Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1874, p. 2

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PSY' osa ýB1ôw yoif colley ýtice, ýsý liant va. Tyl And Heur lýçt, to tk The piéê t le oult4 foi IMY thé ôrd 0004- NO-0--Tý Lawler &,Co. ti S eleeted by acciamatjon adVità "It ýdfýeS a, en ou ÃŽ4, Warel. ip the N but"&#& g over the boli. Ob OVAri t complété th bail orth and ay ý14w1 1 towik ut sq - e> - Il' - o a lit Notioeý Thé milýabéM*-. Ni 8Aý1 > monte ut ibe The'Parker onti- Centre Wards, as Will bc $cou bjr th ssemble the lzpezànïswau ,, th* di we ESQ., D"UiT ]CE saisit idm '(56L 8th prox. re pregantand t 0 gréat. Th proÇeedings al the uoj»inltioni VE ma'itier e"*ith o _the 041111:10118 wo. 11011 ý 1 > $ý /. 0 - thé est intère'si in ihë' -&nuud meeting nai k -joli" willie BY a Proclamation in the ed. du 1900unt on dsbýestu vern licen gOutlemOM4 either ambitions of the re. The Mayoý occupied, th or th' Rigil -ta- ce. ..Ã"nomln& on di o as-la canaja o chairand Offi, f lugýe Sum bu rosi Creek - of Notice- re tif - n'ayori ti-eee end de ty-reeve -Weald Prôbab 611 iiiiii 'ORainst the 8POUSbÃŽ'i 8 'Of 1 lent 1874, for the ta o ilail son,', compewà. Municipal honore, -or, Gazette Parlianlont is Pferogue(l until Mr. IL B. Taylor was -ppointed goitre wn Of Whitbv' toôk ti fer thé large Outlay. entertaining 'the 26tit of Jaria"y. Il 1 of Schoc'l SE -4-Undable génie of thél»r* Place Oný -MondaY last, Mr.,, IÏýZ. tiovell, Co para- Etrown. 'Vril, net meet t'a Gra Mr. Brow PDREXTICE W,&N D. h as returaïf tement Of the Goecerrnnmmranont TE -own importance in t Town clerk acting lulnar and =lits ta the detach ail deterMmod o e. community, and then for tle desPiletell of business. AddItesseu *été delivered bY Revd. Abaut Dne-, bqudi.2a 9 officer. 870 with the" ta th, il tto-allowthe B', Tire rettir en, qibbs,, and Fraser, pro-nt; bit tberè beiuk'ýýuo,- ýÉpoËLiO, in elves ta a Of thé bluiligter of ýMiliti, Messrs. Sandemo ý4PtPPajýrà'_'were '90hools ini lie latitger', sec. No. le =Art, intelligent boy, bi tair be ovirlooko een protested ikiîliit' ýd 1 rR. J. Ham, Porry, Riel and attach f bÏ16 op. ali'l'Common 'ChOO19 in' 1872 showed liraits of ti L , L the'lormer ta ho ýqI588 and education, theïr neig4bors, bave Us b au Mou hard to Melim-' Greanwoýd -Dai van and In "dýi- 4 out, whiéi iues& Apply et ae forward to Ray, for their reppeé autîýy- LT&toh, C. Draper G. Y. Smith, W. Il. e ces, the $1981, an inerëaRe Of 8248. to leim, the printing b,8 col] not 80 ibtëresting as tien to'this lucreaie ftom the ý Gov. THE CEMONICLE proceadings were te their pop Portent. Apparently tbére 10 -same Itruth Hannatu W. Coulthard, the Ill' ý schOol. now receiv and time. The Centre Ward wu nevgr botter re. Jn the assertion that this Chas. Riag, on former occasions, TU. fýIIOwing tuent, OPE CE. result of the H. B. Taylor, L. Dr., Garni, and are the nominations; es a WhitbY, NOv. 12,1878. presented thau in the put year. Meure. electen was sectired. bybribery. Othére, in support of- the schom ' pro. . For M grant front tbg",ôti, The standi Lawder, Ring. and ph ayor ty équal ta one- made moit and accountE excellent représentatives, .3fr-Mackenzie oaya -lie would not mising it their hearty en-opera J. Ramer Grëe'ùWood, #Bq., movea a Sud recommi in '72 titis and--aU. bc- ton and by Mr. Richard natcho iýeCon6 e-87. The county teks, a tible were il offered. Se Mr. QuWance, l;hould il become 'fisasible. il, by grant, Mr.,Lawder'à%,id lowing accon ing wüliug te servo f« another terza Mr.' Robinson hoad master, as it affords a -L,,is Belitie Blake Suid he-wonId net take ofûee.- of the Mr. J. B. Powell.. dergtood. tlioroughl should be Ut,- ta Mrs. Stoui _iLis difficult, to aride' £W For Reeve ar te the #52; Jardes ru High Sellool, while not OPPO the M. O'Donovan, Bel., moveil by Mr. Plaintitho6tthesa improiements ewoelur' taud anY Other But 1ffr. Blake disi take office as Selon- establishment of the èeminary, in a few Re 094; « Ly 81-50 -P mot've thau-- thOOO at which we'have as ho had %ri opponuuity, and Mr. clearand candid remarks ably advocet- Walter Cotilthard, sédonded by Mr., U'2neee-arybecause theèU buildin-113 Campbl Each and Mackenzie-well, jet us wait and seis ed the el&îlüi 0 H Rh se 1 ' col whieh ANNUM. biated, for opposing tilipm. Charles King. furnialleil ample i0ont-for apî the town &B ree gentiemeu bave dis. whether lie will have an opportunity ta ho'ron d d fthe ri. pe Depu tà isi shofflol be made a Colloj, Whitby, Thursây, ja'.,' Il 1874. 01 the th Mar Schocel., The 0 > 045; N. Wils n F Beeve- children desiriug ta attend tht, Gram. ter #52; p. h charged tileir dutiés in the nust effic- declinp a titis. até Institue, and occupy a first rgëk in Rgys 8q.p inoveil Mr. Gea. ounty grant ils süffi. ient manner, sud their attention tothe the cOuntrY., The crowded spüe of ri inter. Nfra. Citapinà t Ilivrayae0onded by 'y Yeoma cient ta PaY, net Ouly te, pay the Keterick, $21 Volume xviii. général interoots of the " Accordink ta the "count of thé Our-coluinus-will not'admit ofýeven an Gibson. : est but the principal gum of the debet Îý for sid w Ik l'In soli 'ea- town, ne 1rell a@ Iffuntingtou Bauguçt-'whieh bu mach. 'outline of the many excellent Speeches The Town Clerk ëalle upon- the 4ureS imued. From the Goverumeue Tucker, foiim n'Ore Particularly tu their neighbors of ed Ot 1 tawa,.*hëliýwli- 4hasle. '_ The following mOveýý,8ecùnders, and lùitàfee to and the county thé Rigil Rehool rooeiv-tii; This New yearg Dayoomminýes the the Contre Warj, lias ý, bée dth of the Prosident 0 won addres fth à eltiv ;J sid te the atâount ofj'2474, perannumi digaent4:15 7ý ellighteentli riar of the publicatio n Oudh M to - - , il ' ce, , d àçý, o me 91', $4. Simon-ý là of of tâd tWed Statis, was propoged pré. MO U4aulmÃ"uslý, and the, meeting Mr. -Michan', Hàtéh -o )Ele said he'îvoula ýrefsi ta the in- andrà[Lil sera the Whitby C le fullest confidence and approv.- vi0uý. of His Eloalleneýy pleMùre in kiloeug 't GreSn asiB of taxes twIglyýear. -na',it hud beeu B. Wliite fôi Ait Wë wouldnot wish tu Say th, the" e5fov'ed >j Ur. Geq. y. sulitilq bat Otone on the tu:'upike rogid -01 human ,'itorj a nèraL This stutlipd frà- ed bv Judg- ê' Bu'-r-n>l wood would lie re-elected b> ý aéélamaý' JUily explained, but te wiebea ta state i ýk»ragemertt of t1tegeDýIe_> iatu, and rëSol ý1e1 lion. It Was --aufficient o lie Boule of the Pipenditures over whieh Tool for mij SaItto ille POPUlar mpreseutative pet Chat this, meeting, fe'els ';that it woula ho Creek, 068 70 life. It Wili aisob, we earnestly trust, -ýaen Wlw bave come forward in Oppos. bc dëâtllible-to eetabliali à reniale Sem. Saillie thst his' services, as ýýief officer, the cOullcil thii -Year fiail no control. Prove a litarting point for fresli 'exer- ition ; but W eV ýhe nom tison is ere, Were $ Her Majesty in this Dominion will bis inýry in the town et Whitby, -of -the the Pest 1tVýO -ýearS Th on road, NI tient§ in the pçrýqruiauce1Of clin pa ina* ' tly reaetîted byýévery-Cana- Taylor, seý0 Journey ýt7 assorti ignant were satistkoïc, -the school estimâtes, 526,5, bfoses uni, the better dý us we W il net heiitàt Alliise nded'by for gravelliriR forcea - a' MOVod bý H. B. rYýtO the M yem; way bonus debentures &ad intere8tý lachargé of ou ' r deties. Wlist mont of dian wlia bas no sympathy with the i Ur Le î elt 1 and inter- for aid ta Eb _thatý Whoieu titis and -the town wàR ta be ated oh ana the debenýÜm, i4 for the upon this day We ameil If Our P",t, bc well %sware ôf, thât, either in policy if Anuexation. eýtitne Il UR unanimousI resolved , ý t6ýw AýIMr li 18U fair grenade tim, englue, Mudg0ý0rdàh and build hopos 'and autioipatîong ?ýi ofÊU A de the ratepayon, eý 85,895,. w eýnJso fe es ablishment Of à -female îý -Mr. J. B -;, owe Co., etc., and, ressied ries Quay for . aid iàe ttothe bank, ýf R nue" caPacitý or muniçipil>ei- fipateh frèm Lord, RirubeAOY ta Peminary in, the towu of Whitby would > p ýgr4 orï-,- hich atuonDteil- ta nearlytwo. thé future- We look fcfrwetd 4opfqdlÃŽ POrience, tlie,,olil.repre4èntati*ejs bav LordýDufferin, in reply to hilq Excel. be desirable, and whemas au offer-tn_ pro rai CC' tion ut the-re--il> '-th", -a£ thL ý M M to be raiWded. og the , sont te the More efAcient dînellarge of auties au overwholug clillu o 1611cYlà àunduncoment te lier Majesty writing bas bison obtaitwil froin ye-Bileow 0, £or the expen t -, balance, 0 ilogloctud and tanks to lie 'Performed, are. Ur E3=ýtâ'ë-'PÏhring himielf of thg"oh" Shéiffl Reynolds to oeil-foî- that abject Mr. Coulthard rG six au the, ' et4, and the bal--- > ilpou the eléci. -t9turned thanks ta we tertelle. E tween-lots __ ý09.iutltecauaaldlÏminiitry the &c. H. - and carefully examining Our abortcom- ail il, cOntaive the following 'il '0 4,1 YQII; o at . 0 lin"largerei;idence and a quantity of 1 i'ý$ePaYers'tcr electing bis nominep, Sourethfifs - éxtraordinary. Re. 31 1 14 chi bé meu-dýfpayMé[ . pangrap, - land, therefore, that a commi#ëe ce, ' ý4ý _ûQývan9 by aliclamation. Re believed' thai a réduction co ings, and thé ehýorj whieh have wag appoinW Rettumiing officer, at-, Se -Of il., ý4r qîýrLain that, that gentleman was made lu ille exponditurd for 1874 ai'- me with yourLordshipin'the' Satie. ilisting Rev. Mr. Sandmon- azrd tàx t'o ilid tr aud tinded the nomination, and partly dis- or, and Drape I@dý te tbem, bailli 4igh hop faction which you express that the re. Messrs. Burnham, Tayl deÉerving ofthe bondir conferroil upou between #1,500,.ýand 91,6ao,-Bllould school Section uliticipatiOlià foi' the fatum, knowiug ohurged the daties of lieturning Oincer suit arrived at has bison reached bý a aPpointed. te be the pagt two years shewed. net, lie Said, riessuine ilis- :allkwithont, with power ta add ta their number, rs him, 89 trio actions in the coulicil for 'nothing untomeeil oqpgr. 1 He" could $11 52: Schoc cxact]Y sa we du Wherse the -old strict application of constitôtional prépare stock books and Mr.-Kiniz endorxed the remarks of camp] i mmnting MésSrSý School Sectio etrOrf bY taking the chair and receiving the ciples, a PrIn- solicit t;ubseription,,bon uses, and other the previons speaker in référence ta and Harper, wh -0 are the ellairman of Sellant Sectîan May lie rectifissils, But W# dia not in. noininationo---ev'en ta bis Own-whicli poebY t4e regular working of matériel aide with every encourage. Ur. D Anil vour 0 tons] ta commence writine imaginings -vore taken àown'in writitig. And after the initi-hinery of à ime Parliament, ment and if possible ta secure the si;. reeve elict, for his gentlemanly cou. couneil, for the, care they filla exeroixeil moud tfiat tàso onovan, and complimenteil the thisse very important commiltees in the UV tablishment of the proposed seminary and miJraIigin«ý witil ourselves. The doin 'ÃŽllis re diret ut thé couneil board. over the bilsinesq a. Mnted for titi solid foutildation o(tlit oiglitéenth year ing ho làcaself as a ean. &and I have mach Pleasure lu 00 ey' in onr-midst, and te louve no Stone un. Of the tow fleur for Alez.> didate, 0ays Il ýto you lier Majesty's entire Lawder ho waï. suit suffe ng troin Whi o WL91100 te rosign as Re- &PProval, turned ta Soleure the grest boon, the Ur. MoGillivray said tbt as the W ri , , bon bë' al whâtý-Wo wisheil turulig oirleer, and thé-, farce is gens of tlie, manner in whieh you have acted'f best thât lias been ever offeled te the gentleman lie 4ad nominateil hall been hiî tee saine. And a t'O briefly advert te- sud in dOinK 60 te througil nf pattiller nother gentlatn emurristances of na ordinary diffi. râtepa ire of materially as John Barkëyýa- eUffievere illneom4 riàu'tned bis , in ' elected by joëlamatîon, it shewed that soa& amidst rounds of applattié, and the tbatik ille frioude Who bave n-etood by us in bis place ta' ant Surely, Air. stiaitil culty. well-a' cially Milit'Ilt the committee 0 e ri for t pointed comini , a au fp it was a eatfafitetory one ta the people. pro^»,ý,Iînge teriniuaiiii wiili three end Ollubleti ils toplace ourjournai upon mustjave known thlit ail thid Was ir. Thé, iîâm-itton 81miciator points out ffin Ve Bir. Perry, seconded by Isay anything on bellalf of Mr. Bay. dates,] art recei bu, r.se ested tý' act ut once. ta Mi.. Gibson said it was unneeessary ho Queen and 0 the eaàdi- across Duffin's footing. With regular 2 As a la.wyer lie jaillit have sumo jeolatea facto. whieil may or may Mr. Drap , that the chairmun and Al , knew "Nat" as a good fellow, alifi NORTH WARD.-The following nain elle. Ore en saying tiiiit Much We Will content Our- known tliat lie coiffil net nit ta disellarge net be reluted-,-atl(l may or moty net be secretary U requemted ta sign a petition his course ut the canna in yea- prist inations were made ,-Mours, Major grànt hlg;'orde selve@ wit4tout taking up time and space the titilles of Rettiraing offisier witilont 1 nogesqed ýf' ii tq the Connt-Y Couneil, on bellait of titis shewed tliat lie was the m'au for the Harper, Dr. Cargon, Yeoman Gibson. favour of tÙeý-p thut May b(j More p p gilifioance . The Hon. r position. L. Fairbanks, jr., John Ferguson. W. the standing i rOfitablY 81UPIOYOÏ1. hainu talion the Oath; and that, Ilaving John Yânn;t, lâle ehmir'zhanof the Hunt- nocting for ît graut in aid of this ingti- Mr. Greenwood, Who, on coming H. flannam, A. G. àfclfillan, William and accnunts. As in the put, the titRoNzeLic will ho taken the outil, ho was; ait;qtlaiiaed as a ington banqué't;ý is.an aunexationist. tution. forward, xas recoiveil with apfflanse, Robson and J. B. The four Mr. Miller in, follud Occupyilig ltit propor place in the candidate. FtirLJl(ýr, thât lie waï ail. Goueral Dart, théý'Uniie(l States Consul. County Court. saisi it w&s very pleasing ta be eleeted last nained rêtired. ex lipon the tréasu world of politteo--ýdoali'ng with existing by a striait majority, but it was fur Cpý;T,,E WAnD.-3ýlesors. Char, Law for $7,83 pointeil by hy-law of the Towrf Council, Ekencral, wag there and malle a i;peecli, more gratifying wlien the majority wu-,; R. H. Lawiler, J. R. Philp, D. Bette, 810,00 being tw facto#,-tlie pont the past, and thefuture and that if bu wiqhed to resigu il was thongli United States Consul@ are in. The following cases were board at a large one. This was, lie saisi, the G. Y. Smith, N. W. Brown, L. Alliu, taineil by thon undoï Il,% atructel, net to mij Lllerngolves up wth the late Rittings of the couaty Cour ail borore un. (jmat alla uftexpected Only ta that body ho coujoi t te third ticle lie liait been elected, lie Goa. Cormack, A. C. Wilson, and Dr. sheep as proved 6ventu are taking place in'the political résignation, and that ta the Couuril and Politics. The _nt ri g s M cru notnitiateel. Messrs. King, Mr. Miller ai üoalth of the presde before his lionor Judge Dartuell, with- r i lit ay al est by acclamations for Gulin W* world-arotinfi n'a, and change appears not to the few ratopayo-ra prefleut be. Of the United 'States was given out a jury two yeatà ago, the opposition offered' Lawdor! Stuith, »Philp, and Betts on- Mrs. Smith and before Hend rgon vs. BaAcin.- Au action watt of avery trivial character, aul for nounced tlieir intention of being candid- es] frein taxes fo il) bis tile Order of the day. In the longed the duty of appointing his eue. that of the Governor-General. Mr. Ilronghieto recovor back a sum of nion- the honore coulerred upon hîm, aitil the aLes, 1101ssra. Allin and Wilson doclined Mr. Miller ic Cliftc)';ICLÉ trIer, hall bu tic change, ug ceàsor, Ili the face of ail tLe8o well Mackenzie saisi ho was a disciple of the eY Paid bY the Plaintiff ta the siefefi il. exPresq'ons"-of cotfidence in "'M' 'le and Messrs. Brown, Cormack, and Dr. draw upon the a supporter of l'ouest gqvernment ami known - circunistances it is ahtounding Heu. John Yolitig, and that the Pros- s'il, ,Poil an allefreil agreeru rý1 Mr. for ail services ont by lier was tire thankful. There were, lie Gunu were net prepent, but, we alisier- the . parties as fs: hütiorabl -* saisi, saule, things the ratepayers had a stand, will net bd candidates. o Ulen, AS distinguisheil ' frein titi) f,&Iao position inu whicil lie allows ont Government would carry out that to save hini tiarmlel;s aga'nrt Pay'n" a right ta know, and Pspecially coricerti- Smith, who was returnin- oflicer, re- and côuneillor hypocriticul pritteuders. Men - who Ilimgelf. ta bc, gentleman's policy. 'au ing the etçreasp, of taxeR. and lie WOUI41 signeil hil office. and Mr. George dance in coulleil liave- ruanugeoi, ta gramp poweÈ, by ePrY for $80, and upon which S25- of endeavor ta make satisfactory explait Boýngatiglà wan appointed in Iiis place. Turors $5, for lli(eans The actual candidates in the NOrth New Year's Address of the Carrier of casts wé5-re incurred. Verdict for pltff. 8 , sljbiect ta cave ta wo%,f, ta ationq. ellie arnount of taxes in 1873 SovTH WAitt).-.ýlessr . John Blow, Daviol Gilehrist the tlu".4t od'Ons alla d""ionour- %Vard are Dr. Carson, NeRsrs. Major for no in excess ýý)f the prêvious year %vai $4.- Henry flopkins, and Chester Draper $5, John Gouli ilig, itltlioligIt I;Iieeefjâftil for the moment, llarper, John , leorg,.-iqoij, [,gvi the "Whitby Chronicie.- roý1uee the verdict ta $80, or fer a non- 682; titis sum was made 1 wore elected, by acclamation. 621 Cotitieil ail vailliot loti" rritaisi tilt" suit, or to enter a verdict for the s't'ous thay bauks, and Yeotiàan Gibson. Up ta the This Eijihteenth CIIRONICLË*g R. Armour for plffl ; St. Joilli Htitchin- 1 in po -New 1 - (loti. lowing expenditures; exbrit pxpertilitur-3 have a tuantier tialirpeil. The wind (14Y Of the tiotiiitj:vtion it waï uukuown yeur's for deff. fer schools, $2,359-ând lie 4voulil ask The followitiggentlemen were clocted PlllzF Fli;HTLI will ehauge ; the tide'is alreaily on the Kell v8. Darch-Trover for the val- tle el t 1 il :-Malcolm Gillespie Xass., Dec. 29.- that the lutter goiit4,-tiiati would. be a The Carrier Bay again appears. y liait orilv ta ilernand the - ta bear in 'mind that the by ace1aonutioý (tirn, atul, with tho Weil tried experi. candidate. Ilis coilling ft-I)rwar(l- lot the Atjildrëbclers ait a friendly grectin- no of a herse soid by cite pitffs son, (a 1 %, iwts comp,,Ip repve; fleur Brethour and Williati; ing, Joint conley Minnr,) ta t1li, d,ý:ft. withl)nt authrit monv and the colin onced pilot al the liellu, 1 - ci cowan, deputy r&eves; Joli, St. John the lý"ilc'il)ltls in WC advise Our. "-7 ta fitii'ýly it witlinit askin- any es- fqlevesitL, lionr lias talien lois many A happy, happy New Year's meetine. as %vas allpgeil by Lis father. Verdiy qil se ivere liel, fi-ifinlw te lie otg(>611 heurt. Parlianieut et and Adarn Sùieý, couneillors. appear olioulil meet Ili about inoutil or Sn tu frieutifi by surprise (for lie lias limite of 1; sinco laqt yenr, as lie recollects, fbr PILII. fer $128, subicet ta points of tiens ; $90t) opent oit the letreets more 0 te frieiitlsj and iu - Iaw reý(-rveJ for terrn»' fi. R. Loseorni thari in '72, whielà %votil 1 be expliiiiied diélense %new the' questions which wero Very likely ta place Ile paist lois patrons due respents, for pltff.e St. john 11utelleson fer th) by Mr Ray; $125 for salary for lire. For T. P. White and n'!xt for ÙXý1&lJiý1 Opened rutiler thon settleil last ne-t4sion ilù[t. ve, fo -ir appearar. nome of thern who liail pronàiýùd thc'r His refari-zices and Ilig rhyMes man a;.&] eugiliper, whicil the towli liait John Il tiglit ; for 1;'t deputy ree :.bettors o the il- alla ail a calm viëw of the positiou W' %vill jugt bu briot ta finit the times- ---------- o pay volet; te the eurlier caiididatelq in the net t in '72; expenditure in th(> 1 1elçRýrs.1 John 'Miller aud S. K. Browue; the Supvrior a field in a fable po.-titioti. This -i4 the Il o. learly in the drift of ovents th Oilly thiug, ta hi-- eoilipluiue(l afin his tiloýatl.t Interitn Sessions fire ment. S140; Gerrie's fire 1ý10r m deputy rpevc-, Mesors. S. J. furthor lielil in bc ,Clin SOC C The limes ta whieli saine grumblers cost wn $13j; and debeiltureli Green and A. Sharrard ; Cotitieillorg, est Thurseay next party Of thettrian Who ]las dette no aitich point BEFORE Hr$ HONOR JUIWE DUtTELL. and interest, With $109 for rent of Di. 'Nfessrs. Fred Meurt. S. Mackiey, Jas. L. of lipepiril, a ilisoi for Catiada again riding tr'. itistip . iantly in. catielidaturo; fur ili cvel-y Other respect Sn i;ltlly as heiug out of joint, vi.sion Court elork's Dirice, ansi several Uaimer. Utlier norninàýËous were malle, as the Hilf-%Vay 1 no tuait would be more acrvptable Thr Quer'a vx. William Kirk._,rllel sala]] matters It wolilil b to ufflas- 14t4il, fraien lititsýlittings we have. ta 01(l *V3, like ütlipir yearë, pritinner stood inili the aouticil were eornpt-Ileýl to triakt, a a 8een that boit ouly the above will go te the poil. ritteil into political speculatisins, ut, rjiajority of flie t-liýet(ii,î of the N'Ittil Brouglit it-; full ý.4huro of suliles and theft of roo Is w eteil for th&- alli-geil WUITBY TOwNsnip. A là wu-Luiglit awou for lieurs. leve Witrël. Ilow fitr titis; inay afit-et Iiid 1 h-at, leu, &ci from th, large portion of tite extra expenditure. Mr. J. B. B'.ekpll. re-eloctegi by au- Dec. 24.-A ci-rtai téitirs. frieglit carsâtile Grand Triiiik liai,. and were not to be blarned fier the in- 1 f - ti(ýpiit%, reeve 'L. monts iiiatl(l te bi not hore'be tempte(j farther in titis ljos't'olj it is Of'coursù. ditlieult ta Say. i wisy. Prisonor was Ieft in chargé Of crease in the luxe,,. 'rite cotirieil fier Ï,'. àtinrý,v ýicklé- ; for titis place, Lut a Ilis coming fürwaril ut ail will, liow. or ""Pef' J"ferrecl and "lern'ries fled- the goi)(18 nt the tient: Of the sinaiell lip '78, lie was plenseil ta say. %vue; a -f.iir, L;iw- the Ilou-ie of Liie 1) Inn. Saliiti!ýK 0je friendii and Sup. fier the dette] ni-Kr 081latva a fetv weeks ago, and the t l', flw)yfvLltl on -this a 0 (-ii4li-nee werit t.o rjllf.w that lie disposiiil ,àny-ti il ever change the poltition of soine of the 1 rusteil that the cotincil for'the cumin- rencii Srnith, Jus. Tyler, Jos. Buri se 'Oun,ý honorable, amicable board, anoi' he -onglis, gfav, ans] a elle enth ther gotitlenieiL anti serionsi itil-,et Thie lolis aflitse in '78, and Daniel Holliday. and MeditAtiUg y of thein ta parties lit the iloi-ý,Iàlorijood YeKr won"' act w't" as 9ro otýt harruotiv. Iý111-rIlliiirr'l'ituli'.110 te loir proisppets of Wo IlaVe*ý ilkt selle will lorjiz renietnLt-rel Le, f the wreck. fle %vaý nt dill, a iuag Of good iiitoutiuud* fýr the 0 s abI.ý, 1 f 1874 would be, lie sais], an impartit« "L tire, 4-ill abrul)tiy end this sol,,,_ heurt] of no coluleinilits ufaiu8t t1je old Wlicti gallant, ships with sudden shock, y.ar foi- thi. t.wn ; Whitl)y would re- a 11-r r.ýs ý,-o Messrîe. Jaaies Grali-am wilich tilev cOulleillors, and the oillestioli il; likoly treaeherous rock- Mr. Farewell, proýëcute( E t "eu. by lfr- 13illings. The contit'y siol -meeting ti) Il(-J*C)Iee y 1. Solitenceï ceive $(;,()Ou In'oW, fro il lie Goverbriii-rit, ing'f) Voir; fur deplity reüvos is ta beeOille of tilt by wiilhitig Our renders, one aud ail te determine itseif lu ue trio ; n a whiell, lie troigteil, %vould be spetit jusii- Meslirs. Jag. H,)Ittian, Noah B'ati-4 and %viloni the parents 1) A happy New Yeur. - into eue or, iviiich Of tnt dowl] with(r t Ûle Power to 9a1ýe lie thr. Uth. i 'il. ciously, and there was the heilups't of Geo. St. John ; for conncillorq, Mi-xý;rq. ter nobody lc:iow.'. thé MW candidates shali bc ellosell ta %Vith thousaliclé ta a watery grave! -mau, William Spene -id the lafe Mr$. watsou of S4,200-111 k-- T. C Fin o, Dai the sent vacatpd by %fr. lý;[y. XII lise Th(, grvat ovents of war and strifo Brougham. ing together $10,000 as a special filn'l. Purdy, J. C. Pilkey, and W. Lee. EATIT OF 1 11F. Qi South Simcoe Election. Wliat will ive do with it ? Il(- aske(l. Il D gentlemen oirt,,riij,, aro s, ad men. Wot Aud al] the ilis that trouble life, Thot Auniversary of tll(; Brougham would bc Ili*; (hity tosee it I)i«ol)i.j-lv ex t - o THOR1411. have ollrselvtý,4 in the past voteci is)r Mr. In Spiiiii. Cuba art(] A,ý;Ii;trjtec, Union S. S., was caIebrated ou Xmas peuded, and Iiý trast.Ll it w0illil Ïpu 1 -Mr. Charles fiabilisait. reeve ; and 011 Lts3'ltl!a in titi - lie waq -leftat- Found ail a place il) '78, eve and was atteilded with ils usuai spierit in il mariner beueticial te.) t , D Gillespie. C. Galloway. W. ýNl:ty, 18ia, foi- ni ci], we never fourni rensoil to regret fi, wax titi! year that Englanil-matl., town. lieturni ille clectiOn for South Simone, our choice. Sliceess. Art excellent es Good elieor" i ne Iiis thankg for i 1, S;iiiiiier, li'. F, ljri)wrl.-COIIUCillorg lias-twil ri, W;?icjt7,,c4njo off vit Ttiüaildit, la-k It- in The in-cat Tichborne tiial ut Iaw Mr. É M mtuaiti in îï-, col ofýth4 héiWI. ý,0£P Of COL Leiçýî G 0 ý Màk--MýX Y- -le ýýII., thst e n-rû, 'nsté Wù 'Cc ê' ni id elle -as ana do ded limit. anthzr- on hie Jeturn t'O' pal, wro bell; Camp > . 1 qu cou iapose of ' ' the cow, -for- ýOn aus Oiâble. terme as Pou bearling of this Col once 0 ered theý prioe tbat Lord, Lnersdàle paid for his P mineùt- Clisse, $49,6L)o whih. Pu> ý P. Waà Suepted. - EXEOUT'ON'OF '11TROIt AT BARRR.- Phe elder Tyrou, wha was convictëd it the last aseizes , Of Xrth sirncoeôj 18ving murderéd the man Fisher, nur ?anTSound, was executed at Barâe m Tuesday MOrming. Tlie son wW v4sconvicted at the Bame time, lias Lad his sentence commuted to imýris;on Ment in t1je penitenoiary for liret ' ýIIIII98iùn^, th' lu - on _haýl n efathèr declara(J that act nor Part in the kill.,, 19 of Fiiber., Conpoquently hie -sen. encewas commuté.d. Plu"."-As au evidence of le ' life existing in the Uewly formed anada Pirat Partyl it Inay be mention- ] that they prOPOse very abortIy to itablià;hý a f1rit. Inds for that PU clam orgau, and thet ,Pose am beingresdily ltained. They do not propose ïO Pur._ iase elle mail, as Was formerlu indi itee, noir yet the Sun plant" být wilL' tablish a new IYOM a Ilew pmt)t,' &Orne gond_ ca"npceer for secondhaià aterial ià, not afforded.- TRE ACHEEN ExnDzuoN.- -Penang, ee'r. 80.- Ano ther engagemeut bas ken - place in &cbeeu between the nech trOOPs and'a large f,,ràj of Ach. ueý,,ýIn which the latter were defest, "L'I'vY lOffles in killed and Mnded; The losa of the fôrmer wu Iderate. Th8 hialth of the Dateh )OPA was good. T« MOST POWZIJFUJý, )4 lebratea letu - 'hy wag one , rer on nat > UrSI pllilos. e>vening 91%ting Upon the ýwers of the magnet, de4ring any cils name or show anything, enrPassing powers. An Old gentleman aceept., the challenge, inneh te, the lecturees rprige. bnt ho, -nevertheit-os, infiW lu On tO the platforra, when lie toLi lectr'rer that woman was the mg. t Of m8Rnet-; for if the loadgtonq en e table collid attract a Piece of iron 'a foot or two, ther'e was . a young eman whop wùen he was a yàqpg, 3è to attract 1 him -'thirteen miles ?ry Sunil"Y tO have a chat with her 1',o ýin.- the Winter season je not et an llrl()uq;'on the contrary je improvas 1 Makês them féel better. - Sé. &ays "ai r. S'np,,on, au eminent authority United States. vliat art' the-only justituaons whiýb On time in thexe days? Ahm houe. le work-inginpn Of Ottawa sr - a toi a candidate for the Local te gisla- in Dominion P. 1 0. Savings Bai. e in Bank, $3,269,67ý5. he " polyn,-Rian" on lier ]est trip 121,t ont 159 baggg of mlail matter, lar-'egt ever forwaided to cnde he-catüe plague has broken ont in leira ' ý tle cattle intended fnr Érit; a" trOOPS in Aslxntee. le Ilighland regriment qent from ýand lias arrivoil at Cap, Coat le to take part in the Aâh,.tee ýe lmparcial-say'#; the Cartagena' gents are preparing to fly bow City and are fittine étit'a Éeet of 15. with that intention. ray Seanflai' has requlted aï foi. iz- ý- e.Icsrs.'Ja.v Cooke & CoPs Ities are nnnouneed a few hundred_ 's short often millions. rshal Bazaine bas lofe -V,-rga fl-les, e. Iglan(l of Saint Marquerite. 11gois I-lu,"O. son Of Vietor 1jugo, 09 aE;ed forty five years. is ruiriourpil tha t Harry Ge net, scapeil from enstadyin New York je now in Montreai. Illey, a New York raerchant in 1 have abseonded to Canada Zith 0 nf nthar n-1.1. i -L-tie muyor Look tho opportiiiiity, in OSHAWA. týlutilloarjei)soat came -ta- T_ WiLli ii larc wero reasonable, and the an- RglI]YI returnin, tlifilik,4, ta lu, .Ike a f, w ler is ] "'gl't in witl'Ilritwillg its confidenco eau desire te toritintit Ji' 11r. W. F. Cowan, repv'., ana Dr. Sivers wore uiiin.,;Ilally correct. A feW Ta llic AVitor of th-c IV4110y chronicle. rpillarks (in tIleý position of il,,, utterly faileti in McGill ilepiitv reevé, electe, I)v au- vere slcatili_ý, witi) Il frolli Ministors on accoulIt of the Pro- municipal illatte i1119pif with the subiect ôf aritilinet- 1 for whiell lie h1ý; so He referred to the %vri' 9 t1o venture, bilt, tlie lit eted Il Dnm, wac ti) elamation, atij for e,,Ilneillprs tjiLll:, are must 90 it'I do% CLIflaingh CC)IIIIO With the pacifio little liptitila iC, a th0ronýrli of be l'eceiviýil from the govertiment; this fourte-en candidates. t', itud Yý'Ur aftor yar -which file At the nomination il,ýre ta- could, as lie mail froui the Statilte, be DrrrAT oi' Tif ý ENt; considered indispensable- ltie.-tttý'ér Ili i ehT- li Be.1ila3tilekrepi cie a applied for the aid of railwavs or drain- 1 liailwaY, %N'ciuld bu an utter and ciiiit7. tro - -446- 1 AlýSTI.I.ILIA --*nc- the asre, buildin- or improviný, the court j Execution of Brei-iton, the Morde rer J spat( Lo -*lu itili abburtlit)-. '11110 UI)ICIiiiiiseiratid Iliti friends Lyal). Arilotiet thp calitudates were fourteen coillity aliditor, Mr. il. 1T. La-wiler, in Cluverlimetit by pealil tO the lutter tu elect Liai, as if il Io 1 Il 1 pli 1>!rTlilinOPo, Dec. 26-The conjt lie., illiz recvived iotire atiii gýaol, or of a linspital, or for vÛry eoUgtitlttluIIN1 Priuoiple, is boillid the etileu wori»-oiiLý of gront Ilotior and whow passed suecessful end Éiglily lie i0sitI c'n of the indebt Wstralia, ý'ive j)It,.rcý; é from the %ýIiithy 'Ui4,11 -S -# 0' a Of IiIns,,vý,;,to Mr, Ilickoll's eii(iiiiripf4 as CO i proViditig for the use ofthe liiiiiiiei Co appeal for a ratification of ite policy. emolutucuf, or as if lie could clailli auy creditabl Ili Englatiil when a now Governuletit 1 driess or t cricket ltlat,(,Il iii that Y an tudustrial fîtrin, publie parti, 1'ox, alias 131'tnton, convieteil ut the V. examinations. the late treilstirer, Mr. Wni. pe 1 fféreil the ex 'i t ci L àf,ý i4 fOrmOd, the polieY ia invariably an- chargieg the dutie The foll 1 - 1 bigt Assizes here. of Cho rnurdi(ýt- of Mrs. et ,ç owing are the lames and gr a the county. tirs affectin, the rni,,,i. of the law ut eig t o'clock Chi, Il ut jýý, liarticulurly fittifIg qualificafion for dis. 1 azton, ta of iridiistry or refuge, buillitig or il, treille Pellait.v 1 and pr,)po.qý- etiteriii, ade pliblie halls, liarliors, Pavne, an.1 the yaling lad Dou-Iliatyluin 1 talieviiý;iit(:tuul)roirainýziic'ilivitat Pailiameni, elther minuit- of the sliëcessfiii candidates . Tlif, electors wsct!irrcý,prip%(ýprfIfeettlilayt ntlsitiouinir(il. 1 Plearls, or mavel mails or other pcýrwjl1,._ \Vh( titili Jougly wîth ïlle annotinceinent of III. G. * 0 cli te leurn thut it alnollnts te over cotilti lie appl 1 towards lýt'ruirier, su InJ resfflt M. The cip ity, or it 10, il the exceut 1 --N(.£t %V Ji 11 Cil grade A ; il ' Ilt.toioii sho'111il bave been se the reduetion or paynient of the cor- "11 t" P"""" Iiitu, lie stoodl tip and sui). crieliete of the Goverunient, or WEIEIC fjr PitiyF.1t. will ý 1 le' tlit bu obt;crvoýd Lu observed liy Ziristiuli will Class-lst Grade-ý-Johu Hart., 1 viýrýll Pi aU1 110 stens tak-en to poration's obligations aireaily eontrac luitted hiniself U'illiïlý,ly. Wlit or wits entirelv witliiii a few (lays afterwards. Wo Churcheï genorally as a special week of Jolin Callpu, Almira M. Chapman, s e c, imi r_- i E. elleil ta Illove lie steppeiL 011 110 lit t le am'toiiiý,lillifýiit challenge atiy frieud of the Goveru- prayer; Ili t1iiii fown tht- cojigr(ý_ tious Laura 0. Beall, (the aliove finir with 1 ed for public works, lin0wili', Ilow and, witli ' 1 LU . irers of the Eliglisli e, ýa !t ýs of the litrnost Importance that 1 what they coni-1 do with it, W11êti the a firrit Ftep, mouriteil the excellenice), Byron T. Whito, James li CI caffold. He asked the Slierriff if lip 1 mellt40 cite A CA&O in, the ListûrY Of of mcýverul èiiiirches liriffir- 011 - Ilis important filet should be made ney came the people wotild lie better 'SE.KTIITIO-1ý To 1 Brovii. Thos. S. Green, Win. FI. Hus In ýý te iniizlit die on his linces, and on the 1 PRE 1 known ail Over the Colinty, so that the JI . bol judge in what matirier it shoiiiii 'M'Y 4th, il' St. toit, Afi,,,d-Young, Jonathan Unger, vieetors IIOWLA.ÇD.-()Il Christ %vliere a new Goverritnelit %vils fant wav sic-e Chat flic reeves nuil be applied. He alluded ta the (lebtn- Slieriff answering yes, lie li-nelt on the forined diiriiig the iiittitig of Parlianient Clittrel ou Tii(ý-ii,.,v, iii th- Coligr Dailiel. Côuboy, Mary .1. Bullen. depiiry reev-eg they are about ti) sFilil te ture debt, and said lie colild liot see t'lie 'trop. IfIr lIowlati The 11e,ý. Mr. Carrer]], uni] other LiLýtit.-goverl' 111111 itýs 1)01icy lias beeu witlitiuld Gentil Clitirell ; 011 Wodiiostlay, in t1le 2nil Grade- Edward R. ltol)ingatil the Connty Conneil are inen ivho wili 1 way for reýjucin- the taxes for Il xt sters, liai] been witil ilitu irom i ou b il ait il' I6ý) over ton weeks, as lias liet-ii done Maggie Johnston William H. Walkey, act firiuly and promptly -se as to secure yeiir but a "art hour. He waq asked b -the p,,ev. 01-ItO 1-vith iiii ad.irï.,F,, Îý iCanala Proabyteriati Chiii-rh-, Thiiriý- f fter that tillie, he I)eliev(ýil, Ur.'ý-irrlI, ilfter the cap Y Iiis caeu. Aud wcr challeuge them day, MOCIIIIO gruson, Uary J. Johnston, the julnellinte settie ont- Illey e lu, placed on him, te ask God's ýive- l 1-Teresa L. Fer tuent of this 1 il bc rapidly tlecrea.ým;ed. The had been of the illaillif U141141dist Clltlrcll ; and on Geo. ugli, Elizabeth Mattliews, rageons deficiency. taxes 1111ro liard it illiglit bc said, but for, is official eiluIL11Y !0 PrCiduce a cage, where a uew Friday, in the Caliadu Prerà)ytprian Jennie Crozier, Elleti Cain. Yourq truly. s, and b -aved earnestly for seule saine âme ll,,,;. llovard Goverment having boen formed, a dis- Church, services will bc lield ut 7:30 SnI Grade-eraco Brand, Constance A ILý.TEPAYriR. illeairu as -ûn others. And we tîme, closin.- with a quotation &OM a suJiý, a Iléavy ratepayer they were as e pi ' -011 bracel solution Look laco without an au- O'Clock in the evonin-. E. Howell, Joseph Johuston, James Brooliliu, Dec. 29th, 187& liad something ta show for otir taxesý-a Scripture. whieli lie ruade specially ap- itîctl,,,s,ýýt i;ý, ,ý,ýjuuIonds ati 13assingthwaijzljt, Helen Cameron, Sar. lire eugine, second to none a fine sellool 1 * I I iiiiature PC p ,,te te Il' ,sel£ The boit w;ts theu ýit notincement in parliament of its policy, ah MeLean, Joseph A. Webster, Annie ARKýFa Oux.-Iri another columit eco streets, and sidewalkiq, and a left a written Confession, self and Mr. Howland. JI hCu^ý jr.ýn ud 1 e was launebed juta et,.,, What this-Govertimetit iii honnit te do, SUICIDL AT CA-ixllqGTON.-IUr. Thos. Alinian, Esther Smitli,ýlary Arinstron(y p ýil f'o no money lie *II& lileused te gay' bad h.t. if it acts in acQerdance with invariable of Cauuington, a wa- CI mahier Janet MeDerinid, Elizabeth Jolinston", wili und the advertisement of been test in law expenses the past year. il the Crirn"nd for scelle MAYOR HALL's THIAI 1-larh-er Brothers, West -Meriden, Con- Owing to the large extent - of the town, Lime back lias aeted-the part. of au in. Dec. 21.-At 10j') o1cj0ý liament togother, and -formally and Saturday Cnorning hist, by liangi ' ' ýýl.%,soNrc coustitutiotialpractice, isto cali 'Par. by oeculiation, coinulitted fmici,10 ý&Ii )f.ýloiliitZion liode,, Brooklin, eüle*- breech-loa(ling double-barrel 'shot-gun. unable te serve every mua, but Che 1 jai , la à 0W people i1gnorant of What rowij, and in ilils,(,r ta PysTivAL.-I'lie inembers necticut, inanufaeturprs of th rk Which Combineil 4,000 acres, they were ýa. ne 80 wý,'ll , since he Wa-A placed in %j'yor Hall's case etitt apecifically declara,,its polic.y. HýVing liimseif. The sied dced WUs donc M business cpntre of the town* was care- 't'san'ty really 'Il, believed Ilitu te be quiry or tbv jury, r(,,pý doue that, if, in its wiadow,ýit d9eme un the alirip in Which lie work-ed, and W 0 lirtttetl the auniversary of St. Jeh-n's We ]lave trieil the guli, and bave lie fully lookeil after, and if faru2er%; in the what lie Pretended. ftiuliti a ver-iit - of Cho dece Day by a festival at tiloir liaudtwme herituney in sayitig t ills the àpPeal to tho country nocessiary, no one discovered by a dangliter aF. town bail larger taxes te pay than. those autiotinceinent th- cro eau dispute its right to ank for and ob- ed whou ishe went to Cali- Ilim for din- er of il half in that place on E;Uturtiay last. bill" to Our satisfactioa.- Gleiîwood in townships, they hai aise greater ail- Exrcu*rioN oF AuGuit.-Piiwbrak, bilrst into a tlilluil About cighfy of the bretèren oat dowu (Iowa) Opinion. vantages whieh overbalanced the Lait. Dcc.'2)7.-The man Atl;,,Ur.was senten. the court glid naît o1ject t lain that aplloal* We Objoct, therOforëo ner. lfr. Cliff vas quite ait old tuan- te table, Amongst the numbrr. werc Ile concludedl) calling upon 111r. Law- ced at the last Court in tà lap-Se of about ten minu dlm;iolutieu beeause the country not between sixty aCid seyeuty years of age vjfnting brethren, from Wljîtby and Abolition of Newepaper Postage. der te address Ze meeting. was hatijzed this inoruing at 8 oclock. was adjourned until Moi .)§2ýing tic.fzod witil the policy of minis. -anil 'leaýýes a %vidor., iuld filuily te Itfr. Lawder raid it was not liis in. Ris Yietim it will ho reniembereil, w. Brougham, and quite a ntimber of us at,10.80 a M, ý01rq, fü-Ïbe cilly congtitutioual way in inouvri his untittiely-entl. It is proposed to introduce a bill in fentiou te make a speech, but tbere an dged Polish wiOV-ivcw" nained STFIm-lu ------ «'* vhicli it eau bû goizecl with i4 there i4 ladiFs aloo graeed the occasion With lie U. S. Congr i anaeuding thý par, ettlew&,nt bail been sa mueli -said about the bigli Liicowitcli, liviný in the back au wpicli"l).-] Choir -presonco. Mr. Cullen was the tal act passait ate*tlie last session The taxes. that lie fial prepared a statënlènt ilit the Openge rsad. Ou the aftt.'i-ac)i')n 26-At fîveot.lo£.k -Chia 10fliine to pronotinco upon." Kýe Remeinber the great cleariug LI substance authorizeipub& accu- which he read. The caqh en jiand on Of the 6LII Of July 1871, the sleailler Queeu, J)e catereï n th occasion, and didjustice bill i 1 daUgh ter sale of grocerien-at cost-commenced 1 ments te be sent free through the mails let Jan. 1878, was $1701,45, and the j Ilad gone to the reý,ideuc6 Of a cousin te hie rrz taýeon in this respect. d ioners, struck the _wrývk WI;ITBY FOUSDay.-Tlie Brown and at T. Lawler & Co4. tcý-day, and will the free exellangs, of newspapers and taxes paid in after that*(late weré 1 living at $c'ne little distArce an on ýâtterson Manqfacturing Ob,-. are teks., continue until tho a" ig entirele dis. Whenéver the bodily i y of newsPapers in the Goveimment Il ligliter in that streani the frée dèliver $7155 ; the amotint of the uilr relllrl,,,,w,,s horrified to finit lier fiait, vigor waties 1 m.tbýr ly lialf Way between the 1tottow in five ag advantago of tho holià4y Lime in Posoil of. %vhether front tha, effects of olci age, rè, 1 coutitiisg wherein théy are ptiblisbed. grant te the High ý;ch»o1 for last half of 9 à betveen fiffy unit six Th!@ clause vdIl be hailed witii deliight '72 was 805,75, and the contity grant balise and barn dead, Miith - hr throat ty uttitle lu a new 45-liqrse power en- sidence in bot Climate, insutheient by our jourriâlistic frieuds across the $402*67. Ille proceeds of the, sale 01 ont, a deep incision, as if made by a 7board the IIOAL at the tjill lue and boiter. Steunt has Vonse. The Pover Stricken Invalid who may nourishment, rapid 1 -bord The circulation Of neffl the Eligh school debentures 0,1001<.wére jack knîfe, nuder the ear, three or four aster. ' Tweitty, of tpý1j» papiers riently bi3en ahut down this Xesk, but have hall hie recover retarded by in- * 'Owth, exe âs', &C., ëllows' Com. 1 iree, in tlia conntiés of theîr publication 8IR2. an ti 1- iligh stabe iii- the breàiiiýýandýne in the ab. but the remaitider, thirty 4 gi e ss e F -iq tile et mated va ne of, tg flirnaceo Vyiu be- in full blast ýb.F fautile Weakiless, will rapidljÏ ýecoV*er Pound Syiup of Hypophosphites Will is in accnrdance with the progressive school clewneurus unsold--$5,200 at thâ doinen. the nineteentli cénturyý Wïï sairte rate was $8924. -The liab litios ,'Q&dA.Y 4ext. Uote egegr qgde>r the inûcenà of Fellow6' Qbîý2. impart t ' ho Vis VilS te the aysteq like-to see a qimilar làw' Fa ed Cil the let Tae, tg Mayor M4 inenu j ho fltLd Out il) New York, nother Caban exppiliýi '0ýý rti ............ 87 @ 58- ......... ..... 86 00 @ 86 50 11-1- EI)p%9s C' 111#0#lilog,-"BY a Ïhorough 8 Of the natural laws which govern ýiOnS Of digestion and nutritionand Ul aPPlication of the fine proper- ell-selected cocoa, Mr. pq bu mr breakfast tables nith aýTAicate_ il éverage, which may Faye uf vY doctors' I)ills."-Civii Servied Made simply with biUng ivateror, e')Pathic CbeniÙjto, London. p Wj n0wý-M'Rr OF CoCo.j._ýew U the Lmes EPPR&Cn rnanlifàèiilrerg ý articles, at tbellr works in thé ' )md' Lonilnn.1ýSeq article in Ou.-ehold Giiide. 44 [)y F V P-We send free, a %ure mPans of self-cure, for Coe. Bronchitis, AsthTna, Catarrh Id ny dimenge of the, ThrOËýz wvous Dehilîtity, preMature jje, ,egs, -a au disorders brought on ,imprudence; 7TLE & Co., 79 N«san-st, N. Y. rRB,ÇTMENT O1ý Cgâô«N NG DISFASFýS, attended feeble digeàiiolll torpiq, ver ;taud 'Ikid 1 avoidtheusecfdý estim lurationt; contain Y" 3'ues and vervines'ýF, : tjjjTýhi:ne' r't is tn- Overstim eir,=- ýg - feeling 'of Z:ý," 'Il. 'y, mporary fin. ý0l1Owed.lýy.a relailse and gener 'n- * Radical and permanent t$ roin the u0e of remed ' t ni d create pure. that 9-POund Elixlir of ph, the Ys 's a Chelnical Fogd te ni brain and InTlpcl" lind and b Y, and im a au. spirits that gives new zest to meeting of the 1 "t ulilun Agdeluj, 1 and 'ec the -10tel, 13 ON dA Ni > OICLOCK, r a. in. 4

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