Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Sep 1872, p. 2

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)N SALE. -m stocke, huplement Ir eog rodenick bu wedeb"YS r auctioneet. lots8aa 88, i ip 'Witby, - on We. -Spencer, Roa. auc itos- L.Fabai ONLY Si 5o, PER At4NUMIL Whi(b), Thorsdayl Fcpt. 19j, 187i Auction Binta. Auetion Bille are printed at Tao CUROWNIL Office ln upeior style, na lowott pri ces. Parties havixg billta t print siiould:bear in, mid that thoir aies wili almo recaive a notice in> the coîIuns of Ta CanoXoiLU wUiho chafa-a paper oc widely circulaWee tha eii notice is otfer greater value te theintiien the cot of printing the Read. B.asd the announcemente in thie ad. vertOisng coIUMna Of TE CRIONIOLI befoY6. purciiasing gooda. 13y ao doing you may ava ôny Meeting of the. County Councit. Tii. Cuunty Coundcil meet inu spécial session on Tuesday neat tb paosuthe. delienture by-taw, lately edvertisecl. And tliis rénrds us of the. fut thal th e 20th, aiid last- of the old Provisional debentitres waîi pîid on the. 7ttî. of this Mixlng Poli. witb Municipal Mat- ters. * Th ii.niciiievioua suggestion as becai mali by a part of that portion of thé prîess caliing theniselvea the. advo. cales of union and progress. Were it to be actad upon, no greater miafortune- coù1d befai thi. eounty. Teii.iitroduc. inof u* polies itîto our local affaira col o ail lo be productive ofthie wouttt sot niglîbora by tih. eariw and teaîip a eobiurnuitity in c6noat turmoil frorni yeîr's enîd to year'a end, enulie nu truc friend'of th. public weat,- or of *union md prugroes. Me. la afire-brenti oft he worst description. Tiié peope haeo too mueli good senaa-too great a regard for thoir own peace -ad woifaIr,, lu b.cteinpl.d toaect upon any suci ivicked, satenie edvie,. They wlltgrit titeir politieel bettle as heretofor,, and after theat bs. iglit of their political dilYèecsin l uniing ho promote the. geilerasi good of tihe community in wlîiclî they dwail togetiier, and i wlîuse walfarotil.y have a common in. tereNt, Thc Ravages of Fire. -Nul a de>' passas but brigs sam -ew of n ta!heiodastructhion oe t honsantis up)On llîuseîu!s of dolars Worth ai tailmbii plupart>' Iy lthe ravages of ira. Port Parc>' lia!t anari-om escape tîuuuî testrpetioV lest meak, mienthie cai-iage factor>' mnii!backsmiîi shap o!f Mr.- Wiloanedtianailier building fell a pre>'tu hoei lemes. Two otiar vil- -1tages mer. hevlaedte1astias, as noiceti ln tieso volumes, lait maek. Wbah muaI al Ibis sue-geel ta-,an>' liongittul mmid ? Caclaixul>'thal lieu conuni- ticsa sômarni! mwiii haremisa lu thiir dail>'unies. they>'ai!opt thie -basîposai- hie menus ho provide ailut snch dis. aters. Lot the. business portion o!flte Iawîu unlueppiiy uucet witi destruction iii a eluglenie-ht, anti an hm i ulti tiha burîlîofatie taxas tien tait? Wold it nul bc upon liaia otidars irbo ub- jevt ta thei. purciase ofam ira ongine? Tîsoso arc reasans lu bo lakan ile ac-e coulut ivhep votitue- wthie by-taw. Solaca !arrSic d'eoee-e lu Pcovencier. Atlorume>' - Cnerai Clark. anti eill both sabotulîmida anti rasiguei, eand Sic George B. Cartier mas rturneti for 1'u-vancluer, lu Maoitoba, on lie i4ttu. by acclamation 1 Here w.e fini! anoîher refuge pravîietifor 0, distressetiminis. ter; praviâd_ ti tuagi tue sce 'ine trioer>' a! ninishars-, wi l oubd ap- per have purposel>' parcellei ont con. sîlînenucies, regartilee cf thie requine.. meuts o!fltie Cenfederation Act, te fur.- tuer Zarl>' eues. 'Tii.members o! lie populout Provinces oif Ontario anti Quebac, ireppîtive o! part>',) miou! nams'ce the munt4lke conutilteiailpen. îitting thie- Coun!derati on Acttho he. violaI.!, mluen atimittiug Maniteba anti Brcitish'- Colnubia ta lb UÙni6n. If- Miiisters o! Ie ii, Crme, irlie atn Sd semIs lu nailluer Province, cee pro-ride --for tiiensoives consdticies e intai oe e t~aiialténcleS mithuut papu. sijts af but sixteoe volera, lie ýenduiace of!thi.ConLfeteratlon. milb. 'o!msort standing. BON& PArcseaSOi' MAcincsW rolt 'rusE PROVNOUAL FMa.-,We lied hiej pleaure cf examlnlug a reaper anti moier-e Joitiaton anti Cayuga r,- allihe Wtitbyfonudryyemtna' u intai me heve neyver seauý equalleti, -andthie caraeh ilciihie macines have svenywherse qbtguetislaï,A<U*lu tee for thie uperiority cfet qtialty. Tiieye arc, me fuel Persuae4, déstineti -lIkIe nan>' o! tiiepréeaeasorefo, tamrneestablisiment-...nelt cul>' te carry oftthe besî prizoo, but to 'b,- jacte e! geuwnal publie- oputend,%tlon at hei.Provincial. - - -MORE IMPORTATIONS Or Sroci ET, TaMESS. -Mnj..,-W. -omiftted -noticlug befoeotheiemportatIoula - -cf stock bronglil cul byr young Ur. Ifilll sou cf Mr. John Miler, c! Thlstl Ha, byhv iiNorts 4-sea'. #,..-a co"iratsie tablng for ý- horuesana caile- the. building extendilp ' 250 ,te fcet iengt, by Wfeet - ide. hI k, that portion allotted tohorJiesa hier. h. ar tome 40 boxes.-8h15, with four 1 xltra boxes for extra lutge 'horses, d' Tii. building containing tectl as taltale smomntairuty construcheti. Boom eau bc fouiid for about oe !e hunded., An elevaheti ax.fact hall rang tbrongli the- centre, the enhire l engtii of the bui ldiug', Ieaving 'lthe stalle opea on euah stie, andIaffordilng visitora an oisellent view ofthe. an- imali. Visitore - eaupeatiown thi, hall, andi examine thee animal right uilefit eisurel>' with convenienice, -and wlthouh an>' crowding or onàfusion 'whatevee. The two firt atala a hei a egastontrance, ara. deaigned taeliold six ht cattle each, and al . hi. ottuere four oeaeh. There are faeti.trougbm lu each ir aaitfo r -bothihors.. nti cattte, etin a evrythleg in and about thé. building 4, appeArta belinthe Most complt. ant 1,perfect order. In" the 'rear cf this obuilding, lentth. open grcund, tiiere are e tour large oblong pens fenced in, for thie exhibition cf cattie, abieep anti pige. Two o! thea. measure about 40x80, am itwo otiore 55x80, reapectivety. 1. Tii.> are -Most conveniently deigned, and afford visitera an ample view of th animale, wlth plenty of room, witi. ontthe icfar of crowtiing or injtury. -At the.soutti enti cf the grounti e wel buit warm sheti runs the. autira leegth of near>' 800 feet, fitteti up algo for tie reception of ahaap anti swiea. Tiiere la alec ample accommodation for ponlte>'and i lplamenha. Alto. gethar, heken witi 'Lhe canvaneca affordeti by thie drilshedi, devotedtet tha exhibition cf roots, grain, manu-1 factures, lie fine arts, ladies' work, and miieellanecum articles, anti that cf lie Town hall, usati b>'the, Sociaty' durig ail exhibition day., there cen bac 4o heitation lu aeknowledging tiet the t Count>' Agriculturel Society of Southi Ontario have now thehast groundis anti buildings cf au>' oluar itlio Dominion - net even axcepting tha Provincial Association, W. e>'aybso addti h wiet we have wrtten-it la not tha leat amongat tii. meny gooti thinga thiit will h. appreciahed - thaI thea Town hall îs specill> arrenged foro diuing purposes, aud tuat luot mamie, for twenty-fîva cents, mey b.c tiheat hier, aht au>' iour cf the. day, wiiula iayn anticoate cen be obtalet on lie ground i et coat.- Anti anotiar tiing we wareg nr aittiiugpeinteti numiare are placeti ovr thie doore of tuaeliorses, Salle, go thate var> axhibitor, whan hae gel is number, wilet oece know bila shail, tins avaîding all troubla andi can- p fusion. Io hier.ea fermer wtuo -les tc given a dollar, or fiva, or tan dollars, thiit sialnît ulciepround of beieg as. saciaeentiuha work of sucli a Socialy>2?01 Tii. officers anti membere hava donq 9 tiaisaîvea, thie Society', anti the wiiale cunt>', credit. But aspacieli>' Mr. N. t Rey-anti w. are naw peying nu cani.e plimuet; but simnply giving credit t, *wiere credit ta tiue-aspeeially doas tua daserve credit, lfoh.ha. spanî lime, 'f anti mon,>' ont otflis own pucket, in cantriving anti cercying ont the bat. improyenients - noil>' essisteti as Poua wui b>'lie excellent Presitient,- b«r. w Johin Dryden. Tiie contracter for the, building, Me. William Berna, lias dune bis work un aW warkmenlike, subalantial inenner, as ln: was ta be expeceailiao wonbd do froîuhietb wall known raputetion as an thonorable nacchiei. THE ENTRIES Theeanîries up tothe lima me go ho press on Wei!ne.tiay, mare smellieg up. Tien. are lu 1h. principal classes-nio leàs than 288 in hocsaa; 174 catle; 116 sieep ; 84 aine, andi -paullry, 72 ; But- baer, 82. AGEICULTUBAL SOCETY vOrPICRER- iNe.-Tlie fall aexibition o! lia Picer- ie- ArchlltUtraf Sacifet>' canas off ou lia 101h andti il October. The Social>' hava flua -grounds an! building-tii, hast me ahoult se>' o! an>' township Social>' 7 he bProvince. Ttîe prizas tuis yeac areaas usuel ou lia nost libcrml avala. Tasse Paavuucum. lxamrî.- Tha Provincal Exhibition halvas placea ab Hamilton on the, fiva firsI business de>'. o! neuf meek-canmencine- on Monde>' anti ending ou Pride>'. Tha nuniber ut enlnies il la sai! miii conaldacably ont- number thlise cf lest year. The liai- tan paople ara fuit ut bus>'prepare- lions. Visitera iltf b, carrieti as usual b>'thie varions cailwae>' -compan- les M Onee fÂï,e. -Musxasca Cou T.-Efforts su-e haine- matie-fac forme-g Muakoka district inta a ouuhy for- municipal purpasas, Tue>' siouli! be succesatul, mnn>'ad- vantageaiil lietieriveti b>' rialue-ouI cf lte presenl unare-aniza! aat. a! lia tamwnahipa o! the. district. The. Volunteers for servicaent Fort GeM>'ýwil report ihiemsetvea for meti- ical examination on lie 201h insh., anti miiiý assemble aI Colingwooti-an lia Blsh8, miience hy i,> liitae. heir de- ,Penture for M anitebe ia lie Dawsou route.ý. lETisse ATCCEýýO'TE£ Woseaz a msdà*#, amit-some tlmelbefora lier final ihisbaiid's deehishe mas separahet i agentfý patent, corset. While on tLiiitrip site mas conventedt (-thi. Ro- Mm Cahhdlic fâitu. -Siete ned t Newr Yocîaudh.4came rocouventeat t Protaitem.mn.Si eft Neir Ynofr PUÃŽ1li wher. Pare Hyacinhecouverte! bher éin, na!tien niAnnletilien. 'cl$meappeare t e ieIeciauics Hlheee,% fpw :weks eagoi.,rceeveti a telogam 'a, ay or two smnele.en. cie thie deathi ether ioli uIre- lén &;.d -are nom -receiv- AU« wiuter importatlon mwilh, as il b. soen b>' ~atbe>'eeoftrln~ah) struck at Idmillsi The rat for achoola, 41. Tis twomilm lu -the.dollar Zeus blian û rate of laut year. Tis doea not speak batil>, after a for the management of the. Town fii ces..> AiPPOINTunzuT. - The frientis of M L. H;Schofiltd, of thais own, esil pleasedtitelearu that ha bam reeeiyv au appointinent in thi. -Customs-a Proeoht. The long, mervicea of X Seiofleld'a fatiier (if nothin elu)el tihled him to thi aliglit recognitio 'beore, now. Major Sciiofilbtiwas atauncli U. B. L. Rie fonglit At Lui dy's LUne, Qiteenston liaigita, &0 an" was eacorh to Generai W Tardy, ýhowever, as it liai been cou ing, w. congratulate Mr. Sciofleld o the f"ethtiheti. opeso long defeere hem been at tait realized. How 10 go West. This ts'aniqui>'wiich ever>' on sh<outd have 1rutAf41ly anawared hefor hoe Marte on lus journe>', anti a litil car.r takan in examinehion «fRoute wl nIneny cases save much trouble time and rooney. The "0., B. &- Q. R. B,,' ruxnini froro Chicago through Gelesburgb Burlinglon, ha. achiavati a splani reputation ln the. 1aIt two years as thI leading Passenger Boute ta the. West At ]3trlngton. il connecta with th, greal Burlington Bouta whici reai reat througlr Soutliarn Iowa te Nabres ka and Kansas, witi closae onnactioni to Cal*fornia andi-the. Territories; ani passengara atartig froni Ontario Caux t>' Canada, on their wey wastward, cai not do botter thu to tae.tiie C., B.A Q. anti Burlington Bout,. The Lina lias pnblishcd a pampli cellati "How te go West,' wtuiei con. talus muci vatuable information;à large correct map of the Great 'West whici eau ha obtainad fres of charge b>' addreasing tii. Genecal Pessengez Agent B. & M. B. R. Burlinglon, Iowa. DAllAGE ueir -LiGiTNING.- :The se- counta frani various quarters of dam- age doue by tigtutning are moat umex- oua . Amongat ottiera wa findthatut one Of the towecs cf the. Catiiolie chureli e St. Laurent P. Q., was, on Saturday uigiit lest, during tha abori, tuowî down, and fail into an adjoining tuouaa, goiug through the. roof into the. cellar. About a dozan barns batweou Cote des Neigea andi St. Leuraut.wer, also blowu lown. Tivi MYRTLE NAVY.-(T. B. ou eecl plug,) i. -acknowledged to b. thi. best tobacco by amokars. PRaCL.AATON.-Mr. Skinner makes ona lu othar colurans tiat concerne the ganeal lpnblie. FUItTREI SutccEssEs.-Dr. Harvey, theelieforni. candidat.elias been raturu. dà for Mdîîk, to the Ontario Legiala. turc. Mr. Watworth hlas misa beau elected for West Miiddlesex. HAMM-aTON & Co ara now opeuuing out alarge genercît stock of new feul and winter gaods. CnuioeRT.-A friandly gae will b, playati botweon the Blowmenville anti Vbitby clubs on Satueda>' next, 2ist- ust., on the. Fair Graunti. Wicketa ta bc pitchati at 10 o'cbock, sharp. Sat ivil1 ba provideti for tadies. DoîrIMNitWÂnEiiOOîs. - Messrs. Lowes & Powell, are raceiving thae crga stock of fashionable gooda. DEtîiRABLE Fsxîu.-In muothercobumu. tmeut desirable, well aituatoti tar iin Ieach la advertised to bat. TuiirvESs àtuDBuEGLARSý are at work însuckig thie stores lu London etter i U ma ar t hi i ai] th, PC sal ail cal wtiooping Caugh-ia auccesafuly treat. 1'by Folows' Compoundi Syrup of1 :poplioepuitaa. Tii. most stubbocu tuas are curet in a few deya. South Bruce. uLECTiJOit 0PME. irELLS-sAJOErTy 126. Watkarten, Sep. 14.-Tua electian o! a meniler for the Legisature e! Onté- rio lu th.place o! Mn. Blakce, laokplace ta-dm>', resultine- lu 1h. return a! Mr. R. M! Wells b>' a nejonil>' o! 126. Tii. faillue- gare ltae rehurmneout hepoil- B11acsnîsA". WELAx.i Grinace <maj.) ... 80 .. Brat and! Walkarton 198 .. Carrice------------.....8 5 Inla s.............. ... 4 Cuiroas-----......-----... 6 Kincartiine village.,. r... 25 69 atonshtip ... .....180 Huron-----------------07 268 $89 Ma. T. N. Giana, M. P.-Tiie Cocu-: maIl Gascf te lieliaves tel Mn. Gis, o! Oia*a, il» suoeeti Sir -Francis Hoick5 lu the Post o! Finance Minister fer thi.short bine John AL'a monibunti ûov<iumntjs permitteati e exàaL Mr. Eddty,-M. P. P.,,o! Ottaa, lues,' accoriline-ta aQuèboea- exebange, suc- cce.edinhiobtalnng-cernts of' moue>' frein the QiielecGovreîent focthe purpsse cf openigup, roatis hrouglu. som a tfheeback iomus1ùsj>o! Ottawa. -j A% motion to diacisarge Mr. Sanider- son, <he constable, -of wici motion, waa' given -st a proviens meeting, iras kist-on the. foliowing diviion- YrEAB-Mesrs.Harper, King, Powell, ha NAxs-Blow, Cameron, Clarke, Don-. Sovan, McMiflan. aht O motion of Me. Blow, .econde&by [r. at as retug officeur or hie m- Wrd,in place of L. Lgéofld (*wo huni ba eltow,> <o receivethi.-vote.' on aby-taws teec>me before the. property. 14 on wlotion cf 3Mr.-Powell, econdeti 9,, b>' Me. Harper, hiie petitionof -J. IL "O 'ordon waa reformacedhé ii. omittae on streeha ant iImprovenuenta, withi n. atructions ho report atrueut meelting of 'd , The fotlowing accoutuafeoniiere port of th. standing commîittea oufi-, nance anti aaseaamenit, were ortieredtieh be paiti, viz : Meus es.arpermatiBa>', for expensea iapecting Fiee Engine,' me #50; Dr. CarsonÃŽ, for -holding five lu. quasto, $10, nmedical attends=nce on >r Ciifforti, and ti son, 25; alec frofeu la lia report of the. standing comnilttee We -on fire anti water, adoptedast lait meet. , igof!thi.council, T. Laler$19 40i h. Francis <6 70, Allan Cook,<5, E. Caldwel 810. Dg Cauncil adjouret. ta s . . id The Alabama Clais. 015,500,000 AWARDED. îe, New York, Sept 18-TIi. World'a li- Washington dapatch seys that from in- ý.timetions tbrown ont frai officiel us quartera, 1h semarn retty wall establiai- adt tat thaeasun mgrases awerdate > id lia Gene-va confoeance abte theUnheti n. States ta, lu round nuibare $15,500- n-000. Theaeward is bo bo signeti et Gene. &-va, in duplicata, on Sahurda>', anti & handedt th te agents ofthie respecliva Goverments for transmission ho -Lon-i et don anti Washigton.* The tatement1 L-insanie quarter tat eaimanhs aye> receive their rooney before December a is arroneous, for tue total amount of 'tg eward ta not due i Waihington tili a1 'year from the date cf th. awats 3r explicitly prot-idadth >'le ternis cfthi. treet>'. S Newr York, Sept 18-A Berne des. path stahe. that the membere of the Court o! Arbitration mare presenI et ac banquet givan in thele hanour b>'the. Fedaral Council test .vening. Several speechas ware matie andtstsb given ta ea remrpreaentahive Power. Man>' pro.a tt minent diplomate from diffèrent na., l ions were present. n Berna, Sept 18--Yeaterdey, sluortly0 > laltte reception o! hie Ganeva Tri- bunal b>' Prasitiant Brunear lie antira 1 part>', accompeniat b>' savaral meun- bers of tha diplomatie corps ie Berne, inclnding lhe Germen Miniater, went ta Interlaken, buncheathe iVictoria haRtl, andi returneat taBernaeithe, atternooti. Berna anti Intlaean, tas well as tha inter moadiste places, profuseuy dacoratad. At the, banquet lenttis cit>' lest aven- s ing, given b> the. Swiaa Federftl Council lu honour of the. Abitrators, sixty par. sona wa .ra presant. AR tii. Eîglisii gentlemen connectati wlhh tha court irare absent oxcept Lard Tantardan, Prealdent Bruneer mada the principta -speeci,axpresslng lia pleasura fait b>' - leaGoverument et thie salaction of a town lu Swtzarlend fthe meehing of thiTribunal - Ceanit Sciopis repliat, anti raturuati tiaruke an bahatt of huisaif anti collea- gues toc the tuospitalities cecelvati frai tho Swisa Governient anti peupla. NEw YoaY, Sept. 1.-Tii, Herali - Genava speciel Beys the jutigmeul of tue Court of Arbitretion is-aigneti b>' eh the. manier, of thi. Court axcapt Sir. 1Alax. C.ockbulmn, wia givesae long dis- senig- opinion, acceptig the dacialon in thie case ut ttua Alabane, but argn'n thnt in thie casa oÈ. hie chier atipa tioa le no groîndtifor an>' arrt geinet Bngtanti, wirsa coursathoughou a lu accortiance itiitrnto a 1w anti nantral obligàtions, anti aven witi. the, cules oftti Traaty of Washington. The decision ufthlb tribunal awarcing w damoages ta tue Unitedi States begins irittu a racital of the formel lenguaga of T( the lis-ts of the, Treet>' of Washington, tiie naines andti tles ufthie Arbtrators anti agents nliii. Assaibi>' at Gene-va, exehanga of pairars, anti prasentatian of thie cases, anti continues verliatim. ati Tirz nTAzuraoas AWAaD COIJDEN. Co' ED iT TriE Tant JouENALs 0F ENOLAND. -London, Seplember i7th.-Tha Tory journals condain in unnieauredte trise tIie action oftheiaGanea Tribunal. gel TIie LoudnAdviirt amys: Wiat a L. I ANTICIPATED CHsANGEaSINe TisEDommnu IN CANncur.Le Noeau-.. Monde says tiat Sir Joie A. Mactionelti,.Sic George Cachier anti M. Lanevin hada- long canférence et Mentreal on Wetinesdey lasb, mien lie follommne- nominations mare underahoodt t le matie: Hon. Atarne>'-Geuerai Onimea ho haJutig o! lia Superior Court nt Màer; Hon. -M. >Claue'eau ho take tue part. folio e! Justice, givine- up.lb. Provincial Sacrehacysbip, b ut neteinlne thal o! Public Instructian ; Mr. Blanchet 1olie Clerk o! site Homme-o! Camions; anti Mr. Chapleen Go-rrment candidate ton Speaker. Le Niitional ridicules these reporta. On lie afhi:oou o! tii.-letshthé- Marquis-o! Buta, sccampanie! hy hià privete secretary, mas heme- tiniven out in a dcg-cart aiong Camhritige-rat, Cardiff, lie berme hoot trie-il, swrnveti, ani came luho collisionmithi a ceai cari ,passinhitue opposite directicn. Tii. velicle mas upset âatILordBute thionmu mihgreat-vithoâhiegrount. Ha mes -ver>' sriausi>' alen anti- oeeof lita arma noh.ùln. 1li ahilp mwas et once :remaved.ho- Cardff Casti,. - Thé allier occupants of!thie togeirt wme n a indh urt. - The. Mostreai Breuiief sa>'ailiat Mn. DeCosracus, t>! BrîfiâakCeimia,-standa plede- t haadl '4hi lhe Penti-Xehiuuule o! Qnaliec- Ia t case Sie Jahun lU ual ge very- mna o!flis Support. Au-l Anlu'en ?a.ys. hi. ttree most troublesomq.chieout& ha aven hzwe a >'qungwmawam>uÃ" tedto lue mer- rie,,ecnried mcmauimhoanletito 1h mas -feitiner -rethe abootiù commence, Bergt. Wilee aSsia Tiie Fini Matchi mas foc À]b Cous reaiienha o!th. Counst>. Tiiere wer ten Prfzes offereilin tfi& gicler-H fetaBaga200>,'600 and-. 13Wydia bhote ah eaci range; outrance 50 cent Tiiere w.re, 89 au&nes for Ibis mnatel The oofing on 'he wbole mau fail The. followmg wece thi mcesa u o petitars. loi Pr'ae.Ca hi bte. WbIIhy, 411, ýS . ' -l Cmpi lîlile. 01W,441 $rdl Joh abb, -'WhbY4 40PIS 41'. Wae. Young. Whiby, aOpio a<b A lm.eCaw, PieceAlberI, UBe Lb BorSe r iehel& nCisingie.,I Spis 'kth !I eo. Bma.g -eabWlbr, Upua Serhge. Cek«IM4Wbiiby, aapi Y.aaH.Mieren,- no3Ps îeuM" Tie. .MeOmîtez, - 8i15 -The Second Match'>wai for the 84f. .Voiunteers wlio ha! perfornie! hi dril for 1872. Nine Plrises--Bauge 200 an! 400 yc -5 elos escli range-Sider Enhielc -Entrance 25 cents. For liiliai mare 22 euhries. Tii. followlng are Ih sucesaul competitars. lut Prise, Cas. %tNe, Sipie lu erg. Chiise, 3 ais ird fapt.Dillone, . 29%6 41b (U <,rdee. 205<. 61b Liens. D,'w, S5pta th M. Osro. i5pla 79h bl149er Hodpges, lipis. sit ' sergt Dillo,, pî 9,1e Leaut.IViits, 24p[à Tha Thie! Match was opens.to mli ne aldeuts cf Ithe Ca. cf Ontario, Member cf the Association. For tbia tiare wera elgit Prizes Bauges 800 anti 500 yards-S sehotsas each Ilenge-Entrnca 50 ce. riFo this her, wera 88 entrias. The. taitowin# ara lia succesaful core pehihore. ise Priz . Caps. Oiles, iipte <i 24id %%'m Young, iteS 1 Soi T. %Vhite, i2pts 41b 6- S. Richards, Sopta ôSe l T. MeOratten, sept. ete, IL Young. 29pts 1b C p.WIeile, 29peA Lb~ ise. DOW, lipte Everything cunectet i mti the.mate so, fer as me coulil sec weut off ha! 1moninl>' anti wai hill>creditabla ix ail. W. ara plesedti o, mae .LIeu.ý Col. so mucii esteaeti b>' hia mený Tiare ta uic starch about the. Col. hi ceu-taluly ta the rigil man 'm the righ, p lace, li t nol oui>' over tue men bui e is wIih tane atandang tit ne o! thhansalves ; he la b>' no n buekumnuand sharcli CoL'b a ive active moldiar. Tii. other oiffi re; prem. ant cerli! tuenselvas with tamffiarity anti gooti taste. W. shoulti jutige thai the 84tii Baltellion tues nothing ho, com- plain of as ta officara. IL la a maltai o! wistion as maîl as justice to senthe matcetus round!.-Ober-ver. A Tropical Reminiscence. What ala nature ?-thie golden sue Ie twilight veila hie beeins, New, liii. a eluielti af burelue- brats, O'.r us ominous gleasmn. A sotau hu, lika ual of deatii, Hengs on lia sultr>' air; Tii. startled sheep wildly dle.- Anti yel no foc is near 1 In dlocks, the bleds itueir coverta seek, .,flepgosto their rot- As lier,, ha safeey sougil ; My nebl. Dapple in terrer neigis, Sika, tremblieg in his stail Le I theheavena unionl a scroil Dark asea tuneral pal- Herk 1 aneel>' mac steetis are ebroad, Led by son. mnigity chief 1 Earth siattes beneatii heir enguat weigiit, Andi struigging oscise relief. lue irnuistrano'erleaps litsbane, Tie i.frmeat trees like sapiliga break, No.more tudr crests 10 rae. Haek 1'is an eartiiquake !-an eartqnake ? man iagon>' eues- Deati eneicdline- on ever>' aide Ineaven>' ph heatrias. impotent, ho staggers, agtiat ne, sllence-maits bis fotn- Quaila as th.fîer> blasi 'Tis put, in ieaving sie-is Thie bidien o! ame remnoveti. Natuxre nava hec pelles, Anti man e-oas iarti relierveti,- Soon ho fore- el .voice 0f Thea--inîvrutaile Power. thihby, Sep. 111h, 1872. U. L." Tu lite Editar of the. Wlitby Ghraruicle. lEAR Sm -four correspondent, Prograsa,"hlis'dune mel ta dram Iltentian ho thea tesirebilil>' o! ha-ring a ,urse o! public bectures for thewiter wae-ns. LaI iL b. sen Ihal lectures are ment- 1, anti douubuleass liapubio-spielteti ,nutlamnn anagin-theIa ecianle' ustitute mill nul apara pains in mekin- ho uacessary arraneentus. Tiiere ta local abîity, andti wlml- ngnes ho axant the talent, raquialte for course ut succestul papular lachurea. The Wihy LIherar>' Society', lu ls. ru sessions, ias ielpai! ta lus pire a aet. for bue-h clasa literelure, anti suai raorta as asaiet mental culturea-anti aoral ativaucanenî, b>' means a! tha eguler meakly meetlugs of Ithe aociety. le exarcises consiathie o!ftiebates, osays, anti crilictanus Ilenean, readine- foriginel puanis, enelysio! books, rations, recilahions, dialogues, neeti- e, andtihliaSaciety's paper, as aisa y th. public meetings o! tha social>' udtc miet succasalu tha axcellene>' o! ae euterhainmauta andtihii lange au- sacas alteedin-. Tii. valediclary adi- aem o! tihe tio retine Presidaut., mi'. Mr. Bellaflyne, anti J. E. Bryan:t, îq.,* callai! !aclh ovations o! prefs. om, fias, hearnine iir tiuvery. This cIeL>' miii re-conmnce lie openations ring lie present mnul. Parc>' svla,ý Esq., o! 1h. Wlihby Hie-h col haine-its respachai! Prasidaul. Ilt ti eirons et reeleivine-an accession fmemabere. Members ofth!te titerery Society are ecssant>' members o! (as per arcanea teut miih)the Mactuanica Institut.A emuer cfthe latter eau becone a inièate for inemhership oet he former ý-e preposal, o! one o! ils memhdrs, ,,d upon eceivin- a Itajorit>' a!f-votes. Teeare, un tamn, tmo c! hhese on- inisallons. tmliuucbuuery capable et rain-ecure !lectures,' morine- han f.u:auti Ibhaît rlatav a er adertakan b>' liaeue miii receivIe amn- i a.isistance fronuthe ohiier. Or lie>' a esci place a course uponlte plat- unio! lie Mechanuca' hall, site-.hl> e b>' ieak. Tii, one miet engaege CRI, lie'olier fereigu, halent. 1,bave ho thane yQn foir givine- valu- le apece. Yom are 'alieys réa!>' ta it iterar>' efforts. Hoplue-he itrer>'Society' millhave.the benafitý he iMfuenre anti presence o! "spro-' yoors, respectfuii>' - Amemnben;o!the WEITBT LrnavSocrar. ýNüpàuée, Séptl.-l8.-Yetecday more. g %but 8 e'clock, 'as lie schoner caur iras canine- dem -he reaion ýy of Quinte ounluen4may fnm OS. ego-to bia port, Diavidi Curra, cf luet Islandi, anti mate ûui hî vesiel, I overboarti an! was dromet. Ever>' silloýn iras madie b>' tue-capheun anti ýëitc Bae ]ihbitbt mithobû suçc.1eus, io du noh rise O hole su'rà-é' - The han baatbeen found Yeh. H. dur De, Sel nac me] me] cet al-t and gai seci sol uni -Pi cam w.e lact ah)i ais Lib gctf Deia emei re h. ri. i. 02 4 4 4 ah i au de 'e e i. st 4 4 r eanuru iraithen. sent for, and dresaec the irould,;but thinjuries mer, s00 aeve'e fluat lie olti Doctar miii navez rConsber, ééscuigth e onatoal e er .cond lu hi nelgi bou ti ail hverg>'ja e ngit but tiir. Imurea baed so ferhevadect capture t a tep-oe f a t eep lastuigia et hies-hoa f a fermer mld tis a Ppfe dtmies f arelahon. audittwa snppcoae h ie>'aei man meaunhi ad, A crnd, lquat raih bViegnltaofseenoon, ntite h e evidence cf sve llessa bais taene s poshpoei 1111u70clckhe Ofve nin.dcwNeatman 'o irasg e and Powae, anti rai a man M-trge emant pomerfu fraie; titrt C a a rm,e mienh.kaehoso Ca6edafr4om es an ireigieti 880 pountis-. PIGEON SHfoOTINO MATeH.-A pigeon shooling match took place on Davay'e race-course yesterdey- atternoon -ba- tWeen James Ward, the. champion pig cou' shootar oM Canada, anti Henry Humpir>', for lie champion silvet cup anti #50 a aide, etf1> igeon esch, twant>'.one yards rna.. Aicord-. ing ho tii. original agreement Il siiaull have 'beau a trop antiitntila match, but iL iras subsaqueptly agreeti that the. H anti T hrep sitoulti b. usati. Taking lie tasa anti cali fron the. raerea, Ward citose Mr.' Jaohn Sheaerrashlis uprami Me. George.Warran iras cisa o act for Humpue>'. Me. Alex. Jacquas raf.rae. Fem o! tha birds shah eh eseapeti, as mil lie seau b' tii. fai- bowlug score:- - iARD. lui score, 1011l111uiioliiOiliiiili-22 5 Total ...................... 44 lot score, 1111111111100111101110111-21- r-e2d score, lllUalauueulluialau01-20 Total ...................... 41 1.O! Humpitreys missei birtis Imo tebl s dea t ocf baunda, anti ut Wari!'s, Lt lire.. Tii, birds mare goati sîrone- tt fly.re, but not one o! tiern escapeti s seat fra,. As tuis matcth mas su keani>' i contestai! tb. frientia ut Humphrey de- e sire anaihar oe ta ha ade,sau! have > placai!thi. requisite fonfei t iiheuantis y cf tha nefarae. LCAuTioN.- Tii. Monea-j Timea, a r carefuit>"e couducteti journal,tlin aue- ions ardent men rusliue ito busi- nase: We atitiliear accounhe of nam stores beine- eshablisiati in country villages o! Ontario mare Ilîme supplie!. 1h la hopaleas ta axpeel a healti>' stata et marcantile affaire-as long as induca- manIa ara tl uatiot te nem undartekinga mihsuci sliglh graunda ta liape for succeas. The strineane>' iuthio nna> market, andth te abuornail>' igi prie o! maxi>'descriptions ef maretuandise rentier lia prasant a very inopportune timg ta lucceas. diaennubar o! rehellars eonipatig for the buain7sa o!fIthe caun- try. One enal village iasbaan brome-tt pr 'lnnti>' tae ue notice miera letel>' butn Ima ostore8susfflcti for lia mauts ut the naigibanioad, wich bas nom nul lesa than iiaf-a-dozan, aIme-e-lime-ani! cuethine- againet emeli aller. Sanie o! then muai inevilabl>' pau into lb. hantis o! lhe officiel assignes as 1h. tac- ninalian o! thaie career. Marchants atueul! maeihmetters carafmll>' befora entartaine- applications faruem credile at tii. particuier junctura.- THE NArHAit Mutcaz.-Nam Yack, Sept, 15-Bûl>' Forrastar, lb.e llagai! Nathan murderer, iras bromut np ta- day i he Suprane Court Chaembers betareJui!eaLeonard, ouawiritoflîtbea8 corpus. The comt-roanm as codram ,, au!d- conaldeable inlareet iras mani- testai!. Distric-Attarney Gerimoîv- ai! o iaisshe mit on tha grounti that au axanàuation befar, a magie- Irata bai! camnencai!, Me. Home, counsel toc the. pelsanen, oppose!. ure-- lue- lie rie-ilofuthe accusai! tea e rit, andi claimine- liat Forrashar mas not ilu lia cil>'mien the- merder oceurai!.1 Jutige Leonari! dismissedtihe mrit on1 the. soaegronni! tuat bus axaminahion1 heti baan commenceti, anti reaneat the priiener ta thie Tombs. Brockville, Sept. 16. - Tha stables1 connectai! ihi liaSt. Lamvranca Hall,c liera, mare burnea thte grouni! lest nie-hi. Bie-iteen vaubia herses more sieblai!, andthue grealest axartiona mare i made a hgeet tien out, but the. fiec spreadai!80repidili tai ait perishadinl thie flemes. The lba s taegtimmteti aI baleean $6,000 anti $7,000. Imaure! lu lie Phoenix for $600. »A etable anti ce*e-liomse edjoinine-, omnai! b>'Mr-. Robe r mour, mas alsa talit>'des- hrayed. Insur,! for $200 ithi. Coi- mercial Umion. Tii. oulgin uftheliafre1 ta unleonam. QuEBCANDaaixONu!4ira RAILWAY Bt- LAi.-Lanerk, SapI. 16. Tua by-lam graellug a bonus ut 810,000 ho ai! 1h, e Qmebac anti Ontsrio Raillie>' ms pass- ai! i tha township e! Dalhousie on Set- - The Ocilia Comecit offer e camard o! hwanly tdllars for information tht mill leat le .canvictli of li te thevas mie mena operatin-at'he tata Sie. A ci! cof Mr. Denial McLaod, Park. ill, tmo meaka ald, mas bibten b>' a lare-espider a tam day alec, mualu i bei!. G angren. set in, anti deehi au- suai lefort>' houes. A very large amount o! lumbenr, the praperty o! H. B. Ralimun & Sou, mas burnet iet liMi Polul, Ont., Salurda> The leass la stimatied t $40,000, mih no lusurance. Hait. Ma. Danzi.-Tiie Qmabac Clîronicte, refemine- hle Hon.*Mn. Dorlon's nature ta pubie lite, saya luis rceaptian et Montreal irashigiily Sl- tarne, provine- uhat lieugh ie has no moue>' ho spend' - upon faiuioneble an-' lartainieha, and no offices' tabashoir, li aus treopa a!f rienda anti admucars. lie ta one o! our moat haneet anti abl. public men, uiom theceunIr>' coulai ili lie neprasentetuon o! Naptarvila mwill prove gretifyhie- intelli-ence ta multi- ludes, even cf thelutle ippasil, D r. Livingstone starteti frai Eeg. land -on lie expedition lu mbuch ha la atifi ýengage! iApril, '18U5. RH.let he Islaund o! Zanzibar for thie main coat o! Africe lu Merci, 1866,lanti havine- orgenizati bis lithie part>', atari. ed, foc he inhenior n uthe 7h -cf April -Soune Gaztrrius--The serueIn>' iba lte -voera' lbat et Seuîh Orenvili -mas, an Salnrday, braittho a.n'ebiupi con- clusian, thé p.Iitloeeerý anti reepoutieul -eptval> greeue- te mittidrair frai ti=otapreteerline-tapa>' flair amui- céash se fer lueurnetian! tc trv eue. ir r r PRESENATI OAreruÀJOUiNeAÃœST. - Yesterday mnomm-, Mc. Samuel lut- riuson, iio, for about tira years peat lies beau oua ufthei.Parliamcnta'>' re- portera a!the Globe, mas praseute! b>' the. nambers o! tha ediluclel - anti ce- partin- staffs out bia Journal miih Chambers' Encyclopetia, lia occasion beinge- ie parlura ut Mn. limîctinson 'rýom Toronto toasmsumehe prupriator- sbip, tagetier mlth the diloriel anti busineass hanaganenh, o! bhe GaitRBe- 'armer. The prasantahue mwas mai!. on beaaf o!he smbscribars ta tha hasti- neouial b>' the senior manier a! lia idihoriel staff, mien Mr. Hulciusan ailae ti athe obfice tta ealeava a! lia et.e coblabaratars previons ta, sterling for the agane ut tus future laburs. Tii. gift m-as accompanieti b>' an etidrées, in we'iii tha douars expresîa!-tia pleasure wilu wbici etthaI junclurehe>' rayai- aecta! the galanti frieud>' relations thal alwmmys axishai! belmean lie - cipiant anti lis colleagues. WH*îsKY rIitFaeiri.-The halal-keep- nrs o! Clitton mera sunnonai! ho appear beforo th. magdstrate et 10 a.. an., Thursday mnomme for selliue- iquor on untia>' on the information" o! thrae men fron Slatotan,' near- SI. Cellher- ues. As soçiu as the inforners arrivai! ut -h. Court, Houa, ýthey 'mal mu e waria reception b>' a siomar ut roilen e-e-s. Tie> mer, lien ciaseti anti aoreippei! aillavec tamu. Two o! Lien mera capturet anti noue-Il>'baud- uti, he otier ceaat.Na une appear- te- aist Iith elkepars, ant ti.> wareadismisiai.- E. A. Wilao% lMc. liymne's peitner It Winpee-i, 15ont as a candite tar th Camons u pposition ta D. C'. A vocanao uhh Islandi'o!lawaii M is i acive rnÉio 'd 'sel in ta l ecbv? nn antipresaula e' Gave magnificeut spectacle. eal Taera are 118 buildings in praceset Spaiùr mretion aI presant lu Braentfordi. Theee Worsi 0! lis.e imufactarles o! lconsider- - U - Il gta hted- fatthei.ire m b wo barre] Criminl>' essaultadtheii girl neer frein Smiith's Felle latel>' bave- mii been amc. Br reatetietati asienom lu goal..-vest fi Thei, bias_ . .A,,i;ýnj ,,.. ,,u.a .,e mu.,Dean. i i ti 'W ai ti le r mian mit aa fral to mailWiipi wrouldi have lie courage ho Vist Ohi mea. The meeting seemet o be le favor4 Bilt and seperateti quietby after havir th.ar! bchcanititea. 1 Lieuheuait*Govarbor Keate, in e dei 9Patct t Lord Kimberle>', deteti i 88th et Mercikes, mci asjusi bae printai!, on the abjacb o!. affales E Natal, rearka thal Il bias becoma Bquestion o! considarabla interesh, en on, lu the raplt>' h mcithe. colon>' ver>' deep>' concerneei,, mat la ta i lia affect upon Ils fortunes for goo! e ifor evil cf lie discovery oft ha dienian 1filds upon tha Veel Rivar? This di covary bas drame a 1numercua popu: bianho a tract of country ich il set! offare no luducemeul alubar o!f- seý or climat. te setlers. Tuae-'atieý fri the -Cape, Provinces, fri NaI.; anti fro;n tha <Orange Frae Stahes au, rTransaal tenitures bas beau falloir. rb>' cee wirilcseama likai>' ta ha c larges dimensions fron BEngbaui!, Aui trella, ami ataewitera. Il wai nI fin feareti that as in theauasafa!h. ve: vaunteti discaveries et goldin hi 186 liera e uh! bae àrapiti reflux of th uimgration, but as yet ne signa bat -beau axhibihea o! lia succesa abtaine, being on the mae. Tue ares uf scarc] la axtaudin-, tha quantit>' o! gains fan lseavec ou theia ncrease, anti the queli>', if an>'tine-, la impravn1 It ta difficubt ho state liae-value o! thi dianunda exportai! hcaugii lia colony go= in'havine- beau cacriai! aira'un decartib>'peasaengera b>' lie home mari! steamers. Tii. records ufthi -Durban Cuatoni Hanse onby giva £9, .612 as lie ttalaleinao!the gens ai pariai! lu 1870, but for the. first tha nantie of 1871 lia returu stands s iÇ82,056. Kete Fialdi irites aliaeply in hi American Regialer of Paris, cuncaruil Americans abroati. Sieays :-Wha: I se ian a andnoen ira nevar bai an>' gemtifahieca-at laaInoua mortl spaakhie- ot-mhu rusa franinotulnq anti whtuse atevation is due ta tha insti tuions at our contry';irlen, I repeat I see sucu people gaine- about Europe abusinge- h.ganarous baud. thet tuas up. lifted tien, declariue- tualtiahre ta tac mc Ilberty iu America,thatthe pao. pie (pre>' miiuaroelie>' but the peuple?ý shouit b, lame-ht itueir place, tiat me neati a strung govarumant (like Napol. aou's>, anthit Amaica milleut bca residance toc ladies anti gentleman un. til me tiave il. I thinu o! the. sarpeni marnai! iat lite ont>' to atIne-ils bene- factor. Tceachery more foublai not cou- caivabta ; yelthera ara quila a numba; ut suci traitora, au man>' thal liey have utten beau quoti! b>' sovereigus as prou! o! lie rottannas a! ienocracy. 'The Enrapean Americans area- abe lot,' exclamai! an Oxford pil rofeasoc nul long since. 'Tii.> do neithar youoi ma cradit.' tWtunan meAmarleer comas ta us from th. Unitedi States,' sali! a Cambrlidga mme abort>' afler, ha la likel>' lu b.e aguoti faltomand clevar, but miien i. comas tramn Eu- rope tue is a pour craature anti generaily a snob. Hie tries la pesa for au En- buulîman, an&ouan man mas amfully eut hp, the other day, whlen I taîti îim îuhmî I knew tIlu ha bean Anerican b>' is accent. Ha mes lryne- ta lalk cock- ne>'!' MR. Su'uuEE'S WILL.-It ita asiuat. ai! tht Ituepropect>' loft b>' lie dacees- ai! mil azoonta upvar!s ut $2,000,- 000. Ha liai loft ian>' baque.sîs, amone- otiiers 75e a de>' ta a l ii oh! servants anti morkingîen mia hava bean empboyei! about bis establishmnent. Tu is tavoneita napheir, Me. Meekieni, ut Niagara, ha huas lef he Clark HM11 prop.ch, -miti 120cres o! ban! attaci- oïl, 8100000 le moue>', anti $5,000 lu complets lia educahion. To Me. R. Miller, ut St. Catharinea me undeestenti h.e has let£300 a yaar for his nain-ml 11fe. The cash of lia large prupeet>', me believe, tuas beau evel' dlelrbmte! anone- lie otiac menibers ufthe feni- 1>'. Mc. Streat mas a ian universel>' reipeclai! theone-hont lia Niagara Dia- trict an! alsamiera wbera hoie ws kuomu. Tliosa mia lcnow him hast cen lastif>' ta bis ian>' privaeovitues. The. tunerai ot ddeeasati took place -on Tuesia> bail, an! mas tic tare-est avec sean lilnte ,iagaca Distict, exlani!ing amp. frt th xie.Fech 2t)o anti leader of Be! Bepubliceuism, la r put!tabc dtilg iu Nair Câedonla. Priso ifê hu's beau ,tao sa-rre for is s feeble constitution. E1)IRAn,.BLE PA, ME.~r.B. Crl 'Uo! Etin luh, ant.-- " apa ëerm-ofCue eilet Sratprzsoeh? xibheie i Oit'Reaar, SEPT,. 18.-Mayor Cur1- T las ju a r ce ve £ rom th i. e i T C g mon.>' at thexxpens.-of the-Golveruî a-meu. Tiie firnu i. composed ofMJoa.hi o . ~and ames Whiteof Ibig iS tg, H. Bromne,the buyer, wmila ceident lu Europe, adeu ti luesays- borne au excellent cepuhehion i hibs cii'.- he ExTRnsOmnISARy FEAT BT A CaNADIAif en ATELETE.- Tua Chicago Ixsti.r-Ooear ah -gays :-"On the eveiiing o the. OLl ut.,, a theeidnts of Lachin, en oyedthe d igit o! a somemlat novai mutcli n la tAn! anti ater. A discussion arsest be the tee, hable of Hannal ' Ratel lu ce- or gar ! o e m atc fM th e sRam e kin k bluet ida! laelytken place lu Englant. [s. S ne Englishm n p ese ul po i ather.* -isparagingIy,' o! Canadiaut mIace, ase it. expresset he -opinion hat feir if au>' i Cn adin . coul ! p rorin the f et. _M . J. 'Armstrong, e el-kujomu amateur l, rupnnr,wmia lappenedtaho i.praentý, i d q0al ' i n o i e i h e y u g e n t l e m e n C l liaI a ~ no do wiatever au of Englishman coula! *do; andti laI our ta. amteturs pricularly coul! match the ast Englisi. Ha tin offre! ta te>' lie ýr fat hbuse], tlugi b.certaini>' as, ý9; nat in goodtihIaving just partakien [j o a hearty mnaaL A. match as i.- ra mediael>' mie as follois: - He (Ami. ti trong) ias lia lop a quarter mile, mek ,h e quarter mile, ton e quarter mile, ride Id quarter.mil, anti roir a quarter mile, r anti-ail titis ýras ta be doue in then g.consecutive minutes.", The grouti je iras immediatel>' îeaenretianti lie y, quarterbâila marea. B>' lie lima thli aranýgements era complete.! al e- Lecitinatureationttho ltuasa liathéae- .e dng match. Armstrong .ha! li te ,.choica of euuuing the races i an>' ordar x-lia chas., anti salectdth le ihop firat. ýn T ii. betting b fore le tar i mas aga lut t the runer, but, itgrduli>' veere! round, an! befora ha liat-aven ,luoppeti luis quarter 1h mas in luis faveur. Ha te accoiPplihati is fSrmIilu>2:86,, an im.n tg îadiatel>' malkati lis quarter,, rature- n l gi 2.44. He lieon r en le quarter' ,a lu1:80, ant immdiatey mounteti is ;h liorsa, au ordinar>' carniage hore, bor- *ramai! from a enatlamen mite hatijuat driveù inlufroinMontreal, siame! lie tby-standare that lu. mas no lasse novice ou horaebaek bien-i. mes on foot. lie 'matie lie moat o!the, animnal, anti lani- ai!d et thentidofthe quarter lu fort>'. eugil secondsa.lie lue!t now ta run ta the beeci, e distance ciofuaneundet oyards ho gel luta is boat, wmidi mea j- a camion fenil>' skiff, - aigiig about a thiieaa in edeipotin a.' T e mater o u L_ the coursa ms very silloi, ant iWli Lt boat rau agranni sa-raral tinas ; but i 'n - pila af alt hies. diffloultias, lia goto-ver thIis lait quarter-mile lu 8:00, andtihli whmole éaet lu 12:88, lue-ing thea min- utes anti tweuty-two seconda ta'- spara. 8Taking everything ita cniteratin, - il mas a irontierfmI feat, anti ana - ra- 1quiring graat pamars of enduratuca. tu'le fout mas accompliahe! in Buglauit rin 10:46 b>' a persan mh ital iiban lu raguiar training tac it, antila i ati e-ery ativentaga lunluis fa-ver. There la not lie 9elighlest doubt liaI bai! Arm. -straug lue!the saineaivauhage -lue could have doue il luntira minutes leus, -anti ira mulnI!et ha sueprisati ta sea hire doit mititin tan minutes-. Me. ATrnstrong lias nul mun for two yeaes, biit me ara gladti ha aae bist muscle ha. nultiaetariorateti. TunzDomNit GuvFRMNTzz.-Titere is nu deuil thit George E. Cartles*lu. tends ta sak ebecion ah lia banda c! anothar Lamer Canada cunstituane>'. Oua o! the Bfstl eu counities of tli Province la LavaI, wmmd lahel>'- electeai M.Bellarse, mho la atsa a mamber 'of the Local Asaembly. It la proposai!, as w. untiacutandtihe case> thal Me. Blanchot, nember for Le-vis, siail re- aigu lie office a! Speaker in 1h. Quebec Asembl>' anti accept the Claerkslulp of the Hanse o! Couinons, randereti va- cant b>' Mr. Linda>s deati; tbut Me, Bellerose shail racaive a promlise ufthie Quebao Spaakarship, anti in rature shuhl ac-cept-eum office undar lia Gavera- muent tempacaril>', anti su vacate lia seat lu the Hanse ut Comnn, ta b, caplacad' b>'Sfr George. Tii. gallaul B3aronet, w. regret tu se>', la-vary 111 wih dropsy anti-bas been racnmaenti- ad a voyage h-Europeb>'l physiciens but ta tieterninet ei taIeamt in bis omu province befor - lie 1goea. 8f Sr - Fraudis Hincks ta tiatemenjuatihgive. up is offico anti take'up luis -rasidenca lu Montreal. H. ta elreati>'mailnga tus preparations ta carry-amI liaI intali- tion. Sic Francis once playeti e <greati role in politues, anti las hoo mmci pritia ha tout toc a constitene>' as e oint et John A. Macd!onald's ûlau. Hajtiomit- lesu titmgh htie ha utisoaie rengthi as e Reformar lu Onîteria. lie bas dia- re the. ;t De hetihtiralihii day 0 ;PENCER, ROSE imA ending lte 58hj d.oi, antij - er ot ar hil Art w01 STC Aile der, Hare Ben(t Uic se Cana w pai: thelt. Ubea Whit To i-e t pi ad Pe Wha Bi fort an! An! mii cme hre ad -Aud rtu. andt t ereut ures -Zi b - 'f ac &oedi bina; =anin dieamea of wromen ouf. e z ani -dis palepony 2l à i - ren, andt tonadition of nevu ia, phy a i a i o t a l n r e au l t e il f r o n i b a t i h a b i t a eceasivae mofstimulants ant lbacco, andi andi ail hait train of evfls knowiia a, fait tif. Thieprest relabffity 'anil prompineas in itaets inim edilyanud permanent- lyra ig thie devitalizeticntlto a mat.de 3WHEEB'8 OOMPOUND ET OR F PHOSPHATES ÂND CAM!- SAYÂ &ga"t fevounit. With the. Physielans and lie 3uiy 5, 187?. 82 W NTED.-A manager of br4ncii depet -and appointer cf aiîb.agenta mi acii 4sr*twhere -the. NorhiIritih Catt. Fod o are not repree td. -T bf. Co.s manufacture ha& met with girat auccem aine ita introduction leat aeason. ,1h. gen- nin e ss ta v o u c iie tifor lby t iie e ati h g b resM . ers anti feeters inCan*ada-Itimoniata on application. -Tis appountmenf- in a geMd income to a man wio, has a. connection,; or bas energy to work up on..-The. party ap- pointeti muet ave aa mmiii amonit Mcap- tl te en ab le hbi m t a atv an ea o n eo n aig - ment (o risk. Adtrem, NRR BBITSHB CATTLE FOOD Co., -Dox-786* P. <. Mon- treal. WHITBY MARKETSB. CiaocLm Ornez, Sept. 1thi, 1872. FaIl Weat ............ 10@ $140 Sprig Wbeah .........f 25 @ Si Si Barley .... «.......... 60e @ 68e Pes ...... .........65e @70e Bye ....... ....* ...60 o (965e Oeas...............40e@ 4âc Ray ............ 16 Potatoes .. ...... 40e @ 40o Claver Saed ............ 8 TUn.thy ............. $ Mspie -Sug ar ..........2ie @ 160 Bgga ...... -.........126 915c Butter .............15e 0 17e Cheea............ ...14@ 1c; Beaf, binti 4nart r . .... . 8, 8 Baaf, fore quarter.... 7 @$7 Pork, percwL..... - -. $50 @$6 50 Wood ..................$ 5 @S Wooi.................52e NEW rADVERTISEME1 NTS., c NETSALE VALU ABLE. FARMS ITEAR TIM TOWN 8Y WIIITBY. Ixn pursanca oi thi, decrae made byth Courtt fCiiauceryin a mut-cf Log9againat Livingstone, anti with thie pprbation of Johà Alexander Eoyd, iq. aster in ordi- naryocithe s& or,-wi .soid atpub- lic antien , by Lev* Fairbanlts, Jr., auctien- ear, at thei. "Uion otel," at tiie Town of Whitby, on Weduesday, ftie 9thiday of Oct, 1872 AT O'CLOCK lit THE AFTERNOON, tiie following veltieble unii in 'two pareelg PARCEL I.-Thet portion of lots 82 ana 33 n the . sat concession of the. Township of Wiiitby, in the Coumty of Onterio1 *ying nortii of tii. Gand ýTrnk Rail iay, a te Icpt the. weaterly, flfly acres of ssii! portion of lot 3. >This prel cntaine 150 ires mor, or lais, it la weil waterei,,on. it 8; e 1o.ih r , t h e. s o it l a i a la y t o a m . PAJECEL 2.-Tuat portion ef sali! Iota 82 id 833 ying sentitetftii. Grand Trunil Railway, save anti except tii. sahirly 50 icres cf saiti lot-82. Tuai parcel abco con- tains 150 acrS, more or lues. The oila a santy tain It ia wetV water& on the. Premises are a dwelting houa., barn an&i weo amatiorebarda. Tii. aiove parcalsrof tilara about a qarIer ef e mite otid'4~ limita of tii. oroainof tiie Town C bu .They reh ieagricultural mto !countryi and weotti ha admirably msuite ifor a aid grriefarms. The. parcels es subject te a reserved i bd, fixeti by tiie Mas-- On. t.nth -et the. P-chuae noney ta b. paid et the tunOf sale, te tba Vendo'r or tîeir Sehecitors, a ferher sum suffielent te maetîewith'tii. deposit one-tbird tbe pur- chase money, ta b. palid witihin one month fom tie time of aie vitiont intereat the baance tho b. ecureÏ< by mortgage, payable at the. enài Qf tiir6e or five years, at purchaa- era option,,mt.rest et aeven pr cent, taly 1 -7-

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