Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Jul 1872, p. 2

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Sum u re"gob-lwua Pwel.whole turnout wss- qulte a grand inulene<fil manercf CoumaliinI i SpécalNôom..afiir, of the. kind, and on the Jargeet hostile -tJ-the. Ch raoM JO)ir sosie. Protestants, as' well-u as(~thô. and hie IÃ"yalty aes a good Britishi subi' lice,' Of the neIgh1Oriopd ' 6d wlth eaoh ject. It in tiras that the ta1seio fbeing tahen-ia teznvà ij O tticI.other in oontributing' to iii 5iiéoes. Yidth, epublshé tlisV'eék as. owmaàlie otèlsaofc fti Amonget th lergo'«ymen ýPsweoei-rOlm Mr. Whfte' speech, q1oteq fràmi thé weU.-mangeLiitoiitsuyhùsitt$o . _________ _________ distancé'NVre, Véry ]Bévd. R. P- CHaIOL r a ~ $~e4 M nrtneprrfg, I Y & P R A MU . ooey, Y. 0-, St. Mur, snd Yery e-azt¶'tbe Matil, Who àffeét the m'>et propoud change, uays :.-Tl> Pke uiit Tharsdi, JUI , M2 B d. C. Vncsnt, cf St. M'ehae's CoI ,loyal-à he nrnij o n fuirO hebù, h S.Jh WJdb4,Thu5da, Jdy , 172.legs, Toronto ; Revd. J.3J. (Gibbjn, P. ;auCI, nee.Sté, nq0ityo! nd ficundéso<heb*kt1i Hn. O F.,.Gor of oroto ;-1:ývà.M. . nos. It s n Couequncefar ougro*i, the towsi of Botit - vil# ~. et isue P, or cfToono;-Re~.M.J.that ench a speech never appearod in afot a£ local uio uzsisasu - Mlcay, t.Mieaels C1lge,àndthéC YIczLand that-thoe tatenient ed tiat cf oeaof the leadingones of the Bevd. Father Hatyden, Dufa' Creek. of the Vindù'ator, that it. did, wu a Dominion. Tii. remoï . a of, the head If downrlghs Iying (w. will -net r., T. N. Gis, Mf,.f twae-on the falfthood. The lho has been %read office to Montrel or Toronto, cannoe qualfy te epresion canbéat Tre- goan, acompaiedby D.' cfal l to>aterihly lucreas..it. usefulneu quiéify hé xpreeio) ca bet Tis. gonn, acompniodby ;r.1MGil, broadeastt ýith ail manner of iadditionsas4elaspmt hoitrtefté -masn White, *0 1 0once admit hébuha ,' 7 toyanlicu juet ncw te conclia4 and -mbelihmnsit h iuruhd eaolder etnehe tAct f theo. butlitie hane. ffio.hldeeOfàce- Catholic eupport, aler hie -vote on tho organe, eubsidized t'O mirepreeent - chap. 87, ýhen.ver a reqiition,ein iodkers, betu4g.muan~ad speculators, New Brunswick school sot,, againet the -Will not publiai the correction. Again ed by one:lbôurth of theharôholders, in are ail agalne.t hlm. Thiis clane of lu. righte of their co.religilonios of that wa ýb=é~d the statemeute . ncra n umber sd vahis répreseItdtothe- dividuls nevr oonidqr, ny oter tha proiincé. r."'iWite, lencernulMrgWdItrectote .,9tirectore e bouy: d, within hîttree dhiidua.noverédiaeitersotheutandoic~M.Wie l tfr .Widat- théVôlunteera as given mnenuhi, te cala meeting cf ti hare thefr aeorinnae Ith e eta. BtcniaefrSot naiWsaeci h mséilpapelgo,1and sougiht hoiaere, and if aàt sal meeting sk major. th Isu bfoe heo er of South presenit, and met wth a most cordial te hoe prepagated hy Mr.' Gibbs's léct. !-prosent or' represeented by proxy, Ontario .lena' pregnant on--ono fuilréception on1 every hand. Mr. White - * 0cringagn, as grees fabrications Ouuld décidé inLaver of the removal et ino 4i aA cdep imporac el vr a anng ground. Hé Re is---dietricalIy opposed te thé -truth. ytlin u he mo1e t ek.lacnie tliernelvés. Xt i 'tie falthfe.l rer. reWvéi uelpport frlom ,many qtiirters And in proof of titis we hcréwith gi e Ua refter t n i ext gra ein Suc arejusiioni.bengrmeroue1y tentation cf hiu Province cf Ontario, whéeehé leaet expectéd it. Thé Ré' exactly whît 31r. White did say, and ighed. or thée epport of,à cormupt Govérn. foutre have takena up ini Carnest théepotdl hs oma h u mn.Wtlail us nzeans of cormpt. gage se defiantly fiung ini titir *teeth on the Voluntéér quetion. At a ban«'. Mowing 'Machines Rclow Cost cf ing and domOrAlizing-wuW Itu Inter- by Mr. GiisudanAwÃŽ1 unitédly rally quét given hy the officérs cof thé 84th Production. colonial and Pacifie alway contracte around the fgag cf wbhî 1fr. White ~Balion te thé County Counil,.jich - wlth its advastag cf a OOrrepê.tha.dandard-bea 1 er. uni itdô t anry et1r. 't1 nusung wtJoi'ty .z~~"sibidLe6 pssh . Anuie cfPrteean <d CthhuWhite is reported ase followe: Company, cf Oshawa, are offéring, bard for a Mn", tmue. abd Issu te the gentlemen united in purciiaeing a val- . '1r. White, reéve of lPickering, and semée Ohio Junior Mowere ; Ohio luteréetg cf thé people, te stand --se tile set cf harnes for Father Shea, ex.,Warden cf théeeounty, havring béé» oes1(lresz); au he MiV. White ducs, fairiy aud squarély, whii wclté presenteil hin on the called uipon, said hée secoed ail that(lre iz);CuaChf agaiet su mnny adverse influences. gronnd, withl thé follewig addrese: lied fallén froinhie Wsrden. Hé sg. Junior Moero, sud Wotmd' Self- _Tbé Ceisiencé cf the country le cor- To the Revd. J. J. Sltea. rced in ail the Warden said as te <>ur rakers, at apiefrblw'oto rutd hý negiyofte epe r.,IDDEi si. duty te thé volunteers, and hélieved spiéfrhlw'eIc rupéd théinégrtycf hépéeleRir. ID EA lSe.On that thé country could net <le toc iucht production. At thé' présent price cf assailél. Poitical virtue and Party behaif cf- a few pereenal. friénds and fer tlîéin. Hé was glad cf théeppr iron, msaclinéry .éénnot_ hé made at honour, sud a beccmîng seie of wha wll-wishere, Who have takntietnt c xl8igh. oél h e is due te tllemseivtul shnouid weîghl méane cDf expresing to ycu their hig9" Ceuncil for supplénténtiîg thé pay cf nything like the présent priées, and witî té eecors Dcthy dsir aestimation cf your public sud privaté the voluîîîeers; hii. voe on Iliat ceca. faim,,, wiil do- Weil te purchasé tii with th clctor. D tiey dgik a WOrth, We )ave bée deputéd tu présent sienî was net given eut cf any lîostiityy cuntiunéeo ofthéeoDa stete cf "ige for ycur eccéptancé lihé sccïnîpauymng tu thé voîunîter-far front lt-hé onîy year, as thé saving will lhé more tima we Uppér Canada waig ruléd by a set cf hamnese. May yen long livé te diffed ase tue u rce froni Whielî thé inteétc h oé e eea LoeémCsmmdiau m4~oity ? 8r wart'i etsdm n'sul in thé veluntééras èlmcld hé paid. Net thé exérciseof thé good work of ycur timat hélie nglit they did net desérve il; yénrs. Lahor muet hée very scarcé and uinupamrty now rlé in tie Domin. sacedcaliliigf. 8irned on béhaif cf thé lié beliéved tlluéydi. utléokdaddar Al ainmchéséi ion parliaienmt, net only with hlà aubcribers- W. .Hi ggius, M.. Y pn la suc fli prutc1010ienssdadda.Alwnigmëlnsw umujority fronti Loer Canada, but hi Donlovan, Jas. Jehustou, Wm. Thomnp. whieliehébedievod they iweré éntitléd tui do weil te go to Oshawa beforé pur. lnlijeitié» front Maniteba aud Britishi sou.*- éncourag(,eument cf a muore permanent chasing. - Col.,rulia, who, for thé saké cf thé Accomipanyieg thé presoutatice was, éliaracterwich éshould hé givqpby hie h' d u bliciîs, sud beéeue théy eau maké aise a haudsonmé wiip, the gift cf Mr. gcvérrinieîit cf thé country_ .1 Iis, Iron aavanced 100 péèr cent,an tlwr 'wn îct mdc armmgo-otCréagh, cf Vhithy. rbrcdtiakelesaid, lie was berne ot y'iee côurse jillÛRadvanci.eg. ftime (n iereme bt ai nescfti FtoerBue biéycier Ce. Counicils, Zwhici hé imstan. *-- 4 fe he 40ernien, ut ocaseof he ater heabrefl reaned liaksced, aud thut tue repr enrtahives f THE Lcý,N emwÂm.m'xGCs.-Dr.i counelt îPatronaige placed ait its dispos.' fer lieééatpéetcttîgtîti oksd other éeu l lad net r 'Brati,û, wh'ekdapé rn ai. Onhri paé hé ipr. héwonld always hé looked upon by Iina fuséd aid te tué velueidn on aey othé N i î sea suveir-et nlycf hé résnt reudtian bheanué timèy believed iligLondon, Ont.,, n thé 4th cf June, hy iSse m a itins iOgoverunnnt was thé preper source frbin United States detective, taken te sr loo ek atter the aMfirs cf On- ccsin but the knnss ho had re wiii it should litve been rûecével% Souh' Carolina sand lhrcwn into jlris- tarie, 1noe h docis cf hie own tewîîship céivédl upen ail occeasions ah the handesud te whlichlmeIOngs«l hie duty.H on, anud ail without thé shadoive eofl'ickeriiug, lu the Cennty Ceuncil, or cf the people cf Whitby. Thial whié cunly différed with otiiers as tu e m mettes esodteCaa lié lahored amonget theni, ilisiq umbéin which'aid should hé given ne lét utoitwe etoe e aa ncw i i pwé.su téelctocfor tswould alweys hé diréctéd le- 'wevhotlg hé ccuid psy moree che d nde té eiiuloTa±.n lIé ul1 f P oweadte enént in of ts effrtscmnigoebns o inl faJy than loisarde thée support cf Jpnved yeelerday lu London, thé placé tedl-T. N. Gibbs. 1ad ennîn hs enéc idY vlunleers; sud qe another cc »hec éwa hnce.Tisi h - ___ friendahi1, sud fraternel féeIing Nwhi 5b inigit hé ieducéd te strétéla a po Wec i aadutd hsi h NerthOntaro.nsehappily prevailedaugst ail clgle4 ;theiui aithoughliehéhoped thé' 'éui fprmtacinontépatc Norh Otaro. s o th comuntyfmlt distant wlîe thé Volunteii'wO -thé .1Br-tigh Minister eaI Washington. 2 os e li comunty.again Ihave te hé calîrd cunt .dfno MILGIB'ti(te Pospctor ros 3étwoon tures sud four, 1o'cleèk, cf tîniréCunîtry. e ws FALL Asszîs.-The Psu Assizés for IMr. Urémggýitema(th Prp et-r ipos.héa .yy thunder siowers came downi ned tImré ývas ne decteritoratio ,~ thé'at- thé Ceunty' cf Ontario wili commencé îObtaing gntan , lia s ceeu ratier marred thé day'. eicymeet for -ei4l cf whie-mlimehe tlîiitpérs was cmin. hère on Weduesday. Octohér 801h, ehtiriu anoranin ~rliOn ari.ashort tirié. Afteremards telité, osd ndl- teediyig f'iow héfère 1Mr. Justice Gaît. Th'emm Prinmce Albehrt Observer 'takue stock smn1u rihl,.dté èîl fîg wiser and iw(ae-séil id net ap;ly teu__ of lihe two candidates, snd coilude Canada, except as te giOwiig iiser. Dmrmj'v F snriI>CaN. liaIMe Gbu i héîuu-yode~ thé coolieg seimcw00 Omîy mddèu grealèr Ile conictîidèd- îomn fr any A îEtslauTx aSEINPCRNG o zest teulime geneitaienjoyiieumi du-ing répétitions cf h stive sceès cf thati.tm tsdae h asseet the Iiest peying lmauî. Mr. th.7msné flm dy us~ veng village cf «ireeu*ocd, snd neigibor. Tltimcmici's ïrection by the Observer latm, sud part cf lihe bandl f theUil4th, At tiué J xse éssionmcf théeieulily iodrl, aouFrîday aftmnoon hiet, whiciî telunt uponliméhegronld lIaI 1fr..sphd iemui onîduîtè eer n lIme subjtect of mn grsmltle lasled an lueur mnd s liait, dring whicli limomuplion le a gèuiteia-îimal 1fr: faim ehare ta thée ucêésfmml carryimg suppl -ut limé psycf lIme Volîitvters li eraintfil in torrents causing 'ruu'mupsce mhrieg s leuglumeed ex- out cf wlmat isadnmittcd to c héerébést was >ougit foruvaril, hre are LlIme Pruo.' 1gréataIdsec ien lu>thé crepe, aua perieo f Public utcf lias aiways aeted pie-nie yeî iehd ini South Ontario. c u >tge îvhièh teck plumée wasliing away lm e roadesud bridges. sl aue imilitîsMîl r. Tiompé4on ~ is no. M- 1r. MeMili e rtied fru,mu ie TEBSEs ~mu.Teerk "5.~sf.n.é.é ee ~m Oammur aCen-mx s -séial oumitéeiPemtoduf mm tjourreymon baÏiëhiiimNew Yorik Tlmuîuumî,êcm's votes have bééou ge.wrland BnJEu. ricket match etw"eén t ug9 aid t thie.vollmmmùers. The reportj re"Corutèd ilimé inteet etof mtarie; Onlamie lu f h aAthé' f~ ehi ctntcdi iéCamimehs Mht Nr. TIoeeurlitécni rdg lb a >se Ité~ Tlmat 1uiiview of t1é very émail san weck, i. vù-tuaily an su end. Ail thé 1 recémivéd by thé Velno r ri u i~ éumdwr nhércetre dune ocf lis rly, and lmaI actuaily place ou Dominion Day, santield Gvrm scrlu limé ppi.ile 11, o f Coko ter w tre 'lité record i' Withmeiîblemiéli. But tn s complété -clory fori 1ty lecrretme etrl nsqa tét iha eiiîinc0éegweh liéObserver héas found e t'(lé0lu 1fr. beys. Thé day iras vêt *$5iTi, lméjhe 1r1numnrale lime menm foi- tîeir services.) or cf mind or hod , thv're is a coinci- lN lllojpjousC94, beaule M. Thmp.themumee b-Dg ut ineiesjandréconmlîicmm thuatmu saute df $4 ho granteid son m ail of'5icuu.al, hecmmusé 1fr. la mp. ther etéýr hieg in tinties 1amAtu cli officer, ioii-coîimussuiiémi cmf- dent chiange or washé cf nervoné éle- 1 o m m lé a i l < ' f w h ii g i c d i é o u i d w slar tg e l m ér1 o c . o r p l é as u r . -A c e r , s e ud p r i v u m e f l i e 3 4 t h l i a t t a l i o n n i e n t , sa d , a s e I b i s l ém e n t m a y l h é r é - apju-iue-;cnlluuîMrTlmieponîn0~ lage rewiowéY t waesret, sud whomamy attendi drill, mst Nimîarsilrina trds aii si .epee y' hmiiicui+m-spoutem. This is 'lIméhe,éad shewed their ae cistion cf the excel- téfic lproictum iii rill, ipon huepr iue-thé jniè s i us et Filow Cpomde YT amml front cf Iis olendingý" This is lent phéying épeated rounds cf ail- tien <of lihe'comiidimug e(lii, llicers cérli- yu fHppopiieprosmyi lime ci;empand,îm boimunir(in another sensé,) plause. I , seill fth aeof du'cijujunitls'gul i ié rebf yopiepiétheros s Th~ lming, épecilly c limé ivsser, as a eemgîiliin of their etuidy or eîlmérwise werk witim compar- cif Mr. 'Observer',# objection te lime sit- 'Wiiby a 98wscvéry ge0(l, sud limesecrvices tu thèi- eumiîury. ative impunit.y while using il. ling Meumbèr for Norths Ontario. Our balling -bý'th chîbc fiir. Uxbriulgé ieut Iiletlimé cenitcitteélerfuily e cemmhelmprry cannol piace a finger wen~tote thé wiilow, sud usadoniy retnn eim iéabovu' irathmy are A gentlemasn alicléd wihthé chron- mn cingl bld mn1fr. 'lbomepso's pîaciZt 56 uns théceumtruninèl 1dthlilhel'lImaI granulé cf i rimêuemmia, y,,o écilo fd upoilsn gl. ei r T po' l«â8 ust licir crédit, wlîen t liméheature are calcuîsteilui ééstlîishfe tisas'N ecpsoof c î'erhimm'ientary record ;but lie hinke iý wicket fe.11.Thé Oîtio's toîlow- imjust iidcdlmmé.Tat lmétb - rycae m cmme lméias aentc lmmt Mr.~m. Gibbs will muke ruoreocf /éd, ecorieg 70 ruine, ocf whicir Mýarebaîl cf îlmolium0111tug lèure mmcl sntlièientliy mcneit llmc,-recè,ivcd front thé usé cf 80 e mimeuer. e gant mimliii auls/contiiuhéd a goed 2m, sud chier play. recognizèd lens peèmînrmimy pohit cf view,Jormus nmlmmLimet Ib- ý-DemîninDay ce'limé excursion lto err us-iéé friuilebie 5ndî ruiteidéd lmuhlméhy éboulA hbo ré- Ihat papém-. Wé acét eerdilily wishu tiV Port Perry. Il was- lie finI limé tuIntinsecte havé airéady aq aedeîi lrecogmuizemi îhmlher belmmuging b he4liméhe égenial sud géuîlemanly éditer Go Ar mnae cfhembai li opcrtniî cfnumiers in différent parlé cf Otatrio, Batlaliom cerummt, if tImev- îriléd uilluspeed in lis énlerpnisé. - Northernr'cou énîoyig a ti'p from- thé Ceuely îewu sud are bueily engaged on lm- jictmto thirhelcl]nvn-Lrif d once madinit neceésary te de se. d uorth*àrad,-aud lié fiI limé liat tope, Iu Wihly, we bavéeeriof a Rolcand l aise èntendèd -tliaI al' Tira ONTARiI'nIEss'AeeocxnMOu>- h hudred& cf hem availéd tiimeelves number beiug tonnA ou poIte ovines, Ime Couuty voiumueeré éérving elîculd Thé exécutive commile of thé ahové cf lie Bailwayý faciliies Dow onnect. alliongli' nly in two or lîme gar-dons. eciivé psy ahihie as uel as thé 84ffm Association havé completed ail arrange-W lngWiilh Hmbr a bi tananMr. Henry Adams diacevered, cee d a Bmalimu. ménts fer thé annuel excursion which ses- hour'sJcumny wHaoratite Sue.A ilwelohi nery pelanalo igMé Cowan asoniy in tavrrof psy- i. leltaite placé on Mcudty, lie 8th cf ère liéiWs ourùei ith Lae Sougo. At lst week two hils uoluntéey osatern-itge-w-fIlmersthéring wytintxe. Th nemueThe éreeretofthéeAs- ilu tiéemiffrenît stations, ou thé way, vine cf which iennuéerahié bugs weme Battaliomi. sociahlon anA -their friende wiil meet- in lat lnany gel on boaïd limé traiewc, ~te be seen.< Thé beel récipé for desi- Thé W'ardén favored the proposition Toronto on huat day, aud en -W'iesAaypr - intie lie imeda~ upe.ijîene t reying lie peste is saiA ho hé laite te paylilIhe volunheers, wilb thé pro- mnung w-tII laie thé momniâg train Wiui, cfM. i mnlmei uinteas n m u atc prsé»t eu rlév so-peovidieg that thé veluntéére ce fer Beile Ewart, trom, whiehi place they firs of r. Xmbllhiqefýwasontie ne ar o Prisgrentotonortwl- cemvng do net meeivé rémunématicu will proeed hy steamer teOrilt h et al placeu.anl -MM u bespart ucliiing parle; et fleur, aud dusel ci-cm i -nes frea ethuer ceenliés. Fimatliérémsrks Frea Oillia lié course w-lite hoi w-sn' loti îndcne' iW prevliig fer thé wien thé déw i.; on. For émahl pst-- lalu'ly masde b-v thé Ministél- cf MIihia Washago, Gravenhurel anA Brace- w-au Ceinfrt -of hs ssùgeo. t rip ~cies a commen fleu r dredge wiil de for nii the Hotiqe of Commuons hé shaid il bridge, remaining ovér nigil aItlimé lat- thé: was xcedinly ati;àoýO ad, Wit th,1 eatin, ut or alarer re îîa as pslaimaI ilw-as lImé intention oethem placé wimeethé. sunual meéîidg lé n( w-a eeedielysu, ~-~m ho éralucbuvth for n larger are thé Govemumenî 1<> ineree, thé pay as w-lit ehé iéd. Dering lie neit lwo W-as eatisfonascteocontrywottesutbcxthivitîn pèrtoraled useof cm'stamerTré thé exception f mseétrling driwbs c gaue bollomu, sud a ightl i 6 ting < cCulité eutmc'woSIn). tem da . iéy w- ll a ké usé cf thé ispsamer Ti lu1 theuarraugémenis et FoitPrt ,-y) nMay' bcused. Il i. hest le have mth' mm ing e ip""g' hed ttéi ipoa givé -th da w-s; e té whai, am~> ~ ersîlché tea sick asthéiuhats 0Mr. White uvas gîsA Ilialthé wveight Mr. Cocitheru, ex M P, mnAdw-il!visit tte 1] the daywas, * nthe wole, a oot en beoi atwbed pualstik, opinioninhla-sohmoblicmpintenbéarbrLakés tMbeakokas BeseétuRos sudJndsJpheh-laad joyabl onee. Untier Mr. Superintend. tduitvof Paisreeén me highuly'poiéonous. upon lime Gevemumel hto de their duty,. At lImé village et. Rousseau, the prepris- sttu ontKmisl~ cunfrlbi l, f ar isgdeern wt 0o 6anA teck crédlit for thue course pursuéd tom ot thé hotel wiI enlérbuimithé party soui hn iblla op e se arne mgo bfso frann'acre.-. y himseht sud othérs in eslling ale- ah a banquet. On- Thureda>'the ex. freIn Tentswlil moiloeonefilsli ck.b' islu iuu.TeOiwa Re- lieu ho thée :rievnce-whihi in ail pro- cursionials w-it relrrn te Gravenhurst po They wie Mnotàon ed edie rcopnd uforrBaye huaI nué -Te li memé.s'bahjaty would bc passed oer, if lie whère tey wil pas le'nigit. On masm oplioung ils fvor; u te>' w-eofpl e fothéme gaw- t hoétaldr budgruiel w-me votéd wilhout any tault ho- PriAsa banquet will bo givon b>'thé to, Il OPÙon u is 1ýor bu thy w seve f te Ohaw fié -anddru badiug feund. It w-as nol se muchhihe peple cf Orillisansd thé lenal prese, a le glvé il s-ciiaractém for cameful atteut- Wm. Pringle iihaI*. brokén ah meney paymuenl ho sid as thé éscogni. afler w-iuié thé psrty w-fil pmoeesdlet ion lti 40wanls and wlshes et travolmr. camp on TueéËday evenlnrg, umder thétectiire crjé,t-uévluhé Baéron&ud-oee.uytei tan e a - -s.Our inormant. - fSm nMicu~sci~h crdot. keBalai sud o -raiseproatePr lpwmrslywi!~ - tésw-ere lrn éw~k.were - thé .Were fa o te reprt s'epaaà.--si-c,- AooeXYik Bôii Rwxàrwt1L-.Thé - àtrongéàeîin t6s armist,' ttîak eàtr. - asops opày- Thé Tw-lti cf Juhy t. close at -ând thé -~ mueulaltegelher,' -. ugain, ond with its approah oin. ru- font BOmniJe erh~.~ey la n !p-so bx i1unmmesd Mr. Gorden eaw- ne réason te change meure cfa ron.w-al, m~Ne 4 lQf taatI Prjd W.i on. John Simpion lring s imiUci oîlW-pu he104'~S, i.opinion ot lâstear as l e méGov.tlé blood>' rche f laityer.- 111e mid osvi aooldent1>c $iot h#-Ycunçpt son, a ad hi aUdd vi -inha r riâ -ju -'mnunlhhugth p:pr ary tepay. htntol wi!lr ranee -hmn aged soyemî years. Wmje- pggagod' înlt abové lthe- elcw-.- - Hi w-culAnot, he-vem, - opposéeliee-but tiam-they eWill wsI arid, *-, >ïapeop rev- vemotionM - eentins be7prareukti, iauè;l. eéreep W» lmq ArsvIveý, -hlc la flo ben .-- Mr. Buhîcu w-as lu fa-ver cf paying ho e ,at te day la Dot to b. marked li Um fe WmIIo tlmetali Thé el-,iWnucfWser - iers ai lie Ceunty vcluintéérs alité, if théy lu loed.ev«y year. -Be of kSU ai-n g h' 0 hzdstérvé, -Whéîîer wihh lhe 84th cm net. ONjuy220csso-ea by -fTorento où nIÊda>' -thé e, mézeft'hem eparring thok ck ' be. Beoné ul' asec u !'wéé¶4iP5~tb@li*reitur cf Mésgrs. 'w -and 'w-cnàUméWarden sudMessrs. White stroké étra'whre-stia nn Bel!,ilutle Western n, anid'sud Gordon. to-havebé eotm 4 ol -cokSi poMssr. P 1n$t 4hdýr lM Pis i Pp4Ahlasi Mésér. Widdilld anAdfBrow-n ere fd>' ----- 55i'. - iaséum1ppc iltc auy sppopr£liu on on-i A îUhacident oýciréd ai Hamilton "Y --Icunin-grounds-a, imd- on- -thée 1ma' U-enDmiinda 'by the smashigL -ncw'J*Llncd tee o 'd zaàc- Up oa-01abu ~. zuaiecuio- -- hon.t'e a anie . 4! ÃŽI *b sJ4 W-at;zs Dions, Hed - Utaui;i. . MoXir.- W*e i,.LD 1415iét, iiif<o- 1t Mwin sthe AM, antd atacuré ti o ues titie rOsasm htue"' hédifereu.béweouaCi-sta s r n , 2 n d - g e n r i - p mo icie n c y l o t ' " i ' lu ne , -'À # V e ,in t e n t a Ib is re e v é- v illa g e s s u d ce t u re d , k tle d s un dd rd o v e t h i f y o i m d sire t a g o sm fe y , 'Bu re 1 , a A a a n b a * e d s r b i y o - Enliàh Grammar;lot ousendorf's- -bs u no- L)cw~a-ytle iibaabitants. On 1hé secend quiek>' and comfcrtbly ftôan81YPaint mu tl Sunds, c 'olboy à h. lwi Frncl; loi c m pc i n~ spe tin $ 1 W rdeR" -'n ù , o* , isa n . dé>' 1 caught tle lever - on th éetird S utherIow a, N e rak ,Kania, or on o 1- l o t L a tin (1 ) ;l e gn a tu r e l s ce in ce ; s d 1'04 - f l e t s d d a y th e A ra b e w -re a m b u ah id , s ud tle P a c ifi é R o A s , e s u rte l i y ugtmhi sO s - a A i o l e n o ' De iva' Penh; nd eoga . bbail ,Tory lo, -I li!'roued wil terrifie laughtr ;on thée B WofurffIn'~ i ltnc -Donor, Mr. N. W. ýBrow-n'qHsr at n soemnn oa unelnfourthdaytere was W genera deer- MitWho i~isnrIiti i lrntOiUphaxagraé h M c A l l n , -2 n d L a t i n ( 2 ) ; a ïl O l eé n . . a n d a f e r - a ' w - ào ý d a y ' n c u b t i o n t i e n f t h é A a e s u m y c v r m n a l u d a a eie h Y egî s » r c t l y . l m é e r y I L S m i h h A r r > ' h a i , w h i c h l ia s do fsh thed lhe Re veOf 'Os aw a as he but six àabsdon d n . - G r at W est, a md alite ralroad c nnéet- ýj .i en com pletedatacoeof 08,00. Wm 9riton, lt1e ul)L1i 4) ii 9ne ,c. f26 te 24hià Mirambo tireatened Unyanytmbo, I ions, con cbla m-Ihéni, sany cheoierPaes r ciicsn D r. Tuèekr, donor. po ét e ' el M . Paterson, fOrdi Od tle hoes, se ected. 14 0 u gi- tknow le Age, b >' ddrssing G ene al Pas- S m f t é p r r rlc.n Herbert Msing, lit (qua) Latin' Viu or vocatt, of Beverton. lives with five dys"ý provisions, anA songer Agent, B. N o. B. B.., B- lnthe rte ofs acergyman whlit lha (4 ) 2 d O li n té e P re n c h .- .K . P . A v i e r ', t ul ', da n a illu strio n s tar t h o isted tl é A rnri a u fi g . - M ira mz b o b g ln , Io w a ., j o e in g ly p e a a na d pcf lim ed é tho e L ck lhs , m . - lup o itica l f e b ca t. B u t tis 14 .e l retire d w ith u t tt aclclg . I t e n tar t.o i g o l- a s g o t e R d S a E m m a - , 1.1D e P v a .' P rn A c i o m a it m e r c i s , asu d fra il a s "l b ar k é o j j n a n o h é r o a . T h é A T T A O]i ED B Y A S R A 'R m n - T h é H O M m - , T h ull a w -e re a m é d eir d's l i n 2nd Latinr>,--3.Haner Greéwod, wa, lis offoè , inwhiclr trisadavr isd te dissuade me sd urie Gazette, f April te rdive latvhe A ekuo-lieytbits." denor. / - -' met uckon thse y ouddé e uities, saiA deal was certain, anA frigiléed foviw-gacouai f l srii scnthW r gt elaufrm urPr OileuiJeP , 2mdhLatin (1) ,- 2?d is reevosre - é aro-i -r >'fie-r.Saw eéld utIcaSnwc llne rn e g 'd- Hope cotenporaries tha F. H?Burton, 2nl-omosti n Aeihp -dt é t até nvrils nid ewadpé h ordb'aaurtEsq., M. P., t. rapidly recevering frets spofllMng - B o d fTru tées, d n - plurge ; an Adh- ving ilu tle kinde t untrodden désert f r 400 m iles sud pr- <W e lea mn frem ]Kaw -tbie t t i n omt hie talé serions i mites.- - - - ~~~ m a r n en l r h a n n o u n c e d t h a t t e s e c u t e d t h e o s u b u r i s o f U j i j i , w h i e l n - o s ~ n é a n t v , R h l , - A a m o a a n q a e y n p e s n entez an dair w-imité yplacé inHalifax,,o tqdyng, o f T u t é st e e le c to r s f N r i O t a i i a c n X ~ r e n f t u eI Y é I 7 th e p Z 01r1i fl e s tc r t h i e fis h in g g o u n d t - -é4h r k n t l e i d n e o a Hugh i met , .& uchA (2). idai. or . P.nlthe I1librai 1ésin. Thé asteiished natives hc-le a' Té l a wahcu clcAn e'w-inohlefridenchlof an - B o a r « , o f T u âs l . és , d o n o r s . C o s r v a t i v " i - A n A s e n e d c u ut î mc w - w i t h e a e n i n g s oB .lusm a ! e u e -ic , b i - e g , éins . h lad f i e sndie h o nst e Est m'nu 4lot ,"thmetie; 2nd we have ii, a dhavé had hm, fr I notied lutlié-centre f a group f was-depresed lu hé watem 50-otI ît aisprepndy.el es the eaouge G r a m m a r ; l l r t n . J H . G r e - th é I r ec p a st 'mw e e k s, fl a si n g , li t é a u A r a h é- s t mo n g ly c o ura eti m g th ér Su n - l g e w -re b u t a fé w lu çch e s ti a re th é e r e, s u de d th o n- giv u n g d th a l i wcoddcno-f -4 -'Oshawa xmoteurjhither sd hilir. mml faces w-ith liéhalé lookin Irgré>' surface. Ho bild mut pase by -Id ed l ve eliepcé- urmilma9outhw Cl, 2nd Arit m éi.- A mnd, oh 1 what i, chang é élcé Dec éni: beàrddA whîtén u w earing s naval th é roof, sud w as paddling alo nie -un - a edIi vert th po c . Board çîTrustees, donors. ber 1 Tlten, hetwas prend as Lucifer;- cp iti faded glA bad sud red w-ol- ware ofay danger, wheu a large -1 la Wolf scalps - luMinuis brng $151 EditW -Ardaëu, lt reading; 2nd wri: o, hle is e s t Iý ble" and as genine- leu shir- Preserving s démeanour f 'hungry sharit mare a break fr hbu. spiOeo and soeéof tla farmers are tex o cmp otio u.Second M aster, don- 1>'1s, se Uria iH eep, oet I"Um bl" caînnessbefre th é Arabe 1I lquird, The jsws e hé raveno s fei lse& seling et hep aniA tcclng up lu or.,ý1 -'Memoy. Sakýn hans thee tmes Dr. LivingstoneIpetm "- upon the mans thigi andthe'caue, w-lvs. -eWm. Johnsten, lot Latin (2) ; 2nd uvrîhun thée pacé et hait su heur wil siling answeréd "Yes." Hé ituformied m a sdenus w-cund in thé fermer, 'Tircugi a cerrèbpoùdemoe baaéd on -lilir'-.N. Gibbs, M. P., douar. tIre sanie umfortunate voter-sud sucli me that hoe started lu Marci 1866, ith ose eleren luches long, sud tsaring, mamimoniul tdvértisement, a younig - t w a ,2 d IHi t ry.-B oard et a shako 1 N on oet y ur lackadaisc l. w elve-sepoys, ulué Jolnna m en sud th é fis 'from ; th é o ué ha ift hel. io -mur n i n lu L ui-ville, K y.,, r cently pro-. Trustées, douer. shakos, but s fu1i grasp et thé proffered séven librated slaves, hrrcieléd iii>ie cnmfèeéce cf lié thigh, lélg'il pesed marriage te hie sister and w-es >Wni. Burns, 2nA Geograpi>.- hand, w-il e pr .stant wmmging oft ~hbaut et -thé Iteruma, Iis mon gethahsgieg down in elirede as ile th cetd Meeme.R. J.Can bel, onoe. ufolunt ipé,acu -t frighlened, deserted' anA repmbedl Dr. dméw away, sud lesving lu he w-ccd et pald Li-vingéer ds m uees o e - A II]Qlvhdwa drdl> LiloHum, otDP gi tec. uh lo, enw-hrle mat 'tnedula uexuefo l-thé latter limée or 'four teste, bromnen' AIdh vaiwuoer ba LuBar Tué, e ivs' mench.suc améillu fc , m qire -sémtion. Ho crossed thé Chanibézi sud off. Thé man w-as uearly dragged eut ph>èician te lako tirée ounces cf brandy Helen Jomushen, 51nd naturel science. ateté Il<'issu " w-tIi foulparticulars feulid ilnot thé Pertugesé Zamhesi, oehis ucaucé, whiei ah le sanie limé sday, sud huuow-lng, iaI siteert - Btoardi et Trustee, douars. as ho lié numbér and sanaor>' cndi- but-w-bll>' a sparate river. H é tracéti wse lsi ct wamped * tliée nset oethdacmuS 1make an une, 1ai' paienly' Mazo Tuwaihe, Ish'Ollndert's French tien cf thé yongér branches et thé il anA formA liaI if Sas callild trher thé fiéli.Whmleh, disappeintedetoits pr1, -.been tming -fcrtyeighl drinks. a day (letclas).-D. Tuterdenc. vtém's famil>' I t ileévén allégeA that on0u11 a-ç xplomed 700 miles and imnuediatlél>'disappeared. -Thé cAldovér tnéé. Marion Allun, 2nA natural science.- lhé bas diecorére 1s guéimg afcinfound liaI thé u"lainesi 1. douhîlees 'man, tiugi bleediàg prefusel>' freni Msun'a tmué heurlt ,w-culA bhavé' James Holdén, douer, for babies, tisetueY thé litîle unuvuehed thé sourcéetofthé- Nile, sud Ihat lié séréral w-ouuded arteries, was-ailo -te. comi baCi, liktéhlédoeétej-he ark, Htrmy MeAhian, lot writeucampe- hopétuis lu euci', s manuer as wil emigli et thé Nile s2,600 Miles. Il i. gél bis canoo bacit te eshore, anA con afler ils fa-st transgression, laà heen sitien.-A. H. Moment, douer. évechuate (as hée hîopms, (lu e side près- net snpplied b>' lie Tanganyikra-ie iandfng mecivéd fromi hie neigibers frigitened bé>'ond rédemption b>' Marion Aluin,- lit Mapping-.-T-.. H. sure bclug heouglit te hoar in hie tarer réached wihin 18o ailés et thé explor- uvhalever lîelp thé>'w-ere ailé ta tle savage Cha;t>'cf an unforgivlng McMillan, Aouer. ou the ohdurale roter hy thé dei"hted éd gronud w-béalhé obligeA ho reumu lé héslow. Héisilua fairwa>'otrécorer- spirit.- Dema Higgiu., let Public Reading, mammras. Stuch arc- a sample o i iUji etue- lr mt e.W in.Téechwelrmaednte -Thomas Dow;, doue, r. w-a>', sayung nothine about a néw iind both let on thé 161h cf Octobér sud ar- CIAyugld eesd ier- Bili Ardagh, Po m .-Second Mas- #f spectacle, sty e "BIyE e Op ners,' ived aI Un >'nyembé aI limé end f N o- w hre iroken, Ulins ldiating , sh k lésetifrni lier marragé engagement - -er, douor. which hie Wsrdèesliip l. déaline ont veiuuher. Wé spemîl28 days exploring cf usual size mms well as sîrénut.' oeuthe grcuin&, that; w-hénelle con- M ary Ashy, gnral excellence and wilirau ungrudg, g libralil>, (a pair thé district ogetîmr. W e sîmnt Christ. - trchéil it he- beliéved hlem lver a g o od c o n d u t . - 7 1 t . H . J a m e s o n , < o u r , e t w h i d i l i a s b s t r a d d l e d t i é a s a m s é i u i n U fi j i . I a r r i v e d o n t h ée o s t - p r, , cu f r r i e r n o - ' u c , b t h . s n é o m l e h Lit H ume, ftsIWrlitig.-Sccond premoular> cf 1the éditer oethaI non- in Mardiliche141h, Iea'img i)r. Lil-mg- don:. 'They Maté yen tak-é of yens gOose. Master, done. i "2 deseripl sheot, lie Ontriom Observer,steetUy ymé,hexlrte bonnet alliéhitestre. A w-eman opens Ont West folkrs, w-henu e l th:én lot Perma-Bella >JcultmamA, let, gen- sud poured nu flood et ligmî mIe tIraI orth cf Tanganyitkasuri theroeMai- tho péwdoor for you-nt ehureb. 'Um-.cf a mansstanding froni Iris iimil> oral proficiéne>';- l, Englisi gram. w-ondèetuliy hfogged cranium, euabh- ig 180 miles cf lIme Lualabs river, brellas and walkiug-sîieks muet net hoe record, étc., on>' matéhis reniant: niar; lel, Beain; lot,' Copci in ig ils 0w-uer ta "oserve" tîinge in This vill ecpy the mixl 1wo >'éai'é. akèn ié tepublie gallèries or n"- ,'Dmvlleyie is played cut hère. We and pellng !Z&renc ; dMpoastutionnlgenunims, b>'r-easec etthé proensi>'f etiéw-sut te knw-hat hei. himet' Dati- SudieeWLG ibs, on Alrsiangénrl sumi f poilice intch, wtra 'The Ottawa TimeR, in anouucîng British ta pote vasées, picturés anAd ye l od Joh Penee.-W loH. EuchieD() uer. ankui-é>' ofi- u pit)-ii te hesth et Mr. uugené 1-1. Donon, elhulu>'sThy reiireedupahli Jon rigl, sI Bcimi 2) 2dspluliigetsusrit liuos5undX3 hifFeuiTeeto f oueetuucé, cliécetiantdiea ud the SJOiHéemleys-Th or grammar.-H. B. Taylor, Doucr. congrégations slmUigg Ing ritli a dehI t Cmourmat ht ticuir o g irhutcadhagéeGi-i ew-on biretoluecHers(che so-nhear- C. McGlvray, lot, EndlU .(1); Lit, on their ehumchehpiug tierehy t fCmos rmrs tt gl leemegncé,wtotcag;Gr esbto hscmt Ecé onal amllhmeti.-J. B. ow, Dener. repeal lire role of I1f>' Brother, thé wms chighly iedisposéd durlug thé osaemr ueos eetaitret hto h ash hta C. Pelhégil, Bà d (1), uti;Go- méaer for 8e th Otaie. uw-e, is deafirvery sudden sduo-by r oenmru eie hnilrol hte i shu, laIand bu "oa Bu ,on no - thé>' are an n us. Fire-eaps are actual collision- i. n ot mp ssil n graiy,2u .-. Carocu, Doner. comlug bck t lie él"umile part cf pecled; Hé expired aI sbout six o'cleet tept lu thé cburch->'ard. ludééd muatin uailllikhlihetud happeni hem>'y, lt; anîthni lieshow:- Hie ,mrdusip riutonirleonSunda>' Moteing. AÀruancf rareinteap 'f8t mlo . lec, LuA; cempesihin d spellng, 2d.capi-secf lst w oic w-hile paigatlent and fiuislwmcA durémuticu, extensive SOTHenBRUCicEnaLCT1Oc.-WtuaEmR. u e aseII cf liscure miloeus efs -A. W. Farewedll, cuor. professioal vî'itteutr. pa'in Gal-k oldadami able sud affaite TOé, June 25-Aý'meeling oet he torm dmaeat as nil prenim rpaid lu C lara L yn te , d, ls .- A . W . aitli- eom uony now -u as -J ack - - d s o i i n i a ur il > w on t ic g od- C onvention f S u li B r ue ias he l a h ad ance. F are ell D o or.w ho r sid s n ar'Sai cfield, "ru s" a w il sid at a éhed le h im in lhe bo d é liiv r du l é to-day, a ll iéhe n unicipa- Joh W ilis H itor , 2 d.- T N . stu he sekee f; a air sto k, nd s f siniéereé,t friendshil) ui perumons Wit i tfic, cf tié Riding heiug w ell.réprèsénl- A- A a r iasz, bie g lu a coff ée-h eese JGibbs lli, Hno ory, 1d.hoT.n. slneimoae, tépin tainntect.inTlé ugh ' Tii d. Mr. Blake was nominated as thé wmiRose gentlemen, w-ai largely 3-ibis, Denor. - preht> weh keeuv as a dry', eli-usîd uii écrtacnal ouu Helen Ré>'uolq<, tcompmilice anti joker-net 'atraid,.te speat isiind muI lu ters léy sottl(ý eieto addt ftePryfrteHnèo rwi nteceuiyo hcm sp e llin g , 2z d .- M -là H g i s , D o m o r. s u >' o e , a s h i s p mec ui to i é " L u d msiil)" o ~ h ~ u v i m t u h l ' c h e n 19 0s o e o n mcimn g ese f iis ew -n ho n . g n l é a u a e è leni é o d-w o re s h a p p e n e , .s ir,? ' a s e d a g n j e - 0Wo edi 2é uA Geog api>' will show. Pion red b>' oue f thé fna ce ti h n m n . W-ua g n - A. W . i nrew eli D ôou r. aith ul. M r. G ibb calid upo us " J ack ," eticua it , u nIh lsl w cii the es ee ni lic, sa d ddre ssed th e assem blag e a It ie in pr os nl m ICa ný't exac ly s >'.1 Kahé Moon, c1 omposition sud sud wilm muci h awdr nu uat' nl ésél flIe iizrsandrll.cosdeaieloghio iiecie eii-r1 i -té reele,'bt euo-re- sp llin g .- B o a md . tlT ru st e s, D o ro r. f m a n r, fi -t en q u ired a flér th é 7h o u g im s d e ep t ii m k r , s l i liu t w - iter, émît to p i ce f t lIe rhum. H é a tte n d s a u r o p e - B sia , I ti mi n.' - ' 1 E 'iz Ni' po m l st N a t. S 'i n c . hîalth i f I b e m'4 su s," th oen c uc rn - jli in él i lél n t sp ea k er - iu m lie E n ir- pmcn m - a I K in uardin é n é xî ma , a t h i ld r e i r t lii k I -a -ly ,' mr ep i d th e Boardo etrtuee,-demmors. igthé nuahor end condition cf tlslme as éweh as in te Il iliigîý heii s xetdohrprnietohrý za .éw-po s a. eneuci.- uver d' - e Fncli Osnionge w-hii il lpti et pr omientclir. N orm an Ha lot N at. S ien ce.- W . littie J cks. F i cdtiu r, J ack n t dîit é -lié îsps -he c A t a n> é é î m îoeye t e e -i e p e uO s aw a w as b aten - by M ilbro et a t 0. Easwod, d or. 5ip ta thé mark, ie "Warcenshipproh. lws, nlIéceua>'o f uite au WsigeJl'1-i urmlrLceso oiinDyl is rvlHhu e tGor aphyuas Préinir cf oUic t.Jop apise' - -' 'ovi Hre11Gegp>';2nA ceeded ho énquire dileniy attér té eautheuli péum maut netruc-l prohsbly continué tslling- Tuesday ,straighl gaules. l i . c i n c . N G b b , d n o r . s t a t e f J a c t es f lo ç it é a n A h e r s , a I l i ée- w it i s o u t h u e e l w in d e a n A u c e a s i g T h é B a n dA o e t t l é G r e n a d i e r G u a r d e ArhrDrapir, lst mappug.-T. H. saineime exprssing adeiré lu nm'îtc Society, and lIhe Csuuilau Iumtutnm, ccuims uc elie.Téae fnw li otnPseJble -l leMilan, AonW s pérsoual inspection. To Ibis Jack c.d pa-c rateervl aîacgthé highmut lempeesture Wcvi imor sail for England on Saturdar'y ud-vi Clara ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ a Lydllpllersiga -eugi-céable, anA led lmée way sste nlprspèrit>' cf Ibéso luehîtu- no-lheacî followd b>' cooer waher not ril Canada. - 'ho.. Dow, Acxpr. w-hère lhé catlle w-ère grszimg. Mr. tion. lewa cbru iu 1830, at SI. souîi sud W-est cf New York. Partimal- Thé uew GovernerGénéralinspécted Amnélia Cenltkard, 2i ulcra.Gbsw-as qnmite deligmled, dcciaeigî t O us oeulaaa euae t-yc'î adcoewete'wllpe h îlneÉ Y. rd public r.ring- ihbsm, Luè anSut.,Hy diathed ah' 13-,ilORcheud u lsa-sir -lpé h ou téé- Kingsten on Doninu- ig.G. . Sdth, 'oue, laI il reminded Ibin of ftne mini'.of 1 .- taumieCleè;vi ntéSenti Ahttulie minA GuIf ion as>' Emma itîcwI 1.1w-itou composition yoe, uchén, b>' Cedar Dale, "hie fýd hbis mAcldom tm - Iontreal sund liter ceacts. Thé arescfr raie w- ill m'oi-ee ost TiseTomante cluibéat thé St. Réis -Mme. Higgln, douer. tatmer's-focks, safrugal ew-ain." îRe, a£Quéhoc. Asasléclurér tue arquired imb mortieru Crmiiîda. Liglit localIdsu ILarsé uDemiu dy. Bela Cenlîliard, lét (equah( w-rittéuport says ttli e huebétrayed isieratier soneéfamé, and iraithe nuther.etof a e rvailmi téfw lueosfrniL n téats tarotssiuon omplay eut lie * î m p c i t i n s . - I A . H . M o m e n ut , d o u r . l i m i le A k u c - m v e d g c f t h e é * " b o v i e " b ' p u 6 r up h i e , e n i l e u l "H i s o r i q u e d e s b l u u e a o Hetm s ' m a t c h . Em m a IBlow, ltw riing.-L. A lin, re mnaring ou the eaul t " al thugi e d d eraité-," ui-iicli is mgarded m a ch luer, grade cew,"'uvfhi iJackt intormed liii as s naluablé sîmîloril> oui nie subjeel PARins; Jet>' L-In tie National As- Thé Guelph Cham-pions Came off' Geore Hn, st ritng.Y. ib-w-as euh>'nu olti blackIl "etag." Jackt et Supersenunhien. WVè ueleeho had cemil>' huis aftémon, _M. PensaI rèad vicIer. b>' euerM, n, lua game etfinae e orHas iIw-iie.-.Gi-niecolleécd èorîsidernblo ater-ta frthé tex of the Treat>' tom thé évacu- baillw-ili the Baltimore (V. S.,) club e, douer. é~itilfiliug te come te 'lime Scratch in i on tFac utcnlddwiie eiindy th________ ie voiug wa>', hie hgmîmeso nexl on- alionléiinr Fec n Eg to fFac utcncue iho oiindy Deah ot Col. Cam eron. - quired atr tlie I"pig feuil>," et w hidh i s i, uhilà ne douÉt, hall Ie iet te Geu-unay. Great disappoinlm enl w as i eè d e cla re d b e lh i inself a n A " a>M y o n ihuet o i , uo u ld isuv o h éii un na in - tlt uvi en i u a , o nn A lia t . î>' th é A d e sp a te tu fro ni B er lin say s tl é b ill s a el uiitieum ho the lihrar>' cf Cana- clauses et the Treal>', a ltieug hi eertain eýXPelllug J ééuif tram G érm an >' * s T h e t o w n s i p f T o r s i l i a s b > ' t h é b r o t h e r ' T o m , t h i n u è m b e r , " e c ué ê l e m m A g u era u ' . I i m m e t l r m n.i h e r i î h s c t e hwns u i lane a e i , p s é i ahi f Col. C î e e , u b xirmed at j ndge - lbe latter esp ociml>' h uvill i n lt r t r . I i io t l r i a n i t i t9 a c t e g a u ly e a u t d a s d iunélenhuinl> luth loéamiécra u ic Isetaen te, St. Ours, lus naive Gea' "lias-thé -lit te Maintain thé Alderman .Msugbulhéacu- e estnc hèe n iurda' a t, etur-és le '67, gave ohuau excellentpae nu nc'e nlméfml'vuh ni teghuc i mi'c cuaindate for 'Waler Commùn.ieer in Est cO 851h Year é& his age, lest oeefet s opportuni>' of beeoming sequaieted i. - n Francoeil tic w-ar mndeaity is ou- Toronto.- d sI sud M ost vained rsidents. A - w ith their good an A inA qualiti e-but SPUTTEsîM mé FiO UI , t-u PEN.-T hé tirci>' liquid téd. Tiréo M iistem et Pin- c r a l o n g a n A ý c t i v e s e r v i c e l u l ie B r i t - , x p r s s i n g a d c i d e d p r f r e n c e f o r l ie p c n s M é i u e u e s f l i s u e i i e u a l a e d > . s e s s i o n W > . l e p i g c u i f l ec o - "Libral Cosrvaive," vril>. is uhoie j aw-st;' but Jorcé gays thé hie bill fr rising s néew- ban te meél Motivé lie -lové ?-bècause t's a ten- - à army, wih lihoenteréd et an early w-armienship, écmambled ile Jâek*e ig uol is w-m'cng:' fer Hope ieo éboulA lie obligationuofthe Trent>'. demrltmrchmmént. mriod cf hlie lie, lu 1832 hé secompan- poul te instituhe a perseua sl n avé w-ruteIléePck-cluiué8-Oué cf Mm. Foici aîoaéeiue - ulmtn dtrey -W év , 1 s t e C a i H 7 9 t b H i g h l a n d - s u d e n t i u ' t é a c l o s e a c q u a l t a uc e w i b é f e r y o n . t e dn a s k e. f d ' h 1 Y l e a r r u l ia I f r o n t a ll p a r t s o e t hl e c u u î r y o - m o r r ew - f o r t h é > c o un t > ' h g s o - r adm. hetie r-aui hle orerk pohhi' ,ii tebio-bfller i i'îr. sé mi celn ca té m sttofcrsléuewe s uiiseti amd op tttté ie fr t ri .. Captau m aln, egpride roo îgupon tlir -probable valué, 1Mr. . epie Na; but sînrgrngleceéhh -étlois Técel tae aa wlhi r egd i é e a it é ou t é b t d ooa n A hi e a s e e u a r e p éu ia l .'- J o n e s g a y ta l a t é x e éed in g i >. e l, s ud t h e p r csp e c t is w -émit>' yérs Pefore lue receivedthe défilemènt Acné ta hie patent hésîherse. l eyer waé ruined but lw-ic: oce that lie yield uw-lthéb e migelsu s feaured was lest le tawn te lhé m u s e , i s t e d c J u e t i me u h i l s a a w s u i , s u d o uc e w ' be n 1 - 1e 1 - ia d f r s ors . A il- t1é. rOMOtiOn ie ko wel deserve. fh'tBut hue g1aiecdnqtei- in-Nspro1 nfmJndèd- e teOlarceréandésarc Lityc li aebe4iv sd cenI>' uiti q'énsue: 'o nAnttlhebl-né eiug -lre uer art-emeredluda'é- dansine e acj,,,,..,. C.. -'tIlo MABBIPiDte.ouge O clA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Hoe ierchCouC-Ihn ianis'lil'caA hi>ocop Téapte h ImiCun--- HE IDAN - SULEY. - Ah cli lie w-as climiecled. Hé was thérmpe tte o iiows n5 lCrotsps edBar- ceol a oan epiopal h i uGuelph, ou Juno 6,1r;JmsE meh anA HoeitriPter Pei' tek -rater svre.' 'But i's . btete ito urmomnies'- rgmn èe'"anewba oding-%ht graI -Mh>') b Mie Hnn Srit.>', f uslfad-hilt Ptr ert ou e hegreumid ttinup luthe air wnih a -pléasune are yoyen lllngte"g),é up ai a Gunn..n 'ni anti active inmuréél lu np dozen r lurtrsil ,' saA the firsl Il w-ns raîber a bard. - - sac'f Jmîficé d-mu g iéaLoutltn ssconds?"ED reade lu lue nèwen portion of w-bal speaker. 'Yés, ma>' hé itl -but,' Adama Fralicr, w-ho commiîted sui&cidé and, respnded.4 bothuacod,- IED ow tncwn as North Ontanio. Hé atter a panse, 'Il dou't mate hait ce et Syracuse hast uveét, ratier thari <, ud >rspode. ILbéliéné I >THORNDIKE. .At Wiitby qui lite fi-st Béeve cf lie townuship of god n item 1' The youhfui scribe ho prisou fers acriméetofwhuch hé pro.w-culA gnr1e ep gwing to Iii nd hrsaJüe2t.,m.Mm lh orab ndèr thé Municipal Adt whiei w-s tee horrifled aI this cool mép>'. létsti hlie i'iî innocentl. Tirée or four tehrh."' -- e-umd , aTusld aJe20Mna . Wmn. Thonnil-e us the managézeeulof Local affaire Thé leugh old monsîer poudèmed a me- years a"o Iré w-sea prospérons business Paris Jul>'2-The triais b>' court- dent et thé twm. Ul tow-nship ; sud île expéenc et anA tien, atter a hong bréalu, man, but lu Decembér, 1869, hi. 'store* martial ý'et limée w'oman Ciariel, .W-ho etutmiontheshi ou ejaclulatel: 'If sié'd busted up aboné, was burned dewu sud héwas uumce gained nÏotorietydrglireuethé - LR ELR'GID.- ilionsoft twsp on ci a w-bat ash eilhr-womld have boon fer cf arsop. Thé inenrance cempanies >Ccmmtu3le inu ris'b>' murdeuinga s - -ESG UI d'huis, liai ailthong hé retireti vacant situations dewn amoug théeAélém-euiud te, test thé mattér, and geusmiarme, tuAcýf the man Phiwlpe, GRAND TlUN B.R. m lhe Couneil 1w-eut>' yars ago, ils uewspapèr offices 1' A more prectieni Fralicit ba& most -et lié lime emece been w-ho w-ai a promnilnt meniber oethe Trains heave Whiti> Station-as téllow.: 'éédluns 5h11be& tle imprese cf mls view cf lbiuugs aboyé or bélow was w-siting fer lie triailitat w-as concludçd Commuée, an&panlicipahe l insu>' cof G,ig Eset- Gomget- - tom mmid. ÉeHa d hen coufluéti neyer tacn. " ast w-eet. Hé w-as formA gult>', nd ils*m'tdisgrfeui acte; 'havé just hm xrsi --715a n Local... . -830 a.M. réo house from thé menth et Jau----.-'- sénlnce l taléheShate Prison,- leougi minatéti. Boti -wère.côuricled cf thée r 7Li O .m.Epesia luti te day cf hi. deali. lIn publié TîsszPUST OF MARRrImG Âme Imimmiah e Aecared hoe thé islhé w-ai leiei- chargésa-preferred agimet tbeni,-anA Loctal ... .7 2op. u.mid. 5-10 p.m. lio w-a i , nccmprinm, sud Ciîré.Thje KansasCil>'Tiia. - Qt tini etcruel circunustance. IRis w-ite sentemmed to boé,execntd xpMilos* ofn frinournd-n pgiorandho l e 2t t, iaI mules Aumanda w-as his failtrtil alteudant-;th l'at, Ta FaThe. trains rmmm vMoutréil limewliich is lins hisnd andie 0f land e ~ Barber w-luemnarried. Squ hi Basd fmul>'gavéeuitho niorpun TGT.--rPnerrRepr-ti meni i22mi,, es faser mnau Wiitiy tma Ï-toousgenfim . Of lae.yail hpartstti<cfelié a in hi- mi> fa bA benbon Aw-nw-rh Sinxhté a Wsigtou lu 1867, - lalsaveA hlur - fren ibt lpe-douabudant yeMin ' yWIHITBY &ePORT PE17RY BRR w-efm igh e yeaurs. wni t famija sud tloDakota Térrilor>' w-lbhem s nhundred'5 cf cases i w-hidi - he- an s.- - Of TainsGoing Nmwrt-S. Mil ix *euebofdeÊas mis àienar>', barrived lu tsI éevidence la ir-cuistanliatdcb -iti -lyapp- T- Ipeach1, .- w. ha! st e mre O ur cil>'oncule Steamer entenicfie, fraun lingermlunei'ery cand ind'u tlo cep ar 'thre - bong aiugWt ' tb- - - 737p.m= ît.~ileivI! ws tr>'morene-Pon Bértor a afl t1er ' éd. guilt cf tis i.mand ilit> ' ébat noe; but luis i undonbteffly;:-l&W' b PortPr>'(rié 103an. rhWe couri6à salutation, but là i.lg lire. years of hér - litéw-il? thé l iaben deetmeyed my the inexorable lei-aeia f -é pin,'-1hiéh a Tret sGmiilmgg ïub- Mixe.-Mail Moi umhncréihd> ~ ~ ~ nigi s-ulprédl'incn t Pearu te-have douéc nogeiaus hurt te Port Pie.. 8-pm inlént. ohm fini-acn.1 lhtbO6une , s .man .00 p.m. éd.Beqéiecat S. Ncc . nenial services. 'Shé- attenpteil tOeès- Thé Lendon Âéluuertieér says :-The Chicago parties are in Boston fer théeWuhi JNclion, 7VICa.m.40p uarértbi;'~?iré 25,cape, but w îas Mréca,,t1réd amA-beaten - neml3iêdal »'b~, anA' ~H0m. Wm. .c ug l israve'l usýrpose ofnegÃ"tatng' GIiiOre >te-- DVNg BRIE - hne a 3 o A c C iede C h rti r é e t h i r e n g i , a n dO u t a n eô , c e , é c t i n g i i m f e m a _o n ' s e ou r é a n éc b c cf t h e -g r e a t j u b i l e e 4 n ' Baaêtuj -.~2.-onfet t onis-- we w a iCe'ye ne hhr ufor t rese étigstate ofpubieé setimemt ; i heta t00.su. ~ bM atyla. aA le onmrohtiCui asit', udpants. , e w-stknnrt 17,inh the ch mu e o4a pemfonmu&~(5~ hvr'uAyomng- te baenlatenh üatly, Ind is nd w-"-mè ÃŽt èMyens i thé,1wcrk générait>'of a political deti - Eueouen. î£-8:80.and, M8-a. EL aluma5ay-RevafMi- toe. . 4aoe-Y!ý.Baeséet'îy tis__ g we sescaped te Fort >neumt 'Ug-ha'à hi;rskeé'ohs - ~ i é n o n M s a r e r ~ c im B a n a < > ' ti e , l u tl e i t e s f e t hl e O t a a -r - ý X I I . o f S w - d e n , ju s t e [b f o m e b a t t l e _ C a n ,ýd A P euyr i i m C u r c h - t« U sL .m nenon, 3nl~-~h En~lsh ctet on.iA>'fr- Baer oetKa ityol,-ernmen, te wvhoniuié-snds a AmuI'n- f Narva, tlaI lheemwmy *re Ar e-, Lunî -,3f.aIeyt, éxiýx, J l he7EÊha c&k on rid -pots.It ll dto&. Abat Mr. iMc- t te 0 ý1 kIamn ga& 1 -beau, itl,thée (TongréatomsulCtiuri,'-1t MiL . manA ea ý j 1 L o n i u r3d a y , M as . -;éri> 6 v 6 g a -g o 4 a i an î -t arm l j K i u n w oc,, 6 M i ~ y f o 3 p . - 1 4 vM B b l ya9r »e't Montrel, À urè- f 0.i t 1ln there - wll, k. #poe j 'th11, . 'lzeiChz-tU-= a ropo ramlIt - nougku$01 r4sozsea 0 suABeV; ut, 0tg- -wr #4 . ,w -'v- ib - -r c,, -1 f j- ~~-1~~ -/4 t

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