Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1875, p. 3

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M irpair lircndres ceubéé mis lues a otiug round us ruady ta attac: whoerever th.re in a weak vinalt. W. Mu qesepe nmnr, ataial t by kospiz oui wlhPire blaod and ~jP.rl( liurl.hed fumne."- twLerviti A MONG TIEE ÂGED, WE B QUE1El £tly observe aau at$comploe. ug, pension ai thle fonctions of nutriin. Thi luacblcery af the bedy belng noarly wori ont lbe feeble tozuZIaetu unable t geraige tRangasuate foodl tanualh, and repail th.e xhausteA tram., snd 'natale tithe vital forces., snob 1) stems kavleg leelble poweri oil reglotance oenfer Muai tram extremes co temnprtMtr, And tuccuah eil; ta dise...e vaautofcusti tîu lvgor Hézre Dr. 'Wbelir',Campa.undBElzlr cf-Phoophs'eo sud Oalsya la luvaluable tb restoe.thei etatte ai Issu - -_ _re'etasaatloc eily alan lahie forez. clininI 40ta mas u d i trdpsio. negie 1,Har e .ny lxrin orw~,tuf eet yne 4s,, balthe e, an Préa ad r v telue rtie fr This-ndel anAuee<l by einent Cemîta t ve theattis nted 'lu uurdibard pr, burmleg a packaesth orneentaland ote fruisitsof e1 Ldie. aengsal, Solie ear rpe al, Maentreld la iple Bue m t aui- ril o Dres.ngtheHul. t hn , Catarhy S rmuameni andissed ye aint he hroar sdnime- o aeusD.iiiittlyremaureDe Byiach ýbttli lanencedel1 Cbard a Tar, TLE hg a a., 78:L Naamueî. N. Y. JOHN . WATiS, SN AUOTIONEER, &ie, &a l'un 1 120 n.0iiezoshmeCO arT, And* G-eral Cammeblan Ag Penat, PaDt NOWýoE TO TSAEHOETS. OF TUEI ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE. NOTME le here - gve tata euaral meeting ac i éSe hoferscithie ntarie * Ladies' College viii b. helA attise sait Cl. ]ege Building, le tise Tovn af Wiby, au Fr/day, the let ef Oct',', 187<5, aet tise isaun ai ve'clock, p.m., for thse -pus-Pas. a1 an.ldorltig e B y Lav ai tise ba& oampany te be preuente4 Iheroat, for lnaneasing tie number ai Dîreetors ta Ivent oane; anA fertiseeletian ai Dlrec. tars cyise salA Company. DatO4 tisis 151h Sept 1875. WÀANWED 1 A GoeA Servant Girl Vantèd. Apply ta MRS. JOHÎNSTON W tbSp. Goldsmiths Hanl ,Vib Wht Stis,1875. B.ARLEY! BARLEyII wanted-Any Quatity ai GOOD BARLEy, Delivered at my Elevatar, Pert Whithy, far whis the HigiselPrice, vii!be plAi. C. DRAPER, Port Willy, Sept. 18, 1875. 88 Q UARTER BONDS OP THE Industrial Exh/b/t/on Co., FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Wil buy a nuarter Baud ai Tise Industriel Exisibitton Co'. olNew Yeik. Bach quartez Bond partlalpates lu Pour ses.a aitezents e-ceny year, unhl il im ra. eeemet.- The le*loing Premlums showv viat any Bond may recel-e. A quarter Bond n'ould reoive one quarter ai the below namned prarolusus. JÂNViARY & JULY.Cah 1 prenîium aOf............. .81000w0 -1 premniam eft................. 10,0w0 1 premiuezOai................... 1>0 i prelum 01ai................800 I premlum ofi.................10W0 10 preminumu i 0 eaab .... 500 10 prentumu ai 001% cs2< 27 premiumu cf 100 e2is 700 o 41preleum oai>60 each ...... 400 9w> premiuime ai1 21each.8 ...,900 Total........... ....... 00 0 . VBML&OOTOBER Cash. i, preeshunaO ai.............. ,Oo ipremiuneOf ai.......4.10,000 lpren=Of..........,00 1 preliinoifa............. alpremlnins ai 01,000 eacois..... l,csi 10 premjnirofai500 saci.0..500 10 premluma ci SMeach . 00 29 preàum:nofai190 eacis. 990 44_prezmlumu af 60 cecis......00 Oil0premlums ai 91 eah..,... 810o Toali..................... 160,000 Thse Company Iu ual nespansible tan any money sen ,excepti lIse by check, Postal orde, onexprss pyabl te the order ofiThe intlnstnlal ExhibItion CO. aireuans cent an application. Sn;DU'TBMBLXÊIBITION CMi 12 EBu t s Street Sept,~ 187 . - . ew Yanl Cty. 'IDOBT. IRAMSÀY, M. D., L. X. EDIN. mubs.tà(ihhnr)o tise University ai -AUl repaire nieatIy exeouted and pro Orders most respectfully solicited. Don't forget the. place, next &zor ta Gross ana Stare Whitby, Sept, 'l151h, 1875. aeroseulupanu the e uum oi ften Ton- at 4viitRHaidrdsud i?ftDl e- sunoneportion 0i eftbr princl ipa rilî IàAnd wheream far paylug theinltereat and m fcortt m qi .kYeanlysihing fInn ne yoràRugt undm ai Tbree Thon. 'Pli Nd>allaru nt nlOst, As breluat. te2rmentlan0 , iii re- Dire an lequel Anueal %ie at f44 lowparte ai ls AsenllI on lise dollar leailitian te ýai Mt Beoher ratés ta b. leyied lme acis yemr. hl ei tisherefere suacted by th. Munie!- n. Canedil ai1lise Corporation ai tiseil A_ lage ai Osisawa au tollowsî k . TisatitI shall be lawli for the Reeve afi by tis, calAmunlclpallty ta cause any r- number cf Debentures af lie uald Mun. ae lalpality for etime ai Mn 0ne alles c hai n e Hendred Dollars ch-lo be mate, bgl ua etce«0 eglue hievle the. sup afTUre.Wb ion iDollars "dan thatthe salA Debenatures $hallbeý sealed vl théb "alOf atl «IcaidMunlal. al lCaUMnail, t esietibaBr S2.Tisat the usitiDebecutes ulalibe pay. r ahi a ten @4sAt furt'- ir Li th dayhers .aitr Ientianed for ttis 1 By-Lev la tae seffoot,,aI the affice ai of tise Treasurer a is lu mnlalpalty, aud e,$ah aves*.ttached Ihereto caupaus for ,r pyreut cai lete7edt. 1-8 That tea&id Debeutntus emb in 0 lereut nt sud alter tlb!-rateaifsMx per Il cent par aunum onedtram e ri .1 isicginltereil %hall be payable hall 1. -yearly onuhelise rt days ai -léie mnthe aiOfJauuarY anAdiluly le each. e at te office aiflbhe Treaaurer ai tuüs muelel. 4. Tit for thi.purpase aifdleg a SIMIÀe lng fond far paymenl ai thiesalA 'eben -b tures anA inferest at the ratse are.adp to bacame due thereon, su equ s pécial ratef1492/1000 Parts ot a mi V on tise dollar, shal luatiditian -ta aU atiser rates he raised, levieid and callecteA lu caci ear.,jsn &Uthe rateable praper. ty i he ea mnun c pality durieg tise contînuance cf the satd deheuturea or pl sny of them. st 5. Tisît ties ald debeutureos hal'I net .be ti deli-cered ta tise salA AlfreA Byron A Demill or any allier persan er persans untîl lte sait A. B. Demili elial have completed tise saiA building anA ha-ca furuished thea housakeaping portion thereef, and aise ha-ce larnieieti a suit. ableoetier portion tisereoi for tise proper' accommodatiou ai et least fifty resîdent pupie, and shall have gi-cen te tisi Cor- poration a mortgage efthtie premnises, conditioned ta became vold upon tise semtnary being carniei on for ten suc- aî ceeu-ce years, and lu eacis yea.r et least Y tlifty résident pupîls haleg lustrualsd ,herein, fer &t least lnes menthe, aucisNN mortgage ta be subjeot anly ta a purio $ luausnranceof the preperty la the ex an - ent aifel ghSt tisonsana dollars, for mon- ey actually advanced -an tise security oi uahi neumbran2ce. 6. TisaI Iblu bylawv chal! ake effect anA Cei came Itb opération an tise hirty frset da% ai Decembor, A. D,, 1876 That 1h.v-caes ci tise electars oi tis Muni- p clpallty, ehail be taken upan tise said prpoed By.law, an Tuemday, tise Flf th daot Octber, A. D., 1875, attise tol. - - Dalg places :-Iz' Pallie Suis-iision No. 1, nt Heury Caravellea Ofihice, on Bruce Street, and J. T. Marrew lis ere. z 1 a3pelutd Retnrnlng Officer tisereat. lul'allg Sub.diclslon Ne. 2, et tise CounciliCianiber anA C' W. Smithis l herehy appoiuîed ]Returnine Officer tiseret. Iu Palling Suh-division Na 3 et Gea. H, Pediar's Wareheus, uýud Johnu Woou lis ereisy appointed Ilaturn. leg Officer thiereel, a n l Polling Suis- division Ne. 4, et Smiths & Bons Livery Stables, and J. Balles leaiserehy up-T oTunted lietureing Officer thereat. anA ineach Sub-d!iion a Polisisal! he ?peedon heeni dy et Nine 'cleck ( in the forenean, and be kept apen tii! l Five o'ciack le tha aflrnoan. NOýrICE. Tis aahove la a true cap.y 0oie preposi Bylev visich 'shal be taken luta cansider. atian b y the Councli cf tise Corporation ai tise Village ai Osawa afler an. meontis Iram lise fixi pubiciolln tisereof, vilh final publication va anthe Higistis day cf Soptember, A. D., 1875, anA tisat tise heur, ta y anA places therein OIxeA fer takiug tise -cales of tise edants tise poile viilha isolA. LYMAN ENGLISH, Clerk of Oshawa. Osisawa, Sepr. Stis, 1875 Sn-87 cÇOUNTY ONTABID. Hawkers & Pedlers' License. OP/N/ON 0F COUNSEL 1 r Re By.law No. 196 o! the County of Ontanlo tb impose a. duty on Hawkers -and Pailles-s; "Tise opinion f Counsel le aeked hy the Cauuty 0Cc di Ou tanio.ast10tise cal. idity of tiss Bylav, anA vhedhsr per- saneavisa as-epermanent nsitente lu the Caunty cen -carry en lise business aiofHawkaresud Pediers vitisaut 11- cens,, i ani ai opinion tise iy-i le efilient in fus-m anA yalîdp àlinA tisatany Persan cansying an tise business of, a HEawkpr Or Pedier witisin tise Cannty ai Ontario 1nmuet takts ont tise lîcenoe prescnibsd hy tisa b-l.aw or ba hiable ltisahepenalty lbereby t.upad. Tise antisarity gi-cen rhy thse Municipal Inetitnlions Act, un- denrvisich île. By-law Wae passedl, la as faliaiva: Tisa Canneil of oecConnty rnMay pase By-lAWs for Licsnsiug, lie. a oenn Hawkers anA PrOtdY ciaPuan and oîisr pensons car- s-Ylsg On Pettytredes nrho have nef otb- conte permaeni onînideaî, is the Caun. fY anrvisa go tram place ta place or te ottisn meule house,,,on fonttor witis any antmal beaalng or erawing.-any Gouda Wares or Mrchandise for sais, anA ï link this absolutely entisnizes tise l. cousing aifIlawkesr e -ptty cisapmon, lind aiea aIses-persansvisa go about frein place ta place or ýte ather uien's hOU-ea vitis goëofor sale, anA turther authenised the requiring ofaey one cenrylng an a petty Inade, sucis as an ulubrella monder or kuis grinder to -lake etaà ilceuse isucli persan hail nat hecoee a Permanent neeldeul ai tise Catnuty. (Signeil) 'm. C. CMRN Toronto, lotis Auguet, 1875. '87 UNION CEMETERY. A lo ni -Lots le liiz Cemetozy wiltke place on the grannd aIS9 p. M., ai Wedueaday 22ad lest -ahtthe office ai lhe Ontario Loan anA Seings Ca,, Osisa. va, on Tiureday, 28rd ansudaI lie Book Storeoai Mn. L . Ale V'sty rA 941h, vieh plnsaitise gromenti v!b 11parties deairus ai abtalning theq ciace aibuiali places ln uhs ceeletmos- iulA avitheilces ai the oppOrtunily hanl. ai- farad. - -% T. H. MoMILLAN, Oeialws> Sept. 6, 1875, .87etaj ]PUBLIC 'NOTICE î - BOOT -AND IEOEMAXER, BÉROO-K STREET, -WHITBY, lias niow to band, alarge anâ varied stîock of TS AND FINE ARTS end POUTE Ute'atuia. Singi. copt.g B cont. Pb~ptle ~ 7esr~pa t.pesd,&Moun *cbsoelale ms eautws llaat trcie , a J. t lta'dPt6't 8fa be fouet lnu tus Coiintry,jand everyV peron ho egis wth a Iff i Samplo Copy, 25 cents. zerun wo beinswithtakng it will Sîilbrnripton Price, $1.10 a Yer, poat-paid. ZZVER discontinue it whule it la pnb- One Dollar'. worth ai Patterns gen ta lifeet, t acli enijcriber fre. go prsmlum. $4,5OO O0 IN COLDOCOIN TO Cf VE A WA YI W.e wilI gice 80,000 lun Gold Coin teo6 rs enîvillegie 02,500.00 tu Geal Coin te 158- ers s nend us thse largest nunber af pelsoeW o nAutblaetnmbrc ubciesta aur "Warld ai Fashion," ut ,,,Illcrib,,n teo,ýur "B1azaar,' nt $1.10 oaci, g8 eari, before Marcis 5, 1876. ,b.ipeo Mroh 1874. As follows: To the Getter-np of the As'follows : To the Gcttcr-up cf tise Largeet club . 8 . 00 l (ld coin. L rgest Cu .300 uGl on id argeet Vlub... 28.0 lunaid Coli. 2ta rgent Club ..2000 ln (ld Cale. 3d Larst Cub.150.00 ln GalA1 Vutu. Id Laruest Club... 1000 lan(laid Cale. Cdli Largest Cub.10.00 lu 600aId Coin. 4db Largent C ub. 125.00 lu Geld Cale. S1h Largest Club ..120.00 lunSalit Coin. 11h Largeso Club.:0I.00 le GelA Cale. <lis Largeet Club ..110.00 lin(laId Coin. I otis Largest Club..... 7.00 lu Gald Cale. 7th Largeet Club ..100.00 le GelA Coin. 7th Largsst Club ..0.00 lun.Gold Coin. 8db Larest Club ..75.00 lu GolA Catn. lOb Largest Club ..25.00 len(laid Cale. 11011 Largeat Club .00...00 len(laid Coin. GIs Largest Club ..2.00 len(laid Cale. 1Oth Largeat Club ..5.00 len(laid Cale. 10th LUrgent Club.251.00, tn (ld Coin. 111h Largest Club... 2.00 len(laid Co"i. llthLargest Club .-25.00 lun(laid Cale. id go anuto the 5h Largest Club. and fo ou te tbheilrd largeat Club. ou get a preminni loraevary subecriber oueud us. Andacvery aubserbergetu aremiumu. Bath cf thsae GolA Cale Preseuts off.rswil efuda i ghl the September lutber besides the unames and P. O. addresses af 102' poisons le Wham .have just paid 125.0 u GalA, accardlug te aur previans oefers. Yau cau Write taouaon or ail of thexu, id they will tell yen that w. do exactly as we promise. '~'~ la 0 endt yaur owu aubecription to etier ai aur (OUi-cBFST eagazins, wheu yau wiU g&et the firat unber and yonr 'rtificates ai premiume, which y ou eau sisew, anA: at once begin getting aubacribere, ar end 25 èents for eue copy. SenA Stamp for Fasision Catalogue. A. BURDETTE SMITH, O. Box 5055. 914 Broadway, New-Yorm City. V'HITBY BOOK &MUSIC .STORE. 000- He, also makes' to order every de cription of Ladies,. Gentlemen, and Chfldrens'.Wear, REPAIRING done 'onm the shorte notice, and at, reasonable rates. c au .is invited to examine the New Stock WILLIAM BUR.-S, ONTARJO LADIES COLLEGI lst 2nc 3rd A completc Staff o! Teachers. Mr. Torrington continues in charge Music Department., Renaonahie charge. for Board and Education. Buili and Grunde unequalled. For Calendar, addreue, 1 BEY. J. E. SANDERSON, M. A., Governor. %itb 'Spt. 4th 187. 'Or to J. J. RARE, 4B. A., Principal. DOMINION 'WARERIOOMiX --o---- LOWES & POWELL Tei rM, Sept. 7th to Nov. l5th. Noýv. lOth. to Feb. 7th. Feb. 8th to April 2Otli. NEW -FALL GOOD S Their Stock wil be complete M a fev days.- W'HITBY PHARMACY ln. 87~ We arie now receivinig ou Fail Stock oi Lamps, compasing new designs iu LTWILL PAY SolioolýTinstees, ITeachers ai pureluase Sehlool Boaoks at Robarteon's.He ha. a' lhe Books Usad in bothl ligh anilCotumosï,choo1s- LT WILL PAY business mon to buy their BI -Note ana Letter Paperei,'Bnvelopes, nd<thdaler office IT WIMLL PAY' the Ladies' to call at Robertsou's for Fancy and Initial Nota Papers and Envalopes; bacanse ha ha. evary. thing naw, ana ndpett-y tb show tham. IT, WILL' PAY to subsoribe for your Magazines,, News- papere, &c., at Robertson'a, and aider misceaaeous copies af lb. eame, books and music, for there your arders vill be promptly allen- AeA tb. IT WILL PAY to patronize Robertsoni's for Bibles, Tes.- LT WILL PAY to ciall and inspeet for - yourself. et tby. .. of 17 BE J. S. ROBERTS*ON,ý Bookseller, Newedealer, Stato ea d delri9aay G o a c Brook Street, Wbitby. CARIRIAGES -AN+D BUGGIES@ -M. O'DO0"NO0V ANý'S. Carriage Factory, Brock-st., WHITBY.E HEM VERY HEAP CAL & SE HM. This Hotel i. eituated in the central Portion Of .the City, Convenieut te the wholeeale eatablishmeents and publia buildings, and for touriete and Commercial travellers is a'most; eligible situétion.- The. Iouse lias been thoroughly re.organized and re-fuisdhed throughout, and is fitted up le the momt comfortable and faehionable etyle,-eqal ta any first-cines houe in the Dominion. The bedroome and draàwng-roome are, large and airy, anA the beet eanitstry regniatione are observed. The, large and convenient eample roomse, for the accommodation 0f Commercial Travellere, are commodioue, and coeveniently located on the firot fiai.4 Omnibus.. aed Carrnages always reay for the accommodation Of guests arriving by al lbth teales and steambosa, and alzo ta convey theez ta the depots and wharves on leavmg. Geo. Kennedy, farmerly of Queen, aHotel, Owen Sound, Manager. ' Telegraph OOice in coneectlon wvith thie Hanse. TERMS, - - $1i56 PER DAY. qEW GROCERY Igs to iutimate to the inhabitants . f Whitby aud sur- rounding district that hae has opeuad out in the )dd Fellows' Building, Birock-Street, «W iI1'rB 1--, 1New Grocery and J2rovîsion. Store, Where he intends to keep everything iu that Unme. Hle hopes that £rom past experieuce,,and by'strict atten- n ta business, ta menit a shara ai public patronage. TEAS. A SPECIALTY. àh Paid for Butter, Eggs, and Farmers Produce. SM-THB a A cmii" la respactfy sol18, 87; I'ETER SMITH. I Fallows' Building, Whilby, April 15, 1875. TO tt, X0 e9 litu, .Ueleueats seaetor, Whltby. Datai et Wbltby tIblu26th day ai Jne A. D., 1875. Z. B URNHAM, Real Represeetative. p E 1 T E R 1 GET THE BEST . Tise bust Planao lsruater le IlPetera' Rucca. Piano Tsa best............... Pie, S"r The boi estIrar0tn the for theValce,":« . .... rice, 13 5 The bust'Sieging lasafloka ,.are 4"inyics" ....Price,60 cents. "Saong Echa" ............ Price, 75 cents. "Muscal Chlmeéu(Femal. -Valces) .............. Prica, 81 10 The beet collection et Chureis Mosia la"Dreaaier'u selea- lions ian Churcis and Hame" Prias, el 50 Tise beet Sacred andi Secular Collection la "Tise Cluater" for MixedVaicei. Pnice, el 50 Tise hast GlDeBeok is irlie Ne Plus Ultra," for ie raier 8 - Volces.:...... .......... v , 15 Tise hest gi.. Book lor Maie voicet Io "Tise Sangerteat" Price, $1 50 Tisa heat Guitar Instructoris "Hoiland't; New method",.. Prie, e-3 5o Tise hest Guitar Music lu, - 'Tise Amateur Guitarist"'.. Price, 52 50 Tht, hst Magazine ai Vocal Music la -Tetors',House- halA Meloaies" ..... s Pnyear,54 <J Nos. 12845,,,,anA 9 nov ready. Prie 50 cents Tise boat 'wgeino fer Easy- Piano Muala l Pqters' -Parie uia.....'r ea,49 Nes. 1e o naw ready. Prie 60 cent. eacb. . > The beet Magazine ton Ad- vancea Piano Playen sa%'L Creme A.d la Creme p aPr year,54 Od Nos.. 1 ta 21 nev eadry. Prioe, 60 cents saab. Pubisiet iudeA, pa-pJ y ~L. PETERâ, M45Broadway, N. Y. - Sl E5&McMURTRY, Rubber Bucket Pump <EXEMPT FR05 FROST AND REQUIRES NO PRININS. FOR THE DOMINIQN. #8 firaI Ten Fout, anAdMa5o aci adtilnal CountyRigs soslA. Onderfo mp Sewleg Machines and Organe soli l P. C:- S.1BvavieOt A. UcMURTRY. BwovuOt Ju1y, 251h,> 187Ë. tt.8i INSURANCE COM.PANY (PM < INEAKLM) 0F LIVERPOOL h LON-DONI. CAPITAL, -$1A0,QGOO.. RBxEDe:_ i XEDCâz Lnnaua 1 MOLBONS BANK 0. A. BAYNEÙ80.,SO.. 1.0. Augul lti, 1875. A CÂRD ÎI LOT AND SJIOE EMPORIIJM, SAUNDE.RS lus TE La br-gest Stock, Latest, fini ca. PTi 2nd. STÂTIONERY-SUitable for Offices, and Fancy Sta- tioeesy o! the finest quaity ; Copy Books, Blauk ]Books, and Inks of ail kindo : Peus and Holders, Blotting Paper, &c, :3rd. Churcli Organs, Pianos, Melodeons, Violins and Concertinas by the vary best makers. 4th. Sewing Machines, Ladies" Work Boxes, Writing »coks, Iuk Stanuds, &c. 5th. SiLvElO Wt&nr-Euglish andAmAecican-Fruit Piohes, Cake Beetketei, Tee Sets, Cas-A Ieceiverm, Napkin Rings, fluttee Coolors, Table Kuives, 17'orke and Spoons in great i'asiety and vos-y cheap. i 43h. GolA and Silves- Watches and Chaet for Ladies and Gentlemn, Gold Rings, Plain and Gem Siseve ButtLoue, Shirt Stude, Goit Looketa in great -cas-lties is-or $2 te $20, Englis Sots in fine gold wiie we as-c eelling nt redue- ISePlatecl Sts and Jet Good-it largo asoootmet of Fancy Goods, P.S. Asos a ful nosortment of Family and Pockat Bibles, Prayes- and Hymn B]ooks. Sej >pomber 711>, 1875. LEWIS ALUIN, Book anut Music Store, Bnock Street, Wliitby. F R.TO ENT 1 BRONZE LAMPS, GLASS LAMPS;. HALL West.lalf of Lot 4le 4th cou, et Pieker- LAM PS, CHAN DELI ERS, PORC ELAIN tng cautatning 100 Acres; 90 cleared, anA lu a good sate cf cullivattau, Ibrivin r0A E A C li I N E. cisard, gaod Frame Dwelling -Hause, a.jr, A DPPRS AD S RC ES LSeds, &o. Living etreaiu of water Situ-P PE S A D S BR K T , Canl Elaramo tIeA hall a mile tram the village of Audley, &o,ç &c. Canal En lage met. ud lve miles fronutishe Town ci ýViithy. NOIC O OTRCOR. Plosssngh t e Oral Marcis.Tounea NOTCEoOsCNTsCTOion ogis tua tiApyt a.Tnn a Owing to the great depression in trade we are enabled to The lsttîng of tha warks for tise enlarge. TIMOTHY. O-LEARY, seil tha abova at a groat reduction on former prices. H Eand Lamps. Com- ment ai th.e Lacisins Canal. adi'srttsed ta A uust ath 1875.Utic0a. plote for 25 cents. Bronze Lampa with Porcelain Shade complete for $2. take p lace on tise SIXTEENTE day of a_8 SEPTEMBER next, la unavoidably pôut. Rmme h le .H éreoodsad ocàta thse followlng dates:- Foit SALE i1Rmemb rereookH aéniead tand t, Tendiere will lha received until WEDNES- Cornr-Bookant .Dti',s tre-_ DAY tise gti day af SEPTEMBER next. Tisat Eligible Family Eresidence with Si s W B.. SMITI.4 The plans andAepetifcatons,%dUj be ready acres ai lanA camprlsing Garden anA Or. for cramination (ut tise places precîously ceaiall excellentqusiîy, ornîerly oc- Whitby, Olli September, 1875. msentiaed) on T isrsday tie Sixteen lis day cupieà £ e e : i rm er, E quire,- By Order, tie Kuoqtn Roai. 'The hotue centaine . By rdr,10 roome besilesa Eteen le rear, with gaadTO Oaw, PBRAUN~o,A1 cetrCellar, Hrd' anA Sait Water an tise prems. - E P R .Depasrncnto ubli o! }1 Se a aisealBarn sud Stable. Far urtiser S &TE W O R Otaa 4t ugsaet, 1875. f i-O pa;ictulars enquire af John Taylor, Esq., ou - - - -tie pre %e, or etofU A T R E B 0 NOT ICEB McGEE JONES, MNFCUESO August 1711>, 1875. 8 FVARX FOR-BLE*a&5sut CARRIAOES#< .SLEICGHSq 1e1Ysereby goren tisaI ai Lo*', ?jl ai DUNDÂS STREET, WHITBY,-ONT. NIsI Prini Oyer and teCutaIr ndrgc.cllai~iiaeie~~ ermlner, and eG.l; buitO&J àaeh. priuar aeSdd o iu ou bs holdeu In andi for waddresa-. or he..'c th ofj,ý intaria, lu-lie court Hse, HS O5N ~ot to be seTown ol.Whitby,agnTHR OS aL ftousInotneto 8ààIe sud.Double Buggies,. -1çndgy, Beptenber 2Tth, 167, uy4th, i875. 8 ai 8whioh for- strength, lighitness, style. and finish, cannot ber At tise heur io-clock, noano W14aiua,~G O G G Coroners, Juetices ai the. Poe, ant d GR à UË IY> , >~i ~pj ~ .e ern îhemscîl'es accoanugly. , ERCHt NT, TAILOR,-OSHAWA, tons, nic0e aad ighp of the'latest and m'Ost ajppOved styles. NLSON G.EREYNOLDS ivts4 iheu Iste Sherhff,gé, OInvte-- a-l- f i sar bCar Mgsui 44 d e6idedly,-to-thI~ Sheflf'g Offie, '-stockait Clots brcnBha a exabuMinca orgt, W, deea its..iwle.. ýWbltby, Sept. 4tl1874. 87 ScetOeh :1 amin Ou swe,.m Ucs¶vtzitaeed-i v~s~uu Cruels puzesise. i- anale-at hand, mate t ~espectfully wishes lis f'riends and ,ustomrs to examine lis stock, which s complete in ail its -departments. Consisting of lst. TIIE EDUCATioNA&L JIEPAItTMZT--I1'which you will ail the books used in both High and Coinunon Sohools. ADy Classi. I book not on muAndwo wll supply on oue day's notice, andaut City i.- I. - fi 1 liT and sells at city 1 ý Sept. 14th, 1875- Taste VEMRY CHEAP. ARE RECEIVING LOWES & POWELL. ý Whitby, Sept. 8th. 1875. PETER SMITH. 171 A SPLENDID STOCK OF P4-TER ý CHEA P LA MPS CHEA-P 'LAMPS JjO- , H, N

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