rî T ,E 0 - - Tahe tawrumsary, 'Md -examinaiW isLne et à r the Connty ci Ontario. Osccttrue .Wbitby. JAXË8eS <ITIE GPRJ>»OZf, Stmof tB. ~J. Camnpbell, B33:k.,Street, WbI*by, Ont, ____ k 'ATTO1 S, SOLICI. lie. Ofios6-Ont door north o h aîtn office Oshawa, J. n. YRSJWZL. aMrm A TOBNY.ÀT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN< Chnecoy uer&cCanning- ton Brook, L C. , L.B. MARISTE1I AT bAW, SOLICITOR IN B2JCacery, Cenvoyancor, &fc, &o. Sini. coe Strout Ooshawa GYOUNG SMITU, Lb . I, *BA~1~ATTORNE. AT. LAW, ?4otaryPulJ&,eaeMMUn Block, flrock âtroe;t Whitby, Ontario. A 'TOJtNEY-AT-L"W, SOLICITOR IN Chacer, CnveancrLand Agont, Uxbrtdgo._ _ _ _ unJeEEwOoI> & EcEiLLANf, USPCT 'PUBLICNES, OOLSC Raglan P.t ffiPOnbaie, ovyuem Dâe-yrn Street,Suhlt fPotby. ce Wbtz, nario. EN . . * ORiER N IAUE EamPoyte01900, ntarM. LOhwOtr JAAS .UMIT, X-.. zORON Stre IetS1iDMOE AUBE seAI AvRi, . H.Ca00 o$B,-IeIctaLIN, O~TwAsSRIO WhRb7 os rt awu' Soe irn ýtc ey e 1tH. LObwOtro IIOeAu JVNO ..LQfie-~-î,wc R W..Ee H.deca3ren Strée, i)ro. odri norh o STtreetl * Ii1Wle a#i inired foSt., Wbitby. %- ICENS~WAt0N CE"POR TTj e Stho*llCcncmeso--3arlohu PeutSalon$ e.' S ales ahtteicec a a IUNIPemOt.e. _Osc"ter.rk JO !FludIÇK, 3.,mty Jeu. cmLseI.OUT. L ,ostewo ofpOntaio, sd te nsud eel;ha bIpmPo ret Tf onleaes olihor Ina the 'euor uîtyLtanonaà wblo rto.Ai Cm- rap¶=t, f r rsaco. indereter J.L'Cothlof OhWa, bop te rnegar mot ncceu ictelce tl aadte ts -Tawnhor Ct dccc stao afCite, râen wAr. the m*lwwci cOffcicefor (ectlçîcccn Offier Bnui tret ity ME JOHM TAOR JCKM, * TUMBEU MEllCMANT, CARPENTEII, .L and Y.ol»ier, (}rceia Street, Whitlay. A large ;ulty 0otauelul iofetlumber cou. U Uý"TÂAKINO .-leuiiaealm feill' aup. pUieS sndaà ttaded oic short noice< , Colline hept ccrstantly on haudc, A lîciarm t litre olecl ens MhISudefjned hI tsoccasion ttoteumm Wus pistonwra listthe aboyae Mina, sitgd Lot 22, Ttli Con,, Tp. flbrldgo, to=m nd wih puntu&U an suddespatoh. taut 1eon 1Oteo filulngt3%. JOHN Im, anal neê MrdOU pÈ.0iiy - boiteilMd =-Uzloir L.FAIRANKS Js, * OfflCEBrCk ss A.t~ ,.LTIN. CROA FIBEAND LIFE. Es:isLunh)»Y B orax. Crncs, 1729. Fux» sx ai])..î..ý4248,8817o 4d. Stg. HEAD AGENT MONTREAL-IIOMEO. Ne. 56, St. FiancieZav'er être. JORN AGNEW, Agenit. 0NTARO FÂRMERS' MUTUAL IN8URANCE 00'. HEAD OFFICE, 1111CR ST., WM~TBT. This Company Innuros Faim Buildings, Country Churohes, Sooel Mous,,sud their Contnsa rates as Loir as thos.et any woestaliealCompany lu Canada. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLT PAID. L. FAIRANKS, h., J. B. BICKELý, Secietary. proaldut. Mr. D. Holiday luneu loager aht agent et tbtm Company. P oNIX FIEE ASSURANCE CO'Y., LOMRABDMT. & CHARINO CROSS, LONDON. ESTÂBLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIEB, MOITÂT h Co., Agent, for Canada. JAMES DÂVISON, Manager. Iusurances againat lous by Pire are effeot- ouI on the mont favorable terme, andaLoese ald wthout reforenco te tho Board in Lon- YEOMAN GIBSON, Agent. Whltby. TE Livérpool and London and Globe IXSUBANCE COMPA.NY. Lossoap aid Ilai eaof etthlrty-five years oxeoed FOBTY MILLIONS 0F DOLLARS. Clalms b y Chicago Pire estlmated à nanà - ly 09,000,0, are belng liquldate anasat as adjustealwthont dedaiion. Secoity, PromPt Pa tuand Liberalityilu adjuat- meno tu ILon uesaethe prominuut tcc4ureo eft iis wealthy Compay Head Offce, Canadlr;ancli, Montreal. G. F. C. SMITH, Chiot Agent for Dominion. L. FAIRBANKS, Ju., Agent at Whitby, ont. N"W DAKERY kFRUIT STORE. RICHIARD MNOW Begca te acnonace Ihat lie Io uew lîreiarel to saipplg evovythlog inte Ba'kery and Con fectionery Line At bi.cli ,tciid, lctely accupieid by Mv. cJ. ArnaLi. CHOICE FRUIT 0F ALL KINDS I{ept ronstantly on hanal, iu soason. ORAGI LEMONS, SARDINES, LBSTEFhS PRUNES, RAISINS, CHEiSE, TOBACCO. flnr.Aai delivered dcally tacustoers, saa ail other proviions anal gooda delivered a. maybecolred. Cho1ice Brandiet Cigare, -RICHARD SNOW. Whiby, Sept, 1871. 87 R E M O V A L The onderslguýd bacc reoeoil BOOT d 8HOE STORE te th. Promises à clloinlig the Western Mote, Dundas Strbet, Whtby, whene h. is now rpard teeeocut &U erders for Werk. A larg smdselct soc i uhand. Repaiing doue as u4an JOSEPH A. 1IANDELL. Wlstby, May , 1871. 19 D 0 M 1 N 10N FLOUR & FEED STORE. Thce uaaaermigneai bg o iteloovinthe iuhab- ltsuti et Whitloysanal vciîiity that ihey have epeo a Fleur andl Peed Store lu the prom. lis latoly oonpled by Mn. James Wallace, on puanSas Sreet, Oppo8lte the Robson- Hou8e, Whero tbey trust by-JceePMug everythlxcg lu iiei Uine always on hand, tuc ho able te give satistacition te cnuteanern. "ranhetOmeCakelWet -Laid aIlhnieFSet~~to ws k H. UL IV E IlY1 The undevigncd doacrec, te inln b is frýa» nd atrnstha heho aisagain no-i WHITBY LIVERY'SALS Eavlug eneretased telasnlber n u alit « eftihe stùd, buSaisela daleai te sd iairoved ihébm ovesanud vehieloas cn tbe prolo- lss, -ho hepsbir bin ia position te meut thaw&uts e iatemeru te menit a sbare et ggCHARUES JI0U ,&TE, _Oe N. E-Ceveesd uoleyabeea fj« families andi ladie. Prompt attendance, as hoecto. ftre, e eh eders. , - . RAT, Preprietor. AP.PLE TREES, -s, 40 T 20#00, HOME 'NURSERY- Froua 0 9 t es n ô fag,embraelngnl 5h.é bM osSVpetiss gHTH O. WiLsoN, Lot No. , LuS Con. Piohuving, nKip RM ossnet O000c, Wbltby. NEW PHOTOHBAPHI GALLERy. '. M. CALDWELL, PEOPEIETOB. liquors sud ignis. Geod stab4ng, ehn- close ds, suà d attentive ostiers jlwaya ou the Promises. Charges moderato.P i-IAýDTRUNK EAILWAY HOTEL, AT WXITBT STATION. WM. O'NEILL BPITR .parties taklng the traiads'lgirs .wil bave tbem weil takeun cavee 0 t Shah GLTOBE MOTEL, 33»ROOKLI!O, ONT. J~A.SPOWELL .- PRiEToB. PIROT.CLÉS5ic CCaiMiiDÂTION. NO 11THEUBIl.N. HOTEL, -. 4W111BY, 0OYT. B. P. CLARK,, - PROPRIETOR. The popitoe te lutorm his tnionds -ta Zut .er hahas refittte anal reoe vatoci tho. eld hote} kuwu as the,*' Farmors Inn," Dvock St., where ho willl ehahspji te roceive them, onm veghlm a caiL oeA stalln,bex s-cti, andocloed yard. Med. etate charges. .0'NTABIO MOTEL, BROCK ST., WHITDT, C. DAWES, - . PROPlIIETOR. The above aid established hôtel has been nowly fltted up and voîcovatoal thîeînut, ail thcecpartncants boing furnishied with Inew and suitalile f ernuture. The proritar M leave uething anden. uIn rvi n wfrtho. aomfnort.o he guest ,adt oy, may vely ap- on the.hat e#ue liquerabeing sopphasal at th. tar. oitatninpalci te the stabIng and i eeking alter the civility of hestlers. R EVERE HOUSE, MANC13ESTEI1., ONT., B. PLANK .. PROPRIETOR. Sr t$te ansd tramWhltby ral dally. Ev. er utetion paid to gaesto. ROYAL CANADIAN IIOTEL, J .PORiT PEailY,ON. IL ri, OY . iROPiIETOR. $ilpoior aicaumedation. Gond tstabling sud ricedl ro, and attentive omtlere. T MRE IRO0B S-O N HOU SEB, DUNDAS STn'YPT, wIIITBY. GEO. IIOB5ON, -PROPRIETOR,- TVae prbprietor begi; to anuotnce thai lie hias bcaseS the building formenly luomu- as 6 miptnsre's Motel, which liasebeen venevated, rofornished, and fltted up tbrongheut,in the. beRtof style. Thîe preinises ave pleaeantly âltuated, opposite the Post Office, sud ti the centre et the tewn. Thîe Rcilway Omnibusin calie at the hî,tel, axaS the stages for il:. bridge andI l3caveton Ibave thie dejor overy mornlng. ileard $1 pî»v dcy. Carettil ho.. tierés always lu attenacre. w EST EENTHO U S E , DUiODAS STIiEF.T, Wîcrrax. The aindergigneil would intimate te the, *paiblir, that the aibove promigshave been mewly iteS up sud renovated threaighont. Best Liatiersanadu CiFars. ccThe Creain ef Canada,' i,%se-pure Elhine Wine, Walz's Lag. or, wholeealo anuI rotaul. ]ioardars takon by the wcok. JOSEPMHAX BANDEL. w, ýON HOUSE, A. ' ý±LSON. Ju., PROPRIETOR. The subeoiber begs te apuotnco te frieude andI the public generally t ie h as oueed the above uow hotel in the Village et Ash. brni. The ,house la new, anal forniabeal in a moiet ihoogli aind comafortablo manner. Ouests will flund every couvonionco ut the ahave establishment. Wines, liquors, anal cigars of the best Ibraudlsalwayou kopt ou banal. Geod siabllng andl attentive hà res alwayo li attendante. May lut, 169. l ID AMLY LINE TO ROCHESTER. TuE NEW LAKEt STEAMERI Wi1loueve Ceboairgevery mornong at.;O P1ort Hope ai 9 o'clock, for Rocheuter, con- aiertiug thora wltb the New Yank -Central, Nonthevu Contrai, andl Enie Railways ton al peinte EasI, Siuth anal South West, IIETUEiNING-Loaves Charlotte, Port et Rochester, every ovccchag at 9 o'clock (exciept S.tcrdicyd, wben sic,-mai-ca at 2 P. ci., for B * liton, direct',) Trhie steamer cille eat Eigbtton Mcaidays, sud Thuarsdicys; Coîherue, every day eoeopi Thunclay; at Whltby, Oubawa, Darlingtoun, anal Ne'wcaistle on Woduesda ,should tvelht oSfer. Dealersainustok : I£nal thluîhe ohcapeit sud qaiclceet voute te Albany, Noew Terk, Boston, &o. Addross R. C. 0ARTER Port dope. m jIDLAND RAILWAY 01F CANADA. T I-M E -'T A B L E. Oui anal after Mondsy, Nov, luth, trains irill ru aua follows. Port Hope, depart ...... 15, a. M. Lindsay, arrive,..- : 12 05, a. m. dé deprt ...12 15, a. M. Boaverton, arrive....1 45, p. M. hOuD. 'Port Hope, dépait ...8 00, P. nM. indnay, arrive..........6ô 80, P. . 4 15, P. M. 4725, P. un. Linds Sapit.......9 25, a.m p., sinave . 2 5e, P. - 7 Supp. oet ¶Iinln. W À TE 30,000 IL B 4 itOOT AN» HANIJEg .DHKlLS" 'rey av uperio oanyilblng'o!thé kinal *0o maurilele ~ dulastt aue nalflo;tbey arêeasy wrél u Mlo ilMte g.4onspfot.clesu ola yery:Aio iJre. Square and Roeolv/pg Churns, SCUFFLERS, WflEELBM4-ROWgi, ,Ana aU otJaer hiinds, 91À 'at.ral#g,ýxp1o-_ ment» witbeIl thq eos000- veenlm s Havizng precnred- oee et Has t't Steam anneso, (oeseo the mcas complote et the kilial msnuaterd,)iheùndersiguëigt newontabled te execute al eidenfrsoi- E'ABMING IM PLEMENTS itq wha.lh ho may ha favored, cbdaply, ex- Y dItieusly, sud te guavantee cemplete satis- faction ln ail eaes. JAS. CLAYTON, May 10h, 872. Brook St., Whitby'. LIST OF TEE DIVISION COURTS COUNTY 0 F ONTARTO, FOR mmEMIEAuI182 t1; L 1î1i Ne... c - 2 2 1 Nu lt.. .i Ii 25 4-Idt No.S.:::..2 h 314 . 25 z54{ i14- Z, Bulxt>KIAM, J'aidge. Whltby, FAb. lth, 1872i 7 ANUFACTRIFDAT -TE Port Perry-Aérlultural Works. LEFFEL 5 CELEIMiATICD AMEICAIS DOM£L TURBINE WATRR WHEEFL. THEi DIOST ECONOMICÂL WIIEEL NOW IN UbE: Theso Wheols ire are nowv manufccturing cheaper t1ccn'any ocher shep lu thoe onntry anal re mil give a guavantee with ea. Whecl warrantiug theni te be as n'eU made, and te give as good satisfaction as amy manufactured in tbe Dominion. Parties deirlng tortlcer information eau obtain 10 by addressing PAXTON, TATE h, Co., Mad 118.Perry St., Part Perry, Ont. MU.KNOWLING Boeaa ta iuform hbe biios etf Wiitlby anal vieiaiîty that abe bas reccoived ai lat t stylqa lu Real Hait' andJým1I.ation eCi's, Switche%, Chignonsi, Pa&a for veilli g anal plaiting -the hair over, Lineu Switch. os, Braldi, ho., hoe. MILLTNERY, LL3g tY rd D R E 8&-M A IK 1 N G, .~ Iu every Depan1ment sumd accordlngto, the latest Stylos snd PasLions. A large stock of Faucy Gonds, ana Tewel- ry, Artidiclol Flouons, &o. Mas. KNOWLING, Brook St., Setioet -h. Chroniclo Office- Whitby, April U, 167 F0laSA LE * A valluable ccrm, in a higb state 0ai cigli., vation, acoilpetaexcele îù Çanada,, beiai Lot 25, 2uS cou. West eillinw, Count ,y 't-I bMiidlîcox, 80 'acres ecidreS ana l lîvater.-, od, gond fentesi, poild uilâIngs, sud a fine yonng orebaird ci obole fruit ; situatea witlin 4è ies of the, Souihing village et Park Iil sd onanu1-2acres. 'Foi p tart las HOMS0__ ~ T Whltlîy, ly 24, 18n. if-20 Nov York Oie e. 7 D EfU. T. 1~TÀU.AIX POPETTFOR SAL]E. The iu!gva st.Pa u iptQ fon lia ca rn r a And ho Mt ler mlaadJneei, T* croe«, er bslaiuDao"tw. ti-h 1, 'ui, - -7 - - .m - w titiwh,, Jng4Aa oi TALE0 MSO PE -Itas one sunili neoolkwhc' &-elittl4 A,l garb anal triiiWors;aedet panied by a.oloadèr ý-bu~itÊ é sa ïsome lookiug girl abîmi. siuteen, or it may bc aa 7otr pIore9ltor way te the lieuse bf' Int.w o, bis position in lit., ]-il' 'e al waty aiCiiltÃœrilst, »Meri or two heneati 1h. condition a tleman tanner, althougbx, ui plltiil.al rusteche lu14.xpst-apq liouse andl place had aboutm thona 1 oharacteriitic appearanieof abunolaube P uad sbovely mogle - h.S o uupAeIy, a1inost pe.1ocoi The, liouse was *toa reueanà .stgod -npon atitia-dnibence, aietout~ r d 5 -ve three or fouirlin&ds-.cýaidr "Rue, 11a iglway. 15 .Was - apprelache£l hy a grIit broa ianal raggéd 1obtor mocit É sud&. Bit ovoz .nue, us it might ho cebjkà Mft ir-4 fliiYi5 'Véry -good keepixig with the i>remii e a .Wi~, irlci l ld. As ea- fiteodl T 1nimovuin as -1h. road,-youha to Itadà trou -9 iron gaie, irhilc-iut wns 0elus3k4epo,, and iwbticbî, wbxep pnu .lwsaaohr , ,~~ask '01 -l -.luc 1ue'ge6f Ppety, rejulied ilflut~otpassgers ii ii in-~~-4 ~~ selves away'upen esèlisÃdefit, hroimghî fWu .jh 'wlioh tlucy womnt-to andu4came freinthc imu'o; andllil tilithe~P~tou4~~i bythc exarAple oct the amubl îèiénistlves 0. anthos, who, se long nif thcW4è!ouýath4 e re , pasesable,;nutee-khnhrbitn te open or close the gaie as amy. oal: else. .gairqiem The month mai Mfaý; andl uoiLhn4ç ~ coulci ho more delighltnl andl exiflarat- er y-i' ing than the breezo whieh played ansi uks, lt.eIn-tur 5h 0green fieldls ilat irere nom radiant y9wlfioj ? 'ý ýwith tihe liglat whichi iras flooded ldon.aTait. youet< Sm lipolatiiufrein thé ecloudlos sun11 otw tokene oc thtl plecasent labintfremin aoe;o- wlaicli tht iopes of ample andaltbuiid. l ou fgr eut liaricîts alwnyac spning. Hc're, fix la .ego, "yeai're th ed in tic gramuul, stoocl tespualeca ot a aildalws Sun' froim tîcat cireunurt-ince, wci-e ilion ut plintyls upony brekfast: ii în tlaci place uniglit ho may it ever bho sccru tic plougi and a portion of the clierna, I ýrsy iaclc yin.îg iei t, bineugcpraive les sc <if tîce aine tiict. Aronual tien, on cî ,intcq ovin-y side', iii, Iwlhrs dtelcos,9"".groon ' G filais, andial adows, tlîe binls seemeol , i * s '.,u aunùatecl into joyons activity or incoas. ma' aRhpr? o uni buattîci, by tlie Icusinoceos t- ic-ax how hii,. in, or love. Wllst al uarouil, tronc . - 'mal- ourdi andl air, sireainui thie casoles r W4 us voer ofut uni-cral mclocly andl seag. OSG auan 0aa rearhliag lie guto, Poety Dliii anal Nincy'»e liii pety dughrtarued up towanuhs new jik- cda the lieuse wo lhave, alidiail to-mhinht h al-h wus liaeacidcnce octan ucan itnal daugbtei, rhorn Ban-ko. Oxn reuclîimg it flccy more oh ly'toc ber-food. ser.vedl by a couple et large dagg. Who, ceedeal, csure th pnntaklug oethte liospitaile hait nogli etf it ovor theow :in-that*here a genît habits oc thte tanily, fii approsoalifohmtru od anal lookedat taixen tor a moeut, Some pebÉube, i ilion wîggcd themtalle by iv b f hll M mlirmta aomc, andl imuiedintely scampereal off seine, tor it'sgi intoth liebtchem tec torage for thion-ai epco" selves. 0an'-epice. Bî-kc's lieuse anal tarnipavo, though . an atrougly indicative etfivealîliana hud Oâ5l anceoin lie orýner, more, motwitliaîanal gd hitmoturedl iu, videutly tbie property ot a mcnm froin boa Sa iose,mind mes tur back lu a knor-. lealge.ofetagriculture, anal 111h industrial, 'Thurollaîllad puraits tiat dop.ndhmpou il. Hag- plied'wilh goos garai wess loveoHin ltie oxtreme, and dresacal as Mira is terni anal exceedingly offensive. b teor soaetlhing1 mioat of icheuses -evenytîing lay are You, Peety about lu a carelesand eglected man- girl ?' 11 non :-wYaecliarroms mithîoutthour tranal 'In good ionM les-s-arlis ton days under tic iain' tht1iianii' you 511 ve foU freni the caves et t-le ieus;eo.I-olher préent lime, th impleuicuts enà idideol in mud-car. To Ibis -Mrâ, u bodses Sutnlling don-thO PUMP ith- for itmajr be m out- sa- bxndle-the. gardeu-gate openm, tisaSaltiiongi anal lie pies, hardaI mciiideotroymng puie ra the vogetables, anal rootiug up lie gai- taltysd o dem lu al directions. T at ii ey sion lyh yq enimais about tiie bouse more conscions e ait jlex ofth lecharacter oet1h. people, samd net-. 'tl Shoentîe"'th ouI iccordingly. Ifoxue of the chose doge 'tie large h"'aa tor instance, uasliunea t teh igé h * c epcu1l ram iu an appui-riS fi7 -y tdrurafat rs comsialemdo wileh buppeneol te e ho maresi hiui; -maboul a bina mhici unenely littedite iead ana lion. oay-and 111w n ed for, a time-tho oiog miha bond anti haImot beeh m boisterous hftknlg, ,ieizt-al ils ci-. le& il vaiy, or perlai along toi liroe orfour yards l intà t 'try,jrtWeweer PÃ"$ition, afior ivicii,'upon he Pig ode- te.-th W eO mznigt fcC aayturtieî, ieve y tnepjiuml steby'drÃ"pped il anal trocîteal uiaan , whnie ,j (11,4 t)o 1u ie aim in-vi'tousb ~èlili~ rte lthe lire, abanna, an' k!ld 1143'gt i iu~1Ã"leth, theav Ué m"*èS-iilt for tbom, iat ia sapin' ; it 'Il ne. astituale pecauliar te Ida tse oui- i mnu li-ever largo he~Art un' lie 1ev- ce ulgn's on il-faiil'an, rou an" about pou-ýan' go'ryw..1. et 9 a in hue ittleafetlit- ineëý h o- there~ 9 nly lb.e oue'word bhol. Baronyn-We. ittin' enitmer fetch userfuon- cgh théiý iheu rJl uuà ieur lin; but eailp evon tmp teMaulluen Hycy in'l I, Rosi,2! hue Adud1, a addreasixLlIdavite, fom»mtotbelaken bhumoununuu wblid.i e. Bua' lyon're il - off ho SPe*aboll.Hem >p.n'o lienspour littbe np~uzpodet lie she n ruade e rpp hoe ayte sae u topher =0 ot h sl té * Tiofo*Wile "094, w nl Su a 84St baD' bis Ammw. Mis. Burbe I t iuiobat n huer ritop ethat class cIe mltluda<ue oshuare et ansu i.aneb2 É ivé > 4l5m~iWeÉla j o n w sl u h f_ ~ J DfrtW Ma:dlo I Àý£4 *0i s usati anie -hemtance to uiehaioe îafjslae .4pMONIa eimerful .ey gSuotsMbunevoiout patronage _nom ubonit te ~~plpmadeh i p'urite on ri M., Mthr'hepceeui-'ItxnVi _qaitase, utwoii'ceumfl.lene by an meulia.e hari1' Srosami'that inter- et ieâwa a d aaià s m*$ emIlyeati " l tSu. ir. PeetyDiiu'atnem ae musploeas Ixniqlulsavdbusu ite rnnd-1atp.' elisoxvu, hon-uve,- thaI bue lausgh,,lie rmaiisS'aeasta asuiljà bis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TO rnohe'elievr, r l-eà t eblni hm.- eins dirnutIy freimhe uert, and! hhat 'WIIy,'bo rupliei, ùow- really âaoLen* Viere iras à a uioexpression -about bis t nt xnsi Cesoo-fnti otI~rvse wel.fomedumunli mut M digiacefui lins OC lite he'u bringing'he 2 rsrely ~ ~ ~ ~ o ls4olcdgneoly e euus,un te. Yen ohoula tait -einluandl pro.-2 'er 'Sny aeqmialtanc n-Itthe it-d'vaie for lber.'- ýpùplsesof Our nature. Helwao bis - 'Wiicn 1oe, Hyop,'vrepiec¶cbi&mellî-' ~ue eai., u4,gr r o, hriolling, lil rou'l h. ea ý boggar's. cpulr5la~ l #t le ie old blaciokhod'danglter nov a niece oet Pblip Hogan's tipon ian.! ac"'0'resaed. as agnleman -oner1>t.' '4rlaWt11M, h &Àouagd lm 's for lin helug a nieceofo oaaa ui te ar ' nse- ùkiqbyhsuolr'aie- enleeà 'ibe ateataor. lier cap-. i#ieitWbfe4lalitpon là a Art-e oýe uOr thé protection ef a lily- asra a uiobtouvof iit i OI-resp e arman theuügh? -The pat- fanl4mi na.igteards luis parents JOuage t a poiiso en, Mrs. Burine, mas, lu piiletf hclï,horeverse etf iiat we thld ue akigf8-pmr ia ou'u e ae en. Ire ulet onip analbeonuril n-oui.. troatual'bsfther -wîtasmetbuig -wbon- -j bm 1-auei1 - de derng ou, onitempyt, but, jmid bis Hpcy?'pothnl o motuq ia il hia ugoraI ?idemici »Tut, inoter-iutha 'luÃŽdeed.t-her tapI~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t be eplulybmdn i aeeau lie ne doubt about it ?' te hm ne idhendoeat . "ToU ilion, lu tbsitceà se, 1 thînt cIao Corn luivie. ondA she breizay îtq,-Jljat loeif the *aliwrm)ilpxmqý-, cmoff 'ebotter- ut luis banls. Wlist tsonS t ho.fLutterec ber vaity, anal turneal bei- Thank peu imotion, for tiat oxamp1 foihles te bis on-n atvaulage, under theofetprotection anal benevoleuce. Iin cl guise et verp dutitul affection, bis ade- chat ail my vurtues certaluly'procel pertinent touerais honr as mnaîkeil by trom yonn siale oft lIe ieuse anal are de- - an ironical respecit wnhmeh iras ch. mue raiveul fîom poursl-ýtlioneenaubeho e luadeesible au4 immaily because aie doubt cof liat.' couul net. geO lrough. ut. .Theuo por 'ura til en yset cy, for, roman hb tsci akn thée opinion .that wiraroelse roui.! pou get ticua? Tou: dliciIt and.! iuulutile 'ras w have lie -M'Sr.iggiu ildae;an' il ean't, puetest, fe& êW i m a iehar isu, laetveinanyonese yu takÃoirl pyd e, eIsm M-*' lue,loietne, natiauns. A -ou iuo* e'tégë ipetliypauaeOfcenfl ,in mluuan, fyy, ifs net'hai to nnthet5 $huu1p~io, nt etaliiing luisen- ouhr 1Aut É I1:bellot'..'- ., r=flStOlbirace.'Spokenikbea Sbl.Mle t~, 'Wburé dwymio ' dto Ihis mernumg, tui hie 0! ne tryfpaua~u Msr Hyey?' - - tance. iloinltiier a roman Shaima MPo-nto toke aloo-atTour"uiO nlulien so much'of'be énlona'a mare, Crazy jSiIBumam - » pouSs;elf-mnymauuaeudfrnmatet e "Âmy bys tehere ~re1 Bebave, Hytcy--behale mw, 1441e ;blw= llmyiïl o Dudeay, nepliecisiupperuuag; 'horevertmuh~ ~aiutu 1' o-enecal he f tr ithu, at siip rate.' -vTOM Ëg. an reecste poar'luTom' We neescarcely slip h the lie "' -&Wob oule, n T m endcintau s deuhitea 'et tIs notin' Buremi, l~xts~l A-silalln',la lt baving«l)ds daimghter .piseuci x-tb Ic .Pe i.Hyçiy, xm ci, itypu go t ai J~re se irnru anl iseuitheu poo looktf9P*.wel.»tcîMoul come hoe m an ajoui urt-el Ite ý'té nett sopavato frod. n- - gir ilion S ctrong lâifes$utidn 6t, Olnr vican ufftIl.lroaches that Peter and ff i ffection hbobler.: Shevas isbu lasia awusg)igsreon lihenny otycfa-h ube.q pi 'floroi, lat bleomual for hlm upoû4_.l Thami t ou, atbeu'-Mnch eblîgeal; yen Iloehrmt 'a,-oaa ads.- etrt,~oi ulu <m4 ' fiuig Mna. ilure witia'tears WUR yeI 'Do ,ht o7 be osue fhave lW chîe irorlal.,,Shue ie' à çPO«, th55t - men' ami as I have ImeiadraiOnt eof a!ve beuglShon ber tsmcp rate,' saia -Q,.tuJ manst; an' l iin' li' er' Hpcp-IurS &Ov's Suie fiquro ; but ýjer our cure, I lave ail nifitl o'ama1lAmi'nant flttyr. iopos in titis wrn iai n-cIhmr,: 7 e= b m-ne the f t &n'M'mu'll guant!lerbei-u'look afthr. 1 dan' ho;m, luGol'naine, do yen expect h0r"u te forberi'r as he wascane of yoni n-s .1 uB n orden osa a verp excellent, u-în paiueel u . 0a'&. worthp candl gentleman-farmr- br 5W li te viole contemp tea EY -au -berangement,ha uot HpKy stoppetiiA yçqdJames Burt., 4mmwote averSt roi peeoty the-ofeioloipria.e -tlu&heuom tU eing ftli o tlaI etflthe patrouess. onlapunIet iebanu, Hycp Bur ce' î.e et, emiaiSi ae lie ~ ~ ~ M waemleo.M ortipsrenfl aly sensalé of tue ioiâur Miss. Büutib fo1idé fuit. -IMa-'doeffy on anal pour duitrlu abn 'Tf de IuatI lithle girl unaler lien protection -tan pat-, p8l~ooae ratare l' sald. his mite',npge?' Je - a" Ãœ'1 adiPou luiq monthr, - IaonGabos' O- - UQao sub or enbgar oathe. stiïol3', $'d"oft hu udvanta gto gtber qrô*etteid ii îbd oü not miotluer-naseecetib' 'uaaeehgc' tedaaê aoulue~ ~lmnad My nap 'Anthaîs it May lebothe 'nali'o z2pps. ~um1rko' . à oaauugte 'fortue?" 'Tou ue ecy, fe vilra -i t emma in eea l Masiét py. lmuastii rï, 2Ioe, ÃŽi a 701 me LOB r - bliwioaptbilyZin lie 'Par-le wjch. mom#alet t 5h». 1Lçrrikton ie let felevatiugIher te lIme tme PrInc, #1I ±tJMamy td1I gm"Stelil mmg~Pies Of double at inâ " le' p'1 rdtldulý iliumf? Eave youno pria. ?', No, lu Sirelli, mir, l l'5lfatbéft 1No, luauk- dt liai-in' chatIm an lioheslmari au' ne gintleman ; un, a Nor lmIeutectbrlieu~s .o p, Rsu-'-tiesiri daea te holrenleha- »,-,.Bwoke Ltch i uIlaer. piics, tegeien n-lithfuie immole sye- ý1heuoedHcp; noe i r o O iiuet f Algebralo Equalions ift5he girle >'Faltli, HC'cy, hel coethetmr off e -b~oiroa lau~iÉ of b he- l&leghiuxu'-sWcck d r the tyoaebng~earit men0 peu-s. rontacet vomüce dtie e mutnims týae' cieImavebeen naie ry ramnlable ueCon tui-g novthipart of theu tric Whiste , ofet ,iolemant ave- pauWd amep 1>5terp lie wmaters-aegà n- te bwzïUiiatai frtuxnLabe, Eie <eLae Oilaei on l, ien-tSic lera al 1ivl* ereatures iluat peopod thie earth and lia types revosledin foslrenuins OCpe4Iotl antedusting Sia begiuing ofe! iagamu FaIlà 'by iUionfi 'of yearé. Who ca-dé- ternle-tebe. - on tir npen. the destrucioin oft1 t iwori2 oaIn bulen-etih in-it 5begau, or.i-n-uil mal endl. - - pyou eaay Suer mutdernoan dil r pou ?'-es.'-ýWu it mooîjhnl il teooliplace ?-Io in'-Was 15 lgt?'-IL iratseuoiark pou cou pe our lusantaone- peur nce.'-'Wei -was, liom amp ligiîsllungfront any bOUI" ueaýrhy ?'-,Wliy,otierwanS a abne n-lIT ntà Ul'et c,-Wf l thien if ther. mac ne-iuion, nmoctnrlight, ne ligit frouanymphenne, anal se dark. -yen ~ ~ Fp çcy4"i'x e our baud bdr yexar1tacclion-are eua sepositive baI Spn- iras Suce =a, andI he M duIOUa s.. bhina?!-a'IVii Cul! p ou $seu-'lien '4daigeoisfruk nme, dés'Sun len- eei ta up ro~ii14dat peu mugiSré taue beualsioli I ~ 5n-ANWà , 9c hge "à a&k .ile grer Calif l 13à WlUimm nover be-ai ch. minute haüd, endioemmng te misp*da. abos ýye noce lst 3bad gven notset f gent famlly to no, parpoe. - ngl)gt<ê~ whal bsnc ebien a 8bnpeanbutpsa in. ua, j one. -C LIA Y'T ýO l t.be