Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Feb 1873, p. 1

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caargea At the rate of 8 centil, péir li 1. . Il ý 5 . .- 1 : , '1.ý ' ý 1 . -.1- .1 ý 1ý : - 1 ý Vyltu, -Calaï,- Prirltea Word*, g,=f d '44 - _: ý - -, insertion, ând 2celitélo'per limo'euh enlise. quent insertion, Z 7 SPeeial cOntn&cto ýrnade with advertù*ro: brotberwiu, VOL. ITBY Orolours to tlwontinu(, adverusements PROVIN CE m 'beluwriting, ý T11 ec-"- H 0 L L 1,DÀ Yp L B 10 N ID MOTEL 'L A'Y T O:N't-s' A' C BusInes's D'Irect-0 13 ROOK L194-9 ON . T.9 WHITBY, alonq widi; ýôt Jr 0 NT., -ai"àeij k: dresli - cd liïih P A -gonftered Lhïàçrëiw. or ami. AGENT VoR Aý MASON pnopl:LIF It B'Iqg T B D No son C 1 an a tn"exf"" ISO ATED RISY, FIRE INS. Co., TOB. One Il thora inr- luce "' 0 -not L' _Ãœ01450lié -Mill, "D Nolowords caet*>- too, Purcell &ýâjjAble m'eànsj §rIjgýg1i'Gj y, ;thriven in thë -*orld and, fortune. thug , tO-mOrTýV, 1 Of C1111lails- À PuirelY Canadison Institution' The Albion bas been-tb,,,,,ehly The ittiotbeulit- PliTaiser for the Canada dation and the best 8ttentýOu. That,= ün-Ui-d-m the face, fi - R_ 1 ý fý=1ý . , ý ý 1ý ', 'à or to bina. W H I. T 13 Y B BA'N C 11, ed, and the publie will finî every accommio M e ý , a k cs- 1 voice'. and e. mean iLs.weH I'11 ve it t'O »0 Agent and a . . ....... . ..... »QwelL , _g "il S'Lving Society, for- TliewHoruRakeg(with the Ïiew unpm loaus of m"y- ilit 1ýw rates of interest, ji- t, el M Dark that un T1103US DOW, Permanent Bugd4i 1 know g weaith lent him inerense of approaebed - C ENTRAL MOTEL, mentz,) axe, naw being mànufd'ctured by -the 1%8 e tg' -Worth 4 - and; whüe.,her: -love rtmained Healvon, -, wl Patentee - thý"C relf-iwtimg, are mïde'of Tbat obines Wtlr,» llnâbated,,,Iler 4we ineýeaaed, and ab. AN the verybe te full and aire* the mout Nog!.lolomyyuinono làger t1l'efe jee su et' Mi,,sO,ýýesuMý 1) 0 M 1 N 1 OýNý r4 M BRIT1911 Almme BROUG RAX,ý ONT., M =,ui ' -, t ' b', 0' lqni followed. ri roue ori er ber, 1Yý se perfeet article of the kind êver introduced te- TO tlïeirpdrity',' 9!Cosýif,ý t- ýàhe did net ce ti '0 W-H I T B Y' Aý'G'E N'CY, JOHN BAILEY - PROPRIETOR. the farminz communitv,,for doinR the wark Te týb-ghtof iliijl.,., t 880fance OMP£lp Th- abov. hort.1 ha. bee. roeviy jfttýed up élirickly aO, ýweIL Soluing'at, from. 38 te 89 loi, o w^n cause, sheo still bad Par very time M. Bý Y. fond furiiisbed. Guests wili find comforta'blé', apiaco. é -9 TAYLOR, No pret thin fille oeil 4ïi'ý lier W' wer, -and lie knew ii. net let me sel , e AGENT. ar-corrommatio ourdattention. Gocoastabil Particuloir, attention in &W called te lào Nojewe type of vanity, Caùtble"en hella bis, written promise 0 shou V lyou CAPITAL #4W,000. ing andattenifive hostlers. Nowordlin ébildj marriage, nor could, lures or entreaties for that, Step BOOT AND ".^NlIg£ DRILLS. For liée ihecfwdlilfý_nâ$g» borné, B 8 ABLLISHED, i83z. _C OMýMERCIAL thing of the kind 1 inta hîs Il. J. JUA( By nature beautiff JÛ&YBcorll Trevail On ber t) trust it fciý aý'mOixIent if. Wlien yo 'T ROTE They are- superier te way t AWCHANCERYkéONVEYANCING t maiiuhwtured, and a" weu cajou to The gold beguille hanis. PurepIl hall' lately el- tlm 1 am c wlid - - r£s Ti Office, South Wihg OourtlTouoe. Ar- This aloi andwell establiolbed Company OSHAWA, ONTAICIO save the fr&Tmer 1mih laboror and exymoie *' Some May net see herbeaut -they had never attended to, and.over, and ye sed some Aiglit euriosity to sée îf,' drew ont thai rangerrien t m -for fipmigtl ýNtgjDex, « Mon, bfr, arle prepared te accept risks in aU classes of 'Hie STRAW CUTTEBAwèrked by ha 1 nét ty, ut joanthieleu, Q.C., and Dr. MCMieliael, q, C. proper,%,at rates as low as those of ' uny wolf JAMES BLACK, - PîtopRIF-Ton., gré unequalled ; they, M. inÙ:t%.t ý : Would find elorr' itelay- h- - axe e«üý Wf)rkpa, and f lainish. The.mans designslonMisa- and lay it on estiblis cd Company in Canada. ,Wn, fer COmmier. net liable'to'gét oui of'ordez, àüd sold et a 1'l' in this fristance. hope-and, il conveniently Il tted uly î î very low. l1àýý Shon d love, revere her,ý déem, it meet 0 telitirwp L' Lii. ILýq lanlated an.il nýn-hazardous prèperty in- ciel travellere, Billiard rooin attached. To linger huînlioly et ber'feet, As behiinselftïüly'stated to Mullins, shadow of exc race prompteé iw sured foi three ye'ars or lests et opocially low 01,NTY CROWN ATTOPNEY FOR rates. square hoUf 178, And thankful tlie. d"otrenüo*us lendenvors hall- Goil lé C Oziturio, Barrister, Solicitor, Conyey- a dý'ReVÃ"jVjndý C_ L. FArBBANKS, Xit. -_ C OMMERC-IAL ROTELy Il 1 1ý 1 - 1 . , 1 1 levée to bear lier speak-she knows been direétedý, too-a union,,with . that 'Nonsense t aiieer, Notarv Publié., Offire-'Tàte- Office, BrOck St', Wlùi'bY.' ýOTÉES Her nobler mind,ý;what God beKtowap 'yogng lady ; lai iC, _ < tid, among many* other_1ýintO My haud ly occul)ivil 1)y S. Il Cochrane, Esq., latê BROC.9 ST., WHITBT, She will nothide firm objections urged 'as well by her caught lier by Crown Attorney, Brock Street, Whîtby. 0XTARlOý FARMERS' at notre may d4m fath;-' by tli6j iiiéji-éËirited" gur.1- lier- SCUFFIERS, W ELBA]Rr.QWS, But*gentl,-OUUth orne éAnd' - so E. M. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOB. ý8e î And au Other Idnels -of, Agriculture Lyrplié- Te mock the joya they ca"nuot aballe' 1f; the -*iittèiil en ntt6,ý Cau'th-ý Out,ëf tt accommo4iion and, on * Or M* lie ments-ivith âll the recent improveinents. And, call it prille. gageoine ors and cigare. Gronfil stilb léen. 'L -Wmchý genérally talked ofi j)I3ý stn ARRISIrElt, ATTORSEY, ClINVEY. MUTUAL M URANCE Ca-,Y. lique, in _iC ,her-voice net hiiii it evtry steop.: Purcell, tloereý-- oý,ýainitter in chancory fQý, ""AD OFÈ.IOÉ',' BIZOCK ST.,WRITBY. thO Pi£Ûýdseë- Charges modera the kinif manufactured,) the nndersigned * It gladdeus mine; . . . * 1 t ýésGmetîrues love te heur lier 1, tet, -tliat co re cheil steain èÉizineà. (one ci the MoRt ûoniplete of Would maltée the Io heart rejoice; foire, d ned to remove hsta- wlie our-last the Coiiiàty of OLLario. Mpw enabled te éxerute aU orciers for Office, Court Roirse, le cle, even thongh the -unhappy Cauth- In The rest This Company insures Partir Buildings, RAND TRUNK RAMWAY ROTEL, N by one, for whit1y. No lark could trill a song sO.gayý leen should become still more a vie- Country Churcheit., Scheel licunesand theïr Cr PARMING IMPLEMENTS 0 roightingale se sweet a lay, titn.,, Contente et rateý as IýOw as thoole of any AT WRITDY-STATJON. witq which lie may be favored, éhenply, ex- Eh tràtb he bad now for sortie- time ýy the poor ba 3&UIZISTE.8 êt AT'I'ORNFý,Y-AT-LAW, well'e'ta ýlisffl Company in Canada. WINI. O'NE ILL Pitri dillously, and te guarantee complete Satie- Maybe 'twould pain ber te despise brouglit himself to contemplatp with in a voice thaï; Soliciter lu Chaticery, Conveyancer, JUST LOSSES. PROMPTLY PAI:D. _pBIETOR. Ction in au eues. A lover in this humble guise; indifference tlleýexpuIsiûri of Cauthleen te look t if, ai Né) tury Public, &c. ille(I-Next door te the feel ber pre Co JAS. CLAYTON, 1 beur illy lot; a L. FAMBANKS, J. B. BICjýELL,_ Partièm faking the train and leavini herses Brock St., Wlùtby. sence in the air, from ]lie house, and ber subsequent that he is n Store ef li. & J. BrOck Street, 'w err May 14th, 1872. 201y un ange S,-.crt-tary. lliisident. 1 bas been there, il] have thenu well taken cure of tili th wandering aloine, and in shame, throngli shame,* and 1 Mr. D. Holliday if; no longer au agent of retura. And trournâtour net. the world. It carmot even lie saül that entirely the j tjiiii Company. , , 1 1 hie passion for Mitis Grace liad cauged tell -him slie ils rAltfewilý'f'l' àr -Ur Though now, perchance, for aye we part ladisgruiltof hie uufartunate mistress. mûrey on tue ARRISTERS, ATTO RNEYS, SOLICI- G L' B E B 0 T B L, M AN ACTURED AT THE Mer form Je printeil on my heurt; tion, not on the and Notaries Pub -M Who kno RNIX FIRE ASSURANCE CO'Y,, DROOKtIlî, ONT. 1 stiu can ru 1 Purcell lient his a Come, Cau Ilc. Offiile--Onu (loor north of the Post, P Port Perry Agricultural Works, uf3 eut 1 wM heur and shed person of the laolymbobti on the alliance ce 1, bending 4)lller, Oshawa. LOMBARD ST. & CHAPI.NG CROSS, LONDON. 1 JAS. POWELL PROPRIETOR. Unnumbered blessings on ber head witi, lier fatlier's.wealtli ; to w.liieli'. as in lire force-lgi J. LI. FàjtLwi..Lt,. R.MCGEE. LFFPEL'S CELEBRATED A31ERICAN DOUBLE Front day te day 1 elle was au ouly chilà, he would, in the any leurs for Lé S TA P, L I S ÙL7D IN 1782. TURBINE WA TER WHEEL. 1 FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. everit of b6ècming lier liusband, also, pai-oxysuis of NTXRIO MOTEL, Perfect Resignation. become heir.; and ]lis néw-spi-unr, fiché lie elucout IN GILLE SPiE, MOFrAT & CO., Agents for 0 naine and pretensions must thus - ' ' fhan Ile jiad exl THE MOST ECONOMICAL WIJEEL NOW IN USE (The initial letteroq fer the alternate Unes ri- 1stren.gtIjaud colintenanceinthe cônin ed to the uti ton, l3rock, C. JAMES DAVE)SON, Manager. BltOCI( ST., '%'FYITBT, begiurting with the first givc the word 1 try. No ; bc had not even tl!e poorr stru-glin-, the C. DANýESt PROPEIETOR. Parler. The rtrnaittiug initial letteroi taken Insurances agailist legs bv Pire are effect- The ahnve nid elotablisbell hotel bas been passion to urge for bis nefrlect of tlle -flic 41iýf wl19 in order te give the word Mother.) pretext of alienated, and ungovernaLle ruffiai) raised hi col en the Inost favorable terri ' K, and Losses 1 ' fi p and rençovated tliroughout malle sol goff pOý:scssiO . il SOLLCITOR IN P'l't' withun.t refercrice to flic Board ilà l'on- o11111.11'.'11l1ý11 with lie Father to theë I lift my l?,iging cycle, liavin tiim- flou. The pr , tor will My hope, my loi 1 etits beitig fiirnished -e may all now rest in thee; lie s1jould never Jiave alýaàiione(l. He staiffly approael coeSfrýtot, OsýaVa. eý -i nefor the -rit on eu, for ]lis disa st-for- leen, thougli A-ent 1ý1î} Ïtl unclone in proN 7ing Arouiid rrov shatter'd burk theternpestsrîse, linelçv L e Pl " Il ramfort oftho, guests'and theyrnay relv up- 0 let thy irins of love encirele me,- hatrp(l - he hall tired of lier. And wil-ily miderstoi on the best of pure liquors being supplied ut The ligliu of tinte are fading one by one, perljal)s,,-with lengtbene(l investigation, sercauled and to: LL. The glow of earthly bliss bas fled my gaze - ARUISTER, Aý1'l'ORNIýY-AT-LAW, T tildijilookiiigiifter the civilityofhostlers. H"g on th3 u , corir 1>1 E tli(ýl)ar" Strict attention paid te rite stabling mercy and thy love alone w,ý,,couId iiot advauce a betti r reason, she was too late solliciter il] Clialicery and ltl4.>I%-Utlu ý1l Here 1 would linger dut iny fleeting "a>-H,- dering the eliaracter of the die flame, and v Y' Liverpool and London and Globe Nofitry Public, &c., LU-. Entwille thy arins around loncly one, mari. have so Oftel) qil Blouk, Broek Street Whit1jy, 0 iiturio. EVERE EOUSE, Enrap Ilion in thy robe of pellet lov Witli a lircast and brow malle up te the only way te Iý oéURVNCV COýIIPANI' Pt, liewilve each stain, and when lifu's el0l'à is the prom!)t eeention of his plirpo7pr, into ]ils seat. iliýýILS LilloN, àà;SLTS,$27,OWý,DW. MANCHESTER, ONT., donc 1 Purcell noMr -ained hii; oâw door. Poor C--,atlliceil, W TTOIINEY-AT-:ËAW, SOLICITOR IN L. PLANK - - - PROPRIETOR. Raiit, to a mansion in thy court above. Cauthleen answered ]lis kiioek. teais now Iric par lit course of'tljirtýfi-t-(l years Sfâý_,vs troaiid front Whitby call dafly. Ev- If ivas lier constant practice to antici- anguish, lookeil ête, Oilltýe-ili Iliirriý,,It'ki Illuek, Iirclek St., exçeed FORTY MILLIONS (il -Y 'ýhe Peep O'Day or, John Doe. Latid Agent, LoqsL OLLARS. attention paid te guexts. pate the servants in (loin,,,-qo, when, shri%,elleil filin. il Claires by Chicago Fire estiniateil ut rieur- t ly -are beizil, liquidatêd ils fast as flic fitl(ýlit3 uýjusteoI NrithoÙt diminution. S rour ROYAL ol'par haf; can distin îsh the liollov toij ecuri MOTEL, ïi;_,- CEAPTER VIL the stej), nay flic breatliiii- overy ut a sLe turrieil away lit P yineiit and Liberulit3, in adjust- ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS SOLIC_ ment of itit Louses lire the proiniiiierit L.atures PORT PERRY, ONT _- - distancet of one beloved, sfilà hall leai-n- 'And ticow Yoil lé's Illiblir, C"11ý4-yitriceroi. of this wealthy Cent lfhe false thief!' purstied 13oluilins- col to iijterpret this signal el' PureL..'I's Grace, to-morroi B E'TOR Strécet,' South 01 l'Orb Office, lieudclhce, Il FOY PROPPL1 'the liloody iiiii)rnjc-r !-wid Ilis acres L-ppr(,aeli. Purceil, ut Il -Ouiià Iiiin that lie scanied an' swore -ly rourid. ai Slie smiledi fairitly as Pure(-Il entered. quiek ChiCf,%geiit for 1)(,Iilitlioli omnioLlitt:oii. Good stabling out o' flic hands of lioii(-àt people 1 Au' He offly retin-ned lier moite welcoine a bitter m in and a, tentive ostlers. 1 lie tlliuks lie Cali buv nie up ? An' lie L. Y AIRBANKS, Jjý., Agent at WhitLy, Ont À witli a ruffiauly gatliprinc of the brdw ; ùd tliinh-s to tio what hîe likes without Our then l sjappeil flic iloor, and ha 1OWN CL1,11K ANI) lave ? Wlif-ýre*s the farriier's son, pilssin- lier, lie f1ýw inio a lirawlin, leeii 1. whidjy. liail. Ilouréi JOHN L. WATKIS, T H E R 0 13 -S . ON IIOUSE, These'%Tý'heels lx-e arf, nom, inariulacturing Paddy ?' 1 front 0 tu l' o*cýlcot!k. cheuper than any other shol) in the try, against flic- servants for rle.- 'Nevfl. isk moý DUIÇDAS STR-EET, WIIITBY. and lire Mill give a giiarantüe with each 'AthandI'm thinkin',' said Fliun. gle toudim, te me o, slie (ý-xelLiti OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, -W-heel warranting thern té) lie as well malle, 13ud what bolq is on j 011, tiow, bluck etof tlit-ir duty, in not ut 1 very, Oppo>ite te 1 j VIl E-S JI il Il It 11, N, GEO. ROBSON, - PROPRIETOR. y Ilis kliti(,Ii. A 1»0111 plirpose v/ill to NSPECTOIZ OF PUBLIC SCIIOOLS BAILIFF 3RI) DivrsION COURT. é' tld n,ý-,e in prepLratory ail(] coward- ît ti and te give ors good satisfaction as any j, ký ? I didu't see you in a ri,,Iit kil manufactured in the Dominion ýý ex The 1 riefor b-gs te annolinûe that he of a passion afore, silice flic ù1ay c e lient, fis men, ilot your lvifé indeed loir the Couijty (if Ontario. Address- ha., the building formerly known as Parties desiring further information can le liaghui Pafit cilice, Oiltiti-io. AUCT10NEýER, &0., &C. S(-rir)ture'i; bas been renovatd, obtain it by addressing Minister offèred to lave the Onts on ýf their iricttle, have recoume te drain -t!ie oaths, tir. Our field if -von went te Cliarcli next tli(y enter the rin-ç,. illotllel.,s side, 1 OFFICE-In Bigelow's Block, Port and fitteil up-throughontin the PAXTON, TATE & Co;, y xl. o., bMit of style. 'l'lie, prernises are pleasantly Sunday. WÊat was Purcell rayill' te With droopin bond, Caut1ilven slow- héitrt. Perry St., Port Perry, Ont. 1 ?11 9 URGEýON TO 11115 COUNTY GAOL, Perry, Kituated. ol)l)c>site the Pest Office, and in the Mareh 31, 1809. ý9I you ut all ut al ly and silently followed Purcell toi the Graý11e to yourself is '13yroil Street, Whitljy, Per . Perry, Joriie, 24, 18-12, 2r, centre of flic towii. The Railway Omnibus 'Go tell flic farmer's Fon,' Mullins parlour, VuiIll.ý Pn(jeaVOýlrili_,, to st(ýM WLI 18 "Il,' on hridge rond 13euvi-qnn le-ave the door evéry C;tlls at the li,)tel and the stages for Ux- condescended te explain, 'that Purcell, the tears that hall floweil plentiftilly in ý1111sollr,,,Iîlng Mill. 3]vlltgll,ýN. A. - D.. EW DAKERY FRUIT STORE. the liapparep, is goiu' tu, take off purty his absence, and, only dried up ai his 'li isitl-u(fl then N rt)c)rijilj,. 13(>;Lr(l 4,;1 lier day. Carclul bris M Û S 1 C B O O K S le 't tIV'S 110SPITAL, ENG., ' tiers always in atteliclance. Maiýy Graee,' approach, finit againt sougglit veut iin(lor be Cali (31 the cyo IL Q. IL L., OAinwa, Ontario. R 1 V il A if 1) 44 N 0 W As 1101ADAY PUI-,'SPN*I*N. Jack, wns that all the Ornad- t)iisi'r£-Fli -;oj-rov. Iler seducer fluti, And ut your ha Degs te annalince thfit he is rio houri watiteil wid you ?-an' did he biniseif rjIýjjv ilito a chair ; as j;hý bands tl;at bro«Il; te supply everythilig in 0 lie Sent, Post-paid, on receipt of the t fi greaQe your fis midly took air ppos te seul. lier tears morne lé Fý -N"r i S'i ', (SUCCES Sakery and Confectionery Une DUNDAS STREI. marked prici breaiiii, eviilent, and lie insfantly seizécol 'Silence, calit1il 'T, WIIITBY. 'Did lie ti' ni(, a bribe, is if ? Avoch toi W. -1-1, carol.) At ]lis old stand, lutely accnpied by Mr. J. bail loock to the lafina lie ofloreil nie ; on this aq a rien, tirerne for dasturdlv 'Or wha t ?-yoi Street Il ildersigneil v.-Oulil intimaie tothe o: an*iflie(li(l, il'yoiitliinkl'(1 touch if, reproacli and Outrage, exclaiming iii -Kill me ?-Do Nitrous pillir, théit flic, above prerroiges have been M'e can reroinriend the following Voral Paddy, front the likes ofhim ?' t1il:ý. iiliom of a vtiI,ýa1ÃŽ ruffian itýoxpect it ! Yi CHOIC FRUIT Or ALL KINDS , M il for rittf-il irp fini] renovatecl thrcnighout. Cojle(_tioTj of choice Piano Songs; "Sljiuizig Jack, a-roou ; boit] l'Il 'Damnation ! am 1, for ever in it-thf. liobbel. t tr,.,,:tjf)lj of tLLtll. 4.1t Liquors and Civars. "The Creant of 1-ighti Sont2s); ~Golden Leaves " 1 ýu., , 0 - Kept constalitly On linild, fil sensoil. pure Witte, Lag- L and M. "Ileàirth and Borne"' I was corlsiileiiii' while to lie met in this mutiner ? Noth. Ilf-ed il oLý.' N. V %ILS. L. 9). 1%. ORANGES, LEMONS, S A E D Iýý, T, retail. Doarélers takeii-by "Firesid "Swi-et 'Fournis an' you [éoth left, nie te get cowld under the 0 ' il ing, but cry, cry, M, frein morning te 'l'oo! ! take cý LOBSTERS, IIIIUNI-:c, it-%ISINs t'le Priceless Geins Prier, $1.75 e-cli in Stone. tIlPr(l. Fý£ith, 1 WiLS thmkill' niglit ? What do ou wisli nie Ao do ? sppalz-and listen inser. CIIFESE, l'iiýACCO. JOSEPH A, DANDEL. ;,oards; t2in chi 1 tell ou all flic th ; 02.50 in cloth and tilat theré lvas rio raison in the wide -have I lé-ft you in any way unproviil- 1 courteil and wot JL lut("gt I)rillcipb,ý4 of' flic art, Dur D delivered daily to and gilt. worlil wliv we coulilir't mariage Purcell ed l'or? lis there a lady-a marricil yoli'- ils t iiiq) ils the cheuréust, iiri(l as good a* the -'t 1 IL SO Aise the following instrumental Collec- 1 Tiqt(_ýn te M £(Iùtli Nlilli Golil and Sïivor. .P( tintés : iLlI other oviiions gootts delivered wi 'N IIOUSE, wheri, lic,'stobti, au' soi -et over, quietly laoly4n the land-wlio has more of t' and W] lit a rgr "Fairy Firitre '411apric ile 110 lorlgor-, xtl*itoýtiýýý M-111lotit liiiiii, by producing îjhoice Brajid.ï col ('igi*rA. G 1-1 n T-7 1q W, "Youligz Piaf] ulifl I'carl J)rnps,*-four t at'On M 0 comforts of life-wlio is more lier own hatroil togetljer ?' laeul 11ý.l1taI cow- "'F'y rollection, é. isfilsial lieerpritioiis," are owin' Iiiin this long finie, for art- illistress ? Wliy doii't yoii speak toi 'Curse-1 be the Il iticirAit,ý) Jit., PROPIRIETOR. ýPlvaei&nt Mi-ivorier, Chir otlitýr man's sake.* a4,8 lo(tv litork, ovaw Al Lilimoil'u Drug Stoiril, ?-wliat is the illatte; WiLli you ?, Ceil illaiMe 35 Whitby, Sept., 1871. 37 for more atlv the like M and "Brilliant Gems ailc-c-ti liýjaliv 1 M-as tliiilh-in' 0' t1je fa 1, C. sit bîzý -ri her lx-gs to il n n 011 rire, te friends players. Pricp of encfi ý1.75 in boards -, njysfýf,', said Mullins ; 'if was so new a cauthleen Oilly wept 011. E M, 0 V A L . 11(i illé 1)[1101je gelleriilly, that lie fous opeveil ý2 in cloth ; $2,;éO in eloth and gilt. yoil wo!l*t answer mp, th me, front virtue lie abov- riew iiotel in rite Villa ni Ajo!ý- Stranmm' Witltz,,s, (fisk for Peters'Edifinti ' i =t L111ýl i en ? ai! ee -om -cil. . ý1 éhing te sec Iiitu fi home witllout -i 'on t;piýali.-By the gro 9 1-1 betravin, roo Th.- tinolerHi 'l'lié se i, a ni lie you repprit -ron gtied Il loved ]tir 1,ýir)i. - lmt. ; iiew. and fiiriii.slie(l in in 2 vols.. $4 enrh in looarils; Q5 in eloth, his about him. Blit all for -on ili) ;of spi. II. l'il a pray Goil il iléo'f iliffl conifoiriable iiiiiiiiier. Novpllo's Chf-ar Edition of Piiiiir)-Forte the I)est, Paddy. It's a long lune lias He 1 ad nov Miranglit fiiii(l hfre (laninin Streut, thn o liorth il Iluil. Y> ;'l' 1 1 r Ë STOILC ( --ý, 11-Al ut the Cljéssica, (!Olifikitirig of coin. t nit '. l'et 118 go tell ti7e farmer'oi tý ----- -- _ _ BOOT d 8//0 :L1ýove Witips, liquors, and e s in 4 vols. pit-e $1.50 vloch ; noir 'tir ýl, (.7,,:irs of thi- lx-st brand. 1P P9rM0ý e-oelàwl ý>-,"'ý .. . -- the pleee h ifro ppet 8 own plece and, tjien with ,ýtrCà,4 and det4rMi"tïuýn, al 'surge, and deliveïed it t4) his By this-Means 3fr. JeÉse ilayz, 'Au intpUigent cOziý POndeu4 tâ *h ý 1 sonta sensible-M Of dogs Il ýoxe, ý1vérs -,the -phrene Offl!ýal Opinion iiiiýil _Q, Of brain JÉ evidence of ïtz MJý%,-p poiver. He bal; a do'g POý:geFSMg. a ré- iiùrkably large, fiAad; and -few tioge lait ùmtch hii-. in -41enae, ' Bel: bis eVemésa in: the fieLi SES' ýetrieveýr, he shows hiq'. fir.RUCity,ý,-it lame, in -th of weful îéa nunicated with, the alwx-" vill take orders to_ th Orkmen Who (Ouse', und wffl scratch imf;iýtienuy -àt he dùor wLen go ýmplOye,1, although t other times,, délMous of sharing'the. rarmtb of their k-itellen' fire, lie wourd- rait patiently, and then entering lith a serionsneffl béfitting the iüýý, > Inod importance of his mipsion, w-oum Aiver the note, never returning with- at délivering hiF. trust.. His usefulbéng 1 recovering articles accidentiv logt 's often beén proved. Ao«'he la-n'ot ways allowed ta be present at dînnerj ) Will bring a bat, book,- or anything ý eau fiad, and hold it in his mouth U sort of apolozy for his intrusion. Et cIlems pleased ta lead his muster's )rse to the stable. Early E*Jffusions. BY À Lffl. It is My belirf that n-riterg, more in other art'sts, love retrospectively 1ingerýfR the - minlled mlinshine aud iLde of their r' -eàr1y. aspirations, earLy, lureàý,, arA their successis ' such as, 190 May Le. 1ý1AîTectionate selr, lads more thijrýu91l!y embodieil in ý creations of thi, Pen than in the a' c- ývements of any, other wooer of art; 1 ience the teniJernýss, forbearance, and lon1isiiffýr'.n,- extended sa ieronsly ta the cri] kst f1!1T-moýt ila- ýile of ail thése, braitu ellikIren of peet romaucisL eUrns saYs Of One of bis Ovvri par. lu'Inces in composition :-,-Lt was le . at au e.L'rlv period af my ]if,,, en my- ileart eov.,ed* vvitb liollest, ',ÃŽmplicitv, unacqEC:ýi;)ted ati.] Tvi- ý*i1ptcd, Wit]; the wayst of a wi-A(A 11, The perfiu-maitce is jn.jLcý7 ýr pueille and silly.; 1)ut I Qua al- ,-s ple.ased v.," it,, as it-rcýcaij,4 ta mv il those hall y days W leMy heart - yet licinest and may, iongue was are." h-istone biliLve(l what the pre-ýent ,er iloes--2and more. Ikar him C-as;ný- witeli yonth is lonw exrired to trace 17he fartas -our pan-cil or Our peu de Sîb-a- ail ! z; ch vas Our Youthful air, sud Waap3, and face ; Such the -goit iý'ýe__0f our youtldül min(L', Lljing it wag Sir John Efunter Who that every ýour---attaillille ta a deý of respectability in iiis vocatioa in should publisit ai, "Ijoak of blots '01elY, perfiaps,, ta wara off quicksands in thp wat,, but to We titi of iylnpatliy in the mLçateps are ille vitable, and fi-Out whieh no, ecessar s experierce hath power ta er. XIQUE ADVERTISF31ENT.S. Such ,s as 'Foand.-a gold gintlemaus il,' or 'a speekled ladys iniali ', Will continue ta rcepcat thent- s in varions forntg as long as the Lge man is educated ta use bip(ýn. Ollowin- late instance-8 are collat. A, 1naw in. St. -Jouis publisficg* Lç,rED.-A -aail girl tu' cook; one Will inake , good roas.t or broil, vill Stew Weil. style aloi, lutest IIF.iD (»Fr'cF-Iýirig Stý,cor. ChurellJoronto f-.irmer's Fon says about i m(" stophen, ome )th 1 , - theré's ne time-tc) be lest. t. Co 110118p', f,ýoyji mliiïlj Iinilortero, Dealers and Mainifacturers of all "Ilv sill)gvlfl) 1 fino stijollt (J cr offers for ý;ale the follow- C A P 1 Howard ili But Io-n*e It pul toc-toc or time. lýiIJ4 of Pl*()Iyl-lrtY, in the Town ni IN'hit- T A L, SSooooo. 011 the roall by this time.' And the Inolyielit's pau.qe- Ait-excellent Briek Cottage %vith J a 'Too what ?' intf,-,.rllpteJ Plircell, yoU and your bri cre two friends went on their errand. land, ýifllatc(I on t1je corner (if Green and Meantiiyie, Purcell r(,;tiining his boiqtprous this ii1-ýtaiJt LEATHER AND FINDINGS, it 01c'ti lit It, ","ft. l'et(-r Sts., in the ýýolltlj Wu With ÃŽ'67 000 approaclied, by r rol. Aise, j îr -ý;i('k ? or too stupid ? or too insolent of Land, Weil fellcwd, and in a bigh state Pftth, his own house, d(-eply Or ivlly ean von notýobiize nie ' 141 riot sfay lion, Cash paiil for Hides, Bark, aixl Lüatlii,,11. of C-111 purpose, that .1 v,1ý) tivatiorl, eoi-là(er Wellingtonand Gif- a(liu-t all wit out deluy, and and sternly revolving a ocCuplE can never bc too a1iytljiný not to J and (11,cri) sirvot, w1litby. A Lcýt1.ý nt-t,,h.J f'd 3' oVer the cash AT RN CE. Slit, riished tlirati-e '(1 i0q , NortIj ýVard 1 arre on Centre Si. I) for saine months haol But thâ unfor- t1il bent neil with the î1illi Jarg-t qiiaiitii -»f -joli loi ol,; of lutaber con. mind, and that unw, ld hir obli-c you, stefflien. the (,r C. Draper, Esq , in Ron. ALEX. MeKENziri",M. P., as lie was on tilliate paper-' 'The iii-lit draws 9-J3rýoL*TrNC;, MADE TO ORDER QN 1 1l ý '-uth Ward. Also 21) arres el good land, making Miss Grace ]lis wifé, and' so is it ? CýiutlileenyciIir inivi#n swi ire(l ti cal j el ]di g ligi tir yl o us as c! n. 1 U-'Çl)ý,']>,i'.ýlýIN(t.-Iý'atiorals fully sup- -SIIOliT NOTICE. collir-led of peort(iflotl8,1()theon. President. nearthetime of hisattempt, tao, en. ekithat eili-.q.ýd scribble, lor ason. Go ourýovri aloi home, tl ïillýtilit)ût notice. cuiuu>i "f Township 01 Murray, Co. Nç)rthuraber- JOHN MAU GRANýMaiiiita.,ger., I lirive a partici-ilar re heur.4e tu hire May, 1872. 22 land. ý j, eTaligei,(ploeorvercyreal)taudreetnocrýwyhoomf Iii3.-;fusloliunis. it. 'Tiq In YOUT TOOM, iï;u!t it ?- aligl ol 1 - -lertrand m-iUbegiven liad just directed his attention, and Wli doiA you go ? -*Tlien VII go my- on lier 1 leave y to alI tle ahove rropprty. For further pIr- H 0 1 c E ticiilars apply ta the owner. M. WILLCOX, whom lie described as y W . c( expecting Pur- self - an(] - drawor, box, or pres:s, inay so deal 011 nie!- l,"P.A-";CIS CLARK. ffl ait his liome, was the object ýf Pur- shall you Izeep it frow nie. l'Il I)reak ed ýou as slie weiit Jiily 187t. cell's thouglits. Site sat, indeed, ex. loai 1111), niiiiiiiiit of Mon- 21" LICENSED thom hito splinterq sooner than let it that eurse rememberi AUCTIONEER midé 1 Talie both, cy Lo ll;)ý l"Iriti U P E E 1 0 R 0 Y 9 T E Il S XTY OF Ox ND preoctector , the self-electeil stibstitute nille. ting hiru ; him--lier sole carthly escape ine'-and ho arose aud took a her's first-the dau- 1,,)w FOR TnE COM TARIO, & 6 1)o ropaid in Huryja in nuit bor- > -S of àlaripsa & Cartwri - for ri ullllll;L1 for every other e lier lieart's eariy and Stay, stepheti', Raid Citutlileen, alro they clin- to yon l' -A P P L E T R E C ght only Inve whom slie hall sinfully sing-gIt would be liscle - quite ÙLLvin-ýi;POLell t1ie Lanidii 13R G S te thank bis many friendi; and the abandorlécl the worlil and the world's uselens-iiideed it would-Tes T AY L 0 R'S' B E cT pu Y le genera liat paper leen eaiZý,lit- cloqcr f,11, ialo A le 0 Ir 'l Ily for the smile, ta keep, in friendless and Othe I de. wretch they encirelod, iii mtinicipal Deben- age b liberal patron- ýX_ is not in any room in the house t iii-cý14, Li;liilc, ullil oý1or stocks. -AT üstowca upon him during the past four wige cheerless fflliti;de, a constant jIaee clarc solemuly it ils noV and uninantled, rus Fo v rit rt lier paru itýIlLi rs a] lljly to FRESH EVERY DAY ye-ril. at his side. Alas 1 she did not think A appreliension crosseil honçe of erime. A HU' in now given up the business el what & requital ho contemplated for urept'tartling 1101,DEN, H-0 M E NURSERY, A T Baiù f notent P y distant tierce whole'tiiii Il future, ta devote iny Il's mind at thosel words, and, ie- lapse, Purcell board 1' Froin twn te foie yýars of age, einbraeý ý,,aII 0 ta t suming bis seat, lie said alread 0"l$ý«i('.!'ý.-O%,ýýr ilo- Bazik, Mc- the best Varieltiés. R. FRANCISIS. 1 ýurcê11 lied Inpolt faund the il lirolÇer, &P. Il Libusiness of Aue lier estruction .,Theu you have tient it to the attor. the wail of hër bâby, i Collectiiig, &c. est; créature an easy ney ?-'Mi caIretf-,%-Iill btte my endeavolir, byprolnpt and of this now Le 1, smiles, SETII C. WIISO.'%Y, il a ention ta business, ta give 11,11 exploit. She Lad withstood Lis Lot No. 3, 2lid Con. Pidiprin,-, or, at ' 1 is that the wày yoù of the-winter night. 15 Solit. 25,187-2. 89 satisfaction to all %vho rnay favorme with bis oaths, and bis ardeurs- would treat me (TO BE CONT u i Iload, )st Office, Whitby. S A L E. C M U s 1 C 1 their Sales or Collecting. iq gold a freu of charge. and manner conipletely overpowered POPULATION OF THE F 13iUs draughted and Blank Notes furnfsk- #;ho nt once spurned-until, in Ilisý Iêr. The repro.aéli, the ingult, the voice India that thé, people ALUABLE PARM le.0R SALE. vittion, soil 'not excelled in Canada hein Als- Bijl Stamps always on Il and. calm villain had given ber, in writing, It appears from the 13ands, stdt;pt,-cl A valuable Parni, in a Iligh state of culti vipney of passion, the, constitutionally 'Answer 1-jiave yon sen * ffly the best and - Wcst W A,'Tlmge-1-tg e- b- im-d- fer sales &é.. a sole a Mien convu all ber inflnppce, Cau bleen, and she sunk inte lier chair Lot 25, Qua cou. illiams, County ()l at.thO CIMONICLE office. Whiiby Ob,,en, She feil, and.wîth be Ised witl, tea authority of_ the ýQu Being part of lot 29, 7tli lontQseic)ii Scott os cleared and well water- Office Prince Albert, andat the'Siandard âtt,,,,U, t it awav injide either persan. Couiity ci Oiitario-100 acres, 73 clearcà e(l, good felices, good bIfiIL913 and a fine airace, Port PýJry. r4' and hopes- Years paisedý bave you put il oùt of titly or Ly let t',v, (J)oýt said') to Good k, . 1 our Land 037 000, and those Who and in a good titate of cultivatioji. 3-Qui g orchard of choice frnij ; situated .1 a y native chiefs subject te -DEN Without'any dispositioü OLpnr. nil Le 'Ï]Ïook ber Y10-- dwelling house, and extensive autbuilain Ivitllin -14 miles of the fioruiohing.vMage 01 W- M. WILLCOX, torate number'65,Q50,( WhitbY. in good repair. Apply !o the owner, gs park 11ill, and containing 142 acres, Prince Albert, Sept. 2«lth, 1672. :89 cell's pàrt te perférmbia cOnéraýt..,The. iliàiy,5 For Particulars apply ta-- allthe, Empress'of 1 rr IL Jý 1ý 1: ST c * Vlictim couI4 at first only weepw, and y SIMEONN TIFIril.-, are me, spare mejýStepho12, "ied' over 241,2à7,OOÃ", in In -TIIOMAs xN-lairiT, himformercy and- ueltice Cauthleen, falling on er, a, the population of ARM FOR SALFL _th ný ývhen afie gradually'sýçv thé have,:,.-not',,t;ent,-it out, Of-the bouge 17822,00û,000, ýnôt, f& Lù! shilalo, No,. 1.1, -187-2. '.17 Whitby, 30u aý Hy Parltci M2011. F and th Man to whom she had t seÙd it, oeventh of the whôIë 1 nidure Of the a an ý.one--I conId never fêlt in worti W co'ultl 'ùýOt. iieoned beri;elf, anji mu.4týbeaddpî1 the P F011 SALE- A cres. ahil acte thé agoctýof tilât lant 1 LAWLER, 1 , ipl. -to ber, tire in t thon, womau?'Iie'-isked, BÉ!LiRIÏ Islands, U Brit 111 v 1, and itiýitl"fu 1 .1 igneil is authorized te SPII the g1ýl éould, only in in ýiIemee. I stumpilig, and 0 0 y suppIicaüO;iý the -wretched héliliffig out Lis clenched' Mstialasia, of SOuth tlii) ýV'lifJlý J1LV1ýl*V A SPIclidid farni of 57 acres ni land on Theanders ourn ýipoi1cr;iue1 Dealer in all khids of wliif-li is-4, larýýe dwellîng bouse, barn,'..a f l'ittnils.- ý A+ this -moineýJt, Canthleen other sinaller possee north 1 oflot No. là, Ema the noTtb-put f't't-I)uilýiligs, situated within ýccMoraticn, elie did speak, it wag în the ton fa ilrevv a hanýUroùîî from lier nocket; subjects of Victoria vnit Faffill Wines, -a ur, of lot No. 16; in the 5th cont.esiion- cd Pi(-,k- ponr slave al)jorýtly beetne .00" and a cruniplefl-f;lip of paper fell'on the výry respectable, total Grocoriés, Pu of thti Tomi of 'WIlithy, Colunty ontaxio,, rather than in the volée w ' Well 44aPted for grrin and pasture, two 1 omiç;ous carpe and 11nowil as-thl? Th()hjeike Parut. 1 riglit demândili'- rr-eo e t. 10iic glance of Purcell*e eye' Cliina alone beats this' H o PURE SPIRITS, Also, . acre of land 1 il ng through the farm. the fulfillibent of an gnizo-d the l0ng-ý0uht document, 00,,),oa9. Russià, wl t ýl. 'a -one -à Brick durable s'res"s ranni up, but below, hns onIy abou Cottâ-ge, ftndIiýýgjoýj L.tly There io sufflcient firL"%-Ond arid rail-tiniber obligation. She coutil coqppel Purei,11 anil lie was stoopýng to pick if A T M R erlocKEny, CUINA, GLASSWAnE, &c., bY for, the use of nothin* even ïf lier w o William Thorudike ý the place, The situaiion is eak and, éeIfý Caiitlilecn l'instily, anticipated hi these figures.' Ti, c1Jrý, Apply (if by letter; poàt paidj t6 pleaeant, being miolwav between the villagu rt dared CI-IEQUERED, , STORE, of Greellwoool and Erýnzham astisingt lie Chrk i9iv;sion, Court, 1 0 * a to meditate a rnatelied it, and placed' A in l- bc-, in B. W, T,,iiiçl Agpiit, &,e,, GIBSON; or J. L. SMITH, For ail information eV 1 uire*of- se-rity owards the master that, The first publie me &ýi>,Attierly; CeîL,4ty,0J4tiýrîv. BR0crý HIfILYPIT. Wilitby, E Xecutoro to the Estate. IMMY HOWELL> W't" krowlcdc'e Ûf'ý'hftt heý1WaË1 it otai 11,11 hdveÀt'Aý Erêaven Il exclaimecl te protestagainitt the oven som. 2914 102- 06 ýX4J»y, gay 1871, ývLtb.Y, 0(;Wbu 9, 187â. Whitby. Brook St 'wOrsbiped. The forlorn. lad . nô Purcell, , stpapinp, ý1Lp,_wiýAs ber ý'but: béen1eld at_ D e"ý1 - z P zéï., loth, m . - 1 W xý " cause har výt1 ; a sliotild talceuwice Élie qaantity. will neutralize every form ýÉ ý!e -or minertil poir-on with whieli ,ins are acquaLnted. mines of the new Trish Cathalic of, which Loril'Granàril is presi- ave', been -,pnl)lizsLed. A-rehbis- effale is the On]3' olle absint c arin.y of arebhishops. Among tes of the la4ly office-bearers arc ý the MaÉebioucýss of Lontion- ýounte.,5 of Portarlington, and m n lé. One of the objvets of )eiation is to promote the tom- storation of the Pope. 0. lliow.&T's BiftTu-PLAct.-The w, Nortlwrit En$tglt, a paper a in the Hiffieds of scot- enti6n ýwith pMonable pride ýu, Oliver Mowat, the Premier rio, is ýa native of that disttict, een born in the ý region round ohn 0 Groot's House," sea-captain, who waï; tg pp day that lie wanted a ief officer, was promptly in. y a young lady tliat she liail ions to b@ýhis fimt mate. He hint-and the lady. --- *#à*- - linister who 'divides Ids dis- itotooiuany hends wül find It te procure attentive eurs thein.- Lionatle party is now càUeiL2 cultural show. ià better than- a 6ri ý À paying one.Froý tu Who saicI two-- es _q_ - e prickly Éair. Is , k, of -.snd mot a profé"orofI.ýthe F nd W ýý_'telè£mplî want fo gàUdý- m Lüs'b d iu Liv )ria - -iàsam. me ten-,

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