Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1873, p. 2

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yy e £MW net ouml*eo wbat *mm f um, of the compaiày--one ta be nomed va at- an ide the should, arri ütity of ho might have very Wou perfmmed Mo fmudation there may ho for Jhe COM In June lut Knèdý elomod lit saloon althbù* Nottu Of Aedou-N. G. lWy»Ule. view'. reopècting, 1ineý which des. 4uty by, acting a, more - - ------- tè-,,ý But on calling upou the latoly in the shan1ýr l'à wà-not àmown -'to, ÂO Ontario 4Y the iattai, bnë by the Governmotii, ý 1ý Ae ' , --- plain - --à4e cusziau 6liguoý ]Prepumiono-vietoda Chamiul Co. sud a tJilrd by the bond-holdera. eibs th, ý nortliern - froi AÉ-ý ony ïvbkk. audhe,,ýyeTyý seag ntier of the part. anyýrýeowhils "t appointod Tromwer; lit., Huston, We lie Ligote. M Zn a are 8 dOtnlnlôna-of kgunfutae.- A- wsorÏad a fir Apprentie@ Wjidted-T« Cx»x=z. noir du iýj' tâtefio e, to recelve ecordfne lie Wight, -have had the -geilerogity - ta do find flint none'of the, moneys bave ý appearance en the For the, Mrý V lutélyfOt R. Barrie. the, 06ve 'y" 06mgpôndeuce'b" 0 agit two"lùôndw there, Wère-no, 01811801, r ondencè b mWent, oubildy', ta rocelve PU"d f whieh ere the Tremurer,'tha&, cre&tý wide yet been nuived by him.nor'have any Ere'in the Ohanty, beyonil the the profite ai nu land 'aloi, and' tg thlO in the main subject the laugnage was là jutý due.,: FOý "Eng Cana( a nmlY>"twentY of the books ai- papers, èf the Society of a dog, and the childréàliving in the rly odcw;;d Invait the fands thug r0àlized, snd'ýtOý of the , speec Il bçingý-,1Its ténor, no yoïti Ur.Pazton occupied the position been yet handed over him, And surronuding tatimmente tom down-the làting ta the c WANTED Ld, se au appr«. M«, et the 00IÃ"0 of tbis pop", provide for the psymont ôf ffiterast, leu than'ite. -'irpô", wlù, 1 trust' adÉàlý ýarrIëd awâyýÎïhé' wfod-'for . kindlinga. stiucted by ÏÊ P -U Of Treasurièr à the Conali of ý'OzIt4rio. thst althoughhoving Lally etoop lesding, ta- the par-room and 012'000 Of Isu nemm» a and redëem- them - às 'they approi of by the , publie opinion of During su that long Ume, wà huud_ý eléoted Tressmw, he c - t sd c due. The Company May la addi. both couttries,,, This 1ooke very un. rode of, thouSA" 01 douars a or copie and ânS iu the Knoop hàd been deeply imi debt, oÏid ton Place ta puing présent condition of afraini In view When the place was elo"d and the ' 180 il tWù, appoint, Comminstouer, jor the, like suy intention of prbvoking hostill., through his bande,, nitl no one charge of ofthm'Mots weappend therni of property wu gala by the Awriff under law. Ho ga'ç management of the land grant; Who t4ý, Ana yet tlïe télégraphie UÏ!sapplioÃœion of the County's money, the Society adapW for the guidance of a foreclésure and plirch'aied by a John ?f thio Compal reporte Mine who was unable ta aie-nlem- M 1856- Toc ONLY Oz" plga ANNUM. wal renaw suituai accouate of theý excite alarme of, Véry Serions compli- Ormalvaisation of aMce in respect of its officers, and cail the attention of -whatt, this raiiroad PXO«ediup ta ý the, Board of 'Tr" es." ýýbëtween the tWO 00untri«. the f=48 entrastied ta hù charge - eau of those coneorned ta thek boa becomA of KnOOLMiller, Whilby, Tbur.v4ay, pub. 13. IS73 AuthoritY is gieen ta the Company ta Englieh report» frotn Afghaniatan of a be Iýrought a et- 1 o r>equire lessed the place to James gan, amalgamted. gain the et@ Tr sourer. Mente. and they, with James Donigali, l'orant, 1pecame ",$0 luusserip, rodeemableý'in land, and véry rééent date otaie as follows *--In- AU Who have hêdbuàýëu &anowtionî 01 yegterds - the purpôse charter was Ta Ad 'AIX0 ta malté promisAry notef' for lozlnitIOu ý lm reacheil Cabul thât 'Withbýý liève' cluty &the secretatyr of ezaunnipg and tskingý momion. dâ,Centnd ýwi "nwqî 10 .ý Il - 1ý inrariably fopiti him, ta keý Sed- p, 00 pany claii 'thon > huridred dol' th' Rues! pacorrectrecord ofthéyro Nat lliyjig âuy keys t ni mllao- Dot les au& have seizcid , 1 wo ý towns oQgi4ou and Ir one MO si enter thé ý auties ou meetings of the Society, and Tue ConoxcLx Zt lweek eon> d lm, the - latter, ho Dot ta ho balonging ta' the Ataligh Chazijýthe ofhà office wersit mu#,I» admitta a thriongh'a-window, nid ýweÈè almidit, J'udgILmeilt ah ,d, of the Officers and Directors ta ý pré- ýo wever, overp6wered by the -stench whieh arase. favor was, no psyltble ta bearer and not ta cireulate, ùcat Rhokànd adventurer, who bu on the *hOlé a Ostie- Within one Výeek Oi the tain su article 00 the Towâ'of Whitbyl dWhargecl in çiosi Of A large dog c- ta them, ftom ý ati', muet net apart traile, ms exhibition, correct list of au pré- manufactures, and résot;" , ne, monoy. unded a ý vont Mohommedau empire àctory manner. "Suroly an tldo,%de. apper r" ,aadby hi& anusual actions, angwer the c miums awarded et allah exhibition, > ta induced theulto follow him. The Just ai their p A large OdWozl will ho wadmd -off ta The Company is autilorized ta issue in Eastern Turkestan. serveil a-Idudly Word of reciagnition? épare the Annuel Report required by Went up stairs inte the room, and ihere pire the compi y OuPPIY Col. WAllace, the Dominion ballds ta, the smolint or #49,000 a milf, LaIlOre newepaper reporte tbat Like many, othen the lot@ Treuuer ew, and ta perform ail other dut'es found the head of a mon in the . centre of the Une; a i dul* Bakman, under Bussion, lied, his personal, énemies, and hy these pertaining ta Ide Offm,,au Secretaryý of the floor. Parts of the body with CrOwn wOÙld Agent- ÙOW lu-Bllglâud- 811001d go muell ho required-, but,ýthey SÏda Mb z. It allait ho the dùty or the Treasurer, the fle pawed'to the balle wore aloo giving a grant Advertisers w6hing ta Ri" thair sa. mýsy agréé with 'the bond.h « tnotigation, capiùred Fort Rium, a the colialict Of lià oMce bu been mode eh olders for il to receive, and sai keep au, moneys lion. 31r., 8 nouncetuOnt4 &PeciAlPrOMÙWnoi, »boula the reqtri"n of th- dependeucy of Cabul, and sout'ille folryent!s-ffiéir gý'aad Pauli of ettack, belonging ta the ýgèiety ta' PILV dut found, and eveu the boues hod been issue ý>An4ÃŽn: inch cru8heil bv tbe shorp teeth of the dog, wait until th, Avail thommelves of tjils'oýpbrtuity, eue the 9#6ement je ta be , aboolutoly -Governor of thý place à prisoner ta Theycanvaôoedhb every setwfthrÀu- the same, u required on the &ÃŽder of Among de e iubbish in the room was a down before the Iluséians. Éissar is a good etart. cro" !b* minuteness,' -ma iniagnified the Preoident ; ta keep &-correct record suminous and* complaint beaded EL The portion bu 'a th#'r ordt,'y4 es eArlY à# binâiÃœg upon the Company. £ho of au receipte and dioliumments, show- paisible, mg point for the' Busî!aÏs in any very trivialmitters ve ing book ta ho Company is glua aulliorized ta make ry Oaày'Of 01" * the date of esch, in a Weinbey agit. -Jacob Knoop, for $250, bit of lino, but f The supposition is that Knoo d-ed in the railrosde 1 Thé COuods p&cib Raw4y Ch&ti connections for the interchan i. movemont . they may contémpiste pignaiiOn" in' ý tbenuelveu---ýinto , moun- kept for flint purpose, the property a a fit , and thât the dog, ho ouch wu entit] or. traffic, and for general run ýge of against '.'.kffgljanistan or Turkestan. tâinsýof criminality, Th.-y succeeded. the Society, ta ho handed over ta, bis, ing Lit, with. We ha ningarrange. The same authority notes thet Sirdair ýni reducing Ilà salory from #1,200 ta RUCCOOOOr, &long With the funds of the ut food, appeueil the pangs of hunger Mr. Cameroi y@ now bdffl us thé toit of mente With arty ailler railway com. 1 on the corpse: give a connec SSiety; ta prépare doring the firat railroads the 4 the 'acide Railway oberter, It là ne PAnYo elther - in the Dominion or in Wabanied Ion Rhan lion made a sur. iÏýý, a yeg, and akkin during the lait week la Januazy, in each year; ta. --------- ouO couarily a lengthy document -v but - ite thé United States,- cessfullattack on Sherbbat in Cabal. twoyesrOsOught toredme if further, PitopOSITIO 000 acres of ir -gotherwith a statement of the---receipte Y To BiTABLIM Ax AET did not object Provisions art pointédjy clear and well , Thé Company in re uired ta inake The Governor of the citywao likewise from that very inadéquate etipend to and disburomients for the past year; GALLzity m ToRONTO.-It ig propoged the Company. 4105110d. TÙ4 oontraot witf, thé Com. q captuied and delivered ta the Bus. $600. Findinu 011 Other meam'fail, toiether with a etatement of the assets ta establigh au Art Gallery in Toronto Mr. Ityktrt i full returna ta Parliament evm ygar work and liabilities of the Society, at the PsnY is for, the bu" they actually set tÉemsolves nt on the plan of the National Gallery of the inatter bef( 08 01 nuw&Yp of the, trame upon the rallwayi of the The Landau Tintes, speaking editor. ta starve hitn out, and go forced the close of the year. Great Britain. ecessary. trotu bonie Point on or lu*.sr*L4k@ Nip. bondi oold by them, of price obtained, It allait ho the duties of the Auditors, Globe gays Announeing it the! ' Ilie Attornf ,seing, on the South ially of the recont Buagiau spécial mis. h8rd-pressed, and malignantly pursued during the second week in January, ta -ýý-"The Ontario Society of ta and generally of &Il the proceedingR - thouglit desiral sion, by the hands of Ceunt Schouval. Paxton at lait ta reoign. And it in ta examine the Treasurees detailed state_ Artio;to;,ini;titiited'last yearunder the appeal. saine point on tjie0borootthapaciai connecteai with it. It la' authMzed te vernor. Général and i ment, are the saine with bis Book.. Patronage Of the GO Arý 9cëan, se described in the Act of the use the-telograph, whîch fa required ta idf, to Queen Victoria, and its iesults, a man placed in titis position, out orderocaonmdpïouehers, and ta report theLieut.-General.is intézgdéd ta 12 bIr. Rodgiiii lut 4euionof the Dominion paru&- ho constru' sayg!-The mission of Count Schouval- contemporary would give bis lent dying thereon, with gueli remarks as they lie foundation of an institution whie rfading of th mont. The Company la algo ta buila eïed for the trainjimission of off May ho sommeil ta indicate two kick 1 Ont upon such paitry conduct 1 May deem expiedient. Shall ho to this mat Province wliat the seizure and a ordinary messages. In flic construe. First, that Rusais in impresseil We will not now enter into the It $hall ho the duty of each O.Meer Royal Academy in ta England. It in interests, branch lines ta La" Superior, and tion of thé railway the planit of ail. designed ta establioli a permanent with a conviction of Englands cornée merits of the investigation of the spécial and Director receiving lui for the Nati ta, onk, of Carried. front Pembina ta 'Vert Gsrrý. Thf bridges avez, naviguble otreamil, musf Society, for members' subscripfions, or onal Art Gallery Of Toron The bill was ness on the Central Anion question; committee ; thât hu not been yet cou- otherwise, without unnecessary delay, the raies being that leach member of Mittee. subsidieo authorized for those branches ho submitted ta thé Government be. - xt, that allé in desir.ous of concilist. cluded; but when it is-and notwith- ta pay the same over ta the Treasurer, the Society aboli pledge lifinself or lier- Mr. Hodgins- are 'noluded in thé ' charter ý It in fore the bridge in built., Ottawa in ne t self ta donate one or more works exe. in- measures. Under these citellln. standing flint the chairman of fila taking bis roccipt for the saine, fitating provided thât the rosd'ib&U ho equal ta made the chid place for file business tn cuteil by him or henwIf ta fortu the ing ol lhe bill i a onces ont Government lias only ta committee appears ta bave entered the amount, and for what reeeived, nucleus of such National Oallery, sale of Real Bk the Union Pocific BAUW&Y. Any difft. of the Company. The Compa7ny in -exprena its policy in 'distinct language. upon it with a pre-determination ta whieh roceipt shall ho delivered ta the whenever it shall be considereil hy tfit, warils withflrei& cultY an this ho4il ils ta ho referred ta aloo authorized ta appoint an agent Secretary, together with a list (if the Mr. Wood (V ,%rbitratoro--oue ta Wsppointed by th and adhere ta it firmly, and Rusais find something weong-there is no money was for metaben' subscriptions,) majority that, from favorable arrange- 0 ln Londonf (England), for the manage. and reading pf Govemment, ana by the Company, and will probably, in the ýnd, not 'dissent réseau ta apprellend that the hâte of the subscribers, and amotint paid by ments on the part of the Goverument Aosesament, Act ment of its affaire there. And finally .1b fear froin of the Province, or publie nr private discilsion the bi a third by the two sosppointed. it, in provided that in flic évent of train the conclusion, Treasurer bas suything generosity, the time bas arriveil for so Publie opinion ut St' Pýtersburgh thè*result. Public Accounte. doing.' ýÙhough composed of and con. Mr, MeLeod As authorized by the Acti the build. arrangements not boing completed for in" in an excited state- over the ac. ------------ «* s-lucted by artipts, the Society wili be ing of a bill ta 1 lug of the road à divided into fi" sec. the commencement and. progress of alteration, or tiont.- eounts of the atroclous crueltieR An Excellent Suggestion. On Thursday last, the lion, bit. prepared ta strengtlien itself by the ad. the work before the lot Jannary, 1874, dition of bonorary members or Fellows dition ta any ne perpetrateil by the Xhivans on the Crooks laid on the table of the House ' net, shall repf-,al In the annual report of the Registrar consisting of titane wlio, 'from theïr The Eastern Section - Extending the Govprnmont May il, tile lay fol- Russians, Who have fallen ifito their 0 the publie acconuts for the year ending lave of and liberality in the eau After a debat4 frOtn the Eastern Terminus ta Red lowîng cancel the charter,, and encrai of Ontario, fer 1872, we find se of River. arrange banda. The people hoartily fav r an Blet December, 1872. The following art shall art glial] be congliered eligible., frally cont;id(ýrp with other parties. 0 a recommenjation which we te- in working wod expedition against Khiva, and demand appears ta ho the financial Dosition of The project appearA ta bc one whiell , . The Supiplor Section-El. Snell in a general ondine of the pro- exeitiplary punisliment of the Rhivans. cOmmend as an exemple that miglit the Province at thst date glioniel bc encotii-a-ed byevery advoeate ils inconveniem well bc followed by the clerks of every of Pro drew bis bill. tend'ng froin gagne Peint Ou the East- vision,, of the charter. Froin the outil. The military preparations for the carn. STATEMENT OF TUE CONSOLIDATED REV- ego. Mr. Rykert in eril Section to Lake Superivr. . F - MuniciPality in the Province, and ENUE FUND, INCLUDING THE ITENS How tg go West. ing of the bill fi) mary given it will ho secii that the paign are on -a grand scale, and. are whicli aboula ho enforced by the muni- TRANSFFRRI-.D TO Ir, TO 81ST i)Fc.'72 The Centrol Section - Extenaillg original scheme of the Canaffian Paei. being -,puglied forward with VIýgOr. - - ment of njanufa (rom lýedRiver ta a point in t1je jougi. fie RsilwftY, na PrOvideil by the Act The total force will probably number cipal corporations RECEIFTS. This in an inquiry whicli every one The bill was i tude of Fort Balai ', Saine of the Division Registrars January 1, 1872. 0 should have truth Ily answered before réferred ta the of last session, in ta bc carrieil out in 5(),000 men. Princes and ailiers of Dy balance from 1971 4390803 21 fu pal hills. The ?danitoba Section - Extending have adopW a mode for bringing the Dy reteiptu from 1872 1 762:6A 61 lit starts on bis journey, and a little Mr. Clarke (V ito full integrity and higli ra-nk are voluntecring ta accoin. a from the main lino in the Province of provisions of theActunder the imme- By Dominion ai Canada. ente taken in examination of Routes second r(ýailiti' EverY difficuitY in carrying out the pany the army. And the latent advlces diate notice of the résidents of thoir By hisli-year's.inter- will Il many cases save muelà trouble, the A--riel'Itti7ra'ý Manitoba ta thé Boundary of the Unit. proliminaries jof the greut enterprige, infortu us that the differences between divjgjonsý which je deservin ed States. , g of praige. est on specialfunds time and Moncy. oljpet was ta pli appeau Dow 10 have been glirmolintp.fl. Great Britain and Russia on thé Rh' ta, Jan. 1 .......... e74M7 18 tics in villages 0 The Western Section -E xtending The Company bu been formeil imiler an question, iiiiiteagl of being in a fair 149,694 27 from 'v- They bave boa a brid rejume of its Dy do. ta Jnly 1.... 74,847 14 The l'ýC., B! running thé saine footing requirements prinW on the baèh of Chicago thrijugh Galesburg ta towns. --frotu a point in the longitude of Fort circumstances of the mont fiivorable way for a -mutually satisfactory ail. le By Municipalities land-: Burlington, lias achieved a ' endid The bill was Edmonton ta tlloPaciâo cout. tlý assessment scliedule that in left at For 20 p c on arnt col- &Pl character. And altliongli th(, course justmorit, are inercaiing-; and that theregidence of every houseliolder in leeted ditring the, reputation in the last two years as the and refÎýrrc(I Io o The charter provides that thé fourth pnrsued by the Dnmiiiinn Go'verntrient Fraitee, Au;;tria, Itftly, Turkey, Don- year, for cost of 'INIr. Fraser's 1) section (from Manitoba tg the bOuDdarY nt the incOPticu Of the the schème was mark and Sweilen, ]lave -determined ta t - lie municipality. It in recommendoil management ...... 24,262 ci -leading Passenger Route ta the Wert. pceiia the atten(l a the différent municipal clerks Dy refunds of 1872... 1,2ýY3 88 At Burliiigton it connects with the fore arbitraters, of the United States,) oliall ho complot- not altogether re-assuring, let us hope support the British Goveriiment in the th t grent BurlinIcton Route whieh riins di throu«Ijout the Province aboula follow By Dominion ci Canada: _r tiiiie, and referre etiby tho lot Dooêmber, 1874 and the tliat a projpet in vamt-so national in position assuineil. their Detatuple, and then noue will ial payintistii to Ille Holise adj Half->-ear'os subsidy & rect throuffli Soutliern Iowa to'Nebras- ee. branch front Lake Ssiperior, Blet De- itsolf-ancl whicli is ilesigneil ta confer It in evident that, however the paci. ho able ta plead ignorance of the 1 ............ 598,436 40 ka and Kansas, witli close connectiotidý comber, 1870. , And aloo thattWi Com- go many unnumbercil ëilvantages on fie declarations on either Bide May be Dy do. to July 598,436 40 ta California. and the TerritOries; and' Arnon-st the 1 pâjiy oliali pyaeeed with the construc- Canada, may not bc made ta gtiffer in regarded, the ample pXeparations Mak- Statute." - 1 196,872 80 tô ailleil -By receipts fromMar- . passengers starting from Ontario Colin- Paxtou -tion of the eb»ternýànd western sections publie estimation, elther nt home or ing for coming eventualities Must lirenses ........ 35,361 00 ty Canada, on their way westward, can- WhitbY & Poi-t P siliaultaneoully, prosocating the work abron'dtlirongli migerable party coritpu- serve ta Ireep the publie mina in a Ontario Farmere' Mutuel Insurance Dy do., Law Stamps. lm (X) not (Io better tliau ta take the C., B. Mr.' Farewell wiffi duo diUgçrm, and COMpleting thé dons, or for the- sake of c)btaitiing a state of a ihquietude, and Company. Dy Land Improve- t1je licensising of whole work within, ton yeiirs-from lot temporary party triumph. that the breacli is plainly widening At the annual meeting htld on Blet accoulit of 1871.... 81474 88 perpetual ment Faud to close Q. and Burfington Route. sale ofintoxicatit - The Liiie bas publislied ý pamphlet Mr. Seott (Ott jaly, 1871 , unless SU& périod aboula I)etween the Etifflisli, Cabinet and the ulto., there was a very numerous at- $7,569,472 29 called l'How ta go West,' whicli con- Deaeon, said it w bc extended by Parâwtaent, in which, South Ontario. Czar. It iti gratiýying, however, ta tendance. The animal report, pro * sent, tains inueli valuable information; a the Gov£,ýrnfjl;!Ijt: cage the »O&mpjetion te ta ho witbin fillil the approbation of mont of the ing a very oatisfactory exhibit, was EXPFNDITUILES. settlers arresirs such extended time. On dît, that if Mr, T.- N. Giblo; ac- Euroixfýaii powcrs at the aide of En' wlopted. The fpllowing gentlemelt D,,,,!,,, 81, 1672. 6 ets large correct map of the Great West, hopeil ta place th 9- Toexpènditureasper wliielivanbeobtained free of charge tion as the niore 1 The capital stock of thé. Company in cepts a scat lit the Dominion Cabinet land, anil t1jat wlienever a refiort ta werc, elocted directors-J. B. Bickell, statement No. 1... 1,480,011 84 by addressing the Gencral Pasgeiiger The Attorniy-ý fixed et ton zLùWotw--ton pet cent of ho will not bc allowP4, ta walk the liokitilities provek; inovitable, abc will John Willis, Jolin Haight, George Ta Dominion of Canada; Agent B» & M. R. R. Dullillgtoij, Iowa. vriiiiient dia not Whieli is ta be loii within one montk course in South ontalio, and flint Mr, not, be without allie%. Ililekingbottom, John Smith, George For hall-year'#% inter- a* mode ofpayiijg t est ail Ontario*s ex- fram the date of.signicg the coutract- James Holden, of t1ils town, in ta bc his McGillivray, A. Aunis, Arthur John. cess of débt, Jan. 1. 145,WI3 83 A sure thinjz. CABLE SCREW tilis session, viz., tilis se a guaroint*o for the due ample. ipponont, thig time. Iliit, of eo1Irrýp, Opening of the Iinperial Parliament. Mon and John Davey. At a subse. For do., july l., .... 145,833 83 -ri fixed fcalûry. tion of the road, No transfer of stock this in a matter to be oettled by the con- 201,GW CO WIBE Bouts and Slioes will not 'Pt IIûr 'Majemty was naît prosent in quent meeting of the directors, Bir, To Law Societyof V. C. - leak or came apart, and are the casiest Allowable within six year#,'excopt by vention, ta whicli the clailits of candi- Bièkell was re-elected Presidenýt, and p,, pergon at the opening of the 1ruperial r allowance as- au ever worn. Try them. All bear the prLctiec of a mi(ili content of the Domiuion Goveramout, dates will have ta ho %ubinitted-if op. Mr. Willis Vice-President. equivalent, for foeo. 14,5w 00 Patent Stamp. coulicil ilot llaviii parliament on Thursday last, the To Land Imp. Fund. 24,19,5 66 He contenfled tha The iiinety par cent. remaining uupaid -position ho decided upon. It wonid ho Tu Railway Subsidy ta be colle > d in ouly by consent of 'uneless. however. te unilililn-fA tinnn sl)êccji train the throne being rond by XVI-, 411- _É - -1 __ - in niternate block» on each @,de or a and Port Perry te grantliberal borilises. Lion tO ilitroiltice a rucasure, requiring t"njýu1ý and render choice musical sciée. %lluuu D£kLzurlia. upon th, nnouncemeiit -J.-u-st made Iloli. Mr. Para tlie ratification by Parlianielit or a The proceuds are to bc a p*p . As trial trip, the publisliers offers te publie, that the charterfor the Canadian amendractit. , From Peterborough, wo learn'tliat the Io a lied senti, "post-paidý" three back nuinbers Pacifie liailway lias been compicteil ; Mr. Lauder -j-(ývie ëdiiiilldu bout litié or linos, in lik treatien made witli Foreign powers. and that Sir Hugli Allan, who lias in- the late Gover- Couuty Coulicil have ratified the by. 'ý'VIhiitbyo'-7,"'i'ding a sellool house In ofl872forGoceluts, orsix back Miýùnor as the blocks ù4ateà and re. ilum- ninür served alun# $hi li6 lawgranting$150,000. Other munici. terested himsell morethan any other the action of Afeysrm a 01 the railway , Sale of the Oshawa "Reformer." bers for 01. Send ou your orders, and citizen te lieigliten and the land grant whioh the palities north and West will no douht the lionour aud zie, alla algo blam Govern. follow suit, These rc,,oolutiolis miloilla S- 0. SABRAT11 SCHOOL CONVENTION- our word for it, you wili get ten times character of our commercial position, going back to his co mont Inay -be 'ý ëoablo& to make té the A letter lias been sent us actailing According te the Reformer, the South your money's Worth of choice new lias been clected Presitient ; belleving, Mr. Pi-ilice Baia Company for. th ' stouce bc followed. uý' by iinractliate muoie. Addrers, purposos setforth Il il Ontario Sabbath School convention, pearvil to rrflvet uj particillars of the sale of the Oshawa as we (Io, that the building or this rail- under Any arrangempnt *ith thé action, and- by-lawa; subinitted. Tite hold at Oshawa on Tuesday and Wed. J. L. PETERS, way is pregnant Witt, Most important Mr Blake, alla lie c ornici., to Messils. Luke & Larke, of and beurficial resultg [t ject. uniment of the Province o County of Ontario -will, %V6 réel ptirmiia(l. Ref nesday of last week, was not largely Canaila -, that j f Ontario, the Viný1,ic«for, nuit givi[l" fin accolint 599 Broadway, New York. will tend to enco aliall bc recèlved by- the Company Se Odi gant a lihPral bonuP, and do iLs fair - 0 &*--- urage emigratibli, Dr. Boiliter was allure il,!$ time in. promoting the gnoti of seule extraordinary 1) À number of important ques- btitilulate the developinent of our unji- the original resolutic roeeedings con. Faosit Fisu.-Mr. Jameson announ- at natioii." na Our part Onhe Wd land grant in, sid of the ilecteil tl)(ýrdwi tiens connecte With $un 11JIted national resources, and 1j After rà-cess. main lino woik, From Brock, Thorah, ',mara, lit. We do net, however, day, - Ile>. readiug of the amen Eldon and other municipalities there feel calted- upon to work were deiscÉnuobsleiedmaenedtingsheld were ceethe ai-rival of fiesli cod fish, occau Provinces in one grt, ailit Land Credit Co. "solutions a- herring, fresh autl salt, Labrador inack- The Quebec Cabinet. The c'o'n'tract provides foÃŽ the prooor. are aloo the most gratîfying assurati regard in the liglit omfatapdulreeilny Whatinoses dopted. Th erel, &o. Sec advt. Mr. Clarke (Welli transaction beltween the parties. ' Mr. IL is rumored in Quebecthat the Le. -House go intO COTF vation of the riglits of uttidl-$.UPOII sny ces addressed by lliev. Messrs. Fraser and - 04 1 Cabinet il; torn by dissensions. for the Protection 01 of assistance, Action, however, alla Sanderson, Whitby; Bey. Meurs, Rut- Tuz MASQUFRADE, at the Skating calt la definitely stated thàt Hou, Mr. Other lânas which mJght 'ttherwioe be cedçd concerted actio Farewell and 31r. Glituie considered ton and Sheuster, and Mr. Holliday. WILS Dot birds. The C Compgkàyi' pro-omption,,olainje but the" WIL re. 1 don Pt that they liait R'perfect right Bink, on Friday eveuing last, Chauveau lm remigned, and accepted to the no is what ilq walited. ne 1 1 --- - very succesoful, owing to the bad state the bill with a few 131 -and other roservationsi guéh mi 'the mail mustgo on; 0 te dispose of their property as they tijou main inactive, only idly étand in the , Music Giv" AwA-îWe will order or the ice, the Presidency of the Souate. Mr. Oui- Mr. Clarke (Wel, of the Hudion'a Bay CottP'any, being pieased, and the purchasers fiad au met, it is expected, will bc Premier, in second reafling of Vicepted ; in lien thorgof an aqual WAY and retard ÃŽto'progreoo,, instead of equal riglit to -suit tii "Peters' Musical Monihly" to bc sent 1 t bàng up and doing. emselves in ]Puy. the room of Mr. Chauveau, that Solic. votei; ky ballot for quAlititY of land te bc given te, the - -------- ing. rljo personal issue WO leuvefor ýor ope year to any one wbo will, send BRUTAL.-A young man liad one of itor-General, Irwin will become Attor' Legislative Assembly Coinpany from the Other Wild and un- TkYo LàTz Fiitz AT UXtRiDor.-Tile settlement amongst the pa us ton subscribers to our paperý Think his ears bitten off in e row, in Oshawa, ney-General, succeeded by Mr. Ckap. ballot if adopted in' grauted lanà of the Crown.'l It ià,A180 selves. Aud ' rties them. ofitl' youcatt'gotatleastiâtYBýcau. on Sunday'of las t week. leau, and that Dr. Fortin will bc Coin- elgowliere, result in Pravided that land@ which are utint for Uxbridge magistrates Who triýd this on tÊe wliole it appjearîto tiful son missioner of Crown Lands. corrupt practices lit _Case have> thought proper to columit ,,, that ourOsljaiva friends are makilig fr - ý go Duets. and Chorusez, We will send a 'copy of Our pape 1 r The Cabinet lias adjourneil and in. Mr. E. B. Wood sr dettlement need not bc takii% by thé too inueli ado abolit a'matt . o Oui &ty te sixty piano piecos, Worth Monthly', stead oi calling an extra session 'of the for the Governtuentf Mr. Paweett Wstand his trial for arso'n. Ur of v ry and aý copy of ý1Teters Musical 1-*giolaturethey Lave appo COMP&nY, izcupt to the extent of Que Bsi, wu entpred into on mQnday bèflore little congequence. ab least #40, by. sending -un ton: aulb. for one par to any one sending un intedaCom- mouiber. mile doop along the lino of the railway, scribers te bur"paper. . mission te enquire into the recent burn- Mr. Boultbee opp( his honor litage Burnham, Mr. Faweett 4, 68 50. Our papcr speaks fgr itaelf, jug of the'Quèbec Court Ilouse. not needed in this and diat the lailà generally au to be in-five thousanddoU&roaud two sureties, BETTER TEnxs" WANTED. - NeW, 0,&vz Moxsy.--M;. Jam and Yon may know the value of only been introdue4 es, johnston, 'U- *ýd Brunswick and Manitoba, following iu of ooIdàùih JUSTICE To * "xBz=,àý'THzr, (affilinst the advicti- c 801410tud from D@twetu Parallole 49 and -Mr.ý Thon. Bolotei, of Uxbridge' 'a hall, fiàving de "Peters, Musical Monthly", from, the J hàaatl«tôvertýkenOn fthos-e man) te, satifify popul 67 of tâôrth latitude eut of thé Rdeky Mr. è the 'Wake of Nova scotia, are cided ýip- fact that every yearly subscribW gets natice Dawes, Of thts toývh-ILI five igitating o, 1 110, eodefied Mr. Itykert dia not Il, visiting the: European meketa to wicked persona who hav Z Moulitains and to berofthe ve' for '*bettcr teymi3." Ottawa reports in. ntaké about sixty Songe, Duebs, and Choruses the law with . impunity-not in jhis me had ce àtvemge thousand dollars eaeli.- laweett a 00. purchoàeg,<is now selliùg off his ti me to in qu"tyýol land best fittea for , "ttl»- ýtÃŽmAt0dl00& is get down ft $28,000. Hia form Us that the Dominion Govë=meni present stock oi'wa'tobos, jewelry, &o., 'and-from fifty to sixty Piano pieces, couûtry, we are sorry to Play, . but . in into this country. 1 mont' ý 't 'a further &MOJ-thgt thé insurance covers ouly $18,800 ;'and, the is 1PY no means fiiendly ' . 1 Worth At léast $40. England, where an utiikrella tlîif.-f lias goverriment te statu tO. thé grAnting at teý,per oeuf discount. beendeuttothe penitentiary fer --four-* questions. , ý <ý Pàny M to'hsvé the r4fit 01 W&Y 'polleW of those demanda, and thà thoy Will teeà days. Re carried' off the, aÙre& Hon. Mr. àlekellai à-es t1trough tý louve the question to be decided by par- Tc FmmÉns.-The atiïntion of farm- OUR FIREOME . FAIEND (Chicago) atill iwplemeut from the çýa-iting zoom, of a ment had net cou - 0 Dominion tauds, Tite his troditors,',ÃŽe are tofil; go fliat white rides on the topmost wave ofàiuecêoa. We taeh liame 4e would not pocket a single tlollai o lit, ers is directed to the advertioement of railiway, ý station, and, wheil asked by In hie view thé balloi of have seen the beautU chromo, -,Cutv," the Judgê.,ý,,'iai lie lie to Pay for bim. the country, JIU ( 0l"àý " éÏth' Work UtWWY 01112, the fsurance môney himoelf, lie would the'Broadout Soeder,,mauùfactüred- at which is given to eachyearly subocriber soif,>he >declared thathe lott the F:tatiou view that it Plioiild 1 M to the aiternste bi ý 09111WA 130à» or TnàDz.-Notice is -the jos, 'Hall Works,-Ooliaws, which ocko re- bu au actual !oser te the eltelit of giVeIl Of of OUR It is by aU with.the umbrella, "in afit ofabstrae- aud fluit it should not 14 application to Parliament tO in- appeau in other colunins of this is "Med #9,700. - Müot,»'ympatlýly is foit, Witli, orate the Orffi ou - - nue. odde the finest pmmium ever tiozi.11 'Thiswaoevideùt enbugh, but, the second reading. awa Board Of Tude', thM tlàd' il" lwt 4011 the family of'ý, Mr, Faweett under the eorp 91ven by the court sent Iiim up &Il the saine. Mr. Cameron was B. C. Barnes, Juneti on'-City, Rangu, suy , paper for a ý singlÏ oubo&,riber.ý principle of the bill, a tb#1ý A$ a prie-$ bu, than 62 bo par oiroumstâm4, and if Js chargea iliat SpaING Mmtii.-The: Sprjg Asaizes FiEz IN GobuRtcm=A sèr- that the ballot was ne OOMbotbÀy =y ugýthm At a, Meh- be'has beau, 'Committed t'o stand bis will bc, writes that Followal Compoulud Syrup Chicago National for November. commeueed bore ions fire cecurred. in Goderich on, Tues- try, or nould preveiit upoa *kiwi# 'Oanviderèd,-YM tmý4 Il' On Tn" yl"l 01 Hyrophosphites is, selling rapialy Eiglit dead bodies bave been waâed clay momin b Whieh several buiWiiïgo ruption. th, Maleclillexiýý20efore-4hélinon., the ezçýtement. un ac- af4cri at Cape Cauw, but from 1fliat weré deitro,' causing a Io" of about, bad won the Wimbledon Cup- and ai- tbpÙàh Ie discharged the Mx chambm 7 of -bis revolver while grappling wijh the Gam2an Chancellor, noue of them toorc There wýP many more instances ci.: attempted political assassination aiiùir-- ably contified-and executed by fé&rIe«ý Persoin which have one and ail failecl un àècount of momentarýr emotion. when the deed was being attempte&ý ÈON OF HORRIBLE C-MMES.-Eo&ton, Feb. .7.--ý-Accordiüg to the confession of avan'a, W Iffl' Le stole away and killeil bis little xiiece in Derry, N. ]EL, agedfive yeurs. In- 1861, lr"smulted Ekud eut trie throat of a girl 14 years ald', in Au#qtaý Maine, for which, by the -way.-au othernmu died in prisoiL la 1885 fie outraqJ the person of Isabella Joyce, agea 14, and then killed her and ber brother John, a boy D 12. in Bussy's ýwood near Boston, In 1872, June, 20th, Le was charged with aýsinùIar erime upon the lierf:on i) a wonirn found dead in the woods near Fitchburg, Maso., ind - during the vear he outraged and mufflated the of and murdered Georgians ng, a girl of 12 years, in, North. wood. ANOTREP INSURRECTIO.N Dr MMCO.- Oity 01 blexico, Feb he il»urrec- Àon-in Tepec, under Lazada, is &,;îum- ýng formidable proportions. Lazada, ýn Lis political mauiksto, propoges to ýstabIish a governm'ent bimilair to the ýaris Commune, Bis ai-my bas invad- ýd sêveral portions of Juhiscç suit, 'uadalajara. In a severe battle on the,- ý8th ult., Lazada defeateil Coroifa, wLoP 'etreated into Guadalajara. Gen.. ?Iorc-g telographs to-the contrary, say.. ng Laza4la was whipped and last 1,000 rien in kWed and wounded. A 11USBAND SHOOTS À DEUG-QIST FOR TTEMPTING TO OUTRAGE 1115 WIFE.- Marriliùs, Ohio, Feb, 9.-John-ý1Irnry lillert;Èota,-dru,-gist niamed Ferein- nd, wL 0'in his wife acewed of attimpt- ig to outrnge ber. The hall took fleet in the head and tLe druget will, robably die. 1 MURDER OF A F,&EXER;-Eee, Pa. 'eh. IO.-John Eanders a farmi r re- ding near Lrýeton, N.Y., was mur- eeed yesti.-ritay morning by a Germun ,amp named Dieizel, wLa called at Lis mse - and askeil fer breakfast. landers answered that it would soon , eady, and asked Lira to fýIiL sonje ood in the meantime. As - soon as jetzel tock the aie Le struck Flanders vo blows-in the head with it, killin' m instantlyi- and tbeu fled. Re was terwards cauglit. Flanders was 65 old and generaHy respected. 11,1y *A WOULD-BF DON JuAw wAs RVYD Armand, Feb. 8.-A ' Lere cmuIùtiný Don stoms' oiBeet - M. an was dealt wit), most ilý,ncmajn )ur,- by au e1jraged Pateri.,milias, wL , ose ueeliold lie piesumed "!) aisgrace. e fellow. was ljaulëd- forth from a ?board by the ears and net1y ;:;ck- into the Street. Mie report gob& -oad, and now St-- Armand is so un- asunt, that it is expected tà lie soon of the occundrel'îpreseîwe. The Dominion Goyernment bas;' Ired the vacant military hospital, ut ýbec, to the citizens, for a court- ise. -It is feured thatmuch loss and: ible will bc caused by the destruc- 1 of the records of the court. The 1ding itself was valued at $200,000,. theý library was worth $25,000.. total insurance on both amourits to. $44,000. 'flic legislature is tjo lie ed toiytlther as &con as possible, in ýr to take stepg for the continuance Il egal rights and processes arrested Le burning U- the ccurt-house and rds. The cause of the tire is stil.1 a ri the Dight. of the Otla January the .,rican ship Tuscarora was lost, and Captain anà fourtr-en or ille MW L own withthe veoRel, and eleven ra escapeil in a boat and wé-ro pick. p by a Briti4h'stearner and landed ibraltar, le followin- condoused system of ening is recomménded by a cou- lorary for the study * or- ladies : ke yoür bed in the moruing ; so'w M8 in Your hilshand's phirt ; do ake any grictances ; protect the g and tender branches of -yonr y ; -plant a ginile of good temper jur face, and carefully root oui ail- r feûlitj-<,s, and expect a good crop-- piuess," melàneholy disagter happencil on . '41 ý orth Britioli Bailwuy, near Dun- EdinL-urgh,,on Siitur(l.ay morning. c(Illision between two trains, uine no were instnntly killed and MI seýercly, if not Mortally wound- ,outil; lady was brouglit befère the Magistrate ai . Montreai on day, cljaýged with attélupting to à 97cittleniitn,, whé promiged to, lier, rbut oncakcd out of ilie en. lent. NFUL ACCIDE>T.-Wlader Station,,i ý0--At 12 o'clock to-day, a Mau ý name of Asie Wilsie, one 'of the of Wilsie & Preos, was sawing 0 bands in ý a shingle iketory, OnO end --of - the band flew, froui W mon the face and zo, ým9 'Vi bâne. , Up to one ho E ý.-Vlilucot but is not expect. ITENANT-GOVFILXOJZ OF QUEBFC.- Mr. Juotice Caron of the Court ,én'a Bench' was appoiuted Lt.- lOrOf the Province, of Qufbec, mally, et ýa,, salalry',it is saidl or ) à Year With a judges pension 00 a -year aiter Lis five yeàr», r offico aà LtmGovernor,. The 4-Govervor will be sworu in a ri; ou tlw receipt of Ida commis- ýM Ottawa. ra bave been jssued that the States forces are 10 d hoitilities against the 8TO-110110 1'until-ùe arrival of the Invez- Commission. SiMcoe County Colincil have a 1by-Iaw titrougli two readingui LI the mMnicinA1îi;ý. f.

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