lier. iiti a mnenarn.d Dan. êDosa. shd,whiosê ear was split open w1t1h SOM$ shArp instrurnint. Ti. OWMKNVILtE. for thie purobase of & nwstea Rt iie eniiliikas55bossa t.d down by a enajorlty Of fifty-four againut It . The 8fécilesan deplores thie result. And, truly, goysthe ow fa now loft at tiie rercy O te fies, which rnay at &DY lime apresd distruet- ion lu onr mds .-The Cauneil toois tiie-necessary %teps or pr,6oetion, af prapsrty. but h ave otbeen snupaotedl by those whose buildings are encanger. ed. With thé~ latter throre orest the naine DloQihiommn snei position for our town ta be plaelu 1~ Oertainly naît Tii.people ai Bsw. suanville show lýiernlves ta Ils deeuded. iy backwand, &ýd'ar blind.the lime.. MAlU Tr.ÂG 8T*Tos-1he sew lime table of lhe Midland Itailway contalus the. fallowing naines o!f fig stations In tbis ltownship-Atherly, Uptergrovs,Shepo. 1er, Broehin, and GUssbridge Gen. Sha'dan's n15rrlags. b Misa Irese Ruoker ;as celeirated Attlihaine of the. bride's parents, Chicaga, isaîThurs- day, lu a qiýiet unostentatiaus manuer. Noue but meembers Of thé, family and. the General'. cainrades 4erepget 1ipoug'ths dlstinguihhed pregseut. G4neral aud Mmo. 8iicma 6 tieme=-. beý9s of Qeneral Shomma ta staff -and thoiir wtves, (louerai Augur, (loueral 'Pqe, and uiany atiers. The. bridai prosenls were ricli and nuiýierous. The cereuany wax performmed $y thoflight ilev.Dlbop Poley, assisted byBey. P. >Reordon,açor<liug ta the farmna af the -'Cathollo Ohurch, cf which bath parties are members. After a collation the bridai pair wcre driven. ta their 'resi. *douce au Michiigan avenue, whf oh was iiaidsamely decorated aud prepared far the receptian of the, newly iuarrledpair. PISSZUTTiaNî.-Mr. W. M. Cu-rie, Who bias so sAtifactorily cisoiarged the. 'dutiés oafleller lu tih. Dominion Bank lucro duriug the. past two years and a Isalf, l>iug about ta accept a similar po. sitiounlu inte Orillin Jranclî cf ht In-u otltution, a number af tie business mou Of Oshawa, au a mark cf tlueur csteema for lM persoually and in appreciation of litas erviceA in tii. Bank, assembled in thè Mr. C. W. Smi th tast aveniisg, aud preaeriîed Mr. Currie witli aun &1dress ansi.& godhidued 'cané, ou wliiieh was engufaved an appropriate in. bripticu. Mr. Currie left for bis uew situlithis norning.-Rfrnr Durlnqr tihe dscal ycar ending Juno s0th, 1870, aver $4,é60,000, according to the ostimates cf the, Public Works Depattrnt, will bA cx pended _on the construction cf the. Pacifie Itailway. Iu the. samo timo over four and! a quarter million dollars' will bc requires! for in. *provemantoion canais. BIBTHS. PBINGUÊ.--At Wliitby, ounlthe 201h nl, the, mif o f Mr. John R. Pningle, mecnet-haiior, cf a son. COLBUBNAýIn Oshsawa, ou Sunday thi. 80t1 uit., the wife cf Dr. Coîbumu cf a daugliter. D E, AT l' rn PIERS0N.--At Whitby, on Satur. day, Jâne 511, 1875, Mr. Fletcher Pier- son, cf infiammation or the. lungs, .aged 29 years. WHITJ3I MARKEyTS. CuaROSIdLr Orneso, JuneODli, 1875, Fl'lWheat ........... &o95 t@ 80 go Bpring Wct.....0 00 @ #0 Di ]3arley............... 0095081l00 Claver...............S 00 a o525 TluncOthy.!........... 630(g es 25 POUs................. 2o 85o 11lck 0yePos .......850 @900 Bye . ...... ý......... 65o @70o oats . i4...-.... .....45o j47o Ray-................12 @14 Pc4tooo. I....... .... 450 @ 50 '0..................12o @ Oc Butter,..é............ 150 @ 180 Coal Per ton.......... 7 @ 68 Wood........... 4 00 084 50 Pork, per ewt ..........88 @ $e80o Chiecens . . ........ 80 a 40a pprpair Duclis per pr.......... 60*360 Tsirkeys, po thlb.....10e Go0ee.ý ................ CO @ 70. Alépl es, pet 'bushol.... 00 80 Cie.............e50@a17e Beef, id quarter .....l3 OS Iloee, fore quarter ..... #4 @ eG 00 CouiroBivso.-uise agrocablo'cisamnten ai lis prepanailn lias nondenes! it a gononal favonite, i4de uinly mIsth iing walor or mulk. Féis ac eiole blld JAmss Erresà & Cà .,0amicpatisie Chêîmiel, 48, Thlsnenisloe ee, ans! 170, Piccadily. Wonls or Dietetierparulions, E4esosi- *roas! uns! aiden ToiLondon. REMIEDY FREE-W4 sens!fres simple ans! sure mesiasof self-cure, for Con- sssplssnflondhiîie, Astissa, Catarrl, Scrofîla, ans! ny dibes.. cfilise Thinaora Lunge. Nervous Dobltity, PrnnstureDe- day, Wealsnosi, sas! ail disondees bogto by yeuthf ni imprudence. boulta TUTTLB & Ce., 78 N. Y. T N TIME TRIiATMÉNT OF DYSPEPSIA WCe haive is Dr. fWieeler's Componîsd Elixir ni PhosphsatesAunt1Caliaya a nemedsy woi-Ily ths-aetetîon of ail hainse sufeing frein thua proteu ssiue. W. frcquesîtly liocI mwilhicasees lunmiich il hIondinany issstioula of Inraîmomît amrn fiaeavail ; lise sloaîclansi bswolo continuîe dsindoresl, tise lie osrpi, tlongue lîenvily coules!, ails- agnerishle leste Iluti muh, aidily, mater- bs-ais, flstîulence, isouilaches, dsnsns, ails-s- satissg, ausInd rilhsiily-arstleiiese liia siepreSsion of spirite. More thse foodl les usaI sigesteil asil i ssimllated, tise iood lc(Issssiîs ss aeg lidans! coistittitioual of-a tîssascases lnwbielise Elixirlbas provos! esjisrccmful lisse demonstnutesl beond question lis eliency ithti, distreseing affection. Prepanes! rmithie Pure Grouse cf -7HE CANADA BEAR. I Thik dllçhtfullyperfomes!proparatuon Inparîs à us0 t lcsey'nîish to tlh. Hair, in- clinlug Il to romain lu any desires! position. It give theo Haïr nual oniy a iuxnriaut *grcwtl, but arrestîs greyuess, balduese, and othor diseuses cf1he beail sud scalp, Gssspe Bioar's Grosse liaselong been hehs! lu hisT esteoin as a talnable article for Dtessing -tii. Hair. -It isu beon highly comnendeoà sud ueod by eminent Chernusts sud Physîcilaus cf cvery country. JEah bottle le encloses! lu s card bod box aurroundes! by a fiusly engraves! wrap. Per, fOrsinga -package boti ornementai sud us.fli nev. Ladies' flresuing Table. * PAI&DbI8 & SON, 19Sole iroîrletor;,Untrea1. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Thse undom.ignid<s now recelvlug Impor. talols ofCoasfirqth froun lie Mine#, and! Ia WhtY uwtH. 187. M28EL A JUXDCOURT 0FREBVISION TOWN OF WH ITBY. Th aoofns me th ile Court ai a ellop fo A1h.Ton i tby, e 'oa t tâ ~w fm AI NW aflVm!RPT.à uMri, 1 ' g MONDA Y, THE l4th IN8TANTI aI?~~ow o'sloor. k. ~iuJuue 9, ov Ce5.2 MTO LET i BanNorhîlof loINo.. 15 ýau -Est 4 of lo lin tise 5th con. Pickering. W.ll adaptes! for r&ling sý tock and'grain. Apply ho HENRY HOWELL, or ta T. MOODY. Whltby, Oth June, 1875. ~- 24. T 0 CONTRACTORS. WIIJ be recelves! allie Office of tle under. signes!, andi by tise Secretasy, Yeomatn Gi- ou, ustil PRIDAY, JUNE I8th INS2X, for liemoetion cf à METHODIBT'TABERNACLE, WHITBY, ONTARIO. *MUSIC, bMUSIC, a.larÈgp Stock of Sheet and Hd MiU;o always pn hand. J. S. RO BERTSPI Boakeeller, Newsdesier,'Stalloà er, end ilealer iu Faney à Gq * (fengougwo' Ols! Stand,) Br'ock Street, P.ý S.-We payýspecial attention to the ordelringi -cUsaoune BookMuoo.&c N PY1. CE2.- THE'8T. ýLAWRENOEB,"ANk, *TORONTO, &à iiJtTN, 1975. Notice fi.heroby given lIaI 1h. Annusi Genersl Xèâtiun theb.Sharehahdlers, for ir-eetn of lors Wil b. hea!athei BanklngRouse oati II. intitutioh, lu Ton. onta, on Wedneuday these eventhlo! July next. Tii. clair îo % 'aken ai 12 o'clock, noon. By crdesý c thse oardl. 24 K. F. LOCXHABT Tise esleago!hremoves! lus COper Hel, ttblr ail lilda cf ork cmn b. douôwhln atuisans!despatcis, ans! guanutes!. JOSEPH LUKE. Witby, Zune Oh, 1875. 8iu-24 JTOHIN G. ROBINSON, M. A., ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, CON- VEYANCRR, ide, Plans; ans! SPeclfications msy b. seen ut 2 TORONTO. th@. Are)ilteCtuansd ai lis o te By!,_______ _________ J. S. Clarke, Witbyiduc The loirost or uuy tender flot noceeeaaily T H E accepted.T C. W. MULLIGAN, Architect, U ' N NOP 14 Monnicie St., Hamilton, n. IIOe OP Jan Ot,175.24Thi. instrument posesss tise property et - onlangiug sauîtpiclures ta *an astonisis- ing e'tel. Cuniae-de-Vist, Portraits ane ma[gnifies!11P ta lii. size. Statnary ans! Floirs apîleur wmu maný,rtul magnitude, Nathîtsg cf similar untereel lhse been pro- *vioutily introduces! for th. ontertainnient tise funiily cincle or a social purty. qlcas net lal ta be melcoe nluevenreSues!n - honseisold ases constant source o! plousuro, BNDER FORSTONE GRAVL, nile 10 tie artiet t affonds a noady mens ENT S O SoEf RAE. iobtainiug an onlargeil ce py frein shiel te T iwrni a fine spoimen cf tht. vory unique 'I'E] rJ)B X ?.,8 instrument. To b. soon ut Messrs. Wilb, recelved by the uuderigned up ta TAYLOR'& BARNARDYS JewehIer store, Whitb11, ans! tise cors!lally Satrday Noon, l9th In-st. invit, ail arises, ta cal sud sce il miselier t hey pure use ornont. for th, doivsry ai Stone andI Gravol for tho Whitby, lune SIb, 1875. 24 Ou Brock Street, nortl of Dundas Stret ou Brcck Street, set oi Duuidas sîreet ta tl. Base Lino; On ERihmond Street, sothl cf thelBa". Lins; ou Dundas Strset sud en Il. Bisse Une. Tise deltveny 10 bo mal. ut auch plae. botween tle polis designatos! maybDe qnired. VPersans teudering are le ate quanllty île y ai,. preparos! ta delver, sud priceper cOrs! fer Pie1dSetsiep aud per enlie yard for good! dean Lako Shsore or aller gravol, de- livorY lab. made by tboe1st SEPTEMIIER Tise Cerporatiounul necossarily bouns teauccept lb. loweet or auy tender, C. DRAPER, Chaininan Cciuiitoo, Ste. uns! Improvomonts. Wiiby, Juno Dli,1875. in-24 ABSTRACT STATEMENT 0f the Reccipts ans! Expeuditures af tle Towii a Whitby. fortlie Year eninlg sit Decemnber, 1874- E 0CeIP2i$ Cdiii balance main 1878.,., 1851 49 Taxes&olces.......1128 04 Licouses....................5 4&560 Miscellanons roeoîs 60 18 Notes dlecounts! iuclndlug Tonomals,....... .......-1 4715000u Educational punpes frein Governn ........... Iwo 20 County...*...771 00 - - 68000 08,880,35. iLIXPV eNDIT URES : Pais! Dubonlures.....2o ou Interelt on do....8252 oo. -0452 00 'Interest on discounts 1048 82 Painting............... 807 19 Improvomente on st's uns! side wlks .... 2025 60 Notes rehlel .... 44950 (00 "Inenrance....... 5 0 riire ans! mater dp't. 89-i 42 Streetlalmps, ligbting sud supplies ...... 880. HlEIFER STRAYED. RE W ARD. Strayes! freintise pasture o! Mr. Henry Hees!, Lot 80, Drs! cou. Whitby, about tliree meeksa aoa.a YearlK Grade Hiler; clor reddsh-yllo wi ulwhte patcesea, email otyle ofrface, litîle whie aI lise eus! ci tuil. Any peneen retunnig er te tise undersigu. os! or giving anch information asa miiibas! taeho reoverymli le liberally romandes!, ans! sny persan retaing hon in pssession afler tise notice mil be prosentos!.0 JOHN BOBINSON, Lot 29, 2ns! con., Whitiy. June 8tis, 1875. 24 PORT WHITBY AND PORT PERRT EXTENSION BAMLWAY. The. Sunmtr Meeting of the. Ontario Turf Club, will came off over tleWhit. by coureton 'I'HURSDÀY £§ FRIAY, JUNE 17th and i8th, 1875. toit, a dasl c f tira mloes, over elght hurdles, S foot ô luches lugl. Firel herse, $150; second, 0#W. Top wel ht, 155h.e. Etilrlota closeon lb. 101h of June; woîglîs declaneil outhe 121h, ae- coptancos amust le made.autS, p.,in,. on th. 151h ai June. 8150 0o,-Pov!Ncz -4NncÂ,--O2eu ta Dominion-bras! hors.. culy. A daah ci li mileos. 'irs lors., O125secondl$25. $160 00,-TntoTTrsO Pwssa,-dpen ta ail boriostisaI nover beat 2.40, previons 10 the. dat, of this bl. Mile esala, 8 lu 510 haines.;fIrsl lors,, 125, second, 8175 0,- Wm:TBv Poies,-O on t aui herses. )Mle hats T C . Domin- ion.brd horses o ws!'ils. Firet lorse, 8150; second, 825. #100 o,-L*D»z,' Punsz,-Open ta ]Pro. vircocebre! - hors. ely., Haîf-mile honte, Il in 5. Firet hors., 875; seonds, 025. T.0. W. SECOND DAY. #150 ou, - H=zPUS andicu, open ta al oiinb; oso .1 hat. FirsI horse, 0125 - second $26 0125 00,-TuoTTie Puasz,-Open ts ail lorsos, ban Eautisat nover boat 2.85, at the date of thie 1,11. Mile bouts, 8 in 5, ta banness.. Final horse, 8100; second, #25. Krxs uee-ud $200 00,-HIoTZn icup, mile aud a quarter bout a. Final horme, $160; second, $50. #75 00,-CaSOLATIaz<PUnsa, HANICAPîci- Open fer all hurses boulon ut tise mseo. tng. A dasis cf onejuilo. Second hsome la save lie outrance. 1. Elitrance, 10 per cent on final moey aniy. Jîroe.or more herses ha ehter, and tira tastart. , 2. Entrios ta close aItithe Ontario Hotel, Whitk , adreed ta lise Secretary, at 9 o'eloeis, on Mous!ay evoningJune 14tis; no entry wMib. receives! unlese tho proper amount cf outranc.e loney aceampanios-île sain. S. A lie distuncing tle flis, will ne- coive final money anly ; outrance meney cf herses proves! inoligible mn le ion- 4. Alkeutriestobe riting, sucd ontry la speciiy owners nams; aise herses naine, uge, colon, o, sire sud dam of lie hors, iith entrance maney, addnessed tte Secrotuny. 5. Jockeys muaI appoar in propor costume, etsenrise tloy wMlnet b. ulloe teh maint, 0. Racos ta b. rnsndoer Dominion Rules; tle Jusiges decisien to b. final lu ail 7. Inuth. handicaps meigisewril l e do- dunrest 7 o'claec, p.m, tise evening be- fore oaci du y s race.; uns! acceptunees muat b. macl. eacis evening ustis the Secretary, ah 8 o'cleck, p.m. 8. Ruces 10 commence' each day ut i o'clock, p. an. 9.Poeilively no conditional' enîriea re- TIME TABL5E No. Il.i Takes effeet on Mpnduy, April 12,17 ylh, 1875. Traine mun by Toronto tino, wmmchislatwou- ty.liru minutes oaer tissu G.T.R. lime, Viitby Juisliosi, dopant 9.28 a.m. 0.40 p.m. wisitby...........9. 8U5&sM. 8.45 p.m. Broolilin .... 9.55 asm. 7.05 p.m. Myrle....... .... 10.12 a.m. 7.22 p.m. 8summil ......... 10.28 a.m. 7.88 p.m. Manchester ... 10.88 a.m. 7.48 p.m. Prince Albert .... 10.48 a.m, 7.58 p.i. Part Penry ..arrive 10.60 .m. 8.80 p.m. aTmAS 0011< BOUTS. PerI Perry... dpant 0.00 a.m. 1.25 Prince Abet . 6.09 a.m. 1.94 pan. Mancester 0.. .20 a.m 1.45 osuinmiI .... 0.80 am 1.55 pi.. Myrtîti...........0. 42 a.m. 2,07-P.m. Brooklin ..........7.00 &.m. !2.25 pa. Whitby.. i.{n j 7.0:a.m : f 2.45 Dp. 7.8 a.m Dl. 1.00 p.m. Whitly Junetion, arrive 7.40 a.m. 58.05 p.m. *Platerm stations.' Train. stop on Big- nals Only. - 1Conneting ut Whitby Junetion mi hh G. T. R., easta ans! wst ; ut Port Penny wuts its g e for Uxiridgesud dn dring navigation iiseamerrsianrtindsay, Fenelan Faiso, aud Ilobe ygeon. AR LDN 16 Managing Directar. " dciion .6.256 89 -_________ Charitable pr ss' . .ADRALA F AAA 'County rate,1876 .... 900040900 m N ALWY0 AAA Connty rate, 1874 .... 920 00 TIM T B E 184000 1ME-TABLE fi "salaries.. . ...........1594 ou Galnig Northi rosu Part Hope ta Lindsay. '~Miseilaneens .... 18607 85 Beaverton uns! Orilia. Cash balance in Ont.hBank 1482 55 Leuve port Hpe- -sa" 85Mail...O0a. ni. 1Mixes! .... 3.00 P. M. Wo, tle undenmentiancsl Auiitons ci the Gaing Narth le Petorbaro' & Lukiell. Corporatian e!tishe Town of Wlhiy, fan tise Mail ..10:10 a. in.1 Mixes!.... .5:80 p. in. yeur 1874, da ceniy thal tle above le a cor- nodt abetruet of lie Receipte ans! Expendi. Caming South i miOillia ta Lindsay, tunorton year ending Osit Decemben, 1874. Peterbono sud Pont Hope. Dates! hiis lOtis day o! Apnil, 1875. Leavo Oillia- - RII. J YRNOD, Mai.. :35p. m. Ar Pt Hope 12:351 p.m. GEO. H. -HAM. Comiug Seuil frein Lakiols!, Mixes! .... 7:45 a. ni. 1 Mail ..5:25 p. ni. Stalenenat of thc Assets and! Liabili- Connete with thie Nipissingi Raimuy ta tics of tise Corporation of lise Town ans! inomuTorouto sud intermedit ttos 0f Wiiîby on ise et Jnuar, e55. nMilllraek for Peterbono' ans! Orillia, sud of Witb, o th zetJanary L85, Ilh Grand Tnisnk et Pont Hoe.bath mens- - ng and ovoning ires trains uEt sud West, ASSETS. andi St. Naseaman ut 9 s.m. fer Rechester. Cash balance-ou hans! 8. 1482 55 H. Gi. TAYLOR, Taxes uneoilecteil..... 8829 17 7 SupI. af Trains Non res. axe uscolloted 1287 90 ___________________ G.i, t hall 1874 . 77 . LLAND CANAL. Cqunty grant taedo889 50 Value cf Property- - N11c88 50tacor Markellotsus! tamis hallM00 N tie o Co rcos I Pair grouns............ 00 o Finee ngino-&Spuatns. 4000 00 Tise Itting o! tise marks ter tl. enlarge- - Sebo hO ases &lurnit're.lb5l00 ment ef Il. Wellandl Canaias!vertise l t Staockin W._& P. P. B'y.. .10000 0 taie place on thie firat day of lune nexI, te -85200 00 unuvidably -pailpones! ta the flling Unsels! déenî'res valuos! aI 440W 50 dates : Populatien alloirunce iresu The Tenders mil be reeivod unhil Thiune. -municipal Locm Puns!. 5714-00 du , 110he24t1 day cf June next. - una ans! specificatisîns wmlii be ready for -#57582 00 exuminaution on Friday, tb. 111h day of lune. R rl, - LLBILIIES ~y rder -P. BRAUN, Nocas under dicontai Secretary. .Ontarioanuk; ..... M00, Departmnt nPublic Works, Sundry acounts nupais... 0oo0 Ottawa,lt May, 1875. , 21 Debentures- _________________ Bsiliay bonuls .....050 O Reilway stock ......000 00 yo7UNG'S HOTEL, Fair grouns............. 00 00 Fire engin-... I......4050 )0 aBDLTN -- - - -t..... 555....28 0JXNC BI. DtTJ Saeholar ..._- Iimi. * 7~455M w5 The usde eos Auditone for thoei I$U±l. K. XUN(, PBOPRIETOR.j Btelablefinformation reganding -ho à coun tr«5 etc., forirusbes! ta parties roqulrlng1h. ample accoinindahian for Hniers 4eut4 Sportsmen, The, bai sud ladrhulS IIN&FAC DRS sarnprisng al lb.h n.'w shades ans!bextuns, ranging freux l2je. a yseid npwa. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0F le PETEIR WA1, Seccetury & Treusunen. Burnett's Oocoalne prenns the Ilair fr-am Fallihig. B urnett's Oocoaine Pronolci Us licalhiy rowtI. Burnett's Côoaine IlsiI <-C ry inu Fî.hy. Burnett4-'s Oocoaine Loavomno Ilteasgrccitale Oil<r. Burnett's Oocoaine F;Ri.a lere fstery a. Burniett's Oocoaine Bohe, heIritated Scalp-S5s5n. Burnett's Oocoaine Afforis the lilcboit Lustre. * Burnett's- Oocoaine le net au Alcobole WaaI. Burnett's Cocoaine Kils Dandruif. Burnett's COocoalne .Givea Noew Lice to h ati. m Burnett's Oocoaîne Re.nsihs aLotggt ln EMeot. 50 and 75 cents per Sottie. PERRY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENOE, MONTREAL, P. Q. Ageats for Dominion or Canada. JOSEPHS BURNETT & CO, BOSTON, Propriors. A gEm wnith teâdng!-! Dfauînd wîrth Eceiug. SAVE YOUR EThSI Restare ypur sighitl !JIROW IWAY ysv OfECTICLES, 13y reaoflss Our nifus- AND ANATO1IIY efr the EYEOIGET. ToUs how to Restor. irmpMir. .4d Vision and Ovorwrkeil hi>'a1 ow do Cure Weak; Watery, leafamed, omd NqearSffhtoed ies, and! &U other Dis- WAST'RNo MORE lMONEFBFÂDJUST!LWG HUGE GLASSES ON rOUa NOIE .AND DI.- FIGURriNO FOUR FÂcrFPaimpliet 0<100 Mges 3Mates! 5reeondess!yourad1dross Agents Wanted, (lexlséOr Uedles6 5oS$10 adar garutsd Fuit Partclr snt tes, Write Immdlaely té DIR .BALL & (Q,,P. o. Box Q.) n 91 Llbaert , IswY.rk Ciy, Ir, Y. JAMS MÂCRIE, Balai, Agent fer lb. Ccunty of OnLtlog. A BMSTRONG bOUSE, <LATE Z A-sc, *WHITBY., ONTABIO. B. ARMSTRONG - PEOPBETOR. FABMAND DWELLING FOB SALE. FU7 ore, prt f lo No l4,in he 4th ton-cf about lÃ2 or 18 acr etai bd wood- neÙarlal maplo. A goos! dm.lllng ions onil.e promaises also stable ans! large baru witi otan ounc ation; a tlsnivlng orchu..r avïm> cuttde zqulste, puwp and abuas- %nce 0 runnig *à te;' à 1 o cnstait wft;u pt A '0te4d st uils, ai Part orrya4tûet amos. fFoi ti BIb~Q~ Tiiull bao!Tr rn! double warp, reversble, frô2om a yard; aieOaa <nilrane ailac (bos l Baatheas. Parauxettas, Campe Clotho; &a. Wude: whdth, ail wooi Freuoh Caahrer for Caps -aud Dresses. NXew and! beautiful, atrnlarnIgi uaeai 1and à a yea, warrantes! futlcolore. Grea- iiesblck pai sd 00scycru ati, ~et aidno cméu-nt 10c0 Tii.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~'au graelbraualessa e LO IX hctw offéring aI 871 a ard cnsiere-byoojudee a b gad alu aI8115. A grand dis. plyoSiwl, apsan! leveesJakeeaIreiskalylo.pice.Table TAiea at<romSc t 121. St.mloos rni 1e upard o uands!Lace,. TUEHOIERY DEPARTMENT'. W '11 b8 t onn us! c m p l te lu v ery lin . T ir ce a ir o f 'W h it o ae fo 25 c n s Me 's B rown Cotton ha it Hse, rom 100 a pair0p0afor 25W he i Hnts!- kerchiefsg8, B , S, sudrup d. .W ieL w fa In the Gent's Furýni8hing Department will bo founs! a fuil stock of White ans! Colores!SitTeBde cre u Undr-cohiiug Jut arivs! slendid assortmeut o! MEN A ND BO Y'8 FEL T HA T, ALL NEW SHJAPES. ln.lthe Beady-made Clathiig Departmeut wili be fcuud a very nice soleutiou of suite adaptes! for Sprng ans! Sumuner woor. A large stock of Boy'e Ciothinge kept constsntly au hans!. BOOTS AND SHOES' Just to hans! 5 cases o! Ladies' PrunelliBoots, at 60c. a pair. 8 cases extra flue Pruneole Gaiters, at 81.00 a, pair. 1 case superflue Prunella Balmoral, ai SOc. T i idepritl b. founslarge1sud wlelotelud;inanlclasses of Be o etwfo d Sisoe. Asfor P ies I an buns!nol bt e ude mels!. Ou1r Groeery Depnrtment wil be faund comlet. in every lino. New sudfresh Tons cf last seasou's growtii. Sugars lu 0ail tii different grades, aud papular prices.' No credit given, as the. above goods are ail mnrked on a cash bm. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods 1 Âuy oustomers holding aur dollar scrip, by presenting it with cash for purohases lu Dry Goode or Clothiug, will sâve five cents on every dollar. If you have not got ane cf aur dollar billa, ask for one'. Oshawa, May 28tii, 1875.JA E H A ORGANSI C) RGANS 11 ORGANSI!! A goad assoxrmcnt «f American Organe ut 1 OALL AND SEE THEM 1 Ký CLOCKS 1 The. place ta buy Cloeks le at NORVILLE'S. Strik- iug Regniators, inidicatiug boti Mcntreal sud Toronto, only $5 00. Other kinde cheap-Call sud look at Ihein. IlTHE EXCELSIOR WORK BOX," a Wqrk Box with Cioek attaches!, the. neatesl sud mast canventieut think cuti1 Na Lady shauld b. withcut ou. i Ouly $8 50, b, sure aud sée tiien. Organe, Cloche, Watehes, Jeweliery, everythiig cheap for Casli. Repairing in ail its branches doue by a pactiesi mnuf 26 yesrs ciperieuce sud warrautcd. H. W. NOBVILLE, 28 Wfikinsou's Block, Whitby. o o '8 tri O M This Hotel le situates! lu the central portion af the cily, couveuleut Itoa he .whalesale establishments ans!public buildings, ans! féorts Iand commercial travellers le. a mosl eliguble situation. The house. as Ibeen tiicroughiy re-organized ans! re-fnrnishod througiiout, sud le dîtes! Iup lu the nicel conifottable aud fashionable style, equal toauy first-ciase I hanse lu the t>cminîcn. Tii. bedroois ans drawiug-rooms are large Ii large sud convenicut samplo rcoms, for tle accommodation of Commercial Travollers, are commodicus, sud ccnvenieutly locates! on the. first flat. Omuibuses sud Carrnages always ready for the accommodation o! guesîs arriviug by al lb.h tealus sud steambaats, sud alec ta convey thein to the, depots snd wharves on loaving. Geo. Kennedyý, formorly of Queen's Hatel, Owen Sound!, Manager. Telegrapii Offie in counection witii liii.Roua. TERMS, $ 1 50 PER DÂT. GOLDSMITH'S,,HALL 0:0 New Goods to Hland-Greà t' klduce- ments to Cash Customers! W RUSSELL WATCHES, A T ELGIN WATCHES, E'H WLTHAM W, 8-Day and 30-hour Clooks mi' groat 'variety, Engliali Fine GoIdl Jewellery, 'ATCHES. w A Gold Chains, Eardropse Lockiets, Gem 'Rings,, Wedding Rigs, - Sectcle au Eectro-plated -God0 TEAJ tTEA'I!1) JUST RECI t~WOODALL'3 CL A. fine selec purchases! for T~O]LU COUNTRY MIXTUIRE , Compo sed of -a -Fie oldHyson andawPmurUneolered J a pan, at'ý50 cents por lb, -W. defy any gracery stare ln the county ta beaât it. These tese osu, be purchaseaS! evsrstely gt t he abve prices, -but fori ED AT' ed stock of New Tead, direct'from1 behat vcryocloe pnices, onEccount o! the duE in proporton. We recoornnd t our ui4 Teas from 25 cents to $1 O00 per IL LIQUORS AND, GROCETUES IN PROPORTI&. Cali at the Old Oountr Grocery Sto re and take home one poundl of Tea ated try it. pnce usedi, alwaya usedl. H AM LTON & 00u Have now opened -up a Large Stock of Seasonab1e Dry Goodls, onsisting of NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW LUSTRES, (Oelebrated Brands,) NEW PRINTS, NEW-OLOTHS &TWEEDS, NEW RATS & CAPS,' NEW MILLINERY GOODS, NEW MANTLES, &o., &c. NEW TEAS AND, GROCERJES.j of Laua, Houe, Shape, &. to hiae eieoiratei prize colt caukle B11&5ùZ of Strathancre. One M ars, 2 y oar ldi u Âun t, 1874 ; sirod by Pop. One Mare, 2 years li, froin impor.i asire One Imported Carrige Stallion Grand Turk, 7 years old, warrsnted a stock fsttsr. One Superior darrige TeainaiciGe ainp, iing lasd 6 years oldwith very superor- siz. sud action. One Shetland Pony, wlth mars foed nt foot,, imported in Âugust, 1874. COTSWOL2i 555Er. Six Cotswohd BRames cing 2 yeare Cod, importei! hafAuust, 1874, from thi. locksof Messrs. Colo and Swanwick.- been set in nlndbhnppieir theinsolves çit teaest of M,!. John iesSt. Regent St London, XIU animale will b. put on curs free ai ex- pense for those wishing tb Si~ TEEMo.-Sixiontlîo' ongood se. eurity .witbout interest, or eight per cent per annum discount for cash. Sal .l ecodctd yo I.Page, HON. M. H. COCHIMM. SIM ON BE ÂTTIE, ) W ie a e O t W. M. MrLLEB, Ont Jrun o 2n d, 1875- 28 * U TON SL Waggon und Agrcultual Imple- pemets, Makere Tools and lImpe- Whitby, April 6, 1875. 15 BOOT ÂNID SHOE EMPOkIIJM, BROOK STREET, S A UNDE RS JOHN Largest Stoc'lk, Latest Styles, Greaitest Variety, Ail Sizes in Fine -and Coarse Lines. LÂDIES', MISSES' AND CHILDRN'S,-VERY SUITABLE AIl orders punctually attended. Repairs neatln doue. - JORN SAUNDERS. Wlutby, April 2Oth, 1875. DOMINION LOWES &, POWE'LL Are in receipt of a full and complete stock of Dress Goods in Éýreat vyariety. Black and Ooloured SiIk Poplins, Lustres, Parasols, Hosiery, Glo'ves, Laces, Oloths, &c. A Full Stock ôf' Millinery. Dreas and Mantie Making done to order iinder the supeià ntendence of a first-clase Dresomaker. Millinery and Tailoring done to order. Satisfaction guà rasateed. ISixGirls wanted to. work* on dresses, and Two Tailors ta wark an coas. LO-WES &POWELL. Whithy, Apr i 41h. 1875. 16 11N .L2.'V-V - mi L .rin- ,PE.T Z., M T Begs to intiatle 'to -th e inhabitatts -of Wbitby anad-sur- ron 9gdstit4a . a ps9 ioil i Odd Fellows' Buildng lrock-Street, A New Grocery and Provi8km &Sore, *Where he iztends to keep everything in-that lime, T he undl The. Subscriber iais received' instructions froua Mit. 3AMEB OLAYTON, to sell by Pblic Action at bMs shop, Brock Street, Whiitby, on Saturday, tise l2tie day of JAine, -18ý'5, .t 12 o'elock, noon, the. follcwiug valuable property, via:- 1 Farinera Waggou, nen'. 1 HleavyÇWagon, neoQatt f TurnpDildul ans! single 20Pacntore ksss PatentRilt4Ch ;Whebrcs MACHINERY. 1 Stenni Engine, 4-herse powor, nearly ew,laeroemake- 1 rou lathe. 12 fot b.dl ans! a qunntity cl t1001.; I Wood 'Luth. ans! tools ; 1 Teneuting Machine, Harpers' make; 1 Santling Plner, nw; 1 Circular Saw, table sud-eas; i Croas-eut Circuler Saw Machine, 1 Morticeing mahn 1 Gig Sa; 1 Il ril, a quatity of riis >:iins,11É hne to bore for boxing sund turniug Waggon wheèl rima ; 1 Gange BosS four sizos; i1(Irindstone; 1 Anvil;- 1 Pair Vice -8Pair ScruigSocana udTps;1 machine for boreiuggon obbs; qnantity ai DeltingLuiner ands! eskes; 2 Bedsteads, 2 Staves; ILounge; 1 Icitehen Table, sud s quantity ot-other articles"to numerous to mention. Also-a qusîter of an acre cf Land!, Dwelllng Hanse and! Shop, with Stable Orhand and Garden. TLPRMS.-Por Chattel prcperty, Gand- undor cash: over that ainoun, 6 inonthp, erçdit n approves! secu*it. For Roal Reate, 10 per cent, don, sun enough wth the. 10per cent. to make j in 80 dv, and! the balance luS yom sat 8Oper cent.miterest, payable isnnUay- L.FAIBANKO; Whitby, May 181, 1875i- 21 It is inteaes! toopon hé ie pw churchin ceunction with th. chrch l fEnglasd lu S UNDAýY,, T18 lh OF J.UYE, C m e n D iv i n e -S er vic e mil b é o ish d t 1 , .. in , 8 y n ,an s! 7, p . m . A collection W i l b t en u t e a c ii erv ice - u u!aïd o lth Building VUd.- Tiere wMlibesaTes Meeting Ihs next day M n d a y ) o a n t h e od a t e r w m mc lis e n , Sacres! MuLe mllbe pyoremesad As- dresses giTen lu lb. durc. Ticketr for the To25 cents ;for the Music, &c., 2cts. Ashbumn, lune loi, 1875. - 28 E u XA31INATION z GBA NT IN G CETIFIATES, PUBLIC Iu aoerdanc.wi ci aill ubic I ination ai Candfl Teacliers'Secesa MfONDA Y, ai l .p.M., for Tu:esayi 2011 Tl:a The Xxmiatio Clse Certificat., * .placocC 3IDA Y, 6th Farinofe o i ua 411 muen below iast year-s' ptices. A few Gigs&tnd P'erambi rAM zu j Suiv l', JOAN SAUNDERS.- 1 Whitby, Ape 20th, 1875. GF 0 ID S 8. All'--- 'i-' i NEW ADVERLTIBEMENTS. 1 WHITBY. WAREROýONSl