Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1872, p. 1

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u IL u H, 1 G G'ý t4,Ný 8 STREET,, WMTBY., ýî uAnn lut b. airrDVEZtTISBbMNTS. -All, Ad tusnt bl ty monta ineaeured, in 7 nlý,ohàrge.st the ro#t* of a cents, per IIneý largt z in."rUDU, Au& 2 cent*, per lino; each subie- > Orb," . qufflf, luiertiom, cigloOutriet4 madoMth &dierdun 7ý 7! byýt1r.e1eAr, Lu XI Vil 6 W-H TB Ordais to discontinue "V«tt»mentg y niust ba in viitirig. L D ýHO TEL, L AY TýO N'S lliait Bulsliness Directo, s 13 n'oo ic u,'jr',ýq OU. AGENT vos T= P À T M 14 Ti X D startind looke&, air > ISOLATED RISÉ -PIRE INS. W,, ma ic if Or4 T A 1110 B-ANIC, The Albion buboën thoroughly n rYad, him, 761 canada. A Ëuwy cani",Ëoltýticà ad, and th bIic-ý'ýwîll find evezy a«oznznlp- E r blingi to knagr -OZA,ýdy whïï- idai aî 0" WHITBY Aloo Agent'and ÀpÈiýàlaer fôÏrý't'he ý Canada dation an'd"ic best attenticiL porm2anout-Buadin and S&vij3oc,»ty, for Yet rounil, t0,,ýNwmk OuÉ TÉOXA-6 DOW; IOAÉS Of'mOneY et low r" of toréât. hehrià4ý-1 @üý-_ kr CE N TU Ali j= Dictat.T.7 1 R 0 T-E tý# à Sr '? Wlièré" ON 1'.W Y 0,fr, L a Alq Xe- nit-OUGRAX Ã"NT.ï, the VM7 bout a» muet ' on ly Cu andii tiènt rlée article ho wha r a vr Il 1 BYý ý'ý,A, Gý"É N C Y JORN BAILEY PROPRIETOR. t ê'ýéf'Ùtm"'; comniùùýi for dtità, k,* w quickly an e 't 77 YLOR, The ýAbOve h0tîé1 moth ed, e, Y, ýfùâ bi»k mi B. TA 01117 DëýlrIjr11t es to 9 15kS "diariiiahodL eswýMAüdCîomf,= é ' Th" apiéte. À Prime _94, _,to XLewig Ca in me upon I1hýýTt tag and attentive hojýjjrý, 10 owmy ýc bl. "« £1- -ned Ïto 1)y ,eaa-,;Etàn XOOT- ANEr-,ýkÀlÉifilB A)B1GL8,Lý 'Enacüng,,r warfli priest., wor't'p -us bol A ýBýL 1 ý8 What tri Rà n"', là,11 iB27" Aw CiLùZCBR.ý C 0 MME R OI'ALE 0 T É L, They an lm rift tié, ýýthiË-bf 14hé kind ý.?7 Mo omce; south Ur, VOý rtllèu»- 'Ar, ýTh'â -Old an4 wali, "IcI94144 la '&«ént risks '&U cluses" s'avis thý farmar both labor à" e 1 1 d in ements fft apeew retainer: of-Ecm. !Mr. piýopued tè -of ong, g, la what eau au htrtt,, Ilid ýmuq4 toi ran xii 1 -"las CE, ; _-,, ;rb elg those, 01 mywon, 'JAMES BLA W, CVTýEBS, wori Y-4,à the"f", A'r'-" UA us fSàtý' PROPRIB they ati'" ,y'iîorkè _dýîmd Quý, '849r y aint J. c le tâ oùt ci brdez, it&,iffl W A t rty * uj, moins for magowan à bythe-s cial 1 remît ilire, COUYTYi'CROWN ATTO -7ý Ontario, eurrister, Solicitor C lie 91AÏ the about a sýSOie Xing BaIýy- orýn Z Ott" Ancer, 7f Publie ec &0 OiÏceLÃŽ41 irr M toi ma a- h a' v ti not si occup ilaly 0. Ïf. CZýne ne Odiceizzock et sus ,éoièréâl 11.4 -, W111y. CLOZ tbé"inié4ý- ,, ', 2rown Attorney, Urock Stréety *Qýb;, WH ITB-ýT, a#", whichý, the, aïm- NTABIO PAR RB, haxx pnesf'.1ý wi GRMRGE H, ýDÀRTNELL' E- X CALDWELL, PROPBIETOR. > 1, polemel And ill other kilias dr ïo ARRISTER, ATTORNBYeolm y NUTUAL INSURANCE 00'Y, i 11i nimu -Pull mil the , 'l ' à - M -qîm and cigare. Good :ebirn l*n4j ' ' « 1 -ohé >ý ary Cloud yards, sud a tri ý _t re RÉAD'0FFweýý ilmx, si'.; vairifttT., 4hoLprimifte. Charges moý4 the County 01 Outalie., 00ICQ7, C,05e lýe, ýýïW _ the ËýÏ a un op a Whit a -This Company insuT«ý7a= Buildings, n-BAND TRUNK BAIÉWÀY ROTEL, i:ýecu 0 en r gagowaniiitered Stý'ùiéré longth illite, uïrint this da Côuntry ChiÙmhu, Schoël Houses, and their ýG M PLE Ciréumatan Dnected 'with ý the jik'RIEN KEIrtl G0 »0Ný contents ý at'ratoi -se, Mow 84 th,ýs6 01 any A-T WIfITBY STýATION. witqwMeh'hoeixiaybetayoredià&eaply,.*X.- &ffêètçdýjîéî 1 mi eut thé changes thât ces cc U01ý-1 MUSt es... laver'a pla qken-eota lisbed Company in Cingas. oditiouglyjind to tuamtea mmptefog4tw éharaWeýr- ",ÏO "déeply? aftei he thîýY,, ànd*-ilë 13ARBISTER & ATTORNEY-,&T-LAW, WM. O'NEILL pitrjp]RIETOR.- h éhélIalaît aýpëàre;L ou 66110h«'In Chance ' Convoyancer, 'JUST LOSSEB PROMPTLY PAID. etion in 04ýLça"s. r réadýrè iwoun tho and thé Praslin ia#l:esoibn ' ta, the NOctary Publie, ». Ofâce--%extddoito JAS. CýLATTbiq a a .41Y gathèréd ýfollàjj ng L* B. BICKELL Parties tamng tbetrain and leaving bornes MID àlo Bq an' Store of B.> 9 J. Campbell, Broék -Street,- 'i;qold 1iô ' b th ýt1oD Whitby, Ont, ecietary' prali'nt. -, ,av îd"alréidy-,thït a thoin well taken care 01 till their B.roc tir whitby-ý biýie'sti te' W ' a ZI, y a » WAY9. Whý(eh w.e'esme'ýitiý' w1d ae retum. May 14th, 187Ï. h fâther, nPon reeélilin6nd f' SU th politicians of hie iliéte whére Mr. IX Roluday in no longer an agent 61 the'strength of solhè 'ai .9 ýe --------- Ons litter- profes lave yô thie Company. 914à a*ýspirit of âjistra- (;LOBE ROTEL, IST OF TEZ DIVISION COURTS a and ' agonyï 'As for my Part,' said lie, lit bas *eýIl - meet ]BAURISTEÉS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICI- L t%88ured'Jémmy Bujkaý,'-tl6f eghê bad opened. my eyes to one thing that 1 wife, whate il tori4 Convélanceri, ana I;otuies Pub- HRNIX PIRE ASSURANCE CO-Y, ONT. Or TIIE f4nýEdward9 wontforgot:-a single lie- door north otthe Post p afteragiven period4 11,ýe'itiem, word of poli. injustice, or a Coh Oshawa, LOMBÀRD ST. & cuàma CROSS, LONDON. JAS. POWELL PROPREETOR. COUNTY OF ORTARIOY ho*over, never for-a' my, tics I shall never suffer to bc preached macliree, VE J. B. MCGRE. moineýt sufipëeteri fron, the altar while 1 livQ; neither lest fatéwoll c YM&T-CLAsa-,AccoxuoDATION. FOR TEM YBAR 1872. the nature of the bafig upl noigilb which bis 61111111 allow denouncements for politi. My darlin' wi ESTABLISEED IN 1782. Our ,had, i eted the CaIOffeDcýes- Thealtarins thé bâillop more in liellivil NTARIO ROTÈL, d superstructure of his DUT ive GILLESPIE, MOF7AT ip CO.,Agents for t; but st TTOItNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN J.F Z. tOld Me-and a liard rap ho gave Mr. H departi 124 X ýc,> the Saine time lie felt Sadly; puzzled by Af6p A Canada. BROCX ST., WHITBT, el racrogo tliekuueklesforBry. ,on, -JAMES DAVIDSON, 'Manager. :e < melancholy and daclin1ng appear- au'o a CI and returned Brock, Ci'W.- C. DAWES, 1 - - - - - - - - - - ance ci lier whom, he(,ý loolied upon as !?air-'the Sitar' 'says IlIe, lisn't the bouse. PROPRIETOB. 2 71 1 1 1 bis future d , 1 lace for îoutics, but for religion; =' About tweli Insurances against lommýhy Pire are effect- The aboyo nja establisbed hotel bas been -No 2, ... aughter-in-law, The trutil f IIOPë tnay never heàr of its. being ing thé fami] L. 13., ed on the mont favorable termf;, and Losses newly -fitted up Aud renovated throu 18 _ 29 24, descerated witfi polities again,, gays wh Nuis .... la ýVaS that scarcely any 4 acquaint- kaid without roforence to the Board in Lon. 9U the "artmonth being furuished wit out' Ndi. 4 .... 19 14 25 le 117 allées çouw re 1 were esoi ýBARRI8TER- AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN ellnew Irer " the sain his lordship, 6au, ChancoryCouveyaucer,&c.,&-c. Sim-, don. N inajestio, tali, aý neither I will, I as. wake-bouse, fi and suitable furniture. The pr rietor-le ill 17) 26 2n lm 'ý2'bê'aùtifulý,er SON, 14 1 whora sure you.1 000 Streetj 0014awa. YEOMAN GIB icave nôthing undonc In irovildlýýng for thé No. 7.::: 19 y i _y dis. The intelligence of the upexeectef, poarance of 18 1.17 2s 19 the had known belorà this eav were a good te, and t ey ma 29 Agent, WhitbY- comfort of the gues y re1ý, up- 20 aPpointment liad c G. the tient of pure L Olme on or. Hgr change thst hall taken place in quore being suppliait at -exquisite figure hSd L^st Ipost of its favOur laildlord, bot] H E thebar, Strict attention paid te the sta inu 74. BURNRAM, of the M'Ilahons, did t reach theni bouge. nÀRRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, T and in looking after the eivifity of hostlers. judge. rouzidngus, lier eYe Do loner flashed on that day, which. Wuâ'g) the Blâme, Gentlemen, Ãœotar Solicitar In Challem and Irimolvencv, Liverpool and London and Globe '91iitby, Feb. 18th, 1872. 7 with its dark mellow lustrej and her SB we liave stated, on which their yPublic &c ke 'Office-McMiIIajý» Clleek-her àama8kcheek---dýtress and gra bis lif Old M'Malion Block, Brock âtreÏt Whitby, Ontario. EVERE HOUSE, nilfather departed t o. The -thats it's, to JIVNU94NCE COMPANY. R M ANUFACTURED AT THE desPair hall fed UPOn lit, . until.little re. relief felt by Thomas M'Mahon and bis tbrouble I mu MANCHESTER, ONT., lmainedtherebutthe bueof geath it. familyat thé old man's death, took here, gentlemi JAMES LANON, AVAILABLE àâýbtTSi #27,000,000. B. PLANX PROPRIETOR. Port PeArY Àgr!CUItUPai WOrks self- 'Her breath in fiw TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN t was évidently nothing from. the sorrow which *eigh- but God'a wiE A chancer Long M beginning to go. Her apf Y, Conveýancer, Land Agentr es pai in -course of thirty-five years Stages tO and frOm Whîýy call dafly. Ev. abandoned lier; elle slept eýte l'ad ed them down soi heaviI7 M cObBe- obalidient,' &c. Office-lu Parrish a Block, Brock St., exclOd FORTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS- ery attention paid te guesto. LIEFFEL'S CELEBSATED ANEBICAN DOIILI JI tllat littl, it e, and quence of thoir séparation front the 'M'Mahon,' Uxbridge, Claime by Chicago Pire estimated at near- tless and UnTefýeëhing. abode Of their fordathers and the place ly.88,0190,000, are being liquidated as faut an TURBINE WA lER WHE EL. - All lier f. was res 1 me yoÙr hand, eted mi. ýthout delluçtion. Security, YAL CANADIAN ROTEL, mily'. wth t'le excePMOU 01 Of their birth., They knew, or at lekut you or your 80 r la a,, and mother, WhO Sustailled they took it for i PicniLL,%N, Prompt Pa ment and Liberality in adjust. Ro THE BIOST ECONQUICAL WHEEL NOW rN USIRI 1the. ý.s with the silly ýa bitiân of 9=ndfather- would never .ýjý grauped, thst their OU my accoulil ]3ARRISTERS, ATTORNFYS, So, mentofits ossemiLrethepro ' entieatures POnT rMaRY, ONT., their daugliter being able kee bave borïie render you an îtors, Notarien Public Conveya. e of thisweethy C an . H. FOY - . ýGlBCe Byron Street, SOUI of Post e , ead Office, ana a Ontreal. PROPRIETOR. jaunting-car-for her fa r ad or the long voyage across the &tlantico a pensate both y Whitby, Ontario. . renc aide circumstance whieh distroasad thom Cali, Ibr the'au G Fi CNIMIITH, that point a Bine gua C ief gent for D î 'on. Superior accommodation. Good stabling With the above excep i us, W" sÊky, 'verY much- Ris health,'however, ex. Consider youre THOMAS L. FA KS, Si, gent lit y, Out. and shed room, amil attentive ostiors. 0 bc e ser- Ilibiting as it did, the undyimg attach. restored to yole 11-UXTON, iously alarmed at the state of or ind moût to home which nothing else could rIlOWN CLERK AND 'TREASUItE, R and lipalth. extinguish, only kindlej the sanle ýprOpOSed Orig '-L Whitby. Office--Town Hall. 11uursý' JOHN L. WATRIS, H.E R OIR soi; ]ROU SIR:, 1 'Rathleen, dear," said ber affection. affection more leues prepared Iro'm- 0 to 1 o'clock. T site sister, 'I think YOU have carried in their bearts. strOngly sud tenderly of émigration. DUNDA9 STREET WHITBY. your feelings '.a The accoulit of it had pare such, me OFFICIAL ASSlGNE£ý gaingt- Bryan far (me abroad through the neighbour. JAMES -.ItlcnatcN. GEO. ROBSON, - PROPRIETOR. enough.' good, and with it the intelligence thSt mirable son. NSPECTOR OP PUBLIC SCHOOLS BÂILIFF SRD DIVISION couuT, The proprietor begs te announce that ho MY feelings against Bryan l' She thé auctiO4 would lie postponed until prepared, and for the Cousity of 0 tario. Addres exélaimed. nocessity of li M au. leused the building formerly known au tliat day week. And now that lie wâs or Abadarra,' 1 Raglan Pont Colce, Ontario. s__ AUCTIONEER, S'eripture's Rotel, which han been renovated, 'yes,' prooeeded her,ý sister, 'I think gone, ail their hearts turned with soir. R, J. (;trNN9 Pl. D., OFFICE-In Bigelow's Block, Port refumighed, and fitted up throughont, in the YOD Ouglit toi forgive him., _rOw and BYMPathy to the deop and Need we de Perry. belit of style. The premimes are pleasantly 'Ah, Hanna darling, how little Yeu almost agonizing etruggles which their such a commu SURGEON TO TIM COUNTY GAOL, aituated, o posite the Post Office, and in the know of your sisteris lie rt, I have coming departure caused their father te, sterling-heartel: Byron Street-, Wbitby. Pert Ferry, June 2-4, 1672. 20 centre of tge tonn. Tlie Railway omnibus long since forgiven him, Ha sure our readex anna.' callg at the hotely and the stages for Ux. contend with. Bryan, whose caitu but removed from i 'Then whaï' bridge and Beaverton leave the door e 0 te prevent you fronê manly firmness iustained them, aU, Cloud from evei EW BAKERY & FRUIT STORE. morning. Board 81 per day. Carefu heZ 1 v making upwitil ilim --f-_ 'dUY1Sý,9OSPITAL LONDO N 'I have long since Ff, absolutely fenred that his courage sary te, Sad tlia N, LNG tlersalways in attendance., Ranna ; would fail him, or the ôye R. 0. X. L, 0ahawit, 0ntftAýý- n'tr 22--A » si, bat his va B lut, ma ýj8Tý Ad alth C:,Minde(IK lieur siÉtez-, -dô,ýrü- fëï "tat ora and Begs tu anndunce that lie îs new prepared ESTERN HOUSE, will think for a Moment of marrying any bis heroic little a*' Dora, WhO, ample, und tha te supply everything in the W man that failed, when brougbt te the althougli too ister, ENTIST, (SUCCES Bakery and Confect1àneryý Une DUNDAS STREETY WRITBY. trial, 4n honest and steadkstpriiiciple- or urge ber own eringit, did net and affectionat, D sor to W. H. Card.) thé man that would callm'e wife sbould endure the. less on t jat account. Dental Iloomis-Dundas Street, At his old itand, lately accupied by Mr. J. The undergigned would intimate to the be 11lPrig t We have littl Whitbyoverkfr. Jàmesoli's Store.- Nitrous Arnall. that the above premises have been ht, pure, and féee frein every 'My dear Doar,' said lie, after their Clinton, in thé oxide ous aaminiotered for the painless ex- CHOICE FRVIT OF ALL KINDS tted up and renovated throughout. Those Wheels we are now nianulact e ve grandfather hall beau laid out, *I kuOw became agent ti traction dl tee4h. and Cigare. "The Creana of cheaper than any other shop in the cou DO discharge lier dishoijour upon Ilis bat you are sufféring, but wliât eau I perty soon gavî KMA constantly on hand, in searion. Ciuiada,"also pure RhIne Wine, Walz's Lag- and we will give a guarantee with e C name, and lie must feel the love of his do ? This - split between the Cavan- good jud meni ce N. vAit.41 L. D. M. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINRSt er, wholesaie and retail. Boarders taken by Wheel warranting them te lie as welll m a, religioA and Ilis countrv. as go LOBSTERS, PRUNES, RAISINS, the week. and tô- give as poil satisfaction sa ruling principles of hi; luft er tn jz,.j-vý T 1-1 EETH iriserted on all the CHEESE, TOBACCO. JOSEPH A. DANDEL. manufacturedin the Doinininn_ agha and us bas put it out of n'y POW- wère best caleu ,ore ket. ne bro ÏM y jkFru iie ha à, b er à ýà -tir ,Ibroýtbeàl o Ap lui strai gont owe a ad" uï- _Lri eý as t: ly a lIf a &ai is Q7ý laq1w tu der c4m mr ýng da wo tjis w râlai Dur, to t t )fr"echd. -Brôwm,,, lof iîg,ýWw, we fg silver, ana a' aý=,«ed witIl ý4ýi prçippy 0 1 iip-W!Qlmýrd éblü -frai, ýhé-- vatcli aighVhiitliday, and witil orderi- _pý Th'e -worUingt1lý pri- ùuà wa s trouglit bgýfýrp a' ma'L-rtsfrate.. ýau,1 ýpT)Ue1*C se&,je a ?é6,nd-liand ehoil à Fuit of 'cloillés [DÉ iMý Whéifle liait -bis nèwý -P MUlis-hàtr-ýtUtý lie wag 1nUCh-:raoreý ,tho Police Court ho ayè his evi(lëiweýin sueh a, straightfor-, 'araway as to :&,voi-àblyimpresý thé ' * tÎàte fvith"fteýWutii. Vie aimed ils,%,Iügnl.iArJanyrueh confession ý Foir, ýand Proteîteil bis inuoce=eiind h6ira. of- 'a mutiler. a ait iae ei4' nàt, kîýow thé me ; and this, jèinêd:to'ýthé4fsd ýtIlÉt 3 WSK S ZiMive -of a Jown, imelis ýshorÉ in Home inua- ire conArméd'ibé 'evideàee' of Ax. inallý',Srû,Wn renïànfléa for, a to"enable us-to e'ý'oeituiiirate ithtl"a:,alithorities-at,-Glasgoir, Wo iiiiedjately,ýteleer,,aphed,,to the chief poli a ut 119w, st, . à tin 1 4 thal - wri kd: =au named Br6wu for L4ý M der 'thé- woman, I&I thst ', lhel p- *f-1èrý1ýWaS rü- landýed fr f t clay, (Thurîwlïiy).un- Itlléfollowing'.1o.jàay. téle,,ýani in reply iliaf they Il 'd - ' thp i4ýht mail, and thaf p 71 icer wcnld, .60 sent np ta- Lawlôa in pit moýlli1lg we Ima fi thé telègrain. Tjie murder ha.,l, it ipe1aýed,1,éeu quité il my.,;tciý t, tilé làl;kow police until the day before tlie Ceipt of Dur message, when a wumun A'beAn foniid-*Ilo ass&teê.,tfýat slle diieendecensedon-the niglit of Ctie arder in- d'o th a, sailor nain- 'Brown, ai7tztwsllle had watelled ..eu, l'ort Ilope, depart ........ a OÙ, P. M. u the effect that U of tl;e Yez 11 lie was tu stay in the Istud, and aise acide te and improve but wlien 1 re0ollect that country knows-little slle crames, whst I'm the procceding ri V,% It - ---*--- - ___ ---- - - - - 1»j LEY Jit., Co s and yehicles o Lindsay, arrive. ......... 6 30ý p. M. lie's going suffp.rin, on lier accourit, and how I the cliffis of Althi ICENSED AUCTIONEEILFOR THE in a position te Incet T love lier-more now than ever, I th k; th. MY heart is broken ; as it je, his dis in c a fa e whi wantfi of customers to merit a share of epart ........ 2 45, P. In. - she's go changed, they say, that you e k; ilsef; lie hopes by beinr TIIATNs GOING SOUTII-MAIL. G U ta another land-for ever-J feel that We bave on], thanks for the liberai patronage heretofore -e _i . . 03J on Dora's bond surprise nor sorr L - County of Gntario, begs to return ... BEST IN TUE WORLD, graceanclthat th0nght!%1ýro bothkillin, M'Mahon and publie patronage. Linàsaý, arri,6 ....... 4 15 p. M. _ z . ÃŽ £lier that 1 will could scarcely know lier' As lie spolie, bestowed upon him, and ta antiourice that Mr CHARGES MODERATE. ffl pe, arrive .... 7 15: p. in. BROM E «93T me. To-morrow the a single tour tell up depart. _ ....... 4 25 P. M. goes--aaliétion cornes on, Part Ho and then lie whieli lie held in hie. Peety into their 1 ho is prepared ta conduet sales cither in N. B.-Covere(l conveyances for famines XIXED. -.rNDr;ôR.4ciReuLm -ýC0NNv- never see-hini. I'm afraid, H 'Come, Bryan,' she said, assuming a Hogàn and Mr. 1 Town or County ut rensonable rates. Ar- and ladies. Prompt attendauce, as hereto- Lindsay, depart .......... Kn N 'âý 1 choci-fulness which, she re.ngententi; for sales eau bc made either nt 9 25, a.-m. Now York Ofâce, 27 BEE à that MI bave tO go tO hed, - I feel tht the CIMONICLE Offl(,'C, or ut MY Ã"WU OffiCe, fore, ta all orders. Port Ilope, arrive ........ 12 50, p. m. lm hardly able ta y did not feel, comfortable seai N. RAY, Proprietor. Bit __ 1 ' '1011't have it ta Bay that little Dora, hearth;- and th Brook 'Street, WhitbY. M. G. TAYLOR, Hanna once more-ý lier ta h ýh unch Occasior 7 Supt. ci Trains. - heurt and w er who oua t and duos look up to, you of týEult(.P, GURLEV9 ING BROTHERS, 0 T I C B 'Don't cr upport, muet begin ta support you N y, Hanna dear-don't cry herse ' If ; to-morrow's the l"t day-who as, 0 himeelf Bai( ERCHANT TAILOR, CLOTHIER, ONEY TO LENDI la hereb ven that appli be for me ; the bitteiest pue of my fate- knows but she May relent yet 2' Bry. perly sober. - m Clo!pier, Oshawa.' Gentleineri's gar- WHITBY, ONTARIO, m 0 Ze ýegiglativ cation WM will be partin' from you.' TI ments madè up in the. bLst style and latest Made t e Assembly ci On. Ranne; here pressa ber an smileil faintly, then patted her bead, liwhion-. À fine stock of Cloth%, front which Impôrters, Dealers and Manufacturera of all Repayable by instalments for tario, ut itl next session, for an Act ta again and and-",said, Idarling little Dora, the ta make a solection for Gentlemen's summer front Two ta establish and confirm the aide li..8 of lots wept aloud, whilst lier- otless and Labor Sa Kindis ni Twenty years, et low rates of interest, with. No.'s 13, 14, 15, 10 and 17, in the lot conces. great-minded sis or c,ýf._BP wealth of nations colddn't purchaîe ,suite, - ont commission, and ut moderate charges. Sion of the Township of t ),ù il lier.as you., -EPot Whitby, amil well as she coulèL.- éc ýhat wo Id Plain sauce LEATHER « D FINDINGS, Private Funds to Lend. of lots Nc).'fi 18 19 and 20, in the jet con- become of me l' x la' Not ta do anything mane or wrong, American hotel c'ý (.Eoltt.,Le ColtàlAclw, Apply ta- cession of the Wwnship of Whitby, au they bing ; if aùytl .' ' M , ;Ob- at any rate,' she replied ; after whi& -UMBER MERCHANT, CARPBNTER Cash paid for Hides, Bark, and Leather. now are ; and for properly deilning the ung W ou, Ta make a gm L and joiner, Greeil Street, whitbY. À Leather strebched. J. E. FAREWE LL, Saine. or take you a fr --it would she wentin ta attend ta t4 affairsof Trank conductor. large quantity of ail kinds of lumber con. Solicitor VVhitby,ý Oct, 2nd, 1872, 41 break my heýa7rta'ytooo. the family, for this conversation took stautly on band, te, BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON Brock St., WhitýY. 1 , a plaS in the gardon. Ta boil a tongu UNDUIITARING.-Puneràtlj% fully sup- -SHORT NOTICE. May 28th, 1872, 22-ti anna, said ber siâtoto ot encour. ing coffee, elled and attended on short untice. Coilluoi ----- --- further on As éveniüg approached, adeepgloom, Tc mako a goo opt constatitly on baud. A lieaise tu hir@ May, 1872. 22 OBERT JOHN YARNOLD, 10. Orrow, the c onsequence of deep sufféring, from one of your on Ilberal terni». R the t'Me 1 allowed for an clear overspread the features and bearing of qb your wifé con find himself if lie could, W [ý e u and I Thomas M'Mahon. For Borne time Ilow ta mal[ - ONBY TO UND, II oi C E OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE E X À M I N A T 10 N ài p, e 1 have only ta bég that you'Il do all yon past, ho had almost him If given se over hint a galion of w,' eau ta Prevent MY fatlIger and mothe ta the* influence of what ho bail Hnw ta make Fort TUE OF n r expert. The underwigned lias une amount of Mon- ,!Me Ame from distressing vý le Êout . ýd*&r t - that was oh ey ta Land upon Paria or rown Property, ut à 41 el servable in ar publisher fifty con COEVTY OF ONTARIO. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER8, Burke ; I wül ne, r but many ways, all more or leu tend' uuuâuaUy Low Rates of Interest. 9 _ mg ta À Plain loaf---a Loans eau be _xopald In sums ta suit bar- I expect ta se rry e b'ý,',l yet, revive the affection which ho felt for How ta make ADDRESS-Box .90, Wurrirr. and I think Il rowere. :C c You-that's hie departed, wifé. For instance, ever elboW, geveral Imprôvea Parois and, wild Liuids A P P L T R E E S The County of Ontario Semi-Annual, Ex. sa Tq li bone'l a ti yfng a grout deal, I W6W. you love since their minds bail been made up fur gâl"he À 11-0 U-T 20,00«, amination 01 Candidates for the office of himHanna'-Iknowit,-andhe loves ta emigrate, ho - had watobed, 4ud the poulterei in tic Investin at macle in Municipal Deben. ALUABLE PIIOPERTY FOR SALE. Publie School Toucher vin lie held in the yen, Ha naq for ho told me 80 the last tended, and fed Brachy, ber favourite Tc com beef- tuxes, BaneZ and ether marketatable Stocks. -AT Tl[£- V ri Foi further particulars apply te TOW N OF W day blit one ho was here rement. cow, with his own hands ; nor would brewery. , Th. subscriber o1fêra for sale the foUow- HITBY, ber they ail Veut out, ahd left ne ta.. lie suffor sny one else in the family ta How to-select a JAMES HOLDEN, HOM E NURSERY, ng Valuable property, in the Towm of Vnùt- COXXENCING ON getlier, and thon ho told'Me ail., go near ber, with the OxcePtiOu Of at a base-ball mat Official Assignes, Broker, &e. From two ta tour years of age, emibracing ail b -,-An excellent Brick Cottage wîth j acre Hanna's face and neck bocameen 0 land, situated on the corner ci Green and . M. Dora, by whom. elle had been milked Now ta drego ho FFICE-Over the Dominion Bank, Me- the bout Varietieo. St. Peter 5ts., in the South Ward. MOND21y, 16M D.7,"C.'Ii, 18729 Bon, and she was about ta reply, wheu ever since ber. muther's death, and ta a good thing to, dn Millan's Brook Ste Whitby. Aigu, j BpZil 9th, 187z 15 SETH C. WILSON, acre of land, well fanced and in a big a rather loud but jgood humoured voice whOnithe r h 'tatO At 2 o'clock, p. m., fer Candidates for sec- was board in the k. a f0ýe0 animal hsd UOW trous- PecMy if they be of cultivation cortier Wellington and Gif- itch fi the dialo. ferred ber etion. Ho aloo cleanea Lot No. 8, 2nd Con. Pîciken'ngs en Kingston fard sts., North Ward. and and Third Class Certificates. gue took place e ' 1, The followig la Roud, jet Office, Whitby. i acre on Centre St. in, pa xclaim. and ciled ý ber spinning-whoel, exam. tbentie copy ci a South of the residence of C. Draper, Esq in mg, 'God gave ut a HoWedo you ined ber elothes,ànd kept him"If Whitby Brass and String Bauds, adaptait the South Ward, Abu 20 acres of good lund, The examination of Candidates fori First commercial firm, in b comVosed- of 'part of lot 18, 1 Clags Certabcotès will be holà et the Sam -do, Mrs. Cavanagh 2 Ow is Gerom perPe e ged Mi lookin for Quadrillas ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Oth con. place as the above, conlMenc, and the youngsters p, abject t W 0 0 ulatea ta = "-,7 men, we have the Parties, &0., &0., will oupply le bes V - land. wnship of Murray, Co. Northimber- . mg on 'Indeed &Il middlin' obcè more before Mo imagination. - ber vol, oiir,,respected 1 latest Muelo on rossonable terms. Beisig part of lot 29, 7th concession A clear and indisputable title will be given hesdq' the 26 lçt.Uý thank your ' fii;on the ins Applications must be made oither persan- lit doy of Deeember, reverencel barritt, our ellest girl that'a Aboutz couple of hoiwo bdore sun. ount o On ri 100 acres, 75 cleare ta ail the above property. For further par. ho continued by Ally or by letbr,_ýpoit said) ta und & 900d statO 01 cultivation. Good ticulan apply ta the owner. AT SINS. OCLOCE, A. ]W. a littIO lOw spirited for » time past', set,,.withont »ýi4 whete ho was going ose names au J. eOLIPENDEN dwel g use, and extensive outbuildings 'Ay, ay, I know the ti se of timt--:: ho sauntered, dowu te the-graveyard WlIitýY, in g il repair. Apply ta the ow or, '%Iiitby, July 1871. FRANCIS CLARK, intending Candidates wM pléans notify itle no secret-where je. site Dow 2 If Carndhu where $ho lay, sud 1 of ium mi-riet is q DEST SI31EON. TIFFIN, 29tf me without delay of thoir intention ta pre. she,,; in thebouse jet me seo ber.' fint uncovered iùs heàa and, ro. per chest. sent themoelves for examination, and Alio of The two . sisters - thy ating? Ob, d T HE, on the premises. ARM FOR SALE. the oiuDz ci the Certificate for which tii a g composed up a proyer for the repose of go 1 grave ?ý We are Y, ' Loaskdale, Nov. 14,1872. .47 F intend ta apply'; whether 'lot, 2na or 8Z their dress a little il hoir feaÃŽurès, lie wept bitterly- HORSE.M ED101NES. lls--fomarding at the same time the iMmediutely Made their peannae. 'Bridget,' said ho,' in thst s& Cape of Good Re --- .9 0 0 A cres. Uecesfiary Certificate ci moral character. 4God be good ta us i, a exclairaed, figurative language, op frequently Statu tItat a fierce b All descriptions dl the best - Horse Medi- LAWLER, As Inspecibors are required to forward te 'here'à a change 1 M May I nev between the Kreli o 1 neýk constantly on hand and fur sale ut Te Theund the Department a, dtatement of the number ý Y t or by th Irioh, when under the influe e t cysigned is authorized to séýU re 1 than the Of htby Livery $tables. Importer and Dealer in ail kili north f el lot No. 15, aria the nort the ci applicants in each elug go that, the sin, if Fil know! her lio eep lemot.ion ; 'Bridget, wife of m bockies, in - whici (1501 h-eut 1 necessary number of Examin niother that b ho -, y '" whipped, and from t-iW*Në charge fur advice. of lot Nci; 16, in the 5th concession of ation.Papen ore r rd ga"d us 1 heurt you are removed front the, ý%- N. RAY. FaMlly apo « Pick- may be made ont and returrled in tiüje for look st tbis 1 Doý'you, e lier wAre dai*tered. onng, comprising 200 acres of excellent land, uOth- and troubles of tliis world-from th cerles, Pure Wineq' the Ex4minsâm, intending Candidstag wM * . ', re, two mg, Mm cavanagh P' 7 trials and troubles -that ý have come were - ed with well adapted fur grain and pastu Ses the necessity for -forwarding the :noces. 'H B. OIDELL, durable etreams running throuýh the fa;Ïý, ý1"k 1 1ý come, now-yotuSr 0 other BiLrdÈe PURE SPIBITS, There is sufficient firewond sm raâ_timber gary information et once. 'Nothing on siÉth,' oh lièd ; ýher- upon us. I'nt au : a ri] Y, CROCXEByý.çEWAý GLASSWAIjEý fer the use et- the place. Th Applications must be in m han b the cOmPlsint's'tLPon the art! we huaband-him thst loved yon ho 'nt -Au AUbma edit4 Situation is 20tlf asy of November. didn't thiiktýat physi would 4 'evérything, on, this eird4 to, ieg, YOU his rival m a 1 lireal Clerk Dlvlslon* Court, Tp, Pleuant, being mfdwav between thevillages 7 bieh and an aqueduct of i ÇHBýQUERED STORE, of Greenwood, andBrýngham. JAMES UCBRIEN, éf any u» ta ber., why, zny lieart,_w Commission" in B.,R., Land Agent,*&c., Fur all information enquire of- geotorPublio Schools 6wel4 perhapo 1 a =0 was lô sloop 1 - jý . fliere 1 ouglÃŽt '46 sloop, npon his rival roto] cq, Athekly, county Ontarioi RENRY H WELL f0jý county 01 ontiAo., her. , 'Uïten ' ta your your',Bide; càn't -begranted, ta me, his ýoùtemporar art'o Dame a 'Ure 6ýpIeýw, t6 'Vou W y it a, Atherly, fitpt. 2ad, 1870. go Whitbf,'Xby 1972. ett Yflùtby# Sept. IM, jW$ý rock 6t., W tby. u4GzýAx P. 0. sweethè cleared and ta h In case of in"7 "d , ý -e , led Bryau M'Mahozï- jw_,«erý Yoýu!d Zn, jAQ,ý P, trom zny plaée boside 1 phemy., lIaý'ûigl't I met thô Scotch officer eréat NorthOi4i Station; who 'ratulâted nie stwIlichýJ'Ilà(J-'laadé. ýItlIoughtthere WU'sor4o ge(lit te me, as there had béen,;4ieýc , û1tiè s le way,-anà,tliep"risduer be!6& such il, P4wieifulýüiaà, ger aloo. Eà ýýrePlY took ý'au, thp ýth'out of my body 1 Eh,, m0m,' th!e're,'ý some Dù'*s"ke 1 ' The maa we ýi&fii is a wee c'h'ap ýaýàe& IRèd-,heÀded(ý ýCjjfilqieýý but, iarealnar»ii Brawn, àliai 'Tox, à Sinclair, and half a dq-ýçq fil light k- Imon me in a lido'. ýL' A;16* lùwty words, of'expj&jjmý. to tlie-&àtehmani alO ý8e fut m a 'OM 08b CPuld go, we tore dow - t itreet, but arrivin.* to'ô' late er ýiÏdý'ý'had fLown..,-FO,,x" the.,ZtiÈ derer, lad left the coffée ishop about ourbefore, and from that day 'ý6 een à _ tý_ a, ve novor a r1eard any. 0 un. lëédýà"ly-mýy thst the prisoner, *is hé next xîilorning. býI the'fire was's WýéePiDg throngÀ 'street, in Boston, one of thé iny4ed, the by., ý,iý Qre, to 41ýp »exQse.lV.ýs' 1 A police- Who a* aied 0 m- tile not 4.ta-iibil à _' JY-0b.,' kïfi- , lu Vid 0 à ir4 m un 0 em çàw«: ore) D", he t undere Iwhat :lu a ut?, ing ý. fi . d a Pa# aiïa.râfiïdedý ýf4mountaiù '0',- -'*Tbb-oM,46ILr -golçIpiem ý ' 1,'e Zreat jiuiumae., ",We,4ve le oné ýiù2 ià'ieü id thÈ deÏtlio And we have lost, 06bWAY, 'y u<ethe& every,,day,- fôr ye&mý%j;), to Com for- a in. tion of etatuary. Lp=w'ýèa'--ào rizeýfor deepini bnU«Ttii Aminently affable BMmaM, refusal to,,a., lady ith 9; àfid 8: paliiî* le«Z fàù,' lked Tort. n in fflý,,w,*'Wtb , 'ýWthw- mai ;ùw Us-,

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