Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Aug 1872, p. 1

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Deen quut Iligerti ",fiqr-r" - -4um- b thié tavertisers pazl VOLéd XVIO Orders te diwonuýý':,L4, f muet be in writing. VtTM TIBY 0 TRU whien ISOLATED BISK PIRE TRE LB"ION i OuSine's Direci 1,0811rance Coimp A ROTEL 'r,:T 0 1ý1 S heni-.. 0 WJI I T B Yy 'Wb of Canada, - 0 NT., e hala a-, r&]QkT PMLS A. MASON PRO 1-: ý'ý"AýýTENTE» On the 0 and à otarry 9prole gamine us iü ()MOZ-Mug St.,'Cor ChurchToronta PRIETOIL. The linnet h,,ià fý7r that Che dale Di p=P1 ="e M. beïk iii ed ifm rimMM4, . lw=e- ýIiut0 ý eac 980 u.& 1 The Albi' a beÀk g1z WHITBY fu,000 been thorongbly.,renovat- hýotheII hall Il N 'R', ýi* Gý««mucnt, ed, and the et spipe alI I, blic -in find every acconime- ýe, e j9me of theze days, W& sel grav. - del and Ir. boat attention. gald ealsp-that-is if he. eau et' Block# Brook St., snow agleani', :Gr' th ew Improve Ri, em. If I nO,ýV 110'0 KI, Rsà-îîwitîtî. il - wilh purp - 1 -1 , vote a I AND TXIOXAS DOW, W. IL LAW, A..,,. M=to,) are no 1 W de agailigt Ci IL the Bat, velveh diga- &M eyed, hevydale, Whitby, BI liq ROUSE, rd z and banni. TM boité nia ufacturl by. the Draluing tbà-.vinjg».Of z, DOM, Patentes, they arla "H-acting, are made of 4 Commisal will, ho and WHIT Ëd ROLZIDAY, ]BROOKLIN, ONT., ýr in sPlte Of all -Iiii 'T i Ivery bem inst-ial, .1ýýd . the ..et Her bii t bair bl -a 13 y A -G F, N CY i ý &:nd ý;rai R. E. TOMLINsoN, piloPUIEToB. . eeartCO Of the kfZîd evérintroduceiltio - About- rýe4uifeýl wek- 1 Vote and exert re, ' face rayseif for "0 rIlug!iL, for doing the -wo,,k ont 01 entd idy-si" the Libellai ritish B. TAYLOR,, We miake - ]à Thloehouse lm beeni lem V nim =ts. "FeT FoR= tl reknfiohel = Y et Imm $8 te 89 , Amabel leaili 'Sb glace; - he bu lis And this ig the idyl Minet ï brOther my ýjnd for de., ---------------- 0peqmàLwitýerw =eýtýd"p 1 talk tome about principle, ever 1804ATBI) BISE PIRE INS. CO., Liqi-o.,ý.â ei enotelelawjneo Pluming ýhîs wing on ho arts are y phe, 'Oula net te gaeoto., tables Zyasahttè éïalled te his E: Le ' Je -'BIACDOrtELL# Of CanàU, A pümly Canadien Gooa e el R60T AND 21ANURE- DRILLS, Il - à 'O«,IUY"'9-; enéý éther., gam Ev But love th IL th e loclés turn . .14 A WC, £RANCBBY&COM Y"CMG ÀW Agent and appràser for the Canada ENTRAL ROTEL'; They are guperior to ïhe idüd -that b pilla 0 o, sotith Wing court Rouge. Ar. Permanent Building ma c Yët ed, and ai te Were adoitabl câleufata t Society, for &U ýwe lulited gray 1" j", : ý,, Dents for opeciai iîtMaer -of Ken. Mr. loanis of money et low rates 01 sav, the IbÃ"thlabormdexpem(%, A shy rose blushed lier dimpléd eh y Q.C., end Dr. XcXîobaç4 Q, C. BROUGHAM, ONT.,, B"A'W CUTTERS worked, by hand lier bovAding pub on to '1#8 argument' an&. ho 'al mhly e to hrill-sued the subject no futher, JORNSAILEY - PROPRIETOË, tô thl are èiÏiY workàa, and a ous go den beak Z- FAREWELL, LIL. - B., AMBRICAN 1 1 ý et out of ordez, ana sold lit la WJiüe over th' gaïrui 1 net 'Ay 1, exclaimed, th, V Vie- 1- figure. trI The above hotel hu been newly fittea Il Ver3 10 Youth'à tenàr Xi,- b-bbld and 'What.d--d serawl have-we th OUNTY, CROWN ATTORNEY, FOR ?e -a furnished. Gueuts wM find comfortab o Ayay,.,Wljy#às-lg-better 11Y Ontario, Bardster, Solliciter Coliv on708 accommodation -a attention. Gwa'stablw 8q«ý81re, fincf Revolving Cburnig "Thé,altheas flutte th Publie &c.j &o. Y" ing and attentive hostiers, d bette 1.11 - e à2s of imoiv, pected,'. gable ed B.W. CO 0 re-M Tho-Jüý proffi CUP, whaît ia', Esq-i lets But tiii brown bige st;àops'ikï panoy«low, rown y,, Brock 8 tbY. c CAP TAL, #400,0w. OMMERCIAL IEIOTEL, vâiturin Drkùdng the zest Of IL g an experSw SCUM EBS, WHEELBARROWS, Why, replied the sagaoû who GEORGE X-- DARTNELL, B S T A B L 18 11 Li-D OSXÀWA, ONTÀBrO, And - alI kindg of Agricultural Out Of t116 rORY glimmér a esl, 'for you te ruina- they BABRISTER, &TTORNEY, -bONVETý This cla and ýwen establialied Company JAMES BLACK, - PROPRIETOR. Melatà,witJi AU -the recent imprévements. In the lambent wake of t#e sinkin your 'b- encor, D4puty-j!egistmr g.stéro, yen hive'any, and--.tol ýlëî Muter BI " P;Opa»d. taï, The =cou w1th lier bent iýhite biow un- ILif eZmniùçr in ëOlivieuienti IL"g procureil oneo'f RuT l; ýmlX1I withoüt rnaking imper et rates tu; îs >thèse'oi any w;IÃŽ fitted t r or- ses veili te trac ?,,ooms for Coin= < Locke &ýwa bonrher l' if-tÃŽntario. Office, o ugo, ÃŽ edCompan in'Osnada pneao;fbne of thé m;OstCýjp ew r CW tràÏýelleiýo.y Billiar élu, attached.*, lote of the 1 C 1 u 7rntT« p1=121k. ty C ul&dYlattieed" - Magie Rarry. he the kindi inanniactured,) the undersil is And under the casignient, dim and low . )t bc Isolated and'no4- ardous ent and locked ti sured lor three years or legs at.specially, low 0 M M E R 0 1 A L' property in- nOv engbled te ' exO#-,Ute all orders for The linnet clients te the rising moiý;l_, tenju hià de& As wé how JADIEB REITif GORDON,, rates. FABMING IMPL "The wild springsfade, -M km gen- c FM F, N T-S alldth -su mers ess poWer Of unlo FMT. Lýý FAMBANES, Jz., BROCK ST., WXITDY, witq y4ch he may bc favored, cheaply, ex- and rei&ù ARRISTER & ATTORNEY.iT.LAW, Ard are Xï4d, te (lie larlorn 1 g the letter, - te. hoc that B Solicitor in Chancery Convoyancer, Oece, Brock St.,,Wlutby. Ë. Id. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR. C*tilqglY, and te guarantee complets sal take the libei-tyof jayý ýitj any Notarypubme &c. ofaS-Ne t dol te the tien M au cases. "I'lle altheas shiyer, the roses rock x ONDON ASSI>,RANCE coRPORA. Best accommoaat a 92,4phie beauty andeaegance lie- store 01, B. 3. Campbell, Brock Street 'on au enperior Wines JAS. CL&YTON, Grief is wrinkled, and death. is Whitby, Ont. L TIÃ"N. liquors and cigare. Gooa stabling witil en' Brock St., Whitb With lier little brown head in the 'IL - 1 cloaca yards, and attentive ostlers always Qu May Ilith, 1872. hock c'Il 'To REWELL the premà B- charges moderate. Th.bý'.iwinning-herhÃ"ardd Idt" 'Af Yeu go nite bout se that ESTARLIORED Br ROY-'ClulaTER, 1729. But, lighting the tangiea Ileg 81 Y" you'l fwd a SÉ the ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICI. n RAND TRUNE RAILW_- L IIT OF THE DIVISION COURTS That curtains a chamber diin and ZM Wonm At B torg, Conveyancelle, and Motorise Pub. AY ROTELL, full work, in theýr' lié. Officel lacer north of the Post FUNDS IN M.ýND ....... ;£2,Sq'638 l7s lia. Stg. OF TUE No* bright hair blowi a b;ý!à Ahada Mg in ning go iv The brown Glen in ad- offic AT W Dfifts over.the moes-grown wind ' J. % Oshawa. IlIf STATION. ow-On, thrUm lwan iv Die HEAD- AGENT, MONTREAL-ROMEO WM. O'NEILL PROPRIETO.R. a frèn te the aýÈ7e. COUNTY OF ONTÂRIO, Far away, in the dreary town, nlen Ïn' CHARLES C. KELLER, STEPRENS. FOR TIIE YEAIR 1872. Remorse in a guildCil palace dwells; The gýnager,,Saer breakfast Pro. And the lowly 1 gnsy le trame down suuleÏl the conversation-ap .1 pro- TTORNEY-AT-LAIV, SOLICITOII IN NO- 50, St. FrancisX avier-Street. Parties taking the train and leaving boises i will have thein -11 taken caille of till their Te a hollow amour of bri 1 bells; 'Have you chan«.Ad your min A Chancory.Couvoyancer, &c., Canning. JOHN AGNEW, Agent. return. And yonder, veilea from, the morning lit ton, Brock, C. TARIO. FARMERS, ;îZ And- ft-inged - with -the wil1vves tendeý1 regardingthe Excipe? becau nely l 1 -=* l î globm, have 1 think 1 May Scion have,, LOBE IIOTEL, in. LYMAN ENGLISII, - Z Le B., 0ý CT - - - - - - - A naineless tablet, tell and white tunitY Of getting you à, birth.' gver N..l .... 211 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Lifts.from thé daisies'silver bloom. 'No, sir, I féel au ingurmou] ARRISTEÈ 4T LAW, SOLfCIToR IN INSURANCE COT, BROORLIN, ONT. a 2 pugnance te the life et JAS. POWELL 24 16 a Stijl- bc. ICOO Street, Oshawa. - PROPRIET 1 Chancer IL 1 ' GO on, man, te the life o OR. No.'4' 12 14 2651_ 11187 THE EMIGRANTS. ST., WRITBY. PIRST-CLAI§B ACCOmXODATION. NO.S., . .. 18 M & 1ý hunter. Very well., your _yConveyancer,&c.,&c. Sim. 29 there dependent upon',me, foi G- VOUNG MMITII. LL. n., This Company instilles Farm. Buildings No. 7..,.. 219 A TALE OF IRISH LIFE. No.s.... 14 16 27 2e denth last ycar left yon and yý in a HEAD OFFICE, lýROcK 18 . 28 2v ARRISTE11, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Country Charolles, schooi NTARIo HOTEL, 1_ he, B solicitS lu Chancery Rouges, ana théÎ; and Insolvency, Contents ut rates RS LOW as those of any sent at least; for. what coula a NotaryPublio-&r &0 'Office-McmWan'a weU-estaýýshed Company in Canada. 13 Il 0 C X ST., WIIIT]JY, Z. BURNHAM, CHARTER XIV. Mau ordy rising into practice, Block, Brock ýtreé1 'Y M*itby, Ontario. Judge. One day abouta month alter Mrà. famil - JUST LOSSES PROMpTLy»AID. C_ DAWES, PROPRIETOR. 1,VhitbY, Feb. l3th, 1872. 7. M'Mahon's funeral, Ha Clinton was behind hira 21 Y te SUPPOI-tand educat t to The above old establisbed hotel bas; riT ting JAMES LANON, L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., J. B. BICKELL, been 'UPACTURED AT THE on his way te Jernmy Burke's, When 'id Unfortunately, sir, it too 'l"I'OliNEY-A.T»LAW, SOLICIT Secretary. a renovateil thrOý0lOut, lie met Nanny Peety going towards J"In the meau time you >M A OR IN Premident. all the apartments beiug f=i8helwim new M to, Chancery, COnVeýaucer, Land Agent Mr. D. Holliday is no longer au agent of aud suitable furniture Th Ballymacan. unfortitnaiely, out, .&C, Office-In earriah a tlock, Brock St.i this Company. pýoprietor will Port Perry Algriculturai Wýorks, 'Weil, Nanny,'he inquired, Iwheý And fào Uxbridge. leave nothing undoue* in roviding for the re tliat you hala the shelter of my comfort of the guests, and t feY may rely up- axe you bound or,.noiv 2' coule to ; and be on your kn 'nRRNIX FIRE ASSURANCE COly., on the best of pure liquors being supplied et LFFIIEL 8 CELEBRATzi) A ILICAS DOUBLE 'To the postoffice witli a letter from that 1 was a bachelor.ý Well, GRELPNWOOD lUcUILLAÏÎI the bar- Strict attention paid te the stabling Mastlier Hycy, sir. 1 wanted him î' glad myself thst 1 hadand havi lied ARRISTERSt ATTORNEYS, SOLIc. and in looking gîter the civility of hostlers. TURBINEWATERWHEEL. 0 B ite-, NOtaries Publie, Conv_ýyancers. LOXBMW ST. & ciiAmXG CROSS, LONDON. tell who it was for, but he would net. for - you ; but Stijl, Harly, you, 'Wili you, Mr. Clinton ?' and Able lield think of doing go z., il ý Street, South 01 Post Office, THE MOST ECOI;OmlCàL WHEEL NOW IN USE mething for y Whitby, Fut),i. ESTABLISEED IN 1782. EVERE HOUSE, out the letter te him as she spoke. Bof' R for I May net live alWayst yol offl> Caton félt a good deal surprised te and besides J'am no't rieli. Yo out GILLESPIE, MOf7FAT & CO.,Agents for MANCHESTER, ONT.,, RU8TON, sec that, as addressed te his unele relish surgery, yon Say-?, Canada. B. PLANK - - - a âten in a hand which he OWN CLERK- AND TREASURER - JAMES DAYMSON, Manager. PROPRIETOR. nd aise- dj Can , t endure it, unele., T WILitby. Office-Town Rail. ilours: Stages to and from. Wlùtby call dafly, Ev- did ilot re,ëoumse to be that of Hypy :But you like îàrminý pli, Iroru 9 to 1 o'clock. Ilifinrances 8 by pire are effe « t- , ery attention paid to guests. Burke. - __ é A Above every other Zode gf 1 ed on the molt al 1. ternis, and LoBses JAME1Ç DICIIIIIEN, 'a Are yoq sure, ' Nauýy,' he asked, iVery well, I think I slidil a' w1thollt reference to the Board i.-L 'Y on- Ir'IOYAL CAN.LDIAN- HOTEL, 't was INSPE'TOR OF PUBLIC SCROOLS Hycy ?, . ý liat this lett%, NvrfMn by Mr. 900d &rmi te put you into beforg th 'Thank you, unele. Yeu Il Raglan Post cilice, Ontario. Agent,'ýVhitby. Couuty of Ontario. Address- YE, OMAN GEBSON PORT PERPY, ONT., 'Didn'tIseehiin, sir?'slie replied- assured that both Maria.ànd =j H. r- Oy PROPRIETOR. 'lie wrote it before my eyes a minute fully sensible of the kindness Il J. GtINW, M. D., H B - before ho hauded it te me. Who is it experienced et your hands., T Superior accommodation. G for, Mr. Clinton?' URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, and shed room, and attentive o' )OCI St&bling 'Small thanks te me foY.that. S Byron Street, Wlùtby. Liverpool and London and Globe 'Wlay are yon go very anxious te the devil would I assistli if INSURANCE COMPANY, know, Nanny ?' he'inqtiàed. brother's orphans 2 It is true, RE ROBSON HOUSE 'Serra tliing,' silo replied, Ibtit euros- pise the- world, but Stijl we Inus Win. MLBRIEN, T ity-à wonian's curosity, you know.' our use of it. I know it Côn" C UY'S'IlOSPI IvMLÀBIýt ABUTO, #27,WO,000. TAL LONDON, ENG. DUNDAS STREET, W.111T.By. Weil, N anny, you know, or ought to knaves and féols. the Ye B. 0. Il. t.,-Osliawa, Ontario". Losses * a in course of thirty-fl,,,f,ý years GEO. ROBSON. no Now, 1 respi W. that it would not bc right in me knaves ; for if it weren't for thei al - PROPRIETOR. to tell V011wlif) the letterisfor, when ry, the -,veilla would- wi JAMES IV. SMITII, DI. D., Mal by Chicago Fire estimated at uear- be PrOPrietOr beýs te nmmounce that lie exceed F&RTY MILLIONS OYDOLLARS. T à1r. Hyey (Jid >Ilot think lu.oper to (10 would stand Stijl, and bas ORONIER. RESIDENCEASHBURNI ly 68,0WM, are being liquidated as fast as S . leased the buil&ýg formerly known as lié uijless., c *dlu.20 adjusted without deduction.ý Security cripture's IlOtel,'%'Jlich bas been renovated, 'Truc enougli, sil','Plie replied; 'au' tlleY are fools, but beeause they Prompt Payment and Liberality in refurnished,- and fitted up throughout, in the ment Of its LOBsei are the prominent f «t." Coula ; go the 4Îý;t_ best of style. The prI are pleasantly I beg your parldon, Mr. Clintoil, for be knaves if thev IV. ADAIMIS, of thisI Co situated, posite the Post Office, and in the aýl*kin,- Y011; indeed it was wroui, in me see 1 return a.-aju te My favourit centre of t e town. The Raflnay Omnibu f te tell ENTIST, . (SUCCES. Read office, il la Vianch, Montreal k i ýou who it caille ftIom eveon, be- ciple of no lionesty. I am g( catis at the hotel, and the stages for Ux d- D Bor to W, G. F. C. SMIT:H,.* bridge ana Beaverton Icave ýC ý r. Hycy tould Ille not te let any Ballymacan on business, Bo go H. card;) Chief Agen$ for Dominion. the do eV y ThesO Villéels wf- are now nianufacturing one sep it, 0111Y.jist to slip it into the te you both.' ti- - morning. Board $ýZi (lay. Car 41 W's- élieaper than any other shop in the country, pos, lVbithýoverMr. Jaznesouln Store. Nitroug s'in atten and We mill give a guaranteo with each L. FAIRBANKS, Ju., Agent at Whitby, Ont. tiers alway C . Office uuknov"'.t, as 1 passed it; 'Uncle,' said his nepliew, -elle Oxide am administerLd for the painless ex- 'that was wliat made lue wisli te with you before yoli ao traction of tecth. Wheel warranting them to lie ai; well made, an 1 OIIN L. WATKIS, ESTSRN HOUSE, and to give as good- satisfaction as any kuOv wlio it %vas gIoin' toosilice the What is it ?, W -anufactured in the Dominion. thilitli inust bc toulI' Would yon suffer me to offer LU T110.11À4 IIUS'roN., DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. Parties deoiring furflier information es.,, Clinton in turu now icit bis curiosity word of advice, and will yon exer SSUER OP MARRIAGE LI NSES. OFFICIAL A S 8 0 NE E, obtain it by addressing CE stimulated as te the contents of the My- for taking'such a liberty with a Il QiDee"Town Hall. Reaidence-Byron BAILIFF BRD DIVISION COURT, The undersignel would intimate to the PAXTON, TATE & (,-o., sterious epistle, and lie resolved to your experience 2' :Street, three doors'north of Town Rall. publie, that the above preinises have been Perry St., Port Perry, Ont. Watch, if -possible, what effect the 'Certainly, Harry, ana shall i newly fitted up and renovated t4roûgliout. Marcil 31, IM9. pernsal of it lnight have on his u AýUÇT10NEER, &ce, &ce Best Liquors and Cigars. %'The Creani of nele, feel thankfül te any one that giv, ROBINSONYS Calada,"eli;o pure Rhine Wke, WaWs Lag- Otherwise lie Nvas never likcly te bear a good advice.' AIR DRE SSING AND SRAVING OFFICE-In Bigelow's Block, er, wholeýale and retail. Ilcarders taken by RS. KNOWLING syllable tliat wug . contained in itý that 'If this is net good advice., it Sa oeil, Brock St., Whitby. Port the week. %vol Perry. thY relative- being, froni official least well intended., 'Y JOSEPI1ý4ýBANDEL Degs to inforin the Indice of and necessity, a illost uncommunicative 'Let us heur it first, and theu Ni- ýy 3WIN WOLFENDEN, Pcrt Perry, Jnue 2-4,1872. 26 ------- ViCillitY that fille bas received all the ïte-st person iù all his procec lin . styles in din4q. judge better.' ENT FOR TEEE CELEBRATED ILSON 110 S lý 'Lwontler,' 01served Chiiton, that Yeu say yon will procure AIGScottish Granite. At W Real Hair and Imita urts, mil Hcy sella Marble Works EW BAKERY FRUIT 43T R tion 0 to any one a arm. Now, unele, tliere is one a cijonatliau WoliendeitDuudas St., Whitbly. N letter ýo slurre(l and lilaffoil wilil, î* ýt- T ý1,-1.1 A. WTTý.ý, X 1In-ýz -T. lût tlà*iiin a Výjaký, nom x é-àilý , __ -jý_j lai hieh'- shoüld'hedlzë, hfin in -Ard r0amýd-iu the fiéid of Baeehtis. in short on ý_a récent Occasion, > be jiýý aUdiný couse- à fictlthePëe môrdin --Nàw héW was h8d a - - býË1m Or 4ience of theCh -__17___àýý ýýÈ01 part ëf- Oué. am Jon- wlià appolin al Nuisance. ., ý7 thé flail of tod. te justice ov'er t4e,ý.- homg; -Of Poor nnîbrtunateý :reuowà in,ù, Rhowd-eislànd thwn, ovér thé w»ng -Pasture, hhimit But ÏVhai she knovi.,à àb,,d iliere it wüs. ne feit To'm inders- or it s' and silvW . weddùig' 8 .. 'in, the OC*Ldorml, thé ùnwmipg-lyeelpw*lnt, -Bu-,t:whàtwu--tôbe,-'d-oné,*'e, Themore ew - 1 dùbbed, ho àa-ii tiia\moie'b, di,_ lsau,-Rnd I knew as Re made, »Pilis t we had been mat- iùnil. Re *ôuld attend to'hii - cà,,, ,Ye ý", but ire' didnt -HezWould vin&ate thé Ontrsgea j&w. e titeý,t nt for' numer- -13ô,ý'at the usimi, heur, ho -ente ýd hif, Ve didn1tý, wish 1 1 re to beg office. Ira formally Openea eonrt, an'd IZ h 11-Inot- rg" tben hé cOed hie 'ovm>nante as defen- ^te a 1 e wý dant in a: suit in --,whieh -thé pe Ple,7 such au oce 2,111- har a him with an affencet,,m o IL ge ine the Lug w, went overthe circumstanceR inýde- being -partial te tail go fat as lie coula rnrûember thew, of ôur Celnffto;nati0ý read j"the- statute in clicW eas,!?ç, made verwhelnied hy a inob - d ided," and then ag'kpd -Ue E ne of Our Own friends 1;ný11 .111rýnwhat lie had te sayý11 In tho vere nOt Our friends or ro of prisoner lie plea-ded guilty tu the ces. T ' oui,, Dick and ýoffeàýè, ana said jï wa,; -a Phmme for a oue Who coula - be in- man oÏhi,, venrg sud potion, but hop-, bhoir naines to a pappr ed"tlie Coiîii would net Le too severe koney to help buy a tes on hirn, as lie w&s determined te re- ýou),i.se of coming to our form." "The.prisoner wM- rtand up." iùg a gay time, just as said the stem olti jnqtice. the e Paid for going te auy prisoner axoge. "Nýow," said tlie jusz ýlnent. The presents tice, "I am very sorry yoTi ]Lqve bei) ideed, but 1 shall never brouglit iuto this c6ilà on a eliar--tý for théni we ar'e put which- se . i3erious!V affëct.8 vour vood te a class of people name and standiiig in societv ; voli ,gee we (lid net desire. liaqie cet a bad example, and if Yeu go .1 and zimeked the on in this rate vou wiUý brin«-, F;orriý)V11 t to ceiieiý, 1001ed ilitô and disgrme op' yourselfand f aliiily. 1 Ibureau- drawers, and sontence you te pay a fiTW0f-ý'lq aild llanketg on m " own costs, or to thirty days iMpMsýnMent 3 keq, smashed my pet, in the county iail." Tbe 'ýprisoiiee' à lu my sitting-room -said he woulà prefer te pay the -fin,ý- >y on it, and have madi and then the court closed. He walk-1 F household arrange- ove-f te the Ïýooi-.inai4-er of tbe iown and There, were - even paid the 8101. whom I was not in- à,ve always bon inde- _'VrýAT NFxT ?-A wiiter in the Pret- Our old fijendEt and cott lrMüne says "Gritism. mos. Now.,I am ey-- tionism and Fenianirîtii, are ail th- 3fts.,this,- that and sarae."' Miat,,tve wonder, t]IFY speak to their lins- make out of Reformen next? Howe. rà when 1 meet theza a member of the Tory Goverrinient. is theil niâmes are oni an annexationist; meboýa_-au, Sir Tolin -h accompanied our A.s henchman, iý -an Independant Ust of donors., I put Galt and Rèse, Sà John's Finance'.Nlin- pizýgo4e of tiioïé nevr :isters, are annexationists,- but net z; ime , , * ' ' teail Reformer. or "Grit" can we find Is, Were, Tari me, and à a I get the Rame direction. The fact r:,. ou old vixen es ont of power th ey woffld acillar I throwed a*tY burn thé Parliament buildinffs, raise Bt l' -I bave lost MY, black buru the Quei,,,n's-Repreren- 1 self-respect, and I tative in effigy, and si,ý,,n an-riexation- o under &Il this Obli- manifestoes, as- they have dons before. n never hope to re- Reformeisilever were guijtyý_ of rur-li upoil thé whole affair acts. blé piede of interfer- Horace Greele, all never pardon V's teinperance p es wlio for the want ples are. too wëll eq .tablished, to bc ý for excitement, et shaken. Thé clear, colil, spriu--onfheý Chappaquafitrin of hir, favoià4te beverage. But Jt geemç z-ý if eetotallers. lie would have, te be "Fober enOugh, fer two," for it is moto thail hinteil t1lat ýus noveltjes see G-ratz, Brown, the Démocratie candi- ,ely "The Newý Tea date-for the vice-presidency, does -not 3 really be a fact ? emUlate hiï chier in abstemioiquess, tien in the innocent and lience thé explanation of sonie rë- e be deadly alcohul cent exhibitions. It is pot impïobrljle. - however, that, the'weaknegs of Gratz kfië?r,' peaceful Gun bas been ýimdùly .e sübtle poigon 't _exagrgerafedý for party ýusehôjd S0uchOný? purposes- ink that, cheers Thë first stearner b!6wn -up On' May! we expect ' terri rivers was thé Tftshin on- Th(- ors in their ùýsa,.9ter haÈpened Jane 9, 1816, amil Lte eath the nine lives were-lost. e may=t t y tea. To BiLumwigte.-Lock not unoti th( a. billiard ball --Whou lit la red, ý;hC-n à ,atINance.of moveth ariglit, and seraieliath au the te preseùt it with a wliite,,for the last it cliseoiiiitetli Alir arbled b a tea-top- playeraud-is pockete(IkvýViie clic, > 'Dyn;G OvTtx.--4-il obserriu- Bil ryli 7ljý1i.fi11, fi il. foi. anal -ery hea1tbý- villajzeý',. r eing tlie se--tou at work iii a hole lu -fjvý fill fur nie -iiiqitirc It grunild, -d wliat lie was about. )refe 'il, eý,hanlpagme: "Digging a -Éalire. -"Di,,Lfinr a -ave! s r weakbr than tea. Il 1 thoâgh je0ple the tcta-pot wé'll drain hzý1 ýd? nci s--îr; flley Hers strictly ive boast noyer die b t Ople.71 a liquorfenn - ented, -1-table P,ýiss we the Ax EARNEST PP£.AUIIER.-ýt vouil-, t Spirit inventedl %dýý,1,)tok lier youügst brothor, a- littlý Puneli. or four years Olii, toelitiriib The preacher was au earliest inan, and If ou play a, game sýo - e very -loud. During thé sermon of a%4iver steamer, she saw the little fellow iii - tears, alla the game remind- asked hîm what *as the inatter «-svitli - of course.-ýVlien- lifin. Me sobbeil ont, -That inati i.g iduai ? hollering at Ilabb M e111ý game AX ASTONISIRD ;e te play ? 'Old have been here -a long time, I suppoqe?« are tailors addicted « - 1 - raid a pomponi;'Engligii ýr:tveller to ait lat gains do rogues eld hunter in- Vrego'n, WIIO had beei. ýmy-noighbour." - acting as his sWear ?r like a ýawyer 2, I bave." siÊtuil"ý ' , À!&% ý - 1 , Cinî) 1 that lie could notiT'éad Ê inuy sup. 13 ter nghton, direct.) i: ëi, j ýh w- yçy Weil t , , 1 'l 'z heu, I- -have no underl lied and attended oit short notice. Coffins 0 m i N'i 0 N Tite steamer calle at Bli Ki without being considerab y a loséï- ghton Mo days, dealings with hint k t- « se yotl are lept constantly oit hand. D aidiThursdayo; Colhorneý every day en ,, / by the act. ple A heftése to hire xcept te Call thëm, nor everh&d. 1 neve un liberal ternis. Thursday - ut Whitby, Oshawa, Darlington, Shall hýâve nothinir ewcastle cri Wd,,,d.ý,shôuld freight 0 0 with his my knowledge received alfùe from Zý profligacy,' and, lie, i.or offer. his want of in my-life ; but -I FLOUR & FEED STORE. dx ' -(Diu LEBAR ýýIBRIEC u" ý; <j( tell you thàt il Dealers iii stock find this the Principle, and rshall let hint know at contes in my wW,, and that 1 eau n The tindersigued beg to itiform the inhab- York, Boston, &C, Addregs ONEY TO LEND. cheupest and quickest route to Albgny, New all events, that I will ilot abide by the use of him' Ci Li Élvr 0 19 I Win. PeÈhaps ho 1 m itaute of Whitby and vicinity that they have B, PC. OT GUI 1/. ç agreement or compromise entered into serve us in the Blections. Have eed Store in the prein. R. C. CARTE r,., 'SH The ur,4etoigited liaii any aiuounto)f Mon- ises lately occupied by Mr. James Wallace, Port tVES is hin tý o Ho ýrjE5T- lN ME- WORý,ý Ç bet'l'en us Some time since, at, h anyt a else ask 21 peued a Fleur and r D- fhther*s. - Ile shall not injure 9 'No, co'ir,' replied Varry, laugh ç \ý , ý rý 7X il lion. y to1enel upoit Farzu or Town Pro erty, ut on Dtwdus Street, dhtîsu«4ý- Lýw Rates of Intereht. IDLAND RAMwAy OF CANADA. even neutralit T est man for me, nor shall 1 promise 10nly 1 hope. you will.eÏeuie merfor Loans cau ba repaid in suins to suit bu, Opposite the Robson House, m y witli rdspect;to his liberty I took.' roware. CEND FOR,4 CIRMM _ýC0N -al for my sister, whom I would 'Certainly, with all my hemi, saverai lntl)i-ove(l Partita and Wild Land, Where they trust by ke T I M E - T A B L E KM" propos S welcorae te t sale elleup. their Mis always on han tu bc aýle to give Ou and î satisfaction to custouters. alter Moiaday, -Nov. 13th, trains eîing everythilig in rather sec dead a hundred tinies than ythoeu sashmaelllibbeertay1wayGood-bye aga 'toi NOWyork OEce, 27 BEE the wifé of such a fellow.' lnvestmenta made in Municipal Deben- wili rail as follows The next morning, about half an Cânton now felt satisfied thit !1yý titres, 'Batik, nlid other marketittable Stocke. Bran, Shorts, Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, hour before breakfast, lie told his uncle letter te his uncle was an anonym For further partieulars apply to FLOUR--Fall Wheat, S g, and )jjixed -Port Hope, depart. 15, a. In. VAL p du IIOLDEN, - C, 8 and ail kinds of F.eed, sel ut the lowest LindR ALE- that lie was ste ping into town and one, sud, althougli lie could hot 1 ay, arrive... 12 05,«.... Wbuld bring him. anyletters that Might its content , ho BÃœU felt asméâ,44 t official Asiîignee, Broker, & living prices.for cash. 6. depart... 12 15, a. M. The subscriber offers fqr sale the foI 4e for Wm in the post-office. Re ac- was t some way conneeted with SMITH k HEMINGWAY.- Beaverton, arrive...: 1 45, P. M. ing valuable pro cordingly did so, and recèved two, etw fiartu transaction. or at, aR events Milbtn's Brock St., Whieby. Cash paid fer ail kinds of Farmers Produce. by. lie other with Ilié the Dominion Batik, Me. M % - perty, in the Town of Whit- trimental te Hffyan. - M'Mahon. -An excellent Brick-Cottage with 4 acre eterrst one Rycy's and t Bpril 9th, 1872. Port Hope, depart ........ 3 001 p. M* 01 land, situated on the corner of Green and and frank of the gitting member consequently resolved te see H Liuýsay, arrive .......... 6 30, p- m. St. Peter Sts., in the South Ward. Also, 4 for the county li 8 1 C 1 m u S 1 c 1 V E R y 1 T11AINS GOING BOVTn-MAM. acre of land, well fenced, and in -a high state who wasnoother thau against whom, or rather against whý Beaverton, depart ........ 2 45, p. M. young ChevyLl.. iii. ci. vas of cultivation, corner Wellington and Gif- at principles ho was beginning te eut iiâd String 13LLII(I$, adapted The undersiglied desires! tu inforth his L1ndsayý,_arrive ........... 4 Ir), p. M. lord sts., North Ward, J acre on Centre St. breakfast when lie handed -them to tàin a stmong repugnance, and withý forsolices, lle-niet;,EXCUlsiolls Quadrilles friends and PatrOum, thRt ho l'as again te. p ". depart .......... 4 25? -P-* M. 1 sentit of the residence of C. Draper, Esq., in hüm, and we need hardly say that the any hesitation te i mpndîste the f Parties, &-c., &,c», will Kupply tûe best auâ sumed business at the old oit ope, arrive ......... 7 15, P. M. 1 the South Ward. Also 201acres of good. land, M. P. was honoured by instant atten- gagement ho had entered into latest.Musie onreasoiiable terins. beffi Composied of Part of lot 18, 10th con. tion. Applications must bc made either person- WHI TB Y LIVERY STAj9LES, Lindsay, depart .......... 9 25, a. M. very coinplacentjy. 6Very wo]lý' of ý!ownahip of Murray, Co. Northumber- The Still-hound . read it over him. ally,'or fty lutter, (pSît saidj to land. là ex- Re fotuid Rycy-§4 home, or iati Having encroased the iinuiber and quality Port llope, arrive ........ 12 50, p. m. A clear and-indisputabletitle willbe given claimed; 'very well, indee&,,so âr. ho found hùninconvemtonwithl 3. WOLFENDEN of the stud, and aliio-âdded to and improved IL G. TAYLOR, st ho on the alert, now Rogau beltindhis. fatker'a g" n. the couvoyances and vehicles en the pre 7 tu ail the above propèrty. For further par- Rarry, we mu Supt. of Tkains. ticulars âpply te the owner. the ýeleCtiOnS qe approsching, and 1 what Ïhat ý zùý , waieng , wi ises, lie hopes by being in a Position to meet FRANCIS C 29ti Che CL it 'ý# ît'a a _Éair q'ý6Stion P SoHO SAW MILLS, LAR]ý- vydale wiff t' yoýý ew the wants of customerii to inerit a share of Wldfby, July., 1871. seen2s. e stoutly oppose 300 The underoigned takes occasion to infortu publie patronage. ENDI erfy:tyl,' Jq ONEY T Secure as We must work for, him, and Y, - said lryoÃŽ,' lhoin yoi custonters that4ýW, above Milloz, situated W» CHARGES MODEI £[E WIUTBY PHARMACY many VONS as W'à eau. It It hot in mth from ;vOrth; n N. B.-Covered conveYanC68 for ÃŽ=üieli -]Repg3,able by inst elits for from Two te is-OUrinterest to do se, Ilarry,--Mdhe cle. Tp, UXbrldd and la:dies. Prompt attendance, as hereto- Zweuty years, at 1 ' alza AND will make it Our interest beSideS.',ý Illow is that Lot ý2, M don, » -.00, ow rates of interest, withý foire, tu ail orders. out commission, and at moclerat6. charges. PI nothing te dé with it 'Simply, ho wants to know if Id Are now in full workihg ot(turaiid réu4 for N. RAY, Proprictor, sir?, cittting Lumbèr in any quantity ta suit one- Privâte Funds to Lend. FAMILY DRUG STORE keg of Poteen whieh, it seim toraers: and witt putictuality and despa". Apply to- OF THE LATE unele, Itherels nosuch use - 'IlinciPle 1 begad, girl retorteà the to selL I déclined becs S ' ý 1 ý ha H 0 1 C B i LumUr cut frein 10 to 30 feet in length. c J- E. FAIREWELL, that do thing ILS princi a Sufficiently., ample stock. of it c JORN WE% < suiiiter, JAMES - H. Cle;: wu as à fact-there'i; hands.' ho ithing in this w 1- -Broclist., Whitby. CiERRIE ple.9 Orld as priaci. My unele', odd Clihton, lprëfei-6 13 Le S T A P P L E T R E ES, te any other spirits; ÃŽnaeéd, at-homô.1 A il 0 V T 20,00o,7 X-Y Mit, 1872. 22-tf CoI te bc carried on aEf heretoiore, 'Well, but co P T nsistency, uncW For néver diû&s sny Other, and whenevi -A'p TiS- Drugs, Chemi", Patent Medicines, Dyo instance, you know yoU alWayS vote on ho dines, thànlà those whoýgive it th -HOflSÉ'ý 0 VICTIMS OF YOUTHFUL INDISm Stuffs, Parfumerie &C. the Tory side, and Chevydale is. a profere4ce.' 'H 0 M E NURSERY- -T -Those imffoling front the CRETI, eN. làberal and an Emancipator., Wom of the best Rorse Medi. Front two te four years of age, qnbme'ing all above cause :puy secure the*ineans of oeil Lamps,- Kerosene and Coal Oil. at Whole- 1 'Conte in, and let us have a Élaso, c cc)nitaiitl onho4i(liwdforWent the best VàrJe9eaý the underi a. BO. Sale at %t'ml ocril cri" by address 'Consistency is as &-d Stu% Harry, pcteengrýôg,,"in the y Live âtgbl%, SETH C. IVILSON ware of quacks. infg"%"O "0 Medicine. My 1 Boom Pape --A as Prkeiple, What does -it meau? Hycp, 1 lfcit its botter sîM - in &Tbg-tbal new stock just, arrived why thst if a 'Lot No. P. 2n&ýom 40 cure is moral and hiîenic. -a r -8 fianous relà for 4jýect. man a once wrong he's m punch: If$ N AUM Sa, R- T.1, always to be 1Vr0ng-ýýthat i& just thq of Imm; bat, wâ âe 9 6You lie 1 " roar. A Missouri wonian %vaved w f\-d fiag, ents* lprofessor stépped a railroad train, and askeil the 'R's me il, ]E[ed conductor for a chew of tobaccà for her , off, or J'il break old man, who was confined to the 'Ofeamr saw thé hoÙ-Se by rh.eumatism. Btly left. A, citizen of Rouseville, in Penusyl- e havingr tréated vania, boasta that his village can bent an Boston out of sight on crooked, streets, ýrn to Co an exerava'Y t and then have crook., enougil leu Crvey IIVMOIB to start another town. a soldier's life, M, was astound. ý A little.-ýgirl.joyfàffy assured her, 'otested he Wall mother the other day that she had k soldier.-Not found out *here - they inade herses- the sergeant she fiad seen' a' -am in a Shop just -ýfinÃŽshin9 one of them, for he was nail-, Illes above the, ingl On hiS last foot. 6id Chawbaco'n, )t big enough, I- Daniel Webster, on being once asked Mou9b w-ho made the last speech ata certain ýOnvità1 gathering, replied, "The fact 21Z üight; im- is, iioý',one over distinctly remembers ri in Indià who makes the ]Ast speeeh on such an the bed-elothe'!, occasion.- U -ty of Mosqui- theM, gamnil There was an Irish lawyer who- in- weplb âri varîabýy, wrote at the bottom of hik; espied a &à- briet "If anY rart of the case should into the room f ,ont, ca.11 iny clerk-, with a punch, ýýLoDr,)Z,,g,,, a. he will mar any- is, ito,"no use. thing-',' out 1 ýHere',o A bahl -an n iade nierry - nt the ex- 5hin' for us wid penS'of auëther who covered his par- tiRI bsldnesà with a wig, adding, as a clincher, " You see how bald I am4. and P, TO a JUDGE 1 dozet ivear a wig."m--1 True," was the - Chelmsford, à :retort - "but an empty barn require's Élie to alchm'ge je tha*'tch.1l' riboi steal, de. jef wMkn -ad. TAmwiN-.&xi) DoN-E Fou.-Au as- with this ap- tute lawyer attempted te settle a for-- tune on a., )endthrift scapegrace ; th& en over eigh- Young ý;17temau speedily Isettled' it aiting for ray ar kinif jttdg- A RxAL TRETOTAL CURIOSITY.-A she be ever pair of water-4htboota. ., you as fine a A cross:. old bachelor suggesto that r as - brought birtils OhOeil 1)0.announen under the head of net mumc., !ted, of Course, Fm evidently ý The obsWant-Josh Billings- says-, na the J am Men 'Boeul4a mae, 'eis-days te be ai- y one. n vwëdý into i6w eh à him 041Y to nit, observing A comte sent in a bill yon nMEt;wý tbw,-.

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