Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1874, p. 2

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ONLY Si 5o FER A N M Whil by, Thursd'ay, MArdch 19, 1874. SPECIAL NOTICE, Subsc.nibce lati arrear will mucls oblige by rcnitting th~e amunut of tIser lldébtedues$. AGcQUuntdrnailitg iuett1cd aff er thse ir8t cf next mnltIswb epa ilu court for collecéticai, 'ar et by a tiniely renittance. 'lhIscoePnanchlsa Bill. TIeGove"mut have At lesit breuglit dentile Incoe Franchise Bll. & egsitprovis ions are, tisat lu ad- dition tote apersans iîitlîas-to' antitleS fio vote ate déions te thea Lagig;letive Aseemby of Uilcijsil Couucilsl tisa righzt ef vetinlg 'hall isreaftan belong te e ves-y imsle prson meiding et tisa tiine cf tise eleef lacs lu tie local mnusacipality ln 'wlitlliehatendees,blis st, aubjeet te thse followvilng COnditions. Tliat lie mshai have resiclcd iiitIse maanicilhy c in 'tiein continuonus. ]y ilia' liiic,-mPl,<îi9)nsf tise lat s-e- viair!l c .ierscsmoiit 1i-oW - '11i1(I ha peosseve( stlise lU;niicaticus4 tmnl bas p -f ýrtneci tise -Oncitiou e- sicsi-ed y tIe ow Win force excdîst Tist 80deesvies au incesue fs-ea Sosetresici, e ofifciice or- profession cf nlo 10, t tsû----dollaro,- and la ae- sieaeS hharefas i n tlîe Lesit raviaed age s. maent rolcf sncb m'aicipality. WVhec anY persan lbas ais ineome 4enivact uis aorcsaàid, vbiclu i.entitlea 11Y lssw te exeMption front aqsssamaut, lie shah Is ot ho bolnud teavail Liaself cf mach iglit te eximtption, sud, if ha tlinka fit, nsey reqluis-e hisrnacci ta ha enerS utis a sseessuseut ral for usueli lasceme, and.tihe acrue sîsalillu sncb casa be lisible ta taxationi ike atises- sesas able luclome os proîsesty, Tis aemount of ineomneofrnc sjalas-y or wegam uocessarsy ta, confer a vote, il wi lie ha accru,'4 not spc-iieu-tîse gev-v cyntumelt aipîîsc$'tiy sisirliicig tiesescpon- 8t. Patrici's Day. it. l'etrs-i's M i>a pplhars t i bave Iseesa vcry gec sally îlreIhraiecl al oves-Pl isu Domssinion, sendltihe eeleicsatiîsn lias ci aclis ecbii-actoi-iS-(l wicls tise uats qiiet and gpoil fec4ljîg.- IsToronto lière) wss a. grand 45s-leeiion of tise risîs ocitit's, anid tise li4îclîîY lies tl see~preoccscei Trger andiIgrandes-la biaista ca iy tîer cscwcaicu. .Ti, îSt.a ~ses-ik' Ilsnvalccc Scieyof Olîawa' qi P;ttiek' Donvoloit Sciet Ic istcrod lunaLroiig ,forci ansI occlipied se t fontipicisous paiian is tise procssionî. go n à ns-c thse uifferent ausetis ewore 1c velsI repsf-svut'hami tise iîuiis-s iîn Ce lia0 precosaicun las-ger tisi t lias been Cç on xneiuy yeii- parisL 'sroui Ottawa, ai uiebece, liusiton. Loisicîs, IHalifacx, &e. tlI lle reports ire of ncinssîily large pro- f ossloul, asud wit i Ie exceptiosn ofsed saabac wlscse tisera was a a-ueay a selilant, ail paitm i f poacebly eaSlla , iraioniouslyA -Ar Dgimeonsolate Scott 1i n Do Tisa Laudndaulrce Press s-cnarks, tIsa imonucgu kir. etw I. 300tt-issboeeinl ciGn scsa i aI t îtys fi îo ema anltlis, ast, asud a ilessaîlotiosa is talion place,lise ià stil i wtiositas aIL ilu tisa Cosuscuscua, ; nos- liats Ie beau lada aL Soucas- (if, liueIýfs-. Coc. Brovu. iss îs p-aceediig i Le i elea-Violationu Coscliiftonsh Gsîe'lei'ficueit s'> unsis-- (OLI inli hueceusuts->. Il is ,iniaIsrions et 15-.Lconis fe ivous-eslIbut iesio ; ec-c1ciil rconî'titucccucy, sud if unlicimlueit eliisicil cPst, casail lue iss stilh, Iilieuel', witluaut Ihua weîidis ga-c- oinl, ilaili l c s ftssselof bnko aiissat bise Clîvrninist, siould ho mtli i nesubes- cf il. -Simca tIlumaboya vas ina type, tisa lb,« assousstiescuilt Ms-. Seotî vili I c ivatesi te tIhe Ssete.r: Wcat Dus-issus. 'l'ia wit las Sean issatd ics-West aibm, le fMI thsc vaceme>'lu tsa rap-. sanîsation causeS b>' tIse vilhclnavil of r. E. B., Waosbisoc bis teIleuse of )maro, tTisa 2711sicstaut 1, fxeS fer a)de>' cf noatisation, asic! lie 2n Ox, foi' tise peilins- day. Tissu Riel Question. Plie Ottawa corr-espondent' cf tIse a il telégrapha tisaI journal, anSes- te cf Monàiay Iu lisa- 'TIse Tics(Gevimnument os-s-s) ba-s ens-as it[licy ciu' atise Iiel question. ew dsys es-e itisiwesl for lise as-s-st theriisancses-; la-Sa>' Il lints et an nemI' beins-g auleS lu>'Mm. lisokan. ý,of' lihsgrenuS tîsat il vas promiaad lise- bate Geves-niseteuS tIsaItisae 'seul eesnbinutîou la bouS luhouns çaary alit tisaIaga'ecnent. It Ibnowa tisé nespouaibilit>' cf au aunuesl>' Sir Johin', Cabinet. Tissiati e . t cf aiotliesersa-icns quas-nai iceeen rEus-his ianS Fronda members cf Cabiact. Thé brasseli lias bcoe beel- il is said, ounlise promise fs- enats ýmien tIsaI au arsnesty ssal Se a[Nos,- Cussoaos, c-A elc- alnsible pq-lu ,tins-s, chromes, &o., rtlmed ber Sala, Sy auction, AI a atdjolulus- T," LevIer'& C's, cTsnsasd Fsid 9-'end ovuct t 7 o'elosuk. Leroux 13mai.' Cocbiuic te beal troupes tnsvelingius 5d te appas-sa- etlise Townsbail, nov (PFia-dy) p1s-li1 Four~sca-IsIens .si ad interforoee y Goyenmo4 810 chemit. and druggiuîm, 199 chair cer". Reforr. are netth m zet 4O r. maker, , 28 civil engncere., ý,210 cler. 'figlit for a prineiple whfle in cppMiUcn gymcn, 8,200 clenlka, Uo commercial ol otrwi etewnswe h <tionen., t,000 Cooper@, -580 oBCena of cancot do with Ms what Sir John Mac- courts, 280 dentiot, 0 50 dealers--and donaid diS witli his -Party, they connot tradanà, 5,860 dreusn'kre andI miinrns bJad nsinto the, ditch. For Mr. Me, Kelier'. Ion- andS arduou servies t 180 edge.toolmar, 1,610 eugineeré the cause orgood govotament ho de. and machinkt., 70 engraver. and lith. serves well cf the Counitry, and it woumd ographcrs, to express employa,, 226,M80 bc wdll if hie were provid.d for ian om. ' armner$, 180 farniani, fjlO fdahermen, Poiti' on are IstuWteD q'bis apaoity- than that of a membe of the Govern. 2,010 routadrymen, 100 fumriers, 1,510 ment. Ce'tainlyRfom. ilot gardoners, ,580 gentlemen of private af*r conqueîing acorption lthetop meaqs,, 240 goldamlths and Jewellero, ponants, permit à t obtain a f0oci i1,00S govermmnt employas, 202 ra mong themadelves. We hbave obtainea fdealers, 1 O4 grors 03ha rain power au thse Party of Punity, w. can -00es, 18 htter raMtain itonly on the e ana.condition.- hawkera sund peddlers, 60 hosions and re heHailnIIDTùMeas, <staunoh a rgloV6te li23hospital attendant., 4,120 IlReformer" p aper sas i. pnblished in hotel. keepar,168hner,20 nu.Ontario ayog editonially ance oemployasgiron safe malcers, '58ro f 1 hl.lcia judga., M8 keepens, ë%,17 abrer,,117 ranted'to tse Cential Prison worlcnera lanS suirveyors, 298 aundresseu, 142 was futher looke<1 into before-tIsa Pub- loc omaths ' 2,000 -lumbermen, 8,589 lic cccauuta Comnitte., Mr. N. Iickey mannâci being h aiwit"ess. Prom hi. avs- mauatrer., 2,045 marinerg, 192 dange pears that he wau the pemson marbie workers, 2,721 mechanicu, 5989 woakdfrtehldy n hth mercPsanto,, 50 messenigem. anS porters, diS se as a membler cf Mr. MoWs Cen. 21 midwives, 48 militia offîiils, 8,472 tral COumittee.He akedfor ilon tIe millers, 1,280 miner., 261 municipal em- ground that it was customary for large 1 .1 1 ~ employer. of labour te allow theïr mani ployes, 126 mnssicians, 17 notaries, 48te attend nominations. He madess mia. unu, 1083 nurserymen, 12 opticiens, 1er application to thse Messrs.Guey 88 packers, 2,298 paintersansd glaziera, Messrs. Hay & Co., and thse- Northeru 203 pensioner., 1,565 physicien, and Reilway Company, and added that; other employer, of labour besidea thse surgeons, 841 photographers, 82 pilots; _Govarnanent gave their mc<n a half ioUi- 888 plastarers, 160 plum'iers, 117 police. day on nomination day. We muet aS- mnen, 166 petters,_ 1,571 pricitera, 58 mit a wcak point in thse> vidence which professos-a, 54 quarrier., 1,931 B. B., cm- folows: for Mr. Dickay did not say îslye, 1 mtisac ofics-s 1970sedlesthat tIsa fis-ss ha mentioned had grant-1 ploex,10 etredoffcer, ,97 sadlescd tiesa af holi4iy equeted, uer was1 52 seilmnakema, 1,268 saivycre, 2,616 liaeaaete ay that thse ffty men who1 semustreese, 4,469 imail servants, 16,715 wc<nt froim lits wn-establishment were1 fausale servants, 581 shlipbuilcicrt4, 1,609 allowad pey dnring half holiday'a ab- slîokeecrs 6,16 lonîee,' 24sance. Whatevem thse'Opposition enu shopeeprs,6,71 shctrakeri 24 take out of tise fet that the working- steacu angine builcicra, 2,018 atone mcn ini the'employ of tIse Goverumeut1 maisons, 2931 student, of lawt, 169 stud- werce llowcd Ie attend thae nomination enta in medielue, 4,475 tailora, 997 tan- wftbonî daduction froin thair pay, sudj liea, 0,188 teechaers, 1,043 tela-grapl in- that it bas not becu sbown that ether< M employer. cf labour diS thse sema,' they ployas, 820 in var icua agrieultuî-ij OC, are cutitled te nueke, and use againut cuipations, 2,970 varions industriel oc- tIse Goveromeut with ail thc force they cupations, 1216 indufinite acnupatoum, Caî" 462 wvatcbmakcrs, 2,598 -wcavens, 818 This is a distinci acknowledgment c wbcelwigits.. thet thama is a screw ouse about thsev Ona pleasiug fect is shoîvu by tîse transaction, euS thse Times goas ou te atatiatics. Iu 1871 tisare werc but- 117 say: policemen te de dnty emoug thse whole . lWa are cupelled te the conclu- population. More ceuviuciug proof of sien tiset tbey (the Goves-ument) abouldp usul nitna udgoo oda pevi9 net (give amy sucli adventage te their ti usitl qietde ad god rderprea -empicyea), and that unicas it bacomes ing in Ontario is unnnceessary. WVe a geucrel rula witls employer. te allow p do.nbt if auyin thse world eau iqual titis mach latitude in elecion times, tIsa G Province in tiai respect. Governmeut shonld net nieke itsalf ex- cd ceptional in its action," Titenewposagnlaw iius aconi- Thse St. Cathorinas Timses, oeaof thse Tuane potae lw a-ngacosS rabidest of Grit p.-pera, gays : erable mevenna frocu the New York ad- . For some easen on othar, Mn. Mc- vctiiug âgeucieb. Gao. P. Rlowell & Keallepis conscaisîly makiug amallanl Ol C' quartcrly bis upen newapapars se- foolisli mistekes which Reformer. cie a ~civndcbaeed $480; tîsose of S. M. Pet- not feel lika saliating, tha chef crgan's ;cugill & Ca. are above 8850, whla t ievaws notwttistauding, and wc hava ne le shitation iu stating that soima change agencies of W. J. Carlton, Bates & in tise lieads cf Departmcnîs wonld ite Fockec, W. W. Sherpa and othars inost wollr>ecived by the Reform Party iu promineuî., pay from one-tons-tiste ei-cc- geucerai. WVe shonîd mot ba expected te til iglit of tIse above amunut. palliate aud defend ini our own Party -~w5st we would trong]y condemu inup The Nova Scotia Lcgislaîure. our«oppoucunts. tc The Cornwall Frelcolder, thse organ ai Tite Local Legimlatura of t1is Mari- of tIse Postmaster.Geueraîluntise Do- cf ýie Province was cpeued ou Thursay mission Cabinet, refera ta the matter lu t ýast, jndgiicîg by tIha Speech of Lianten- ea uaunes- that the Onit, may well ask se it-Govcrniar Arclsibald, ne v ery scrîous eb ae rmthi aed. t$ nestion will exerciso the Pr-ovincial t esvc dmeserfind. t$ igiîlature tlsere. Indeaci, it wonld gays d acu tîsat local politiesaoulv assume "i. The"-'--' "nf '- - auiepniipoqitiýu n liIisOts au-ofo sas-a, iviire c'vcry qistsiociscems, te hi leevîîsilis f)tIse igcity of a unatioal se. A mcaauî-e l'or lise orgaîsiration of uninty Courts, suds, as Isevail lues-e. inS sailwvay cextension, secns ta ha aU se Sîsecial legisiation' fos-ashadowecl ar tise Nova Seotis Parliamneut for- huis éscien. Oua gratifylus- feel vus alînS- a ta lu tieSa peech, namai>' the cousiS- 'aSIe ince-ese ini lie yeas's ceai pro. 'lst, an iunesese avîicîs, as Coves-nos IrllibatldSsaYs, indicales thé ps-ranment ast vieulise ceai maines ai tit ps-cv- ce aire te occspy lu tisafuuraef'rthe Proclamation To isles habitants o! Oîstsrio Iiasussis. f hregret te mev in eaver ta Main>' in- vitations le Visit lIse villag"soaitlis Cesurs'Y(Isrfesiouahly> bluet 1 ceunuo d10 s0 Atprasessî, icicosîse qcaece cian s-cs'aissîy do sc vîsen tilecfine veather scIa lu, sudissbring, itisme a large as- asrtnencinim sprovecl anSdIcîcentecl1 sîsecbaclea te sdept thiacuta cyca ofi ah, iseedins- bisesu, sud fou' cnsuîtisson cri diseases of tIse lys sud 15-. Notice of us>'visit vihî a bcoca nin occl village b>' circulas-. "siLitîcuseus>'thanks te tlisepeople of Wisithmy for thuir liSes-ail patrosnage, 1 amu, raspectioli>', EDW'l> S. FiIANKlS, L-cturcs- ou tise lys, Esc-, îseir diseusces, andc tise use anS abnse af Sîîertaelhaceî Mcm: îieter,lIns-laciS. Tise Royal Wcddins Trip. London, Mas-ch, 121h. Tise enîn>' mIe Londonci tIsa DaSe cf Ediabhasaiesd i. bridea, tisa Grandii Dueisess Marie, teck place to-day. Tise dispis>' vas gs-s-ausisd isapesins-, sud,- uiotwiîIsstandius- tishevo-aIs-m vicis prevailad, tise streets avare pachca ailis- Immeunse cnowds oi people te vibues, lise pageant. Tisa processioa stas-i ena oPadtlins-. ton Station about mocn, passins- bhrous-b Oxford suddBas-ant SIs-eta te Bucins- Sana Palace, viseathea neyai conpîci vo-e fermail>'s-ecoieia. Tisé viohe s-cule vas s-ail>'decorabed avilIs untin-, sud a vas-m velcocua vas axtendod b>' tIsa people ta their Royal Hligs-ss. Those en secom-. panied lise processionatle date. Tise cit l>'eii aspianclidl>' ihluminal- cd le-Sai>'. Ton tilussud solsiors hined tises-oute of procession. Tisa Grand 1)ueiss Mes-se recaivesi a perfect c-vallon fs-en thse lcopie siens- tise visolalime of pro- cession. lias-appearaucealabus-the rouite vass-maclaS viis chear site- dace-, le aviicisele respouded vitis sus-St boys. Sha vas sh'essd v-lis a pus-pIe-, vai-ve alcosstrinamedavilIs iun, anS hea- lieadadomuad waviissbesutiful avista bonnet. ___ THE aVEassRDI vaRE oasoueoDises- -Tss.-Tisa jury mtas-aeS avas-Sd io maushaugites- as-alst Cenducer Mitch- e11, Ens-inear Ceeu-se Wilems, aSdtIsé brakesmeci, anS cansaisas-' lise Great Western ufluve>'Compan>' iornont lav- lus- propos- signais ion stappins- trains, sud aîee fos- nains- erSensd oilounbtrains. SaS'ewrs sesches us fs-s un aa. Tise fsamine Ihoré is iunsisus-te mss-ht. fui dimensions, sud tIiands ara Se. pendant up.sn Goverumaut fan food Iu T.iiscel saine isundred tiosoaantd starv- lus- nativeasmmade a1piceiou f'or relief lu tisa cons-se of heu csysi Il i. rematle bétIsaI Iluqo-cMayorJ of London, tIse Los-S Mayer of Dain l, "dA lte T-Lord PivstCof.V Sin"irlt....î __ liepreo 'tloal uroves-nineu5 fseem la hhirStIsat beeuso tiseis- inienda sarceis power aI Oitscaeis>'ey audo Jiljcst as tise/please. Ansitisa>'cestaini>' t' prove tiiesasvas fo becstuité capable ai emsiploying nvery ns.te parpetuata htIsirres-iof paver. h hrseahiels is net go iviselyi>' n 5 as-scias-ya.s Brea tahave been maSo, but lisen faimi>' put raveass a feanful outragesila thet brous-ht as-aimaI Ms-. MeKehias- lu connaxion ailhis iadmin. r istratian ai tisa Ceass-l Prison Worsk. Dus-ms- oua of tise s-aent eleceion oceca- siens lu West Tos-onto lise Commis- esioner of PubliceIVoks, grantesi ote s meni employaS, on tisa prison buildings s isaîf holiday t hie is>'mis-bt bava tise oppomtn oy f exés-cisins tiseir franchise. This ais s, toc, vas aBloyaS b s-o ou. Great ce-dit iS due te te Messs. Cam- es-un; Lancier sud RySent for tlie able sud persistent nasunar lavisicistise>' have applisd Ilsemsaivas te tise disa- grecable hssk ciftamoldinga apanoramna et' corruption, euS axposins- tisaunpcrin- ciplesijobbes->'of McKéllas-.Tbis sel ot' tise Cocnsuisaionas- vas propari>' rap. resessted as Isavins- causeS sa.le liseth Tneaaur>' of Cie Piovinceansd a cents-- bisction ofa a'squaî aMount cf tise eec- ition fmciii ofMs-. Mosa, visicI réprasen-t tatien assumins- . jtle hétrue gavé thé mettes- a very baS appeaance. Upon Iesnis->'il vasfound tisaI t theGoa'eru. ment lSaS dona avanylluins-te sugceatiséc meau te vota for lise Gril candidate. Go'.'rnment cvcre givez Ise oppos-huni- t>' cf pollicis thair votes, sud ainsue Mm. Mosa' cppcnenl at tise ctoinluques.-t vas bs-eus-ht outéespaciaIl> as, tisa vos--0 ins-uusn' canudidate tIsa presumptioa vas a fair oea ta as tis a mjo-it>' of tise vos-ins-masa voleS es-ainsI hlmtIse Govas-ament haS cless-ly cxercieed bliair t influencée ver cmen l inseir ample>'. Il f vas dlear>' proven tIsaI thé euonvas-a give a heuaeday'. psy aethlIe axpause of tisa Provinceé. A moat monstronsacst. Tiiere va, thereforé both corruption sud coas-cion useSl. This iS ouI>ysae- almpl f tIs ytam of corruptiounps-se- tilýiSb>' lIse présent Govermeant. Il iS fos-lunate tIsaI a change i, imminent for if it avère net tisa prospect haes-re tisa ceunIs-y voalsi haanythins- but bris-ht." Bus-s-ian.Sectishe Wodbridgc Asricul- lus-aI Implement WVos-s Aishaze.1 1Woodbrids-e, Mss-ch 14.-TIlis mccI-I icîs-, Sélvecus tvoansd lirec'clock, sema bus-glassffecteS an entrance imb tise cffice of Use WooSbridgs-a asicultur. ni- implemnlasd nmachine vors. TIsa>'bhcv open tliesa sce aud rifleS Ils coulenla-and lisen set fis-e le the build- ing. Tise famas totlbi> consumeS tIsa visola establiishmmn, toelies- ailis im. muens. piles cf hambes- anSd os-siood. Whan tisa fis-a vas Sisevas-e tise office was al lun limas, vii rapidhy cps-caS loe t hbes building. AIthougisth,. stasin pump vas qmckIy -ctit b opes- ation, the dlamas made sncb rpi ps-o- grass tisaI il'vas of van>' li110 us.. The burs-lars'opanéd tiese aie b'snvins- a squareé picce cf ironlIas-eus-Sthlise*. aida Secs-, euSdtisn inserlins- povder os- nitme-s-cei>sa-ne, vIsicis 1ev tise As-a. pnooi case complabel>' off, aud oua cf tisé vs-oas-ht is-on bMages. Thé insida Scier tIse>' opaned b>' pultins- lie substance lut) th fis SasIole. I15 S supposil Sthat ucl fiudins- au>'curmano> als aa tisa villains set fnlre thé ebluilding lu sa fib ai disap9iciîmcnt. Il iS to e h ped tIsa> viii soon Se ersted. Thé police as-e on thisas-tracs.. TIse boss ileasti- mateS aI 8800,000; ne insus-suce, Tavo cash boxcs, cetaiulps- pronaisor>' notes: te avaI 'ne ci npvas-de cf 100,0w0, ara saiS to4ebi-e eicmnedoff. Oves-oua lunsucra l aussiSfty é"n2"'1yes are Ilrovu I. s cuniie nuaam>aileorrisaed on bail te Itaise thajrtrial, anS aU for aggavatel I cfences., Seven, were for rap. and thraeforforgary. Tisu es.anserions cmimem, and wotaid net gave a satisfac- haleamned thsI six cf lth e«Von - charg- aSwlah 'rape waerimplicaefa41in o1 'Case, golIs the numbes'cf crimes vas raduced. Ha explicily aSsIed, iàt gra belia, what coumstituted tIse criais, e- f«edSto ; aud thiftpacilshmenit. TIse would be Probably, ho said,Aother Casas noS on lIse calendar- broagist be. fore thein, whleUswere in the IssSf, lise doniyAttibmney, viso voa S gve ShenaSUailuary' information. :He refermeS ,techarges of conVpireacy, pr. jury, keeping gambling houses, &à., asd t 4elaus provision that tlsay votaIS have te ha firsî invastigatad lay a mag- istrate, befone they coulS Se Sbreught bafose tIsa Court, nae.' tIse A'ttorlnay. Genemral or thse Court thongist fit te procead wits Ihena. ,Hi. LordsIsip then refermeS to tise usnal visit cf thée Grand Jury te tise je, a eustese, altIsough net compuisery, 51h11 eedesirablo *0 keep np. Thay voaiSse atels.jeasa kept Properly, euSdSIsallIse ps-sonar. vas-e net unnacemsas-ily harrassad on panisheS.Hs dmlip coucinded by tltn thtIe jals se fim se hi. ex. pas-sauce vent were craditable tg tise onnt7y. 1- Banck cf Mosatreai s. Pcxon.-Var- Siet fer pîtif. Onstario Bank vu. Lazier cf ai.- Verdict for pîtif. HoZliday sv». Ontario Farser's Mu- tusal l»c. Co.-Rfred - te arbitration ofJudgéBurnhaa. K.->ÀHEarnisouand G. Y. Smith fcr pitif; M. C. Cameron auss W. H. Billisf on doit. Gousld vse. Macfton.-Vs-Sict for pltff. fon $1,700, mubjeet te sarS cfas-bita- r. B1. A. Harrison aud J. E. Fara- wvell fon pitif ; M. C. Camas-on for ciaft. Grcgg vs. Par-lin.-Verdict for doft. E. C. Casepbell fer pîtif; R,. A. Herri. ou anS W. H. Billings -fer Seft. Wedga vg. Alexander.- Action for mnice of cordwood. RefoerSte as-bits-a- tion cf Jusiga Dartuél. Dscllea vs. lTayior. Action for non- perfes-mance ef cecitract. At trial. A. G. BMeMillan fer' pli.:R. MoGae for déft. TansBILS Queen vs. Aines As-nold-Fo-gery. Qacan vs. A. L. Bur-ke-Fo-gery. Quéen va. Oecar Bmunson - Forge-y f Sis-natns-e of Gommiasions- for takimg Mama Council. Town Hall, Feb. 28, 1874. Cancicil met ; nmeabers ail praseut se Reove lu tis air. Peter Bus-met, Eusq. Isanded in a s-e- îrt of siurveym mnale, by Isim, on tIsa owa linaoIsetweu Mas- and Resus cowins tise fémees on tise Rama Side d tIse liue b be close on thse cent-e of co ras.t Tise follawing chseques vos-e granted: ;chool Section No. 5, nan-reaidedt tex, L5.87 ; Scisool section Ne. 2, non-s-l lunt tex, $6.64 ; Reeva lu full of ses-r icea as Rossi Commissione-, 06.00; I bu, McGiig-o-, for re-airs of Scraper,e 1.25 ; Widow Moffata, au Indigent,a .0.00; ï3ss-nay Duify, road vos-k lu 13 nu. lots 21 anS 22, 820.00 ; te tIsaB ls-k for axpensas Is-avallus- te Whîthy,a s-aet proclamation cisauges t Election, t 10.00 ; te W. Boniten, lu full for bal- c ace cf Sslery as Trasus-, 825.20 ; lîiieam Gileharist, sheep killeS by dcga, 8.88; Peter Burnett, for sus-vey snd s suns of scbool Sections, 01b.50. Petitiens for aid luns-oass os-e refer-e I ta committac ouns-oaS.sud bridges. ti Tlhe Ausiters hanSeS la tisair repos-t t iwing aà balance of $1076.90, on hanS s- Sdate ans i gvimg W. Bouiten, iste l Oasurar, s-sest cradit fer tisa vay ha di ýp bis books. C( Cisoques were gmanteS te, Auditors for Pl csmr sas-vices, 86 escis. A By-lsw vas pasaS appointing P' timastars, Fanon viéwéra, Pound CI wpars, &0. C01 Tisa oIes-k was instructesi te notify tisa n buasastera ou tIse Mcnck road sude wun linaoIscîveen Mas-a aud Rama te we tIse fonoces attse Mers sida cf saiS se put lu tiseir proper places, alse te a13 tify tisa ,kaina cocîncil cf tIsa resuit of D esas-voy msade by Mm. Bus-nett, sud ask for luaif tise expeucas; cfsaid Sur- 'fs-cm tIsa coucil et Rama. ! A. Hugal, Ersq Prealdent of thse Mid. in Sd Risoeappea-ed befome thée isdil ssklng tisecuite grant tlue praees-th the patition cf John Han--aby and 69 1y es-s lu snbmilting a by-iav t e tisa c se cf tise peoplea s-uins- s bonus cf by 2.000.00 te tIse Compsny te nab1,o ul JO ce tei 011 aui 8. pis ted li, pt to' lai the vaf pan cou o athe votc wotc théz S soni ,Won the1 Coe Mercis 7, 1874. Council met, aIl pneseut ; tIse Réevé in tise chais'. A communication vas neeived frein Mrs. linsel stalins- bis unabilit>' Iciah- cenS as pramisad, sud onsubosins- bond udes- corpeneta seel bindins tIsa cona- pauy te es-ad 5'stetione lu tise townuship wilIsin cne yeem provriding, by-bav pagseS sad vas s-atiSieS b>'thepeopla. , The by-baav ilisproposaS bonus cf $12,500 vas tIssu iutrued-d anS sasseS tismoas-Is cmmittea c whi aslanSd vas neS Ivica. Chaque vas s-s-nteS te Ms-s. Me-va>' as- cîcamins- the Town Hall amonullus- oe $2. Concil. adjournasi te tIsa first Satur- a>' in Ma>' naît tissu te mccl for ourt f revisieus. Felbov's CeaponaSyS>mtp ar Hypo. bhospisites la prescribedS>' tise fis-st isysictens lu cvery cil>' sud lovus viera c isu, been introduced, sud il lsaa so-ocu gisi>'os-liodox preperation. EIRICT,-AfIer e fair anS ps-ctraeled -lai ci Fablova' compoudna up af Elypopisosphites, va considar il e Valu. Lblo uer-vous leto,fan surpasins- sau>' )tiass ci considés-abie rapute, anS vail 'os-ls' issaheconfudee;cf tisé profession senali>' >- A. H.L CHANDLER, M. D. ~H. A. JACOBS, M. Di. Tonctben, N.,,B., Nov. 9, 1867. A fermervIsa vas rpb'bëd nea- Gin. unnali ou FMiay nîgit by hiisw&aemn éd fs-anafrlghta ifev minutes sitar. FAS. * i to pi It th tai Oc WC s-i o éthser contest 'woul4'taie p lace at în I distant day, he read a telegnain frot il Maers. Rykent, Lauden asd Bcubtbeé k' ésxc=nsag- theiir sbiknuw on acceunt C 5- tisain StllesintIse;*4embly, -sud ex *pregmathir wilbifagneusi to adbrasth eleccrs cf Sonths Ontarlo after theHonus a rose, on any occasion Sialsgst vetb.ap a pointeS. -,-, ,--,. , . _1 tThea folloWing resolutions- were ,tIsei severably pmopousd SadopteS, n.omü excablent peeches by. a uxovers an( s e c o n d e r . b i n g 1lot i? a as ce d ; Moved, by Mr. G. C., Gros., Whsitby ,fmscouded by A. McKay,- Pickering, LlbirabCeu.rvivaAsso>ciation ii- th, Sonths Ridiug ef'Ontario, -for the, mort effèctual co-operation cf thé seema llocalitie,,',anSdIontIe batter pretectior of tIsegeneral interasts cf thse ceaistitu. ency'- Moved by Mn. Lerlie. Oshawa, sec- caSeSd by Mn. Geo. Ogstcu, Waal iWbitby : I"Tiat, la ferseing.tissAsso- cidation, weavow Our nndiseinibsed at- btaclimeut te tIsa British Crpwus, eus ) Sm adhesion te tIsa principlas of Con ;fodoration anS Rpsponsiblo Goveru- iment, Our unwavering regard for tîsat civil and religions biberty which la thse glomy cf tisa Britishs institations, aili our earna st detmnastien te use aîl lewfni means for thîe preventien cf thse Unions, witbcnt seotional prefarences, anS for tise progress anS prospamity cf tIsa Do- m unmon, sn harmony with tise rigisaof tiseovrai Province."~ Moe yMm. A. Jobuston, Pieken- isenaSby Ms-. John Camplin, West Witby l Ts thse legiaative aSxetiarecord eoftIsa laite LiberaI. Consarvative Governmeut la snob as te inspire a prend satisfaction la tIs atc- respect, evincing tIse highest *os-dem cof etatasmanship, by wbieis great political difficulties wera overcome, cenfiicting dlaims edjustad, wisc and cenciliatemy laws enacted, aud the soUSd foundations laid fer libaral Goverumeut sud consti- tutional freedose." Moved by Mr. John Hewden, Est Whitby, accoudaS by Dr. Des-sagi : "TIsaI, us tIse iasgmaut cf tîsis meet- inthseobjactionabla ena uaSed *hy tise presant Miniaterial Party ta obtain pdwer and office ara te ha daprecateà, and must be condamnaS as disgs-acefnl sud vicions, calenlatedl te cermupt tIsa mos-ais cf thse people, and te bring tise institutions sud geverninant of tIse ecatry nto eoutempt."~ Moed by Ms-. Win. Saulî, secondaS by Ms-. W. H. Tîsomnas:"Thet tisa prasent Govamnmant Party dases-ves te ba condamnaS for isaving designadly destroyed tIsaps-aspect, for tisa prasaut, sud uuitiug tisa Dominion isy sailwsy communication tisrongyh British territ- os-y, accos-Siug teagareemenut with tise Western Provinces, and witIs thsa Im- pariai Goves-umeut ; thssehy, as if au set puaipose, anbser-icsgtise iciterests aud objeets cf alieus and foreiugners." Moved by Mr. McGiUsivary, seconcled hy Ms-. Robes-t Mille-; I Thsat, enter- taining tiha fulleat s-ahane on thse wis- deml 0mdaration, sud patrictism of bisose wluom ve sknawladlgcuasccir Pamty leaders, as weii as isn tieseound- ceas of thair publie policy, wa asaefnhiy ses-suasSeS tisaItisera will arisea sgeci- eraI ration-of wIsiels indications ara already viaible-whîrh will resuItlt ise aceaptauce by tIshe teme of tIsa true aud trieS principla or Liberai-Couserv- atieni. anS lu a tîscrough repudiation of tho Par-ty whieh bas for tise moment clutched tisa reins cf power." Moved by Msr. F. Meen, accondeS by Mr. McLaren ;-1 TIsaI, wisile we cen- eot but regret tis anceasscf aur adve- amies la Ibis cocistitnency, wa have no cause for diseenragemnent, for wa know that it wss brougist about maiuiy isy tha circulation cf lalsehoods and - mis- opreseutatiaus, espaciabiy Snriug the est days of tisa centeat, aSsied ta the dis-pntabla anS secret mathed, of oas-clou, intimidation sud corruption s-sctisead thmoughout tIse riding, rasul- ng- la tis alaienation of plesiged sup- es-tes, Tiseascis ail parties usaw andamu, sud for tIsa sake ef tisa houas- )f oms- riding wa ara resolvad te use our imost efforts ta accus-e a freeand full xes-cisc of tha francise." Novedl by Mr. Cowau, seconrdeS by Us-. F. Gibbs : Il Tiat tise maintenanc s power cf ons- present rulers ici the omînion sud Provincial Perliaments *nnot but eveutuata in widespraed cis- wtar ta cas- commercial aud industrielc nters-as. Tise Mowat-McKcllar Cais- net, Iluroug s ses-les cf administrativq dunders sud meekîcass xpenciiture cf ce people's aoney gs-sdsssly, bsut sus-e- y, reariaig tIsa spectre et direct taxa- I iou, sud tise Mackenzie Goves-usent,0 c tisa open svowal of its ehief oasgnof i tra fs-ce tu-adaprincipies, radicslly op- 2 day aftem tise pros-ogaticu cof the b, muse of -Assaaubly, suS requasîstistat w *se gentlemen will mnaietisa day ai smsclve, whem it will hac cnveniett lil ' these te de me, sanmeeting te ha si Id in Brookîlu aI onc o'cloeck p. ma." lu A resolullon eon-s-ying a spatial vateaia tisanks toitise menuIsass of Hier Maj- w, ty's loyal Opposition in. tise Ontasioe111 ?gisîsînra for tise marked abitty dis- ayad by it, nuembers lu epposing cor- W~ stien sud abuse -of power-, sud for tri ding lu ciseck the exts-avagance cf ba 0presaut reokiars Administration was seS nnanimonsly, amidst reusang Ca Thse subjeet of coutasting Mr. Case- thi an'a election was tisen aien up sud iusseS. A vote cf tisa meeting îsav- .-been taken, il was decided lu favour Y intaring a pétition aI once, tisa opinion B'~' thé cou 'nsel, il was stated, Isnvimg Vil en cbtained lisat Ms-. Cameron could Se auseated' on tisa charges sabsittad. es-i subscriptissu liaI towars sclfrayiug c éxpansas, wsopened anS #i,475 1. 3scribeS en tise spot. A commitîceam a aIse appointeS -te meet ou Salir. naI FSÙ WIsilb, fer.final cousiclieation, in3 aday being tisa laët siay for preseait- ha; Sti aaeâ#ItioBiera thea close '.of - 1 vould.net interfère vilS ltce decision, ethe commitfee, ae tIse meeting ha placeS the maltes-lac' hefr , bande, bi :wihoeaw ord cf encouragement fro h0lm tIsahepétitions would have' gene ou alstèera ould, have basa ssah,an e: posuref bibery5aer.onation aud là timiatio »a ouldeve isgraSed foi aentIhos Whovise&eSsud abotted suc ,practices. -»sIsahom-Rales'" Thae Beston HraId yo- "ýFor once the Iriish ara ikely t maka tiacir influene fell in',Pniaion -TIe Home Rule pary, of vhicis Isas itBull may ha s'agasdéd as tIsaisa; b -vis-tue cf ability and long dévotion t tise prnniplý, ont' thirty.four mombel te thse lest Pamiameut fs-enaImejansi To tisa new eue il souds flfty-csino, an il is ciaimed mnueotIssutventy En-bis tmembers vill give il tis suppori eTIsa home s-nie agitation i. but a fac ryaar. obsianS seeses te have steadil: ýlgaineS in sîmength, until nov Mn. But bsa a mrons-as-followls4g lu parliamen rtissu aven O'Conuail baS. Susi a boa, lu a cîoseiy diviSed Houas of Coseson. cau, if bas-menions sud wai lbed, Si mucis more thaon ils apparent slrengtl weuld indicate Mr. Mitchell Henry, oeeof theseoSd es-s, ha. issueS a latter advi *Dg a pro binuinary cenfermeucevils tIse mexabens eleut, wits a view te shapen tisein futur action. This is a vise plan, aud vii doubtbess ho adopteS. ,Ferming lbei thon tan pas- cent of tise Houas of Gem mono, cf course tisay cannel expect ti isimodiete concession eitheir demanda, evan if confident cf ultimnata succeas, but if aniSeS tisey enuspeais wltI su IIsorityfor thei- cotantryman, sud maka thisas influence fait in legisiation. TIse govos-ninnt cf Is-slanS by thé Irish, wvisie it sali resain more riles. close- ly joined te Eus-baud aud Scobeans, i. a vision vhics vo Ias-Sby axpect te sea mealtzed at present. Tisa taudeuey in Europe anS Amas- les lu Ibis age i. uni%'rsalîy in tise di- s-action cf mIrons-as- gvernmnlmt, as Bismarck euS Grant sud MèMalson viii Ieatify. -Stato Bis-itatheories ne longer fiudtfavor ou Ibis sida cf thé cssu. Tise amaîlan Ges-mau povars Isave beau mvaiiowed up by tise hangar, Il isa sanguinse manu vIseaxpeets En- land te relax Isar sway ove- Is-lansi, ne mate- Iow excellent tise tisaory on whici tise démenS is basaS, no mette- witis iov mach zeai anS anas-sy if is presseS. Tise as-Saut Iopes cf tise Home Rniersq, vafes-, are net te hé realizaS, bat if tlusy learu hci'w o uits for thaim country's make, sud set vils mode-a- lion anS visdlos, tisay have il luntiseïr pawer te accomplish other -s-et aud lastias- rasuls. Su'OaRSras.-NVO vouid Srsv tis aet- tentiom of eus- s-tnnins- friands, te tIsa advertisament lu auctsie-colusen, cf lise "Parks- Breecis loadin.ys- sisl s-n." Opse of oms- attacseas has usaS e Parks-, for oves- two yass, anS considéra il a s-un tisaI cannaI ha béat. We hae -soticad et soeaof tisa pigeon matches in thia cily tisat tises-un wrs s-eps- 'senteS sund wvs ot excelleS by amy for- aigu or home breacisloaSas-. TIse s-uns ara manufacturaS by Panker Bs-os., et West Menidén, Conu. Tbay viii foraswrS upan application, s catsloguea givins- s fnlldescription anS ps-tees, wits a 'collection cf testimoniaslu inils favor fron all parts of tisa country, lu- cindins se of Amaricau's crack shots. -Nshvcille (Ténu.)Blletin, Sept, 90, 1873. Tsas LLUSTiATZSu Ascsus.OF'PHRsa- OLOOY ANI) PHSasoGoso OR -s1874.-Lt sontains eifghty large octave pagés, wits more tIssu flfy ans-ravin-s,- meprasent- ing, Heasis, Face,, Monts, Nosés, gooS euS baSl, vithIl"Sisaof Chas-acter ; cîsa, My Selaaoiseata,, anS WIset Be- cae of Thîam; A GooS Mamomy ; Tisa 'Leak ; or, -a Hale a sPoeltismous-I Bed Habita ;" sud How te Save Mouey ! On'e Ticousand Boys Wsuted ; BaS 3s-esth, Its Gansa sud Cas-e; A Fascin- atus- Face.; Wlaat tisa Savansare Do- in- for Mental Science, etc. TIs e hsl tunnell avér issueS. Agente vanteS. Newamen hava if. Sent pro-paiS, hy firaI post, for 25 cents, by S. R. Wsu,, PuhlishIer, 889 Broadway, New Yark. A yeung female cilS va, loft ou tisé Tisa latast neya frona Sir Carnet p Volsely i. tote afleel. tisaI al tisa d ucopa excépt thEiseHgslanders have ana- I s-SeS for home. Sir Garnat himaisbff ras te, leave for home on tIse 7thIsts. Il sptelu Gbovar vilis 1,000 mou entLeraS a ni osctapiad Coinassie twe daystem. C ie arrivaI tIsera cf Gênerai Wcioy AMu=a seaaaLeer WtS¶. Nov us-k. Ma-sui 14-A Little Rock spleciab C iy thâ el haee ins- Iuns-, at C bmc i Ma, yasterday et noon, -the note îous n espas-sdo Sidney Wallace, fàac thse avd aud saiS cearby: Gentlemen,- nu came Isara axpeehgs-a gooS ong A . 1lhave unC ene sslaion to 1aeétei a, but vhatover i hae t- coias. iln cul bote Go. I diel ei n ce f Ic -sif a n ds mie n dS , s ud I e ge t ) n t v c ringsa dzeus deaths te Sdic. sIsoulS have power t 'aU continsseS math eix. i vote bei-reahed. v era p ,b l i b is ve r e ; %5mi suaIlstas ' sovertmant nan ex- pressaS its SeSetiaion nt te a1ow Orange bis te pe, ha wasprapared t slow tie second esins- teDée declai. eS bet on division, Shreowixg tIse es. ponsibilityou Govýernmeùët. TIse debate on Mr.'iCamerou'e resoâlu' tin, tIaS meinba.z of the Excutivi Couhbil arae iibe te b. examineS udes oah 'hefore a Standing Cosemitteae:o tse Houasevas resus*Ies.- The AttemneyaGenesal saiS ie did not lIsink tho Houtaens-ght cîissîs- te sesap Ms-. Cames-on's motion or Mm. Mamediths ameudmant, RHa opnteusdad thal ai] commniucations balvon member. ci lIse Exécutivé Comacil, anS aven hé- tween them n sd tIeir suordinates, wane confidoutiai, sud tIseus-Isnt; cover- aS h ycts cf secs-acy, stil cauno- ha Aften s ehte f oven tisea hur. a vota vas taliou anS tise aseendment to tse amensimeul 'vaa bosI: ycss, 19; naye, 48. -Tisa Attos-uey-Generel moved in amendant, "*tia in proceedinge bera Select Committees of this Hose, remous of State policy prasuludo menuissof tise Executive Coucil fona nnecessasily diselosin- conSidentialma.ýtesconneed wils tis officiai position. TIsaI on grounssof public. poicy, communica- tins balveen meners f tie Exacui v Eounil, teneiins- publsitIess, om h- tweau members of'lthe Connil anSdIlsair subordinate, nempactins- sucis affaira, as-a y-iaw sonfidenait hat by Britishs co- titutinal usage il i. for -Ministers f tha Crov, havies- thé confidence f Isimiamau, to-Stasmine, rona ime te lsmo, on théir rasponaibility as sueis ifinistlas, vIsaI papers te praduué, anS visat communications te mais. te Pan. lamnt ; liat a bUe Sty anS responel. bilty belonss lembors ci tise Crevu or- s em b ars of tie E x acutiv a Cotasail iu 'asas-Ste any Gommittea of tiis lieuse, and te, submittimg, on catisos- othisa-vs ses-re suds cemmittea toneins- sucis atter, unless tIsa Hese ordan ltbeh otisas-isa." Tise amaudseent; vas cas-rieS. Tise amendseent ta thec amendment anS tbîo original motion vase carnieS on tha samae division. r On motion te s-o 1mb Cousmittea of .supply. rMs-. Camas-on saiS il vas a principle 1conteuSeS for,thaI tIers-aulsi ha ne sucis thins- as intimidation os- undua influce, sud lha isiad tediscusa tisa question of M. MeRellar givins- a Iaf la'ciday te lieseau attise Centsah Prison le attnd thé nominations sd sivig tîsemtisir py. HéeIaS attend- eS tisé ominations sd baSl beau ioot- eS sd hisseS b>' seau lu themple>' ci Iii Govermnat. Haeecsed vidence taken bes-re tie Gmmittea f Public Accotnts, aud movd. IlTIaItisée ac- tion of lon. Ms. MoKelas- lu givins-tie n au ehiolida>' anS pyins- tena for lisir ime, vas an improeas inter- lesence b >' lIe m ém bes- f G ove m - mcml oi Ontario uin a lection'f tisa C Q - n s n , a n S c a l o nite d t e m a Ssai>'in - flunga tie men in tisa employmnt oi lie Govénment, ad vss su st sub- versive o tisa fredona anS punI>' of lctions," sud aies- statins- lie ncesi- ty f puit>' sudredon ataIlectics, dclars "ltisaI il la thé ut>'ci tisa lose te condemu thé action f -an>' membas- aitisa Houe. or Gvemamaent calenated t terfèles-an ils tiaIpuit>' anS fredos, sd tsaI tisa pyment fi 024 te sen on Ime expended e t stend.( lus- a poliical meeting was a misp.1 propu-ation. f tie publie mony, anS tiaI onrlie saiS action tIe Hon. Mr.i MeKalar sesesved lIe censurse sud cn- damnation of tise fousa.'1 H Iou. Ms-. MoRella- iaS vas-y 11111e tb asiS o the statamet haosmade bera i the Gommittea. Ha isaS pemmitted tise1 men te attend lie nomination, but ne 1 influence iseS be au ax ascis cS te cause 1 hA men te vote on one cauà idae ors- tie otier. Tisa single question vas? visehe- lucas vaens- in latIn-tiseN mn s-c anS pyins- Ibéna for i. His p sympathies vas-e itis vokmeansd ha c vond nol isaveéSen dolas- mueiso ri ava given tie men s holiday on their evu expna. Tisa Canada Car Coma- s pan>' sud Great WestanRaly's-sva b liseir man s ab lfholiday sud palS Ihena. c Ha raS frein lie Iiutraed London v News te the affect tiaI men amployed la Wooluis Arsensl baSl been prmait- s ted s alf holiday n Glacslne's sml. - lus- a>. Hébailtelegrpisdte Lon- on >'staday, & reiveaI e ply te. g a>, statins- thatishe men Iad been a pid. il Hon. Mr. Fraser saiS tisaI Gove-us-es nint employes lu Engîssu, sud on' y on tise occasion ciflise leal, but aI pnaa'i- u ans élections, neeaived psy. uý Mr. Batisune assesi vist vas tisé t cises-ctos- cf tise part>' tha bs-eus-ht tIse eharges as-ainsI Han. Ms-. MeRaliar. Sc e~ raes-s-ad te savarai chaersshat avéré E as-ans-hIas-ainst tisa Consea-ve pas-ty, tI commanolas- vit tiseriFoot scandaI, lie pi refars-eS te thé Port -Esivard Job sud 1m lia Pacfisu Scandal. Ha refermaS te - Shema tiings, nt on tie purpose of jut- h ifylus- anytiins- Mr. Msueiar di, 1N vieb seau>' diS nt need justifycaticu, ut te show tisa chas-sroles-ai lseamen hi vise fsamaS tie accusation. Ha looeS D, pon iat Ms. MeRelar d15 as a sim- Gi sie cto of gnesosit. le vas notire- Li paseSl tecensure l eu. M s. M o Reaes-fo nr iM viaI aI vest vas a Suae blunder. Si Ra moved an amendiant te tIsa ffect I Tiat a holiday iavins- beau granted us, 'ihout au>' pat>' distinction, sud tiaI tii ci payinglie seau tiesevasuse in- tei reas motiv, tisasefore, Mfr. McRéllemCr os nt Sservé lIse cenuas-aof tisa v b uo s e ." 1 ti, M . C am e s-eu saise S a p in t f eS s- L e Lat ne ameadmnt enu b.nue .te an dea inndusnt te a moion te o. ite Si Do sm ttee of S pply. . . St, TIe Speaker ruleS the amedmnt (Il eut cf onde-. Mm.- Bonhten vas li favon cf Mr. seano'iraiendment. . H o coud nt ui sUaive Ms. MeKllar se as-egioýnal>' in- of cet as nt iciknow Dika>' vanteS he voricusmen te IavI deavutie p. Mt nnt' of thea Comnissioner f Public 88 fforic. W ere h a the icu heas-le ris, ian reproeaued, why diS ho net'g-vae In' anm'a aliss islida>' toenacordtis- viCih tes~ 2 cel Mnr., 'DonogIsus, viile opposeS te ai d id nY I, at' [y ro 30 ea, Pataeson, lexos, Prince, Ssuxten, mes] inelair, Siuits,' Snctsags-, Springs-, Tl s-Usker, Watlervorts, Webb, Wiliami,' ssy ESmilten>, Wilson, Wecd.-4. Saîurday, 141h. TI TiselHouasemal et il a. ma. ansi, sitar vitb fina proceedins, vont inte Ceausitîce tisa] 1Suppiy. .' da TheafoIiovlng itemsa vera passaS :-W'ho sinteancé ci Publie Institutions, mese B35,875; Immigration, $183,464; As- lus, cultural, Arts, Lies-ary, aud Scilulif Tl istitsilious, 000,200; Hoipitsiis-and wib Là sasy numair fthat' Mn. McKaellas',3 se- d lon var not dictatesi Sy pebiticel bal- inlgs, Ise wou1d volae against Mr. Camn- seson'e amendmnant, but hav as panfectiy Wi saed ths5tIshe Commissioner.oi Pub. - lcý% the:hd aile le ltter vih t h. neto inlsncug wthéù àé'et the CqaIrai Prison. Mr. Chrmistie welleS te 'sae if tsas- vçYas eny lines-est on tisa pa-Iciftisa rCommissier te use undua influence )f eus th l is e m n o sk in g et t ie C e tra i Prison. Haeisopesi tIsa tinlu im e t o, e:coma' such tisins, ould Se avoidesi, as- ,tthay vas-c scas-cély l iste .spirit-,cf tisa as-a la Canadâ. Mm. Code selS lise action cf tise Coin- Tf missionar vas ents-ageous. Il vias net th lieaxpanditure cf .4200 tisaI vas coin- plainod of, Sut tisa precedent gaIt up. Mm. Oliver saiS tIsa charersaasainst etse lon. Mn. Moelaer feueSd, as tsa Elgin fraude, thé Proton entras-a, anS Hans-ékchic eeS.sandai. haS-iled. 0Ms-. MoManus saiS il seigisî hava heen inspoltiu for tse Ccmnuissioner Isavins- doue viat vas excusable ila e prlvae individnal. Stillas tsa censure incluSeSdiste- maehers cf tisa Covamu- ment hé vousi vote as-slnat it. BMs-. Deacon ceulsi net es-ediltisée cx- r cse offa-eS ion Ms-. MoKellar, Sthil ie ibasil grautasiltisa holiday in the lune'- ýcenca anSds-auroity of lu iheur. Ha vas teeobsil a politicien sna Dickcy vas tee veli Snovn as apolilical'as-cnt te slow cf this stahesent bains- ecceptesi. ,Ms-. Dérocha thought lIse actions ci publie in sheuld ha jusigad by tisé mos-alintent, sud jusigins- MiFi MeKal- rla- by Ihis s-uic,lue musttbha acquitteS.1 r Mr. Mes-édith thous-isI tisa peying of Govas-umant employesa o-a enomin- ation sheulS ha condamnéS iu unquelifi. aS tes-ms. Heageas-cdite tisa Globe,f visi ia short lime as-e that Gev animant chars-asoulS Se Sept te office1 heours, anS net alloved hoas-un hithe- aud Ibitisarta vota for candidates. Ms-. Hefigins clefansied tisa Commis sionér, anS héaitisaIlue Isasimade ne seistae in lise action hie tocS. Aitar neceas, tIse Sebate ou Mr. Cam- es-ens ameudment ta tisa motion teas-o int Cosemittea of Suppîy vas rasnm-t Ms-. Bykant saisi tîsre vas-no pse- c dent lu Eus-lishIsistary forlise cens-s ai pus-sueS by tise Hon. Ms-. MoKeller. c Ms-. BlaSe biseif lin movaS a resala- s tion teatisa affect thsst il vas ceinlal u fora saervant of tise es-av te use tise s influence of lus officeailu tisaclections. i Lu Ens-anS eva-y smau vas -tven fill freedoin te exercice isfan-cebli.e. But ii this vas very Sifferaul fs-rmaillving - men te leka -part lu a politicel Semon-s stralion aI a nomination. i Ms-. Hardy saiS Ihara vas no coas-- I clou axes-ciscS. Ms-. MeKellar bileS b neyer sous-bit an insterview vits tIep meu, no- expresseS a viish as ne a hw s tiay sisoula vote. Ha saifS that for a twnyyears the cffieiais of lIse Pa- p biaesy anS Customa Honsa offices ce lueS beén aBoyaS sway-nat te vota, 0c but ho clactiones, vithoul isavin-tiseir e( salaries doclead; but vIsan a bah iseli- si dlay vas glvan te seaemrihgman, n] tse pura-seinies Opposition propose a ai virtnus masoluticu. a] Mm. Boulîbéee eprecatefflthe passealinl tene of lis e Sate. Hi. faeling vas o net as-sinat Ms-. MeKella- but ageinat pi tse act of-tha Counaulsioner of Pnblic a Wors-s iis as a baS ps-cesSent. th Ha saiS tIaI Ms-. Betisnansd Mr. bc Wood SotS privatély condaipued tisatIl Commissioner, bal tisay bil bean in visipped imb os-leas- sauppo-tesilhlm aii iu tise Hanse. Ha saiS that Ms-. Hem- th dy va. calleS "little tbunsier" frenhi. bo nesemblauca te E. B. Wood, but te- bi abc mind lue vas liSe Bottena, tIse veavs-, Ti vîsosa part vas te s-oa-. cit Ms-. Wood paiS a bis-h tisbule te Ms-. yo MeKellpr's averts, aud saiS if ave tse-e lat vas s man vIsa Saseaved s place lu the th, sounciha ai tisa country lha vas tise mlan. coi N'oewithmtandin- the attacks maSe upon thi is day by day, lis still relainéd Ibis au place lise se iasof tisa people. Ha te saisi tsas-a as ne littheocf evidence Ibat au Mrs. MoRelles- abalS s os- f con- vi vrsation vus Wagner -as teaiscw tselis h wos-Smen shoulS vote ; tisemefora iea no conlS not ha condamnneS for acta of tIsat Ou man os- Hillan. fa Ms-. Crai- saiS tIsa %vile ha coulad cd sot altogalisar approve af Mm. MoRal- Co lar's conduct, lha diSaflot balayve labis ai cosrapt latent, ancd ties-efore coula net cel vate for Mr. Camercn's arnament. vs Ms-. Bisbop supporteS lise Govamn- te meut, dada- s i.confidence la tise S ttos-ney-General . th( Mr. Sucîsin-e-saiS tisaI viila isa se- ila gretted thé action cf tisa Commissione-, his anS hoped ih voulsi net ocens as-ain, bIse a LiS net tisink it desas-vesi a vota of cous- poE Inae. Tic vits Lady Rieliffe on sn ocaio visateven, (appbacsse.) £hindly,vwe fifid SIsal the -Defendàtiis 'Arthsur OrSon. Tise Lord Cief Jusice-Tset dlsc- lese cfUssiitIsaissaes, TIsaiecfrase'a" thon hausSéS te'the Les-S ChIai fJustie a wmltten papen :prépas-ad bY" lie jury anS asad lise opinion ofi'the Court vhether il vus à propar anc t e a ss. -Tisa Lord Cilciutice-yes, 1 think- 115 quite ris-lt. This le 'thé genéri opinion 'ef-yo aHl. -Tisa Forean-Yase>' Lord lihe s-ancrai opinion oinus ail. Thé Lord ChOiai Justice (neadins)- "Ths Jury doss-a te express tisein opin- ion tisaI tisa ciages of fsrihery, conspir. se>', asdtaundue istduennce maSe against thé preseculion la Ibis casa inre eutimely Sa-voiS eoffouudatioIIý anS they magret excéadlagly, tisaviolent laugnaga and demeanour of thé leaSing ceunsel cf tsa Sefenaut lunluis attacha upon tse ps-csecutien anS upon eeveral of t11w vteesprodcd the casa"' M s - F a y l i g a o r d e r ad t h e d e - fnsi s estn pt ecieve lie sen- tance; nS ise efeant accornil-y as-ose frein issseat. - THE SENTEN~CEs. Ms-. Justice Mella, tIseis-jusad sen- tence la tsa foilovin-terins: &'Thomas Castroe, iea lleS Arlisur 'Ortiju, ohesvisa celleS Roger Chsarles Dougs- ty Tichbomnc, Blaronet sitar s trial of unaxampiad 'dus-allen, yen hava heen ceuvietedl by s jury 01 the sevenel per- jumica ciergeS us tise cotants of Ibis in- dielsent, anS vbics vena trcsly de - scribeS y your ovu consai as 'cr-lies aS black and foui as Justiu eévcr rauad Iser as-si tao striSa -luntIse trial cf your case -thé Jury have eazibiteS s cas-a, patience' andS intelligence nevas- s-rpassaS indeasi, il vas suui as te ex- tas-I an expression cf admiration frein your cava counsel, sud 'tisair vas-hicS met aviIh the unanimons approvai cf tise vbola court. Indeed, 111.s digeult te oneiva boy amy- person vise ha. couaide-eS lhIs nt-inaic lmpmbabilithes' af yoim stes->, and hcS intelhis-nl>'cou- sialeseS tisa avideusegivan l is e cours aofs the tial,could have coma te any'ethen conclusious. Tisa tcshisony of indiviS. sels, Isowvvr.numereus anS respect. cb hic liemay, be, te-yourpasonal iden- tsby aier valsi Arthsur Os-ton-or Roeaga ricissorneaftan se greal a lapse of lime ha of littlc valua, exsuept lu instances w'Ie-e tsera are specil resens fon ch- r ermm, anS spciai, intasest in ramena- acriug. 0f coumse tisé evidencé cf Miss Ecodes- ai tIsafasniy cf Roges- Tisai- morne, and M. GosierS a i s-sest ina- portance"inu ha case, anS I pause for s moment te sa>', spéakin- for inysabf -aS cil e-vents, Ihal Mm. GoeorS bas elsccd publie justice s-reatly lu hie dcbt. Thé 'nlime igneorance of tIsa native languaes- of Rage- Ticihbonne lvhieh youdslay Sd, ar'caapauied by tse parti a squi-ý Rilion cf anose- lans-nage, thé laboo mriasavhicli vas-aproveS te hava exist- Sd ou lise pas-sou ci Ras-ar, Tichorna5 md tIsc iétters vritleu b>' yen, vhethem I tis arsacterc-Roes-r .Tichbonne or t' Arthsur Orlon, thée admissions ex- s-essly seade o- mpliesi uyour couduut Id al ha isaI.kuown cf tisehIdstery of se life senS ciacuter of Roese- Tici- )rne anS yonnsalf1 présent acouýl. ion of preot sucs as enu ramai>' Se given n a cou-t of justice, aud visics conclu- ivel>' demonstrales -tisa propriet>'of sa- verdict of tsa jury.No minu e oSk vill nprejudiceS nainS anS clear usas-vallon upen lise latters oflo-er icisoees-aiIsout cuomins- te thé cou- lusion tisaI thay vana neyer va-ilten lsy un, vist balveen lise undoabtad taes oi Artisur, O-ten -anS yonr.abf hena lsan identily most complete sud onelusave. 0f visaI avait la evidance haI you as-a net Arthsur - Orlon as gainsI tisa cirsunnstauce oP*your vieil C)Weppin-, assumptieucofias Lse naine id your comespoudeucé anS Segliusgs itIsa fay>'of Arthsur Orton. ,TIssu jes-re tia est liat your "counsal. 515 et put lu tisé box tisé sister. of Arthur PrIen, viseha moed nseaffidamits lu yeur Lvr senS vis er-apoasassed, ef 16owl- s-a visics voaIShavé enligtanad tse maurI on tIse important question cf ovi*s visthr il ae possible yen idbe Boger Tichborue. liHov yen ar lad fronone des-réa io Iweiga anoise-, anS boy yen vas-a then lu- uenced lu concoding anS enlarging ic frand may ha baft a question. But3a, ti tecasrylug eut cf your sciseme yen esitateS abm ne- amotnt eipezju-y dur ig tisa ts-ial. Yen endeavoared le ina- Dse yours.if upon tisa- publies fes-ogm s-boIse-e, asdyou éndeavoured te Se- sud tisé yonthful beir of 'li. just ]Ists. But grat as vas his vioSed- 5se, Il seaina comparitlvoly amali visen nmps'eSvihstlie injurions accusation

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