Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1876, p. 4

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"' WAI.LM TILOMPSONi'B,'i Sadier &ail Harnais Maker, UiOI'T, JITY * LanES4, 184 I6ND 0OH E A P 1FARE8!' te on-u. abla, from Wisftrb - - OM1 ss i ai t, t aooordlsgtoaccommodation. internieiate - - . suit bor.- -e- - - i'ra, P m psage OerUfcýtes lamueS at 1Lnelwe ~ate perlons wli.alng te brlng IDeben. ont Stocks. FOfoedkata afe tier informtIon applî signes, Broker, o em inin, Mo- &~NT TOTE VESSION 1 e Rind Guide risi t ts ingn tau rf i. .feuS tdie 0 he Piao.tnewleti f'e ead oasngpitassûýage. Ath»eli .uf r seor0àt eetosan loetoliT ýg quiet ou ýthse part of thse not e ployed, tend te lîîtenaify sô sd inrasa greatly tis e Sea- (orwhich th.e eereie la lntended. la inwareanted te fit any àîuae FeL la at once asimple audn srong. it be fhace froua thoisepne, belng low wlien net requireil. . 0 any adRCCT088upon rêsipt of tise prlie, svth l ùtrnctlens. Ltînge, WainUt BoSs.... 04 0 platei Catngs, Ronsiruod S..- - --.......I- - -... 600 -Toaechers are respectfstlly luvitcd he9 test as te tisir quilfcallon. Apply te essor0 CO. WGGINS Wh ~y or er SosAgente. Jannary lBfis, 1876. 4 STS FORL INVENTIONO longal aAroperly soecrslfilL'an- UnîteS Statos. and ElImre. Pa- trantetid or ne- Charge, pond for Intructilons. Agfeucylu pormitten HENRY GRiST, iclE ineOttawa, Canada. apghteenn.aten11 nb.blitante of Duffinas Creeli Vlcillty. *I bave nomw openeS a là Biop inlu >StW. 0uafbertsmier. >l, aucS Feu- aer offreZ 1o tise' LI. Reasenable Pricea i Conte se ai, and get sonethIsng te So yun BICITAID WESTLÀKE. Doeember Sina, 1373., G2 rAIlLE PIV>I'IIITY POU SALE. l'h subee-riber eflers for sale tise flloir- lng valumlo proprty tu tiîo Toma of Whft. Isy-A1%sxcellent Bu41ck Cottage mith 1 sors of land, etuateil on tiié corner of Green as st. Peter st,, ln tise Soutis Word. Aisn, j acre o1 land, meil fonced anS iu a higis state of caltvlloa corner Wellinsgton snS GIS- foriS l.,Feorth Ward. *-acre on Centre t. ouli iethtie resideuce ofS . Draper, Esu?., In tise 1%nti Ward, Aise 20 aces of good land, beincoz ffedof art f lt1l, lotis cou. wns p i urý%y, 06.Nortsusnber. A cear and Infigiputablestle io liib. given ta ali the above propoty. For Srfiser par. ioniase appi> te tise omnr. FRANCIS CLARK. Wisity, Jul>'. 1871, 29tf .1 0 ACHE rF4B INM Az FOR SALE 1 W0esf.balSoS Lot Id lu tisp OButScoudes- $ton oe NMars, <Une-hall cleared and under culvation. LogHneian, .Wltis- la tmo miles et lireblun, Ralima>' Station, IL1.3TAYLOR iDominion 1Ba k, Witby.- DAILY LISE TO ROCýESTER. Coniiencing ou or about THUElSDAY. JOle APRIL, 1876. TUSE STBAMER "N ORS E MA.N," Wil» mmli.hem regular tripa ou tthia route 1laingoebourg over 'merufua t 780, sud l'art HopeaI 7 'aiock, for Rochester,, con- uecting 'tiser, mîthelbewM'Ynrk Central Northaru Central uil Brie Bailirsys, ansf LakeOntario Sisoro DIviiot tise Roei Watetwa h Ogdenebnrgis Ballway for &af poIts; East, West anS South., Buuairio: WiIl leave Charlotte (port of Bocisster) 4*11>' aS9Sp. sm., oxcept Satur. Says, wmise he mlii leave at8Op nm., for Port Hope direct. Dealers lin tock &o. mli infitd tisstise *'hepot pud Most .îpeditipus roule te Boa- tee Albany, NwYork he ]Yor fertiser intoriuadon sppIy te- Bt. CRAWFOI{D, Port Hnopc, br, C. F. o GIBLRRlVR, April lits, 1'86. . _n 1 JAMESSIL.SAO & COMPAN FU RN ITURE.' &RETAIL. U.bert Haill DI Yonge 9t. Pull I Sock et evey* abterthé men a c rouag P.llier x Whltby, Mgac2 '~p s&TeL' 0 % 27t5, 1870., ti.14 THE G>RPA? ENGLISH REMEDY I Dr Iwliamn .SPECIFIC MEDICINE WtT, usosxu~rzoe ., wblch, iD28l ases, aroe rodueedby ovorid n,ineIteuef 1011" sd lé bolloire but the Sjcinc e is morèl esePPcally reconimn 4das au ntâufaling cure Fr umXaÀLWRxÂxMOeh, RP »zRt4IMPOTzNOT and ait diseases tha folowas ;enene 0 Sef Abuse, s Lose or' MnuoaYt, Uuxviasir. Làssi-run., Plu n 1W vex I3CI Dxnmossop Vislos. Paz- MXATUDE 0w An., and nuany ther disesses that Iesa te IxWs&irr or CoxusurTnox and a PazuATVIIISGnjsau oal f whtch, as a rule, are tirst caused by dovlattng fronm the path of nature and over indulgence. ýThe Specific Medicine fa thse resut of a life s~tyand uany yeri of exeieeinlutreat- I&PUU tbsue special discases. 14ull particulars in nn~fn1Phet.wlchire eo r tesenS fres by Te Sxccldc Meicne in soIS by ail, DIrug- geteat 1lper package, or six packages for $5, or will bc sont by manl on recelpt of the mooy by addrespsIn~~GI &C. 1 NindorOt. tz" 5 lublnhtby by .'WB. Smth, las, limre and al Srugelcs. Northrop & Lymian. Toronto, whlolesale agents. 7 '0 R G A N s i TE B MUDGE &YARWOOD -Manufacturing Company . stylo 5, 4 Stops, - z 10 Strie 1, 5Il te-e -150. Style 7, 6 Stope, - '175, 6tylo 9, 7 Stops, - -190. stylo 11, 7: Bleus,- -200. lu Resonant anS Wvalsut CarveS cases. Cases registorcdl 1871. MELODEON , ORGXNS PATENTED, :873. Style 4, 4 Stops, -$1. Style , 5 Stupe, ' - 10 style 20, 6 Stops, - -. 160. Style 8, 6 Stope, - 175. In isaudsonie Roscirood Cases. PIANO F.ORTE S-,[ of tise clebrated WEBER & CO'S, mako always on sale t tise Loiree;t iates for a Sncft-cas Instrument. Infsndiusg purshagers are rcspectffuliy re- quested te Cali asudexamiîne our Instru- ments befor.' buylug elgeemiere.- Wu are nsaklng large redustieus te Cash andS Sisr(- Iis Cuetomere buying direct fren the Sac- t ory'. ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED i 8everal Se-cond-hand Melodeons FOR SALE FROM $60 UPWARDS. FRE D MUDOR, Manager, Whltby, Noveushber 241hi, 1876. 48 MAýL IIDS FO, R-SALE i Lot lp in lith cssseesqiops, 200 ae. acres. Âout six miles' frein, -Âfhefyiy u- ,*My Station. J. IH. PE1hRY, i 'whtby. Gong North Ironi Port ope te Lnasa JavoroMadSOrlliaw Les-va Port Hope- Gong North te Peferboro' &Lakelleid. Oomlng"BoutS frein Ofla te Llnday, Pofeboro' ana PortHope. Mail .... 12:80Op. m.Ar Pt lopo 680p.m. bemiagSouth from Lakocolla.. Wfxed .... 8:45 a. m.in i.. 215p Comects witiste lilsstne. lLu'v L $ 7,000 WORTH kinds ~(V1T1 T A& J. Brook Street, Whifby, gay lot, 1876. R AT $l: 5- Merchant Taiors. BOOR A.ND MUSIC STORE, A large and well asorted etQOk of lloom Paper and Win- dow Bàlinds, whioh, he isý prepaired to selI at the' lowest rates A splendid assôrtment of stationery, New Misoelaneous Books beâutifull bound, ail kinds of Sehool Books.' violine anda(oncrtinag. S8swing Machines-best makere. I.ýTge and new assortment of beat Gold and Silver Wâtcbosý and Mhains 'on hand. Wool ý&nd Ftwncy departmen1e complete. Al -orders for English sund Amnerican Periodicals aiid Newspaprspromptly fifle. We are now in a poition to, supply- Frize, Books for Schools st haif price, and we fées that we eaui give good satisfaction. Soliciting orcra, &c. Whltby, April- tS, 1876. *L4IýS AL 8 P R/NO,;18 76. .Garden Rake8,ý " Spctdes, Shovels, * Hoe8. Genuine White bead, Lfnseed Qils, Glass, Putty, &0., &C., GROSS & MAdNACHTAN,I BRO K STREET, WHITBY. Whitby, Aprl 1llth,, 1870, GIiEA T Boots CLEARANCE SAL.E- pF and Shoes!i 0F BOOTS AND SHJOE8 To ba sold witliont reserve 1 Parties in want of Boots and Shoes will find this a rare opportunity te purdhabe cheap for Spring wear. Remember the place, at ]KIRIK'S BOOT, & 5110E STOIRE, Ontario Block, Brook Street, Whitby. C. KI RK. Wlîitby, April l2th, 1876. GENT'S CLOTHINO AND FIJRNJSHJNG- GOODSU For Super.îor ,Clothing suitable for Sumfmer wear- try the lothing Storpe andi Merchant Tail- oringýestatblisnment of JOEC) T e'MI MbGU .TSO0IeW, DUNDAS STREET, WBITBY. AG001) FIT AND STYLISH OUT WARRANTED! Gent's Fnrnishing Goods of ail kintis, ineluding Shirts, Whitby, Jnly 27th, 1875. CHOICE WINE8 PURE LIQUQRlS at WUOÃ"LFSÀLE andi RETAIL to suit the 'D OL 1ýDAY5D~~4~ UN-USUALLY LOW PRICE.S. 'TRY [FR9ED'ERICK NJiJALIJJ'B, -SIMCOE ýSTREET, 0SHAWAý. AGENT FOR DAVIES k'BRO.'S* »r-ited XXX' Cream e & Por T~'TT1~ Nowis,.t]e time to. buy goodawdc Fnrnituýe. Hv bouglit oiight the business lûteiy earriea a H. Sarno, we taktxis opportunity of unvitinxg his msny triena s ssI, andl we cma assure all that we arepeardtdos ini the future, s ~R13 Sarno liasdons inithe uast. TILL'& JORN 15s ýto give us rýeil by tIhem ISTON. Orders, bý mail promptly, atteuded to. UND]EjRTAKING.-<The only -firs cJ.es EstsblishrnEnt ini the County wherefunerals are. fully supplie d,' WEitby, October ,lst,; 1878. P.ET ER 40-ly SMJTH, Rias jusý received at lis store, Fellows' Buildings, a large assortuxent of OL, H 1US E -FLO0W ER s FR011 TIlLE CELE]3IATE D GAIIDENS 0F ýM vTCH ÈLL Also, a large assortment of Flower Pots in difieront styles and sires. Garden Seeds of ail kinds on hand. Special. attention paid to the oî-der- ing of Miscellauc9us Flowers. l~Cash, as penal, lxaid for ail kiîîds et Fftrmers Produce. Wlîitby, Âpril lûth 1876. PETER SMITH. W. J.IIICKJE 0., Beg te anununse te tthe Public tho arrivai of Itheir SR IN G STOCK 0F DRY GOODS. --DUe- Haviug dccided te adopt the CASH- SYSTE M are prepared -te offer sucli iiidusemielit as will aniply repay those wantin, 0 - IEA lm G0OOD S A few Leading Lines: GOOD FACTORY COTTON AT GOOD WÂSHING PRINTS AT - GOQD WHITE COTTONS AT - GOOD 1ËLACK LUSTRES AT - CENTS. and othcr tILhgs in proportion. A freali lot of Groceries. H. & Co., having to get rid of the Liquors by tho lst et May, will seil thcm at COST .PRICh'. 1rze FARI4ERS PI<ODUCE TAREN iNI EXCHANGE. Whitby, April 1lth, 1876. 16 LIST,0F ATJCTIONEERS Licensed for South Iliding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. B. H.L Camenen. - - C. Moore......; John MoGiUl & Co. - Doniald RsI T. H.IL ss Wm. Gordon.- Jasmes Digis>, Jr..-. James Dig r..J John L.Wats J. C. Pilke y... W. M.WIL cx C. Wilson. Thsomas Tueker. - -, Dan. Whae .. Thsomas Pencher,.. J. M. Patterson.. L. Fairbanks.. H. E. O'Dell.. Donald os Bnis BDees.. Joiston Dramn.... LIST 0F Johnu Carr- James B , gos- A. C. HeaS JamesIlakel.- Felifs eMcGoveru., John Gillian .. Duffet as Dufcett Bras-. Gdo. Burton.. Osisawa. .. Thorish.... Boaverton-.. Oriiia .... As'oburn ... Tiserais...... Csssniugton. Sunderland. Claremont ... Claremrert... Port Ferry-.. SalutffelS. Port Perry.. Port Perry.. Leaskdale.. Toronto,... Markham,... Bloominglon '»- -- Wisitby . . Atheri>'..... Ileaverton ... Mauilla. village Uxbnidge MtrNIsIPALITY. Sentis Riding.. Mara ............ ThoraS....... do,........... Sou th lding ... Tiserais....... do-----------... ]lrock. ........... Souts lliding. .- - . 'Uxbridge .......... Nertf riding ... Forfi Iliding ... .North Rf ding.. Bteachis............ Scott........ .... Norts Bielfng-... Sentis Riding-. South in . Sentih Outano. Mira ...... ...... Ilrosk.,.... ...... Birook............ Uxbridge .... PEDLERS FOR THE CO, Oshaw'a... liroekiU ... Non-Resideut .-- <lo. - do, -- (Io. Oshawva... Oslama ...... Feîs-Resiet ....- Ou font....... 1 herse....... 1 herse, Ceunt>'... 2 herses, Cousst>.. - 2 herses, Cousit>'... 2 herses, Count>'.. 1 herse, Couuty.... 1 herse, County.... 2 herses .... LicszexExs'uux. June 28, 1870. Sp.20. 1876. 22, l1876. it29, 1876. Oct. 1sf, 1876. 18, 1876. 19, 1876. 19, 1876. Oct. 2615, 1876. Oct. 201h, 1876. Oct. 251h, 1876. Oct. 251h, 1876, Nov. lth, 1876. Nov. 22uS, 1870. Dec. 2nd, 1876. Des. Stis, 1876. Jan: 241h, 1877. Jane. 28th, 1877. Feb'y, 2nd, 1877L M'reh Suis, 1877. Mar, lOtis, 1877. Mar. lOtis, 1877. Mar. 21sf, 1877. ONTARLIO. 2lut April1, 1876. 815 May, 1876. 91h Des. 1876. 14tis Dec, 1876. 151h Des. 1876. 1515 Dec. 1876. 2015 Jan. 1877. 21sf Mar. 1877. laI' April, 1877. WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer.1 1Whlty, Aprul 4ti:, 1876. FASH4ONABL TA IL ORIN GI Go where yQU eau get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establîshmeënt of GE RGE GURLEY., 8HAWA. SUPERIO CUTTING SHAPES THIE WORK 1 ALargeii8 ofFie lothe ; best Engi, ScoDtch and Cannadisn Tweeds. 0-.> sxellent Overcoatinge and Splendid Veet Patterns. À4 GEORG'E GURLEY, King. Streot, Oshawa. JI'S T TUE P]?:.4C E --TT -M?"- Bo0 AND SHOEMÂKEB, R,13002K-ST., WITJBY, wtS oiwn 4a-a large ana vêrica stock 'f 1Boots and Sh es. He aise il makes'to o& every description of Ladieg' Gentlemeuý ard ~lrn'Wear-, Go where you can 'not fan ;.,to be pleaseti innimkjg 9s ,tionsIo rgod fàrniture.- Splendid Parlour, Drawing lloorn emd BecU'oom Sets, New Designe weil worthy ofinspection. at astouishing low prises. Dim- ingrotiteinTb1,jaery aupMror articlo. Gilt Comnices, Picture Fauing inii ey yty1el Sour fne e Chromos Yom, a4dEngavigs fr sle.pastea an4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Enr1usfrsl.' Ts ~BI INfTc-, I Pianoi Ino ail its- branches ; funerals fully supphied, A stock eof elegant caskets. I'-wî <Joffins slwàys oin hAnd, trnme eutCUstomers, and a well appointed W5" th' Hearse constantly in rcaduness lL Ivyn.x j.jjn Whitby, Novembor 24th, 1875. OddID OMINiýON IMPItOVED AIND REMODELLED, CA B/NET c0. -'S A N/J -ýCOMBINA T/ON OEw Gk, A- z LU- 0 èo >-Zi t m rZ _J. >5 Thi Copan lis rcenly eenre-rgaizs bydisaddition of dires et te mrt rae~sM mo trn~ te Fctoy o Ciugl & arren's Organ Co.* Deteit Mch. csh al~ugan ctve artinh~ou artsuar deparment, and- are ow ianfasurir a Oran QUA, adinma pontesuPERE4 oRteany We ticep1eaurej» anouciiy( tç <ur citoerà n e lictra4e .generaily that~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wehv eue h ih emnfcuesducutcDominion of COnu ad, the cslebrated SCRIBNER PATE19T QTJALIFYflGTUE, secnred by Lotters. Patent in the Unitcid States, E'ngtldni ànd' Canada. By mes of this invention an organ cnntaining two or ilire Lts of reedi becemes equai in volume andl power, sud far Superior in Quality and Brillia'ny of Toue to an erdinary rccd organ of six or eight reeds. - e L-k" Our elebrated "Vox Celeste," "Vox Humantt," WVilcom Patent "Oefit Coupler, "Clelo" or "Colarinet" stops, "lFugle Hemr," "-Dulsot," "A,Èolne," "Cremona," sud Grand Organ gStop, and ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, eau be obtained oniy in thes organs. Twenty-:five Differsnt Styles for the Parler and 'the Churcli, of dis beat m aterialb and Nworkinanship1 $:Ee .QUALITY, AND VOLUME 0F TONE UNEQUALLED. M-n P1ICES-$50 TO $1,000. Faclory snd War6roonxs, Cor. Tcmperanse' sud Welliiton Ste., Bowmanville. Agents Wantod in Every County. ZJe' Send for Frics List. Addrcss, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Bomnville,->Ont. General Agcnte for Canada for the Il"Cclebrnted" Bradbury Piano. Bowmanville, March 28tlx, 1870. 14 Trunks, Whips- and. Lashes,1 'Whutby, 15th instant, 1876. I desire te sali the attention eft tleLpubiic te the tact that at ne finie during. the pist five yeare Ibavo I beeu able te *Ã"ffer Haruese et ail descriptions at as Io* a prise as I saus thie Spriîîg. My expenEes lsiug liglit I eaun-do if. No more stylissh or better Haruese nsade iu this County. Cash purchasers will find special iuduccmut,-that je what 1 amn ettex. Cal and inspeot. RcspectfuIly youre, J. R Hj.. R2iIepairing doue. reasonably. I>icenotice-Second Haruc4 sSheop South, noxt teGroes's Hardware Store', Brosk fStreet. Eetelis7ed 3tenty Yeare agjo. 1 TO0MS & MIEWIlmO( lT, MANUFACTU{EIIS 0F, CAIRRIAGES AND SLEJUIGHS, DUNDAS STREET, WIBY, ONT. Have now on hand a large stock of Carî-iages, Buggies, andi Siciglis, Cû ,ittorsr which for style-and finish cannot be oxcdloed. SAil wil. bc sold at cost. Ail work warrantedl. TOMS &NE WPORT,_ Whitby, Ontarie. Whitby, Auguet 25th, 185. 85 John ston'*s Sef -Raking RBeaper. AWARDEDr THE FIRST PRIZE.- At the Provincial Exhibitio,Torontô, in 1870, We have greý whies 6M voîei piano cal' be'ýdi rings out aseci iHampton, Jan. 81sf, 1876. It aiforSa ic great pleasura in acknowledging tise entire stisfacti on, ana isigisappreciation of tise No.»9 Matisi-- sherPiano purcisasised from yen.afew days- efuco. Very respectSnRu' - Biaiklen, Ont, Jan. 13th, 1876, PROF. J. BEESE, - mSm, Mt;ia Tise MediumMahni e ire geï froni yen gives assure satisfaction in every respect. 1 eari unhe»itatingly raecos- menS if tea allds rna od lno. Pester of Presbyteriaxu Chamois. Osaa â.28rd, 1386. PROF.- HEBSE,- I bave tonn tise Matisu-- siscisa a yen ropresotea it--& fmt-dlas pian% mauy musicians bave triei l Ç,na, Ilsmpton, P.b.1lot;1876. Tise Mathutsek Plano I pur- chatied km myen Sasgiven' entira satisfac- tion a'-às5pzovep tuaa upenior instrumnt in everV15pet, i mvonlS TeeoiIsend au ta se tWbfori purclXisA5fl else's'iere- -Yo-ra, &M_.. U.T. FELZIP5. 'Enib-en, Ja n. 2515, 1876. PROF. J Il~Sampto~ piessue lit aalay testàr n.y totise 'many yon 1a" already recemed i far o f tise moU menteS Matiaek 11=0 Pur- caEd rei yn ecsly. seil ls FULL AGRAFFE, 7-OCTAVWE' H<SE PIANO0S froni other.reilelb nsaim.rsm ane Wholeeale agonte for-'lSo 15bminibn' off- Canada for tise PRICE ORGAL". -- Agents manteS in avez>' City, Ièwu. m&d County lu tise Domainion. NOIRRIS< & SOuPE',. S Adelside.St. Bast, Toronto, -SOLE AGENTS». JOSEPH REESE;, HAMPTON. agent in Darlington, Wisitby anS Cart- - wrighst. 7 D RY GOODS AND GEOGEBY STORE ýAT AU DLEY. Inu order te meet tise growing mante of -the loeality tise subecriber bas iseen inducod ýto open businss in tise above lina. A Large ancl well .Selected Stc*ék equal in prise snd1 qusiity -toa ny tisaican. bc purehased in to*r or cit>. Give us a sali, judge for 'yours andsu if yen cen b. as mcll suiteS as elseuliste patrenize home trade. *D. McBBADY, - Audley.. Audioy, Nov. 24th, 1875, 48-tf PIRESÇRIPTIONERE brought on by ludiscretiena or exceas. An>' Druggist Sas tise ingredients. Aéddroza 1LIAVIDSON & CO)., Box>2206, N.s#York. September, 1875. ]y-12 Agents Wanted in every Township in On6rio taosell the, tamnoue Prize Médal Oreau 1Manufactur- ed by the Smith American Organ Co- sud George Steck sud Co.'s Pianos. Speolal indusemonts miii ber given te first-ciass agent.sund-clbs of threeê or four misbing te purliase. Amy upsuber of tetun-nisa inlavor- of thoso eflr@ýclaas organeseaube fnrniah.. oS, butas tise> are se a iy 3sror-- gret numbershavingbeen aoldtnroigh- out tbe Doxuiinandhbavinà givensaotWs faction'n e vry iutsnoo-Netestimont- allsowever llattezing eau &M-dd ý lers We offer to our customers forthe ëoming Ltarve.s, two dis- t, tinai Machines,,whh in style ýandcîèonstruction-, emhbrase ci the lateài an'd most useful improvements, 0f the day. TUE OG F REAPERB."1ed The* universal SU CCCsS of ilis M1achine, both in closely conteet- pflèct oS trials and min*te banda eof tise armera;' marrant us ln saying ti, as a Self.Rak- alowl,] iegý Reaping Macohine, it bas more good points and loe defecta. sud Sas sue! iha'wbi more escees and lloe s iure, thsn heretofore offerod t tise public. , th" ,CAYUGA, JUNIOR 'MGWER! oP"' saleil ORGCTA N BRO'S.,.PORT HOPE.1 At Auction ýPrices - 0 - - - Ghaap Harness, S UIRGEONI Byron 5fr O- Dr. ]on N. Street, 0e -THOM Dum1 flAIR DRI -.LSaloon, 1 - JOHN A GENT FC Soottisis i cf Jouatisan Woý GER T UMBER M large quatt fiE. oT A T Cierk Divi8î Commissioner i &c., Atiseni>, Cc Atisorly 8p DI Phyaician, Sui; 'Wiiby, Sept. I3 'DOE0T. -RAM IW7r- l U' à 1 1 WM. TLLL.

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