II% Bie its reaoiv eut oO our reuiti- Ufft tÃŽ Atjourueitneetiniz oi Paruea- ]bo# *ýI istve Iuheéttplsace, natOttaiwa, ' sud tHiecrinsota ie parrnteéi lo lite Gocernot. Gênerai usoerhe4led. Nie Ex. Ã41lency's sentimenîs wîll b.uliefdIearu., bd from bhis avu yards1 as expre ' ff4 lu the extrset ai bis spoeech deivered'ait Ralia; v, htich u vsreprotlue. Tlitis muei t a least lie makes clear enougît t.- itat tlwro la- no buman being an.- "tboiiz04 ta mako ;anýy étalemaent or "suggestion,sa ta vitlis opinion or sentimenît nay b. lu respect ai any tpolihîlal tapie, kir wto lias éoricobuî iln a posillaon, r iiiely la be lu a posi- "tion ta, aishe auylting approacluing "la a eoujoturo upon Points ai Ibis Sdemcription "-anti thal b. dau. ciy glvé bis cmfilene. la bis, reepatuuible adviaors. Hlm Exeelloey in lima re- pored: Geurnuse: I ana vel aware tat Ibis le, d. IL vere, a domestie festivau, su ant naIîolhsng eu hobcmore, Inop. portumîs ttaon litssightest alusion ta any poltioal tapie, bu I ,May be peîr. mihtei ta sey tIbis mach in reicrence la vit bas fallen frona the Chiif Juelice, tafI IlIfter. i. ne 'Obligation vitose ' importance I appreciats more titan.i ater s tallhng ta flic ftcîloos ai M sy office, if linlise abtiolate andt para. mo 'Idlyoft zaintaiuîng nol nserehy âr tar aid titade af perfctmar IaI <eatd* lîttvu ~n artism Ite po1iîlal wturlîI' Canadiaas vel as of Mh. otiter Countý' lediviti- éd, bat étUli mars ai pi-esei'ing lisat mare subti. anti iuward balance of sym- Ipatbyr, imugment anti apinionu viicli sitouildi uloate lte repl-esentstive of Yjour1 Sovoereign above lte faintesl sus- peIcon ai barlng any alter désire, ais, or Amitionutitan La follow lte exanipis ofI lls Royal mistrelséin lterelation site -bas eaustantiy mainlainei towarde hier »4inisters, )uer Parlamnt, anti bier, poopie (trenundaas applanse) ; ta r- momiter every buonfa lte day tisati le bias btit one, tfuly andti balcao aject- ta &q4minisler bis Govorumeut lu lte luterestoai lb. vitle Canadien people, sud aifte Dominion al lai-go. (Great elteedug,) Of course, gentlemenu, ltv. iîîg beesît acaie brIet year in te- coun- I-,my citai-acter andt my sentiments tu lii.seslpels cen scarceiy bis kuova, ouiILloers lai ways a danger dnnlug lte fervoraft iluse tohlical contraversies, vicsicit ta ecantincbti by Ithe pi-es of Canada vitit peculiar livelines antiaaiation- (gi'est lagitr) - ai uuaulitoizsml refegences 'boiug madti lte Gavernor.Gclneial's supposietisenti.1 -MenIe, opinions, anti inteiqutl, viie vonîsi canvey ta thte unimsrueti i-sail- er a vriyeuoins impression of tlite ecuducl andt leattfluie aiflte chîef of1 SttGentlemen, I do net muike 1otélisanuy ersan Ii atitia mWho lUtii«e sil géoall ulil isrtiysclf, atiil tis monl tanral anti by nou ius an ancampllmnentAry cit-ciinshance, tisaI utte oaens ofidifferentshadeof a uptti ~itald persuale .tiiefsolves thîtl liets gaovernor-Goae.alitnst. nece t-lyh fei iousway aifltinking, antusec l w uva el i sstaay once itral, amuI da not cas o boy vdsly tItis remarlit 1 Psoptatij, iir- the ure le suW9, 0entlorized to meamysa putenl orsutggestian as ta wvitlmy-apîuinîaor deninet-ay b. in respect aifaîty Pôlt)iitopie, or Whmo bau oe boesîîi psttuon ol'IsM likohy ta b. lu a position, 1a muulio auîy- titing appraacintiuel a conjectur-. nuon points aihuis description. Itile lune my abjecl aninty desirs s ta infitîrtu1 my inid upon overy muject affectiugt theo lnteoetst aidise countrly, hytcoiuer-. t satian anti by'disenssitmi wilit any nue viaea affurti me insitruction aor inforn- mation; and it ivaut bc vory unior- tunate for me if titis aieomo inter- h saisi-eviitt aIl casses anti parties lus i Cattatia, fir vhticit Iderive sa mucit bisieit andi pietsuro, sitoahlbc train.- meleti by tise mreati lest liis casmial lu- beicourse sitanit become liîp founîdati un foInf ienee, comment, or comjecture Ih lunlte prose. No, genthemen, I tudter- I stand nty dnîy bt onîel ever ta ailw io my jatgmonl or my.sympalliies ta bc -sarprised itlapohlicel parbisansitip. fy ans thangitlanti tisire l iste vts- m tare aiCanada asa vitale. Ta main.- -tain bei-honor, ho promuto ber pros;- penity,tladomy duly ty lier anti lier * -suir. people, jenltse sale abject of My ambition. Wiqn I converse viit yonr i publie mou,îti carcely ever oceuruslan une ta rontember la whtpoliticai parly tey beiong. I aaiy seso luisper- santelsivaling thieniseives,,sacut accorîd-c ing la Itis l gabt a lteservice oa isl country.MY ont>' guitliug star in lte9 * eondact andmainlteaceofa my officialil *elalsous viit yanr public men is ter Parlameul ai Canada. (Citeors). Li t tact- I suppose 1 am lte only persan ia ta ,Domiuîon vios. faithit n ltseiris- 4oxmsat ud lte lnalaIibillty f aia- ment lnver'shakcn. (G reathauglu. '4' lot). Eseit ay tnliemen, only ite-i i-esiluPariametrl sa long as Piertia- f mental sels carti(ng ta youi visites (ceeors andi langiten), andt aîhîose insu atane wbom lsth iberale viilaifthlicIl *confederateti Parliament of lte Daii- in' a Asalgna tme as May responsi- hI. adrléers eau I givo ns>'caufihence. (Citeers.) Wluethiex tiey arc ltso lisais af ditIs party *or oai litIpart>'nimuet hoa t malter oaiInilifeorenco la te Governor Ge-nerai.. (Clssas.) lsa long as ts y iésa dply fini lmeei 011,'et of ostW rluîolarbyîthe prq.s9t1'L- Milay totlti ort iO oum i jlom ey.) Buat uiîder tuies- Mutcoasols laltsmilf Tnsans'as eoeuj;u ttIieiise ap 1S1rJobn'sReporued Mtempieto Con mit Suicide. The followipg lu lbthe explarila 'aiwmn by lbhe-jEalifà x Exress«ioSi John A. MaMoaliat ternPt ta:' coni mit suicide. W. glve it for vitet il wortit, vihhoul enudtg-miug or' denylsi the trutl: Perbapa net l il l11te bisloi-y of pol -ties la bis enni-y lias odisgruaeiaî story beol set aloat. for _poliiicaL pur pose ; fWori eforlteos. purpoes titi ta assemble if aniy for a, day or tva but ail, ltat vas passible muet bc dont t,) gis the- $hast low" laeLihe Coneî Votve Party andto i;tsute te Gril. ti oetula. Tlteir«ore, vas tiis dusgrsce. fui libel pubîmubeti byl:te sanie mer vito arc every day engaget inf ranning Atuvu lite cedltant iosrfounfnilte.cour. 117 At hinre anti abroati. If Sur -John couliual b. lieigraced ilutLb, matter c lte PadclAc ailvav, a lesast soins de? gr-e ai dfagrace iibl b.bcinflicled ai hlm hy attaching to-hm helb «uIni foai. lssmplsd sIe.- î dtuî-uli- intinceti, 0 course, lyem ~ aeIcueWai ever malice deepeïth ian tIisP Was ever a Party or a jbitneÀi ldeeper sitraits ltani taI wbich iltvfIîltlsde, de. mntlil su- bas. a sli-aû#g'2 Ani te trath, wbsn il came, vas t"sle Sir John, was batiug-he vas claffing irayiy with bis irienus-he saiti goot.i)Y aslitundretis do every day ici simula circumelauces, vhten ho vas about t live lu deep water-he 'remained ton long untier valtr, 'vallet for hy bus iriendes, bal "came up smiingz," as lie always dues, ta aliay tisiriears, ini per. fecl bealli and saiely. Anti irom isl picyful cirilcmunstance arase lte tascalij rumor cf bis suicide, "Stittering iron delirinma" Ines'] 1-viten lie was cit- ting viit iifriende. *"Depresseul iW ninti" lieti i-whten ite vas engagei ii thîe youtitful anticiteerful pîceenre of bAthiing, laking "ta lets"1k. a boy. anti preparuusg like a itealllîy baiid anmzindeti tman for lbe labors ai tht i-est- oftse year. -ANCKuAL Pt.eis.-One if ltas. vory pieasîng i-e-unions-lie annuel pic-ait af lthe operaîlveis emplaysti et ltseBravin & Pathos-soi Maiunacîurinu Company- vas ieiti aI Corbotg' Poit on Satur- day hast. Tii. eetior.vasieolighlfulij fine, ant ithiitie attractions ansi amusements pi-oviied ti Ilte isîtntifal grave, se pleasanl>'siluateti on Ibe mai-gin aiflte Lakte, intinceth ie attend- anme ai a large aniveli satistieti gaîh eriîug. Tise fondry mea,ba lite numbet of abltt one taniremi, amat accompeniei hy lueur %viv'es an.d dauti-hîlers, mastereîl' a etran.r gatl-ing. Ils. Whuitby Brase band anti Caivcrlyetquadrille ban utinp- plîeîlte Musical part aifLise enterlain- ment, autti mauy tripped ti Il mrrily ou tse ligitt fanlislie toe onubtse green sotl. Croqmaet. Anl Saliy, qutoite, swings, and varions grimes vers resarîti to, se- carîhiug taolte inclination ai the pie- nicters; for ail, iuîcludiug a largoe mmm- ber' of itavitoti guetb, the beel of pra. curable *«ouilîuhingti vore pruiviitdinu tîbunîlance, andt no meus eppearedti l ho leil untuppiieti for putningnlaariare tha> ai jayatus excitematmn. Ta Mri. Bruvwnlulmecîf, alie wvleit lanti cor- uilll>' citldtitromugili tecrovîl, lte scoumôd mriý ucavo lioeri Caime aimucht eelf- salitfacrliti fu dtg*ahiutg uili hie inen, uts bis Is)erttIihevalnb a! i te «opil itenevol--ul legson-I'Line anti hi-tlive" - anti by huis cousiuisrahion lova-tit liem, anti thue fieiulhy feelitîgs uthi titose annuai pic-nies serve 1e estaiht betireen uini antiltse musanlteinseives no dlombtfli tls reverti, not only la lte pli-sure giron anti receine.], bal la a greater abtacimetîandti iifalnesa ta lais business intereste. Boxuca SmuîuzTaztît.-Anexctaag& tias tute iolhoving-s'utsiitle remarits re- te noticeltaI in several sîreets vehi phanlet] viith sîseule trcs, ltse ovni-r attir goiuîg ta lte exhmense o ai i'ng- thte salulinge îuianfed anuti ettiîug thueu gt veli gi-mn, negleet le proteet temn mlitabxiîtg. For wvam f th iis prccaation mîuny of thisem* become -de. utroyeth, andtie10replace thsmu unld take ftI icast sotis lut-es or fonuryeare;. rî le oftent in josnihîs for pereous titiv- ng te liauh e plaee, near vhere thcy tare ho stop, viters Ilurir itorses vili be ont of reecit of thusse nprutecet rose, anti undtis'bouse ciroamecances vo- ares ial surpriseul et thue frtîqtsuucy viititt wici t ley are berîceti." Titese 'cmerks are applicable te Wvutlby, anud WC May ai t tti seins passim,- Itrange tht ascb a "penny vise antd Poundtifoish" systomu sitouiti fi 50 uaay atlieremîts. Titz Gauzaievrei ELulermOX. - Tîte Couservabivcs of Engianti have von a greal triumphisneeeting thusir candi- dte, Mr. hloorti, a Londton distiller, 10 represeal Greenwichit iu Parliament, vice Sir Daviti Salamon, doccaeil. Tue -esolt of lte election is saidtiacie tIr. Gladistone, vho also represenîs Greenwicht, riy uncomuforlahis, anti rtimor sasys tlit in conseqnence ho in- tonde rtiriag irons putîlis lii.. Sir Dlaidivas a Literai, ant i cjoyedtihet sonar aifIsaving lucon lue lirst Isi-aclite uletettii Pariament, anti ai laving sen te tiret Shsriff anud Justice ai tite Leace aiflias Heitr-îvpersuasion aet-. ullbti lateIhiase offices iin Gi-eltBriltein. Tua Wiitreur RAcr.-Tlie Witly -ace4 laite place ou Frite>' uti SaIt- I hi>', Angusit 29l anduiaoût1, averlthe sViibby course. LiberaI irsesl, as miui bc senby lte programmue wiiîap. tsars in Our ativcrlieiiu colmuas, are >Yered, far ss'lieii a large camhter of etilceare xpectid, amoagel lutein mante ai lthe beet borses lunltie Province. 'ho tract is beiuîg pal ini oxcellecit con- litian, andtihie genlemen itaving'bte natter in charge, voe ae snured, ý are P athough much discomfort--izmep!wsl from excurgions of tie ii.ldd'wAlb, n.it was snucli imore tba ompsaté for by the beatp$laoe 4bhh greýtJ, nu i ïïwu(W~ lé a totéW 3 kotru,-honLt hefr stsy» - ijmiUeýs Sni-et the viiioré't-Cirott;ýWnil gain otlxir arrival. ,The Loides 4r Lb. g9 ciîyý assembleil ou IÃœain st.t,- Vo> posikte abridgê ee libythier reges., ýtliïe offIeer9, and %*ere the re joined',by a thevrin Canadian Lofig es, be04sii at by lJi È Bttal,)In J3at ilà A'Port 6 e (I when a grand procetssion was frq anithie prineiple streetR .para eci -4o, le eb. rgenal of the $tn teofotNew Yok- ofar- ns commo(dioisibiii) he y, fittl ap and aslorneid witli exqiii*i# nu taste for tlî.occagion. Alonug th ,e streeli. Sfiatis wera displayed 'rom lthe principal buildings, aVm loi n> wtG8s4 h f procession from the blC0nies, wlwiows,. 94 ~d r6ofs of, lte h1oses. The ~' westher provei delighItfully 1. fnce, anA lb procession, withlte' gay uni- s <rm of thebà bads, the regalina ýof lteé ks 011 FellowA,, &c.,,pres;enteti quite an >r f mposlng appearacoe. "On arriving at- ?-Washinjgton.Squiare, Vliere a suitablo Spiatform lbail been ciecteci,hahait was cle.andi formai ,ireeings of welcome entrchangeti. i me of ltAItiglier of- " &ceft of lte Order, as also lte Mayor1 Sof ÉIochester, severai Alleraiten. andi sproffilleirt Citiz9ns bad places on the stand, an*(,# "ale accommodation was also providiei ';Dr ftic press. Worthy1 SDepuly* Parcello "as introdluceti by a Mr, Wagner as prMsdin- offiier.- -The ,former macls a fey lnief re-c imarks, andi introducei Rev. Mir. Ray,1 who reaç1 a enilablo prayer prep3rl3d for the -occasion. The presiclent u.axt il introducell, Mr.. Join 'M. Davy, (thej -orator of te day), who deliveved a magnificent oration. On belialf of lte Odd Fielîows Wbhe citv of Rochester. andi lier ettizens, hle sai l, I have lth onler of tendlerng.vyen a cordial welcnoe b onr City.We *feel lionorei by te p respnce. - ndo onl*y >- of so many members of the ordler, but by the presence of go many distinrtgnish.t sti gentlemen andi offi cials of vouu gai- ernmient. W. extend tb you lte baud of brotherIy friends1lhip -and love, andti cwelcome you.to a city whose infancy,t as well as its iore alvanceti growlb, in %vithin lte meooy of tnauy of-berj cfti-ans. Afler dwülling uipontlite woc-T rd(erfal etivance andi prbgress of lts 1cityV 1But, contitid lté speaker, 1amisîtihe progressive %piit 0f oi' peo. 4ple, lucre is no racq, no governînent,t no interestas of lte Union family, ltati dloes not show sgymp,-tiîy. Oui' fratûr- ral regard emlinces ail nalionis ot the globe, andi more imapecially the Dormin-t ion of Caznada, wiîcacu cit'izens we lava f tlie lionor andi plea-isurc of'grectilgte-e dav. 1 trust tliai uve eAîl always en- tertain a Ili-,Ih reaard ti frs inr govein- tusent andi ail cointries vfltirls are -le.l hy lte kii-lie-artpti and noc,* 14 Qu1cen jé of Ent-lanil. Thte icîteresls of Cansa e, and. flie Unitd States, lîowêver diver- sifleil, are yst kindril andi depends-nt. Thte bIne waters of Laite Ontario flow0 betwee.n uts, but instewl of ilivertilig, il I ouily nunites u%, ani forms a commutnn bi,,,iwav fui'flite transportation of lten promeucts andi commerce of oi rtifl counfrieq. Ani tus louîgw§ut c-u'nfîiuius ta fluaitîpon its bowsotut liii initerests -of coniuctre-, as htsmtg as the St. a]rune rotins ber gatlieredtititen e)s hocean 1g we mueiit npecssîarily cocuttmmute to hi' allieti by publie atil comuuucercial îinter- ets. .Weý -are becomning ,eVeriy day mnots ielogy itiekel lin the eibrace cf t commercial inwtsit. The grcat arter- jes of trile, commerce and l'avel, mingl witlî theuse friendly ani social t viqite,, by mein.bcre ofthte samne great ani bmnpFcient ordler, wlicli knows no P ilationaly, andi entertaine no jealomîs;- ies, and wlîose generons working ex-c tendis t10cevet'y nation of lte globe, will become,,a.q trac4t, the efficient ageicips t for uipellintr al national prejtudii-mu y ly bringimrus iato cioser a liamcewith atlitfi otlier. lwelling aI come forlerlen gîli p on tlie position of Canadla ai tîe Unitei States andthte ti'iendly relationq exist-w litg betweenlîstesi, lie refeirei ti 10lipePl gri-at trinxinîîs wlticÉ- the iiuistu-y and é ltan intlecît of ltfe o lnmurbslail tu aclipvel in te catise of civilizatiomi. AntI, lie continiti, as; fait),, liupe andl cliaity re afitgtît -greil--ma-irl- --fi mbt hiostilie collision, andi gramît ltaisa thse Iancie of Great lritian andi Ameni- sa Ca, receatiy claspeti at Geneva. Mayvb contilnse te b.c lenclieti in a t'rienuîlvb grasp, LlitailIhe whiole ivorîti cantot set- as er. We have met to-day lu stretîglîteiop neot amly tlite fraternai ties tuai bindti lu h)rotiei'iool logotîter, t te a treugrliten lte lies of friendsltip hetweea tlite two countries, andi 1 hope titl iise ocial 8 visite will lue more freîîaert, ltaI thi? A- inlet-cluatigo of ltouglits will gent-rate usi tat coi.fidlence aldreuew Iliat Irateru- Xý ai feeling wîîicls sitotild naturally exist i betwecat tnmlsers et tîte saine greal faînihy. Let ns continue, lten, tliose J special vîsîle, bat aitlIte saiemî lu PC) us Conttinuette llove antI admire oui' Hl countrie. (Great ciieering> Let us, Tr lite cotîAu-1ed, coîîliîîîephayingo tii samne nalioiai aire, *"Goif Save lIte Qupen,'" singing the same natioiial airs, tite 'ý8lai' Sî,angied Banner," 'Yankeeft o Doouîle," etc., ownling antd vsnerating -ho tiotehîr lte sublime monumnent& ai' oui- countries' greatteis. Gentlemen. îrîieîitîg tat evenyîiugltat cati hi- Gi doue sîtal be donue lu malte yoni'visit a pleasant andi agrepable ans, tgain 1 bld yen a hettrly weicome te our cily. Ce Mr. John Ham Pori'y, of Wbitby, G.6. W. P', of Ontario, W"s callei Upon lisDi responti, auti on bcing inîroducnci was cu receiveil witli clîero. Il niglil secr te ii, lie saiti, a curions expression te maketo American clizens, andi ycî It al was lte finî it aï;occuirredt labis mimd, su ta say tltatl lhe littie hhoagzit witen a &W visitai- lathlblocitester af lblrty yearx aga bis f rsî speech in tit (air a nd flosrisiting city ulîpelil be on blitaîf of t>dlFeoelt p-1ot.i lctait uttise Oui aL Followsoi y. OUlarit. on thtiti letaif hei' it riilunnet his lieartfelt tha4ikîs fur tise gtsneronsui, elcome accorde te fatlsem FrOin ble ite limeby touclciel lte sîur&e- CC ai New Yurk;-from tle Montent tliey to wceitwu !snobsisifrateMal uatt kiniiyýfeiinqsly lte bretitren af lite, CQWLUItez, 1.1 lhsey vere iilte ad ,Imd.o -retiera. Tiifls0 tleyverseu J li zïinîbgrl ta tue . î-zl.in su sue Wm l IA ure îsuiig suon, a vnrk; , *whilée b. jiilb if d iorty lhousttign'itrbig lunCanada ivas eomthîmrgaîtg.terout oflth ues- lion,-tlefr avolils onici .Lite ihie int plougbheam-es anti titeir Speaa nmta, reaping b,ôak 'RiH é rférsied 'lu -elo- queut berm es01h. 'gm*ailtg grealuess .of tIse Dmuodaedantibroagit about hs3 confe'leralion, tthe epread, af 04141 Felloveîp ieranthlb.great arl t btIlthe rfrality .vas accamu- pllsuting, anti saidti ltIsuch prlncipies mnuet succeeti, tbrovlug dava national Isarriers, anti iarmonizing people@ fmb ans grand fraternel. union,. unlil oe generaI shosulfromin à v onitirise ta iteaven prociaimîug as ai aid, peson on esurtit anti gooA vilI ta, meut. Pro. longet citeering. Tise Rocitester baud ah once ttiudt np Gailý Sauve lthe Qus-en, tite Test 'as- sembtlage risng ta tueur isel, anti se. ceiving tIi. National Anthem vih every mark ai respect anti applanse. Tis ehdl-e re lteon escorled lat lte Arsenal, vitere the ladies vis al accampanict iec bati previoasiy pro- ceedet inlucarriages _ýpravideti hty lt.e Rochtester breltren, ant inlu ailing for tIens aI lte station.PTe vWho le of lte upper floor vas filleti up as a banquet- ting roorusviser. abuandaut tbabies vers tatstsiahiy arrangeti, antiedurasti by floyers of oxqaisite beauîy anti fra- grance. Thte repast ilseif vas of bte mosl scimptacus description. Tus hall wýas olliervise beaatifully decotet.- At Ithe souli ati vas a fiag ai ahi na- bions appraprielely arranZeti, andti il-' la ils initia vere lthe fethere F. L. T., lt.e parpurt anti si-aificence of vîticit every l'os 011 iFellov vili antierstanti. Oit lthe anc sitie ai thsse iniliais vas a ciuarcprseentiug Engianti; on lte otiter a star represeating Aunerica. TIse fiitiaIs, crova anti star, consistiug aif j-e 0f ges, wviie gave, as liîey seeom- sti emhsetideti u inthe tage of all nationîs, s bi-antiful anti b-ilIiut effetut. Fiai-s of ElitglruiilIussia, Francs, Deamark, Penssa, cnou ler altl-counlry nations- muilesnet lte valls. Standslavers erect- mil for lthemuie anttlspeakers andtihie conritte'.s. Airi' the guels hluaiappeasedti leir tpltlit*5sý,tlw ob ulowing sentimeuts vere gin: Irtîglalstis l(fiumim'i anthie Qu'ions Duuniî- eus., pre-ensiaset amstg s,îvereigng. Rletpuuse by h n uHîsal Perriy, Grand Fa- nriarcig nofOrac. The 011 iFentewa cf Ctnuvla, f ningiig vith thi- goldent bcaxtt aifautrOrder lthe itîrizinu ef the Qutesn'siomlîiats, as bte grey etlits nornut i l friaered by ltse rising sua. Respo'sse by -Jamnes Wosllyatt, Grand Re- prea;eutative ef Grand Lolge ei Ontarie. Ou lthe part aifste Canadiens ltse following vers qiferei: Pr-,sitisal Grantl-thte CIef Magistrats of tte Utited Staieg, vitose ule restasuonihat iberty wvi)monarchs cananot trant-ltep iberty, inleilrgeaee anti virlue of a fuiepta. ple. e Thse Oddl lwsît f tIhe UtîitetiStates, wsesbroth,rees l1is baied upa bts eteuicisU mrn-lueteoet t-uientis(lhip, Luove anti Trah, tutid sunsu-lit aaity tMeir bretitera of Camnada greet ant tah as lthe sciaflower aura ta te Gti of day. Mr. J. W. Stelîbine also rephiedtia lthe titane sentiments lu an sioqussut speech, tatid atitresees ver. aiso delivereti by tluer spseakers. Tîte visibors vere pravidedti lPucr- liag-t ant iau.wn round la ailbte placees of pulic intercel, and vere again ritterfaeti lu inte eveaiug before bte departure of the train lu a splendid sapper anti tee. accompaciieti aI inter- vais by lise excellent muisie aiflte Rocks- ester anti Portl Hope -bands. Tluey t-ct- tugain, at eleven a'ciûck egcorleti is lie tan'for Citarlotte, froco vîtence iiey embeuikeul ou Isoarl lte Nort-maa bt twu e.ma. ou Wetlnestay ssoraiiîg, arriving in Whilby.about Iil o'clock bthe saise tnonuine, Notiini-conîti exceeti lie hueartiuoee ai geisine luoapitaliîy Df lise reception aiflte- Roclier Git 'ellove. Iudiiiually aud-eollectivsly tey appiaradi lisvie oau t ll lthe lteri slu hevlug them visilorsee-ery mci-k aifkinailuese. Tht. lees lthat is ;aid about lte discomiort anti dis- gaiefaction allendini-lte trip on lte A.seacialian liaq beea iorme inituOshtava '11h tus iooin.- officers :-Preklent, [r. Jas. Carmicîsaci; Vico-P'resitioens, [tesars. W. H. Gibbls, M. P., J. See-, lohu Yanng, anti Citas. Atllen; Carres- aîîtiug Seci-ftir>', Mr. G-o. 13ci-clay Itsdoiing Secs-etary, Mr'. D. A. Ba-ige; 'reesufe-r, Mr, S. WVood ; Boardiq( Sfanagers, Messrs. Dillon. Ru-t>', Late, Einlirt, Lai-art, anti Henr-y. Tte ioming gentlemuen ver. appoinleti as aonorar>' members : HoIn. T. N. Gibs, i. P., A. Farevell, M. P. P., Dr. Me- ai1h, F. W. Giou nui W, IP. Cowan. DEAIJIOp MARAax I iwD- Titis ,centu ic idividluai, vilely-kuomî-r as' 1Ci-ai>'Mark," dieti laul veoi ek '-e >afis' Crest. Mark huis ratmed tli eunIr>'as long as te temar> o!fte itieut inhabitent cen i-ecal; and if ual ivways a veicame guest, viean saber ras ptriect>' héicuieéa. HoevasbW veun Sixl>'anti teenhy years ai age., Mark, tiaubtless, vili h. samevit nisseti b>'lte crevA vito general>' image41tluîneiveu.ah hli e opeuse dur- tj- lis pîsriimical visite. At a umeeting ai tua -cougrogatian, af ainuibits anti Brookiu, inilte Praeby- rei-joi Ontaria, ou Tuesay erosîingLtbe VIb nie, il vas unaulzuoüsiyag-eed to, v ti t s islaiy of ilhePaoL6r, ltse Rer. Job B. Edhttqilgon, bte Oum af tva ,L cimw0 o 9 4tagb~e~qairy inta lie i. Pacifie Bailway Charges. 1- 1. o.-O. P.-Tbe anutai meellunc j- thb "ù G.nosnc mn ttEae Iutiýen * doal rde afOmidieliouvs iofOntario - ias bxel jn lte ban'sonie new hall of -Avon Lotige, at Slralforlî<ou Tuesdayj h l41e,0âaifutûiy mbe , bin *in atttsndance. G. C . AanPurvts y i Z8"t,; Çalharinà es, ocoupie4"tlio' clmir, Tite teport 0;o- Grauti Scribe M. f Dawson sbowed a- large é-increase fin h mernbtershtpdnring ltseyear, ili ex% gcollent bprToq>peclÉ of 1stliigreal&ýpros;per- ity. Tii officerïs eleched or'. wyear were t d G. -C. P.-J. Hamo Perry. Whllby. Qý u. P.- Johin Gibsson, Sîrrard. G. 1. W,'-P.-B.Hac, rnîo. G. J. Wi-ý.eglt Blaia, Torornto. 0 G..S.--J9htn Graitam, Napa ns. 4 BRe. taoS.' G. L.---Adam Purves, St. ,sCatharines. 1 The Grand Loulge ni Ontario asseco bled on Wednestiay morning, M. W. G. bi, John MnrraY, af Cliflon, iu the chair, and about 170 represenlativet Jpi-osent. Thte forenoon was occupiet 0in presenling lte reports oiflteé Grant oMaster, Grand Secnelary anti Grand Repregeatatives. Tite reports shsow lthaI 20 new loilges ver' organizeti dur- fng lte year, andth iaI lite ttal numbe ai lotiges now warking is 861. Tite members aititetildnring -lthe -yea were 2.851, imaking a totlsi member- sitip aI lIte preseni ai 6,774. The a- mounit paiti for relief duringlthe year foots sp lthe han.isome suim of $l0<822.- 78. THAT GmcosT 1- Andi uow Oshawa wauts a glîost-jnst becamise we happetl s0 boave ans. Tîte Visudit'ato- plaintive- Sly asks: "Wity dose ual Oshawa gelta gitost to? is sieteb- bc outlone lu Wflîitby ? - hat are oui' grave yards about? If court hanses are b hiave« glioas, viere lis there one belterenlitled 0 ilttan lthe raunslackle- cacera of 3ours 2" NEW GRÂU.-Thie Toronto papers stale lthaI on Mlonday, samples oi new *Spinug wleal and] bariey grown in Us- biulg were shown in ltaI cily. The wîîeat uvas vsry fine, andi estimaîtila, 62 lits lulIte baisiiel. lhe barley wat plump ant i-eavy but not very briglît. SUit-DAY SCRous. Pmc-Nic.-Tie att nual pic-nies of lthe Smsnciay scitools in ýcoaneclion wit thtie Episcopal eburclit of titis town wilI bcelteilis (Tiurs- day) aiterqu ; SI. Jolins, at Smiith's ,,rrove aukl .A*iSaints, aI MeGiiiivray's. STRuKE 0FTuTOONTotO oCÂunîau.- The Toronto cabmnen ",ttmîck" on Ttîes- day, inci cnsquence of anu Obnoxims by-law relating lu lIte fare recentv passeti by the ci coitîîcil. Es-ery ltack wan will rawn froua the sîreets, tanmsiug otîsiderable incomîveaience ta lthe public. P411ALYTIC STIuK.- WVe regTret, b b-arn litIMi'. Saùanel Story, of lte base inte, whîiie workiug ou Friday last, receiveti a paralytie sîroîte, from tiSe effscîs of whicît lie us seuh coufitueil 10 beil, lîaving baot tîte use of lus limbei. A GOOD IuEA-Tie Oliuawa cotîncil lias canseti large sig-ns e 0h put np at lthe four main ettrles ta tht own warn- ing ail parties nol 10 injure eltatis tries, under a penalty of S21. ADDîITOtAu.PaIZES To COLrS OF "Iltosuz BuRNs"-IMr. James Powell, cf tse Globelitotel, Brookîitt, ollers ai. ditiottal speciai triz,s for colts sireil by bis honse, Robbu- Bi-us, as' folitsws : 810, to lot; $6, 2ii ; $4, Srti. rThe above wag iuîaîverteatly omitteti froun tute prlutted bills. BONUS BY-LAW.t CAU[tuisa r,- U'<cmsamrj, VILLAo.-Tlue by-laws gi'amuting e bonus of $2,50hJ ho thes Toronto andl Nipissing Raiiway, te ereeltteirpnci- ti Lr escapei in caumali boatvhsicit, tartan- atel>', Ihe>' lid vlit lItent. Tovu SCaIooLs.-.%s vuWli be sen li e irertisonest 1n anothter. colinu, tht" fai loterraiolte lova echusolYviIi eau- monde on Mionde>' next, 18thb met. Foiazs-a.-A Court of t111e benevul- epl Ortler viii sîtorîl>' h oapensîl at Port Perry. Tee Srum Fusse Entamiez vihol ait- en ont for praclise tItis (Thtarsla>') ersning, it bein thue regalai mouthity meeting ngim ail- f-- opat' -DeAuesis- Tise Gusîplu - players have chalieugeti Wbihb>' olaye> a match game ai, draughts taimg nexl mout. tti-cc ai moi-c a aide, lte gama ta corne o6ff lu Toi-auto. tPailà ries ta v-hsom Tuiz Caomcux lé miel iegularhy tielirereti b>' te carrier viii ceonfer a -<tivri-by ieparliug lte Smission Attte afflu.4 Ossu&a Si-avé F auîîu.-Thse 0f- doitml litsette caulteins lias ialhaing- Ris Exceulencth ie lsut-,Gorernar. bas been pleaseti ta autîtorisé lte issue ai, LettesPaient incorparahlag 9J "Tho Oshava -, .Stove Manluiaeluriag KComipany>', witiî toer t.crrty au lu quebea ini 1$ÃŽ2 is 'Ihureti »' Enilili, 14,887; Iriit, 9,410; Scotch, 4',165; ae~a,764.; S&atxtinau'ian, ,"48,; Frencb t-nd te4eus1t86 atir origine, -28.,. TotlI, 84,743, Tise Itrade,; andi caîingavw'e're regi.sereti as follpwîa :-'Farmers, -2.836 ;,i'laborers, ^,89; u 'hatit' 6 809 - ;cierls antI dri e s, 7 ù ; -p ro isse to l »i , * . T o ta -, ' 15,427. Tites. cisifhiastis lny enteret aI Qutehec.Thes tucresan' ai reqntînin nCanada'bas f&i-eï5éeo. edtie biep, clatiônii-d 1kW ie(arlmenî,' itig8,005 uel7i'r8.4pet cent., or 292.45. percenl over 1866, 't.é inceas apraebmigtieIdainaImber la ltaI yéar. The increase ife dcii l. tlite active exrin ilte Do6minioti agents tlamake knov bte rcsà urce-8 cf Canada, l in te Unili Kbuauanfl on lte Enropeaon coolinesîl, as aIea bo te assistance.affo1,ded by i te Domin- ion Goverumeat, b"y"cqansaifpaÈsen. ger warrants, redacing te passage charges tram £6 Os. ta £4 fis. No tioabt a greater laîpetus viii be given to lte immigration aif te classes af people vs stand mosl lun neeti of-namne- I.Y, agremltural and tiller iaboreis-ity thue formaio of aid societies, ag been tione la varions parts of lte coantry under lte late net. A great decl muet depeati upon te degree of assistance rentiersîl by thtose in rueti of seei laborers, anti wio sitoulul be reauly andi aruxions ho eo-operats vit thlIe Depart. montlu inte preiolees. Information lu possession cf lte Departmetitshtows thial unhimiteti numiters of titis cias-u aie anxions la setl inlaCanada, lînt ae wlîoliy withont lte atecuis of cusu lte Atlantic. Tii. sagis arnet i hy titim imi Englà nd betag from Iwvee fhtesa shiling a veek, titty fi nul il înî- possible 10 «atliter th irs esesary savings afler snpplying theur vamîts. TItusr, unuter lte isiesetît Govenuîîuenl arramnge-. meute, farmers anti otiter t-tiupioy'-rs of labur eau okuain aIl titiy requin' l'y adl- vancinglte passage money, wviil i, useti by our agents in fonwarrling meut, accortiing ta demanîl, anud uutiseciai cunîrach ho mepay it to thteir beaefsucfous lna work. Thes Minisîter maltes an urgent appeal to lte coMmuiby for titeir asAseance ta Ihis end. Upon tlieur apaliv of ililerest tlite penplicug of lts cotinnry fnily witît usefal toilert, or remaiuiag lu a large citent ini neeti. 'ispentis. Thie exiienditure-s of te de- parîmnent for buse year agi-regate $160'. 316. The anount oficapitation lix np tus ts i--pi-ai in Julv. vas $18,798, ni-ar- Iy ahI colls'cteui at Quelute. 'ruiere le R considerall«fallitîg toff in bite tnulbrr of immigrants aFsstî'îh by sncietiis cii' iuuividluals iii Emîglanul, lîing oniy 2,163 against 4,590 in 1871. Titis dIi- crece' s us ccrilhu't o tetnwillitugai-sm cf tîte pubicl to sihucrilse uioni'y fur flue puu-pouîe of emigu-ation in lIte face of a rt-u'iual îmf ijmros-;mriby andi uluetîen of tdis. mot)ey iteër byÃgft'or by lI' ro iI Sir Huglit AUian tir any-of bis agenlîlia W1P~~m40, te Pacific7ehebee, audibhat t eami ae Mculfnuer bF:eien rue ta, aurF liecls i à v Ab; be6aue- mntir' qiÃi4deloin.; -- ; '*AIRTJà UBDANSEBEÂ.U." Ho" "teago Wcst. Tts isap inqniry .wlticit every ans elo lt I tav rultfuiîy anlsweed befor lu, arlaon is. omu~eyand g, IutIle care, laken -iu;exanination, o-airoules t44 8ant i mou sy. 1 ,ý . Thes Cicasgo, Bcirlingtomr& Qalncy Raifroati bas acitisysti a .splendid i'epu,-, tatq' n th ie latit titree - years as lteý Ieasing,,Passe-nger :lputhe h te eWest,. sià aibglt 'aIChicago or Peoria, il ruas direct ,titrongii Santhera l -owaanti Nebraska, viit close connections -1te Caleoraîa anti ,,lite Teri-itories. .,Il le alsoý thie short« lins anti best lins te Quiýtc.y, Missouri, andi poisfts la Kauitas anti !Nov Mexico. Passengers on ltepir way wertward canna do betîer titamfto tlkd 1h15 route. Titis line lias pubhisîteti a pamphlet entiieti "110W TOe1Go WrEtT," wiii contains mach vainable infert'iion; a lai'giu, correct map ofilte Great West, wlihcn b ltainel irpeof clia 1g by ýaddressing lte Gesuerel Western Paissénger Agent, Chilcago, But'iinglon & Qmincy Raihtoati, Chicago, Ill. Partiiculars aiflte Surreader ai Vaien- lia. Výalentia, Amui-. S.-Pevimie fotahé., esrentier, 10,000 troope concm'ntrafcd bi'fçie titi' dlv witiî ciiglîleen seige cen- noiý. Tuitîinta proposeti u ietlu ho esurremudor thue city on condlition ltaItti' comtmantder of flue troupe guaranteetd fuli par ion lu cil insmrgents, anti ex- preseedeappreîensRion litIlte ueur- gêi-mal vonoh dbmrn tl itlv if tliise loi-ms wers Dot coucetisl, Thes same day tiurie was a sitampede- from lte diIy of fniigrlîtni-tipeuple eqcally alimru-pd tia thîe Prospects, fi-urin£r a bombarictc-m an)l tîte ext-essec ofttie inssîrgents. Af- ter tw tlsy's psrey and d'li-ration lie iconimanilei' of 1he- frsrjecltl flue terme;. vîtereupon flue .Tunfa ant in- lt-mît imeiseîslouk ftii'tst nriuiniLy1,, lu Grnouandti lure etuuîucik-d on titi steainer for Carfima'etua, luonul y tuep peuple. Quît oif fftoemt batfallioiu Of vointeu'rq ttrme umlvremaineul in tlii cif.y. Tlttee iînmîureil mutn kilieti anti womunli-ti dit] cou-irthue los un botl eilles;, butt hue injirumy ueflue city atuti couamîrýes uss greal. Hiunir-tieof bieuses wu-rc diniagetI by thte bombar-il îloycrs of hlbur li Citaul'umil fi-i-ItIi'- Lord Gardon. tisae eîeniy tîtat cireusaines liane comspiedta10shift tte dtny tnt]inîn-reet vit XAlit-it-D TALE: FituLe\'(. tufassistiuuglborerq front lte tu-n-su- imuuxs--rTL us uet IFîOM SvAStttStO- hi-tt F sue li-euio lucre clone ro usuels inTOu tIse peel luaIliir aonelullers.- o. 1%. Y.. Anugmist 11.- Gent-moi- Austin Titi.TotoirtO Potr OrnF Ioma- .anti Mayrn rackebl of tu-sil usSan tm atSuit ay aflernusuî inae lucdti Io inli-nieve aI Long -asttehe s ffc aJInToof rauseit itî tlhttiPrfni-si i-rar'linz lest, Iît' Pomt 08tc scietieTtManitobuslla alltiir, an'd explainedthetti s'as openeti. ati ninety-oîîc regishened unlole malter mcm bî-inning ho entd, leiheus uubsrccti-i. Il siee u lat saine dtînt-il- espi-ciailyoeuthfie cru-Iily viit limpai'ao, it catmefa the ktoveulge ouf unlicli lte piseirs are Ircateti ty titi- tît humutoffce nseelr tietan t-Manittuluit aut hirities. Tîteya- I.s thepos oficeinpecor hatan t-souiglat to a ilrese tîpun lte Presitieul templ uvas likel> lu hi-miaule to tOIt)tIe.ti- elIas mceesily foriin action, as bhîey post office ; amat as a îrecautionau-y fi-are] tus people in Minimeseta, uni-ess roi-suture, a poiicenus vastiuiemttretI 10somueitintg vasdouse ionce, vt-nhm watei th ofiee t ii!Zlt. hi limigtae the setuli-mseut of thîe ease mb vialeilIte oftfi adah gt.sir vas tthteir oia-ma lanule. 'Tle Presidi-nI. auc- fiuah~ tisecmlimuîil ani eucuionnigîtcoruhinsg ho the tiespalelu. gaie lIas Gon- clerît anîd a porter uvere requsireti to i- e i-murami Mavour 1taiusteretendtl iat main lutiite offlhe ail-r tioi- tthiui e- nuuieRthts e nultter wvssdisposeil ai witit- gullcuarai-rk uutlii six 'cioek iii tte ut c reasomieiue timate, a teietani, is nut- morulum-. Titis arraungemnent liad haen mieluitau fitil o ots, aseit nd. toid e u inu operatint for c shiort lim e, anud un fuhoilu hiuy futi-tht-s action. Thte Iresi- Satiia>'niglial lIe senior- ent kon dut>'(let mlhten astepdtipseGoîemuoui andm euh thte porter temainei luinte offiee Mayusr ho rethmce thm-m telùimenîe ho iuii itei af-pasî six o'clocit an Suisia> vtri, vteuItytitadii-pir 1i).s forveit aSecrefar>' Fieut, 'Who rusoumiug. VhtetlI te>' le the i-Office vîll be nisitciito-day hy ils autitors. cri-rytîiiir aa cl ri-iriTeuaoneYy '%Vashiimîghon, Amu-,11. - Govenomr letIer cus iieli liaii cout ac lt htrini- bte - Ausi um iefyna inauî day cund niglut v-ecari-fol!>' lut away 0o1Ilueir i-dura iront Leng Brandli to- ia boxes in lte sais, lte inors vi-re a leti1y,0iaticotîter iuili-i-ii-v aviîtSte-in' hery Miurelativelts thue Mcnilpscu hociteti ul boiteî] as nutaianti nuepeu-. diffisiltics. AilltaI heIlu e 'iilet son eceept the tifiofmIacoatempîsuteti saimi lti ti-m ues ltaItIse sbj-ci sîtoulti thue rabbi-ny tuupostiC] at lit-te vas reeeiu'e fte proumpt attention ofthlit ait>'danger ai atytlitiaui ntusuci occut-- Govenunmt, andttitîatiie motitît]sic! ring. lu thei- mfti-nabclatt tliti-e tjIti tIte-riglite of Aiiîîiicciî citizens4 o'elocit, iowever, Mr. Cupîsage, of the situiît be proîcbtid. Il ires î o ciriy lashetcrs cli-atintn,lîctioccasioun t ettitis stage ho giemû-asu-re tiefinihe as- nisit tut- Offiee,.anti upomi eut-nr im, neie îeScrhiro t nm aiig noomu lna a casal mtUcuer, utc char-cil uitit thte caimluiel utsuri ff-« tîlseoveredth Ie tey in 1he scie, antI lue ara. vel]duîtmspaeMtm u founti the iueet door lhieingi- ltotalb* - osessiouî ofaIallf iel hta ooven lis ec- hutte tanlte rear unlot-ui.'Thie nahur- tistinii lte pi-emises aI thte earuiesb me- aiiy ourprisetI hlm , aiie caliduts-sIn ment. Gov. Austin onbeini-interrogat- tse itonsîkeeper for cn eicplenalhua; et b:,'privai- p;i-lies,wias reluefaul ta but Ihat officiai iaà i nol olservei any. taitk on lte sutjeet. Tuep malter lia- thiai- unneuaiaisoult tlt sais Or tiîq nat essumemi a tilomatie asppect, cI- hack tour, and comîl not enlightlen Mr. ltangl i Sr Etîvarti Tiornatun acdti ec- Cîîppage. Au nipeclion aifltee uie e tiayFihaIlae bath si-verni torunalin- of tIse scie va-i madIe, and ti l as dis- cesuW oneurnht" -il conturoîl État. nintyato regisereh let--,__ __ Ici-slisaîl besu carniet off. Tlitese eot- Tuis 11mcuit ou $,0iI.-SI. Cellier tors came in on S'.ulttley nigihl. from lues, An',. Iî-he Ouvuere aifte liii Lie uineof ltse Norîluem acilva>', ca tottMag.ie, ai Part Colmori-e, piblieix- sonse aifIluem vre ahtuiessctlta10si-straliletia cclifenge i0ntse Jouîrnal bua-uts ai ltebtinks anti protasu>' oulcineul i thitui- iromn Port Daihuîmîusie bu Tor- chuects, vhiie others verti adîresqetalitauto aguins-t any tuz inu P'rt Daliiuus soute of the puiuîinenl uuercliauts. ASI for te gsiua of $1,100, Mesers. Qak a neanal coniiqetice, it is imîpossilhe intuahi & Ca., of Portl Dallîtoniie, hîîîamj ta coîujecears as lu tue amuoat i fttuuiiuoll lltu4slIe.omnllî uttoni->'cumitaituet lu thie stohet i 1tti-ui. . -ti j ccilu te l tîlcejuttal lîtnt ruse tifin', u is arîxiel>' ta escapvmt'. t tîmîeultthe uz Sia lleny asnd bite overuotuteti atsîber lin btx, viic oma- ai lwty isurtii. TVie ltite huius nom ainedthlit lange tutuinluier of fis'e iiutîi'iti iyat ieen fixîtl for lte race. Il mIll regusterci ett eîînsumeoaifviticli itel proimihy lue musile kiuouvaalten tht- c-oi!infi-ou lise city uiiinig te t'i lutai-y us deîsueite(i. undt vere iiteleitta he despaîtetIl -@ or on atile'moroing-, whîiie alitant ai'- rhIe gi-el uvrQuttiu satchitftai'$250) e rjvei u inteecrtitary uvcy. Isideacul lte dlamipitmtisliip ai Ameýricu,. It le supposei llith tthetief mat ibest tuo li tlitrcefalis4, iuclmetisAiberi liane hcmn scert-eîl iu thie Itlilillu dur. 1111Elis chîsmion vuieti-r of Lunon.r mg lte niglht,ani, taI kuowitti- iit-re iEnglanul, and Johun MMu to laal Llie te>'of tite' titit ms uctp t, lilia Luto0ipluecos tti- afttrooi of Au-iel 7tit. t truicmble icietia' mb o lite saue autseo>)u autarry Ilihi's Vuliictics 'liueatre, ini as tudiscents loflttue affiwc .85 JO ri- -Houaston strec', Ni-m Ytork.'Titi' marcht vent'ie efeid or itis cri-est. r,-sulteiiront a*diiallenge lestepljti >' it -Eaghlislî iîaînîiou,to vteetle HMcMahovc il A4 SraÂxzia BunNuzs-Farr osu Fus'- sucurdini t0altse Engîlesluruiesai vu-est- cl TYL&V,ë LU.S aft, 1-rmîerikibI5ns, Aa-. ' hUg,. Cousi.ie-alhelthereel lis ait-oip 8.-Tito Steatuser Wauutass"ti, ruuiug manifesîeti initus castt'st, à mmut a Ihî on lte Potmac River betuvreemi Wasili- styeoai vresîtlinI- ieing-nov iti Americt inglon anti grrimcan, taok lii- oan Fui.- an itehboue vas peekotl. Bolliug day lasI aI Citanttulon handiug, and vs as lu Intavri-faiMeMahion et ten, to destroyei. BSite bilt about 150 pausen. sevcn. Tie~ men bei-au ise slrnuggle stîf gers on board, atyl between 40, ed 5j -4 t6'élcky tanti* vi-estioti ans baur -aan i lires are lott. Siz bodiies veru itaunti t-w ituu a, *ieni, owing te a dis-. - epto 2 a'ltktt-evîLoadies anti pute rcgarding a fan claimeti by Uc- , au.cdll, andi twa coloreti ciliiren, Miton, lte latter reinsedtit esele ~ ~ ~ - - aay. longer, mtheii match vWas daclar- -A hunu>' weigiig> 80pýuanis mva etla dram. Tse rn!en agnedtesti av-ohc proeeîti la-te'ite LirVAi 'Uuicrdsi> t viti i% elsvockhfor $1150 e eide. h U6,nutc.Titisfisl lW i rte ,«eies tu el- Thisysune, ot ilhenuesel, femil>'.- _Il t xMAri.APigeoa sOiiaoing tl is tioei ite busguet aiflte, flan>' -ihe, match to aitptce un Salurtia hilfes-C ttu.ié veighilng 1,010 lit., beiag« noon. ut Davy's! Ici-if mihe truck ii ite il rai-e lanltheMediter-uussan. Il la cou- v s81;ont mi I'orocilc, boiveen ,Ms-. Jute. i LIete xcellcnt fui- foodi. -Tiampsama, af Toronýo, andi Mr. Milier Tit oust ublc iaoliînar la- N- ? Muarkthain.,-Thte'match mas for 050i ag h e-t b a s lait li éIt pla e ti a t ouin N p. a s ide , a n ti o n e ai t ue co n d ti oi n s va s n asgarattbacleha & p<aî ndtaiaes Plse LtI-lXiler sitoîmiti elqv -Tiompeomi T ceg re-tsloffce hing henta -bcytlitres decil bitsin lu lirty. Ti 0 ~s C&utt§ail -Officet atitui lelits t ceCRt] 1mWu$tI u -AcCmom-xr ON THE MisiLAiND RAIL- %-.,A.-TnO Mait KmanLFD,-Oriilla, Ani-. 9-A frighulfal nciwey accid]ent occurreti to-titi>, tetcem Ot-ihhiuacuithtié'Nanros hribge of Atherl>', abaut tva miles tonun ltse foi-mutr village. Thte caules- itropite oicnruiel ou lue Mitiani railma>', toboni 1:15 P.lu. Il app-ana thuat -rave] train vas i-un- uiuîii- cI cLmoderato rate titrouglu flue swcmnp, anti ran aver Imo cove, viticu vouiti pereietenfiy ksep thete hicet The engins pauseti over them vwithout -u1talini- an>'tuppareul daniugi',*but lthe van cutuining bte lahionnîrs vae tut ro foi-lae. as il vwas b>' soma mucatte iorceti off lthe trucltandti tti gravaI, cars braite ito il, tiling lut- -itatlti>' in susanantei u*,resutectivel>' Jsumuîp'imStevens anti Tus-ail Late.*A Nurvegian, fromu %>Itik6k&,'one oaithm anjureti, lies sine tis-t.- TIti foluuving are.tise inlinéil, 111e fi-ai-ciifatbaliy;-Tîomeas la-l',,George. f'umîîiehh, Bart. Cutunors, W. Untier- voodl amii tmo aoltens, nemi-s- unt as- ceu-tainecl, -Several tmore airs shigtl> Doctors 0orbell andtiElliol voe prounpthy laettenlasice at te scene a t',e cati occauritco. Parties -also an- riveti frons Onilia, iiigini- viit Lthect Duollîthe & Mor's%- busses. Buggies, etc., vcwrb ausooprovil-i il itoul dm-le>' for le Maciaet]an'dinjureti mea, anI n tact over>'attentiont vas aI once s-en- icrel fui-bhueir 'imuteditîe relief by -the' people fio-osOriliia and tituer>', Sait' CAPi51mzg.-Landu)n, Augut t .- i'li wbaiog barque Anaw-an, vitia LAt Neç, Redford, Muiss., Jne 191h, for a ci-ais. cltit Atli;Ocean cap- sizeti, apîj f vo of Lteeeiera drova., J, lthe romainder, 17 in ummb'er, vere -set byes passiug ressel anti laudoti ýt Liverpoal yâstfrday. A large quantil>' of vrecked ressel as beanutilecovereti oq itle MWeelcast f Iianti, andtihie eSuppositiont lu liaI ite State litte Steamner Alabauiuî, Iroan Glasgow, las- Ni-vYos-k, is vroe. t If ta, aillan board-fa 6îe probuib> por- Imoportant Cabinet changes areau- connoemd l its the utus - Mi tre. ci-owils aou bath iules of'îthe r er Megnvbile, tthe3Ithà io st,, glat in lthe hcsptmgIèd "tsurneof a icfrcns actai, -went ltrongs a varicîîy ai evalutions. tupnn lthe ainpended bar., whicissesmed, 10floal ainng lanlte w-aIsofaVbhe lbgl- loan. - Now wilbi$isieat Iplb.eartb, now lvisiug5aaiti turninz.,Lhe dlaring Muncoulinnet'Otadisportl hisif vitif lthe nînsoi appat-e ,t reckiessness. He Ireâcieti encli & réaI heigit lb. gymu-' astie operalions were btui4iy visible, but in a shlort lime lthe gae;sy -ilater was obssi-ved htoolapvly jà se~n 'over- lteé ctannel ah smitls Island, thbèpur-. pousd afile controhler havlng been Mv17 deulta oëeet a iabing amthe noi'tlt-. eri sxli-emity aoflthe ishaui. Elither nving -ta lthe.-faihure' oi the gas ha es- 9cape witb suflicient -rapidity, or because of the stiffas of lte breeze lhson.býow- li-g,h lisatlernpt Was unsUCeesstl, anti. bthe bahicon anti mIs-manager diii ual ,cohue iith'tia lit-,.fe'oth ie. uifce lut vecil sveeping alongý over lthe river itsyoad. Some distance ahsîsvelthe le- lcandlite man ebruclt ti. river, but -sîill relaine i hie bof-airap., vutich, pro- pelliti by lthe fast-drlfting hballoon, vas draggetilrangbthie, vater at a fearsl' rate. F'inting iimehigrowing vweacci fromo seconstant sîrain upomi hie mus- cles, anti being nucmenbairilv ia danger of becomiag entangled in la ie ropes of ltbe italoon 'anti dragged bene at thlie surface, lte, man finally lot go bis itoii, ant in luis exhsausted, condiiln strnct nt witi tlireti, averehrained .ai-us for ltse neareRt refuge.- Several scoali eaui- boats sitot ont trom the sitars-and irons titeir courses on lthe river, anti Ileadeti for fthe naw apparentiy druvueti man ; bal betore they conlîl reaci tIhe sinkingr ballunit thlItsferry. hoat America, wiîicbhuati li- thie Mai'ket-street slip inu çross lte luar. reariet ira juel as lie vas about giving up, amui toak hlm on hoardi. Tîte creulit of hie reïcue le (fi-é hoalits niglîl force of ltse Amerlca, vIte ls noalime la rumiuing a laduier imb théi wcier, uspoîs wih thlie an a as hueipeti an tise hIbati tbraugrly ex- i'amîsltiff condtîiion. The balloan, vhen IigzifeaetofnitqIs ati, vent careeria« wilulily along *supon theu« vn-, tmow vhiite-cippei ity lieteîifteveningbreeze in .tite direction ai Cooper's Point. viuere il flualiy brougit up in a lobcl3- 'lilapiilnetiicosudition, upua lthe onter piera af lthe wharf it bitpoint. A MuîrýTnrumsT MiiSîTEE aOIIATioNAL A3tusEsuueNre-Tlice 11ev. Mr-. Readrick. e Mîfiulolr of Ni-v York itas been pre-a.liug msermors viliîtattracî aI- teuntion. lHe scys;-"lî le lthe muty of parents anti Chitan-leaciiug ta con-: rider witether- or nul fhsey staill fur-misi lthe yumung vif u haaatioIalucel"nal at htome or dive tiim ta Qeek il else- uvîmere. Tise Chtrlstian fatier who pro- vildes dancingti- ahotme iloce gactifoi- lue fturnisiee; a lieaifhy exorcise, anti -'ni-e yomung pphpe a favolilie imîca of Chitrstunimy; hut dancing la bail-roume, smu-romunduiîldy lruînknrils anti biaspie. mers, cairet] mnon a laie liuni of the aighîit, mingtmsg all classes of oeiety la- gi-lter, huecutues a dangeroas ane. Thse cmjoyment ni dancing lu a pruper fori, aI pm oper ibour%,.lu proper places, com- plies, vits Ile tiemanul pi nature: but the abtuse of tise amnsemenh le elaful antd 'angeroe., Some saslt if St. Peter, St. Peuh, or St Johna vosit bave danc- cul: bat iluere are maay btinge dons bu- tlav viis oumihave appestrei ridic- mi]u nl tlieli' lime, suck as Peter vih c svaliow-f ail coat, or John i-nnning vilu a fie engins. The limes have eltauiip, soaItave lthe people." Tue 11ev. «;i-. lenuiriclt'e iuicas of dancing ulu ntio offert finti expression in the pmîî. pif-epeciaiy lanbthe pupil af bis The banquet t Hu. Mn. Gibbs le aunnotinceti.forlthe 28fl1u met. Mn Gititu bias tdons excelile ;rvice upon sertirai occasionKi ity oppaaiug ths polîev ai coan- mon sens' o ha t of blaulaul ralicelio, and in mean vays ias tmatie imseffeIt ta te country la lIe Legiliture. Tus Grils have otten made a lead et upou luim, bunt ni-ver taure su Ilian dilrlng tIse u'eeu'ni eoîulcsl lu Sonuth Ontariu, wvu-n hey unut ouut lihto lte rmails anti hedges nnd rouepehicti peuple ta comeiu-for a uitierahiout. Mr-. E. B. Waoodi.vas <loisn thet ten, ibut ls hid noltelsi-rapli on Ilua occasion ltat 'lte ihorse anti ridier vre casl mb titte sm-a. " Thougl tItiy were, it bieing lthe Gril chamîpion thatvas evalioweilup l ithe vaves of poîtuiler disppros'al. Gibits' banquet i' a titting testitaonial ha tise genleman ici- ti-udeti ho be itoaoared.-London Free 13. T, ADsmistioN- os' PeRsct EmuvAs lIr- LANiNÃ"tO nii- rz mNroqt.-Th ts'Otawa, carrt-spoadentaiflthe Mailgay's :-lu ltse titipabela ai Lai-dlKinsit1ït-rylLord Dimferin ounlthe admission'ai Pýrietoe EtilariIsilandnti mhe, Cenedius Un-" l'an, vticit appearei in ltse Official Ga,-- elle, bis Lorîsb -ip seye ite lias intru-nl ad the Liceul.-Governor aiflthe Islant l mae itItpmblichy imnovn ltaI litac- compliitmeat ai tiis furtiter sI-p la. varis lte compiete cnsolidation ofilser Majesty ' s posss in .Bitisa Nos-t* Amnierlaicaitafodiber Nlajsty.s Gavernutoat usaci -grabificetiatr; anti utie mould Ai «lad if luis Exefencyvihl i-anse la b. muatie uovru in Canada.'Ir htave toadit,' continues Lord tirlbe-ly, that Hleu' -Majtesy'e Govorumemit eu- hirel>' appro-es ai yanr Ltsrtlelip's pr- ceedstin acanîtectian vit t tiis imlio- tarif maltter. I suatcoreiy conguiu:ttuheite Vanr anlthe sueetisfitl reftini vich la u tueen atteineti' Ri-cent aetices fram tlIe Ishantilsufford fuli assurance tial lite six etniehst-riul candidates for lthe IHanse ai Camunns viui ho s-eturned by la-go meioiieo. Tex r-GOOuvoD Cut. - Tiie «resut race aifLte Goauhwoad meetinZ for tbe GoIvaod Cap laak-place onJ>' Blat. [h -vms von .by Flageolet, Fsavouns,- seand 1 Cretuirne $IiriL N. o -athor tmoi-peu i-sn. Thse bellin- et tbe ttart was 6 ta 4 agairtat Flageolet, 5 10 4 usraisisî-as-anas, amad 4 to .1 agstinst Criemai-ue. - éobtiit;ïiaei,n Cr..oii«5 P..~ . vitu,ain 5tunitt tiig aards thisl- lend, wv erTmeîtfa-ouai; t sebY a harge canéoe ai euiperior cpnstruetion atid ornanienahion fa auy I Isai een ano lb. prenions day. Wsen alongside, ts eciiefasie tuirnetiouI la be, belti aîofl..a spear vlts. alete-attachiet, iich too0k ontboard." v ws. direct- etin n ulisi ta ho-b.Captain ,.anian *openini- i lu is te'pre-ises of uay ffic- si-s, I fon tls contents la lie- as fol- "4Cepltalu-On receipt of titis hase DO t inlucomnsiss i- olsereecue ai a icIl- lov-bieing, as I bave beem-U in a kinti ai a captivity lber. utany snany jears. I have. something of importance to coin- mnunicaite. As bthis May le thuLayo-P portunity ci my. ever 'again. b(ing heard aot, leur fot la came. liut yonrsehi htthis, ny vortsy fifnd asi'1 cisandi "o ba-m viiihetaîl you.'- Frouis Muniorfunalýe captive." After a- long consiuilation wilh imy aflictisI coneentet latrust coyselfif la bteé bande of lthe savages ;,anti se, gi-. ing ail necessary instr-uctions lu caes1 ,shonlîi ual returo, .I steppegl Inho lthe 'canas anti ,vaspatiïdiet'i qucitly b Lt Tse cauosIcept off ah saine distance, ant-i I as carrisil ashaie. On lanti- i-, blucre steppei oui iroco a group ai cusa7mitdile-sizeti liait, um4,ex- tent-iingto0me.hile Itandi, IebaTeme. veicome ta bis isîanti. Ho vas sa taosmi rom heaitia1bch-sl as iarly Io be dietinguis ltei as a wlite . m o. Es saiti. tearinot. Titese areamy Fnb' juche :fisey are jealans, l'ut vii lrot htrm yon.,Yoar stay bere le limiteti. Came:vittrme." We thu relirei ta a iant aI a shoart.distance, vissei appeareti ta liane beeén crèc!Mt speciahiy for tise occasion, as' I éiu naoclisers ila-tise >' iciaity. 3l'e ers immetiiatel y Fur- rounieP ih vtast.numbers aifnatives viheté fcans antiaitrvepn andi -on my ru'markiag on lthe, useiessness. ai suclu a disptuy, lis saiti, "Be aI ese, mîit-y yull.nat»lia-m you as long as 1 rs- main ; tlîey auly fear losing me. WVe wiii - pr-c-titi"'The fahioving le btse sulueleacc oi aur conversation from. notes tati-n immediately an arrivai- on Imuersil-',Soine lime siace sanie ai my people h'ronght li-ti-eom a ship, viticit hey fi-h lu witit maayý leagies ont aI sea, a linon imiirt,' for wvîà tliîey Iradeti anti viicu I greetiy needoti, vrappeti lna, neepapor cauledtile Liverpool Mercu-,'ant iitiipaper hae hoveti me as a mnel pretcions n-hic, euhi point- iag ta e part viticit coalainei a -r'-port af the trial aifltse Clament tathe Ticit- biorne tille anti props-hy, hoý saidt i- pltaticaliy, "I amo ltsé rigitfl iteir tha tiat titis anti prope-ly, eandail tisaI lu bers staleti in Ibis papei-rlefaise. Hov eau I appear ini Englandti laim - niy- juet rigte. Tiiers lis sua oscape tram bers." -Hi-i-shobt-caie grentaisfiert- sti bal rscuvrimig hiaif, hi- conliausti, "Bt t à o hitImey ite htied by Ihose viso may hue villing la succour me, andi ta rescas me froeinnsy long calutiviby, emud place nue iii rite posititu fanviticit I rgitinlly hibani-mthe wvendt, Iao'ti reicr lthenitla lise artiches aiolteé sip Roman, oai Nev, Redfort, 'Caýfplaîn- Ti'ipp ; ciisi, officer. luir Galpin ; se- cond. offie, Mi- Tîtomes ;cur la-ts h privaIs iog ai Chtarles Perkin is ne of lthe crev, anti aiea hoi the ioardiai-. houe aiRobtinson, oaihelitssneplace." Hors lthe impabience aiflthe natives seensug n crease- tie =ny coaneti - dciay, (j ,as tie Lsip cnmmeacei Fig. adli-, I tbaugiîî'lt bell-r ot.b e off. Su, eu-er glving nsy n'ev act .uaiuitaa-cea- vita l tIle bri.es I b.d with me, vs totk an affectiona;te fareveli f aiei obhter,aad I vas -so on hoari sy uvna sip agaitiho'tise joy ofahI, for if appcared lhey neyer expectedti l tsec me agein. I mut nul omîtte tae lthaI Sir Rager incitieutally reniarket tisaI uie lied] matie gi-at prag-esa in civ- iiizimug' lteénativesi, anti iromuny eshort,- inuercounse villi bie.mI muet eayItba lhiser nsora liîy anti huoaesty are saperior lu thoit'aI lter lliis is vitWoanI