Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Oct 1872, p. 4

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gewqçut f, a o a U551 , ifUU% me 1, woundaLi thegentleman. For- greenlsphoatvaeeiuow§ , Y, l-oung ldyr mieiun- A 011010E KND VAR Wlien wer~ere p entq4to usait other, 1hu4t; at f bngter feeWaupale canteirksapf-utÏuW t*di. :llk " eyewomau.-I- i .vna lok herf5tbO,, I neer uW"Magazines, Periedicals, a ni usenlar power, se I ezpriiiiitl Vi seil o n so besutiçl a womaa. lHer ders for Music tsnd Books carefu i ll"ptiamunn My own wiUasM-p epoaus. gane etmino u I ad- sure thast gave ime pain. >I1 landed vinceudtowarts ber, and ti oueiu Into hi@ face, and l tarteut;i;ro bad do"ai be oesti a ba opW~ Jitby. A49 , 872.~ Hiii oyes, dari, peneti'ating, and oh&-rnageAteplseýof asoui t a deti by Ion~ç drôoping ,lashes, boita iA . I zjm etiÉ; unflhncbiugîfyi into mine, as hu boweti, a man movea,. I .]Mpset 4>9e.- order;- and saidti n spaniolit *WeO have met sudthen oneoéf tbem-4 6sllbwak. before, touer. .ongt vlepe.beardeti felowi wbom Ihati once b.. TiiUte. bve atJeno&îe " ntibfore a Il nsbe-t o- Tuill onihaveapjuatraccent ou- M ougit about it W malce » 1.re fg h t go, c ; nd 1, foil one,, 1'fit o veti; , 11 a a py t u 4O i ý antiI i ' -I repe t dm y vrder D L A auir." ,"ISII5PYO a ai rthelu iefrse gbo woJ4gr bey Iai4M M 11, the darit, baudsome fies, I Iumnd,an sd dàhini Ihroùu h tehé ar. l offerlng my arm 105 a dyt, w.folovmed ot of " ubI aprng t'wrjl m our hoat in ta dijiner. lithasdrawn knife ;but I sent hîmm t é6W1i Ib'at bsnduone gentlemanl" -j'iù bs ,comnaçi, and Ibis coivdlhi askod my lady corupanlon, indicsllng othur, wbo inslantly obeyed my-orders. XXX AI pr1ewu ntei. - - toMm andtiMreodm a nti bu iat Ld C a if;Snordc4bmmoahimii spsi Madriti," I mysuif wstcheti oter tbe woumded man ronfel "'- is weeks of recovery. Il vaseio t h. one I vo rseletsabharo for a ab 0 2m udiaa#;lt- novel. were I ta write ouie 0ad Q I for thei 'Unitedistatus; ant in Ihose tlîuught as I gazeti upon Etimonti Ma!ti- àomonths IJbhailearnedti ial rida, vito vas plouanatly eonverulng, worsbip BIlnnBodman, andtI iwrungR witliî ,aly upon bis lot. frombîlir fcuo ~w era I not Itwas aa lovely moonligbl nigbIt aau, b4 4bc41xywL f,,lletwed- le day of my arrivatslation-for she admtted ber laEt M a Whitby,' JunelD19L72. tain Home.; and our whole Party uat rgig mu ta relinqnisb =y vIi lie., ni)uutil after twelve oclock, reiànau tuau>lests heMequdicea to rétii-o:AUi l lava suohlbeasties as ur-W, om My btter e= : bt iliÉmoÎt reutti ltera ta te qulude that -tbe saine lime,-thatvhile eugr fehaI wt)ilîld rosI upon monlain,4 river, anti liveti, she would neyer leave hM. Thns vuitly wlîtn 'uîarry vuiceos, rntn ept4; M. Btiita,_bau>m'Ce> IÏigîtte, andi MUSIC e ro hnshednwrFyfif àIiddnifr ~ -A N D S a~~~p ~but witb a certain manger that showed im I waf; Standing upon the te17500, me tbal, in-ii eyos, I was but a robber gaitztig uen lte mounil rivtaaIchie', lbongb bis danghtemv might ho- - rtll by.tir beforo me, wben Edmound lieveme not altogether cruel sud crinjo W lae' laWhty n -Aladiîla camie fron thbe houa., smoking stained, alcsBok hty n a frâgrant cigar - andi joining me, vhs e 'Bilen Bodman, vbom I su wildly lie nfered i biscigar-case, "Lit us loveti, retui:ned tah« apber o, N - e IEm Sign of the strcall dowu lowards the bluff, anti en- Tort', wbile I remaied in the fài tncss cîy'a iratble anti quiet aeioke." of tb. Mezican Mounutains. But nult__- 0-_ "Iarnwiliing, seor" aswr- for Ionq. I wasa cban5etimatn,,sud cil. doerneiýto leeve M ;pfaie land,B -And logothur vu valitetialong tihe anti lusi'an houest lie. '[1gathered R .. ) wiedling moonlil path vbich led ta il toirîther unly the-wealth I liait captur. _ sinaîl summer-bousu, buil upon jut- od from" --acsaans lxiiin * tiîîg rocks vhich overhuug the Husox4relinquishedta 1mry baud a l tat I liadtR vn ec i u For saunenmornents vi stooti in silence, wonu lwn0 ; atctaini#theMazwI ian, arige S re c ied furg gzn pntescene aroundti ni; but uida tbaierai e jewoed,1lsbft el ~ r * atlengbll ny cumpanion spoks. lime country. Shortly- aftorwards, lb Shoés, suitable for the s( CiLouel,' do yon remember our lut was riportiti that the faneti Melincho unîceing ?", vru klloti, sud a body, terribly disi. iç'7 IE » I t"I. do ; Il was lu Mexico, anti yvun gurei, vaï laiton sumd burieti as bis; btr en r,îunding a baud of brigande.' but Ibis I manageti by jlacn n lÎour meîory serves youu won, clobfing upon tbe Corp.ufaMexican Parties requiring Goods in nis Li et-lier. I sa1w yen recognizoti me, as I uffleure klid n a duel, aud, diafigui i tc rvos1 ucaigeawce did en;sudnov'I vsh 0 ofer n [e no ssuai 10 houniecognisabe. bli-terms ou wbich he is enallt onci c-idlaifflon tte yen ou My vresence smils fôi Europe, sud, witb lime'jewels bargains,literêtoforo nnkuown iu Wbitby and î-'.Siuppose we couveraeInmu Span- anti ther prupert lu My possession, M R. K EELEit also mal4ufactures As en plas, inr aln imetmysel if man. In London, PegWork, ta order, o n reasunabie ternis. 46 g yu pons, êne Mei.I mt unr preseut huaI, anti prorniseti a Clo." hlm, if I ever carne ta Axerica ta visit "llireatlie notlternarne of. Molincho bin. SBo, arriviug isat vee, I muet lit-rt. ' 1 arm nnw Edmrondi Madrida 1" hlm lu Nov York, anti carne np borne 'hiby, June 19, 1872. iitcrual l ti te Mexican; andtihimn; vithithm.Tue-narneI heur ismry own __________________ after a mo<mnt's silence, hos bokis bis eing Edmondi Madrida Mclinclio, but -- çigar froit lus îips, andti rev ti mb lbe lest I bave discardeti for ever. Oset river. 'Once gince rny arrivai in New York "Colonel, il vas just after ltse civil bave I seon Ellen Ilodmran, but wititont ., wai' inii Amen altI e met. Yon ber aeelug me ; anti I learu that lier ' - ltlin1-coeaseparateil freniyyuxr mon. fablier is tiead, i, ving dicdti Io yeara d Vmîît wtru fia-qd upon by soine uf ry ago, snd loft hier pour, sud ltaIaSie la hîîtil, your -liai-s kille& ansd yonrself nov living villa a niaidea aunt, ber c iii jiirî'tl lî lis falling upon yen.- Yon fabler'ossber. Nov, Colonel, yon know -,-k o F nm'ittrnîbiet iatwviten you btld mue yon rny iistory ; aud 1 iIwrcauddly ly ay litmil h-iiaConfedierato officer, anti that lb la rny intention buaniake kuovu IL Co > ~- Wiq tht-n ging ont te glve your sworti My peeuce bu *EUen, bell aIl of My C>C lii Juatrez agaiuist bMaxriliau, I instant-. hi, and" agitlier taho rny- vife ; andti ly lil yîî relcaiset, gave yen anot-ber vbo ltaI kuev ry sbory woulti cou- <lx= e 0m lhotu', andi vîile yoî rerneti l n y dernu me ? Yen viii nultleray mue, 0CCm vanlila- a weak, 1 believo, treated youn viiiyun, Colonel 2' 7 wvl"-The Mexican, finishoti bis story of Z LC 111 reumeiber perfecly yonr kinti- bitter vruug doue hlm, anti of lus cm» 0 * ur"i, sent-r, anti ever shahll hink blooti-alaineti if. that follovet;i; nti 0 vitb *ma tbded upon Iseheart, antid 111Ivish no titanks Colonel; lb vas bio eyes looldng deep intomine, swaib- mîty luty. Jidness is uxorely a refui dnyaaer ffrt rylW ui an esd question, ana;wered, 'Sener reisl nc-ss. e toaeceifeverf Madtida, nu. sot of maine samlever Butw f otra taconuinue.maI cause ou t regret te confidence -______________ aîtil tof lus utkinti treairneut uf tiiose Eplacotilum e;sda uvMs wli, off-rt-il le serve liii. But of me Rodmnan, I may heouf service bu yen.' T yîittîiti knew nobling, uuîy titat 1 vas 'Thaut yen, Colonei-muany timet, Importer sud Dealer in ail kintis etf tliiIrigan4i cliief, bîclincto, wbo vasl Ibank yen. To-rnorrow, we will tulle ciiflawatl by eltîter party, anti wbosa togethor about lb. Nov lb la nearly FtimiIy Groceries, Pure Winles, GE, iîliwiiiily elIujin he cern ufbisdaylightt-, fer, sec, lte sky las gcting * etuitti, Maxuritnthe ibl oh itbrightbobyond lte monnitan.' PURE SPIITS2',H nuii tterevenige frein tîtse lio senvoi. Anti placiug bis an lu inmine, vo CInOC 'Y EINGLSW , c. Scv iîTta m a itati. and prend of il, Ibnghitrned t ho nse, anti teon reirai KElY HIofLSWA'w~ îîainn aor tî'ugglinîg ,country bis dune ta ounrruerns. HQE DSTR, oe l1111n of l te win dite four anti respect Il vas arrangedti bt I aholît cali HQEE SOE P tif iatiotif4 ; but I arn'prondi of the upun Mins Botiman, andti ell ln ierteniiecaSTREETr. hlî,<îl litmloltWs in tfl1y velus -,and bustony of Edmnut Madiida'a lifè as ha Wbithy, May 1872. 22-t vith îîtirîy yeaia ugo, au ai tolit Lta me ; anti if I feaut it ----- -oh-- thit al r-alîîagi eaîtiplutanl Mi ann atibo, a e eitrevenge, sud 4yltu hlm frnt Whitelhoroughly acquatinte th uliail lte homd ant vlb s ictui nuber TSE Laca Paiez r DuNuL i mprovemeuts in te arI, having been for M-Y h ladwt ikd ubr ii Lc axzO IUU i-- te lqt-tlirce years engagneatinoeefet he cf moen, 1*nv euthlie haciendas oue On une occasion, vbcn -the Queen aud langest photrogu-apiict câîîmlishmeatgi in To- îiiglab, ant indeda dmisision. I Prince Abert ver. takiug a tour route. Mr. Jolintton oSferfa s pentca-î like- iatenîidd'tetako hlm lfrontlime bouse, îhrcang 'eSralipe, lb -h cilaei aI nets, train -teeamlieAsminiature te a itfe muIlie.hlm igu certain papersasd tbime li"~iW Inn lmte alêr aae - n5i -,le lso practia-otMn. lntehatéinov fmîca itle leave Mexico, under pain. Macgregur, ignorant of tlima rnk of is nest0a teavr ucolo nslng ing i e * c deti iflieevr rjuraci tie Ou/ visitors, but Jutiging ltent te heo f Tht- pubicia are respectfully invitot le cull tu-y. Conrsry te my expectations, be qnality, bt onot a black hettie, anti snd examne specinena. resisiti mue, fineti upun my mon, andi sedt ie lady le 'bkat eabe o' real Naorhing charged f likenesasnt satua- as' 1 guineti a n outrance mb Ibte bons.,- mounlain doit.' Thes Queen, net un- lacitii* pn'y. m9am. o6FM ïtacteul me vitimaàtiravu uvworti. .tderstniiug lte meaning of 'mounluin Rat pnta ml p orernci hlm off ;'but b. hie atitdanceiltidev,' besilabeti a litho, vbhicimMn. Mac. Phetegnapi GaUlery, Wallace't Iiloek, up bien and sinluslf'defeuce, I fired upon him, grugor mistout l'or 'Neoliant yen. 'ta e anti ho feil dent! at my foot. The deeti He thon stketiber if taI gentlemen; Whitby, July 17t, 1872. lm-29 vas ton,, anti I iatino - course lett me poiuling 1telime Prince, venu lake a bu ' ly ; fr lie waa o ve ti b m dram , vhicmk . l ti o i te egreat eleligitt F Alibi FOR SALE.p orlly bod todbihinst of mine hast.' I snoltanil lhey- wibthble Govermeintlm&atiIkne vere gons sosme thlat thieinnkeeper 20O0O A.c res. detoalt ould beho ie Penalty Ofmy tnow *bo lie bad. 0<Prom Itbat day-ho crime, Ïîibas a b all el Tii.Prince" ont M The undleraigiiod f. anlhitzed toel h -'I tout frun the bousesons valu- wbich te gel a glass in consideretis a ntit j eflot Na. 15, sud te narth-wesî h ales hevîicia lidblctt*ed te my snces tory greal honour. Intleot 'The Bluet of lot No. 16, lu (ho Sa-h cence-sciaofe Pick. - * to,-snd vîticli strang te 'gay, hi bat Prince.oM Druuli,' meaning the bIack erlng, cemprising 2W0acut-no fexcellent land, miel gambicil aa, o tiey veroje*esh e Svi uvuo-raI îais wll sdapted for grain Sud pasînne, Ivo of greal Primce;suant elng my cmpn-pey- -W. bh-ve, nodoubt bo viii bave T1re i la5ne n lu« titnepgh itfim. Tar io, nt at tlwire bglmaihion viere " orto maeth calleti 'ThoemFIpreas.' forlite use uftIhe pluie.The situation s - (Ilé an W fre o te maihin weri e ii n mPin n ce en aploasant, heing mitiv rbeben lte villages Traing tos. of my naine hati lved fi ormany tof e5i1 rooti sud J3nugtam, wiut long ysa By ils brigitlimi, I idt hr lm le 1 uAoic F h or al laformation enquirs of-Wit pam espo. oads e~nouions for' sons reason, a commaud te HENUT H- 'WELL, Brooka rome s po vlt arm, lmte, fousntinsleave IM& dominions lu îbrceetiys. - - Brock St., Whithy. Myrfli resmpîuo met-fomatheres nt. t o.'Ho invery gooti,' ansvered aunAmeri. Wittb, Sept. 101h, 1872. 7. SuMun armeti ybthei eofl.id ol au, jpte'i* ong I -urer f 'GBROTHERS, Prince liainid ont in large numbers b rpmange cuit a doueu n îa-e-u &sufJIG Prt p -* tIhe dealh of Colonel De Lo4n. It wss an boni-.'-0, T- alod aîh ve left bubinti us 4fluA ' Âyonng voman nameti Susan Gor. HTBPoAIO rain igtadits cruêl deetis tbrnpon lym anly Iweiity four yoars0f age, coin-.motrDaeasdManalnn falPic n40, nQv, lin emon ;>ut11vs 1,l 4isuciem Y ortkon Thura-Knsu ae brpuaglmonbli LI.reoilanee, for,-h y , ay tizîllg beri trèatî vibli lier bus- - thé Virgin 11, itenudi ie= osoa au' azr 8.e~ppused te bave LEA THER A ND. FINDINOS, Wr" ba-n, --been iiïe -ul aeh 2for ildeo,»Bailu, atiLeaîber. Vilb aa Whitt 'Bail f-o tee ul I vas ouljuWe£ by A vomuan nameti Keenan bus sworn Leatben strelceet . ovinnomlt &adMiy race, soI0ie- lmaI besasvPorrest*ribe t our of tb. - dit, aud streugtbunéd ti blàn msnaon on the n'rhb of thme -'B TIG AD TOO ER N é eseji y eb. anieof indu Shé teuita thepim~asnr býy. H OI mot p<mone dres&thélite e tIo Mo ti bi Mdhmeyes ay M g, 9.20 estock, 6f 0: KER Y r eott1ed Ale. - ýFR A NC1 S, Family Orocer, lk 110E STORE Doneiinion Stock, Uxbrldge, Mammoth Boot. Ç-E, L E R ýther additions to BeIliýg' ail kinds of Boots sud aeasoi, a-t uheard, of mne, will do well to examine Is'large experionce, sud lb. favura- Ise , ibm every l'aoity for giviug Id Ui itge. ail lands of Stitched, Sewed, 9Z3 Rlepairadue ou short notice. R. B. B. KEELER, qI Pictures enlarged & accurately copied. FNERAL GOLDBMITH'B SHOPi *------ 1 ng. AWARDED THE, FIRSTî PRIZE 1 At the ProvincialEhbion Toronto, in 18 7b. We offer to our customlers for the coming MHàivéitt , * wis twct Machines, wbich, in styltt sund construction, enabrace the latest snd most' usefl improvements of the day. JO1{INSTON',s SINGLE SELF-IIAKI NG REAf, ER The -universal sucees-of ýthis- Machine, both in -closely ,contest- ed trials andtin uthe bauds Mf the farinera, warrant us ilassyiug laI, as a Sef-Rak- iog Eespiuag Machine, It bau more gooti pointa anti huas dafecla, sud has met via-b more succes Anti les. ilar, tisuberetofore oSfered 10 te publie. CAYUGA JUNIOR MWE Wewere awarded the Firet Prize and Diploma, a-t the Prcvin- -as Exhibition, belt inl Toronto, 1870.iu conapetitlon witb al lte leadiug bMachines mnufactuiu ure ime Province; andi vit Our receut inaprovenetlsg, wvanubesitat- ingiY challenge inveuiptiou sud cosaparioson with compatit-gMachines, vwe ara siatisiiht sncb investigation vili continre aven, uuprajndiced. uiid, tbat vo oSfer fii. bust Nover to te Fia-ner 'for 1872, built lu tlae Dominion. I'LWSeuid for descriptive catalogues. 1CA RRIA GE8 AND ,BOOTS AND. SHOES The --u-designed has a large stock c. Lades', Ge ts', and-U(hildren's Fine and (Joarse Boots & Shoe 07m'Boots and. Shoes- made to order. £D 0-vershees, lined warm and çomfortable. India Rubber Slippens, &c., &c. Iý epairing'neatly doné, Cail at the old Stand. FIJINITURE FlJRNITUIE! Sho StreeBrckireq iýittrýýin la1 GREAT ROCKJNG CHAIR ]BROWN& PATTERSON.. j$CFurnture Selling at Old ipricesfo t.- CUTTERS M. O'DONOVAN'S. ICARSLEND BGIY FANHD 0F VERY SUPERIOR WORKItLJTSIP. -BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. ,WHITBY Nov 22nd, 1870. PHOTOGIRAPH 'GALLER~Y. BROCEI STREET, WHEITBY, tOPPO.SIT E ONTARIO SANK. Begs to anunuce that be bas built on the above premises, A NEW Photograpli Gallery, 60 feet lu Iengtli, Which he bas fitted up with ail the latest improvements, and nev aud mmproveti apparatus for tating pictures, trot ife.size le mmy ra- IÀBOLD CHt5aOLUt lltely tram InVernes, tlIaadj lies nt aunence to the reeldenîs s-hilby aud victnity Chat ha hlm recenlly 'hotograph Gallery, i ail t h lealimprovements anti scen- la inte building onietaon soulh cf G. C. 180'0 hardware store, Brook St., Witby. tas- had leugîhened ex ' ceailtae tgaeies eof lte oit counît-y, vanta art set-eu lenone lu Canada eaui ha irt hidacuelurnere. GENEMAL MANUFÂCTUBING OLD SMITH'5S 6HO0P. r. Chiiibolin lepreparet le manufacture 1anti itlver vano lu aillte latent sud ;t heanîti udesigns in ,: C., L&C., L&X. i Id meta t nfs>ionable jewellery, L&o., Lintc, -he latout styles st the mont erate terme.s anic oneddllows' ombl«2i mido rder at iery reasonable termus. eau l la olzted. HAROLD OMBR0LMI, Brook Steut, WhitIqý by, A" it27,,1872. dw-55 To-.: ebi4 by auDr"xssts RT WýITBY &PORT PEBRR.B. i affect n Saturday, Junalist ,2 s Guing~ ay3nn1 utti tester, aAiber~ 'ont-y, (4 s GuIns-~ Ameert~ master, il' ~- lin, y3uuct~ ttonm North. MAiL. Mixusd lon, Il (0 sm. 7 80 pm. 9 07as. 787 pmn 9 29as'n. 759 Pin. 949 . 19-p.m 10 02 a,r. 852 p.n 10 12 a.m. 8 42 pnu ml.)10 21 s.n. 85 1 pi. Southt. Iixeti& il. 6809 &.=' 2 0pin. 6 1 amn; 24Spau. .6 28&.w ris pma. 6-41 a..Ilîîp.n. i7Ol28na USp. u(ar)7 80a..4 00 p.n talnTraina stop on Signal 11NIaÂ-UME vuFpAMES ANID CASES. Businesp heurs 8 o'clock, a. m. to 6, p. m. No business doule on Sandays Whiîby, July 3rd, 1872. 28-ly The ambcriber mn returuing thanks to bis fmiends, respectfully basa lesve Lu apprizaebaemun tane mapublic geiîershly, or thae arriva] i a e andu Complet. Stock of1 A. BA RR E'19 (J'onsisting of the following ies: Black Silks, Grograin and Plain; Figureti Silks, JaPanese, Fancy Dreas Goods, Mnslins, ]3epps, Delly Varden's, a choice selection of prints, Lnstres in varions colora, a grand assort- ment Of Irish Poplins, -White and GreY Cottons, Sheetingg, Shirtings, Tiekings, a magnificent display of Ladies' Underclotbing, embroidered and plain ; Child- rani' Dresses, Inàants' Robes, Bonnets, Hâas, Plumes, Bibbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Chignons, Braitis, &ç., &oc. The Gentlemenl's department is fur- nished with West of England Broadcloths, Doeskins' Fancy Tweeds, (Scotch and Canadian, Hats, Caps, Necktiesf in the lateet styles; Shirts and Collars in great variety. The Grocery Department i eplete with a'choice selection of Teas, Coffee, Spices, Pickles, To- baccos, &c., &c. *.A visit to bis establishtnent is respectfally solicited, where from ativantages possessedl by hliniho is prepared to dispose of gooda at prices defying colnpetition. Whitby. May 290j. 1872, JAS J. URPHY. CarngesBuggesWaggons, co SAMUEL, WALI PRACTICAL CARRIÂGE MANUFACTURER, a~DINDAS SThE]ET, WHITBY. In returning thanks for past patronage begs to aLnounce, that he bas constiuntîy' on bad,sud in course of manufacturé- Carrnages,'Buggies, (covered sund open) latest styles, tind vebicles of every descrption. As hé uses noue but the beat matenal, ad emplovst ho best vorkumun, Ibo 4uality sand ftnishof lias orknt cai hodéensudtipon. llveryîiming le waanbed âuf.t ean rpairs pronapa-Iy ttendedti o. -A11 vont SwblIbyf-uâr 0, 53 SA!!U2L .1. - - ~30dyslonger; Notwithstanding the rise lMi material- and labor, the nndersigned offers bis stock a-t le 01d Prices for 30 days longer. - Now is - the tueé to embrace the opportunity of selectiDg fron te laigest stock lu Ite Couisty, of sideboards, bureaus. cetre tables, sofas, citaira, bedroom sets, &c., aud all ufthbie st quality snd uusnufature. '.The ouly first-cla.s3s establishineutilu the County, where Fn- FOR A GOOD SMOKE USÉ TIIE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. on Each, Plug. Price so Low thatA/Can Use it, Saptember 17. 1872.3m8 R. H. JAMESON. Wititby. JuIy lotit, 1872. -i GET 'YQIR FALL CLOTIIES AT Before the busy season begins, FALL CLOTJI 0F ALL KJNDS.- FALSO And - a complete .Whitby, Sept 3rd, -1872. 36 JOHRN FERGIJS0N, MerchantTailor & Draper,, HAISmet f e IEY,~ Respectflly intmates that e isnow lu receipt f a larie- SPIING 'ANI) S I ER WEAR. -Canadian Tweed Suits, Cloth Sis B.s'Sut, Youths' Suis, bildrer,s Suits-evçry Style and Miaterial, Spring Ov(,eots. &ýents'Shirts, white and colored, and al kiids of Genîs' Furrisbjng Goods, JOHN - ERGUBON, rlothier k& Geints' Outfitter,- Dundas St., Wbitby.- <promises lalely ocçnpied by Mr» Gerie, 'as aDrug Sore.) WiiitbyMa-y 1,4ti1872, 20-Iy formation, the informat', namne Shoulti any po:rion bave reasan liée-vo Iat ho.asbeau deceîveti b3 ing apurions imitations of Ibese; ciimes, le viii du ven te senti mi bI oter0he adtiesaut foot (i oa douatas coal of six cents- inpai une of thb.]boolks ofinstructions -% are affixedti lu l. sae. 1 promî examine il anti senti sreply, sa vluelber the meticinea are genui nl, su Ihat if spurioni l'&may sa th. pi-son frum wbamlus pur lhem tu bave bis money retuened Cbenists-and Druggisls ýwho' ,ta obtain 1he mediciuos cati ho au4 AI 1h. lowest wbolaaale prices in- tiisof no lss tan $ 20Ourth- 8a. 6à. 22.,anti 849., per dozein ho, i bavelthe luonour tb b., 1Wi1h gi-eut respect, THOMAS HOLLOWÂY. 558, Oxford Street (laMe 244, Strandi), London, W. C., October 1, 1871. C-AR RATRA'CA. a-iECelebrateti Cai-natraca Minerai Ws- T Rurla unaurpasseti as a plasant sud celigspot-mt. or. t- wo g ose f Carrslraca avary mo ,ig beèe r i-alatorn yeml stoma ituIg lte but vIeatlier viii.-teep yonr system cool sud healthy. -aa Carmt==..at ser usaiaua aasç-eae -valuable rameqdagent in cases. et Hàbi. tualConbi ti fl erngemen t lb.h Soah aueIowels,,Citi-nie Inflammation of lte Kldneys, Gra-v -GgEbauta (eqecali lte chnantc aune>, Set-ulla, StIn Afections, of ail lei,>Dysal, at- hurn, Acidily, sud as s purgative siter a. Debaucit i l unequalleti.- The Csrrsraca Minerai Water freahtram lte SprngBataIPlautagenet, On)t,'is- tept on sale by Habela, Drugit ansd altera titroughonl the Dominion, asudImay beha a in burt-bis and to thie Pruprelora, - WINIÇMIG, RIUî & WARE, MPORTANT TO PAiiT5 S DIG, J. ECMSTOCK' EXTRA MACHINE QIL. Titis Oiiexeie alulter 011, bot smual suda-vegetablo, sud wvoare prepsu- eti10show-, lte supenierity out Ibi Oe lu icthera, it- stands lte lests noceseary t'O Procure a St-et- classaraticla, it la adapted lue itet ligitt or itesvy maciiery, freim s dock or a machine t teite b-vieset etshitfl. Tefz_ Iuwig ar IepOintglnwhichitexcelsotlter Oils. IT WLNOT GUM, hon uasàchn- eny eau ha tept ean viltbut litila trounble, and il WMd=a tsiie stlIu ai bea sineady iuy cIter -Il viii nat> congesi or Ihieken lithe coldeat of veather. Thi i ulit O th' igitest imyortace, Iron ite = aon not isving tn uil viiinet lubrieste a cuia shafi ,sucit anu1 muay ha applied in a testeR sIgle, but lte mnoment mt touches a euldshaft-it laO congeel. edan sud viii uabrkieua nil 1h.journal -by dectian acquit-lieenpruencas sarytô edee it e & W =alein ac4uli-- tng.saitigiter lamaperature by fition -lte jounta1 expandsanud teb zi;-lmuredat la aimcSbe lu usaecitat Wvuillo n a ol ittoul litis reaijjt ait îgte min- e1 gonm vibt vatr. J. B. Sloct's 011 viiilu- btS ite cuidait machinerytue mamen ll la , apli Titis où i uow useR aOd rw itun ded estbliahmeuts, aRna i-.ving-lt hast of satisfaction, sail ull ie aian n lte pt-cIcr it la refueti Sperm It Istefron iteobjections â a t ail altera, as il does ul -n ur ee Novas e lpunblic are aeslat - ortitiesa ltinians patid into note - in ordertep-oe ltat ti i l u matbuseclira -oursesa s-iIlte0 lions of unacrupu "O' il"aet,9' ty , -hmW R-p n i nlettilo pat n off lit Of aU il Urefnerie& as bV Stock'. Extra UMach in ln dnia. - ltuse stlemeuls, 1 t e Item1 ý, n callun, by mai or otitarvise, fac fch -i inuuy way,aa auple cfi te ci,ùltaI @Peak feritzeif. Anti viilia.>e - a fev sinple lest, as affective as it ,and w h inffl.uble parties cr4 lu sacure titam»Ieos a-insti luposalil vall te cammunicale villa J. B. STOCKau soe IBrougiam,1 Ont. flnogita, M &cnlfor lie D - -ii Broubamarh . 1870.- TESTIMONAL. Oshuawa, Àpril ii; 3170. J. B. Si-uer, Esq.,13souonuý , - W. ha-ve.bea usnins- jour LubmicabgOa- foi-lte pasl four menit,, andi eau ay viit.- eut itositation tlit1 ite hast cii-vo ba-vs everno. ust i .s aeeheap, anadlastsiuugeu. titan s-Y lter aIl.W. have ru OUi-langef 14 1.01 iran plaine, 7days viit cone cilans-.I la- keepa lte tIola cian sud bus-ht. WC doL net vaut anLt4ing haber aisa iubnlclor.f 8. an Yeu"slrniy I FLOUR & FEED STORE. itatteof hity ad icnity tat lbuy have ises lalely uccupiet by Mr. James Walisce, on Duntis Street, opposite the Rob6on House, Wher they trust by =' ler~avefh,, in ltair ine always on tinttdbale to prv sftfaclion lu enitormr. - Bran, ShortsObal rca!lha 1 .nt auâ,.eu- ' - JJJST 1IECEJ VED A LOT 0F- B'I2SU E T -ELA. A choice lot of Java Coffee TO ARRIVE. SDublin Porter itid Englisb iýc, iu pints Muîud q ur ts. 182 oNes 1 --ý- 1 May 22, ^1872. CUTTERS, 1 E w PROTOGRAPH GALLFRY 1 Whitby, July 3rd, 1872. ý 1872. - 1872.- Y-ou HATEý JO H,ýN SPLENDIDLY FM-SHED 1 1 ý a R. JAMESON. SUMMER GrOODS. E W G D-S-9, SUMMER' GOODS5 ýNEW

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