Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jun 1872, p. 3

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Ta i r.;Uis% mn ah"pArt, fte aators, seOdud; "mile, auda quarter. "Dugylnialwi Won the. rade.; ne, 2:54; four entig, eaptured, p et la one of the. baggae Mémoril Plat, 6100;.a, onm <and > eorried baek tO tii.ca. MemojalPlae, 15 mil~e and a dw MM~ ' djdgmntof Longelè n tance. -Thie was WOn by, o "w . es* atIgt hve ea âve tart.d. fl t ih'haébua Tih.race#. on the - second day, Satur. » - buinese0 dl, ~were ueso well conteiti<j. Th@. WXAT Un. MéDOUOALL REKAEKD. folo uigià the remdilt -inaview of MÉ. leDougal'.' ürent Monben ,Plate, #850Y six eatrzegwaaattitude Of extraordinaryJoâdynsm o Wou by Robert Jarivàie 4oiTO1. Ëhe wardo the Ottawa.Qoveroment,-ho will Carleton Plate, *000, four eutrie.-a ehpstaku o, eehn i wou byJohn yland's chesinut pcaoltn u o. fuin i WOU by Jhnd TH ubeue' ,cotmnoywitiafew utberanea-from in 'Tràèwi&'Te Iunierrn'oum5,, Nowest pamphlet.' Mr. McDongall #200, fou entries, wax won by E. -J: uaya ho i"ha.fitti, £aitii lan caciaî Pltbate *00 olee Te Merchants' rmptitude or prespicacityat Ottawa." né,was won by i decib. a âlûdbn- Pisiior's Kelso. The. Consolation Stokes, terer," a£ntIMr. McDougall avers tuat 4150, as won by loster. Tiie atten- "icapacity refgs.npeme m-I eve'y dancoe 1,tltu races won very large and deparinent cf tii Goverumnnt at Ot.- the. betting very heavy. tawa, wiiile tresou i. more than sus- J êpetedl in one." W. are Idisposed to Dv.sRaueTtr, n. FmoAT WTFORD....... olier, that Mr. MoDongal',a pamphle t About tbieo 'clock o1 Fî-idaY mring told the. truti.-L.ondoa Advertiater. luit, Mr. Powler',, grist and carding miliiwaà diacovored te bc on line. 'The, SÀ-EMCT or Wrnsgv.- Iow- fine oon spread teutthe binding fiictorY manville paper leame that on Tuesday ofVnstaden &kCo. of Srany ad week lait a0,ou ad o f aa. AlIbi, amwr-rht. ie4 bozt tb.y wero enveloped In-iilea r wi ke y te d! f * m xildng tii. tire was notieed. Mr. Fowler a 1lo6sthaï ome pru"Wh er mgt on tii.buildings wil b. betwoen 08,000 wsh sbep gave t ened n to or *4,000, Insured for *1,500 wiiviskytobol0d for themof tis ho Mcahrnsbis about $700. No drns mid Vas takin very 11, insuronce. Mn. Vanstaden's lois is- ny a. vig2 bu bout 01,800. No imouron. .Sevorai ' 7 rvJ ug2@*ns car loads of staves and bent stuf Wre FREAai Or LrarwTIxo.-Kicatr<ie, burnod. Tiiofreiglît house ofthe Great May 29.-Tii. house. of Mr. Keys, far# Western Ba4iway was li great 5lanqn, nier, Kfi=ardine township, wa struck but wons savod by the efforts of the vina. -b ylightnlag Monday xnorning wiiile gcrs. Tii, cause of ii. lire in unknown. tii. fammîy was at bnabfaa_.Tii. tuid .zqtened bytiie ciîmey, knocked ont a Sore terrible détails of the recent er4 ion c tii. gable, ud scattered tiie sartlîu uke eà Antioch b ave been rWI rsan tvppe naLdietos celve, Abot SN rocks wrr one porion pashîng througi the. 'gour, ;LlppÈngin theirchurcli when th ii re and the teesaighrulth the , cu * e in is and brs. 0 'n lor. Two doge, one lying at1 0hb congrégationinîorns A ste ve and the otiien unden the. table Greck ochcOl Of tlfty seholans Of tender wene both klled. -Mn.. KQys wasy mgeosull'eted a iftilar fate. PauI's struek on the, right thigii, the flnid posa-e Glate, a ' ene Romnan i-uin et thceet ing down thei. mb below the. kn.e, entranc(e of tiie town, lias been destroy. wfLii crossed toteleft and ran down e$l. Troops were despatchedl from hto the foot, burninq ler severcly, scorcli. Alojpo to discover tii. deod, and on ftie ing her underclotliing and stcking and loth¼ f April i;rno 1,6W0 iodlesi liad oîrrying away a portion of the. boot. beon alroady extrîcate.d. 5h. was completely arlzed for some & ~IUOT5eO *ïï.DîÀî.F * tiine but ia now in a loir way of recOV- Ar 81T zk piàuEAri> » ery. Mr. Ko s, who was sitting by OFTECiMllATNTS..îitCîîînoîîd iMyii lier side was klnocked down, but receiv- 20-A tii slooting affray, u-sulted in ed nefuthier injuries;. Tie uthu~mom- tih eîîti of Win. 1. -owe, a rpliticien bers of the. fumily Vere not injured. t f cf souic loca notoricty, toek p lace boreJ tuis ofternoî(1. Tiie cause oftlîecill. AccIDgue.-Mr. F. B3. Eddy, the. well ctybètweenn 1dm caddbis mordorer, known muil.owner andnuanufacturer of ThîdliecusSA. i3cunet, wosa susiionHu,and représentative for Ottawa ' cnly toc well foiiniled, thatus wufe liaid CountY, in the. <uebec Légisature, lied been onfaillîful te blî, nd that Don. hisle lg cearly brokon recontly, whîl?, net Was in faiti in the. motter. H-owe endcavcning to adjust some Imaclucery collod te sec Bonnet, wlîo i a contra&. in on. cf li$e saw mlisiemédical ter, this afteruon, whlud'denly, and attendant bepes tliat ibis injuriosmare not TJ for reasoco no one fully understands,, mcli as t lésad te dîngenous results.O the tw> mn.ripolicd ut revolvers and Mr. Eddy is invloable'ýtc the Ottawa begaZ shOotijig at eclî otlier. Howe Vlley, and nuocl regret was exprossed i msseid Iis mruik, but Bonnet shot bis whec the. news cf tiie accident got & victiun in Heveral places, se hit le seon abrood.1P aftor <ied. The. affair lias crentoîl a SPOTS ON Titi SuN.-From a caroful In great sensation, observation cf the. son, we learn that ithla présents a plias. cf unusual intoresh lui 8l NàROîW E8CIAI'E OF vIlE SECI1ETAI<Y tiie fine cluster cf spots wliichii lenow or VnsA despat ehifi-onu Washigton, observablo on its surface. Last Fnidîv, dated Jonc 1, soya ftue Seeretary cf IVar tuis luster iras seen on tlhe easten iiad - a narrow escalue frein being accu- I11mb and contafiied thirty-six Wreil de- e dentiufly siiet yesterday. Ho was ex« fined spots. On Satonday the number amining a nuugaiiie rifle, ealled the iioc increasedt fyawt n x Meigo gmn, whielî tiieinventer lad- ed ton e if. ti, witi on. e Pi brouglit toi jin, whucn the pieco oxpi cepthtion eing w"s areilenotie Pa edpîrenatirciy. 1ortunately "e dam cd- tht limite fti rpot re vsblentide iras dciou tiu'r thlîîuthe îi,-osiîn,,a e O atfQfIisgoptisxrsat pau ................ 66c 0 70 - Paie.............. WC a c Ry-.................O~5 Plhat ee............0 Chs. ..............4alOe Boit, hieS quarter. 88 a 0- Boef'lorsuatr. . 7 0 8 Pork, per cwt......06 0 0 #50 Wood......... *@# Wocl......... ...... bec TRAYELLERe S' GUIDE. TrALI3e save Nhltby Station s feloirs: Going Rat- Golng Wet- Exrss..7:18 a- . Local,.. .80am àini.2,50-p. mn.- Ex pmgs..o*15uc 6..ai - p .m . The trains rmn byMotreài hlm. mui le i 22 minues fien 2mmWhftbyrtlm. Trains Going North.- Mail. Mlixe,& Wif hI' inchion, 9.0GO s.m. 7:30 p.m. Wbltby, 9,07 &mn. 7,'87 p.m. Pont~'erry, <utrive) 10-80 a=,. 9-GO P.. Trains Going South. Mixai. Maýl PotPrVydemt &DGO m.nu.2:80 pin. Wbitb>' Jurive) 7MaS . .8p.uu. W h t b7M80&.m. 4;GO p.m. DIVINE gER VIrCE. Ail Saints' Chucii-At Ui.n., sud 7 p. In-Rev. Mr. Cayley, Cithelie Church-Every Suaday mri ut 8. -»mud ACOM. iternahaly-Rv. Mj. Shea; residene, Oshawa. Canada Presbyte hnkAti &,u su 0:80 m.n.-Ilv.Mr. Ba nye. Cengregattonai Chnnb- «ýna,. nd 6.80 p. M.-Roy. M. Gibbs.' St. Andre's Churah-Âh 1 - m.tIsud8 Wesleyan Matiiedist Chure '-Ah 10-80 a.t NEW -ADVERTI B»UNT8.t UNESERVED AIUC sALE, HO8E ýQ<D FI N/TUBE, 'PIANO-.FOR ,&. Thesu r e eI istruictiens§ -y aol caeYae Maer f hiigr n, -] TgIemSuD B. l etsU, ce1pe2, 'a-on ansI o Ki o -eo, asu-feede ad V erers bani str- cte uds-i ni couencn~ , Qelte let,M bots cc nd ion ca, ofet marloitud., l -ttîen gils, Gade va e To attu -u - reisansdibs lo clore iiiure leq ae , t1h.ltestBands rer>'ar b. soid mitbout resev- ' sals ah ýO1< ck, ain., sharp, TEE - bBankableflnds.a Foi-the - )mao- 1 8li' c-edit en approved L.an FARAK.J. "Iruitlji an appUESDA Ye g6- h JULY,-,1872, winow - ~ " n ppannce'Uecyjopposite ho thaj uciudu. - T NIXE, A. m. " en-sud Ofeudwc eh-i1 5,87.28tde xmnto .rteo et wntloht hel morer sot saredTBY PHÀRMACY Citese*iIibeheld lit the saine place, ce frein Chicago, Joule lot, says that Chas. mvrteetr ufc fteOEAWD»Tening onJUY NE Dunnng and James Kennedy, u n Y Express. ANnTED <2r U NŽ the pcniieuticry l'or tiîindlicg ueîod oe i.etr ufc fti r. mnan ont of a lurgeg coco of încuncy ire Thirty-tlve deer, supposcd to'-have LY IYRUG STORE AT NINE, A. M. umcertainodl te have been tfi cmrors been i-on inte the Sovern hiver - 0W F THE LATE Caudidates will be required te cotify t of ion. Sharon Tyudale, ex-Secrotary opriog ah varions hunes, and geufnùg Inspe iterntite reset ethe 25th Juner cf State of Illinois, -anuongst tiie legs, have licou unoble ho S HI. GIEIRRIE auinatiotctn iosn h.5evsfi - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Aon'cîtpcou ala e ut, and censequontly drowned. Norinal Seîî..u candidates wufl b. exami ocroa the rail indo- and An. erTiey woro net observed ountil they got utinuses te lie uarried ons as heretoforo. ed witni the other candidates. 1 apost rilaifthami dcii iandie An.so bailas te b. unfit for fooci. - Tiro-JMSMBI shaos.~tîc cw-eutciercaulutit er. observedl by a Mr. Bonnet t - gaCeuial'etMecueye- - JMS cBE, liet b'lf niclîelow ]i l ifn- hitdgot in moe rrontly and mer, t - Pfmu-e, .Ins. P. S., Co. Ont, onutont clivninch arew lastiippboraucf mmps, Kerocene andi Colol dai Wbole- May 27th, 1872, 22- enaoe, lurekun arc in heklaaofifli toaiicd ,faceper olengfr.ncîlv sandule, i-oc ubove nained persan doing irell im Piper-A nem stock joot îi-rived A T E 13 twc iîfalgi fo nbrigs lî a co-,ciii- L Washago Pioncer. England direct. W N nearly tîmooglutic lîeeoper, but met a ExacvîîîPiNsoNis POîSONEbIîN n-GâAb14,i Ci, 82 2- Topurchase, or lois. foi- five years, a kuet mîicli prevented hie train froinu AD PaiSTON.- The Gai -Be/:f' COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE Cortain destruction. statés thut on Tiiursday lit a ýnuuni ORT WHITI3Y PORT PERRY R. R PaopEîCT P&it lItAcîta;.-New Yi-k of porionsilatii.family of Mn. e »ZTiHE TU%-.%Or WMTBy. May61Ti, ropec laik acs o cs, Preston, irore suddenly tApply, tatiug teris, te 2ay81honeProspiy eyn Par k cs o u86 l ndfi sm oi bel .E. FARE WELL, 24 o hs o yE ers mn iny Loche 86Jsoute cases vei-y alarming. AilUlctr 22d641fr225 a.eizod mith romiting or violent --Bi-ock St., Whitt- 2'26, 2 aud27.thîe beirels, and onéu or - tire - Ma 8i,1 7 .2 -f -DEATIOt. or Mit. MAcFRAuuisu..-Mri. craunps iu the. stomacli andI p T 1 111 E - T ýA B IL E".1-0T I CE1 Macfariane, M.,P. for South Pce-th, <ied thi-oughliitih. body. The. 5303 Takes effect ou Satni-day, June lat, 1872. N '__ uta Ottawra en Stordcy. i more sucob as ho cause the belleUt h - Ngndqvs oietea o DusecrausFmut-anaua P, aytlcey iiad beeon poisoned by some iiip - Trains Going Northu. Mail. »ixed, cerned tht it is bis intention te remeve à 81-A fiisastrous ire tifs moring c ut y uttDur-dne tl in Vhitby Junction, 9 (0 a.m. 7 80 b mîurcoy t GepI hcei fng tiie afternoon a quantity cf but W 9y n0o7 mii bmcmedon87mi-eextna soued 18 dire1lingo and tones. Lees mU iiha-be l iun 1 (1 a.. 787 .m.sae bu i.b are n oeetni 617,00. mlk hic ha, ben rooka i.Lu, 9 29 iam. 7 582 oal, n hecourse of about sixmeeks fri 0175,000. ihuse iris brongit ta Gaît and left ý Myrte' 9 49 a.m. 8 19 P.ia. JO.PRAE. Tii. L' towel Banner lias boen si .les e fM.M ndii ioledSuiit'1 1 -n.8 pa.Wbitby May 15, 1872. 2 by M r. ack lg, it a f rm er propr notr, relative f the. fam ily. A bout f dif Prince Albei-, 10 212 a.m . 8 5 2 p.m . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ te M-. (o. S. Davdoo, andi lenc.. doze partook f it, and in tire ours* Port Perry, (r-ive,) 10 i0) Li. 9 G P.. pHOTOG forthlolb. condocted hîy iliot gentleman, thie liole cf tiioxa meno seized -withiTraiusGoiag South. Mixed. Mail. P O O R. -Tii. Grenadier (bards bond, nom- vcmiting, punging atI ci-amp. Mr-.'Port Penn, deperi,) 6 GO0a&m. 2-80 P=. iieing seveulty-five perfarmers, left for m n.Adih.oie fMn. A., Prince Aibeni, hi 09 îm. 2 89 p.M. WIIIBon'8 e aleyo r motnonuida.ad tire hined re tiiuo offechod, Manchester, 6 18 s'ine; 2 48 P ewGalryofA BetnonTii-dyanîi-mloo Dr. lb-uamived Mr.n. lt -n8,utitlu 28cam 2 58 p.m. WALLACE'S BLOCK, WHITBY.- Fleury, ftie eusccîudîîg casluien cf the.Andricii mas la ftiiexromeîyuangerous 6 41 ar..8 Il pm. i, ie falkaom ie je Lbnonick: atik, coppesed te luave fied condition. Non. cf thé, cases have, Whfrtuy, 7 23 asm. - 3 53pin. tiie îest style. 018 pictut-es copied. te America, stiioiidei-ed ho tii, oiceni liomover, pnoved fatal, but ail more or Wbitby Jonction, (ar-r.) 7 30 .m. 4 GO0 p.m. Remember the. place for Life-lie pictnrei of justice yer-telîday.. leasfeel the effecis cf ti.- p ing. 5Platform Stationis, Trains stop on Signal i tWisnsNi ilr-iemuci A Chîcoe naicli-,mas pluycd over flic Tiioe ocon bo no dcuit but tht soine only.- plot.eue in the Connty. Menti-cal lice on Wednecdcy and Tluuro peoisocous substance had found fis way IL R.H. WILLSON. d~yailusbeiren ueEii- m ite tlicmilk. Analysis cf the. butter- JAS. DRYDEN, B.3. R IMBALLL, WhtyMa29,18.2 C% taiic lvsCihnsîîu milk by Dr. Brmowund Mn. H . Miller- presideat. Gen. Sut.___________ vctoryfer ftii.forer. b- haahomuneotraces cf poison, but lic N 0 - OT I CE - iroscepe reveals large nucinhers cf -- EMEIfBER THE SALE N ~ The 1rcsiîiect cf ltheCosta Rieur acd animalcuil, mcli love douhiles,beon -R tii. irogideUt ocfftue United States mil developeil by clurning, ns tiie skincmcd OFr Notice il;iiet-eby given tlot ah the exVpiraý trcotit ashsing-ton nexi Au ta. m ikha enuedfe ithout in-.tfweniy iays frein the date hereof, ap- ilfl hotthe fitst insanmce cf a noofjuioins offerts. BU1LD1NG L T ?i-osticntal vii ta. - -~m n d foi- the Ceucty of Ontaio by Chris- TicurztTn 0p AN AzrtoNAUT. I N TH E tias Bai-bat-a Dieselfi, of the Villageo By o railway collisi on bet*ocui tire Naàhiuu,, May 29-Prof. Atkins, ulo Prince Albert, inathe Connty ef Ontirio,m$ýft -. - ' ~ o John Dlesfold, efthîe saine plu ace ih bino pensons wme ktlle.and. a nuaiben tIa Decatur, Alla., on Mendcy, as- f' ant dbildi-en of Williant Doil, lite cf the injnn.d. cendd ile a ieot-afr balloon during ON said Village of Prince Albert, Wastcbmaksr, Duax>< Inqu PeiiîN.-Huudsen, N. Y. lhe ofternoca, mien tiie ballacu be- WENEDY U 1tl182 deceased. Juin. 1-D. mý , H.Pîtchen, mn emain- came detociied fremttiie mmdiasa fixing DNSDYJNE i2 . 87, Dat.d 22nd May, JA. D. 1872. entmin wddykuiwu phsicnucf usits -alitude, andI usconded toa o igit of AT OiSE O'CLOCit, P. NM., sK&"p. MARTIN & CABSCALLÉN, City, died4M4 g 8 rcutieffogto cf haif a mile, and itcen ropidly doscended JAMES M. PATTERSON, Hiitn n. poison 444Atr ro te ii t ia i tIic Tenueis.,, River. Atkins Fsuc. Anctimieer. , 8 Solicihou-s for Applicant. poso pefcrng a 91tolis eunt ilnceedeul la gethlag out ocficuebasket ofier Cirsinont, Janso 2,1872. 283 ___________________ eorS n a auhoh vseotI ied fi-cm orysitio. adespenato offert, louvicg got entangled ~IVSMN lsafwd"0-i.--ltic repes, andI ottemptodhto aiT O S T il P Jas fei da. mg. -asiiore. - Seme isiieraîan la a caoo. L Mn. Joiditi luh, cf Quebec, legazett. ment ta his assistance, but failed to e-s. Liet meek, a broma aikunibrelli, mfth VERY VALUIABLE PROJ0ERTY ecd asSoperinte>udent cf Piloeafer maid eue ime, muid thie nfertunate moeront cel skie covering, betireen Wbihby toivu and beloir tii. larbour cf Qnobec, i lac<e, sonl antI as droed. Hia îbody lias Hanei's Corers. Tii. dder mii oblige by DITEE cf F7rancola Geai-dean, resigied. net becon recovered. Tiie balloclu -s leaving it aillhe CiniNicer Offce. -Mn. GeorgiMont-e, cf 'Toronto, lias saved. Pof.Atkdne seemB te lave 14 Wity nn ,17.2 JVN 0 H T Y beeuu appfntedl a landicg wmuer acd a preonetimteet of misflortune, liceiimv. seariierli~H. M Custons. ng remanked as the. hallcon ehmi-tcd. IOUSE AND) LOT FOR SALE. The anibeciber bao been iashrunted to ol - "Tua is niy l.a M.ceueioins--H-BY PUBLIC . AUCTION, COeTTON Muua.s 1BuuuîEze IN Fuàucu.- Téptt u slikl le a Tiie fu-me &eling, mitii quarter acre cf Panis, June 2-Tuo Iucuis(Chtten mili, Tl oaabg ieyt ou anlid attached, corner of Ring andI John Ste., euecf holonea cschlslmeno f fuetraublesome to potatco gi-omrothia yoor. as; ut presiet eccnpied by tue underiguied.-8aturday, t/w Bth.,- une, Next, ud n ft. viot escflisRonso ir ch.Erchimgessamy that aevei-ul paties, on A. CAMERON. TIM nae onedvaluallpropr, vizTh: kiii h iiiyo oewst-digging over thèfi- hst yemi-s pote o Wiitbjuin, 4, 28 IhtIse thrée subahtlatalgaic2-so$ tay 1etioyd y ir yîtrdy.Losepatcîes, ihave fauind tie pesta e ngi-eut - e Brick builu eonocted lâst suinina, andI etmted matl.100.0O francs. Nearly numbers la a dormant.idenditice F0OR S A LE. Incomnas.- oue tbeuound cperotivq liai-e been F________________ tiinumn out of eniphoymnut. T E" A L CËB OKi A iDuE.-Paris, Jne2---Prince Poalu l E .-T oY RL G T OE tiWAILU L O de-Caisagnue fauglut a duel, yestordav MURTA-At Lindsay, on May Cht, S HOQRT -H OR N B U L LS, A ttceuldsBt, wtl M. Loenoy odici- of ltheRappe.Rbn nusu otieheeper, Oneothei luapnttm The latter iras lightiy mounded. aged 6 yemrs.Onofte Iprd.h orBzurx ennlmuae .Aise, a nember et BERKS HJEE PIGiSg O tà»mn exaination,&ziyEvqlùle iueâi-cfMn.a T Mu. Juin..IL Geru-le's Pluunmacy ha$iatom ?eeks .18, troua Importei SowWrs. *1lebio,, mmmc mIElé i;avemr ë ébai Baz-aine, liave beiccmplieed un-u.Whist1asa li-g -?i ni0N Th sorMf osès Llg aSunemi -b gé' eclod u 1P cf Dr pe pcu- A t.- OX i -I irithues.of et Mesra eer and do u roction cf Gmn. Lariviere. . sud Clfisys.a, xsukau p ',hiby antlii fn -8-n1&nli1 _bgthr Wrz uscou lXiUTin--Qeb-c tiBlood Food, enrching Rn. pu-elyfag BOEETERMS -- 'eshialalh ance te b. WiE oSOF L'ECTD.-_ eee tht, vital agent, mlsolly rernevunq fi-onuthe ~ING BOHRscuclc yotims a ml .m nnilsio jue1>lu10mifesoue.Blseuinetto smstemn bumeuns of evedescription, uigKe uht-a Mle- nw tBb âg.d6, ,blacksmitl, mes lmngod yes. Ugsial, Liver Coin alt, adpai i tehO"O la finrbint of prens« -tedssmtMonma noy e died ré-bi -iiu isi yr fkâ a chamn. -WHITBY, ONTARIO, u2 'clc .. - jtentaahtantIfeaileas. The. tireeccu- In Asthina antI Bronchitfs, wireotheu-e fle bpoterDlsan Itugrmod-,FM ËBi.. doe.opo.i e.nmî htadifileuit breihiing, th cogh ad rimgof -nDaessdMnfetrn fal AEA,0Je. deonthecel.rsoecuieinwaydcmnut -carainîli, LA THER XA :N bDNGS, net9LWATE Laces, reai meOo LDitldo . salmat IL EU6or BBL.-8,uniuin eu all.snuoven tuât éonîOmetece 'wMl b. geven, on tusnishlng approvoipapor. Boni ferCaalogpe. - J. M. PÂTTEBSO)N, Ath&a, May 2,1872. 22td T.LAL, Îècpot.r andalen a aikiaus cf Falyorocerlea, pure -',4'Ines, -PUBEz spiRITB1, - CEOCRENT, CEINA, GLASSWAEE, &é., Wbltby, May 1872., 22-i 00K~OLI WOOLI 759000 LB@- WANTED 1 FormWhlch thce HigliitCash Prie mii b. ,etI Takon n lataRobert E. Penny'& 018 ta» SALT, ia bulc bag, antIbaïtl Witssuj-,May 29tb, 1872 22g8 'NOTICE TO OuRDIT. AUl Pur"»nholdingcdaims againet the es- taie ofthae8MnuusîH ILCocbmn,cit h, TciMpoWit Birrihên, si-o notiled te suadin n ti cs f lb. came to J. E. Pare. weil, e the Tow cf Wbhby, Selicitor for he nae"nee Exeepinix, on or befoe. the lOue day cf mai, 1872. Tii.e aid parîfeian te include necessates uni items, ant t gpve the christian numoe sud iuruanee cf tle clainants maid ther Peet-office addrs. And notice fs given that frem and atetoheii said date, the. Executrux oethîe said estite a-dl proceed te distiute tle assets efti- teitater ameagat ths parties ontithed thoreto, iai read te îhee daims cf ih.h e hal th nla e notice, sd mili net b. Iibe fou the assois no distributeil or an ' Part lhereoitoeany peten cf mhoeieiuf nt ixecutnix shh net have 1usd notice ah tie fie ot sudh distribution:- the notice bofag oie udr section 27 Cap. 28 et 29th Vie. AnS eh pcersone a ieâbhed te esaid cu- iate ire ueqnoated, ho iethl. tiieir iniebteI- ies fenthmith. EMILY A. COCHRANE,- Executu-ix. Whitly, May,25th, 1872. 22-4w p UBLIC SCHEOOL TEACHERS' EXAMI1NATION. The oxamuinehien et Candidates fer Pulie elhool Teaclers! - Second and Third CImes Certificaîes miii b. in île Whiîby HigI Scbcol, in île - TOWN 0F WflITBY, In tho Connty of Ontario, cmeuncing on sÉ T ho $ aw t and M o wbich -le union île anpe-ihodanco elognt tstr - s the. stosk bas w buîby, May-2h, i8m--L & NU k~ E 4 X Carnaes, uggie, PRAé 'TICAL' (2ÂRRIAGE MANUFACTURER, DIJNDAS. STUREETl WHITBY. and ries, 7 CM eelectud -w) In retÙmring thanks for pasâ arng begs to announce, that lie has .constantly- on« hand, and in. course of manufactnrA., Carrnages, Bugie,(covered and open) latest styles, sbud véhicles of -every decition. As hé uses none but the best material, and employs the best wot-kiery, tb. qoality and fici»i cf bis work eau be depended upon. Eeerytbing la the way,,ot carrnage aïs.p~facture udrepaire prcmptly attondod tu. Al mwot-k WlîbMay 20, 1872- 172«. SUMAJ'!LTEL WA1872. The fstîbscriber in r(ltlrIling tliauu1ks te hie friende,.i-espectftlly bega beave te appt-ire tbeen d liepublic gonorslly, cf the arrivai of a New sud - Conopletu. Stock cf (3onsising of the ollowiuîg lunes: Black'Silks, Grograin ai-id Plain; Figuired SilIce, Jîponese, Fane>' Dresa Goods, Muelins, Happe, Dolly Vatden's, 9eliofce alectou f Prits, Lusties in vrics colorg, b, grand ameet- mont efIriuui Poplas, 'Wite sud Grey chiens, Siieetings, ShirtinoiTiekinga, a miagaificeyit dleîîlay otLadies' Undercleîhing, embroidened mwd plain;- Chu.l rns' Dresses, Infante' fiobes, Bonnets, Raots, Pluxae, Riblions, Hoaiary,'Gleves, Chignocns, Bt-aides, &C., &d. - -The Gentlemein'S departm-ent is fur- ishcd wuith West- cf England Broadcloths, Doebkins. Fancy Twées, (Scotch auid ýCauadian1 Hats, Caps, Neckties, in> the latéât styles; Shirts and CollarS in great Ivariety.4 The Groceïry Deparûment is replete ,with e choice selection of Teas, Coffee, Spices, Pickles, To- bAcisos, & sabihmnc.,ese &c. olcte heé frem advautagos pessesaed b>' iim ho le prepai-ed tI ( dispose oK geodiah p Icoa- defylagy eMayeiiîccn 872 JAMES J. MURPHY. - Whitby, May 2911, 1872. J5. G. -MCDOUGAL., SODA BISCUIT MANUJFACTOiRY, Th ndri-ni r'rf& ic r & lci &c. - - UI-.CIilrlu l ti LUum urigiiiax o w ninuimerous custom- ors ind the public lu geqeril, for fleur liberul patronage te lim fci-the pait lv,; yea-s, respectfully solicitàsmcentinnance cf tue sanie, uni wisbes te, announce that ri un addition te hie former business, ho huas porchmeed, ut aaisiierable expense by. mtchinery for tle manufacturirÉ cf -Biscuits aie Crackers of every.inmd, n.And he is prepared to fill orders Wholéâale éaud Retail, oui short notice, at reaseumible rt-aes. Custorners ean dépend on being supplied with ve aeopcrîor Biscuit, me nouem but (ho bcdt inuterial la. used la oeauutactruug. DM Bread5,,Cakes, Ca 'ndies and Sweetnieats. êf every desciptiou- sud oet1he very best klud le always to b. lad at the old stand, Brock Street. - Also, an assortment -of. aHi k4ds of ' RUIWhTbY iiiy thir1ea72. NEW MU$IQ0 STORE, GIERRI, SL0CK5 Jewellery, Desks and Work-eoxes. Bags, Porte-iàionnaiýs, -&û. Electro-Plated GooPds! Watclies & Clocks of-the best Makers, 9W- Each cau-efully examiîîed, proved, and timed,- and- their performance guaranteed. - JA MES JQýHNS'I'O)Nt Prial Watc.h and Clock "Makelr. à3rock-st Whitby, May 'Ith, 1872. 1 JOHN: SAJJNDERS'1- A SPLE14DID ASS0RTMF TI-0F Spring and Siimmer Boots -and Shoes, ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Ladieà? Balmorals, Prunellas, Gaiters. Ties, - ro- quet Slippeu-s, Newports, &c.-* Gentiemens' Boots cand bhoes. igreat variety. Býàys' and Girls' sewed work, veu-y cheap. Ail ordered work proniptly a±t ended. to. - REPAIRS - NEATLY EXE'CUTED. -hty - a 8.Reemert872. t lae Whit.by, May 8, 18~2. PIINR ATO.SUMI JOHN S 4UNDEýRS, ~Bok Street. AND MuK t '-roIueri J' Guccseompr New Miinuy inthe La, WITE eOTTON$, RE NECE TIM4 LACES, &WINDOW OURTAiNs, OI inl M OURNNO G G-0 D1defrna ~of O'3:yý - Allarge Stock of (Jiothe and qanadian Tweeds, Imoddas -O 0JLTHI*ao MA-'D- E 20 ORDEB' "n.stg NEW TEAS ANDGROCERIES. CHEOICEý WINESAD1UR Whihby. May 22nd, 1872. CO'LDsmUTirH.-Y FHALL. em t - ~OLLAN»8, formastion, the. informaat's nane ie-eer -ShonitI any peraca have reasonxt~o.e fil". tbat h. bas been deceived hy buy. Ing %pur ua imuitations of hies. inioi- ciao,'he mw!ido, weil to seatI mn, lu a loer, .tte i.ddrees, eh foot tmlhe e ca de ah a cost cf six cents in p0a(e), co cf dhe bocks af inRtructions ululi are etxed'te île same, 1 promise to examine it aid senui a reply, st.tiing uiiehentue medicieuanc gecu ne or net, seô-tuai if spuriona lie may app1iyýto the. peraca freinmîcu hliepureliasetI uiiex ho have hii-money returned. Chien"ita andI Drnggicta- totdeaire te obtala the moîlicines con le supplied st thollomesimiihecale pnices iiiîpiin- hihies cf pot less dean $20 ma--riz., Bs. d. 22., and ?As4., pcr-dcxcix boxes of Pille cr-pots cf Oiitmcnt, nett i, tit discaunt, for iviich reruitience i-inat lac sont i laance. i havetise fiononr te bel Wth great reepect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. -558, Oxford Street ffate 244,, St=od), London, W. C., Qctoher 1, 1871. TO THE 1'UOLICicopCAlq D,&. Bîdng tiesirous of týstinsgUte nionits of ,the diffepeetate-.vueelc com-cffered for sale in Canada, ns totiiee ctooical use- cf- muler, me, ns manufacturera of the. make the. fellewing ehonlleong ho hie Mnufactnu-r"cf A"-vWIElnom moade lu (mnada,wlietheiib-nrvvîm fhÉ, -JAmEsLE Lxv z.DtuulE Tcacpilu OF-ANY iOTIiEO PATTElNtîte whcels În al cuites ho) lie ili anuflscinred isy 0hi,' ccmpc-h- ing parties W. mili plo'Seiu hhelhauds of an>' res- pensiblo pmrty sixtiuac-oar ($6000), andI ilhe pairîy-aicceptiug thte challenge to do tIiesanie, the mroîiey to- b. heiisubject tte .amu-l fai-utgd Tii. uleela te lietested in a fleur-niui, dniving the suamenm of stene, grinoling thde sou. uwheat, and.t-invog le coume i umiber cf square ladies ef"epellnagte necoive tie iroher,-tii. amnonm cf matai- discharged b libe the. oeasureocfthe amucnt use&i 1>' ocit wieei. Tii.judges te ho 'non-residents ef Ca- nada,aai to e e honeaglul>' mel iformed la the mode cf testing tle power cf lu-- bine miiel;--each part>' to cloose oe judguand tle tua te choosithe ti-m Tne emners cf île mmnning miieel te have-theirmcuneyrefundclîiem,and fixe loer9s moaey togc iomards ejstoblIahing &inetuiinical free inr>' lanan> toit-n x Canada nned 4b>'thee njer cf the. Suc- cessfuh ulieeL Tii. 'mhaels, te he tested eat 1, ~antI lligate. Eaeii pmnty togiv geed lond sufficient -bonis, the i moucut of $4,OO0, that thé. losen uhall pmy the. entine expene of titi test. .Theri are sou. uwheela di.t gir. ver>' geai resuits mith fnll leetI antI fun gui.- mgo mmcli eatiielyfaluaterpanijbead anadpartialhgmtcage. Such-w hcelsinozc- elimate, uler. the iroter-poirers are nÈectcl by bhou cola andi droutlr, arc cf :no practiemi value. .We.eaiu that me are the oelymin cf the, GErNUUMti-mxaLiuc-riDOt-1L Tmanoe WuumalanCanedaaui uitiitl midu axrIvALla the wuaaxx cT More -tlion'00o f îles. uihols uIý1a ýnowm la openatien iiiCanada andti i Vniheti Statàe Tii. soles .if no oherxt, uiieel ovon yet lirodnced eon tins coui_ mcent exceed one-sixhi dole nunaben. Oui- uiiehaabeentiicreug-hiytû a GmRF Biirrin, anti lia flly mu taind the reputâtioa i-ias gabued Cana4 d* the United t te as the i MW teèoùbmîcal*.e.elhrpaî9 oloponatien ever yet introduce, eaien. eipublisliing o tive maten-miaeh aphecc P~n M'0pagea oftvaluablc mîcter,ivliih;unl b. sent fréete al oppliconts. Forfutiieninformation <de, - F. W. GLEN, Oshawa, Ont. N. B.-We desire ho coUl attention to the following cerificat :- SPÉMcanxuLn, Ohio, Dec. 2,88 Wetakesleeeureinifoi7nmstiuk Jie eSC ,~ialaii Y. GJBSON lias just reeeived a full and complete Stock, in ail the6linesof the Besson, Silksf, Lac-ý es,Gloves,-Faney uuit Dress Goods. Parasols ingreat var iety and of every shade. Cloths9, Tweeds,,- and Gents' -O0utfitiing Goods, which in quality and style canuiot be surpiissed. Mso- ý-Rats S* aîujd flCptowichsp- eialattgscled-tok bJ~OUK STRE E TWI T B Ythe ý;hinicooÉ D very lage Stok Where will 5be found -Slueet -Music,-: upd4Mnusjc4ooks -of ail kinds, lM-tiéial histrurpnts.of >ër>ý?-descripfion, iuiclud- iugVi1iq~hnp ad&~-sofftue best quality; - 'I Stationery, Sebool, B'oks, &e, Beautiful Musical and I4iterary- Works, Sui-.. -~ table for P>résenits, constant- - ]y, on hauid. A CHIOICE AND VARIED, ASSORtTMEN- 9&'u Magazines, Periodicals, and Papers supplied, 'ilOr. ders for Music and Books car-efully filled. GENTLEMEN'5S CLOTFIING!Ï - SLekoNewGSoaMER E A coje ad eilseectd toc o -Cauadiau. Tweed Suits, Cloth 4 CLOTHS, tI'Ë~EDS, COATI NOS, . 4 iys'Suith, Youths' Sui14 Cildren'ýî Suîts--everyqI M a]eie, Spripg Overco4.. ~ Aco~èt Ft uaanted ,Gents'-Shirts, *wteanid coQ1ed, ces ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 exkdngj ~inds of Gents' Funuishnd(;ods. AW f ÎUillie ,of Genutlerneùs furnisin" -FEHNPRfGU89N Goods kept counstauity ou1p&' b1the. ftnEntt DUW i2 UVOi> sUU tana O Hardware of ail kinds, Oils, Pafints,&c FIELD AND GARDEN SEED'se -New, Choice, mmd'Good. Al the leading varieties of Turnip, Mangold WIuttzcl, Cmni-ot, Cabbaga Onien, antI chier FieldI andi Garden S eed..- t7-2,000 bushels .6f Peas Wanited. JOHEN FEIRG1SON, Meroh ant Tail1or #c&,--Dra per, DUNDAS- ST., WHIITBY, Rê'petfuI1y intimaites tht he is now iireceipt 'of a Iarge' ALE i. 4-1#INC0 MAY se atJ AITMPORTTIONS :Vu? 1 1 m f lu MLL &C,* . 1 &C, &C. No.. Y. CIBSoN 1 1 , ý wbitby, April 17, 1872., Whitby. gay 29, 1872. GOO-DSI"J J*- 1 ýSPRI MoDOUGAL. ý i JORN POSTII

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