Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jan 1873, p. 3

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MOI woa1>11 obt.yérM'aer uiltv'. sentence o f a ol E) la1l omeaao~o swas paisea.-LderpôolMesitr, the bordeforuail tin t. bÇsco .. 9 wudneyer have retunedto Manito. - '.-' ba again ; the. whol. force of Engiandss_ 'A teern ri odn-tii emtpire wonld bave b..» sét in motion .n ht.e t foz i Lotndon thisi. le bhave bromgl ikbh JOlm oi 'ean4dU' »4etfJmua n eatlonayouthe 61 avenge tho blood of the. lin. lun te wich ldàde -tLo ,th ., nle sa * ey of tih. British Contitutioni the would beàO ieuce te EngJa u b bod of the. huniblest l3ritOn in .quAl Australis, and urges as a means to the. biood cf t1ue monarch who site resitoring the. equiiibrium n lutii eV en th. thrÇe, and the. rclat14ne cOf the. Of snob branser f c er4itorytalc deccased tlcott have a rigiit to dernand pIÈ.te, ile A a io itei 18 that th. biood of thir t~ on shjali- bc le Austma. ' utoued for bY the. miecreant Riel. Lîke- .Cal» of old,lie-walkslime esrth tu'fiar The. sharebolders Offlthe En. relur and tremillin ;- ho kuows too W l m have determined toros. another- b soubuit tte e tried by a competent AantVnebl he tribunal,, aud lheknows full wel if hle, a a 1 were trled and convioted lie woula b. i.e.meo eoen h iiung, or ltme people of iie Domnijon oci iéeeu euffring boni a, peinful disord Canada would know tlii.rèsfon why. bas bied un operation peijommced, Wh The. only way Riel will over rpecb: t . in reported b ,have been succes8e kingdom .of Heaven la by thé. bang. His esty's condition je favorable iman's noose, Dot by auan ntey. racovery. ON9TABJO TzAouzmi'AssocUToN- Count Von Beust, Austrian Minig At emeetng e IneBoar of ireo ofo Foreign Affaire ut t hoe tinje oft At!a Meetng te T aers'Aof ciaetion outbreak o!- thée ate war betwe lieid in Toronto on Friday, th. foflow- Friaanc m pruilias rpr oznied log nesoinion was unauimnuly adopt. - h miie urpytet. ed': "Tuat it is tlic empiiatliic opinion deGamot tatements, explaini o! ls Ilard intmastrs fr0li. p o position o! Austria et the period Ofcted NBoarm tal Sboos esothl ose*cferred, to. ed frozim thosp- empioyed in the teaohing A Chicago paper tries ta nmnke s snd iu hi îepectîig of thie Public ant i cues popler, and -respectable, 'byi Higli Sehobo of the. Province, sud that] cordirig tiient under the lied of *pE a coimitlee be appoilited tu take sucit sonal." .Uper1i% mav bc ticemeti necessary to Ti.br o!-rMenDou t h al view."t Queeville, wWÈentered on Saturdi ]ILLmtmus.-New York, JAu. 2.-A imiiilest n ol b.eso n billiardl gaine for ithiettuonti eue andieoln tii.chempionsiiip of' Amreica, botween The Bitisi Governmeuî have no ai Maurice DaIy and Cyrille Dion, lotii îiety aboutthie North Polo. The ilu of New York, for 1,600 points on afour. tation o tii. Royal Geographical Soci p okiet table, Look place thu . eveuing. (y to pey the cost o! the. proposei expg Ou the. 7lst, inuings, wliou flic string tÃŽtion (o Ithe Arctic regions is. decline slîoweti Dion 1406, and Daly 1490, the. withhthanke. ganie was egîleti by the. referec ou ac- TwO freight trains collideti on th count of a miietake in file- count, and Great Western Reilway a mile westc ail bots declarecg, .Tii. gaine iill be Paris laet Monday evening. Boîl en playd a weok fron tlo-nigimt, gie eedmgti u i.ra FIeNT IVITE ApAas.-San Francis. ttiockaded dueiuig tii. whole nigi cc, Jan S. -Tho tnoope operaîing Nobody wae huit. againet tiie Apaches, near Camp Verde, PaESIbENT GRANT AND CUBA.-NeV hekviiîg retumneti. Lieut. Price, cont. York, Jeu. 7.- A New York Londti manding a detaclînent Of cavalry, êpeciai states liaI it le reported then 'fouglît the Apaches twice, killed 18i that Prouildent Grant lied notifloi e4 warrlors, anti cptureù several wonmen Spain thiat elie muet concinde peai andt heir chlie.C pI.?ice's coin. widthe i Cubaus Ontti. basis of Ih( menti captimneti il prisonors, rnostly itboiion of slavery, or else sei CuL womeu. Tiie aller expedition .destroy- 10 Ithe United States. cd several camps. Gen. Crook bas -anT he.oiotta oghre a entreentremoutefoce n he iedbroken ont almost simultancousî anti they.are suoving in every tisece.iong the wiiole of the. sonth.eastern tions against tii. Iutiins. Capt. fEan. lope of the. Rocky Mountainse, lieomail del lias lied. several engagements, kil.- communication wîth New Mexico le in lng 25 warriore. coneequence suspentied. A Virginian lias a- coutrivtince witli Happy Napance i Wood is pleutiful whiclî h. proproses fo meit snow andti here ah $2 e cord. ice on railroade by, means of au intense - flanto as thme train nons. B 1 RT H S. A - uost IieartleEss and tastartily de. Terlion of a, bride by lier bss entI reporlet frein Halifax. Confiding iu lbe., honon of - thi.e ceop, the ~ ugwomen loft Halifax , for lbe rni ed Sah.,, anti - upon reachitee -'-station ahtlPortlandî, tho wrelch deserted JONES.-At Weeten. ou Sthit meC the wife of Mn. C. A. Joues, flarrieher, formeriy oet his tewu, o! a tiasglîten. DEHAIIT.-At Beach Grove, WViotby, on 28tis Decemnber, lise wife of Mr. Etiwins DeHart o! e taugliter. S---.------- NEW ADVEP-TI B XENTS., 'c îaud. 0OMI NION BANX, n utIe WHXTT ENOT, î f AVINOS DLfPARf-TME-NTj-, ment -- kig étice le hereb)y given that a Savinp e cil snde D~erbment bas been cpened iu connection iW aihti gency. Iuterest pald on Dep'osits ao!'One »ollar . mad ni uPwar.s, at the rate ofl our per cent. mc suit Per_£nnum. -sec ions 9aDepositore can wlthdra lhrti Whole1.or par of their dep sits gt mny tintecIl and ut proilue-bl , pia bai Seilrates Of interest ailowved on de. dopIlte, hth ice. ofwithdrewal c lich Ë . 2B. TAYLOIR Ci sful.Agent, Whltby. Ma le t htbo Ju 7, 1873. 2 B ASENSTAR LODGE NO; 72. enc reen 1 0. 0. F. Ra DUC 1 noge,wnnDe iieidon iOlg Tueday next, the l4th j AT EALP-PAST SEVEN, iP. m.$ n.whon 1h ofliecersfOr le eneung her ro- be insoslled. AtIthe sanie litoe e 'er- Pl asingcerCo nnYvl tae.place. JOHN HILLI et Roc. Seez Lay E. S., Wh ;Jen. 8, 1878. an a.C ARD O0, THANRS. ýi. l'o the Elcctorsa fithe lTownship of Pl e.GENTLEME-N: Pieu.e accept my waj thsaîsk for thse iearty support sudj dente s0 freeiy given et th.eiectic lie Miouday laI, wiich resultediun my ne. O! ticn s eDeputy Reeve. Iar, gentlemen, your-humihieservant, l. Pickering, J e. 7h, 187.S. K R ,THE ANNUAL mEETING O F THE WiOITBY AND EAST WHITI ce UiNION AGKIC'LTURAL SOCIE je Will b.held aet h. Globe Helel, ]Broo] ut 2, P. M., 0ou TUESDAY, THE l4th MN [y P. S-Tie- premeul efficers and audi .n are requested te meet ah il, ar.. i JOHN WILL] n Secet WiVitby, Jau. 7, 1873. S RA SHEEF I Came iit thie promises cf tie subscri lot 14, 7tii cou. Pickering, ou or about Ist of Decemiser last, four white aud F.black sieep. r Te owuser la requeted te prove prope: pay expensqo and t&ke hem away. JOSEP'H PIL1tE- Pi'ko'r.g, Jans. 7, 1873. . ber, -carryîng awy te suxu of $800 o! MAIIRIED. IA NN 3A L S O IRE E liter money. -MePHEIISON - CLARRE£. - At O .Toronto will, witlîouht ouuit, be well- Whiiiy, ounit January, by lloyd. M1r. St, Andrews- Church, Whitm a pliod ere long witlî plac-es o!fiamuse- Fraser, Mn. Alexander McPbcrson ltu-, nlint. 1h ins uutostooti thal a Comn- Elizaeth, eldest ilaugliter o! Mr. F. Tic abovo Soirce will tae place ou pany proposes building a new Ilîcatre Clarke, ail o! WhiLby. un tiie nonth site o! King Street, cash I D Ii du o! Thomas' Enéflish chop lions.. It DIED Veîid3 v'î, 5hJna aIs eu Idtatthie Holunn Trstupe will LOUDEN.- At Poth Wtby, on c il esrc u i aeu hav a hütreeretedforthir wn undyDec. 22ue1, of iqjnnies receivciet tiste ehurcis ui listitpast six. havea Iicisre rcoIti or hîci owuSuueyAsidresses ani ounss-lL e given ilu i upe uext summer; whie a building for eus lie Grand Trunk R. R., Davidi clurcjli et ciglut ssclock. Varieties is ueariy comupicîti et- the Loutiex, stepson of Mn.ý John Wiilis, 11ev.hMr. llcIlonel- (Torouto), lev' rean o! tho Tenrapin. Harry Xintiiey' ageti 22 ycars. Cat-eieitaei anti Fraser; Mr. T. N. Gis Bnuitnis neitioned in conueccion wihiM..,an otite,. iili speikeon lie occasisi thslte slsc.---- - Tckts25cents, ct cg ti.thedoor SimeMenrea meice shtiesîs WHITBY MA4RKETS. fhits, Jan._8, 1873. letriy stole e corps. from nto o ie CUROlNICLE OFFiW, Jeu. 85h, 1873. A C A It D. profests(io, cuit solliusg 1 ho another FulWieat ...........Si 2o $1 80- - Institution, hati a jeliy druuk On ltie Sprtig Wlseat ........ l12 $1 156 'i proccetis.. Berley ................5e iâ o60e78 A Kansas Ilree-ye-ani elol idlaîely Peas---------------..63 L 6e In Oc l rctuiixsg lissnks for tise kiîsd patron feilintmba e Wll incthyfeet odeep anti Rye---------------..... . i c ge I ihave ct;oyedin luWititisy duriuig th ter a oremaimîiorg lwenty-four liours was Oats ................ 35 e 37J t'tst cigi ctrI i-oulti i.g te assure mn take outalie. HY ............... $Irît7ntS.4sunaeushomesotisat 1 ssi!use eve: 6]tk4 n aic PHa..s............... so 17 effort ile Ifuture fo relîn thie faverai -%faemma," sait a little girl whecn eelees.......0 retuthieofm fry place of butsiness. dslvored ber Canuaries. asleep, -lThe Apples, per ianci-.....$ 2 111h au expesience of iiearly tiwenîy.tws binls lhave swallowel hem hCatie,' Eggs ................ 18e @ 20e yeesrs as -a Cterniltatntt DruggiKt, sud ha' Tii.Clîcag "prk crne" i reort-Buter............17 ~ 0c ng everv faiity ho pursîtase favoraily il hehoiae "pkcore" sont. o tiBuCier..................l' 7c,@ 20o laitue an fsreîgn xmarkea ucibuyiug oi1 od t hav "criicreil soe oftheCheee .............. Ie cni5c thie bes snd p'urest tuie.eaLer, I hope it -Monmtral citizetg pro'Ity 'latly. Ore. fiee!, ild quarter.... j5 @i $7 lue ablie ho satlsty in every resîpect tiose wlc »arty is said ho have "buruliisifingcrs" fieel, for, quarter....h iesa@$e5 nisy aver mewstiCitheir orecrs. -' tetn f$800 Pr nasi-Prpr w ......817 Adiserixsg as eilosL-iy as pobsiblc te tisele. y holb. uneo! 811,00. ork e aslip Pek, P, cw........$1 71 $~ gitisuate deug butsinss, amndigisiug tus ni per-îy ,cotrnîiitiyho tirai ivihli ah auy Ciickens ............... 25 Ca Rie pe rpair. 1olae persootai attentionî, physiciens sud siop, butl tue'Lpecmlatt)rs; alintcdjo sp. Ducke per pr............. 5c familles susy rùly tîjustithei acouracy and pear tb have exercisoilese Ihan Zrtin- Turkeys, por l....... 7 j, 10e tîitly o! esery pt.-usiat-ttiott I send eut. Tb kxl.ing iqs fri-lous agutir, aud iwislslu ary fonesiglît, andt tken ospecial pains Ceai, Per ton..........7 5 8 cati saud ail a aîsisy New Year, shat he liwîole schienie siotulti nesemible Wood ..............840@65&, thi favorite brauti-print ess. - .1 $ 45 R$-Irman & - -- . ~.JAMES DYRNE. W. tian't liotti iviliD rwiusism Storneci anditis tereugenienîs are Hedlical Hall, Droclo St., Wliitby. lun2 Yoare not - reiatciho lite 'cultuls, thie cemmon ceuse cf' mest of the -___ Seo lbere. Auiotg binds the lieus is Chronte Wasliug Diseaes for wici ittvel' r ENIDERS FORZ WOOD. aiwayslte elowly, quietly, féatierci lis are eeuttautiy eekiug apecifics. Wie r - nnl.lo ugcrestture, *liile the ~ti a food Je pfectly digested ant ii.3 rt humbl-lookngaed te bcîuecones impssverisitrd, sud cock (pecock anti pheaseust, for lu- ail tis.-orgaus and tissues o! tise bodiy ciebliiu- stance) blaeos ont lu aplenîsour. While tated byvel!n e 1ùuisi ment. Thitageuer. '1mIjag ounlVes-but yoo peroive thé aI depravily o! ths systeus naiifestm itrîf argment.n oine constitution, by diseuse o! tic arguent.Lunng Heurt, Liver or iineys, andtinl COURT HOUSE AND GAOL A gentlemaen says : Going le Cape otheri by Scrotaoes elergernieut e!lie Maythie other tley, 1 saw e young oman glande, eroptlone o! the ekin, ulcers o! bon, Point o! Tender eau bectsitaiued from thie leaung vsl lb nahin, o theuppr sd fcei, simil weaknes,, irregtsiarlties, Ceuîy Clerk, upen epîtlic-ttiou, up le lie - - teck, - ant e wllionieabvo l enpe - eiuutu ocirenervetis prostrationl, StDAY OF' JANUAIIY, 1873. doc, ad ithcosiçerblevilene mtal1uxity, neurelqie' and nieuniatie -givinglto lie winle anti seaoaltie cou- painîs, ail e! wiicharse frsnsîelmaved H . J. MACDONELL, tlnts -cf! bis stouiaci. Jusmelit tuls- nutrition. Te iorae heSo - adC. C.0. - cm! uëAfhi. Seat ffi'ils, walkc pe1ecedigestion, sud tise tnai !Couney leekrOffice, - junchre eue ocia - Cau1' Ji13od Dr. Vieeler's .C.iomuiOtlt,17. ---ing bniskly h asked in a patronizing E oir f Phosph~ates sud CeUls a -a1l o! _0y =annen, Y ick sir ?' 'Yen tion't liixik geat efficacy anti reliaiity, iesi artuiess 'm doing tli fçr fetu, do yoii "dstin tfE 8 gr .o efa~'i'i sona nu ut or adult, and erpt sud permu - ERVANT GIRL WANTED. il Po , ngna"di asby al Druýgst8. h. o6jilt recoven hie breati. - %V anted-a geed Servant Girl. Apply te iLARElNT ON ýWîEET.-Nowmarket, (fol .nd VC-îting- oig. -«' y a thorougi MES. C. DRAPER. ---Jan.' .-Jouies anti Joh lt'Rddle, wiio knowledge of the natureiliaws whlici goveru Wlslhby, Dcc. 24tb, 18972. 52 liv d on a rentod fari» in East lie operattons o! digestion andunutritiou,and Gwllllsburyw.re ~ je osvfuMaplicaient ite fiue preper 'T F H IIINCUT ,sîisbry ere ai to-dy son c! wl.selecled coceoMr. Epps bas a char-g.e of senfng fori i40 leo 0 busi- provided oua- breakfast tabla'wiha eleae el' of *w)at front -tii. barnof George lydelvorsi bevçra es--iwhici xuay ae- usII and Joep1i Willjsuýearly Ibhis zmorui- nany heavy, dotra' biUil1."-Civl er'vej- lt ing Ticywae rouli u fo pe-Gazette. Maetntply ssith bolngwteror COU NTY 0F -ONTARIO, io~. Ta.y 'ere bougli up fr pro Esti pa cetilelabelled-JàsEi, e nto.aybeor. omopathoie ndstsLondon --_ FOR THIE TEAR 1873. an -woe oarit tia.Theé 'cean accunuloe!thie proce,, aoptd o prisnloers were seonthe,. Toeoojail Mesrs. James Epps & Co., manufacturers-------11 thisevefugin aro f J of ietticarticles, uet heir works u int cousteble -lihlfcGuoide. 40 ~sm . T ' wls vacu l FNg, u ar o Jiark Bogant, Eeoneti ene."Ceoî'eHuq 1 CîcatuoQiomçu~Mskhn P Jn. I>Y<U-HAVE--BEEN AN INVALID 2t î 2nd,-Tbie beaittiful brick fireebyteniati, I for reare vili sot. Chirue Se2u , l 7 r i i ~ : Qburb va opeet hut-oonliug. liseaue of lie Longs, Hert, Liver or Kid. ::t.* Is i 9 s12, 1$ Ii teatenn ad ohewhlîsndi thle NIl'îî endS),, 171 et1' lim aeenoo a eie. ash~l l l .s eye, yenneed net fdaller ycusl ito' f4" u>17fi,,i1 7 lnalemntt satde o!tic -vallorhh de isg oen tewn donmatetnio . Do1 attiahsce w 1as veny large ; $ 750 was -not talle every nostruin yon reeti about, ner Z. BURNHAM, realizetl. -1 -folivthie advice ci eveny frieid Who bas a Jndgo. , ThJl=40uTimo, , u0omteîig pecate o feýyen.- Procu, eremsdy, Wlnlby, Jan.-lot, 1878. ensimthe ea of His mss etiug ,sienfca e, ad le terg ut i Kanwhaai,O imeisecthe blief that uence b f sensible people in 5laenu'ts el ei-D PA NT 0F CRýOWN LANDS. the Sandwich Island ibs-el eviiîUally b]i fandl persevero in îîoseanilthe~ -al uintluo -lhe bausuiof !the. Anericene. -i essemudrgoea rdclipoe (ACCOUNVTS MLNCH.) *%e learn froct Newseoneket that Mrý BER'S-COMPOUND ' -B , R , PROS5- Toesoz;To, 191h Dec., 1872. J. Wurdr, ~oflat tnwn a. êltthrAp finePHATER Am , PTTiVÀ.- - insola a 1th. Young ma~ n, wooltsece, -pui ,store-keeper, or any oui elss-who Pto u1a elub â iii6.iolit2Oci crs10 au#i5~7,00 and g. Ppa r ru.. W h eei. seéids,25:,zm mes Jear, iadeta paperfree. Thes )I *i o, O nf h 0P A T IN T O U SC iW N K i Cs NOW Its18Plenthas wé cauroot =MI i i py1 ' "A a FÂ oarrE" te every person i 04ches onie, l-every hweu ty,'a&lido*4 ; e a c4 h o ne w h o re c e lv e s i c a ûe s d l ' i c x. m, a n dl, w il e ,e r v * g a 0o ç c a u e .ccnragiug Caimedlau"tiTutmi5 suey a nterprise, EAim, o>iET1cr hiselL sel boul ifat oncke; see jail yon1r fl nd sie tient sibséribie. Do- i NOW, belcit Canadas for f lie Oanadian,-whethî mntblrtL or adoption. tel nus help eech 0 r=, rr" e Fjenuine Cangiin eter Canadienmluts conception, ils pau nWin executin,-written, edited, printe & b A fu ty pe. A9GIVE TT VOI111 StTlPOI IP, Addreass: GEO. E. DESEARAT ::L'Opinion Publi~u, _ "LBlndard. Nef:enal," * NO. 1, Pmace d'Armes Hill, sud 811t 819, 'c e . St. A utoin e Street, M o- t,T 27 M o2NI d ical H a ll, l itb y , D ec. 18 72 . 7- j » 1 - W EALTH AND) HEALTH IN ' rm est- con WIOOO BL SCREW WIRE N O W 15 Y O U Eý1 13e0o BOTS AND SHOES. WIliI îot lèàk. and last twice aS long TO BUY 'YOUR F'ALL AN>ý'WINTBR )WN. N OTICE 1 BootsadShe THE ANNUAL XEETING OP THE COUNTYa n d S h AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Jteeie 0bDOnnoBotnS~Sorate Ely Hall, Whitby, ou mî'ndouîs large stock ofl Feu and Wit~er Boots and Shoe, cf' every >kal, Wednesday, January 1 51h, i 73,ý desciiptioni. COMpiising Eusglish, Amnican, and Canadiaur manufacture. At2o'lock na.fortepuroseoelecing As Mr. R.13 B B. Keeiier intende rST Ofc r an Li: î reco gf rt e cu rrut year, M Q I ç O I L y - . . - d her business O im portance.T lir te' Thse Officeresud Directors wili l Ab i. ie ' ethi 1obouHoe, iuby alOoclock, ouetmnth, h. will sell ail kinds Of Boots snd Shoes eS . M. et pinix Cost, jus ordcr 10 rednce hie present mamooth stock previous tr.GEORGE ROBSON, to le ig - Whitby, Dec. 30h, 1872. terea'. &Ca1I anld get bargains wbile you have the chance of 80 îeNO0TI1C E. - iug R. B. B. -KZELER th Application wilI h. made 10 lb. Legilia P ,The h rc indebt i l.plese tle inmèciately oeturc of Ontario et tise uext session of Par . S-hs h Miii nfoiacase imttothechrte o Y lity te Port Whilby and Port Perry Railway 97ity Oct. 9, 1872. 4 rtCompauy, and the several Acte ameuding,- tieesvine, for-e purpos of anthoriing the - Y. said Compauy te extend their Railway te i, Setpoin nt ou tise Georgiau Bay,sufo exteugthe time ferthie coummeucement and comuplelmon e! lie proposed breucis te Lindsay and Fenelon Falls, and t give, the D OM IN 1ON W A R'EIRO O M S comPeuy power t ul ndcnt tpl6fs o r d o c k , t P o r t W h iùtb y , o n L a k e O n ta rio , t p e u it lb U î S O C o f ' u r t i a s n e a n a e or in thse waters thereof. Are s "p'd i' a'ull- t î* f Crti i ndCesale b.J. MAýRSH, Goods, at LOW I>RICES. Thutir Drees Guode Depainîment is weil - Seretry Trasuer. stocked wtith ai lsseâ et ivool goode suitable for the seamon.- lent TON0'HI]Y CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, tie LADIES' & GENTS' FIJRS,-[N GREAT VARIETY-VERY CHRAP. )bg T E N D E R S Their Millinery Department is flly assortedi with "the u.Wîli b., reccired np te 12 e'ciock, nocu, on CHOICEST GOOL?$ 01F TEUE SEASON. Monday, l3th danuary, 1873, Té ILORINQ, MILLINERY& DRE18S-KAKING to OICD.SR Attise office cf tise Town Cierk, Whitby, for tise deiivery of 80,000 feet of linmber, as fol. lews:-Ii inch plank, 12 feet long, frai 8to TIIEY HAVE IIECEIVED A CHOICE STOCK OF 12 iucises sie; 4x4 scautling, 12 feet long; and 33inch piauk; ailgoci userchentaisie j1 )jcm7~,o (P~I1L~>T linier for ssde-weuios, and be t1eivered et CHR .ISTMAS., IPI0.LI. i> F n.- tise Town Hail, Wiitby. Haltleofcacis ou orN ihe isefore tise latf April, and tise baleucecun ny or before thie lut of Jue, 1873. In Ctirraîits, Rai.sins, Peels, Teas, Coffèe, Sugmin, &c., XA ry AISe 50 col-de of Stone. >B re.whieh they offer at ver>' Iow pries. i woJ. 1B. POWELL, LCcC Chairuan Street snd - - & POWELL. lyImproveinent Committee. Whitihy, Dec. 11, 1872. 50 eo Wlsltiy, Dec. 10, 1872. 0 TA XES! TAXES ! -* - 'y 0 F qT- ish rb ie th t a l, taxesE 1- qO O 8 WiTHOUT A SECOND CALL, or tise collecter will have no eliser alterna.- . 'A. T live buItoehake proceedings. Payxnt of taxes enu be Mae].ah le collecton's offce i ' M.JchnFlerguson's store, Dtun4s es fret S' 5- TI~ 1 r HEREY' HANNAM -P .:? I ~ l~i . 3 Ceflector. 3 Whitby, Dec. 17th 1872. 5 CHACEY OTCE - MERCdANT TAILORDIG AND Crdjtomf THugh Qigley,GNTS FÏ NIHN HOJE> IlECEASE]). - - --- -MoMILL-N'S BLO(Ç.K, BROOK--ST., WHITBY. Pursueut ho a decree cf the Court o! Chencery, made iu a causé f Helrtricio again t Quig ey, he cr d to o o! R gi v n tby , N ov . 2 th , 1 52. 4 6 Quigley, laIe of lie Towushlpof'Plcioering - iu lie CouuhyO! Onteario, fermer, wio died in or about ils. uouli of April, 1860, are, on or iseford tie i5th DAY C-F JANUARY, 1873, ho seud by posh,ypre-paid, to Messrs. Mowet. i4acenita and Dowaey, 0f the Ci~ of Toronto, the, Solicitors ferthie plaint;iz W illiam artrick, A dm inis rat r f - li h.P I A L E Y eddresses and description, thie fnll partira. lare o! their daimis, a statenteut cf themr accOuntsrý-adhe netuire..o! tlie, secunities ,.-. - - (if aay)'ield by them ,'ar 1n-default tiereof tiey wiil b. peremptorily excluded front the beuefl cf lie said dcree. Bvery creditor olngeyccurily il e licete sanie - BE b1e ' ;J e fel Mec n e r ig e f M a s te r i n C r du . for ruqr wîîp <our oelaùI eu$tou Jan 8, 1873. C'l S 1 CAL N T ICE. ~TI4E N$uIO HALL do -Tb':ýattention ofý housekeepers îq' dîrn'«ëd to, the, stock, i g.now have df ;1 id ýEPS YOflhlSHh1R'S'BONIP i! EPPS' COCOA AND Ayg. sBMA, 'f ELÂC'r O IrGTAM FOR EES GEATNE & SIfGROASSFO ELI KÉN OLEAL GROAN]IXTS,-Rf~D,~' O KEE' D.OUBLE SUPR MSADSICS PU13KING OIND MR AD PURE Icg, --Eà An lthraricles>ofWDaiyeR nD PUECrE a5g.fJýÀRT-Aof h acnfd t -erratic e o duie se neeyf.i~-lo h ber by, other, Pvolt. Cen. mdian su. ME : ~ Pl pDORT WHIT13y AM]) P'ORTPEREY- ýneW JJ RAIWAy COMPANY. Notice i r e býy Ien tliaIthe ~ quirs General Meeting e! tie SiareboIdera o! Iii Port Wihitby ýanîl Pcrt Penny RaLlfwey Cejn. A. peny wiIlbe liel -ti aI li. Cepeny'qpeeflin -tieTosci MWiltby, oun RN~DX TRE -TWENTYSECO1qD DA OP- AYAD.1878, aIto'Én o a.ck n, - eeretan deTresurer. hotograpliGler,6 ee~liln i ceh h e hp s fitted u i h a l t e 1 fr t u an i 4nprf)Ivd ppa 'atus-,ýfor t king p c u provem e n ed dimentions. i~ from life4izetoij ctue~ ~ili~gd &accra~y cop g 1JAND SOr:94 M -<4N .C8E ~iens hcùr oé ~ otP. mN~o business lad NEW -VALENTIA RAISINS$, OULY NEW LAYER RAISINS, . ONLY LONDON LAYER RAISINS, ONLY NEW'CURRANTS, O&LY îOl1bs GOOD'BRIGHT STJGAR,- TEA FILOM 20 CENTS, PER POUJND YTESONLY- 40 CENTS 'V $SLYVER AI PAR we 1 advertised a week since that I wôuld taîke American sîlver at par, and. allow four per cent pre- ,mmm- for bis.-- Some, parties havihg thought proper to f udsely, state to customers of mine that if I- took Amer- - î - su ver a 1 woiild charge a Iîigher p nice form gos 1 just men 'tion- the price of a few of the'leading.articIes-nâed at this season of the year-so that- ictending, purchasers can com- pare them. with wbat, the>' have been paying- for chose - goods, elsewhere. EVER Y ARTICLE, WARRANTED GOOD, I A N Wr Cheaper than aniy other house i - the trade 1.11 Whît«by..ý quesh.d te prcsa pperty, lad - pay -ep-. ses. -GEORGE OGILVIE. Whitby. Dec. ll1h., 1872. 1i,8 WSTERN ASSURA&NCE COMPANYX HEAD OPvréS, TOEOISTO.' CAPITAL 8STOCK, - Sooo AGENT 15 OV oTE ctslAZO, .TO8EPH BHOLMAIf, BBROOKLXZ4 ONT. 'Alo Agent fomr the. CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAIx INURANC.T COMPAXY, -Head OffiCe,RAVIT TN; sud (IITIZENS' INSURMiCE COMP'Y, -Montreal, Pire, Li! e sud Iuarantee CIIEQUERED 1STORE, BROOK STRtEET. Whitby, Dec. 18, 1872. JO HN:*S KIN N N O0 T I CE laher.by. giventtual applicati oyl b. P A RalttCe aiv atheexîofsimting ad hieLeigaltv E R , the " Ontario-StSk msdSù âmC, 291h November, I872. - Oit SKINNERj'8. W0'oda-ét adWod uto h Poney Goodu et (7ost Pria., Overcoatinge atI et seamons Cest Price, Nice 'sVsrm Shawls at Cneçt, Suite -nt the actUel Cost i-rice,' New Ja(kcetsai Cosiý Price, Shirts and Drawers et t he Coat. Price, AIli d rem-sgoode below cost price; Faiîey Flasn-l .,hint aithe' cot pnice, vweede et cost pric.- ~ Scarlet «nd White Flaenucle nt cost, 'oetiugs nt cost price, Everything et coitprice. 'lis is the last sale we shall have in Whitby. We corn- mKeour Ptu blic Anction inua fewv weckm, andti 1 niake rootu for the grand final rush, c--'REAT BAR;.AINS WILL 17. JOHN--IN W Vlihby, December istu, 18E7 FEE2.W* S IN E - - Dear pE t, -wi ..d t th, - -teLgoloOOO Is therebygiften 'liaIapplEctenion Rad-b Maï ie Prvice f utam'nlo or amudmut-- da, l Acter l enrpeEtnio al vayCanspa,utho.,ln dosr2. ig19 JOHN XEITH. Dec. bti, 1879, «49 An Imens -Stck o Y-noskDEouteNWT 12 -num AND GLASSWARE. (x teXXX ,ALE in Botti..e Dow's Superior ]3ottled Ale. y R. FRÀNCT~. OH RISMASFN DNEWY GEAR k W PRESENTS .Il 1-OIA so to cail the attention" 'of his friends 'ery ee"nsve stock b. n ow holdi, comiprhsing scitable for prescuts sand presenu W'GôId and Silver Chain, 0Coloreé iGem and Wedding RingsPencil -Csam, s-&c, -the ouîaliiv of suadi artick aumiss-nte r T0,CONTRACTOEf. INTERCOLONIAL IThe Contrlaeonezs ai IConstructonao!the Inter gave Public 1'otd!, thatthE ho receivo Tendmrs..heg seng r sud Refrehient B Buildgngsud Eiugmxe Hoxei Buildig-s Ne " f PlanaSpeclficAtioms,en ntaybe seen pLt.Ue ie c :ce nee, Olaa, ud ii-En&] RAIL WAY. Ã"tlawa, Dec. 4 U p-EEB 1-' TÂYLOIF fRfESI E Whitl ceuslrue bei~by g pared ho aid] Bal Tizî~ - W.'. loe v ,'b. Irý i e., t] M. bb i0j th M: er bil W( IV il 113 tt bc le- Dy ud ad ag 1-1 k.-Y Brdoklin,,Dee;-2,1872. 12ma 1 -.1 Whitby, Dec. 18, 1872. AT 7 T-HOS. LAWLEIR, S 1 L V hitby, June 19, 1872.

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