- Dokted the S7ti day cf Nev.Mbe, ,1878. 51 T. W. TAYLOR, x~ mu BE i as. MLTTON, PORX,. LAMB, AND moAt W ibDec. lôtii, 1M7. 61-2t mtor ONEY TO IOAN. sur-. t iPr ceyt, No comadilea, Apply te- ded 8eIitoxi,&o. lue. SiO 03BLE, Q.T Tm û4jRe day of Docenibor, 198 -GO .DARTNELL, Ilasteon ri vii1 b. uIceiTad by the.under. p to lnt Pebcsry Doit; for theieoroc roniPletion et a bick ëohoI Houaie Sectluo. , 2,4tb-i-,en. Whitby. I Peeidecatic3a *ny b. amiit th. et Mr. Sonhey. lâeoiU neot bin4 tiienuselveste lsto lmat t iy tender. - TROS. AXXSBY HElNRY 5ONLEfr -WU, YOUNG, Dac. 2tl, 187. 1 ANT te a der o te Court of, 33007 maSo in a cause ef Hat FIet the crediltors of SUun am. Wbtby ln the. Ceunty o et liro n or asbout thle mejuth 0t julj' mor et r b te tii tldzy o e,'an > 1874, te *end %.C me p~atd W,. 0t the pitf hri h "0'uusu. aSiese. su ds.. ituipicla7tirso r aims , ,t f thiati LOOuts sud nature aet dias fit sur) hld- -lSt= . or in. t ÇXiiià N MAJOIR MILLS Inch Boards, 2 x4 Bautlng, <Peuedng oa. Z0o,ooe test et Oak, Mapi. lo a:tis, lit qualtyo 130 veaUM&]»0 b^y te aay tËat thé. Giht MiUia unlflng,ftu imdoingims.Clasa vok.ý hObepi1done, a dasyslu tiie weekte very, Dec. 16th, 18.8.ATop ,r ________________ ltI N O T I10 E. mso APPlicstion wiii hma e athi egla Isturu Of the Province Of Ontarioe ate nxt session thereot, also t e ii. aient et -Canada atIts next session, for Actate en. able the IlPort Wiiitby Harbior Company" te jean. Bonde or Pebentures fort trpo$ng tbe*ess -Jh--fl----------------- CI. kaarU5fl ana aise to ensile hile a'-- oCnxm~toruly Harbor Cg aany te tae stock tii, ortgrant sd roin the 1enofi oc'rede ie nuses te Mnanufacturing, Dry Dock, al creditor holding auY efurity loto way, and etiier Companie., or tor the'ur eth". aspme beoises a et mny Chara. clie of Bonda or Debenture§s eofciCen the Town bt Whttby, in thé County plîke anS alun for power teanaý4ligamatS ioi on llthe ayt Y fJsýAsry1874 , cssy RalwayCocupany haviegistr tennbelng the intusat Port T S is tes peoinSe4 sordjudiçaUion 6n the Wltby, Dec. 18, 157. d this 24tliday 01tDec., 18 78. :iH C O GEO. XDARTZ4ELL, WH/ TB4iuo S1OL TT RE ne*te Exaaiet. to t oradmission WEIýDYESDAY, JAYN, 7th, 1874, katiIon will , ensdt the.Legisia. AT 9 0'CLOCRX: A. M. tiia-Pnivince et Ontarto at Itos neit Bliiuk formset applicatiouÃŽfor admission, .br an oct to incoq>rste a Ladies' rnay be obtaiu:e&fIroim the Head Master. xy, ta e b.c eated Ou the Town ef GEO. H. ROBINSON, M. A., *Dée. 2ESu, 1878. - Head Master. .Y STBEF, Wltby, Dee. lti, 1878. 5O-smn on0 thle promise, efthtie subseibr aG OOD HARD WOOD FOR SALE!1 ,a a te hmswy a aycharges, About 200 cords of gond lbord steve wood, sij i afl nRYofGuta . eut lire Ion, lits frem 16 ta 20 juches. For pii&»'i yte Lot 22, Ciii cofi., Whîby. J. LONG, 188 -t WibDcme t, 1878. 8 Dundas St.WI RE ELEICTORs 0OF TE - - - TH WARD 8 TOWN 0F WHITBY.1 I eg te anneunce thlat 1 a Candidats LOr Ceuncillor fut the stiive 4 st the sppreaclsing Municipal els'c. su rMopecttUYmLyancit your votes sud Y our. truly, *L. FAlIRBANKS, jRj. ty, Dec. 17, 187. THrE ELECTORS 0f TEEp )RTH WARD ÇHANCERittSALE DWFIIINn ini.-o aiiri - ~ -# VyrILIIIsL1 flVUeLU iw LUTI>( IN TIt TOWN. 0F WHITBY Pursuant te a Decreseofthlie Court ef Ctisucery iniasasit of HUNT VS. TYLER, Tisera wilI ho sold by publie suction, with the approbatioun o George H. Dartnell',Berq, Master et tht asid Ceur, at Whitby, at the Royal Hetel, in tise Towu et Wiitby, on Tueuday, the Siîtii Day ef Jausary, A. D- 1874, THOSe LAWLER OO Old No. 1, ýBrock Street, "W&Ãiby, flaving determilied' upon -closing up their business, offer the whele of their large and well Selec- -te& s9tock of GROCERIE S, LIQUIORS, CROC]KEIRY, GLASS WAIRE, &.,~ A.rC-0 oDS r I. The sale will be continued from the clate of this advertisement upto the- - F/BS T DA Y 0F A PRIL, 1874, Whe» a change il take place> in the business arrangements of the present firm. A clearance of the -whole of the stock~, (which j8 the large8t in the County of Ontario,) must be made by that tixine, and the greatest inducements wiIl therefore be offered to purchasers. article usually kept in a First-class focery Establishment 7THfE TOWN OP WHITBY. At the heur et Two o'elerk, p. mn., l'y tiseSP ES . saisi Master, in tlire. soparate parcels, thie FR ISPC LS> E T A T tollowing valuabie propertied situat. e ii.h R IS IC L S X R C S Tour vote and inte eatre ssid Town et Whitby, usînély: 'ttul aollted on behilt et theeusier. lst-Pkart of Lot Number Tweuty two in tau Councîllosfr hl os au e the Firtrsceoin et the siiTon6 p V suing yoar.. frte ot ear u f Wliby, cent idTownshr ipree NES, BRANDI ES, ALES A N D PORTER, MAJOR HARPER. describedtu tseJBil of Ceuplitit ulsIN WOOD AND BOTTLES. by, Dec. iTtis, 1873. * s aid cause. Thtis. > the p opCTykuowu as Wlîjtehall, TEE LECTRs 0 TEE tIe rebi4oeeitche laie Johin fsiner, Esq L'pou it la erected s two-sîorey sulistautial I. 1 trame dwling bonse, witis woodahed sud Fsho i 1a-~ 1 oL .Cirl >~he gadn 'and- RD a spled ocdf White Fieli, Salmon Trout, Labrador Herrings, exc~ellenitfrui, couisiing et apples, pluine, Ir Vote MdS Influence are reupectiully cherries, aud grapes, aise s will sud soit Fi.nnan Hladdies, &c., &c. aSd la taveoet. watsr tank. Parcel 2-Part etftthe South hall et Lot ýHN ÈERG SON o. Two intae tisecopd Concession et the H~ N ER aO id Township et Whiîby, containiug byad uuÃŽlrfrteNrhWroftemeatsuremeni eue acreeue rood-and tweuîy -00'- instiler or ti. NrtilWarSe iegt polos more or Jeas, sud more fulyde Te" -cd Wlitby, tor 1874. acrîbes in uthe plaintff'a 1Bi11 et Coupisis r, Dec 15, 870. hrei51 Upen tuis propcrty, whlch in icnmediaîalyTH SAE WL COMNE N alipAToâie.te the propertyy drscly siove describ- VE AEWL OMNEO LAS ]ÃAT 1 d, la erocted a good two-storey £rame lieuse aiesa barnt aud stables. Tisons are a weill7 tu JN 1T¶1 i~f 'Undonulgaed lias'ou hanS tte est snd sol t water tank on tise promtises sud TIFLJRSDA IX,18tfl OFr jn w>, 187.ct 01t aise trait trees, Parcel 3 -Part o et isEast hall et aaid PMUTTON, LAMB, PORE, Lot No.Tiwenty-uwoliii.e Second Conces- A-~ AND .POULTRY,. Sioto the saisi Townsip et Vistby, coneu oniue until the time above sta- -taînîn euOe acr( t ne, rli u Le6 fer Clritinas; aise well-ted Veal mot lye ofrlad more o lessiiflad ted, or until the whole of the Stock je disposed of. J0S T')TNni cenîpluisît ierein. Os te prooerty iii Btre',-st. erecîed a two-storey trame lbeuse of about y, Dec. 17, 1871. 51-t'lx teolîts andsinluEL eeed eL.te et repair wjîh CSF sU O E a well sud suit wat.r tans, andsm nali ercli. CAH USO E I Ãœ Saefly1 ard of apples, Pluasuad otiser fruit.wil saef ly1 P, BLO W & PATTERSON Al of the. aboveis)roerties are ituate per cent, and as it will be, first corne first' served, the 'ear- tites King% on od about ojj soiee ..t 0 liest Custom ers will be in the best position to effect advan- tetuwu Of Whitby, aud are suitabule for NUFACTURINO COMPANY. privâte resideuces,. tiîgeous bargalus. Tihe purchagers wtll be requirei te psy I)IV1DE.ND NO. 1. dbwittels pur ceo therhtet mîoi, a stSu r - ithe limeofSu ad ithe balbancof or t± uu weeks uheresiter. 11b.o u a o'$ 0 te in hiéby glveis that a Divideusioetl'ho Veedur'seIl o'sly b. oiuigcd te fur. ýr cent, lor tise entrent bI oer nd- Dnuh a Regiettreds trc f ii orc ý Hedeinbr, 1873, beig t e t fthereoof sd vil etbctrssojf igdts ces-20 lbs. of Raisins for,~1 00. cent; pt assuui, i s.ne asi u liiDeod uni b [0f~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n tIeDed Bou&litrsutgC , net in lits possession or cop- sndaiy bseon declared, sud tise sin. o! lite saine..fr $1 00' payable at hheir oteoffin aerTise Vendrid"o a sreserved i bd epon cas- 8 b. fC rrns oo$ 0 ýýýte21dd lPeri p1874. ilue7iitledta a M riti.Th er, net a 20 lbs. of Prunes -for $1 00. N. W. BRtOWN, . Tii. lter conditions et sale are tiso tand ,De, Presideut ]mg ordera et the CourtfCacree y, Dec 16, 1870.as varied aboe or etChanes-y,.cPt ~Adothe rcré qal CeD - su~~~~ad conditions et salie îIY eeMGessirsq.ly hep ca ln aise givitun. huaSt urtter calla et eeîswosd& MeXihin aritr, h r entI, elr montitraini Sth duy of a Blga, Esq..' 0iittOr5, Whity n bscribed Capital stock of tlieaCoin- D: aîsi Ms ter. Y iOf»er, A.D.b187or te re iirei nmade, aud payable ah tIse td~Si a tDcsir D 5 ay'a oelce, Whiy. GEO.R. DARTNELL,- X. W. BRO'WN., GIIEENWOO)D &MIILN Master Dec. lotil, 1878. Vendon', Soicitors'. 8td TEAS.-Having lately made- large N SeMULE.- ~ - Purcliases of Teas, at a great advantage,'we are able to of- te9itarS.toHOUSE AND LOT fe BLACKiAXD -RIEEN TEAS, 20 per cent cheaper [10 nd IeurySte.oiS. FOR SALE, 0OB TO 11EZiT. ŽOU94W GH neEtr inducement8 dunringMte Holidayg.' becsretsty. A Wiihbtu Dac, Gilir 187. 6liWM. SPENCE, 0 Or tae iscs ~ UI D RS! . r.BILLINGs, Neyer beforew st r-sul a chance v$honeave uu~ Witby, Dec. 9Ou, 1878.,0-fo 1ue eessc'hIXfl' the 'Beet Familv Groceries and W tt oitth, ho bulid patly lIent Crockery of ail kinds, at the th Povn t .usrlo i i.Jie t sessonES T t» e h.le sTsO uos 1: buidingCALT 1EARLY.v vAnCon~on~i ~> tl. purpse i ~ .ii..LIJL LI'VING PRIC.ES,.j - t Af IHSON'~ BEFORE HIS We/I 8elected Stci Becomes broken, as he iý fering Special Induceneni PROM NOW'UNTIL THIE End of the Mont] A WORD to the W/s. is sufficient. A CHOICE LOT OF .oÂuUXKets, Uiotns, TweedsMÉn' and Boys' Ca-ps, .Robes, &e., In Felt'Hats, Fur Cap ,,teaers, Flowers, andAUiï NOVELTTh, 4N TRIMMINGS. MILLINERY, DRE88MAKING. :AND TAILORINO TO OftDER, AJarge Stock of Crockery China Glassware, 1&Ç., &o. ., Also our usual large stock of iGroceries. LOWES & POWEZL. Whitby, Dec. 18,1878. Have M ade large preparations for the Christmas IIolidays-s. H ,,n been so liberally patronize during the Fall-have therefore on hand some of the mc useful articles, as also the most beautiful; elegant in tasi beautiful in design, and altogether suitable for this joyo- ANOTHEIR LOT OF CHEA? REAL- MINK FURS TO HAND-PROM $15 00 - - CHRISTMAS- SALEWOF L EA DING U NES, IN DR Y GOODLý wok- Of- t. L Mc IATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, JET ORNA CLOTH SCARI FUTINGI GRATOC LORT 0 FOW ÇEW TEAS, NEW FRUITS 'chro' lc hOitbDCE 88 LI QUORILS. HAMILTON & 00. aPhensou~s Block, Whitby, Dec. 18, 1878. CLOTHS, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SCARFS, LMENTS, FLANNEL SHIRTS, JACKETS, L, WOOL SHIRTS, FS & TIES, WOOL DRAWERS, tCAPS, CLOTU CAPS,* .NEW FRUITS FOR CH R ISTM AS1.1 New Currants, Figs, Grapes, Lemons, Walnuts, Ainona, Brazil Nuls, Prunes, &c. RMIsNS.-Vaetia, uttia, L'Iluscatel, choicet table Raisins, in Deuil. Crovu, Single Cnewn, sud Bine liskot PEELS.-Lemon, Orauge sud, Citron. Peek, 'Frean & Co'a., Englieh Biscuit a choice variety. Caund Fnùit-In Pears, Peaches, Toinatoos, Wortleber- nies, Stravierries, Plains, Cern, &c._ F sa.-Very Fine Cod Fiai, Raddies, Bloatrs, Oystm, Salion T iet, Labradat Herringa. Sauces, Spîces, Seasoning, in great variety. Port aS Sherry Wines, a largo asortient of AMes, Wiisleys, &o., &c. R.' H-' J A'MES0N, NEW CHARISTMAS GROCEIES) GOOD Fresh Roil Butter, QnIy 20ets.èr'lb-. ".IH. ADDISO8N, HEaving puzohaed à m ei~ Bnkrupt Stock ro)pe, consisting of some of,.thli'Énýt goods ever hl into fhis country, aiso a fne tontreà ýiç4 et50 the $, I amn prepared to, offer some-cïf theýgreatest b 'to purohasers ever heard of i the fDominion for Ce Cahonly, Itemember, the two immensýe combineé Mammffoth Bankrupt 8to>A whioh aré Bound to revolutionîze the old high-priced E Read theý folk wiUg Price -List, examine it well, on it, put your meney in your pockot, corne-iglit away befon. the. b bargaina are gone, à nd I wili guarante. ye will find our'goods 25 per c than any lu the. country. 25 piecea Dres Goods, plain'and fancy, 10 eents pI yard, 60 piaeffl "d 70 pwicea do., 12J cto., Ù0- $eces de., 20â vwriBueO, 108 piocea do., quality, 25o worth 85e, 81 piecea Duchesa Cloth, 29. vorth 40c, 78 pie eutta Peplins, veny nih, 84c worth 5Oc, 104 piecea French Marina, c nake in ail the. new sadla ,amagnificent lot at at 50e worth Mec, 5M0 Black Alpacas, very low. A full range of the bout good at hall pnicea. 1 BACKSI-S9 LAC SI r plces excellent qtality Blacl, 75e onuli 1,20,; 18 p faces vetyf 3 l c k S i e l , 1 - w e t h l l s -3 p i . . o a e t b e s t L y o n s m a e 02 50, 82 piecS sa ï-quaty in-e t he cunny82 26 wonth M0eeaualené are an extraordinary bargain à t lefs than half 'an'h be boUghh for leai tu 82 50-anywhere. I wMii eil them fg 'anS. NO1ongea willowaeS te punchase more than e d bhis a nul. to keep other marchante frein bnyiug athe lot -,000 )neases fresu 88 te 80. 100 handsome Olath Jackets, beautial r roÇntTHES. 40 pieces Hcavy Tweed On1y- oz d. 60 pieces Very Heav Týwee iyé- 57 pieces ExtraQnsulity, cil O y 0 75 piecesDouble Width Banver, i50gobWti $2 50 - 98 pieces Double Width Ftà s Bea'cer, $1 W6i,,».' HhJUIRA FOIR CHEAP'BLANIi4TS. 100 pair Blankets atan awful acrifie 88 pieces Scaarlet and White Flannels at 2.0, 25 and 80c, 60 park Corsets, 45 cents per paar, 7,000) Linen Tôwels. at 8 cents each, - 82 piece Canton Flannel only 12î, cents a yard, 1baes Crash Toweling as cents a yd, - 50 pieces Linon Huck Toweling, 12* c a S 800 pairs Ladies' Gloves,.hnom 12*e per pr., 400-pieei.rints, gol quslity, not trash, 10o Y&, 800 pieces excellent Prints, 12io yd, 96 Col.. Quilti, large size. only 90e eaoh, 47Q pieces White Cotton, from 8 cents yd, th D Look Here, See what10 cents w.ll do. 0-00ADIS F GOOD WINTRGOE O A.lso a large assortmenE wRUb fonnd fabulondsl ow, V=*a: Cloetho, Hosiery,,Gloves, hases, Rï The following'special Cheap'I [r attenition to, as they-are Bargain aPei 400 pieces Direos Wincey, 90 yd, 8881 wrted Dres Goode, 110,. 78 p=aces Yery )ases, Faney Faiiel lor Remember the godsini these t are- all first-olass, and not poor traahy a some houses >adveitise. The reason of:i cheap ià on account of buying them at 110 HRRY tiF AND)QET THIE For a ma good vinter Pas laeliet for $2 50, For vien'a hesvZ vintér o0h -afor $0 _Worth1 paina boys' and 51 - luc OT F s 1 Ge i-oAt.L Op ýeIL At MS A few Imported Lamps cheap, a Fancy Globes and Shades, Chimuneys; &C., cheapat HATCH &BRO.'S I lÂTCH ; RO' im porters E nglish an da en a i rd s . Blacksmiths, buy your iron, steel, ýnails, rass, &C, at-- - ~Importa. of Inu Paiiters, buy youroils, paints, colors brushes, at HATCH & BRO.'8, - - Impotera of Oils and-Lea da Farmers;buy yonr hardware, sto-ves, tiuware, at - - M~ATCH & B 0 Wbere yon eau gel White CoalOil of j a supenlor qua nal eh 8so allu. CULu R 1ic i Wwitbi TT11 fez il be ioda By ei e guec te sui Wilt JO la Col whit Tbe Fmal l LAIN-Gý &ý--ST.E-WA.R.' 1 1 1 Il 1 1 1 LOWES & POWEÃŽ& ý Wbitby, Dec. 18,1878. FURS LAING Whitby, Dec. 18th, 1878. Il c,,.'(J G A R S, TEAS, SPICES, c H 0 1 c E RATCH jiloppine. axes, oestqmiityt.-at F 1 MINK C 0 A L 'Ol L eý