aW Whtby, Sept. 26,182.' LICENBED ALIOTIOA L71wo TOR Emcou"?? C NTAMO,A th. Townshlp.a of Maflpoe..Cai Bue., sbet> pub 'à e dthéall fo bord lx &ge, sgbetowedupou lzi ulg thepu raton year. ýc i Iff now&egivanuthe bu"i Eu- viiole 'fim .to e, bu AU0 %sa, I"tWtll My eninVour, byPrmp «Ui- satiafaction ta, au Wlio ,MMY'favor me end flair S0"eaor Oolectfnu. lfi. Difla iraughti uniMdaaJ%à Notesilui ae Mgo Bffl8mpsa aways ou liani.- uni~ ~~t Âri é,nui en =&mae for sale te MOmaCLEoffice. Wbitby, Oi nemi Office Prince Albert, audat tii. Bta lent- Offic, Port Ferry.. Pt Lri es y 1,ai or 01 -P 't, [Yi 09 )n ai it ti b itr si] oc: ?u nt th W lm ,ýj Lir mi LC4 he c [ai ac LUI t. an Ira he )te he q., ol re- ol Bd qd BAYA agnt favonrite vith tiié Phitlla ansuyjbio. - mul> 5, 1872. 82- TANTED.-Âm aercfiianci ept w asud appointet of mgo-agente in each ifainfet vhera the Nortl-lrftish Cattle Food 1CO.e. aotreprésente&i Tua Co,i anulctur hm et gre o t succei ince. is introduction last seoc. Ifs gen- ulnîma-li vouchui for, by the laadlug bu-eu- ens u d feedersIn Canida: testimoniia on "Spp1hcà tion. Thisa appointmnent ifa a goo incorne te aùmnwho husea coiuiection;, or liai ecergy to work up one. The party' ap. rinted musilibave a Maui amount 01 capi- tef enable him te advance on conatan- ment (ne ishi.Aidrs Non=H BEITIBRE CATLE !OColoxt Oi P. Co., mon. WIfITB Y M RIE . CuanoeeczOmce, sept. 25th,1872. Banc>' ia now corng in aitiihe rate of about ,000 builielsa aday, sud aà iu good demand. Pzices range froin 65 to 6e-with plent>' of buyers. FeU wheat.........$1 85 a 1 40 Spricg Wieat..ý....$1 28 @ 1 82 Baule>'............... 65 a 80 Peaui................. o 070o Ry..............60e 50o Das............4w @45e Ray'......i..........18 Potatces .............40o @ 40o, Clover Soed........... # Tioty . ........$ mfaple Sugar .. ý....... 12.015e Eggs ...............1200150 Butter .............6e O 17e Chosem..»..... ....... l" 0180 Beef, hini quarterr ...88 @ 88' *Beef, fore quarter .....8 7 @ 87 -Porkr cvt ........6 0@8M50 oo......... ....2c INEZ-VADVERTISEMEIçT5. FARM AND MILL PRIVILEGE IN TUiE To wifship of Pickerig NIIAR DUFFINS' ,CREEK. Thero wiil be soli by Publie Auctionon Wedusda,' he th october, 1872, AT TWO, P. M., -At the "Albion Hotel," in the Town ci Whitby, b>' .Levj Fairbanks, Eèq., A uctioneer, The follawiug valueble Parni sud Mili 1*.Pniviege. 1. The north 125 acres ci loi 17, lu fie Ind cou. ci ickerig. Thasproccr>'f close te the village cf Duffine' Gree ata" tien ou thc G. T. R. A tream ruseIarouqh the land. ,butoce liait et tue landish in vaod, centiling bath liard sud soit ticilicu. The land vauli malte an excellent grazing 2. A MMI Privilege ville about 20 acres adjelclug. Tliis inae part et lot 16, in the 2ud cou, a1 iIlckerng, sud Is Close. te Duf- fin' Crà ekand about oune ia i imiles lroua i ailway station. Tliere finaalicai cf about 20 feet of vater. This fa a faver- ahi. epponfuaut>' for au>' eue wanting te tà aain llundil eu-a manulacter>'. Tihe Titie le ludiaputable. Ternis :-O n-tecrt inlucah, balance lu lire equal annual tusteluients, wlth inter- est froni date aifsle et 7 pur cent. Ternis sud coditions ef aiee a b e obtaued train the uniersigna and ibm Auctiouer. The Vendoraliave a u-cerved bld vif h viii li lu th. liais aofthe. Auctieceer hetoré the, beginung of saie. Sipteinhar 28th, 187. CAÀMERtQN, MMCALd DK -Vendeu'a Solicitors, Clcurch Bt., Toronto. BESTI FRESH E VER Y DAY 1 ALT- - - I. FRANCIS'S. rhit>', Sept.26, 1872, - 89 4QNEY, LOST 1 Loat, on Pain DaY, lu tomua aiWliitby, 75 bbills, ai -the, DoMninion Bank, mind bu LlAn>' au, reteraing theni 0tiiu lce.ii recoeetfe ahane revend. $epteniber 28, 1872.lis j'AN T E]D, fr, te wain lilicral ES. FAIEANRS- lyrn Sre t, Whuty. by given'fief au-I ai Asit., , sud Gensr-- ma lu sud foc Cout Houe, 7y,o iOth, 1872 't4 o f iel Prine W.M. WiLLCO PrneAlbert, Sept. 24tli 1872. ÇHÂIi1y SALE VALUIJABLE :FARI TOIWN OF WHITI Iii uance of the decree maie bîy Coun0ofClancery in a suit ol Long aga Llvlunene, and -vif h the, a rbbai Jh ader Boyi, no. ater, inu flan>'of the.«sali-Court, viib. sold ai lic aucio, b etFibua-Jr., anct &Air, tfhf "Aion Rotel," at4tii.Tom Witby, on '* Wednesday, the 9th day of oct., 18 AT 11 0'cLocK in TEE AJTEENOOI, the follovlng valuabue lande in tvo par naie!>' PARCEL 1.-That portion of lots82m 88 in tle firit concession of the Towns of Wliutby, in the Count>' cf ontai, lI norili of the. Grand Trunk Bailways sud except the. vesterly Jift> acres of portion of lot, 88. This parcel contalua acres, more or liens, it la vl watered, or ia a good barn, the, sonl is a fia>' bain. PARCEL 2-Toat portion cf sai lots sud 88 li$ugaouh of thie Grad Tru Emll,savesud exept the. souilienly acres ol aaid lot 82, Thie parcel amQ c tains180 reamoreos. The moil i sen>' ain Itas eliwatened. On1 tvosmll ocli home , barnai The aleove pancels of land are about quartier of a'mile outaide flic limita oft croainof tlie Town of Whutby.Tb are ine ieariculture> section ci cani aci vouli b. admirab>' suited for dai and gnazing farin. The parcela vill be o jubject te a reserved bid, fixci b>'thflicl DcneaUtcfofie purclisa. mccc>'te j id et the tlne cf sale, fo flic Veniors ilicir Solcitors, a furtlier sein ufficent make wvhl the deposit oue-tlihri fie pl uhAJ e moue>', to lie peu vithlu one moa balance to be sacured b>' iorigage, pa>'a] freinthe e of sl ilu neeie ti.eic hree or five ycars, et purcli ers option, tetereat et seven peu- cent, able aunnai>'.Upon paycaeajiof eue-ti aud glvlu' M aeetga6., as aloresad, thc pl c* lrZ b entotilcite lis <houeysun an ob ultito possession. The oti conditions are the standing condition. the saii Court. For furtlier particulars appl>r et the In offies cf Mcsr"ener, Rose sud Ma donald, -Mesass oskin and Spraggc, a Messrs. Blake, Kerr and Bethune, Trent4 or te Messrs. Greenveo ai udMMmill Whitb>'. Dated tue ivelf h de>' ai septeinher, XI 1872. J. A. BOYD. SPENCER, ROSE dc MA.CDONALD, 88-Sin Vendons Solicitor D ESIRABtE FARM TO LET IN TEE Township o f Reacli Tliat Firet-clase Feurm, aittedlil t Towcnliip ot Beachi, and being parte ai Lai No. 16, 17 aud18 iluthc lth iconcessien, il grepertyafcie late Alexender.Leask, Esq eeceaed, willbelct ou a leame for a ternic saven yeans. I cantaius 170 acres, -or iheri b>', ai arable land, and about 20 acres c pasture land, ad faconvenienil>' situete as regardesinarketsansd raiivaya. Thc Buildings arc Gommoi icnand in gec, - rder. Fer fu-lier informoation apply te Mr. Juc Leami, Lot No. 18p 1Mthcon. Biechi,whi vill show the, beundiem. and offens uhl-b, receivci b>'lihimflte ic du-sfde>fetOctober vhcc, if a suilable affer la maie, the Parc will lie lit. Good eccourageinent vill ho aflore it a tenant oet uni sud capital. Towcshilp of Reacli, Sept. Il. 1872. 88 E XTENSIVE CREDIT SALEF e>. ?MCi£"cà î FARM STOCK- g IMPLEMENTS. Iare vii le iold b>' Publie Anef ion en floue prmises cf the. subacu-uber, oee nile-and.half iouth cf Man. clieser, ceeu-Mu-. Payne'm Hotci, on Wednesday, the 91h October, 1872, thce followhgFeu-r Stock, Implemente, -ec, tii. properi>' of MR. GEO. BRODERIÇK, HORSE 8-2 Hanses Il >'eans li, imare il years ohd, 1 MmreôSyarsold, 1 Horge 8 yearî li, I.IMare a1eans lib>' " Coacli. ma ,"iMare aged, sud doit, ly "Little CATTL.-î Bull 8 yasns old, veli bree 8 CowsvellIbrOd, 1lPaurovCow 2 Heiterý 2 yîare oldinlucei, 1 ivo psau-ol Steer, j earliug St..ns >à gliug Hefers, 1 IHefier il mnthe c1i-eOxtra 8 Heifer Celves, 2 Stear Ceirai, 6 5puing Plgs, InMEENTLcc.î Joh»n eEaper -Dean>' nef; 1 UaYuga Junior Moyeu-,2 Wag0o.extra heavneeu-'> nev, 1 WagoIn, 2 sets klob-oîeighs, 1 Deniacrat Wagon, i Cuter, 1 Homs.Foirer wihl rodesud coup- liff,1Cutting-bôx..Bmm & dcPatfermoc's Z&O1 G=ng YIOW, 2Oshawa Ploirs, 1, Domi'nIon Plow"-Walkeg 'u malts1Scotch P'ow 2sa.Dismoni Harove-ira,, 2 sts WeazlcHRavaw, 1 ni Windgi e-raa,1 BoiýerIF& II, lnev',%Butf'sk loetlmgoggRéRri set sort te Hareus, 1 mt Sin7e Harness,2 gLdR92P 1 Hanse Fou-lt vi u ies Gu-ndten.onanHotiol reaud puics hýP Budhits1 rm4 a1 ro n su Drill, 5en;îreWhoebarrm~uScTytep Forts, Baltes, Spede, shovoi,&ea,, ký Lunch if il oclodt. Sale te commuence at 12 'cloet. sharp 1 -TEEMS 1 >F SALE.-Âit au-isof 8, and uien, cash; over iii s.imnnt 12 menthe credif mil ie ivaen loy puaris furniali. in au c 'rèijnt notes- linereft hre se ifnot p&M whoacaidue.uge le lm 88Tfduteer the fi 09 fEER te my eand with nisii- %dard 89 flic i- of 972 andela siip 0: ying Bave SaLi 150 n it un. ise and the W 'Z lie or th A ble dei ry- Qr- ce, Be' ier toI 0l Ca aw tee 'i o;pas In the D chi wl er Dir Tid Delifi et ti Port 1 Mit at Wl The conceu Mca lands. flrothe will oh andiite Brookl CAB 'Clerk &Cc, At] Mba e t~. Aibeing coiple ment, ve flatterou nov in a p eti ont the beoitiaf8e at almotoldpr'ces,e Whon nô wsh lmc =t"t-ctve, e. it trne put. 'LAING partmient iaidonr Wwu Mican, from a ein evm,& dPart. evea tua v.are' iiotf*iltopleaee. Ib. wantingon eo New Ste i bue been for ome 'TMIS 1 TO GIVE, NOTICE THAU TRTE ENTI STOCK 0Fp L eW/NTE DR Y 00098 Of John Skinner will be sold at hacalotpre of last S'gason ; and notwithstandiîng th4u great advance in pri'ce of iii woolen goods, he will seil aV bis stock at the old cost ,rice, in order to effèct aispeedy clearance. The goods mut1e sold no matter b'at may 'be the sacrc e* An~ in 'order to offer 'special iducements, he has arranged t6o ofer $2000 worth of neW goods just imported at invoice pri*ces Cali and compare the 'rie" with any bouse iD town -and we wiII gnarantee to fiect a Saving of from. 25 to 50 per cent, according to clams f goods. Vhitby.'Sept. 17,- 1872. BT-OV ES! JOHN SKINNER. STOVES! .rmstrong's Ceiebrated Cooking, Parlourp and Re-atitng, for Vood or Coal. Pereons desiroua of purchasing Ià ff FIRST-CLASS ;TOVES, ivith First-Class Furniture, should ofaltpucsetth 1Noted Cbeap House."- ltfalt uehs tti DIRECT FROM ENCTLAND,- Iarge stock of Double and Single Barrel Shot Guns, Pow- er, J.-ouches, FIasks, aise a largo. stock of Cutier>', Siacif and Ileavy lardware, ce, &c. ffl 150 Tons of Iron, large stock of Refined Horse Sboe ellews, Anvils, Vices, &o. Apple Pairero, pares like a charan, enly noeed see it work te buy. I1DO boxes tin plates, 1'Coetbridge " 300 boies anada Plate. Beat brande for sale. AI! goode as heretofore guaran- edas uecornmended. We desire to retura thanks to ýour -numerous patrons for wt lavera, and may ndd&our stock and prices ivie intend to be full up to, e times, to meet -yeur requiremnts and confidence in the " Noted ceap House." HATCI & BROTHIER 'hitby, SePtember 18th, 1872. HATCH & BRO. COLDSMITH'S 'HALL. NOTED FoR ORL4P .AND RELL4BDLEGoooDs. SEnglish Colored Gold Sets-and em R~ings. IMERJCAN GOrLD ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Electro-Plated Goods! 7atches & Clocks of the best Makers, rEach carefully examined, pro7ted, aud timed, and their rforinance guaranteed. -JAMES lýJOHNSTON, Practical Watch and iClock Maker. Ick-st; Whitby, August 21, 1572. HREAT, DÂRLET & 1PEAS. nfdeiedi«epiae i pa (EATI BARLEY AND PEASj véred et my Sfoi'elona, Manchester. o1 ho Warehouaea oci Mr. John Wataon, Whitby. a. TaoxÂa Moojir VU 1acf aa My Agent iitby for the purchase of Grain. -AX IgGORDON. tester, Sept. 17, 187Z. 88 LUX FOR SALE. enorth hall of Lot N.St in flic 4tii jalion of the. Township of Whitby; 45 îcleared, and teflcb anie able woo F. rame hou» a. b&M. obli ara, on Lot 82 in flie Srd coneSuion, 10ow the larm f0 intendermrhaier, or further particulars apjdy f0 WILLI&M 31SsON, Brooklin. ini, lm hsept., 1875. 8 ULION<S 0F PAMISOL). BLE SCREW WIR-E BR00T8 AND 8H'E8, E. O'DELL, A T HE RLY, kDivision -Cour, Tp. .Ole-rk, limonr n . .,Land Agent dc berly, ouaiy Ontario. r1y, sep. %ut .A. REEVE8, M. D. (Fenr y cf De-s Boeebiergh & Bmre.) Officeanaid eume 22 Sliiter oatretcor- nerof V=cfnastreet, (alw ehefeen Yogetr eI adR. C. Curcli, 'au-nte r Toronfo, 17, 1872. u-lln-88 iL A STUDENT WANTED. Atour olfflce a young gentleman fiabout the age cf 16, desirc-ua cf au-being liamef lu regelar courae, mi entectig on fthe itui> *offIce g, 1q' esiou.Hi uaihavi a gooaodu an wrte s good Iband. BEENWOOD dcMcMILI< iWhuthy, 8SW. lit1872 8i-7 ÇOOAL COAL- i Ail 0 c cai juat received. WIIl h sod sf Io -pfIefr euh on!>'. -Arrange- mente ha eea.u aie te havesau ccii vcighed Towna s-e".- >Buce t St.,Wiby. T 1 LOT' FOR S L.j 100 Use--Lot 8, Pl cncaia eb f'tXIICB R ENT l RIe' IRA NEW FL WINT RDRY'G00 D Whitb)y, i7th S'ptex1r,18V. -3 DMI NI1ON'ý ~< A OOM'c ARE' REOEIVING EXA~LL 8- 0F Fashio.nable> Whitby, 17th September, 4872. 3 00E Goods NI!] W GOODAS I NEW GOODS! MeIL ATN The ubseibers beg te luform thudr cuatomeri an& fhé publie genenally ihst tic>' arc nov rcceiving their fanad winier importations, vhidh vIE coin- prise fhe moît e;tensive assoutment in ibis market, and i hIvii le offèed et prices defyicg liononrable competi- tien. T. H. McMILLÂN dc Co. 1McMilIn'a Block, Broek St., Septeniber 17, 1872. 88 SMOK E R s FOR A IGOOD SMOKE USE THIE MYRTLE NAVY. See T. & B. On Each Plug. Pr/ce so L ow that A/Can use. it. September 17,.1872. 3M-38 The stock being now, complete'an, well eelected, and having been purch.aeç BEFORB-THË'PRESENýT RISE IN GOOJ PiJECHASÈERS WIELL FIND- IT And will be con tinued fromdy to day until, the whole stock wh will be disposed of. ¶ TO HIS OLD CUSTOMERSj JUST'RECEIVED,, A LOT 0F A choice lot of Java ýCoffee TO ARRIVýE., LW» Dublin Porter and Engliâ. Aie, in pinte and qurte, Whutby, July 1Oth, 1872. NEW GOO0D'S GET YOtJR LA CLOTHES, AT Be fore the- _busy seaà son begins. You ivili find there a epIendidà ,eortment of L~'LL LOT 0FALL KINDS. MTEW FA LLi I A T S1 TO T H EIR TO EXAMINE THE SÂME - Before Concluding Pugrchases elsewhere. Let it be borne lu mmld that al ,mnust behrsrnlad CONSEQUENTLY TE UBCEBER, 18 OBLIGED TO MA"E PRESENT SAORIFIOES To the necessities of his position. hij vai 't ma, A MIL Y GROCERIES A ND HARD'WA RE. TO THE TRADE- Ile -would ôffer is stock .at a great sacrifi,<ie. and lie fisconfident that up'on xamination of the-sane, they wili find it advautageous to ait themaeives with purchases. er They wiil. also find it to their ald- intage to examine bis was bouglit before the rise, and wili be positively sold ai aud under cost. SAVING 0F 'ONE HUNDRED PER, CENT The clos sle. under this notice Ol commenceh8-ý-PTP detmid abal1bemà de payale P± p.nfoi beyoni fvetyeara frmflie tino, herinefer Exedfor flts By-law to falce efeet and flat- tha mon.>' a. rece i;â shh hepaid 'utflhe nda of the Treaaurer cl Mthis Muipelif>' te ha applici for flou objeet aboya mentioned and recitei. 4. Tloafor the punpose of oûnnui'n Sink- d fo, th t 0the sai de 5o 1f th e t athe rate foeaite bco ne hroa equal 'ecalrate of one mfllsud 'two. fefh la mdinuthe. dollar snl collcted lu meloyean, upen au. flic rateahi uoein thei sali Municipalitn ,durngfe continu- anc, cf the. sali deheaiurs or an>' cd 51 That forflc ffsdglo vot auf f sl unie al Elctors on fhIleBy-law, a poli-»& a openi- acordt la v lutfe North Wand et teM 1 lz:sttute Hall, on Fnl- day, the Tveuty-seventfi day of'Sep tember, lit., et'Nine o'clock lMfi forenoon, and L.' H. Seloofillisl he-eh>' uamei f0 acf ai Eetuniing -Officer f0 talcu flic votes linflic sali Ward. lu fie Centre Wari, aethfe Town Hall, on fie ali Twenty-seventh day of Sejp- tember, inat., et Nine ddcock ifthe forenoon, sud t. -Y. Smitho is,,lereby caaued to* et as Eeturulug #u ffcer f0 take flic votes lu fie sai Centra Wmnd. And u in te -SouthiWardi ethfe vacant hou»e ovuai by James Ciincroin, on fie'hovest aide of Richimond.Street, on the sai Tveny-oeveni day of Sep- tember, l at.,etNiai.o'cloek ilu fie forenoo, eni Wiiam Wallace la here- by*named te act ai Eeturng 'If)Meer ta tale the votes lunflic sai Soutli War& 8.Tlat thIl By-law shUE ta"e effeet end cor nlt o operafion on fie Slgliflo cf Octoher, AD. 1871. <iretp";wbL aUaSepeme, 1872.1- TA=E NOTICE fithsflic ýabove ila truc oIef aproposedB ]av vwfhlM blch into co odeatinh:y the. Concil cf flic Corporation--olflie TmofolWhtby, aller on. monflo freontflic finit pùbIiahifon thereof l inte Wmrar Cacai.ccc.z a - piper,, fie date of, vhiql du-tpublication vas on fie Fiflti day of Septeniber, A. D. 182, sud fiat flic votes of fihe lectora of flou said. Corporation viU béhaffl-erfeeon on fie Tventy-sevenfi day of Septebe, A. D. 1872, et'Niue-o'clock lunfieforenoon, et fie liug placeso, iz: lu fie North' Wsnd atfieeMeclianhes' Insitut, Hall; lu fie Centre Wari ai fie Town al;%U -flieh Sonth Ward ait fie bouonae ui;>'James THOS- HUSTON, dieu-k cofthe Meniclalt cf the. Towni of Wlothy. Tovai dlerles Office, Whitli>, Wn September, 1972. S8 Tii. ahove -neciL-. . Selieli heving left the.-To thfe Town Couaicl of fia Corporation of fe Tarai cf Whltby have diii>' appointai Thomas Shaw te acf lu the -place ici atesi of thfie eL . LScefleli ai Betunnang offlecer for th. North Ward. THOMAS HUSTON, Tow a deu-k.- Whufh>, Sept. 16,,-1872. sa FLOUR à & FEED STORE. favc aboi sUbecriber desires to offer -hie heartfelt ors,, extending- over a period Jof oýmany y ci eoeing of his pleasing business relations irs to say that they wiII receive thR fi me, aidc also on the umal termaý-namely, Ilber, 1873. ks -for 1AYLOR'8 ôci servant silIY hA pU. 1 &LLL KINDS 0F -DRY -GOOD'S ýA-T* -ADVANTAG LOWES 1 t. POWEILL., (9 co;Ik --Oô THE STOCK NOW CONSISTS OF SUITABLE TO THE SEASON. :B T-T -111 3D MI IR'.S.. SETS. >YTOCK OF HABDW,,ýJBr Il 34 1 1 commence 111 ti e :a P AND PltOCLA14AT'- ýOW FA 1 B'efore