the tuc prem u-nI muaciiner>- f e tot , f w eé'- o w u e a sal ~Tisetit.hog ayOfttadc,pping saTîte maniager ment asdiretul, but car, Tue j-sartasti- ousîi ta ha'tn-lit Mille-tatie t o keep hie appoinîmeuf, osiîr>- hue jet-,Sne tîtame kasndooHmonîsut - wittuutet ver tonuaiing i hl inant is ampeeilt n icmit Thesaie raciceorcarylrirputsaunowu. 111e runsre tt i-I."~~~~~~~ Tiesm'petc tiryn lic becuime entaîRte wti milia moman 1ts 1va'euto ta pichel>- lta-ee areal.- 0 I te- south etOfSpin nuite t-seti u unk ulohi ffi, md thaI he seuil a s [t n> e , t n u ia . A 'N é ea lt n e th e la tte r t a E lng la n t i t n t ie r li a I lie tule penant mih carry on har lei n migtbt lopa, tht- more eaa;ily. H. mmm - sû l . f el e tf a v a e r t l e l i e v e r > - . rm n R e p u .n o n c s s i e g t h e r i v e r a h D e tr uo it m îi -na -etl r u-cumoal' ani t, clatdraop a flabil>- dreeeci yung omin su a t, cuit the acquisition o! hunart or b. Lis pertaour. Th-- defaation ta c it g i n o s b e r th é èd e e c a ti ar ia ll 3 r m hi P b y b o n d f th e L t i c m ' a i t , a n dî l t i se m m x e î e i2 4 0 est eu-i mçll.tonmed bath ai dshunt A !sonduoino ceun>-, Cal.,papes' de- ch. & cribes ai'quie:riish' rcetnly canaha ini Little river. 1h mas toui-teac irichea uThe lirsenh i. tiioSarcurtinfveasion o! long, militeabt-ad lihuen am11111 amaica lut Etrat-ou r>- b- ituu'tit taeutmoke>, niiround cos-ie.Becs cp.Gie . Colieon utthe-eAne noatiils m ass outh,witht a pro- J5, nuuildeatroyei a, vtllaze of hoalil, téis-ailt ongue., About - wo, iacha .,é-Vnneq anti Arapahopm. ln1866 above bu. -monthr n boue as-oit-admi. es: aos geonl 'si-ht ba-s-mL andt e3 caen uo 'us-misy che seit-u4 clarto thec-m li hi pt-omis whitIt uxps cc mut lu heme N. Chasirsan Thse uEa On Surit lare gt t-asClin, aIls, cot matiagh kiiechofo 9ti Ipeo spases, i cissd iea andtissu Fehipett 'anmNu, iOn oSat thtens. 1 Sttcatut.r cueitrsJ Fc ptticdipý clro c!i. anuot-ii t- r' t -I

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