meter given hi, mI liumbug, wb lI coppeby à of conscience. kppolntmcnt as, i ame Dlperg Y----4m. -4&. au'r uuaaîmq aiU ~tu agidsir.a dissoluion; la P gmtwOithbu ho Willoaî It,, ýd ho iem ag t dceLs-u the t.eors'lui 114 » Ost reo"u or ftheLi .Prot . ehtqç foýrtth Ie apoie>', M leaie ,telîusulise ttwil srivedloe the standtard of publie morlty," & Dy tîlicotl-aging Iether.steahlng P rliiu.g à almk ta-. pilfer cbis empioe Doirespomtiessa-ye? ' i.-cx aggei-î D! statescutis anti distertioti o! [w BY.saiccuy o! oppoetieî2?_By bi Us viths an A neanRk ailvu>' Itbm 6ni eekilng, et ti-te hlitcn, ta bui ste und rini his country' for the a Il 'Iielplng blansel! bohllce aaW0shahl," Fo iscsys neut, "enidoa eY wlse leglultîlon andmai' just antiý SpUai poio>' tu.relnaure sactionai ji ýte a-ai localprejulices', dce. lsa Mnr. Macksenzie tioue-se un âMl? fia uit ual hua-ti ti, ii!e. sloglon, o! ituseif and i,#s peuit fiahué ta sûlr up sectionalcious mad local sta'Uo -anal prejuiticc, vih le me e cisO 'epimeed hatiboesi agd lu reiovlug, eudeavcing se anal reeoacllo, anti whoce poie- ,ge l-ca-aîsatdaîtîmoheUnion tise>'h aisesgo mua-h le premole, andi tg ki Itis wtb.te Provinaces wiso ati d w'd Il? Mt~ Mackenzie daims creédit fan f tlioserted élections net, visicis, a@ eii ktmsswn, vas passa-il b>' lie h gvemnwuenî,' but vih oisgasu>'w' 'ced upon tient. The>' pasci it uti lents, andth 1e country h ao nov t: usftlf It. -Aunsi Vé vr>'mueS le Mt Mi-. Mackcenzie- anad his frindts In tb. paist-vhi l e th ise Smel t uit vl olaiti thaw, aWo Plaill naleaveni- ot rine la- SsucS e lIttoral- adjueltment -e! t. nobise a u> bet suit tice Vtryiî ethlmtaneel pa! tliseilifeuent saelleo lie 3)a-mliqn", su>'. 1UrMaclua- Wist le tuer. a inti. (our viichis l4m. erédil? Would Doaie a>'gos-ar rixe -iffcuioneslu a triying a-tû Il angeupente for lias costructiond Paifie Raiva>' lre nextintlIs-dn sad Mi-. backiimle l-i lsstint h VernisetW ni w luo-atr ta 4unfiu :h eri-tsh Coutabla for t, relamaîla- Ll termes, d&a, ouwile lIse rets a t bo li ommsnceti anti campia-te te mbnatthnome h. al utlizo* th iwtioti stsretea a-iof 0rJiregn tr cenianunîcatlca wih ice U- a asua pcli* tiDot fer fs-onitIhé lioce utainou anti Fort- Ocre>, caai la es Lakte Stperior 'îalniicisris-i ise Geaarglt U 'Bai, ihaisaveizing fo pi-osent this construction of abou )o miles o! raiiwny. , lea, Ms-, MaQ zie and i bs fientis wlil o tii, pet , b' tise taling tisé Nom-tera Paf MeMulleu roati;aor ly bis propose gleti systa-ni o! landi anal vater cons. ldontioa-breallsg Ithe pla-tgeti pub. ailil, anal giving JDr tieisColumbiaî igisi to see040efrontise Union. Tise propen mode a!falcalin1 i he question of Insols-enc>' lai Iberi a Prollea n moiser' aouutriei let Oui-own", îays M r. Machienxic ,l viii tic tise effort o! tise alearu tIa- fraemc a meousu", &0s. Âce il corîainly uichsig nos-eh in part of atlse polt>"' aaîly"tos..I Iy theiatigaago o! tie Globe, lilis Ji- stylc o! exitiei a--n lie prc- =Ot o! theisa- a dias a taigual ci*tin"-*"Why rimesele net s ae persan ln' Caneaai-ho bac fol. il tise course of pelitical discussi goosi nunîler o! yeam's past tisat 11.01 lina- 13e Inan>' efforts have maude tba-frame à dasirable li. paty meaurs. Successive Gos-cia. e for' morts tissu t*enL2y yearos peut >een aéleing vlltime question, FIM wu o requre dligon. U1115obfbsSoutht -" Wt"sdpw -rgus go 'cPIt on. p the ~ I4t~ na n . »sers. 4 ba4 Dhuguste4 W thbdnegng ou l tO"P e Io¶ed onna ds eoe kams.reigldent. ' rsen Wh - b?ý%131,11eme tpd buybu M Re ?T eetaoblemen _theBeform bbhe bodiuIj, t king Belo 'jo«out ciîotflt andl kno$ j t the arty mobh.~ n -Who do aip aU l nta aré'awi 1roeepta b e Gf ~ml i gî .Y le ed uvat unýb .. blaldine of'&kuot o loceal political .O 0vrpe.rt ola gih 0 then l4 aîsal,i * o-e fear as ýê ei4sîtWo! ýtue pget -ao:ao imI tan a1r.arllel Poileru nd h ». iéd aio'fçontest, ano -.matte 1- *hso his Oppot Ré, p:'-bno'It vau t lb.>' dals] Sb.,) ah loction tioe+, ex rp îsufoennLf~ a w ï -atîe ogsa'hm1 ae1 >lti &%iam tlsjton âah brting ?'éu-- 'a lon- it tO b. i" hlttie boundu e blbwliy riler oýug 'b-ce cclutaoLve t, tes e, hooppose. HOn. 1Ur. Gibb.- tst13 lc ofo!South ' -Onharlo mnenIei;tsas arc oni>' ceci l a ýggst* An teycars etot' 10 cecal thefr di, vonit sà stuiftf hemaelves,conla l 1e e0tri, viieghteen montis; SgIlt thie.m sel.t isM.Cr. eadcso Vary sentiment of self. w1th gao'ti-bcalîh anti aitiet by a gi flOl'5 ri uouhdlsav ~ espet a 10 ejec thfr ~hful 081113an0, and wvh th1e aaurauee o! Il and tOý -1'l UPPOrthe Icît i meelf able le face it,E 'i Tbb oai. They daclire tha'i5tèy reprementatlve, T.N. Gibbe, for sncb a hail no donlit but fitisIausiserelofore ci ehjs vte for hlm nor work fr imaJs m- nanas 3fr. Macolmi Cameron. woulti be çaced AIt th ed o! tisei "ifel anal th theYr have th"@ Ie p tho 1r. Gibbs, wlth hie large italinlathe (Cbecrs. ý beieved th1e pe.aple o! rWi'suis n ee ' i ad sfr~~ ldiag, Who hne igreva up.-"aongste tises Oinf Wae.,o m-a t a st resden. 'Iîy t er$lnot net lisigist- people, te muan vitsont à a Bpeck or knowle Ah thâtaLie entercal nî1, es Ah- esit Lotpe <1 Ur. Ceui-ou's 8110ce1s. Of stalnuuPOn his persozual chai-acter, à aman lise on e~. . ,4dua no s H i ,. - .>'il~ t g1 l o t g ain s co u rse t Ity re q u i l.e rig h t. R a i M r. o ! talen t alati abilip y-, o ! W h o n c e y w o i dt h a -o'd* White, or Ufr. Holdonai been -the man, man mn Souti Ã"htÃrio uhould felprnd ie dviicti liis(*ntis'not te makei thf, Voldiavebee &à iifed e hve UOneof »omlve- lthemanWhomistakce. o! undêrting bis oppoe soadotil4-,ive-6i tlsfi0 lebave as anco!ehmev.ts i ieWhise aver-be '131 13e, anal net te alotib>'- vel ~~aIn andidate, 0 mte imari-hnluPaniameut, Wvisaote slf-cônlftteut. A etatement Il '~~lotngasno hovag aresitient Or-b.d Ur. bsbencosen lp111 tise isigis anal been madaeet a meeting helal lu Os) te* roewoo, te Myor f hnorb1eOà toý,V a initerof heva tliat il-vas a greal calamuity la iii 13-Y w hâamrbutrecnwi, tse nmati o onCOnrbepstsu4 in !tise eleclieus tlsnust upenIle peopla- ~~~~~~>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ î >Jty u ecvt ienaialn rwi h 3~ t li ever>' vay, as a tise preseut lime. He M.Gli li'u1e wouiti, tule>' dey, carry thte tovn pcivate ciluzô4'% ria Public man lias thseur appellents beini tise jualges, 1 linwiîh hlm anal Win tise election. Dut brongist houe uil enI' eevslievea it lbwns a Part>'. itae cIl? li- MacinuCanieron I Tise>' an'î lbctter aItlite bauds O! tise eleclors o! lta-thlie Govet-nignut Part>' wonidfi thTerje 6ut, tiosemelves lu gra-aten estaits anu dil antt- salvh. Coan." SonuhOntari-o. T eec ha nman cgllies iu finding enitalase caniiaa g la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ for a Il political hunmbug"-naa lranger Ochan thisamopnnerlielbe rmisc înig b lciesci1 Paeflcana a ajoruer lîo lhas becu a6 per. stluliug campisaint o! b ite Globe afaiîi mii- Sandai.ambnîaîiug thée coumnt-ry in seau-cii o! a Si John Macadoneal, wlîenes-er au ela §»dk. Thi'oagitent tlse Dominion, tii.oc. constilncncy," and vIsawh caunot final lion caine i-aunai, ftinatise eleetiane wa: calld ,aciie canall îSspri-u uontise people; butlite cili calet "ac1icScndi"isahl te ci-y i-culforthliseo e ssfoot", vonial b. a leugetiainluy siîsrlahIs tour viie partizaus o! the -Goverument. Puece fa! uds uureasoning blindues expertence tise>' ever Sua-w o! an ehe Itidno te olcyor lise monts e!flise tiat ce donybeecsel-if excusalile -lion ta lue fa unna-ceusan>' as tise Pi cal- ot hti* osdre ot aI al ou tise grountif rymil et eha eradLie belles' Govlenp#bcut tisa ug cosi;eea vrt ss-o.Pr>'m tie. tie atemeut le bcs truct',lat hie] the le'ssilln;- sioîisug liat tisenes wes-e fort>'os- fift>' inu il, tise Houi lon won-01t aciie canai e rlie UPU- he oona Fncycar.HO! COMMODs wiso wouul ual lihs-e î'ol wortt Pgaciferyste u sioe n . hOCe'.Fr ar- ho w aWs againet tise Gova-ruma-ît o!' Si-Joli tiTal s~cic- ce ueto gives laken for Cool Burgess. Mclnllvr iayulpstv »lsplace, or ie shi-Seti altogeîher. If lise-adnraldti aw sou tioynet ositIve scs charges werc true, il migt ieoareason Mi-. Canicron le being trotteti round 'place thaha a od ha-en, tise wudea fors<~ puîîiug tise gvernseut cf Air John frmdorh orb'mne faitisfiil toosia positive ai-raneasment ta i t te- Ot; but eau iltac ooeeAsiusny goti Grils, iso talle lui-n about l accoan- effecI. M. Cauchton Raid tiser. hua yo i roason for keepiug Mr. Mackenzie lu? Pan>-tng 1dm. This morning ho caiî. hecu, eaala goca man>tatessanmene: [la leil net posuible for lise Gril candi- cal,unuatîcudeti, apon Dr. Guain, le but, as hie bad saisi, il woaîiui le fauaî mati -aes 10 risc abhieutitis dleal issue anti vhtom i; was net previensi>' p(dreonali>' tiat tise spnngiug o! tise elettians Neeni PP I pi>lenieives iutliigcntly tle hie Sncwn. Ho inli-oduce mea s!lse ie oas mucistate sealtriment of ti. dn isicumsion o! lb. pil'ni iive, leguli. Doctar bY Preenling bis ceald. The part>' lupower As la thisu-o~pouelnts '0One of tisei-t'usons given for tuje lest th aeissuesri-cmaling too e tc scbîtîcti~ ardî e is nai-g.coloreti litbogrephi !htc oftsI ula lae leei 0* je c gari-dase cf expeuse,. Il bau embiazan. tise Houge.O! Communs b> Sir Huat ste A BduO eginniug. e cla is se eugti a fiuag, lfoieaanal Alian's Morue>'. Twanty sevn was bis M - arangd lko scuic nrtina fig num"ber given. Tii. anthor a! tisa ahU lu bis speech et Xisigslou Sur. Joh narneal onlie a ucenia estai, figs tatement wee Sir Hugi Allais limseil the A- Meceonacdanaelingin jetana stundP above il, It wau vilS Sim il ciiginateal, iu Lie cor e a tlitatd.ionlllaievisat is Suowu cutianaldi is e centre a ailapitiatea liooking respandence vils Aunericen suai-pés ai- .imlttet issolvT e heRoevngem n recoal O! Arme liaI resembîe the stars lut ISir Hugisneya- n tiaeu ut liseth t ics'te dofieolveutie Hanseiancuti "tripes; lu onc corner unlerneabis censtr-uction sisould bc eput upîn lui, Li ie'te fie u i.nceswne a mifeci-ble leaSing Indien di-essea l ulultaement. Wtsat lis saai wnu, tla, backto ieir onsitueaes nd herekilt an pafallischre ware twcntY-Saveu membersir bacS le liseurd abtsolusatin iser. kls nl "aldga canot', Analau tise 1the Houai.lia- coulilapena uuaon vas al wod abut hsentin ten.oter a s-siyfialtening portrait of tIhe Tisose lwcnîs'-sevemen tmIesslna lic. Tise>' pr4toett ie>' vulalcontinue, aHnNacîmC rn IseDc- d ta ha-tlise lwetly-ses'tn Range ina-m asg anti00 litoodwiuuked the ceuntr.IO-MomCmr>'nCrl laek;Whoawene in apposition t)th ie Giv. MCart-loi-, leohiug a i le carti anal sîrvcying er4ment. ilI Hgi was tlhtaleniti.l Swrighttvient te Lennex anal fonght a hie -vlsitar eaiil-aa I amn nt a !requnt. opposition viien s aselt saee b0caIl,lie bbaupe. afcocrn cnt er c!fveni- eneraimaus, Sir,ai. ans li hel ttis oît amnatet againut 0Qcaga iei ol.'e ilutietifransa. thOualsi 1believe ltee s l isu cf Sir George Cartier aI tise limait'.For, doua alagelmmwitb freuti, bu ProaWoseitwi t t nolwithuîauding AIlflinat lisai biena-iel thupersanA who upeukndwthe cfr15cm.aIdttisssubjetit, beIMi-f. Gibbs) ht'iievec hotise. lpower obeluntlseBrown an tieam muci, obli.ata li- tise trouble yen ilat tises-ewerc Det fiva- men wiso Led 0e Ghtlobendhres tco e B ou arnti ehave laiken, but cannol promise you Bsnthe teHanse fsrn Lawa-rCanadas o! Galoanis eferdcs sovernTisnt tat I wil attend yonr performance." wlua couiti le unfluenceal b>'Si- flugts- e- alvbspi na islc hsanalthue tatemincu aîy saipliei ha tisa lis A@ ba beianng, or licGovrn. Malcolm, quit. taSa-n aliack, bloks lewer Canadia, or Quebetuembauns. lue vas alid beegining, n t l oan-amoniisseai, anti agaiu asidi-aseing tua- Bultua- fle use was corrpt, as was fleto uia a 1e cla.a lseuDoclor, sayesaaI lieg your pardon, Di. eailatied Mnsr'ke isIjmtn cnopisnion a ual ton thut ci ouîieGnin an Cm--n DaulIcre w hlie litist o! Nva-c ub-astS> adpawer. Tisey bave founal tsi. out, andit sîiîyurvte li Owuth llio ewb t a saltIse>' d ollieglaa ta receil tisa- pasl fon a o»q tYurvteitOWn autcneaho aslite>' siionLad l'iev li Wngtch niatiu"Tise DeetOr-aaOh I I beg yenn par- loue, a policy Suels as etoîslalhuas-a ~ niht'elrenaeltue.'don Mn. Cemeron; -taS. a set; I recanimeudeal itue-if lathe' Houge aof il e e uclse againutt he Whiîby post. thougisl you us-cia- Cee"-Tii. sentence Commung, bisa-ie Wauiliavc bean eva'sy masler. romains unlluisa-ti. Dr. G-unS a alspotitiou tagzive lsthe fair trial, !aru ->' aa5achane - ul>'niieakas ti Cee'. fne>'a-anirha Jeosn isad statesiutaI ameeting o oulre CY oly istlie flc COn' faCY ardninetyrna'tnberseftusc »Housse, tiseopposi- stad ilslit llgrtpisic for flisat o! Cool Burgess, anal d isimes tion led ly i>' hmoui lueb cas-imil oieutvaiy r cas-t-epoudetice a!tasfleuaay's Globe, hsisu va-my palilel>' viitlise assurance aiffreutly frowacu isa hichs lus Gos'arn- r tisaI tise Wisitli¶'Postmasîer LadseAien Ofihis"îregret t ha- iecanuot give rhi ma-t ail lall te encoultte-. fis Poli- .Ji aay crntrittin All ortso>'crlus oppYosition wouid hava- bt-n nulle ava>' com tesil nl ort cf P cerit his vcte. The star>' lues gel ont, anti o aslruct, bul ta nid tise Geverimenîs- amonet iseclecca~ o!PicS-rig 1tlie fane>'canalje DOno elonger brougit acuthtecGova-raixisat weuid ouili e 0a). sa-eéus-e lhe re-electiesu of Hon, Ms-. Gibbis, jutarequisition. And tiheliway, ve posed wheu it waS fealbisai lhier pli- i. li»ishout e particla- a! faundaîon.- are informa-s, tisaItisa-se are Soule o! c>', on bhisa- maasure-s, va-s- eatri'istntal d M. Lwilr- iasbee sorcey ot o th muie ard thtwee jte to tise inlerests o!flise countn>'. eÇcausa-, (li lawdselu' h. e u est i-cl>'aet o u-cm-cnaslslvr ned fo lie sida, tiubteai but tisaI liheGavent- lise asause l sa-a-n ceks Du (1g0ut-t tic tnt thte Rusa-llelection, andarn.ent eiihesefusaauaoi>'lsl o!c lieclimendeIlina]liae Aut astral a aDOv ecanornicail>', but unaveilingi>'Hanse as it sloaa-. liescau-cedea tiens ofufic cd, muai ie !aal ia pit-asal n uge lu Soubh Onaio.lîsirI>', and-hiey migist hsave hsalfart>'. e! b' tie tisa-li-e.He las nt ben ni ~ ,,Soute People Ladi aéka-ayli'sealli nel 9Pikaring utaitltiuriug that time, anti The Cents-e Ward Eiea-lion, la-ave time iovenument after tise eviala-aic à o a Li; alo tcpat- aee i n the PacfuChanter iiadlcloua-si; liaI s te fare4el ias takn alaus-I wtevThenplu Mr. Phiip liîaurelatetiagainl theo e cf b. had alaisese13e mugit isave came >9lo ktisà eset ela-lcoee l Ts e pbent-- ta Ofe!'Ui-Belle for titis wensud ntiback and have been i-etui-ncalwithoîî son maclng-bie carge as a-lion ia-enopposition, andi Iave e ant'ou-foria Thmpe n o lone oger Iteforo tise information hetorcu AIthelm 0 ad h-iel a eani na oult b.i eiectort, voîrk in 113e ciiiPunr>' traces tig adwtot I.B esiredt taget shut o! Ilaca-, but tiserei ant supor 1r. >iibs.Anl v isar nilng anl vtioui 1f. eulgcugh's vas not a pastietpfe asiclanee tasustain1 sdspo r Mr. is CaitolailAn ov er seexplanation, v- enial cI ome la noet0113r tise char~gethat Sur John bal salaIthie Xprh- bilin ae sppotig te and.'conchusion. As we have saisi, vo chsater. Sir IHugit Ahlan it wausRaidi, Nprh Edlg ae spprtlg isea-mai aia-ul 1hoe - yta do hb u ~injusticeisuti coutribule oeesi1 wala-leus " Es-en, dotf o!'thse Opposition, bavlng ne ro"e- as o '" ~auita ohie, Sur John miglit hae ll-. son o cmplin f toirropoootâtveandDowglvc hlm tise lenefit o! bis ex- lesrea iulni!nî 10be a witueus agejustr monla-comlat o!Iher ,eprsenalae -hieuceif vere h. dhsposea le do se; batIl iu lb. put, aMd hà avc1 eaen 3erfefrreti maklng -a aean lui-eaie! iî i ta- 'droai dumet-esebery, aimd pot no ELMýx xxO'xor =01,Taussazos-1fi. auidltuingthe vgl rlsvtsu -s trust lu lb. -promise. of tise men vs Whso Ot~bhia reelecteal for tise ervation of, au>' ati, anal no on aa- se t gaIlaI "paver h>' letter-stesliaig -ails 0ScthiWara-l. -thse temerit>' 10se>' thatBis- John put a - iarioi o faîs ani gisi f iet 1f mUobo ert.~ dollar oet hescmoue>' mb bhis cvn poeket v eeto f os ndrig faose#. U.Iin o o h Nrh>-:eDt a&dollar, ne more titan h (Ni-.1 1fr.' Gordion, fIm'haeve.r, as tise>' viiWard, l isa-o place a! Mi-. 3McGilhlvi,>', G -Wh)vio na-versa Il. Mi-.Gibbis aind an untlnie anvasso,a-Id -bard. retir eil . -veut:o h' o se>' ltaitue vbole pi-osent tI ornman toa hau ba èlis>' oAt' airs lu ntue Cet-s Word, extraordilisu>'ta 016«JOUlonvulti taire upon 'tue moue>' tz*'dwe al-ee oui- rohl <iendts te sa>', nither nominator uer udaer aj.sbgeribetl b>'Sir HuglsAllais, aad hat it kMsedily -to work cad leve peand lbefor. lthe E.turnlng oemeer, andti iemeic(ou aodlti ea o! tlt~he i no prcoedngs ook lue.were lipako! tue étle assertions;, i ~. A.tothe cry o!faorrntiou, he-tookc ýl n fihi mbiiig Lm lf icRilel-Pa'.1- 7". . - t, eai Ui'iOf '- ~ ~ ~ ~ cil unuurnl,'amlu-t, "dus u, aaluext vus -~î'ba7eu jam41istithse ie'itie atay 8 yo!lsp- tue cf lie Gov . ern mt~eitibsl~suid d iý Vuuucim ostae a mss wwusIiat ilnlappiasition.' ise s th o e ,t130'coUut -'staedlt131>'that muci ogd nà tbt iwUi nstiy u tbý- iseehtto. ~me Ou~laI ts~-e>' iouidjiave taacl'aipm Sn'utis OntarvlWon 'the favourablec, the CtwÃ"iey cf tue 14e Governrcn Ja on,,c~~. had' - ~ *olalppsition dit!alwiîen - P'is e-o ' sent) 't$.tsyadapteei tue ,pôèltof JoisuSa il a scbaÇqnl acs- di ppte auit, siV h 'i*eeexcellence asaà latessua onasuper- iefeateti l Sei - y(l go .h, psiai a isiiltnibute, tliIsDeminjiis i{- autsnvsb thnjbOItéa t nt'Goverumnt vonlal-have te Bshow Mare gin,bunt lie vaà not'ùis- jiy g"u luth administrativce bilit>', anti do tti ile 1(Mr. Gibbs)lbitl del.Wsl i'at1 but m oi-e itais the ise' d u position ta keep ing. fH e hal, cf at b1 00<1d tisir pince. The>'wardinov, be re-pen.alts (oatc l ý?t~.-ff aria- t'a, gaing tte ai untry, net Upoii ah>' tise wîole boxsa'i-additïe 'tiFf useiig anlpolie>'o! Ihein ova, leut ta biai-pripa, ienthiuu is~iu Ic~n Plue t'le expleltiPadcifeRaiiway charges, ina- lté piesenîetià ssei-r Ç~a 0oil anal il was urpou a clap trap tSiy likea' sttl was tluti iat ?i-. MacÙe4Vi2-Jý bisa tisaItuaIthue>' xpecleiiltai eaep tiecoa-ainffIsere sA'aiu ta lalp M -,0115 ad couantry, nsd*expecteal ta get ai Hana'is . n, I Clà higm camne; lIfttlsët]2 lu tekeep t lu5inpowert'iftise iext fise cm ; anal if MrMffecenzi'4fiil nef poai years. fie re!es-scai W-tbe centre-Jecton>' a bettes- figup re uhé13ealpulthte " tio-sta-nents a!tfatussen 5ta wliat vaS ela-cîon, lie wos-I 'lnotfa ie utaihit bu ikealy t bai thte paii,Y,'of tI:ssGov.rij- Cieî) iseaeel uuctts st, bolal>' nat' uliatashe, iole Part>' t--- je n-Id ItisfemerCm-ru-wou bai pudilatealthe' staetma-at ou flitat Lta'a onît ai- luta' claise-o! lie POlIon thie C htsd tunule l'y Ms-. Mackenzie ei Sus-nia. O-a (Pralosesaichia-arime.> lha- FrianueXt Ilia>'wera-i- bcu 'etal lai va Ms-.Csim--an,- after complimuent ave 'lis (11r. Gilbs) aahaitalsa't 5i-U!41- b" -Mr. Gilals uISa geII»allIaîwliuea 'ai Man>'naminesata' eu neîiaîaeal, Ll t-uî-s-'îadasanai l wîîae ,sia a), wiaeva-s-il wau lit woîlal tuait taeaIit ià aaî tes-ta-s-vaaitava' s-aps-acf-S, Sii bca- b>' surprise. Taca-ecat a Mijistc'- a ba-i t)-'ina -i a"lOnt-atrio lut'ahte al flia- Dauniuln Gavcu-nîua-nî ai! tisa-, 'iai ofii!ths.é. fatsm Cosîs-ett ld ln 1873, woauhsliti oîtlhie'ba-sîseta a î-i-the- 5e(ýn fatal blow t u-Gs-îteutu leaiul ,g sinsateas lia i t j alastf t- iasasîn evtIsai aifliitlacnli l'e doue-s-ntecy le -arYtligtsa tîtlia ia a itiit- t'at cal tisa' la'e Gai-- -rasîneait lisa' aplisdit litiolajeca-li Ier-a alssi-. iltt sais'iiitl Mri. tacsçuz as tissat si st nsaucessl!lv. Xc a-Si ta-ftatiig as"M.Nlikýezf ec- MiaIit-s- luarlsaps lit would bcag a i obl-ct tarinstiasa tu' ala'iiîaa i)aital oan ia- t la-fatt an cx >tiises, liait lie li1.ltsa i.hsy. IL.ia' îussiitat(aaasîflinît Mrs. M, *tl ilofialtaasthe escs'oîsr ssaiuiiprilve a-jas. kiSii-ie', Iaec R i!waîv paila-m ilir ail>' nnitsauisut iisimei-a..Rle fa-ais-sil"'ors-a-es-, anal laetaak era--tit ta Iisiîn ec t-oui wlet ihaal l'a-a-ta liiig placc' iliatleufr fis-st lîai-ng tatSen Nir ls- 'lta'k( a-. tiers vanîuli e e feeling o! huter--t stîl haIis bruaît'lis' ytise btande, i-Ias 'dtalli-awn intthlta-coisteat, viichi vont- f otan iîauî ta Saruisa, iaasl lris-a- i-a- bcas atarwsarals i-agra-tta'shl'ut lia- ls-i s'vra--ira. lai lalu isulrick 11011140 i se oît. Pistalconta-st. lu tIsetiiaing ssci-a' ti. f. H'iai'aigliit a aixusl flisc lai ka ept as cia-air o'f --suautas iCiiiilai7seanibil at--r Istuaaiia, faishîjn, s au be expa'cteda. leioeltt'wsllati aaIaîu s.Yuag !Muî--a 1' uine ta l'- ltaé- casa', aalla I-ca Oliaiîisi, j15't(fifesýiniicp'aiiana lpîlîuislaiu,, ltits htalieen ts meal, fiit lia tueGiva-ris '- i'iatbta-r, t'a-rttalintieCaontenits i- uin-t wtuliiriuug ounail tise cic-tiî,tijlilt t. s-w.-re-s'en tisai-asott-sga ai nu Aday. AIaa"aiug ii4fiitsa i tah j IsanlIse Pacifia' scunfal. ati gaul ail waf tes-uts o!ftitikes lis !"aiaa ispli-tels-la'îgali'1 Ioi-hl.y leughea s-' set, ~Mr. Gibis ene-mlîîiia-I La -pltcl- iti îusiqîtiissg tIsa- a-slia-i-ea' lata- di; tuspepech, tîiitg flias lalis'a-s-ya-f ss'l c i l Cuomissiasu. Ms-. Cartsa la flise maiîn ageiandmassii i-tustg via-h aai s'-s-s pins-, imula-sîioîut ipon f Id liaest>'analprolongea liclta-esiag caia-tae. ania lichiai vvas-sia-ulsigras le. -loead iu au excella-at tapt'alt, in tieI-ia'hie acuh lk-- lithaso! tic' stlutaI>'1a a catisse o! wliels le aidI tieadissolutionaajF Casaîn-" 'a! twa-ts' v-re. ao. mal si tao! Pasliaimunt couli otl>' ls -a-gsts-lesl FMla. Las-S fsllasseiai tal tiemi hi nea mensurons oatr-age- ageiaîst tIsa- ualiuttl pa)ill'iaIsegitit l M i- Calas-ra coupn-. He catuala-na-altise-Gavar-s. le a-tsfalla t Iy Ms-. Trantun -t nsent fl'ai-s-nt of a polie>'. and1ail %IMita-, olieauaifta! Ms. Catas-oui. thselneya-s-ba-tore bail lia- ai-i lis fsi-ltis I Ms-. E. 'atrs4wa-Il MiaIt' an asacca-Ih -.ruaveal witîs more ra'soltutioaî nail ut-is. sjia'il, asitifi-faauiof si o andsts'u S. as- alatc'uitatiois la s-a-tutu Ms-. Gitîlasiiiusts, c ols'if!wlsia-lî lie sigîiîs' psai'i Is hnais tlt eei-as-t tii-uc-. 1A itsjl#i-ir lilîsti Mi's'aîîîlllais- slatislinlr 1i jtof gentle-men r-iarta-il encoais-agiaigly t'5'iiilé? uastlsry sadta Yankee s-s t r a on t l i i a - s - v a r i u s lo a i t i c -x , i a a a ' i t ti' u s a si aur i g . si]ltaaiing #iînt tise fai-ilin4 ii) fasssta-i lia'. Iu( Issa Is-a 1 111)ta tia'l re ie sAlielas Ms-. Gibbas ta"-- ritn laiglia-r, andali liait vuit a ri-f s--iîly. in usi-tltIt" -uats-a' lbsscas ajaril ia-s ofet'letaîion iill itsbF "Ilii- 'u ttu ili-sliics utenîs,-I tas uitinseua---rvs-v a-ilc. uossitaI s Ca-r iroîs sîtial Ij'iîa. wl- wia as bronglut foraris-aIta aspiîo>;a' Ti-uas"iu -as lraaj.Ifi)îilautc!oi lus. ~ ~iwitiî tlitiet -i-s-flirt lia'Qîîuî au [t Tie faslong sa-sîîution wvas lIeiilis-a-c-fais-)Ms. Gillse nwias sa itproposa-aiuni pssa'a titasiaîrsausly, ali tlisais' pi-s-t ws-sw-e tusa- ta ana-. Ml lira-sa-tt ising la lîsair lce't andi elipea-au Catas-rein lta"lenp-il awa-u" fri-aiColuii rouiss- :-huis tt'i -a ioas'ltu cm'laek i tîhir .ur libv Dr. M GuI, sia(-aissiaili?,i- frtlh in tup iti'a Hall la<'ue. slî'-e Il F-.Jotta ille-,o!flmcka'iinz, iad c- iais vati-iaa-tiiss- Ialanl s.Gilal.' uoe'a'..""asl iais mee--tiglaavisug oltuktisa' lallslas-viiag oui' sassaIoutil lis-ai-il sitî gi-aat pla'ss-msri- lta- alîlîs aai- t!ia afierîsoon. alsssfttisa- Hoau. Ms-. Gis lus, mususl tîta e axpre-ssioan a! lis witlintgteués i t tîlîs ta seîîra-sa'ast liiiiiin iaî l Iai' Psitt j Ms-. Carmesouhlli asmeetirig f 4 f nson Parlisima-atI. pIiIe.l.-bill]ti l# f 'i 4ais-aitnTtia,,as -sit hîuslielisva, i lena>' suppotintashie Iasliaccauirez on's'asis i d T, Fn ta'ait, and ciiii iiiatlly tmaand Iiicr, u-avlutogvtif îa'aîeai"-Ie Tamita. iu'ely tise oe-rs' a-tinu e :tisa-taasinalomgct'ig-l lia scteIeîi - tîsis- i issé i ) s i s--cti-a' tias lat i îsiplitaait S-atisIit vas stilI t-hua- atl>'poinat lie a-( !os-wri n a ti enst en tj afi-)--.ani lias,lite enai, lisemuail Tise ud nahi-et iat ta- a-'iasîeî ilit î-i~tiaila ut1-at ia- 1,inhefla-coula-a-. IL TI ra-e c .ie fas- tIse n Qss a a a- i h' i:îa Id>' yra' lia-al tta >' M i-r . a ruk s- wl for flimeHllo. M. Gibles. -qicahil lie Glola's cpimion of M-. Caus- Tue iLa'a-'tiatsS saa., a.s tsiei, cas- i! I a-s-enfi.a lîa-sviuî g îitlia- us e political tile rchui--ets-tivt. lita-us cof' Ilcthe a, sîs-lîg lite menmvio lias-e itisarîto ara-ma-4i sMs-.F Il-Cs-uîcîln-t a biept Gibbîs triutsiplianhls' tliartiis -s-t-sn, l--I a. Ir 9riieigl takth pa. te st, a n al W h o , a i t ias titu a t, s-t' - f aru . l i s r-k e o a! lI e P 5ac ifie S a aetenmuiealtia-s--r ta i- a vic-aai-si anatai ttia- a-la'. Ic a!o sai 4lsîa lia-forit-i-s h tîrneisî os 's-u-ta-ta tlIte>'ai. usai. 3.LeL35 caitisaiua zeMîys-sT:a y 't auaîîrsîs' a' Ilueaics a!îe fthu-is lia- 'tita'. -tar, t a-s-. sIliitt ilc tlas-i ai i ta. ntail fliat WIYnTvur, Jasn. .-Tlsc Grit lalstgatt-s l Sîr. (auatr.ifga-lac--. wsaaîliI-ii % aseuibleal lia-se to-iay I al dbalicateah fis-riaiatisa'Jliliuug anisl cassac-'to lb-s a annaidaale la oppose Ilac liait, Ms-, j it lai-a. Gibibsi,and ifo!l aiotieares 'laa vînhl-s ' f Ir.l GiluiQ iea ieioli lot feitulnîon b laullcttn Calt-ratu. fles W-- sli i-m-et-is-a-s).i ela mînua: tliasWa&Iaaaah.' Il - il a i;t-o br.',v - ie a ta ts' lst'ga-erlas-mîî inan fs-ti ta ist. .ns l Ittlie- sisamîil sa--aitîst t1ia t'eut a- x-h iii.traiauamu, ais- lie pitl-iel ulion aaili tbtaîsta tIi- wtae- bolst'a i ip M.'iii- Ci-îiliaa' mgaits noe a! tise Gaviiiset P araityin ithe Mr.i-'(sartsuiclta-ani tu5cli aliai-gi. ttiaing. Wltl Ms-, Gilasaassau)t' lit lu s of lasilsat'- assi a-a-atnd slas M"l ouI>'a qais-stuso! taajoruîy. eaIand b 'i-ists-'l -sel l'aii-, , -.lts-a r .1 , . '--.---3-citappeal off ami lte 2 UtIso! ha1ies Whiîb, Je. 12.Tht'tii-s i-agi na' ausotittis wil-mfili» paîlil jiiluaila meeting o!te campiaigtîvsha-s i- tf---aatw roCm -osa etriun tise Hon. Mn.-Gibie u t otuimlin-., tilibs. srou is pulie Il!". lits acca Itaiste ail a fat aierneîau. Tisara vas a va-sylaîrge u- it, a u-I lis eausiuarfaîiwar I agaiaî, tendiane, tise Toiwn lllit b ing va-ill t t at~iOn-tario usas lise a-oivtu>.I fillea.- Columbua. Las a-esfis-t poiniut usleita' lais-m avhisai lItera-lofaîre usait- wileh 1Mr. Gibbs bau hearetofure coaun- lesta-aifl w-s-a lis-a-p-'iîiciasa, anald ii nencet hioitng iis nittligsilà ati i îul h 'niat lie lîkel>' Le rluseit ail msu'î Mr. Robent f-Ballia visaalvavs Cama-iou, Tha-> vers ualt, besuserteal, Latieto occupieti theii.oate itcisai-ges cailei upon la prenoaat'ce uptilIa- he datici aise upun titis accasioti. Soi-s o! lita- hale Ailministmatioa n emli in. ML .Canes-an vaslira-s-nu, ain-l au an lte couluel ai! thés --cent Ad- s'as ýaccompasiietl b-vMr. Trucmmti ihtitsratiu ; but #aise oa'-ILtlptaa-e#I whiite. -- t, lie ta ps-ci-aualacuiuiiy latte sa a-it in. Gibbs 'ut,-r comnmeunting aipoil aî! ttf. aicka-atie ASinura-în1», the ilii aivisedtanainnecasar> cour'se, liugiig foi-va-riile utasie oelunrgeu e!qo pmues ti ' hGasernmient' lu liteals- te Pacisie Chieries-, fut-vhaichli ltlîeat ug Parliament,'boôaS np the uOicv an- 1Goeeitseut huai liaeu aIs-tcatI'cin- icea ib>' li. l!ack-atzia-, in lise i4l- f lemtril. fe H me iar-lupon lthe Irees le tise ectors o!Lamtuhoni, wvihs 1 ccinaiscL-e!.tie pi-su;ent AÀtissiuiutratiOn ae criticiséa ut easgtli, bninginig fific-e era ebérs liuto tueP Ir, . ua U . SU . U IJ I £ 5 bolieve ê er's Dchair w hen l i1e ope ed the session W or u g oih u ti e e e 5 C u t in a hape ta h e 1 i ~ e r U ~ t T j p B a l t u I r . G i b b u - i th h h e o u o w n g - m e t t h e O h e t - p r o p o s e d b y t h e . C o , Or- ktnw no - btig of ÃŽhee. b it on th - 8? S EECHl.' Counicil, I lid no ifficiflty in makilà ftha' of g, w"'Si o . adn p Mmd that tihe t pa ter -l gnths ee Jo n A. M adou- Afypeaker andl Gentlenm nof k o ~ ~ pe oI s e n t ~ i i a a h ~ e g c i h h m h l L e i . Z1 a t ie w A # e m b Ij : - t e b P f o r n e t a t a k 6 o n e y e a r , a n d M 1 r . t h i i; ' Y O n g c n n t r 7 b y t h e I r o a t , w h a n " u tng f6 1U i c f iihL i m e s in W, f tî e a n o t i e r , a n d a c a d i t a Mt>rv iýO iiwee ve.-ý-n meeing à r tje frgt ime lie er,.flly e, A rtzp proworkvieofh- two seofth ther.r aerv lU4ilirge wer prvct4a..xew Setîfes of thiepeople of Ontario, I may say, that on viewing the. work H' (Several voices-Tlsey were not fae1 exil ess11e ratification whicuî tione, Mr. Grierson fally agrees .with rn of pei whco. the cbarqes were, lie in- it ffor<f a Lue1tawelome 70u ta th1e Ime atiatis ig à ltogetiser the best' ýver- çisft<j, 1rovcai UMré Gibbs, for.thiê'sasuie apital on this occasion of your asenu- mcîisod-of procecding. kncw of is yà ofke~e, lPnu dlberate upon 1the best imeans 8-htIdtntrpr 0ts was couda clel'flioIe cbil 'aa l lreyeol _cf protxug thse publie interesti, of1the Wdraiean alfChiaranan of. 1the Fitaice. roval'h "1 6. YrGlen'contesed to hi P rovinée of whicb yon are thse elected Committse, [)ut ta 31r. J. B. Bickell.fer 'on'i Own"-Rhubarýof gnifty participation_ ilgarjti tie ptirpos of cajoing'ille cleehors. rio.") former efections, ueb4l'he was uow deep- 1"1 bave tise fagrc eable duty of con- Mr. Win. Paxton kno'wq'bhterthui s big l!. peuitent, uni], fliat lie qonl(l not à oý gretulating yon upan the proupeityOf tlaia; lie knows that nearly two mnonils b g n lit again, and asked absolution for hi se > the P rovince d ir ng ti e p eut year, as ago I repor -à te0 he W ard e u a t- ý ridabols.,,_1 .ie. l etl o zdesedn the cosnpletion' of rail- proximate cul mate o! isindlebtëness. guns~~~~~~~~ Mi l nýmî ed h t t a a pil strides w isch othe r railw ays b ave know s botter thoan Iis, as lie w as p e g u n s M r . G l e u a d m i tt d t tai b at w a 5 ' ' -jo ad e to w a ra ls th e fr o b je c tiv e P o in ts ; S e n t w i fi s tise W a r d e n u t n sy h u z c il clu Io o, but Read that .two *ronge and in th.e teady advancement - Of tise Dec. Blet, when'-the Warden and I werc ,ý'd:Aot1rnakea.raght, and futheri '151t contr in varions departinents' of en- talkiug over th3e correspondenc whic 1'T ital kl i. 1on woull "V .0e J terprise and inaustry. lied taken Place between tnu on tis b- rilnange 1?iuiuler to-dlay, if Mr. Bake ' '411arn happy te know tint 1the mens joct durin-g tihe anonthe of Nov,.and antll a.Macken zie lid uoib!een severO di ed &for--prosuotint, an. augnianteclDc 4.iit Onthélattr-otà léi éigraion into ie Province- alel Tise followizig lu a traie statement of Dr ècGll ýple&;andinreserece sowstisf&etry-reèuf; ad I rejoice wisat;lias laken place: 'si' te te pafice Railway aid l taie iei. uethe Prospect which liseré lu-af a fur- An exarnination o! thse Tieaurer'o ýt nsm lieveil tlie buliling of tuaIt-,road w'iould- ther iticroase, ahnring 1teheentl ypar, acecont cot tise al Général Receipta antd ij ta tic thse cai¶ue a" ~t owaail 'o! a nuln- in'lte flmber of emittrante 1tite Prov- -Exp4-nditnres" of tihe COUraty 'ilwe final ber o!f ldvMerumets ý Tie rond lie,- ince o! thse £lasses whicli are tuait neel. liant both-in bis books and isn1the andl- 39lis. howcva'r, inisisîsti mut"lieIlmutanl ed -for the proa'psrity o! tise country. -I1îbor's Statement for <13eheio from lut mueit Ibo bilt tliinglhont ils exteut, anadcinnnu it uiject tO your contînned a n 82 altlb 88 eea m ting no)tltthe way Pronpadqbu l ç ac our enl beraiy e. 87,1 e e.188 cea m favor an liëralty.portant errors of omission and otbcrwise li hé en7,ie, if- the.provuccs wereXt lie Ilp Tise -Smiîaol Bis, to wlsîci your I- bîal occurred, but. on th3e whole, great- ;nua I<gtîriwa "$s~ml i - to tais Iiatic wns invited by my predecessolr, ly iu Mi Paxîton*s favor. Ài lie 'ofbui1,inu th1e rda4 'u t1l M~a 1r. will again, witis sone allarationu anal Thte iors rgand omissions discovered e in-- ie Vr po In.Tu r fere nce b aIsliionu ble snbanited for your co - an d. corrected, in .., faivor, w r b n ~aPie;fi? claas.geRhe le ia1tbi&t, admitw- adraitias. is î -arty of maidifyin- $2.9(0; a,"ain,4 Lim, $1.900. b i. g qg lsm i tfe.nqablso. 0fur tnsSir, i,8é conaitins on wlilli Goverumc!nt 1 aat once Coiniiatd Ibis RUail u' Talasis cncahae1- n mt this),. aiti lias hithertas lien given lowards lise ta1Mr. - e fein tiIilwonld fina aif(.e patyw.a01 m eal iecharges, Anad purelisase of ibraria,a-and ila books, le lie a gra!i4tAig surprise 10 ism. Sure-'- tf-p (l'er Yowr mukiagjtouirical capital ont asoong tis a antdm uts Ica whicli your iy. in titis tucre wae no indication o! far if tlia.M,Zguilty, ÃŽt,1i'mn.îs cf thia-ir atteaition naay lie abirected. any anineq againsî Mr-. Paxton on(' 'a ,fte~ity of wilin întisesaie-trast. aa Bis *111l le laid béfieynfr Ar ga4îing flirougli with tii. en a le Tiais t~ lt liet- red iu extemrsatic ,an t i c sa i g la fe atiu u 4 y o! aria c u i, lin-il ii c nt a w:a a-e.H.aane h~4.G1b holielectitîns ftotladie uç, ly a'loptisîg tiha'of lte Nrasae nt Fnu'l,'*andl f.r sail -lie-ra. inîti lthe o' lta-sa-charges. priucipie o! votingbly ballast, as iii aaaw the lScliool 3Mènayà ;' o! thiosa' tOWu- lia- %Ir Gilali, was icnorant Of tiiam, anal tis elaw in Great Britain ; forai-standiasa, ships lcrwisvichise acteal as snb-'reas- Sha" liae tatok (il upan limsa.if to tell tise alac- tisefranchise 1t a mf- impsortst tclassasa-ta'alie mv f-tai.tithie#Dr. McGil)I l kn ofa!biis of our fellow.eiulej';cts Whoolire exeini. Withi regrardh -te1'Nun-reiiea for- aiwti knaawlçad£r liant Mr. Giblas kne-w e-aI ly tise presetit law ; faur uîalial] alFîiali." 1 toniial iset tisa anailitors for ifii tiatiiît wliat-iar of ltse charges util socielicss anad cuaipianieii wlicis are Éctt1873 Laiat ual -xasuiinta'd'or rýpirteet up- jai& lP blisbres. poislaisu as Iliey dia lion illegeal ta obîssin, aimiter ga'r-dandljîet ton il, mor intcuel tile balance in tise g as tiiaiwîismaidcin 'A roa it laMr.! aeh.riglisîof liolahislig tîsair raasur'r's baIl in Ileir report n! Gtli iz a i lbe;wil M o all co eeýnidIIAcla m p! p ioiertLy auil co iJas ti nz ~t e r ftLa - 4 Ju iâ- . I1 i fni, low ever. fli t tise p -s s it for Iii a nchaanr raecorad. île mniane'l lu ti-iown nsatasswicisouît Lise aii- ent ti- nuurer;-eferreI tu it iu hie r.port susS Luai lie 1iailîcen tippra"elanl ha-( culticu or expa-ose atatig pctlAct- tealte Ca. Concil It the Juise'sesision, eni 9asasaka'al if tia" lime 1mai flot came o! Incor-poration l'y tise Li-gishlalure; placin the blance. tisou et î2,752 61, 1 at wlaa-n lie shiotilalceeue ta lise a suippar. anal for ra-giiînatiuig thi. distribution offlite wii a aes uci vary muci frosulte thea lraof tise honorable Mr, Gis. But lia' monev vatteil ont o!flte i;nî.iic funal' oi- balanice,,lut Feb. 1873. roi Rasw tu rseain 'ilaclie haulaIrefuse 1Mr.cisnritv,.by propor'ioniug tise payarsacet Wîllî reusect batise Sclool Moiueys, tis>a- illits hl; up lport naw,nuil no realsosi au fer n mi be lualite reruits accau- 1 baunaithe lbalance lu Mr-. Paxtoi&s of et ail W11ylise shianll ake il awaay anal plisliced by bise respective institutions Iiils arLi nlt F-b. hlast was $3,187 09, lin gh'eI il tas lais oppasia-ut. lHe referrea to isilal - wilîi a naunt waunot included ln or l Mfr. CriblW e'esaiviceli in ties'pet-a man Otiser mensures dpatalgatea pro. - aferra-ai ta in aual' report, anal bas wili' a' l-wn Up amtongiet tisem in tise moto varions; abjects ai pul aIs-an- tial yet been accounteal for. ,in*. lialiug, whlaita graiwn witit it gsowth tage wiii lie snbujitted for your couaid- On ahicovery 'o! tiese important 'on. anus slenLtièned-a wilii ils utra-ngtlIs-s a-at ion. omissions, I et once infermeal Mr-. Pax- ian tan o! talent ami ut-andsing, nalt a mutn à "f congretuilate yoti on tise geaserai ton, Isefare doiu-gso' ta an y one' due, tisay serse nutal n'ae-a ta point ont as faeour wiîis wlieiltrtiet people anevryccep ' t-tise rI en Co. 01er k and tise 'ast aise of tlii'ng-vt'e, anal expraesgealbspaco it 'ai ii- e ce'ad tise TreasUs-er. Itigei bias o come dow-u, 'il. -'-aailata.,t ta Mr- ll.'e itciga. -Acto! lest Session resptetîng tIse 'long- axia lookiS mb matters, anal give any ex- qa-'1 liisb- ranasstna i'caileal npou vexeal 5ni' complicete.i questiou of lise -pintîatltînslise coul. Ha- did corne, but l-- la> witlitar.ew tiair ettppaart troaisIim debîsainue tiste Municipal La-in Fual, nsiuie no atla-anpt,eiîiser by ezamination ii- ii gave il tai a 'tratiges- rami ajourni- andareupecisg lise pavevstalbe smtade af his own books-or nay statets, 10 vr ofae ae. i lenicalltat Mi-. Gibabs ont o! tise aetumnlaîeîl fuatals o! tise exiim-or thîrow any iigisç on tiese uh- it lia1i vr tînue anyûtin ta lai-fa-lthlit-r Poilee b mnnicipsslitia's wiici WLr" jec.t. Ht' hromiseal 'b tiîik flie malter et- q1ip'irt aai lres1e et. nolwitisstan4lin!r naaî lada-tteal t tise Mutaicipal Lasi-" carefnliy over on hie returu 1taPort r.- flta'Paa'ifie 'b'nnal afiair. nii faor hitu- Funsa. Difficuit qiétaions ihave siCe PIle' cad ta coue beclor aivîme sue sif. lis-l'ail maef' aîp lis mittlna-"a'r to arisen lunajnsîiug sottie f!thie sinustsam ly la-ter, if lie couli l iscoverwaay omis- s -iv- Itil;supprt i) aia ni li-enisp e lia'ta . i-eiveol tatu paid respiectis civ îîîîia'-ie otas ils hie awn books or erroru inInsy tliWasltte ,santîa-e aif efwis arty leaders, lte resolingnsuwiiisyau laiti îown l gatoantt, biut altisougitwo Miulus tur aisti lisitaI îa alta(-r aimu or qualficatian lise i-nes anal principles by whici yo avsue sow clape-anoe expanation Lis F. ta reetaiinena juian. da-sireal lte adsitaent le lie dtiler- beau na-écaivpti. Pt -hba li h. May -have In Fitare-wdrl. M. P. P. anal 1Mr. Car.swell £tilî. A slatemlet wiii lie couutai- j u use eXp!nnatioris or corrections ho rit faliaiaed with sppehes, a-si Mr. Cain- etatocita ,no!flte carra-cl figures. ussaka',ansa lis ressortfor wltlihousîlniz t"- eraîs. et liai! pne iaa-e luinlte monuag. 'Tie 'Joinît Ccansmisujion epltoiiaseail tiamin' ia' ethise a--vnwise adls-lMeo!f Viwaîîaîaî tisa- Praceilinsze uip. ta aatarmlne thie lîausaary bt-twa'en laisfrianats, wisa, ta-4 1 wa% tat-i bv lai as '"bu Cis ris iraparteal frnt Iemaii- O taro anid Qaa-hec maie considera la. broîî'rT amtole ld liasn ul Iirin! Tow.tithip aof Derlitigton, saliglist pi-agi-as witis tisa ir work durutg ftle- affer tîy explanatious, etuer va-rbaly it-at-- ae i listuraîci- hy int-a-snsî1ting Itiya-r; asal, a' questiontiviti arisa-n or -otcrwise, as lb. migist commit lm- ' oil - Of au I fifvu f r o tise iocalaîy o! the IlanaofaLakai i el1f. ftGiîbu. l'ut l te whlle tisa-ma-eting roicminai. a comaspromise liia, aun:ý Ilas'itsgc waiteal a fa-w days, hoping ta 1a wst aasl lî imntara-al, andtiweait off salis- îîing due nos-t-ltfs-rne point ba-twasen 'ita'ar fi-tnt Mi-. Paxton, nalt nt liaviug fasetorils'. Riva-ru Blanteeanal Quinze, aus9'ica-t l baa-a, I write ttI.thé tc-aIen 1tast pi-poseal, anal wilhlie enrtaictsl for dia-et : tisat 1 mc foatistat tise mi- lit umay Reasous for Elecciug Ms-. Casin U- ii apravtal.- debtedunese o! the laite Ti-essurer was" ci-on. 'flihecoallection oa!venlcce witit i--goiiîg ta prove sa cuncli gi-saer than asn Pietl ta aur Nai-tl-weeî isonndary les sijl wae anticipiaîsal tuait I woultl n tlaire a- EIa-et 'Ms- . Cain--ra.oay Ili- supportèes-e osng ou anal lie evial-e Larfi analste respoueibiity cf waitlng until audait licwii li-Coisea i~.aganstaitîrejcainis will soon I ltrust, bcshionld lie Itorougllvcompleteal, iutcon- dent of he t sîsl for adjudication. I h anve n o np- couli tit n jualge isow m unc i t w onld 0 tle1 . a i-n a ltsn nal a .preliension tas tae tuee sunt. Maswhsileb. lerl at authse ýday Iértr ndsuein o i eae iac Cocumittee. tle xa d 1cfr j il u pi-aps-y i heRiaid adfrade.ina a h read'e-loiin btiste mater. 1- liei j ayhr o las get A n arin-t laounanry. llesolnmiaons on the' Atlte flie o!the interview wilb 113e Ifi8 o. subljaet will prolîabiy lue sulimittealfr tas- dn'u, we lo-icustuougistbisai Mr. ailliisauliîlebo lsi-s ~ yous- caîssi aitlion. - Gt'la-pon knew whtlwas occmrring, andi Y g n al ] ii i e fo h n s l *T e D om inian Psa-riam e tt: ince tIsa W aralan tliouglst t w isaI ab s enuce t'sVaa l i ili ual w slt? " Roct" ! au tise y ur lest sa-sigis, pi al an A ct assî us- w s owing te sisikueus, as le 1ai hearil aj e n ai tsf g a i a îîi l it a e f w a li l .î ea y ? i ug lia t ia îain ate e at t e d e b c f th e- P io s- t ia t li e w a s i ii. - - - ~inca' a! C-Liaia wses, hîy tisa-Canral aT Bfatisag ieporled te tise Waraien, anal Il Nws.tilisAct.theProvinces tof Quet-faeata tisiough hii i t he cisaii-mar o! tise Olasberitî, we'i-a'taljity, anal-tise propaar. Finnsce- Cammitta-e, tise infaormation -iniasiaas a lI r 1 . - a a, lat a! ofwlîic'h1 a3athsLay., ci u s Oi ns o an li avr eu c h e nl ee -roin . at tise Julse sessioan e!tise cc. COuncil, tuons anile fl(uans- latpetr of MaDtre. -"lMn>' Aisiglt>'Gad guide yans - ait'-iîee-ainly wouîai bave een'.8emprisng i; o w th isy a re q u te u n a n ji mo u s in i iiiait i e s, a ea il cati nu e lt a e o w n H s i e i n s d u al a k e n a g o - l d e a t o f lu - thea belle!lirait lie een't. Witen aid Dvn bcsnenoi'faonelPrs-Iit in the -resunitof it. 1Mr. Bicicel uta-e, va-i-ynaîstm ale frequena cuquirtes ta-y get na-w liglit ais tha-eet. Tis a adrea-sinl repîy ta tîte speech nuP;rywhîow à 1r, I'aIton's Raccunts were T ie O ffi cia ? G a zette a! laist S a tu rt1f av w a s d is a-nse a f io i T ltn n d ay up t a t ri in g n t, a n al -ff om i m e 10 t u e I1 coaanea tse allowilig lapîinime UN, 1'y laday niglit, wîîa-istis-vo>~ ste a&îListv- i sisu iiiail lis infîsmatiOgî he req .r lus xa-'llaaay; aits 1> tii-litY kenu, îthit iitus'i-i asidby t i aM inaialit bisrequeut fnrniishllsmiln Pais, (liaiae mafotitaD.rlo, saator, jos'icy o! 14. wiiing wicîî agiapproximate stastement parx, rovnc OfOntri, Snat ,Mn. - Paxttsn's intlebtâe.lusat ie M a - I s - - - o t t t Q î s e t a P i - h y C o u n c l , iA 5 A " J a m a ' e flc D c - r i i t t , h l e v e , 1 , % & i l ] l n t s - a c a i- - a î y i n f o r m a t to n b e vo n s ~C t a n '- e 0 l e sp e k a r ef t is'h m-, n a - t ca- Itîtsîanti an . lF o r C o u ac i lo r u :- M n'. w sit i-i 't- y ra te p a y r lied a g t a vice 11 o1 . P - J . 0 . C ia uv e4-as Ha l l u ay. 8 5 ; T aitan t' , 7 8 ; W a rtaet, 7 2 ; iseauscasi. 1 h a v e n a d ont t t ua t, b u t for. on iaruem, 5'2; MMsau ; 1Caîsaer, seIau - seveye tlueffl by uineih I Rtichtard W. Scoit, o! the CiYO ty o!bwa, 28; Trrenoals, 11). fwas aufined li MY honse', afoimai re- Member o!tht' Quea'us Pnîvy Couict - "Put ithe 11wble Aunjeet ouJl hava a ta d a , l i e- ta b -aSe r ta ry o ! S ta e - fo r W . I dv e . g o rio tns a u uw s fr ei n hi iu g - b d i,' a p nli gib e l m o re tli a n a uitn ti s ug o , Can"s, ic lin.D.c:~s-~.u~i-'eitaal- alisn. A pitnald (-taaQaiureioas- t(., Tiasattira-ls- sa na'v aînhj r ;'te.vce B n , lr.tiêr fî:1el ae'tia-rt i--tn -!-riilamy l ig(t ii L4- ' "ai , , ita -i s'si3l." ' t -ia . 'ag -cf. 'Sir J.foiat . ) 'iia l ia 1 1. ]is is ta "; .-çaj-' 1 - gano!t.Aairt-we' Ciur.1-is is ýi-e ep~talfiset Ie isala-n E îlesae ' n;'sl ýetîa-1 IaiaH.iiF a-i ifo - - l htth nua p tjn akes ta theua iilsre!ofVs--rfille en 1' lîuîitai--isa- Y là ', aai js.'u1, Ilale t'f 1$1 winbîl hattis asnatle<1.ig leiug ail tisaI etalii Crowd ista tk --t'Iailpstrof pitia-e,1fsi lng, Irofa (sv ra place li1.the tsemeulo! tisai chureis, 01) TowntliEi] roue as On" tuaan jciee--wla0 lisougis; the- xusastigaiaiutlecessl« Frialay evening next tib. lOthist et., hed lun1the wildeiait aust- mesiuthuuuasictaeilnaJromi 9tliervs h bouigblu- - w' e eigih p.-m. Bvery ttberlu expec il anner. -Sir John-.M1acdoald_ _ - nt*sandtoaloftlm laitu...Itam-.'s- -a-. -_ t td di b et