wrechdn s r, nd st fl u< Ons DuSpon ent -'that haroi I hsisdus vrautice he o erlos a and rre da ,F74pp, yt elaimbed thi countr hioul legrlao. o theBial auitsut rnder mewet h eAL PHIGby Thir onr ethoee with regard to whom, ibarges brought againas themanswh,1NL biebn e legiaterovine al Secreta e doneqxe y u ses again, and pro. Wliitby, Peb. 4th, 1878.Idei5IsPco tJU'w oortd i sta wel advised. dtir o treatyThetw, net jrtn onebtae Asylueum. Another class of damage by the. collision. Her offiers - 1Ost fr wlîom the, countr ou há to and crew will soon be examiined at heBill n trod class referre to in Cadiz in relation to the disaster. FO EITT0po h lroucea by his honi. fri.end C.fz ENERFRiEGnT. Fai wer, wr 08tormonttò Hd vMr. the ofler cf 81st T d ooittns TENER tepne lcueo tepreseti be taken to-morrow, after the, vesselhas fie f tiie ners will Cr beouei e, t to occason. herewas aBilli th passed quarantine, nt lrCor osu hans ofone geneero inthe Hos--Saturday 22dIs. bwhicfol ffr l sonegnlmni b Ho A man namied Clif, of Wtdew ST 'LOK ON niic wto uth mefrit ofn t e cse fullr attacked by one Macdonala oner tr blA...~ CL O NOO o ne tbu ot tb case furanda evnt aie arc evera bwhe ..nofor tii. ome hIc hiho o R e w ch ha tey etae a glass di b areed bouse Tate addrest Ofede r t e .5b B ce om it, Jofo bonc ceseretE AowrAt r ary teEd ed, b u by t ani kne eu ttoNb Misu s a ve dece th o Notice ti e b --- e Te des o calo as in andeall~ Techaniaripr-m tdsetntfi O P R- tWitb prseth cfornergordnandMelinodsree ,n w ate aori edo uid lie p frm t uhroGri t e r I ieknoISA T thou e mcitfught t eu o a eeasided , a ned y ier n nhspeaetin D reHo p. asi N EyLau i dthal:tt should lntbe gus s aaio J. C.. FITCHofice uvsdn nJsn prt aale e r hnle ManAoNIcL F I E D . Wlitthe. 187178 C. le thes a rs r ei . 00 ed:r p o u do c f t1 d ' 2o5i r Ju1n 4 h L E C T. LA N O CE R TN. w smgo h a s otsud b thet a rleyi Rv W lerR Roe 28. J fe cd bs t de ay tt gdt a n e tou n tle îc e . M yr Mod 80e bt e Not ier ebr nt Tor h neliue iold b aauatuoio S rolderFa thrs aurntitt will aly yo nereJoanaa tdi eline streclsao icarl t m i a , anti e tr ha ta pur w oo O O ... · ·....t W 67by on the8 RU s À yKN ow LIN G IN T N argumen.t inWavo ofii i t eti -ss lia. -~~- Georg Hepr ene T O eus aure, anhic ihas ass oie TRA 2 EaLsERn' 7 UID THe LAthsE.. 8unhtry whrodîo w hreudeti asoin E HIt- YGoing wJ.-LADI N CM ICH, rjce tesnie t cPlif1se ot Tetan a o a . T rno li sueb a CG h sa h Mac eerag . F Wh....ed.$ 1 2 «t$ A D C NET 4t he riquom r îa in d b pa o o 1 up î L E CTu cUo, 9 0R.E7 o p m -- -- e 1siea dreerd therapers a Por Pniy, (arrive)$LLIos GFACRE ti .ro. H cOfor~ a t l o se ofhi, l a in Goingk South--s Mixe «t8e h h rl !S. Pa cs0 ae, D as ith iygcu t e n r g htn a fairi All Rsains' .hurh-- e «ta m. ,n 7 nT nYer'C eins Ctr ce nt o n t celîr lle oultt ni a wuç C atsvery.Sunday morn pr E DNES Da fo heVû F B l2h rnur a tlner îl t e uthy gi s o l y 0 env. . . .8G «t- t 1m .GrnndlCoger t ua de thTie ti n o str c o rr e c t h o r o otrefatIFh u rc h - -Ath C1 1 a .m.ita n d 6 :30 u p R av at e alo n g t , T oine o , u r R o a i n , u- liati s a t i ng aec n are c<t g ap n d t we e A as , pan are di t C h r h - A 10 3 a a dth enum be no w ba r a r e t S i aEc s aby r e r a o c s a c m m t t e y w eic e o l d< m t a nd 0 p m .- R v. . .Mr . s t 2 0eso n . a y la r g e r . A m t e r f r e T oro n o - pr0n0an E a a aia onth c gaind e are win l e n i ngh e lho u s a nd s oi n t h c o u t r y a n i u erW e . .c.s1 7 e c h n ye M i e a l l o n y e u t e o ! t h n i a -- at ta iLwsaîe r oevt e B rasadtsuso h oydbl- N bak ad0cns n f I i THE COU T H USE BUR E D d b wat f nurihmet. hisgenr. nd erp 0f a am rc ocalulan.s sm ee i rnfundai n ,îa îa t the r g s ers o ergi ct de o, adote quaorm a tio of la dthe m atte of O ents PrA ceN D E wr d theé of on"t o ac ient °oin-d"ava orBk, pe hates .a al t u1 a3lqdt itolvnt fdeînth na Cur. r n i n g v t e g isa d a d is o edtu e n a c n t i n T s e f ae c ts . .s o.ym lt e P t re t o o o peh a tu to "e o k L e ct uro e t 7 e n0 s s , ti'tl tr u niret bua lc oI]ii ol e o .7«tbefreitMAT R S.Y the Ot LIPE on tsus e n ti erb e tm as h e ti a, !tr e u d o u s i Wre, k ds . .E P s . .$ 4n - G 0 t e a l$h3b o e ts a d o u s a d n g l im a e the b tedows ac o lîthe tep ofithe onoweg ftentrllw hc oén, acp fwincnb ena yoie tr rguinto t miuia r of t An lican goa cara o ieto an n tito ,n atd tWt by,1T HFEu r, 7. •AI S A sh r i mîe the fasne s burst ont i lth g y v reoe er g , w h c a UIve . us - ~-3 s th e e n t e d t e .u an d. b u t la n i t i nn y G R A N D d oc or ' Nill ." -C .i r vic 7 E G IV A W A Y - V W I0 T .as e could sn lon er revert pitscom >ltr tae T. M a e w ly it olnat er a forlluw H " euiylnethou h tefre-ere gaersns ingEa!CCeas b d PP .T.V.YsnsR.R o . t ioguriinli andiis fawly whad tlret gv anxacruesos. h pr c oigadop ted byDI S'DA und bING (lîfeul r snugettinc, bt citthilive tesss Jaes E3 p . i., Eprs manfatu 13 ' n Pubiasa Curicago.d CThea lead or curativ ft s wn t y Iositively k n abl e g f d e e r i l s at th i w rk in th \ nk y thé A e rica. L are se 8 Jail ae r r oated, b ut rhe a rs t e no ic n p e - pass ui o d L ond ."- ass l ouse- p n r îe t e rutif uly al strated-: SuW ac h Gp- r e T a ]us to the wolrosi pret tasîpe c rtn h risrn etltewive truc, Lies a nrrartiellaeof reliab e,îi . m hrincoof r.srt tDu g Tii, lonA """ miue Kfse tiAi Wh n oué rinew s ud i ngs.a Han bogh aoer sod n th Cowi, ow ahe it i sureder t er inscretiong causng- ervous debliyxe s, WIkethes and prctc mater itd r wi~ hi so e ryti iptoelar lyty 9:0 en 7:10 be a osI ii c ba einndnci lci prena PrtPer, 78ae ssaue St.Ne a York:4 ~~ MI LI N F ACE cnsomér. 11y si o'clocktllîisiunrng &EW DV R IEM N S SarsizxO uce.Th suje is nise a mes of ruine. Thîe firemnon, hrowvever inot bre toldi fromi ehe Itcan- are now. contnued te wmit te endelavour 1o save AR FOR SALE. izsudalusot 10 te suha th y a - la Na"ilt, snîc tf iilîlu alerlyo u pul ,aina c'r e en t V/C TO imurpossible, theîrefore, tou rstabbaéh as, Tlie urneignedr will offer for raie hbv pub any hrouehold. It ea na hratr ornaent an yî Ali xîc ls i'î uil i. ce". lie aucton a thé Albion oai c ié m otsè urnbr omaenotéfrT DIs Vie-<brnty nrten rsions, aric TOWN OFl WIHITBY, o! a"r agn.No waitire. Pictunras ow Smallox -Police Cocurts. withî thre Shriff sud An eiee yu toc eI ilo Retgistror's OlIrers. rime thein attencrdanrt AT 2 O'CL CCK, F. M., ON - lît EN AGEN T in every neighborhood. also inpn ollleas, rectortis, funriture, anti librane, W-JEDNESDA Y, FEB'Y I ithi EML- E . téroues, Clown Oflei Juuiré Clîunr-bs '. Intn, ah Sonth 90 seres o! Lot 21, in the Wc e want only Coud, Activa Agents, either ei drie aliouwichi mena completely destroy ~ th Concession o! thé s va luaîena otin, as 'we almnost veawayCoroa lese tin i se rec. TONHP0F r eICKE RING mgaee uAuces Gav excluaie tan CarboleA terminiablo conifusion wh ichi the cala. maintien bush.. A houée sud ban are o hafrai gr) tavingô pnens sucssndmking othya prod mnty muet r'seai'ty enituri upnîn lnennses, sud a neuverr.failifg streamncrsses suse pian iu daX. On. agenC tok 4 thé epné suîitor's anr] the puliii cenrally. Soeo. Lasndvn fair fenced. Imdae1Oa 23 pern in on ay, othens repent tien 25 cenve ofth ppes andow. b r dce rssssongLen nil indispueable. fuU cati iis ~t~pecîlmen copiés o!faer, . ond therpes aren ieubtî b oplad Tere al-né.rhdososd bal. adr ee ermsa, &c., sent fres to any V/C TO dsthone harle tnpastby let. '-le- ,ath pe earticulearsmappl th eutrest Cl rite AT ico "Our Fineude Friand," a d L oi oot, anrd as oun istanco it may L. FAIRBANKS, JR. ofth Canadaieartmenî CaniManagr Tisî fr h e t i t i l i rh i t bys F ebt t - i etr o 1 8 7u8 .o n e r fe s n d n t s h o u l a d d r e s s t h é O n t a n i r y. Ã¥ ñ â" NTRYNTIES Ã…ADSKTNG CARNIYAL eve benf future, penig the reuligoh THE CLERK'S OFFICE, MA QU E R A D E I 5L.m --edlitce, t le walla eof whiu]h remain good. Ottawea, 80th yan., 1878~ AT THE Th iarituntHoueJaui aru1e P man te th 50h Rai°e°o!th * °"", VICTOR/IA ,8 /N /K, GE si t hie ocali .Leislature vill .ATE BILLS WILL EXPIRE.ON -FRIDAY EVENING, 7th1 INST COM semai provision aginsrt theiendrless conc. WEDNE'SA Y, MARCH 26rîi, 1878 Th WitbyfBrarss Baud will ha hi até.72 Ei fninthat nmust art- ne. Thîc -embruerse ALFRED FATRICK, Tnce Admission 702centseî ---c ir 10 lagal pncr iorî who ecîcounteredtir fteHos.s Amsio 0cnst spettators ad • -Ytawedth catiokf ioiea bnepers wI plase insert above 1hty2e.,17 s ---:grtrimysesaluted eachn other ,wih th. ain- until tire meeé ng o! Parîtaident. .12OU Idc ye.arse nIouncemeant thiat, as farna thîey wered Feb. Oth 1873. - 0l U D' mucet rde cnrnlkeOthiollo, their occurpa- -- -F market Pric. -wisonagoel O S -FA A av n lay i Cth Mechanles Hlon Tugsa y aen perty rnlpyn havenemhy prvngp o èsti yed o satuîrdary, entailmîg a suîCably rewarded by leaivingit ah tus ofie * JAS JOHNSTON - - -Whitby, lob. Oui, 1878, . Whitby, Jan. 28th, 18 h' al Wh .: Reeren "', . - ino.c elle --- M ifcs.i "-IioOi5'îa. uoaIJA..s se - M no sad the. Pî Jna sifisTti . osi .as4 50 Jan ii, léée o i,, s r s.a,,' o w vdOn -con 5ss5 sa . ?6yer. ask Ba cea 44.5 854e .3o 5 ,élcc, *5 5.iicwC5,s L.1. Ae,éi li oa hi, '8 R T oli ll ' iie itep c.w'n 'ryhantuGl PACEL NO. 82. OT Hèe a acc a ce,194 Mar, a n1 Ilr le" hiby, 168 14eMc S ',u 3iilaî D 1M ot et 18 7.53 00 A r 's ai&l.ur aee ss 'lC70 c 6 St berersnti G 8.3o e r' î J i te y m o e b -- - -458 V eorSJ ,'5 's l ,, , cst , an ni G H 9EV9C O.6 No '5 T O'irM Mi u h fo ow10 nuin 're atons Kcî Oetcte. PREPAnATIONs,7 ando '6 H Wrb ACE Ã¥L NA8 TEDO ' Bes mot lee corm0Ja Ã¥7 Scis Fmée Tn Fre ciles,9 P199, Manq other iu SDY nsc'u , il a- is> o - o r A ftlîtî,, e r n'ns, iiO s n n 5,acwg On M yie sern s liable te inf a ectin wii y h y 5len-t ssu Tale.56•c'onabae goods.l ARBOL/C04 13 Aé 5 HiS- & mustcgo. srî,siese3s .0 In 9 nu llerrc v are of Carilica Nc 'd, whiA asc hI ecpe tion. 07s Pie6 25m ce n lib J ci /liD y, anr 1'6 ., h d r >3 eu0-80 .ri 'sI J a 3 ,, eri Med 4ca Prie, 25 etop r i n crrse R/A uA sBOL / éC soirî tr e l1 J :NFEcTANT ts e encré prevntv o anti Typhoidi Fevers, Cholera Ever gven to makers oh suad ail other infectious diese. et Provsincial Exhibit rvent Contagion in Cattle. Ilte es>c in Mial lu rahlé cer Disufting atér bipioa ntic Ftr &c., sud fovr destryig naseou other Exhibitio eaway Mosquitos Maths, lie, Ornseosto c as et y a pr uc . itrnite ar mmissioners, in preference to ail roements Pte "QORAl mets, s thé hast Bisinfectant for feelo mer arte né an tien ef infectious disenas. Price et thlié ichmét near: l1A SHA RPEN/NG weéta niake antostruma -POlishing Patte. psé. ppeO ARAHo is n all * 'C A- U T I S craiu u Pshn Cul n!aeaourtLetbè' moequce or heeme e îa sfies.Pie2 cnts or ur Instuments eni e drful improvement. An3 O Pg R o tcs Guelphr Jan. 29ith, 1873. ST., NmAn VxcronrA Sotanz, 1hÃ" AE M ON T REAL.Alf RSALE SPyri ence in lire Montcal h YEOMAN 178 Whityt. T N I. -r iSc.. Ica i VES & POWE LLPER CEN a ood assortmnen ofW ter - iiSoCk, and will si ai casses of goods at yen-r advertised LOW PRICES. ta A mercn siv G o o d , iv iii/ ery atit es, l:~:Iiyfo b i. 5 alslystate to custo d Boys' Clothing, Hats and -ust mentin th pou Boots an d Shoes, W ooI Goods, &C , sold at this season of the yea present Nholesalef'iCes. pare them with w~ ge stock of' Spring ClOthing Will lln atwciy iringOmsrrchasers can save EJVERY 1ARHT/C ress-Makn an aloigt argriisiriNuia, Break fast ShawIs, Dress Go ov. ( ll i n J cey s. Wncey Shirings, Flannels, filankets I atvost, Gentl îtr eo, vruff 10 R A few Sos eh La a i C A ~ N Ai e . F ù (IA N e ' I - E l o Ro e s , a L a rg e S to u HNG M AD E T O O RD E 'eI'ur 5h183 NEW IAYER RAISINS, ONLY ONDON LAYER RAISINS, ONLY NEW CURRANTS, ONLY - 10 llbs GOD BRIGH T SUGA R jTEA FROM 20 CENTS PRP A/othdGs, Poori ok of R O S J S O N Y 4 ary nti¯c8. LOWES & POWELL îny 29îhV1873 IIOTIQ~- NOONS ANhitbNJDG Sale atJoh Skinner's Dry Wi' Dec. 18,. 187~ the t Tood StoE VHiLDy tEVE me TORESED EAND GRTURATY, i vrîirg.Aferooi aies at 30. O Cloc w"°orthofchoic Staple aud Fancy Dry Good nîît b iîrrrlin hiy> must be sldi at someî price. days, Wednesdays and Fr1 i offer the godsb prvt sae ntAci ]3arties wlhO Cano DCpate tahe. Anti Salet îN o r tr e a s o a b s u p i i u t h m v e s w i t h s e~ No rasoabl ofèr iilbe refused, for th lRemcem ber the days,' les--Tu esdaîs Thrrsdays anid Saturdas i ud evengs. ondas, edneday, and Fridays, ai L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, il, rrirniei..Auctioneer îary 22nid, 1873. 4-f C O ., INC OMPREHENSIBLE I ,t Oi N T . Now Headye neye O R G A N S , O b e l auino îu J é t e th n f r fi for 30 centsdracri E.O54S. n D IDNEY CHARLES, n r of"Te 4t rwe 22, P.O., Montreail, Q. lyig Tubei. ACCOMMODATION FOR fReedi Instrumeénts -A ions for Pra AT-é mane zesia i M R S. SHEPPARD 'S ne too un- Iu the premises known as the. " Old épetify Post Office" delling of M. MPhier- aaibofeS so - Dundas Street, Wib. NE'rTE," co rtaimn g -. -. .. -_ _ _ _ _ _d- _ _ _ _ mig Tubées tire!e- - y double thepower N0O T I C E. - r t ne° a no >' do ubl O! O tnt o eth e naex t o c s ion o! ar gan et hau thé ex. limnt for an ameudant toe h catr a CoN psan, cnd the ceveral Acts atmending Ctué n a é,frtéppoefathnsgtu th sae-gie sdCma> eetn ne Iiimyt ymanufacgtei n ceunto !t pApoSH bunht ha l O NT pr s c . L n a y a d F n l n F l c u a g v cri es ofrlaccd 8 Icihou h ' ar, d. LîT 0 E IIINC T k. L ainçg ,CH EA P CA~ - NO H UMBUG se~ ~ a. In order to reduce our efour smle ai greasti rediioa Soria~gs, Cravats, ando aIl Our Stock of Caniadie of youîr attention, W nse O tift e Odoruul ogdeparrtment wil have onur .Whitby, Jan. 8, 1873. Raisins: Londr oLaye est Deubile crown feu use, Uookit'g raisms, cias; Ourrats ane; I . TEAS. Iapn, arfai ate te A cha rged tal is I Whiitby, Juin. 22, 1878 GENTLEMN'SFRNSIGBOD LEH TERGUOB °N°' 89 Canada - l2jc - i~cj - $100 )UND UPWÂRDS. .......toe w Ki Ànsan D.iiE rE~~ ~ e more Copié......e 25aasii LV -~---,....... moneyiis se a in, tue sooner Chromos w 11 T' PREMIUM ON BILLS !8 ubliah y a Week surH y' ta I WOUi nex- sessin, for an act exend techr r apa, anid 'al~ i four per Cent pre. ter o! the Company>,atorinthisu omne parties hb n~ thou h°pr pe t 4°reom ta n ds ti e ah cnd th mers of mrine that If toh propercari er pua let no eriwain iC age fa l gher ice for in goode - Psieo N t ri -o' tatfwo ith dinading articles used at ort Hope, Nov. 1, 1872. n8 hat they -have, beenprChaser nthoe STRfAUSS' wesea goods elsewhere.:T huad$ eii th u he twoaol L E WAIi>RANTED G000 / RTEea. ti art as] " fer PxTRxs EDITrON or1 A N D PE ustc-Pubhsier, 599'hnoc. wem °*WLTZES. -hn n othr ouse in VCb rade in Whitby F L O RAL GU IDEÈ FO0R i s 7 3 . T HO S. LAWLER, r: °oafér"e°d ChEQUERED STORE, i""see,, nuierdwt. ^ BROCK S R EET et s 'morth extra-thé priée patid for BROK TRET.The JAUARY Ã'UMBER is-beauifl 2.- gii plans ton makiu nural Homes, lie 51 CaTnadc. u eun ag an myc de du u auen Critu PLTnudn Casnd CGermaandredyre toisend oTun - ICK, RuCester, N. Y. &~ S t e4w a milh' a u heaierétu anaa SH STOR E, WVH I TBY. LséOnta d o ' - c e- M D O U G L L E G L I S & ' c D o U G A L L I WE ME AN IT I° °°°°oo--- T AXE S! T AXES S present stocko goods we now of}erp - rnices the foîllowinig articles, viz:m- Mihhcnry Maclies. Shîw. Code, l3reakfas1saws- an d}INqIIE is hereby given that all 'axes . w Tweeds will- e peially Worthiy in arrasrs musa be paid forthwith4 anoui>'dadd that our goodse wi i be quite up W/THOUT A SECOND CALL, aulcd An .ail> or'ders left ai ou- tilior- careful attention. orthe:cllector ill have no otheraténa taxesca ae ma eat thé collector's efisce 2 Mr--Tohn Ferguson's store, Bandas Street 'HENRY RANIfAM Collecter Whitby, Dec. 17th 1872.or - " FAORT" SSUE. - A. M E S O N S! 1oents S . E g s h L I Q U O R S . h a n d yo e r e t- 0 pace n t s rs tabne EWhisk Ae on draught, 'mth the'weekly ssne for one year, uleca rVnule- W hiskeys Brndi,s, &c., peci. that thé> he monthly eaî ris Wholesale ar d Real u suhen 20r p ie in r a ae ar ré ey lrge -stock. "T 30 ia Kir'Pened Sueno, Finn an INVA BIABLY MAVI.- k Mu ackier e nn & ,c dfuh Fer 1-subscriber ai $2,-total $2r-cend---us rate ccrof l tc.$2 and keep $0 for 6 subscrijbers at $23, accou n ve"r cent, per annum, . esi$2.ndusg0 and ke $2 o i r. Every' clubber sending 110 or more0 wlil lubbe pre uha eed t e i s oui o! each sub.c4ton as eomsIn L E A / 0/HN G "H-°A1a°-°AN° unis y tué>r hard ash. aite AÂ¥hgT HN EIGtSN, DNDAS 8REET, WHITBY Wiflte StOck-Canadian, lis, 1Oli...T eed tmnit. YOUths' ad- Merimatra o r & ~I1ndî maeriî fr OVercoats. or J. L. 5 TA MILT ON c& COi, Iferng h~ alace Of their la] ~E ARIN AL E VLNIARIINOL - I2¾c _ • 15c "BEARTH AND LOWES & POWELL 8 8 RY ' > g out-buildiassamm N E W Y E A eeën D U C E D F? R I C E e CENTS G R E A T C