Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jan 1873, p. 3

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'4 - r' su'al d, 5thé' le~ deI e. lecteS. By hà a b6rney G 81en e.Bt, 172 ~U LO NOTICE,~ Tek.notice tilat I here thlie utlà i .0Do the en 1ul forthe ain t;, Y o2et n a certaliun n tion of the uad town', dite v.arch, 'L D.- 187i, wherehl la psy lathe saacomCapar a1 monleyacrtmin coi matS . M. O'Dnosnha"4 'atd Cthisr81tne.; ,D 0 T Ta 5X lili...... .. d ......... ado j> LI, J J 'i li Geai EEl -. noi. ee st OI Icertify thatcthe above h.;......................0 ..... do ......... .. ... ..........No........ete .......o d ..... ..... i... ......si ......gr Banate & B.'ea.y Ponjor.................. ... ë. C mp'b I A.. . . ..................*P>à re...... .......... .. . ....... do, uy............... PorhTxî 00 ...........16 ~ ov ~. .. .. Oniite i d20 0 t 7t .......... do .. . .... ................ ............. do d 6 .. . . ......... .................;,i*q: do .. .; .. .. 0 o nct e . .......as.r... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ...... . dos l n . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ...... ....... . . . . . . .. . . . . doreaue .. 1 8 7 . 1 r'  V .i V.L U1N j~ L , le rk o f th e I-eac , C. r GEORGE OGILVI7 71', hitby, Dec. iti,., 1872. _RWRITEe" on w h eut a -F UITS 1 J 0O1-1N s K IN N 4E GEROIILty . C I I E A P . F O R~C h I T A R S N S A T 8 I N f Ç Y W S ~ E S U A c e P E HIR1RTUS'PRESNÉSAAT ' AD, OPPI IqETORONTO. j lvi ancy GO di t C at Price, Occaf 'a2r5~ saosCs&P4e cJ O 7B8IT~ 1 4 i 'ce W itrm S l aw ls n t C o it , S 'it , at th é a t l C ýo at Pr r e£)IYB E H O LM 2 ,Boum 'U? O1P'2'. New Jackets -nt 00,t price, Shirts and] Drawvere St the vogt p JOSPH H HAN BB A. N D Ml~~~4"dre&g oo is below 001 price, aly F îann el I rt at. ca rc, A?'i r h . j Coatinga uat csa. Price, Erert andgWt co nrze. t M 4 . U AL 81R NC m4 Co Thi -is tbela t s le w s al 1CITIZIENS' IlN5t B. «lCE I PY Th enui e IastPsblAu e w halhave in W hitbY. W e -c m . a sý, mec u Pbi ution ina afew weeks. and] lu make 'DbeerirLieanom» t * ~fr the grand final rugh, ARBAT BAR <;IG VLL- ' Deirtmnt, VALNT uNLY - lOc WDac, Dceb2,18.7287..STNER.N0TMID L AýY E IV R A IS IN S , 0 O L Y W- Iy2 c - ber vili1872 NLA Yk:RRAISINS, ONLY - ILDrnr-b of te lloviî oi i e LegimlatJure 15c alie rovino c iuo for auedmeta TR A TS N YAt Hatch Brotheres fo 5 6$ eac, go a d- &lo 5 82 Weil finish8àd 99d valine. :o1 ý)OD Ëf4qT SUGAR, - ~ ARMSTRONGYS STOVES Trnt >~i~1 2~ C NTS PER POUND UPW ÂRDS. ogîbeoetelatsvn e ri. n a ur f r e re qu l rig ir0 la Ireîi ,.a1acppiaio Ei ih o u b f r e th 8 ar a e i n1 f r i u e e o e e î a ] p r i c e s , e i u g N O 1 vi u e i n sto v es w ili l p e s O e n t eaes C y o f c u rll i n s r. t o g f r e Pipes, aýh = ýy i e n t l e e im at Elbows, &c., &c.ý alwaitm on hanS.s imb st oc Cmyatn 1th eegb tv Assemàbi eOf arifor an mt ta corpo. her d /G os Proportionaliy Cheaqp I1T O B LA O K SuM StTcH S BLAC*KSMI 'TH S t i10_POrting ad seàd 4 A 9lar e ok of Refined Horse S buc, alo a ar e to k f he sie P 1H o rs . N l , A n v uje, B elo w o o V i e s al a , a r e s o sc 9 h o e b e , 1 726i d E L O N L Y ' 4o C E N T S i H A R W r R E I i?À29h N MFO u Rsý&7. À plendid tarinOfi57 acres ai janSa wiici ta large b a r onu Plated Sponns, Butter Rnives, Pickle Forks Table and DesetFok, at-ulin=, AI5vth~ cr alnd O r'rT ?~ Roiers' Tbe ania r Poth frarm a h e Qd od chmne & p. - oantheownaleTo ncui PaiC V ETeRKivs n0vo vi g rced a cwmaî rtand i ow n' Ounty U Ota n,, J . - I . L i L[ J F e w S e ts B o b R u n n e r s e f t - a l l o iz e & cte , a n d g ', j d ric k A o e i, Chim1neys, Lamps, urner, &c9', Wholeale ad:retiil ul.a e~d b the late WiiamT or& e Alo A eH andiesat the " N teil hep ouse" of ePaaitt ] slgd.) la C PREMOMAN GIMB50Nor T. L. MITRJ M ON BILLS WbhbyExectOa tg'the atatè. rtisce4 a week since that I would CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR TO THÉ_LADIEIS, ea 'yier at Par, snd allow foux per cent r-Da billie- ' Dear«&'%" , I thanlc youror kMo svu bi1ne $oeparties having thught prper 't IHOLI DAY Npu Z t, h~~nuuefbiny 1»,t. to eîgýmers of mine that if I oo.. m riPî Y ,vt aucea ayi Niçe1ud charge a luigher price, for my gouda, J.. .M s J Qin- 0.price of a few Of the leadiÎs.'1.tiri;I bl au nees? G o da f thBrotatitnizi ucaer a on to cou ,the attention Of his friends an~dpa ~.c cyL~i t~ .~b~ verY Çebtniva-stock 1nw , 0w ls 'c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sU itab le f r ,p re en t a a m i ' gnda ao Ah wý Gold and Silver Chains, OolrdadBi' OD uu ts Gem and] Wedding Rings, -Pencil Cases, Loeke-~ 8tu.], &c the qutality Pi each article gugrang...] Cois BE~y. A ~~~~ Pla a.d oodii, D enks, "or b xes, V aae ., T it Sets s n i # e * - -. ~a'SPEÇTA CLES TO SU T A L S~ M 8 Y w tc~ a"Eny Gther house in Gi '~Whitby GOLD AND. SILVER WATCRES icet, i. dr . LAW TLERI Very cheap-é-ach wratch examined, prove and tiedsu CI±EQUERED 8TOREý Perforance warraauted WO give satisfaction. OD BROOK STiEET. Gusmi's Hall, Wiby, De. 10, 1872. 6m Incorda~ JORN R EITHr. 51FRESH A R R iVLSeoét'S .un iense Stock of O F lpO ROCK E R Y rE w G Q O D 8w, or G L A S S A I ~ E T T 'A 'Porequarr6r20 es pe 14 auarfor, in al-. Soi aie oc me'l your triendS, and niai. thein enbacrube. DO it NOW befor, an1y aOne ia. liane te forcetail yen. IlTHE FAVORITE";,MAXIM. Canaàda for the Canadiae...wîeer iy hirthhar adoption, Let us help oaci* otiier, If weo apire ta he a Nation. "ilaj, VO n'i ea genuino Canadian enteitle,-. Cana tnl lecoception, ils pln, tî executien,...wrlîîen,,eçiled, prlntecfhy Cao. adiane, On Canadiau "" ,Nt Cnda type. a eer vt Cnda Ur v'GIVE ITT VOULU iSppon'r. *,Addréeas: UEO. E. DE8BARATS ctuzuzr or-ie avàfre 8ýs.u ".aauafg on efo1 ij§ 'ýheCanadian Il'ueîraîe N '1, io lubliqueNO. 1, on sectiona :and15,a dis, St. Antoinec Street, M.ONTcRAL ' tancef ab t 46 m'ies.'n20- N.3, on Sectîone 21, 22, and ifo ENESFR WOOD. Miramiciiiver to Moncton,a IJIENEItStange oi about 72 miles. a!Ne Benw il sen-hp aSpeelllcations anS forme of Tender c, otained ut the, office ai the Chief Engl et .Ottawa, and at the officee of the E - COURT HOUBE A ND GA OL. and Moncto i aloaeNw Sealed Tenders marked "Tenders," Foana o! Tender eu be obtaino&"fromn the addretsecd la the Commiasioneri, wili County Clexk, o01 poalîcaîion up ta laerec'eived at hheir oac ttwu lii AY ap JIUMy, 178. o'cloclc, 110on, Un PRIDAY, liesilst of H- J. MACDONELL, uari, 1878. C. C . 0. A. WALSH, County Clerk'e office, RD. 13. CHAXDLER, Whialby, Oct. 2o , 1872. 1 C. J. Bft'YDGES, IST 011 THE DIVISION COURTS A. W. MILELAN, iL lutercoloncal Ràilwa' ComimissionE Or0FTKX . ' Commisisieners Once Qltawa, Nov. SU)thi 872. fn"?iý',,COUNTY OF. ONTARIO,1t N. B--SeParate Tenders 'vill be requi: FOR THE 'YEA.E 1873. or ethe ii80 Numbered 1, 2 and a. RAC YNOTICE * rdlr of %Hfugh Qulio 4 21 1 9 ed 1 14zi î, i Pnunt tabadecree ofgth% Court 19 19 Çhauocery, made in Acaeof Hartrie, ci ~agaunt- Qnigle1-, lhe creditorsao!jing] Z. BURNHAII, QuigleY, ltle of the Township o! Pickering Juan.. inte1873. * 01Ougarlo, farier, who de( Whlhy, eu a,178n01i r bu h on thet Aprl, 1860, are, or or belore lie iti DAY CF jANUARy W ELH NÏREALTH N' 1873, W' senS by pot, re-paid,tl eMesrs IIEÂTHMowal, Macleitnnan anSd owney, ef tîe Cit o! Toronto, tie Solicitors for tle piuting1 G7OQD CABLE SCREW WIRE William liartrick, Administrator of t'aI B01 AND 81-1E S. addresses and description, the full! parti ru. ler, o! their dlaims, a Matemnent of! tib 'M11I iot Ieak. and last twcee as lopS accounîs, anS le nature Of the sccurities _____________________________ (if any) helS by the=n ; or in default Ihereof lie7 'vill be peremplorily excinded fri th. cDPARTIoENT OF CTROWN LANDS. beneit of lie BaiS decree. EverY credtor ' Eholding.ony aecurty àstarodoce the saine (ACCOUNT's 13R.NCH.) beloeie eiheundersignes Mastr in OrSi. nary of the alS Court, at -Y Chambers, in Tu»iTon', 1111h Dec., 1872. Cogeode Hall, i0 tie Cîly ni Toronoo Ie 281h DAT 0F JANUARY18,'a eleven a'clcck in Ibe forenoon 'being t' e lime appointeS for adjudication o h dlaims, o i DateS lie 181h day o! December, 1872. Nolo, lo heraby given, Ihul lhe unsold <SigneS) T. W. TAyLOR. Landsa la lie Township, of Blakei t, le4i,52 District o! Thunder Bay, are open for sale _________________ at one dollar pet acre cah, Under, andSeuh. S cÉýta othe FO!i o! 01IlThé, Géuerai ,f «Oufto Pur a e made ta the comissio ai 01 rown Landa#,"ITa. rontc, (SigneS,) T. W. SCOTT, ' COMDÙioerciCrwnLans, ORT WHITBY AND PORT FERRY - Nice 4 nérey giron liat lire Ajnual II S T - T î Z E 1(leneral 3Mtittng o!thie Shareholders o! the Port Whitby and Port Perry Rafilwy Coin. -PIIOTOGRA PH 0-oA L £E iy 1p any wilb. held allihe Campaoy'a office in teTw niWhitby, on WRDNESA OREÀLY NLARED. THE TWENTY.SECOND DAY OF JAN. Rescuction of 10 per cent trani s! prices UAUT, A. D. 1878, At Ton 'clock, a. an. 'Suin; 'ChintaRand New YTear', timea. A for lie purpame of electing Fine Dfrýectore$ lur,,equatitofol P1atný8andPh to.1r the en:uing yearasunreqhred te Act JeelraWokdn s u ual. Z. MARsg a *wX, WàLiLÀCE. $ocre tai7 . Treasurer. Secrelary'a Office, WitIU, Doc. SW, 1671, 52 1 hb1y, De. austý Î "'É' tng raéASpopulation I' au)o, gentlemen, Yoor obedient aeuvant, * tb, JÂ1. 18o 187EL 1A(TLRCOLONIAL".IOJA IL WA Y THE MEDioÀL* HLL Tha,ý attention of housekeepers. i~~rected k Ot11e stockI YORIZSrHîriî, RELIsH,a -EPPS' COCOA AND TAYlýOII's BR EkT ACT 0OF AÙSTRALI,&,x BEEF,. OATMEAL GROATS, &k RIDC.Es FOOD, K E E N 'S D O U B L E S p 4a ýI E M S A D -PURE FLtVORING ERAÇ ADtSPl N I3AKING lOWDER.,AND PUJRE CREAM .,TATITAR, NEW v And other articles of duily use in every fanlily, ail of which arc lccd t uoerate ,priefts. ' ch E JAMES BYflNE. LONDO,' Mledical Hall, Whiby, Dec. 1872. i N W NOW Is YO0uR TIME llbs Go 1TO BUY YOUR FALL AND WINTIER E FR BO0ts 'and. Shoes JAil Ot Just recî'iveci at the flomiî,jon B 0.(t and Shoe Store, a tre- n'ii l :aî' 111ge ;itOc.k of Fill nrid Wiliter loois ali SI, lesI'lJtor. CflpaisiîglinliaArn,'î'ic'an :,d Catadian m nufate.y O Y .As Mr iL, B B.Reel,...l itenîls flinat,î. -iona. the ti'st nf ext nloth. lac will e!alkns o oosa, u, ., it pimett coca., if, ocler to reduce iiç Blal>ki s Of 'anmn otli stock ,SeI)MtR to lto%'iNg. M'~Call anid get bargajins whale you have the chance of so P. S-Tînsowla ur izdebted will.peasc sette ineitî di 41 I adver DOMINION WAIRERO M L ' mn -R O"M SMium for A % e Sppled wth ful Sof.k offalelystate 1.r stppled itha fil toc ofChrstmnasand seasonalîle silver at. par, toa., w t 0 > I ES Ta., Des G 0 D.-ptmeti 'el just menti, "tce i. Il casses of 'ool goodis uitabe ,for"thent i hi s ea n o 'PJp- CLOTHING HIATS '- ~4 »LADIES' & (GENTS' URs IN GREAT VARIETY.VERY CHPAP. EVRY 'heir Millinery Department ia ul> assorted with the. TIJE HAVE RCE' t OIKDzR TIEYHVEIICIVED A OIOIÇE STOCK 0F i h CHBISTyfAS GIO0CeRIES -0bcgrud ln Curratîts, Rai-sins, Peels, Teas,'(Yoffee, Sugar, &,&., "uiloft th which îhey offeratvrY IOW prices.I TI Wliîby, Dcc 11,187. 6l ou ODCÂBLE 5sCpEW wIE T 0F WBITB BOOTrSc& SHOES ArSligfroMI Maine te aione Are~~~ Fel.1Clçoem E R s N S O L V E N T A C T 0 1 8 8 9, W i be nc iv e S u p t a P ' l c , o I -M on dray , lth 'dn12 y, en~ ahe delineny ci --- ..nm.e hiy, 1c The Inolvet ha. mde an i ..l ich ie* k, I o inhabr,. f oL. hiele b me, anS ie orcrediton are 0011- anS 85inchi plank p ai90a ILchnah fiS amot ihi soe,10Wiiby n uber for eide.wal, ia deltuIaXx Mo athé Oth off th.y' Tone SapiT I fve r r efre tli etlaici und th a T O O ' L O C t T E E raP yR o o , A s o 5 0 c r d" a i to n e . Wh 91 Ocmeý1872. J.B. ,POWELL, " BT J- YA NOLI JjwgOh s&rn treet an S 2"- r 'ý' v 0. .............. .............. is true copy oi' -l ta R. WELL. KA LIJ IV.ES & pon Wilithy, -Dec. 11, 1872. T- ý -------------- that the abo've' 9

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