se. Ar. Q.C. 0,-latea ellee &C. OmCo-Oer bMi. Ad- we, Brck Street, Whitby, Onit.' ARLIIt4 C. KELLER, NUY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN moery Oonveyancsr, dmc, Canning. ýW ENCLISI, L L. 13*9 STEII AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Oshawa. OuJm; UXiTsliE. LL. a.$ STER, ATTOMRY- AT- LAW, itar la chanceryand Insalvency, hile &cc cOfc-MMias )it âtreeIt Witb>F Ontario. ýNEY-&T-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ser, Caivoyanceér, Land AgonI, i-I Paniea aBlokBrock St., NWOOD & MoNILLANt -Glac-Byron Strelet, Sonth ! Pci Ofce 'whlthy, =.É..u TOODMAS- ilUt4TON,, T OWN LERIC AND TREASURER, Whltby. Offie-Town HsIL Hours, - ,AUBS PMoIRIEt<, P PCTOR '-0FP UBLIO BCROOLS F foef he CoUity ut 'Oniaro. Address- Raglan 1Pst Cffice, Ontario. UGZNTO THE COUNTY GAOL, s B ronet, Wilhby. WM. UeDRJRM, SD, X.R.C.S., G'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENO., slth ye R. O. H. L, Osisawa, Ontario. ~ 1TIE TIST, (SUCCES- sor lu W. H. Card.) W b DentalRooms-Zýundas Street, Vlty, over Ur. James unea Stosce. Nitrons Ozide dusa mAiistered for tise painlesa ex. tractionout lests. Cg M. VARS4, L. D. S. à É2î TEEH isertd "n ah tlthe se chu ap ns the cheaspest, sud as good as thse best. Teeth SIloSi with GaISud Silver, Testh éxtrected wsthanl pain, by produciag looal annsîhes;ia. -Dental Boomis-lu Cow- sa'&nsw blocit,,avec Atkinson's Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. 85 I-IUU.UA'14 IIUeSTtiNq TSSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES. LOffIce-Townlhall. Remidnc-Byron Street, Ibroesdouce nons aif Town Hall. iAIR DRESSING AND SIIAVING HSaloon, Biroc# St., Wiitby. AGNT FOR THE CELEBRAtED 8l cottisis Granite. At Marbie Warka oftJonathan Wlfsnden, Dundas SLt, Wlitby. JUIUN CARTIER, TICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE .Ljdounties ai Ontario, Yack and Pool. *Italdence-Lot B, dois Caucession Mankhiaz. Paut qfie-Unlouville. Sales attendeS an the sisottest notice, and-on reasouaie terme. Termneacu lbo ade and. bIlîs pintad ttise CuuaatscLOfice for Mr. Carter. LEiViI AitilANKtI, , JR, *TICENSED AUCTIONEE R FOR TUIE L JCouuity ut Ontario, bege ta rcomm tisanku fortise lllaerai patronage iseretoiore bsetow.ed upon bina, anS ta aunounce tisaI La ea le prclre ta cônduct salonesetistc in Town or Couuty at ceasouable rates. Ar- rangements tar slos tan bc mode etiser at tise Cimboxzoax Office, or at my own Office, Brcook direct, Wbitby. *- GEOIRGE COR*aACK, LUiMEUMVCHNT, CARPENTER 'IÃœNEIIAKIG.-..ealsf ully sup. pliêS anS attendeS ou short notice. Coffiys kspt constontly on hand. Alisearse ta lig~e ou liberal terme. 31 ONE Y TO LEND. The sndersignod bas un ~aMount ut mon- ey tu Leud upon Farsu or £owu Pcoperty, at unuà llUy Low Ratas ut Intoreet. Loins eau be repaiSln usm tasouit bor- rowers. - Svswal Improved Tanne and WilS Lande foraecbneate maSo lu Municipal Debian- tnres, Bank, sud uloiusinrketatà hie Stocke. For bier particulars apply ta JAMES HOLDEN, Officiel Assignee, Broker, &o. OPPICE-Over tise Dominioh liBak, Me- Xillla' Brocok St., Wbltby. lirl9th, 1872. - 1 M !U8ICI musici Whltby DY&s'ud String Banade, adapteS torSores, ienisExcursions Quiadrilles Parties, &o., &o., wil aupply tLae boit an listest Monie on ceanoabie errasm. Applications muet bo maSs citiser persan. ally or by luer, (piost sald) to J. WOLFE NDEN, *Withy. HORSE MEDICINES. AU dlecrption&0attise beel Hurses Mql- ci cl8s kal!l oneîantly b annSand foc sali 81 tIls!WhioIby Llvery Stables. LQeNo harcge foc edvice. N R T TT E. - OrIJELL, - 1 A THE2RL-Y, k' Division -Court, Tp. Clerk, lsigooner lu- 1B. R., Land Agent, dcc., uisriy, Couuty Ontario. erI y Pnl. 2nd, 1872. -86 TO IIIE DAY. Agents Waut- ed. Ail assesoet crkinig peupla, uf xoogor aid, iauie -anars mouey -k for us- l tisir Bparesuosuenis. or listaisaI auiylblug ose Partie- Adress G. STINSON dc CO., Ma?4ine. -87 gonzee newly renovateci tib-uglsout, sud put i l fa 01<ARI FRMES'ha receptissuocf P An MUTUAL INISUqANCE. 00 1Y - __. ___ H~DOFCEP, BROCK ST.,WRTBY.AB9 OT- - - - *i-ITBT, 40 TisiaCompais n uursu 'Farsu Bail ngs,AMÂQ Counry Ourehs, ShoolHonsca, aS heli* Cosaens t waIs s asuthoses of amy- 'srltabed Cemp#a Ly o-nada. , The A1loa.nlisbftn thor JUST LOBSSESPEOMPTLY PA aSe, and the pIld.wi f Sud L. ÂMÀ,NXS, J.,J. B. BICKELI Ibis Comapany. . JOHlTN 1BAITWV M RQYAL BRITISH QUEEN- HOT1iL, PORT PSX JAS.,-DEWART, PËÃ"P!ITTB. Splendi.da se mnidatio, es lo and Uqifors at the bar. Attentive ostiers. LUM1fEB 1LUMBEB 11 Tise undersged ha-ring licou appointed Ag,t,-,.d iso.n SbipplngAgentrfor tise extensive Lumber &z m eatmBN. Smith & 004, of Fenelon Falls, has apenedln connet- tien wliah hisotiier promisés, an extensive 931IAMBER VARD) Adjoilnga the Whitby & Port Ferry Rail-, ,a Station, wherese keeps coustantly on haid -a large snd complote stock of Lumber ci ail kinds for sale, wisçlesal and itetail.- Plaueiug machine, audil kinda of work ei& ecuted promptly, 10 order. Whitb, May GRO. CORMACK. 2hty a 7, 1878. 22-tf FAMFOR SALE. That well-kuown farm, lot 26, brd con. of Whitby,- known as THE. DONA ~ON FARM, And sat preseut in tise occupation of Mr. N. Bay. Contains 190 acres; about '150 cleared; dwellng, ôutbulldinïgs, and sultable offices;spleùsid orchard of 8 acres in extent. Apply tb- JOHN A. DONALDSON, Gov't Esuigration;, Office, Msi1th 25, 1873. Istl Toronto. T EISOLATED BISE Fire Insurance Co'y of Canada. HEAD Orsca-Kiug St.,cor. Churci,Toronto . CAPITAL, S8ý Deposlted withGOuvernmcn , $671000 Il will adjuet ail lusses witisout delay, and pay over the çash AT ONCE. Hon, ALEX. McKENZIE, M. P., 1President. JOHN MAUGHIAN, Jn., .Manager cO AND WOOD. A. ALEXANDER, I-avingpurchased thse Cool and Wood Yard of Mr.JohiiKeiîis, begs ta infornu ail cus- tontérs that theY %wll flud tise prseniiem cou~- dtantlyasud plenriflly suc)liud, anid Wood Having pnrchisscd lairgo tracts ai tuie best wod landesaoitdise bock Laes, a fui! and exhanolle supply will be elways kept on haud. Ilcasonable rates and fu measure guar. aueS. Cool weiglied au tise Town acales. A. ALEXANDERI. Whitby, Jnly 9, 1873. 28 P HRNIX FIRE ASSURANCE CO'Y5 LOMBAR.D ST. & CHARING CRtoSS, LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1782. GILLESP'IE-, MOFFAT & CO, Agents for Canarla. JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager. Inisurauceq against lues l'y Fixe are ef!cct- ed ou thse ma favorable terns, andt Losses C ad without referenco ta tiseBoard in Lori- YEONIAN GIBSON, Agent, MWhltby. Thse undersigurd dosires ta informi hi, triedse and patrons, that hoe has ogin ra. sumed business at the dis WHITBY LIVERY STABIES. Having encreased tise number and quality af thse stud, and also added to aud iuiproved tise couvoyances and veisicles on the prom- ises, hoe hopos by beiug in a position ta meet the wants ai customors ta menit a ehare ut public patronage. W CHARGES 3IODERATE. _ff N. 1.-Covered convoyances for tamiiltcs and lxdiosi. Prompt attondance, as blireto- fore, tealal ordors. N.-BAY, Proprietor. c H O IC- APPLE TREES, A IlI0IUT 20,000, -T THE- HOME NURSERY. A. 130 'NE, Daflinis' Creek,_ Th 1ui Whom 2 - JTOR. -tbOcobr 14, 198.?050a0, ~o~1 saBO.Cu T-, WUITBRTÇ tefac, 89daton sud so r *Winf m sodegos. eibing, wlth mi;" clsSysa es live alrïýways on te prules u eoi w be ATWHITIIY STATION. WM.O'NEILL --PBOPBRIETO]f. Parties taldng th1e train sadleaving hboisue. wli have thesuwel l aiton are-o! tili their JLOBE HOTEL, JAS.-POWELL -- ROPRIETOIR. YnssT-rLÂ55 &rCOXXOD#Tlox, R OTALCAXAI3IAN HROTEL, PO0IT P<ERYON. H.- FOY - eROPI1IETOR. Sueiraccommodation. Good stahling sud sised roasu, anS attentive ostiers. WVESTERN HOUSE, DUNDAS-STUKET, WHITETY. Tise uuderilgned w-ould intisuate to the public, thaltishe above promises bave beau newly fltted up aud renovated throughont. Bosi Liquors sud Cigare. "Tise Cream uf Canada,"alsa pure Rhine Wine, WaVzs Lag- or, wisolesale sud rtai. Boarder akitn by tise week. JOSEPH A. BANDEL. IISSING HOUSE, cu. KusoAND EDOROX STREETS, TORONTO, ONTARIO. JAS. T. JEWELL, 'Propnietor. Toronto, Aug. 12, 1878. 8-m R Ol3ERT JOHN YARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASS'IGNEE FOiR TUE COUST 0ý F ONTARIO. ADDIIESS-Box 99, WIIITBT. .-41 FEWEE SITE! TOWN 0F WHITBY. AFREE SITE WILL BE GIVE N toanay Mauufactnring Company building ari establisisment lu tise towu. J. HIAMER GREENWOOD, Maor, Whithy. Whit1by. Feb. 26, 1873. 9-tf R1 E M0V A L Tise unaderiged lisas removed hie BOO Tc &8110E 8TORE ta tise prethisea ad oining tise Weù±ern IHlaie, budias Street, Wiithy, w-here ise le now preparad to execute all orders for Work. A largo and select sitock on hand. Repairang do.e as usual. JOSEPH A. 13ANDELL. Wisitby, May 8, 1871. 19 THIlE LivelrpooI and London and Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. AVAIL.IOLE ASSETs, $27,000,00, Lasses raid lu course ai tbirty-live years oexeeed FORTY MILLIONS 0F D OLLARS- Claims by Cisicago Fixe estimatedat near- ly $3,OOO,00U, are being liquidated as fast as adjused -ithout- deduction. Se" rty, Prompt aoymouand Liberaiity iunajus- alaclf ils Lasses are the promiisent teatures of titis Weltlay Company. Ilead Office, Cana Brauclh, MontreL G. F. C. SMITH, Chief Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBAN;KS, Jii., Agent at Whitby, Ont. JOHN L. WATXIS, OFFICIAL A8SIGNVEE, 3AILIFP 8RD DiVISION COURT, AUCTIONEER, &C-9 8c OFFICE-Iu Bigelow's Block, Port Perry. -Pcrt Perry, Juno 24, 1872.. 28 Craon sthepramssss. -- l- Nov.i8,187L.IB wooD FOR SALE. - Tise saalstrhbas toc uale ut bisaMM, TVSTERN ASSURANCE COMPANI near Utics., a qnsntity o! four-fta b5 HEAD> OFICE, TORONTOa. ~ Sp.2 B APE CAPITAL STOCK, - $00o. -AgE NT 10iaamSOUTrE CTAso, OBR-£sA L FE. JTOSEFPHuHfOLMAN, BROQKLIN, ONT. A±ailis arm, in s0, b hstata ci culi- Alsio Agent for tisa CANADA PAMERS, valsun, es ünul excelleS lu Canada hbn MU TUAL INSU ANCE COMpANyý Lot 25, 2iid cou. West Wjiiame Countyo Xiddlesox, 80 scre lea-eS and Nra i caer- - HeaS OffiCe, HssIc*Loîo lanS cd, gaud fonices, goocd buaicûngand*& lhdu CITIZENS' INSUIA.NCE COMP'Y, yugociadc-hoeSri; iia w tbý -ifmles of tlea IlounlaslngsNilaaOf iow'atfiigbla, tise t i ,tisesud dre$t sUader thà iraug trandS lalu addition à iýetalcnd4 M. *n e- Isoltosu utths tove. "NEW .AMZRIC4N" L IC N S E AO~tO ER Cooiig Saei-oarratedto hoý fia-ai-ue ludintise United States. W quato'tise FOL. THE COUNTT 0O (TAIo, A»_s faflasving fros tise circuler o!f187: "For 7 yeaoa tisa NWor ak State Agritral.go'y O4~~Ip f Mariposa &4artwrwght a-arSeS il lise Firel Preruinsu tend Iasatyar O btuaki ie'Silvor -Modal avec ail the ët hala nsu fisasS anS thaevee lu tise couutry at tise talc ofAR Now "J XQa l'rnds an"poto n Eland. IltutoS uring lise laitt bseaye eg nets-apORIsaa -iasg 4tise pait tour D 58to Itus110wgivenop the b usiness of 110 FRS 1f W IU S Balf,1intend, in future, to Se-rota My At varions exiblitions, among thean si-iole lime lu 111e busineas cf AnetioneerTeNu-Yc tt an Cohlscting, ec.The NermYork State Fix Il w u-i a a-endeavour, hy prompt à aS Tis ermnleState Pain, cetaattention lu business, ta givotuE Tise Michigan Slato iýain, satisfaction ta ail shi-ha my faver me scitis The New Englaud States Pain. ,tieir'Salea or Cailotin Ntafmii hr cr oSu ii uts ttai Bille19 ugisted anS 1870,ote7000; 1871,ere 8,er 0; 1872,f 10,n0th . tatsin cdI cir !charge. 17,00 81 ,0;17,1,0.Ti *Aleo Bill Stasupe aloi-ye ou bond. year il bas been iniprovea by adaiug an on- Arcsnee.ents con ho macle toc sales &..ti-elinlcer grate snd mita ligiste lu front.- at te oxcLEoffie. Wit dcc..merWe ssii l i il ortsithoul tise copper reser- ..~.esiEt>i5tI affce.Whity, bsere andn the cosl ion -cvraiug cluset be- Office Prince'Alhert, audat tise Standard hinci lie stave sud slave -pipe, aud it scili Oce, Port JFerry. bur ,,oal o ,.od * W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 24tb, 1872. 89 VAUABLE PROFERTY FOR SALE. Tise subserihr offera for sale the tola-w. lug valuable property, lu tise Towin et flsit- by t-An excellent Brick Cottage wils acre of land, situated on thse corner ai CGreen anS St. Peter Sts., lu tise Sauts Ward. -Aiso,j acrelolsand, wmdl fonceSl, anS in a high state ut cultiyation corner Wellington anS Oit- tord ste., Northa Ward. 1 acre on Contre.St. saut utoftise residencu ai C. Draer, Esq.. lu thse South Werd. Alba 20 acres a ofde ai hefig composed utfipart ut lot 18, 11h COU. ai Tctwuship ut Murray, Ca. Nortshber- lanS. A clpar anS indieputablo titis orilbe givon ta ail tise aboVe property. For turtiser par. ticulare apply ta tise owner. FRANCIS CLARK. Wiithy, July 1871. 29tt KGNOBROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Deaiers and Manufacturera utfail Kinde ai LEATHER AND FINDlNG8, Cash paiS for His, Barit, anS Leatiser. Leatiser siretched. LrBELTING "A]E TO ORDER ON SHORT SNOTICE. May, 1872. 22 (EO. T. HALL, AGENCY AND COMMISSIONS. Valuations maSe aud accaunts callected. - W Office over Tia CinaasacLE Pniiting office. Business promptly attendeS ta; igist rofteuces. * Wthy, May 14, 1873. 201y s TEAMSIPTICKETS ByAIIan's Magnificent Line 0F MAIL STE AMERS Tanr sale, ta anS froua Britain, aI loi-est rates, anS ail netossary iu1frmatfon theerinlly givon by GEO. YULE, Toiegnapis anS Express Agent. Whitisy, Marchi 1h, 1878. 1 M ONEY TO LENDI Repayable by instalmeuti for tram Tus-ata Tu-euty yesrs, atlau ratas ai intoreat, ust-s anut tommission, anS aI moderato chargea. PrivaIs Funda ta LenS. Apply ta- 1May 28mb, 1872. Brocit St., Widty. IJ'fDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. TIME-TABLE. Goiug Norths tram Port Hope ta Lindsay. Beavertan anSIOrillba. Mail..9:80 a.'m. 1Mixed.... 8.00p. m. Gain6 Noth lu Peterhora' & Lakelleld. Mail... 10:80 a. su. JMixed .... .4:20 p. m. Coming Sauth ftram Orillia to Lindsay, Pelerboro' anS Port Hope. MixeS -....- 240 p. su.1 Mail ...8:00 a. su. Comiug South tram Lakefield. MixeS . ... 5-00 a. mu.1 Mail--...225 p. mu. Connecte cita the NipisigRailway te anS tram Toronto sud itredaestations, at Miilbrok bn Pelerboro' sud Orillia, sud with Gand Pari Hope bath anoro. iug and evenigUM 1itb trains East and West, and Sic. Nn et a 9 a.m. for Rocister. H. G. TAYLOR, 20 Supi.ot Trains B UINESS CHANCE. Tise undlersigned aore fer sale tise prom- ises lu ohich ie isbusiness tac tise manufac- ture ut Agrictltural Imlements, Waggous, &c., lsetaIpreseut carnýieSou in tise Town ai Whitby, togoiber witliSbas stocit-in-trade, aeler adplant ut evsry Seecnption.- Alo i hawl n ose snd lot. Thpu is knownas as . IRST-CLASS BUSINESS STAND And on 'bicls, Lt wul ho tnSon examina-. tion, au excellent business i e blngnow car- niêd on. Re -wiliea dispose ut bis 'patent ,rigis in varions Agriesitursi Implesusuta. To au induatrions susu oith emu Ecapital iaa opportunity that selctoin presonta ilmelf.. Desiring lu retira £romu business on au- count o! iil-health, the undersignodl di posadt9e talas thiî stop.A Terme wlU ho made lu suit a competent party. nysae mutrqie uu Parties bnying tram us tan ai auy timie copisce any partions oi our stovos tisaI may gel bnken-a great advantsge. * J. CARMICHAEL, Prest. Otsaa, Nov. 24, 1873. - 8ti HO0U SE AND LO0T F01R SALE, OR TO BE NT. n OODTraîne Hanse, Semcat1toc6.s, sud %-T Quarter Acre of Land, un Hickory-St., lu the -Toawn of Whitby. Appiy ta * wl!. SPENCE, Or ta W. H. BILLINGS, Solicitor, Whitby. Wisitby, Dec. 9is, -1878. Utica.1 c OAL AND WOOD. Tise undersigsaed bega ta returu thaul.s for lias liberai sud iocreasiug patronage ho bas been favared mith during hie chres years lu business, anSdisereby informe cos- tumier- tisat ho bas na-w for sale ail kinde ot tise best Anthracite and Bituminous BEST R2A1,'r5WOOD, At tise lswest passible pnrices for Cash. JOHN 13L0W y& CO« Wiitby, Augusi 5tia, 1878. 32 wTANTED. - Ladietsud Gentlemeén, ta bean, TELE- GiIAP'flOI'lUATING, for ftsilway Stat- ioas and Commnercial Lines icntise )OInincsOli. SenS foc cireclar. Address- C LEM.AN &- BAKER, Toronto, Ont. Aug. 26, 1873. 85-28t. ~UBLTC NOTICE. B1-Luc Vo.4S"ectinn 14, eaIC1 Tisai tiseccipant or pecson iu possession ai auy house, bÃuilding, or lot, shail cause lise idewalk, opposite his- or hec ibouse, building, or lot, ta be properly swept and cleaued whien neceosary, as for as tise anter edge, fres froua oýsrcion by s nowv, dli, br oliser intumbrance.'1 NOTICE le iereby given tisatishe abos'a By-law cclii ho vigilently enforce tfram tis date. By ôrder, JACOB BRYAN, -Chiot Coutaisie. Whitby, Dec. 8, 1878. 49 THE PARKER QUM. Z END STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER-BR 's WEST MERIDEI4GT. G OOD HARD WOOD TFOR SALE 1 About 200 cordaeuof d isard slave -word, tut lire Iengths froua 16to 20 incises. For patte d&c., apply tu J. LONG, Whitby, December 11h, 1878.DnsS. 60 m ONEY TO LOAN. -bcnta $5,000 ta inveet ou Tarm êcrta per cent. NO commissian. Apply lu.- W. H. BILLINGS, Wlaitby, Dec. 16, 1878. Slctad51 G' UB L E y'1 S PoRa C LOT HJN G1 NEW GOODS! NEW PAýUTEmNs, i AND) NEW, .SýTYLES! Fer Feu sudwluter, just ceceived ut the OlS Tairng Eecabiismiïentî;-osaiwa: The- HRAVY OVERPCOATI41cI, FAN-, CY VESTINGei, HROADCLOTHS, 'AnS ail 111e neeset patternsce fac pinte, dcc. il- bei ho und lu be ai extélleut material, aSisvarlety mill onS :î -chance ionri lestes. - SW-,Goed Yorla guarantee&. -2 Clat s old b the yard, sud -olethb*uSb*: A- d letIp hicca ho olcl-Nick, or osaIS Nicit's mdtliir, or even a Cfiristiau of any soittjtallea lokifa' tua close at us, ilhave bina ho on, bis guard, .naiseiouey.' '-Bourite! baS I lime t1o spare for lin,b eho altiel nul, shatever lie i- long romaain 11ddm fromaumevere tise escthhieapod ûfvefathons a alve ina. But for' tiha li-ent we>muet content reigni. Il wua1 a square $trulctfLà re, -o, f ~l(beosaide terminated in a pointeS * sud tsiefng gable, wisle'eacis- >able 'wae-aurînounied by a formidable-daim- neoy. At tisaI aide, wisere lis tone7- frà med, massive liail-joor gave outrance tw1s. dwehling, lise wiudqwe hall been pîsued w*ith s"ame degree of uniforesiar- *rangement : elsewlaere tisoy were F up anSddosvn, hboe aud tiere, greal asd sa ;aeif, after tise lirà construc- lion of tiseisouse, whim, or necessity, raibér tissu pro-concerbedS design, kali dictated this.r relative positions., sialea were very massive, anS principal roonse oainscoted. ' Imtotise largeat room, eou:îhde> alus-y of Ibis bouse, wa -toaW e", A"aS viaitors ttlas present no djS'$l pnietor. Tise fu-nitura e ;old, lumberiug,- and muais Secayed. Tise aIls anS flour of tise aparlmeut itself have iseen but iu- dlfferentîy roclaimed .foos a former atate of aJ.most dilapidation. Large wax tapera, lu a anperb silver candela- bra, buru on a carved table in tise cen- tre, but Ilseir soft liglat eveals ain every aide tise roigu of diecosufort, anieing frctm s mixture cf luxury and unfituesa, ai ornament sud blemiis, uay, evený of tise wanl of common attention ta order, visible tlaorughout Ithe room nS ils be-, "rie strauge maunt ahelInce! i'et ahane at tise massive cari-eS table. A half draineS silver-gilt goblet, richly chaneed, mas before bina. Tise botîle frona misicis boihaSlfilleS il, sud anotiser, sihicS haliaad previonsly emplieS, ware ta hie baud; wisilo a common SelfI mug, witlias haudle near tise ueck-oue of tisosctlled a 1 gray heard'-stood lu tise middle of tise board. An emubroidered purple velvat cap, sat, nat inelegautly, upan laie bead. Ho wos rcgaliug himseh wiiis a gigautia pipe, sciicis, afler mauy couvolutiôns, rtsteS ou tie -four at hie feet ; il was indeed a luxury of exotie fassiion, sud formeS in tise eyes of tisa neiglabours, 1ona of tise abjects wiaicis, taken os ap- pendages ta hlmn, challengeS ouriosity sud inqoiry, if net fears. Ecer and anun, wlaile las puffecl frein hie curving lip tise capui of perfumned toisacco, laie isrow sconid kuit closcly acer bis flash- iug oye, as tisougis, even lu solitude, it moulS lide sud coucentrate ils mean- ing. Tise oor of tise apurtment sîowly, and], it mighat ho sait!, sulbser-siently opeoied. lTe strange Manou mmci ta- warcls il lis keen, seancising eye. A tali ani bulky fellowc, siceloped ici a large, busre wratpper of bloe fnbeze, wlcic-h cisgaaisecl is persan, stcaod be- yoctcî lIce tltreshoid. Sa, LBourke !-is tisaI yon?-Ati- nce ;' ssid tisa* strauge Maua,' in sou- urocosq alil a netuasasica Lolanas. Hie cbumsy visitor, Iîloticicsg7foî-waat witls o beacy tp;necnoced ils lonoît- t ibat tram hie lausy bnaw. 1 Si yon dowu, ait you îowa, fBur-ke,' continueS tise 1strange Mou,' pcitiug ta a seat'tsomewisat' apunt frolutise tal)le ;-" Sil yon down sud make lace tu 'grey beard.' Dh-a-S -a1au' wbo'll aay il 150 tishe moutla-watlaenIhiat basuita miatois ?'-thse man remanked, affer lie hll appliod thse mug ta]lais lips, aunti gulped a sufficient quantity of its contents. C1j'ViloIetout tise Iliutis. Tise loveana' tIhe 1km' tisat I lance for il bates BansacIeea.'-.!id, ta exemplify lais statecueut, lie once more pressefl bis lips ta tisa îips ai tise 1grey beara-' Thon bu resteS tise vessel on tisa tabla, esnbnaciug il scîlis hie gruat isauds,as if ho claimed it as-bis oscu. smacking lais monts anuSgrluuing Laideoualy. Tisa1'strange Man' emaked au, scitîs- ont a change of countenauco, as if ais- stracted or indifféent, or perisapa cou- templuons, tisougli witbonl autwand expression of sncb feeling. Banrke fixeS hie large gney eyus on hlm, and, by degrees, also wnxed serious. Tisere sias a silence for some lame. At leuglis tisa c etrauga Man's glauce suddeuly ou- tountened tisaI of liso otier, and lu a IonS, sharp vaice, whUie ho alruck bis fout upon the faonr, be as euddenly Sa- mande-' Bourke 1liscre- le a traiter nmong ye?2' . 'by lise gor,' aussi-ruS tise fellow, collcctedly, plthough at fia-at lieu baS been noliser startled-,fnot ta - my Icuoscin,' or ta tisa kuowin' cf me, mastiser.' 1'Net te my kuasving I-Axa yen, certain P-positively certain, ouaescay or tisa otiser?2' 1l'I take book-oatis ou it,-an' may Ibis laucy liquor be my pillon, afura I close suy oye, if I'su tellin' you a word of a lie. attise proseut lime.' tisene a dezèn of 'oia, aci armeS vitis apisioah liktat Ibafara ý'u, loaSa te lta "mussai, aiscUhe sunssela paluted ta my - hbra-t, ' et-y. man of you. sisonid féel tisai I i-s ailli your -msstea- anS. ýab!e ta ha quits iiSyou." 1'SlaSlanrthis -Ihdluk ba yen on, tisa bargain.' Hrbecanse i-e dosalit Vaéry' muéS relias tisair aoaiety,i-e i-il bave 1'the strauga Man cf thée Inaisý sud bis woar-: liy asociate teacaetiRbas -sd--ttsrea oer'aa rn c, goe escenle.,- A=coe Rennedy sud ualtliseeiglalest roableeaian oa iber foIson;;sud oa iero motiser but a veny Sreamnase romaineS ou bermninS. Siseresuembered awscop- ing, Selieate -scoman, sho~a-lgbr infauoy, sha used taecaI ll rr ber mosi vit-id reminiscances of tisis persan score mixeS up scibla paintail anSdnaye- tenlous feelings. Bsase coula relate lier efforts lue cranablcc ùp upu» a SeS, in schah 1the lady, boy, asil tbail been *-ber i-ont ta do ;liser agonies ut havinglleen bold belS bath hy s milS, comapasaion- le-oakuin u i-whase itindneae of mhanuer,aiSdi-buse ondesare ta sooli4o le hlihgrief, psrtly recaoioîld i4r t lae lieopposition sise expenleuced frosu llm. AnS ber- rSoary ivas na-tIser atrougly imapressea iitiste mode final- ly adopteS te console lier. Hsvlug sua- ceoSaS lu psoifyiug ber a litîle, tisugen- leman led bier bock luatise bed aise baS vainby tid ta scola, sud tise persan resting ou il placeS a ribisan round aer neakteluiias ias attabed a shinling baubbe tisat pbeasea ediei sdisi oye. Nor diS Aunme, la Ibis day, fat-gmt tise clingiug tisa, anS lishe slraining embrace acaasupanyiug tise gifI. Soon sitar tisis, ase -i-os led by tise miid-looing mon t10a sironge resdeuce, of sc th ie ovelty, and, indeed, the splendour, SoligisteS hec. Bulsise.grai- lired of tis eoxcjLomne ud nScrieS la Su laten Sack te la o uthr. This request i-net aiosceven, comnplieS si-us; and sise ocpcionced, foc socue lime, muais misery. But, -t aI be, sîsabecamu un- cotastioushy ecoucilod lutise ides ut tIse soparation. 55e-pot score tise uttle preseu alise baSl nouaived franaisbecdyiug suotiier. Il i-sa cny emoli double miniature, laciug eo ne aide, as site bad- olcîce biecu tcil, tIse portrcail t lien lailier, tîni, on tise allipr, tîtot of lier mocîcen. Ansirsienwtlisticcly tandon- stand tiat tics placid sman, wi-ha ba gaineSd ieà iasflaeuoe aven lien, aItithe momsenat ut ier isfatine tribulation at thce Icec-sile oallier lying siter, i-os Mi;. Cîssuos- Kennedcy, %witls scîua tie Sac1 sinus licol, wsu ad aiadoptec lier os Isis claugisler, anad ta i-hase couniden- aile property silo acas ta ho soloeit-ses. Evece-n lier euniest Says. tise patient malauclsoly of Mn. Kenuecîy's conbeut- aunce, is expressiona of a Palm endurance- ut misînrîcîne, bliSl ecidAunie'e ou- essuscionis synapallîy, anS lier Young hseantIbail expenionced o desine ta be, su furn asiluliser luy, lis consolation. Suie culdel ven nai- caîl ta mmnd thaI tîse chiefhiappinesa oft tiase uhililhQis days useS te bcocacasioned hy aeoing lier guardin's saSdfléures relax intu a enaile, as tise resait of bier efforts ta soutise anS piease lita. AS sue gi-esc Up, tIse tII at de-> liglat in tise perfor-mance of litIle persan- ah sercices for binaIlibrnopinionu euhl, nuouan but berseif lac liteS, eltiser sy tlae fine in scintor, or usai- th ies-u- los,-overlootitsgthe gardon, inluiso- mer. Upon bue ovening of tise day George Bluudell's vikeitaesrj-as relateS lu tise basI cisaptor, Annie and Mr. Kennedy score, ai; usual, souteS togotlaer. For soine tima tisa abject of their conversa- tian baSl beu tisa nai-position of of- foira hotu-cen tise young girl and- hiem lQvem. Evun on titis Selicate tapie, Anuie saw no rason for disguisiug,, ber bicugis frouanlion guardian. Tsene i-os saine- tisiug p gunuleaunS tochlng aboutb lie mauner anS cisanucter, eanaetising su ueariy rcsenabling Ite sofluesa ai ber oscu sox, thaut a confidence of a Most tiuqunhified nature buahioalwyexisbod bebi-eu tiios. AuS, ta asalat lu estab- lisiig lisis uauderanding, 'nover lad Mmr. Kennedy oseS a i-orS or a looit of Isarsis oi-ordS Annie.TIse ides of being reserved suIs suoai focula net enter inte lier lisougis. Frosuthbiseginuing aiflier albacis- meut la George Blundell, hiec gusaaisu haS since avec isesitated ta question Iser upon*lise etata of lier feelings, nar An- ,nie ta expresslisena. Tishe lsnesuarit- abla interview haîsceen lise lavera i-s 4isre 1relitS aechyLiseLtr. Se 'But, Assite, bis-wisbitsg-you sré- main sglit i leluitgeif, s éfrcunastaisé fonlu if ins e clIt-y'a g-naa -conoal ifbis oxp-iition wiJllbear -_ ulluy, i-dyiI ta obe hilclen faona éeerv une. eceent he ,js i-n-, most Ufe. waSpcsyeu, 111 ean amly gsy am ý u-erela-t liberty t d4 iei ,=nond Selive-, ii - - .o ac lmalilayour 0 ,'aaoge" - 'AnS Aunnlitfl-au only' cepeal, a- until'I know'ixia4dëfes intimatèy as yen Sa, t sus4 msthold my yerdiet. I believe yau uïl-uil'ot - al1Me an un- charitable mn; yst liais ispny -conclu- sion.' *'Mybest frieud,' ýèrieji Aùiile; ithi bears in lier eyes, 'whist lvingcrmature cou caii you thal? tumeyoýu arechsar- ity pecauniflio.'- 'My puor cibld !'-answýered Mr- Ken- nedy maunmnllly, 4oveu tisa ferveur of lise fatlery you lu al eincerity.aller me is proof tsaI tisa impulsive 11111e tenant of yaur basana is more tSsu a match- for your teu complying roeau. Ever do you avercate nay clams ta auyllalng lite good qua1ilses, swile you -have'no eye for tise eeep sud visible blemnishes of my chacacter. Listen te me, désir Annie,. Even yet I am na -illigly bounStb saythsI I cousicler tis Young manu au unlil visiter bora.' I have, myself tala hum su, Sir; hbois ual te vieil me aI aiL Nay, canmanl- cation of every kinSa ta cesse bel-son us, util haliesial ha able lu prove laie innocence ta-tisa world's fulliface.' Tisank yau, mny dear, tisant yos-'- Mn Kennedy saiS approvouigly lakmng liser banS. 'Or util, Sir,-Annie binsised anS besitated. WNell, suy Sear colS? or until- TisaI is, Sir, unleas tise sianS cun- tinsue lu caudemu him for an isureason-' ably long period. Iu suais o case, Sic, andI whien blere la no friend loft I m as, bol myself,'-asie Sesilatadýagain. 'O my poor Aunie I I thougisl as mauci-Heant, beanl ahane, chlS ba been your caunsoliar. L admire lise noble confidence of yaur nature..,I acknatllelge tise grest value of your,, sentiment, lu tiese abstract but I foar ils preseul prudence. You scili believe rue, Anuie, 1 con bave uulising but yourr <leur lappinesa lu vicu-. But I will show yen tluaI tise ieart's prampt- luge alune are ual ta be taken foc a <uile, And tliis 1 ssal do by> laying isefore-cu Itie example of one i-bu bas licou tIatir violmen,, lîseir-misenable vie- tisa. Dean ohilci, in lise îope tisatII May ho youn siarning, 1 iLl give 'you lise histoiy of Miy au-n secret griets,-al- îiaough tlie rcaliof tbin nay influit ai foret a keen i-anS ou youn affection- aIe hseant. Ecen altîsaugis il probe a00w tîsose wlaicla, fanrisaif my life bai- iseen feslering lu mine.' 'Dear, desr Six,' pleaded Annie; ' have slwaye forbare ta question yon an tiesobfjeal, bacause, gidcIy as Iana, I could porceivotisaItishe reiraspeet -aniS ie moot disinessing *lu yen.: do unai-o, Ientreat yen my frionS sud foison, cause youraelt pain -on suy se- count. Wisatever yonr a-ice naay ho. I sdhh follow il mà erehy ibecause you1 offer il,aesureS ae IamitisaI yanil neyer adciise againat my ýaffections, if those affectionesudseru-e yonr sanction.'. ,MIy good anS sensible cisild, net- Nvitiisîonding my long repugnance te enter intu tise secrets of s Sait poat, I bave laîeîy begun ta feel, seiile isint- iug il sucgislha ucaessary for yonr lu- struction, lisat the effort sulgst ihave is ae -e as ils pi for me. ý* i-eh I tuai-, Sean ýaiattisa I 68 mieeratlng ecr ilUbore lieten te- my Sieclesures. Tlaat lu yoa 1 sisal bave a truce, s sympabisiang istener.' ,Aunie, lier cunii eyes meeting, lois, maiseS bis bonds tlier lips. Yea, yaS' My cisild ;-no use of i-ardu, te givo me assurance. InSeeS, for susue years I isave sad tise intention cf confidng my tares lu you, aud i-bal lime for dalug sueaeau ho fitter tissutise present, whien I - îe a probability of your aufferiug froua causes~ resemhling -tisse to wi-istbI ai-e My ci-n -retcis- des? (CONTINUED.) -Thse Dead Siame.s Tu-lus. A LIGATURE THAT JOINED- TE IN LIFE Â7ND DEATH. THEIR SOCIAL i-AYi, TUE WIVES "ID FARinaIS, AND TEIR MEýNTAL CHIAR- AOTEISTICS-A LIVING BODT BOUND TO A CORPSE.- Tfise'ealb- of tise Sisuese twimusil Mount Aiery, near Salisbury, X. C., ou tisa 171h of tisis montS, ondeS one of tisa moat remarkable of isaînrai pise. nasuena. They came ta Amenacs lu 1829, scienthy i-are 18yesa- o hasv qocicae uang wus tsuauty 555 roterc. Tise *ives ived .entirely ai 'ibeira-espete- tii-e homes, sud tbbc isbands alternat- eS-slayiug-one wi-cet aIChsng's bouse sud lise 1nexî seeet ut En- sa. Racl lakod saler bis plantation aud other business.during tise ueets of living aI bis eu-n place, anS tise visillug bratIser mamo usipposed ta interfere. The avives diS ualt agree very %vellh anS tisa stxangelp-iti fasuilses quarrelled au se- riaualisaI the sieters frequnulp isad piouof complote astransgoanent, bast- ing for wekcot a Is ime. DaISESTIC INFELICITT>. *So, allbongb Cisang aud Eug vyPre riais, IbopdiS nutli-e lisppily. Mca. Chsang baS 1the firet chilS, audit i-as a deuf rmute. Tise familles itineasqed a-apidly, unliL Clisog SaS six cislren anS Englie. 0f tisese cisildren four, nover boaS nor apotu. alItsouglinu il aller respects alscore strong- anS net Seformed. --Elgisi are icinin, the aidest, a Saugliler ai seventeen, bovinig lately lieeu marrieS te tise leasee cf ;1 neigis- bournug plantation. About eigl yeana ago Chîang becamie couverteS in'a religi- ons revival, anS Engaialsenabnacing tisa seine belbef, they jolunedbise Baptisl CisurcIs. Tbey score neguhar icn 111cm aI- tendance thereaitt-,_ and -netained tliair standing as good- Christiaus. Their tetaipeni, bswAver, i-ernenulimproved by tisa spiritual chsange. au-I befone tIse 'emaucipatiun biseir. sisîces -one tise most us'iipped'of any in tise raglan.- Tisa nebellian freacl liaisslaves asud otlierwiaaesenig'u4ly inreS tlieir uveallis. To ropair Ilueir la,:ses tlsey aranex- iiited ltliemailee llir-stagio the csunutry, aud aI \VootS's ?elseulu N. Y. i; but tisey i-ens unly naodlerall.aam-e fnl, ascing partialy la a reasnty wsihS precentecl managera fr-on liavîti,aua-v tiiiug taO duwills. ihein.- A <rtester au-r- iesity ia tisair lina hi-I prai aop, io-n, dren froua Sauts Canolina-cio arQ jolueil5fitishe ioips. ouni- suaare on ex- hibition in Parie. Cha-ng sud E'ig Ssci gro -u uglissn as llîey lia-h gro %vu saelden, tuIe latter especially Seing - wintled, Ilain, sud bout. Tiseir 1cm.- poresscore saureS, sud Ibey qasannelled scilliesais otber cauaiantly. Tbey baS gaineS gresihy iu intelligence, hbaveet, sund i-are mare sensitive telise gaze ai tise ca-ai-S. AI ltse Hevere House, sciere tbey boanded, thiey received s foi- visitons, teai-hum Iiey campîsinedl ai tis eeagsilp wi-baihiad dniven tisena bock intoa'sowv life. ' Tisey aiea retalued strang seteÉsion prodlivities. During their absence tiaeir -etltes manageS tle plantations.-Tisoseoai the chilîdces i-la sce n ualeai mixtes scere seultet scsool,.-anxdara nos - ieU edutated. Before tIseir lait 'exhib'ition liera tise tu-lus baS beon again lu Europe. A CETAINY O0F UNI;ON r-11DEATI. Thiecause af tisair moroseneas as tlxey grew aider is beliaved te bave been tise pnohability of tise fatal offeal of oua's Seaux uponbise olIsea. Tisa idesr ai separatlug tIfhi-aby a aurgical operian baS béeau ofbenbroacbad, Sut pisysicaas baS geuenaly ugreed IbsI il i-anIS kil tisoi. Tiserefure egeab sa baunted iusa Sraof i hing left boanS tabis SouS ha-otisor, witis al- ms aitscarionty of, Syiug under an attmpt ta o er binafrointle corpse. iho lun paris asaudonion, tbey con- subIeS 1the meal emineul surgeons. One expeaiment. isoiever,2dsased al hope ai separate existence. Thelga tura i-s compresseS nuutl lal circula- tion ai baud Itoeen ea csustopp- oS. Eng soan fainlad, assiS a resuoval . ai t'ne amresa i-as neuesaary ta pro- vSe al h is proveS thal sxaibier couldA enelaiu asespansto circulationi af tisa blocS, anS tabhave eut lise ligaturan *oulS bave tilleS balS. Wiis tuila knou-lodga, tiey retouod b ola-hei .homesansd lived à e tisey lisd doué befane. Latertbise ballis aiEng gnoe worae, snd Chang i-s fequeutby obligea, altisougli i-eU isei, lu koep bu bis beo ailhs sîsiatbraISer But shot-s par agu Cbsng auiffea-eS s p aralytie sIrote, f-am i-biis tfine hie beabîS i-as 1the sorseofaitise twa. IHo bookt tadrink as a relef tram snfiering, as tise-livea ofithe tiins grei-setabl- edS indeed. Tise-details ai tiseir dealis ara mes- g're Chang died firet, aud a -ai- moments siienscard Etsg, i-hahaiS Lai a feu- Sayabasas uel, beeame delirius 1 C, - fl- --.-