Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jan 1873, p. 3

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rp 0y *ç CARIAGE F'OR~OY 0*dthe Thi leaesuroeilera -BROCK-ST.WITY ¶ a ro u lthe mnedicinos I lid take-N n ,syrupof ryop p n ujiv oaturdag ~ da/,h , a <: v o e. e. AT 12, O'CoE OO. sunan onAWorkGuaranteedPoeeril ove year~ u haveo a d mome eat For paxluae ee postuesuad Sisl sI ekes a4e -nte doe floed ctlous ~ ckej h e tniher deas. reamnpues L, IBBANEs, Jr., rae e. dee Ifmy wster pn 33o-dje& Wib An. 22 18n°78° .4 ~ ~ ~ b MR S uiSHE~aI cuie may have an Opportuniîy of supplying themselves with g~ NEW VALENTIA ONU sonable goods. No reaaonable offer wii i be refused gonds must go. RemembA,. tb~ A...... lbr the ussg. WitO5v A F~r81~5uBOit 5t5x'~4 f<>,~j~ ha~ fluilflg "- ~1iBII lsd>' ux...young - LIIIiW LAYJ~ft RAISINS O'clock, hi tii. ~ Ocuur - i~j~~1n2an, uchaoî.luecbeî poet Sale ONLY itsPthiili11llyniayheuiomea, RR ~' uufferers as muai au il bas In ho prernises nown as the "Oie monoy eut! els ceeu chut, ou, aI t' 1130 èn 4n a.li I iOma~p Yo - k evet' gela n ~ afernons an uction S-Tuesdays, Thursdays anti Satnrdays, in LONDON LAYER RAISINS, ONLY Poet Office" dwulling o! Mi. MePher. sucuree ~ Witoever d evenings. corte~e ~. a~ ~asî tnOu2eu4~befoie ~ ~ ~ St. BOt2~ StreeL, ~a pepor freu. 1, soo.oo sud gels Private ________________________ Salcs.~Mondays Wednesdaya, and Pridays, ail ure rsspsctfiill>', Dundas W]ntby. * 8 euver sende RSn 'lest' 0100 ses une NEW CURRANTS ONLY Witltby, 22, _ - lie - Wrn'i,,.,.. Jau. enIct ed hep -Sien froin Paris vihh unoover Daow2e~,, flr.A CZBTEiti(.....4iapaue., Nev¶t'tiiain INTOIISO ~ da 1878. -. __ .oved ; Lie tieputhtlon o! ..~., et "Tns PAvozuire', 10 ever>' e __________ N lb. fanili>' hearlugî aioft ~ ~ovning took place hi oui tOWn, at THE DIA reecites one lu uvozy ttVuitty, il viii Se vel Joli litaI ve cannot bearing Ifleir' ~ 1h.- :Jun. 18.-Thf, xuornin~ a sad case o! ~ - - Canada vho kuova boy ~ Whîîby, January 22ud, 1873. 4-tf resgrrsonin , Prop~o~~ - 11. FAIRBANKS j1.~, lOiba G(>OD BRIGHT SUGAR5 drsvn by Josupla Merlin'.. It seenis she Sa esehone vite recelvos Il cen uaslly 705K - l~x; 1h. hearso, fl~ A cz.tTs, sud, witiie servluge good ceuse, b>' 'Igit boises, tiriveit by ~ ~îl~xi v eut ho rnarkel anti left ber ouly obild, ~ LJO JI, uncouragts~ Causél Auctioncer. TEA 'PROM 20 CENTS PER POtTND anti IL. litOliiiiu*.., vho uuxuberod ~ a liLîle i esveit rit sud Man et lite about f tAi<,,ie.. NONET for itlrnself. Sel Lu ail. anti Includeti Ihe Prince îrnpgria~ bur's bouse ho litîls Sale Pro sors ~ ZANS an laIent, lnduehiy, sud UPW.* vîjo weuî uncovereti, Prince j,1~»31 girl ; but îh~ ~ utact Yauoieon Prince Joachim, Prince anti aÇoldent~ sflpped anti feU into ' Laberstary sud Werks, Torento, ut. eny eue bas lime 10 forustali yen. Celebrate~ Carbolie ~ ~ enb.eu~. all»Y~r~~de,~j - ci reliirn~<~ s doli Victetia P an~i disît~ cisteru, vhich containeti four fout o! The fellovinur 9enulne Preparalleus sue "THE'FAV MAYyu., A ' E ~ u ~N £ Ac.. Roulier, mauy eniti ~y ail Drmt~giuîs. Bs sure and suit for ORITE ....~.. " " mu~rui e-s ~ fl1~!NTT'~ guisheti Ina ~ahi*,~ En n n hi. ater, Iii Whi~h 5h. vas 1h. icTOBIA PEEPAIiATIeNs, anti ses titat adoption Lut us bel et NRW PETITS. N ~ A Il Other Good~ Proportionally Chea inuit; and~.7~ aria ~>riuslsp a France nov boundar, ho. yen gel Item. T aspire lebe s Nation. - aveu~ Raisins ~ndon .. LIQUORS. aeaufua for th. O11nadieme,....w~01. b, O T .> A -'--""'~ ONLV' gulsb he bas untiergone. ~'liu Em. cOrnP~eIed by tie loînt conirniesion ap. j~rîne <'elly ~ ,edxlsd, printJ'~itf~ est Degtt.le fui lehle Whiek,,5 & presu Engenie vas teo il te attend lie Poluteti for the purpose. v Aie on draughî muerai, The cofilu vus covered vigi TitIs JILLT is highly recornrnended te ~TPs. . 1' LJJVjj~j .11.1 Iminortehlus nul violats. Ebero ff55 Tiie împortoVon of coolies ho Cuba, Ladiesae a niosî agrseabîe Preparaîlait for .# <;tvtt IT YOSJR flUPPORT. new, fi"u. Oranges te arrive, very erg. et uxecutien.~t~Oittl9tîeit, by Cen. Crown ,Brandîes F papur, vilit Canadian Use, Cooki:g reusmu5~ Velun. ~Vines, eues; Curranîs 1gev Lettuons Whelpe~js snd Rutaîl. Sherrj, ~: Il IT t' ucîns, sud Le wae DSsiated tiret/i , ie~rriv~~ o! uleven 'tun lau, anti ne tue Carnuiex. A . E. DESbARATS, Diubopof&uthvark sang a - requiem stilI continues ti 5km SotI Witite Japan, ___________ s -%lo funural sermon aI Iii. cliapel. The viiero tlîey vlrtunlly becorne slaves, the Toliet. For iieautifying ddress: - OZO PISH. ovar Ibe ge~~ t viii quickîy nerno~Yut55~ il _______ R _______________________________ ie un'rivansd' Publlahenef~î~~ Favo,.cie', TEAS. _______ PA by Patlîu~. Getidarul, the spiritual ati. insî. - isvt~ taitin~ plaqe on - lite ~ Clear, sud ~eiin~ Ihe viser o! lite laIs OX.Emperor anti ~ - M A R R ~ E D. ueseTanI, * ail lied mess, Reuugit "L'O~n~ A tain Braicle ltu Black md lledd;es, lient' "TheCanadianldit,îraîedNe,, a feu article, et 80 cîs. Kipperud 5~1 - - lie islgu o! N~polsou. OLLEy..... CE~R Man- P P~.e ~ ~~~LiPB, It cannat No. 1, Pkms d'Armes Huil, sud 811 te 819, Green et 50 cîs Ileckerul, legs, todflsh, he i~' Intereut ah the rate o f ton cent, o! St. eor e 5 c isster, On hli~ oîganist O g~ IJt Inal., by lite Itev. VICTORIA CARBOLIO 11001, ~u~pr 'Itathbe R S Foincri te St. AnVue Street, MaxTaxAx.. vIli ho Ohaigod on ail accounts over 4 PER CENT PIREMI UM ON BILU toir, and~' 1' -~ Catitetir 1, nil v Haru>' Toilet 22, lite musIcal portion 0f lite Elli d Salle', Beach, ~'er The romains vero tiepositigti ~ lie, ~ Titis ToîLET taka until flue iemovai of XERh1~...j AI iti ~ ~ sutise Sou' Possesees ail lits veil. anti disinfsc OUNTY 0F CNTARIO. - - crtsîy, viticli bau been forcued mb a , - - D I E Canboli~A~td le agresa A TMesllug et lite Reeves sud ling proper. Tue ~ for intermeot Brooklin lot -N o. 21, ~: rosidence, ucam~ has a heultit>' action on the skie - I advertj~<~ a week since that I wot lusarue was aI L anti Lite Wlîithy, r. W~. 82 titin, anti Bijou tittît coticsutian o! Irritation, ne D7~t1~ - tVp Iha sifectu tuf Reeves ai Lits varions Mnnici~aliti~. ~ *1 'noves y Ce agaul sedit arn. of ~li~ cortege ~Ji~ ~ béîd~ M KerrSr., F thie nul>' of Ontarie v~ aun. N ~ mium for - buis. Soine parties having t W55 ver>' tii. ehd years anti seven mont .sr~ffîlarly.u -- D T G E sîaver at par, a WOUî~ American ~ilver at par, and aIlow four per cent alun. Ail hie ~ Ieft bite faintly insu. Tie faneraI viii hak rida lIe use b>' ltaiuîs ta infection viii Cf ~,TQr,7N IVBITI3y wer~ediewflubru.ab~stP,~flanu 1h. 241h Price 18 cenîe~~ahî~î arrtagesantie~~. lie gronn~. ina., ho ie Union hut'i~j disesue. cil Citarniter, Court Houas, '1 A fnlsely state to duatomers of mine that if T took Amen charge a higher pnicie for iny got ON * hie cliapql, TioPrxnce Iniperiai sud - --~ VICTOmA CARBOLIO TUE8DA Y, .IAN, 'Y 28t/î, 73, ' p mention the pnce of a few ofthe leadîaug articles usec thisse car-SQ that ifltending purchasers can c of the y Pulpe. Napple relurije4 front, tige W'ilITBy ~ Salve. ardente ~ (Y. L chîssred b> lie - carnage. Eh.>' W#is CtrnosmcLx 0'~îc~ Jan. 22nd, 1878. - TitIs S- cispel lxi on, - MARÏ~ ~ ~î lu '~ L i n. ~ crovde hhrougit W'btci ~ ~.......... 1 ~ 81 ~ a~on pare t em with what they have been paying for th tiosiel eopl, ~ ~ . Culs, urus, Seree afansuatti Count>'. elulu Dis. tonrn the Ceuncil cf lite Corporatjo~ et lite hie funera? pro..................................UiRItiugvanrn Tstten, ~cmerne, At 2 a'ciack lu lite aiternoan, S e xv a r t S E VER Y ARTICLE WARRANTED GOOD goods elsewhere. Loni'on, Ian. 15.-One o! tir, pot'. ~...............~l c ~ 87e ~. ~l possee; Aliscesses, Belle, Pirn les, H. J. MACDONELL cessIon. es ail Lits clsanetug . Cierit CounLyof l5nîario. Frsocotogîtt<m~ Blaclu Eys Peau.7 5 e <~ 89c iugvintgg~g et C Aciti, whicit¶~ b:eit EAP CASH STORE, VVHITBy. ons 'xbo carne froua beluneral ofNgg -............... t ~ cue foumuel by -, - AIl acconnîl agalual ho peeeeee Couu.e ~ IL1'ITMDTI,, IATt' ut>' um came Bull tiugfreu, lite guir tien o! QuIs...............7c <~ lOt, other citernical prepanation. Pruce 28 cents. Mouds>', 27tit NO coffin afler it W5s tiepasiîecl~in lite Polaleee VICTOÃŽjIA cltrati-je PiiyekYbOîlC iuany Conutycleiksoffic: iL UIIIDUU vvr4 ÂVA.L~IJ~U Il' ~ t:~:a. r lent net titan tige fiLQornn J tIi. Tuilleries,' vlueh be uîrcwed ovuî Ha>' ................810 ~p le Jan. 1878. AND M l4îit,' C itl5Ohlî(fl.5~ titis Butter.. l7c ~ Inost ~ (Jflfl ~ -- an>' Frencli spies WCio jures........................80c@ -- - - sacriat>. of lite Chapel ai Chiscihurut Apples, per barre].8 2 -Gargarysn~, funei'al Bervicce w Ziîorning whil aI Eg1/5..............e @ 20e Titis GAIIOLJî 15 the cases ~s sud sifica CABLE 8&uYE.TW W/fiE Ui 5.i~ ai any other house i ~piace0 tii.......................@ ltîc .-"'ssîieîueaîu ail Sers ....~.,, ' - 'I retigîceti At the fanerai ~'.ro Laking lIoar~'-.- AND HEALTH lE In order to reduce our present stock of gonds we now offer the trade in W'hitby. reliabie f ......................It ~ lOt aeî~esaj,,pîîj~~5. o2.Enaperor ~ Scivices for tho laIe .~:iu; ~ quarter - 80 86 lion o! hie liront' the bon helti lu tua iiiîy B '...........................,,,~ ~ . 1011 ~Inti iglai Tubesso tornrnan lu BOOTS AND SHOES. beat following articles, vis Selectiuîn tovo, m.Mihhiuieiy, set, fore quarter 84 8< 88 this chautteable CIiniate Astit 9ffsueive leak, lasi twice long soxlson. Shuvîs. j1T~ ijjfl5~ r via vas Ponit, pen cwî 811 8~ ..meaLs, UIeenu,~,,d .~um s, anti sut titesassa ex WIII ...,. ..., Cloutis, Sontags, Critynîs, sud ail Woolen Gootis, suitable for the inciement ilreskfa4.sbawis, unahetq80t0 Chieeiiiurst' was pue. ..................... 78 lite Moult. For Pubit, Speakers a __________________________________ î e sp '1 pr...........0e ens il ls invaigiahî seul. - ' Cittekeus.............~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W11 te.tia Ca Bonas.srt. cflîO~. .c fleeri only add Ibat our vii b. quito uip ~pen Gar~ie are - ijuot.. ts sulen. voie Coal, ton.........2 uti Slug. ________________________________ 0ur Stock of Caîîadian Tweeds 7~..sl1nn, Jan. lS..-Tlie aiteequies o! Tunkeys, pen ~ ing tutti titis tus cure ot lite Physi. O T I C E. ~ goode~ -, laI. ox.Emporor o! France 7 ~' N ot'yoîîr sa'~ wor~hy per 87 @ p~ are nov. untieub Lite ove titesases LAWLER, j lu Ibis tht>' to-day anti wet's Wood...........................Lite Mediti1>'~?rics>~3"<~eut lune 01'callon vil lie muade te the Leglela.. urmg depau tua eut viii have oui caretul attention. c e, ,~ .mft atour tailo CIIEQUERED STORE P'~ crovtis o! ~ 8<> @ 88 Materta Ca. Popular lu Appli _______________________________ il' not beyoud - VICTORIA CABBOLIC Ont Ferry Wiitb 8 ____ oum~ usuai stalidarul. Anti any orderu I r- Whitby, Dec. 18, 1872: BROOK STREE~I anti Prefecî, anti the Port Wititby alA Estiva>' ulationeti lu hie city, 2'R4 VELLEIS' GUIDE. sud t la Ibe citartar of ~ 1873. ais o bot part lu Lie cerernonjes. R. R. ,îs~~~LanL. thssg'm iluciareut, Jan. 15.-Eh. tun - ~~ND : TIti, Dmsîxytcr~ 7O,.....u.... *er~3 Djsjr-d'a1.-.4~ Compan>', sud lite sever TRUNx otauthonnng M WitlLb>' Station as tollavs e, fer lite purpees dB e~upnding services for Gain Wl-. -Typhus sîgd ,~ T la a sure preve eriti Comipany la exlenti o! tlxecimircies tîtrougitout lis commît'> Tîsins *'-'.-'-'.'-'-'t vere îîeîcg în afi brualiax anul ai other infectlai~s ~er~ :~~rtut on the Geor ~uitogti levers ug Eite Bouxitanian Court yul go imite MixeS . 7:10 s. rn. Local.... 8:20 sm. vil pres-cut Caalagtan * Peon 10-day. E It ~ Lindea>' sud et lite Opoeedbnangho lite tirns for OHRISTMAS AND rnournîng. 7:20p. 9speois Stitbl Siangit. on tiocit, a, Fenelan pr NEW IS YOUR YEAR Expres~.. rn. Mixed 5-10 ussogie or lu tue vatens t'~P>'~ ou Lake Ontaria, TO BU Y YO UR FA LL TIME HOLIDAY - Tits traîne rau b Moutrasi tins vititit entegises&~ , anti tan tle'stro>'i:;'ua y paver te butiti sud ceusînuct piere v flhtvla vhs 1'iut~î ~ ~ tutan Whltiuy asqaitas, Motte Fuse, ~' MARS11, SUNI8ESZ..sJcD...Ou Salurda>', 22 faelen ~ tttue. _________ PRESENTS hi. liLhi inBl., hiers ver. litres builti-. WEITDY & POlIT PEILRy 11. il Cacitraaeîi,, &c, Meat, Ft~it &c 'eau lus Socrstary&'rt'eae,~5~~ u. AND WINTER a-il tirite ~ tever ea~5e anlslug. It ings hurneti lii 4ito village o! Sunder. Trains G.iug Nantit- Mail. Mixed~ ~reservetl froxtu luntrefachien b>' e e. DIVISION COURTS land,-îvo stores belongina ho ~r. R. Witlti~>' Junctien, 9:00 arn. 7:03 prn. Itoyal Comumisalone iii preteren0a te ail anholle Actd wae seleu'tsul b>' Her Msjest>"u 'r IST J~. Poiritt, amîti a tivelliug hanse. Tige Whitîu>', 9-07 a mu 1rs, ~ THE - t s a n. d S r ~ -~ 3A EJ S J O E3 1W ST Q ~ 7.îO p.rn. ohher producîs, as tus beut Disinîecîauî for or mx h o e s "stores vero occupieul luy Mi. Wrn. Gor. Port Psrry, (arrivel 10:80 a:rn; 8:40 p.rn. the pmvveuîien et luteclieus diseaec,~ Price don, as a general mendiant; î. w. Trains Gaiug Sontit- Mtxeti. Mail. ~ CeuIl5. - - Begs to exil the attention of bis friends sind pnt~-ans to the Tory extensivt, stock ho nov iîoids, comprisi~g n~ McDorrnott, as a Citornisi nu,] Drug. 1Vhltby'Jnucti~î, 1:00 ~ VICTORIA SHARPENING COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, Jusi. received aI the Dominion foot and Shoe Store, a tre- - suitable for presouts anti presentnx~os1e65 articles Perrisit, Hardware inerchtamh. anti Dr. Part Per.1~idepî,rt 6:30 ~ - ~ ~ FOR 'r~m~ 1878. me'ndous lergo sîock oh and o Paste. ~ hlescg.i1utjou Coniprising En n, uund posqible ho Bave auiyhliinig lu - SERVICEI:110 p.rn. arici 1.1 YEAR Fahi Boota anti - y ph gunranîe~4 1usd. mci ieatiway as ho inake il lin. PaEnM~Ti,, - lîsh, 35, Ail Sainte' Citnrcb.....At h s. mu., sud 7p lot'>'. ra. ~- i As ~ir. ~ - eeie.u- iuutends n mnnugacîure Seus, Gem anti Wedding Rings. Pî.ncii Oases, Loekets, &arf Pie uhop, or lite Hardware ulore. Mr Mn. Cayley Sitoemakere' Kuives No i j ~Y"~4TIJST3. ~m~'icn csf every Stutis, Gold Silver Chains, COlored Bright Gold Csnadiaoe~ piateti (Jooti ork boxes, .t vv~ s, w Cut. 'i [e. - £ - CI~I~-A the Table uue3uailedinit i T O qutalit Gordon, îowsvcr, s hie gx'eater ctit- cit' î us os. & Eh tas ~ g:::: I k! ~ 2 8 Aluog~~ the flrst ~fnexî nmouîh, ho viii seil ail kintis of i3oots anti Shotin ench article of hi' ' day ~fgica1 Iuatruguc~uLs lias spruug ut ~ ou-tien his Clocks, condilion. Eho escanti sîoi.>' o! lite Lt 8:10 anti 10:80 a. rn. aiterustely...lIev Mn. ever been tlisejuver01g into Nu. i.... '17 h --s ~ ~ jg rd. ta escape vitît lîteir liTes. -~r. Gor. Congregatiôn5~ ChurchAt ~ L ~. ~uîî -- e'uîvss, ils ~o. ~ k ! i 'L 1 iiII~IkL!; ~SPEOTACLES ~o suri' ALL SIGIirs. part bis stock, il in a darnaged salie urelt-Lvery Sun rnanning ne île an Cl i e. atîng .~ î:. 410 pm~ , i 10 eu~e presegît inammoti stock previon, Especiai cudled l'.is Drug store vas Oc' barel>' tirne sud 6:80 p. ju.-. ev. Mn. llalleîghyne stop for general usefuiuea Price 23 ccnîs. N-~ ~ 21' 12 ~ ~ ~ -~ . ino~~. attention to stock -of - tht, lurnates af ~ a tiwelîing, Sites; residsucsO8~~,j, popîmianu>' ilions qulckly on itecomue oieo N0: 4.~.* g, I~; fI~"~Call a ~iu gel barga to - cion's bus il is eshirnateul, viii b. covereti 6:80 p. rn.-.-Rev. M. Giblus. - b>' insunance. »r, McDormoît's St. Arutirsys Citureit...At îî .xu. ana JKSOLVENT ACT 0F lasa AND ________________ ms while You have the chance of so GOLD AND SILV ER IVATCnJES, - and 5 6:30 AMENDIIENTS TIUtlIETO' z. BURNHAM - R. B. B. KEELER Mr. Parnislt's loue lu oui>' partiaui>' Wssieyai Methotilst Chunc-it...Âî 10:30 a. Wittthy, Jan. isI, 1578. Jutige. S,-Tltose who are indebte1j e watch doimug. tiemian îs iiy far Ilie groatesh louer, imav. ______________________________________ 1,Cî,uad,,, ut lite Co~inhy 0f On. cavcristily insuranes. Tîte latter gem- rn. sud roi.±,gîefQ Imi IZonut>' Court Willpleaso immedistel,. perform;inco 11:80 p. .m.'-Rev. Mn.. .Sagujicrsau lite seîtl s ~ r-i. Very cheap.....~ach examineti, proved and timed, aîsd ing only 02.000 hisigrance on a stuc ~ Conuit>' ut Omitai-lo.'> tarlo. 41 volIli ~4,QO0. Nor lu titis ail, as soui~ NEW~DV'ERTJS ME~I¶'S Jo #8oo 8200 in cash Starnacit sud its ticramigernent,, - i 'natter of 8,1 114 Il G. )lltOWN,(Ic~,.. 'T1J I C K ,~ WItiîb>', Oct. 9, 1872. WSITituted ho givo satisfaction. e Tuc~ INOxAN ~VÂa.-San ~Iaucisco Chronlu, Wastlng Dteeases for vi Mouds>', lita Surs v acti Oit 1873, Goldsmitîg'. Hall, Wiîiîby, Dec. 10, 1872' 50 ~S asektu~ apacil cs. Witegg vili salti Court Guide le nov publisheti 20 .LP Juin. î4llt.-în lie battle a! lime comm: the tondis im ertecîl>' digesîsil sud asuimi. jg dt Aet. cente tnt' the >'ssr, four uurnbsrs panies o! lIte 5îiî cavaI> becorees D. tige ~ Lite lite ~ cause of mesteiL21~ rlpSaroxl G. Lrnuejan bmaolie FLO R A L tJ I D E _______________________________________________________________ C v~ich Apache Indians, Dccciii. tissgit'e imapaverieheel Whithv lite cast. attervands N I O N XV A R E R O O M ~ .F' R :E S I-I A.. R FI I V .A~ IL.5 S ~ tu sogué cOgietilguttaus b>' diecues o! lite <formdriv on mors for s capeti. Abi ~, also entier Ivent>' with a fuil stock ot Chrisîmas and seasonable Tuer, near Sali river, ual a varrior <~<,- tateti b>' vaut 0f uouriehnicut Thi, ganer. Jamuuanv, AD. 1571. iaunheenth day Baud rneuey te lite amonut et O~z Dox.m.àa Are suppi1ed anti ai d5pravtey~f hie Bysiemu manifeste ttst'lf SAIIAJI G. 1111011 Lasie). hive cents vorth' exLr>'a-tite ~is iieautitni, viii ail QI vool suitable the sea.on~ hwenty.Eive vomen sut cap. Lmmmtg:' HeartIiver orKuduge>'s sncb in 13~Ycxgwaad & Mt' e, - The 'JANtTARY NUMBER stooketi classes goods t] vue aiso ahluicksd anti tige waggan mas. glexuds1cnnptiamjg af tlue mutin uleens a1~ boue Miilauuuer attarne>' tite Guide rice paitu toi Gootis. iii LO'sV i>RbCl~s. The'ln Dress Guodu Dî.pertmen: tureul. A freiglit of tite ~ gtvtng plane for matin g Rural Harnes, De' - 1er ltiiied, AI Fluas Allas lite Iîîthiaus sud f «tii, spInal vesknsse lrreguiaririus - - -~ sigus for Dinlitg Table Dec t ~~'- CLOT also killeul 'orne vitite insu, anti vers exteiietlug diseit ange,, miçrvous pra~lnîîIian, J ESOLVENT ACT 0F 1809. ., R sexiel>', neuraipit -autel rhsumaîic GardenB &c oua ieneWludav afiervartle ecen agi lite reservatian peine, aIl tif Icli anise tram deprave~ ),~ aring tha ciotiges ut Lime ulurderetl nwtrtîiomi. To invugaruite Ibe Stan s-h s~-i - iC uhîallcr of- ~ ~'s.-Oue hundreti anti 1110e ....-~5 --~~ e, ..7 "~- - A.o , No ,Dhr 0o~ $10,000 Worth of èhieSal idPnyDyGos (better goods cannoct be found in Wiîby> ucb-oda n . Dy ie -od On~as, Wson sa an r1 E W Y E nay es hav a t parties wo can ot attend the A ction & e RAIINS F a mass af HING, RATS A Nfl P A BQ ~ Information iuv~ait~?~j'îe Elixir -et Dr. Wheeler'g ~ ~ ~, luge and a Buperb Cox~o~ ~ '.'tif L3~ -~ ~ ~ LJ ~ xnt'ui. ---e-.--' -- - - Vindieator Baye tint ut meeting et ~ WI~CBtl0fl, 5.1111 the forination0j Ineolveni 19 lIn ~1flt5(1 paper, Borne FIVOII'nndred Engrav. LADIES' & GENTs' FURS IN GREAT VARJETY...VERY (JHRAP INEW IJLTILI>INUs 15 OBIIAWT' Phua~phatee sud h± J} Cn~oi<o COVSR.-.ThO Ft PLATS sud AT' ~Iîe proprietors of lite burrtî A.-1~o greatcfficacv~j rcliability, beùrg anales8 have ijeen appojn~d ~.4a"~' et Outari o German a printed eir Departme~~ jq fuli'- - grouud, lieUt iii ite etYeeîs. Sa by ail n~ aigXlee 111 thie mat: Vi~, RochS~îB~d~eVte eend eut. JAMES CII QTPIIQ'r assorted T te infant or I~ <~f of ~ ~ llnderiigned, lia Hundred 'n English build, as nearly unifarm as possilile. Ilre.tct,.e,* afllX~rompt 5.1111 Pe11na Clairn8etoreme within one rnonth. their anji TboUeand jnet Edition of Two Th ~&1eî1nery G<)ODS 0F THE SEASON. with taie i. - rccently held, it ~ determined to ~ ggis±s. lvdîtors are requeBte~ to ~le 49 P t( E1>e',. ~ERVAKT GIRL TAILOR]Jj~ MILLIPoeRY (~"c,',,.- (~ ft5p* . ___________________________________________ s , Whitby, tîh January, 1 011 King St., tho builainge wiii be <iii Huit V imite p horough 2i03 ROJ3ERT JOHN YARNOLD, WANTED. knowledge ai the ~ 3 " iawewh~ _____ tbreo otaries higli, canstrucîad ofwhjto Uic operations of gavera _____ Assignes. Wanted~~agoed HAVE RECEIVED À OHOICE STOCK ~F brick WitJi stona a'ixaow ~ ~. ItIr. b7 a careful ~,0~1î~~îBon IIId tlUtnitlofland ---~ Servant Girl. Âpplyîo TREY __ to O1~DzR MERCIIANT T&j~ Â~D flftttiral _____ ou Sirucos St., titougli ho passibiy may oar breakfaeî tables witli ~ proper ~~--- * * MRS. c. DRIU'ER to build two stonios eL ed cacoa, Mn. ~,. h~ a - Whitby, Dec. 241h, 1972. 52 GIIRIS TLJL~4 S G R O CE R lE S GENTS' FIJRNISflING IJOUsE, KiDg la ]Jkely kes eei cf~iijcate. 0O ne Bpeedily 115 ~uoseibIe. ~jz1;tte. Jiade etnxply with boiling watei~ or O Each packet te Iabefled-.JAS EPPB & _____________________________ go to a timird. I3uUdiug wiil colîlmerlce Ffld beverage, whleh Bave ~ rivra TAXE S ! TAXE s I la Currant~, Raising, Peels, Teas, ColYee, Sugar, kc &ir' ?BROCK nlay s 'j ~*1 NACIYILLLANS promptly iii tue opring, and be puelîed nîany heayy doctors' ¶lIle."Cjî;I Servj~ - Ce.. llamoeopathic Cherniets, Louclcn ExTa.&0ao~Âî,i LIBIIL ~UIT.-Lon. - M~xui4c1.1415 O? Coca~...-." We wîjî now 712j Clure ST., NLw V which they offer at very 'ow priccs. isii Goveiii. M & Ca., manufacturei.e M O N T R E A L. *~~' WBîTny* don, Jan, lStli.-Tho Turk~ gii'e an account of the proceas adopîed by SQtrABE~ 46 mena tins ~ suit against aîdîdîeîio;~~j;vi'~1 their worke lu tue . Ta~nc, for libol, in publislîîng ccmrnu. Eusîon eXCIu8ivel~ LOWES & POWELL Whitby, Nov. 12t1, 1872. bicatione aiieged ta have been sfgned hold Guide.' LondOn."....Caîteii~, Houe. 53~I3u8îness commis, ion. Whiîby, Dec. 11, 1872. ny the Ttp~klsh Minister in ~jj~gj<»j ~ 12 yeare eX~11ieuce luth e Menîreaî o. b glvea that ell~e~ coutaîniûg untrue statenientr lxi jeter. A VOlts Q"4C1<N A Virtima ~ ducetrade. eturmie prom t, sud hlg~sî DOMJNIoN BAN K, once to tii. hnances o! Lb. Govornmegît .i.i. iudlscruîîou, causiug nervous de marketprices obîaiued. Otisiguors kept erreers muat bu psid forlhwith, NOTICE ~ o! Tnrkey. prexuatuve decay, ke., havlng trtej îub~ Posted as te sale- ut uieîr 50 j * every adverlîsed rernsd., d n &c. îîîfe~~atleraa gonds, prospects W/THOUT Archbislîop Conîioiiy lias Oauaed a ---" ha. 111~eve e an application ~ e, îurnl.ehed 8ECOND CALL n. A te prie WItITDY ÂGE ofroular to b. clietrlbuted lu ail lite ~,. ~ Il SOllt1t~* ai COuS ganieni or the collecter will have ne other ' SÂvÃŽAfto DEPA R T ~ .nfl bis dr.ss tîve but to laite ~ '*"""" TMEN VIGUILOJ'8 0/' Huigh Qulgley, .~<ILLeUSO ~>EULI~ of REEVES, 78 Naseau sî., New York. GEORGE PEItRY, Js. taxes can b. Payrnent of DECE&BED - znan Catlîoilc clitircher, exhorting ail of -Septumber 2nd, 1872. ~ Refertuce Massas. Jxio. Douo~u~~ & Co. 1fr. John Ferguson'e store, Dundas Str.9 NotIce us hereby glven a Savlnp ~uzuusnt le a -.~ 4h. E _______________________________ ujadje aI lb. collecter's office -~ .L..... refrain - N O T ~ ~ R ~ Dec. lPth 1872. C o ilu cto r. Inturest ..i~ et Onu Dollar Plul1~ to hock tos.iluquqr ontlleSabbatb Jautlar7 18, 1878. lyS HENRY HA.NNAM De silIneul ha. been ei>en tu connuction maS. ~sus~ot~0f ______ EW CROOKERY~ 1fr, H. 8. )(oDoaald, M. P., ha~ RTZ&EMEwr 51 sud ~< 51onDeposl ~ ANTI d k Iotroduod a bih b make ACT ()p ~ Notice is hersby giren Ihal pur aunuuj rate 0f four pur ~ mn or about OflIsrh~~~iuiioe is4modlud lb. lu tht, electionti an bettingor NSOLVRNT î'e~. Whllb an Ratlway arn. (ACCOUNrS sud w1theutP<,,~nc>licu nigch crime lias baen corn. ÃŽle nexî BS authnrlziu~ the wholu or~'~ cen withdraw ulîhux 4h. 18 J - wii be niade ta the Parliarneut ~ T~ pertofîb.ÃŽ2d.»,.,~ aI .eny lime Mo~~ z. mitted deslre to Bave bots. - - Im f/ic malter of CAMPBELL BAR- .BRANcHu et ~ EPABTMRNT ON CBOWKL~S GLASS ~A R E GuUforul Oosiov and Mr. Wlîaiey. wlîo Insolvent tho tenmainueoitheirrod aI r adjicent te - Tesomero, lOth Dec., 1875* Spuclel rates et luteres w~ on de. lfOlIO?5 fox' us l>JIiy tô COiletruet piers aud dncks in the t 5110-' Wîîuî~ ~ ~j -Tii. tva bomber. ot Parlioniemil, Mn. .111E .t HUGH WILSON ~BArutIE, waters of LaIte Outaila, at a POuls, wlth notice of withufr~~,g. deceseeuj, ~ psibliely accuseti Lite Auorney.d.ner11j - ~ Datati lSth Jauuary~ 1878. ~. B. TAYLOR, ~ ~ Port Whltby. %ulslins5 X & X W. .1jie~lvent. have rnade an flsexgmt. MCDOUGALRNGLISH&MDOU ,~, Rature csf lb. of coirnpîracy, have uaah heu n mulcted ?U~nt et their Estace -te me, anti 112e Saliciters for Lu a.penalty of.flO<u. - Crailler8 are netilleel te rn~et et their piace Applicants Notice le lmeruby given, timat lb. uusoM they viii It. _ ________ xx~ A, poe~ hi Pitteburgh îî~s 'exiL to a et business lu the Vllla«ea~ lirougliant ~ ________________________________ , Jen. ~ '~'- thefr aountq, snL4h. _________ L~E _________ 2 amy) bell ~ __ ____________________________ orin dufasmi~ r, o? Februa i ,sud suit. REIPER. L lite Tavnshlp th~ O SHERP I Tb,~,,, ~ooal paper a poem lu whialî lie allrmtlee .Lro»d«1, 1h,, lOt/a 4ij, 1872. Came suto tht, premises of t cash, Eh. Gunersi Cauts les. OI$lmesala Su tho 1.1'o'a'nehip r enlnjg~ 0f - anunderp o~n -~ ~â oac~ ~.j'vvv8 $0 ch-e 4ev as 'lite perspiruxtion o! 1h. statemueut et their BRai afturuaoe, te recel eti, lot I 71h cou lie uudersign. dollar i'er ser, ~ are- fer sale D1strl'ct'~ 0f Blalte, In TEÀw ~ 4h. nu. Bo«Ie. 'B, anti te apPoint IlIO0n, - - AI tva o'elock inîhe su Nevember ha Pinlcenlng,. a __ ~ o~~" lat 14, Tth cen. PV~ on or ve t, a red and wht Apullca~jo~. 10 ~ ekerlug ~lm.e ~ 1!ra~ ix' M4K1LLÂ~-A fie occurreti Aeslgueu. lng three YEa lsrequusle5 1h. '~ ~> ~o b. naad ~t ~fasillla ou T~estiay - evcniug o! Je.sî JAMZs HOLDEN 10 prove ~ olti. Ehe owner~ ~ - rovn Lanis," To. bl~T1~sx~ ~ animai avey. sud laite 1h. ~ Comrnlsste~ * 10 lsI 0f Decumnluer lest, fo'.~w vblte sud on. ~ vcJo~ fmi oei 'j,,~ , __ __ le cily, psy charges, P~7 anS Ibemmi ave,. DataS we,1i5 4o4ro~'liig Opene'. Bak. lsetory Inturlin .4ss~gnu.. S1<ÇEI~, (SIgnai,> ~. w. sco~~~' . efDecemg~g~ _ _ fox' - 1~ ~ - URL&H 4 us1B. ~ uI~ R R Lt A se nI, t>o~..~àia, 'o~ iéteip~of hie e-' "Fin "PrIt boaxT gflt. Aie liane -sud" playet I2mî SIre lit vc Novuli Balisés borts'! Pleces, Clomplu Pieuse, luxe 10 iii- ban local 4 5; Rat elslobm ~hunai [elodies taxi Vol Bleuit, imetrsk Iustrstl îrth of 70, 1571 L. PBI TO ienlei~ mateS ~ 'lb,,» >1815 'r ca od d a om os ni h hie j TO THELDIES. Dear Ladies, i yen suddcargto -- a ssiun ae d Aîî~j~is irmire tiat iie u r e. My> e~ of Nelry 1 i hide ket s, To rvhtoemI Rinc~ tin Tu AS nY L Oy Set las ,- 'B E ½ y t - MES. .RANCI'tS. 0 COTRACOR'SBET ONAT contrct on t e fon nla> ddresse the commv Tudiss oTdrscl et abot 78tuiles- N.2 ou eTio,1 1 Oîtsu'a, Nov. 301h, 1872. f - 112 ~ ~"'S5pareleTeaiî~ will !io llqnire~ 1,2 cutiS. .euu~ af Outsri~ Cer,îe~' I~51225, ii~ O CeunI>' et VlCL.~jyalten.and ttv for jutilcial sud muni as a itsv cijial purpuse, illage o! Ouillas ta lie lite uo~>' titisîn' o.2, 1872. ~lu IJSIÇ BÃ"Ã"KS S JiOLJDè~y 7~~rq~ -:0:-- e

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