Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Dec 1872, p. 4

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Se4 hi§ owdlfi the animer b bis of rocks mmd esath kdlrsctly inf&ont TrO THE LAD .IE S. - Pear La4 ie~Ifan yenfor Mmd 1A1rojý AzL boe a acoutinuance CI theari uiay 2ut.; 1Ibav r i yeAr, with succ«ss a&syo And nov stand in business asfwes se e And h e. ur iattention r&nov W to eaul To là~fs itock of Fu"reyGoods sulted to Ton wiU fIna tireu seAletad -wrti rudene AMdb.prcso iloawlll W. aksyou &ll ',wt bnneà madhata, I amn anxleua * À<ndiu âes.urMig too, sithough Osncba la chignosis1 bave Ibm, 5m.pretrm e fyT nmv tok of jewlry is of thaIstest Zo 'w'Mch I noweaU yor pénrUenitn- tion; A"i nov,=ry deux ld Whoeu bmera riehes to rol ina, Oorne bay yorw biats prfeants f mr- 1 sb.N4 mm,.E -OWLnG. COING Ut/T:OFý, TIhe,.sbsciber takes this as of înforming biscustomers id bth-ublcthat the-lemseofTbis preseut prmise beiçg abolit' to' expirez. and 'the property -beiipg about, to be sold, ,he finds himself compceped to retire --froIdm business altogether. Be-iherefore ofiers, . la herotoforo. W 1 û ; -, 1 , 187M. net, sud Gild.- - ~j~ iMORI BOOTS AP~RThe undersie ýZE! ANDSHQOE "I rernersbmwe&JrA , sreiest Words$ed *an houir befe. "What end can possîblr be assied 7y0, ifelke Humphre even bis -wanderlngs? 2 caethe olfi mab, so- unexppctsdly,, on thes cma that day ? Wby wus lie 80UOOO atttaet.' ~ta lbrw?"Hov cometbs rinrunn'Ing' b1jutt sol i eed thatit coulcfao slt ýlY obey-hia signal ? Did it onlyohap. pen-Iwk fittink irito liirk-witbout auy P rposo or ii anywilere, witb no ré- wArurning baud -or guidlng inger ? Cade dia mot llievs t;-,And wben a womau's vblce, near hlm, muripureil, "À vonder. fui Providence t" lie turned towuard lier «fasbc seboeda svered bui uspoken quasti. ..~e58nO't lirke ta 'PileMUlst'à cbeek wt the toký ofth»Irrd*earerbut virer lio aaw bir e ot , tlrp plain gla r hgo liad lipped upon, lier inger, bore ier proper name-M1zpçir; suàtd i lier vonderlng «lnce he repId. "Y 's Idei o w ins1 oubod aboutil, rnd inceIthUght about it. It sounds 1*e &- prayer-"'Tbe Lord wet.clhetwêesn h. sud me, wbue vs *are absent, one frour anoblies." - A Modal PouItry Yard. Thé correspondent of bthe London Muërtuser ires thie ollowing descrip. tion of-tlie Model Porltry yard of Ms. H. M. Thomras, of .Bookliu. * "W.toole advarrtagel of -being at ýVbiÎtby to psy a visit ta the estabiieli. ment of Ms., H. M. Thomnas, nov the * lcetiug poultry breeder of Canada. His ç place le situabed tAbout earuile froni the illage- of Brocirin, Ont;.ý Mr. -Thirai wrts-absènt frou borne Mit he timne of our cal, but tle boy in chare of the cltry, whose la ta beau' intelligent La,sh owed us thmghthe establigh. -~~ ment. wlich seeins *0 be tIre Most cern- Bachi trio 01 favlsasua separate yard and bouse.to itgelf. Eacb yard la aboutbity feet square snd anrrou-cd.. éd by paliage, and la go arranged that bure passes fronrona ta another thrsough à gateviiy iri' eaglar succession *111 tire wlr4lo fthqf0niè tttour l'u hrr., ber, r&e'ganethrdugt. Eacb botse la six <set by three, and la built over a pit sunk about two footetnto the *ground. It is of planlcs, double borrded, with a hlpped rôo. tTbhodoorisaces tbe soutli *and blas, puelarge pane of glass ini it ta adnrit-lrght. EZaeh hous contains two tests, àa leaing box, and a srnall se- voiioflWterfasttured ta tbe vail in *~~~~ eh. * f -j wers to be reedily'ernpded ,~anS fllled and- only accessible for the fawls to Arik out of. No pooste are allowed'etsePtto susoma, of'the lowls'; sueli as Hamburge anS Polanda. The *bottom' of tire bouse *le covcred with straw on wliicb tIrebird stands et nigbt thus keeping their'feot'vern. 'Eachr Irousio ecurely lopked t rigt, aend tihe Jour opcned lunttr morning to lot tire trio igio ltqf yr A~. I' fal * thee yards for the Brairanis un Coachin -vaiietiW.(iWra butfores'bgtoe for thre igliter fowis, which can fly, are tweIve te 'lfteen fet higli. Tira wlole la protected on tire rortlr snd west aides witîr a lecdge of lNorway a pruce. We toticeil'all.tireyouug birds ýof this .year *- rridning tdgetlîeè it e yard' by theni. selva. This lis ellowed 'till they'- are old enough ta be maiteS, vlren tbey are zeprA C tqê.o trios of two haens and OUaÏ.oek, Âbdput îirrth Ie breeding aàrds or subi. The birds appenred ta beall in fine lrealth and felier, tlongh tIreawere 4nLite a number af tbem *abou the- remises. - Wo noticad ana p ofast5l8gCoebmns atimported froni England at!,a coat o- O£<0, anid @ trio of black, re arn,. fev* ab.is rr4rsbd this yëàr. Evei-Y variety cf poultry is ta b found in -these yarSd itl4 the excepti. opf Ban. f arna. TIre'arsangenrnt 'af thirê;Fards and bouse ensures a propas matrng of tise birdo.,'witb ab undanqe of soom for wfuter *itiiott crovdlig; a Ï47a&lo that t)' e egga of es.oh trio,.eau b. niarled. o-sls f rabi4ta are kept. Talas of a Taller. --Paot the lellor of tIra -Princeof. Wales, i4 a chrsctar in bis way, and any nuOrs ' f>f tales are tolS ou hirn. Oue day a Young captAin in the giards ila;saiS -tq hlvestopped hlm -virer *dslving o0n, dre parade At Brighton, and' SA&ked uàasbit Of fnn, te look et bis coat AnS see. bo*badly 1* vas made- .Pool..dfinnlàirisrins ta tire groomI, gsAaely scanneS tIre coat, toak Ap-lece cf 0ra mfr ibis vaisteoat - - poo n'I~#k~ 1te ufiriber of cabal le, pstor ,probl afroni EIetir ldcltresbadr 'Air', ire saiS, contempla i£ ri.ork wvili -muclistsath btiIdo - cv,- eaptaln; jait *golaom place, anSlet -tire culters00 hses Irs.mr a S Ir& hvii kn wvirttto O;' -and, seturnipgte #th.r.pt #eUSv oh daU-,slkaÂ~ifa ppier teks, CArM $o irqIS , ovn Atbi lre 4 tiran ofee h, intireunybouses, Y~~lo ~bpas~1~t a IaSmet vas- verjr mnixed, vas et bythe renrlr 'ilit- oh@ u 00 notries ottlim eb., au" tallors. 'r INDliWOOD)i 5M. corde Best, HardWood, out on thre Indien Resrve, Sougfog. EltIrer by corS, or car-load. Terrns-Cash. JOHN KEITE Dec. 4th, 1872. - * ' CHIIONICLE OFFICE. Whrtby, Dec. 4, 1872. 49 T M ISOLÂTED 1118K Fire lnsurance-Coy of Canada. IlsurQsscxKinStco. hurcoronto .APiîrAL, 8oo~ Depo.sltcd with CGovern'men,6,0O Ht wilI nadust an laiser withont delay, anid psy over the carik AT ONCE. Hon. ALnx. McKENqzIE, w. Pj - JOHN MAUGHAN, Jet, -Manager. W. A. LAW, Agent, Wl'tby. Whitby, October 9, 1872. - 4 s TAYLOR'S FRE8H EVERY' BEST ýDAY., I WhltbY, Sept. 2,1..89 -blim i th goi ýA12-pe pawp sf ze, fr-e. .J. P. Disertes, au p imett , ayS New Toyhi Soif by ail Druiais. p OBT WH1TBY & PORT PtiRty n. x. Tl iX ET-AI B. Tace effeot on Saturday, Juns lot, 1872. Tra iGong NortéL . Mail., mu&e Whltly .unctlon, 9 00 a.m. 7 80 pai., entb, ': 7a Kn757pi. Myrtie' 19 40 arn. '8 '19 p.. suimite 10 02 e,m.- 8 82 p.u. ;maç3rer, 1 10 12 am. -8 42 p. Pt$=* 41~st 10'21 a.m. 8 41 p..m. 'IOpo Pr (rrive,) 10 80 a.m. 9 GO p.rn. Trai'ns td outiL * Mxed. mail. Po~é~Ip*x,) 90.m.2 WJ~m MWditI.SI 000 'a.m: 2LS9p.m. 618ur0n; 48 pm. 128&.' 2 68 P.rn. Wbitby3ruDctlon, (Ur.) 72e Ami 4 Opan. OPlaUorrn stationsi ýqtna stop On-gna ouly. ýe whole PtO4kwill idi the meantime dispos.e& of The' stock being ïowcmpet nd Well Selectedy and having been purchased BEFORE Tiue PitESItNT MISE IN GOODS PTJRCHASEBSýWIL PIND TO THEIR ADVANTAGE1 TO EXAMINET IHE SÂME Befo.re. ocluding P. J ae8 el8ewh ere. Let '4tbe borne iiiMmd4that- ail, muRt be sold Before. Christmas, CONSEQUENTLY THE SUBSORIBER 18 OBLIGED TO MARE PFRESENT SACRIFICES To the necessities of hie position. THE STOCK NOW C OSST F ALL KI.NDS 0F DRY GOODS SUITABLE TO THE FA MIL Y' GROCERIES SEASON. ANDHADAE TO THE TRADE-HIe would -offer his stock at a gret -sa crifice, and he is confident that upon examination of the same they will find it advantageous to, suit tiremeelveis. with purcharies. --oea-- -":1Er IEXRMPS They - will also frnd it to their. ad- vantage to examine his STOCK OF -HARDWARE It was bouglit bet'ore the risc, and will be positively sold at and under cost. ASAVING 0F ONE HUNDRED PER CENT May threoe efeài d, co\ aIe The closiing sale under. th.is notice0 Will commence MONDAY, 1I6th SEPTBPP72 And will becontinued froni day to day until the whole stock will be disposed of. TO R.IS OLD CJJSTOMERS theé mubscriber desires to ofeèr bis beartfelt' tbaukg for past favors, extending over a period of so niany years. aind regret.s the closing of his pleasing busines relations witb them.ý He degi'rés,, to say> that the>' .wiIl receive thAfuît benefit of the db ove,'and also onII',ýthe- nsnal terms-namely, oredtuil lt October, 1873. OLD NO.' 1. IB 4IËEY -A IS oon as,- the Ba rley1 seftson coémmenées: theý subseriher 'will be prepared to pur-id chose, aIl kinds of grain ,as usuaLI i3.~L EM~~ Whi~, Septiembor Srd, 1872,. tinet mi tlhe - ýers for the coming Harvuts two dis- instylg and, construction, enmbr"ce usfl~~proY~ematsg fhb&y JOIINST'SSN ESELF-.IIAKING REAI>EII The univé suenoss of týiS kàfc'ine, both in ci&1osey cnteàt. ed trials and id bandat of tbe IaiWrerg, varrnut uÙr. it r.eying tha t, ae a Self Raks- ing Reapins ne, It bais moret Sd pintssd lais defecir, sud bas met witir [Dore succesa ep-failere, thon beretofore oSféeaSte the publie. CAY ' UIO OER We were a rded the Fixst t'rize and Diploma, fît tbe Prcvin- riaI Exhibition jeld iu Toronto, 1870.iu ctmpetition with ail the Ieading Machin"i man'alsctored i bbc .Province ; -ad viii' our recent improvementis. we unheaitat. ingiv challengei niestigat ion and comparigon with competir'g Machines, va art matisfied thatts,. iivetigiitiou vili ceuriinre every unpraejiîdIced mit.d. ihs We 4111, , ' 'l or to tire Fariner for 1872, briltb te Dominion. gWSerrd l Por dBROWN &PATTERSON. CAl? fAGES 8AND CUTTERISI M.7 O'D 0NO0 VA N' S SPLENDIDJLY FINSEDI CARRIAI 8,BUGGIES, AND CUTJ OF~ VERY SUPERIOR WORKA.NSIP. BUGGIE *& 8LIGHS. REP'AIRS ýAS US WH1TBY XNov 22nd, 1870.e PIIOt-GRAPII GALLERY. BRO0CK STREET, WUITBYe SPO SITE ONTARIO 'BANK.' Begs to a .ounce that be bags buill on the above premises, A NEW Photoitapli Gallery, 60 feet M lengtli, Which h4ja fitted up with ail the latcst -improvements, and Me i .n m jved apparatus for taking pietures, tromu life.size to any re > qnired dim ions. Picturas enlarged & accurately copied. 4ilANDSOINE FRAMES AND CASES. Businesp iturs 8 o'clock, a. m. to 6, p. m. No business done on SudÉ À IR A i PRvc Whitby, J 3rd, 1872. 28-ly FA8Î-I.ONABL-E TAILORING AND IIGEb Mei ce sit.Yortbs' and Cbildreuts' [Clothier k Genith Outfitter, Diaudûs St. Whitby. WhiLby, cari 1872, 43, y es, Buggieswaggons, dc, ýUE.ýL WALKEY, PieflO ÂL CARRTAù2E MAxNU,"FACT URER, e~r DAS STREET, WTBY. iing thanks f'or past patronage once that be has -congtqntly on- band, and 'in ifacturýe,Crags Buggies,-(cov ered sudo4en) Mwclveaces-tfeveî YEOMAN GIBSONJ IMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, N.T JOH1N FEItGUSON'S, mai Overshes 'ined wr-ndcomfortà ED R'epairing'neatly done. Cail at the old 8$and. WILLIý0AM ýBURNS<' Boot &:SboeSBtorýe, IBroci satreet, Wbitby. SMay 22, 1872. FUýRNLTURE.ý!,FURITUEt AT THE: SIGN 0F' THE GIREAT ROCIKING HAI #Ce-Furniture Selling'at OId Priesfo 30 days longer; Notwithstanding the rise in, matefial and labor, the undersigned oflèrs bis stock ut the Old Prices for 30 days longer. Now is the tinie to. embrace the opportunity of selecting rom the largest stock in the o<uty, of sideboardis, bureaus. centre tablai, sofas. chairs,. bedroom sets, &e., and ail of the best qoality -ad ùmanufactuýre. rERS]LP8 ~ EMJ'a ~ I c The only first-cla.s establishment in the Connty, where Fn nerals are f uliy supplied. SUAL. 1 Sm OKI;-E R S FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE TIRE MYRILE,, NAVY.- See T. & B. on Each-Plug. Pr/ce so Low that Ail Can UeiL, Septeniber 17. 1872.3m8 An Immense'-Stock Of -NE'W OROOKERY.; AND -GLASSWAIRE. XX & XXX ALIEin- Bottie.l Dow's Superior Bottled Whitby, Juîîe 19, 1872. Aie. h.FRANCIS,.. - Fàamily'Gr-ocer, &c Warm -Winter AN D Goods rDeiug u.vugeu. mng apurions imitations of tires. nie L cites, h i slII do vafltoseird me, inaa Ikeer-to tieraeddress aI foot (viricir Be car do at a cO of ixa Cents in postage), ana aftie broks of instructions vinir are affied * tire &sea. I promise to examine St and seird a reply, s tattag vbetber tire medicines are gennine or not', otirat if auros r h a apy to tbern *0 bavebis moirey returned.. Cliamiats sud Druggists viredesi're ta ,obtairi tberedicineszeau-be aupplied- st tire lavest viroleale prices in quart- tities cf Dot legs than #20 wsutll-viz., Sa. od. 22., anSd8M., per dozaribaxes of Piles or pots 4)f Ointmerrt, uitt, vithant discourit, for vbicirzemittarce rnirt.b.r set nt aadvence.' i bave tire ionour 10 ba, Witb rst reet, - "THOMAS HOLLOWÂY- 558, Oxford Street late M4, Strand), Lendon, W. C., Octaber 1, 1871.- JMFORTANT TO PARTI-ES IJSING HflCEINRY. ]B . STOCK'S EXTRA. MACHIRE OIL. Tua 011 excels .11 other 011, iroth animal j aud vegetable, arid we axe pafàd< hetetsncay to eocure a f ret- -Ciâï'i",it s aaptd t éiherli#bt or heavy maclbmery,frn a Cloék or amns' machine tirethetea et ibaftt. Tihe foi- lowing are tire Pointslrr'wbicirit excelsouber Oils If 'WILL NOT: GUY,blencarmachin-- And tvwltcen mach i atiabu 7 al±tady -gun-ieby. otherOlla. twsii! mot j consgeal os tirichren it trecoldeat cfveatirar. Tis r. a quality of tire irgirst inrportance,; ' lromn tire tct an 0O1 mot baving tira quality w!Utnot ibricateaàcold ahaf, suchi oi May ire sa int a irested state, but tira moment rt-touchas a colSairait it is couDgeal- edsud vinot lubricate untithre journal by fictinacqufres.tire temperiture necces-- sary ta reduce it ta a liquid state in acquir- irg ý iie terurature b cin:tr ora x ra s ud ibte bo- a àj*e t a as inpom à ltonusa ollit *tMllchiloun-a cola Ëbaftt-wÏtirut tira resit as'îtls te Min-- bricate the celdat macirmxtiremement it ls aple4. Tist-cla snos' ueta m*overtwo- uedestablishmirents asud la giriug thre- beÉt of satisfaction, anrd al nt e 1121saym1g tire preer it* te reflueS Spern or'Pura Olive. it r. fre froin tire-objections urgedasgainat. ilotirers, as it, dues not gvn* uerfreezeL. Novs tirepublic an a*aare tiaIMWn i wortirleas 'tiringaare puffi eto tuiet, in order to prove'tirat thia la nu irumbug, and to secure ourselvs à' agnt tira opera- tions of -uuscmnm<uou 1 3,oil agents, fMany Out eionvulrtietata tupalnioff thirenean of'kloil refiheries as being identical 'srth St6cks Extra Macina -0%1) vapropose, *0 tiuse, vire are taterested ta tire tutir of tirose, atatements, -te senS a tireni,.on uppli. cationr, iy nisil or o tirer-vis, free ot charge inary way, itsainpleof threo, tat it may speair for rtsl. And vit aise send-vitir it a terw imple test,-as effective -as tirosa testa b y irich. gella i non vo rin tire bpser mat--' ais, arr4 vhrch willsnals'pactis'Ordering to sacure 'thetiseles.agaiatimposition, by enablirig tiremn *0deterurina at ionce viretier tire OU1 orwarded la as gdas'sa=- le veli ta coammutnicate witli- - -- J.-B. STOCK, , Broughrami, Ont. Suie Agent for tire Dominion. - TESTIMONIAL.r *Tris JeszxnHalL McRsmwx Wor, - Oshawa, AÈfl ti, 1870. 3.B. Srocx, EsQ.,Blwaourx, I -DriAriSEP,- - 'Wa have been Using yiur ulrrzicattng 011 for t.fie ,paat fou r mron uan ra nsgayvitr-- eut heoittaUon that ltfif i, h bt nfe av LICEN8EIJ MJCTIONEERe FOa Hx Cavr<'r 07Of OAMO, AN Townshilp: of rMarposa&(,IawrIgit' BDEGS ta tirauk bis mrn friemds and the .>public goaun ede beralparn egae bistoved upen iirn ring thre pstfu Ravin g nov given up tue buinerss off BailiE, i Intend, iu future, *0 devote nry virole time *tirah business 01 Autienes,' CollectiuL &C. oI ilLmý endeavour, by prompt and cereful at n ron* business, ta glve ful aaitctu lal vire msy laver me vitir tuais Salesor Coliectini. BiUs Sraugirted mmd Blanrl Notes fnrnisb- Alao-BIH Stampsa lvayston LaS.& Arraagsments can be msSe for saes &c, at thre Càsoscna Office. Wlnitby, Observer office- Prince Albert, aniSaItirhe Standard Office, Port Perry. - Prince Albert, Sept. 24tb, 1872. 89 0 IN 10 N FLQUR & FEED STORE. JA~ESJ., MURPHY la. now'ln,-receipt of a-her stop&kle ' rng ù prlenIi * WINCEYS, - , FLALNELS,, ÉLANKËTS, M 1bERCLOTHIING, TW.eEDS, DOESKINS. FANCY DRESS GOOI)S. - lnick SilIcri. M nîAis, Lustres, Irigh Poitiyst. Dl.ly Vardens-W tise anSdtGrey cotton§s, Shêetci'sp, 'rcings,&c., &c.. considernrbly under market value, te vlrich ho invites tire attention of cus- tomers. £-W A Chcice Selection of the best whitby. Oct 22nd. 1872. F RE SE P resh G roceries. Dundes Street. A R IR 1,V A L. s 0F M1E1WRT.ANT A T G LE'S, TAILRINGANDý ry *1descripti.G NT'FURN .ISHIN*.ý R, OIJSE, teriai. and, 078lo sti)e besf an be.deprd!Capou. Rveryfhinelu n McMILLAN'%S BLOCK, BRtOOK ( wfl TBY. 's ps'cnbrply atn -ta. Ail ork f t2ý 82 nt Ta!or; & Daper,- F R E S H GROCùERIES., w Or

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