Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jun 1872, p. 3

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Il ý-812Pv'4 or ravl urnsisea roa diviion n lW, #.46; jesseWelIs, for l>Muu4uc as rond, 80 conta. SOuamion cuof! Mi, )ollggant, a by. -lawwa brou4 innd passat, to Th Keerea4 the- certiat.cd John -Sluler, civil eulgmueer, ,ertyis t'uaitise1 whOle cf lthe gradung ou lii." *P, W. & P- . F. alway, requirtrob prepare te il adfor tli.tici s cons. *pleted. Th.e cuunei} sljoured mit lthe- Llnt Monday iu July sert. épecW nsmeetinty, 1pursuant te mura usons frous bee evo. Ail lt e om ber. rescrit. Beeal Ishechair. TMe Peeve prementeti sud reandlte pouliesn cf Geô. 'Biggs and 8 otiters, prayisg for a grant cf -825 laeut dovu Valentino'@ bill, provided thectownsitip of Beach wili approprIai. a 1ke. ins for tise 1mme apelby 1ev vwu breugltins sund pasieti, te *appropriaIs 82000.00 for thisIproeo. mnentac ronds sud bridge,. tlroughoUt th. townshilp, On motion, cf Mr. McTsggatt,.he caunciladjOursei nhil tise frot Weti ncsday lu July next. limbu eccurcd on tise Great Western Billvay sean London4, laut uikh, be. Iveen a specual freuittranm asacon- strtuctIon train, viercby0cspman, nameti Dasiel War,-vas ipatanlly kfilei, aud nmse seves erCIsiutter. ver 2seerLy)UjredtiIo cf vhom bave- s The<le e fllcvliug are tise facts, gleaneti by Ouir reparler afler 'careful Investgatiou;, No. 8 coutruc.. îion Ireiu vas vorking yeterday atter- necu belveen Landau sud Wabuuc, ah a Point fiYe miles eout cf Lcudcne vitit positive entiers ta look cul for No. 128 (Opeclal freigisi train) vison approacit. * ng Loudonu. Tisenien -ounltiepcial freiglit train lbal sca positive orders ta ,lock eut fer No. 8 viien itlolft tise yard ut London, Leaving bise yard,gcg east, tiser.lis a cuirie in ltaermaivionsg it approaclues andtcoscses the Grand TÙnJkuailvay truck, antiaa. tue ride tracici on tither ride -of tise main truck wore fl.ai. cari, Sparravliavk (lise eosuducor aiflteconstruction) vitile backing ie oLandau yard, tender firsi, vansittlug on tise top aiflte'tender, lcping a look out. Mr. Neiles, thc Ècuductor ofthes. special, vas alec stand- lugesplisetopaofse oailsecars ai hia train ou tise look ont. Tise cnstruc. and thes pecial freigisl vas rutsning »qiuite slow visen tisey collidsd. Tic veigill cf tise cars beiindth ie cslscosc, Muvici thlie laboreri wvesritiing, anti tise caboose beiug nerl lise loccmotive, it vas pusetiou te bise frontcuti cf tiss Ugie lindthe iujury resulteti. Tise Lndau iFree 1'rels of tlise nornin saye -Poor Ward vam lusntly Iillei lisohea&.being seveedfrom lis body. ýAnit idhan nametiDay hisat iecluest Jujureti, ati eg baly hurt; a yanug a naniroinsGalt (James Iisllauutyue) a tiuigi brokon asdt tis her badly crusît. eti; George Thomis, ai list iy, hp inue ru ttsy. Anotser nman 1usd lwo ib brokeut. A nuniler'ai cari liroken anti nuroofeti. Tise drivers anti fnion agscapedly Jumping.- x>. J. B. Flocit, C. W. il1ocis, Monse Street, aud Nivins wra carly on lise scene, antd tireseeilishe vouuds. Dr. Flock BIuuenoued a jury on tise spot, got titen te vç e body oatf aiWarti, anti aujourn. su 111t.ll oeversn'a ock tiis vening ai: lie City h1all. Ward leaves a issmily ai tes cîiltreu telament hM. LaIe lutI niglit, Ballantyxio 'was lu a bail vay, tunul il vas fearetiho coulti ual recover. Canadian Prosperiy. Canada net ouly pays lier vny vellif as tus vl as an y couutry in tise vend, butac i e ghtly tareti, and yet his tiselisappluemi ai dealinq vitis a large surplus. Mer revenuseni thsepasmlfils- cal yestn àii#19,885,00W, erpenditutre $ 15,028,000, soypîfis about 68,700,0W0. For tisa.curnent ycsr ise ostuisteti ns. venue erceetis $20,000,000, and al- tilougis taxation Il e te lc till iuntiter ligîitteneti s large surplus revenue ie (xereite tareniain. ' ~vimwsh er rilwa1yue did usveil praipercus conceru, but il cannai be saiti isai tsomse hofaundtibhe Capital fo ir CauadLiuriilvays is general have beneittati by îiseir enterrue. TisaI tisey vill do 50*isowever, un lime ve bava not a doult.-Hcrapcfle'c ,ourÙo. Tise W. Mi Conférencec concludeti 1h. -labors laut week. TIse flloving are lise revlscti appolusimonli for lise Wliihby District- ý Vhiby-Jý. E. Sanderson, M. A., TIiton. W. Camnpbell, Conradi Vantinses, Supert.; lt<bet Dulinglon, Super- nunserary. QsRlaa.- WistsScott. Pickering--Qeorge H.-Carnuis, (Green- moot), Joosepi Deacots. markliam-- Jonathansi E. B3etts, Davidi Cattanaclu. llovrunuvilloi-Jolin liredin. Darling- toit-- Tuas. A. 1ergusots (E iuluilen), james P. ?4etcalf. Nevcsle-WVîn. -;UDanagil, lîiiopluar L. Tîtanpoan. prin* ce Albet-Alireti McCausn, Ncv- -È11 .SUa-uplc y t i- Kîgoasorsut, Juisa 22.-Tii, Ecikon- iners of South Bruce %vfll assemble lu *-Convention ai Ilivenstiale ou Tuesiday, lis. 251h mît.,uaIunue p. um..-uten tise -Hon._ Edwantidclae viii meet tise de-' lssoand'aip adtiress a mass meet- ing 'If lisoconsttulent& On lise falloir- 'iug day bliers will lie a'grand demon- atratios lier. lunloonour ai tise Premi*er Ofa Otntario. RiHienis. eintendthoeet &"mn processioni on lite vay frai cgsîlale, and viilestertalu hlm anti oer invileti guletsin, a manster Pic- F.nsie, ne biltiig lieu-ebeink stiffcienti>' lange tu accomnotiste al uic desire la do -ti Mn. lBlake lianour. The grestest esiitisnsieos îreuaile îtndi Lvecy effort te Iting iasdoe t rendu-r tîil, tiemonqtra- ionttwortliy ai tisecaisse. FAST Tiusr-At Myctie Park, Boston, -Wetinsmday, Goldsmith Mais) lent Lucy 'lu lice straigisi iteats. Tisse, 2:21, 2:16.1 (fasteit time uattrecord), tand A uxrC ttuuder utorut Itas visulel the ï c4 lies of Englasti, doing piuci-'damuage mati inigmevonil pèe- sous. Tise,- teamsbp Msupiis i1 Intheprt of Lviol a tuk~ g'1nti meiouslydansaget by *fine. Ni'AnEra, Jurse 22.-TItis afternoon ebLatit twao 'clook, tva 11111e girls age4l, ilve anud nilse yeas, tise former a dauugiten of Mr.' J. T. Grange,' M. P.; of thim place, tisa otheouf'MriPhas., Grange, vére drounc in(s-a pond wshli .lablitlg asIGrqnge's mils. GreatI sYm.ý path s o xpi'esed for tlise breavect Pa. rentg. rlt isai1that Cliiet Ticonderoga, ef lso ix Ntion Intiasis, andi 2-,00 oýr 8,0Mo1'h4s. bveo, squtaws anti &p* at queffl ton Weil'ce JEFB ,- Whutby, -on lise 22ns1 of Jmie, 18m, Wm. ;offrey, x5d 78 years. TRi VELLERS' G(.VIDE, Timisuaavo Whfib' Station s. folIcs'm G Aug am- Goitug est- Zxpes... 716W.-i.Local....030A.m. 2M ei 9:0P.Zni. Rxprem. 1&15 AML Local. 7:Wp. m > >le .1p.mi The. trains non cstrîî fm t e his 22 minute, aott ýWitbr'ilne. WEITY & FORT 'EREY R. RB. Trains Gclng Not-t- * Mil. mxed Whitby Juncilo, iMO &a.. 80p.m Whthy, 9 0-- .m . 787p.s Port Perry, <s-ve »M080-.. L3OOPE Trains Golsg Sos- Mxd al Peut Pery (depari, 0M. mm. 2.80 p.ni. Wbitby,(anrve> 128 sm. 8:40 p.m. Whitby Juncticu, 7»0 &.m. 400 p.m. DIVINE RERIVIC.- 1Aul Saints 'Cburh-iIl a. ni.' , sud 7 p. bi.--Rev. Mr. Cayley. CathoWl Chrch-.ewry Sunday morning ai 80 aud 10-JOa. nm. ptertel7z-Bev. 3&. 'Oh <o esdne, Odmawa. : 1amsPebyte1manCbrch-Ât Il s. ni. and 080 p. . ie?5U 33, m. Congrsgationd - Churh-At Il a.ni. aMd. 030 p. m.-Xev. -L. Gibbs, St. AudrrW'mChurcl-At il1a.m. and 030 p.m.-llsv. Mr. Frasr. Wesleyan M toit Chnrh-At 10-JO a. ni. and 680 p. m.-Bev. )fr. Sandersos., ,T]r ,Grne's Pbsracy lias lAautblacd Fao& a b spl o Dr !ytm siusce _r mcPoasion adal)Ysa. la.tvrmcand uini m in a Bood- Pod; e 1îk. ag i chan. In Asilima ami Brocchutis, where there ia dimnit breathing, 'wtuhcosg u d rizg phlym lu the o. n,ltisà mtiit ble.in dsesss penUato vomen it la er fectly reliable, curtng wth great certainty aUi rrogcuarilas, mippremslanm, xausting diharen, and restrSmg ami enrSinte mcmit prostaecsllno i.bd. i d e*iflt aa c. o as t fc Brenkfasm-Epps's Cocon.- Grote. fui and vomalrig.-" By a thorongh ksawledge of the. saturai laws whicli govers the operations ot digestion aud nutrition,and j ba careful aplication -of the fise proper- cf 0 well.solected cocoa, Mr. E pp ana p rovided onr breakfast tables witli a d'eirate- ly favored beverage, whicli nay msave us zssny heavyidotors' bWll.-ÇiciIService Gazett e. Mades.nrpythwiuli igwater.r MU11. Each packetisl labelled-JA». Evi's & Co. Homoeapatbic Chemilais, Londau. Aiu inclers of pm Milfky Cocos (Cocos and NEW ADVERTISEMIENTS. WHITB, MARKETS. CICinoLE On'îea, Joque Qtli, 1872. FailWlieat ........ .... l 5 Gsil58 spring Whest...........#1 8~$ 40 Barl.y ................ 6e@ Fe":*.. ............. 5c @,70e~ iiy................ Goc C,65e Oasa...... ...........5C oWC iEray .......... 1 Potatoeo ............. 40e 40tc Claver Seed ............. N Tniothy ...............p6 Ifapla Sugar .. ........ 12ic à 15)c Eggs ..- ...... lOc@lIoc Butter ................c15e et1c Cheese ............ ....14e ,à 18e Beef, hind quarter..... 1@ 88 Beefr fore quarter....107 C437 Park, per cwt............ E~ 6 0 Wood ................ ta@ 05 Wool.................6e NEW ADVERTIS79NENT.S. EF-STATE OF THE LATE JAMES H1. GElIRIE. STo thtons intereoited.-Take Notice -.Tbai 1, th undndrtwtliat al partes haviug cam gis so ilbn in the omne wihont ilay. Before the 1âth day of July next, Accounts will bc forwsrdied, sud ail parties owlug tiil.eiste are requested to male prompt settlementg. T. A. GEIIRIE, Executrix. Whltby, Juise 2, 1872. 261 OHN L. WATKIS, OFFiCIAL to aununet pomition of litiyoni~ Itov far 1 cnidene, mti4n' y lifticl queil i=usediato1 moy cfpoiiumI>Pi opn inhe iso n bera Of thé Erective. 1 ans, bise fore, Oppeseilte al coalitibua cf ep- poing political kurtloa for cansying on lteé ordsnay affaul, cf Geîenseb. -In eider itait.evanta and wvishis- of bite People- ney b. faihfllyroresntt u inte Legisia- bur, l ( ncesar tai: frasil aud lulimiiatienlu . ils elec- tien, sitlenl i ewlbh erensplary pçnighmézitý sadite mcmi:ample op. y lhuijafe er1~i.fo at Ubseexercie cf Ii.' franchîËe. The holding of al lte élcptions l inte Deniusi on onou.anti te sans.day, =ndçthéautiterity of a stilugeni: 1evw, for lie punishmnu of bribery sund cer. nupt practices, snd the. trial cf cou- Itetaelection, by lte Judgcs, voult, in rny opinion, conduce laelitai recuit. wlsilo il i. requiaite ltai: tise Exécutive sheuld have certain dis. crtienany powers, I holdthebitaopinioni a hisaf avers osulniti lc conine to tise ls Emtconssaent i: il lte proper administration of tse Gov- crnneni: of lte. counutry. Hence I stand finuly opposeti .lo placiug te -expenditura -cf lange ;smonssoaipublic moueys aI bise disposai ofliteMnsty vitisout the. sanction etor iasu beiug frat olitainedtitauailparticulare and detal ecbuuected therewitis. We finut hat countnies tisaI bave advanced mnit inlunutional greainess anti materïal prospenity, are those visose peop le are engage inluthse inosi divermufietipurmits, sud viso lave turnedtlatiseumost account the ntural'ativantages they possses. Possessing, as ire dô, lu aur fertile goil, cxtensi<fe Lake, anti immense rivens, natural xesources ho au nlmosh unlinsiteti ertent, as v eil as easy communication beiveen al parts ai tie Dominion, ilte smy lin convic- tion tisai, vitlithtIe euergy and enter- pmeaois-u people properly direcleti, 4Cencournged by -vise legislstion anti Tooe avm, 1h. lime il ot tfar distant visen our Dominion will raulk amng th. firit ceunties ofthie globe, in lise erleni: sud variety of ber agicultunal anti mnuifactureti eoducts. .,-Our pal- i' saoult le ueS, in my opinion, tisaI 1%ile encouragisg tise tevslopnienl ai aur saturali es e, ta, aitise sainie lime, utilize oui necessities by .levylug s duty for a portion of tise revenus requireti, upon ucl i lporteti articles us cau Le nicet atvaubageouety pro- duceti asdtiiasnufactiiW' in cuir avu country. .Ae ail ouL' natoural ativan- tages are usclemo out brains snd isantis ta direct a ~ply tiseni, ie shoulti' maltsni;socf eves'y praper menus la line. c lmigration ta aur country. Tiief*ifenee of a country like our, isaving,,tisds of cimiles cf inlauti boundai* must cecI maisly vils tise brave 4barts anti1 chant aruns af lier people; -fI, tloerefas-a, oloulti bc aur alis to cultivate a martial spirit lu tise people, and train our yonng men ta lie experte luintisa use of warliko' weapous, anti ta tilencuthie Gavent- mient sisoulti offer titeui sufficient lu- ducemeuta -for devohing tise tume eceessaqy for tisai purpose ; sud ual as h itisorto, huy ticpending upon lie muni- cipal coueila ta mioke goodth ie de- ficiency. Tisese -sund &Uaiotier ques- lions, ilaving refèronce to tis e vliare of lise country, I sisal, previons ta tise eleehiàtt, issue an oppartuuity ai dis- cusmlug vitis -yosu, ai public meetings cuti «bierwise. ýAnd, lu canclusian, I niayhob permiltet te adtit, iat beiug. "l tis-te manor boasW' sud iavlug nit property in lie iting, my luhereas are imsparable from yanrs, And that, sitould you hanaur me wits your co-, fieuce, sud charge me vils tise dulies ci your represeutation, I shail, la tise ntmcstcifniy Isumble abilities, endea- vaux ta tieserve the anc by a fithful discisarge of lte oiser. 1 ami, Gentlemen, Your mosl ohedieni, huîmleuservant, Tt.WHITE, Wlîitevale, Jue, 1872. JNTHE SURIIOGATE COURT 0OF THE COUXSTY F OITARIO. In tise goatis of! William WViiamson Hltby-lale ci tise Tawn ai Wisitisy, -deueasei. ta lu mnd In pursuance of Statite 2tis, Vie- ta attend, loaisCilp. 28, tise credtors oi William 26 IWilliamscn Halllsy, laie of tise hovu of - - V1iiby, l is e Couuty ofOntario, visa idt on or about tise Tlsirtietis day ai Apnil, 1872, arc hereby natifiei ta senti rick Ter- to Joiln Holtby, son ai' tisee si William iWilliamson Holhby, oi tise saidt tan ci pn ,Wlsihby, lise atisinistrator- of tise per. ri otl siousi celaIanti effeets oitiese aiti aHtl.William WVilliamson Holtby, aI tise Rlu2 aittown of Wiiby, or ho tise uuîder- signeti,ns isis Solicitor, c on beface the 9tis con- Twenty-Fifth day of JuIy, 1872 acres, 80Tieir Cluistalu snd Suruames, atdresi- àt;h, part e-nidscito;tiefslparticulers ced .isu ddsrpio;t&fl in. Two of lhier daims, a statemeut of! hein hly one- acconîs, aud lise sature of tise secuno- s!a Ioir lies (if an>') ielti by sen, oa n udefauît oby let- thereoi, le>' vi Se ercludeti tram thse PER, - bouefit ofadis ttributioo ilta <msets ai am P. liste sait estatavitich ithe administrât«r t4.8 hereof vili hereAterduroceedtitemalte. AUl permona inteis bIte sait estate 182ar10sedt settie tiseir intiebteti- t To CIG. YOUNG SMTH, Solciofoilte Atinsinimrator. r/RN 1 Wiiby, Jane 19,'1872. 25 mii uFOR LE Aprettyleanie cottag, anti quarter acre 1,Ni-lot, sitn*ed- on Ceittre StiS r te ontor Colbauq norts Wes4aynsMetodisi Chituici, aI pre-- Charlotte met accuplet by 3fis,'Rochie, Tiere us a <iii cas- goat l irsi stfirsl clasi foit Ires.. rTUs.siN, Aise quarter sla i situalet on Ferry rhursday Strect, sean ait stegmaimii lihShore Apply ta A<ÊIONEEI O .FFC-:atDson ourtca ie, AUCTIONEER, &c., &c. Port Penny. Pent Perry, Jus. 24, 1872. 26 - UBiLIC NOTICE. Tise "ilbe Cliristsins' have stade ne- -rangements for psching lu tise Tam ai, Sunday, June 80, 1872. The Ret. J. Renner, of Osîsmwa,, lie firsi addreoc lunulie Mechasit service cmeanecing at 2:30 o'cloc isopet aliltise Bible Clhriattûsi triend arauniWlitby wml imake su effort t Jus, 25, 1872. J{0OUSE TO LET. Onrn Street, opposite the Dl race. Iise lndiete Possession. Apply ta tise proprlie, Wiitby, Jant, 25, 1872. FARM FOR SALE CIIEAp. - 1e1ng thesoruliheU cf Lot 34,1 cession Whltby, contaluing 100a serec cleareti, île remaluider bus Sester. LGoct buildins, veilifeuc veli ustereti.; excellent for geain igooti oreheets of gsted fruit, 01 glsrd tous, tise iauce on tii, Interest. AjPiy eàtise premeono ter, pre-paif, to WILLIAM liAfli Bals Brismn, Junse 22, 1872. 1872 4th JIJLY GRtAND PLEASURLE EXCutsltun ROCHESTER and RETb The Steamer "lNORüsEMAN" WEVDNE8DAY mning, liedetfi leave for Rochester as flloir,: ' s.a., Oshawa 4.46, Danlinguan 8. rne 0Part Hope 09, Cobourg 10,' 111,igitan I p.mý., srrtvi1ug attc eparly sanie ereulug, vheee a train'1 excurmiOiults toi Rochester. Br' eave Chiarlotte ah 9 'ciaek 'i evmulug, landlug Pasoegor ni Nar Parts et an edary houre i foil iltARE, for raul trtip to Cisan back 0. Ticket@ for Ibis, Excursion goo t eut cf the veek, vixah tJul>', =tulçrip -ef the Rosti racurai 'o. bin, WhitbY,A.. Chisis Jasses O Guy Oshawa, Tho$, ye] 90aiivfile, Johns1 McClellau, Da L W- B dueYNwastle, A. Cles bornue, A. 14oCalun4rigîton Thosupsos, Belleville, qesuge & N' neXBanfor-d, Riligon. z PIaddictintathe oregasug .pei tue tea=ml order taosseable el ta he O ent t thte Geat-,munsleal liibuhsop Carnivil iluRochester, M tUs andt. ih sJuly, 1872, vil issu'e Ticketsle beeobtkinet jrtram l ac lai ta 4thjuly,~~ si bretiusre.lt R.0.o- .l citte ant umil tise ,by suy le tram Ioule.s, Lrligtau, as, Part 1er, Col. J. W. Bras.i l tnai O lut, 3rt, 3Relues lurser an ws tind - ' EÉrack St., WtUtbe'. Wisutby, J5Jg 4i8é . . n-.2 SO4XG ERVAÈT WANTED. 'Wauted, ta go to Toronto, for Scamail' iiUY, a goat, capable, tUcrdugii emunt, Appi>' b - MilS. THO&. D<JW. Wiitby, Jane 19, 872, 26 A-. FIRST CLASSFÂRM .TO RT Tie souili half af loi Nio. 9, Broken Fron2t, Pickaring, contaiuigosg 0cr7es,, oi uueh areclaared. Tiere .a&am cewoa plendid spingiihent, 10 ares ipeu Ma 8 acresof, omis gpvig on msait ù Tis- aatune yonî.=.1just conimeueiuig 10 boar; ana t ' pgaatr AsWeams. Alease" ývil bc given for suy nuubr 01 Y&S. -X IL 't.ON H. J. MACDONELL. Covunty Clerk, Couuty Ontario. (Tc lie publislied l in heWMrs C3iUniIcLZ aly.) Wliitby, Juse 18, M82: 25 PIC*1N0ON The Roan as .tlalic Caugregatians of Whîtby and Oshawa have united lu giviug a grand Pie-Nic, m, Friday, June.28, 1872, At Mr. Aunii's Beautif ul.'Gave, beiweeu Wliitby sud tshaws. Thç:roceeds te be apliedn aid of building 'a PresbytMr for Re". Fathe Sbca. ke- Tlie Fise ]Band of ilie 84tl Battalion, andi ais Lubsc', Quadrille Baud wili bc in at4vldance. -Aj.Acraase Matcb-TWIlbe-playd-on the- fg ounde. andi there wtU ll im be varions Atli- Wic amusements, ai whicli prizes will lie given teuthe successal competitors. Tickets 810 cents for admission te, the graundsansud iluner. Clilidren hlaf-price. Tickets for al ai Me. Jchnstcu's Jeweil. ryStore, ai Mr. Mnrpliy's Dry Gooda Store, sud athle CasoNICLE flCeWlitby; sud aiea by Mrs. tiDonavan, Mmc. Jalinsthn snd Me. Higgins. Whitby, June 17, 1872. *25 T OWN SCHOOLS, WIBY MID8.UMMER EXAMINA TIONS. Toeday, 26,h. 2 p. m., fi gb S&hbel Senr. Diviuie,,. J sh n st. iSchnel, leur. Anderson St SeLect Trds,27, 10 sm., Johns St. écheel. jour. 2 p iii.. Il igi schoel. Janior isenI Friday. 20,,i10 s.m.. tHenry St. Schccl, ird il 1 2P.,,M., ile18 The public are respectfully invited te ut- tend. R. J. M1ACDONELL, Whitby, June 18, '72. Cliairman. S H AWL FOUND. Lady's liswl fouud <opposite Hardware store of Mr. G. C. Grass, wlicre tlic sanie may lie obtained.f Wliitby, Jue 18, 18372. 25 JN CHANCERY. i WRIGHT vs, VALENTINE. i i purmusuce af a teeree snd flual ardor madein thesabave caumeaudihthe approba- tion ot George H. DartulEq, atro this Court et Wliltby,vihom7dhyPbc Auction, ai R=bo'îHil nîeTm c whitly, a ih loekntuthe farenoon cf Fr/day, the 5th day of dudy, hext Bt LEVI vAr"5ANES5, 55., ÂicTIo]FErs, Thie noruli-es quarter of loi nunnber eleven is tlie fourth concession of the i»wnsliip of Pickering,ccuntsining fifty acrcs,niare or les,. Upou theprpry are a cânifartable Log Dwelling Ifousi4e, sud a god Frame P3aru sud Stable, sud a good arcliard. Theabaove land la aý fine ijuaity, suitable for grain sud pasture ; la distant froni the Milage cf Gr.cnwood about oneemile sud s quarter, frais Duffins' Creek abost four milem, aid front the Town af Wlitby about eighi miles, vith good ronds to eiuiier place. A deposit cf $10 in e"eM $100 of the. pur- clasm ney ta be paidto the Veudar'c So- licitor ai Uie tome of sale, tageilier wiilia furthçr uni af $33sud thse blance of the purdhace mauey to Ci paifi with luterestinl ose monili thereafier int Court ta the credit of tiis cause. e Thie purcisaser shal sot ho entitled ta osesmoon tili the l5th de y of October, nexi. liere wil bhonoe reserved biddiugfixed by thie master. The conditions of sale lu other esects are the standing conditions cf maie oJhic court. Furilier particulars of maie eau be had froni the Auctioneer, tram J, Keiuli Gordas, Ves- dor's Soliéitor, sud the undersiguet master cf tiil Court ai Whitby. Dsted Jane lird, 1872. GEO. H. DÂRTNELL J. KEITH GORIDON,- Mamier. Vesdcr's Solicitor. Whiby, Jane 12,18M. . td-24 .CHA2CEBY JUDGMENT 7FOt SALE. Tiie anderqusmt ishites> t s*iuaina tuiue là CUs ourit cf Chaserym- is Samuel Boeton Burtcl, barimmrcfth cf Beavertos, lanA p;"7l1t; aud dllar.. RBT. SANDE]%ON. ChiefConstale, vuof Whutby. Whitby, Jus, 11, 1872. S3ir-24 Te pétrehase, ai iescau Swê v ya" COMPORTABLE t8DEcE lppl3' mitisg temzu, J.' F. E PARWELL, unicurens' .iats w, LUWi5J Ii1DOs, J.aes Farasôls, &Ct i , uifable ,for theseaan. -A'Large'Stock of 'Summer (Jlothting ~Miliuiey ., flrsnàkinîg aind Taülor-- igoorer. AChoice Loi~ of New Teas, expected lu ifow days'. LOW ES &POWELL June 26th, 1872. 26ly AT THE, BONA F/DE CO8T JOHN. SK'NEIR GIVING Up BUSINESS! LEAVING TOWN The entire stock offered at cost. WE MUSI SELL', OUT Corne For The Bargaiis8 A t Once 1 Ail accounts must btêpaid forthwith. Whitby, June 26, 1S72L 26 An Imrmebise StocAo N EW 0ROCOKERY AND GLASS'WA1tE. XX & XXX ALE in Bottie.i Dow's .$iupe ior Bottled Aie. R. FRKýNCIS, Family Grocer, tc. Whitby, June 19, 1872. SUMMER GOODS A T MoMILLAN d- Co. 'S Panamea. as, from . $1l87i toa 0 Strav Rats, tram . loc to 1650 FeitHRats from - 75c ta 250 Silk Rats trom - a. 00 ta 400 Linen Coanstfron - 1 25 ta 800 LÙstre sut Russel Cent Coati, 2 00 ta 2 50 Mualin Dreas Goods tram 10c ta 215c Grei4adiucDress Gootis tram -121c te 50e Brillants, PriutisutndCotions -ot every lise. Tise -above goots arc tecitedly the beci value lu the market. -é 200Vbi, Cotton Yarn T.UH. McMILLAN & Cc. Whitby, Jane 12, 1872. 24- GARIA CES AND -CUTTERS81- M ' O'DONOVAý£N'S.e' SPj4E]DiDLY PM- SH"D CAJRI'ÃŽAGÉ, 'f UGGIE6, AND'-:O(17'ER8,- 0F VERY SUPERIOR WORKJLtNSHZP.,. BUGGIES & SLEIÃ"HS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. WHITI3Y Noy 22nd,18'70. BOO0T AýiÇD,;SHOQE STORIE Wallace's Blcick, -Whltby, and Dominion Bloek, Uxbridge, E:D Sign of the Maminoth ü oot. Havig reéeîved frke dito& 'is large Sprixig 8tôk, o elling al kinds Of Boots aud. Shes rlntable fore asnatnhrdf Patisi~qu iG Cods in hs-Liie, will I eil tc> exa bic ternus ilowhich ,eiseaibetophase, give M4il g Mii. KEzî.i also- manufactures ail kind8 ofzStitched, Seweâ ?gWonk, b culer, 'n raadonable tenus. '&' p0 OO U ti~ 1872: Ca -SAMU-i PRÀCTICÂL CARRIAGE MANUFA TURB, DIJNDAS STIREET, WHIITBIY-. In returning thanks for past patronage, begs to announce, tha t he base coustantly -on band, -udin course of mannfacturu, Carrnages, Buggies, (covered an& open> latest styles, b nd vehicl es of ever-y description. As he uses none but the best material, and employs the best, waorkmen, the quality aud finish aifibis wack can lie dependeti upc'. Rrery-uing su tise way cf carriage mnutfacture sud -repaira promppy sutended-tc-. Al Àli warranteil. Wbiîby, May 26, 1872. SAY¶UEL WAL2KEY. 1872. ý SIJMMIER GOODS. 1872.1 A"s- wbereaa, the amount of the oxi;tingl debonture debi cf i eimun=leialiiy la as *abave met forth, sud no part of the princi- pal or inlerest ilmn rear. -AnÀut verethe apnalmpeial rais luth. dlafrpaying t uscMadtcreating *L ar e aôe= iet one, cf ieemmet d preoelyai 4si esoa fld ssmônnty.iýte* Be it Uienefore eumctmt by tuemunicipa thé eCorpstoîâ"f ths'ocuty Itat the W ard cfathe Cauuty b., sudhb. is be~lsUcta or!lt upme canx -sgonî tise obj ectm prapcmed 1111»ta: tomnoe debent,=- * cf lite s Corporation. for su amoni i i exceediu1 mntewol h u-mofTvrenty Thouusan Dollars, sud for munis nat lacs tisuancn huudred dollar for estis dobeniture, sud- beaning mlermat therataecLairpercent- nmpcrmutrn payble athtit day cf mvety Y9 yea, urngle cautfnnce cf thi By.ley, thspecpýalsud iulnottc ob payable attie reoffthe i.ComistyTre murer cf tise cat <ouuiy cf Ontario, sud the said pnciSpal muni cf Twesty Thoau& and Doflar mcanie due sut payable on île Firsi daycf October, 1892. Tuaittis By.law salltalc. efeci ou tise, Firsi day of Octaher, lutise year ai ouur Lord ose thounufi egithandred sud meventy tira. Titat for the purpose cf paying tise luterest sut creating an e5pu yesrly sinking fond for pa Iths pituipal cf the new debt. hlere 1 l holeviet un eacliyeran equal annuel special rata cf one furliofan mill au the dollar, upon tle vIole rateable property cf tis aid manicipslity, iu addi- tion toa al other rates. .1 FORU 0F NOTICE. Tise above la a trus eopy of s pr ood By-law ta ho taken luto cossideratias bly he muuiepall7ofnithse County cf Ontario, ai the twn o h lu y inls.esaid. Cofintyon tise 24t1 day cf Sepienihor, 1872, ai tisethur of 2 o'cloek l i thafuiersacu, ai vnich time sud p lace the menihers af ihe Council are herehy requirefi ta attend fer thie purpose aforesaid. Passed tlie several readins, Wisitby Suis Jane, 1872. -Wbiîby,.Ly 29t1u, 1872. J. JAMES J. MURPHY. G. MeDOUGAL,1 BAKER AND CONFECTIONER,. SODA BISCUIT MAN1IFACTOIRY, The undersigned in returning thanka to bis numerous custorn. ers and thc public in general, for ibeur liberal patronage ic bim for tise pnst fine. yeara, ncapectiul_ il sîcits a continuua c f'th. sane, andi wiih es ta anitotnce tînt in addition to bis former biusiness. le bas pîircbsaed, at a consitierable -expence 'machiuery for the nînufactiuring of Biscuits and Crackers of every- kind, F' And lie is prepared b fitl orders Wholesaie and -Retail, on short notice, et ressonable ratas. Cusuemeni enutiepend ou beiug supplieti vith a mupcnbor Biscuit, as none but tise lest material is umet inl manufscturiug. j3read, Cakes, Oandies and Sweetmneats of every description sud of lbe tory best kind is alwsys t e al sdau lhe olti stand, Brock Street. Also, an assortment of al- kinds of F'RUIT in their season. Wbltby, gay 29tb. 1872. J. G. rieDOlUGAL, N EW MUSIO STORE,- GERRIE 's BLOCK5 BROCK STIREET, WHJ-TBY, Wher,,will be found Sheet Music, anud Music-books of all ki4-NiaMusical Tustrumeuts *of every description, iuclud- îùgýyiolin Strings and Bôws of the best quality; $tatiOnery, Sebool Books, &e.,- Beautiful- Uusical and Literai-y Works, Sui- table for Presents, constant- ..ly ou baud. -ÀCHOICE MAI)VYARLED ASSORTMENT. gDMagaziues, Periodiçals, and Papers supplied. dehs for Music and Bookoouarflly filled. SAil Or-I JORN- -POST. Wluitby. ay 29, 1872. GENTLEMEN'$ CLO0THINQH PLAN 0F . JJiIIBUT Ose hundret sut sevsuly-flýve nnmberm, reSauisg the nnber jaseti, viii l ised lu none viteel *Tue Drawsriga wil take plce Juiy Stb,iiie at day cf tii. Concerts.- N. B.-The. 3fîsager places the drawing in tii. lande ai a -Conimittee, ta b. cie by té tcket li.ld«*i preseu't ai the tisse of 8I' here wlUl bc no Postposeinent. A full Listof the rawisgsivllhbe pb.- filheda sas as the Dra ' takesls=, snd articles oh'pedto asny leîdtiatiaii, as -Ter order. Ih Wll ake.ua difference ta persans holding Tickets -whether tliey are preseut or siot., AU ordarsfor, tickets by mail muet b. ad- dressed ta GEO. H. ELLES, Manager, Rochester, 1.Y,64 JBuffalo Street, PoweWs Commercial Buildings. Agents seling Tickets -for the Great Carnival, ai 'Whitby-A. Masos, Albion hotel*; -eo. Bobsosu, ilbson house; C. Dawes, Ontaiîo hotel; IL. Snow, auni ,B.7H. Jaiseson, grocers. D AY B 0A BDERBS. A e etieèn csbe supldwh Day Boardl a cnrlprinfti on by spplying at the oee af uhi».paper. .Whitby, May Sus, 1872. li WHITBy HARMÀCY ANDS 1'AMILY ..DRUG STORE O F TMR LATE JAMIES ,.H., Continues ta k e arnied.ofn as heretofore. Drais, Ciemieaha, atent Metielséa, Djc-, Lamapa, Kero.çoensd Cool 011 kat Wisle- sale st Retail. Iloan Paper-A new r tock jut arrivet tram E -lntdiect. ,Wmstby, Jane Suis, 1872. - 28-tf p ORT WITJIY &POliT FERRY E. 1R. T 1 M BI - T A 'IJýL B-. Takes ellecton Snturdny, Joue lIâ, 1872., TrainsGolug North. Mail. - Mixet. Wlsiilsy.Junrtiosu. O!#(i) a.s7 l30>p. WlVitb3-, 'éii 1 .m. 7 87 p.mn. Brooklin,9 2 aori, 7 '-el pan xyrtie "D 49 s.us. 58 I»pa.îs stmmit' 10 02 a,u,. M :42 pa.. hianiegtér, 10) 12 sm. 8 42 pis. Fol', .ro-y ttrv, i uîc.f 5 i. Pt r (i6ugSoû!, Mi.x. 2 ilw Prtimeylbert î 6isun.m- :U pu. PrincefAisri, Cfits9 am;t 2I48 p;ns. Maulmit 2l 8 am-o.2-58 p. Suint' .128a.sr.2 8p.3 Brooklils,-7 Olamn. 3 31 p.ui. Whuby,7128a.m. 3 53 p.m. WhitbyJuucuos, larr.l 78ý0 a.m 4 0O p'. 'Platfonni Stations, Trains stop on Signal only, JAS. DRYDEN; B. R. 1CLMBALIL, P'resideut. Gen. Supt. J XPRATTO PARTIES USING7 J-. B. STOCK'S EXTRA MACHINE: 0W. This0O1lexcete nil ouler On, Isetisanimal sud vegetable, asut e.are preparet ta showr ths supetiority cf tite 011ta idl otiers, il siands the tests necessary ta procure s firsi- clans article, it la adapted to thiier ligu or heavy msschusuery, fram a cloec or siewing- machine le tic leaviest of mhisl. Tise fol- laving are tise pointa Inirlilcit exceleaotier, 011e:- IT VTLLII NOT GUM, hence machin- e: can b. kepi désu mus thbut liletrouble, sut it viile launiacuinery lIaI -has becsI alreaty gummi t 'her Oils-. it i uci congeal oan iiken lu the coldest of veaiten. Tiis la qnsiyof tUs -isgiesti uwpctaslee, tram its, tact an Oil not iaviug this ',.ah vii not lubicate'a colt staf t, mucit '.n Oï Masyho appfliein a' hatet sl sati, but-tise ibameut t touches A céli shaftit is ccugesl- et antdviii ot lubnicate until thte journal by fiction sequines the tentpcrature necces§. sary 1 ta»uce it tg a liquislt se is u ui- nga higler temperainre l!' fiction, t_ jouýrnal expants sud ltae box is injured, it ix asimposmtbl&lo ns. oU Utal viii lllu e colt mitaIt withut this resullas il la ta Mis- gIý oi ito vmler. 'J. B. Stoe's 011 viiilu- breaetecolda m nscieteme it o leappi4at. Thimsulanv st navfv hinude tablèjunesa ids eu la gvlgtues bust foifaclln, n lumie lns aang the prefen itta refinet Sperun or pure Olive. Il i l re frais the objections 'urgetagaina ail cttbm- M il dem not gont non reee. Ncv a -et.tIpublic, an aaare ltnay vorthlesý ihinge are puffetista notain>' iu enter ta pr-oveltat tiis lana'nohu ast ta am 'ours nse -ggaeint U ea.M tiens cf usnspulaoU aol gentsu nay af vuam viilnat-itesitate ta painsdu suas cf aU il Ilrefiueries.as Ieigdentical vltu ltaos. wis are i"otneietLw=eIrtofc those ststst, ta sendt t Us, on ippli - catian, byiunsl or olt -fm, ree Sf chaàr in auywaysassumioi thi è atisi is.y spea Ig it»L dýwMalso sent I!luhi i a Ïe'tei Mfsoe lu, s aétive as lhoms tests; by wMekk àoi4s45lbià5wveïhs1issermak. A choice -and weil so1ected stock of cl OLOTHS,- TWEEDS, -OATINS, &ô.,> &Cý A corrlect Fit gutaranteed. 1ri- * dxeÉingly 'mod.erate. -'t . ~A fufi l ne of Gentlemeu7s fïWi«Sp igOÏ blodskejit comutantly on hand. - me~ 4J~ - z The subseriber in -returning thanks b bhis friends, -rcspecîfally begs leste te sjuprw.c <hem and tise public geuerslly, of the arrivai of s New sud Counple! e Stock cf SU-MMER GOODS' Consisting. of the following lines: Black Siiks, Grograin and Plein; Figuret 511km, Japsuese, Fsney, Dresa Gootis, Muslins, Bepps, Doily Varieu's, aàcitoice selection of Prinls, Lustres in varions colons8, a grand asmort- suent cf mih, Poplins, Whsite sud Grey Collons, Siseetings, Shrirtings, Tiokinga, a nagnificeai: display cf Ladies' Untierclothing, embroidereti sut plan , ChUt. ren,' Dresses, Infants' Robem, Bonnets, Rats, Plumes, BisSons, Hoslery, Glave, Chignos, Braitis, &c., &c. - The Gentlemen's department is fur- nished with West. of England Broadéloths, Doeslcins. Fancy- Tweeds, (Scotch and Canadian,) Hats, Cape, Neckties, ini'he latest styles; Shirts and Collars ini great variety. The Grocery Department is replete with a choice selec 'tion of Teas, Coffee, Spices, Pickles, To- baccos, &c., &c. A. visit b lhis establishuient is resp'ectfauly solicitýd, where froni atvastages posessd by bis b. (s prepereti ta dispose of gootis et prices 4efying conipetituon. -GERRIE 1 ".

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