Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1874, p. 1

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wkLIWIsy, ONTABlo. soie t ý'MA N UtA V [UHINS ý 00, the, rift With. ONTARIO '»ÀýjqX,, effl Es.. TAuG18Tý 1 a ès light, PB2ýER WAXBHý î Zd, 1 mattrue CAPITAL, #4wow, We malle the Io 77-",- Stoves ana sen OUZIY- peel through.- a leàfy 1 PIIIOP.R;jý!tOB. 1 ana end âhro a, B' B B À N'ýàn, Superior A=mOdMiôn, MR- 1 . jý ai our Warka - in In the inid-hour ci ibe night. r831 with best in gUe cahiws, ana woý. m'Mn au oth TROXAs DOW, gaaadn.ý, ýGenuin". on Bégito'ummncelthst be, vm tùamtake tadingo cl w t them Ene a, Io 1 in a forest dense ana d"k, C'eni This old end Wall estiblialied Company Cikm"best brandz., Bniàr&zîaën,ý piano,-= "eTrqmd to,= daks in -611 CIuw"ýf stables ând thadi. Iodeau$, %na or . t No wM Amer- Bekeld she a man atwork'* . - g=,ýý_on jean.8tvu. be turne ont ee et rat« et w ai those of Anywen 'but such sa wM fi in-ev And --Y a fluhin t fly spark C= MI, Ce ra il Ca-nid&. Also %g4 -ma,-Sbagàg Classe&- ery joint. with lamy a harilbli.*thecfje;i;- nie n BA" NX, i - THF, Il TRIUmpH,, ment; j holoîted ana L",talou, prfflât, 1.. ýROT11t, Pidýàà ýAnd VOçaligt, ana For might -ci main, with pick M" ýDr Ifts At ipocami low Upheaved he the _ex and spade his fiée F, N c y, rïroiýforthrm Eon. t BR A= BIOÀN Pro ]EL Lubar the taimtea - solo Violinist 19 the direct araît Parler coal stones.and molci, bande - t rat". R la Y can.be Vgforýçonm-ù Soirées, alià Stove made In the Dominion of Canada su(L though iclnigtghialit sombre loorest q4d liusicg WO RIOne have the NKS J ýn-- ý 1 il Weli terme. g for gem L. FÂMBA - (LAT£ BOBSou ROU«.) 1 ý v8 ight ta make it. li' lias ý Ile erO or gel . il. PrOduch Office, Brock Si, ý* bf- Whitby, ;uly I«h, Uni. 29 Ruch a draft es wM give a good lire about as The moonbeams tremblait as down they tell, well-w > W H 1 T B Y, 0 N T AR-I 0. fast as a wSd stol sud ai the osme- tim, intO a n&rrow Cave 01 Iff- Je MACDOTfELL,, Roues pel renovatea-30el truhed à sa controllea by diýmpe" ý"Thei that ii n da And theY saw (what Yharàly due to t'il)- ing At 1 XTARIO FABMEBSI throughoût, and put in: frst.ýcI"q order for M. WILLCOX, Only to be fait on 1 IÏOUT91 il neceof;eoexy. That this was indeed a grave 1 'CRÂXCERY& CONVETANCINR 0 ho _Ptiolu 1 ta. ' Am'omiiibtw tà,and w It lieu a elinkerless grata, which will ifflow great ý ri L v&@, thë elinkm te be ci gil h -mPie zooms. remova ea wit ont And 800n a cOffin, ail coverea with black, HUTUAL ýJN$kRANCE 001Y, roin a" trans months, South Wi (37 NEEa dumping the salles ond coal, Ue other Qý04,M IDSIM É, ---------- LICENSED A U0ýrj0 was stealihuy laia within OFI:Plcz" ÉROOK ST., WHITBY, ýL B 10 N ROTEL, stoves, anaît bas ai the mouth ci the feed &na the Ïtolles and the Molà were hurried -féatures, -1 ý A FOR THE COVNTY Or ONTAaro, AND i hl irOn ring which all the nSrions gag back of the sa FAitewELL' LIL. 13 genérateo.'inone eocaPing intio -the room.- Te hidé a terrible $iu, di 1«.ýni .41 ý - Parsu Ban WRITBY, 0-IFT., Then wl eleven Zr _IOUNTY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR _dh To*nsblpýs of NarIP8 Tt hoâ micd4hU,'Bbà hisper a &Ca w=g the fireOppésite ere '%-J Ontario, Bal Soltgitob, Conyey". ContýMtg #A.Z&teg as ýz ai- _BEGS te thank h. rtWrlgbt the grata; As Wall U the top4hto,,modug Country ChtmbÃŽN4 and the A. NABON PIROPIt the melon to- a star n second, i &ncel ý Publie &-di. &0 4 _91? aï those ]ýLauy-friends- ana the it lodlr very cheerful, and we soit it th" igiz-g lie.. face se fsà- 'sure .1 e ;Zý= . . Comy"ein Canada. aga bli gens ýýortheUbeWpgtrOn. than sny atove of its'at'a In Canada,, Crt With jaltering li oecelate_ nuy The Albion hm boson thomugwy rnova 0 rail f PB an a nivermg sigh, to occurd by S. fi. '000u;;Ue Esqi, late eV b= a uPOn. we knoW. We wi "Aneighl)orisbui,",gerel,, rova JUST LOSSES PROIdPTLY PAM. gblic wM tua 7o thi'past four gije, thitaosàtijou tt Brook Street, *iïtb s years., M Rooommo- end damper ta match. dation and 1 9 best ationtion. now , given UP. the ANR8,;Ta., J. M. BICKELL, Bailiff iut«djýj fu business ci TNP, 'AIMAND." Rio ýnight'à wOrk done, with pick-ax end ëf tho Vin 91 to'devote my habite, 0 M M F, R à I À L whcaeiQ6'td'thè - Arlaw Preslaent. -H 0 T B L, -or, dâstIiýg a Ca -leading relees lay, 1QARIUSTER ïýtbàlfýýý.AT.LAW, Mr. D. Hollidîy la no Ion' 1 t f C. ý - ,, ý - 1 Collecti The Z£dorý4#9$torve of the U. 0. M 'su tm4 Company. Mrî hawyrecisely thp saàde nnpzç-v-animts u the 6011citor in Chaucary, Convoyancer. It w b8 41Y eua8iLvour, bYprompt sud tse I dia Notu-Y Publie &a. OMce--Over rit WEZTIBY, <>"ZeW Attention'to business, ta gifi full tbe beautr of forim, the double away. nized leïo ý4î»Qu'8 store, 1ýck Street, Whi M' OALDWELL, , PROPMETO row 01 lighto, the eâiàýerlese _çmte, the gas Il tby, ont. B. gatisifttion . to ý»u who j»Yý favar Me Vith th 810 YAI BRITISH Q1ýÉEN ErOl e«t accommnoution 1 -1 0 Bame drdt-- unaer - thol con- ;ed nt nOr-glanced lie behind ne dre ana -tgrôf;-"Snd it bas in admtibn a Tain= flue car. Uns Ï13 Carelless tans'. 49 Re quorus "a a es Billé êtit,«gýheàûaeZ-,r& Ut now lie starte lit each Ëý]Uk of the wind,. -mony Goodatiolu z - Notes fn"h- rÉng the hut:aroiLna and unaer, thewhoie iù'j CRARLEs ce NELLER, ritQR ený-P "bottom of the stOve. eau not look afthe mooli! ATTOR»T.AT.LÀW, SOLICITOR ýrOR , T PË Ray. y attentive 0 eï#&e Aa preinise harges moamte tý9 le. C BM Stampl onbaua. NE ton o«Yé C cawdno- JA9. DEWABT, PBO ta' ceû.-be- made, foi sales &o., W - ÀMERICAN" ral facto M ýzo6k#, Ce et thé- zzoix ýôMCe 'hit d. WAY yv _byý ý Observer MY, Witc's, Mai gives dire RAND Cooking Stove le warrantait to be jjrgt,ýcIsjo SPIOn&d 4=MMOUtion, . Beot Wines C, RIO Mois Prince Àlberty - aat Ahi 90"4a>rd made in the United States. We quote the Probi LYSIAN, ENGLISIls L L. B., an(! liq1Qýozî et the bar. Attentive, élatIel AT W131TZY BT . ATION. following frein the circuler of lffl : "Foi 7 Tt Ol Port Pal 0 series of'burgIgÉog whiel, itatl. man." M ABUISTBh AT LAW, SPLICIToi IN WILLCOX, Years the New York State 4ffi*dtul-al Soly ed>the public in the autunin and early forB 1 pWp= TOR. Prince Albert, Bee.,Utà,'lé72. 89 ftwarded'it the Viret Préminini imd lest year lvmter of the ear 186- iLi, Chiucéry, Convoyand WX O'NEILL ittookthe Silver Medal over ail the best cas elm LUOER l description te, u il . ' suspect it' Parties taking the train =a a tra Buv ousehold. là lu' horsts stoves in 'ho Country et the fair 01 AU New The géneral foaturés of é Impol Se YOUNG 'ONITH, LL. Dot The unden Od b8e#g beau app sa wM have thom WOU taken cars .01 'UABLEý PIROPERTY Po 1 B s Englaiid. Ittookduringthoinsttwoyearo Ach, robbery _oint VAL no Issa thon were th&oame. In do very case:a galg 44A she. 4r oTBR, ATTOBNÉY-AT.Lý&W, ýhipPing Am-m-t-;-;Ior thé f fi-ora seven to w eleven masked men ]B olîcitor lu chancory and Insolvency, U-tum. Smith, & 9ýr 107 rIIRST P.REMIUMS 011, The oubscriber offers for sale the follow. bad broken inio.an isolatca NotaryPublic oka &o oiz unit 01 klènelOU Fause 11416 openodinýconneo LOBE ROTEL, ing valuable the Town of Whit. M At vArlous OxWbiti , emong them Bi Brook, âtr@Ïl "-'do """ tiOuwitll]Ù$Othîr premisois, an extensive bý:-An noerm, t B k cottage with j ji]4 Th, N ons Colitaining au U-UUOUI amount of silvet the' facto, bek, tbY, Ontario. G imtBlye 'York State'Fair, T-he rest ýe BROOKLIS, ONT of land, aituated on the cerner of Greeù and ew or jewels; hala ÃŽr-UJnidatëd the imnates; Isr The Vermont State Fair, by - threatening theMý,witb JAXES LAMON, L V M. Bý Eý R ý Y A R'D Si. Peter ets., la the' South Ward. Aloo, j L th 'JAS. POWELL PROPRIETOR. acre 0' 404 won fencea, ma in a bièh state The Minois State Fair. MiLstered theln, secursa th t no one évi the Whitby & port perry Rail. Omo 9699ed TTOBYZY..&T-LAW, SOLICITOU IN of ultivatîon corner WolUnen and Gii. The Michigan State Foi-, them, thon qui one, bui a] W&Y St0iln, where ho keeps c=amntly:ozx, &Ccoxxo]>ÀTiomr. 'IL Chancer ancer, Land A The Ne'w England States Fuir. etlY PrOceeded methol Y, ConveT _gent lord $tul N(;;;h Ward. ý i a4re on Centre si. cally to stlip the bouse of a,, the valu. &C, Ofâc@-IÙ Parrlsh a Blôék, Brook StZ h&àd a lirgs àUd O= itôbk ci Lumber raper, B % ne' gives BOuth 01 the rel of C. D _ , in TherO were sold of of it in the States in ables it contaima. Thoir intý,Uignm ingenuity j uxbridge. ci &II kinds for ageiwp Juge gua retaiL-, the South 1%il. Abo 2o ac»ý a of gad a, 1870, 7WO, 1871, 8,OW; 1872, 1C, . Plânel machiiie, and all kliél, of ROYAL CANADIAN ]Eloi=, com year it bas beau improvea hy adding an an. Of the premises was nel fatýjt. is needed 1 work ex. poud of -put-of lot,18, 10th COD. GaLPENWOOD & Mo?àILLAN,: PORT PERRY, ONT., IMIL ownamp cdxuûay, Co. Northumber- ti-clinker grate and mica lights in front.- Secret drawera and giding, paholge sup_ to Irork. We "Il it with orwithout the copper raser. posed to bc k was brol BÀBMBTBBS ÀTTOBNEYS, GEO. COBMACK. X. FOY PROPBIETOR. À char ana inaieputable title win be given vOijý and the cast iron wa ing aloset be- nOWD OnIY tÃ" the- family Whitby, May 27, 1873. 22- were sought- and opened at once# anâ shirt the n tiors, N= eà Publie, Conve noers. tf ta &JI the abové.ýproparty. . For furthoi par- rind the stove and stovo pipe, ît GMosý-jBy»n Street, -South of P si& face, Supen'or accommodation. ticulm apply tg the Owner. burn coal or wood. Raies, whether built into tho Walla or Jol ti 'M tby, Ontario. GoOd stabling 'VARX FOR SALE. ana shed room. ana attentive oùlers. Parties buyinq from. us eau ai any time OYPI)Iled in closetswel e -An, au FRANCIS CLABIL ýn&uy at their wo X Whitby, July, 1871. 29tf -place -Y portions of our stoyez that may mercy, and easily force by MORDS of them, took 1 910MAB' JàÜ$TON9 That vmll-k=wn farm, lot gt Bra Cou. 01 ESTERN .13OTjSB, get bl , great acivantage. dills and gunpowder. Ordered dit rlno" CLEBR AM TRBASURER, Whitby, kno,;m,, w K INçý BROTHERS# e. CARMICHAEL, Prest. Tle Police 80emed indefatligable in spread." JL Whitby. 0000-Towa EAU. Koura, IIINDAS STREET, W=13y. oshava, Nov. 24,1878. investigation and p dé Still a front 9 to 1 Ololock. TeE DONALDS %9HITBY, 48ti these nuancions urunit, yet five of about the ç FARMI The undersigned woula intimate to thé ONTARIO$ and astounding rob-, OUIS OILEARY, bories bail auccoeded e"h other with. Yen lt JAMES 19cHRIEN, And es atprementîntheScupAtion«Mr Publie, that the aboya promises have beau Importera, Dealm and Xanulacturen ùj"all L out a'single arrest taking NSPF N. Contains loc lacroo; about jïé newly fitted up and renovatea throughout. a. plenty somotimesp WTOR OF PUBLIC SCROOLS ýBeît Lii Kinds of VETEBIYARY SURGEON, Of rumOrg were abroad t soon as là, for thé County ci Ontario, Addrose- don dwl outbuUaiiËoiýücl suitable nors and Cigare. The Créam ai the gang Raglan Pott Ofâce, Ontario. oflâces; splendid, orchàrd of 8 acres in extent. CanaU'abo pure RILjne Wil», Wak's Ll LEA THER AND FINVINOSI DUIZINS' CREEX, QNT. were in the bande of the authoritiesbut wna imprel Apply ta- or, wh;ieîale and retaü. Boudffl taken bY ý snob statements contained not a grâù, Due of the 1 a. j-ý GUNN9 'X. De, JOHN A. DONALDBON, the week. Cirad t f the Ontario Véferinory Col. Of truth, fOi the detectives were abso% mises bel 30SEPU Ai BANDEL. Cash paid for Rides, Bark, ana Leather. 1 1-ge, T.'ý'.1'.tdo lutely in the dark. stance, the URQ90N 2ýO THE COUNTY GAOL, GovtBm4rmtiou Omce, Lesther stretaed. a beau awarde Own Position fIllOd me 'ivith and & tube ý,By-n 8t»etWhitbý. Mmh 25,1878. 18ti Toronto. N IPISSING IIOUB, tae' BELTING MAD TO OIMER ON C tural and Arts anxiety- MY bouse is six miles from, ;Dfy opeuin WM. Nonnirs, pare te trait ÉLU Diseases of Rorses, Cattle, town, remote tg.u.g SHORT NOTICE. &c., 'ch may coule under his notice. frOM anY habitation but ISOLATED BISK COB. RING AND OZORCIC gTjSz:Tg, May, 1872. 22 Norses examined as te sol Meai tIlO gardener's cottage nt the gate. panel, whic 1 ÇY'S HOSPITAL LONDON TRE TORONTO,* _ Bôth My Wife and Myself bail inheriteil at once. S the eya R. o. il. te Oghawa,,O.,,M , ONTARIO. aines cOnstantlY on hand. AU orders by a large amcunt of bulky family pinte, suspicions JAS. T. JEWELL latter or telegraph PromPtIY attended te. ABD. FIre Insurance Col Y of Canada, Propri., tor. M ONEY TO LENDI and basides this ù"Iess motel, which found AU se c Toronto, Aug. 12,187a. 9aý' Office et Mr. Thos. C. Jenningels. never came Out Of the safeI had several 'French gový A. FAREWELL, 14, B., M.C.P.S., HzàD Onicz-IUU Jan. 1874. 4il costly services preseàted oii the occa- six weekBIe 9 St.,cor. ChurchTol RepaYâblo bY instalinents for froin Two ta sioil siarruedalist and UnlveraityStIverMed. CAPITAL, $5oo.oog. R. S. S. FITCH'S ÉTAMILy p Twenty.years, et low rates ci intel with. i of cur mârrâge, three large salvers, bouge enter 8111'ti Graduate of Toronto University, D ICL4,N," conWnin ETS. out commission, and et moderate charges. B E S T etc.,testimonials from societies of which there bas bd Momberofthecolle eofFhysiciant DePOSIted WIth GoVernmeii-,, $67,000 diseases and ruleo for their treatment, will PriTatO F=ds Io Lend. I bail bcon an active Meraber, to gay MOnths solm & Surgeons >Ontario, be:ely mail, free of aU charig, te any. 'Apply to-- thing of the complete ana varieil as- At Wardwelý Physicien, It Win adjust ail losses without delay, and on .. g their aoldress to 71jj roadway, Suricon and Accoucheur PaY Over the euh AT ONCE. New York. J. E. FAREWELL, HORSE M EDICINES. "rtu!6nt Of Brnall articles in silver and white cap -M BIZOOKLIN, ONT. Solicitor, - gold. Thenmywifelapossesi;iongwer -the young li Rol ALEX MCKENZIE, 31. P., Whitby, April 20, 1874. 17 thOse of a princess, for elle bail belon the at the Pratti Brock Si., Whitby. All descriptions of the best Herse Modi- Prosidoitt. - May 28th, 1872. n claughter of a millionarre au ?2.ti oines kopt constantly on ha il and fer sale ai life d all her a.bandsome JORN MAUGEAN Ja JORN TARNOL.D, tho Whitby Livery Stables. a -Pl-nlid chila of Ïortune. Bc. violin. Ani ENTIST, (slUCcES- ]ROBERT sides pInte and jowels, ber home cou. tinUed Betti sor to W. H. Card.) u6nSss ClEANC13. teNo charge for advice, Dental Roomis-Dundas Strem, I V B B y Ir-, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE B U - It AY tained a valuable collection of statuary, oii-iiiy knee, paintings and bronzesand I was aloo Yen have th over Mrk -Janieonn's Store. Nitrouo L FOR TE£ The underaigned offers for sale the prem RE RUSSELL HaUSE, Ogi au administered for the painless ex. ThO tindoraigneil aesires te itdo" hie ises in which hie business for the toc conse'ous of havink OxPenaed a for. YOur OWn ro on of teeth. friends sud -patrons, that lie bas agalu re. COU-VTY OF ONTARIO ture ci Agrieultural Implemento, Waggons, T tuneuponthesurround gaofourdaily wifé a maid., camail business ai thiâ Old &a., is ai present carried on in the Town 01 W] ts Corner Matçhedash ot, Mississap st..-,., lifc, ond WaS inspired ýý, .11 grave doub 1 started C, No- VAROO Le De 9. ADDRESS-BOX 99, WM"y. 41 Whitby, together with his stock-in-trade, ORILLIA, ONT. as to it.3 safety. Broadig Impossil over such do .hiery and plant f.very des le IPY WHITBY LIVERY STABLE8. S I cri tion.- thouglits, and reading the newspap 8i5 EETH inserteil on all the 1 Aise his dwelling bouge and lot. ýee place This raagnificent brick hotel ie ou. of the fIlled Witl, Speenlatio ers, Bnt why- T latest principles of the art, Having encrel the number ana quafity F E. -E T IE 1 is known as a largest bouses north of Toronto. It je fitt-. mysterious burglari ne concerning these 4s.'2ý? ai the à@l and as good as the ci the utnd,-and also added ta and improveli do FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAND ad, furnished and conducteol as a fbe vetm of au es, 1 soon bocame do The ides besý4 , eeth filied with Gold and Silver. the conveyaucolis and vellicles on the prem- A Ff IRST - CL exaggerated disquie. swcet little Tuth lextractea withouuain, by proa isnjhe hopes.by being in u position ta meet Ana on which, it win bé fonna on examine. ASS HOTEL ! tude. ne di cing ants of usto tien an excellent business io being now car. Comb. . d MY OWIIWÙllea been car. il, But, Mr. 16éil'a.91tiathoda. Dont Itooms«ý-in'èow- the mers ta merit a shore of TOW N OF- W HITBY. 9 elegance, comfort and econorny. lied out, every sule new block, over Atkinodn'a Drug Store publie patronage. ried'On. '"n Ouncc Of silver aild 0 wOrlà, a] King shwt, OÏýown. Ife will aise il ose of bis pateni rights It bas ample accommodation for suminer every jewel we owned would have been mot proveil t visitors, is delightfully sud centrally situai- sent into town to My 85 ge- CHARGES AtIODERATE. VREE SITE VUL M vArlOus Agrie tural Implements- Tp ýn el boing tri close proximit 1 y to the steam- bankerst but my witches you.' Tlluj%Às DEVERILL, N. B.-Coverea convoyancqs for fainili A te any M&UUJgcturln BE (IIVEN illdustrioug 'na" with amail capital this o boat wharveg, Midland and No wifO Objected, lauglied at my apprellen. But, Beti Prompt attendance, as horeto. builcun OmPagY OPPortunitY that goldom prosents itsolf. worry. -rd ladies. M stations. ýâ an Old 1001, 1 g an establishment in 0 town. Deniring ta retire irom business on se. Com ai Fat i continned torço BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, foi, ta ail ordorts, B GREENWOOD, îSanl la moins and suites of rry, and par. znan, and, ai cOunt Of 'ill-healtht the underoigned io dis- apart ma . eue sa Mayor, Whitby. posedi ta take this stop. ment for es. I)IeXed Myself with conflicting plans for Own Box, yet DUNDAS OT., WHITBy. Whitby, leeb- 26, Ù78. N. B.-Orders fer rOOMS by letter or talc, rOfetY, and one day while in town I MArie.,, M 0 1 C 13 9-tf Terme will be =aile ta suit a Competent am ptly attended te. went to the liendquarters of theyalice, Il Marie i M» AU Ordéro promptly expouted c Party. Ouly a sinail amount required Il 91»0..PF=Gcg te and Ira= the steamers free and inquired for Bettsthe detectIve en. Whorever 81 j sud ampi time gi own' of charge. ven for the balance on 1 ioÊ2ý R EýfOVAL. adequate Leurity. gaged on this case. =an, the w,' -jollff noningo1qqs ROBT. RUSSELL, He admitted me into his private her. I have 'The nnderoisnecl bas rel lits JAMES ÇLATTON, Orillia, Jan. 7,-1871. room. H ÂIR DRESSIN() AND $RAVMG 1 aoked for tee latest news. on, with a a Saloon, Brock St., Whitby. Broêk Si., Whitby. nad anybody been aiTested 2 NO, Was fut about a 1 A P P L E T R E E S, BOOT d, 8HOE STORE N. B.-The above offer wM not interfore J ORN S. M. WILLCOX, anybody to be arTested 2 Re shrugged than that the With the business whîch vill be carried on Ilis shouldors. Was anybody Suspect. the dull éne 13 0 V T 40,000, as usuid, Wla repairs promptly exeautea. 01 tho Tovu of Whitby, has beau appel ed? aINT FOR' T ' RB' ÇSLEBRATED -AT TIM- te the preimises adjoim»ng the Western Rotal, Nov. 5,1878. 45tf tellect, into 1 A SOO"h Granite At Marble Warka Dugdis Street, Whifloy, where lie la now 'le chucklcd soffly to lùmslf. certain to pl& Dundas Si., Whitby. prepâreil ta exécute au orderg for Work. A OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE do MY dear sir," said he, Il we suspect show au intî HOM E NURSERY large end select stock un hand. Repairing JOHN CAR-rzu, From two ta four yearo Of age, embracing all dons as usuel. For the ConrotY of Ontario. AU blisin everybody.11 HOUSE AND LOT ose There couli the boit Variation. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. entrusted te his charge wM be carefuil - Il Then," cried 1, -1 arrest everybody ing questiom Ir ICENSBD AUCTIONBEB FOR TUE Whitby, May 8,1971. FOR SALE, OR TO RENT. tendait toi y ai On kjý%COuutteà,of Ontario, Yirk and Peel. SETH C. WMSoNj 19 . suspicion 1 Good God 1 1 cannot with intense WMthV..Tftn- ldfh liQ17A CI. " ;ý - 1-3 z--- - .. ýtlio ka é,t" Wkoe à6 wa the c6ýerîd VwMayr. Bd. -Ird w1,a8-notihýýk -I ier stand it. 'HlBd lie got &rdâjý - Or A"i Botâtakoullimaway'? Per W -z;ý îhe. the grounds seeordùw, 1,»"'ýài;zî 'aï Ww àeii- ý_ _T4o4ý el 'bitter éog-àncl'waa bekijàliiàg to ïà .11 tur ne In a, a , ý üd,-,fgdwg jnO9tIIý ôIél6Ck,ý Saitâders Ler Close, ille h , Ouse io and ý send the sermia« eY -t4à bK ma t6lbëd mys-IL _ý,, î,, J But as Bonn as the light -*W- aà_ýUt an& or mY be'ad"to-uobed the 1 -,jýjà er freshly impressea by« thà, iý.iyztery - of ffl J'Ã"huson'g disappearance, and -eýrd-, br inýI got oÈened the. pi'stoi-cam, er tool Out,-two rev , Olversý : nul pàttxw to týem ý and, a B#Mù.=ë Nuja o d- reaýliý,'I returhéd tô,bed. - ."Y 0- r"é this suspense 11, gàidj-, ie as I agufJF4 0-n. ëI eep of a_ finles and 1-coula not r- close Ji after a- fin et b g, tu R iwInY_ùýW ýO_ IMG2 tIOý%IîIMI'cried ont lou&-,»ey bave eome>to-DI« ht.'* For thm - jem g with bluk CaM îe m&Rk oànMl* 9 T their làwo, stbod our nie, ëaýhpojü m a S Pistol at My héad. - : . fini- .6 Pleueget up,- HX. Powers, Said a one of, thom, in a COOL civiil.ýway; "Please -to put OU that - cliega-ng-'gown a and those Buppsrs, you shall. not be barnied in thé least if you ' wili 1 oui s bc - quiet and obe air - y eckonj3.',. Mît thme pistole aunea square in,, 4w eye, anY man will be docilejý 1 sup 1 Mao at 8 least 1 âOt U 'and Put on the,&e,üing. t gown and . 45 Pers. - Then one èf -the e men canglit My arms,ý drew them be. hind , and., mang led thom ; another -tzgeel'me with one of My Owm au dkerchiefs; and thus 'rendered hs Tal0ý9, 1 wAs 18d down stairai where my houmhoId, in varions stàge, or night-3ttire, gaggedi and tied buk to I buk, were- swaiting me in the dining. room. I wu put into an um.obsir, Àndý&steued to it by feet and hands, 'thon waa left alonc to stare %bout - KaMeneil, desperate though I, In 0. wat4 when I discovered that, the Éxth of il, _prisoners was Johiagoi2, the detective, -1 reedgaizea hira - with a keen sense of the ridiculous, and Only wifçhécl that was mentally anatbe- matizing with amsesýnot lond but deep ,"-were in hie plue, and ffflting Some of our humiliation. 4, Bosidu th8 tlIffl muked- men who had mastéred me and brought me down, th-G w8re five Others in the dining- room. Two were left U SEntinelB over us, and therest t f Il to work in 21 '1ýIIyýLI A smajj, active Waa * Our NàUje 2) jnOUO4_ý ed ý towara the ýsideboard, , It wae whoeïea a". ana stýppi fr,,.,d, ho Presse le oîàing-pauýef, and dis- ClOsed Ï118, Okoet -where -the silver in daÃœy'ulë was - kept, and, the 13heliim were at énèe strippea, ana -the cont-eiits pâea on the table. The bedrooms. up-Stairs Were next visitedi the, locks of drnwers and w.rdz robes wrenéhed SPUt, and thé dontents thrown pell-meil-on theSoor for th, Chief expert to decide on w1mt should be.cam»ed o«. The upper rooms gutt, ed, they came down wjth their spolie. ýwhich they piled high before Our eyeà on ' the table, and thon leavkg us again alone with -our sentinels, they went through the entry into zuy library. it was a dark hOur. 1 Ueaned back my hoad'ana eloseit my ayea, and feft thst fÀte %fan cruel to ine. Only on, 881190lation illuniiued the blackness of MY-desPaÃŽr-MY'Ïifê hàd Carried he, jewels to town with lier,- -and 1 wii, spared the humiliation oftelling Iler I had lost them for her through' ùly idio« tie:faith in 'Bette. - There vras a long silence now, whicli I underscood but tOO well; it was followeil by three muf- fléd exPlosions that, shook 'the like -an earthqualce, and ainiost simul. taneansly ý w" board the noise of a seùIlle, and 1 - Opened My eyes to sec the room filled With, Policemen, and hear pistol-shots exchanged, whflo Our two Sentinelle wç,re tl=wn dovu, dis. armed, and.pinioned be£Dré,iny eves. I locked and Untened, me-utany Stun. Bd, withont Clear compreheusion Of the mesning of the tiproar, foi-, with tue noise of firearme, the clang of men- fleo, and the bent Ofllicavy feet, the tu- mult ýwas somewhâtýerrifying, In lesa Lime thon It talws me to deý7- ,ribe it,,thë iituatioq he been revers. ,a, and now Botte, ýhe detective, ap. )Oaredinthédoci-attholiea fpfflý, if men;,ivho, broýght., in -eikht of t.ho xupluu la a bis country with aana imo t 1 h a- -8 %0 glus bor. J. LONG. Pcrt Perry, June 24,1872.« 28 CORNWALLIS SELF-14ITTING patent ImPrOv6d Artlflcial Leg, 1 jbUyqttàýé iý't family Il Believ rowdre. Whitby, Jim. 20,1874. 4, _ __ Ouly fOUOW 2ný 6 name Of De Sturges. She was turnea, wi aor Severil ImPrèved Farins ând Wild Lanas WAIST & SHOULDER'CHART. S nuffl tO A child died on the pu- for.Aale cheap. -, ------------- -UMBER & SMN' Adopted bî the Surgeon-General V. S. A. Investmonte =aU in Municipal Debon- Ir-TAR14ESS, SADDLERY. L GLES FOR SALE. for the U. . Army ana N Very li sage, andwad thug thrown ont Of eni. culÏôsityl-,,ii", turesl Bank, ana other marketatible Stocke. XýL Dresses fitted irom Meunremout 0 ;et etrong and durable; I:Lt in action' oee if, without change of A stitoh. alon ebt PlOYment; elle advertisedanamiwife Poe futher particulars apply tg The aubBeriber bas on band and for sale ith 27 years'practical and carefal expe;_' saw ber, liked, ber ana engea a iier.,, tllolrlklltloýlie witd The subscriber tionrels to utate th&t ho et hie mili near Utica go JAMES ROLDEN, bas opened a cate Cunie's), au For sale, with free instructions, at ience,,devoted, exclusively to this special You eoniinue to like - raOllLent, she si - kinds of lumber and ;7Qgbo, Bill lumber bren. ber?" Ofilcial Assignee, Broker, &o. sawn to order. - 01 Mechanical Surgfry, followed by "CàPitally; sbe's a perfect*genjus house, telegrapi OFFICE--Over the Dominion Bank, M A H A R. N B 8 8 S ii o P, M I S S M c I Y T Y PZ EI's thé Great Prize Medal at the World's Ex. with effective magie in ber finge s, ' Our interviev o- A. B. CAMPBELL. position, London, 1851, ana now universally di rs. Millu'i BrSk Sti Whitby. in thé premises oppoite Ray's British Am- TItica, Aug. I)REBB-MAMN(; ROOxs, wanny. admired by all Surgeons ai; the Did you see ber former employ- When I lait fi Bptil 9th, 1872. 15 erteau Hotoi, Dun 20th. most perfect a ?'y das-St., Whîtby where Sitf Artificial Leg known. Manuf 9 ho will keep où band a Superior ýQ of Agents wanted. Liberal inducenients to "w Yes Y both De Sturges and bis wife bla&.and-tih 'i M 0 1 M U S 1 c 1 everythin the trade. ehe ý* hie lime of b Ainess, and -ill WOOD FOR SALE. Dru __ýébattY, algrceable people-of ilorao, héme with'. r'a'é sell At the owest prices. ne begiq to solicit mn -ý-Mtby Brut sud String.Bands, adapted a abare of publie patronage. The subscriber bas for sale at bis MM WMtbY, Au&. 18, là74, 84 logu means, 'apparently, and are going ta, dinneratimé" wb for Boireçu, Pic-niosBxetLrmons quaa=es _P- , FRANK TYLERétf near Utica, a quantity Of four.foot 8 sottie in New Orleans.,, ý î wife wao in hrr Parties, èko., &o;, WM sup y t o best anâ Whitby, Feb. 2à, ie7t. Wood. TZATS 1 ýRATs 1 RATS 1 ONEY TO LEND! di Describe lier, if you pleue ?o saidi mirror with-Mâj ýj6st Music on reafionable terme. Betts with a keen interest, whi ,Io - M eh igur. entered, AL B. CAMPBELL. àw wae 1 pplîcationo muet be made either person- A large quantity pnsed =a. "Oh ho added, ai 1 by the lire, and 1 Ily or by latter, (post oaidj to 89 SILK AND . FtLT Of money to lend at low rest, private funds. -stared at, him, J. WOLFBNDEN S PIRING AND SUXMÉR, P inte 1 o give me leave to ý b bObta and brinl Fcr ode, several, Town lots, two Frame usual way. It MANUFACTIURP.D -AND -RENO. Ilonses, and a large Brick non". For Ilýýýilih ail My beart. -Marie is sniâli, treason tu suspi hm reccivea bis -FOR terme, apply te blacký-eyea,, ,. biack-hairea, VATED AT HOMF comrtly about, me with B. ODELL, AT ME G. YOUNG SWTH. bufit,, with rernÀrkably iwat , han anà- ýeey grâce. ËRý New Cloths and Styles Y CO. be 1874. feet. She bu a ý sans7ý'1a" seýuany S&IM$i A T GLEN XAJOR MIL that the ba R L Y. M. O#L]BAM _g tg azuzounce V12itby, Feb. 9th, withl thâve cpeýùea- budimë it-OoUws andher haïr ig short,;criav Ouý finy One's fi For Spring and Summer of j874.' MUZO ory 0 Ivinaièstoel N OTICE 1 j3ýO1w about hér'voice-f to gaulas. 018», Division Court, Tp, Clerk They comprise a fine amrt . ment of the &»Omi,,t 1 Pins Oglee--Wh= ltlùy- mimufactu», Hâte of di V017 élear and-r B. R., Land Agent, &c., Most useful and durable goodo, as weil I,=bexý Weill sessoned. the best StYI& 18 hfflby givén that the _ ù4ing. Shé doog Who= éliti.] neh Boaiùs, not $Peak Englioh, ko-P Atherly, Coanty Ontario. as *of the Most T1=tYýfiCe . ý t -L1ý City priffl £98,UtIY, but Under. quired My wifs., AtherlV 2nd,1872. Ploorine, P. W. & P. pý R. - R. c0MpA1qYý stands every Word thaît,18 I;aid, to lier.,, di FASHIONABLE STYLES. 2 x 4 Ses HATS RENÃ"VATED -win not become rjonsible for any se- z "NID 1 W about lier littlýýways. Don't speak equill to new for a mere trifie. courits contracteil by eïr employees unless Aîliorongh Fre eh" féarfully about 1 TO 620 PER DAY. Agents Wgnt- 2-inch Plàký sanctioned b _11 Woman, with a Dori't fail to examine them, signature f 'JAMES knack of pleasine ean, Il but I was ed- AU Diables 01 worltrug people, ci ly-" HOLDEN, ALRAGINO DmzcTOU. Oshawa, Angust Uth 1874.. the 0 everybody. 1 dOn'e tive. Yon-must: OithOr MOZ, YOungor olde =&ka moreMone CL 0 TU SOLD - .8,Y THE yanci»S Boardà, know.wlien l'va ' "en > Gýuéh1ý an axtless, work forus lu thoir.. y 100IM foot -a Oak, 'HOTEL. By order of the Board, àppy lit jeirLif Marie." are moments, or RB ÀMERWAÉ good, h de Il thetime, thau at snyý?,ým'a else Partie. and Cloth mapie for axies, lot 4u&utyi T- Béitg laughed unessfly, then bout là, bought elsewhere made ap J. MABSE, NAver, monsi lare tres. Address G. STrNSON Co- Secretary Trea CORXIM OF Yoses AND MONT OTé. Wlùtlbyt,&fng lot, 1874. surer- 110âd On hig hanap his elbow r,,tig The fact i'; iporajm£ Mains. 87 prçmptly. A large lot of 15,000 It' Square Tïmber, GV bis knee. QRGE BROWN, PRO My voie PRRTOB. into a -MADE CLOTHIN0 01 which wM be sold. cheap for cash. LE.T.. L, nEADY AU Il Mr. po*ërs,,"gaid ho t lut, look- Il thÀt gang of m Ting firstc bu been newly T O ith a peculiar flash in-his eyes, been traced to N on band. As it wag made in My own abolp, The Blacksmith shop, Dweuing House, to ýtake You into =y con. be arrested, bý th! RO WOUld &W lie to say thât the Grist ted up and mu""e throughout au ana -meslatolY Ocen led by Ut Geo. WHITBY, ONT. of good mâterial, purchaiers can bc certafii MM li'nLuningzîi. foule ýupmam,"Omm thit th Vill not bu clothes prem si. - YOUý'mi4st ý W , diàgu-ti PROPRIETOR. T lop, 4ýIÇ4u ChOe ilist f dons 6 days in the 1 tion otgnutu. Thz A--- -- ý Vill lAih . .1 - - 1 1, a"ý gland M one to the other ô his prisonom Ilyon am Fm there wu . another ?', 1 , "Noldoubrofit,"Iretmmed- "ariY one th Sellowa is four inches taller &ný the lepÀler of the gang- In nother momeùtIe h»À set pick- =en at work gearching& -bôth hou" 1 grounds ; but ho never ouSÀwdia Riding even a traceof the eleventh. of party of burglars. Nbi even'ý eStiction Ana laavy- sé-M'teiiie k)f other ten wimiiaan one o thein fissthe secret of Zeirleadirihip. ad easily idejïtdèa m. -ana Madame sturgeibàthIvarLhý ana robust pobmen-am ng them, bnt in spite M ky efforfs, -nàiher,.ouecoWd be riSd vren toaolmowledge e r aud dmwh _a person as %umq thaVthýy hâd ever =aoqueraded ýer the respectable of- her ' AOYOM ,ut when theý enows m4ltea off'-4 omrinr-, o -lit iiid toM hW kg her -it wu thé, ci cé- La Idésa and Me kozenL èYWýý mg' his hàhdkéiobîef-'tor au or moreM in unknown lâdy*tiâm ' tpoukk,;4h iï:,-to met. imàgineýhis fdev4m

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