ml, .PROPEIETt Wy, and C.ÇÂRD I1 ~~ T. BMOM i Agent là EU .1 CUAJILM C.KELLER, A!TOR"YÂTLÂW,>SOLIITGE Zw LYMANEGISI jsDe BABESIB AT LAW, SOLIOXTOR nq 006eStre, 06411& 0. YOUNG 'lÇltTH, IL. B.,, Bloctk, on trp. hity, ý1 CON VEYANCERSOUXB, d., Ofic--Bronl 4arae , Soth B itdkgso W Gty Otroa r~: >~aw J. ~ IOAQ. C., , J. G orrac . TOWN CLEEKX AND TRBASUREB, TWhitby. Offc-Tewa Hs&I. Ro fram G toi 1'qlack C GONTO TÉE 0TG4. tByron Strt,Whtb W. ADA" mJNIENTI (SUC0B. Ozide d.smiusreêIorib piGts x traction aofgueil. C, N. VAnS, L. j,. ACZMqlEETH nserted on eU*bê' 4Q_"-Iltst rncpe f the art, au chesp sas the ebespesi, snse poil si the biet. Tuethllfile& iwthGold, sud 81ver. Feeîh errated wthaut pain, by prodntlag locaslannaiot(. *Dental Boom-in Cow. ans& nsw bock,ovrAkno' Drng Store, Klaig Street, Oshava. 85 BUILDER ANtI CONTRÂOTOR, DUNDAS ST., WJITBY. %W AU orders pýrernptly execufed YTAIR DIRSSING AND SH&VING XLt Saloon, Brook St., Whitby. *011K CARTERz, L CBENSBD ÂUCTIONEER POR, THE .LCnntios of Ontario, York snd' Pool. Boidenc-Lot 8, 8th Concession Markham. ?aot O6loV~lzI Seget ndeq pný Termas c.a bo ntss laID le ,ted At tue ,lliioNiCLI Office for Mr. Carter. JUMBER MJýRCHANT, CAUPTINTER udbJiner, Green Street, Whitby. A large quanstity i AU il tf lumber con. ÙnNLBTAXZG.Funoalofnliy sp. pcsu ttend.d on short notice. Coffinag ktcotnty"on hsnd. A bierns ta hie. on libersi terme. ATHE RLY, Clerk Dlilot7 Court, Tp. ýClerk,' Comilesioner tu B, R., Lspa Agoni. &o., haAlhorly, Oounty Ontario. Athorly gtvt. 2Wnd82.> Phy'siciens, Srgeons, Acoouchers, k&W, c Whitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. do OBT, IRAMSAY, M. D., L. M. DN Graduate ,(With 4xonors) of the University of QtieenauCollege, Canada,; Philadoîphia U'i'v. 01 Mi -adjusr ; America Pennasyvanlsauss4 Licontiete of Mlcroficy ai the Uni . of Lddlnburg Scotlend. Cor- oar fer, th Caunai yofibatario. -Omfce- Cldwaer st.,, Orliia. Augnst 24th, 1875. lyr.85 ORITIN -- ND FLOURINO. The Subucrîber haviag ,roated da his pro. mises, Sot 82, la the Sol con.'oai Whltby, e llrst.*a Miii, with ali*the Jetesi improve- monts, ilu îow pre parid 'Weeea l GR ISTING ANciD .41 MNG an Shr otcad on ReMomabie Tei,'i ,bba*ng secnrud the seonvl'o Miller. fjru-ls Ilpu ystrict attention bùineos ta, obtaLfia lb.Lsb1e shareofaipbie p srbgo Whltby, >tovember 24th"'-ý%ei. ÉS P1RE$CRIPTIOlq FIREEi F Rthe spoedy Cr. of gomainai Weak. açu.,' i*Lost DMenhood and, ail diuerdsrs brought on b>' ladiscretione or ocegs. Any Dru git bas the logredients. Addrets RAeLSON & CO., Box 2206, ONow York. JMPOUTED BCPXSH1RÉ BOAR. Mr. iR, D..-FoleOt aiBD*nà l@. bahe GEOBG~IC B , PBOPBIETOB. nu tnt-ess bouse t.been ew1y 1 U, $susrd 'r-pense il q ucisrg y ~ ~ 1 <LTS AW5'. PB)RTR WAKMZÇPBORZBTO ~U0i1 8P AUOZ-Y abosle rit And Puii a Ãœssson. G.nnIz e r fqor. Orom od brane. E-llsrrom. eoom. ]3EITXSH AxErnpAZNHý1OTEL, won 130 SUU Wh&Iét.hY, 022'-ABIO. irjzf QT2E'a MOTEL, (LIT% coMKEIcuL,> ~EROK-5TEEWBITuT, flends' , io1eti ay ee tl .' ~ bv wnfknawn hatel, whlch ihey hav nysewly ftled up and ?eaoyted, ad pié litaothh t aforder for the: ecoommoda- tilea fgueuts. Tue Ber, o'hch i.tho band., ~somest lu th. Caunty, is woll nupplied with the Onest brande of wlnoa, liquors, snd ci- gare. Amplo onclôsed shed raom and gaod stabliag,' box simili, &o. Déteched roami for oomerclai irevellers. JP. TAYL'OR, PXL1ýé McCnX. laie o« Toronto.. TH T'ORONTO. The mosIi egent, Coatly and Perfect Hotel lu the, Dominion. This Hotel aoknowledgeatn ia, eliher in i# management,, apolutmenta or loca- tion. ltIn he IM4r respecti haffords !ts guests a oharming sna'unobatrctlve view of Lae sOntadia K~The 8.nee Wateroqtepe view' Canada. It bas 2W0 roomi f nulshea ith ail, ti. modlern lmyroyemonts. McGAW k WINNTT, 40ti Proprietors. A RMSTRONG HOUISE, (LAT£ ALBION,) E. ARMSTRONG- ~I'R ROYAL fHOTEL, WgITBY, ONT.- A. HINDES, Je., - PROPBIETOR. Commodians Sample.rooms. Omnibus meets ail trains. 27 W T7HTBY HOUSE. - DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY. (WE5BT 0F POST OFFICE.) -TOSEPH A. BANDEL, PROPRIETOR. This hanse hes been roconti>' halbi l ile ~and room .and S Ouedup ia flrai-cias alsdyr;attentive astlers. 4 GLOBE HOTELj HIcek S- aH-,,ut4 in hé roltu 0oit S si ithu h ericaî R ota,Bandes-St., Whitby, vbere ,)à * oI1sp an bada isuperibrsétook ai eJer7tii2ulýhIiUne-cf, budunws,sn4MwI Il eh estprIis.Hoeboga tas olicitý *ýsham ai1pbli patroasge." F on SALE, AT TEX GLNMAJOR MILLS 1 «(,Ã"60 foot Pin. Lumber, voli seesaned. Inch Boarde, Ploëong, x z4 Scantlug, 2-ineh Pleak, Poncing Boardsa, -100,0W00 isoaiOak, Maple for aies, lut qnslty, 15.0001I. Square Timbor, Ail of vbich vil ho sold cheep for cash. Re anld abo bog ta say that tise risi Mil lenrutnng,and in daing irat-clasvarie. Chopp'n doue 6 days ia the veek, fan evory D%e. IlStb, 78 Em. mMOR,1 lp»rnutar 61à 1 GOOD NEWS FOR TE LADIES. ANEW REVELATION IN THE SCIENdE-OPF»DRESS-MÂXING. CORNWALL'S SELP.hfITTING WAIST& SHOULDER CHAR.T. j th~g1~. l5~~-T~~ - - ~eo.qaqeeeoee.LlaeaJ. wosnaus ensuga OI e sessea. For sale, vith free instructions# et MISS. McINVTYRE'S DaE5u-MAicu4cOUeos, vrnrav. Agents vantei. Liberal laducements ta the Irado. Whitby, Aug. 1 8, 1874. 84 LMER I LUMBER!1! The nudenigned hsvlng been ap'pointed Agent-and also Sipping Agep-fan the, exionsiiveLumber fsrm cf Mesura. Smith & Ca., olfoPneloales, heu openedin ccnnec- tioa,-Wlhh bis othen promises, su extensive S:e*LýU'MBRER VA-RE) AdjaI4g thse Whitby h Port Perry Rail. 1a 8t=in, vIsera be keepe caastaatly an han&lalrge sudomplete stock ai Lumnber ai-s ai ndu for, sale, vholeuale and rotai.- 'Flaueing machine, sud ail kinds afvwork ex- 'ecuted pramptly, ta order. GEO. CORMACK, WbIitby, May 27, 1878. 22-if JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, 0f the Town of Whitby, bas boon appointeS OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER TE NEW ACT,) Por the Coanty oi Ontaria. AU business enhrusld ho bis chargoeviilho csrefuHly ai. tendeS 1a. 'WitbY, Jan. 141h, 1871. l ORMLLS. vilI, afihe 141h Octohor, 1875. resun n.u brai cf tho Major Mille, vhen ho vill ho prepered ta pa>' THIE HIG-HEST PRDICE for ay qnantity of wheet delivered et Whitevale. Ho wiil mako every effort to gir. satire satisfaction ta those who mey patronize the mà ilI with their grtsting. lr and Feed af the bout qnality, and at reasoneble prices, wifl aloo kepi coa- stantly on bond sud for sale. T. P. WHITE. Whltevale, Oct. dth, 1874. il BEATTY'S "S'"CHURCR SCHOOL, Hall, Lodge, Office Cabinet Or- eaue. Beet in use. j Send stamp for ciron. lar. Addraiss, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. BU09KLIN, ONT JAS. POWE - - PriOPRIETOR. pIAOFRSL FARE'ShMECHlA1I'S HOTEL, aERoucx.u, ciiAizo. S, B WEB, - PROPRIETOR. Bout Liquars ad Cigers abvaym on band. Merch 801h, 187 .. 4 l I 2 ER y . - A bihlan-toned sud easy tonls Piano, cheap for Cash.. Enquiro at the Office ai tii paper. Whlthy. Nov. Gils, 1875. 46 p-I ÂNEs, A action f Commiuion Roorte1- Opposite BaksHtl lgS~uia Regeler Salas every a , as-~aira aite.-noon end 0' enine.Fid '" a t. urdaythei oth Isat'#1oco P. M., Coasigamont Salicited. t Dege ta lufomnhie. mienS. sud the public sales lu Town sud Country '1ma4mohde that ho csrles on ithe Liver>' busines staI 0ual. For Terme, dc., &W. y'a. - l ~R'& ,S O » ST ND. , Oshawaoret Office, Wbly' Parties roqumrnlgeonvyne-oveo l ansd - Jl'lI,17:2 qpn-an ho cmmodated aiea moment'. ualie~ eptB2IS-;CH PIERDON. TH EB HORSE MEDICINES. VNG'S IlOTEL, Au "Sesonptionu cf thé boul Herse Modi. MSONCK iiCAD, DALTON, ineskepi contsutly ou hendandifor aeeat ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR.IL lltyLie> hoîu tuW-o charge for aSvile.. Rolieble inicrma4ion regarding lh. canna.x'N- RATY.' 1i7, etc., faulehedio parties requirlng 1. - _______________ Ample accoemtdilon for Rante sad t 'S, HOTHL, Sprisra. The bar anS lrdrsud cUEa *iththebest cfýlquao nd svandos 0?n e sanry Nué Ob sEAAONTAEIO. 'ATE W, RMcGAW BOREE K. OU 19 Aecmmo. un t9hea Yflndw> isiu~ L.FIBANKSi - 'Mfe;Brock St.,( NORTil 13RTÉEL à ,MEROA2- Iwo 4ILE FIRE INURANCE COMPANY I BI, a Ible, cagsmodorte, 1rompt sethimeni cf diaims. > : Whltby, lJane 2,1875. 2 INSURANCE COM PAN Y (h Az D LIT)- 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. Oam~'s ufldng~corner gdSm 06 =1 11,ws LA.NDi, CO [uiQsio>,: $ Agonii4 forT afeertian Liu Asocia ti n dS qocks o »M ana onts>nsiot. O>fie*4verE.H meoeDas-t 'Wbtby, sept. i 1874. AON .o- WÂT K, ct C 1BAILIFE BD DI'YI8ION COURT, AnA . General Commission '-Agent, Port Perry, G..YOUNG SMITH- ISSUER 0F CAPITAL, - - sîoooo,o MARRIAGE LICENSES, Hoad Office for canada: 191 & 198 St. James Street, Montréal. PORBES & MUDGE, Chef Agents. E. H. LAWVDER, agent, Whitby. Augnot 10th, 1876. ly.88 T"E Liverpool and Londonand Globe 11VSURLA NCE COMPANY. ÂTÂIÀ3LZÂsBEà ,#27,000,000.! Lasses pscd in coumseoaithnt-av~ ox oxcoed FORTY MTILIONS F OLAns. Clian by Ch icago Pire ettda I noar- Prompt Paymonti sd Libe *ity l ajnst- mentoalita Lasses are the proinent featnros of this woslthy cmsu.cM Head Offic, Cenan: l*e, onieal. G. F. C. SMITH, Chief Agént for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja.,Agont et Whltb$r, Ont. WSTERN ASSURiANCE COMý>ANy HEAD OFFICE, TOIIONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - S oooo IGEZ<T FOR SOUTR ONTARIO, JOSEPH HOLM1AN, BOOKLIN, ONT. Aiea Agent for the CANADA FÂRMERS' MUTUAL INSURANO, .E COMPÀNy, Head Offic, HÂwwroN; and CITIZENS' INSUBANCE CO MP'Y, Mcntroal, Firo, Li o sud Guarante. Departmeat, CAPITAL, - - 2O ,O. Brookiu, Dec. 2,1572. 12mI9 BEATTYST cED GOLBDEN TONGUE PAR'LOR ORGANS are 1highly reconmenaed by Prof. 0. H. Hangoi' Be. A.3.ell Baltimore, Md-; Plr John B. Rowlan UeRoi. S. Damer, Wash 4ngton, D. C. ; G. S. Dysari, Bloomfiield, Tova; îG. W. Robinsan, Prof. Johnston, Ph iladel- phia. ana thonsends of others as ther best ia use. Sond stamtp for extended lot cof testi- monials beforo buying a Parier Organ. Agents waated oeorywhere. Addzoss, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wasbington, N. J. c HICEI AP&t T'R E Si ABOUT 40,000,i -AT TE- HOME NURSE1.Y, Prom tva ta four yearu of âge, embnajuing al the beet Vanietios. SETH C. WILSON, Loi 70e. O, 2ncl' Con. Plcke 1ing, on Mgson Road, ot Office, Wbbiby. L199 ~ King St.. a<evScars EAST 0F 'rE POST 0F: opposite Lukeli 's 1vwoms , vhoe [fond:ikfinsstackf jia f011 h ladies aniS ,geatlýa ý e ls ovn facture. te- Strate bai. ElohreS euSdmle * osiswa, Juiy th, 187. là "' -JI1IIP4INTER'AND TE3~1sa~fiSuc~thin% ta bis DANIZIL F. BEAIYWasahingioz yod la picE, clu for mena- OR NS! LET- sdvan- ,N.J. vALUABLE ýp.4PPRTY FOR ýIALx. snb~ber ofdansfor sale thse1 I~ ~ ~ ~ i thg ala luioTovn a' I~~ ~ ~~ by:A'zist ck Cottage viii at4ujeon ibm carter cfiG St. p 8ieVSthte South WmdS acre ai là adweil foed, and l in tardl uts., NeifiWar&.jece nCes ueuths af thse residantf O Dvmpe r, thse south Wýa"S.Aacu Iô't o hein gcampouda part ai lot 18, 10 aiTonsbip cf Murray', Ca. Nex A cloanS indispulable itii. vi ta , tthe abov ie at.ny. Fan futh tionlani mpply ttea .wnsr. FRANCïiSCLA WbIstby, Jl187. Thme boutasd raoutIatl 'pa 98 o inue. ;o'otherparloi ogen' bas e ten e m. n n pmodty.-Sena fer circuler and tétentdeslemsÀ veatol ovmrherý ori"de., b stet StGi, WHITY, 1ONTARIO. C. JOBH-N SON, DEALER IN LUMBER, WHITBY, Bas an banS a splendid stock ai fine cloux and veli seesoned Lumber. AU. Iinde for cîrponior and building perposes. PIFConn n Dresà ed Lumber a al1aon hanS.!Grtoss'u planing Msil adjoîning, ou lbe pramises, vhereoaors aesprcmptly exeouted for doars, auhes, blinis, &o. Whitby, 2th Nov., 1875. 49-if v ALISES AND TRUNKS. LEATHER VALISES - SiARATOGA TIIUNKS,- ho., &C., at WILLIAM THOMPSON'S, Sailer sud Harneus Makeur, enocie-air., vairTB. Jane 24, 187.251f KIG BROTHERS, WHITBY', ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers sud Manufacturons ai ail Ninas ai LfXt- HER AND FINDINOS, Cash paid for Bides, Bas*, sud Leather. Loather stretched. t3 BELTING MATE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Mey, 1872. 22 Mens Sana ln Vorpore Sano TO NERVOUS SUFFERERb1 -07 ZîMMr zz - Desonibe yoar ailmeat, boy long suffesring, giv. yeur ago and present businesu; neglect nov meanu a mîserahie existence, or an eari1 gr-ave, dont delay. OVER 800 CURED'IN 8 MONTHS 1 alter Maay years of snffering. %R ,,ZTET for eiboer sox, a guide oi -al importance to the yoang, deigned fan parents as vell. "PaZVwNTIoNA uN CU=mi0orCoasaxUpTION' eitber'of ihe,. sent prepaia ou retreîpt ai #1. to ,A CURE GUARANTERD _1 n thaue distresuing affections aiing frora inciocretions (ignorance oi Natural Lava)inl MarrieSan Single veak vision, SEMUgÂL WEAXNESS, lots ai norme farce, deoay cf manhooi, veak memory dyspe p1a, pains lu the bacie, SPERMTOlREA, ho., ho. azin ia o ua OMT 5ÂPETL. Ta seoure su anuver hy mail send $100 sud a stani. ANOTHER SPLENDID BOOK I "BIOy ra ACQUMWE PLUM"imSS OF rosse, ctegt flilmb snd Beauty ai Oomplsxlan, "Perties conuulting Prf. Eanof Toronto, viEi Aina him pentoti>' reliablo aud brout- orhy lu. ver'paffiular" Broocill. - ,.we candidi>' reomnnind ihe affiicbed ta app7yto him for relief ; ho is stricti>'lhan- arable and confidentilinlu is transactian" Ne.ancase Beamer. d a i ofS ,-ho ls agentleman dosentg o l ofa ence &nd' thoraughly relible. .Aruprior Bemiew. Pleaise aidreus Paor. J. Y. EGAN, Toronto.-Ont. N. B.-ReaS the aboie Prres extracta. Nov. 24th, 1875. 48 ~sMONET TO tIEND. imber. -Thé undéoraigned bas an>' amanni et Mon- gi-vounu FlyLo aesofntereuî a ~r par- Loas u s horepaia lu sumo teta uni-bar- inz Sevorsi Improvea FirmsdWihS Lande 2m forsasle choap. Inveelmont aSoa ilu MunIcl Deb- = aes, Bank, anSdailier mn aei tce ù; For turiber partionlars appiy te'_ - a£s, , ,Ree, o lcslsramà y bel 'Tue Leebart Weotlt'VuDui*bng VO.9 î h41 le UIajiw u i, luit I uh#tldilmve 48-f' eiEircaYýStiýNew Yok; 'nothing todo -in- bhefûtore with my 'sol I ' .J former reêivfee"ndýfrà ndi. 'But I shéusà WOUoudr M fuv kriagiýgvm Leshe 1.i ¶ EThoriea à ping 2 Coulddlie have reafly tbioâJ o~ FO SAIE omd for me otherwise ha as au the~ IN TIEC ~tii ari vorld 1now, they' eay, and get- njon.ý i licb ; and soon, I uppos, wéoshah ,"dTl f17 WN b F WH7'B . har f bs mrnig.T o-day, lot me ýam g ýrBcà rd notbing but the beautifal prouent Aft Lot Nd. 10 i%ýSotlon A., ieront. an GraveJ Arthur, bisgvam- ieiion ov Road. a ie erzan otcue Lot 7No. loin William St' diamond -ring! Iave' oversee sch tryuî 'Loi No S on BrockýSt. ' ' larg atoes.Aiuedibyvr h And Lot *0. 8, lu reoe William Street, Worth a 'great deal cf mono>', end I ac Socilon C. .=net, guard them erefuily-; a dse, promi heppe tjo he laie'William Law-, indeed, 1- shaîll" d'Sc jrence. Application ta ho made tath. 'un- Pretty Rosie Crook, vite cfthe gai. bis wi JOSEPH JZONES, Balsa hum on earth, palissd in the writing cf A1 T. STEVENSON,' Kiaslo. ExOcOutons cf her journal to glane abhernhusbead's -ber,, Ok ta ghi. -Thon YBOMAN GIBSON, pn'o ine ti iagnifleeni had1 Srng sparkieifvith those zuagical îlots< dani - hichwvo esliA nothinig clend for' :Wl LOURi BAN!ANDSHOTS II evonal minutesseslle Bt musingly the f F OATIMEAL, '&Ic. wat"RT 11 cbful cf tbpir changéesa lier pretty sii NE~ STORE, JUSI OFENED. hn wnseiihrahtihrl e light.'Thi o cipasiri EÂylt'5MOTZL. -8Sa absorbed wu.smee t a e.did not fnl,1 GIVEA OLL. M. OHNSON.percoivo uthe servant who bad entered, bursi. GIVEÀ GLL U. JHNSON.and vas now' présenting >a- salver upon -d'iTl TO hich loy e lettof teo henseif. teulii TOTE FARMERS 1 The papor vas pinlc, the monograzu, stranl Plengbs and 'Plough-Casiti g, t ".'L. T.,". bemutifnlly interwovens ad lanlbi cutters, Fennikg Mille, Respers and Mow. the peà maiqllip masculine. She rosa posec .ers, &0., e&0. as follaws :-_' ' whel WM. JOHNSTON. "My DAnmaw Rosl,- plodg, Wbutby Oct. 131h, 1875. tf-42 "lCame te ses me, or, et any risk, I exact wiil eil on yen. I have learaed tho '-toc bours' vheu youn devoted Major, is nid n 1 TTMPRICES FOR absert, ana shalcerteinly apply oey. dearl moasures te reader ià uune,à eseary."' make GOAL AND WOOD 1ITherez*Mtoge;gnatur e vas no anewen. Thon, alone again, ~~ AU kibds of Hum. and Sait Cool con sist- Ibis pnetty yanng. lady's. expression J ing oi the celebreted Leekawena, Scran- changed. A high coicur monnted bier bier. 1 ton, Brier HMU, Biossbà rg and atisor oasilheu _CHEAP FOR CASH 1I Thore muet be an ena te ibis pore. Shi - - - - ---- -'t. cnion'! se..ii. II shah 5ee hlm Siln For quainiiies o Blacksnsithu ana othorg once-and hoeail leara that I am toi th5ii SPECIAL RATES 1 te ho trifled vitli enytlonger." Woo, ciralonih 25cone pr crd This vas evidentl3'not the fsrst note it lher abatement aff nsBal prie. Send in your 8e had recs'ived frozu th. seme source, 6 crder. te for shè know the writer's addreee, and 'M A. ALEXÂNDES asquarter of au heur afterwards vas &. Whithy k Oshawa, driving iowardu it la ber oarniage, tb. the1 Coal and vood doas. blindo down. sable. Whitby, Augusi 8sit, 1875. tf-86 Fan soma rosaucf lber own, she 46"1* _____ _____ uireeled the caachman te hall twc, -0 A C ARD 1sqars say ciealighted, sud vsik- hat f A Clergyman, vhile reuiding ln South ved herestof.nerstansecebe aepart1 Amenica, as mlssionery, diucovered a saie ' isee on tré eto a f 5ht and simple remedy for the Cane cf Normaus modettebuiiaingor of Woakneus, Early Docay, Diseïso of the which vas open.( Passing tbrougli floor, Uninary snd Sommnai Ongans,sund the wbole Ibis, elhe cama b ;ýstaircase, and ~-e-ime: train oi disarders bronght on be, baneful cending il, reached a suite of ohambera, "B sud viciaus habits. Great numnberu have znnesmiy Sui.eave heen carod hy ibis noble remedy. Prompt- akdsle ync, "tai. 8) 1edby a desireo bensfit the affiicted and Upan le iok he doan was open- '" unfartanate, vI iil sead the receipt for pro- ed by a tlu, raîher etout, gray-bairad Give pening and asing ibis moedicine in a sealed and vbiukered man, ef raddy face, and havor envelope, ta any one vha ueds it, Free cr sharp, umali black eyos. Ho vas som- m nor 0Chsarg.Address, REVD. JOSEPH htshbiydrseadÉa. iei hl 'INMAN, Station D, Bible Hanse, Newv ed sai bat man a ai a chld York City. 22pal ir utmnns se courtliy-d 'Shi - - ~ .grand, that coemighî easily porce Iv reHo I3TWENthoy vere borrowed from the stage. bis a STA E BTEN"My cbild t.!'hoe xeleimod, embrea- ' WHTB & OS AW .iug Rosie. "HReaven be teanked for marc' WHITBY & OSHAWA.thi, beeni1 Merheant isuîiillunbelig- louIl TWICE A DAY 'efl, and bats responuive toa;s father'aS5hi loveai" 4y Loaves Oshava et a, zm., aa2, p. zm. Seda hc rrahm udgae ve Leares Whitby ai 10, a. m., sud 4, p. m. e d rickly frd. isvasand ant.lee Fare 25 cents each vaLeestuiloPioues, Tisd#su nnlioh- Msrge 11ill el t ail the h ,ansd ai privato tdo itrs iib' n niih reuidenees (wben orders are left ai any of cdl, vere scatteied aillabout-soe on Abovl 4ihe hotelu.) Connecte vith Oshawa and beahmutctexonbc enof lb: lBowmsu'sille otageo* also with the Wbitby tela orer -stof a on tfigrib 1" suad Port Ps avî,adwthEcgI a cre to aw h iurwt am uil rai '~. v d ehBo -abt on, and a aioak draped about ils Rosie am n" aeLtb'wTHOS. HOPPER sheouldars. On a table vas a black tho u Whitb3, March Gth, 1875. îi-ti bottie, a glass, and a box cf cigare. [sn'l "Wblat are you doing bore, fether 2" was HEST. LAWRENCE BANKL said Rosie. mnine. ' TfuilAmusing mysoîf villi Ibose delit. "H NOTICE lii hereby giron lb ai a spocial l cigers end thet perfect brandy, tbête general meeting niftba Shereholders af tisi the absence of our astecmed bout, Mn. 155i0 SBank viilbhao in Leslie Thorne." tbe ri da, ex, Leslie Thora. 1" shle repeated. d"W Tuesday, the llth of danxIWby did you nol mention la your b.'- b at their Banking Banse lu Toranto, et the acte thet theue ver. his aparîments 2" e.cii heur cf 12 a'clock, noon. for th. fuipose, "Becanse you veuld net have come mois oi considenin g the praprfety cf app liera, darhing, liedt yau known ilait futur( 1ihe next susson cf thé Dominion Pamlia- lithoa circuzustance," aaswared Mn.. Tbî ment for certain amnaments ta the Act Of Lionel Sinclair, ccoiy. "Bat don'i be sion, LIncorporation, and for the consideration cf eamd elel u flwad 8 snfobe thmbuinesga. myhobruhtho ili net notura bill Ibis eveuing. Bit bia14 for orbe r meeting.rd, down. I vish te teik ta you." Tho ' By rduoitboBoad, "No, fathar," sho repliad ; Ithene lu veus J. L. BRODIE, ta lime. I have cniy a word te com. "- Cashier mnunjoato; to-day, yoa get yonr lest - penny fromn me. Yen bave vrung " DRY GOODS AND GitoC]ER trom me by degrees e.ii my hisband'a fo n urbands before 1I bave ibis roozu IO STO RE AT ýAU PLEY. Wo yen have that, you aea expeet 1*.6 La otbing more 1" veill In arden 10 mootthe groving 'vents i of Cruel girl 1" said Mn. Sinclair, youtl the locallty tbe subecniherbas beon indnced Ibrlcealy, and hiding bis face lu bis Leuri to open business in th. aboie lin. hand. "IA daughtor's arm direalu the " an el barbed shaftioaarenet's heout 1"1- 5gè lit ai v.righi, Bose," ho osdi "'q tlam you areo prudent."' oer a littho vi s&ho wa^hle ip ,ese ýmare naLtirfly,,sud ohé oid,, waita assme, a a tgl,-'5'B'y'ý' id besl vsit'tiii.gfoweroshov. ,I' ýisod se a t ul>'yen neuiembe " vateb-iyouwill bde ver>' labe, iïf oilay Mach longer" fév minutes >eften wshe kissed, and allonded ber tte .cni heo nacendod ta the oiaqsbenhoe anaI sudilor, sel dov-n, M-11§111 'il ho thus poaderea, looking on flar,* ho snddeniy.-becamo cou-, sa et the presence cf a note, tbora. plcked it Pp. se Obock vas saeutsntliag anS pain.' that b is hboul seemed resdy 't Chis, noIeeis franat hon aid lover, ie Therne," haimulnteod,. ln aa 2g. vhiaper th. paper tremhhing ibauds. - "The. mono grram lu cou-i il et bis initiais, I kuaw nov b1as beconze cf ibe ring. 8h. bas- god il ta furnieli hixu the- nâiby Èe id frozu ber. ',I'suemy foily nov' olae. 1 Wby diS I-mafy? I, an' man.; ehe,,s girl--and Ilanvsd, ber -y! 1I1did ntirelient. thet it lu such[iove bbal, aI -my age, m'eu ,e, theiiuelves Isteful Il' o.:slpod: p, a fier.. lighl oomiag 1 is oyee. ýhaU spare ber," ho saiq, hoanue- ' for the fault la mostlynxine,; but lover dieusi'" eoW ga in Lionell air, vaimlà iithbre ; baà lisohen ibofore. - allier, my diameni ring 1 I lait !r 1" caur vbsi, my obild 2" [y Diamoud ring 1" ehe nepesled. tcok it cff my fxnger vhen I vro-te ceck, and loftil lying on lb.e I«uaw no ring, lave." bh, father, do nat torture mel tring vas my- busband's gi; it holonged ta hie 'mother. I vould vitli my lio rathor tian loue il!1" in vas g the l able, the ,-cverytbing, mechanically. aillthe e inging lber hande. 38e caîzu, Rosie. You did not othe rng bore." bl I did 1. I rememben veil. il' me, paspa. My husbeud viii r forgive me if I loue il!1 Have cy, iuenly, papa, an youn paon ce uank on bier kuses batforea hizu.* emioed, anS boak ihe cigaront cf south. l'hy, tdaughlor, I auked yen for yalîi hlil.a o," lho sai;bu %vere inexorable!' à e sprang up inutantly. 'ou have the ring, thon Cames,. il me, and yen shall bave the ed check.'"- :.Sinclair bolS up hie li111e, finger. 's the umaîl joint glihhon.d the ring iree stones. rime' does onderful thingu for ue, e. "Oh, thon vho nover yet heiS înbalanced ocale, groal Nemeis!'I bthet the lino ? This mortiag I lu' jour paver ; nov yen are7 in 9. Od, isu't it 2" lare, fathen," bremnlously ieklng frngea oheck from bier portemen-S -"bears is the check. Give me' ring, and lot me go ?" Wll, veil," lh. replie ; '"I vbn'I beard.hearted, Lotn make, lb. tange ; sud nemember, Rosis ýte be acaneful oft-yeun propent>' 'in co ring once igain la ber Pausoes- ube vau gcne. ie tonSMajor,- Creoo vhere soe lit hlm su heur wsud e hait beforo. 'docr belveen bhis room and hors mow clasa. Back 50 soon, Rosie'?" be saiS. 'os, Anihur."ý nSd ver>' 11111e -o9ojlment ah the or-show, I inter ?", [ waa rather duli." Wru. Chelton au -kind as evTer ?" ff e soArthur, and lcoking so i i One vould haie taken lier for ra siuxuer, instesd bt motber." . bhe lu happy, andlias neo areu,"-he bd "But you vent novbene ., ., Ig 2"t o-yeg 1I1stopped by Mn, Euh>"., *a b. r n fr em 'bhim . BSe , book it frein hanr finger. es; th. set in quit. soeure nov, I on eveni Thre s eS., **Ii ct o.L±eilié, wo- - "Ah, I untasd,Rosie," be au-- uvered, anov light breaking. "'-But vau 'it ual imprudent to have came here 2"1 -She otarIed. "if dia net tWnk efthat. Parbape he bas fobbovea me. Harke I hear a feotstep cathé ulairs. Savé me, Leiel" iheimeS, tiaatlly.' "I have nobopt but .nycal" "lubhaR tIn>, Rosi.; bat you must be A maoment afl-envards Leulie Thoras openied 4s iloon to admnit Major Croche. The old man giaucedarouand the roomà ubarplY but th.enlrisI vas ahane, "lHow oaI serve yen, Major Crook V' "A lady enterai thia building about ton minntes<Agc," saiS lhe Major, col- 1>'. "lY..; my vie, uir. Yen have meen ber." S"Oh, yes, I knov han quil. veil, as, yen. are swano, suavwered Mn. Thoras, cool>'.' "dBut y0on havQ spoken to heivlbbia the lestfive. minutes." Leslie book eut hie vaeli. "*Um 1 Laime oompute-" "gNo trifiingi if yen plese.. Yen ubali nud thal i amn a araeut. Whene is My vifs 2" "8 h. is net bore, as'yensue," Thon. a handkerchief lying un- dlerneaih the chair liaI stood sy ths .table. Major Crook snadenly snatched il ap. Hia auger, as b. recegnized h, vas teartuL. "BHer. is preef, air, ibelmy vite bas be'en <recentl>'in ibis room V' ho ex- ohaimod. "Hoer ne is lu.>tse 'corner cf Ibis haudkorchiof-ýis Ãae on2" t eslie Thoranev a ub Èade p&We. 1I do nt knov, Major Croohe' "Thon yen sohail eInn, air, vIsaIil as to deutro>' the bappineus et au oaiman. sund 'mack ah liis sharne Major Cneak'm rigil baud bsd hither. le remained lu: bis ceai.pocket. Ho Ho'finedmit tb. ariist; but tb' bail passed lis miark. The wooden figure lun tise cerner, vilb grotésque bat and, aeloak, huimbleS a Ie e heap. Poor Bosie'»ttei.fonvard vounded. "Allmr, yen bave killed met"L she gasped, 'anS vaonla haie f&elles but for Leslie Thorpe,_ vho emugltëi erfa hie sltrang 'arma. arn intiment 1P Major Croohe sto enon.uticen. "la ith. blindase c f jour jemieus>, yen have*'Iaeoi sguillc e i. Mjor ,Croak," as mid L ,eslie. ÃŽ"Gaibhless 1 Muet I doabi my>'eyes, MY neon 2"'exchairned théMajor. "AndI lovddya,Arhiürinielgsd paon Rosie IIvhsafrad' b teillthe trsill, sadases wbAit ilbas coul me 1 One decoplian buas edtoaenathor, anS .yel their erigin vas free fi-am the alight- est atain of uit, Anthur. Yoa vouId net listen to esvhen I offered' ta ex- "&My dlanlng," sobhod the poor Majo, in a slnange, - brokon voloe, "lI don'l kuov vhiatte thine even nov. Thse 'rin'gvas mlsshg; the jeveUe-"ý ,Ho va& icoe*rpted'hb a Commotion on lie stair4wây.Theà oopn ed, and- several policemïen appearool, having lu thoin- charge no ,les aà persan than Mn. Lianel Sinclair.' "6This man vas. seen ceming- frona hoeo under suspicions ciroum slmce," saiS 'âne cf lh. officeru. "HEe vwu 411. laveS ta a paivibroke's, vIse on. éaI. templeS te, plodge thnoe valuable ai&. mouds.", n e.> H. ceasod eneakiun d &. ýJ '--'e' ibis wm vea munoco vhioh b. k ut jadg, Continu- hoe 46 serne toue. ' 'I di At cther businea he to,% !Ln yon" ss Aise Néewlonndlsudt, l.Norîli-vest Terri- Iuaiko :htp1 ii r.sde taries, anticosta sud Lebradarwitb su 4p- tact me frein you în 'lb fture;o if potPa pmndlxlauIsinl ginformation ai eapoclal ~resi t te hAViGTbl f oýrésume jour ipensocuîioa 1 shau 5h. laeycu 'mnrested for forgeryl1 Nov thb. v kiost asef6lbcok ta su onS Mbonds in givo me pea, paper, ana iIIk." "îI ihe 015 Ceuntr>'. ' Btit,,Myê fl -te'major, -PRICE, 5p CENTS. I"Tima le 'à ag, fsuber. if yau ihîbI'L '"@nfr o Becptc/ri.. - ish tue lmýoney, placé 'beforo me hot nov w LOP'PLLfXTnM &PUB'G CO., I sak for." '0-do8sV 'Id ' cute oemonstrated; bmultvsas ses, »0~* .Li "FI Fr 1 1