Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1876, p. 4

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ft ara fet' lir; -foi you tu ," pur. Clyou a for yui; lies; uirw !q-!Aurw, saa 3IJ - tq there ut brie ."» i ng, wýJiçn yen leave herfe, anti while tl;ere 'jyou cenau sv"êle far MsqUîer ri (1 à 1'i nut hbeng, now, ~o4 (I (lt'ionswore stand she wà$ gouo; 'sank downiuîc,,y Iqnu pqap, br iihot 1" I ,uI.il 1: - 'est grief. f u ts he loe yen pro.' sighie ta suent &as if thin en ' tome.It did FrDoeLa, itee Albert Il my l1O4rt'brokcp, lb sîould bo flor a b . wortl>4tget'Ql Nol.. It nkdisaven Lj - tlîir Ihaul lerruedi Abert Freemns' « 'VitIs e leico-101 ftuxa l sy wny C bt Mra. Iirowni and i-enaincd for tbree m= ao my asttotton,, sn(lI deterruin- fiJ te anawer i4., >It %wss or a cop yist. A fow lîour~s ter, lI knookecl -'t ile W bairisier, a oo't of the usôat sehsted, me4n, i, tt îesbare, fc aepiu iIai "VioU ativertised o ot itiIýsi" t "and I called te uese If Ioulsi do what - ' ~ "~ote~te~sntIîngfor 1me,"s I wrote soveral Jlln'es, il ie ex' a nm1q4ýýanud tison uaidtlfy 1wcud de.'~ I foui tjterbomselibral, anti etri-leti homo a large rofuf pa 1ers. lb wss ar. n 41- -* r tii,ý1iQclerk wa$ 40 cal fol wiîn s ul briug 'ie fo.' * -bisr ordoro,'j- * pers '- ho W" ua LUa12 of shount thrty.five, Voq'iul luhîs maniner, and ieha aa Riully brouglit suc a bock to rend. i flils littie iuces were very wolcus-me te) Inc in my grerit lonineLim. 1 lî.,vi £,rgi, Sh aY tîat r hasi * fn ',n te reside with ssahi0i la11Y wlîcnî1 hl ôtl~icé bètriotitcli turing À long il» situa; bat -Whohël stioneareceived 19 pttnle goy wlîiclî i îst1lîd lier to lire lu tiue îny %iritisigît grew tao eotiser tîsen bthe copying of l11w Isatpsees. First, 1 wrtbo a hort skroeh, anîd sent ilt t onu or thse eadlng periodicalo, it wao - n r eti ,anýl piýid for, sud I côntiued W iting , 'Soou'allr, a new book wao 1fVen te lb, tbI1c, nd londly applanti. Asti, A few, oveulsîga jfterwnrdo, lMr. <I * <lealix called-senti bronghat me thse bbQok; snying lie wilîad 'me te rsmilt asuhasfoit sûrs 1 soeoir like it. Thse anohor wa.9 unkuown, hoe Raid ; lieo ly gave ai gatitinu s anee sud all tIhe ,tfrt ' of tIse public lind been unsuccea-o tsltifliutiig lber out. 1 saii notilng. - ci ehao okeep my' secret. 1 I la ~1m+le uip xsy mind ta give up Copysng, seadtalt i hn s. 11e laoked nt n oiencesa trpriset wsey for s moment; this old, "May 1 aek'wlày, Miss Wilde? t Are yen tb lie msrrèd ? Tel rue tisat t tid Dot so l"' Ile took my haut, tieu went on hur. rledIy :-"I love yon; youon cnsot lie osrpriaud t thIis; yoil must have sen it ltlfoi'e; bell me bisat no one else has a olalmu uon yaur1 eart." I 1toIt hCni l4 tory of niy past life. e"eu nnt care for a second lave."l t 13ab lie' ônly ciaip e i n iits armas, o ssyiog, l'Yonrsecond 1loveiso mre ta - i he 'than bhc tIràt love af any other womau." I tolîl'hlm bisat evening who was tise athoress of tise book lia no uuch seld- inired. A look of prend joy camne imb d siIich bwshîeyen ; il niad tue tlsî n c yu le Irendsti ;but I diintden Iis. Why lsiev. yole Skept itlr;ssecret.?" Hav Iei olwouder 2" 1 ssdd.',Hv I nct leàrnad vhat it vas to Lei lovet j \for ruy gpoil fsrtne and forsa'kesewlieni tliat forsook nie?2 I wisiscd ta ha loved for 'nx*elf alone." -. _- Ouy once have I mat Albert Frea. mar ' O t bwaït seven yaeresÏater my lathes'u déathi 'Ha diduoct know cf myinarriage, sud boggeetoeb frgive 101aiu1" lho sait, "yon wonld -torgv n pm m f o new wisat I j bave s éel.ýOl o iemMarion, and 1 t me %wen youir beart 'once more. Prodi;iobto bê.ssjyw1l%, ad'obbino n euer thit.l -ub bt.n ~Weiôn b0 mwùumg, 'ei anwufeeiongt., li 9lt Wr' net -fer 1h. Lap is uoreiguu ele.>ij-jo upt to I o a Puguèi andIl~ WU! JORM5ON. CDOAL AN D WO'OD-t eor quantities tb Blgksuxtho ana other' 5P~I~T~A~ES ;1 f er Wo,e uý ld4 cn.p AmericsranU*iner, Alcovber a~feo fln ~ hi]reiady tor t %'uef $us. Weaknesà, 'Early Denay, Disaso of the Tninary and Sexinal Orgue,and the whole train of disore"e rought on by baneful been curad by this noble remedy. Prompt.' ed by a desire*to baneflt the afflicted and [unfortunatc, I ýwiII send the receipt for pro. l1 1 nt-a~ek1'naae>d Charge. Addres,, REVD. JOSEPH 1. INMAN, Statiait D, Bible Hous, New -York City,..22 TIUP4 GItL.AT RELMEDY F01R CONSO MIO3 whiclî eau bo curcd by a tiniuly reorot tô lis tand--'ý iaid pî'paratioîî, as lins been px-ovecd by theo hundrcdis of test imîoffials I'ecelvC(1 by the 'cdgcd b1 ia, pmcrinent- 1)iysiciffiiu t 0hodite inost- rehl ll'Cl)Illratiofl evel' iii- troduced foi' the' relief aud c îîîe of alLî-on1iis id is otlercd to the pulblie) S.'1ýiîstOncd by the experien ce of Oveîr fo't.y ycaîrs. * I'hcin s'iîtdte hi sean.9 it sol- dom11 fnls to effec-t a speedy cur-e hie t-ojýuost ,severe casles of [Couni-lis, lAonhitS, Crohp, jlîoopiug CoLgh, Inftnenv;- Asitrir, Oolds, ~*Th~oatrIaineeo Mes 'îflc'Ches Vaîid'cide) Li-ver-Cqiuphiipt, 'BlQeding ut t l!c'Ltîegs, &cé. 'W-itar's 11:11811111dees ixot dry up a cotugh, sudleave the cause beliiid, as is the case with neost prepaî-atioîs, but it loos'en-isuad cleaxeses the lîîuigï, anîd allays irritation, tltins x'emoviiig the cause of the 'cotplaint. PREPItVa it 5 BUTE W, FOWLB dà SONS, Bosîton, Muas. And 'aid by IruggIlU and Dsaseragentrally. Burnett's C-ocoalne Prents thefliair (fro ii lig. * Burnett's Oocoaine BurnettVsOccoine lu nef siremry ne itticky. Burniett's Oocoatnec PLp'ets suÇ0reable0<e .Burnett!s Qocoaine Sotihsbdoo Irite ory la)Sir. Burnett's Oocoaine SÙo dgthui ie rhue e iîs.SkIn -Burnett's, Cocoaine Iu not an Aiéobolle'Wsah Butnett'ë, ocoalne ýBurnomtt's Oocoaine (Cives NewtLtfoto Uic ilaîr. Burnett s 'occaine neinsahse Lougwet tInEî'c P ITlRYOAV8HS N'& LPOR EOE - M0 ffct? lesaL, . 8,18. . A gsuiu er SmIssIos et Ousod pOT IUTI I.Y A<D ORT PEiR Take eL cct n; W dsseday De . 5 85 'y tw u ..ua.te. slow;.. ia... . T .ths . TBALN 0}2NGOISOUT. .. ...r.... tu ruchet ..............62a. -6:42 a.rm. Eall............... 7.00 SIZ Whitby .....é............0an, ýPsfrzn xatlpns. Trainsup n4 G. T. R., saut exsil4sît; *r%*rlP w litai an'-duýu«nsygt* e.Fat TVILI 'I H tTTYE WARER9Q14,,, TIIf-OLD68TAND, -Rb 88ETWIY ýp c jannot fail t p\& .4kn-1èýN f gýood f uJ1t&e.y" SpMddilarlôuzr, Dai 1Iomaàd Bedroom S >e~w Designs well worthy of i ection, a.. astouishiÉ-g ow Pie.Dining-room Exvtepie 'o Gilt-Cornies, Pioture Fraýning in every style. Bc me urli*, fplgcecs s au xibïain he tt4,.4umo4o id, CuAomest i a wf pell ý apleds Hearse eonstsently îire redinesai. uomrad ,w1"p ýîe lW,'itby1 NÃŽvÃŽmber 24là, 1875. ~WM. :TILL. G IB SON &S P ASR'V'ËEL> ia-ve Jùst recerv-,ed thié 1argesý, best assortod, and eheai est stock of Crockery and inswt 'i'~fre rWhitby. In China and Fancy Diumer;Sets. lJà China, Stone and- Pan y', Toilet Sets. lI Prilour, Table pn Bedro aua Li Glass-Fruit, Cake an« TzM.IMei)4es. In Goblets 'Tuxnblers -'na-'Win" Glasgo FANOY-'00 0D S'IPOR P RESEN TS, Inl CupB, Saucers, Muge, Vasees, Toys~&. o GIBON SPARVELL have ail kiudis of Choice Fa'kmly brpoeries, est Teas, Tobeoco, and all kinds of Fancy Pipes, Hamxa, BaiaÃ"u Lard:. Opstei of ~la~bé brxul nlayson baud. The highest mnarket price paid in&eash 'for any quantity of God rese Hogo, Oate, Emali Peau., Marrowfat Pea, .*c. At GtBSON & PARVEL '8. Whitby, Doc. l5th, 1874. 51 F-A SHIONABLE TAIL URINU bo where you eau geêt àa WTéll-4ting Garment :-To ie Tailoring Estkb1i4hment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. StYPEIOI1CUTTING SHAPESTHE ,WO1RK 1 A Large Stock of Fine ClothHs; best Englisb, Scotch' ai Cansfi an Tweeds. U- Excellent Ovorcoatýing8ansuSplendid Vest Patterns. A good fit Gniaranteed.-GO E Ù È, 51 Ring Street, Oshawa. GENTP'S CLOTH I NG AND) F1IJRNISHING GOODS For Superior Clothing -suitabie f r Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Ta 1- oring establisnment of i DTamT i M;? E cR- uso 0 DUNDAS STREET,' WI{HITBY. A GOOD FIT AN]) STYLISH COUT WARRANTE4 1 Gent's Fuirnîshing Goods of al *Hats anti Caps. Unubrellas, &. Whitby. July 27th, 1875. iBoots kinds, inoluding Shir1ýs, arnd Sho -000- esý STOCK -COMPLETE IN ALJ LINES 0F LADIES,'. MISSES' AND CHILDRÉN, MEN Si,'.BOYS,'I O-TH, RemembrthtKIàisofring R UBBERS AND OJTERBISHÃ"EBSY AT .WHOLESALE IPRICOES. B BEIR S! RLI3*B EI-S a à e 8 Rubbèrs at 40,-ni cs per 'pair. Mn'Oversèhoes, at$i pepa. Wbftby and O0ha BoU3NrEP-is 1!ÂTWW ULTFYING U~ Àn n~ii~1s~ing aMost importax t ebrnù xt i la very largely increased, and ho quaýity of tone yendered lqua1 to that'of the font Pipe fOrgan8 Ge the fsam.ai.ao1ty. ~Our- oelebrâted 1"vox Ceieste," Il vox Huxnana," "-wicox Patè»t; " oc. tave coupler," the chsrming "'Cellor or Clarionette" 5Étope, G emdi Horne," 'Cremona," "Vox Aiigelet," "Viola Etheria," antiý ' ;ALL'THÈ LATE Ji 1M P!ýQ9Y ME T Osu ýbe îqbtainedail1 in the se Organs I1~ 0i ift Dif~rnt tyls; oirth~Parlor e.nd the Church, tie'B,ý Material and Workcnianship, Quàlity sndlVolumeocf Tons Unequslled1 >f ]PRICE Se $5è TO $500. Faotory ana Warerooms, Cor. Oth and Congres8 t. ERziIia. t<EtabUisheî'n in MÃ".) Agents Wanted in Every Cocnty. Addreuu- CLOUGH 1 WA1BREN ORG&N CO., DpTOTIH This Hoteý lu utnated in the c trai ovn oCthe ciy, 6ànvénent te the' wholesale establishmetlà~ and publie buildings, pmn4 fpr touriste andi commercial travellers iusa moat' eligible oituàtioni. The lichée' liaa 'beuzi horcugbly re.organized> snd rd-furnished througlicut, and jà fitted up ln the mest oomfortsble siid fashopý1ey u..to - lioslu -hoDomainion. Tbcr-bedr<>dms ié andra and airy, ii1.be s itaylegulations-uie obsarve&i TheclRr#gs anticcnveoitsmple rooms, for the. accommodation cf Commercial,Travellersi, are cémmodious, andi conveniintly locateti on the. fret flat. Omnibuses andi Carriageà -alwasa resdy for thie accommoda tion cf gueula arriving by al the.basins sd esucag'i1a..~ ne thm ho liho depotO sud whsrves on Ae4og Geo.,Kennedyv. formerly Of Qneen'a Motel, Owcn Sonna, Manager. TeleRraph Office in conneetion with this Bouse. TERMIS, - - - $1 50 PER DAY. Whitby S.W.B. Phsemracy s miTýH H as just received and openeci a Large and Ohoice assort- ment of Fauicy Gouda suitable for the Holiday.,* Season. The'stook com- prises a great mauy New, Hantisome anti Useful Articles, and splendid value Frenchi Toilet Bottles in J3eveiled Plate Glass boxes, entirely uew, Golti, Silver ant iGlit Smielling Ijotbles, Parian Marble Statuary, Boliemisu Glass Vasas, Lubin's, Atkinson's, Rimnuels sant lhe Croîvu Parfumas, Toilet Sots, Ladies' ComVasions, Gents' Dressing Cases, Necessaries, Jewel Boxes, Fans, Writing Desks, WaIcunt, Writing Desks, Papier Machie, Hair, Tooti, snd Nail Brushes, Dressing Combs, Toiets' Stands, Gaents' new, Faucy Trunks, Papieterres. Fauëy' Boxes, FancÏ Baskets, Pursès sudPortmoeenaies, s splendid assortmeut, extra cieap, Albums, vcry low, Glove, HauderchieZ and Colar sets, Choequer Boftrds, Dominoes, Portrait Frances. Playing cailds, Gama of OIlI Maicl, Iuk Stands,- InkBottîca, scotchiwood Sets, Pearl anti Tartan Cardl Caties, -Cigar cases rknd Boxes, Cigar Standsanti Helders, Meersclinum Pipet, Tobacco Boxes, 18 varieties, Tohacco Penches. Ninepins anti a fiee collection of Toys. Aise a large variety of other goods san- novelties. lIýe- Cail and 1Decmubee' 15ti, 1875. John 8ton 's AWARDED Examine Our-Sok S. W. B. S M'T H, Late Jas. H. Gorrie & Ce. Self - Iiaking leaper.* TýHE F$TPIE At the Provincial Exhibitionii, Toroîte, iù 1870. We--off er te our custoiers for ýthe ceming Haiet, , woû dis- tincut Machines, which in style ud oustuclo, brace the latest and- unos ô fu improvementa of the day.ý JIINSTON'S SI NGLE SE FKI N«I A ER{ TËE " RING OF, ' ïESÈj8." The universal sccs'ftt'ahnboîli in e'osel ycontet- ed trials andinl tise banda of thse larmers, warrant uu la oayiRSgthat, 'a a -Spi .RalU- lut Reapluz hachine'it'fias more gcod eloints anud legs defeceu, sd bas met 'w'lth moe succcess sud less Isiluro. tissu heret6ôee ?0fsro4t Iepuble ,CAYUGA,,JUNIOR MO VER WFe were awarded tbp First Priie"aýn-p'tt ûiÉn, athe'CI'n. 1Imal Exhibitiion, ist eld iniuToronto, 1870.iu onÈtij mtfor e'I biseP»ic -si.w osrr ~niorovemfw. ùseséditai- smtufed isi sssh ;veîietIn *11 eusfmue, ml ail 'ù~eoîih -i1aI.éwo ofler tii e *12M wer lalt ?isb t- < 54 bsl l s nion.- "Senti f e r d7 0r iptr't oe c s tu lo g u s p p - ' - 'J i MANUFMJFACTUILERS'O?,' DUNDAS STRtEET,-WHITB-, ONT. ave..ow ,on haude larget 'kgf êGaiBigiosa liglis, <Itters, wYlich for styleea9dfinish canuietlbe4eeé'llâned, - 1~1~A~ LOrIX.V a' t- Whil'by, Decexuber lot,-1875 INEW _IAYEN J JUBI-LE OÊj- . well ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sý eI hsxa reshawilupryon. If vou ever- exgpeet to btiv one, now lé,the të": èeSure to give me a hall befýô&Yébuj L.,g fl-ldïgehoïrtm t cfClocks, a~w' le,prIpýsqtolose cs# lthàlp'.Clccké,Wa1ýçhés, and'.JfiweITO4TÉ H. W. NORVILLE, .Dnnidas Street;, o inu 81 Q"ppcite tli ePoàaI-Office,. 8cbou4 ÎÏI6iLý peroivsani DOMINION FI RST-C LASS DOMINION DOMI~IION 'Wli!tby. Dec. lsà, 187à. RI~ WXREROOMS. DR ESS-MAKING AT- WAREROOMS. -AT- LOWES & POWELL.' 49 G L E S -'lu on hand, at their'MerchantTaioriiigEstablishmùentý, 'BSROOCK STRÉEET, WH-BY A muchl agr and better stock than usual,;embracing-all TIfS I4EWEST CLOTHS AND,'TRIMMINGS.; For gentleniens' Clothing ; sud as tley ae vng the1r wiole atteution b lie Tailorig busiis%,*tieý'-ré in dý! iivê ô il better than ev0er. -' -----Xi -A T .T i TTTf1T.7W 1W#hitby, Sept. 801h,- 1875. FJJRNITIJIE 1 FIRNJTIJRE Nowis~thètire t by goodd ûche&ap Fuiniture. Having bouglit ou thle-business 1atel arid on by James, H. Samo, we take tbis opportnn.ity, of. inviting hs ma n ns to give us a CÊÈU" a4n =t'-a as Mr. Samorhas doný iii the pat. - TILL-&J~f1N Orders by mal Pr:omp 'tatLended to. 1JNDEJU2A1(INe~-1Q1y class Establieliment ýiii thleé Gouuty whe f--i àe! rfi- lyÉuppliee.d.ul W~dtby, '0~tober isI, 1878. BE'ATTY'S Agents 'waxteteveryWbhero, 1se or feuisls. &ireeaï DÂNTEL F. BEATTY, Wasiiing- ton, N. J. - CUSTOMS DEP.ARTMENT,l UTROBIZE~D DISCOUNT 2ON A' AmericasxIn-voices zmtiI fuiher ns. tice,,1,5 percent. R. S. M. BOUCEETTE '0îfBoots an"d.Sboesit-"Town, ý heoii1on WhIlby. AuIgUSI 95ih, 195. - EcEÉ,IrVE-D A T L.,arge and Select ,Sto4kQ ClIoths and ýTw eds I - FAHIONABLE TAI LÃ" ORING, -AT- TaI I vited teins i are ou fre- soi 'a he t King E Bull ped n 3une l4th, 1875, J3arristr, W.hxi5s A. w ~>. x~. rId1N~1.UL. -Tl ..L &JOHNSO.y E. J. HALEli Are now izoxi -THE 'THIS th lany fu1iy THE, W4' oi4ueerican xs BL~1 B Ae SIIEEt VI41TBY.;- 77 -maccv»:O». 1 . 1

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