,Pratt. -B. é. liravs ONLY 8x 5o - pER tANN7UM, Whitby, Thursdy, Mlarch 41 J875 "CHRONICLES" 1WANTED i '25 cents aucis ýl'cpaiu fanrbise fal Iovlug bsck. numbera cf tise OsutaNîca of 1874 Nos,.l13s 19, unS 82, vol. XVIII. PAY tJP Parties&ludbted Le Lîsis cilicevili iueis oblige by sssukiiag a sttisment ci -,their accounte. Borne uccoumba, sac% long overdue, viilcertinly' be places iu suit, and expause nurresi, unIesm tIsa sine b. nattliu lefore tihe ia-t ol ssa:tmnontla. Sobonberia sre reasiadesi that -al easbcufptlcus tu) ayiseCaitct<s' arc payable lu asivance. Tluoae lu anneau wlll recive no fuarther notice _;-thse se' cotants vii b. placeS lu aLbrum sani for collection, à hd uxpeases aSSeul. - - Reconistruction of the Beusate. TIse camnyixag cf Ur. Mille' motion for going iuta cmmitae on s iesolutioa to hanuuge tisaconsttutionuofbthe Sonate is mm Important îtep lu législation bIsaI cannot falite uvekeu a poild daulcf discussion. Tisa vole vas a ver>' close eut, bisfng only carieS by ua majenity cf Lbracu P'oli' cf tIse ministera, in- ludiug tIse Pramier-, voteS ýfer bise me- ion, and sîuotlstr, Mn. ]Jna'pee, voteS lu tise sinoity. Tise leader of tisa Op- psitiîon lu, wu o biuve, opposaS ta thse cissnge baiasg issade, but, botîs Sir Johnu A. Macdonahl anS Dr. Tupiser refrain- cd fa-cm vottug. Thae grcwimg sni- mont cof thse ceunntry vould appear te ba In fiwor cf lise change. It la fuit It flute aruseust plant cf nomination by thse munishs'y cf tIsa day is nob in accord viLtIsah Fedarual systeru cf Gcvern- -,met; iLcesrtainty liacs net encuseîl ia popuisa- favon simca iLs iuitia(ion.,Tise question of cisangue le, Iowýear,, sur- B ure for thé purpose vill bave b; be - eli Lasaured anS vaît eduidere labc. -fore Ibere le any hîkoailishoS cf ils being autinely acceptable. Tîseme l is a disinl - inatiou te amy change lu bbc constitutiotn bafome _1 Ihsusailsdasllnger trial, la ccmmitfeecof tisa viola, Mn. Milia stateS tIsaI ho vas satisSleS vlL thse expression cf opinion Iay tise Houese, und 515 net ,propose te' pnlbise suatten futher durlng te lua-eeut session. TIsane ywil, tlaumefore, bo plcnby cf ime for Lise fnil amui frac discussion cf tbb. The Sc nav Biackade. TIsh IIaea- som fro einlie st, visici commonccd cmrly on Mondap incnuing a'ulb omtinuiad villa great violence LîstOuglsoss bhe day, itas maSo thsea-adi lbu'splatus usost-ialrnest iipasa. abie. Tue limu cf bise WlIithy & Port 1>cary 1lw'itvy euhrembnas eariouslp Obsta-ucted, altisouglu tIse lUanging Di. racler asdtiha officena cf the comnpu- DYare doing ail inr, tlisir pover te -opea iL anS Case tise tangoeimount of truille lu valting. T'wo englues, ana of tise Grand Ta-nnk uov picugia nS s large gang cf meo nc oesnpioycd on tlie malS for tihe pa-pose. Tise constant successionos f metorni s eput a utp toa ai trafilce on tIsa touS for more tIssu a fortulght peut, anS of course, mualis icuveulence ta tise public sud e1Petýo-ta blue Comupany ethe rosait. 1!lia'aono blackade bas alec buS serions effeet ulpon tIsa trude cf tise tawn, ~sIL lino i' other places. Funînans cunnot lie~t out ta market, ami buineas guneral- îy isla lutitVenieistly intemneipted. 'Th, Managtq'of thuaIl Mal" Suataineil. Thoa verdict rerded' agitùss Ma-. ýâWân manager of bIse Arail, for ibel, I*tise note -rions Wfîluallsn'scase, bas Sean quasisad Sp the Court cf -Quee's Bleul, t Wavs thoise ouof sunnd lavyers, t tb ise ue, bisaItise SCnviction vai SaS ins iaw, svlIil,, bbc ga-cat rnajority cf lise geuucuui publie certsilnly Isoldtate ime nîionin tthbe ---pronacrition vas an uxtreuso pî'oeeedlnig ands thut thse defondlant w-as uujustly plbod. Apcrt froitIse poitical toalnt cf viev, va congaubslate oua- con- t eureiy upon the result. vocalst-tha Qilcen of ScottisjL iloug, as aIse veli eerves ta SuclleSI-le uS- vantisad la appar at Osawa ou Mou- day, Brookil, Tncsdapy, Port Pera-y, Wosiussday, anS Uxbridge- Thursday, cf asciI yack, Be ita ibcSeaccempani- aS hy Ma-. Jas. F. Hardy, lise celeba-at- cd humorist, tenon, vocalial sud piaulIs is their grosI popuhar musical enter- lulument. Oar uaigbbors .lave -a ies -taet lu store for bbamnelves, aussioua tisêy voudSranch regret net ejcyimag. M4idiansi Rsiivuy. At tise unnual meeting of the MiS. -landsi Bliay tlîe olS dia-ceLons were ae- eleetea, vitIs Mn. A. Hugal as Pa-esl- Senl, Tise report cf tIse Slroctans -spaks Isopefnlly cf bbc prospecte cf tisa COMappnY, unS cîphaimesi bbc arrange- ment antared imb vitIs lie houdisolSers I EaglanS by vhicb bisey aglead ta defaithse payuents cof thair intoreat for t r ~ ee nd o r Case e B T-T b actionuof tisa Gaverumantin laprentijng 'e Câble mcnopcly lias Isas ite bonaficial pa r ucuing tbe ratesounmessages by <ceau cabla. Tise neduotipu la uoÇw ase ie ahforflftycenbapen vprS. This vili amable -asy ta uses bie sub-nianlne "gelph betvaen Europeansd Amenaes w ho swé httorlo detarresi y he c igla rate# whteh prersiled. Ž ~ wpsç,.-Aa ha4scwi the reprosantatfvoi for-the NorthbWe go that ho bings tethe adlsebaraaof1 dutias cf the omfce sasse axpenleai In a&l bis relaioaa-.s a aprivataeltbi sud as a representative cf theo>eaple ho bais galnad thse confidence sud, r pfpes01 îls felicv tovuamen, and b a is no dubt wvhAtver but that ha 1 audl the IaYOr's chair anoatvonthï Wa perecive by the repojrt, that 001 gentlemen vaare appreheuslva lent PC -ticn nbbuld euLir-nto tbc content.BS foucas, wvo arerare, era gronndleq There was nothb~g to warrant such result.. Andi vo are perfetly satisfl that, bail a content takeui place, N I.Gibsan vonld have been the lut C, acuntenauce the introduction s# PaU polities n m l, au vo are aise pansus cd IL vii be found bbcy shalîneven du place or consideration with hlm diselsarge cf lis official dutias au May, cf the tovu of Wl4tby. EoucATIN OF Toiltue oisÉ.-TJ )f nystemu cf Profeossr Pratt a-qulrea oà ~to bc kuown to neeommead itoelf.: ii aut once simple - sud efficeacicus. Il deed IL camnot fail. 'The infonmatic conveyed ienamycoec'f bis lecture ef illntrated as thée are by practiei teste, le Invaluaable. - We bave Sao tricka cf herse ambeaandi expouemba systeais cf breakiag homes, at worl rsud wonidarcd- ut biair performasie rProf. Pratt fal noue of tse ; bis syi tam lae eiintly casa cf inbclllgcî education cf the "noble animal", as its gact iuplicity je til bbce moi -wondenfuai thing about it. Money vs neyer baLler apent than iu ucquh-lni information frein Prof. Pratt. - Wc arc pleusei Le Icam t thaï bth clans in this lovas nov nusubers 80 Thene vilI be a frceexibitiou for lh ladies at btvco clock an Fnlday after mmcm, unS ve know blîey yull enjo, bbc treuiL wbieluProf. Praatt je prepare( to lay bufore bhoem. The Ncrth Ontario Klectiaus Petitior WUAT THIE DEFEATED CANDI DATE OVEIIHEARI). FI YCO5XVLefSIT5ON WITII T1iU 'aAVEWL Thse Norths Ontarios petition hue boer se bungles inlusome uiiscconuble vuy by bluao havirsg 'iL ln charge. that 'lb bs likely te b. Luken off tii. files cf tue court, an bhc grounsi cf infornsahity in !ts prearabion. Sema cof the facto upon wbicb bbc petitin u igroundea are vcry funmy, amd is court ceuld acf fuil te bc prevocative of. the beartiest laugbiter. We telb.h tala as iL hue beau tlid 113. IL %vus eomcwbat as fol- The tva' candidautes, Messa-e. Paxton tnsi Meltue, vere, dnniug bbe canvas, tayiug overnigbb t bbch sanie avera lu bbc aortlu. They vena placeS lu ad- joinimg noonis, tIsera beiug oly a thin board partition vitb meSiy open cracks belveen theru, and aeiffier knowiug vbo vas bis next door neigbr. WVhilc dreBsing himselli in Lthe arly moraiug,Mr. MleItaeioyerbuard MT. Pax- ton*s volt kncva voice lu Io usi a-men- strance with bbc landîcnul, cvery word bcbng as distinct as if lie baid becu an inmate cf bbe sanie rom. Mr. P-You'It not go bacis on ur, Ibis Lamlrl-1 inind to, tlîoili ; yen doaavodl me, u' diduit geL me tise patint for Liie lot. Mn. P.-Never mnd f ve'l i aaie al tisaI rigt ; yen supporteS me hefore sud 700 vwili again ;-wont peu ? Lsudloa--Faix., thiu, I vont. Yen got a~'"' ' lie patint, an' adS'tLtis cof peur culS faioda. Ma-. P.--Bnl I tllityou VIIl usSe IL ail rigist. Dy 5 * *CI wyl. l'il gat tise muttanrrctýiIeSbbctheGovenn- ment. If, 1 SenTt I'il got yen aneno patent for amthanr lot. What more do youu veaIt? Landioad-Wili punpromUise rase LIis undier pour baud ? Mr. P.-I'll Saoviaut I saiS. 1 i vear I viii. Tom know I dure mol givo a va-itlam plcdge. Laadaa--(mchifed>-ell IOup- porteS yen befona, au' lIMaiver go bacis on ina politicai pineiptes. Mmnd you'tt. fix tise patint. - Mn. Melue, usîcundedSut îvbat lise lis isard, Iaury'aon Ilie lothues, anS maolien down rebira, wisera /te awaibu te interview the lIIilonS. thue kimd of ussidaîuce blinI wonld S e effareil bo anstain tise petitio. A, G.ooo Muisuasu.-Tlie Bill tîao- Sîciti »Yy Houi. à Ma-. Mekoszietfur tise Setter protection cf porsons anS pro- perty eCDUVOyed Sy railvapa is au excel- lent ancse, and suds auscaiuneLfasil te sacurebthe appreval cf' lie public. Under iLs pa-osisionte amy nsîivmy am- phOpeaIe ousnimsgP'i ultimes- cf bluecSp Seing drunis, sisil 'st guiltp of a mis- dameanor,' anuS ny Company vise isnevingiy employsauanhabituSa-rtank- erS in apoat iverisemesarror, negleet Or inattenticn migist cause* accidenta, may hofineS tvo tiscusund dollars, ands an asiditional nom avery day uften bise fiua !0 imposeS. Ahi car doors a-o;te Se mad. ho open inverSe aud out- ACÇWIiNT To Dm. TucKEem,-Wu m- gret Lc beau bisaI Dr. Tueker wus ruthon. sericnsly injureS ou Smurday evaning.- TIse doctor, wvIsa baSbeau leohuring ut Peterboroughs, baSl neturued Sp1 the Grand Trank and vas on lis vay bonie fren LIse Duffins' Cnaek station, visen tise hoass attacheS Ia tise cutea lu vaiLing for bina bacame frigbtenad anS rau avay, eausing bbc accident. BSNov-BmnaM TCU-ýV.Anravs. LAv- -LZS ANa> Tvxea>r. - Tise sncv-hird muatis betveen Mi., James WsrS, bbc champion sal c f Canada, anS Mosans. Laviar and Twaedie, cf'Wbitby, for $100 e-sida, 50 binde caeis, vas clint haà t FriS'yay t Brooklil. TIse nsatcis resultesi in a vichcry for bise represenha- ivea cf WWb by four bia-di, tIse shoot- ing being excellant a n botIs ides.- Tisera vas a large crovd present. Tise foliuiing laS e score; IllI11111t1UI1t11111-22 Iwur-11101111111aioou - 24o- Twe&e, 11111119fôý 'el o --2 rd, muiidpid &id tells the stour of Whùtb 'té and OshawaaSfellOwa: t 2Ml IIÂ eoniparilaon of Os1frwaan4W1st iaén by wilhillustrate whaf va mean. Tbi e- latter was fouaded just forty-ae z ff rav on ha t lucÃ"Iiidred ona o but hr on QuLake Ontario, anî --e P a rtiver tleat affor4, 0ample Wa& el» posoeiteruaan clmogt unlïmitei 5Wlfo/4fl4n5ery. Âttraotadbylt4 üy natural advantages a number of Ameni ç cana, ,ust twenty-fouir years 8Ço, ep élrdeavcured ta purchase water rivilage ioh and sites for nmechinery, but he'pricei g, skad were exorbitant. Notbi g ut. Sed, the intanding purce s went fou miles funther wect, and laid the founda. edtion of the . proeant Ohtario-renovned ?.Oshawa. The Oshawa l gave oeveiyecuaemn amn tarera, biethe ,Whitby people wanted ta maka aà direct sarculateon ont cf themn ndAt that Urne Wh tby had a popultion od f 2600, while Oshawa was lié the lu village of Mitland; to.day Whit1y 'or biae about 200 more inhabitants than il hdthon, anid Oshawa has a population cf 7000. Whitby bail freim the finit 'h whaetlth people cf aur tcwn expeet ta reap great advaubageo from-good I£7 ohippng by watar; it got railway con- It De#w4sýsby the <Gandi Trunk as socs 1- asVnbawadid; and bas nÃŽow good con- onneeticasm with the baek country by the Whitby and 'Part Perry Itailwaýy, while e, Oshawa, wibh its inferiez, barber, ane la line cf railway, but witb its extensive en manfâctories, bas grown te wbat iL la. 01 If that unparalleled grcwth cf Oshawa ,,cannot be traccd ta iLs internal. indus. ries, we wauld like -ta know tbe secret Of cf ts prcsperity. To those thut arguýe r- thit the position cf Preoctt ini au agni. at cultural point cf vicv, is sufficient ta acseurs its prcnpenity, we mauy sy that there ia no beter agicultural conby in BtOntario thun the ceunty cf Ontario, in as lrhich bath ef the cmparea tawns ara ig situated. If it was agriculture that muade Oshawa what it la, Whibby being but four miles distant, sliould be-afféet e ldui like mannen by it" in the ftbove statement the facto are 10a goed dent oxaggerated. Wbhitby waa r-settled ne eurlier than Oshawa. In- :y steadlof Vhitby having only 200 mnore dinhabitaints now than ut Mie Lime ne- ferrait to, it haupwards cf ueven lus. dred imere,-the population of bhe town being now over 8,200. The bona fule *population of Oshawa, iustead cf being 7,000, le perbopa about 4,000. WVhitby, c lthough l4eing weil situated us stated, and ha-ving Ilone cf Lb. beet barboz on Lake Ontario,,' je not, we regret te have te aeknewledge, blessed with "la river Ythat affords ample water powor te mun B un almost nnliruited amount of rmachin- e ery." That Vaut le the âne great draw- iback te tthe favorable position cf the tewn. Oshawa, on the other baud, la botte, favored iu this respect asd enjoya 't thea dvautage cf water.powcr. On this taccount, iL habai froru the start ail the advantagea ta bc derivesi froin tho establisbhment cf flouring mills. Other manufactures than these, hewover, have bufit up Oshawa. Such manufactories as the celrobratesi Hall Warka, where four humdred bauds are employcd ; the Agrieultural Iruplement munufuctory of Whiting & Co. ; the Cabinet futory ; and lately the iltove foundry, and otlrer manufactures wlzere steain je the mo- tive power. Oshawa was lucky indeed in socarlng bthc Hall Wcrks. It was the firet atitp towarde udvancing the im- portance cf that tewn. Tho establisb- mernt of the fumeus Hall Werka was the menus cf secuin un turu the other ostub)lislmunnts,.-tod so giviug an im- petus te trude und business. It wue Whitby«ti misfortuue net te huva secured thcse ut the boginning. WhaL 3was Whitby's losis was Osbawa's goosi luclc. Tliat is about aIl tisat can be saisi cf the matter. The clîcice cf the locution was us mucix a maLter cf accidentai goosi lbrtune- as any- thiiag clac. Local circumstauces uaay have, andi ne doubt dud, te some eeteut, contribute tu favor thc seleetion cf Oshawa. We beur mostt willlng tes. timony te the great liborallty and en- berprise cf the moeyed men cf Osisa. wa in eacouraging and pnomoting the Industries cf the place, and in thia ne. speet we foel thut vo cati net cdaim an All theso are fuels withiu tlre -know- ledge cf the cendluctors cf the Mail, and migbt bave been refera-eS to wiuh- a mueh greutea- degreo cf fairness in druwing invidious comparisons;be- tween Whitby aud Oshawa. Placing Oshawa four miles west cf Wbutby, giv. ing Whitby the credit cf I"ample water te run an unlimited amount cf machin. amy," and the errera in the furts and figures already referred shew, hovever, thc lecae, caroleus vay in whiub the whole article hua been written. PIOCLnrÂ,nON ÂGÀINST KIDNAPPING. -Taings must have come te ruther a bard pas ameuget' our neiglibors wheu the Legielature cf Pensylvaila finde it1 neoessany te pas a apecial set witb sevene peins and penalties agaluat Kid- napping. The acb imnp oses3 a fine 0M0 sud'inpriBcament for a peaiod net exceediug tweaty-five yaars, on ail per- snu found guilty cf kidnapping Chiî- dreù. Heavy penalties are aise provid. cd in cases where persans herber or canceal stolon chldren. A provision in the-acb ray:-" This net shah net ap. ply te the detaitng or coucealipg cf any cb-ild taken or carrieil away before the passage cf ibis set, when the per- san on porsens se harboring or cenceal- ing nhall, vithin thirty days cf the passage cf this act, surreuder up sncb ehild ta theceutoady cf the nearant neagisrt rn justice cf bbc peaca or ta tbe shériff cf auy cunty vithin tbe The provMs bas refoence to'the Roas case. we 0%11 thé itteùticn cof thosa -troub. of port t onl, Là teýaamai l a auuaiece at'a publie gat4serngj er ,d Torono, inaaspeechinlurcapoje to U 18 toast of " Ont Balays,ha ralses, i ri aome note otvýaulng. Bines then, ih subjeet bas beau more tisorongbly co ess ideread evaaregladi ta drd MI ,-George, Laldlav conaing ta bbc frou ir sud urging the dguty cf thc Goveramec lu tIsa promu"c.\ --is a latter ta il navapape-e, Mn. 4aidlav points cu, s opMr. Halsicu Sud, tià lbc piratentlPacifi Ilailvay, sumeme bas beau plannas-ii theb intea-eslcof the. Province cf Quabec Leansi ha Suant that tIse Ontaio lins -nmet hea asisteS so as ta seure a ar t cf thae Local traffie. -This, va believe n the peoýsle of Ontario are antilleS t 0 demaud. By tIse means proposeSl,l asays, bise Dominion Goverurusut au about Le baia ur resources, and- appi. tbem with aliberai baud,unt tcth, amengat bbce.revenue yiahdingpcpmls taon cf this Province, but for bbe pus ose cf Siverting lthe tnade cf tlb a orth-West from aur centrea cf busi nes; anSdunaircting upon Montreai1 vat business vbicis vi» l era abs Cityit Our- axpans. The lina proaesayn Mm. Laidiaw la 110 more entiblesi ta be callad a sac ticu cf tIse Placifie Bailvay than ani 0the Nontheru, the Midlansi, anS othe: ,tnailvays vith terminu ou Luise Huron. aTIse Dominion contracta asivertisei v ena basaS upon tan thcusausi dollar, eper mile (casha), tvanty thousand acrel ct f lanS par mile, anS an elasbic amoun c f bonds upon vbich four par cent. vaà le be plaiS.- Applying this sBysteru c finance Le bbc line froua Ottava ta tis mentIs cf tise Frenchs River, ycu cai asec tt iIIL onî heur fruit, be succeas afnl, anS soeurs theo salisfactory constris Lieu cfbise railvuy, visilu tise ues tibeiulity cf tha Province cf Ontario s( fan bas beau limiteS Le a grant cf fouï thousand lolla-s par mile (in bye iu portant casas, thbc-Victoria, und bis Kingston anS Pombroke Railvuy tb c brea thonsand dollars pur mile) foi construction tbrougis a similur countny Tise bye pelicice, a tise mesnts wil acon shov, Siffca- vidcly.-- My impres. sien is, thaI lima Provinces cf Ontaric anS Qucbec ebonîS eaeh, lunLthe viciait' cf bbc proposaS ruulvay, graul foui blicusunfi acres cf iand per mile in theli rarspactad Provinces, anS bisIthe De. 1minion Goveament aboula grant a -cash enbsidy of eigist thonsunil doilari .pua- mile, togatse- its a emaît gueran. tee, sufficieut t eua-atisa sala oi enusugis bonds Le cover bbecacait cf ires asi rolliug stock. TIse Dominion Gev. ea-nimanf,Seing ibhis, vould finS ilseli va'Y 'al,able le afford tise guerantaE of a.s..ilpua- cuntuge upon thisea-e bonds cf lise lime aecessary te couueci tIse frentia- vitIs tise ean portions co ibis province. I ihiuki some suela adjustmant cf the question bant caîculated ta Becure bbc mesûlte songht for by botIs the Dominion Govea-umeut anS by tIse people cf tîuiu Province, a nev monte ta bhe North. WesL anS bise Bthement cf the Province cof Ontario soutb cf tIse Ottava und Frenchs rivera. Very streng, anS veny luflucatial Se- putebione have vuited upon btha Gev- ceramant frein lis cilice of Quabac, pressing their scisame. Well ey muy, anS if.nc prbte s sSle, tIse Miuistry May assume tise appa-oval cf theirplicy by biais Province. Tis aut biaig tisai the people cf bluis Province diS net ap- pruieud thc adoption of sncb a policy. Witm refea-enca ho a lme frein Caria- Ion Place Le Pua-a-y Seund, visicis couid, by ne stretcis of imagination, ba cillai a section of Lise Pacufic Itaitvay, il lu stilI moea bjectionabtc as cuttiug tise Province live ioengtisvise, anS seur- iug- Le Monta-cal a latitude of eperations vîuicis vould conta-el ail nontis cf il, anal vimicis ventS liit oua- trading relations te tIhea-a-ritoa-y sentis cf Monta-cal lina. WAare enLitiaS Le bava our a-ritvayu butit northi andi south te bning ont upor oua- luie ponte3, and upon tise bovus or tise linoa -of tise Grand Trunk, in Ontario, bbe business cf tise intenior. I tîsink tLie Dominion Govenxunt eutitlad te a cousiderable latitude as te biseir gameral poliey lu regard ta bise pâoie varks nec'assury in the otber Provincas,bnt as tîue culargement cf tise canal nysten io in tise interasta cf tise commerce cf thse Dominion and cf mo direct benefit taebisa people cf Ontario, sud as bthe Govea-amaut pelicy viblu re- gard taebisa Baie Verte C amui anS otisex vorks ilu-the Lever anuS'Western Prov- ines !has beau ver liberul, and ne grumbling bus enamad, some conaiden. ation shoulsi hbovu ie h ais thut and bis last Says. A a-emerkabla papar on "lDe Witt Clinton as a Politicien", givasusea ebrikiug accouaI cf tbisa ag- cuisni oxistiugbetvaenAmeican sates- men. Tise oditorial departimcuîs are espeeiully full and inîeresting. HovW SEnisOax v may sc a splendid beasi cf halairoiîn'zicimees, oxcess- ive habon orn ngleet, thousanuls finS their bain gradnally vasting avay. Burmett's Cocoaiue vi» napair ibis vWaste. TIse Cocoaue le a panfact Hair Dressin-u promater cf the grevilsof bbc Hair-u prearation frea fa-cu ir- ritsubing malter. I; lias greul afftnity for bbc bumau sii-ii rapidly absorb- aS ansi impartailustrea'anS strangtb. Anaxaxs Luse BALsA~ux.-s bbc greal modern remady for Coughe, Cuisis, Con- suxuplion, Astis, Croup and Bren. chilis. Ib is necommeade by Physi- cida eyvhera, vIsa arc acquainteul wit is sgroal usefuluess. TRE iMOST UussppPauxuESOa lu bbc vertS la tIse Dyspeptie. Everythiug looks Semis aud giocmy; ha feha-"ont cf Borts"' vil huiself sud'everybody aise.1 Lifaiîs a burden ta Isim. This can bu ail changeS by taklgPeruvian Syrup (a potxida of.inca!.Cansscf 27 yeasft'atmig bas beau curted hy iL. SALANI) xoCosx.L','Ufr. A. Alexandier bas a pl.ontifll upply cf field ai1t; aso freasmineS cuat anniviug lu the cari. Dr. Gunu, by Mn. G. T. Smitlh sec. de ondéd by Mn. D. Botta. k. l vâaragethat the movers and ig Undo holdapafoe fve minutes Seh h pv- Liii tes.heur-minutes li . Mr. J. B. Powell ridit vas nneces. ha say forbimtanaesanytinifavor of ie Mr. Gibson. MIllkncvhim-asanold ýn reaidaut, sud anc va» fitted fer bise- *position. r. r, Hateis adb. vas gad obbar1 nt tostimouy te the remarkaioftheprcvious nt speaker. lb vas ýan -oldsi aysug that, ho" h o ia atendesi tahis ova'business uenl,w*as te lihta tusesivibh bthvuw'a 80 affaira." Ha boliesi Mr. Gibsn Re vonld fi» the office witb digmty, and, in vbilc regretbing thea cineumstances- that o, lad te.tisa rasignatian of theclata Mayor, b. vas plcaaed at the cpportuutyaof1 es plaeing Mr. Gibson lu the mayor's1 e chair. e, Mr-. McDcugall nuiupoted Mr. G. Y.1 ,o Smith ou tva groundi-that hie vas au] c ld nesident, iu evcry vay qualiesfrm l'O cheposition, sud -hasicoutestea thbbc reelection hast 3auuary; su adbhoaue cf1 Ly his acquaintance viLli thebchiool sud1 e othen lava. He czpnenn.d lais regret et thebb causes cf bbc. late ,maycn'c renigua- t ion, althongh lie sud not believa lu one peso bbc yngt office as long an "Mn. Holdan agmeesi vith Mx. Me- & Dougall's remanka. Ha Sud net visia ta aay anytbin agaimat t ha late Mayor,1 ace h aildiachanrged'bis duties- va», rbut hie îhougbt lhe sbould net have bacu a candidate at bbc laste alecLion, as iL re injuesi bbc tovn te have ils maycr nr pladnlutbb poition Mn. Greenvost vus lu. - Ha theuglat Mr. Smiths shoulai nov b.e aliovesi te go in unopponed, sud1 'Mr. Gibson-for vbem lhe haî great 38respet-uaxt yeam. He neferred ta bbc A action cf bbe counii in neferenceta la lleeusiug botlsiansd billard a-come, sud tecaugrabulated some cf bbc members qn thbb good voa-k they liaitddce, con- dmigin sta-ong termn bbe action cf vberiwhm odusiguataid as the,t "wvhiskey-a-ing."' Ha vouldilikoato heurl st Mr.Giso's ves onthse liceuse ques- vIse vould Bupportthebbc rng," and ift Mn. Smith's views on thut question wr vn nt piepea-, lie vomiS aise opposei ,0 lm. Ma-. -Siuitb gave as ]lis reuccu for p ropoosmg Dr. Guun tiat bie liasi hudteDr. vanted tbe position; und aise Iluat if a certain pua-sou van elected z Mayor thse couneil voulsi appoint ap tr police magistraLe. If Dr. Gunn werec a- tisai uppointment, andi expeuse vouid -be savesi toe ctowu.e Miè. Bette baiefly secondeS bbc nom- Sination. Ma-. Smitm witbdrew Ibhe nomination, )fuhvîng heurS tIsaILime Dr. voulid net ncensent te sandI. r Ma-. Gibson expresseS bis regret ett bbcth financial Sifficuitien cf tise haLe mayer vbich led ta his resiguation. IHa baS, unexpectedly on bis puart, buen asen ta ceme forvard, and IL vas net until fre-V )fquently nequestusi thut lbe baSt consenteS te do se. He vas nov before tbcm 4s ea candidate, and trustaS tisat lie voulsi abe elected ; if net, ha would not have any the verse feeling for thosa vise -voteS againet hlm. As ta Ma-. Holdeu'su rema-lu in refu'rence ta licunse, bise maLter vas seIlleS for Ibis year ut a meeting o the cenUcil Friday nigt ; bie voîlsîy, bovever, Usat iebu vu -opposeS to drinkiug saloons, und luie votas vhiia lu tIsa coucil some ycaa-s aga bora ont hie assertion. He laud nothing te say agaj e b other candi- dates; anS, vitb mmch bumiiity on bis *pa-t, udmitted tisai lie probubly vas tthe verst ofaise tbreu, as lbu baS paiS ne attention te municipal matons lato- -ly. Hovever, if alectes, ie ha vent serva thani as well us lae vas able, spwouid muka tisa tovn's mica-estse lov.- (Axl. ;ulilisuid Llat, undea- the cia-b cumstances, iL vould perbupe bu an * vul not te bave a contoat, as iL veuld paobabiy centre lu a potiticai fig lut. s (Mr Gtsee -N no.) Watt, lie a aS hor haut Ma-. Gibson vus cluosan us a consan-ative camons. 1He condemned a Lime mixing np of politice vutîs nnc- pal mutturs, anS voulsi net bc a party i biset veuld leaSte aunythiug cf theai( kinsl ; raaier Iban do iL, lie saiS,lho a: v omIS net bc a candidate. He con- ij agrutulabed Lime counicil on Ibeir actieuC on bbe liceneus question, ansi spoeabigh- ly cfthbc unnuern evliclu public offi- f rcars vere peaforming Iueir iduty, men- c tieuing epeelally thse psessor *ansi col-a lecter; be tbonglt tbeassesnorvan tak-u iug a rigbt step lu assing the tovu si - t its fuit value, vbicb v oulsi give us a f batter appearauce abroad. He con- a eluHdd by expransimg the hope tIsa Ma-.T Temperance Principles in Port P"r-. .s TILAVELLERS INi A FIX.c Ailalega-aini fa-cmPort Pua-ny says -- by The Dunisin Act is in full operutien ab here, lu consequence of tIse Ceuncil ni having nuiseS lthe licause fée for botcln ba and shlopa Le $125, including Govera- en ment duos, aiviaicb ail tisa latela have Gi nabelled, lockiug their Soors aguinet bisa te public ansi nailing up ilseir yards ansi lu stables, vhereby business cf ail kinde le a-i almost suspendeS, people rufusing ta bu, stay vhora bhay caunot gel accommoda- toi tien for tisair herses. 1>: lIbte frat place tIsa couneil passes we a resoîntiou ta guant enly five Isotel it I licansas instesi cf sevea, alec aeducmg un bbe numbar cf sbops to bye, ansi raising ti bbc licansea 810 oer the amount cburg-'wa cd hast yaar, which only requir-d bbc Eç Corporation seal attacheS te, make iL si lav ; but, utthbbcncxt meeting, thia a-e- ai solution vas set aside, sud finiahhy aftan tic six heurs' biard vork vith rasointiaus toi and cunten nesclubiona, not having suf-.til ficient courage ta say viose aoutS be on stnuck of tbey agneed toi licensa bbc lat visole cf tha applicanus, aud raiesetIse du fac ta nearhy sdcuble vhat il vas lait Yý year, vitis the nesmît above mentionei. nec IL la nov numoured thut the Counzdl a inteusi eractiug shede tae accomunodata nui bise tra'vdlmg public lu tbc Town Hall th( lot and raxing au botl in the halltcul itaclf. ail Commerci al ve~iers hava beau mc turnusiqo th bbcbls d r ee' « - pri cd te raeturni vitistheir samples ta trp Wlutby. This le aometbiug lika kllig i thse gosaIbte goIdcuýeggs.S« glu Àau intluebcStLtes Who vas topp. ne sa £ ra tu h Sl a 41.. .4K,.Aw I i h 'M msore vu puneunsen as seau as tne fuarda cf thseconry;,wi»permit. TIse prieof, therifles le $vc opounda heu shillings. Thea ameunt cf paySan lu store la 200,000 pounuls. ' Tise lobbing lumis asesbas mtibeau va» taken. gare a1 Tue Active Mililla numben 42,128 ; Bnarva Mlitia, 700,000. TIsane arc 1§ FiltSBatteries, 6 cf vbici ana alnieaiy anmedvils tise mont à pa ve mcv raflaSdafieldgun. , - Tise- guuury neboclsat Kilngatoan d Quebec arc pnaised for their eflciency. Ha recoin- menda that the district staffe isaoulsi ouhy bc appointed, for dive yeanr. Tise large isuan r cf persans vils military bibles Ibounbout the Dominion à e de.' Fa-eated. Tise Kingebon Militsry Col- lege viliprove cf great u, sud wilI produce s scientifle chas c fcflo. Town Council. A aipacial meeting of the cauneil vas heli hast IFniday evauimg ; prenant-tse reeva (inthe chair), sud Mesr.Harpan, Fenguson, Hatoh, Ring, Pbilp, Btov, Thcmpson, Fairbanks. TIse reeve explalued IbattIsa objeet cf tIse meeting ta vas baise action in refer- ence ta bbe licensing snd neguhabion of billiard roonin reference ta vhicb a petition baS been prenanteS. Theca-rk mehd bisecpetitiouvbicb van signeS by about uinaty pannons. COMMEsxCUL aseLe. On meticon cf Mr. Thonipson, bbc nama cf John P. Taylor vas adula ta bIsa ticanse by-lav as proprietor ef bbc Commercial hotel. BLAamDxuBOOM51. - Mn. Thompnen introsineesi a by.lav Le licansa andi nagulabe bittiard rocins. lu committea af Lise viole, Ma-. Kg in bisa chair, bbc malter vas Siscusaad ut soe lengts. Licensas vare fixaS aI $40 per table, a large advanca on tise chsarges cf luet yeua-; Ma-. Haleis enidonvouresi te put Up tise hiceuse ta $60 pur table, and gave cxuggeaaeS figures of tise raccipha cf billard roome, vluicis vere sisavu te bu ubesmrd. Tise hou- cf closing, on motion cf %a-. Tixonpsan, vas put ai elevan o'clock ; Mm.- Hatelu movadl in amnundment, fer 9:90, but found ne supporters. Gambling, pool-pluying, &., are pa-obibited, undur a peanalty cf $20. Youtiss are net te ha alleuveS play or frequent tise roome, if insta-uc- Lions by thiir parents or gnarilians are given te bbc contay. Ou motion cf Ma-. Harper, tisa reeve vas autisorized, in consaqueuca cf Lise resignatien cf Lise mayer, ho sig he ueeessa-y certificates for licenses foa- sisops, botets, anS billiard a-coma. TUrE BLACK L18T. On motion cf Mn. Hutois, tIse Trous. urar vas instrucled te ravise tisa list el persens in arra-canafer taxes, anS place il Safoeathle cennoil st ils naît meeting Mr. King prasanted tise report cf tht conimibtue, wviieluecomniended puy. nient cf thue uccoUnts of John Blov, $31.75, anS B. & J. Camipbell, $2. Tise neoet vas adoptaS. Cesiocil adjouned unhil lSts March. Northern Cornespaudence. tAKN COUCEICIING OToEL. Extensive arrangements are on tsu tapais for tise impa-eevant cf bIais fiou buildin,vhicisis situad in Invermara on lise Long Point, vbics excuedsoui mbt lime '¶ila-uuy" o? Canada, oppo. site tise tovu cf Orillia. Tis adadition osf voneLian blinde te tise sautlî wing lu spoken ef. This, indeeuS, vould adi greably te tise constant anS produce s plcaSing effe o te s eya on approucs- ingr tIsa Isotlfrein tisapretty anSn- ique raiivmy station ou thea Munisoka aud Midîn Railvays, viiisnt this locaiity are ooly a fev yards apart,vits couveniant plutforme cennacbiug. TIse 'rouinds, ta visicb, nature lias been lavisu in lier gifLa, ara te undergo sev- oral important changes, anS vhuerc satura is Saficient, art is te accompliss, under the supernuteadance cf Mr-. GooS- ali, lansiscape gea-Senur, vIsavill, ve cael sa;urcdl,hasuccasual lu meeting Lise lesires cf tise Dlrectany lu tisarespact. T'ha green bouge lu veil' vortsycf a visit as iL is nov stockeS vitb large luanlities of fiever sud vagatable plants, bulbe, &o., AU lu a Mont Iseaibhy condition. BaveraI cottages, nica vil- uas, &c., are, iL 15 saiS, te bu erucead aleug tis main avenue, wviiciiss î et a salle long. A neat clissa-h is aie cou- tomplabed for bhe eonvaniance cf guesbn, n fueL Ma-. F. W. Canibeand, M.P.P., wili louve noblaiug undone Le nande- bhis lotel bisa nosl eIserming, pictu- osque, anS Alla-active sumar rasent lu bue continent. MIcLANCIIOLY ACCmEinT.-Last Friaiay one cf tisa most painfut accidents that it ies hencur duty te record for some mc, took plae in Cardan, within tha-ec miles cf Young's Hotel on bise Moncks RouS. It appars tIsat on thea day nuentioned. Ma-e. Donald Giebnist and lersikster-iu-lav, Ma-s. Dunean Gilcislt, witIs boa- byechiltiren vare Ltravellinsg hlong theua liway te a neiglîbouring farin in an cx sea, Liseir respective uusbends valising a fcv a-caleln thse ar. Unforbuuateiy us hey passeS 'cueutîs a ta-eu ibat liaS een caugisl lif fellesi last aulumu n guet of vinS bhock il iihsunobviolence s tecause ts Sislodgmnu. il fuil upen tis eaigis, Ftikin- lbÃ"itlathevoman, smusising Lise Blaigis, but forlunataiy net injurin" tise bhilda-an. Dr. 'Ramsay, cf Oailllu,\u nmaedistely sent for, vise,acconipapbld py Dr. Stewart, arrivaS at Lis. place %bout ivo e'clecs cn tise fdilavanc meruing. Mn. Dunc'an Gilabrial, thougfi badly bruised about tishe s sud shouli- nsa vas net seriously hurt. Mrn. Donald tilcilt, on-bhe oSher l'and, vafond holave received sncb savane minjuries as a reuder Isar lunmll probabiluiy s baS- idSun cnipple for life, if not suf.5cieul s prove fatal. Han akuillvas laid harè liste citent cf suvaral incIses, thasealp ding frighbfully haceruad, iera bacSc 'as go bruiBeu l Sweoltea as ho nendca- timpossible te dateol, the spinal col- mmn, anSabIse vbole cf tise lever por- Ãon cf Lb. body, from tbIe niha Soya- vadS, vas eempletehy- paralyzes.- gvery effort that medical ski»l coulsi 'ugget vas applied vithiout henefit, iS, asfe u va ea crn, har couSu- ený l hlookesi upea by hon madieul et- uSdantesa higbiy cnitical. To mais, be matr saudaer, Ma-a. Gilcbniet baSl muy arrivaS uamengst han basbanul's ne- btivas in Canada ounbisa provius Mou- Iy, haviug taft ber litle onea lu Nov torS BLute tbi Ibeir future bornevuas audy fortSens. Tise accident has cant Sfeeling cf ganei-al gicen aven the uigisbourbooid and maay frecI7 censure sose lu charge ef tSe bighvays for ripuhia negleet of tisair Subies, ilutSus lovwing these man-brupa ta romain cutis afbar mombb cadangcring bIse Soperty, tise limbe, anS She livas cf the rvelars. We certaiuiy thinis, cousiS- lang the unbar and fataliby ofbbcose ecidau te, at mr c seticura- irdane ilan maltera isulda ers -dnte fe oundry;, ana onl tac auner saute, bey muleis cuBreak St. ut, tie expense of ise'tavu Sauths babaeTevu Hall? The ssme a t6 Byrous anaud e iecete unt*antSudsuls cf Dundas stiree. * *a Ycisn, & 'Mercis Srd, 1875. Whithy sud Part i11erry. Railivy Ex.- tension., * A voua> aai i raas OT. Ta the Editor of thie WhMmjClroalde. Borne viseacra lu bissenSdc bIse ccunty va-ole te au Onillis piper abat yaur directony sud -the pramotere cf bbc extension of P. W. & P. P. Bail. woul vmSbe scouteSd a civesi tasisaver cf rotten eggs sisouils bbey, make application for assist- ance lu ts construction. 'AUl I can sap la Ibat this specimno f Old Fogyleni, vise rasides, I balieye, in bbc vicinity cf Beavertan, dsce ualby -auy means ne- present tise inteligence cof tisaI village cm bise tovnshsip cf Thonsis. If bise an- eouraguug remuia-ha sud expressions cf oiinenunciated on savonal Occasions b Ma.C. Robinson, J. P. Beeve cf TIeris be taisan an anybblug liso ap- pnoacising an index taelIse stale cf feel- ing vbicis animaLes the rulepa ca-s cf that tovnshsip, it telle a fan Sifferent stary. Tssa' gentlemen vIsa arc- in- lerasteS lunexteudimg thc Whitby -anS Port Pana-y Ruilroad cugist te go ta vors vitis a viii, debarminasi ta an- conntar anS overcome ail obstacles un- til bis, moud Laps Graveaburat ut oe peint aud Orillia anS Geca-gian Bay ut or naa MiStanS iya - anobiser ter- minus. Uuiby mmandantesi parever- auce eau effeet vcndoa-s. LaI tsein slaev more energy in tisa premises aud not bu daetera-ad by trifies. Your correspoudent -cen assure tise peo f Wisitby anS bue SountiaL to"r years thisluabitants cf Mura ansi Ramna bava beau anxiousiy leeisingfoa-- verS t hoie poriod cf direct maiiway communication vitIs thisas-counLy bava, unS if meetings vara conveneS and tise prpit hflavixsg a a-oaS built pa-opar- Iy anSdlucialy explained, I bava ucl tise sligisteet isusitation in sayiug tIsai a liSerai anS ganea-nus bonne voul bu given b7 Mura andsRilla. Iaun, peur - Oba dieut serrant, A RAILWAY MAN. Ma-a, 22nd Fais., 1875. Ruina, Feis Lts, 1875. it Council mat ut Fenhon's RoQtai, Y, Moncis aoaS. Ail presaut excpt Ma-. Maiony-Tise Reuve in tise chair. Minutes cf tise iset meeting rau ansi Sapprava. Petition frein Win. Havanun present- aS anS nead anS laid over for furtisar e consideatien. Tiseimie fou'-f1nishiniug Lie collactiug o? tisa taxes anS delivuring up lise Col- Iactoa-'s a-ol vas fuatser oxtenaled te tbc lut March noît. Tise felloving pea-sons venu exempt- oS fa-cm paying tise Sog tex cf hast a year: Jordan Witdman, Joisn Symon- aton, Joon Blair, Philip Dwyar, Patr-icis aGettinge, and James McPbiersou. iL A iy-lav vus thscuinta-educad te han- tishe number o? tuveru licensas te 'be grantesi in Ibis Mnnicipallty for tise en- aunug licseeaar, unS giving ftisea- jmeunt tl e apaiS exclusive of flic Pro- vincial duLy. 'By-lav vas defurreS un- ii next meeting. In consaquencu cf tisa Conneilcf Marc ansi otisea tovnsisaving lavi- scd ne lax on doge fer tIse ast yea, tIsa 1Council unaaimnousv raser Sv thut tisa 3 Asseasor fer this luiiality for tIse 1presenb peur, bu instruelesi ta ciempt ait Soga, &c. A chaque vansldrawu bu favea- cf James MoDanniobt, jun., ex-Rouve, for $4, expanses suaveS Itim for attonSing, as Selegata cf tblutws hvip, bbc Port Parny Extension Ruila-oaS meeting, ut Canulmgtau, ounbIsa lotis ultime. Councit adjourised. Rama, Mousiay, Fais. 15, 1875. Coundil met nt bhe Lcugford Hatl. Ahl prenant. Tise Reeve 'in tIse chsair. Non-Residauts Sebiool Rate hbis, secs. 1No. 4 sud 5 prescutad. Ameunin - 6Sec. 4, $26; Sec. 5, $21.98. Ordarei ta ha ad. Aud itea-s Report presautedl ana moud, nsavwing a balance cf $28.50 lu fuvon of Traua-r, vbich vas aSapted. Cheques vene than dravu if favor of itIse AuSiIca-'n, neveu dollars escis, TIue rusigatien of Esivard Lav- rence, Townshi(p Tramsa-r, vas accept- Couneil rusumed in Conimitteir cf tise Wîuola tIse by-law for lbuiting lise nuni- ber cf tavea-ns te Se iicansec-'lu lIis Muuicipaliby for lise ensuiug icausa puma- .efoe araut hast meeting. Thoreuvo mayas tisatisae fia-st blanis lu tise by-luw for llmiting lIse numbun of taverneS e filleS vils tvo. Ma-. MeNulty moves lu ama'udmcnb bluet four bu subetituted instead of two. -Lost, anS tIse original min n aarieS, tisa Reeve., Maessa. Maisony undS len- îring voîing in faver. Ma-. Hua-ring nioveS that $35-0ba tue amout ta be paiS by auci in ex- cusa cf Provincial Suty, wvi.icb vas aise eau-rieS. The by-lav as nev ameadeul vas passaS. A by-lav vue ahso introducad anS paseed appebnting tise offlaes for the current yeam as follova:- Tisomas Me- « DcamaLt, Treasurar; Jamas Healin, Aseson ; James TaIsany, Collctr; Benjamin Heipisins, Licensa Inspecter. Petitiona frein tha fohîoving, requcat- iug havera liceasas for tIsa ensuiug 1- cause pesa-, vere racaS: Thoemas Lav- rance, -Longea-S Hotei, Rama aoaS; Alexander McAnl'ay, Nortiser Hotel,a Ruanaracd ; Wzn. Havenea-, BalaoaS Motel, Ruiaa-osaS. TIssuCouneil 'inatrotesi tIe Licanse Inspacter, ta inspeot tlb. ôisns anS premisas cf tS. applicants and report- nt neit meeting.- Mr. Harriug mevesi, secondeS hy- Mn. 1,hony, thab tIse ate Treanna-r Conci l Itbcoiss anS documentsa bis possession behcuging ta tis corpor- ation. Ceuneil adjoumuasi until Monday, Muris lot, bison ta meel at bthe Long- fend Hotel. - ATTACE oas BmsuA.-SVe'RsucFeesma-t INc.-Suvan hbttlions of Carlistesaîheis-a eS Bilbao on friSa7. After a vigercue bemberdineni hhey muSe an msunît ou* forts Puante Nuero sud Aa-bolanoisa,a vIsichwveu aisen andS retahan Ibree imes. Tise fightiuug van despaal on t bath-aidas. Tise Cerliose ve finelly repulsed., Tise lens st oI150 SuleS andi vonasi.TisaAlfensats suh'sa- quntly attacised bhe carliste lu thair eutnencIsmeubs and vaeeluntumai repais- i aSeils thc lana of 200 bileM d &5 POteL y her *ve ment, teUOwie down tihe inlenasbé and crédit cf Cana., Sa in thesaEngliis Press, but il va'ne. prehensibta for Mr. Jenlrins te aay aniy. iiig respactiig bbc publie afiairs cf canada. Mr. Pape SanieS. that Mn. MeDang. ail, vIil the emplcy cf the- hale Govemumont, baS 1ntîan articles lu bbc Tory papelas cf mEnglanct. He- vaail Deumna t bbeblancOf bis, fait cf the late Government, and if ho vas emphcy. cd lu 'Londonlb wun by tIse present Gove nnnas his tinse baSexpireS. T.X à , 1ne vere oiuie'd vilsaua amondlment movesi -by Mn. Hotes ",That this Housa wi hecalysa"Mt ýte any measure proposeSl by tIse Gev- ,*rnenbta oencourage tbise asîlemeut et itibve Canadiens nov living; lu the UniteiStaten, ofi tIse, aste shlansis'of tise Dominion.,,' Modlay nigIst, Mr. Mbils brougisi forvard bis motion for bbc re-organa zatian af tIesaBnale, gs o make tise mambere cf tIsaI body élective by ,ths people. Tise motion vas unexpectealy ca-niaS vwitisout anytIsing lise a lenglis. enesi discussion. TIse vote staod 77 to 74. Tisa fllhoving are tbbcrésolution anS bbc vote: Regolved-That the préent mode cf enstibubing tIse Senate la incensistenn vils bbc Faderai- pinoipie iii car syna tam cf Govarnment, maken tIsa Senalu alika insiepandeut cf tIsa people sud the Crovu, ansi abat car constitution eugbb bo bh. se amendeS an ha confer upon eccisProvince tbc pover cf select- lug ils ovu ScissIon, and ta Sefine bbc mcde cf their séection. YÂ-ess.Archibald, fier-n fla-tise BechaBeranierBlake fBourassa ,bovaa Cmbl.CaraufeaselCaat, lu.Caacy, ChevalChna-eh, C0kurCouaCusing, Davson DeCommoeoa-0,'De St. Gacrees, g, 0 Panls.Pyns oar, bGaitau GlbsunGaFeic0an , aea rci. e- ion, Huntlngln, Itng, Jee , 0'dn, Klllasu Lufl amina, Loi r 1 ajoie, Lundea-rnMuefen- naSa aInvea-nass)a. osD u l(Eag), Mucean- xe (Lunilten), Macuteuzie oMnta-el, Muelon. nue, Mccianay, Mefleugail (Bunfrevi, VMcm- tyro,-Molssue. McEay (Colcheaster-), Metale MLIIs, Mess. Oliver, pua-soell IStier, Pouleot pewrPozer,BiOebua-d, Rlies(Midlesexa, Rsce (l'a-Inc Edwua-da, L n, Rynal, Schuelz. Seni- ver, Shblly, SliulCr, SimilIs (Peel), SII*lP, 11-2»e-11. Tsceeau, Ta-mbiuy. Ta-w, Ye und Yug* Toali.77. NAvaý. - MasBos. plab), Aylmer, Baby, Bara-arn. Saggur, laîn, Boa-dca-, flu ]Bruse, ]Brown, flunselsa, 1Besa(St. John), flua-pue <Seabur>'), Cumaron (Cardwe a rB.o-n, Cuigaan. Cauchon, Clunon, CoMn, Costigamu Cuariar, Desjardins. Dunuvlii, Farrow, Fura-is, Flasher, Forban, Fa-aser, Gaudal, Gllbasea Geudga, ,-acenway, Mail, Ma-wod, Kia-k Lantlsa, Litlea, iMsm, Maseen,- MîCul. ua, Miacdoalud (Cusae a-ten), MoLeod, Me. Qud, Mitcheil, meffat, Moeti, -Meeseau, Mura-y, Ciaton, Ouimast, Pl'amer, Pua-ay, lie (Dur-ham Ruleau, Seutcherd. Skinsiel, Sut- der. Stephenson, Taibaundau, Thompeen (Car- thue), Tlsempson lMaldimund), Thsomson (Wal. land), Wallaca (Albert), Wallace (Nerfoiki, White, Wood, Wrightl (Ottawa)., Wright (l'on- liai). Totli 74. Tisa resolution vue considarad in committaa anS afttr discussion lbe ceux muttec rose, rupoa-ted progresa, anS ob- LainaS leave te Bit again naît Monday. Tnasduy, tlue Ministar cf Justice brougisb in a bill bo amand this w un- dan vicitisa Meuntasi Police cf bbé NortLh-West vus cousbibuted, ta give the effleer greuter pover- ta puniab bresebes cf idiseipline. Ma-. Fourniar inta-oducod a bill ta a- gnlate tise salaries cf tha Ccuny Ceuni Judigas of Nova SeLla. 1-. Tise Honsa Lisnwen auto bcemnittes Of Snppfly, visun save-atl cf the. estiates voeuconsiulencd, Sebates haklug place on varieus items. Prograse vas re- portaS, ansi tIsa liuse vus adjom'nad ut 12: 50 niiduighb. Tcrihle Scene ln a CathoIic Cisuacis- tise Roc? CrusheS in--Several-per- sons KilleS anS InjureS. Ou tIse eveniug cf Use 251h tIsa con- gregaticu of St. Audrav's Ciuurcli, on Duan streat, cerner cf Cipy Hall Plae, New York, vene assembleS mL vespars, visics were Seing pelebrateilSp byte Rev. Dr. Carroll, cf -St. Stepiseu's Cîsurelu, The cisu-cîis us n'efilleS, She congregatien for bbc uneet part con- sistiug cf vemen anSd ililda-an. AS- jaining tis elt cinr are tis a re valîs cf SIsav's ca-eciseay store vbicis vas humneS a fev dapa aga. TIse higs vinS vbich pa-evai, its tbe-heavy rein storm, balleraS agamsb Sesaaunprotacta v&ull, anS about eighL o'clocs, or short- ly atte-, tIsa veut vall gave vury uSer tse immense aIrain on iL, anS vaut usrushingtsa-ugs isaebu-aisraot, over vhiebIagIt tpplad, falling on bbceuest gshlery prlucipally, vIsicb at tselins, vua cnovded vits peoplc, hilling saine anS inaiing otisers. Fortnately tisa gallery vibstocd btue severe sisocis, otIsenvisa bhe Ionsscf life vomiS bave beau mucs greaten. A punie neizad tise conga-egation, ansi ahI, as with cne impulsa, muSe muvolnntarily for tIse doors hike a pack of frigbtenilsi seop, trumpling deva tise veaken anS yng- an pansons. SoaineofbIse cenga-egation, venu seized viLS fa-igiI, anS manp fa- maies Sacunia uncenscieus ansi fill acusalesi vIsera Lisay baS beau standinig in tbair puys. A requad cf police unS fia-amen wveniekiy on bise spot, anS runderoS valuabla assistaceailaremcv- ing h bIse SaSanSdslyiug frein unsier- neath ts a Lbrie. The -ambulances froua bie Park: Hospital anS stretcees frein lie neuneel stations verelIsurried ,e the ecene, and tise injureS venu taken ta tisa Park Hospital, vhila lise donS venu eitlîer nomoved hoe Iheir bouses on ta tIsa Morgue. Report cf thse Minister o? Agriculture. -Th'le report of tise Ainista- of Agnlnl- tu-c sisos that nuL se manp imamigrant setiers caine Le Canada las 1874 as in 1878. Iu 1878 bisera venu 50,050, vlîile lu 1874 only 39,873 uarivaS. TIse saIt- Ianà cf 1874 vee, isoveven, cf a nie suitable dues s an lumaay peurs pre- vionsl7, heze Seing an unusual nuniher cf ugrucullural luboea-as. Tise uien cf immigrants arrivaSl viatise Unitesi States, us astimated by tbc entvies of itettlérs' geode ah tise Custaom Hanses eioug tise froutier vus lu 1878, É,971. visile in 1874 iL vas 1,411. TIse tatal expenditure dxnug lise peur for immni- ga-aticu service, ut home aud ubroad, in- clnding quaanatina, vus 1181,418,- agulnet #881,57J. In She Patent Bureu bie business cf tise- Departaient bas donhled vihin bye yeurs; l,249.palants vera lasucul Sariag 1874-528 te residonle in Canada, 48 te resiants lu Englaud, 665 te ho nesidents of bise Unitecd States, 3 in France, 2 lu Garmunp, 410n Auetria0l in Switzerlaad unS 1 in Chili. TIse report le dateS ta HEAvy DAuxAcEs AcAnieT Monmxes RusBssxas.-Judga -Moeaudecides la tisa case cf Ana EliÈý Yo6uug'a applica- tion for divorce anS -alimnouy tisI bbc shal a-ecivc8,000 uttomay's face sdn $500 par ments pending thc trial, thc- elimony te date foxu thc filingcf the' compluint vhith s eabout tventy unontho tige. Jmdge MeKeun ca-Sens tIsaI vithsa ten Sape froxa thc service' Bnigiai Young shall psy $3,000 attor- acys' facez,anS lu tvauby clape froin service 09,500 alimony. -BnigisanaYoanis anotet c nivua. ý 1 A Pisiladelphi h Sep tesatlethat about fou anaile udfactoris em-n pieying eailchivaly over 4,500 Isaunrs, have suspendeS vans on account of tise floodsin uhbbcScismytiittRiver. An nsuccssfml lover vas aseS by vIsaI meung bebaS lea0t bis SiVli4iy. "Aan"eriS ie, "I flatteraS han sntil she galbeo prend te apeak binme.", "Can yon run?" asked a boy cf a Wbibby ufficer who' baS anrested bina. iSÀe a case," vas bbc neply. "Tison. chase me," suiS lise boy, andi off ha vent. Last nigist wslittie beforo 8 o'elock,,. Officens Boveur sud Sehsack sas bye men lacok into the hovel and Cain1e ont agalu lin an instant, Ini a few moments a vaonr coillaining tvo, men, drove up babae doon and stoIspesi. Theè officars, vbo vere accreted lunbiseilban bisahe adjoinig, iscard on~e of tise mena say, "Bc pa little ùmore." -Tissa' n=au vIsavwas in tise barnscae ont', ugigti a barrai, visiciso a"- S t iI f somabhiug beavy. .- Bobercasek im- i meaiately grabbed i bn, andi a seuffla f eissued, whicbnaesultedinthse overtbrow af tise barre]ý and out roleS bise nuised t cie of a manabout 85years of aga. ho party visa bad eecnmaipa1- e tnghe horrible burdon rew a ' tl ansd fineS aven his nbolder aI bise cflcr, Visa o lla suit anad £reS bye abats, -as ha saya, into his bacis. About this e imea a van, vise ocoupieulthsanusay inl front cf fisc bais, rau ont te see visat va going ou, and ai ssagesite gel fbalveen the efficen andi bbc man bolsor- t ug the formernta sncb an exbentst a 4 his pnisoner 'encapesi and trau uvay. 0 Officen Shasckswaa afraicI cf iittiug bbc 1 veman, so hosa ia not use bis revelver rl ho gocd aSvsubagc. - r Iu tis easubime Officer Boyau vas 4 aften tIsa driver, vis amsped from the a vagon, made a au ttiisg-remaris ta the policeman, sud thon teck ta bis huea sanS rau accros sà vacant lot, closeole puranesi by the oficer, ise-fired. Lvcsa ots alIsim, one taisiug ifeot -lu his loft vrais, sudtIsa other iatise- deshy goti c f bis night leg, near tisa thigh, et blle passi g cean tbroagh, sud c=ig ot on tIsa oser aide. Not- vi csan g hie vonss, bisa fugiLiit rau four blocks ah greab speeS, vIson ho felt Soya upon tIsa greunsi mmd uy tisera, vhou Officar Bovan came up sud teck hlm pa-isonca-.' Tise vonded paisoner vas. asco#ed 10 bIse station, visere ha gave luis utmg 1as George Siii St. Louas. In u ntnerview, ha shahad ho tIse re- porter thab ba kuev nothing cf bIse inature of the buisuasha vas èugaged is. It vus hie first expérience cf bbc kind; havwas reeently frein St. Louis; - iad ne empîcymant, sud vas rady ho do almeet anytbing for puy. Ho baS beunmet by bye mon, a day oa-tva ago, on bisa street, sn ud askieS by hIsem if ha vanled a job, telling him btat hey baS oeafer him of a confidential nabture, if bu dSireS b aceeptit1. HaReâseS tIsei visat puy haé.vouïa recaive,_ sud tbey bolS him, bbey vould puy bixa 11h. eirahly, but he»'ýsust kaep Rmn."H fiually agreasi ta do Iheir bidding'., aTIse raporternenat expresseSaa sire to sua tIs a euSbodies, sudabIsa cificer 0teck bina ta a eIl, bioh vas ulced, 8 anS tIsa represeutative anteea. Tisare 8 a hsorrible sigIsL met isis gaze. Four barnels shtood upon bishe f cor c f tise -spatment an the fora cf a. square, anS t e mysterlous loeking parcel iay sipon tIse faon eat tise- furihea- euS. TIse oel v as but poerly-ligisted, yct by bbc aid a cf matches anS igisted, bits cf papîer, e acapital job cf pacising vus Sisclosed. lu2 tise four hurrahs vera crowevdaiusmamyz hunian ferms-tvo men, oua voman,. anS a sflll boy. Tisa hatter vas a par--- feL sisaheton, asd boiseS as theagis b. baS been vasteS Isy diseuse before ha bu (lied. -AIU tIsebodies vare lunbIse beet cf condition. Strebcbad4upon bbc floeca, envalopesi in a buffalo 67cbe, vas bisa coapsa cf a voman, 'very ach - leuteS, ansi somevhab daconiposed. Il la beliuved'Iis is atIse body cf biahe mun vise vus frezen bo Seah u pon Lise Bridgepor-t prairie a short âmbe cge. -TIsa bodies varu al naised, vith bbe ex- ception cf tisa bay anS bva vwomun, viso liaS on stocisinge. But tisatthbey vera nett he of pauperg vas msuifesb ffrcm tSe fact thba numerons articles cof 1clolluiug vame feuns inuthe huai uclose proximity ta tisa bodles, cf a kimd net founsi npou tIsa pean. Thse had cf bise maviso relleS cut cf bisabarrea tbseocutset cf the affair vas Seaplygashasi in a number cfplqccs,. as if by sanie sharp instrument, sud the face andS baS vre covered vit l hces. Saverai pick-axes anSdBIsovels vere aiea fonud An investigation lias commenceS. BoasUS TO CASADA ; CENs'uuai--tis Tovu Council cf Pembroke have- agreeS ta aubinit a by-hav fer à a grant cf $715, 000 ho bbc Canada'Central ,Raâltvay Coinpassy,-fan the completion cf bise nouS Le Pombroke. Brava o-a Tise' CÂas.-Thec deay'- cf trains lu cenaacjffncu cf tisa obstruot-_ ions- causaS Sbbc ae nouf bckada pro- Suces ethar results than mon tempor. ary luconvenianaeita pssengans. TIsa train visicis left OilIlia ut 12: -8 yeater. day unS arrivaS thora ut 12 toe-day a- ceived an addition ta -ils passeugera,