Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Oct 1873, p. 3

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ScrlzqEw-D. HIlln stý oeo ahevn i' kM Of Zwenuong amb DHeilnlot C.thre garrigon was8la favo sn 'ixer.L Mart.in 2adlit; iîg the, Cit, bu te ruioft> of thes bw al-tJ. Mrtin lot and 2ad. menr, and espeilU tIesetmr fr<6m: Pattem4Lambj-C, Martin. fl 0<1 on r.sioting 11tirsheLut, Geun cou Sir'*Bom-~s.Smith. - iera- and asveral members of the Jua. - lire dila1 ýw-Waa. 4ewqrt Spi ow-ju. SmilIith uad latd, v n nbossd.,tIre, aancAil 0"M.b.the orning was coesumed; by> thée in. - l OSat-- a. u itP Msboay sutget vesse& in takiag la cool and 8Pzing Wheat..Tlos. Kelly lot; Jau. - 4u rt=ï bl 'u .ailness, fl 6U Oat*-Jas, MoPherse lot; Tiios. velyoftesse!. YolÀd5 Spi ei tlileu I<.i~ e!lb b _n r43. ir or r lad. tIre -ppièëoeand insurgent trooi Barley-D. Heuilot1, Atrpeecin r itance, Adi Gp. P4au-O, Martin lut, mierraLobsceeîahr iiitne d aorn-Patrtek Clutl4ngo lit; C. Mrtla rlLbo-goconslstlng f tre Vit.. lad. traAlDnl lldMaii.Car- Dt-i. ann u 0opa4le.vh.eel stesmplrs uttè-Ths. Kllylot;BNe op vre etanul au engagement instant- _2J r 1 IYKllit onZokne~ bogaŽ Tre fight 'lastedi two bours, potaLegs-4oiinr Boulin lot; Petr Bernes g ntr 2ldouth JItanqI e em etvas -de.< Turnlp...C. Marin. feâted addiven' bac toiarhgua Bield Carrt-C. Martin lut. . their Vëâsels beingz badly damaged. Munnfald Wurt.l-,. lMartin lW; ,James Thre iniur enta slrowed greet spirit, but beeOts-CJ. Martia lt; Patrick Gattingsa oielrving to bear the brunt of the bat. __Qnàý. 1 1 le rloneý The fire generaîily vas of Onlons--Johi R eilin jt; >Bou, Hopkius tee long 8 naýugeMittieloefte Appwg-Juol aliln lot; Thomas Kelly d 'çen hl téVt".a u 2ad. . eaveîirnng tà ratercepl the retreat o ?OWL. thée inBurrectioej.ts- figate Tetuan. Duclus-Wm lieDa)nml lut. broadoîdes were loisely exclrangedire Culue--Jas. MDOenlot~; jas. Smith lween thonse two vensels. Qi Bn. -.Hpin o. A upociai telegram te the Time a sau Powl-13.Hopkris it. hat GOIeral CeballOPIras ordered fire 505 usrM cuxs people lîying in ih ê njjeibberbood of PuIllCltir-Jus. MePhuruon lut. Cathagena to' quit iiir bouses, as a Plaiinnl-Jus.-Taheny lot. 1netl bardot ysu udln ltookiig Yrn-jas, Boulin lut and 2nd. wiîl ba nad nn yssadln soecl<- wm. MeDorruoll lot; Jas. Huilmu orsopla ftreDiyNw Mtts-jau. Hslolult. telegrapius fromu-thea vleinity of;eartla-0 Qilt-Jas. MoDtirmott luft; Jis. McPher- gene that thre naval action vas brought 60, 2PiL, ou by an attemplt o! tire insurgent leeut How t go wist.to eseape to Oran in Algeria. Atidi. How t go Wut. ouai partieulars of Ire flght, show - - tiraI ltrerebel Bslipq failed te support Thî's is -n inquiry- which every one eaclrothor. TIre ýumtonch4rvfired wild. Ilotild, ave triltlufully answered before ly, Tlhe Tetuan bêtheved' wlth the bul Strts uonIlus *ourney, 'and a little trenatetit gallantry, anldi was froquently b cane taken hon examinatien cf rentes elicered by thre upectatorp on tIre shore, 0 among whom were hundreduR-of foreigu.- w'i lnany cases Bave mucli trouble, ers. Sile nirrowly uscaped ,cpture ow-r timne and uonoy. ing toIeFr boldneuu in coming te close el Thre Clicrngo, I3nniîngton & QMInCvqu arteru. An attempt was meade by Ra;lroeul Ias echievocl a splendidrepu. t0Gnvprnmepnt lieut toecut off lier re. taticn in hf- l rt Ireypars au thé1 reV, but it failed. suruusug lasuuungon R(Irtn-te the IWest. Startinig aI Chicago or Peoie, It ruin direct thniougir soutIrern Iowa anti Ntlraulua, wltlr cloue connections t0 Calilornia and tIre TeÎ,itonies. It je aLIs0e iesort lhue and. boit uine ta Çine,, Misisouni, and poinIts lu ]Kansas fiudNew lMuxcc. Pesseagenu on tlrir wsIY wet wend cennot do btter tIen ho teice Ibis route. This lino liau publisirec a paraplrlet- enttiod ' HUW 'Po ce Wlr4Tu," wlricb centaine; much veluable informration; a largo, Correct Map Of thei Great Weut, vilireaui be olitarnoul frecocf chre by U(IdIrüB[in)g tIhe Generai Western Pauuuusnrer Agent, Ciliego, -Bnliagteu & Quhuicy Ileilrnrd Chicago, Ili, Witby Townsirip Ceuncil. Brookîhu, Oct. Otir, 1678. Cotrneil- met pursuant te aitjorrnu. menit. Aillire rnernblers present ;, tire reu vlu nthe chair. Tficre r.cve proentei udd noadtire Po. tition of Wm. O)ko and otirn, prayirrg for a grant cf mouey te buîld a new bridge ýOopposite lot 84, Base lleo; aise frs le 11.A. Uarrlou Esq.. in reforeuce te appeiirîtg Case OfToms vs.. Corpora- tion ci f tiretownship of Wlitby. T'ire following eaccounîs, wereocrdrnc tg bu paid: CIras. Lynde, for ronul job Li rweeu lots 82 and Bu, dlii con., 8fio; 1108 lia. Iaon, for reaul ecrapor furnuuir. eWn l. Jeffrey, pathmnaster, $7; Joîru BL ekett, K*raliag road betwoun lots 18 aud 19, 21id con.,,080 ; J. I. Stonilen, luor1ben furnnlslrd IRe corporation, $264 ; ViiiPuai-son, building atone, arivent 0n11 h 13o»0119otioate lot 19, 8146-, N. A SWINDrLR.-CornwîliOct 18-A swiniller, efgniîrg binrieifel! lîbr Key. wortb Groenwood on Hoigîrton, lias iree; travelling about 'tiraceuntry, payinR hIs way with irîreques ulrawn on th., 1Montreal Bank bire, in wbiclr irdnover irad any fonds. FATAL ACIbt'4T.-Stratford, Oct 18. -A boy airent 12 yens to! age, son of Mn. John Dow, of North Eaethepe, wlîiio feoîling a irorso in bis- fithe' stable yesterday, neceiveel a.Icick ou hi, bleail, wie rcensulted in Iris death tîrlu FATAL ACCID,,ieT.-HnlMilteu, Oct 18, -0n Sirturrlay eveirrg mi vorrngzmani uuuelGeorgo Simons, luiriJs twonty. tîr yi-ar, met a sundien sud nntiurelv errd by falliug dawn stites. He ce- cîrPreula sleeping rnooven Ppppu'law offlce, and ru-tireul abount ten o'clock. Hf wag florril uleariat trefono f le ire ie by s cmpanion, wlîo caume lu about an îorrr aftenwarrls. Deeased weul aclork in tira Cariadimu Bank tuf Cornerce. B LB TH S. GALLAGHEB.-Tu Pickernug, on 201 lme., tire wife of Mr. Arthrur Gal- laglier, of.a danîgiter. WIGHT.-At WIritiry, on the 121h nt.t, tire wife ofI Mn. A. G. Wight, o0a WVALSH-At Wlrithy, an tîra lotir of Oct., Michael Walsrh, a native cf Bal- -r-;,,,a.suC11011r rnu,1.60; yai - -, a . - LEXPIIINGLE 83. R. IH. LAWDER, P. M. thesieVerutn( UIF_ he _der _____ l__ _____infa____icn___ngeto, Cct 7, 17.4 or poutiossfai at Seenuel Meti», an indigent, wes Tow LfAB WOD FOR SAL i Te conrmord. I' VRELLE-,Rs, GUIDE,. - Wiithy, October 14, 1873.42S BWODFR AL.iecosf h On motion Of Mn. Holigiray, il vas l rusolveult tîat tire cnnecil bc, e commjit- GRAND TRUNE B. B. r]fHE PORT WHITBY AND PORT Tire uubiciber iras for- stle ut Iris Miii ooto 3( tu'ýto10exanline tIr, bridges on tle Base Trains bauve Wlritlry station as îoiUowei: FnpyERRY RAILWAY COMPANY a-» nir Utuca, a quairtity of four-foot Srab al ta tire Lugilature of ontanlo, et ils Woodr.A.BCA BLL lirîru, ens! ceuse tireîarae inbci repaires! -Gainng Etat- Going Weit- nti-t ession, for an Adt ameading tire Actti et . A17. 3B. yrAsTEîu. itrîurî-ilaii. Express...7:13 a. in. Local.... -8-20 a.rn rI Incoruporton of sais! Cam aypauses!nUicSp.23 83 9 ATD colînicil a(tjournes! 1111 Seîuntlay nexî. NMixes! .*' 2:50) P. 1ri. Fxpress lO10 u:1 tr5hi-ysernd iitytînUbry-f.M ________________ - Expres.... 7:20 p.mr. Mixes!.. 5-rap.ni trirs! tllrty-lifttuyears oailRer Majestyla ETAIIIO MOTEL. Lrl:rrr -. . - . R~~~eigu. 1ry ciraugiug tIre name ai tireCa.GîAP l1 Exp.ai]Uralp.inro Gin,, rurri : Eant Whitby Council. Tire rutinsre-runu y Montrentl lime wîiéiii.*-rney, surirevivieug sections numberes! 150 (LATEari-son)s ei O, rrjr,.rl. 22ominutes faster tIlrroWliiby lime. ou ilr cpisu nes utire tirity. secondl rear ni Hon Majestys Reigu anti WIRIT 13Y, ON T Aia. COîurbIrsq, Oct. Ctl,, 18731. WHITBY & PORT PERIIT R. É. -iraptereri sixty, alto sections sumbereti eue, TIhe Cannueil metlthîls day. l'oernineru Trains Goiiig North- Mail. Mixes!. tuwa, lrree and us of aiActtpasses!la tire PETER 1VAKEMI, PROPRiE TOR. Aur. 26r. 1873. ailunrr-s-ut Lute rceve TireDe. 'Vhrtlîy Juîlnti, 1 9:00 a-ni- 7:03 prmirt -flithr yeuOaor es sReg uanr pli.Cy Ieeve rin I1 elhair-. -Wmrrnlrj, (ris) 1:07 ancm. 7:10 p.m> rapter-rd ity.six, by -,igth tnnSuior c ucornocatirn. Tble., supplies!-d Cével-rm ro cit ery (rrv) o:Ij .m 84) r osser tire xteonrtirir'raiwy -Lke ny i bu- es lGelin qrnors. Jih il - r ceieul-froo Pro-Tranis nurig Southn- Mites!. Mail. 0r"tt mnrrear Ieaverten, ans! ta bmils! aCigars, Lest muds. JBillins! nonn.lta. oary -a' Cffirnuannînieatt il-O 8:0 ranci trUxrisge, sus! branci fr-m Port stables ands! airos. 8-tf A X iall Tr-jr virnlelSaertnny's ilie, aul r-oItir Port Penny, (uleprt, 6:.30 a.m. 1:01) .m. ?u-rny to Lindusay, sud thenice ta Fenelani arur uîrs ilr-owrticnr lu-gfîr).inn-I arlviir ia'Vrily m-se 71 r.221pur . Fallwth [rirextuesion ai time ?or theirenr- --ySL îr-ear uu rpriuueînV..YanalP. I. S. Wluitly Juîrrtirrî, f8:00 asm. 2:30Jir-rni inencsement aos! dam p lotin lirerpeai, wi tirE qestonsa ..- tii snjr.v-y lat No e2, lun13. F. douces- I noa-er ta ake adnitiona[ lands ut Lins!say,c LMl--DIVINE SEl? VICE. Fourbun Falls anud Uxbridge, aise tirat sais!Oai- Wli:lry, Sept. 2i 011 1rrtion aif Mn. Liek, Mn, Berrîinet - rmpany usay buiempoweredta teextemul elulnuusedilthe ctIunreil respecîýing air. Ail Salitt' Chrnu-At hI a. m~and 7 1,. heinR aivay îrom its preseut terminus iuy F-AIRI INI i REA.CH. mi'n-tîionru arn tirsiroaunicraus lot Nuo. ne.-Itev. Mr. Cayley. vidymoei- .ay oi Beaveltoan sd Gavenhurst 1talire SRCI 114, in Mtirl-rnce-suion. Catîrolicurt!iEi Cltidymai.(engian Bay,a-iti rnunuiug powers aven UT ut 14.t80andi 1030 ai. M. altennaîely-Rtev. lutire panes ef aoy niways on tire lino ai tire Punsuant la a Ducree lu tire Court of INi. Mtirrsilsecoudeil hy lMn. tirer MeCcunu, resierrce, Ouhîawa. rolusel extension, aise with Power teaais! Chaumer-y, li a tuit ai Lnnîur urvau liaI iracic-k ir uuct. .CanadaPrPrebyterirrri Cirurtn-l-AtIl a is, ugraiy1son u'l*ta- rnon rnches B UNKER VS. B UN I? stGNADS un (n urcily lihe Osenceer ai Higirwnîyp, ud, :01) y-)tv Mn. Bileuryrro cor«sane pintoan'pi nthe CCornpanya n fnr 9lrua141 , tiret lie îorîîrwitî rne- CiisgrogIttiomîal Ciurel-At ilas. n. - ialsy uitririre'. Caorpoation ui tir yTrroai), M ER Jîruveeholntrdîiîîs irue tie ontl :3 p.rn-ey M.Gihru Ioa-nn aiWhitby, aI oi'neean its sonthe0nl ee wile oanis! by public anction, viti Sit. AndrcW's Churrh-At Il arc, airs!6:l-h -r-mius, ta somu other points iu sais! Cor-tIre approbation ai George H Durtnei,Esq., ecraus lot 14, iu BIh ircn.-CarSled. pm-e.M.1 aun nto ertr aesa uieOtnn Master oi tire sais! Court it Wiiby, ut Mii.Bglt-aso - 1l. uiîlenuill gave notice tIratI Ie Weseoun motoiosit Cîurci-At 10-80 Et' nus!ont ulaItigir Water, aith pewer tanuk lrs Hotel, in lire Village ai Port Penny, en tirhisre9to W011iu iut tire nexî Meeting cf tire coun. m. aud 6:30 p. Yn.-Rov. Mn. Sundorsonu. rdtoa ars1 iectn it-s Weducsday, tire îgti Day of Ocloirn,Ioden, anticon cil, iitrodce a law t,.arrlige he cnes, ut on tour surir branchesalunsoby giv- Am ign ciirtouue y.iwt rnarutin ----.-- -'--- g tire lltila-ay ov 10 taleuue auy Cr aayInstant, A. D. z873, AuuSsn poililfiosho etos HTYM RE S rsfayrter- sInistruments lui torsnîiip ue uboolAu., VHTBY MJIRETS -ars ai an nrula-yu onoctus! iti tire At tireheur of Caeo oclaci, P. M., bytire Blaies-apo ci) ntion, tIre clerk tWns instrurte erh hinrurnnouspauv's ililsvsy, anus!fon paver ta tiryopoi ~li trurnrousr- noic. e ocîrBy WEat CLOcrîce, Oct. Istir 1873 irareinsons rta i by by-luw rirenuomber, sais!Nrthnhall of ur e West-- hall of Lot on ut tire Curo261 aw Il he inlicIt)r ndRefrme Pul heni ......... Si20 a 1 25» lfrnn on sud quorum ai direelors, sus Number Fifleen, in tire TirirteentirCouces. ý1) oter urpses iion riteTawnsiripai Reoucir, in theo Coun.- newappers, Spring Wlîeat ........ S12 1513 Dateni st Whitby, ty ai Onitario, ainnu-sairdot Ou, Mtiocuof l1fr. Liclu, Un. J. Crouk laly ................) 11 Si f irr 9ira OtbeC83. 42l&ars i0as! or a es. iinig iiFifty U S 1 C wa srplete! e urerrîeru trenel as ..................0 , @12C Tire sais! landtiwluai cleanes!, ans! underJl,,iso ie -paiI-ieug of tIer aed, auîl te 1111 lu if ne, Black îiye Fous..... 7c &83cMAE GOS.cettioan s i dqal i ula t s o ton cesser-y earngcrnuis gra-'l il onire Rye ..................55C Mo 1)MAFc uo-. ulDvtiusu i a gndqu i y dntync enlsterr ni lr ie, appeellat lot Na. 1, Ot ....... 3c 0 Saintilels!. Utron tire promises are or-entes! No luth0aone te el inuflieitîjirdc c iou n ul..........5 @4-O IVIHÛM lIT MA Y CONCIiRN ! a log lianteanti a frmebarn. Theoaue tîvo ny love ta, 1On nnliioen Itie fniuiawing acer)lmîs....................... 18 Thre sobecniben iras been instructeti ta seita-o gens! aeIls upon tir-e premises. hink aifune soin, wu- ere le apin uni ofGenrZe luotrtoos .............. 0c25i )y puulicAur-non, aillant neserve tireu Tire pumcîraser yl ble nines!te psy siery duhne tire Tirueurati, gl:avuling nu flienaisl8, #2()..Applu-o, per tnsrul.... e2 mrnnutioned gouda, sliglit dameges! b -noriitnper centnifiris partiasu Marley tn -2)1; of B. 'iIiiaus, fornr-lef of L Egge .................lc @ 17e Outer t tirlaIe fine, ut - ahlanes auey tiaean ore rln Scins u trestnerai S EN T Del %i:s,4-11 igenut b4; 1'. Hiarper, givei. Iluttler ................. c U 213e ,ouds store, Brock kstroot Witby, an aster. Plana tonget youi h,19 On nrd,68 lA krvigCireuse ................c î; 1lic SATURDAY, OCT, i8tir, 1873, Tire Vendor a-iln nly beaobliges! tinuisir I long te 800 tirei fo r nalu0eGts; of WiVn. Luke, pulîing Bont, bille t iirten..$ 35 63 At tire star-e latehY accupies! by Mn. a registrars labsîtract of tir, titis, ant ini Little sa-oeireart, uhu a fuer< nu Blnceatsreet,, $9 75. licol, fore cqururten ....$ 4 @0 Chomas La-len, nat be obliges! te pr-ouue any titie eeitorta My ev.ny nironir la ber possessiuo, or capies ci tire salin. Mu are auneireci Trim Ceucîl ilion anjeurros! te Mon. Pork, pur ca-t......... $5Ce4 $350 ulozen car- dronps, boccires, bracelets, Tire Vundor ha& a rrvdd fb1s! "L Palne.' ulny, tire Brd iltsy of Novembor, Ilin c Cliickene ............... 3 1 le SOn-per pair- d'idhsots Vulcunite, txs!i7SIay net long ta-e it-et al 10 Celoocil e. uM. Dîreko lir- Pc.............. 5C 10 tiozen do., gile anrd plates!, tIhe Master. Ta piease tire g Tukype b......7c@1c 2 painrrfdo., rushiWlitby Jen, Tire other conditions of sale are tire standl. My heurt ion choc. ouracy, or--. .e5.cozeilro Pendants, gîlt anti plates!, ing ar-dors ni sale ai tire Court of Crancery. My Queen afiMes: Thnene was aut hunimnhRe open air dle. -Wooh ......... .........3 gà Mots. S teasucarddies antiariîinrg dusk, Fer iurther panticulars ans! conditions ai ul()"mtat'(ln t COrlý 11 011end, ýO Sat- 2alnPorton,......an..i07 ki$8n2t-ladies,12gaIs!15sale, ladpps yotd slr-eenpy tas!renwo MeMillanlnBan..PPOST P nUo7 1 n t r a On e r k Iof l n a u s !A m - n e t -, o u l, p r. t . . ... . . . . 8r he s e r - n g s , r i d st a n tiu J . K . G o r d o n , J a ni t e r ,W h i t b y ,- îrlayieue fidrtfheler AnrgyWro..... ....... 4 5t0i.Si560 2 eueegoîni branches or ta thre sais! Master, Whitby, Jeunnie, tire foyer litri Iul, ns treligilao! Lebor. f sets car-dropesns!d breocies, fine gels!. Pales! Ibis fus! day oai Cctoben, A.D. 18à73. Wiiper seiely, PM, lIre wiss înueiî ulmoonilen. 0 HO 3 opuera-a use, veiy goond, Inspirer anti iearE I'rtir rtlrts ra» otr f uedo. N THE iTEA1MENT OFCHONC dzu salaiues, (Signes!,> GRO. H. DARTNELL, My lave Bleeps un PUI1rî rut irwnieh ei.atesfourkpluhee laS'vTai., h ouiy O, ina- dye do, A) Fretitnuehin b ict 1 tirevcncs in tplre canulîparto, feebîudigestioni, torpis! ivrvn9-0n1Y Ppier Macho and inpannetivait-. GBEENWOOD u& McMILLAN, 0 o edA oni Satnrday t61th aacein csipfa, andiIrritation ni tire kidnreydi ,ro, Ventions Solicitors, Dst maktuue reni thennior 5 io obes boxes fineul needles, 41-St Wiiby, Cnt. Neatir theire&a Aseeriri, îsa-tietIlr n d bladdr.oinslonthecuîsngse fchltir- rne 8 sets tabre mats, Nor-ahi ldreaming iribiOanîuu wero returned by oerwirluhcande al aeryuaseanus!vervines, as tIlimim 1toe atsn nostas ing MOdateeffcitim ti dvertimlrnu h 8 seconut-irunti Egliah silver a-atciros, GNSWANTED h terni pwsdnncln a afe ingnitetrr as y lever adre,zA O N R E( AI e eceotinrg of Banrkumanregern in nernrct, ful overi by a relapse adgnr oe npi gwo as! eon mua- wCamadian Work- Wnh oehm Tonorîte on Saturday, tire aetlcck for ai prostration. Radinai ans! permn t alig asirndbeuscr ehomr timo ainter wvas rf-rieentouî se anyîlning -benuufi t rnuultu muaoi tIre use of rnomeries tiu 7 brîecb-odn dul -biîmonilîgMnme l epclni eite nutritiun, sud croate pure bod.te gdobeguns, iewliag, PEN PHOTOGRAPHB I Gel oj nd sassut th ira1t pginii. Mtyeonoineial lce ne . Wirlîen Canipoiunl Elixir oni os 2bneeuchl-adinq double guas, oeubamreu 61uGrsatiaeucemebi orne p hales suri Calsys le a Cirnical uile sud erre ioa-lrsuis31f uruntue Pnucu aini tirb I shakY, asîgltl uîres are 1au- -tiat iuppîuPS lre vustu ni brain ans! a feie 1110doz. yds wviie Mallese, Valenciennes ofre0 5Ados-M dear old IuFtI liulipiiturl.1 Invifforates nins! and bodly, sud impat s: 20 tioz ydsdrainPilTb, ~sv r ue TIIAS-vIiiVN jDAY. -" Vs ig fu lagetlrllY ai spîiis tiraI givos nov zest ta 3 to ysblc, 0Chur-cirSt., Torante. Lest anti casi a-5 Oahntn lits.lak slklae uraîu Augut 231h, 1373. 185 Poor little Tien. ilbr14TaPeiiunst-, N 2 fbhlack coîton lace sirta-le, -OF THE Iiueul a proclamnation, a ointiug N0. ~'i 1)y pFit si-- e uiltifr-eu, s 18 collea, fluest combien lace, 1RITISH AMEBICÂN HOTEL, veibe 27li lfor tiranksglvîug anti pray-- simprilue aurdsur- e oinus af self-cure,foCo- 2bes!Inealdj>Oytras!Wu or u lnnchitis, Autirma, Calarr, 6 àdu f aiceiion lace, R A Y,' 8Oe hSblosa Scru nina, uis! amyilsse aitIhe Tirnoat or 2 oz mulin anti race tics,- Savion, thon art 0vc .The frnai,!f anon Brotherg,tlîe wli. Longs.NenvauDe iliiti, Preunature De- a cluies. Valeucienu,' (LAT£ SOBiON ROUtSSx.) -Tire Toast. Brins! kncwn Oel nefinuns, Ihave becen comSpeli. day, Weaknssis, sud aidsisrdnnu lir-ngirt on 18 maslil»ans!lac. collae, wH y ' ARIo Pearl ai Amer-k-. os! toi suspendil; buit Wutrus4tthlathte by Y ltirirl i mprueueo. 80t1blnur-k salîtlac.'e vou, W I BYCi TÀR 0 (rcliWaves. 1 ,illtiniîy vii luoie fIy (einoronry, ilium TUTTLE A& Ca., 78 Nausua--et. N. Y. I2 Liai-k ans! ahile dottonulace-r-elle, lnnuou utt, ns la rnte frs-lasnd ur forBeeiltrnSaEertoga. ,laîliîti s une pilucnc a )!rt6.,00u0 anig!l tir-in --- - ---- 30 rîrz ain note,eoint sud conîton, tRosse t, n u tly nvati as f nshti ele ng t S raa. 33 heteIo veni u.s, tir eception -of gustu. An omnibus te antd runios iQuiskt'tep. Ul' whcl, 10weoritiatpresent ira. P'og 2suaetai l rin.pýt-ie apl ors possîbhiti-reiahize. au na-leidge oai l tire lsrslavu a-uir gos-erruIf bes12stsiidi - ~ ~ ~ ~ h .0 amE!tva -Lvr ariui uieseftire lu pbpreakufu adistvsias, - MAIlS AL E Tiiii;ÂTFi-S Vlloi,55AL, - GR L oCa-ronf n dgstei u!tnniinn 6 anrîy du LouiSe capes, 0 -- ÀL.3.Antamnu ves. OF AoaUtCUTU#at%LLAeemmnrae.piir 4-stries ni vuIhettui ocoe&, Mn, Eppe brui. g; dodid ladies, jacketsAdi i e,,laahgrsaeenTi-eMolieanhiu. ON 'r 8l , iire emu r o t e- v r ; m n vy dl ure n oa d h ie M ayvi ir a c u e tu t. C6 hîd o ll arot, v a lon , soil'n et x cell i l a C an ad a , bfi a L a Z i g are la . uss4îoîî~Gaea.m erag s-e vrcrua v u.i d eme, 6 corre, Lot 25, fus! Cea. WestlWilliams, Cpu» oal anseCine. ,treti Uuîbon, t~e :l -te uenstiohîn of(. du,. il Hmpwters' boil..Cdez 5e leeîladis, nnc fdMiddllesex, 80 ases eleareul andti a ter- r lai. waae lndsin pfi2ip hla 1!illo.1 a Mnlee, seuEs, - is abeee--,ig.Ero et6dgon leced gMd bei ;Hapanpa iTehapZ To tgt. eë Tho crediters of Barman Bunker, late GEO. R. ÉR nýN M ' roi tire Township of Beach, ru tire Centy 01 f, irdà Master. Ontario, who dîed an or about tire 28tir day Cct- 1873. 41 ai Auguit, 1853, are, ou or beforo tire -________________ 24tir DAY 0F OCTO:ER, G83,L IST OF LETTERS )f te uemd by pont (pro-pa18> ta esss reen- IrorrsNr<niOU<rCcLnMED AT THE ,Wood &Maliri'sn, oflire Town of Whity, W T tire Solicitors of tire PlatifV.îhulr Christian BYPOS IC and Sarnainos, addrusieu, sud description, aONreTERTOF OCT., 1873. tirefuil particulans af tierir aims, a state- meut ai tiroir aecoutu, sud tire nature ai Alirson, Miss E. Maumen, (ion. cane ai tire secuities (if any) hels! by theBruor an t Beckett, John Mrseiew Tlioorpron. doisuit thienuof Uuy viii ire poremptonily Bruggs, G. C. *IMeCduie, Peter exclnded frou tire benelle ai the eaid r,urree lBrown, Mrs. S. G. Melldowm, Peter Eveny creditor holding any seunnt ,ns to Crohby, W. H. 2 Nichal, Alex. p reduce.tire ame before me, at enY bham- Coleman Bras. Nickelsan, Samuel bers ln tire Town ai Whitby, in 1h. Conity Davis, Mary Jane OConnior, Jàmes of Ontario, on lire 251h day Of Getober. 1873 'B unir, Mru Lucy OConnor, Tiratiry ut ton o'clock in tire forenoon, ireing thý Ellis, T. salIn, O'Bnien, John lim!e appoînted for adjudication ou tire Fleming, Robt. Peterkin, James dlaimas. Gr-lndley, Richard 2 Penny, Rabt. D. 2 Datd tns Oti da aiOctben 188. Gaodman,MraMoses Parry, T. 2 Datd tis 0thdayofOctber 188, CZomble, James Rogers, W. H. (Signed) GEO. I. DAIITNELL, Griurson, Gr-o. H. Itemurner, Jr., John 42-2 Master. Hodgsau, ilîrr,care Robinson, Mn. - ai Tiras. Davie. Saper, C., cane of Mra. -Hall, Mrs. -on. Witiy. 2 O T I C E. Iularîce, Daniel Sintly, Mns. Lridlaw, Win. Stertivent, John -Barrister. Starks, B. 2 Té Whom it May Cancer,. Linton. Jas. car-e oi Scott, WVm. Davidl Hart. Stainton, James By 32 Vie. Cap:« 32, Sec. 23,ail partiesar Martna Mns .er-ry Thamprrrn, Matliew proibiedlio slligdisosngordue Matthe't James Tayo.T preirliritu fiam sullag, d.esuloingaon eh verlng intoxicating liquors roma and aferManir, rhos. Wron uita tr tir. heurs ai seven occdock, o a tn blair, Charles2 WieL 2 aigrît, 1 tir he ur af six o'ciock an Manday REGISTEItED. mornng. Bedeau, James Graint.Rd Dow, D. S. a Dîrrgwall, Jaunes, Law Parties intereuted are partleuianl1. cautin-r Stamp flibtributar. us! agîinst auy tufringement af tir clause, Parties crling for tire siove wiil please as its tenurs will tn future ire stictly enfore- auk for advertised letters Thé ollwng em rae aistci AoiL of ,en 4,,,.. cariled cf! by th ire ýý»« âI tauI,at thre Provincisl, Guelph, Sentir ,bnahio, Northr Ontao, East York 4»&d IlbuU Ondl-y d . r h i l rt. In iCetswelds, Mr. Mlflr's ûflo btainefi eplult and 22V1p,=i. -yroldbuU8rdbentherdisut. Sovri ONTAsn-Durbam bal Rnd, ce, heiiw eau iend, mileC ow,4anaanbred lut, 8-yr oid do. lut, yearling hir'edo. 2ad, bout herd lot. Bs,», Cetswolds,lst and Brd, mhbeftilng 2~ nd, 2 mwes lut and Rad, 2 sheanlhrg qa 4 lut 2 hbeartngowis, cnàà U' rUd 1-y q1d do.Trle-.y lo/blsnt,, lot, In C, woids 4 prizos. BAT ~Y* ANDÏfL;;Ï!us5Àr-Bsut baIl, -yr old lot, 2-yr old 1 t, lr old lut, . bual a lot, imileiroeW 2ne Or 4 ,~5l ~r eld heifen lot huiler èlU, lot, Qad and Sra, beit hord ,2ad& Ian C des, two lot pnl2ÎZes,ýpt2'adý i-yr-aid ho ers, and aise 2Mrc for l.yr oId hiefer. C4owld-ltam,'g shears, lit'ýand, 8rd, 2 eweslraving raisefi lamnin l 8 lut,2 uwesoeu uear lut. 2 fat shaeplot. eoR. WILLIAM MILLER,- JR., 0F ATHA, ýWRI have a Sale ioa TMH - D A Y P REVI 0US, 4 Bulls of tire Short-horn bneed, 100 Cotuwýold Sireep cf differerit ages. L. FAIRBANKS, JR., Oct. 7tir, 1873. 41 w HITBY IIIGH SCHOOL. Tire Examinatians for admission willi commence on 'Moaday, 131h, and vill b. coatiaued on <Tuesday, l4tir Octôber, nuIt. Parties int tianwiling ftakatePurrils 'A a,1rg ,ý, tock of iCane and W6od Segt glaù, TabI.eâ, Bureau 8ofaa, Lounggs, Bçsteads Oupbdàý;'-- HairO, 1kft Î Dmaf U ï9m &o&. A fine âtoek of e-W.,ltWindow, C «çschgp -The largeat and oheapeat stockof PitreePé'é ýbrôugï in town, ail of whicih'hé ,offéigt ~ta 1:e The undersigned wi! h ,s to state ta ble aid cnstoùm- ers and thre public generAly, that he iStO ? d'îi OL>SAf.r any ohérS esubiumctj oi. n e i e way connected with eI > U n dertaking aàs suàî.-A ~L u h ~ R ~ y .urde -Coffne 'const.uitIy kept 'on hua, and trirmoed te cfdertrvSitî us- tera, on short notic. o Fnrdls fnlly upplicd wlwwthevythg J. E. DDI«, lVJuitby. Q0*bp 15 42 AT AUCTiONrIl BIRREL L'&JOHNSTON F-RIVA Y, OC T. 24 th)78 1Carndi. Ma PauhtStaMo'dnr-, 8 goos! Canadien Praugir Yosug mares, 24 Pur-ian Coe, Huilera, andBlier Calves,- , 6 ver-y gooti Young Buiso, yuarllagsand Calves, ce 0importes! ans!Cdia rdCtw rUame, Ram Irarais,Ewez as! Eve FALL AND WINTWGQS w. AT J. HIOKIE &.,OO-1S, (LATE HIOKIE '& OLARY Cheap Cottons, Cheap Prints, Cheap Winceys,ý Cheap Dress Goods. Fashionable Furs for Winterin Mink- Otter, and Seal ; aù entirely new and elegazit sto)ck. The higbest price paid in cash for Butter. sO C !G l EAt A U C ION -SA LE Ail accorînts dire tire undersigned musut bu- eettled ry rasir or note iry Finat Ncivember ai atrwlrrcl date ail nusetles! accoarîts a-il H UE U bt piacu-d lu tIre irunurs niMn. W.Il.Billirigki . SHOLD UNTR 1 Salieitr, for collection, sud rosts incurres!. P rtiies i iavi g acco n s again oRÉ t ie un u- A N ID E 3 C S desir-il plearre oid in tire saine ut once iar settlemu-nt. Teud d- elb uleue Attire aid cstablisrhment, sigu ai tire Big ta, ttrecrnro Itockirrg Chair. 1,athconrf Wliilby, Sept. 27, 1873. JA.I. 1AO 0 A ON 'S H OTE L, Li liereby g1, iale ly ee tie nîxt o-nr Prorvince ofait upecial Ar-ta re re, tlrt applcatirunti will ire. IlrIilalsa-Coanny tt rul ai tie Legurrature nifrie reruiriof-r- an Act tr amnrl tîru- eltiug to tire said Caurupanuy mun espeý-t : ly givinug isiirou-r to tie Crreri;raiy i relation 10 rri o by-la-wýs by a Municpalty M uinipiry, sraind o tier -oronce btirte pnwers af tire e sair Coiupuuny. G. LAI.DLAW, rr-udezt. Srpt-, 1873. 39-Smn <-truer-tun lennrTELE- iATIjNG, for li5ii5aV Stt- 1rur-nl rooinn itie Peuuirinn, C LEMAN & BAKER, Toronto, Ont, Ah) .iST l'x' uitln roundnnunrln,<ur Tliurcaooe-coard, urus! unu CiIiONICLE 0GilI'CE. 0 N ON TE PIANO- AND OIIGAN. 3INGING CLASSES TAUCHT 1 !E C. WIGGINS, BA., nce liraIire a-il undertake f pupils n lie piano, me. gMrnresua . tereo.THMSBRE iefo ulyadpie eyCmeto ;t M . J. H um Penny , Or ta JNO . E. PARE W ELL, I h c o u l y a d p i e e y C m e i j n cie Office, Wiiby. SoiitrîWiby. r tir, 1873. 35 sept. 10). 3-6TJM S J-r Tu'ON w RITY P. . RAMAY. Practical gWatch-mak-er. Ineingog. dRays. Si~ Golîlîmitis Hall, WIritby, Cetoben 1, 1878. rs ber opinet anders. B'rc noe mc. Pr-att. & ail et home. Steart, Btrc intime, Maggie, udi 8'(x ~ ' str tHiae. rt uc111OUG11 LINE FROM TORONTO ~ va H A MIL TON & U0O8 r Mitirer,Sarrdie. Hays. 40n dean oid ihame. Steart 3itu PORT PERRY, LINDSAY, BOB- *,came lias tn e. iBtr CAYGONADFEOO v as uni tlre. Hayu onNAN FNEO Are IIOW receiving a large and weil-assor-tcd Stock Of' nevn.Altn sang in ornFL Dimuts . 0-FLS vy. -soprano ta. au, Tire St-amen Ol.NTABIO," viiiloulve- GE BA e.z Baritone o. SOI Pet Prrj'uveyonaWdaaad ýe . S op r n o d o u 8 ' ris!ay , a Iil o e lo c k , a. n ., a n tire a rriv ai ,arts, ta-ake. Tenar de. hOu ut tire moniig Traih irom Witb7, viricirh<m i AI D ~~onnecîs vitir lie Local Train Ire,»tire E S 'AID est, anth e Ex1nes fr-on Toranto, an lire ai Il!ae. tear.40 Irnran ani uway, anniviag la Lindsay er o Kidar. Sewat.4C ta 0nlock, p. m, Bbeaygeou et S p. p.; mIthrnsdyrng. 14Bbc - allaalut 7 p. m.-o o- o rer i aïr. Hymn. 3(nc RETunxo.L- Loves Fenelon Fallu an rien tn ainns9. 81-c tueus!ay, Tirures!sy, sud Satnrday,-et 6, a. %urrt Sosie? Strewart t -r . arvigaI Lindsay nt 8, a. , and aI VL1.,.It >dig pupe Maeons, Ou &Let reny rn tirne te conudt a-ltirtire iIJI a n u r l l o s m s ( , r à T n u n k B al a 7 m ix e! g o l g W e t, M L I E R Y A D M A T E '9ofyou. Pratt. 30. ins!LocuVsird-ExpreMksgola t - ns n rssi ng . D a n l s , S o l i'ron Teronte to Bobaygeon-....250 lo-rIigt, ehr.8 Wiitby le Lind!say................ 1 2o ne t-iùhtru hr.ioc obcaygeoa........... 175 . Stewart. 4 e T reu 1rio us cai1 rs a ie1. T F R E S H F A M IL Y G R O C E M IE S . re doar. Humys. Sou ".gent-, litorcaw, k of me? If 85( 93MTIrengW'Fneihlieet low r-abus. Fer - t. Hy Mn. Panks. Socuer-ms, &c., apply te tire Agente. H MLTN& GO. n. Stewart, 80eIAn -uf c. 40ü y information eaun be ohiaines! hyep- McPIron's Block, Wbitby, Sept. 1878.181 Ly. 8à( plymvg te Aube7. 3Soc L3. B. KIMBALL, JAS. HIOLDEN, Sp'i. - Mang. Directr._________________________________ lrVirtby, Sept. tt, 1878. 8 at f .m. Stewart. In 80c -~-,-. da. Pratt. 8uc velnear. Danks. MeN0OT[O17 e-CAIÀ'AGE ANI) CUTTERS li for- m ais v ie . -40ê, A- -5 E Caprice. lint. Kiakel. 60é ppication viii bu madei.tatie neit sou- istrumentai. d 0-sien ai,,île Legisiatur- ofaiOntario fnn an art 'Wutzt. Fithngir. 8;c .ao nstruet a Itilvur anPart Ferry ta '.-- Maxunts, Kinuuil. lI-c Gotierirr by way aoitrXringe, Nuvrarket _ N s p. Quickstep. Buit nnd Orngevihle, ads! loeion f01!thrpoa-ens M . 1 . D O u I -0 ta ire Bowtnville, Linday ut Beircygeon E. R~adu Compatty, aud ion pewer tecn- .tnuc a B-anci r iom some point la theo Inat. Kinkel. Sou County ni Durhiam bte tie NortemRurn uiway 61 ý 85eluntire Couaty ai York, andti t change is ru fok:nare nusd for snsondnra. t hpAct of1In. - 'DI L INS E ove cdorporatienù. fi trSepb 28 iv WHITBY, ON SATURDÀY, OCT. 18t1h, A large qoautity of general hnrusebols! fun- nitune, comapisig- PARLOR &- IEDROOM SETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, SOFAS, LOUINGES, STOVES-Surface sud base buruers, uid cooking sud parler slaves, airaone Flou-once stave. REPS & BEDDIiCNG-.including icatir Ireds, mattrasses, featirer puma-es, qnîlts, Ilankets, &c. CARPETSn,-ans! a large quantiey iîris relîsueous hauscîrols! iuniturs. y0ms Sale to commnce at Tes o'clock. Terme Cash, baukable funds. L. FAIRBANKS. JR., Auctioneor. W l itl,v , O c -t. 7t r. Gut COiFR SLE A Ho\TCE OFF r Slngodcn Iti CEAp %Vlritlry 0Oct. le. 40 FARM iF011 SALE. The Southin e buad(reri scres af Lot No. Lot.' No. Twenty, in tire ThirtiCocesin ni tire Townushipr ni Pickering. There is a gaoti irame hmuse a-itirutane dollar, also fine yausg nrclarI on thre premisea. Tire place ne wateret by a living utneam aus! by tirree never--iailiagupinge, sud lu distant sabout tIrree miles frqm ren eciman's Bay anti ivo aud ene-irali miles freen Poffin'a Creok sta- tinsntire Grand Trank Railvay. Aber-e parcels viii ire sols! elter tetr or sepanatly to inuit jrunhasere. A lunaglr- oued credit a-lli ie grveu. A COMPLETE STOCK IN ALL LINES 0F - FAIL L WIN TEJR à CLO0THINO JOH'N FEIIGUSON Begs to ixîforin lis custorners thit lie is now ini receipt of it suprerior Stock, of Cloths, T'Weeds, Vestings, S&c.. very select, and suitrrbl,- for the S'IaSI)n wbieh he is prepered to make up iu the beut style, and et the shortest notice. AUl orders promptly attendcd to anrd executed irý the best style. Special attention paid to giving a satii.factory fit. Ail kinds of Gente' furnishirng goods. inclucling hats, caps;, urubrellas, &c,. Caîl and exatuihie. JOHN FEROUSON, J'lothiu.r &Gents' Outfitter, lnudiu$t. VM hithy ,'\ LTu rV-NI)CANAL E- AG- GO D MIHS HALL !l ET col( DANFPO R ocH;- Drrtwox 7MkTornto Sept 23,1873. cO0AL AND' WOOD. Tire nnder'slgned.begs leto r tbankls fer thre liberaI and iucreasiag patrolinge bue butSéa favoreR luieliduring iu thres yuars labusirrurs, and hereby iufnilses. tomer tirat le ras naaw for éudieal l riîdm. al tihe best Anthrracite andt Biturolirnug BES-T £ARDW.OODI At ire lowust possible prices for Cash. JOH- fLOW& CO. Whitby, Anunt5fth, 1873. 82 JN PRESSE: Te 6e published in Noeber, 1873. LO'VLL'S IIAZETTEER OF BR[TIS.H NORTH At,9iCA i Ceutainiag tire latest and ïnast atithevntie descriptionsoai ever six tlrausand <lites, Towns, ana Villages lantire Provinces of On- tario, Quebue, Nova Seotia, New Brunswick, Ncwfoundlsrd, Prince Edward muand, Man- itoba, lIritisir ColaxaJrian-d the Nortir-west Ternitenles; aud-general infomatiexrdrawu frera official sources, as te tire rsms, local- ity. exteut ,,&e., of over ittéen Undcretl Lakes and Rivers, with a TablaetfBoutes, shoviag tireproximity of the, BslwaySta,- tiens, aud Sea, Lake and ifiver Porta, Icthe Cillas, Towns, Villages, &tc., in'tire ~ea Previncés. Pricein: e:oth S$250 ; Pricé in~ Fn» Caif, $8;75. Agents wvaated tae arvasi for tire work. JOHIN LOVELL, Publisher. Moutreal 9th Ang., 1873. 34 la ýunsurpasuefi ah a pleasant and coolimg a'penlent. bane enta-oglases ai Canratraca, every marming before, breakfast, or anu epyso macb durnmg tirhet vertirer v. l kpyur systeur cool aud irealthy. Carra-. traca Water-stands unrivalles! as a -raluable rerîedial. agent ln cases aofRatriturul C'Snri-, p alln, Derangpment aiflire Stôinar-hr rrrd Boa-els, Cirunsie, înflarnatie of aitire Kirk neye. (Ira-rel, Gant, Rireminati sin-r-reiul tire rironie formql, Serninîua, 5km itrelr ai ai]l duds, Dyspepsia, Heartirnu, Aijt suri as a Purgative atier a dleiruchiis i r-.ur equalles!. Fan sule lry Hateis, Du-uggisis, atu d.Žn Whiulesale ai tire praprietrs- WINNG, EHILL &WAItB, Wiritby, JuIy 2ud, 1973. iro-27 BLACKS-MITH STAND & IOC.SE&- B LG FORSALE. Fan sale-in tire Village oai Myrel-, ru;egur;)d Blacrmith stand,-ith gond iarhllin use ari' rii-irgbarno; acre at ri - goos! buar-it. orublrdn. Appnri- tur- F.&2 WUIDA . f,; rr17:IIf, at wrli rýr s i É Onir euera ir -ri r Myîlue-i, t a atan<J. 31-t $5 TO DAY(dres . A crnn ).,ut Portlan - unill.. U Stries! tncer-r, ainlInrsiI te u no o- nnoriSATUI)IAY in EGzI, iI Îlavnof OCTOBIiuI u or Lantl--n-,:nr:c %Veirao aunxinlsrnof Lrilg-Anrnî,. -:uns Pits-truienv iRnrlerr -mnu .:-rrs utC., urtIra mets-prinn ir-r rl d Caunal, binecix Tsurold arnrdtou tOi. lirecor-rka-il i -q lut lu otruu- utf a-hici, nlirmbcrutreapectiy 2, I fii3 us 7, are situa--! betoveen Pont jniuuur nr St. Catirine's Cemnetry, sas! tirrea miuni-. bere-i1f, 13 snd 14) extenti iran tirs rorth- urn aide ai tie rsCuest Western Railn'ay la mear Bruiseus Cernent Elias., TInuiers vile aise ho redoive! for tire en- laîrgement ans! deopeaing ai lie pnsr 1e tiu rageeut Canalire ta-ea ,Port itirmua sud tIre Aqueducl of Welland; verk to bu lot lu sections, oscir about a m1ilo la lenglir. Tenders are aiso invite! for tIre cample- tionci te eeaimj acienlargement ai Mfapu af tire.severai iocaiitier togutIrer a-ti lans and! Speculcatiens et tire work, dan be--seen aItrtis- Office on anud suer TRTESPAY tire TWENY FIFTII day ai SEPTEMBER lastant, a-mure prnaet formofa Tender a-illire fumulirbet. A l1k. clouse afi unIforation relative te tire vonku -nort ai Tirerais!, may buairtaine!aItitho 'Resident Engirreerse Office, Tiierols!; andi fer vorks at an! aboya Part Robinson. Plné' r0nmy ire seen eaitlirPesis!ent EniersOffice, Welland, Ail tenders muet ire made on tire Pninted iarms supplie!, andti teencir mual ire t- tache! lie actuel signatures ai ta-o rusp on- sible.anti soivent penrsb, zesidenîs ïcilheo Dominion, wiliig ta beceme aunreties for the due filumeat Oethie connrant. Tisî deparîrnent does n et -havever bin iteif 10 accepî tflue nest or amy Tender. By arner, . BRAUN, S.ccrtmny, Deprtrnent ni Publie Warka,> Oltaa, 4111 Sept , 1873. f 3 c HANCERY SALE. IN TE TOWNSHIP,0FOP21MLLRA. Court ai Chanucery, in a siofo - HOLDEn VS., KELLY, Tree all ireunis! ly publiceritoswitr theu a ppr-atin of lamas Wanllla- -Tay,_ Ion, Esquire, Masteér>in (Ordsinirvais as! Court, b7 Mn. Panas!, Resu, anctioneen, at Bainilton's Hiotel, la the.VIlage of Beaver- ---4 oe O'Cîocl la tIre, ai rot-h 1)lulu6feLot ýgtir Concession- -£t Oner tire' No the Ri MaRrci l 1 0 a us!ant LARGE Lmb alu. 12oclc.Luc a l Trravs-12 muoatirs crédit by funushiug uatisfactory PaPer. L. FIBNs -. Auctioneer. Gruonwood, Oct. 14, 1878. 42td F ARM FOR SALE. A sumail farm of 25 acres of excellent land, bein comosedof prtef lot 27,ta tire town Of Wiity, n wiehthon. lu a igod dwell. ing irouue, barn, and out-buildings; well rouf north,aad is well adaptes! for a gardon. nr. Apply at tire Cirronicle office, on te HIENRY TRULL, On thre premises. URSUANT TO A DECRFE<p .. tIre Court Ai Chaucery, la a cause ai BUNKER YS. BUNKER, 1 o Order by ail promiptly ,attendedidto JJDrARI.NG. The 'Oly first- Ckfss~~b8mn the County where funera1s are fi lysùpp4id - TILL &JOHNSTON. Whty Otbrlst, 1878. 40ly N E WFA L L lmPORTATIO NS, We t i îglaîîd, Canadian, sund Scotch, cloths, &&C. GENTS? FTJRNISIIING GOODS 0F EVERY DESG-RIPTION. The GROCERI DEPARVMENT larepletel with'a- choice- selctolIot TesCt~fes; ewfruit,-spices. Best tubacco. Goods at prices -iefying legitimate competition J. da Jt. MUIIPIIy E NC0LIS H TO -HA' A FULL ASSORT Watches, Gold Chains, coeODs N D. MENT IN ,ored Gold Sets, ,kets, Rings, ARRIVALS OF September 24th, 1878. HICKIE, &, CO. Whitblv, October 15th, -1873. 0 T I 1« W, hitby, Sept' 24, 1873. 1 A v-1:ýMlq A COMPLUE STOCK IN ALL UNES -OF" ý--JD- 1

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