Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1873, p. 4

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0c"007 8a public ommetAU on the Trono mNeo J72' -'hi atnlght the Boventh Ward was Jld tca ia eovd U .~ made the one Of ti tragody of an .<>ld tave bOf cO sh yeoivl>r, il e- - qually terrible hirao1.e a mederof mnta l ucie te ny ango.3 C lit piet arbM1~sudbrutal kind. wigheclU ou T csale8. ClarqeeLpokwood,à sYoung priatr 0NK~rr whle. allUn iu bis rcoun, wax Ilbr a0.17 siot and Mrnzlllvwcuuded by B ]rook St., Whitby iA MîIrshal MURmer, a fellw.ôraftoamu WhitbY, Augtimt 28th, 16872, 85 Mms. Eamrnd keepe a boar"gn.ito0go At No. 154 Madlecn.gtreo;Caronce. U TTIR ASSUItAN1 - Eý<3O1M Ny, Lockwood engaged board. with ber V about Alirmnîixm^go, and ooupýied a IEDo'rOT1O~ bis bodrcom thjecoeud fIlebmback _IBDOFCTRNO -parour cf thin, Quma. Iro wae ayotmh CAPITAL STOCK, - oco. min-bf fine personîl appearmncé, we I$400. -odtnoted, and about' tweaty-five yaci- MNeT FORi SOUTu OUnliUIo, cld. Heo rank freelv a roglrJOSE1PnY HoLMAy JO ZOT pirleodoan sd clurnqh' IN, es, o us te u«Pression cf P.ru. Hlamrnnd,> Aise Agent for the C-ANADA FARMERS' "carriod cn" ini tihe hui., Jokiï)g with MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, li, ncrdrs sd nkigf j Ilead OflICe, RAMn.ITt»t; and S P DIA IC ? nover iuoultnng ilY 0one. CITIZENS' I,ýXSUEAZCE, CoMý'P, Marohai Macgudor, bis nnurdorer, and îlic a printer by trade, le a Young Montroaî,r, Lifé and Guarantece man cf theno marn go, sblonde, of Dpriet meadium satture sud bild. Ia, in of ~~L oaîet . 1 Southrn fainly, gui), i10C4, Paid , $2o000,000, ,eO0,OUC, rnlationshiP Octhe fînily cf Gonerai ]3rooklih, Dec. 2, 1872. -2i4 lave to baud a Choice Lot'-of New Fruit, J- B. Khogyder, Ire aiso drnk at J> itervals, )Moilrder came te board - - FneTbeRasnNe eu at Mrs. H&Mrncd'm on Thaukogiviin- VerRAinextraiFiRaislas, SoucTeng, Day, aud wa signod ia mcm on the - î.aer R l'uiisn, Extra Fine Black Songcou, second flcor. During bis moments cf . iltriîî Rîuins, Extra Fine Greek'ngouo exhlirîtien, Lockwcod was lu tihe habit Sit<~ utasRi~nEtra Finle Gren Tos, pcalremi cf playfally carrying on' with a very Pue.teddfrko iiyadciu prettyyeung girl, narnedAunie Brown, Pue.uedd1rgo nit udcepou a bcardetîun the, house. Soeawoeks vFALL, STOCK OF' FAMILY LIQUORS ago, Miese Bown, for sm rnea or înn* aginary reasoxi, qnarcelled with Lock.Brni:,heiscpow& ndn Wsks wopd, alid alter informing hlm sbé dli rieqa, -Gn ot lo flot dsica biis acquaintsuce, reftnsAd tPaRni iBtte i, speak tèlMIDI On Lockwood thug;ALL 10F THE BESI QUALI TY 1 receiviug lisconge, Macgcnder studi. o iyim pcved hie opportunity, sd F Le - A la ge'lot e ndo-sw r c e p rnopolizdaûMiss Dcowln'm éveunings at roky home. On Saturdlay- nighit last, there Mcma, tyatUr.Hammnond's ad W~%~Xlitbv, Dec.. lo, 1872. 5 waa rornoved, and tlîey became friends as they were befure, On Suutlay TO7 M D WOOD 1 eveulug Mixse]BrownwîWangsitting on a w - lotinge in the front panreunr with b Mc- -000 co.rda Bet Huini Woodt, unt 011 thle P~fc gzrulep,,a', ueir boartior IsMed Vaelî. Iîii luru~SntJ.ît-Ivct,~ttd lugtcîn SmlatL, being spateul at tino piati0. o a-o.d Muin t Locitwoot ntornd the ron, Ihaving a Ilfil piiew lunlbis lbaind, aund as 1ie pasmel Duc. *11î, 1972. tf f tih, sofa in ord or te reacli tine window,_________ liejokngy tuchulMiss Browu's- chnek rwith tiitheiellw sin, , We- twere net frienis î tlliing a.;, b 1 arn giad -we are now IlMargrnih.r -jumnped uip and all, "If Yen meue amly. - thualig te seay te Miss Brtown or anyone n et,,, say it wiien l'm ont prestuit. I !don't wint te hé annoyedl by your ru'- marks." Ilet wocds foliowoui, and Lockcwcod iInall3f sc4ped Macgrud1er iu the face. floth men cionclieod, antid bogan a truggle, when Siniti junnîled np and bepisîtod tiîeni, aying, '"Goîî tionnoîs, Mlsin faSnîîday ;please ono't rnlie a rew here." Macgruilt'r-sai "Youe'riight," aud thon tnt-nedta o oewSitbbdait] ,11 t to-nlit owlir - n:r 7.4e 0LY KîcD ADAPTEO TO EVERT CONDITION«OFHUMAIISôI. sote Saibba du og. reare our. . ..l- neir Ceq yright eyatem f fitin2 is an ynnrring guila for aleriaining t&a sirf, f or' l Ii s o ot y o n liii, a (og ." H eoR thon ioft the room. Little was tîîotîgîit ' -- g Y UGO OLF O Ii IGT . cf Iiii, remarc at henotime, il leing . uladcmlt sotetawy nbn ",ou lit to lio a simple cbuliition 111gLocwoo La licnu riuing~ ~Jtîîs'ilcce'reîî ay assortmeîît of the fb1lowing .Fiincy Gond&. sud uaid lie' would Dot corne owu iil îlle odn O RnE froni bisrOuun-tinle baclo parlour-to A1MFO-SLE supper. At7 oclock Mca. Ilusmmond Ft1 es;Aît>zs'ii oleFOn lssan .Cin ;Letrn -e sud theo remlajuthrorf tiheboarders -Titt aie,s Maertier ;î iiolîvi Bxes ;auJ - Ch ia ;erhe ndCoiies went te tht diuîung.roem in ino base. A spln(lildbrun ofW f 7 nttluandu, on riteS-ne lefimr Ju ifue iive jiukrho dCla mient, Io supper. Tlinoybldscarcel >j 1îttiu ituïuuîuuî~ .~e~ i ii its~ BuneS ta~ i~Lmjs Pr, 6ceateul tlitcu'elveî at theuntable %wlîoet Oftlnuu Toiofu 'uuliîu utthy llru, i ltu u-u tfu .uiG,lukyni..îupu-1d Sielliuug iBtties'; Farcy Bruckets, Maogrucler came ini, pactially ilitoxient. aod known ate tu' Y1 uu-uuikeIue 'utlut. sial o n t%-YirsPee ed. Mle shood authte dooc, andi glanccul Aise, onoe are oft dldaunul siaululid rick&L cuutî,chu husieu ut rwY-rsPeeî rapitly- round tlie table unuil bis oyes Cottage, antci goultid uubuliudlugi. Lately A A.1,ÙE UE & C B reated. on Locksvood's vacant Cdliu'occltulu y le tue tu- L&u ~iuu,)tjk.A A. i. GRY o' Re bintt cown oves' Ilfs. Hanmam: AuplDuc.l 11tt0,,tuu1t872.> ut50 aud sail, Imiss sonne familiar faces YEOIIAN fý IBSO, or J. L. SEUIT11, DOS2 t tho, table, Mn. HI:ammdnd." Ho Whitluy, Exfuu-utQrs ho tlintJsttue thon tnrned te- Miss. Br'own anti salul, Wlitluy, Octobur 09, 1872. 41 .________________________ 'Wlhe noola Lckweoou ?" Miss Brown answeced, 111 gnose lie ie gene eut of --- - - "%à town." Maecgnudcr turnot] sud rain rapitlly ulpstmira te Lookwooil's noomu, the baclo pariotîr. Jacob Mais-on, Anotinor hourder, wîîo lit I liacti of thne CHRISTMAS AND neoîrrence cof the previotîs oveniing,NE Y ARS G O S and wlio fcaroulc-touble, rau aftec Mac' 0 iRNWOft S GO DS gruder. Madlison outoct Lockwoot]'s tOî l'oom lun hune ta e socthemurdor coin.-US xniitted. Lokwood was senael ilu aun e T RECEL VED, eaay chair noar the fire. Maegrut]er t adtVAuci.d Octinsh centre of the main, -C CNDIED LEMON PEELS, B anti, druwiug a pistol, pointot] it et MAKES THt E AKE TROGANIEID CITRON PEELS, Lockwood. - Lochcwouul ros 3 from iis A N E D O N G P E L , ochair, and àsaine dit] sa Maogrutler firet]. ATOri -Arpniutno lias the nms aDE RNEPES Thé ficstsmint înlssod its mark, aud 1eivasSyru.p Iltutu t 'u-ut lu,, île,-k'Iz"AORN XRC Lockwî,od audvauced]i) top towaru. Çre. . i uiilo.t-t.tr, R be.ýy .iCURP.ANTS, Mrtcgs'uu]r, wlno, deolihon'ateiy takiîîg Nesuv Yù.'k. Suld by aitE 1rùear.ouA. im, fil > edgnin. Tii.bail1 eteret miîssionor et'hie criion-as . Asutcnnll- ut t itutuîutf., M r tutu-[tto t-uu.TO 1BU Y YOU RFALL AND WIT- 1auatru y tiho National Anme ite biluitut S t-i iitu-lt uutu *tt ,utylb-tut tut Cempay-wîtlî àî(lue conaîulraten cf tirulutr-i l'tu ,ttutiuu'tttu lI tine prioucr's feelings, aînd recegIiing the is ttrio tuock....)Iut) .zt t..,t r - - the extrics'diuary sif.possession of the puny." tit i Luu tuttCt- B o o ts a n c L) I ccimclnal, -ailowed MacgrndAr te leis. 29th Navuinitur, M72. titi-lt ureiy oit hie suëppr wiîile Lockwcct]___:0:_ was Iying ln.ageuy on the flos' sove. -- At ongtii a eîcotciîor wee procet], Just rec'eived at the' Dominion Boot and Shoe Store, a tre- aud Lockwood- taken te tine Madison. 4, eI iu-îîu11liî.u it-gu' >uîîîk et [ .1i1(jtd inî o Hcus anclShops, cf every street Station.: Maogrndec was brongtlit - ut-tfiuTui C1i u1eug -ugiiî iiait-îmi nmdaaînacur lu aud cenfroratet] withî Lockwooi, wiiclo ' 7'.R.B l1îî pi - - mid, 11011> Mue, wiy did yen île thue ?' $ '-L -J , Ç* Ke. i Nr Ll llelist' i el 3liogs'u1el, lookiug dowrn ah Leckwooui, - Co < ~V E 'S IsG S ~ ~ 7 Batd " n't I toll yen last nighît thiat 0 0 is-. T O 0SJ i elyio ' wcnld shoot yonu iicu'a V1etijotle',lsi alkns luoog n he dôg2"Wleîissce I in wni ineio W. E «, - lit' tutu-ot, liuuluter te ru-luce hi lusp-esenit.iîînninnoth stock prévins njsttretMgrdcsi] Iwi ltai te iJucige tomorrow." He - L st'rKt ' Czîi a'id get agh l on'u have the chance of 80 thon rernacvdte aoeil. bjui vte o - Ms'. Dsohly, tihe police surgeon of C:5 dL - R. B. B. KEELER. tihe ilistriot, w:ho was notilet], exain. ci.' c. oi Locicwood, sund pronounced hlm ~ t -PS,- hsewiir netIwl AaesueinmdtIy -mGi'hily -weundod. -Lcckwcod <, . .s .'how io icidihlill iaesUl rmdacy tabou te Blolevue JHospital In aun v- - - Wliîiy, Oet, <9, 1872. 4 leon wore dtalued In the station-housge---.- Whit by Ospt. Menant. Coroner Horaiaun wasntified ôf tine sifais', mnd iihpro. -~ coot] te l3llevue Hospital te haite tine anie-mcriem'matemeut of Lockwot]_____ d ' tub mrnmng. Tii sinootiug createt] great éxoiternt 1lathe Seveuth Ward. p2ORT WHITBT k- 1I'1BT 'Eîuty R. B. At IlitucIth rotitn"s iren 25o te $2 eaeh, weli fnise nedsd gond value. Tino BoliaînConsulntah oyer dociaces - " T ROS thit tine steamer wiîicinrau cown thue 1 , ut'j J e l/I X GN S STO Nei'tliflet,antd wlîoîé e aptbasoyinnu-'.t aveided1ýrendes'iug aid ho tinodronn !ME-"ABLE- ytîntr.afwmr ~aienermsud crow, vas the Pro. T1 t.AîA EWtii e'îr _e'ntu-be'ivy untr. oeleit ut oid prices, beingN olas cluinned the rewurdl for the lii' aks 1 Ftlout0ii tefroelte lIt ativance in frice. Aîuy et our friendg reqourng first cluai convny of tine veseci offered by the valuttay utelt 17. e in uîstovc-u ciii pIenleogosern thu-mi;ves by casiiing eariy. 'SeePp, autlncrities. - ____--- les,&caiways on baud. Tr'ine Goln-g Norhii. Mail. Mixedl. ~ Tin o otnmiteo on theo'abolition of Whitby Junuttion, 9 00) a.n. ' 7 30 pan. T0 B L'A C K S M 1 T H'S. 5.lîvery in Porto Rico econ'eernds that Wiitby, 07 a.m. 737 p. - tua. indernty te slave ewners be fixea Bfrookliuî, I 29 ami. 7 59 pin. £8 $250 for emei. Ii 1.9 4et. i 19pau A large stovl; cf Befineit] Horso Slice. ilIRou 1alargestock of other sizea. summît* P12 4 ,oi. 8 'l1.) P.uni, ors, Nais, Anvile, Belows, Vieig, Raspa, lirseSiuoî, &c. - -~----Manchester,' 1011 &u.In 842 um. Tve autgraphu cf*B Rbrt BunsmPrince Allbert, -101 21 e . 85 ina - ves old inn Lcudourcehfor tlirty 'Port PeM a'rlrrive,3 10 '0am:oÛi, tapin. A 1 ) -: . lt E I and hhrty.fiv, îdollas re rspectivoiy.î Trains Gohîtg South, Mixet]. Mail,. - Port Penn-y, (depart,) 6Of)/t nun. 2 K) hp.i. Christalms day the new Lcs'dj Mayor Prince Aibcrt, 6 l09 soi 2 3l9 P.m. Pîntot] Spot-me, Butter ICKnivps>, Pieîde Ferke, Table and Dessert Forke, of Loîndon esl do wu tc dinnes' with 1806<Manobher, il 31 .9ma; 2 48 p.m. Rodgers' Table'and "l'es Kîtiveg-in lry sut îiantced ne rtoçommwiîded. Brit- nI$l.pfi&pp o $émpor. 8mnih' (a28 e.M, 2 58 p.întnr, 1lg Myrtié' 6 41 amni. 3 Il p.m. - - tniaTstct~ionté"i]Sd"cop TI*,,Maruis - cf> Watei'ford bas- be. Drooldlin, 17 01e. 8 31 pi. ef àl s ~emoacrnsoCstoinoWlitby, - 723_W Blp..~ - A Few __L ,i-ts Bob- BRunner-s lf-alsZR. i ~Ii d.~pp~Ino ppard t ~iby Junetbon, (arr,) 7'W a.xn, 4,(0 p.iin. Mr Coud Ohl. Cliimno'ys. Lampa, Bunerit, &o., viFoeîailèand retai. linerpst as ppereàat platfo='n Stations, Trains stop on Signel AIso Axe Blaudies at tita Nouathes b-p'flous;e" of - eey. - eOlee aubknoutl in th -J4, DRYDEN, 1M. R. IMBALLL - e ATCH & BRO. SI', Pmosidont. Go.. 6 .Witlq, Db b>làet~. u- slOa.aYta e a 1- FiSU i.U& 1r,(e ,n s8au s ri .............. . 0 [Va I m r - a -j..a.,sLr5 iiiee styles fî .bsnvouiàd ag smrue rb I, u e beot style t'fBoots and Shoes. mi -s--ci liar 4 4 g ut t l . c -A id O f ti. rivale ai a fa, N '1 1 3 ~ * Z ~ 1 ~ ~A s e on hand a lar gcLyek f m e ~ a e o t nd S hoeswih u , k C e r s t a p o e t e t i n n d m d r t e r c s t w h i c b c a n n e t h o s u r p e s î u ee d f c p i, q n n i t y a n d p i e , , - - -l u O f l e0. c h a a c t T i f p ubi erog. Pataa peeelg unîuéc- Al . e ar.<Dîle~tOpepor ar . o aseenoui cue al îdonae o fedpu 'liet OILINrS. itS fie pairan em gpoi sesin W~ et ki~ &Funers Fly Suppld as hei tooeIniiby ay-,m87.E A r S ine plendid pecimenà of Pi'turestmesemid Gld.. éaliE t s 01 Ameya».in in . B em em b er t hie O ld S ta n d . e ieples o 8th é IntM r ig n as trts ' ~.~IM PO RT NT N E W S s ! a av e v - c~~eproduce fou-' cf Joba S. Davis',P~ vi child-sketc es appo p te te tl ~i fî i JOIN STO N'S 'BOOTS AN D STHO ES. fr:nay rl uy. ntaise .000: -..~sbsc iptin: e f a y a l To posaesls sncb a vainlab,-ei' o h SE F R K N EAPER The undersignedlias a large -s iOjCk thesubîcipDnes of hII A W A R D D T H E F I R S T P R I Z EL adies', G ents', and Uhildre a in e ' -arsS.,o oe 8 a n a U n - atheon a o f ulnes s Fie aà Coase B ou ntaonowiin Alcedine soanLe UZitmBoots and Shoes made to order. 2il PREMIUM CHP.)oM<,Ç) eo ucromse873 n~y We ofer t Ourcustmersfor he cmingHarv8t, wo d8', omTheab]. ligea lubbr fle'lotaost eùa chrge J OI N S O N' S .N L E E L -B A I N R A P E - - a a he oLd Stand. receiv T hn e M hni a l s es, o th i s t M .ac h n e , b o I] tth i on e y o e s t Ma y 2c8 2e o t i c t r , B r o t e f W itb y . r i ho m o sce i p e i t o ée y di oera ti- Irh * the dinly- pegoLesi. bLite a-yTh e antnnetvi t e t es s nd M o t u ef*an m r ve eli t he[ dey.hUr 'RePa ing nI U 'at yIIiInIl li1 ne aood*a y ,w o tui es ,. - i tednv We~~ai wee wadthteeiotPrzean Dpl mSttanedrv.ru w5. i h Oct lir aau-, p -fee £ro 'Theflet] tht utairu iaîemi ofaîion sil c ine er lothi àlaednua t.2hu, c 1872..----..---u'ito sot ene p ubhëlad ire t o n-th t eio local gentud , ifenponigli 1er dripan tiv e aiel ogn es. rnerSellin g i syngth til aSef ak beae -finecethacat e ix giv ed oargthe fac- ysu tod a, asi t e yt ho l t estc' r tersLe as s fth etmI e do> V Itive to- pomp Not it st nd ng he ris i ma eral imn-mitin apist ngtttons ilint Exhibition, oî', tb Toronto.ig70edn flèrspetststockitt tilt'held Ig Machinés2 OSM it] nLt neNe free -"q. Now is thnet e turnencte'eundnbthuc'e èVine iorpoî-hunitsy of uSesle ttiRgA TlaRbereby givon te w bat her io Lr, mt]sîy Feu.-l f r u i l t e i u r g ' u s o c u u e C u t u t y c s t l t t a r h u , Int r e i t . e tr e t i i 1 o a , i n F l i a m d O t w S R T he r R e i i w fl C e r n . ingly c allenge irivegt gaginn ndbrenchesonteththomptergnMof Wes, rebyire9 oSbe nUa2e.eforsluhae ;tnoceashtfd Omscdtns Si-ifedca IPL N ILIIIN SECJI~( J ~tI ivRtgtJnwil(ovnr vryuprj]dcd i d hi tlipeisnt nonte pt]isber ît o te ahiet lp n me etthe bÎ Cle t 'Iwip t o rt . cetoer e n tL m .lsy, flt Sin casî'esu fac-ir, d1cEi&mtU= 1 Jx vsiaient. Docomner. 2, V72. 'qsePe nil 9 in maerial*JMESBT6y"TON PARTIES utlhe W HI'TC U T T RSov 22ndb o r,7th e u nd ers..,68 '.i13.L S T e, N e A N D oetilie tluer ,Ci tl, betbenltu it ofqicening le liee- tco uucio- tyb t th e i ndta s ayill n- , frnii he argst toc inthe V-1 ty ofsi(ehords bil'elis cetretabes, s te ,an ileo tes t ELcees e~-t rocreail at.. 1I{01 SlIGROCE IJE inedt e atiptlte cner uitin o SA O mrinote t of iesî et chat T t he- iXI lITu~tdbr man yte ten-ç iof I mi ii ande viulgeotf-benawnino thes 2t ef eine- J S d ES J O EDID Y F N 'I S T Ž s n w n r c î t o a h a y 't c nf V nVr Go d , e b n . teils altrtpiumeof th i Cc ghesoim oper0 egs e ea th attntin ofbis frie ds nd ptro s t~ th irai-t the îlot ] nrke noflt ni c ~or ei re.-j by 1k-taren acqnuires tin. Gtemnpereturenoee- £ . OF d a n V R Silv e r h I n s ioR l O R Kd a n B I g h t ('î ldne in er t2, e et2n872.I e io , h Ctt5- une nil utth ete- B i. St oeO ilnitlu A 'LK Dts le caten, u]ail he i],ite h seimpa Especial attentiou %vcalird tee Lis stock ofow the pero ityfre hi] Sp era jtrapreO se JA MIESA9J'. MUEWHY.AIta s te etsne obecsrtounp] .uie iust ~viti by, O t. 22 ud. 1 72 D u das S reet a ri er , î sas f doni e d e it i gnon - r .- Nm asune tpubl ieset -arétshen H O L ID A Yrthilgre thne aogdt in-ht exmelt r- fermtine wa-rraîd tegiv saiafctiru.et cli ni efer es nwitg ibut i ai itin ui, J A M E Sw J. StockE ysd Etrlan Machbine Oil, me ireetee ihos Ite arict eefthe linet iportne- l o iS m i ' a l i l b , l c . 1 , 1 7 . â5 ï o T o G i n . e;i p j id ci - i L L i E. y-c t e b y a ie t aen i e t e oeg t h q a -r e e- to ctheitheétaienentsoteiscent] te tndepatronsepplth v e ry x t e n s v e st c k l e n o w h ol d s c o t ip ri s n g n i rn b e l e s s rti i W w i ý,,- Eý y S , F L NnNE 1 _1y w -evET ,e1se m p ietite tu c tinaocel îha tth e t ct n ema y suit ble or rese ts nd p ese tati nspet, foi ni ts l t ic a e nfl t]e journni U N D E C L O HIN , T W E D S 1)0 LýSiii _T S.te aue i te a e ei *ù st te ta u - -c.cosdeab) udr ake vhet w ic ieivie te tenin f e n ÜO$abu it i hn i e d e ut as ~t ieter ehni ahn mi n- . Sict h oie Agt-fber the Inmi7onxi. [3egs o anîouttethaton lis bult oh tt' astockmiOf, tePeer ereJosm a .emd e or purWes A NM S J ]J.F B.t s ee fro theuobjcutisu rgean- m, 1870 PhintograpbtGallovefeettlength tono est tour ..cto seIt e a ineeeeeut agist teo e- 1..u< I uNh w te ei m in .rl j in v r j n rl4 - , W n- Ah1, his- '.tc dfr ,pro n m e n s, a -1 MERCHANT TAILO-RJNGr AND i9iî-ctures enlarged & accurately copied. < 'WLtSP-ai]n IANI)SO MIE IRAMES AND CASES.M. WLC , ýNTS' FUIRNISING ]EOIISE, Businesp hcurs 8 o'lock, a. m. to 6, P. m. No busitess donè e.T eeirvo eTOA;' MoMILLANtS BLOCK, BROOK ST., WIITBY. -A.B RR ', , toabîcf aipoa&man, rgt W litby, July 3îl, 1872. 5, B Gthanli an nus e age beatoiot] upen i durng tbe part tounF tby, Nov. l2tb, 1872. 4 Ç) yoen-a. *- ew ivnu tnobsnse: __________________________________________________ ailii!, attend, in ttura, to e avete =y w-bol, tue tae noiusiness et Auciionoor,. FASI-JIONABLE TA/LOB/NO Clectiig, &.tebsnsa Xc miil bc my endleaveurý by prompt and- satisfacion te el h o xunay fanen-me. with 'An Immense Stock of A N D Bille draughted and Blak Note& a xns Areranees olctlmbcjj acf K E R QNTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, OflePicletiadtteSadr E W O R O C -O YT JH ERISNS Ofice, Port Per-y> uaItéfatar -prince Aibort, Sept. 24th, 1672. 39 ANID GLAS SW AI1E, uMerchant Tailor #c Draper, D 031 1N 1oN DUNDAS 81U'ET,. WHITBY, FLOUR &FEED STORE.- The nd-imganed hg t o Ùen-nut'h aial>. liants et Wlihbysaud vicinity that Oh.y have op Ot lur and"F eed Store in 0the pnem .. C -& XXX ALE in-,Bot-tie ag viirs k- Canadjan, Scotch nealycuedbi,.3esw aud Eîîglish Cloths-T'weed suifs. Yoî'tbs' ýand t'hildrens' Opposite the Iobaon Hjouse, suits.. Splendid iatei'ial for everCoats, Wierb teY trast bk1i s-tin? in Dow's Superior iBottled Ale. Gents' white'and coloreci Shits, anid gtsato o-soe Furnis.hing- Goods*of ail kiids. &.,o teB s -ulty. u1oiU~~ 1822 WL. - - keDunds St. Wihuy. c --8 l* 1W'y -. t - - 1 ' r.. w

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