Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1876, p. 4

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- DKOWC.ST., WXfIT13Y. ne1, 84 %(f ý.ud.nçe vtih ýpIilug Gardon rnd 0 ýetq ityormef 0 ho Ha'i4c cotaine Tt ehni eiwttl gc Iclara suiraet )HN TÂYLOB, Eeg., O011 4o prom4c GLASGOW, abluoft;Ujhitby -# 61, 81, 691, res tensuedlree 'P Pràpald peuîagoe ertllVereteu luenet aI eugt ralo -p quu..~urlKto.bg For idketu endelà,7rtiorao& 0,piy ? b(1Yarei 21th, 8710.. 11.14 the T HI MI01R i Ai,T lis- LWn~tr~ AI19 r. 141 Tkn.Gra' __ "'j,Êo II MEDICINE ývh on Dot ni. Comweuu~iq ou oro about M9PdY. 300L lr 4PJtL, 1876. T IlE 8uTle,À31Itl 0 R S E MAN," ie har regular tripesain hhiu route Crbenrg every niornuil 70:30, an4 )pe ah 7 Woxe, for Itocheulur, con- liera *111< lthe New.-Yoruk Central, ai Colrtl and lrie leiilwayus ud utenleashnoeDlvleniî rf lhe J<ouuo, wn CL ogdoelrli-gh ltailway- trcail ait, Woint rel aouth. uwrso ; WIlloaveChairrlotte (port ut iI rllly nt 9u p. ui., rxupî saîni-. 1 ' 8lie e14 vIleluve ah oIun., for 1PO dlre. irus lu Htolso.k M1lilfluari hil tire it an mosexpedillous route ur Done- * hr norm~ationr ýppiy l- M., OR.WFOXlD, Port Hope, or, 0 . 1.GIDRLE illQ2th, 1876, Ki 16hu es pouE SALE! iudeolgue fetser.for sale i 4Acres 23 lu' tire. S Udoipeeluun of the ip of Wliilby. Thlsl,, onue a Ihe =4mu iUieqVw"ulelj. 'Ponseàioeuz Nt of &IAC. Ais'e 4o n'N-( i. et W 1 o 5 W. Il. IIILLINOS .4 Lh Mitri, i5170. 2 'L E8TATE, COLUMN.. undersigned has instructions v for male tic followlng pro- ik Iloietorey'.and.r-iali, ou antd Contre cf reeo,,ith quai-ton sud., Doglralule tml eîlu rlok lIeume, Two Store-hart t. ewater-qear aer -neyal ltt nd ornmentl l I-co. Ceutre rneo Dweling-.ehabie rend wood.. enl~y hwo arcru ietlandi rItarnd ata treç,-Byrou Street. rmop oeling, sultable fer a umal net e4ttsaup Auuug tnd cercfait. 'f11 of anuuare. hie steiet. Mm-eu Ianoe., vith i Olco seru friti t-ee, &c.;; on Sîrerr's hil op. ldoua o f Mr. D. O. lUfacloueil. x VIllage Lote, ',onet e1 rosir St., Ail s~i' Churchýol1laon block; n bove 1ropertleu ar~e deutrrebiy ,and4 saion.m o e lie eoaon' veiy ea by a eimli PA)mtie1 *fcash, and to*uh: convontrunce etpureluamer. QUO. T.,;HALL, l, comision, rnd genoral Agent., 'IOR-Diindas St., Whlhlby. ACRE PiFaRM lx -ARA F'OR SALE I1 aJil cr Lut 14 l Intesixti cunuae. 4rpA. Oiigiiaif loirodrutinulrrrrrqr lo).n g iogteeBrix, &é.,Wittii. flic rociin. Rrellwrey Stîlonc. I. I. TAYLOR I) - inlîlon DnWhitby. ýS a. SAMO, hCDMPNy J R NIT URE. )LESALE &RETAIL. ml tW 0b 'Rig tt .PAon,uo t.3lb u .COSMPTOandcae ar ýh jt an ocfrll e fder s 8 tho Wîàuet ,Il futud aQndmanIy " oxan 4jrenin luooqa PAnrMlute ér -e ue..Dib~koPVou Tho $eoiuu0 gEan meold yal runire ghlurtte IlP4."l01 or 4Cà eo>n've1Nrndre a*ou'qC eatU& y Iut, ic ~ugt<7.b0 14oLe>Land tdtsiurui u1q etudreninayveae c ex, orleolu reant. maI ld e 1 very b S N. eue..h .48 T 0 xeioMrlcn epl lya ruu MtDdE '& TH RE O m Manufactuig Companuy 7 style 5, 4 stops, . elaO style 15,-,. S Sttpue, - -10 Style 7, 8 tp,~- 7: $hylir 9, 7 Stiops, 9 Style 11, 7 Stop»a, - 200. Ini Ramonanteii <uWtViîuuit Lhrrvèd Case. Ureece îegialererut18M. MELODEON ORGANS PATEINTED, 1873. Style 4, 4 Stops, $ 140. Sthyle 0, "5 Stopue, . . 150. Style 20, 56Stapu, - -160. Style 8, 8 Stops, - 175. In h4onmleo eReuwood Cans. -PIANIO FORTES, oft!r~uobrtcd4.luB ~cols. suaIs rlwayrr ounsala aht the Lown.is îRasfer a frti-ua eInstr-umentî. Iruîendluxg lnuclueseprs.ar-e rt-stflîfly ire. queetorlho rail ati ezBkrnLnoo unr. Inetrit.~ mente buforû buyluxg eluou-hve, We are mrelsng large redrîcticunq e b aci andr Shor- tii-n Cuetomeors bîîytng dii-ect fi-cm the fac. tai-y. AU, IbiTË1ÙUËNýTS WARBANTPiD 1 Baverai Second-hand Malodeons FOR SALE FROM $60 UPWARDS. - FRED MUDGE, Manager. Wluttly, Nnvelaber 2111,, 1875. 48 FOR SALE 1 -- -Lot 12 lu 121h co;îcao 0q*o Soîuth.irlfnuf lot 1,i areru. Aout six mules frum Atheri>' Rail. i~JIIAND fiAILWAY OlF CANADA. .T IMlE-'A-.ýBL -ý. n Going Norh f rom Port Hope ho Lindsay. &ovrlnrnd Orlia.. ...... Leavo Part Hope- le 10 ra. pn, ! m!xed ..8 euG oi-oth te fhok Lkfud CnlgSounlith rom Crllia e taLindsay>, Pe=ibr' ont Port Hove. Mail1 .-. 12.-00 P. M. Ar Pt HDoe.680pm Coîulng Seti fri-cmLakelt. Ceunuctu wti 1the Nl Iîpn rway te auut f=onToronto renjlinerunedl&toetations M1 Mlllbneok for PeOMrbro'an4 Or!iiarnZ wilh Orant Tur aI Port Hope bothunaru. OupI. of Tintun THE LÂRGBIST A2ND'MOS OOMPLETE STOCK 0P an4 -f/i~8~ 'IAUfflEý'IAW-Y ýROCK- ST., ÏHB VElly À'è(t*L & EE THEM. 'J t tfl t T B DMUSIC STOME' - ~hetoseflath bestU rates. New Miscellaneous 'Books b autifully 'bound, al l knds 6 ýViolipSnts ainsbs =k.Lag u asso atiufSilven Walciee rend Chiainson - - liand. Wool aend Fancy department coruplete. a' rrafrEus ndArecaTer4k7did- We aýre- îein ý M OAIjosiiù to supply Prize Bookis for tlirealigné, à ersI ue&e.ti- - - WHITBY CHINA. TEA À,ST0,. GT13SSP A&IRAVIVFJLL, vaièýjugetreceîved the, 1{s,1 Ïsà.'l4s r e, an~io~ps stock of Crockery and Glassware eiéýý offeI àUb-iVhitby# In China, Stone rend Fancy Tee Sots. - Y ~n hiure- au dFauoy Dinner Sce. lLix, (Stone rend Fancy Toilot Sets. - In Parleurt, Taihloeand Bedreeni Lampe. -In Glass-Fruti, Cake ràà& 'Te41o: bishoi. In Gobletu, Tumilere rand Wiue Glisses. In Tab> 8 St&*41l ig Ne*,Pet-brne. FANCY GOOD87 FOR PRES&ENTS, In Cups, Sancers, Mugs, Vas ~ ~ &.- Gînsoi-tt SPAI1VELL -have anl kinds of ChoioeF "1. rQcmrçs, Boat Teree, Tobecoo, rend aU kinde ru Freney Pipes. I L2Û."Oyseocf lhe baul brande aiwaye ou haud. The higlueet markret pice paid ini cash fer'rnYquiitityeéfGooûýd lVsued Hogsus,etuai! Peauid,' Manrowfat Poeu. i&OÀ:At Whitby, Deo. 151h, 1874. -FASHIONABLE GIBSON ê SPeRYELL'S. TAILORINU Go where :You cafl get, a 'Wel'fiAAting Garment .-Tc fthe rEOýGE 0GU R L E, QS",8ilAWA. SUPER.IOÉ C'U'±TING SAYOT~W RE A Large Stock of Fine Ciothe ; beut iEog1iuhý Scotch lând Canadian Tweeds. r'. Excellent Overcoatinge rend Splendlid Veut Patterns. À good fit Gtnarpnteec.4 ! . *' GEORGE GURLEY, Cili GE N TyS LOTH INGI A N». FUIR NIJSIIN G GO00 DS Foir Superior Clothing suitable for, Sumi.ier wear try the Clothing store and Merchant Tajl.- orn.estttblisnrnent ef, JOCDIFMl YE , -u sO01 T, DUNýDAS STREET, W~TIY A GOOD FiIT AND'STYLI4 CJT WAIýRANTED aèut'& F7urnisýiàà "~&f il i d's, ixcluding 8hirts, Hats and Caps, Umbrellau, &L., WJuilby, July 27tb,. 1875. . htf-i ])bQUW, AND FE 1 4 CHAS. PENcNYLE'Gi Be s- te frlýtd the customers o! the above ostab1iqment thre<hvn bought eut 'the interout of Mn. Cobbledick i th bneinsoi ho is now prépared b supply tFtOU--R-&--FEED 0F THE BEST 9 -ALIYy j lil "ST LIVING ri~ ,Flour,-Coarn, "Cho'e'eýd,tran, Sho>r,-ts," * Oatmeal. Cracked W eat, Ot ,)? &ýo.4 AI' WIOLESALE AND RETAIL. OH1EA PERT N W Ci ETFh AH At- the Dominioni Flour and ]? àodi âosb%- Bl1'k,- Beot Door, Dundas Street, Whitby. ,' >-ý Whitb, 3~nu~à~ i~ive ÀGHÂ PÈËft<GION.' Furniture. H àving bought of on by James Hý, Samo, we takhiiMàoportumtyýif m'ii" lis many. frien4s to, givýe us-a', l anad w o an assure au;: ati-prepqrd to de as W'bf -,Ï *'Yù nth - -f-itir ire % !i B one in the tast,' 1iLL' & JOHNSTON.^ Or& r~ "-ai--prcýdmpt1y ttend& -~~The only 7firSt- ,olaa Establishxfient in the Cdtinty where funerals are- fi. 1 spplie. A -I 'TPLL , JHSO. Whitb 1't r y,Ç~ober p, 1878. ,'v;V «P A:~ 40.17 R D ' -00- _ -While thankingc, our customers for the liberal manuer in they have supported our ýpast efforts te serve them ' we have confidence in soliciting their --ý'itii~~tOnage as ouf presetit inoereasecl fa- ciIi41es willý enable iis te give greater satisfaction, and would, I môst reàpectfuUly, invite their atten- tot the-fact that- we have now received our stoeik 'of String and 1ýunnner Dry Goode, cern- prising--a 'fù~l agiort ' et of ail the leading arti- cles of the' tràide suitablo for a flrst-class busi- nless. i - LAING &, STEWAýRT, -P. 8.-Rýe4d 'Iwice. Whitby, Merch 21st, 1876. Brook Street, Whitby. McÈIEMSHA TS FOR STYLE A.ND PRICE DEFY COMPETITION. 1 As they are, from the American Man- facturers and net Canadian make, they are a mucli super- THlE, ,ONLY ONE WHO BUYS, DIRECT PROM BUFFALO1 SThé Gents'- Furnishings are as usual, net te be surpassed. The IlCENTENNIAL $HflRT!1 1Oentýnnial Cuifs and Collars, sample of which are to be she-wný at Philadeiphia. Aise the "lCentennial- McMillan'à Blockr, Brook lSt., Whitby. HUGH MoBRIEN, Hlatter, &c. LIST 0F ATJCTIONEE1IS Licensed for: SeqIth Ridling cf Ontario, North Jlding of Ontiarie, andj separate Municipalities in thé latter. lIAXE. Donald Roue ... R. H. Cameron. . ... C. Moore...... John MeGili & Co.. DonaldRoe T. H. Waish ... Wmn. Gordon.. .ame; Digi>', Jr.. TJohneuL- ia 'B.. J. 0. FPrel........ Joiston .......... Thèmes Brigge.i 'FLs1Meover.... Johin i rowgn.. Duffett Broug. Duffet.Brus.i Geo. Burton.. BEnrnseî Muxrcmuu.liry. Oshawae.. .......BSouth Rlding.. Tirorshi......... Marre.......... Ëesverton .... Thera ....... priilia ........... do .......... Ajiburu .... .... South Rldlng ... T'rJ . Thorah ....... Candon on..... ...... Sunderlaud - Brook . ......... laremou ..... SouthRiding .. laemntg.... UxbrLlge .... orteory.... North Rtdiug. $ainlfield.c...:idort. ,IPort Per->'... North Ridiug .. fPort Ferry ... Rereci............ Leeairtrle ... Scot........ .... ToDronlo ..........lIai-h Iiding.--.. .....kba . South Edi.ng.. .Rioblangolon ,Southh RIdin .. lWhitby..... .... South Outano. - Clerly .......... Marre....... ...... l3erverton.. . r Brook........... Maulre......Brook ............ Village tlxbrldgs Uxbrldge ..... PýEDLERS FOR THE CO. ( ~ ~ hoaoo ............ufot ourookli.....ho ..r.. lu.1 onorse,,uit.. I dO2 horuoîg, ï0 do 2 horses, County, - do2 hurme, Count>'.. sbeava......1 hersa, CeunI>... (>uiawa........ 1 herse, Count>.... luonReien. ..2 herses .... WM. LAINGY Lucziqez Exinaze. June "8,1876. Sepl.2,17. "29, 1876. 'Oct. lut, 1878. di18, 1878. di19, 1879. dé19 1876. Oct. 201h, 1878. Oct. 251h, 1878. Oct. 281h, 1876, Nov. 111h, 1876. Nov. 22nd, 1876. Dec. 2nd, 1876. Dca. 151h, 1876. Jan: 24th, 1877. Jan." 901h, 1877. Feb'y 9nd, 1877. M'rei Sth, 187ý7. Mar. loth, 1877. Mar, lOth, 1877. Ma-. 21st, 1877. ONTAILIO. 2lut April, 1876. 8Ih May', 1876. Oh Dec. 1876. 141h Due. 1876. 151h Dec. 1870. 151h Dac. 1870. 2Mt Jan. 1877. 21e1 Mar. 1877, lot April, 1877. Co. Treasurer. 8 ~Iui dohnstQnls 8/ aigBap iAWRD ~cial xhbfio, orntI 87bd. .Wo offer-to our mustomers for the' ,mn lrvetods tinct Machines, vbich in sýyIu- and, coù0trbzctoný -embrace the oIteà iaÃŽ gmo4,.iq lPàfiù>rveme &th dY.- - RING 9P 3EAPEW -l The uni-ç'et-gal stiqces cf this M hine both in clôsely cnet ed t-ials rend in lie bar di; of tie farinera, w - . t us In gaying that, ar a e1.R&k- Iug'RapIn~ Isuoinet bheu oere gtpefinid let doe tg ' d bus 111, wltb mire suees rnd loue 1 siluro. tien heretofere effortd toe epebib CÀYUlG2$ JtNI OR MOW4eI - We were 'aeardeil the -First Prize and Dipl*oma, at the Provin. atlai Exhibition, heldiqTroflo, 187O,cempef ilion wI lbali thu JooiDg Machines ,.,.,.,cgaî..tn t he p,4rvlc:'rend .Witb.Our mt4011 iVôtvemeiliêtis bSIi4at- i le Clompany lias recently been re-organized by the. addition of three Of th. eutp oiu1mnfroni lhe Factery cf Clongh &Warren'u Organ Qé., »etroit,ýMiôh.,each taling an active part 'n hibu n artcuardepairment, and are nowlmahtifaoturing anOrgan iEQUA, and in many. pointes uPERIoÃ"R,' 10 By manufotitred in the United 8tates '0'Canada. ýW.tare p1eauere-1lu anneuneing teoOur c euatomere and the. trade generally that w.e have feecred 1he. riglit te manufacture andci n théuli Domnifon cf Can-. SC1IIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING_ TUBES,' uecnred 1by tLettere Patent lu the United -States, Eiganilrn and.B mieane cf thiieinveiition an oen oontaining two or three etÀ cf reedà'becemes egual in -volurâe and pewer, aend fer Supèrior in Quality and Br-liany cf Tone te an ordinary recd rgan of six or eight reeds. 1'Our oelebrated "Vox Celeste,"' "Vox Hlumîna," Wilcoi Paient "lOctave Coupler," "*Cielo" or. "Ciarinet" stops, i"Fugie HoGrn," "Duleet," ".lEoiine," "Cremona," andi Grand Organ Stop,-ani ALL TrHE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, ecau be obtained only in these organe. Tweinty-*five Pifferent Styles for- the Parlor' ana the Churoli, of the beet' material and workmanship Ký_ QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F TONE UNE QUALLED. PRICES-$5O TO $1,000. Faotory aend Warerooms, Cor. Temporauce and Wellington Ste., Bo-wnanville. gents Wanted i Every County. Send for Price List. Addrese, DOMINION ORGAN CO., Bomauvie, Ont. General Agents for, Canada for the' Celcbratedt' Bradbury Piano. flowi'dauville, Mardi 28th;, 1876. 14 Trunks, W hips and Lashes, Whitby, 151h foutant, 1876. I déuire te calil te attention of the public te the fact tiret at ne lime during. the pet five yeare bave I been able tc offer Harness ef ail descriptionse aI ow a pneuý as I can thie Spning. My expenees being liglit I c'au do it. Ne more etylisi or botter Ilarnes marie in thie County. Caeh purchaeers will find upecial indncemenl,-lhal le what 1 arn aftei. Cail and inspecl. Bespedtfullp youre, J. R. PHEILP. JR epairing donc reonably. Pleaee notice-Second Harneee Shop South, nexl te Groee'e Hardware Store, Brock Street. Eatablisheci Twenf y Year8a go. 12 JJJ ST THE PLACE- --000- WM :B UBTIR i-s, ]300T AND SHOEMAKEB, BROCK-ST., WHIITDY, HIAS now on band a large and vanied stockr of Bloots and Shoeu. H&. rlue maltes te order every description of Ladies' Gentlemen' aend Cidrene' wear. Ij e epairing done on lue ehorteel notice, and aI reasonable ratés. -ÂAeaU iu invitoi beexamine lhe new stock. Whitby, Decembor, 1875. oeoM s WILLIAM BURNS, Brock Street Wliitby. & 3SVE--Miw -: O0 ::?, -i MANUFACTURERS. 0F CARRIAGE S AND SLEIGHS, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY, ONT.. Hlave now en hand ný large stock ef Carniages, Buggies, and Sicigis, Cutters, whioh for style and finish cannot bc excelled. SAil wlll be sold at cost. AiU work warranted, TOMS &NEWPORT, Whilby, Ontenlo. Whitby, Auguet 251h, 185. 85 P'RI NG-LE Si Have on hand, at their Merehailt Tailoring Establishment, B ROO K STR EET, WH ITBY, Amuch larger and better stock than usual, embracing al THE NEWEST CLOTHS AND TRIMMINOS. For gentlenicn s' Clothing; and as they are givig'their wh6le attention te the Tailoring business, they are in a position tb do il botter than-ever. A. & J. ý R. PRINGLE. 1-Wliitby, Sqçpt. 801h, 1875. 40-1y CHOICE WINE8:. PURE LIQUOIi' oii UNUSUALLY LOW, PRICES. TRY -a FREDRIC NEL E'S, ed SI MCoE STRBEE,-0s E ÀwÂA. esPl AGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'Is Celebratd XXX Cream Ale &:1 r OOCEF4T 1INDS OUP 01*ARS ADTOA rings olc erluato.BÉV. J. BRDI4', 1aife. Hampxton, Jan. Sit, 1878. IM .HERSE, à arfords me groat plesmure in arknowledggtle entire urtWaaction, aend hieh appreeiation of thb.NIo.-9 Mathn- ahek Piano puxehashed Irein yqn a few days elice. Very rep ll, ý -Ennisklllen, Ont., Jin. 151, 1876. PROF. J._ËËESE,.' Dzw.RSm, The Mediumn Matuhuk we gelom ou giv es entivo utifàtlon in everyre1pset. I u ihesitatingiy recom- miendilte deuiring a good piano. -Pauter cf Pre'by'1éfiah Chnreb. Oshawa, Jený SSrd, 1876. I have fonnd the Matbu- uhoký au ayou represented it--firet-b]Àaea Piano'. Many munelelanahave tnied il, rena MM .MITOHEL. Hamipton, Feb. lut, 1878. MR. J. ESE, __ The Mfathuuhek Piano I pur- chaee froin yop bai given,. estiro, matisfue- lion owd7provp itelf a où lor instrument la se th. -Mathuhek Meoro purohang eluewheru. Yonre, &c., H. T. PHILLIFS. -F -Jalll n. e. 611, 1876. PROF. J. HERSE, Hauuptou. DîaSm. I bave raneh pleelure in adding:my leutiuiouy le lhe mreuy yen have already necefied iii lavor of the weli merlled MatbuzhekÏ'Pai=o pur. chauod frein yen recently. I am:i euiletie- led with il iurin, every reupet, iid conuld- er, for beauly rend Ioce,. t is uuuaujd by unyinetrumenl I haveoyet ueen. FULL .&GRAFFE, 7-OCTÂVE, PROM PIANOS fromotin hr'reliable makerseta boitompriea. Wioleualeagent. for lie Dominion cf Canaa for the PRINCE ORGANS. Agenite wanted lu every Oty, Town rsnd- Counly lu the:Dominion. NORRIS & SOPE]R, 8 Adelalde.St.Masl, Toronto,, JOSEPH REESE, HAMPTON. agent in Darlingenp, Whilby end- Cent-- wrlght. 7, SRY GeeDS AND GROOERY STORE -AT AUDLEY. In ouler tle meel ltihe ro'wlug wenlu cf' the loce]ity the uubucnlibuu been induced. to open business lu the above Une. A LargeL and well Selected Stock equtalla pie. rendquality ho e iet eauc be pnrchased -in town or-eily. Gve ni a calI, judge for jonrreelf; and if yen cen b. sa eli aniteri au elsewhere patroniz. home trade. D. MBAY Âudley. AudieY, Nov. 241h,, leM 48-tf PRBSCRIPTI02Ç FREE FOR the .pcodyCure cf Sexuinrel. Weak. nF eLol auhood and ail disorders brouglton bynIeeIoeo xei Any Dru ge a i nrdot.~ dre DAMISON &CC.,ý Box 2296, NjwYork. September, 187. ly- 19 Agente Wanted in every Towvnahip in Ontrifo to seil the fauxou Prize 'Modal C)rgan Mamufreelur- ed by lie Sith Amricren Orgau Co. aend George-Stock and Co.'u Pianos. spocial inducemente wilibc given 1o 'flrst-cieu agents rend club. cf three or fouir wiihiuug le purehas. . Anyxunner cf testimonialu lu favor cf lioee ret-claie organsecan befurolsh- ,d, butai thoy are uo widely Ino*n- greëalnumberubavùugbemu eoldthromgh- ont lie7DOmiuionandhvinggiveniaaà. faction lu eveyluulano4$outlamoni. al hewever fiallening can &ad b their ioutatic.n. - rPie SgtockPan o.reiv fice-Byron lVhity, on SOLICI2 COI) J. DuGotie,t TU R. frein oE Wm. XE Dr Lewis Honel Dr. Brni on lie lst of WlitbT traction of tee as Cheapethu best. Teoti .Tee: xtral, au's uow blecd Rçing Streot, C -BJILDER in T-TAIR DR cf Jonathan W, * GEOII lange qliantily - tantly on han( 1E. O A ' Clark Divis - &o., Atlrly, Ci Âlhenly Suipf CI AR D. hof br R3cmr~VI+bt UÂN SCheap Harness, ËS 1 U T-ý %- q p «T-- ooi - 1 CI-

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