Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1876, p. 2

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ORV'#1S PR AN oluit ont of1i,#ê4M >It4IUM.- 'tIle Qlleen, and 1he. iinal loyal and. ',&oant of net asas, $15,5i&8 Fbpatriotitoto wera drunk'with sU the Mr, Bickel h e l.rtlriag ,rosldt Whibl'ý"Tütmy, eb.3,1876. uuallonors sandiro.ponded tc witii àM dit wu8 thii lh of himgal sand - nichheartiness. 'Colone.l Wallaceaùd -si irc& lthst they Shotild le qtu Týe,:ou1 ny 1coueil a linberof te oficrs f Vlunâri, tone bythe. membars' in relation __ snuu~er fîhaaMbn 0<Vo1ut~é~sail wattr. aonnaoted wih the Oc presenit, minlg lisn4omepeeclies in pa>ny, so as thât they nxay ha. ThéiJtàsa work of the.aoiuty e.tun- reply tu ti. Ârmly a a y,. sndVl potot fsse~7sa- cil wa ihi. e omsansurste wIih the t" - explans.tions, Tliay ha en.]avotu IentIz> iPpet wlchOOv.*550 ach Mr.T. . ~iîti, hos usa ~ during the. paut year ta eoonomisoîa legtyro 'at 'ic ovrssuino rf. ,P.Wiewose am Wî-muka the. opeuses as' ligit as pointi ofou .spce, Thio mont îportautoipldwthtetotO teDm iD but notwthi.îsuding thir b.aî affo report--ws aVo4 aaatw i.iabo sie PI ai'iaiI14 s eired. kAU 1he directorB got Wasc uta..~~~~ beoa»~mjaaat vî good.hntiourel und inter"sting goW s.] y attending the e: i ineubrit 'peut lhouri. uipon holirsil uighter by comn aring hies OVUpuwInos nt nalt s xa disusili iatter. of Uttar tusignifi. tionulubeiCa 0 .] ~ 10rly 1 on to ueo hi pn th oswt htof 1lthemaîï h ,sti ony lws o i asue. iisuresa t h nuberoftook hlm pIg to the <far, ud W;hau k. aer, f taor 1h yss , 'o1;hall;sinat ho v.i'amntafiveauliai by nu meaus adul.]ed c if ho cama naur selling il, said, yen, -bh.d, acepte]tha position, but ta,<gê ta the. abil3ky osr iutelle*tuai cspnelty of but nobody wainted ta buy. Ha - (gr, te oei fÉii sitnet the. 0e01160t1yp.Willo(r ptie oouît>y, W.) hud ssii,.]the LJc4Plaof- the ýpOlP4» aau o har sisacat Tler ae ote xcllntmo. f ui o O taroaelect u, 51 tfi,- e ay."0:hîompaem uýha kai 1'hrs V~ OiIia xall.t na» f firNo Tht, of course, made awh iii hirdrcos orsd tedl In t~ he bnly. 'Bultit are. fero .It Won hefr, t -- b » *4y, and 1mat weekly, bat, as ha h ar lori uuabcof "mu1fti,ae f3they lesqne- kinîsiof way, lie cOncaiva.]hotà, bi " iJ, itwas ual with, the view are called, wio wew. naor fille.] by naine lisibeauî coaplei wilh the outsa." miung ±nouey thieyhua, t oieiiteu ntueo eduatlpu, or -aidlg o! ut fsnn tosi a - sw &et, but for the good of th. ý Jompâti or aop s3 traiinuog" cueer an> glit' oou tua resni110a ucinoUtioqod this, bacause ha h aepeeningo1dmi - ashourdsooftha mambers bald - kidtaOcuyAytlnglk cafreMOst li n o douhl; liaI, wlth thair a arnouuoin .Ita iet psce eiuongul thit feJiowwDien. Tho stsîsn.e, liewould l avebeen sueeessful. el.] os veotionutat he ofie c Tcmpesrncoo %tihon, ilývil bu ii au, (Cheors -and biiglier.) avr'Iea,4 ofae Oaeupie t c~ outiplieous place inu'tha Mr, Brown, M. P. P., -replied cil bc g$reçtors woeoassesse.]' tia saine hsif of the Local Legialsttnre. 1>1alI.sersand paisi theo camesa irance prcrl4îJo, and wasson tita Whola 'Ille heatîti f th warden an.] coun.ot4jictr meibrs. If, thareforc L nulwgatl>' dhscusue.. 0f the UOw cil of the county of Ontario wao druil kaPPesré.d large 't Was fDot t, fanit of th lircols ; te dg MAues u Ir. Pî,tersou, Ill e uve df witli utl t1 isa urt, alla rea edsî.]0o v r es>'ircminlot;he Ins ni( 1'iorh, s >'fatti. cos crislcoa. b>' Mr. Milles' and a nuim or of cixm orÙysuinlacu sd Ile oolooettitithequAltie te àkeWasns and couineilors prasent. aod ~t.pcapa,1 s (la qaliisb wka The sentiment of "lh. land4, . pesMr.tiaircsibauks thidcd.ry g atmu vnluabs.asoqalsîlon to tihe couin. '. nad, a, Mr. Fspeechk, 111e ecreta'>', .11 ~ ~ ~ ~ i ohibr s.Bcil ats rsat pro uc. e ipecs rmi eVu xplaccaliouo of lbcevarions itemsi worker,, andsita tile proccaoslugoshollw The Commercial biterests, couplai! expeuclîlure. aiswcrla i ie ciaî sefsl n. een* ltl lse ain c Ms. Ceser rapr A mmubar skccfor exilsnatiqunî .ilc.çrlt o b ohsr ei', r.Eors l ysgon hta nms f r.Chntr raer t te suit witls Dan. oliday, ai )11 [cl cara Le. 'rLweripltysli bruglt tat entema ou inau i.sais tisaI the preaîdesit, Mtr. J. 'oie6, ansti l iqdreuecc"l b>'thie tille cfof clmr.o i our to Bickcdi, was bîsioesi for files'igo hUn laoey.aca"H fi fui a s affects.] b> legilalion, ansi the niMarer. ol xlie la ilks aud si 9bbles, sud too tindu>'to causes whisch led btaIte prevaîlicsg de. s .E.ouiepaie]tsI? ce hiateu. I rWrgis, wso . wttpresion. Speailug of restrictive logislia. lickell ha.] nollsing tu do with t] )a nstd. ir.ýVrgli, wo i Wal ten ie eferedta he rovsios o auongin' of the. suit ; rie ember4 ostd, icepma *g.od louisouI for hlm. Act of the Logilatore ta consclidat wiseu tIse matter was bronglit up;1 Mr.; aier: ak; very inch a WVandau, tiha deit of the. town cf Port Hope, (Mr'. G.) was lien a meuiber of t] ki» atur:sclAnl55thailsuoe, fillxe i W lsc'eit Io providei thal Il sisal! not boardl, sud noved final lu lhe wattc dhais' amilirsably. Tiere, aanasuow 6 ve b., lawfun or b at corporation la lueur Ms'. Biekeil noyer saisi a wbrd fiirtli auy ileibt or liability tissu le provide.] tis u tting the motion froin tisechi ?X.wscrlleue i imoh flor cf tIii. concici, for l)y tise sel, allssini'jiug auy conret Explanaition were givei as ta t - -= for eureauiug tlice ueblnîeri> nuit ansi cause cf the trouble with Holidiay, lio 'rie groat Pressura .apon aur spaCe valu]. 11e nover expected, ,lie saisi, ta wheu tisa sirecîors had proof bh: tif wsiu omplsus a fn 'arsec lesaliou qars cd ta tial exteul wheu thoswas misrcps-esentiung lie coi ýpeai okcnplen afrea uncler htosaponsitce Governnený. He psu>' ansi proviug hinsseif su unwart] lctfainoq ac mny natters cf inîrest. negietei, as ail îsOW sd, lhe la ppas'- agent, thoy Ildiad d ta th. -Inuit>' once afforde.] the peopla cf thisCard lu tIi. apers, tise words-"IN. "Tlmu O']iay's" coraonîs ou county caot> fur building a couint>' railway -Mr. D. lloliday in, no longer agai Il',,train Whitlcy ta LuaeHuron, which for luis Comspany', nohwithsnding Il onuicl maters an.] "Iling4 lu Iginart wueaedvlp'hebrada afaite cieasertions ta tiie contras' ." Tfics iie I stand ova lhits weeic for tisae nuI>' ta so in an a extesî. TBut tisera wei.e the wordu of tise aliegcii libee!f stue renoeu-----------wa o od lim e ami ug-a limas wiîn wiîci Mr. Holida>' brongil the acheo lha Ontario Central mnusbc b. mt, if Tis eot ample prou! wae given hefoi Rstlway Extension te Linilsa>'. Ciaatlawaa 10 have counaicf tise car. tisa court thist Ms'. Halils>cha. i - - s'yiug Ira.].o!flie Lakas unsi Western treprasenlad bise cosupan>'sud ai -Titoiuiity Gonueil-af Victoria,)lu gatem. lIa spoke agahstithe polc1o!f'desuvcured ttasake insurucrs taiseao givin 06vrnmet moey i a!7 o lices fls cîlioncoipauieo, fat whic îosqAnl aotisu. by-iawiasr $85,000, la proJeets wlîieisoul i>'dverteul trada inoa newassaIt tlite 5ihne uacting1 0subinlittacila tufis atalpyers cf. unuattoral cîsanneis, saisi tisaIWhihîcyagent. Tisa jusige f ha.]essgasd t] farlposa, Ops nd Fonelosi; ansi sec- tise counI>' laws, wcis tise sîstuna ut ot jury atraugi>' agafuet lie claiaor l Oum cf, Venuimuai ansi h>, ansi thc for tise Irsici cf tise eaulty, and isoped l Holiday on tisa trial, but s campassiai tisa ilsy wat ual far distant wîen il aIe Toronto jury, 11wili mare feelis cwil of Lisscsay- 'Tisa voting 'lakes wauld ha conuecti by rail iilstisthessfu ses-sc," 'tisa sud not know tl scia on tâ251h. More dutalleA par.> las norIl au.d west, sud lise tracic and. -mn, wbin utiey 5s5w hlm with tl antans: wilbc fonii luIlshe airset roscr11 of tise bowu ansi count> go Lears slreasning dawn lis ayent, gay rliera wa pubsîtiula<n o cr îLindsay ral' Îin haud. He spoko cf tIsa sounna fim n verict-s verdict Mosl unei a:actsporny.position cf tiseenonI>' twu, sithangh pectes b>' ever>' aile. A new trial we --- ual growing sa futl as soao f ils neigli graule.] sud tise verdict sel asido liranud caucludcls wiîsth thé hoe Holiday inangil suit again, sud chIair Suacss nyr TIm<irîuuu IVssrssvlly.- thsl %Vhithy wouisi yetbc wîssî ellecd aucîlsen mif;t unrigloacu verdic Vo are vec'y iiienh pleiîîcci ta iearn anugliîtla bc wilh lier usîcirsul advautage fsoui a Tas-auto jus-y, sigainst Il iaL Nis', JTsuf aiiaace, B. A., s .on of -tihe foresuost Commercial town on thsec.charge o! the jucige -andi the weigJsh cu-wo'tiy uauuusi, Leut.Cotne nntfis ciscse cf Làke Ontario. - tlie evidence ;tisaI verdict ha.] agi tir l'cs-s-y tpakerb lise Ient.-o! tise beau sîppealesi frost, nsi tise caRs sîc ealae, lias. rciv.] a ver>' nemuner- cOussity ossicersin f a isumoronq s-iloai, for jusîIgment, whicli il wsis belioe tlve appaLnument, am eretary scaudandgave fnîeresîing remussiccences lu wanstlinat bo given befors> Juliaueuxi sot uiwritcr tus tise'rgiglst Man- th iigtas-y of lîascolenuI enuneils. Il s'as puttliîg il in a wrong liglîltt qf- o tfieýfoliga)& Central 'Ril $is-9eriff Reynoslds alma repiiesi. sa>' lhe Compatsy were cas'ryiug an se e ~Mr. sMùliccu, couiit>' insîpectai-, aussi awsnil with Holiday; it s'as Holida, milar appointiutu e r See.replii lunvéry tent feppslsesta otise icasi noalternative but ltasiefenilctn s,. ]reglsl Manakger o!flthe G'and toastloffftise "Edîîitinailecci" seve or psy btse damssages Cisiiscei. ruins ItRilway>, an t fcnnesi,- for two Thie Mayas' and Ceorposaionuofthe, Mlr. Biceol sciiitistaI stîccuglîl lis t&lý ad n àaigfetn tcfwn cf Wlilby, lise Bar ansi seversil suit s'as noue cf-lis cloings, lies'al aroiu iif u]n aallafac1or>' unntoer toasts. wes-c. drauk, an.] te- huile 'illing ta tsske hi.s sai' cf tis 'e the ilttos pss'fortrued tIbal bs nal. etvesl itliug réplies aI tise fianssof 'o5insibility. rY wss adysuceul ti'ee limes dluring tise usayor aussi gsntleunuo! thse Tiserepos-t was tîsen unanimnousi3 intpfTodWo ritt le naba long rab.lsu'et. Alse, isuopasesi adsopted ai ia .]. Wuc e risahi lpiiao.y b>' Ms'. White. tlIsenenos>' cf formses "lise snjeet cf pminent o! agents 'ai nail scoaofullu ie aw poihon. a-anns cf flic e cahot>', 45'isabi goe ne nat %kena op sud sfeacs.IL 'af ifs Iigla atattuunts itas s scilar at ta tisa', bous-use wlscuce isntravelie s icwn tlisaI wicileo oer cionupities weri ie ToroitloVUiversity. sallitsii prof. -rplus-nu," usu'ntiouuiug tise naines cf cossiictng tliifs busine-s aI a ici., tii me>' as; srapt.] .eîur.îancî wrlîes-, CaptcuiisRlIn' and Ms-. lcwict, d-auk Ontario Fas-ners' Mutilalifeldi ils owu lipeilvih ligaxieletipriioe elnr-un soiesuicisilenice. 'ris.banquet wattandclpsospes-ed, uotwfistanding tise fin upbe.] ~ ~ ~ ~ Icp aviislas xcsîasl îluie asi-111> ta lic)tir--trallier tmenococruipelilfon snd thse great do. Itry asi ni nlr,wiil,'we lhave t lcau sriy Isour of tliunertusfn---when iîresSfils-f tise pagt ys'cî. Ms-ibes- nul. isrve a a iace Us-. Wsiisce's lise guiescli.sepas-at i, ail cicpreseing epcskc'of thec chea-puess o f tIse rates- rt 111 et ilhl uflr in 11is adopte.] llsmmelves in tise isigîsemel ss-sWseil sucie satiug tisaI tIse> Dow psid lelas in n xn y; -pleaciesiviti tise eujoyssblelinle spent, Ilîs-ce eRs han lie>' iaclformerlyi ni ihgoond wislisesfor tewarcîu n ale yens' for inucsing lise casne - Ontanio Lcgloassrc, as lise joilieccl cf joli>' gcod fuhloiw. cias o f linoperi>'. _____ J.1>. ayicu~ tathi (~outy ouncl',trac and almeetSli>' suipervisio.I IOYL UARI& CIU»léýt,-ýVIIDY(nos' lu session) Ise ruquesîcul ta subusit s'as a Com-pany fitisaIbas]neyes' ucgleet- Tv&cT.Th 8u l w Csssu',--csr fo s ay-law for lie soin or $ for bics eid a maf; thtisIpiidCaimsfor wieu nsu'r.TIs falawug filersfanpurose cf stdiug, b>' vsaofbonus, lia il w5astlelgal>' habla, wies- ft sas aasatng y8asr vana aleataciat tisa lort.Witb>'&& Port Pens>' Extensionkîw tseiun su]cI.lugd siar meeting, lue.]lu n*Wiitby, on froin Port Peni'> to lie toiwu cf LinS- fsith, sud tliss never >'eltcok aivant- us>' uaysuder tisa granping cianso a! lice age cf a legal (uhle< ubofpay- lsy ~asu~çy14(5,1871. -Itailway Act, iuclnding lu tisa gs'ap tise ment o! s juot euijtn. . Wlels, E.S. .tin , lu lmman. .Townshuips cf Maripasa, Op,F.oceou. Meer AUDITOIuS. lath. . . . ,: D fàOomma a n]sd lise Town cf Lindsay', and thJalsu Howden and John Kiulpahs4iek, - Ciaplain. portion 'of lie Townsip o f 1 nùy Drysdenws'e' eleed auditere. rYg*oild, - ' Scribe, nontis of tisa conlcession line, bs-ts'ecus IONOiSAlY DIIuCac'Oes-. liasusr+il, - il .-K. AtlArme.. 11h ani 7tis cane, fro tie saie lina o - - lIS-nal pramineuontluea!&i Cooks, - . at.], lerald. lw.csn IoasNo. 12 asdc.] 13he lie s. -annty wiveeelihonorary>'dis'eetou-s, Tocilimau - Ousîida Harald.. 1cm buuiar>' of osisi 'Pownship ; aussi wlnse ianies. ith ier lien teails,s'il liaI portions of Venulai wegt o!fbIse appear in ilesnai pnilsreport o! NaDu7,A - linoa bots'ocn lie 11h and] 11h cons. andI the Compan>'. - 11' »rlriuto.No 5,78 A. 10. -oui o! Stungeon Laite in the Rad A val.cf tiuanks s'as passe osi th le &simnar-Tia cifficars cf lise above Toeishf !Verlam. .1 .ratirng - dircetars an.]lie proccedinsug 't, waië ismalleil - fer théiousuctag à'A ncoulion was aIse Psa9s1esipg braugit tb s close,. Viz >7Coiut> Counoiir la deaiy lbhdSexpcusea, ascoucuusna " Miligen. ,ilucase the by-lw was. e do1test,le Susaqeiy CTi& les aoioG. o Bro. Rliyd- " Han. Campanypaying Ilium if .cas' LeS.- dfreos's, M nt.aJielcis'as oelalai - - tu, -sia. >ioidC55t, suc]Ms'. Wilii vice-proel. Troa.uu-r,. " Wolon. . Qur.iuucFRAwU5SCOF IlSSANIrs'.-Jtfa-l< Seut. T.W. Tri Taylor, a' Young nepro Ah Solalia, Ma. i' l. 13W a. h anna si sud elioed "Thci. Tscx" 1ALL Tersas." ani bas J.Il' - ~ Wlsrtop. lia lie Satvi6ar. lun lits psiroxysssho spraveul iaI âtDs-. Wiuier's Jialça» af s.. ..-.... recites wiaol iapteanud evaîn bocksi fild (hess10 stIsaeaad ps'cmi-' Frar Acquitod. o!flihe Bible wilisout missitsg a woard. Ance for bsa ocf eopg-hai, ?olde, 1 - est al lieémare i.enianluble bacacuse croup, wicapiug.Cogiî, bs'anciuiîiu',, se- a 8auurday a verdict e! Net 00111>' ha cannot rndad was ais'ccys'A lima Pllishicie, cana thlînand sudinu rttsured lanlthe casa of Wus. Fraser-, Viciaseboy. Cute.Ilsoish.niae]prt;i ged with belcg seaaeaeY, sfte tlia ix Hheah;te:inflammation ; and ]even cou. totomurder of Jane Gilmann, isorsa hHoez auxTusvscs HASIGED -13ix suipipticu ibacilf yiaids te if$taj te ~itlovas ware isugecinluSoîunon influence..gio Vaile>' s !wdsysaga b>' liVgilancea wa* ULu.asre-eiaogow, Jiiu. ocitîsa. Amang ficos). lynce.]d A SARPas'Dancsî.-,..A Waclding Pasrty' Thse Omittiol, Nationial Bige Aosse. vraIlutchinsan, Coi, andiCnaglt' aeasm0sia ov ses3icl >i u. sioapla. th. Amsilaii liroe aparadoes cf tha* froties,ý'.The weaaihy, Garmau'ee bans. in Wlcs d. q iaaaihpli ~ha tivawr urncall l a icai, barre, P-ai, lu- 'witness hilsdaugters fit mîdnîgltjust aftan s'ehorning froa iaarniaga la a Gerznan. Juel hefcs'n: tipt Nbs'aeka, ýwire lie>'fha.] eu heilietissefor lia ceremn> mshOippech tedsps ! iastolan saeki, T1hey" eut, Joina.] s younlg.,Iwfiais, ad, Iutb ls~iss osst*ad- .Wnt- wf-*hof p~~as 8. llly.aic a to 'adpc. les. adaiao ws 3â Nuisy, MoPisars&o'n, 8sea, MoRs.,, s]d Grahiaus, Boss, Green,PsrpuWgiI a,~ Paasby, Amay, ans] Shire-il. la On lise motion as amassded baingpnt, ýy Mr'. Wright,seod.b>M'. ca, il mnoyeu! anamanstmout t he affect tiîsl i. ýtisemattar ha subiniltad ho s-bitratan *e -tsa paisa biuding tiacusalves fa s8 bnds, ta mu$,id> lise dacisioni of.lha- aé arbtnatons. IfHa belias] lat bs cons-se as ia h correct oetue ans]ia v shicli siouId necommeus] afIse]!ta lise ,e iidgzment oftie touneih. e Mr'." MoRse support..]-tise- amen.- * -meut, bakiusg tie saine grounu.l as Ms'. Siitis eonsidened tisaI afles'thie a ulidettsktniggiven b y the repteseutatves )f cf Bieachlise>'sisoul.] be ible ta trust la i0 eue anotluan's bonaus,. 7. -Mr. Zi wers s'ould abide by the daci- a Sion a! tic. commltte; lia wonld" 'nol sa subunît la arbitration, i s Theiencassas] nas'.eisi demande.], s tise amecudmanî s'as lest, on bIsa former i davisian o! il ta 17. sa Tise crigisal cocion s'as lien carnies] 0 se amende.. 0WsssrsY A&s'ORT,.PassRR a&ILWsAY sX'rEN- Mr ~ fn.'yigisl, seconad.]b>' Mr. Gihacu, tisaI tisa 'as-danoun buhaîf e! tise cor- paratien nieunrial lise Gaves-mninel l <grnunla liba-al soin la ai.]in lise axten- sion o! lie-Whilby &-Pont Pers-y Rail. s'a yhoLindela>'. Cans-id unanunaousty. SALIÇ 0OF LAN05 s RTAXUB. Ms'. Palcrsotsi brouliît for'scsd hMs a motisuou onhua %sub4eet, la leave the change andl sale e! BaiSailands for non- -residecîl taxes in thso iansds o! lie muni- cupalilies intereusteil iustead o!fs'il lise ceunI>' lnsuncr as lueretafore. M. Paterson gave lii. reaos a I englhinl advocsling lie change. Carnie., NOTICE Ta AMEND nY-LAs'. Mn. Whetes' gave natice a! bs-tas'to amen.] iy-las' 2201 o! tIis cant>'. AUIcTeaS. ai CRI311NAL JUSTICE. M 1r. Suire moe..]is nesolniîtn lu- Iradueiug is.bill au tus subjeet, meiicis s'as rea.]a fist tinoe. Ou matian a! Ms-. Earpsn tIse cünnail adjoiniicsi. THIRD DAY. Tluns-udsey, 27tic. Tise Was'slen ook tise el a atlie usual bans'. nI O!flteuj. CranSali ta bc appeintesi ,Ch caratskan e! Scngag ri.ga-Mr.Wnigit. asJooisuStew'art asliog fanruamagase ce un cousequance eo! su accident susîsinesi fr. l ishm tiuroupislie bl ]repais' os TaI- i. bol bridge-Ms-. Mâtas. sg9 O! certain nabepayars o! Ranuis pras-- ie tnp fsor'au addieional granta ocamplete se tise Seversn rives- bridge-Mr. bMcl'ies- a- - REACH IEDTdiiE isCOUNs-Y. as M.-llrelieun mave.] la hava tia ne- l. soustion an Ibis onîjeccî, passe.] yeslar- s- day, reconaidereS. He axplaine.] lIal cIt notiig lias-I'beau sid iu regard Ita ie caIte. Tise neeva a!fResets, a!ter thie rf ajaus-nunent, ha.] boasstatisaIlsebail n euglît tise conceil lu the unnîbor, andl d tisaI iuneaevant cauld Reacis be lisals ?dsihalle for tise cosîs. Otien membenu o! t. tise conseil <cii like. iseif in tîsis ta nuattes-, lIses believe. tisa parts, in de- s faulI meeul have la psy tise castl, sud s- if tisaImeea not thes -case weulcl luke la iy neyese tlieir voles. . s Ms-. Sinitli sas'no reasan la change his vota cf vestes-ia>. Ha baS <sithin f ae flic undos'takiuig cf bisereprsaontativee tofa Bfeh la abide tise deaision c! tise îe eenuittae, andsi elievas tise cents maulsi follow tlIceresunît cf tbieinndinZ. y M1r. Wiigliu contecsicd tist mamberu lia.]tise igh a xplatu thisas-vota a! ýs ysetendsy, if given fiii errer an unden a ýs îiceouceplica. Tises'. sas a différence ,a of opinion as ta caste, sud moetiser le Iboacis meusî c ib lIe; hoi. us eracc- s eusse.] b>'Ms'. Furiel>', Ilri s . elsola t- question ha referreul baciî la cosumillea s1 Ms'. Bickol coîsleude. tisaI lieanut. Ion r isa. fnIl vc'el yesterchay, sud tbe .1 s gentlemen avisewanted ta ne aècn ift r iiad a fssll oliporttinit>' ta blome off lhisoin e tean. Hie crses dos'n here la doi bunsinass,sud tint lie beltevau la b.clise1 firiî Sut>' of ail tise membons o! theu. ocasil, andi ual ta mak i hncombia1 sece.He bai lise neprasautatives cf Beach ualechoionotable gentleman 1 whsli aeecsil Icc iat mei ord in abiuli.g i f lise deeic.tou teaIse giveu b>'tise con-E insittea. hItmes apselced sia satter oci cous-se blin tise caste fornes pans f e!t casei, just ac mach las snythiing cisq.c. Haeissiievesi tisaI isose gentlemen - -meaul ans] intledsi miat lise>' eis ; if c lishes cdi net, tise>'conid Sas- ca uns'.é Ho dcps.ecale-d essside Italli infauein-' t stuieis, sasakodesilse ta acI inthuisi malles' as business meus.e Ns-. I'atersosn ebsirgesil the reeve e! s bis.. towshiip o! W'iiîby iih i sving i maile a migsake in commeuscing thse suit ii agafout Ileacli,nns o se' oing liaci opon f whah ji> lad duianpnoposcug la Icavo t, 1il tos 5Camnite. lie fagals urge.]a arbitraton as liseeuh>' true selulIon oa! I thue usshen. (ý Ms'. likeul ruaplieu tîsat it 'mess for C lie neeve o! Tuerai la uSow wmesaien q lie baal maSe a mistnka Imfore îuaking a] lIse cisarge. FHe uheied isavung claoua 0.v Mr. SI. John inscl ta sel hisisf r igit. lHe wswsillung neav as;beos'as p yeshanday la abida flise dacision cfftise ci coitîe, dou tsansd ail. (Hean,hlens'.) hr Ha s'oun!.]bcualosparI>' te mislaadiug ti lise Canucil. s- Mn. Wielae o nuderaloos] bits yen- fI lerha>'. IHa trusta.] Ibal lise reeve cf lc Bropk moul.] mitidras' bis rasolutian, if is thie reevo cf Basais nos' saic liaI lie fi meoul agrec ha pay tuhe cents. D Mn. Es'ens said tiat lise mens illiig or tôa sud. b>' shsaIlisesaid!s-sfes-cia>',asud i sud ual liuinis i.asa sieS upontho a>'ce suc. TisaI tisa caosemonidfolios' le moaever deiieon liehe muiîîee arriv- di oui aI;s'as dean tehoiesmin.. 1 hi Mn. Sîcine ciniedacl la as-ing ha.] tu beau saisi about cosîs. or tisa itil sa s mataser rtieceommittee aI aIL. Ne pîedge ia.] beau given as ta coss; ta lbiis'verdictmeauid lia one wilioul Pl coue, an.] se-il woulsl h. fons]wsen Li he> pain. cown in Jun.. as -Mn. Res'iaud cool.] ual noyerse lie TI vole usveu by him umsatasday. TIse re raprasenîstives o! Beach hasi sais itil- nit out1 equivecat4ion liaI lie>' 'aewilinig dc te abici bse vent. i Mr.Gsriais s'as sallufla.]fliscasu,1n.: th msithea ha.] noîbing ta Se wiîi lie qu mates' o! cashs. Lie for on. wauld lie s'flling le laI Reach off psying tIse casts. et Tise mhol, ceunIs- sas h eefltad b>' lieaue cxpendltnne cfthie menas- in Bleac- tei lise graster porhioan o! wIsicis lid beau su laid ont on tie Centre reaS. th SDm. McGillsais] le sas net present ce s'hen thia matas's'as disonssesi sesten- nu day. The. point a! difference ho Con- tii sidaneul ms] leen usurramees]dcs'n lmia ata Vers- simpl ea.- liaelokitfor grani' MM gdh oIts caste wauid foilow lie nesuit cel liusa in, u sch iêss, ans] cousideres! ou proî ractes] discussionoe!-tise question a -ell «~M A uP!b9«i "-- a i ses,'l» i .uwwiMJ usw ls -pal.], anti psy t csiyesterdï uter aiea.] psy tie'n, i lotion tlare- oa ýMn. Brownu c ha.] beènu mai] Sai.] as teCost tien ofaà Clans1 MrIs. Cscnpb il faîhan frein the voeyestar]al Sama way4 ' ' Mr'. Wirgit st Inabionsiheia Thea malteri -cammitte op, Was'den :took bt raeaes havîng:à Councit ra w'Iola. :Ms-. Wieler1 1>' oppose.] ta r ta adul ta bisa words-thah in f, sisip of Beach lc the Count>' tiit psy att lise caqsi suvestigatian bi T ié vote s' Wright'e rasai tt s division o! il Ms'. Whlse.m poseil b ijhm, le arlKersoi liat sucianciai long; lhiit l o o! Bteach., 1 n. Brahioni ment. Ms-. Biceall lisd ual been dul o! Beachs as holic tisa Woardicf tis@ liaved in lieus' lu Ibain ta menu foliam tisé rusill tise lndersîsudifl Bot tise reeve c put fos-vrd Ici tise maltes' sas i farmnens. H. w raprsenotative-4i ,Mr. Es'ers ase wl ae bney la psy tbi sa et against tisai. , irauglit in mnd wilissras'al a! brouglît against i tee. (Cicers.) Th TIa esohutia) amuendeand u.]li repcrted the saina MuAR Ms'. bMRae's h ni Mars pas se.] It T, bppa.uing Meon.Lawdes' ai Gni _en- ahar .y 6 011 e cis. se naenînras luau- 5 séa-s ne word about ;' ha believa.] t as' ae casit>' woulchave 50d5.lcl vola forthe-ri sider., - il&U lies'asyeslandai b>' liserepreseucati lin, 1hoivaven.hb b, <avare.]hi for liaI parpasa. Il aedd witi whal east speakaer, snd s'as influence.] lu iti insialteul upon a] est. advisablu. ras fus-lier discussel s 12 oCeock wien tha chair, lise boni rrivei.. ced in causmithea a! hpese]iinalf sIre bsatinsd propoi original resalutioni tha avant cf tisa le' diag branglil in délit s aisi townsisip she c o!h aiantsd cfi 1lia cammiltce. s thon taken on1 tian, wicisas lest le 14. cavas] tisa addition P scan d]b>' Mr. Qu sud Mr. Wrightt h 2endmct woul beus accepte.]theliaunei censideras] tist just )ne lia representati, oralle men. He tc genlecmen sud ha aneal>'. Ha undersîs thal lie oss ho- o! tIse soit ; tIsatI g e! cther geuloi TueDrai, cl"à a'w usical abjacteus, Wb( quied't& pli ton hOstel. otrust 'f Ret. ayco ntad a ny l 'oi hein b>'tIse cocui Swas tian passe.] tcemunittea rose ai bilItoatnenul hy-law' trougI ail its stages. STUEulTEM8PE Ms'. hBrown tnis, mei ie h ead giv, jeci. Iu Seing tic adycses-of tise ci s'as sot in abter 1: ps-est iinlddls-lsuce Ipon tise agiatio- Ihe ceuns-> ai tlîe tuse inlerust taken em'idene-l Is>'tIse1 preacobeclfrolin Ils Ha did ssci expeet nt dia meusueltt sympati>'an-iea lia reprsesessîatie bo lie probahîlis- uin 1311. Il s'as il mculdci u a seep foe r nvesi ha il cousueil tIsa sale af as a bavesrainl crime sud- pupel o! pulie usralit- tisaI the passiusg ai lame in andifanrIls giviîsp effeel la ti '614, kunwsetisa ta prounete tisa Pei penit>' sud pane-a -pople o! luis cous proaf to tîsose in p tis canul>' is ps-e ansi muai desireul isibit lise muufacu s'aie cf intoxiabi- Dominion o! Cans Ms'. Wright ansi lie reco'ioc as t. intaxicating tique sournce o! crimul'.1 nuover menste co tice DunihAct. agree inbutlIe fmIr -aud hie mess son [livide it intoa lme lispesei, as mese thisa sssver, tus eanu principleo f tise couineil hl i- ig subrnieliu,.iltetaIls ila meitis che qus in lIsach, sud hus chat hue iil inorea tomperane mcn t deales. Ho wac liqsscr, sud esolouîl (Hean, iean.) Bs Joverusoasrit sasii quenlesi. T'rI i hin aboutthe or3 vie Issiued lieIl Moral sîsusina te practical force. Hl course Isiesi a! tis in gebtisg lise licen lîcis- cs'sshanS, sos-e o! sapolilical th cause o!flts-pa t int luiaseladie a Ines-est in tise pue D-1. Isomeever, tuIs >unin Act tisesv conîs-tb an unna, lid ot balieve lia 3ans->, snd aven rarce it s'oold blie leputy r eeve a! Pi ,ave lagon s'ils n.] tries] tIe exp ffare. Ms-. Brellons-cei àkicg up tise lima îurpcse tin dtscussil cegishaloreba.] aIs- Fstnidting tise slal ,presetnlalives tfc Io tIse saiulle. Hie1 nr. Aiwuey, tisai tîs bis deas-ix muntis sently-s'ithuras'n. Dr. Meofill sic] n top lie discussion icis a sususmmans s' oujpet lie aIsac sougit a! avers- in ot'>. -Hes'as autsof cfhle rpeve cat gentleman's op a 55' wbich Bida i, &CG.)Si.]net s'a stuncil aI once, bul ussicu cf tise quas id tiat it meoc is 'iris-, ais.,iia min its~ greal imponi an- iceilby f r~ A, NOZ QUIssN Sesi ltse neeclution nm notice ou tis su ilie regretteS iaII nuse before tise counc anis, soaas ts-o Sei e justice. Fie dwce Iou tise sulju-ebfoi Ipreseî tiIfnd u a lu it b> tise ladies,i petitiosi meict ie ise5c Iladies e! Piekernis ha t lic abi. ta sIo moo shan t le uist VuII icil an Opinion fs-c emen a!flise caityis of cas'ryIutlie Dor cat ail lue iesiresi, hu fos-suas-s. He tises- 1liste opinion o! Ilui Ifiuhoxiealiog liquoi s fs-niîful soure isin, alike subvs-ros ans ocialos-des-, au Ld entas-amp o! s b con-at>' o!Outari Temupes-suce Acts uankin Aet, mviiito uce, 1caiapiuucss, prs-î tl met-il. eiug eofbis 1 y ; sud meili aiso h, s'es' aIOttha shsi rire.] forthile supene Sas' am'iieîu issal ps-o &une, impor-tatioaucii pg bovas-agas lu li a'a lsed tise fis-st part e Ethe sale sud use e r3 beiEgag !uî B3ut lie dlijeel cfli r imil tise ouncil tI ~While ho lierefes- .art e! tIse reecintio IIste nover dis! nul 1parte-ie mesus1iso vid.entîy lIce abject oý fuit tise cannefil, te dusE Dssuiin AeI. Tis il o do t51 ss-htou; e- pe->pI". flia uai l ion fifte yenî-s aps cî'penionce thora n'a eo coulend wsils fs-en can fs-eustise liqua: ofavero! ofinuisising y iqusor but lobacco. I lia ieiS Ihal lis 1don! 'itiictise i1nor ' as s great des ol csof temperanca; men cudesî aissu50 theu ut Ihisucs'opiins i . dissp'roved a! theu 2Local Govenuent cbocg patronuage fIet anS fearel il s'as move thas la serve- ,ance. Hoes'as pIed 'Pickering LIgan cause. He belicv. in subnuilîing tisa muId lie pntting lise aessans- axpcnsa ; lie Dunin Acts'ouhdi if il s'ase put in imupraclicala. The Ckarng sisoullsso us aivuacorponation cinsen a!ftise Act stiiencu]litaI it ws'5 u! hcecouncil ta no g S tbts ctes-. The ýail>', given poer ta ho deal itiî i.- t Breook b>' sby-ame a! liquors, lllet h tses' mussiaipalibies irJed, saconules b>' c rasolutian blieas i['is s'as suIsse- I thiuk lises-shauis io! tise sulject in sy. Tis ubjacl a! importanît eue-a uipyiug lise se'nious 1os-aul liaS>'inthe sunusad aM lie as-go- 'f Port Penny; frain cec it il sa fficul e Was on. He (Dr. tut te, commitli îe.trustecl tisa ilis- ion. s'oulul go an, ,irâ~taui lu a kindis- as' cansmeuIsuirate àu' Ti.sa ses was putl 'nfos'ci, ha.]-proved--aidosd. ,psrve hethar sfter trial. But lia was fenltheDùun' tise broader aud tuIler suessune o!f-prohibi.- saine - tisa tion. Tiere assu aId sying about euh ojniru iO la utting l ia hesDileau a a opaung the trip oa! cse- busg isole, sud lie regarde.] the eresent day ta A mannes' of proceaeling 'in somethlng lb. lkavel. n a&re swa>. Ha bal.] ha lemperano. quira.] d.prnils utIha baler..]thapa pniaci- served] ta0 pies coul.] oui>'.pefane.] bytlia (}ov-, total nr ceeu arnunen o! ie'a-country' 'llaliug witi poing, Ad- tisa question aÇ totalfroibition. Ha 'an.]Wh! behieve i tise>' ware -if'in accord s'ils cil lot- ha.] the spiril of! l iIrsI part of tia rasolu- couls' is ion' The Dunisin A.ct, bowever, Vas W obfi'gc thie failurel,à an.] wie-vr paaaed liai]-net'& ducs.], po.] lencoien>'a nle-lihaI us, lie abuse fo nbi- rexnît Vas nol favorable. ,Ire. w*oîd chas'gec Sasppot any meaaure'bougfs befor: payers-' teprohibition, and] lue beliived Abia, Ibis laIn r a!o woui.] yel beconsaeofe! te let ques- lb. Cier lions ab tise POUR. Ho sîsanîsival. tisa co tisa againgt lie' rcsaluliaon hecanse'cf- blacun, * Duokin Acit part c! il, but asil an ex- criminâ] )ng. prestn a! his Sentimentsls ie s'asinminu.] t seul liamain lu !avas' cf tise pinciples O!fehein si thie tempance. . cont>' iWO. Ms. St. J3dm hopa.] liaI ea'ry maon Incasuré e te wouI.]sheow hie cilcurs upon tlis ocaca- ment, i nid uion. Hie wonhdl do s0s, au.] tld the audit,1 tisa ns-y c! lad àci>'Who hoiste. lia subhoriý bouge tae swiici sida sie-a W5On0. the sut Uri. H.es'as Muceisiea]Ïith lia patition anulitas' au o! tisa ladies in laver o! snppressing tise mien Sd great evil, &nd ic 'as prapareditoasacist cli, in pro- thein un ven>' way luhie power. Noue suditsil 00.- kuew better than tisa ladies-se wiveis, possible l.]d sisers au.] molîsers-he telrriisla evitslis chui 'sa- cf inters parsuce, sud hlie sgis]ad - recommn iluip fiusiing tlietn caming fcrward sud iu- Cant>' - tss'sstitfiehoves in lie pou.] cause. nonica na] Motionis ue bluat hefo-re tis council cils in ivereat ia l s'ut]trangthslie lie aUssis itianing lica cf tha esuopenance boduaés. Tisa avil of monts s 'vs inlemperane sas grawiug, sud gs'ew- Yens' Ook ing even -anogat bise yauîh o! thsa councit bae- country, and ever>' inu lsaviug sausns uus f oeul sud daugilens isiculci do ait in bis 1868, wi nId power' ta remove il, Il affecta.] societ>' sud nec wa in aven>' gras-h, sud s'as ovin Inhbiug lb. nec( 'O- tiechurchas of them hast is Ri-t1Ss taril as ver, bsoye.] ahike. soul sud bod,. Il s'was Ou m are lsis dol>' la put avary eh ~k in ils adjeun lst s'y a>nd taluaever>' adrantaga e!ftisa tisa anein>. If ual stopped il s'anid brîng a corse upont'lia!an.. h Ms'. Harper ha.] biea ways on the B iacf temperance ; wliatcvar otiser The. *n side tiare mgîla n>' abîer lime have nouaI hel glib beau sny douhit aient liane nevas' sas 1if a ds-lut aa n>' limaiadul lits aiog i Ms-. M a! biste tempos-suce lule. Bus hae coul. aletcf the c ste agrea ivith tIsa resolutian, or ratiar tiat <it icI E arI af il whicl stsales liat it wauld ho oefleial taelise cannt>' e pilas tise Ou un as Dunkisi Bill.Ila reforma tetahie diffes'- cil s'eut Ln'l eut parts cf lise cauntr-y ilus'litlIe on tise r isili ws trieS, slsewiuug liaI il coul.] ntatl5 justiO ha entas-ccd, ansi recaunbe.] wisb came tise chair 72~ undes lits. ina-nobsermvation cf lîsviug Mn. Bi ceeu mare drinking s'hera btse Dunîtin cuities a' Bill wnssoîsposesi ta be lu force lisse iidountes'i ss- otis es'l'iiis. H. reforredita Bas'- the accau ýn msusviiie, Cramisa n laNorlsunshernu-, s'asthii>l Picton in Prince PEdwmas-d Coult', mal- mat I <,fT ton ansidises' places, elsewiug bisaI lis eoves-met cf ir'wae a dcad lettes'. Ha ulo neférraul tors lissu h. ta tise wos-king cf bise las' lu lie States, isanest ai alie ewingluoma'fustile suie-baslas' sas lu ceuInI>'al cil Michsigan andsieîss places mlssre trie.]d ens t i moved lu amneudcnenl. seconde.]l h' tiseis dut -lMs-. Cacmpbel,-hi.tisIalafter tise word cunts, % "es-lodes" ho slsuck oltin lIhe original ne-useceptaus solutlion and tise !ollewing ifus-lsdiý- claints i as'"ricatthie enincil mécmorial the Do- ha (re.ul1 ad .suiusinn Psullcuiment ta pacus a las'lips--h M' iibiting tie manufacture, sale sudimi- audits, re laostatiau o! spirituaons ais.]farnmented ~l Messrs. Slire, Wielei- au.] Rowlanîd Iiinlu U spolie againsl thse resolut-len, sa far s- l'os- havis-l ant'mitling thse Dunkin Adt, but lu fa'- lise payu ns- rf Ms-. Has-per's amenslmeul, sud cf nis"10 di she eause o! tesuperauce peucsnalî-v. tiefn .Ms-. Gibsuon sokesi Mn. Bros'n ta If hu by la s'ithdras' lus motion, lsaeing seow oh-unhok oftainesi snsexpressionof pinin f om osieh tihe conucul, adverse te thce Dur-tub tliei. I VeAct, snd te join l aver af tise filier lise p<ssfcEu --measuue of preohibition assied fors- h ie lie hia.]ci y- amencluo f Mr. IHarpe-r.- ie*gava »,nts out cf eusa fono>' instances o! bliseesasion e! esupiaines- stiseset, sud c! hic expes-ieuces in clt as i LtWsinkworbis, mvere a anuwisa sanled cf tise t1 3 aboIule o! Scnt>li wîiekey, acikesi for Jussge Bs-l 10te ',Hisns->'of S collans]," andi mesre a e -o(>45ue )e b outtis a n-dvy s'as saIsi unclen tise e d hes i sîsmaie oa! "Tlue PilgrimsProgn7eso.' IHa a! 'aates- )- s'a ilhcarlil>' in favcr cf btse Goveru- e~~~î sient i -sctiug a ganeas prolsubitoy-'luuu l Le Mn. Campbels'as in lavaer cf tise juinset ;, Dominion -Governumeul pniring s peu. alIcs'cd th oral net, ansi opposaullta ausîmîîîiusg tle Jury, sud Diiolcin Bille.cis petl; Mn. Biekeli launtesi tîso c¶puty.rsee The Gras o! Oshas'a witli ualdesirins' ta taie selà geb Volec upon lise question, ansitise depulv- cd 25 cout ýereeve cf Piekering with inaistins' >p>n For one or Brelions', Ame>'. Biekeli, Sh re, E wers mn-o -22, Nays, Messrs. Brown,-MePier- S10isl h.P son, Soager, bMeGili,- BRas, au.] SIJohniesul au.]z -6. le tise cous A resolution theus passe.] sppaintisg is opunion- Messrs. Harper, Wright sud Brown a s ro5asta special comibitea ta dmafî a inrumonisul jures-s b>' tl ta lise Dominio ausI>îliamant, founclads] uleif'sbi uspon lise sînendineut. -court hotuse J.vTFW.aRT'o 05.ATSufist, e nti ses-yod. I Ms'. Rowland] m6a'ed ta rufer tiahe lau& n Ori gi dlaitu a! J. Stewariît fon compensation for pansons on . a herse injure.] an Talbaotrima'bigscvie.s loa aspeciat cansmittee. AI heils. l-for liseJ'es stance cf Mn. Wright.t-ha malter s'as lIa (tisa Ju &ntste tahie usammibleioeusroiseasu.]reoin<nin bridges, after explanalion b>'Ms'. NMc -sud thon. NI Bac sud olluens. -changing th PgrcrcaN. - foi renuma A petibien frôns W. C. Martin, gsoeanPenace, ÇlIi' s'as reads, askingta havo à stable oeerat- 55i551t bs-c s e.] for bis hanse sudcocw. auditorin ' t cRsiuiINAL cSTx O E -COUNTS. heretU!qseb aund afterw Ms'. Biciseif brongit up thie reporta!f auditas', w lise spectalcammilleappcieled ta count>' nicc audit bbcesccunts a! enlinal justice, Mr. Pale wlîici wÀis roas] as faiiewo o! flice las'à Tint iWnasccondanivi ithl Ie rasain- s'as tIsaI lis lien c"fans'caucicil sIt tie J une sesuion5 chas-gesl fs-c 1875,1*,î0Con> Clark says ho tran, s- sscI contqlp- ihte.] to tic eS"Isa ihcep>' o!the ra-7 ousicu a'che port o! ,yons'>audilsirs ciasinal jus- Possible, ai lice acecats sudiwhich' treporl snud justifieS in, zcseubus rsjsatad lseSinfflamadeiÎl maa htli.acSent fodle 911 a ctlwcashoe fos'; but yéauors la ae sl )d bîeir dnly bels'aau tia rabs-ý c! oýtufs ounbtyans] lhe clama-7 'ithool <sas' or f<aven. rgard-,ha lise Sherifrîrý,lcaotntc, nrk a! tise Peaoa's accaunts, and, ttl s'ils'th., asmi,4uielnatilou of là jueltice, your au ditars - recoin- isat the-las' he somedlhat aecunlo b. - fonnehe1le lieh rIneasunan, sund b>' lie conul>' os' Iansunilta.]tehoesa ovemis. an.] lien afles'tlie Govas'ument tisa trcasnrer s'ituout fuirther 1>' Ps>' ta lthepartias antilleS, nm allas'..]b>' tiséGovarumenl r. This plan wculd avai.] aIl ds'slaudin)ges'ils lise count>' offi. in place e! hîavtug lisesceenls ifis-st, ans] lieu lien. eau b. ne l lass a tiste ceun>'. Ta sce' iaoge luthe las', yau commiltea îend liaItis te Wrhen and] rCleri be sulionizei te coin- le s'ititule alias' cant'- Cotin- iOnténie for lis. purpose cof Pe- ig lise Legiàature for lie amen. ubove fidicato. . smauilons alea la>' befera lie s chaim nmaclab>' Shériff Bey. fer al] services <nom, 1568te '11h opions o! canusel thanon, ineot liat yens' oouuueil ill givé ucssar>' directions ta yonr su-i- ta tia malîlemeut o!flise saine'. uotion o! Mr. Wright, coucil FOURTH DAY. Fnica>', Jannar>' 28t1s. Wsnden teoju-hsa sir aittIse mour. iciPhenson prosenlesithe reporth iumiissiauen o! Sssveru bridge. SMSINA1 JUSTICE ACCDOUNTS. 2otian-e! Mn. Biciehl, lise coln- t int cammittea a! tha s'ola report o!tise audilors o! cris-n- oaccoults. Ms'. Brelieur in Bicieli ssîa.] soin]of ftia iffi. elsici the uditons ha.], ta au- in muukinmg hseir examiuation c! unIs placeSl befos-. tisan ; tise j!fsdge-tsr. Burulsan, s'as lise Fcenulau.]paiustskiug unan lbe 4t, and ifisli ii tise cher ansi- e1 -'-cou-dta de oliat s'a" nu <su fis- suc]jual bots'een - the. anud tIse individuassleding se- 4h-'iey isisiin the isciarge c! cI>' s'odcle a nuimber c! se- uciels ef' coursemess ual vas-y ble ta tIse parties pnsIing in the ansd fer biis ehislaSreceiveut leal o! ses-cepecial>' mes B.), sIs-Iougti ouI>' oneofa!tle ;, ofuglesi out, ansi the ediios' o! sl tIse town (tue Gazette) spat venen against hun, ansi abunsid tie grussefit perscuai massues' lia sie.us Sut>' iin psevAntîng nesîrt of exorbiitant ebarges ,ainst lIse eausuy. Tii. us- tIse peroonal suilcsekeauss abuse e tise paper mus question iii.> sos' ta tise general public l an opportuni>' o!fsxpiaiis- Thie sala causaes'as Loecalise in s-mianae o! liie dol>'as auchitor sut Sewu fle exorbitant se- , tise cics-e. Ms'. Bicieli nezti i the natuire e!flIse Siinirg meoliones inushe report, ansi rouble taien 1>' isel! sud 1 cs-niuasni lacoussuht tlieAlto--i s-ai in s'e!î-enee tiserelo, sudq c'Jndlge la expuain tise position ( oâ. -i Birubiu nave Ilse i5ucessary isn briei>' asilc] cearly, umen- se cisangeos luthe tas-iff andc ;lir' L, ie said, tisa Sieriff s'as mec patundu ou esci grandc c ix pounis for snmmauisgr v jury, under lise Adt e!". sci Jury Act aI '52 umade s ýy iteihle Sierliffs'as alias'- ltg for Buumauing Gesei ju-as. I or ts'e years fbic focs unden i îFe avene alIemesitlie Siseniff1Il Ly auditons, but tise Govdyn. lilas us-ruck cff tise thiea potin.] sun] <ees,andi iel. liat tise d ff was enbntitnled for thc fos-m,-c, - Sisesiff, isaseve', ais'ays ti tse full amnsul. Afler theise ion o! tiese ealutes tise laruiff a l -saîthesi ansi bie Suons] pais] tl 3aId taiiff r.oe 1860, Tise mew laime]tise focs wlsici isae c lifii in tIse inlenval frai '55 ,481 54, inuln iug uenes-01 tri s'ihcuîinlerestat aouis- 0 ,24. Tise ws'le question was @O se tars-ubtsitutesilforthe tI rissun da-y la affect lie* r i' rhsame> lluake cisarges mgieclsileage f a! escid. sige) sud. Mr. jieal hadh an lad ta Ilea Atorney-Geas'l nu Mr-s' Wood lie .uleuis'shiliby o! bu the laes, gothaI lIse acceouls .;d ai justice Oflise' Clark cýf tuse'eZo cori if and CeunI>'Allas-ne>'inu auditesi b>'tise gv'mcsît bu ;the final instince, sudnual aste scards b>' tise gaverustn t Z 0ha. c ut hissadamn,the et ung lhe ufione>' fin S arson maid b'h>scaestniictieun. se thie sas-ice a1 ièfjurons l ie mileage c l ulud cul>' be s tu housse taê ousa a; aI tisa c )pilaS ttia ,vcs'k si4olld, bha lu ýcapIy --aid éOm caIIc i sce cd --Iat the : auMaeg, s iere fe: repdiatisè lie chasras,~l hoabri .- -utishe clalur e< iff :for bac- jury, faas hoe <a saleasa>'teagoverumeauidjiter c uiSailOed chargas of otisar publie o!- ï- ficars upsias'tisa- tariff witliaaî givfug :as>' esauu far 06 loiug. "Ha l ba t sked >'aar aifter yeart for a. sett4. ment'loe! ha malter by lb.the ùty, r ihout Suceîss; 'hé .]id'net Uli é la proceeci b>'mandamas ashlia id A - -iglit- ta do. TIsera s'as no doubt, he baievad, but that thea' counly à6cul.] rgeover.Agalist thé Governmens. -againsl Ihe ccSuty'o! Halton, under sïimilan sîircnnslancesandi succeasiai. 1 He (lie saorif) ha.] ben als'ays s'il.- Liug ho malte a sacrifies lunorder tb st. t, île tics mattet-he -s'ulcl ha parfact>' -sti bagre tea aspécial, 2case, ýfan htile Sagion oe! the courts, ans] iu <sel woud ui sbnic té'aanyhiig for peaca- tsake. «eHadss]gene -e ho I ,e expeusae!of r bIaiuing tia opinion oa! oeinent coun- sal onlthe _question, an] hey' sen., t esni>' in bis fayort tIis aibm ws'a l otistlans] legs!. Heorarelttul s s talemaul s'ich ha undenstood u b ave, abeeaudes],b>' lia retv o!fliaélos'n- slOip of Wbiîby, ltisth)affect liaI ha ahad insulte] lie sudilars; sucS s'as ver>' fan <ram an>' intention uipan bts part. -Tisae s'as eue occasion upon siici tisera, s aa llit, altercation lie. ls'eeu lie reeva o! WIsilby sud Isinsel!, dnrfug mehici lie regrelles] te 'baye 1,1 escape hlm an offensive expression ; again, ha sai.] ha-regrettas] lii.. but lis u ns O! h 1h g anp layes] s'as not iihsot provocation. Tisehrfif aie gave explanations as t tise, jury, ser- e '.,Wheler spoka o! liedifficullies e!oflteecase, as]dlise trouble tIsaI baS larisen. and* maya.], secondes b>' Ms'. iMcîBao, Ihat tise wbole ialtaer lu dis. pute b. -neferned te a spécial conitte, coosistiug o! f3eosi. Smnith, Wrightb, an.] MaGilIlte aset mitilise anulitons, sud snhmtlie s'Iole quastion la 1h. Provincial Goverumeut s'ils fuît parti. culaea sihe malter ws'a net selhie. frein lime la limenash laim acorné.. Ms'. Wrightî nidicuiesi sucs a motion. Il appeanas] tisaIthesouilons, Mn., Bieisell sud, Jucige Buruhain, bac] ai- nos.]>'seanthe Attarney-GenarA[ in lise malter, an.] tisaI siaîing conild ha doua. IB s'as an absurlîl>' t appoiint lra. mon more ta Soathliamue tiing. Let Lie Shériff sue, ifsa case s'as not agneau! uyen as sugpeotes] b>'lie relevé o! Tisesai, anud if befsire lia -caurts the oieniff compehed ta conul>'te a y thei gaeerunî s'a wuld have l tetp lu an.]1 pu> lIse coust>' baek. Tial s'asthe belle- wuy. At tsuggestion oe! Ms' Paterson, Ms-. Wsigisî's motion s'as withclras'n,i aund bise follas'ing ausandint meves] h>' Mn. Paterson, seconded -b>'- 1fr;' Ras,adopteS - Thal lIse report cf lie auditoro o!- lie accuot cf criminal s juscehe referred back ttaheinsd tIsaI tise>'le inbruete.] teasudit tise se- counîs o! t lise isafii aseadance witi lise Jus-y Act. Ou motions a! Ms'. sure, btte commit- b tee-noce sud repos-led lie repas-I sils à the résolution anaveul b>'Mn. Paterson. cm -Repent adapteS. AcIITois. 0F OSIOSNAL JUSTICE. s Tise hy.la*w passe.] ra.appaintiug bi Mesors. J. B. Biceoll sud Fred Meif ausitors o! es-usinai justice scaunîs. je .%s'. Sisire sud ochers leai accarcion lae conîpliment the anchilars,-,snd Mn.te Iliaiell especial>', upan lie efficientl9g sioisange e! tise oserons dutias ip hi TiEN TESiPERAuCE PETITIOM , s .Mn. Wrighst reporte] froin ti spacial h" commibteala téwhom tlismaltes' stus.] s-efreI, sundithe memorial t1 the l& Domninion Pas-uinment s'as aulapted. ;a Ms'. Bs-oswu bei occasion te stali b8 bIsat iu issaction o! yerdsY',hoe't s'antd tb kcs'lias' tise D.kinfîil t meoulsilstandif t!sushittellan sd taelInra- i duscea s stuilar mémorial te liat be-. eu fare the conciL61 1 ROADS ANiseDeRs. Ms'. Rowland] repente] fran tuis cas-mittee, anS on motion tisa canne» 9c s'enî int cmmittee thereon-Mr. Campbell lu lhe chair. The report pe rea. as !olios lI. TsaI yens'connsiîlee hava careiully JI examsued lia report of William Nolson, CO comsmissionof eth1sf cf tisaconuty te Mc baild a bridge ove- the wst .lbs-sncb ef thse cf 3lsck rives',ntise bosinda>' limse babmeeen o tha conusîmea et Yorkland Ontario as batsees o Scett suusut Georgius. Accosslnt hoaid re- OP hes ia anunt (#8M 51gs'antad aI lie Juue se, esseuof 1875, was inoufficient te huis] à dus-able bridgse; buo s'ng te lise Sauges-ans pi codillon cf the eld oeeasd tathe action bi siken b>' lie coneil eoftisa ceont>' cfYor'k, It - .a s easa-y t. ps-cee.] mitis die werk, c a ond s goed sab3aalibr-idge habecs VO erecluS at lise fehlowiug cosl on bîlialI!of rna is ceunI>' --Tv T!otl s eI Qf'nd gq.e---------..0970 caeve et Scngog andi Ms'. Batcs' e]auty ris oveo et Bs'ac hea acoinusttaelspeh çeu ci.] bridge, s'ils poweran Id niake su'chi i- raveuseuts enlihe sai] brIidge es liesMay,- uuadiabcat ie intèrest7 ieeni' km te la sutîy ai1tise traveling commuoiy- suss as oselect s ar sun-I au ige su arepo- tho Ibis council aI lis. 4t. - Yens- commiîtee hava siso censile'- I tise petitlon oet'tishe rea ofRama,' pnr-y- glas- agranlt o $150le cemplatea a nes' wulge ever tise Severn river, teesItse 6*usiipseofBydeand Mars su.] Moineaun, po ud reeenmendssgrant oai 075-lie sana e Pl Tourcomunîtea bave e=miined tIse report s'ei li thr"arealaluas'taelia aromos brid'e, snd ' 11 il thisat he sad brtige is in'a gaalstat of -cou Dais'. 'c -W. Your cammiî'e alter cmrafiull>' cenuliar- lbe1 ietePtto:fJohn Stewoart ci the lemen- LUI ki of X rpingifor -om& -senmînera- - - cuons'or]damage sulaiaéd, ewlag fo a breaks. - ig tirougilie 'tslhel river bidige, andi re- 'PA àmn s.]tIsaI' iuum dif4#W5 lu.granlesi sce s-lise pupaue. Tru hoavr conmtam'- xaxa th lu oli tuwars uao o tfiaang suie neYes-n bridge, Mr. ophrsD, 'seconded -b>' Mr. MeRae, moveil <o encrasa lie amausut la $150, aud after 'a iard figil esrriel his peint. a' On tisa motion ion adeption, amen]- mÙenti a wra s evad -by MrPSfc i re ta sInise oit lise'$500 as.] malete s Amount $400 ; b>' Ur. MoPae - ra-( c ommit -aind] trihe out lise conditions in second clause. Bathlest, aud s-e. pont adeptas]as smenuied. --- - Ms', Feasby. broagit up Il'. repor-t e! tuis commiltea,tantiau malien the, cèoe- Vaut ioacommilleae! ofbh.l lioeo*n-Mn. lCiistie lu tha chair, gHepont as]opË as follows : 151 Tsa ýnut-somritleo bavs.ufe tis icl sd ent hesaan]thlb. ncage- monl,canebed tberemolisan is.nla lise p-e- nmises ls'alltactor es>cotioin. ; -2nd. Tis saeral arcounts for sappias ans] ctharneceasarles fer lh,pel sa.cousrt hanse have been careMuis, eswila&bsyeour commîllea an.] recammand liaSs tp> bc pas], vf z -Hans-y Grabaunbra ucns, 9U.1; W . Brné",612 - Tmd &,3sisssshess 656; Daveill & Beubiweil, 651.80, Lai ,ng& Stewart 67.25 - -Wm.ýBuins, 64.0;< iewmW Assis, 0.70; Tises. Lawhas', 64.0;A. C_- Wilson IVe acceunta, '86.05J ; Dm11 .;t Waslfe, 68; aBloe&, kLahar, 64.75;H. - Tiompson,, 67;,S. Piwes' 7; Gos.a&;-, MeNacitan, $7.95.' " '8r1. - Tbhotsjour committea havaelad ha- bore them, by thlia Inesume, a comiauncs- 'tien freontane Frans Evans aiug fora,-. millance et 66.50, fon expenses issus-red, lis eos' cfCoroner Esusa>' eofthliaceont>' e5- Simece bultyens- comuiteecasuel recein. men] the pas-usant hiers as, lhe malter, happene inelie ceunIs et Sinicoa. dl.Yous'commithe. hava hast hais] ha- léea hsen, s'aluni f Wanran O..Martiu, Buq., ceunt or eenani- isi liaI durng tfe penioi 1&es-3ne t a09imecemb-, 1876 -bath days lsllusua'e-tbaen bave beau cou- flues] in 11 i i4 senr, 129 =laie nsd issu-kencrassa of 86 avaî'hiSe saie pas-bd ol 174,,ans]onlie fls'st ci Jsnnsns-1876.'- liera remnins] lu-gelux' prsonens;î liaI thse sggregste numben et da. scmoisc pnmsonas's receve] pot afl'a ce du-thels aheve lim us's1018 das-s -an ts ieceaI for escis p esean91cnts, per Sas- - 5Ib. :YTu Commitea hava h.] ad -- tbena-eo,4~hcae o*r cf lie ing tbis couue» l tmata soearepaira le lb. mai.] lor-up, ans] aise intimating bIsI lien. sas been ne provision ruade ion anys- sla-y fon his services, sjeus' cemnilte. -canssel ýraco-esmns lie conil ho Isise anspa-t lu lie malle'. S tis. 'Yens- ommillee bave ise ha] laid belere biens a camnsicaion frein W. C. hiatUs,, lie cousIs-g.ejr, s"king Ibis ceous- it a e-ec s nllllg -suitabébtoi a stable- for a hor-se and] ces'les-bis. owfn se,psd s'a woulsi reemin stIou oneb bil-enlthe, - sputi-s'est isarf i olise gàol -gronds, suit] cuhidiu lobe 18x24 ieer s'iti 12 feat' ef dess sud la bava eue oaif s-a-prSe- amI, ansd building mel Je ha leo is tisn100, - el tcmthe goo sud cous-than"e. tun You ceinmitaI have ba&]li ts'aI nbien calele o liefficient stats of th&- qo 1noot an.]aise swporbion ai lhe ceunt. anse s-coifsherby' li e aiinga a.ves suàci damsged .anul onbissus- reinon. ,air,su a n h ladn Wouomua.MlIse sofots ethecourb-hscnsa-ga pele eves'- abtIesl ans] repairas]; aud woild aise unthar commnend mm inte léusiges -retirisg romn sd lise Siserif'. rells'ing reoun Zoossle s-e- nidmofti nes'esrpet as 'h lseci. sarpelil ciid moins la s'esn eoutmaid aise- Iba lise uci seatu-oithé eüyý boîs- be h ahaeS.>1 Yens" cemmitla. s9uId ma recuuinsn] - - ual lie depuIs, reeve ot WluItby laow*n, ansi hé hisanaofettise cemmîlte, an.dare ireby appoieisas] aspeacs onM'Milbtee la upernten] ali mottermentiones]in clauses and.7]o atis eperb Tise-Treasurer"s hou.].s'ero'ezamlu-- td a ud pr ou 'nie s] atisfaeti4xy. - Raselution taipa>'th Ue eager 62, snday.i-to 11onto appointing tsa War]au, sdge Burnsau-nsd Ms'. Bicseil, aà ominitte. ta consnlt moith Ai'y.-Geue-aI omeat ansi-lie Sienliff,uposi lia natts' îtse Sisniff's aceounî, ftoeliapse -f sscantsining if lie>' siilcousant, loas ceciial casa, sud report aI tba Jun-* cabaon. B>' Dr. lIse,'thlIaifunnitune sucd sup- Pis <os- lhe court isous. sha henreabcs' s ou lie ondes' o! tise isainunsu of lie omusiltee on counIs- prop]n thle randen sud caretaken, ans]liat depuIs,- aeve e!fbise las' of Wiitb»y. 'Hg SUIT AaASNST ÎTE LAIE ýTBaStURE]I Ms'. ]ickell reporta.] aon hsatae oi eo suit u ints mla- iigan no- ouI o!fliseproceadinge hit ba]beou iaen, and] tie difficultiiesintis a 's-o!. ie conuls- recovarng lie amonhdu. oe sftÇaId that lirougs the leaving eut adiogs, at tise,,aiiceM' Bige- s', in hiarsînic te'ast year ' 'lie touncil, tse inosiy ay s losI. Ms'. Es'e'sfelt caulEdeut liaI lia ns] cf -tisalate Ireàeus-s'lsi'd een tuée] b>' Noahli Hucins.,TIe ie ld bond ,a pee& ..A >s..] xu Al if.] n-t cane. Feas reatst "mu lieu in tee conceil an, ans] keepin durfng an i palt->'con.] y -waRled $& ýembrs-ov , tlsey w su Salur -eU ou s Dr. MeUlE bs'ouag the standuing camus as foliowsa That yens' commit -conuides-alion, bs--la 'Yens'commulcle ai lie *ohowlug -genh totes bvacaucie. on of 4fgiScboola ia i for Ilivu a! Wlîb, Oshas'a, Dr. Cabauu Jas. lewelî ; fos- Ut snd Geca. Wieler. . M. StJoisn, secoi inovas] iu amenulme fus.'-saupiie. 4lset £ Gibbs bha ublstifutes Cobeuru,-as lrutee f Dr. 9cGifi bapai wcnuld uat carrys--A edga an.] luformalia: fInst amendunent a! beau mayaS ho a rai dircumuhauees. Dr. s'ais ol put fos's'ss- abject mobaleves-. T lion lus Mr, Gibbs par gr- ps-oef ability or i liaI. But lie rasas repnesentativeû e! -f usel ouiliahemajonit3 c! lampe majas-ities of aao-lie reava byo Iimuel! elactesl'- hy j imenuws'blad'sentIEl a change-lsh lay ahsr- antà.lie boi Gibbs. ThatsLsas mandes] Icbé dsie. records of!thé euni existence, ùe$» wa lie -voice o the1 tilrOUgh i as'repsa beau complied itil. isad upon lia m-ajo - lat being the case, if os le-go baék-anud allies' sas To MÜ-.»Grahtam- beau s aMes- a! ofte - ber oe!yeas. Mr.s'. ohon saisi I o f the caumithea lie,- te do whist Wsiigit. Dr. MIli 3iitanaine - lie Dr. -dl.] ast Sa se, a nutibé of the s-atel lsd aukes] ta bave Pointeul. &flarsards suggealaii Dr. Cohaur (Mur. St. John) wai ilu the relis-bng truste.,: 'whom Dnefalut hba]le Msr';-Smith id aiiit 1 lie usage toa scept the o! the, epsasntatives, s'lere tise lrustea reulu Mr. Brow'n and Mr, ulilas- vies'. Mr'. Graliaun bals] th pensas wantf d Dr. Mr.G

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