d at are , orma *Ing lte nortb ha 1 0uoémision of the rho mil i. exceelat altivà tion. TIji.ii the eounîy, andim [ire.1 ~ t in 011- Toronto, lti Sept., 1871. 80 kti, ]3UBN 8 8TILL ALIVE 1 luptiosi that d>,i 1-. Ofbonu. thas ,s A"KD ELLINCI faitw les.fom nd udth tbOOTS 'AND. SHOES1 sinit4 naus, 1 ýeirt-ffg. CHEAPER THAN EVER, - At thas raa. s50g5 t yort Who tas une dollar nd twesity cets vin-got r Pottpdfor a pa. es ru,"age peald IM DAZL t BII.-A-ÃŽisa. our.page nes-. str f wn5*eit o inu Rai fly oieu- i .AUth nwsfor à >Iets y à ÀIsQeag-X IS e0. ofIiatt"oJri $.ib eordm Bo~ It onsad 14Y tiile:"Port Whitby aour Company" that so- long as tises, ut flv. tgokhïoider#hokUdi gtitietine tmi ëtock o he Cm=m 1h, annuai no 0 ai dteton - aI'n t9 b. heMa be secasaâmonday 9Decmmberltu euch 0 very yest mter tue fie-i shaU bibaby a Ideaato awitizg on te books aCopst De k»M fr that purpoSe, deA 00 eomauY's IOeceop xthe ~41Vor torAT TEE OLD STAND, EROCX.ST, jWHNJITBY, ONT. Wbitby, sept. le, 187t. -8 s8ELLING OFF.- tite Store on Brock-St., next door narth of Mr. Honck, (irocery, A quantity ai ai Goodla IaielY imparted from Englancl vWi b. sld at Whaiesale Pe-ceî, conslsting of Double flroaclh.loading Fawiing placees nd ,Rifles, 2 Revolvers and Amamiâition Loale-rs, Rtecappers, Sheile, W»and esu enrs; 2 Ladie' very fine Dianond Ringo, 18 carat, 10 - 1-carat Gold Geni Rtnn&w, net, lu roai sapphire, enerald, OPuli)oal amthys, ruy an- 'arnef s, 6 12 Aetsa af goid ulmrt sinds, 6 goadsignet rings, *Itit a qnantlîy af rosi Wititby jet Bar-rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Breast-pins, and sets ai Shirt Studs. Uah a quantify ai Plated and Vulemift Jewellery Paint hlrashea' Rue Straps n,-SOW80cara, hetlna MOaI Shawis, Yak La B, Seins, Machine lAttachments, a niew Wanzer Se0w!ngMa che, Ud many ather articles, The whoi. muaI b. aold off in ton or twelve days, and bargaina may be expecfed. IWhitby, Oct. 14th. 42 TH~8TEÀ~R "CITY 0F TORON. year. o .Lte.n. ng Steamer "CITY- 0F TORONTO",iCapt. GIBS0Nl& SPARV)et à , Be itlunlter enatedb thé à atîy Dicklela-ces daily, foot o og t,1co.11h 84 2 aioraeld, titattiiitire evïn'aitie to a&7 a. nm.,and ,. .,-reaches Niagara holdersaML isy time ceedinZ lte nitber m19 a- aud~- nsd Lewiston at_____________________________ bo hel theIAliieth vote gb o Fa ]ilU, Buffalo, tleveiand, -Cincinnafi, Ra- b. ted hiiale, travoe irilbu by bal. chester, Albanz', Newy lot m eiy orohoding stoc tiiiTcessu wYrk, Boston, &o. vsia i cle tve b son puîîî l b8e0ýTiktad .1information et No. 8, Front-.3fin X tltled taoune vote for euan d ecr-y ahanstee où ield, snd any persan £0 itild* Duan or cuio D. MILLOY, Agent. more ohane n:il vhitail aleelia-vahei n partioes secommoaîo on maIe- eluuy p 3119sa1'bc de a o bc quedeta lg application ta Mr. lcilloy. b& eete laq a dire otes,0lu sa Coni- Whitby, Jnly 131h, 1874. 2 Ps= an art&cOp>- aittisby-haw sialhibc pub oa t tre.s uccessivveeiakgin A L0litG ST B 8 liE 9 is tdrtlpub lied n earesîttie pluce FARIlFOR SAMA I ?!NO ST B SHE1 ahr fliipreoitlou syF mut for iconauctcngto e uas ai o e Dr. Fa tes splendid farin notltic 8a1 con- "FOREST PARK" BROOK STR EET) WH ITBY, - crned ai1lte lime audananner af leollug 942sî-nerBokj na ucthitdirctors as aforessld. 40~yt liteseraroitorOn tirrnie (Next Door North of Dominion Bankt.) 8 eif oitirer onactes titat al sncb or, ta eetoiaidireetors aforesaid ahanl (uniese THOS. DOW, ESQ., uthervine -pro-vided) beho sld aI litsConi- pany's <3111e, Port Wiitby, at Ivelvo Ontaio Bank, h, riit>-. cuclock loov, on tire sad second Monday in Drooklin, Sept. 121h, 1874. ~ Alr aî eti -Decembor, ieeh and every yaror oun A- - la- ger ndb ttrstock of Over-coat. suclitotitesday asutay b y-iAý aw op.AN RN pointesi ion tirI os,0V icit due no- AIE N RNS tice sit4h b. e 71 'c etigV- ing the Best Patterns lie ever had shmah more titanfivo persoasbe electesi as oucha dfixctorsgnc LEATHER VALISES o w esa d W elasre C, DRAPER, Nov, lotit 165 ,President 1P. W...Co. AND G nts' F rnishings, at T. W 6£LObSocrthry 47SARATOGA TRITNKS, flOUSE AND -LOT TO RENTI IL lcik.~t A. P R 1 N G L E S . Agaad two-tory Frani us ansd lot ai Tents' SON'S, 'Caps adi-r's Caps, and Fur GoodE ]and ixrtir ai Dr. ilisfwoodlo, in te Town Sadler and llarnees hiakîr,Get'Bs urapan sa, ai Wfbitby. Appi>- - nfOCKS.,WUî Y ni great variety. ALEX. OGSTO.N, Audley P. 0. De24 -4.2t Whitby, Sept. 80, 1874. 4( or ta J.. AREWE.LL. Whsitb>-. Ju 417 Octaben OuI, 1871. 48-ti TEE COAL AND WOOD! G<OILDSMITHSa' HALL, WEBS EIR" To the peadîle ai Whithy and surronndlng nogbro arnicrs, baksihs vter antia coal ttisiai, 1be tlosey 1 PA TENT SE W/NG MACHINE hitanmportjda very large sud vii select- id stock ailte best Lird u a aCa sh ai- i ail kindu, conolsting ai Lackawana, Scran- For IVatches, Clocks, Jewellery, aund ls poomiley thre nearesi Peretio on, Egg Ciristuft Stove, Grate, and Attainted by aay mAclidue in thre wosld. Mai, t he st ever offere i hs rmarket. A C' GO D n i. - ~Fi-mers, fliskoihs, snd otiters irsnilngsokl -- CaR ma lesv. yeaux ordors. As cosar1 The largest, the bcst, and altogether the cheapest soki ENTIRELY NEW INVENTION, un 'price svery mentit, gel fhrahexny inwiedry and raads goasi. Crdera h ouy pro iptly executeci; coahsud waod delivrd Ravin owat Awa a tonco.a n s irrt flatice for cash. Havi5avpIaay51OiC agoa est'maple pur cord,-.....1 6 00 Buyiug for cash, a practical kuowledge many 01 the. diffeute and annoyan.. Biset sud mae ze xd-.... 50 of the valune of goods, and of the aucternblg attendant en lte use of other machiuem. Henlock and pne, vîry good ....- 4 00mnuaternbhg Weighf sudinieasure gaate.Cashim to place beforo his customers, a good article at less THE .WEBSTERt -wesibhd a ou nsaiîî. g alca ei price than is often charged for inferior goods. For particulars apily at my office attire Wood yard, or if tfirsoffilce ai C. Draper,GO D AND SJ EI1c Ila a'mnarvel of imphicly, being cou- Wittit- iariour. XNAN D SI V- ATC}IE S, slriucted wîhout tire use of naisy canis, ALEN. ALEXANDER. or e'ogs, snd rima ma lightI, sudis o Whilhv, Augliat 1uu, 1874. .88 Goldl and Silvor '.nains, aasy tb undisstanl, titat, no lady ir---------- -------- - Bright and Colored Gold Sets. iver weti< os, nirvang, or htowevci-nun. F OR SALE OR TO RENT. Brooches, Ear Drops and Looket, aoccustosuasiesite May hb ie @Use of That excellent Dairy sud Gsxring Fsria Gemn and Keeper Rings, Lot 16, lot cou.an t e Kingston Rasi1 ruachiinens, enau luaise it mile W1est 01Osha&wa, caftaiising 0 Acres. Solid 18 Carat Wedding Rinigs, Tirage wissin% gogod Doir>- Fsrm -,in do - tJwleY, IITL-i BASE AND PLEA8UR.w. vlte seiti blonrsirassing or faking ec-at Jwl e d res&Pcls Thse tiiluttle oCf tue Witsarsiîuse Ifld ll anc ltsepurciasem otirrted tîat thîtnono f -u-'"remsailsOn the ra to it th YSJ. MgsForks - Sp o,,and Butter Knives and Coolers. âes ha, eau bo ohanged innu instant c - r.SAMUEL TOMS. itlant unllsrosding thes shutîho. Oshaîwa, No-, îih. ,8Vases, Desks, XVork Boxes, Puî'ses, &c. THIE "WEMB5TER"il, s lhîoy ma-. À l - EIGHT-DÀY AND 80-HOUR CLOORS, SPECTACLES, &o. flivis. msfs,-ia sl .an * 1ocket-books, BiH. Holderse -au purses from. Lnd. Fancy Goods frorn rance and Gerinany. Vases fromrn bohe1Èia, Lubiu's Perfumo from Paris, Âtkiis'on,'s frorn London. AT TUB'WHJTBY P.1 MCY.' J.LH GEÉIRIE 00,CHEMISTS &DRUGGISTS. WITITBy CHI-NA TEA STORE %M- WantedIm dity -A T- GIB S;ON 500 &SPARVELL'S, Good Fat Dressed Hlogs, any size fro M, 100 lbs. each upwards.1 1,00 Buselsof Good Chili, Blowr, or EarIy Rose oaos 500 Tubs of Good Butter,, for -ail of which t 'he flighcst -Market. Price mi be paid iu .jwýj' so,v ana costsruction flus. O! Atixricasi manufacture virils una Ondian Machinae- au approachx il. K JE vory "IlWebsto slaws.ranîed by the. manufacturere ai-or Dycarsi. MISS,'MINTYR, AGENT, WH-1ITeY, ~".2rehae,-,£iîaough imj asiruci. ad finta tse o/licte Mdglise. MmeCites dolivered tf a a ddesa, AsND Ë~ASY TEILMs GWVEN FOR PAYMENTI JaIy 16th, 1871, 2"-M' N RNoOD RESTORED, LUMBER !11 Sif ?Aois a 2i pes ioen et T. Hi. MCMILLAN, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, 1ise, Agenst for tho ROYAL INSURtANCE COIIp.ýy' PRIOVINCIAL INSUstReC£Co. OICZ-Ontarlo Loan sud Svig CQmspay's building, corner King sud Sing. ac strests, Oshtawa. April OOfh, 1874. 17 0 FFICE TO LETY. FRONT OFFI-CE. M iTHr, CfIRONICLE BUILDING. Whlfby, June Ousi, 1871.2 L IST 0F TEE DIVIsION COURTS -or Irgu COUNTY 0F ONTARIO>, F OlUTE TR EAlI184 No~ 1.,.. No-O. ~. - Ira. 8..., hiot 4.... No~ 8.... >.I'o. 6. - - - ~1fa. 7..,. -JAMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watch.maker. Goldsxith's hll, Whifby, Sept. 80, 1874. 40 L111 LJVVUQ-IVU L7flUUtIflt, The uudersigued is u'ow receiving a LARGE STOCK-0F DRY GOODS, Cousisting of Dress Goods, iu great vaniety and, of the lateet tashion, .Colored Silks, Sha'Wls, Mantles, flosiery, Gilughansýl,>Cottonà s, Pr'n"ts,"&c.* A'choice assortmeu of C.,anadiin d other Twe eds, anid a-funil sock of, Gentlme8 ù'sFrishingý ÉBESIT FÀM7-TT,V Tea, Cffesraw and The, e best WiueE ýBraudies, Aie -sud'Porter in -;o .refined Sugars, The new and oheap -NOTICE.- The, un%ersighëd legs. tO returri his sincere thanks te. the, inhabitants of Whitby, and bis patrons generaUly throughoult the êountryi for the-lbe.. raï arngetne t o imwbiie oarring on -business l.te town, suad beg for a coiltîùiumie of the -aet bis successors.- JAMZ8 Hl. SÂMO. Furniture î!_' Fitnitre!!1 ýery store south of Oui N is,,the time to bx odacclieai Furniture. ,Havin-a'bought eut;thé' business lately carrie< on by James H. Samo,ô we ÃŽtke this opportunity of in-vitinE bis many friends to give us a eaul, and we ean assur 'e ai ejat we are prepared ýto do -as weil by them in the future, asMn Samo has, douie in the past. -TILL & JOoHNSTON. Orders by mail promptly. attendeëd to. 1JNDEIRTAKING.-The only'first- class Establishment in the County where funerals ar-e fui- lS hyupplie s, 83 -ý CARRIACES,& BUCýCIESU TILL &JOHNSTON. I r Beg to inforin the public generaily, that they have opened Newr Carnage Factory, ou Dundas Street, TWO DOORS WEST of the POST OFFICE. Where the are nom prepared to execute ail work in the Carriage Making Line, on tire shorteet notice, aud nmade of tire besioma- ýAL L WORK WAIRRANTED. REpAIRING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. Whitby, 'July 29th, 1874. DOMINION WAIEIOOMS,, LOWES &POWELL ARlE RECEIVING THEJIR STOCK OP FA LL GOO0D SI Whitby, Sept. l5th, 1874. JOHENSTON'S SELF-RAKING REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE I - At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, iii 1870. We olier tu our customlers for the coming Hfarvetit, two dis- tintI»t Machines, which la style and construction, embrace the latest, and most useful i-nprovements of-the day. JOIINSTON'S SI.NGLE SELF-EýRJNG HREE N TE "ING 0orEAlspES,".-W The universal success of tis Machine, both. lu closelyý contest- esi triais sud in te hands aoflte farmers, varranà t usl in aing *tbat, as a -SelI-Rak- ing Reaping bilchino, it hie mors good points and ]ess defeces, aa<f bas met witit more sucesesud lus. sihure, titan heretofore offered taeLtse Publia. CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER ife were awarded the Firat Prize aud Diploma, at the Prcvin. ' 'il Exhibition, belsi in Torouto, 1870.in competition vitit ailLte leading Machines ssanufacturid in the Province ; andi witit aur ricent iniprovementsi vo unbesitat- ungly challenge invenligaîlon aud coasparison vitit campetieg Machines, ve are' satiafiesi tisaIsu ait investigation viii con ince srry u eu ' d i d m in , tha I w . offir lte beet laver ta the Fermer for 1872, bujît u inteDomnion. ýV'Sond' for descriptive catalogues. B O N & P T E S N ~Ah'AE8 ANO BGIES FOR'LA FA1iiG5' NE MONTHR ONLY, Uz -NDER C 0S',T PICEll M.0 O ONO V AN'S PA RR/A GES, BUGIgIE8, AND 01 Of tihe mason . Brooklini,,May ýOth, 1874. BOOTS AND oplendid Stock fior fi AT THE 1.CI4OTA & A$IIO ' BOA, UN M8D10:E S NexN S AUNDERGolýtS, LI[Jtl\~ '1 IIET WH.IT13Y. 3HMRRINQ Whity, My 14h, 178. Mayor, * A large and superior stock etf well- WibMy11,17.- 9 made Ladies', Gents', Misses" and Childreus Boôots and P ROSPECTUS. - She.The stock comprises the best wôrk, sLnâd wi be- *found cheap and durable. Satisfaction guaranteëed. 1Cus-- THE BROWN cg, PATTrER6ON- -tomers will find it fo their interest t o cail and examiiiE- mANUFÂ-CTTJ-.NG COIMÀ.NY, the goods and list of prices. -OF' WHI2'RY. episneatly and promptly executed. WhitbY, Sept. 151h, 1874. --88 -capital - $120,000. - 2,400 SHARES OF S.50 EACH. Thé aboyé Company islin coursaf far- mâati ai eu e fpnrchasing the O1WA NS d MEL OOEONa unti"%Nn ý ORGAN MEL DEON RGA U and, goéua,:mci the mnannfactnnxngbiti-- n s afthe tBrowu &. Patteraau Agnicxiltumas 'okl ite Town ai Witby Il i te lie*' -Cômpaxcny;Meus. rvk Pafte-sanitavsnbsnibelp totck, aad alter sbcbtas a~ied1een oai taedameuntngto,$2r>,000, inalsinga total -. nowva'u'bscïibed"oai#55jON. Il laisiende4 ta increase titis »nt f 12,000, iu ardus, ta provida men, io'rluc'rea-tng tte blitinezis *ta double -theýamosmt hiithert dene;- ana earigfte capacit aftire pesent Warks. b)fte erectiani-additioitsl Ebidine p pnag ailditional macinery, anda4saen- ablilie usu ýCompany f acarr , n'thite onai biessousstrict iy cashsai.u -order ta,-shawthitproftabie bu . esairdafy madefor tti eu Company,lit ih 0need, ca ottale ltat â lu liecuyears' bit sisa - opeations-from Jauary;-1862, te Jsnitry l878-zzMessrî Bravi k PsPttersnjhavebeen c'n'ld, by*pofits nealised, tataketbeiarge - MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRATED AMERICÂN O'RGAN pte yétieopertyha=mshineaoffëérii S. M. «Wicox adJitn Thompacu, ýt*a ai YI-3_titePra-visionsi Board"ii'4.2M686-Tha Stye , -5 ; tye 15;St ecstabishtment hais een it"oseesinof Styl - L5o Stle $iy Syle-~tie new omcpany since 17th Febrtary hast In Handsorne Rorionant Walnut,çases. its ofthe business contuecissg from i ta AISO, YARWOOD'S "MELODEON 0RGAN."e trefa Cartthualfrm n viti thflicudnl rigits ana pnivileges. At lte expirationnaf the time stated by-Statute lIv',,,ar six Weeks) a genierel meeting ai tite Stle4,$5o;'Style 6, $î7; tyle 8, $200. Shareholders Mbe beld,on notic, ohil Style4, 1 '.15; rpasle ai Ofsiecting, - rnxneuit Boied DiritaB nd offclers ai ttmay In liandsomeRosewood Piano Cases, bibi yfinished ùsritoso tcki teundPsk S ing are mast riapectffaiy soiicited. Titi -- valein e iistock, s ,piying divdsnd in. A liberai discount for cash. A speciai reduction t lb etet a ergre sýeigbyn of Three. and upwards. cdanbt; wieIi great advà nfsges ta tire n.Town ai Whtb)y ad Coumie fy ai twinl surnranauenlargimeut alte iavarably fD ViSitOiS to the tFair -are requestm.- nWok fesr.Bcm& atro ed to cal at the Factory, (opposite exhibition grounds,) Prties desiriug ta; suitscnibi for stock an. and examine our Stock q/ Instruments. reqnested te euclaaeinexmrsadm; per post - FR D M DGE, firy vis t ta have slioted. Whitby, eptember 3rd, 1874. IfMLAÂGEE. B. J. YÀRNOLD, Pnesideut:- Secretary. Whitby, 281h Febnnary, 1878. 101f -PREPAIRED FOR TUE FALL TRADE 0F 1874. --00- W. J. HIOKIE & 00. In anticipation of a large and increasing trade this Fail have purchased more Whfle thauking the public gen- eraily for the liberal support, they have received in the past P-V they trust by adhering to that straightforward' and nndeviating rmb of *doing business mhich has characterized their establish- ment in the past, to menit a contluuance of publijc faT . B - h rie -7pice pai fctr fetx-onexand sA,,su 7H O D T <inirisugSenn p tofot 27dng, afr cos. <'HIE ULL)TY A TM. TJL, - PRPSetsR.NO,1Th157.__ HIC.KJE &-cou TBl CONFESSIONS 0F Ali INVÂLID, PuBLSOxSDzo10 À A xssa suad foirft.e tbenefut of Yoosce Mmin aXCo TaZIts, wi snfer fran NERVOUS DEBILITY, L055 0F MÀNHOCD,îe, supplyinthse mÃacsi of Self-Cure. Wrilten ity- ouievita cured -iimseJeli aer uudergosug cousiderabis INew iied-rooin Sets, âd: ft-Iarge sto ck of (Jane- and W- -t chairs;' Tables, ,Burea-us, Sofas, Lounges,- Besst iboards.'H l, loth, and, DamaskLç o zges, o e &c. A fiue stock of New Gilt Window Cormee, 7he argest and ehieapest stock of pietu esr0, ;oW]4- ailof whieh he offers at pnces that iviinôt i the tjuues. - s-uit. NIEL M.&FÀIE, Birooklyn, lieuYork. DE i y-r'Ve' .Acrs, beiug . o the. -Tavneiwp af ig isVablyaituated, 50-1wi -TER8, Peach 1 MESSRS. 31-lyl n 1 fo JOHN TOMS & NEWPORT5