---.g , 1 Ilwut lu . ' 'DWO& «UnU, 9Y 1014 e;a-"t U soon U l ete i î modlate possession.Ap ning to vixat one ià gay. D. D. LADE, Oasawa, orIL MeGBE, soIlior, Osltaws. wtby, l 4tb, 1874, 29 eu-Duixng IHay-Rak. Rafi'm. o~th3ny PP19NTICE WÂNTBD Wiener Seli-Dumping AT T=E a sfelIows-. CIIRONIÇLE OFFICE ir Sef aPm535teal. ______ ___ I&7 and smubse ake soe LT th 's anB[ . ,T-0 LE 4 tbget .ins ild - A Esery ami Confactionery vitix Jweli- Itural Implemetabd n 949 ,8I5#>3Ouve~YohôsJonnIo verr nec. da lest wo.le. Thse Ws. iiZ nu Duidtene x entr "emest ro ofay aV.5gl4ng a town.' Possessionl given let Sept, 1874. Ttnb i sag..k APPa> te7- have tui ni. x ,URD-80a4Di-n mr lf« goeral hhcnsand nf I. kenti ifim. ourtyao.e M. 'Y., not befng ibie tb gef a na DikytoOico,,tjle iHU 'fg o.fothemeven * o thé "mOrgan Tarif of 8 We aiso desire ta'eieaU attittiôn fu * Movsrand Boaper,' vWwâtixstands à thée Uà iWtd Stats aÙi Europe withouï a rival as the. Ring efthtie harvestfifeIdý n'anO uxrIiprôved-r' uperîùlrBbaîl east Seeder and Cntivator oin -bned, witli Spring>-rFri outHei$lil usdeub tedlhie moat usefai fa m li Plmet peuofitroduod vifiin, tih. ýst te* "Sr- h uerior" tias en give.entire s.îfeino oa ;as aux imPrOved " supoir"Gé Dri! mcclximer _os lav e 'en 'Véry rnueb. edAmen1 otixer fiing0 la cur Pitfs Horse poier, geer.d at bofixends, se asobib.nuit righ rb iu-PAtent safety cou- pltigfor iiesiatLeadb eÀ~'ýp._ Cent Baddle Beit and viiiaius for rais. {xig straw stacixers withouf steppin nmachine. WIVo invite isfoading- pur- c hasare te examine eurx-Machinesbe. fore buying. Pull information viii bc sent tea a pplicants. Address, Josz's HALL MANUFAOTURI1U CokpNYy, Ouha. wa, Canada. Champion Resper. (Plom th. efrr. The Hon. John Simpson, Senator, Sud Président et the Ontario Bankx, ro. aides on hiii be4utitul farm, eaa f c Bovisauvile. Ho bas given muchi at. tention- te irproved farxiug, Stock raieing, drainixxg,&o. Ho was among, fthe vory irotit luOnfarie te introduce 'lu roved Agricuiturai Impiements inte Canada, and lias aiways vatcliodfthe proïresse oftitis cIags cf machines witix 'Véry groaf intereat. buying anl fie nov niachies fixaf gave promise cf bsing * usftul. Writing te the o e. Hall Mfg Ce. fixe Champion Reapor, lho asys as feonvi: 1 "The Chapion le sureiy uudergoing A MAtoatsevere test. Charles out six acres of Barioy viti fyesferday after. Sloon Whon I wvent isto tefixelbd I could hardly make myseif believo sny machine vuenu ct it, pretty weil dovu, vezry leavy, cerne thioties, and a thick xnttùà g cof young cbover at thp bottem; but it vas doiug vonderful verk vixon .1 loft hfifeld two hourâ ago." Where mhssachinrelias been testeS If lbas given the mcmi perfect satisfaction aud without any doubt weill vin ixe 'boit in Canada, as it lias doue inith.éiV. S, aud >Europe ef beiug tiie Ring eofie Har. vost fieid. .Owlngto fixe greaf reputa.- tien tii. Champion lias gained, ether manufacturersaren putfing fixe name on a very sineix inferlor machine ta aid inu 'ielllng thots. Xçk botter ptoet could b. givon-of fixe Superiorlty cff the Chams.À pion. -The. Jeu.,Ball M f'g Ce. h ave fthe stabati,, rigixi te build fthe real Chan. . PiiluCÃœd Anad an 1ailother so.callec1 Cham.npions are a trauS teafixe public. FaxES eu HORSa.-The Journal of1 Ohemiaf1rxj gies tih. following simple recipe for tfiixeprévenfion cf dieu oul horsos:-Taks tva or hre. amauli anS. fui$.et valnt lea*es, 1uPou Wviicipour two or uxée. quart o f 0c1l iwter; let if J inue 'n ugt, and nerf mnorning9 eZ fxewhloe nt .k1etflSsanS-let if ~ i o uarterOf an heur; Wlien I cold it viii b. f for use. No miore la roufredtfluef0meustes a spenge, sud b e teixerlea.goe&souft the.stable lot~~~~~~~Ms fespaa iiiarmetirritable be siiared ever with the iquid, sanie. ly, between sud upoiixtfixetssiitte J jiei, fixe lanka, &e. Net only tIi lady 1 and gentlemnan vne rides eut for pies. sure viii b. bçneSteS by fhus,- but fixe ceseh=ma, theo-vagoser, anSdaIlt liera à RIiiCU LD>SCHlOoLoY.-Tvle lu. G dlian paporu mention a singular caseofet going ta sohooflaloe lu lite. If ee T tixat fixe Rajah et Busahahir, vliese nu. cme is 0500,000per ensuis, began et. tendingucliool vwhn lhe vas tveouy. Ave ier od n thé fixlv.ears h vhicih have sUnei eapu a lUisbe.. caenequife anglicIÊeS. Hla itdescribed " as bhing gcd.nafured, anS 'as maleingeR evx peoan !t ravle, 1tn rder thaf lie ~~mknc vili bolîttecer ainfy A Young MAxi named C04"is Ceoney, iogud llew'y-eelnpylofôe'a'lu th. Wei boui., vas aoidenfall.kifed ,leuf cf cf grta0 in. H. ewaisveepinx ont onse offthe lrevOqiigbins u thé. elevator, aS lêYtlhus iiu-0 yd ,M b ains -0 , weat u'r ,lotb fx ~fjeIlUn ghi i tôhéselaix .8tfom aa4ap0' hgtgi psy. ~JOHNr.AI& and Proprietor, Poney Gýoda Store. .Who Whltby, July 15, 1874. 2 a o E ANTDTRUiUCS. one uter ýJU4THR VALISES irm. )0 ieo Mids SARATOcIA TRUNKS, WILLIAM ýTHIOMP SON-S, Sadier a a au Maker, BRt%C0KS., WMÃlTxY. pue24,1874. 2ati COAL AND WOOD!I n5&efip~o.O 'Whltby adolhr2 o=hrsvatiîgCI thIxîs buI beto Basy h aeimpeS avez- lrge anS veli select- ed stock ot the boit hard aud soit ceaie oi AU. kindo, conieistiixg of Lackavana, Seran. oxE' heStnlut, Steve, Grate,' and M lcexiicai. Alan a car go of xriar Hill, fixe best ever -oSeraS inithis xnarket. Faizn-ms, Blacksinithe, and others haullng their ewn ceai suppieS at wholeealeplices.1 Ci u avyour orders, As coais are odvononigipin.çe evrr mpnth, get thein inx whÃŽle dryand -roas agooa. Ordera proinptiy execuIted; ceai and ironS delivered on short notice fer cash. - Beat maple- per cord ........O#U0 Beecix sud, ma7!. sureS.5 llbmfock-eanS pine, very go.....4 0C00 Weight sud measure guaxanfeed. Qeais welghedl on t own $cale. !For particulars apply at Iny office at the 4,odyard, or at fixe office of, C. DrXaper, Wbitby harbour. *ALB X. ALE.XANDER. Whiitby, Aùgust Ilti, 1874. 83 ic AUTION TO TILESPASEnS 1 Ahi parties tonuS cutting timber ou ChuO soutix part et lot 18 infixe 8t1î cou, et Mai-a, vii lie prosecuted vitix fie utmost vigor et fthe lav. SE RE CONFESSIONS OFAN INVALT-D, TPUBLMIEnisAS i A VýnjNo nGd for fixe benefit af Yeuxo mm-z N TREsue mxc sufer from NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc., tiupplyiug the meexs of Self-Cure. Written by' eue who cureS Mxmself. atter uuder.oxng couiderable qmakery, sud sentf ree ci charge. uIýnfer. *crEiThe, highe8t Ca8h WPheat, Barley, ea I CASH FOR- BUTj The new eand cheap'Gro.cery store Whitby, Sept. l5th, 1874. tth of Ontrio Bank L. ROU88 TA, I O-1NOE8TABLI8HMENT, IBROCK(,SITREET,-W H 1TB Y (Next Door,-North of Dominion Banik) The6 undersigned ,r' t urns ak o past 'favors, and begs to announce to custorne7rs aùi the public, that he bas in stock a sPlendid lot of new Scotch', English'and Ganadian Tweed8, To'gether, with their beautilful ;Cloths and Coatings, to, which he would invite special attention. As lie devotes bis whole attention to ORDERED WORK, lie leels eonfidéiit in being able to givee entire. satisfactioný to ail Who May be pleased to favor. himî with their co' nnnns Gentlemen's Fuirnishing Goods of al kinda and of superior quaiity. Gents' Rats, Caps and Ties in great valiety, and al cf the very latest styles. whitby, Apnil 15, 1874. A. PRINGLE. -CHI-NA GIBSON HEave just ,eied, a large. and weil selectedl lot of Ch4cc -Green and Black Teas, Suyars, and -PiROPRIETOR.1 Ordi claiss iy SU, Whitby, October lot, 1878.,ý- TILL MESRS.TOMS -&- NEWOLT, Beg to inform the public generaily, thajthey have opene4- a New CarÉage Factôry -oii undà è Steet, TWO DOORS WEST' the POÈT OFFICE. Whero the are 11w pzSpre tecnxoo-,a .work th Carniage Making Lina, on the shortee te, n4 z4iotthe bu.a teria, ana fisteuls worgcanahip. ALL WÃ"lRK WARIRANTED. REPAIBING DONE WýITH NEÂTNESS A"ND D4sP4TcH. 1Whifby, July 29tli, 1874. GREAT EXCITEr$£IT! !1B-ROOKLIN AT' THE GROCERY A large stock 110W offering table inducements ! Be sure and- try tlie STOREI. CROICETEASatD irreESs FAMILY GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS 1 Guaranteeti of the'Fiuest Quality 1 Whieli they offen to tlie public at Prices so low tliey can't Tobaccos and General. Groceries be beat. Corne One, Corne Ail; anti examine for your- At the old Prices, irrespective of the Tariff. Greater sat- selves befoe punclîasiug elsewliene. Also recived, a larg soteto li n ac isfaction o vry day. Ail kinds cf Farm and Garden Glass-wane, direct frorn the rnanufactory. ledsi season, and warranted. The best assontment of China & Crockery in the County te- Great stock of Crockery andi Glassware which mnust at~~~~b veyîo nie, ed te make rooni fox more coming on. AT GIBSON & 1>ARVELL'S. on't forget the Brooklin Gnocery Store-ene door east Fresh Trinii) Seed 911cl , ~ .L -1-1- t ie ao1eHal - ý - -'l --L- ...M4ul ti . IILDve±'y U1iîCap, WlOleSale ru etaül,1 AT GIBSON & SPARVELL'S. Harns aîiti Bacon, srnoked and unsmoked, for sale wliole- ora ire invite t d reai, oi-paiS, th e dLU c rru tiaut, auther. 1ATt-GiBSOth NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, AlkidAoTcutr rdue GgsI0 -P. O. Box 153, liroolyn, ýNew Yoi-k. AT knsoi onr poue gIsb WA'N T E D - --ce ADISIGNTLXENTO LEAN WANiED-1J,OOO Ibs. Gooti WooI. Dsy Stations and Commercial Uines ix. thes pice paid in Cash. Dminion. Send for circilar. ASrs, COLEMAN A&BAKERI, Juixo i7th, 1874. Toronto, 0Ont. c ARD1 T. H. McMILLAN, OFFICIAI ASSIGNTEE, Aiea, Agent foriCthe ]ROYAL INSURAN-1CE CCM1PANY, PROVINCIAL INSUCANCIr. e OFFICZ-Ofamio Lots sud Savinga Compomy'e building, corner King sud Sur,- coe itreots, Oshawa. April 20th, 1874. *1 -Lis Idesrlylove. Song & iho. 800 PoUtdings from over th.ess. 1'1 Il 80 Alabama lossexus. Song &dane 80 Texuperace CruesSera. Song& ho.8 Writte0 me ,,tle. ' ig Wixes Charlie plsys thxe Drum..' 30 JE N N I 1E, Daring, I am loseiy-nov. 3 i 0 Kiso me, Daring, orivo part. id di Bmt.re up, or Haïe yen ixssrd f he news 30 Tixere in sometixing I'in drying to, Say 30 Wahking ounfixe eiady aide, " " 3 Nai-ewcli, Anîdie Darling. " 30 THE FLOWER DO nOt weep go, Sister Darling.,, " 30 SesutifnIx1Fo-enoetmy Si-Camo.-' 80 bleet me, Bessie in tixe Dli"' ,Baok to.fixe .1 iteme. " " id 10 Ibo1so h fix linîters Wilia'snleî,l. 80 tni.klg a ixleRsing tram Mother." "si 50 0F KILDARE, He kiseied îîie god.ibyeaLutCh. Gate. 30 Tenderly think efthfie DeadJ-. di 94 30 ive my love t. ail at Homne. di id 80 dXesfl the navea heu Ski-if f*a dersSon..8 ThinkýqX lue iom m sM 80 Afld otheI'8ongshbyJdiE. sto.wart v aut f0o ie hedear olS Homxe, 80 0ystera anS Wias at 2 a. M.-. Song. 8() lsmkbUlng 'thiougx th-d TôWnfl' - s -,I binga aaBilverBelsd" 80 ItOhen 'ses are fixe iweetest " 80 The Adý a ioVe sa aiy, 84WV MidadSpont-liai Scuriefi f ethfie mark. cd prie, b J. ÃŽ. PETEIRS, 699 Broaxlvy, New York., t 3 )FICE TO LET. FRONT 0OFFI'CE. gRQN.ICLE, BUILDING. Whlfby,.Tune Sud, 17. . g [JST 0F TMIE DIVIBION-COURTS',, QOUT- , F ONTARJO, o1.... 2 ssîîgi l2!i 0.2.... a 3 I2 11 1w* Ili i.. 2 1 ,i 'flt : I ý 2 )N & SPARVELL'S. mutter bouglit, )N & SPABRVELL'S. Hligliest Market 1Brooklil, May 20th, 1874. S. & E. FRANCIS. Merchant TaiIoping Establishment JOUNA STRET HTBY GIBSON & SPAIRVE LL. Whîtby, Jue lOtix, 1874. 241Ys Takes this opportunity tIo inrm is -friends and customners, that lielias-now in stock, a -splendid DR? Y 00008 A NI) OOCERIE8, (lthselection of. ClohsTweeds, and Fancy Vesting8, Whieh he is prepared to make up into The undersigned is now receivinig a Gentlemen's Gai-monts, on the sliortest notice. Everyar w-cil selected stock of ticle guaranteeti, anti a good fit warranted. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, i Hats, Caps, Collars, and Ties, and alkinds of Furnishing Goods. Consisting of J)ress Goods, in variety andi of the latesbt ashion, Coloned Silks, Mantles, Hosieny, Gingliams, Cottons, Prints, great Sliawls, A choice assortment of Canadian and other Twçeeds, and a full stock of Gentlemen's Fu.nnishing eootis,&c.,&c. FRESH -FAMIL Y CB OGERIES, Teas, Coffees, -raw and refined Suas New Fruits, &c. The best Wines., Liquors, and Brandies. Aie andi Ponter. in wood and- bottle, J. J. MURPHY, Dundas St., Whitby. 17 W' t'Y~ JEU. J~ I 'P Il ~ ~ 1APril, 22nd, 1874. THE HiE $7JTA B.1 SH E D WM. TJLL, New-iParlor, Sets, New -Bed-room Sets, - New iningroom et. And a large stock of -Cane and, Wood seaÊ Chairs, Tablesî,_ Bureaus, Sfs ones, esta« Cuhpboarà r , loi, an amsL-oges - Couches, The largest ani *cleapest stock ofPictures ever brou ht in ton, aREof which lie offr tPie htwl'o alt ers sud tepublie gèieexs]1s, fixai ho isto be ton athe "OLD ST1AN'D," ,aud lias ucitixor bougha eont, uer sold ouf, and is in-ne way connecteS ivitix any ýtlih88JlstHhnent in lewis. Ký' Un dertaidng as u'siâL7-A Lgrîr :Stock of 4PLe&d- 1Whitby, April 15, 1874. JORN FERQUSON, JOH]à N ST ON'S SELF-RAKING, REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE A t the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, ini 1870. We ofler tu eut custoiners- for the coming' Harvedt, Lwe dis- tinc:t Machines, which- in- styltr anud:7 construction, enxbraoe the latest and most uEeful improvements cf the -day. JOlIENSTOINS SI.NGL ESELF.*K KlG R A THE IlRING 0or-e4meS.1 The universal suecess of this -Machiue, both in, clozuely. contest- eS trials andin the handu cf the farinera, warrant-n. l l uayiin.ghat,as8è<Rk *xng Bea.pinc luchino, it hie more good:points and'eiesdefë 'ic d hjmtvt more aucesuanS bs failure, Chou heretefore offerlil'4 tJ e . Ife were awarded the Firit Pnize and.-DiplpmaatthePrc-vin. 'ial Exhibition, held in Toronto, ]7,ncmptto ittLathe leÂiipi MahinÃs nafactured in the Province ; and wîorron wjvmos ouhett ingly challenge inventigation and comparison wtcmeigaeins er sntisfled hat such investigation ViilVl vnce evéry /UnpruJtidced ita e offer the best Niower to the Fariner for, 1872, -bdilt in ,lte7 Do.niion. ~8n for descriptive catalogues. CARRI4G ES N2BJGE FOR SALE -FOR Q ONIH NY U~ JNDE.R CI0STPRC to oaU at the- Factory, examine o)Ur Stock- ofJ bby, qpteumber. Brd, 1874. AWOTS NIE Genaway, during Fair Weelc on4j, te eery purclaser of-$1 00 wortli will be given a 90 cent piec.e ýISheet-MuSic ; cf $2 00 worth, a 50 cent piece of MUS1c or a 50 ýcent novel; of $5 worth, -à $1 d0 bocki. Concertinas, Concertinas, uew goods -th nest'stock in'the country, ail prices. Pieture Frames, PiCtUre. 'Frames- Rustic, Ovai, Gllt, ail -styles.- Fnices reduced 50 per cent. Pi-pes,'pip'es, meerchaum, bri er root, &c a calarge,-assortment. Purses, IPocket books, new stoek.In these lines, clieap and good. .Books, newspapers-, magazines,, al the latest. The place to 'à ubsc e PIrompt aues n punctuality guax'anteed. J. S. ROBERISON, (Upwards of eight years wth A. S. Irving,- Toronto.) J3ookseller, Newsdealer, Stationer, and desler in Fancy Goollsr&». (Bengough's OId Stand,) frock Street, ýWhitby. Whitby, Sept. 9t!,, 1874. PREPAIRED FOR THE. FALL TRADE 0F.1874 -00-- Wu J, HIOCKIE & 0-01m In anticipation' of a large and increasing trade this Fail have purchas' ed more extensively than usudl, and in a few days their stock wvill be complete'in- ail, its departments. -While thlakng the public gen- e raily for the liberal support thcy have ieceived in the past L-tliey trust by adhering toe that straightforward and undeviating mile of doing business whicli las characterized their establishi- ment in the past, to merit a continuance of public f W. J. HJCKJ N. B.-The highest market, for faxm produce. Whifby, Sept. fitix, 1874. W I L. ~ ~3 W ' &co0. price paid Ã" An ingoniious pice of meohansm, whicli, eau bc arrang- d is 80 osition, and cnverted ite an Iuvalid, -Parier, Library, Pbead- ig, Writng, Reclining, Smoking, Student's, Piysician's, sud Detias-o Chair, or a Long,,Bd and Child'a Crib and Swing. Cirulars witix expanatory diagrams set free ou applicatio. Oridexu by mail eorefixerwîse receive prompt attention, and Chairs caretuiiy sud uenurly TME WILSON ?WANUFÂO:TURING CO., Sole Manufacturers, 245. St. James St., P. 0. Drawer 202. Or C. oF. c TUEý Lcapital, - - $2QO O 2a4oe SHARES, OF S5o BACH. Thxe aboya (Company la in- courus of for- inatfon forfithepru oe.otf Purebasia'gthe BeA i iti. Buildings, Machiniery, Plant, and gnad.wlof ethtie-'snafn,)nL nes fofiheere*ti& Pif4Térn.Agrieultural WorkIin xxthe Townu'MWhffhy. ' Ir.fthe n o empanxy, yIfmr. Blow Patterioiihaver aùbaerbed 950,OOOtoik, ad ofhesnbà ijtloi'hve.s1re»dy' been ob- no-ubstribecl cf 865. 'Tt à l ntiid 'teinceoaffMa «suit$ 190,000. iii Weift pro-side means for ixxreagfng fixe business, te double the, anoxnt hitberto, dont».and eslarging theýcapiýcitv of fie pcseuWorks bv fixe erectinoxf addlifional linildiagaz, pur- ehasing ,addifioatlnîacilansd also sn- ab ngtI&ew Compan.7 te cgrir. ou tbelr viosbsness on a strietiv ousix lisais, lun rdrtiiOw apeiai~nes lresdy mia1s for fixaeawCà nmpsny,if la Orly vieS- ed to tateishîaf -eleven ve'ai' aiuesa on ersnnfrm3Tknary. 1862'to 3aunarv 18793iÇes. Brown A& Paftersenb"~besn enabled, lirv uieéniiéd, te tÉlre flielarge g anof c tc b4netoidas'bsving been suhscriilbdbvtem lanfixe am ewCm- pany. _Tixepropertylasbeen -valned lindex fixe<*irectoio ana mxeriinn-of Yeamr. J. S. If Wilcom r slTohn Thinrcon. fv of fixe PrPvIilnal LIioRrdafet S4,2"l86B....4'e ýestsbuIihmsrnt lias beauen th ie possession of fixe Ãov Cnpsi, ince 171h xFelirusry isf -Ch. fi 1ratday cf iti OeaslatiOx-t.e ro- lita ýo ethéixbusiness commencing. frein fixat date. 1Apaliestionais beau maae te theoLcgiais.. turesforitCharter in fixe nsnalIjfn, &a wifli tl'A upnsl labfs sud rnileps. At the e.xpiration of fix. finie efted liT Statute fifre ir six Weekl as genpeutli eeting of t'h. SEi:eîeholdlemu viii liebleld. on notice, br the rurpese of elerting a permanent Board of -Direotors ana Offices cffihe'Coxpsny. . -Subscription of. stork in the. nderteI= Ing Rae nict reopeeffulv solirifed., Th- valnee offthe stork, ta p aving idd tl -'. vestinent, rinay lie regardeS as being beyond donit ; whilefixe- greif advantages te >the Town of WMtibvad Coýuitv of-'Ontario iu siecurina anenièreemeuf & etbs* avorabiy luievn lVrksofMetmr. Buxys Ai Pafferson muet a ncet mintieevs Plartiels deriig te subscribe fer stock arn requeïfêd t tloemmridun eu-ponf eaun arly day'etiogkthesimber of sbires fthey -ivix ia-taegleted. - N. W. BROWN, R.J. YARNOI.D, President. WMhibys 28th February, 1878.- lOft INUXAN LI NE. Royal Mail BEflYBN ýEUROPE AND . Wisli to etumu their sincere th'anks to 1-the public generaily, for fie patronage bestewed upn .fhem in fixe pat, sd'taie iis oppr. tunity f dvetising their ew brandiofetiiless, whicix consits f * FIIOMAIL POINTS IN TIR Town, of Whitby and vieinity, -From one of -the first Stuadiosin Lontion, Englanti. t We now have an Artist whose work eau be implicity relieti upn,- engageS 1er a ceýuple et veeke only ; tixereforepaties wishuiig to, have Sierescepicer ciluer viewa et their resiidences te sexid f6 friendà i à 'BF distance, l eviug thier ordrs, may dep Zôjn7having iteix tedSt elt once, andS Inisixed ina style Svhio liont be sur 1&aen ffx M.N 0'DONVA N' WHIITBy TEA S-TORE &, SPARVELL O4LD 'STAN.D, si-ly 1 ý OF at irresiw- 1 1 1 Qola nilA 'n4-1 1 --l THE NOVETrrv Op, TTTR 1 CAYUGA iGIVEN ". DUNDAS STREET5 WHITBY. .JUNIO--1R ýM-OWEjk VIE-WISIwwu