roi-un T'e P" qs eu t 6 fsrtn 'wou*a sueke no ndue qoneem-ssione lÀvPOn-a s nee sibletsud the United %ttes in order ïoiobteju e )Dut à issugi Makaoo»e, bis renevel of Beciroeity, you sareeetiealy béoing pspe~ eusa 1I -11 rked lh»1 sch ae1 pzbeou e brigstone mtisdis la.4 *ntry Dotnnaturel in one Who Led ibelpsd 1 Lar on ..1i 27. , io spke negotiate tise WMuiigtou rey t 7%>ffy fblhomerné d fail. Now , tihr, vas no neeessiý ly otbis. a Wua f**t Oeed >Y thé 'à tl 1Tier, vais otising armsiveor 11-ne- e old hiSfajloveis hakho, ture.d-in the ton.e r ohm-A.. Mac,- 0 ëlissug, everytising for lvory donsld's spechsdousgiley hean tento puis ont levlIha seeallo ad he iaou i10 lare ZIsre , 1sdIr "oeh els tions ai Wasinton h tse m e sudon s~a4' tel 9in , vas not mueis. Doair, vobesoeeh Rie foUlowO. rÃŽ ed telbodyof you, if you vent tho béeome egreet l, sud pseked i ins sait eud snsteer, loe t itle sunlight mbt yonvi it iu bsn;k, sud travelled withs son], sud don't take sunis terribly savone mnufhssto Unanyarnbe; $lspe vieva. of everything. After eu, e life O p¶rty vas mi8 nd t. he tatis eutand thsui,îand perry, or au :e s Zanzibar, v1th4s ei. toflýand 14o11lAnui] vo*, lanDot one tIsaI ollowed heu deys sfter.- Mr. nhmî eigildsr. AIWe lAnserieen 0onsulate M Zoin- a4 hovever, try snd be megnanlusoui- e lettesrs froin Dr. Livisgatoue il say sBeuxsae ttle atrange et firOlý but Itley. Thse onlï geograp)hî. if yon persevere yen viii âad itl doing isai follovu --lMé tate you goosi. Tis in diiuterested asivice, 1 h Doetla IM Unen sbandi if yos do»t take il,, ySoayulb. the South ssen of Ta e,.tise loos.-tmôâ&ifrecrlBa. souti of Lake Bm aiia tfronSutht n', thon Repres Gley ýg long the eMat Bide,, eturu. porteraIlGall-ry sbrough muarisesto -Muille. îmmoe. an ôtIs. djourument of =âev, seelesi andi adds-essed Iote Rtisone of Cousions, thereproente. ery of State, are in 'charge of tivesocf the Prese met in the Rportor's ssg, a Britishs merchant of Boom. A. R. Dymuoni], Esq.,ý M. P*,, vWho accompsniesi the re- vwas moyeu ite tiseelshair, eud on Moa- lios ouscnivlv msa uelA M. ~-~-*-Whsite was elected President, Mv. Wlsltby Township Coucil. David Wylie, cf tise Broekville Record, e r, vice-!Presidenit, sud Mv. John F. Brooklil, April, a, 1874. Norris cf Montreai, Seeeary. A coin' Coucilinepuruattoadjurnent mittee cf those gentlemen ver. alec Ail tise members preseut.aponet rmteocsr uls Beeve in tise c laid and ta otherwiao assiat tise offcera lu Thetise performance cf tiseir duties. Tieies-o renad lidupon the t ie ocusio mtins >of ongre- lubie s communication fromu H. Bickle, lulaton i fav o o on r.Pe reltiv b iserelief cf Mvi. Cooper, and A. H. Dymonds, Esq., M. P., vere au indigent -ioul arid On motion cf Mv. Causpbell, seoonded Uansmoly caea tseehi bMr.Tweeieo lb vas reolved tisat Mv. y indm ea saspchl e RBeee bo tlrzed- ta grant hie oly order lun<es-or cf lIJolovsng Persns: Afwdy g eyhnsm JolM. bropms aer,08.80; aren . .lady entenod a dry goode bouse andi in. -. & flr, p«oc e rim$8e80 Jeob Lopp cuived for aeIlbow. Tise pole cierk 13 1 u hesm idigents, 14.76;tlrew iimoeif back sud remerked Ihat Jobu M teheil ifleur efnvnis 4M.7;ho vfa tfher eervice. "Yes, butI vent -Lymonsi, indigent, 0800. Teunglanreent onvamieorply On motion cf Uv. Tveedie, socondeo d isoyngmen teven nmesrn by Mr.l-,ililday, t was vsolved tisat oos900 ditea' tise puat>szaster of Rtoad i 4ilon'No. 17 of thia1 Toshaip bo reqluestosi le exempt Tise Hamilton' Police Magistrale has Mrig, Gordoslîfoms perfos-uiug Datîte baken a stop lu theo vigisb direction b>' labos- for bth. presse nyesr, andi tisaI lheralsing hie tariff fines,. Inateasi cf Clerk bc or4ss-d tb notify said Ov,-v. ree dollar and tvlo dollars il is ton sud seer, of the "~e and] tiat the osmainsd tventy dollera, ansi if tise mono>' le not tisat H. »osby Overseer of Road allov. fortlscoming, jeul for tiirty or fort>' s&no betwmu Lots 18-19--Sus Cou'. ansi daye. Usehevok. berequesiesi la uatlfy saisi- Overseer oet lisamne. IT . A isy-av to forin Boasi divieionm No. ITH8 18J ves lulvoducei ansi paîsesi. COCHRANE.-At Port Perry, on -A b.igivteappointî Pathmase, April lit, tise wife cf W. Mf. Cochrane, Pcsndzeeapers, eniPFeuceviewera for Eeq., cf a daugister. Use preent yeari,-e breugltin luansi MA B IE D. On noion cf Mv. Holliisay icconties ROBERTSON-AIKEN...At tise ve- by itr. McTaggart, it vis e vsolvos tlîab ildeuce cf tise brîde's inotlse,Pickeriug, thes Clevk, bho lustruceesita uoify C. A. on Thurada>', April ý2nd, b>' lie Bev, Alesustelostop tise allovauce cf fifty Waltev R.Bonse, Mr. M. Robertson ta centsp or vo. k te Aaron Wlsanem, In. lMise Elizabeth Aikiens. digent. LUSCOMB - AIBHART - At thse On motion cf Mv. Campbeoll, secondesi Manse, Pickering, on Monde>AynÀvrH b rM. MeTsggart, l itwa osoivei, tIsat tb e.WlerB os r aa I h e evo hoesuîiscrizcsl ho grant lis Otîs, by Bof.ater B. of aitoM.a order on tise Tréuurer lun<tvor cf Alox i. Lucis f Ise it'o cfeitn.l audog Bobis for ties a o f $8550 beiug MieLcdaArsrtofPkeng for wood furisies Mre, Lymonsinl- HOWDEN-IYLIND,..Aî bise vo- digent. sidence cf tise bride'& allier, John Hy- On, mocion cf Mv. McTssgges-t, second- landi Esq., Oshaewa, by tise 1ev. -W. esi 1y Mr. Tweesilo, il was; vegois-eci, Boit, M. A., assistei by tise llv. Mr. tisat tise icevo ands i . Inliday hcopa~. Bsell, u Tiusvay tise 24t1s til., John pointesi g coummitbe bt visit ansi so Dtusdas Howuion, Es q., of Columbus, ta - vis tisey does expodlient in aid of Miss Louissa Hylansi, cf Osisawa. Mrs B; .Cooper,- _____ Ons motiop cf Mv. Campbsell, socondosi b'M-MMcTaggart, it was resolvesi, JVHITBY MARKE TS. tisa2lie report of tise Auditors cf tise booksansd eccounts ci the Gorporation CIIBCONIcLMOYrtier, April 8tis, 1874. of tise TowndBlp cf WVlitby for tise year Fall Wheat .....1...... 1 2o @ oî se 1878, bso now vpceived, adloptei andi fin- Sprisg Wlseet. $ .... 1 12 @~ $1 14 ail audibosi, vits tise exception cf -448 llarley...............1 8000 1 t0 psiid b y tlie Townshýp. Troasoes, btaPeas................. 65e @ 70o tise Couuby Treasures-, isicis uis lBlack Eye Poase.....7 0o soc Couneil dipaliowi making balance on llyo ................. 5ce<(9160e baud 9149$.90. .t................5c @ 400 On usotion cf Mv. MeTaggavb, second. HRay .................. #I@e 18 ed b>' Mv. Camipbsell, it vas resolveci, Petatoos............. 9c4 biset tise Beeve ho autlssrized te grant Apples, per barA$ Iis order on tise Tresorer lu faver cf Eggs ................ c 0e 'Wus. Wiloon'and Johsn Burns for lise Butter ....:........... Bc susu of $10 Coschs auditors f rtepe.Mse.......... 8 etlyear. - ts ro.Ceese.......rter....._.8$5«J li Counucli acjouruosi un<flthe second Bohniqatr. ~~$ MlonsleyiluMay nextt tisn mccl in l3eef, fore quarter....$ 4 « $5 tise Towshsip Hail, ]ircoklin, at ton Pork, lier cvi........... $7 @ 67 50 o'clock a. m.,,unsaeCourt of Rovlsion and Ciikene .............« 25 0per pair. for, tIse transaction cf abiser business. Ducice per pr........... c60 Tnskeys, per lb.....1 0eo 121e Geot,....1.............0W«J80. * Pickering Cesucil. Wool................ g 86SOcs. 811 5h eci,184 CeaI, lier ton.......... $7 «J $8 Nc *Saturday, 2t - h 17. Wooed...............0s 00@$eis5e 8 Tise Pickering Conucil met lu tiseof Townhal Membera ail prescrit. ~no P. In Potion sevsentod-of George Hiar- i'RA VELLERS' GUIDE. of ison ansialtisers askiug for a grant ta cut slowuflise hll ou BIh con, et lot 27 ; GRAND TRUN R. Il. A. of John Bailey ansi of Thsomas Major Trainelieave Wlsiuby Station as follove z for certificates ta obtein Taverulilceuses; <oing Eas- Going West- 5 of George, Long sud otisers asking for ex pre Ss., 8:80 a. mn. Local.... 880 eus, ail( te Msvgvet McGinty. Mixesi2:50 P. sm. Express 9.37 a.m. Tise RBece rendi s cummnilai,,sLoual ..7:20 p. mn. Mixed,... 4.45 p.=;. frn tise Boove cf York tcwnsisip lu vo- Exres .... 8:41 p. in ExP.MeillO:îîp-. frrcsce to-lime distributioni of h ui 2mnutes faëter Zran Wlitby limse. H Cil)tl loess <uni]. <ieMn-1Vs risrub M ie l Aller recois for an Iheur, tise Stani. WIITIIY & PORT PERRY R. B. ug Cmustte- os jetiiou ani acoute oi ng South, leaves IPort Perry 6 a. u.; ing ommtte anpettion an acour tsarrive@ et Wlitby 7Ui a. m.1 srcsoçlteth ie foilowiîsg report, viz z_ Ging Nort, lhaves Whitby 8:07 p. i.; fs-i Yo ùr ccsmittec on petitiona anti is- arrives at Pert 1erry 4M0 p.-us. :oulits be' l report ansi recomuesd - ti follows : Tisat tise ans cf $100 bo DIVINE SERVICE. eauted te eut down a bill on Side road - - îtwe lots Nos. 14 nni 15 lu Stis Cou, All Sainte' Churcli-At Il a. in., and 7 p. ohsn Thomnson, Commissioners ; on ss-Rev. bMv. Cayley. Iii onsveei oposie lt 2 85, 5Cathelic Churcls-Every Sunda>' meruing Ti 3flicon- fnd ppoitelot27 50,lit8:30 sud 10:30 a. us. alternately-Rev. F'a- 3cnsge Harrison, Corusisioner ; On suer M ceunn,; residonce, Oshawae. h 5th cou, ut lot -Ne. 82 $50, Ira M s, canadallaProoerinCs i-A la s t I t -'J -E c s ~UOIIsssnsscODe; anI tuat !sargrct Mc- anti :0 .8 -Ilev. Mr. __lalleistyne. Oint>' ho ellowed 75 conte pcer ek Coregaitienal Cisurci-At Il ae . .and frein date 1111 lst Juno, Geo. Long Coin-. St.A8 drc GibCh s-c-h .msd63 -o uussonmieeWU mer.- -ns--B1ev. Mr. Fraser. Vou- cmustte voisirecmmnsi tiaI Wslean- Melhadist Ciurei-At 10,80 a. P. B. Hoover, Sensuel Stover ansi George ns; and SiUiiP. . u-Rev. -Ms-. Sauslorson. ])avldson ho appointesi -- --- ho lob sud snPes-stond th, reparing cf irenkiziNc.- Epps's Cocon.- tirage- tise bridge crosîiug Duffins' Crook et fnl iesd Cs'mfrsi.g.'s 13 a thorougis Forreat Mili, <aud alec tisat James kuotiesige ef the naturel lave which gaves-n Wilson be pai]is accL cf $15 for aid tuhie psrations aif digeeson andi nntrition,sud suVlied to Alex. Mcfleo, by a carcini applicastion ef tise fine proeo- env ce îniîtee wouîsirects-iesiIcifiwell-seectsd cocosMr Epsha tlisnI tise Bos-e ans clos-k issue certifi 1ry tvor veg!whc =&sa u caleslq e Johnu laiiey andi le Thomnas -sisUyh1 eauydoctors biuils."-Civt Service Major to enebie tisosu le obtain liconees G«oeetfe. Masioimply itS beiling valer or la kop t.yaeiielu tsei resectie lk. Eeeis paest is labeles-Jîs. Erpe bouses toIsispector isavlng reportesi tIsaI tise>'aeth elur accomotia 0au accounutof the procees adoptes b>' tileue, ýliees. James Epps & Ce., manufacturers Report receivesi ansi acoptosi. aof<ieletie articles, et"theis- vorka itise -Mr. Meekie introdiseesi a iîy-law te Enstîsu Roui], Loýono."_ Sos article lu appoint township efficcre for thlie year 0asesl8,ofhdGie 4 1874, wvisels as rendi thro lies saui nIl' E INTRODTCfXON 0F DB, passesi,.1 WHEEBR'sCOMPOUND ELIXR Mr.v eecie moves tlint S, J. Gseen 0F PHOSPEATES AND) CALlUÂyA con. bo instrtictosi ta examine int< sud vo- stintes e noe s blupopulaj usoi in a porb t is e next meeting cf Ibis council t u-s ecdom fitisaapurl scietifi prepara. ou hecoditonofthe- ion, coin udesi an p lsiao ica princi. on. lise wososal n O as ee 0sCsge teothm pPese * lbnpuclia- Defflu' CI'oek an (Iis con, et Green- osed olyofi gedeno t eng oin-th veesi; if upisu exemînation seisi bridge 1' ai>' aifitedjs>enîs it ner itetisee b. fosusi dangorous lhe hc autisorisesi tounuder aIl crcs-nnstencee, ansi mu>' hotakon get tise nonceaésary repaire dlone. with beitefit ises-oves- thora la nos-vous pros- tainansi gessevaldebilit>-fremhin isver Mr. Palmer mos-es tisl thes fonces cape.It Immnesiaey augments ansi sua. nov obstrncing lise ailowaue for vronditalisslise vite! forces, smpsrtinq viger te ail lu front of Iota Nos. 111 ansi 4 l ise flise organe of tise body.', If sn especiali>' ffrIt eonc.'seicu of Piekes'ing be rvoved adapted tawomen rostrate wihh famil>' on or before t l fsst de> cf Jue I1874 carto tnde <lise fian eetiqg asoag andt tisIUe Clerk seni tise occupant cf all siruggiete et fl. seltilos a eopy ef tii vesointion. - - Whihb>', Feismar 16t187. do . zuai mvesa t thia couneil i1874. -------Pg (10 ov ijourn til1 Saburde>', bie 25dbh -anREEDY FREII-WO sens ifroc, af of AWril exb. - Simple asueir-mans cf self-cure, for Con. ý -a-*- sumpton, Bronelitie. Asthme Catarris,1 Thsek. etceoftsflie Bvaekville k crlabsan aly duioa ofthe,'Tirost or1 _y nIt t aiAlmuonte- vas isok. iy, bres, non -tty eli@o nWedoe*day andi700 tiebeta i-Yzd«wri nlox,. .... wresoo.The Uieves voe e bght. TUTML 4; Ca. eNssaeN lu tue maie 1 lon. The, &#M ývrmeeaane nocceeu , vii! expire bef;;ore ;y of sale. h hou»e a ierge su ad subsutial 'l'h.ore bnlding vt S voMen adtinin l YtOffice sud Court Ouse, sud bais s gar- don vith ornavýentaj sud fruit trocs second Parcel-Tis norti bavas of Lots 29 sudl 80lin tise said Set Ilenge sud mmcd. leleoly soutS cf PerceS No. On. conlsining abouit oue.quarter ci en acre of an. ,,Tisird Parce-Ts loek of TonLot.,O land lying noit te tis Grand, oeruuk stae grud tWlstby, bei UgLts Nos 277,278, M7, 28M, 2', M 2 8S2 and 8 'on Galt% rogislore<plan cf part-ot mno. 25, su thevolen Prout Concessien et tis Township cf Wisitby,.subjeétisovever 10o sici rLt te_ possession > of Port :M 9-'n Yud ý8rkPZ' =90 sieubt eDIesi f boni eeuofsa teree there^ frosu J. EL Géeeavoa te tet sadCydated 80 May', 187, duiyrefe. et w icilvi b. produced tgIS1~ of caver froin tie seimaivaüceupa the vaine of aneundivlded meut>' c tise"id lande taeon possession o yte saoe T..,e o, sÀLE-Abstrscto of tille. ho tises. landesuad several tille deeds cau ho seen et the- office of tise Vondora' Sollc$or, vhoffil! net ho obliged te fuui e à y GIt tille deeda or evidences 0f litWlle. ý-, Euhis urehisaer vii! et tise tnocf sale pay t ix.Vendors' Solicitors one-fiflis cf tise purcisas mon.>', ansh ial! psy sufelent ils tie deposit, wtioutluteeit, ta e p one-isaif cf tise purchaso moue>' itiinfour weeka froin tise dyofnsesudmsi!mcr theoremeunder vils tut, et 8 per tcent anuu,iroin day of snie by meortgage prepared et thse prhair'. xeue over tise per purc-1ecstusuchall olsrit ee ea o sin 4 ymns fro, dy c gae. hemortgage ovér tise lot Parcel ho coutain e covensut te maure to amount of two.tisirda of tiseo-no se5- curet.' Upon payment of tsepurchase moneyor spon psymont of ono.salfi tisreof sud ex. sutingsuâcis iortgeo, mach pure Wse in! be enitIsite possession. i Thse otiser conditions aretiesadg - conditions oa tle.CCoutof Chauory. For furtiser p articuler. a&W> te Mr.. isrf e ynold, or A. G. NeMilan, Esq Vhtby, or1 esos. Pettoeon, Besly & in ril<n, 18 AÀlad St. EsstToronto, 1 Vende 0 Solicitor.RI, Datosi et Wisitby, April 2od, 1874. ta I - GEO.H. DARTNELL.ý Master. PATTERSON, BEATy & HAMILTON, 15-4t Toronto, Vendors' Solicitr. 1874. SAO. 1874. DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER, Censiencing on or about lit Aprul. TEE NEW LAKE STEAMER -NORSEMAN ,"Y (R. CRLAWFO-RD, MASTEE,) Willmake 5evregular trips on tlis rovate leavisuCeobourg ever>' iorulng et 7.:80, sudà Port Hlope et 9 o'clock, for Rochester, con- nectiug tiser. vilS ttse Nov York Central andsiea Railways for ssi points East, We«tl and South.,1,t Returning---wiU ieave Charlote( tOf Rlochester) dail>' et 9 o'clockf p. M'yexep saturdaya, visen sise viil laveet 2 p. us., for Brigton. Dealers in Stock vü in uni iis tise chep- est sud rmosi exposition. route tW Boston, Albsany', New York, &ic. For fus-tier information addros- R T. CRAWFORD, Or CF.GL RLEV Port. Hope, EKingslon. 15 W ANTED IMMEDIÂTELY, AT RAY'S HOTEL, WHITBy, A, Goosi Cook sud e Dining-roous Girl, ho whum tise higheet vagos vils ho peu]. Whitby, Ap.sil 7, 1874. 15 [NSOLVENT ACT 0F 1869. AND AHENDMENTS TEDTO. In tise Matter cf J. H. ADDISON, cf Whitby, an Insolveut. Tise Creditere e1 tho Ineolvent are noti. fed tisat a meeting vii! hielsi et ms office, No. 7, Exchange Buildings, Welzo-. Street, Toronto, on Tuesia>',#the 21st day Cf April, instant, et tvao'cleck lu tho aller. coon, for to uspose ai0 xamning lise ssolvenî, ans or the ordeo o f tise affaira ýf tise enlategeneraily. Datesi et Toronto, Ibis ist day of April, L- D. 1874. WM. F. MUNRO, 5-2inAsuiguco. A UCTION SALE :oa5eisold Faunitnre, Herse, Buggy, Ilarnesa, R-oSes,&cL. Tise undereigneds sreceiveh instructions in. s soU by public aucion wtu ese reidne ithYonroesvo Whitby, Feb. 23rd, 1874. ;jom'AIý -& L f ~i~TVI I UISDAY, APRIL J23M, 1874,1 ~.SIM L .C R OO S ho whole of hie houoehold furniture, two iN OTilC . R Mts, &chines,2acredaritof h- . il.inerv. Tilors Furnis-hing Gooik [aliteg &.maches, 0 rlar eseof ahoande Notice io given that a charter willhoap 5 îple Woeoand ld for et nerî Session of the Domiio Groceries, Crcey &o.A superiorstcofCthan laie t O ne o~ clo k, ~ar i m Sn o e n ow er seC m p a y rest c i ~ o n n Saea neOnoSap p end mûe navigable;, ia, d re5 Goods, at. extremely .s.ow Prices. A choice stock oi Tz5s-8$25 and under, cash; over tii~h o nf nad ae S ven Geo yn nount 8 monthe credit. Beay sud Bey of Quinte, snd împoerea ) 1-£ L.FAIRBA1NScJ,j .onable tl to 10reimbur&e thse coit, a 0en . nuis, uottons, -Parasols, Ribbons, c Au erally vith fuin corporate powers 10 o in. 5 htby, April 8, 1874. 18 nor.ploeesud utilize such Uineocf navigato. T ioig - Cobourg, Feb. 9th, 1874. 7 best style.MilnyadDesakgtooer ith JOHN.M. -wuLcox, An early cail is solicited. LOWES &POWELL. UDIJC NOTICE 1 f i,. Pi o "bon i 1Whitby, March 25th, 1874. 3l Is hereby given jat tihe OFFICIAL' ASSIGNEE, For ise, Couu$y of Ontario. Ail business OUEVI8IOF entmed toh. charge vii!b. carefully et- Fer he UuepaUt ofthe Wbitby, Jan. 141h, 1874. a1y LD M T ' H A L 'WNSHIP 0F WHITBY Will ho held et theW TD., Noted for Goods, unequalled lin quali- ýWNSHIP HALL, BROORLIN, aO~t ONuetobok'maty fhtayabt;and IPrice. ONMerriedmi Maut s o=i! ncubrsncti. Ap. NYDAY, 312Y tite litA, 71874, ply to, he Msyor_Twwnf 'tby.0 se hour of ten of tho dock in the fore. Feb.lO'MI1'Md' 7 R. T. HABIUSON J AE-O I S O HoinApriho bu la Ihboha-' Bègs to return thaxiks to his- numerous friends for-the very smtise âtret tted$cotre Isutolser liberal patronage bestowed on him duriug the holiday season, and novr EXMP E IlA N C E whore ho ke= onhband the best ffonr offers unltil the arrivai of hie Sprito- w your Wisiskey ont, Song &.Ciso. -0 Cash for/m,fav roducýe. J.LN JE W LE Y tF NC a ov Stay boume, Song &JohoLeNhtnL!J hoe comie homo ot d y o, s Wlsltby, In.20,187L f LE4. A ÇY G O S lit h o T imns t n g h d o ., a b bsy 80 ~semy~e~ bfldDosler0opHSCOMAOY A ADISCOUNT O F 10 PER CENT. hom vi5me t Ssong & Cho. 80etis lov su afetio theGlu VO and eoe o s us y p r on , e lies, lisesrin, do c watchles very e e p Al rlable and w ra<td-time-, anntgytheup -do P MoC u0e enauc' Âvlu Waers do C 26t 5, oents, teglIlier vils wvoe afates o NéJAMSlJ0TNSTN,1 #o. hIle mue- ractiçgl Wthmkr ans Wh TO' TI At Il Brocl T- Ths-o Poor1 Doult Slay1 Drii W. v Weceu Tise i Il ao Âzmu ntenasdl a swippyLo£=' Lsemusieïfor thse yosv 1874 ar rquis furnigh m»e ls h.ncssyeri ef Outerio. bave benI4gtdîcultivahosifor mauy >s. Oonenon bu!dn5s or 5(>sb.d cf cot!., entir, 1 L, COP OMICE anloe ythe a sinature o1 JAMES ~0LDEN, MANAODiOECTOn. By order of lb. Board, Secretary &Treasurer. Vhitby, April 1Mt, 187t. 1 F OE S ALE! 8wgD ef yoln% Mareo.,O Snd.6 years ldc, rnd clrbe.Yr p"i, à e, apply to UIONET TO LEN» 1 A lurge _qsntit01 money to lend et loy 'For ", sevee1 Town lots, two Fraein o0uffscan euda ge, Brick Rouie. For G.,YOYNG BITiL. nhltbylob t,17.7 The Blaeksnslth shop, Dvelli Hfouse, Bd preomlses, lately oecla by" v.Go rer., Haâmer'. Corner., en oc W by. ror parliulars appyto- - JAMES R[CE, To Hatch Bron., or Yeoman Gibeon. H USE, AN] LOT FOR SALE 1 A good conslartabie Brick dwelling hons vils stables aud drivi*gsised asîlses, au on. scesci landi ked vils choico fs-i trees &oc. Situatei on Boeck Street, opp site 1h. Town hall, Witby. Terms.nodorale.' For perticulars appi W. H. LANNAM, Wlilby, or t10 Wn. OHNSTON, Port Pers Whltby, Feb. Mi. 1873., G '0OcIBIES8, CROCKERy AN" as Az FIEL» AND GARDEN kni mit py g,. 7 ILABGE 5SUPPLY "D) VE YCHEAP A 'T S.& E. FBANCIS'S, On. Door Bust cf tise Mssonie H[all, Mercis25tis, 1874. 18 PARMERS AND GAlRDEltTpRS. Ever>' ubaciber oending 50 conta for tise Oco.. Regiaterp one year, a Sonliseru Landi Journal, 1vii! mail a package ef tise Tspn Peau, post-peid bymaltet vii! prosicefrons 81to10busisela aif eut. The pegrovsluinalorm of s bush ansi doos Dotreuire kinldg. Asidresa, t. L. OS- MENTBditor ansi Proprietor, Clevelandi, Tennessee. i NOTICE! Tise Port Whilby &Port Perry Railwey Comspany' VMi! pply toISe Parliement ai Csn" ada, t sexl sesason for an sel on- abbugthe Company' ta extend tbis-Rail- va>' lIonsomne 'poin l1is sent Une to some oint onute Frehis iver or Lake Nipiassssg, ansi for powier te amalgamas. vilh*or ase 1an>' dises- Iba>whoselUne or propososi Une it may cros er couneet vils &IBO ta extensi their Rilvay 10 tise Vllage of Hellburton, sud, Norliserl>' froin, there aso te acquis-e, os- cousIs-oct sucis veissls, hÀrbori, vhars-es, elovators ansiothes- vorke as lise Company' requis-e, aud for chier povers. Tarante, lOls Feb., 1874. IFAMILy ,-IIT -A"iStEJW TQ7 WhitbyApril s~~; 1874. i~mw ~ooI~ The subsçibers have received opend ot; aFift-cass. assortfâéitof 1)Dry Gooýdý ts pnIng and.umr rhk aebe bôug t o1 t1e 1 liavoabterrns, thereby inuring intending purchis excellent value. Speciùl attention hEls beè]î pid to the followiùigde Monts, Viz z LADIES, DEPARTMENTý: FANCIY DRESS GOODS ANDJ MILLINIE Hats aud Caps, Scarfà and Bow Ties, Shirts in great va ty, White and Colored; Tweeds-Canadi-an, English ScIot; DosINs ndBIa RCLh. SYL Mrss BARNHfABT intendS iCarryng on Dressmeking lu tise roosns label>' pebyMiss Elvin. WVe iespeek for hev a Share af public patronage, ai vo requis-s eooical people lu tisat prof essieu in WistbY ut proeut, sud ase conshes-e vit] VIiby, APril , 1874. LAING & STEWk NEW CROCERy STORI Begs to inform his friends and t. plie, h ho hapreued buopsieuWhty'slut OA HoAcREmDîsIR LESTOaK OF, tBEST FAMJLY GROCERJE Fresh and pure and of superior quai y. Everything in the Grocery hueo kept constantly C Field and Garden inds on hand, and for sale at low prices. Houck's Oid Stai ~hitby, April 8tb, 11514. a PV. J. HIOKIE & CO WILLIAM RICHARDSON, ~ewSpring Goods lovelties of the Season id ry t' D Ai W. J. HIIOKIE & 00. iitby, April lît, 1874. NEW LOWES,& POWEILL. GOO WAýEDSM $3OOOO S.ELLING AT COST'ANDCHRESi [e receiving- their Spring Stock oi lie ithert n t] E Afor riost mis M. End i. tel à - on i: ad. S in A F i s' 14A]i /INES, BRANDIES., ALES AND PORTER TEAS, S PIC ES, 'ish of ail kinds-Salmon,- Mackerel, White Fish, Salmon Trout, Labrador Herrmngs, Finnan Hladdies, &C., &C. -0--O THE SALE WILL COMMENCE ON EIIRSDAY, l8th 0F DEC., 1873.> rid continue until the aboýve sta- 1or until the whole cf the Stock is disposed cf. CASH CUSTOMERS willsave fully 1~5 cent, aud as it will be, first corne frst served, - the ear-W ; customers will be iu the best position to effeot advan- 12 'bs. of Sugar for '100. 20 iba-seof Raisnsfor $ 0 18 lbs. of- Currants for $1 0 20 lbs. 'of ýPrunes- for $1,00. F And other- Grover'ies Equally *{ leap. purc] fer1 than N foi croc L. 4tis. Thae isal! hc etacisesith alisesiDe- boutures Coupon. foi the paymont ai tise ssid inhereat hall yearly during tise curreieci ofths id Debentures visich coupong siabaU be payable et lb. office af tho Dominion Bank e Oillia on tise liraI day of sAvrff sud -tise is-st day af Ocleber lu oe£year. 5tilb sitsal boIthe dnty of tise Beel'e for tise lime bUngb>'lie order ansi vith tho sanctioýn aItisiaCaussesexpeds by resolulson ta that effect, toaï asiace sud. transfer tise nid Debontursb- -way of bonus to the saisiý Midians i il va>' 0f Csaa lusuch sumo orasmounts as muet ho deoinesi usot conslncivo te tise objct inview, tobebc>' tise naid BaiwaY-Company plesigesi, Sypothecet-, ed, soldl or convertesinlto mue'taber usesi ansi expendesi b>'tise siiRiv CoManylu Onsrucingansi complot-, Jn statonsntir glin. f aU f- %va>' lutisesaisiTownship ai mare. Olli. Il sisà s eiao h ie dut>'of tise Beve -it vithiesnction cf tise Council ex- presmed simaeorses for sud on boisai of tis Mumnipisit>' te take frou tise naid Eailwey Coinp env sucis securit>' ausay le greed pon'for tise due ep- nlcl Yti sid Debontures and the proceeda lisereof lu an about tise construction, completion and niainteis- ance ai saisi-stations eforesaisi. 7th. That for teo urpoae aoforiiuga ik. ing funsi or tie payment Of saii Déen. hures b>'thbis K lelt>'and lhe un- tersIta become dus tisereon et tis a to aloreaisi saseci1lrate a0 tiree mina sud one-L ~f aeMMlion lise Douar -shaU lu addition ho ail othar rates be- rsssed, leviesi and collected inl each year upn ai!tise rateable propert>' lu lbe siiMunicipaiity durmg tise continu- aneOr currenof the. nid -Dbn tus &or any of Dbn The' saispecial rates ansi theproceds -t shofailbh Ansi vieroas it la necesaary tisaI the fore. Boniylev shoi receiv thoea&sent y ofisoe elcora <of thia ,Municipelit>' h- fore Use afial ther1eâIL 5B tisaI Ibis Coon llh ýb b y-jav lix the day sund haur,-'&--plâce or y places for bakiug lthoes fh eliersm, sud'shouiiaisu nlke aRe.- hurning Mfier 'or Officr. -tà tak.tho votes of lb.esais electors et every sucS plc.Be'iltiherefore onùaetesi sudior- dmMtht te ddvoteasiseotiSon - on Saturey theEBloyenth day of April,- M87, cousemnugta e b.our -aofnino o'clOck, s. us, sud losne rv 'lc P.nL.On the saine da ý At loctorsl m1o N.l, ah L Sehool Hanse; et Eleclarsl Division No.!2l et thoToývuRal, usiat*Electorel Divi sion'No. 3;et lis. ScisoolmRoust of, Sehol, Section No. 5 , AthorI>'.- Rugis Joisuon Eelnrnig Ofcer atElectoral Division No. 1, aIs.FelP ouun Officer at Eleotoral Diývisis No. 2,su Chace EB. Hevett eoturniog Officer for Elecloral DivWsosrNo. 8 A dtist tise san hpblishe i sutise PaclW fnoe- Paper,Qrili .d in Tsr Cxaomsr The above ssa true cep> ofsaBy.lawvto ho Ues mb c8utssidertion is>'the Calnucil efthis lfnic'pohtt>.laller eue montS frein tise fuet publication Ihareof lu hs ffov.w iog, ývis - ise FacIalOrlla -thilie. Clmos- 'ci.' Wiby tise Ate of viiel lisst pub- lict4o4 v, 1l'tri]Mt, vi lsd~ -tieron at lechorel Divsion No. -1,-u t Breou binSol Roui; et Ziectoral Dlvi. SATURDAY, MHE ELEYEJI DAY Ã"F APRIL, A.D.,1874, AI nine of1lise cock lunltse forenoon, elomlug st 55, É. m., lise sanie day. Daled At aIira, Ibis 7th day ci Mamch, A. 'a.S. S. PITCR'S "PAmILYpRys- be-umtuv ,n.1inoa..of s L rEAS.-Havng ately nmade large ,hases of Teas, a aiat advantage, we are able to of- la BLAOK A DGREN E L&20,per cenit h heretofore. l)er - 0e0 iever before wais there 'sticka usme-keepers seýcu 'Mg the Best Family Gi kezy Of ail kinds, athe .OýWEST LIVI NG PRI 9 Vhitby, April 8th, hitbY, APril lst, 1874. THOSu* LAWLýE-R & CR Old. Né. , l Brock Street, WIzitby, Evigdetermined, upon closig u'p hýeirbsnss, cifer the whole of their large and well seleýC-à ted stock-of LIQIJOJRS, CIROCKEiLW, GLASSWARE, &C., Mle sale wiil be continued* from th&. date cf this ad-vertisemeut up to the V7II'ST DA Y OF A PHIL, 18,74, Vhen a change will take place lu the Esiness arrangements cf the present irn. A clearance cf he whole cf the stock, ý(which is the largest lu the Oounty ,fOntario,) must be made by that time,' and the greatest iducements will therefore be offered te, purchasers. Umongst the stock wiil be found every article usualy kept in a irst-class Grocery Establi8hment , 187,1. 15 INCLUDING ALL THE IN WOOD AND BOTTLES. W. J. HICKEE & 00. 1 M. THWAITE, 'UGARS, WILLIA-M RICHARDSON Seeds of a IIAVE JUST RECEIVED TREI:R D-S 'O.MINION