Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Oct 1872, p. 4

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oie long oexim 1 t kfilt "iaeho Md-tlh. phyuil Dunbar. whmk'a leAl outor ;Q*by,i8I O fig recta. t. jeqt diop ~ ls, Slrr a41 8iLt Llm<n1 x i L. I YI 'Wist do yen moanPl wa thsesao Yeu Weos er with myhandsorne ptient. Rit hat 81.11 E 1 1un t.i Il I - ', noise tlat 2. mbav e the chier for xusng thse weed I lebbhýiJI) Ce il' +;ý î " àwG" he excelg d, witont et bîcameisrOiiU and>~ on,.Du ' n- tlt-t i 'Ail thse town la taikin about a mur. i.tx#i ýý niage between HRelen Marunti -wue' yoursealf. How is il? You know Iudqi l arIteot cagjeep me et, se tel me.', ntea eegtscaily continued. "It A. x'xx, iarc'l . oa 'Netlyet; but yonhowpe there wiU " "Patbgp C "et nde dbis arnuseti P W s u e 'If ee 'ill bo my vife, yen. J ,< aronnd3your néck to weigh Yeu down raising avoice'.ant à$ft~JOinf*'w ~ paet you mean, doct ?' IieApe Ç~2o.less. 'uiirpiy' îhiW7 hoand if Yeu choeeediliIn; but vhn il cornes hoýe worli niy applaud an ntreas, go haif confin, a vorflyl eo an',Who a w zzn;tilabont lier, mnako fools of thein. Yeara ago was presessted by his vifeB 'À N D Selyic Whon ue10is on l!ip,8tpgà, 4o w . - "aýid te lier, --net wei'cosiried cordialliulse socîely " '50(8 i*Ikoot." fudif a mniMoarries one ho loses caste: A couple of years liter thse good .Whty This wou'îtitory ?'boy onman placeti before liei astonislilng gaze W tcIB ari'.I>oor, lut là ,a- tre4ilné m 41 au the sn, and if You takeecaueofyonr.th self Mnay go abust auy leight in Our is der oder dimse' I trinka*or »JLs profession; or poitical ie. ut ye o n glaasapeer on or as - "fnaLrru hua girl gq*1 as,é gave lit-vo lier te be, Yeu throw awa your chances, n u Ui.stou 4pp emit hiei mont sauna a litdie." eround .our ncck, as I aaid in t he bie. 'Mein GotI, Katrine 1 val isis de mat- WC. - * ginhing. ter on yen ? PotIer yen shtop dis piz - 'Doecýr il ,î oz:aer - ea eder corne more asha villa Yiaenyri, dyears oa oî 1rrti r y<g$oe,18n 'I there any other.reagan tih'y I CAS£ OF CEcNsIJs.cOONsciENiCE-Con -u-blfrt slbould sotitàmnarry l s ir . -'t-ocli ayPC.>PMYT 'Ngne tisatIIcare te urge; but, bas.? ý# f kno*i tisI seanonli.'Enueor) 'Hare is the paper, Mr. < > vo kT*h tha t i s emkh, rtA ) a vntprsclrePatesrýquiri ng'oods In -ni snot W 8li stock provions te pnrchasing elsewl haîve micT'ù~ae , ble ternis on whicls lie is enable le opli 'Aniti rep1ent il ail your life.' hrisnl cyo Set-io ~ branieebfr nnw n'ht '1 (10 iot îeieve il.' 'Siept or aboe-and I wonhdn't de- Ma. KEELER IlSO Maniifactui Nuor won't until the penaltyia foýed cJN br>ae»tasler Governrnent Peg Work, te order,-on reseonable t-rn upoii yen. But if you haven'l gel asy ou* ne account ;iiudthe fact tis aI 1 ovii lofist .' ul ope tisat'the girl didn't aieep a vunk al lishe biessed nigli . wîllreflse.,by reason of a toolli whidh I hope Whitby, June 19, 1872. 'Asd hrsreak Mny lit-art.' yen il expiain te tise Queen, and say I 'lliseaw 1 You will gel il over Soincouhdn't hbave i took ont on Salnrday, étiiîgis. letarts are made of far more asm ie th ie Jewisis persua- tougli iisattriais tisaisleyers. suppos,4siaï' ,sch iIdouý't blarne binefor, quite 1 never kiew of any- ose dylsg from a tiseraese, Eilar goisg te hin te- brokhurtu i-it iii alrny practice. Ha 1, day te have il extricaled, and so picase I asît cctrits ure is somnebody in the le aay tIsaI I only 'abided.' '-Punch. " lobbiy, tor tutu iext Ceesn.' Tise inset ct-refui sesires, h e Whal agonies mueI that poel have fsîtilis tfins arsy intrieder ; ï sdc1-1,wt, yitinewrp*-lis love, as.- wiwl 1 hhuwiîsg tlrough tise open doer, serte in ie ii ranusdfiFt tlsat lie'kisseti 0 e Z - tiroisglethtiscattereil papers, easiîy ac- her ustier thse silent stars,' and bud "" E Z - eZ Y'u~ed la ~esrtssîvng t * p4 i au pçmrpo sorae hin>,iI- iiitlîî#s- tee> of ittvice telbis yoang iàY5. frik-s 1u1t, it ilwas of 1neaveul. Char. -r lie D'sihar lisamet tg leers h& A Detroitmais, supposing il was tise L ~ - .Ic and 1th iseîo-a r3t mike.t ur t' prp'. Is ll tqY[l>glst a pettL t- h ~-efi-. n-)np. ne et'ajltse anitual A t j t'îîjî. isue et off eue of hiie owner's chiltiren, T'Ilu <selecrefuïe&'tise ý e94a1éy-., teiatpron Iis wife, o of sîuillsit'et. Bfniwitlî the tact of iisalfw ele uthoughisb vt à hoot w4olsit i aseoftened the b1ev as ha ssusljgwsa leujjo4, yot kaïsaino4d fluus iis. i. j - 1 ,cr -, llo,((pired 'Cod f"rgivsu yon, lHelen,' uh 5ead, q te eekIlie rmisîrêsa . .adie 's0 1001 OG~ 1 li ueidisu- t-Wuy; 'yonare hoartiesi, Who ÏÏÏ'bôâstârbuftb. prokiencycf PGilAi lY ~ ~ ~t<5.'- ~ Oç,$ 1 Cn ht"e on me rcrly eccupieil by mr. '8<> be ib','-wag liseoiy ansvor; antiaeee'is eisIskad illeesi have at.ain 5,s~iopenced to the- pub- fillehastly (Ii;jl "g 'h m.lic by an.t-pt-ras-r, liuu;tly iieiîiuîtd lii.We learn frein London tht-t during T'( lt buw te tIse fond lover vas as fise pt-st Ilîrea menthes 54,0001)emnigrants Mir. J OHIN ST O N, toribiicas> it %vas susscŽpected. Ho vas siiet froni Liverpool for Amont-a. a ts-usuuj,' Hei- tii- t uttuigit, aa". s ~Whoe iàtbesoughly acqnainted with an the 800 tgu o c 'rtt-ey Wosul permiît calleti At a public meeting iseld.i n wissn,-i. -provet-inu the- art, liavsng tuten for îsgiii-t bsetsu, iisipisekei np anti peg, rosolutions verte aninsonsly - the- last thrce yearge tng.ged is one cel tht Y P'5< lirgeet phobographisc cetablislsmenseis Te- tîsbt-ulse ee kssew visitis-r. In ed, aeverely_ coniuring the autîsoritie rente.r. Jessiton efforts a pt-s-ltct like- tiu- iuw-i-V-es, lie lit-trd of lsee-piayiug for iuterferisg with tise electorial frais- tes, froun th is nalîet miniatture te a lite lu îe p-uuis-u-su, t~<aie h»i bv cIiing eut tise troops. sîzt-. lit- <'lto pra<'ticc-s Mr. But<'iarts at-w I[q îfolhuîvî-<ierht-n trt" nai - r ----~--.~plot-ois-ajultie Psocte ut t r-nse--sring-like- iufi-iS1 1 -- u<lgene.te«Aneanad?' ýhý:o r0 d'ai-h se'-eï,1t <-u.atseete c-asauv as-d colortng un til. le-~ ~~~t "îs'u-lhntetry ast i Sd for- rates te throo cents pt-r si.ngle cop,12.1 ndTli<tii- puli r crneris-llyiuis- er gîiiluc"c(<s .rt-lisng in oIson courts cents prw ,aÏd $6 pt-r annu s.Tise Notîiuîg echargeil il lkecasnet sas-e thai-i hatoft m<if "un 1 ic. f- a An Iateen po ntr- 5yx..thOpe Ani Ftii-ict' attention' te 4181;i s~fk Oa tncs aoi 10 e rief t o.Uopniii1)a1.t GPf, bus-ligu, sfei itetilc ( taiwayi cicea, a cor. ativasce. .i1 .1balsy MJnc Be-,n ri'~Uuuuiurt-ward Cisarles Dubar Io il botter fora man te 0' villont atie ooue sraîiiliy, iii a few yt-arst stooti attise a vii than agaiust (.-JudY. wiith u]y et%- 1872:' is-2 lira'l of hime ifteion ilpplt ofî ah-IL. ____ Caaa, andl Australia. _Do isiY1.0<-- vyouit, ho ceuiti noyer banish ber from ug &s C leeîeyhvenhbto u-y I. t la i.aa riençldssiid the hie nenoy-bauii-tt sI it olg,'o eiMis. Johnuson is tire'sa- -U pulic ueierallyfer t5seliluerjîlpaires- eh te lat tiO le e. TheiresI limetse lias hees ont age llStew-ed as14U1M i indu epstf ht-t setun lier upon thestag-e- te'Bubi igtnsp-ftta andtiwt-ne n voit-ne1'Ho urneti frern A professer un Cayenne, in tIse Fas-. MI mt-ad, in future, te deve ny- -hol-_lime te-tht- business et Anctionee,- tise rat-tlaIOf lier almoat maleblosi Woat, ativertiseti thttht- vil gv l-ss Collectint, &C.J power te boy isise atilpoau e desk ; eusin s~Posey anti elacusun on e vit-n aetvu, ypesutat anemt- :carefal attention 10 busine-ss, te give t-aul OýÊ W ý-U1O '-îiiof gij atisfactionteulvs m uttraceinthLsa wrdO t,44 h i ieSales ce Coliectiseg. tvô-0Wl b tae (aIheîadwor., Inighh in pnovudei for peer people -in a veCk- ,Bisedraseglilet tad Jlask Notes fsse-ish- ~evo evai boue. -ed riccharge. Ofien ant iiosl hi i eoewiîb- lsL5anep aays osat-d. - ~ ~ a~snM~~ ,*issaernot- bu-as . matlefor sales &c. hlesiftizs!tsefolycfnA1I<,, g note)ççthe suffage? 9tthe Ra-BONICL-t- ffice. Wbitby, Obaerse I 00qla ao edty andipreuïdyde .us4ks9~~9~ f et Ü hl. 1s$i ~ it a lu ü Bfl WOfl9 O't iea.iro evtk' O risfe Albert, n ieSad recaeti er a:llt ldGfYuOf îji00- -W. M. WILLCX, Ti heutivr, aest;u plse . ' e hu46'>BIsttAx--IvP1ss'lat m2404.,1872. 89 oey let-of lier voico ewtltihl'ths m s~ o, f-rn issus-o t-st hous-sert-g <srtnorabontf Bi hoh. i enonttrslsate~ iitcst-M s ARM F0O1 SALE. M lieecdt tifek teoleved hlm s i loving liii ltairt ny litar, I suilrut -Su es-s-ne tUjuoworful rCt-son for nfasiag'te n. 20g > Pl. luocajus hs-/wil, -'"Yosr lsusbafist's qaite a ridcle e t it-:, The =Uîde u-lluat'--ic'esi T it 1ise lut'r4,a»' lie ut-s ossyoce (i-to hum, sdt'd a"om oe'snsMt i, tlrh - tt'e ~ tn h- to sp-b-thei PC ss'uris-rlue V rr 'î oi f w--i a'Irs-d or grain sand psne W Ill i? t r "fî --t:1td Mu i f >.lhT osewvise Caui but durable strt-t-nît -s-nning tsg th e -t.B wvits ucleutil tisc"1-y 0 tfCns1 s é -. - Tlsere and icin -dsnilis.boe eh eai.ù.' u~neyer Idrive the other day, asti carnè iome Genwon-a lunhm hud.W,bI a faise curl istacheil te lise hatton tFral(stsuaineqioe- N~~~.' 8eo ia $JoI fwI wl aegifoe WIsIby, Sept. lOtis, 1Me087i, Of dl ifSor tcko Fa>lhII1 om,çi and Dominion Blocýk,.Lb," eý;MammothBqt, K EEL: E.RkR ftirtheé,r additu )W isellingalknd f t fe, season, at unheaê f s Line, will doew l4 ea'e here. Ris large experience, and the favora- archase, give -hin every faciiity for giving, )y and Uxbridge. res ail kinds'of Stitched, Sewed, Mo. t2"' Repairs done on short notice. RB. -1. K&FELE R, NE W PHOTOGIIAPH ALR GENERAL GOLDSMITH'S SHOP Scos-lanti,) begs te anneance te lise resitieuta et WlsitsY t-ni vicinitY tientie bt-srecently -Photograph Ga«-11e r y, wiih t-h thet- t-tes-nprevements anu ste-os esy in thse buildlingt-ne tintr sontis of G. C. (zesio hardware st-e, 3rtck St., Whitby., Ht-via,; liadIol-gtn oed expenit-ace in tise fis-t gusîlenies us t- he cli country, veeko (As art st-ceai te nt-ae in Canada t-au bho asseri es cusîs-sers. GENYER4L MANUFACTURINU GIOLDSMj.TH'S" 8HÇ M. Chimhl i.Ïprcparet i femau-ictare geli anssilver w5e in alîelatesI ati snost beantital dtigne i Rings, ar-ring , B &eltC. ans Olh reta5, szatashionable jeveUetry, &o., matie intu .45e lalpa;t ityI9ajp lis-sei Maseni-anti Odiellova' emablessm'ifts& te ,rtier.1 et osyruaonable tes. HIAROLD CHIfSROLI Brek Stroet, WhitZy. Wbiit'by, August 27i 1872.: - 4v-as CAUTON. Ail eru m e PORTeWVErM & PORT PEBRY B. 19. ['akes efect on SaturdayJune let, 1672. rrains Going 1Nortfi. Mait. Mixed. Whitby Junction, 9 00 sA.. 7 30 p.m. 5rookim e9a./7 59 p.m éyrtle*~ 49 a.m. 8 19 p.rn. )mmit* 10 02 am. 8 82 p.m. dancheofer, 10 12 arn. 8 42 p.m. rince Albert, 10 21 a.m. 8 51 p.m. ýoit Perry, (arrive,) 10 20 a.m. 9 00 p., ýI raines Gging Sonth. -Mixed. - MaiL.. lor.Prrï «eParQ 6 00 a.rn. 2Opn >zt.errAIert, 6 09 am,- 2 89p.= ,anxwhester, 6 18 a.m; 2 48 p.m, ;nrait* 0.8 a.m- 2 58 p.m.; yrtle' '1A.m 8 Il pe, Wooklie 7 01 àa.. 8ip.tn. Vhitby, 7 283..8 8. bhitbyJuntion,(aiýr.) 7 80 a.m. 4 vu p.m -Platform Sation, rain so o iga LIy. , S..D 3K B.3.DMBAL l. t-5'Iý .a Lî AWARDED THE. FRTP tinç , rmr,-çpp rer the ,onj~a~ ttwO dis. J91~STN' SIGLESÉLF-RH&KINIG REApER "P~ Reng9Madame, i bas more goâdipl'iiaad legs dofeets,s sanàshnobet ils ;CAYi.,"JUM~OR MOWER - .0e were- iw'aded,:the First- Priïèe:and -DiPlom a, -at the Prcvi né o i É x h $ h M io in , e l t i n T o r n to , l57 0 . în c t u sp ti sio u i si a il t I e j e a d in g ) fa c b u , in tct hre tieProvint-a; ant i vth o~ o tON mr eueto:diuesitae - 'iigIlsibbiWeAtgilan u~ -tsspaise irttucompeîiu'g- Mfacei--we are- ~ f~~elr 1872, ast i btv - -s uni a~S CAI'RIGESAND- CUTTERSI à&M ýSPLENDflLY FI2ISIflb OARMOAE89 BUGGIES- J4ND CUTTERS, W'p p ilYHIP BUGGIES & 8LEIGH-S. REPAIRS AS USLIAL. WHITBY I'0V 22nd, 1570, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. BROCK ST1REET, WRýITBY, Mr OPPOSITE ONTARIO: BAN K. Begs to sinîounce that he bas bilit on the above premises, A NEW Photograpli Gallery, 60 feet in length, Wlaich he bas fitted up with ail the latest improvements, and nov anmd improired appt-rt-tus foi' îaking pictures, brosse lifo-size to nre q sire d d im e n tio n s.- o a y C e Picture& enlarged & acdurately copied. 1IANDSOMNE FRAMES AND CASEIS. - Business licurs 8 o'clock, a. ns. tb 6, p. ni. No business donc on Sundaye, A. B Ali RET'r, Whiby, Jseiy lrd, 1872. 8l 1872. S M E Q S --17. begs leave te apprize tht-rnsd the public geu enshly, tif the arrivai et a New aud - Csas laERSokc (idnsisting- of the folI)witàg linos: Black Silksie Grograin and Plain; Figneti 811, Japaaoae, Ptat-y Dreas Goots, Mualinis 'Itepps, Peliyý tVardeu's, a cheice aeleetion of Pns, Lustres in vanioses colora, a grand asssort-> metcfIilePpins, White anti Grey Cottoas,. Sheelingut Shintings, Tickings amalficit -aspIs.U- cf Lidies! Uaderclothissg. onibroiereils*d "sà '; Chl- rnns lrees, Infants' BRôles; &aonets, H aIs, Tlumeso, Riibon,4'Hôlr, Glo4's, Chignoens, Braits, &tc., &tc. T e nt emen's, -depai'Ùient is fur- nîshod wîth ,West of Englanpd Brougdc1oths,, Dcae4ins. Fancy Tweeds, (SCôteli iýié[ d ea.dîian, -Iats,;- Cap$, Ne<3kties,, in the ,lst les;, Shirts anîd Collars in greatvaieýy. - ~ ~ Up 'TtéG cèyleatent is -rep1et' iwfth -aebcoice seleéction of -Teps,'-Coffeei Spiceai,1Pickles,, To'n- i baccos, &c., &c. A viy* to his dstsqbishment is respectfally solicited, where Lfeom aéTvantagos 1105eèseà by'1sis- -ho is preparedti t dispos. of gootis aI prit-es tiefyi .OornpeI(tb 172 CarNaes, BuggiesWgas c ~MUL WL KE Y PRACTICAL CARRIAGE ,MANUFAOI'URER,' &DTJNDAS, STIREET, WHIITIY. lu returnin-g thak o past patrona ge bîega to ýannonne-, that he tas eonstantly on baud, and, -ini course of manufacîkurcarriages, Bujggies, (covered and open) -As iuses no4e but the besî aeiade mplyi-the bes% veekusen. thse quaimy anti finish of his wcsk eubieuueiuou 'oyhn s tise W ay eof iseeage st-anuuacturÇ *sd r p i r Yua pîiy attén edudoiEeti t ilà r î 1s s J t h itbyt May 9, 8, - uE W L Whitby May 1,4 ,1872 OT lilihe idï- Ir 1 ~igüed has, à 1 Ladies', Gents',a"; "ia dr sFine an~d1 BEiootà and ShoeS' uad OvershSes ined warm and comfortiit Sîippers, t&oi., &e - g.'WjRepairing,'neatly done.- WILLIAM' BU-RNý1St India RubÈ FÏN1TIJ"RE-rýt FIJRNITUR, AT TH»E' SIGN 0 H *t--Furniture Selllug at Old ]Priées for I Notwith standing -the rise lu material No18 stheime tb embrace the opportunîy of sé'leeting frq ein , tis e sst stock ln tise (Jeufey ocf sidaboards, bseoscontrea bbes, sofas, cbairs, boom sels., and ah lîle beat quaîsty anti manufacture.- Theonl fistcltss etabisAen in t S H. SAIIO.,, !Dras rtuly up 3id.1 v?,Ier F'- S MO0KÇE RS i FOR A GOOD SMOKE USE THIE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. on Each Plug. Pr/ce soLow.that Ail Can Use ,, September 17. 1872. m8 JIJST. IRECEIVED A LOT 0F A choice lot of Java Coffée TO0 ARRIVE.,,, g2-P- Dublin Porter and English Aie, in pintse and quarts. Wliitby, July lOtli, 1872. R .J M SN' N'EWOU L GOODIS GET X:8 URxFALL£3CLXT4 E. Bfor- 'JtheI us <ea- n bPins Befor ti her ua spenasso beins. Yf FALL CLOTH 0F ALL -KINDS., AnEW aFAmlLe ALSO, Whitby, Sept. 3rd, 1872. 3 HAormeTS'o é Merchant Tailor & Drape, DLJNDAS ST., WIIITBY, S P t1 NG AND!) [7l;IMEli WcEAR; Canadian Tweed Suits, Cloth Suits, &(yà' Suits, Yonths' Suits, Ch ilcIreu's Suitý-evýery Style and Mgaterial, Spring 10vercoats. Gents' Shirts, white a-ud colored, and' ,.,Iotbier &Gents, Outfitter,> Diindas St.- Whuitby. r ocosipieti by (;r e -ét, a84 n~ tr- ing spnrious imitations of ths ei cines, he WM1 do welI te sendi meIn a- letter, to the address ai foot (which hé' 'Can do ai a cost of six cents inupostage),, one of the books cf instructions vhich are affixed to the same. i promise -to ,examine il and send a replyi utatig. whether the medicinea are geme or- net go.that if spiirious lie May apply te. the person frù= vison]lh; purchsedi them.to bave bis meney retifrned.. - Chemistas àîd Druggiskwho, aèuire 40toebtain thà mcdicines eau b4 suplie&- ai the Iewest*holesîde prieu in quan- 4ities cf noi-lesa tissu $2 0 et.-vz -Sad 6&M2., and U8s., >per dozen boxesaof 'Pills or pots cf Ointment, nett, witIaqut discoUnt, for whicis remittance imust ha sent .In edysuce. I bave the -honour te be, .Witk great respect,- CARRAT-RAÇÂ,- - One or tva a9 >etfCamesraca ovory- marning beoie ,ee -on any ompty- stornach -duri.g Use leet veallior viiikeep- year syslern t-t-elantibealhy. Carnatnaca Wator stands s-s.sivalied à a veinable remediai agent m- cases afi'Heb- tua ' osfTaiO4 Derangemeut thUe- et the Kidneyo,-Gnavel, Gent, Risaitis (or'ciailytbe t-brouie forïu), St-rat-a, Skis A ectién -sud, o lIddDyspopsia; Esart- bars- .cidiuty anti as a purgative miter a Dl,ebut-Isi s unoqualloti Tse.Spiges a lteetOn, ba t anl an esasable isaDnd 'tae Mant a u thely loÉtf 872.'alcae" 3.e . STaveàoCK'fs. h-21 Tis exes aiMTleor, beé ll n andti vegtabeantmiïv u erpaitha sho - the su or en tytif adsto -th er cles acl, ilisaofp t eth e igIs t-r fromthe an OÙeyont-l t-t-k a will ot lbriéte ac etdshit s. TIse til- ery ubo ept d i ea v s e but -titet anidlvi andn macisis.or IbateUtlthebas boo aley cgonaunei bythen Oui.' t--wllnets nay ho auplit a ib tte iao, u Us mnent t-t ertouceès co at-t acuiei JEi an dvuic- annte boxl tie journal as impt-giE t-us.eoailthat vill chilia n a - cou as hait vithont this rosait as it la ta min- gIe ail vile vae. J. B. St-tk'a 01 iii mlu- but-aIe lise celdast ma-linonyte omui iaP ti.Tegus tei eeelv boit ent agfaetiou and in pvng tse tse pefet-to refiseii Sperua t-rpure w It1i free freni-tse ebjecticon urgetilagaist ail aIlers, as iltit-os net gurm non reee. Nt-v as Use public are saae tsaI ssasy lin aon er ove tisI Ibis la neoleunbug, anti teao8eure' aursolves.,,.....,.tithe Opera-. vison ~ ita aget,(sniya Stoek'a ExitraMachine 01 vopropose, ta those vise are intezestot l setrt e tise s ate-es ta sendti t lem, ou appi- catit-, hy mail or atls.,.,fret- m n ail, br th'o4tsàt tM' senti vithit a iev simple test, as effective aseUhss teste an*êwenable partie. ,-rtiW enallethm d: ernottance vle;er~ Ail parties tieaiis.gîn ie wwdo veil ta cti0mnsnicate vus J. B. STOCK. Bneu-B ' ale.t out TESTIMoNIAL - Ti- j osapu Hixu MACassa Woaxs, Oshava, April 415, is70. ~J. B. SrecX, RaQ.,Bat-aioX, W. haveboas - » Dais Sus,- vo usingyaar Lubriaussg 011 fer tise pait feose Inoulle anti tan uay vwits- t-at leslalien tisatI i s Use boit e11-we bave ever oued Il la akose eieap, anti Ists lon.ger bsan snyother eii.' We bave rais t- ar age 14 foot i*ran pis.er, 7 tisys vile on -ilis.g -It keepa Use lo-la dean anti bniglt. "Wedt not vant sayting botter as a hubieator. - - 1MI N1'0 FLOLJR & FEED' STORE.' opndaForanti FootiStoeo inthe pe- isea latly oct-npioti by Mn. James Wallac, an DunsutaStreet, OppoBite the Robson House, Wleere lboy trait by ket plng everytig in-h their lino alvaya o anz c-ta lue able tgv saisfaction sta t-nstoupers Bran, Shorts, OsîmeýtCra-keti Weat, &j&..f )e besait. 'J gay 92, » 1 1 AND Gý00-DS5 )p as HATS -,JAMES X. MURPRY. 1 30 daysý longer;, ME W G'O 0 D ýS,,e a", JOHN FERýGUSOi*ý5

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