TheJlJs Brown & hPattenan =,th Wc>iised-Aa. li. 0al iLauibo for Sae.-W. Dow. ter lblbling-Jalsn Pergison. ;a Far ae-A, faon. n fcr-Sae-Joahn Ê. Wtciell. AUCTIOx, SALÉ. 1lot 27, lc insh eeBlaOaa,, ai Wh i 15h, 1874, LU Fairbanks, ones,. - t lot 28, l in 11coa, h i ar Mfr. c L3£t eýon . Oc&ben 17t1, 18749,>L. i lot 22, lan tie <III con., a!f WJa stook it;nlotu o ., lise of mr. U L Pic, oau e 1991a, 1874, L. FaIrbalas, - I ma "toi] 4. SJr iby, Ont lot 81, in. Ilsjt lui eonoeclaofa Vlciby, farnc stocki mpiteaela ae. las ps'opsnly af Mr.' Richard ]BoSS, ou 5%fd"Ith0th usisai,-LeI in Ai BaYsidleFaim, ou WePdeaaiay, lelobes, LîsI, 1874, iannc stock, impie- sels & e.,Ucrapct iM.m Ou loi 24,Inte liasPlacon., of Wlitbyo la! a mastic saiaiAsiaburis, fuam alock, uplamnate, hle p~s iM- conrdAlaxsl, 60 oi Tiaday, Oct. lad, 1874, t'. Fatrbsuks. Jr.,. antio. U~n lot 1 lu the 7tli concession Piekeîiatg, otswots Sliecp, Higli-Gra atiDîaight Iorgseaud Barkhi îi.;Il orfar iMassrs. Birreli Joiatn tu rSy, Oct. 28r,, 18 JFairbAnks, Jr. Auctiaaaeer. Qu lot 7i, h tli 41 oun-, oai-Picea praperty of Mr. Thomas MeGau,0 laturday Oct. 241h, 1874, L. Fafi anaJrAuctioneer., Ou Taesday 27th Oct., on lt No. 81 41h1 ouesaijnWhitbys, hauses, cat 4c9 propaty afiGoa. Ogsto. L. Fatii bankjrAutocr On Lot No. t20t, in the Bnd Con.c Pickering, an 8aturday Oct. Bolt 1874 imrnu stock, isipiements &ô,, lthe pro> os'ly ai311r. Tiliaais il rke. L Fah hsaïk jr. Aucioncer. Ou Lot No. 22, in tias let Con. 0 Pickerng, Kingaton RoaS, on Satur-ds, Oc,24th1,1874, fatn atoek, imptementg he., cProperty ai Mr. John riswcatt Thou. Paucher, Auctionear. *ONLY Sm 5i PER ANNUM. lyb ,Thursday, Out. 15, 1874. Mn. Blcke's Speech. Mr. Blaka's speech- ai Aunora, Asn WC atiipated lu our ravtaw ai il las week, sit continuas ta e hale fartil source ai discusqion. -Gonsnvaiivaa ipretend ta bo alatea4Aud chuekte aver <t u s lndicaiing Mli:Blaka', -aecassian franc tha Reform ranks. Reformerap ona the aller band, say tlat, whiia Mr. Bltake lias given expression la vie*a te which hie Reformi Party sea Awhl i t Dot Metcommnlti, hlias enncisted neopinions antagoniatio ta tlone haiS 4Y tIc Party, nor lias lha utteredaà vanS tlIai voulil make iïlucccasry fore hlm -te oppose tlae Gaverumant wn any Part Oritis poliey or :alisnaîe han. frouaithae -Liberal party ti any-way. Bath par; tien, tea ecertain axit, t9May be ight. O118 thicg, hawevar, Is certain, iliat- 1fr. Blaike liasn 1la-keil put a palitleal cour-se for himasec i n the direction ai National indepeudance aud othervls, lu whichlilai likely tea have mauy fol. lowerc froin tle .e-nks ai bath. parties. Mnf. Blake'% tIsnes oaia Fedas.ation af tic Empira, Campaiaary Voting, sud the Represention of Minonltics may'be oxpisced ta mà uy objections At preseni, snu mcli hiey neuve more suffiieut dëeslopmeai t Ais liandc. But people Wlt hau botter- uble lu jualga ai ilium wheaa lits case le fully made Ot TIi. la-nus eppeara, taeliatait tIs a rty scndais anS corruptIonso; whicll daily dliacosurea brhng tý light, tics psrty violence sud ehusi,, insu aOut oai-tIe lruoa,, sud ias excuses byý vhlel they ara naugial te ha paliateul, campai Mr. Bliakea'ant i ry ailier upight, laanor. aide Main te tua n asaide from the nuisance pantY trucka witî ltilioggs afi aersion ind disgust. lMr. lBlake, w-il tige host talentssud lls hast Intentions, les pot. ting forth u effort taeevate thce field ari Canadie-n polies afranc tle squabbles ai peroiciaus factioni iteoaaeiliing ai national 1mîmortance sand national dig. ntty, sud l Ints lie w-fbi he easast. suce aif eveny liberai.lndoa, entlausias. lie suda patniatic Canadien Whle o t1 a compaladi ont ai necesctty, or tle farce cf ei;cumciauces, te *éar Party liveny. Onteaio Central Railw-ay. A. w-lit hasean by ngotice,-liauanaher columu, meet86ings have beau eatled ta bh laItnaît veek thraugbout the taw-n. s11lp cf Pickea-ing, lin -ias intaresi ai tle Ontario CenaliRaitw-ay%, Àdepnutiln franclIhe Provuulanal Basa-S w-fl bopro. sent At eadli o1 the aueltlag adertls.. From ie- any admitted advantages whtch the constructian oati bi mportanat liue of rattway waiald sonfer upoa thte tawnship, and- the fAvaurabe eein * w-idiWa kna .:,e-a2iL t .srd..i ESa FOSWA»IsXo AND Casern. îaMr Iriatopher Joht. wit! be ceeu b3r is oea rd inailier his olaeaed buiness In Wl$Y ý. r. lesohno las s large cpat aequnanne vlll every IL. lu. ai &de nîe 1& r- the r- gs, r4, of y, Snd ' on ihs grouaid aofmisdir thes JuSgeo -Ie ltructed thse, le pilaiilif santSd provethse, lea-erypor-tionci bis plea aijast -Tiesetene s lDoaltabac. ucati tiase epltus hava beau ai. Mr,. K. MaKxensis, Q -th. auebefore tie Court as-s motion hy juryllcat ifieatian. a-reS ont di&pasMS ,pwaed dondtteielastâm cof the Cnawa. Tihe -Mail lisistea s t i as tudmen w-as by a priaaieprôseutar, sud quotas tics - fooiviig frouatihe Act eflest cestion te siev tisai liaelaw- lasbeeasviaited<: -37 Vie. (1874) Cap. 88,,89c. I-"'Tls --"igli eftle rava ta ceuse auj juraer "ta stand "aldaiatthea panaIlias beaa ,"gene thsaough ah ent haiexerciseS, ,,"onelitetrial of ayaittmeni or in- -formation, by s pa-ivli prosenutar for "thse pubiicalioae cf adefltmaltozyEbal.', ,Thse aiZ .1111carriez, on ..>Iew-ara >4 vîlih il agesaan igîg1yAainai tle CionCunsel acd tle 0averaiment. Thseicasubera d the Young Men's ChlIstai Asapciabloai recsntiy orgaxaiz-j ied in liaislavai intend apauiug lta-r accw-hall sud readiaig-room la ths Ou-. ftario Plok, cver lice store fomrn i ca.i aupied by Ma. Addison, ou lo-mor-aw (Faiay) evening. ývith a Musical sud1 ilerary enterlaiement. A naimberofai vali-kovaipaofssianalaseud amateurse bae voiuîiieered liceir servicesa for tle1 occasion, anSdlias commtes ofmaniage-E ment ar-e mainlag eVec arrangement ta ensunea splsasant eventag.. Thc enter-1 telumni-tha finiofa sertes, w-e trustS -yul leffreese lal; a collection, Isow-. sa-ar, w-luI ha laken aip Surnthe es ven- V tng in8iSai tise fuaide of the Associas.I lion. The -clair *11.1 la laken by the ii Président, Mn. Jaumas Hoidea, aI aiglatv o'ctock.L 1w-ow-cals pasi iey lad ceasseS maIl.C ing ai ils ioandry,.boiai, engageS in b putting ii a new- epaplsThts las 0c boeau aia acÃ"omplisfied, a ucw capota, aillhe'blfackeai paient hsving basaicc pat in, aV: amu expense ai upw-ands of $606. %With ilis new -addition tls Company are snabsîeS ta do ils worka in tw-.lsia-da ai îletimaliietofarc oc.-i cupied, beaidea effecting a lange siavingsu in fuel. Tise Brownu & Paitea-son woa-ks Pa are Ilceaefore &gain l inhullbiasi, lavlcng pr started ou tics business ai suothar jear, au iuS with the calcuattion ofi bing a Ihird More business tIa tIc cacceas-- fui jean j ust closeS. ex HA.aaaOxnaIsasPaETIOsc AD SUaVEY.- Mr. Miohaud, from the Department ci Public Works, Ottawas, with lis staff SMoers. Liglitfoot, Derbishire, and rior. - Uer, are naw in Whitby, making an inspection and snrveY of thea harbour. Thoy have aiso instructions ta go to Frenchman'a Day and Dariington after. wards. Tliay have beau engageda ince June in surveying harbours westward. They wilt be detained liere fortn ly aor a fortniglit. rtnd ea Fout 1875.:- Mr. j. S. Robertson, a bookseUier, of this town, sands us a well rprintsd copy oaI" Joshlina' Farm- a or' Almanack for 1875." The namo o: the author is a sufficient gnarantee of the humor af the contents, and ail whc iread will enjoy it. Thongli tha Amer- î, can.edition salls for 25 cents a capy, 1the Canadian publisher lias brouglit out 1an eqnally acceptable editian at 5 cents. 1Give Boberlïon a cati and procureaa THIE OLD COUNiTRtY GaacEft, PRO- visioN, WiNs AND LIQTOR STRoaE.-Mr. J. Woodait lias apenad business in Mr. Crosby's oid stand, Dundas street, where holelis on hnnd an excellent stock ini the aboya lina, sud *ta which lie is recciving freali additions daity. His winenansd tiquorsa ara of very sup. arior quality. Uxsunoa FALL Saow.-The Lii. bridge Fait show, hetd on Manday and Tfuesday ai last week, dia nat attract no large attendance as iumaa in conse. quence ai the unfavorabla wet woatlaer than pravailiag. The superior quality 0 the animals And articles exhibited, are spoken af as bcing moat credlitable ta the township. Tu1à ATa<NBD SUareà eAINSyT TaaC TU- UONTO & .tllNîaxaîIIaAVA.-,.Tlie Ux- bridge Journal informe us tlaîa a uan- ber af suite for daamages hava bscu an- tore& againast the T. & N. ltailway Ca., by passengers wiîo lad bonglit hall. iara tickets ta the Markhutn liow. The parties nat returning until the day aiter the fatir, -the e lf-faire tieats wýro reinsed, and thay-wera pnt off thlic ca<. Hence tiae actions. F1rom au official return just issoad, il appears that the attaGenerai Eloc. tion for the Hanuse ai Gommons coat the country 892,000. 'The foitawing are the totals for ascii Province : Ontarioa........ ........81 1 .2bc ... 8,228 50 Nova Sentis ............ 6,589 83 New Brunswick......5,152 65 British Coiumbla ......,7783830 Prince Edward Island ... 1,882 78 Tna . As.asOraaSALE OF THE SEABOir. -Attenition isdircctad ta the annonc- muent of Mr. Geo. Oguton's mammothli sae of the ceason, ta taka place on Tuesday, 271li ixiat BaTuaarOr THEExxxrv.-Gol. Wallace and the sevoral Campantes of the S4th Bat., raturncld on Saturday last frami 1h. camp et Hotisnd Landing, aU fsafe and ound, mat in good bealtli. HAaaauOw C~x . "FAna.-The. Cent- rai Pair ]heM a8tHamiltonIlut weok was , vary largaiy attended, and wau amiarked suso*e. It extcnded over four day.. Reauls .oftthe CounciI's-Geral Elac- lion li Francoi F"ri, Oct. I.-The second ballot. tu the. lonnemfow Ditriots whlh falled oai & eboiç,s week »go, took place e sst ai r, a a e a i il is rnmonad itbaat ntlte ansulig afosien aithea Ontario Lagisheture thse Oovea-nmsn$- w-l it uroduce a' biltfor lIe reditiullaac ai seat. Tise w-nil for thcé Essex etecetion li basa iisusd. l*aa. J. J. Abboit t la elyS. idaS ta retire froui plublic lte. M1r. Jas. Dixon te aaid t a as,-.$OMa 'ides of conclng oui £0as aB5w Reformer" tao pposeBethuns lin Sto. Ma-. Oakes,w-lia a-saigneS lie seat for Digby ta make w-ay for Hon. Mr. Vail,- lia basai appointed a member aillae Nova Scatie Lagisitiva Cannai. Ma-. Betiinghaî, M.: P. P. fanrÂArgen. tenu, las announced lia w-ithdSawast froua lie, Conservalive J'arly oaiQupbeo.i "TmCc&ît<IaauATzasNaia." -T stnyCamsa-dian peniieai whieh ;ýTlima ailime paal, lias iae'e gatuing go M ruelsupan "publia -favor, its patrons -vib l pseilte learu, ite sabout la. tng atiii uriscr impraved. The preceni management iufonm us ticia appicas- lion has basa maie for ltlera patent incorponatiug a uew Lithographie PrtntinsgaedSPnalishiag Company, itb w-hase lande wil pesa, sitar iacorpe- atien, the w-haie ai tle Pahlisaing, thognspsic, sand Printing businss lillerta carrieS ou by George E, Des. barals, anS tle Engraving anS Litho- gr-aphie Prntiag businss af Messa-. BureaiS, Lafrician, saiS Go., au amat. gamabion of thc 1w-o hanses leing about ta ba affectaS. Tho uaw Compaay- w-Mol tIla ekanu-ma as lice DualanS Deaharats Compay-wii la in wa-rla. iug onder ou -or about the final aif No- runchan nexi. Upon ihs CÂNADIAN IL- LUsTUÂTED Nacwa tha Management ini. tend ta couccunata ileir efforts so that, ou ia -lacoming the propea-y aiflias Comipany s manifestimrupaasemant shath bo davelopqtd in ils avery Separîmout, onan u stér tle date meubioned ihs tiaiageme8nt pua-posa ta pa-eseail lia couata-y w'a-tInPicioriat Paper aifsahidi it aay, an evory score, be prend. The artiatic staff wil ha e nraseS and rencodelled, anS aovery dSalioaithe Iustrations careinîiy fotiowed anS mpanvized,' 80 that ihe Pietorial ages af tle Nrssshah tas siendity aud progrescively good, anS eblsl vie w-tII ai adcipse. if Passible, ils Amenien uS Engliel coiatempoaaiera 'The Mansament lay bau-sau anun- eceptonat programma ior lIe guiS. fi se, ly foihow-iag ,w-heu tbey w-cl i atm, aud ehould recelve, tisa tibarat apport ai aIl Causiliasafor lIsta pub. ia-spiriteS antia-rise. aIO ic'asu lie 1i À Grand Clapier af the Royal Ar'CIa Freemesons meat to-day (Wedneisday> at Ottawa. ihnrsday, 'the Grand En- campanent cf Kuight Templara wil hld their aunuat conference, sud on the lOili, the Suprema Conneil af Sov- areig-a Grand Inspector-Generai, A. & A. Rite, wilt be opcued for the first timaunader a warreat grantad by the Suprema Gouncit of Englsnd anti Wales ta the most Worsbipfnl T. D. Haring. tan, who lias been appoiuted Glief if the ardar in Canada. The Conférence witi baiatteudad by detagatas from ail parte af thje Dominion snd United States. Deféat of the Carlista, The lateat newa from Malrid indi- Oales that in al accent encaunalrs thc Caliesa ave snffered defeat. Several banda have beau dispersed sud thcir The Czar and the Memnnonite Sect. Two agil Ewes-lat, Luil, sud SnS, Jua. Milanr, do. T'mx Galiguani's Mestenger, Sept. 2-4. Swo Shearling Ewes-Joha. Miller-, In ordler ta induce the Mennonites ta Twa eea Lms-Isi, Jua Milter, Sa, romain in thea cauhtry, the Ruseisu Lad and 3rd, 1,Vm. Cowie, do, Goverumeni, as already atated in ha-tel, Soathilows-4Aed Rýar-lai and tbleugib the medim cf Geuaitt Tailla. Lad,. H.ILSpencer, Whitby, Srdi,,.Johin lieu, lia, undeniakien ta exempt tlcsm iha'on, Pickering. fa-ana ail miliiar service. They ýare ta Slceanhiung Ram-IliH. H. S p ncan, ha itable la cmpaymeut as surgeons Whlitby. LuS, Joun VWiiaan, Pickaaing. euS attendants in military lospitals re- Ram Lamb- lat anS Lad, H. H. -mayaS from lthe seat ai war ; also ta Sp)encer, gadr, John Wilson, Pickering. serv-ice as fonesees eand firamen, bat Two aged E wes-laI, HI.H. Spencer, are in no case ta bear arma. They will Lad ands brd, SoIn Wilson. iteviisa bl able to serve ta the gos'. TWO Staearling Ewcs-lis, John Wih- arumeul ,workshops, lui wttt mit le eau. employaS lu the manufactura cf armas, Twa Eu-e Latnals-lat, Johin Wilsou, and wil raceivo instruction whicla wil 2nd, H. H. Speancer. be usafa tetoa e in atar tifs as agni- Hancpqlmire Dawns-Aged Ram-lat cultuaiste or anzchantîs. Tuse aider andSLad H. R. Sponc-n, Pril, John Wil. vitî whom Gansaa Todleben couferred son. expresses hie conviction lIai the Mati- Shcanbiacg' RaniU-lai and Laid, 17. il aouites enu now slay in Raussis wilhoul Spenjcer. ieaa- of any violence tla hia-religions Pan Launc-lai sud Lnd. Jochn ia V- convictLion, snd il is expecetamithosa son], rd, H. H. spencer. satileS hy lte Voigo viih unaousty Two csged Ewea-lsailiacS ud, H. iH. cousent ta romnain. Spencex, ird, John Wileoaa. Tu-o Shîcaling Ewe-Izt, iIL. -SnOCEncuG ACCIDENT NRAR ltUXDItaaOo Spencer, LuSn, Jolan Wibeon. -On Wednesilay last au inquesi was Tu-o Ewo Lamba-lat sud 2Lad, 1H. lista] ai Planl'maHatot, Uxbnidge, on H. Spencer, 8Bcd, John i Vitoci. tise body ai a loy named Mayens Vel- Pair of fat Sîeep-lal d ndl, John tr, aged shount 15 yearc, w-ho camae by Mutler, Pickea-lng. hie daatl tîroagi tle upseting ofpa 5W-INE. waggon the proviaus aveutug. Large BreaS-AgeS Iloar-lsi, lMa. SThe principal viluzsa examniud w-as Traa, Marklana, LiaS, DevidS Hoget. Amalarde Chevalier, whao saiS ha was AgeS ilow-lai, Mn. Tran. connecteS w-ih Sniiler's Show w-iai Sow ndea- 1 jear-lat, Lad sud Sa-S, liaS beau penfonming on tise U .riigoMn. Tnau. .gncultural OrounSs îthe pa-avi a day. Boar under 1 jean-lai, Josepha Sad- Tlay loft ai 6.530 ion Newmaakel Sien, Pickering, Lnd anS Sa-S, Mr. Tran. w-lare Iey w-are laepanform; « thé ercilmalt Breed-AgSd oa-laI., Thas. day. About 7,80 w-la on the town PapI, Pickering. lias 6 ottea, tisa aigîl w-as very dank AgeaSoSw-lst. Thomas Pugla, tnS, sud e taa-ah w-as liOn tle cage cf sut- James Dnneamn, airS, Wm. Major. Mats, but it diS not 0vaagod 'ih. Sow undea- 1 year-lat, Bina-al & The waggan outsincag humscîf acc&il- Johanson, Lad, 'W-- Major, rS, liarail ceasseS got off tle centre ai- the rond & Johuston. sud ihs lwo wheais on thea higli aide Boaa under 1 jear-lat Joseph Sad. gai in s hale. Ha faIt thay w-ena gotng iltar, Lnad ud -, Win. Major. aven sud callteS liScoassad toa mp bat POULTRT.> ha nelsinad lis seat, the waggon turn Pair Spaniali iowls-lst, W. C. Bell, ing over, sud the luI i oc aieoflise Makîsi. wlesis fal ou lis cist. Tisa contants Pair ai Dankinga-l&t, W, C. Bail, ai the- vaggou vas very lisa-y, cou- LuS, Alex. Waddia, vSa, H. M. Thomas. siéting oalabout 8000 Ibo. ai cauvase b- Ptighacis-o, .0 el side à umbe oftruns. he t LaS H. M., Thomas, 8r5, C. Maiisews, once gui aisiance franc a hanse aicar jr., Pickenieig. by, sud in hall an houa- lad the boy ex- Buif Cncciins-lal,- J. ,Nighuwsnedr, tricated, lautai-ofureie w-as exihuet. .Lail' H. M. Thcomas, Bn! G Msthewu I at once brpnght île body taIliais vil. Jr.4 lage in ordlea- lIa an inquiry Wight bc Breans.f, ligia-lsi. Jas. Bert, Pick. made. Deceaead arplen, sud 1eIng nH .ToaBd ae lad instructians franc tics paopntator -of eig aiHtM.hncs rS 1ae teshow- ta scata lis prapar lacermeut. Baiudrklt I .Thms Tihs jury nturneda verdict ofai e. LuS sud 8 tC ak-lutJH.'M.Tona -denal dath.Guarian.Pair oai Houdan-lai, W. C. Bail,4 de@ 'C. Niglsevander, Brd, C. Matheva Jr. Tam IxISIAN CÀsePGuost-Now ok Turkaya, Bronze-lai, A. Weddeil,1 Oct. 12.-A Sispthcldatai ilsthe fai - Tua-kaja, Ceémmon-lai, W. C. Bell. w-tIl Oea. MeKeazie'Expeýditton, Oct. Lad, Josephi Niglcwander, Brd, Beu.- 1, via-Fart Worth, Taxi, Oct 11, sya Madii, Pickering. Geai. MeKenzia, afier' npeifiug 1w-a at -ýGesse, large Bfa-st G. J. wit tacha by Indiano, ounlihe Lth and 2711 son, Pickernai, Lad, Joseph Niglisvan.1 Sept. marcheda al ighi oenîlee- 27i1- danOrS, W, C. Rail. and surpriseS ai auna-tue tle foUowtng Gesse, sanali bred-ist, Jacol Taoi,1 maiiaa-aiis ve camps a!ofCeyennesa ajd Piceriaig, Led ansd BaS, Josephs Nigla. lo6ir a&Mes in an yoa n to É4nco. u wadeF. e 2-r od - iUylotJohnaiRobean, 3Piceraing. 1-yr oltS Puy-lai Chles.Lynde,ý *WhuLby. Sprimg entre Cll-li, Chua. Lyide, Lad, John Ralson. SaiSile or Roadsltenr-B-ood Maes- J. L. Bsrkey, Picearing; Lad, G. H. Hopper, Fickerlang,,Bd J. Nighowand. un, Sa. , -1- 12-jr alil Fiily-let, Wi. Formater, Piceraing; 2ard John BecS, do.; Bai R. Gngdo. 1-7i old PMtl184l George Bur-gess, Pickena; Lad niehudWiaciecattdo; Bai. J. R. Joues, dao. Sprnug PiIly-lst, S., B.,Hovn Pickerng; LuS G. H. Happer, do.;, BaS, John Rayar, Mssklem. - 1.yr oahnim ta olt-lai J. WÉight, Pickering; Lad, Chas. Pîlkay, do. Spriugania- Colt-lat, J. L. lien- kay, Pickering; 2uS J. C. Failler, do; Ba-d Iaac Palier, do. MatcheS tea Iti laraipas-1sî, Atax. ,McLaren, Pickering; Lil Faank Bnt- tay, do.; Sa-S A. H. Faunel, Sa.e $ingle Horse, in'haruas-lai W. H. Consul, OsIavas; LuS Richard Richard. son, Pickea-ing; SeSRdPoet Milna, Pick. enug. Sailie liorse-lat W. T. Rejnolds, Picering; LuSl John Hagal, do.; Grd, J. T. Richiardson, do. Heavy Daughi Harses-Broad mare -lsI James 1. Davidean; LuS, John Miler. 2-jr olS Fiiiy-let W. J. Graham,- Picker-ing; Lad HugI Gregg. 1-jr otd Filly-lst D. S. MoYariane. Spring Ftllj-lst Jay. I. Davidson; LuS John Milanr. 1-jr mlS enli-e Cot-lot James I. Davidson. Sping ERaia-aColt-lai Bina-att & Jolinston. MatceaS eai in licraes-lat . S. Canadien Draugit--Brood Mare- lat Huga Grcgg. Pickering; LuSd, Wî. Knox, Sa.; Sa-S John DryScia, Whithy. 2-jr aid Fihj-lis Bina-ail & John- stan; -pud, John Milanr; Sa-i, John Clsa-ke. 1-jr olS Filjy-lal George lina-esa; LacS Colin Phitip; bird, D. S. McFar- lane. Spning F'iiy-let John ilassell; La, John Drydeni; brd W. a& J. Graaim. 1 -jr aid eni-c Colt-lai Chas. Pilkey; L1id, D. S. MeFarlana; Sa-i Juhias Bncwis, Marklam. - Spning cutire Cot-tat, liarail & Johlu;n; uSJohin Hem;Sa-S Tîcos. Lawtan. Ilatéelacl eam n uia-nes-lat Glas: Ptlkey; LaS P. S. McFaa-lanu. Vicior Haree colts-lai Jolu Hem, _4'ietor Mare colts-lit, J. C. Fuller. -CATTLE. D)us-aa-Cow-lsi N#Vm. Miller ; LuS Bira-ail & Jolusicu; Sa-S John Mille-. S-jr obld Helfer-lai Bina-ai & John- atoam; Lad, Xm. Major; Sa-S Wm. Mil- anr. 2-jr aid Heifer-lal limait & John- ston; tind Wa. Miller; Srd, NVm. Ma- ar. 1-jr olS eiea-ansd Johin;Muter, a-il Jas. I. Pavidson. Heife- Caif-lel 131-a-ah & Jalinglon; 2ni John Rtussell; Bni dWm. Milita-. Bull Calf -1-st Jas. I. Dea-ilson; LuS Van. Miller; Srd Diaraill & Joînston. HanS ai Dur hatm Caile-lai Bina-all LJohiaston; Lad XVa. Miler; linS aolan Miller. Grade-Cow--lsi, N. WVilson; Lad la, Duncan ; brd Josph GerbaIt. o--nad Heifer-lal Bina-aIl & John- ;tn; 2uSl J. Gahat. L-yroM if oer-laI anS Lad, Dira-ait kJohanstan ;a-ailNewrick Wilson. 1-yr aIS Haifr-lal Bir-eti & John- on; Lad, Josepha rbat; Sa-SJ. E. inca. Reier- caîf-ii Dia-ral Johastan; bd and bird, J. Gam-bett. 2j Fat caw or Siccr-lsl, Birraît roluson tinS, J. Rusel. Long WVooled-Liers-Ram 21 'amb-lat anti Lad, Wm. Co-ta. T'vwe eawes-lst, ma-MrCawie, Cotswotd-Aýgad Ram-lai Iaac A fidilleton, Piekea-ton. Siiea-limg Ram-lai, Wm. Majr.n do, Tg nid & 5mai, Jolhn Mitler, do. mi B . Tanà tes--let Abramc Aimis ; 2ai .NateZaIoI I4 4,1 d'anS SaSW. Musk malous-lat, Laid anS ard W. IL. Burk. - Collection oai gardeai vegeabeal Oea. Valentio ; Lad Mn. A. Rlie. - Bsg af earty poistoqs-lat GCharls P ikey ; LuS R. H aine. ; S -S OeG Va satina. - Bagai laie potatoe&a-lat Bepsat Maodili; Lad JamtesDuaican ; Ba-S4bram FRaUIT. - 12 eun-ier eoaleing - apples-let C Nighswsomier; LnSa,,AiSewLepp;'n W. K. Boa-k. 12sammen table applea-lat 0C Nighaw-ander; Lu Alex. WsSSla; Sa-c 12frtbeape-s W. K. linak; 2ud W. L. S te; S-S UniaI Young. - 12 faIt coaking apples-lalt W. ]K. lia-k; 2LuS G. Valentins; Sa-SS. B. Hoover. 12 w-inter table apples-last A. WaS. dia ; LuS Colin Phuip; Sa-S W. jK. Bnrk. 12 winter cookiog applég-lIst Asaron Sîsa-ard ; LuS And-asi Lapp ; a-S W. K. Bnrk. Varialy of apples, a hiaaSs,-fs A. WaShla ; 2ad W. L. Statae; Sa-S W. K. liurk. Variety ai applea, - 12 Isinds-lat A, Wadidlc ; Lad A. Lapp; Sa-S W. K. Display ai appese-let W. K. linak, 61 venellies ; LuS J. Niglswander. 6 fuit, pears-lai F. Ga-een; Lad W. IL Stable; Sa-S E. lowea. 6 w-inter pea-s-lai W. K. linak; 2uS W. L. Stable ; bird C. Scobla. Grapes, blacia-lat F. Ga-een; LacS W. L. Stotta. Grapec, Nwhita-lst W. L. Staîts; Lad J. Wilson. Caa apples-lel W. L. Stoits. Plamas-lai P .Lawaoa; Lad W. L. mols ; 8rd IL S. CampleIL Peaches- lsi J. Gilason, istghly com- mandaS. 10 lb. rall ai lalter.-lst C. Stalle; LuS Mni. Malx. Moa-gan ; Sa-S Mn. A. à 5 Ia,. aibutter-latMns. Cimas. Pil. koy ; Lad Soplta Stalle ; Sa-S hrs. A. Elîta- Factory chesas-cat Hirsam Brown. Hais naSe cheese-lat Ma-e. S. Somars-ille; Lad S. K. Brown; Sa-S Mns. II. H. Spencer. )iISCELLANEOUS. ]Ioney inm cemh-lIs W, K. Boa-k; luS John Wilsoa; biad I. Palmear. Sa-aineS Homey-lat W. Taylor; Lad A. WadSia ; bird Mro. R. S. Wilson. Pair iearn coitan-isiJ. Digly; Lnd Ml. Marnish. Sel aimaglie haussa-lai Vm. Tlomp- MACHINES AND PAR)! IMPLEMENTS. Washing mnachine-Tht T. Gibbons. Pine plank-lst J-. Nighswandar. Panel dloor-lai R. Hainey. *Ploagia-lst S. Webb. Gang plaugli-lrt J. Wonca. Grain drill-let Joseph Hall 'tVorks. Drill cattivator, No. 1-lat & 2nd do. Fanaing mill-lst D. Farsytha. HorÉa alacas, calked-lst J. Beet; 2ni Han. Thompeon. Hara s stos, uncalked-lst J. Best. Horse rakc'-lst Joseph Hall Warka; 2n J. Wonch. Straw cutter-lat J. Woach. Lutaber ivagon-lst S. Webb. S pring wagon-lei S. WVebb; 2nd T. itkiiison. Open buggy - lst J. Wilson ; 2nd rame &Newport. Cuiter-lst J. WÇ%itaon ; 2nd Toms & 'ewpnrt. Sawing machine-lai W. Glarr; 2ud E.Haîney. Turaip sticer-lst J. Woncl. Dril cuitivator, No. 2-lfit J. Bail 2d J. Virtua. Cabinet Orgsn-D. Forsthe, Extra, glycommandeil. DOMESTIC XAN UFACTIES. Union Flanl, home made-let, Tain. Major, 2nd, Robert Fuller. Union Flant, -factory mada-lat, 'aseph Nigbhawsnde-, 2nd, W. D. Boiv. ýrman. Full clatI, fauiary niaide-lst, W. D. awermau. Full Clath,, haomo ndelt Miss Brown, 20a, Mrs. Robert Fuller. Salinetie, factory made-lat, W. D. Dwernaau. White Flau.nel, factory made-lat, V.D. i3owcrmiin. Plaid Flannel, hoine made-lat Mrs. Wilson. Plaid Fiannel, fadai-y niaide-lat, W. ). Jowemrcan. WVoolen Carpet, holos anada-lat, 'afayette Bf-Itly, 20d, W. D. I3ower. ian. Eeg Carpet, cotton ¶varp-lst, A. ercy, 2nd, , Mira E. Brown. Rag Carpet. wooten warp-let, John 7ilson. Pair ai Bluict-iat, C. Lynde, 2ud, Niglaswaindar. Covarlit, Iiglae-1st, Mrs. J. Brewis, id, A. Nlghsaivandar., Covarlit, heavy-lst nd 2ndl, Lre. B. Allen Quilted Qailt-let, Mise Sonierviiia. i, Mrs Maex. Morgan. 8rdl Mrs. L, entiy. Eiece Work-lst, Mas. L. lently, d, Mrs. U. Joues, Ord, Mrs. W. C. ird. White Spread-lsi, Mrs J Brewls, d, Miss M. Somerviile. - Liong Cabin Quit - i, Miss Samer. e, 2nd, Mrs. A. Morgan, Brd, Mrs. ren. Frendsiaip Quit-lst, Mias E. Brown, d, Mrs S. G. Wilson. Voalen Stookinga-isI, Mrs. Alex. Drgan, 2nd, Mas T. G. Iteazin. Vootan Socka-.Jst, Mas. Joseph. Law, aiMrs. Ailisoo. Cotton Soeka--i Mrs. Alax. Mor- Vaatan Mita--lai, Mise L. Brewls, d, J. Nighswandar. Tarn, haone made-lot, C. Lynde, ' dMrs. J. Brawis. Ladys Mitle-Mis 9. Brewis, extra- mnended. SLoavas Bread-lot, Mas. B. 8. Wil. 2,n2d Miss Somerville, Srd Miss E. own. Drled Fruit--lot, Mre j. W. Ward à MassA. Walson, 8rd, W. D. Bow.' Dan. c 'anned Fruit-sî, enj. Madi, 2d i s. J. Larkin, 8rd, Mns. . Brews.y rlly-lsî Mrs. J. Law, 2Laid, Mas. J. P-19, 8rd, Ma-s James Streelian. aessaes-loi, Mrs., George Valsa. e, 2d, C. Niglaswander, Bai, Mnà .C .Bowaa. Nekies lat, lfra. G. Valentine, 2nd, P 'darberry Winea-lst, Mrs. R. Da,- N 'W JO B( E. B vi Lat an. Pc L Bso era i Mrs tine, Bd. gei LadL ;2udà * emtries.-lst, C. 'Mm-tin; aOplins. - - - a Wartzat, iaolsy-C. Men- e. 8 entris-lst, G. Martin; s JahaDy; Sa-S, DancaenMc- enta-es-lai, lijamia Hop O i. L O:reord Wisn;SaSt nLad Mn. 'T. Thompsont; 8Bai.Mise aMartinai a-l Jas. Tgaay. l uisoai. i 8Apie S suta-ls, Jamès Hem Faav ic liiig -loi Ma. J, W. Ca-; ia; La--d, Oweni Tahany; Sa-, John Ld sud rd M s, Josephi Law . esin. A rti i i el fo er a-- lut isse jen nie P v s -Somerailta; 2Loti Mn. Heu. Tlimpson. 1Ttïrke~su nisa-lia, D. Heelin Case a stfféS binas lai F. Orsoén. 2d, Ja. McPeiran. Paacy baault - lti Miss Riqhardson; Oeese,ý 7 astis-li. Jamea Xma 2néld lia-. Aloi. Mora. t: - Z 'PlianmonLSS. Smith; aai, Jas. Hâ. cl D oor îst-ý-ls& sud LuS M a-. J3.W . lin. - -a d D u als, 2 e aiiies -1s I, Z . B ailey ; 2nu Fauy pielauna frane-lai Mns. T. L. Wilsn. Thoîpson. -scxMANUFAOTUES Banquait ai uasIflower -let Miss Satinette, 1 aulry-Ma-tin Tahans. -Rialardaon ; Lad S. Webb, -Flaunel, 4 entries-tb, A. Laibli Kuit w-ohlen buSd- -lai Mns. J. W. Lad, 0w-en Tahuy ; Srd, P. Healilu -Ca-S. Stacking Yeru, 5 autrte-lsî., D. Taltina-- lai Mits Allison ;'Lad Misa Hlesma;s Lad, 0w-en Taliay; Sa-S, A. L. l$îchardson. Leith. 2 ottoman - lat Misa McLareni; LuI Bocks, S enta-ls-lI, Jas. Hesinu . Miss A. Bsarlay. LuS, P. Healiai;Sa-S, Benjamin Hep. Faney tabla mai -lat Mns. Richard- lina. .son ; tuai lra. -Ntghaw-ander. Kaitîsa] Mille, 6 entaie-tast, James Lad'ls' drega -laitlia-. J. W. Caca-S Heslia; LacS,' Martin Heaiey; Sa-i, P. LaS lire. G, Happer. Kehly. CiahS' S-ca-li la-. J. W. CarS ; Cua-ca-hts, 5 enIries-,lsi, James Hes- Lu- Ma-s. Si. Lankin. lin; Lad, J. Tahlany; Sa-S, James Has. Lady'. bonetna-lat Ma-s. Gro'w-InrL. lia. Fanojilather vorla-l Miss Ailsou; Palct;à QuilI, S enta-ts-lit, P. inS Lira, J. W. Gara]. Hachan; Lad, Patricka Ketly; Sa-S, A. Sofa pilou-ltaid ud SMise R. Lsith. Thoîpsan. Baket, 1 eniry-A. Laili. 1 Lady'e cia-ltdSa-cs-aig Mns. S. Lar- 'Plain Son-ingIMaciie Wo-k, S an. kin ; taiS ia-s N. B. Allen. - ta-ts-lat, Jas.- MIcPiersn; Lad, Jas. liaaide S tid y - l el lr . N . B . A llen. H ac; bi rd, . M artin. - lia-aideS tthirt - lei Ma-e. C. J. Wilson. Ranil-made Shirts, t anîies-lat, P. lieS w-ent- lait Miss K. McLaen; Kelly. Lad Lira. J. W. CarS, L.fofai rseati, 9 cats-Z. ]laihey. Fera w-nak -lai Miss K. McLaren; Plain handSeawing, S cnîaiss-M-a. Lud Lilsa-E. Tioîpson. C. Matin. Gent's taaf- laiLira. Richardson; Fsney nsadte-wonk, 5 enta-isa-Jamas LuS Mns. J. W. CarS. LicPharaon. Ruafie work-lai Misa Ailisan. --Lady's lai-lst Lias. Ca-avIaurI.Th e . W oo e a hit-lt M as, Ale . M or-T c Ne . g-an ; Lad D. Lapp. Tics Puke ai Leinster dieS on Fniday Taillaiset-la inasWilson; Lad Miss- test. Law-ton. Pair ai lippers-lgl Mns. T. G. Tw-enly liaouaail moais rengîl- Reà zia ; LnaMa-s. G. Happer. ening tle hauka ai the Nule ta pres-aut Ca-achattliSy-lst Miss Lauton; LuS 5flooil. Misa K. McLaren. Tics Canadien Lnrnlermneu'a Associa. rXTiS. lien ta mnving fer a modification ai thc Cotton lily-Mia.; J. Allison. culling systean. Meaiban w-rl-Mimts Kuewhss, On ude,à adteyWiksre A p p liq u a w o r k - M is a K aio w -e s . O a I u a a n w a i i k s a r Foot atoo -M isa Lw ton. roitirs have basai lodgeil in jail sd Point lace --Mns. OSie. quiet retored at îe mins. 811k quili-lirs. D. Lapp. A. S. Harclersbnrgh, business Iae- SIa-aw laI -Ms-s. U. Young. agera-nsd» caier of lIasJersey City Wall baskel-Mrs. U. Young. .Sta-dard, bas eacoadad. J nz z e e q u i l t - M is s K u aw - e s .T h C a i t o f c i l J m r a a a I s Lamp mat-Miss -Ailisoa.Th als fei Junlgyte Stintig o i utton a - M . H. H pper. D n is by no meaus eai. is frces-. Thea bslve ex îas gre ig isy eým w -ra eféasîsilso e m ore t Ig lda. mandeS. A Lis-sapool dtlcheIreporta île de. eEAIN. ivetrmes ai Caltainsuthe imarket 16000O Fali what-lai T. Pap ; Ld Gas, aes lessa lIe Icrnning accouat. Piike; SaS J. igiaau21n1M. onehonaîte lias laca alectel Spring vissaI -laI Urtan Young; Pa-eideat, anS M. Sîasaippeli, Vice- Ladl Jas. Cournuey. Président ai île National Couneil of Berley, 9 row-a-lat Chas-tasPiikay ; Su-fîzerland. LaS- T. G. Beazia ; Srd Uriala Young. S îsl p e s - lai C . N i nsw and a ; LiaS R . B . sw -lu, a e P acifie S tea s ip J. Nig sw ander; Sa-S S. K, Brown. Co.ta agent is casgeil uitis hav ng ap. Blackla ess-lai Colin P ilip, ropriaeil 8750,000 ai the C mpaxy's ye-lis John Thm; Ld . S. cas. Wilson.The paseengena by thas SisaletSeasu Pet bl-e-lst James Rasset. at-aaanip Ontarilo, andhorail cff Kaa-ry Pesa-il erlay-lab JamsRusseL Head, w-sra takan oaS ly'rivers-mteamers BarraI of atîcoal-lai James Russet. aiS convejed lu saiety .bu Limerick. EXTRAa. The triai of Johan Haizîeata the Guelpha Split pesa-James Russel. Assizea, on a char-ge cf sîooting wiîb Indien meal-Da. Worthiy ai nota. itiia, reaulted in tha conv-ictiona ai the eRWNvaxocom. priaoues, aiS a sentence afimirn- Tur-ip-lat D. Br-ow-n; Lad Untal ment for 1w-aeleilas la th- Central joues; Sa-S John Parkera. Prison, tle Cana-t takiacg a ienieùnt viaw Ce-l s-£. a-.cugV. a-a~e&ui - O .s aîecs. V.Richardaon ; 8rd Wm. Habbla Carrais-lai J. Parker ; Lad G: Betts- Srd W. Hobbs. Mangolda-let G. C. Batte; 2nd W. H. Orvia ; Sa-S John Parker. Rama Fait Show. At thea anual fait Show ai the Agri. cultu-al Sociaty aifithe township of Rama, hld ou the firat imat., the fol. Iowiug prizas ware awardad: . ERsEs. Genacral Purpose Hlorsea, 4 enta-es- lat pc-île, Robart Johaiston ; La Jas. Taltany. Jr.; 8rd, James McPherson. ]lrood Mares, 8 eunes-ht prize,1 James Tahany; 2ad, James MePlarson;. Brd, Pat. Mahony. Sackimag Colta, 8 entries-ltpie Jas acny 2nd, Tlios. McoDarmotî; Srd, James MePherson. Saile Horees, 6 entrias-lat pnize, Z. ]3ailey Lad, Curneiue Martin 3rd, Tixos. MoDermt. Carriage Herses, 8 entries-lat prizo, J. H-esiu; Lnd, C. Martin. Tw. yar olft Calta, 5 entries-lat prize', ZBlailey; 2ad, James Smaith; Br4l, James H-ealin. Ouae year aid -Colts, 6 entriez-lat priza, Z. Dafoea; 2ud, Pat Malaony; Brd, James Smnith. OATTLE. Agml Bull, 8 entries-lat priza, James Smnitha; 2mad, A Leitli;gril, Mertin. Ou erotd Bull, 5 aunes-lai pnzJs milla; 2nd sud BaS, Jas. B3ull Gaives, 2 entries-lat prize, Jas. MoPharson: 2nd, 0. Martia. Milola Gows, 18 entriers-lot and 2nuS prizas, Theodora Hoy; Ba-d, Benjamin1 aiopmna.E Twa year aid Haifers, 9 aunes-lai 1 prize, Z. Bailey; 2nd, A. Laiih; 8a-i, a Jas. Tahsny. a Yearling Haifans, il enta-es-lai irsTheadore Hoy.k Lnd anS 8n5, < rcsMaPharson.' Ha'daer Cala-as, 2 entries-lat prisa, C. Martin; 2n5, B. Hopkins. Oxen, 7 amaris-lat prise, Vartni Taliany ; Lad, TIcs. BoyS ; ird, FrankE rohiuston. . .Two yaar aid Stees, 1 entny-Jamea b: Talîauiy.-L SOna yaar aid Stour, 8 entries-lat, ai James McePhea-son. a ORZE. ti Aged Rama, 6 entries-lat and 2nd, Domiaick Heslid ; Ba,. Martin Heay. . Bhearfing. Rama, 2 edtrie-Islt, C. [sartin .; -nd J. MoePhersan. Ram Laba, O ntries-heand 1udLu, c o r a e h9 u a ia ; r d D o m t n a k l e s . ln. P4 Sliearting Ewes, 7 ontrias-lat C. 0 Kartin ; Lad, Martin Healy;-,, rS, Jas. t 'ahan. myva Laba 8entries--lat and 2nd,; Mertin ; B. Hopkinu.a Pateat Lamb,' 1 entry-James -Me- Pbeon, .5 .Pateat SheeP, Z, entres-lst, ames de [ePheraon. él Best Wooled 5he~,~ nassjs Tlae Corporation of Moatreal, by tlaa agreemnentjust coma ta wita the, Du- anuaiona overnaien, pays $164,000 for the Quebec Gate Barrack andl1,000 per auurn for five ycars for tha pro- periy known as Logaua'a Fanai. The race for the Hamilton Club Cap, betweeu second-clais Yachts, was ru over again on S'ainraay, anti Jacqueline sud Sainuterer coanpeting, sud îhe foraner wînnang. The flaffen aHanse, St. Thoma4, Ont.,' with adjoiaiug bailding, WESas baraed dowu hast Suuday ; bas, $10,- TIhaî-aposeil bonus ai $80,000 to tlae Belleville and North Harstings PRailway was vot.ed upon ai Madoc oaa Satnrday, anS cana-led ta elarge iajanity. Mr. Thoas Mes, Q. C., M. P., wis, on Tlanraduy -eveating, elected Vice- A Paria ltter stadtes tiai Mil.e, a-- ins, Paincess De Bourbon, whose lis. baud is inasnia a eglag fr bread there for hierseîf an(ti hu-se didren. Four valuabe racing hases hava beau bdly poisand ai lis tablest f Prospect Park, New York, by Borna secuadrel poaa-ng croton il in thein mangers. Rournania sud Sera-laliave adoptaSl a pacifie atitude towards Turkey, in- coniseqaeca ai represnattan \o ais.ja marck andl Androssy. " Thea Landau Tines lias advices franc Viana, thtI lie ides aifa-ferrig ils Sdlileawig qîseeiion te lthe Queaaof Englami lagatig hlaSfi lhe iplo. na t t e m i md . Ih la s ta te S t î ma i t le Danisl Gaverameni is ~favourable te auc a acoure w-hie thIbught la affr a feasille motbod.for ils solution. F zRocîous ASAULT ON POLICEEN- )Iz Mica Dî5sà aOW-zLEn - ANCTiKE5 GABEED sN TEE ABDouz.-Foa-5 Scott, Ka., Ot. 5.-AI lie Oswga Fair aroundls n Saturday lst John Bagiy crased a disturbanca andi Policemn lagail aud Wentfall stempted tlar. rest lim. RHataiked liem lac a mss bruai manner.withj a kif, witl whicla eu complalely - disambowahail Hoglit, aSd ut saveaal seaena gaes inuheb abdomeni anS- ack of Wesîfall, pne- traig lhis luag. Hogait Seil immedi- ltely, and Westfai isa lyand. recovery. Bagley was arete, snd t. ow n, Henry Enransd his mater-in-law bra. Wood, w-la a-censly gaineS: nota- iety ýby rnning off tagetilar main, aorsmoutha, Virginia, ha-iacgai d ean )f tle courts, have *eloped a -secondý Ime. Henry Ere is a fol;a Eariy te leS and early ta nise w-iil lt he in'vain if you dou't advercas. BxYAN WALLEE Paoaxan,-A cable lspatc.roxn Lndau auuuacdstise I ala aiflice pe a -enWaller Pa-octar, wttan kauwa as " Barry CoruWai." - car ol.gruito pnioa5- for . r.orm aý( or ene due. He nuloaded llssu a an ur w-anehaues iu liteow-n grai pleasad, w-lat le eaid came in said cal -bai w-lier lha lok ltce grain diii' lids ehaa-atoa-ora-outioaihela jd aill tati-camaelun thenc or nai, va ha no ncais i.lanw-ipas le jalaint In lis p esssian île w-ey-lIls or ada-ic notes ai w-lai tle cars w-are saicUao co tain, AnS if ii suits lie purpose uaw-,thl îîey diS nai weiga out nighi, lie lana fuit w-ail tue Siecnepancy t1iirs w-as bi twec lais w-aights anS ils uaerelalut itPont Par-y up to titI time, and it btnaturel. ta suppose'lhaitlic w-au lea axtous te laya umi ae ont th p sasine w-ey.- I w-oui.! like 1dm'ta sate vat cause i ii te go tu tle trouble sud expeusk i - iiing men ta unload the carsa, and ait MAU nd Shanses ta Seivth-e legraini o ur Warebouaesiaatadaiofsimply liant ing aven lthe cars te me, a ha saiS il diS ? T-laconly aller resn tînt present itef te me ia, ihat pea-liapa lae aud hi amualovascuadbandaetisa grain mue] anare lboutstlyjb~d caraiuiiy ilmansw -could ; lut auj diaintereased psrty mn sa-e et a glande biat the persan te b I-til eccouaet Salasowsa-na i i propa-îy shcould lava lias privilegýec hanllina the sains, sud ual Glasa Draper, w-la coulal u c l ehe-wi -tla a auions ta have thc discrepa equelto, if nai greser tissu, las 0W standard, I cannai undeaaanil how- LiJDrapa eau aay, sitar unlaading att tle cear hlmasif, lIai it ta W-cil for him lIai gai a sarseof ihamicia unload, 'sud aie *tiet Ma-. Gordou's car when unloadet ai lis place w-eigliad 5 10/60 lusIalj marc ihan w-lien anicadeti et mina wh-maihaita wcli 5w-areihat, anal a tit tcoulal not le, as thc. nailway Socs nei a-an far-sIca- iaai ic awupramnisas, bui I cen now unilersieud haslt was tisi bishe pea-sona in chmargeaofai r'ersIonst lied so innelidifficultin-tap-ea-eing Ma-. Pnspar's employes w-liaw-crsSe. lia-sa-tnp the grain irai taking leek pari afi in ta iata-casa star ii ad basai w-aigleS ly my w-eighimau. .Anti sitar unioeding aille cars lau- soif, bath la 1878 sud '74, sud detive- ing te mue w-laI lia w-as pleased la sej carne i hm, lieska Mr. Austin, lhe Pr-midens ai the Rabw-sy Ca., ta kinai3 shlow lis Senea-iiy, Ma-. J. J. Ross, la compare tse shipperew-iglats,es albewr by the siaice nases, *vitha ithe bookas ai bail elevalers. And I cannaI sac w-la reasan Ma-. Draper bail ta asking ta hava my books compareS wilh thead- vice notas, w-Ian liasldla lis posses- sion the adi-e notes, anSdaia lis al e- ceipla fraimcm for ail the grain, as it w-es frn him I recela-sI it,aud to w-lia I gave rsceipta for it, anS nai the Rail- wmay Co.; an-1 if lia books w-ontd show w-bat lac recei- e ly abouldai msa tati hlm wlmsî las Seiiva'iaS o me. Bai, 1 Ilve na Scult, lha thougat, w-ils ils aid. ai Mn. Rosa, Sec'y of lime Railway Ca, sud Isj leking thccars slowtheim graesta muut of abortage. Sa-lis-areS ta mue ont ai 26,000 lsm., anS camper. in.- <hem wllbîîle lesi ai lis, eut ai a qanaity tiares tumes as, harpe, lie vonli [ta ala make ont a case. liai iow bbc Presideat, Ma-. Auqtin, a men ai sncb a-auow-e uaItsinessahilittj anS clea-juagmaui, coula put auj ne- liane lu s document eiauating ia-ôm Ma-. Draper.,lanowiag, as w-aIl as ha atiouid, lIe elerecter ai île man, I ai ai a lois ta untiarstaud, unles lie w-as mialei or Sacaived, ly Ma-. Dnapers misrapra.seuieîiena ta hlm, tha- ougaliai ou-nsecneýtanj, w-ho in lais latter ta the Prec;identsays <liai lai to theaa asi- me-ai fa-rn Mr. Pcapar's boolas. But 1 lias-e sne beau ýirformaed from a rai- ala sounce chatlha has adtiteil te lhss-&sirnplfý talion Mn. Draper's au-m sitament as le as-s pi-ased iW give it. And tisis, Ma-. Ethitr, is w-litiMn. Dra- per taris a faimltest of w-alpha betweia biansalf anS uie, sad tîcan neorta witi sarnscu on Mra. Gordon, chatIl"ihis la tise Mn. Watson w-hase w-igî,ing las on muai admiras aud wiîl w-lom Lia huai- icesa connectionslias-e basas 50 agnre. ahbhe." Suais expressions ccrang frta-u Mn Goradon muÈt have beu very dia. sasteini tt bimladesigniag, bypo-it- ical, sa-cIaagilator. AmaS I ay muser saiS, for tle gen. ieaitu's lan-fit, ttIbsiaeabeau en- gageilfon bbc has.t li-ty.îla-s jeans lat a l; w-aa-a-touse baîsia *sis, anS lae up ta tise lest fiaw jasatansuctil eanby t-lia whaola aifithe buinesas ouse -t Port Wlcithy by Varin marchantas andotbers ta tise connues of Ontiosansd Vacteria Joxcept- the village cf Oshawa) anS have aS, from. Ottawa, ai importsa fri the Unaited iSa jte tiste I>aoaincea ai Quecanda Ontario, dnring the fiscal je-an sadita-Jane 5011, 1874. The l us of merchaudisa imoa-ttilinoa Oniar- io amnconted la 880,599,074 ; ino Que ba $12.690,899. "Total $48,289,778, w-huale tmuras ai tls UniteS States' Bureau oai Siatistica shows the 'value au lima experts aifluaose two provinces, if tisa sauna pariaS, agzgragaie but 882,. 565,627. an emissiol ai #10,728,462:> Thts omission arisas franc the faci limasi a larme part ai aur exporeta Iliase prov-inces crýosesthe -border ar Uith Suspension BridgP, :N. ~Y. ; SI. Aibans sud Islandl Pond, Vt., in cea-, anS h las impassible la abtaitau naccurate acount of' tle aerglsudiza co carnieiltene being no iaw te detain ]eand vehicles, fia lImone ie in lias case ai vessels, matil manifesta ai oargoea in dcliii ar-e fur- At tle Assizesaia Napancees ruffian cona-icteS.oflaa-.g ate ipted rap. on cis own dauglater-wuaiesceataaced tM fonr uontlia' imoniaaonmont and foi ,,. k 1 [- saes? AudSa itiefaibae - -ss-k i4fa-amaiw-lae grain accoait wsa te stse ,dment lalcea? ýAgnS gin. liesks vas seil fraui Ma-. Gaimie's?2 And fhon 'lie a-osa Outea sassat, "il vas oi kecon- *d iiuaaulY froa lhe pages ai Mn. A. Rosa for ny ou-a, fir aasuredly ilay w-il hbean nu suai coîparson, anadfor 11dm resson aI coiplain sud stick reda-ass. This tesa Id Posint I w-anî liglit upan." The lia-lt hoe Tr.Godo salefor h cheea zve Testateiena-s-ferraedta by Mir. J. Ja. Rosa idlais latter ta Ma-. Austin, pul- lts iheS tin jaur ist iIssue,-w-as no aller ehthan s eentiauous siaemecat af ail nr. A. Rass'a s:pa-ingvlieat, euS ai ail Mr. Ive GorIau's fail w-hat Salive-ad ai my as levator lest w-inter,not a car la-ina- tie lef-n amitteirmo alldtoptp pfa-etence w-bisaene. Mn. J. LrJ. 'RaSe Statas t is i lttesaallie coi- ane paraS 111es- tateiceut i viIMy grain ybooka, and vitI tle -"tadvies na(se"oa v u t i c a - i wv a .v , s ud f a i m S t î me in t a l ae c o r - a-et ;saiS, bIenposon ta give tics a- lrsuit 'ai Jais 'investigation, -as la My Sw-eighingtcompreS w-ith ilat ai Mn. Watson' hn.Gardon viii pareive thon lishât I15 exaeily visatlle gajs I edlieuld have doue, bui w-hieh lie ina-inn- -aaeI i*net do-nisaliM. J. J. iganS also tisaitlw-asDot frai Mn. Con- et-ie'e grain lise atate.ment was maSs,.- itbut frailbas awn, aud tit aiMr-. A.. atRo-a, w-hich lie lis deetaned, could have' BenO ancli ecpaican, sud for w-lich laie igcomplained suddsougil red-as, sui- e- sak d f r ligh . 1h ol p s ie hase no v rt gel ths lia- icilalias basa seekng- sitar, sud iblaiea vuhh a sa lie lias no cause ai cemplaint or grievan'e 10 a-e- drSass. Theplic w-lt aiw ee bics shsameinI -Yz rediamen in-wihaMr. Gordaon te T' Plce. Net a Woral ai ruit ibs ,'tallemeni ttiaid otS afuruisiha-r. J. yJ. Rasw-ith s continuons sataient '>betweeu certain dates; imol anaordai an il tas ta my lavin- sasectail car- hod ahown msfavofarabla cum- 0 panisoas wil asippera' w-alphas;not a 1-wrenaIta-lta innt nuation ibsi il -ws frai M. Garnie'. grain accaunt th usastamaut aifLMa. Ras a-s made; ual a word cf iraIh in w-laI Ma-.'Wat- tson says as la tle poaiiiit.vjof lis net h lavinig polf ails a-erain the cea-scan. V taiucd lu îhe w-inter ai 1874 ; not s W-anSof ta-uth lu Mn. GarSau's staie. 'meut tlat i.suad Mn..A. Rass's grain aceoni w-anISbaa-no, suaI favorable -compas-on3, îe statemnt givea Mr. J. J. Bbsa having tbeau leken fa-onc hase iwo accouais, sut fa-ai no ailer. itow, in couelusoa, -per-mit me -ta stet- thai I. very ann,ela-gneat a-tIc difféences lewea Mr. GorScu anS mlyFaifw-ara shougat ly lii telaie a fit autjeet iai-.05wapapa- conioraacs, bai laavinp been attaeekably bite,-Il ai course, hava lean aompallad te defsuS luyseli. As ta île introaduction ai Ma-. Wasaon'a naise, Ma-. Gos-Son is ahane responsibîs for.tiab. I layaeon1 uil Mn. Watsuu's naise ta aaaw- lise*faiitc af Mr-. Gondou's mtteieaci, andSnett fan tle parpose ai iakag Mn. Watson' ap- pesa- to a Sisa-enteigeAnS if - snch hias beau -the case, Mr-. Watson mey than Mn., Ga-don for it. The viniia- lion ai mysahf iras been my amulj mo- tis-s, unSl il la for tic pnblic tae ay if I imeve beau auccesuful. IXmjours, &e-,, CIiESTER DRAPER., Whithy, Cet. 14tla, 1874. Tas Kingston Chnistianasaaalieno anS simpleia-y of Sisposiug ai clericel seanaSi. Ve raeS dth a aMefladisi Episcapal Clergyman, a-nilly of!Ilan sieroas fanît" w-s publicly w-lippeS. lefors lais ceagregetioni hy au enrageS faller on 'Stîitioyraccnîly. ;IlStats. mania" are evidenthy et s disceuni in otld-Cataraqui. Thos. BallaSd, an expert coainlerfeiter, anti ts w-omna e evuee caturea-stIa Buaffalo 'wihal ht oir eppas-stus ior ataiking off bisl. A boy named Wsaw-aj iaa-hutab hilea off by sa lhouley in aSshow st- Toronteoaai Faiday. Tics monkey ats tle Moa-sst. IXPiALED,-lin. Fa-ad. Fitzraldsi, of London tow-nship, a day or 1wa etuce ftl frm a lay mow, sud vas imnpaled on tics alsde-of a pif èi-fonla, ils vouaS ln Lis lady laina- lanrgcanSofaoinus chamacter. hLis, laoweaer, tlocught-iie w-ilI récovar. -DEPARTSE r aisF FEGavaaORazGNa EEAL rau NEW- YORx.-ADX.iSTxzrIà ATu as,ÃI G-sOvERNMIasT.-The Oovearnor.-- lIane-at isil ou Monday for Nev -Yor-k, wvIsae ho w-ill reain s fev - Ses. tiajer.Oeensaat OGaay Haley, Goan. andaer aillhe Forces, bas baesa w-rn in teat ias Adîtulis-sior Su-ina-bis absence.- Buffalo as fearfue There are coma te 01 ot ai ici en Masonry. il - et n 1 1