Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Aug 1873, p. 1

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1in*rtion,asu 2cents, POT lunéehesols sips- quesi insertion. p.eiiloonruts zads W-itlhadvertisers Business Directo0ry1 WIIT B3Y BUÂÀNCH,9 -'ruMÂS DOW, 1) 4)m 1 q 0N et 4N K, W IIT B Y- AGENC0YS H.. B. TAYDNKILO, l AW CHANCEIIY& CONVEYTAKOIFG à 0O cee South Wlng Court Bouse. Ar ran 0 entsfor opecartlner of Hon; 1Mr. Csero ,Q.C., sdD.MMoaI .O 3. X. PAUV*P.LL. L. I1.9 £OUlNTY CROWN 4JTTORNEY FOR c JOnthio, Barrister, solicitor Convsy. ancer, Notary Publie, &e., &Ã". OWce-Late- 1 ocnupied by 8. Yi. Co'huane, Esq., laie Crown Attorney, Brock, treet, Whtiib. (4E0Rft~I )ARTNOILr.; A ISVlATTORNEY, CONVEY- aneer, Deputy Regitrar, Mater Ex. traorelinary, an amatiner ln-Cbancery fo, the County of Ontario. Ofice, Court Hanse, Whilby. BARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, .Solicitar in Chaneery, Couvoyancer, N<sary Publie, &a. Office-Ge Mr. Ad., dlsan'o store, Brock Street, Whitby, Out. C1iAULES C. ELR * ATTOR$EBY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .IXChancery, Conveyancer, &o., Caning- ton, Brook, C. W. BARRISTER1 AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BClaucery, Couveyauccr, Ac.,kAc. Sm cas Street, Oshawa. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW, B Solicitar i Cbaccer and Insoiveny, Natary Publie, A&c., &o. OMlle--MeMiJaui't Bloc% D rock Street Wilîtby, Ontario. > TTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLIC TOR IN A1 Cheicery, Convce'ancer, Lanal% Agent, O &c. Office-lu l'arriol, saiBlock, Brook St., Uxbridge. C;IrEIC<lI>& Nei N BARIIISTETIS, ATTORNETS, SOLIC- itirs, Notariesi Public, Cauveyauceru Glllo-l)yan Street, South of Polit Office, alub nta. fOWVN CLERK AND) TIE-ASUIlER. TWlîitly. Gffc-Towu il. Mours, trum Il ta? 'clack. 1 G TSCTOR OrF PUB3LIC SCliOOLS; .1 o IeCoîîiy if Onscario. Addess-L Rlaglan P'ost Cfite, Onîtario. il J ~~~D.1, S URGE.oN ToTE COUNTY GAOL, O I yron Street, Whithy.____ G UYS HOSPITAL, LONDON, EEG., --- thsa eys R. . iH. L, Oshawa, Ontario. D ENTIST, (SUCCES- site W. H. Carml.) Dental Itoons-Duadas Street, - - ~--- W]ithy ovin Mrr Jamesans Store. Nitrons'4 Oxide Udn aatiissered for thsa paies ex- 1 traction of mt. dcalUâ RETH inseortcon ai l he' Q7-fl latesi prnitpies e! thue art, as cbeap as tise osespemu, sud as godaute bout.Teeths ihietiwitb Gohd sud Silver. Teett ctrscted aviiiaai pain, by produciisg local aptethesia. Dental Roomi-ta Coar- C en's usa blace , aven Aikinsons Drng Store, Kng Street, Oshawa. 8 I SUER 9OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. OfSe-Toan Hal. Reidece-Byrona Street, Ilînestonsonons oS TownsHual. 9 TAIR I1âESSING AND- SHAVING1 "coSuo, Brook St., WhtibY. J<iN WOLFENUEN, AGENT FOR Tili CELEBRATED A,.Scottielu Granite. At Marbie' Works oci Jonathn Wofeadea, Dundas St., Wbitby. JOHN e-Ati1 21, LF ICEESE]> AUCTIONEER FORL THE JUCanalie of Ontario, -York aud Peel- leisdec-LLot 8, 8ih Caoncession Marishaîn. Pont OMMca-Uaioniviltm. Saion attandeti 1t theîssiorttmaice, ant i sreisoutble iteime. Teeari cuisdliantieud blls printed ti athe CtsaOsILobu Office fon Mn. Carter. i ei F,%1I l% iN K's, J31 -JICENSRD AUCTIIuNEER FOR THEE Cîauîty of Gulta, buga ta etuni tl-iîalLkd for thsa lierai patronage lîscetotare bes8toacti upunhtiismnud tla ssouuce tisal ha te preliýtrnti la condutt sales elîler ini -Tasawn oaîturty ai retsoîtubie raies. Ar- ranîgement* for saies. oaa bamatie ithen ai -l the HNCuîuîcrtOffce, On ai MY orn Officel, B3rickStîcat, WVlitimy. M IEllil-ANTr TAILOiI, CLOTîIIER, &, AVI thulier, OhOsiu u ntleaien's gar- Menct$li iamie 1isistusthse botstle sud lateni famnî. A fîiiittu si l ithu, fuom aisit ta îuukessectiotli orGeistieuneulsu anmneu L UMIlER MERCHIANT, CARPENTEIs aumijiuiue)n, Orsi Stet, Wliiby. A t -- - -lan-ge tîtsamstty tOf ail kiuseof lunuin oua- - - u 5tt<I{tùRr&KNG.-Fausraii tuiîy eup- p ie nt lt itgi sîirtsltiite. Ctstlust kpeostistyon istad. ÀAhoarsasînt - \ONstY TO LihND. Tiuesigncel bus au y smount ci Mon- ey Sa 1tend upon Fartu on Town Pnapsnty, et. na îoeudly Law Rates ni Interent. - Liasicosa ho epsit in lu sastasui# bar- eoalImprovei FurmueniWiLnd -s fan sale chcitim Iuvetmetsts msade tn Munsicipai Dehen- tares, Bankh,and oalun manketattibis Stacks. For funiluer particuhsrs spphy ta -JAMES IIOLDEN, Offlisil Assignes, Braisén, &c. -î - OFFICE-Over the Dominion Bak, Me- - Milltsait'Bnock St,, Whtby. Bprll OtIt, 1873. 15 Whsiby Brais audSatr iing Bands, adapted faor soirees, P)ic-ic, Excursions Quadrie Partis eo o& aal trs., A&., wil suppiy thes hest sud Applications muet ho matie etisor persan- J. WOLFENDEN, Whiihy. TTH HORSE MEDICINES. escribyils of tuboa RyleMei L20'Nçu change fun advice. N. BAT. T4 E Oourt, Tp. Clerk, B. R., Ltnd Ageint, Ar., ýy Ontario. ,a. 172 1 sB VOL. XVIL. H O LLI D A YJ .ISOLÀTRD RIBY. PIZE INS. Co.,~ of Canada. A pudslycansadianInstitution. Ais Agent and apprase for the, Canad Ponnt Building and Bain&Sgoeyor« ban oSmOny a io raesOf teresi. As~surance, Company, CAPITAL, *$400,OO0. ESTABLISHED x83z. This old snd iwefl est&bUlsbe Company âr repared to - rikinu classes:f esabis ed onpa7iCanada. Isolated and non.,îaxardons property in. sured for tbre. years or les. at'4ipecafy low rates. Offic.,Brock t,;Vitby. , TARIO FAB)iMeIW MUTUAL INBLI/iANOE COIY,' HEAD'OFFICE, BROOK ST., WHITBY. Thia Comnpany insures P'srm Buildings, Country Churchîes, Scbool Hanses, and their Contents at rates as LOW as those o!any well-etllshed Company ini Canada. aJUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAI). L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., J. B. BICKELL, Secretary. - President. Mfr. D. Halliday is no longer an agent of this Company. pHIENIX FIRE ASSURANCE CO07., OUBARtD ST. & ClIARING CROSS, LONDON. ESTAI3LISHEÉD IN -1782.- GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Agents for Canada. JAMEIS IAVIISON, Manager. Insurances ageinsi lase by Fine are effect- el on the most favorable terme, aud Lasses said without roference ta the Board ta Lan- YEOMAUN SIBSON, Agent, Whitby. Liverpool and London and Globe AvAILABLE ASSETC, $27,000,000. Lasses&paid in course ai thirty-4lve years; xceedF FIÃŽTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLABS, Claims hy Chcicago Fire cetimated aet near- v 3000,000, are being liqnidated as fit as 'y sted withont dedaction. Secunity, rompt Payment and Liberality ia adjust- ment afitiiiLasses are the promineutlteutures tJ tItis wvealthy Cormpany. Hcad Office, Canada Bruni, Montreal. G. F. C. SMITH, Chiot Agent for Dominion. L.FAIRBANKS, Ja., Agent at Whitby, Ont. [OHN L. WATKIS, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, BAILIFF SUD DIVISION COURT, iUCTIONEER, -&o., &C. OFPICE-In Bigelow's Block, Por't Port Penny, Juise 24, 1872. 2ci LNE W BAKERY FRUIT STORE. lige toannounce that ha is nom, prepareti ta ,npply cverything in tise Bakery and Con fectionery Line At lis aid standi, iately accupieti by Mn. J. Iruali. CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL INDS Kepi canslauily o an auintaseasan. 3RiANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, . CREESE, TOBACCO. BREAD deliveneti daily tacuetoasers, anti ail other prvisions anti gootis delivensti as May bu o.rdt. Choice Brantis of Cigans. RICHARD SNOW. Whitby, Sept., 1871. 37 R EM O VA1. Tise undenaigmset has removet is BOOT- c& SHOE STORE ta tIse premilits adjotiuig tIse Wetern Hotel, Baunda' Street, Whiby, wareshe ba uow pemprediao execalte aUl orders Osr Woris. A ...esu select stock ounlianti. Repairing tiote as usalt. - JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Wlsblby, May 8u 1871. 1 The nudensigneti deaires ta infonsu bis fnieada anti patrons ihai he bai agaîn ne- a;me*d bîssiness ai ithe olti- WHITBY LIVERY STABLES. Raving encreas;eti the nuinhern d quahity Af tht stuti, and aIeoaduitedti t anti improvedl tise canveyusuces aud relîlicîs on tIse presu- ises, ho luopee hy bio inl a positian ta uteet fisi %aabe af cuetamors ta nuerbl ashaare of publie patronage. !- 1 (IIAstENt; OS1iE- . N. B.-Covenad convcysacces for familles sîuu ladiies. Prompt attendante, as Itercto- fore, toa ai orticni. -N. RAY, Praprietar. c laOI1CE APPLE TREES,- A.4>IO <I T T20,000, -Aý'T it HOME NURSERY, Frotu tu-a ta tour years oS agi, emîîracing ail tIse beit Varietias. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Na. 8, lieu Cou. Piikisng, an Ringeban Roilt, -st Office, 'uTliiby. ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Bsiug part af lot 29, 7tit-coucesgion Scott, Coufy af ntaio--100 acres, 75 cicaneti sud lua goati siate af cultivatiaus. Gooti daeiig hanse, sud extensive outliuilaiugi iu goati epir. Apply te the oanrue, SIMEON TIFFIN, ou île premises. Leaskdale, Nov. 14, 1872. 47 Wrm STERNI ASSURAN CE COMPANY EEIAD OFFICE, TOBONTO. CAPITAL -STOCK, - ooo AGN O êT tUE eNlni, JOBREPII IOLMiIN, 13IOOKLIN, ONT. Aiso.Agent Son thieCANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL IN SURANCE COMPANY, Rasai Ofice,-HAxmTaoN; anti CITIZENS" INSURANCE COMP'T, - ýDepanimeut, Brookiliu, Dec. 2, 1872, 12m49 0 R 9SA LE. WRXITBY,, ONT,, A. MASON - - PIIOPRIETE. The Aion bas beau tborongbly renovat- ëdau te ' bieWMfin eer aceommo- c E NTRBA L. EHOT EL, BtOUOSA, ONT.e JOHN B.ILZÉY- PROPeIBTOB. Tii. aboie hotel bas been uewly l11usd sud furnlslied. Ouess-M]lina comfarsb accommodlaton ond attention, . Gotsabi- lng and attentive ixoslers. c OUMME<RCIAL HOTEL, BR110K ST., WHITBT, E. M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR. Rosi accommzodation aud supre Winss, liquars sud ciare. Good etablhngr, wlth en- cloîed yards, ane attentive ostiers always on the premises. .ÇA9 rges moderate. CRADTRtTNK RA]LWAY HOTEL, AT WlIfTB? STATION. WM. 'NEILL --PROPRIETOB. Parties taking the train sud leavinenborse arifl have them arel iaken cars of ti their returu. GY LOBE HOTEL, BUOOKLIN, ONT. JAS. POWELL - - PROPRIETOR. PURST-0LASBAONonTOS R EVERE HOUSE, MANCHIESTER, ONT.,, B. PLANK - - - PROPRIETOR. Stages toansd tram Whiby cal] daily. Ev- ery attention puid ta guests. YLCANADIAN HOTEL, H. FOY . PROPRIETOR. -Superior accommodation. Gôoa stabling and àlhed room, and attentive ostiers. WESTERN HOUSE, DUNDAS STREET, WHITIIY. Tie nndcrsigned would intimate ta the public, that te above premiseâ have beeu newly ltted np aud reuovated tbroughout. Pest I.quors aud Cigars. "The Crcam of Caniuda,'almo pure Rhirie Wiue, Walz's Lag- er, wholesale aud retail. Bourders talen by the week. JOSEPHI A. BAINDELI- [LATE I)AWE57,ý IVHITJJY, ONT. THIOMAS WILSCN, - PROPRIETOR. dollar p1cr day. The praprietor tukcs ocessian ta inforrn the publie thut, bavîag purclîsseddte above av.ell.knnwn hotel sud promuises, wbi.th is naw iltteid np in tIihe et uanner for the accommodation a! gets, i is determined ta loave nothing undone on bis p art ta keep np the established repaitatian ot the hanse, and ta meet with the appraval of the travel- ling commanity. -Every attention sud ac- commodation exteuded ta guefste. Int reference ta the above, the iïndersigned begs ta infarm-his old triends, sud the crus- toiners af the Rouse, tbat havine ispaigsedl ot the liotel sud premises ta Mr. Wilson, tItey avil i Sud in Itim a worthy sud attentive host, "A mari aften bis own heart"-aud solicits for htm their coutiuued pstroage. C. DAWES. Whitby, May 19111, 1873. M 1ONEY TO LENDI Repayable Ity instalments for tram Tara ta Twenty yeurs, ut low rates ni iiitereet, with. aut commission, sud ut moderate charges. Private Fauds to Leud. Apply ta- J. E. FAREWELL, 1May 2tt, 1872. ara eùnneias; tbey ar eàenly worxeo, not lible to get out of ordea, snd sola very low ftgnr. Sq uare and.Revofvlng Chur IL-.. 1 tintii stite suda Anti aIUother biniAs aS Aprbcultsra] Impfl-. ment. aithi. ail the rocant immrovemento. Raviprom"ur etiou të iïY Stesm engles, (oni of the nuosi complets if the kloc] maifartaneli,) tIhe undersignei¶la usa ssmsbbed ta exeente ail onie for F-ABMING IMPLEMENTS peditiaassly, ant t guarautee complele satis- faction ita aIlcases. - JAS. CLAYTON, Brocis St., Wlsithv. May 14th, 1872. 201y m AINFACTRED AT THE Port Perry Agricultural Works. LEit'EL'S OZLEERATED AMERIcÂRnDOsUL TURBINE WA TER TVHEEL. ITUE MOST ECONe311CAL wItEL NOW IN USE Tiîeo 'Viels are are now armnnfscturiug cheapen tiiao any othuer shop lu tIhe country , sud are aili give a gîaraatce wtb tarît Wheel warranting tisen ta be aisael matis, anti ta give as gooti satisfaction as auy manufactumed in the Domtiin. Parties desiting funthen taformation eau obtain il by addnessiiug PAXTON, TATE & Ca., Penny St., Part Penny, Ont. Marc-ht 31, t8619. 31 T'ISOLATED RISE Fire lnsurance Co'y of Canada, 11cm DOrnucx-KiugSl.,con. CIsrcI,Torouta '-A P 1TAL, S~.ea.o . Deposited wîth (-uvenmen , $67,000 It aril adjusi auli sses aitbout tielay, sud psy aven tle cash AT ONCE. Hon. ALEX. McKEEZIE, M. P., -Presideut. JOHN MAUGRAN, Js., Munagon. 'Q M.V ILCX NEEILICFNSED AUCTIONFER Township of Mariposa & C'artwright B EG S ta tanis hie maiytieuts sd tie publie gcuerslly fanxte libenul patron- age bectoatti upon him turing tIse pai four Huâv*ug noar giresi up tIse business af Bijiti, I iateud, in future, te devote my arIsaIttme latiste business cf Auctieneer, Cctilectiig, &'c. h ti le my endesimisr, by prompt atnd caneful attention ta business, ta glus fti satisfaction te ail whe may faimr me wnth their Sahes or Colectiug. Bilas draugbteti antiBisais Notes funiute- ed frcevif charge. Aisa B3ih stucpsa lv.aaym ou1 Land. Arrngemenits eau iue macle for suies &o.. at tIse Cînuosi;cLn office. Wbltby, Ltlaere office Prince Albert, sustat tise Standart Office, Pont Penny. W. M. WILLCO, Prince Albert, Sept. 2-lt, 1872. 39 X tAL«UABLE I'ROPEIITY FOR SALE. TIse subioiber oSfera for sale tIse fllow- iug -valuubhc pnaperty, in the Toawn e! WIii- by s-An excelentrick Cottage aith jsce of land, situatet on tht crmer af Green su- îIrs.Peter 51., in the- Southt Wand. Aiso,j acre ahnd,, atl feuiceti. ant inlua ligItstîmi ot -cultivatlon, conter Wellington sud Gif fard sts-, Nanths Ward. J acre ou Centre St ,outb uthtie resideuce ai C. Druper, Esq.. in tIhe Seott War.Aima 20 acres af gooti land, beiîtg compaseti Ot Part ai lot 18, luth can. nS Toaunship et Murray, Ca. Northumbet- 1A nc su ad indiiputabie titis aili be givei la ail thse ibove praperty. For fuitIen psr ticulitna appby ta tise oeaer. FRANCIS CLARK. Wbilby, Jai>' 1871. 29t RPOYAL BRITISH QUEEHOTEL, JAS. DEWART, - PROPRIETOR Splendid accomnmodation. Best inbs sudlibqnors aI thse han.. Attentive atliersi. K ING BROTHEERS, WHITIBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealessasd Manufacturer.aifal Kietîs of - Brook St., Whitby. 22-tf1 R OBEET JOHN YARNOLD, OFFICIAL ASSIGP COUNTY OF ONTARIO' ADDBESS-Box 09, WIIITB. 41 712J Cu.Mr ST., NEAU VICTORIA SQUARE, M ONTREAL. j2Ê'Daeiinesa xclusivcly commi*sz*on. 12 years expérience in the Motreel pro- duce trade. iteturne lprompt, and highest market prices obtajurd. Consignors kept potd-( as ta asale of their gonds, prospects, &c. litformatiana', t< pice, &c., furmish&l on application. Lr t 4ial conbignmient 8olicited. GEORGE PERRY, JR. Refercuce: MErsnts.Jno. DOUGÂLL &Ca. Jan uary 13, 1873,1Y FREGE SITE! TOWN 0F WHITBY. + I-ER SITE WILL BE GIVE N A ta Mu'y Msnlfacturn- gCompany building an establiishment lils& aser. J. RAMER GREEWOOD, WÇbitby. Feb. 26, 1873. Mao - n tf' c OAL - AND WOOD. A. ALEXANDER, Eaviisg purebusedth Ie Cial asti Wood Yard of Mer. Jolmu Reish, bage ta tfori al cus- tatuere tisai thsy adI finidtishe pnemiae cou- staittly sud pletifiuly supplieti, sud Wood sud Cotîs delvered ait tIse loacît pnices. Iiav.iug parcisaseti large tracts et ils best avant lande on the baci Luises, a ful andi exliaules upply aili e bcarsys kepi on baud. Rensitaule rates aud fuît measure guar. antesti. Coaai eigtti an lte Town ecales. - A. ALEXANDER. Wbiiby, Jsly 0,l, 873. 28 I OL1WOOLl OLD NO. 1 Yeî Alie, anti aants &îr 6c,coo ibs. OF GOOD WOOL l Feet Store, Dardas Sit., Whiiby,fo hè ho aiR pay lu Cash lie iigbesi Inariset prise. YEOMAN GIBSON, The Gennie OUt No. 1. Whitby, Jure 4,1878. 1, NOl aTICes id te otheslte dem oST' R. MeTlillan & Co. are relquestet to cali et once aud setile their indehtedness, eiher hy nioie or cash, ai the olti office. T. Il. MoMULLAN Ar 00. Wiiiy, July 9, 1575. 28 ENSTRUCTON ON> THRE PIA*" SFORTE A&ND OR-GAN. MR. GEOR.GE C. .WIGGflNS, B.A., B5ffs to ea,u,. eti.ha ailS taetieake. LEATHER AND FINDINGSf Leather stretched. 93 BELTI:NG MADE TO ORDER 0O SHORT NOTICE. May. 1872.2. 0 OB SA LE. A valnable Taa n a hlgh state oS 'nl Iatlanr sofilnot exc.lled iiiCanadabeli flt25, 2ud con. West W lihun, Contya ~iiddl«ese 80acres cleared, and reil watez id, gaod fe ces, good buildingsCandani younorer, of chaise fruit; ituati withln 41milesof the . fia'rshu, vlaec Park OIU, sud-containing 142 acres. For pariclasapply ta- THOMAS.KNIGHT, Park Hi Wlsithy, July 24, 18M . f.20 0. O.T. HALL, AGENtCY AN~D COMMISSIONS -Vahuatians made and wceontscoilected, buos, ands'es81seuitise uae ! They sat saimepaces bsck, a.s ve 1822, aansuformelylileutenantsiun rue- a l c a r h s a e n l " ' L h i â d b e f o r o t i e b l a z i n g i e a i i c l i 2 t s R g u o t o u . L n . h s n t s backisary hia avs eet suailil sat beu reedge Chrse's came ta isîtiS singlr, sund, imadst, almoatun. areisers. IHie abckbngs ifesteoneti isati u, ftor al ,thé other members cf. paralleleadunn ise hlatoryof! itile anMie dean te hi. brognea, generaily leffi hitd ýmu maste'.fail iserebiredtiabebd.,ihat tise Wesent'Eanl o! Chstaerfield i s legs hlai naketi.. Hoa close they ast ae ar e nlot hound doscendet(i-(as, ludo on ac ethi re. Butthen'washave accu tha h9-aas t6 ioriare. Indeeti,: when sasveracions Iaut saris)'from aannûeioer al asiseh the Most loving anti faithful créatnre copiler. of aur bisoy s aamit- eleveutis son of bis father tisa 11Wt "ri, N auer iseatm;te il excei wsuneti as ainessea bîme othenis aoulti be Tii preseut peeninhseiiteéd tise tile ramn fightiug at fabrît on pattera) good-natmr- s'ame r islk e rvs alw dbstant cousin;'antin stise avent oet ii ed ; anti abeve aIl, possessîti cf a. quai- ses anti er. Soine!ps-eftory - d.isa unnairii, ommarniet sti anïtis- 22 iiy in ilis tesuz antis tise avaker se%, andd-sè -a I thirOutinâmai iedié t ) ses ta a Lis rdis- - o! every tiegnie, thisi, utter1r eales- at aosg < mlygo.t 5 ue iess of danger or dets in montal.in. pesansmuai therefore b. pe iover: tu osn iehndseteifoats usi.' It asý ndy' côirâgé anrs e m uais ch f t leir ove sat on, nun. bcve -Da m e e ve it isson , Sir B d ari s ?. onthi aas Atiy' ceiage ntirive. at t~ hat Prt f i aieS i Scudea re Stanhocpe, o! Holme Lacey, t-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~M neleai hifnircmcddf scemôry the reador phou nl itoar. Hemfortishire: '¶lhim à'n n h a-Bdge Chireo .anti lb.*mas uerfoleaig.We ovetemeioam ise Lths case, is a iaihè'mxst be con- uer ollwin. Welov to reeàr;,e tu t aitb aluat uwe chou.. on eftor due ,Tise retiinug editor of a Kansaspaper ne tcmy. nifleciios desinad tvisabla te give him "valetiicts" hiniaeif as foilears RI fhave S Psndgc Dirmody, ahoseDmc tise seei«g-îi" t re4migh eop il ail o our asaid anytipgthmcigis thesecelamsta ta ai adir ail] necolleci,was a littie o!fltse selves, wèeawosaouncined, or tutui suit heam sorr3' for, I am la of i. To mn> peti7m a erc,, aki g î ven eitbr ughf ie ds, I tiunk y en io n y ur libe rlity, peUmate mkn siaceIrogsoui, plrposes. m neies onc g tels -liser vausty toe eiy p*nl ho met, Toa 1 anatasouhal. Up yosmmeeau, golteltu tan in he tratis,,sud givcng dus hionour -1 -0ois e Musiemsisip ini tise art- ofS oy,, face,ý Dowa.shutigqm-suaciree,"' a&idi - padge'ssi Anily, Breçdge havinK;dsropeti fi onhler A hluilasti ycnth, who d"alope-dM, ii -' nsu wne~ai qusi, 1Uîbresio.,î-t eoething un previons, course board billI senLt tis e%4&peratii .bileitt' rie boasteel of thse, fvonrs Lue recelvesi, f-t he- isiu âetruteii lanIlacy ie IL nay. ecisallyvainof bis wiFt. oftpu,- a-, 0P his017 $rameAed An lear wat th 6 Ma ft. (oe'on A.tnonghl ie.saudt us., lie Ohl,.Amdy, Bsu er yeommiuse raoundsDge Ând Seanwhin bis havert thewre or assmor. gal- Me, in theway yendia, an' madie me t"s That istli-afcanure ho must bv t1 lautry thaxtrnth in »tih. agsertion.) sure oSf i.' nut And );ou ormor'd fouira are SU1 'whl;' 'An' na for thse bit. o' legs, l'Il lb. bonid 'Weil, BreeIge, honey,-'ea Anthule r tr- tesa cn plc aou en tesane, 'It'u tbrue enough wisst the poor mis- thtl Hosuéy ut1artho e wra ateramaneosi t e ir hessas h osý_o ealmbutý JnstI liesm <obdy-duck mthr own. Casé why, iLn out u 'aler --ays is@, is ail rognes. Assua, an' »au I tre-hbing stad on ii.the , tiseon. roof wld'et», seen ot' fer- mysef useti te tlaink shp"d b. oniy sayin the My darlcu in triumph etng tsr up, au' oftenEn nor yourself, Paudge il tu keep us btoïue work. But iCi now fort 'Mohersb1ronstiuiktuemuamor. ermody.' W. agaiu untrropt our I B arlssoit'n orw' 'p With gunning sud boatingat clining, kuigt, andi we do-so for tis bk of the 'Hearken to me, a hudg.' Audimau rueasdengersbeaides,, far ou. whose cause h.emay, b. sup. 'Art' whai'i Peggy Bavu say uow- tr My yautbling i. Wjlua t s i. swing, posed teativocate râther iujudiciousiy, becase sixe bogrudgod nme sich a clans ws A, - - ernoDIre.m te,ï-. _ for iu truuis sbo was a modosi crosture boy? -Ho made me a vow,, my'dear, age And yetu"ot%,withstsudink beaWiachinga5 eiotgb, aidw e vn htvri-nover-to marry titi Pierce Shtes would pas, I amluît bear up the besi that I eau, neceut bunglingAdy is hon. guilty c f, lio doin' i along wid him, sud Piea'ce :utd In hopes that these yehre tulla! changes Ihtienvrhada ,gIinsse: mach, be- Sites 'IIInover lay hae oyes on Ailey Wa5 Wil ye se mybad a an.yeuc tse aniles. 'An' Il'a swear upon Dccliii' while tho woniti la anoir uer s, - .- - -------tise spot, tuis preseut moment,, they're neyer take up widi anotiser afier hcer,li Crehoore cf the Bil1ho . a sen, aitte way, up au' clown,e as tias' sarten. Andi se, by corse, Anidy tei - an à3tise blesseci kippin ini my handt' Awling,, 'Il neyer marry Breetige é,Clise. 1iof t CHIAPTER XtI. The êemparlaon helti, whataver wshie Och', God forgi5 -yen, Andy-praise bel1 id. faet sd luteedanthority, for use stick slludeti te migist te Hli. name for ail things-it'saa grateis The bise fmà n ut erwsll represeut tise indentical legs iunilinisi yen brengisi cn me.' - '00o throl'gh lte hure fence, aud ticrougli question, 'Se. My nate bouchaI, you To gain s certain peint with his mis- 1tre lise leafies orcisard. Tite poiiing haill, must just say your words backwqrtls,S trias, Andy 1iasd acquainted lier wiiis and stores drove adoav tîte gsping, witle. yeux master - yen kuew whc I marte) tie vew in question; but saiug lhon tifu c pes, anti perfectly straiglit cliii aney of sy iepatr.O; h ie sowl o' [take it te heart more griivotusly thau nu oa Ne:!, Sitaa's kitea5 and fizzed in my fath er- o tr hlm l-yon'l snp lho expected, or undei ie ula bear,lho iti tîse nnuniug turf fini before alibis our sono uoloye ubve ttie Plsue.' nor reseýlved4o10patlinp lise malter. str frit-adl; Aittly Houlobsa, and a a ew 50. ' But Pafurt1go Dermody avas s fillow of no;Musisa, Breellgo, what iguiieslassthe quaintauno'. avionu ae beg to introduce tbe mueli mettîs te hoetus ferced mb tosial1 littls tavlvemantis, afthler ail?' -the by lte dageransnanme of Bridge Chree. tau acknowledgmint of oxcellence lthst 'A taveivemoath. Andy?2'ps tirtet-a-tto in heane for whîcls tiseefore demurred le Âudy's dictalion, oul,plaie God. Anth ion mybî some the tisai terni wasiaI finit iuvented. Ver avli net oely ai ee.preceededto put one 'ud show ths mistitresa isoartheesu( Antly antI Bridgeiare, us a lapidnry itb excution hiesIinreat aguinsittie beys eau ho loyal as weli as-tise giels;at avculd îuy, levrsnoa!ftice final ariten, or, real ofleuder, but, witeibels fisud gi an' maks Peggy Bawn'a hoan. grusuble an( la tlîeir oavu idionu, tiud pretty muneliix' fsirly dnmbbed eut of tise room iwe album lien, wlieu yoursef sud mysef 'Il wi in tiese ai words, *jewels utthbisusi- olliers avio avers in oompany, andi who tako wid eue anetiier titi deatit afiher tii les'Lenlslecurttcm, Iad suid ne word against tise fair cause the guss..s aye his ioecky baudseor 'Lov rues-he our, te c-,tIse o! quarnel, ueir in sexy otson way pyo. ns. An' VIl, kiss my aviSe, an' yeu'li j grave,'&-oIe voketi suds tneaimeut. Se, hy tise suc- kiss yeux hnsbaud, an' tisat 'Il lie mysef hi in hsumblie prose, is a niost unoonecitia- ceea o! hon champion, sud tIse laws of tisat'shors te lte foe.' ain able tyrant; ad, fromntfisa tuonarcîs of ciivairy, Bridge Cisree'a eyea squinted ' Vitat la il ye marie at ail, Audy?2' wo many ntionste t Le lealy propnieton, not, neithen aven iser leg-crooked,,luer 'Wliy. a-cuisisi, do yen tink, I'd hoe ye nay, te fîi drndlge o! tae loaliest ceot, dfi thsy taper in sipy unusual mariner. tlb ownsncli, te go au' make s vow, cid nsnkiitg ail itow bt-fore hie empira.Ile Fume;, ise deligisîs ini puuiliing if I lisdn't s batria along aid il?2 No, erc fetters tise Iran, and upon lte slave dactis of valeur, seoir ccuveyed te tse fitis, l'Il make a hnly vew afoee (ld, we cuits ndilitionai bandage ise hIsan- -uns o!fltse viudicated dsamsel tise titi- sys I-su' blesed otib yeur ramte, sure uti izes tiesa enage, subi]e liesitheîravo, andi. jugeof titis habile. Her szmibes; sud yen weil kuow bltism noier I eau bell A.l lssiîly. mukes the coarilvanial. Noar fusa about many littis malter, tisaI Sp- yen, ltaI il'.ase gneat a ponancs ss I laý is lie tise rcsiuing ieity of thte gorgeons pertuini te Andy'e houseisoid oomfori, ceulai pul on mysef, because Breedge u( paltce-, avitera delicionqmanauic and togetlier ailiswisispers in hi.eur avien Citneo is tisa darlin' o' my 12eat-ltatlie I 1<luy pt-i-fuues Mingle in lit afittered ail were assembloti round tie kioisea Ill nover marry titi my poar Pierce ni( air, aaleotstly vaila andi îpurkling fine, afterwards, fuily evinceti ier grati- Sites is aI the sains wenk aid me.- go %vines cita ont tisa banquet : itere tude. Bairin, Baya Il agin-harnin ho lits a Inh elowuy concises tenipt lis lautugui1 limits 'Site avas menais boisouldin' te hlm, tarelvemontis go hy. Becase I cnn't w la disîliniice r- putso: ahane enuty, foir studu' up for a poor girl, thai itad wait a day longer fan hum.' - 1a muade awfl î ly aL u nd dazzliag atI no eue es te take hanr part, Ged help 'An' why did't yen tell me tisa., a- Mi tire, lurisites ii er umbrosial siglits lien !' foes'Ch :air] goldesi- etailci, ta tempt ieis cir- Aadly anseveei 'Musa, I oouhd't gel lu a word, yen fai nul t jousrn. I-rt, an, we trace lias 'Don't epake of si, ma coleun-beg, ar hneukin' youar heurt an' my eau,i la thce malty kitoluc, clotiteti n n cuit ltme spiae sasuwus't able te rightify hie cryi' in alish a way. Butidisry np cq of elusisY fIrîtze, püecing flice humble uAvrtis. I'd delte esmebiy thasTissage, your eyes noar, agra,', (iaking lier apren o: poînto withs uivilt itile titumbuniil ; tisre-' mcsning a mastiffltaI sîspt asud tig il isif.) 'Tisera noar.' n2 and lis witchitsg littusouti susarouati- iy ise fire-or any aceature nader Neti1'Fur sanien, Assty, you're a hemn cd liy a ariite circ-e, tIsat lins remaineti lhe'i roaf, nonr to lalk of yan.' rogne.' an it Rince iis lat lsc-rty drauglit o! Thiisarcpiy, ilieughit ratisar seemati 'Dan't say that. Ilarnin it's tisa mm ja acdi butiermibk. NVitthlIe crickei's te tako awasy auy pereoni compliment o! a rogue te hae foollith fond o' yen, ma go chi-p. anrdthe kitteus pi-r, lisanly mua- front lus services, dîdti uassait tisa eolleen -hig, I do't knowar y otsen yE ic ; wili na ruait for a chsandelier, or gai- pon ginl's gratitude. Sito fortitwilt rognsry tisat's inm.e.br nxy of ar-anuls ; witlî a tlîree-legged cosumenceci a soniesao! attentions aud 'Weil, hoe say nea aidyounsef.' a( stoal lfor liis only lipngen. anuldlteun- kindutesses, tisai gradually won on 'Mestita, I'm sot-ey enongh te Makre th proîenming Bidge Climes for isie luapir- Audy's vaaity, drea hi. regard, sis tise vew at ail. An' faits, onhy I have ce titua. tlisuks, and ut las isiloheu. Bfreedga ne monsy, I kneae isoaril coulitieahiho £ WVe couiti follea tise miieisief-daitsg lad a draugisi for hitu, o! a morning, hronglit ahout sooner non s tavelve- ti arclutiinioarly a straugel' score. aten tse met liser atr milking use mentis, uyway.' nt WXe coua unaak lis varions diegýuiseca, coava; else was niver aithit thtie 'Art' migisi'a bodyylho axin' you hoav, s 1ant fice iidIlt-ss arts ta arlieli lie lias meaneo! 4as met' ai faim or pattern ;sIte Audy2' P( recourbesta spîcad i li s nivrsnal sit'y. bougit i hm a pair o! neti garters, asa 'Ocli, it's a quars tiig you'tl ux tlisatii But isaing tîraugîiti Iimta aur preacut keep5ake, und bled tissm ou withber Audy arud dsny yen. But don't lie a or apliere-(in whichs, for aur aful pur. owa bauds. Aniy avoro tissa for tse lookin' sinaigi ai me afliser tisat -fuel- ai poses, ave hart- oui-cela-es set-n ite, and liciter part o! ans day, but as tako ion er--tisem rognes o! syes'Il put il ont p( lucre pletîge aur ï4racity ta tise foot, sîsume te ouneelves, an itis accout, ba of my heud.' oc but asaulîl ual Ilît oui fuir anti geisîle ackaoavietgî, ibiai ou the next day thsey 10, you'nî a bouchai, Antiy. 'Voi, a' retstenîssoulul qitarrtel antlIs iinifanrlîii ars-ailsîaav by, as tee cumbrons about igee-lIl look up uit tise bacon.' c ien ernsuiimty ; andl we'tlititk are ibakaces, anti calculatedt i luscelai, Breetige, te lier oaa conacience sud t muy dd, itauts ie, of tîsîs tliseista y keeping ltse stockings tieti up, 'in a satisfaction, miglisttare kept ienr ord, et n dngen-lavibîug clown, are eny, way lie wasu'b usedti l.' Ou ltsenoai butal un prejutieti epeciaten r oalticc tfstit, iluliq tîisit bar'unives-rai bomba- te a dauae-(Andy aras "tlie diril ut have eu-ornu sIte ooketi fanraida o! tise tL titi, lue deiglsa ta risit smchllumbie folk dhacing,' anti so ta trus avas Breadgcnaucon. ci ns ane of aur ucquatintunce, ave sill fal- Cîres-tisai ta, itsey arougliti lahanbeos- 'Aye, tat'Il do hetlten,fan it'sa stliiug sE [0-a- Iisa saries no funtiies; lest, us thse ly ut if, anti coulai Iolti ont n day andtiumpossibhe for a poor boy teablink o! w iiip hijîbitîlise migsst tara ou us iu a aigbt)-he bu causequeccao! ailttis suytisig hud tisa irl htIoans i<in- i nerenge Son aur cexpose, ami itscapnciltte bldtly tld lis lova; aud fianrisiu ita lave twsicis mmmi' black eyea is a i us l'or aur miai ofgnre lsstoriuns. - aen lienrIteadth ie veny stick te waulîb uloaki'a' tit isu-Seliera agiii oea.' ft N o mal3,te-r isoar omely thion'pince of site aas ce muaitl indebleti, sud alias'l You're a coaxia' boy, Audy, a-ronr- v arelioae, tisearide arortl tibunetualp- sisareti a portion o!flise estinashi- neen. a ply Ilsbm itli a Iseatier anc th itibore ils oanen, dealuradti iat 'Hieavas - ' Iat aras Isylu' ut ail? Bai letir rAuly anul Bridge. It cauldtie a eit takea' ab-l lher moes iîs ail tise van- ns feel if yoeuxiseat isl on your sitoni- a tînt tue p.-ni.iiubhle tlîiug called. beatssuY at l ontbesides, always barnin' Piercedtr, a-cieshla.'p flsnd, ou citlier Éide, beeu nccdticoi'y teSlisu, sud thes motter ltaI boraelin. 'Be asy, Anriy, I say agin.'7 Ytiseir usîsitaul attnclimeut. Tloy liai An' reutiy an'. ablua' hoearas ba siash Slawtisa Melltali,' (it'à saisi), saiti ta fý-t t ist thîicl 81011l ceaie ta have liail te pannis for auy oe!tiroi sakes.' Audy, simackiug lis lips. 'Weil, as I s cul)uai;s tii"y sihnulti groar ugly ; ns Te alitai tndm deelanation site ana- waasgain! te aay, it* a tliugpiaiu be i i t tîseir passonis as datireti froas armai arereti :itera vas no e los b.' Anissis as tise tantile on my spade, ltatt i coîsîti uni ciiauge or tlecay, ilwaOs mare tisid maltera stoind on tisa nigit 01I ailour pmrsiui'ofConoe-na-illieil ikoily ta lue constant anti durabtle, andttiliicli aut preseni find ti insaessury ia (m! no mono use tisan for me teb - aell-fitted f'or the wear anti teur' ai 10 speak. iu'y le put tlhe moon la my pockst. r lite. Bul, ta spito o! tisa triai comisat, use Becasa ail tise ward nîi ovs lte tas tisa Autinug lii tosupeens, Antiy aval ly citicisrn f ai utge Denîcîoty on Bnidl- faton ailitaie'ack- (loti hisa sea ilite ttetir snuauteof t'.tial Aalbng,,' et Hieurt aras nsai altegeihser mîdlicous. liestnens, an' no fiarin meaut tb-ant is a min uiry Autlru-. .A ters igal'entof sloaras Amdy s Dgstive, Pemiap. poon Aihey lbina' acton.g'em. Tis v tl certai, îitbtlic eedlsiessfa n- tuis asigîi hone0caunse o! lis subju- very besseti day, Masilser Pionce hîsu-1 tilutandul suuner, tiamaglultit n speech, gutian, if mankiud,*s it tsasasertsd, ai- self! louid nma as asoocis, afiluer ail hie ly iv i ho %vitu sas distingigslse-anti aP-wasys undervulue waîi hsey bave ant-i loggliu'. Au' tise only ara tb cnuaa pljnale, instia, aavel laelus outani egil for arlat iliey have net. Hoearas lier te for mysel te take a short stick in I ab luIlis inaurd nais. Neyer xid Mut- ball; site was sliortinlutise exineme. mylisanît, an' tmutige off te Liseenm-ua-1 tcr utoul tbseif ta mind mare ug-recutiy Helis lean; saaras stoal-tisI. Ris Steeog, tisaIies up intukehbills, bu tisee titan lu tise fanau anti face of Aady. face avas dant sud skiniy ; lierasaras very tiik o' thora. Blint iers's 'no '1a.l, .-quare,fiist,11.oas, sud baa,lie -- .-ouisu Al Hi. zatar ve eysamore nnoee killen lu my pockît, sti a tomes in tise Zeel îucthing Mc in tise way le imaceinq tooutiua Flawkes, i he li elisturbi cullis ef mardhs innchi avent up téaIh iei nasgeeai Thus sort e! hi seconds, anti ut obis anti sj toalemeni, aIse book tire, but tisi s as an eesier task, anthie chiot dam- s s-arasdcloebyates. Atabout hait-b àsi twaele tise Sire aras oompleteiyr tien contrai, anti by ouaeê'ciock tisere f us scarceiy a vestige c!lame- to e b i ben. V * lu ail, fluo-hoes evre deabroyet asti ý famîiels reideret inelesa. Most bte clothing anti funiture asire ssv-- Off ths second alam, bots thse Babs- i îk aud tiese teamer starteti for- tise, re. Tho stetamer laid tavo sircelus e atrifunsed tisa firomen wai a ein-I fai sîîpphy o! -arater. Theo - BabeQck,t nssediaiely on lie nrbvsl an takeni o tue yard in the, ream of 154 Beamtdry-J weot, sud titi gooti aork in previntin- ,e flames from, spreiatiig sastavard bo oe ssali davehlingés - athis hicslai art o! tise cii ases deuseiy packod. ý Ws uoiicet uaitisaespacinu aisol àe finassa aire ai work wrmopoîl in,i ad severai policeman warnoslatiensd' u aiens placeîs te guant ttie furnituro sti privent lise cmoad freas interferiagj ust tiose avio avens engagetild arn seir gootls. A IsTauxyorLoNoî.-sctiantiYari as jnsi nea a myseenismiu'ir ce tn isati. On the 13t5 o! lust ments a amas, appaaring le ha abeui tibny ers of age, lu antis, ith aface de.- tietly mors masculine - tisas feminlie, -sed froas lNeav-Hlsen tb Diepp anti renteon teRoaunar she t oi srooni e atotel anti calieti iersel! Bleds Manie atiersen. Sise hooketi likean Engiieli &îy's maii, sat left tise hetel noxe noruing. - Net s ihaugiti aas given te ir again untl, eu-tse Stiso! tise prisent nouth, tareuty-five tisys eSter sse lied ,oai, e discovery aras matie aitItse hotol- sn a cuphoard in eue o! tisereoms tisane -us fonth ie bdy o! s chiti, a boy ýboni feun ypîsao! age, asti hheta [amis Andersona l anatet teansarthse mbange of mxsrdeing it Tii ciilti lad trhair,wave n Rgiesh.cotita.oe! course usise, anti seemit tebc e r ei1ttianti amati for. Tis police are eni ihe irsuis ;f tise aroman, sud bt ha luopotilaiavili et scape tisea.i An îxtremeiy Cool spocabation isa jusl been matisaItise expense o! theî gooti citizens of Siu Francisco. For -ame ie e sndha tiity ýhas, heen nouiglit1 from Alaka sud Nov- ais, anthie suppiy aras se abantiant thai il coult h i ldfor oeeanti a ha]! centa pin peund., A aient lime sgo partis arriveai is appukatns ton use manufactureof e! aiby ateasu, aud an- soncet iat tiey ceaiti make-it ai an xpiei c f $7 per bon, aisemeas tise ai- suase e! shipping it tte tts ciiy aa 50. Yet ne sooner liaï they put titeir tact- ury la operation issu tle price cf ici advancet t taresd a liai! cents per pounti. Reet San Francisco pupere coniain au sîpianution-o! tItis memark- abis movemout. hit seelus tisai the ancra o! te patent caliet tgetiser thi elllcers of tha cempanies ihai are egugeti in ue iasportation ofle, anti ouvincet tem tisaItisey 'muid drive tem eut o! tise business, ewing te bthe tiseapnesa I atis tley coulti affondti sil tisein protinai. Tias tise companies yene indaceil tasoUl ont sud relire treas tse atie. Haviug tlis secareti a niouôoey o!tise business, o!'orestise fiet ete-p o! tise ceuspiratere ivas b ad- cune' bte 'prie inateati o! reîluieing il, sud Uow lthe citizens o!flise Pacifie me- tropolis, a'itis lie ihermmetor aI 88 egres in thi shatis, are coasplled. tb puy tise nascaliy uing-e profit cf about 7JO per cent, or do alIttie. There are a gooti many adtiFâittuea connccted avili bsiag a ralroai, bat iliere une aise sema tiraaback,epecia- iy about this time.Public sentiment has beau gmoaving tard a point warestil asan ariseharasses oeeof tusse corper- atiaus, hy fuir meaus oenfoui, hecoases a sari o! popoinm here. Titas reasa ma ai Boston, the eter day aris hati a claim for $1000 againat tise Filctburi. Rabînesel. Ha ast tsacompsuy, anti piacec th iseart in the ibandis oet&sCon- stable, dinsetecl. ihunte make il as n- pleasaut spossible ton tle rairac. Tisi functiouary aras a qual te tise em- engency. Hoeavaitetil a loug passas- ger train aas about-te mve, andt ten, ho uttacsetitise feurts oar. i aras urgeti te take ltserosir car, ahicis ceulti ho timopped i ts ion cenvesbeuce, but ho aras empisatieiaily net tisi sent o! mnie, se tisa car isat tsalicheti off os s ile track at lia expense cf hait an hour's iue. A Nzar Saninau-Taeelas jusi beau tietectet in luAbany a cheverly de- vipeti seheme of!samndling. Il consistal in stonig rsaa ickes a i ami 1 anti-hiting et oucisother rmulieiouly. Oehosi*aas inaiby vonteti,-anti aas ig- noininiously driver u te ha pond, ahie thieoI âAa oaas" atisGuy Fakes on hem beois stared ai him, gnurttingastin apparenly th-neatlnh ' fer lires quantena e! au heur., Ai tise expiration o! liaI tim, heaveven, poearas deehan' et, said thi mosl ufficlianate faasflY est- dearm=enîs ksean in tise brigisb lexien e!f hippopoîsmi aieeehangeti he- taveen tseisoar recoseibetl sud coulant- eti trio. Obesslias, ton a hippopotamn- nmo, s. raison disagresable riputulion, anti "vin,"heauin lu tsieOardens for twenty-tunee ysarà heislain a meaisue, te the cher animais abat Ijn. Wmi. Donnil aras te ha .cempanions 'o! tht' Msrshulaea. A. iElAUcPL.DEsIeFNT.-Taro yoangý men, namei Nelsen a Witmarc anti sad PaînbickCongan, empînyc i un l ceai shafi et LaSabie, asce preeipiîatedl froa tise top te tise boltanu iast Fniuisy. They liad eteppeti apen tisa cag-e te de- scend, afier iavbng tluo signai ail rielu t amen tise dnnm, raenitihicis tise calle mans, sud ahicis ai lits time aomisce- heav dieconueczeti froa tisae tiser ma- chincry, began ho rapitily rovolve,, anti rtliy knîav insiaaiiy usaI lbueyweav inanu- tng te a perlusus moît horrible deubis. Tley aimais -liebottern, s distance o! 253l feef-, anti hneakiug lismoagistie three inchs plsnking, ave pingti inlo lie fflsmp,waichSatiotasuoti aI tte tin'i about ten fest o!waaen. Weiuderful ta relate noîthen o!fIusm aven kilîst, butý comuiag tethue surface thsey clambereti np on titi bourda. Tise car, ailicit ws asccadiag aitIsae samo tine tho>' avon ,gaing-,dean, came bavard tiéseusrface avis avfmi moreauu, andtiotre tismoagl tise ferks anti arocked uusarl>' oemytluug in île bam atue uiatuity. Assitace aasas retiiatsiy scnt beleav anti tise injureti men breughlt ta sur- face, warei stslcreavmb o!peopleist already- asseinbiet. Strange as il may appea il aras feun tialttongishat men avens terribiy bmaisei, ne houes avens broken, and ti t asi sceouls lsey avres toing aveU ant in is fim ay te ns- Mn. Jouea,aiso nightly adiseneti t tie cales o! stiqae. ami nthomo e u igit anti fouatid i lusiarbfa sun3 anuolier mnan's arasa arounti hem.- Nexi day. hc bold a frieus of tisa circametauces. *What tii yen de about tl' saitiluhis - frieni. 1'Do-?' replied Mnr.Joncs, Whitnhner coulai Ido? h nevrtla'l an bntroduaction tte ema. Tas Eacao Saizn.-It wasaaapro- par kinà of iliberulauam tisai lieeIrs toams iou i aithie Eleise shielcX arien liai trophy was. ah th iseWnna exhibiion anuil ad ta b. ripreseutiti ai Wicabidon by a "dunmy." hi seenis iissy "eep e pool" at Wimble- don, anti tisslhosinga about lie 1"But,' aiere's the sbield? lel'1e theil sIistet hWimbledon ycu s*on.' hnquing f riends ibis anaarer tnke, te Tien- Bnuit-has-gone; But a hauutsomne dummy targit, aibtisose cheik-marks reigus unstesti. Oh,. it's ,geod enoagh for irclanti;' se a sisiavant scotch=,, Raid. jt hi laso venyhIrish,' sad a lady fair anti « When Ireianti aina ths ElcoaShaiti, r.theyue awon no Bibait ai ail-» ýA comparative statémeut o! the 3Nous Scetis coal triade fer the firsI six 1mentis o! tise pnesoni yesf show an i- 1crease l is hecoïd raised aven the smme vperioti lui year o! 183,500 -tans, -anti an mnraae in thssales o! 696,000 tons. Hartford-propoesa a$50,1100 mOus- r ment taoihe mermorr of its irai jett- Mim ItiaGreeiefmakes trm nltions 2- - -1 afar -, i,. TIsa, 1

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