Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1872, p. 1

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,e of8cena, pielai,nr&ts ,ta, p-rlue, aels yubs, i mad4 wlth .4rM vèrtl' ýcntinu advartise Bus in.fl:8 sD ire _________0oto0ry5, WI1T BY rTi WH 1'£"B y AGE N aY, H.B. T4YLOR, L A CCERY& CONVTACDIG rangemts for upecial retâiner etHon. Ur. Cmeron, Q.C.,îsnd Dr, Memicbael, Q. C. (C UTy NATTORNEY, FOR aer-ofPublie &C de Odee--Late. Co=-bi-il. B«., laie 1. ruwn my, Brook- Street, *hutb. GEORGE- IL' DARlgT.L, the 4*0puty pi Outarlo. OfqÇs lr Hu~ JAIS KE1oir IGORIDON, BDARRISTER & ATTORNEY.AT.-LAW, J.»Slleltor lu Cbancery Conveyaucer, Natarypublioe dc.Off[oe-ý1xà door te the. Storeoi R. Xk J. Camipbell, Brock Street, Whitby, Ont, F'AREWELL & KCGEE, 1Il IRItS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICI.' J.>7 torn, Conveyaueers, sud Notaries Pub- lie. Ofic-u. door noruli of tue Post Office, Oshawa. J. E. PAI5WZLL. R. McGax. CHARLES C. KEILLER, ATTORNRY.AT.LAw, SOLICITOR IN A ChuceÏcouveyaucer, dc., Cung- LYMAN ENGLIS0, L L. 0., B RISTER A T LAW, SOICITORIN BClancery,Canvayancer, &c,ke. in- ce Street, Osawa-. G. YOUNG NWITH, LL. 11.9 B R Il, ATTORNEY. AT- LAW, Block, Brockstrcet Wbltby, Ontario. JAMlES LAMON, ATT0IINEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN A.ChAanery, Couveýrsucer, LansIAgsnt, " Olce-l Paritit aBlock, llrock St., GU£ENWOOI>& cnIeiLLift ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLIC. Bitia, NotIss4e Public, Conveyancars. Office-Byron Streaet, Southe of Post Office, Whltby,Ontario. TIIOMAN HUSTON, TOWN CLV, k AN" TREASUIIER, :LWity ffice-TownlHall. Heurt, l A _.CS NX IRJIEN, JNOtFICTOU 0F PUBLIC $Ci.---S J.for tic Count>' aif>utaro. Addrxti- B aglap sat Cilice, Ontario, URGIION TO TEE COUNTY GrAOL, S .Byron Street, Whitby. HEiNRY-WARRENi, M. D., C ORONER, BROOKLIN, ON-TARIO. Wm. MaDUBIEN, M.0.0, 1LRoct,, (uY'S HOSPITAL LONDION, ENG., 2Jthe eye 11. 0. H. L., Oshawaa, Ortarioa JAME W. SIlTH, 2.1.,o CORONER. ]RESIDENCE-ASHI3URN.c -C -3ni -20 W. AI>AMM, DE NETIST, (SUCCES. f~,---'sor to W. H. Cari.) *%.JLDental lions-Dundas treet, Wlitbyover Mr Jsnieson's Store, Nitrouns Oxlde 9o dmi aeLsnzuîre, furthile îainless ex- trattiau ai teeti. THIOMAS i hUNTON, -4SUR OF MRI IESS J.OBeca-Town Hall. ltesidene-Byron 'Street, tîce doors sîorth ai Town Hall. JOUPI IJOBINSOIN'S ]_AIR DlRSSING AND SIIAVINO- H Salooin, irock St., Wliitl)y. t A ENT FORl THECELEBRLATEIJ cSottioraite. At NMarbie Worke% of Jonathan Wa)liatden,Diiulas St.,Witby.c * JOHN CART1ERl, I IENSIID AUCTIONEEFOR TI11TEE M ONEY TO LENI. The undcrsipnei lias any auoilnt ai Mois-] ay ta LeusI upon FIcinoter Town » iropcrty, ait- ( nîsuuali>' Loy Bates tf Intarest. Lowas aium le repai ici suais ta sait bar. Lz SBevaral Iiupraodoi Fanîsé andI Wild Lancias InveniXe niacle filiMunicipaîl Peleil. X ttres, Bani sud other Ioarliceitabale Stocka, n For furihil Iartiülitcrïi appi>' ta t «.JAMES Ig)LDIIN, i ilicial Assignat,, Broker, &re. ti j# OlTC-(ver tIhe Dominion tlaiks Me W Millan e lraek St., Wlitby. ' - Bpril th, 1872, -. 15 m 1u 81 IlM U 81C Wlitby Brase alla string JBands, adapted - fer Soirées, Pic-nies, Excursions Quadrilles Pàtlas, t&e c., Wini suppi>' tha betatnsda latent Musie an reasonabls ternis. Applications nuet lie madd. atier persan. aIly or b>' letter, (past sai1M)ta J. WOIZ1l'NDEN, ____________Wliiîby. s 0110 SAW 3MILLS. ii. undersigueil takes occasion ta inforni lWa cnstomsrs that the aboya MiHa, iituated on Lot 22, TthCoQ.,, Tp. Uxbrldge, Are nov lu fun w orktng order,end ready for .enttlng Lumbelr te sny quautity ta suit ans- tomeér -nd lth punctuality sud despatel. L;;;Vr ou imm10 toN ic luînlengti. T IHE B T JH WI VOL. 1q[. Insu9RanCOCompny, of Canad& A W, . LAW, AEET. McMlUsn'aB10014 BrookSt eWbi. - D OLLIDAY, AGENT1Y« TEE ISOLATED BIS8K FIE Pis. 00.,I of (ienada.A psiily CanadienIstttih .Aso Agent ad appralser for tIi Canada Permanent Building- and saving saeety, for b1ansm o y At loy iateiofiùntees. Assuae Company. CAPITAL, *4OOwon ESTA8LàJa 0 à L r L. FAIRBANKS 3j, L ONDON'- ASÙBTANCR CORPORA- TION. - PIRE AND LIFE. EsxAsBLIRRED ;y xo.c"Cuauzmu, 17È9, F.Uxus ulx AND- .£,45,558 17o 4d. Stig. HEAD. AGENT, NMNMEA L- iOMneO H. STEPHENS. No. 56, Si. FrancisX avier Street. JOHN AGNEW, Agent. O NTABIO FARMERS' MUTUAL -. INBUiiANCE CO'Y. BEAD OFFICE, BROýCK Sr., WHITBY.- Ti.Comipany' insurce Farîn Building, Country' Clurcies, Sicheel Eouses,asud their Contenté *t rates as Loyastiose aian>' vell-estaiilmid Company' te canada. JUST LOSSES PEOMPTLY PAID. L. FAIRBANKS, Ja., J. B. BIÇKELL, r. Satratar>'. Praslidant. Mr .Hollida>' le no longer mn .aganut a thia Company'. P HtENIX FIEE ASSURANCE CO'Y., LOMBARD 0T. & CISARING'CROBS, LONDOU. ESTABLISHIED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOF1'AT & CO., Agents; for Canada. JAMES DAVIDSON, Manager. Insuraucesi agat otsaely l'ire arceaffect. cdI ou tho monst favorable ternis, sud Lasses Swltlîsurreiarenco te the Board lu Lau. YEOMAN GIBBON, Agent, WbltIy. TH~ Liverpool and London and Globe INSURANlCE COMPANY. in 0T ILo tirtl years 0 ïO OLLAM S. ,y #8,0w,Ol".arfle ' l dated afast as adjusted. '*itbîmtet uct Secnnty, Prompt Paymnuet sud Liberafity in djnst- ant afi ts Lasses are the proiuinent features of tlila vesîtby Campauyt. HeadI Offce, Canadarandh, Mautreal. 0. F.--. SMTH, Chiai Agent for DOe.inion. L. FAIRBANKS, Jan.,Agent at Whîiitb, ont. NEW DAKRY&l'FRUIT STORE. fRîCHRII ONOW Sage ta sunouncetdigit lic is îîowvîirepared tu auppl>' evccthing ite Sakery and Confectionery Lino At us# olal etaat, lista>' accupled b>' Mr. J. HROICE FRUIT 0F ALL ICINE;S KepI canstant>' on lssald, te seasos. ORANGES, LEMONS, SARDINES, LOBSTER9, PRUNEIS, RAISINS, - CEESE, "TOBACCO. Biccictu ddivered daly ta cuatamars, anal Ml other provisins andslgonds elivereal as ma' a rdred. ice Brande of Cigaut. RtICHARtD SNOW. Wut>', Sept., 1871..3 RE M 0 VA L. Ticeuudrigueld iasremavaci lis WOOT c& SHOL STORE ou the praulses adiolalng tic Western Hotel, Ïuda iSrel iWîtb>', w'cere hl ie lnuw irepared ta execute all ordaré for Work. A arge sud select. stock on isald. Rcpairieg euse as aisai. JOSEPH .ec..ANDELL. iei-itby, Ma>' 8, 1871. in D 0 M I N r0 N. F'LOUR & FEED STORE. l'ie uicdarsigned bcghtania hcinhale. tacets ef Whltby aud victeit>' that thé>' have opeisad s Flour and Feed Store in tic prom. ises lte>'aeupied b>' Mr. James. Wallace, sn Dud Street, opposite - the Robson House, li1erste trust1m bhy kccpteg evcr>'tbteg te be.ir lise.lva>'. n onld, toe beta giva satisfaction te cnstamac-ai. Bran, Shorts, Ostuical, Craccac Whctt, &c., ai thebestal hah FLU -aiWit, S p'rng, snd Mixeci -snd slh kInclai Fecal, selllgu helws livinig prices for cshs. i i lvs .SMITH &c HEMINGWAY. Cssil raid for allkinals ni Fsrmer» Proche. S. dc IL The untilignea alcli-es ta inionu uie falends sud pstreins, tIsati e bas again te- aumecl boaloeu t tic aid 4'HITBY LN-ERY STABLES, Eaving escreanci the iuniber ansd qualit> -f tic stud; sud alsmasaldeci ta anIdimprovad liec ouveysucqi; aud vehicles cen ticspren- nes, lie iopes b>' boitg in-a postition ta moat the vantéaifcustoniars ta neiaentreliaofa eubhie patronage. W CHARGES IIODERATIE. -M N. B.--Covered cauvc>'anccs for failies anil ladiesi. Promipt attendance, asuliarcia- foie, toalml ordars, N. RAY, Proprietor. AIPPLE -TREES, -AT Titi- HOME NURSÉ-RY - Fraifi tva tu four years ai aga, embractegsau tue hast Vaniies.o SETEù C. WILSON, eit-ot2<ad Cou. Piee«,unjo Klgten RosdPoé'OffcsWhiîby, NEw PHOTOHRAPH GALLERY. A. BARRET Beon ta anou no tathe ns,, 1.ci Wlltliy Otwew Photoiraoh- y ~BOOKLIN 1101USE, IL B. TOMLINSON, PEOPEIETOR.. Thla houme lm been reeenty îrn1she Thé bair lansuplledwitii the elicéet Wlies Liumaund r.Eey'atninpi Coset.'F tblesasi led&. I0HN BAILEY PPrBIEITOR. ,The. abcive hôtel lis bmau nwly tteil~ and turnlsed. Gueste wilUend eogufortbu accomiiodatiozl an& 1oto.Ã"a¶étubi. lng andI attentive bootlers. JSHAWA, ONT ÀRIO- ýaXMRIA O-E -»RC "SOSXST., vwxzlB,. E. M. CMJLDWELL, PIIOPRIETOR. Best accoimodation aum siiperiar inius, cloiesI yards, and attentive osiiers alvays on the premises. Charge. moderte; TRN AILWAY' HOTEL, A T WHITE'I STATION. WM.. O'NEILL - -PROPIIETOR. Parties taking the train anadieavm hors.. vUii have theni well taken cars.of.tiR tiair return.- GLODE HOTEL, BROOXLIN,- ONT. JTAS. POWELL --PROPRIETOR.ý N ORTHERN HOTEL, WU!ITBY, ONT. S. P. CLARK, .. PROPJIIEToR. The proprietor begata informi ifriends sud custoxuýers tiaf lieasrelittedsud reno- vatud the. aid hotei known au the " Farmers' Inn," Brock St, where ho viii hlappy ta -raceive thint 1; 0o giving hlm a cal!. Good enate dlcharges. icséayr.od O;NTARIO HOTEL, B111CR ST., WI1ITBY, C. DAWES, -, - PROPRIETOR. The aboya aid etabllised liotel has beeu newly itted Up aud renovated throuih t, aIl the apartunrîîts beiig uruiili ynew anil suitalle inculture., flicproprietrWini laentîn une ten rovdig for the conortofthegusta sd th xay reý,y up- ona th. ostofpur hgqno ing supplied ut the i. br tctaetonpatd ta the tabllng sud u bokin gîtr tc ivulty ai hostiers. RE VERtE BOUSE, MANCHES5TER, ONT., B. PLANK .--PROPRIETOR. Stages tean (l from Wnliby call daily. tv. ery Attention paid ta guets. RDO'YÀLCkNADIAN HOTEL, SPORT PEIInT, ONT., H. FOY - - PROPRIETOR. Superior accammiodation. Good. st*blteg and shed roani, snd attentive ostlere. SHE IiOBS ON BOUSE, UtDAS STRIEET, WHITBY. GÈO. ROBSON, - PROPRIETOR. Tic, proprietor i>egs ta announecthat lha lias leased the building firzneriB]cnown as SMrpture's Hotlvhich lias been renovated, 'refurnished, tuid dttadl up tbroughout,iu the bast ai style. The pramisas arc pieasautly sitnated, appamîte tic Post Offie,snd in the ceutreofaithe tawn. Ticeliailway Omibus- caUs st the hatel, andI thtstages for M&x bridge sud i3eavcrtau bauve t'hodoorarery moruing. Board 61 per day. Careful lias. tiers always iii attendanc. wESTEIIN I9USE, DUNDA9q STRtEET, WiIITIJY. The &undersigned vanld 'intima(c td.the publie, iliat the aboya premise hava been nowly fitted np au& -¶vnovated tirougiiont. Best Liiuorï* sud Cifars. "The Ci-can of Canadla,' alon pure Utie sWteWalz'R Lag.. er, wholesaliadrtait Boaldrars ae i the yack. mtsb JOSEPH A. I3ANDEL. wJI LSON BOUSE, A. WILSON, JR., 'PROPRIETOR. Tie sibeçriber begs ta anunce ta friands and tha publie generally that ha lhas opened tIha aboya nom, hoel in the Village of Ash buriî. Theoliouse le uaw, sud f urninheinl a mont thorougi sud comiortable maujier. Guests wiii Sund evary cauvenience at the aboyaestbiiien. taliquors, sud cigaris af tie hast branîl,. slways kept ou liand. GoosI stabllîîg andl attentive hostiers; alwayg in attendante. May, lot, 1869. iSti DAILYt T.N' TO ROC HESTER. TUF NE W iAKY, STEAMER Will leave CoborgeVéry muanug -tt 780; lFart Hope et 9 n'clock, for Riochester, con- nuciug tiers -with the New Yark Central *Nortiern Centransd Liailv aforai points East,-South and S6nth West. RETURNING-Leavea Charlotte, Port ai Rochiester, overy eveniiig et 9 o'clock lextepi Saturdays, mwlîeieiue ~m.t2 p. in., for Brighltoni, direct.) ki Mie steamner tallsa t lBrighton Mondays, snd Thiuroasys; Caorzîai, ery day exeept Tiursdsy; ut Wlitby Oshawa Darlington, sud Newcastle -:an Weiiesday,âiond ireiglit aller. I)ealera lun stock *111 Sud this the cieape'sit sud qikest route to Albany, New Yorke, Boston, &c. Address - 'eot hope. mWILAND RAMIWAt O0, CANADA. T- I X E - T A B L E. Ou sud imter Manda>', Nov. 18db, trains vill mun as follove: Port Hope, deasrt ...9 15, a. nm. Ltedsay, arrive ....12 05, a i depart ...12 15, a. ni. Ileavertan, arrive.... 1 -15, p. ni. Port Hope, depart. il.... 00, p. ni. Lindsay, arrive.......... 6 30, p. ni. TZRAINS oaiieôSaUTit-XM. Beavertan, depart .....2 45, p. m. Lindsay, arrive,......... 4 15, p. mi. ]o. depart........425, P.m Pri Hope, arrve ....715, p. ni. Liàoadepart ........9 25, 9-222. l'art ope, arrive ...12 1, p.ni H. G. TAYLOR, 7 Onpt. of Trains. -W A N T FD pasmasion givit .&»ly to Or t>- Trno JOHN HAIITRICE, - miy 4 l4~Peminrr. O. 1870. 201t TIsepsbsIsewtl Ii iimprove- 1u~soe~ Ii~aun~,tUgOdy h ~h9~i7bO, &lfih4 comffin for -doing the wvorl augaLSUli t fgom8#to 09 Parienarattention lu ôsocafled te hm IIOOT AND»21ÀNILIEDRILLS, Tley are snperio«ito mnthingoff the kiiid yet mannfaetnred, endure we caicniatedto save the furmer both labor and expea. Hin lffl flESwoIebyin Bquare and Revolvihg, Churns SCUFFLERS, WHEELBARRnowsE ASsI Ail other kinda cf AgriculturslI mplei inputs viti caiithe rocent iniproveniente. ý Having procumed anc ai Hsrpcr's New Stean cnginea, (ana ai the niasicompleteo c the lind.nsnufactured,) tlie underiguied im nov enabled ho exacute ciii ordars for FAR MIN G IMPLEMENTS vit ich h iy it'be favored, cicap>', ec- peditilyl>, andI ta guarantea complais satis- taiasu ail"se. JAS. CLATTON, - lrock St.,Whitli Ma>' lîti, 1872. 20?y LJJST OF TUE DIVISIONCOURtTS COUNTY 0F ONTARLOe FOR T E R N1872. Wbitby, Feb. lath, 1872., Jctlge.7 m ANUFAC TURED AT THE Port Perry AgrieulturaiLjyork8, LitYELS CELEBBATED AXERICAN DOUBL.E TURBINE IWATBP IWHEEL' TRhY MOSIT hCONO5tI7 AEL<W-l N USE ThuesWliocls vo ar-o nosu euninacLac mn; eheaper lis» u>' yotier siap ins tie cou nitr anal vs v9l!give a guarantes ' ii oaci Wical wau'ansilng tissus halie as es cl made, aud ta gi4ve as good satisfaction as aîîy nianufacturad in tic Dominion. Parties desirig further luionucnatiun c ohtate itliyaddrsaing PAXTON, TATE &- Ce),, Psu>' Si., Port Perry, Ont. Ma-cIi 81, 1809. 31 M S.KNOWLING Bi ate forni tic ladies ai Wliitby andl vieluit>' ual sic bas rcsuived ailthce 1ïtest Stylas ic Real ilair and imitation Curie, Swltelscs, Chilgnans, Paba for rolliug sud plailing tis hait avor, Linen Sviiec- CRI Bralis, dcc., dcc. MILLINER-V, MILLINItY! -' ANDi jýFDR ESS5.51 K-1'NG, ..M InevgDepartni accoldlig te thme ?aàtt sa AIMéýv lag tc a sc#Geodansd Jevel- r>-, Artificial Flovers, dcc., Ma& EKNOLING, Brocis St, South ai the Cimasicle Office. Whcitli>, April 4,M82. F OR SALE. A valuable l'uru, te a bigi state ai culti - vation, SUnetnIexcaled te Canada, bsing Loi 25, 2ncl ceeu. W'et Williamsa, Ceuni>' of Middliesex, St0 acre,. ciccreal, sud 'us-cii ater- cd, gant fonce,, gooci huildings, sud a fise- yoncsg orchurd of tIniecc fruit ; sihuati vthihs4& milhes cof tlîc thanishiag village ai Park H, sud coshaning 142 acres. For, particibara itpph> t- -THOMAS KNIGHT, - Park 11111.- Whitliy, Judy 24, 1871. tf-Ml wN 1 ORD.Jf Icv YoMSg Offioc -2 EK& BT VAUITPROPEHTy FOR SA&LE. Tic ubseri er osIers for sleth, fcllov. ing vRluable PraPertY, te lhe Town ai Whit. by-nexcellent Brick Cottage vith j acre le'dsitutihd onhie camner ai Gies sund St. Peter Ste., te the South Ward. Aliea & acre 01iland, Wvol! eneet, sud lu a higih'te ai cultivation carner Wellingtcon sud 0f. tomut#, ý7,1 u& "monCenreSi ps notri o-t'a vIlforce. ternrie remirse Wo o Ct ut AI e ti. viI,*hsah 'e ain vonid shunt 'w o<,,sud lesve,'tkhè -Wisied.for good un. done; n o<y - jbut t-lr6eg~nsproue tI11l ,poo; bMin w t ib14servante au -Thie lin andthe R8se. Theelul, )vho flafls whereverhe goes, 17en ju lave a lMrose Sa lie od-baek tiiý.q of ieu§Oftgpeqc ~Butvwo't day vIen hoI iair Tangled har heart iu a neot AndI loe for the night of darfr despair, Wlien lier üeok vitittearav-as vt Fur lie boved lu ouly seuadneud And lie left lier miiiand i.ek, Striig agate vfth lier faded hood Tocover i er bl<ushing ciieek. T.HE RMIGRAN'Ps.'ý A ýTALË. 0V 11miss I. - CHAPTER I. hitvas onc sumnciSýnaMnng, about s, nino o'ciock, vian a lille sman, intei e-garb sud trinm of a minndlcant accon. tpaued b a sisuier but alien baud. son oo' tg girl about sinteen, or it ns>' liec a ysam more, vere ipan their il va>' te the houseof aan, Wbo, , fran bis position ite ho, rugitlie tonsidereal 8 a venlthy agrieul-it, sud onl>' step -or two«ianestîthe condition oais gen- theman farier, althougi nueb icnore plate and rmatie lu bIs masuae. Tic liense sud place iad about tlien h-t charctceristic appearauce of abundance y ami claveul>' nogleci vlici *is, unfort. 7- unatel>', aliiosu ectiar ta ourcountry, The bosse vas a long siateal one, anal .tcad upon a uitile emncnce,, about tirse or faut hundrais yards fritic bigiva>'. Il vas approachad b>' a brac andI ragged boteen or suocit ave. "ns, as i; n iiglit bc causal, tint vas lu very good 'ksepixeg vithitic pieuses ho vhieh 1h lad. -As youcntcrsd 1h frati tic moid, yon liai ta pasa througle an -iran gale, wcîi ch v as a task ho open, anial vieli, when OPaeecl, it wasauoibncr tankto ho îîi. luIncausequenc ofai luis IditIicuity foot patsagere laed ce.e îlic-în. 71 gglvcs -s svcy pai ecile isiels i , tiîroîiglc whvcichi lieey ve-ct toa anc ame frolnithe wlit-cuit uccîci iilIhcis lIce>' vetosauctionctl vic, o, 101j",icgas tiieso sida patles wveo passable, inrinfesetd asinuebi tcluctetucs 7 teopmleu or close îles gate as au>' one TbîM-ecuontîs vas Ma'; anid uotihing coulci le meort, doli-Iiîful andexilnrat- ýin.- thun thie ircazo u'ieli piayeddàý lie grecs fielids tint vers no-uvr vii tte iglet vilie vas loodci down upon heîiroru tIe closufleussun. Arounid ticuniin ever>' fielivoetehie tokons* ai tiat pleasacit labour frai vbieitlie Icpéi;tof aîniphcandal bunal- cccii iresta abwii>-s cpriug. Tiare, fln- cd iii tue grounsi, eiood tie spaies of t "loto" of laboiurers, vio,acs -ases-iîeia ironi tlîet circursaaucs, wc-re then i u breakfast:ii aetiier llace uciglît ho scen eu îe 1icgle cccii a pgrtin of tIce tcicklc' byiîeg hiticici it, lîeing expressive o-f licee icr- 'fas-t. Areiuwil tIbini, oic cvc.îy'ilide, iii leesssitcec, gi-eau fielhl, aileand ci he u bird,. seeniei annittcato uajoyocuh aetivit>' or huccas- cccii eccite, li-,,the- busicne'scsof ieci-buili- ing, or love.' Wlilsi nil art-uni, fri thdaticiicir-, stuseinei thes ceascleca voice ai uic'vmrcal inelai> and son*g On ccciclluiig the fgaie, Peci>' DIîcian blisla iroit>' daiîghiiei-urîsei cip towardsi thec-hocco n-c- liveeu- ldoi ho-vîscieli ÇMts tithe esiiezuce ai a juan iai Buriike. Oui reciuug h tbîey vert cci. cervîci b>,a coupla aiflotrgec.dags, via, piartakiug tif tics litabla buti negli. t'elit habits ai thc fcuiiby, tirai approaci. ed ani louie-iait ilielu for à uomeut, theu vaggci ilihi- uiltie' vt>ai o - ct-ne, icuel icliiîi(iately ccancipsurecioff lint heiîcu llhicutee foirage for tîcecci- Burces lt-osu d fativard, ticoimg4 ctauegly indsicative ai wcaclth and abucial ancc ini thce aver, vcre, notwiliistmnal - in4', eviiccitly tic pcoperty ofi a ian vit-se ininîcias far bnck ici a Icnov- ladqe ai agriculture, and tlie icidustril * lit th tdiepeunal upon it. His hag- gard vas cioveul>'ite c xtreine, aud hie icînnycrd exceodIngI>y offensive te ucosh ai tic ceuses; avac>'tlcng la>' abeout in a crelesa sud negleala i mn 1ner :-vmoelbnrÉows vithout their trmnc tbes-nsacies for des cimier thie mrrhiat idl froni lia caves ai tdia lionss-ôÃ"tlicr luaploins anbealded lu ml-mar liesot ln ilovu-lice puîp vltà. out a handia-the garien-gatc open, anal tis pige liard ah vork déstro>'ing tha vegetables, ai an otiieg t he gar. dIon iu aU direction& ' lir faI, lice very anhiccla about lie hanta vare cousci-ous ai hhe chsmacter of tic people, andal st. c d-sccordingly. Tf ou4,'àiceIlice dog for instance, vas itinhoa ailice pige,>tUc rasl lu anapatent 11cm>' lavande thé vlîialc ipýened 10 lic nccreé hldm, - vhielu moral>' lftsd its lîcadand lisheiî- ci for a tume--tic ia vith aud ansi boisterosbarklig, soizeal ils sar, l-i i ttbong for threc or four "ai t t positione, citer vieli, upon tic plg 'de- mufiring Wa proceea aurtier, lie ver>'. quitel> drapeiel IlansI trotti ni agan, haaviig lIhe destrucive animai ta mc-; 'tuie ita depredatious. Thealieseono iside botethe scmiar. acht. -'Winîer ana lcumer theo ûil- dot-t, vhiclihai long loct h i nocker, la>' bospitail>' apen. "Tia parler huel a ver>' sqiivocal appeenransue; for tic fur-' ti-turs, ticougli original!>' good ansI of -excellent natetiabe, vas sstie ansd deluûna ns acked tin suanar tlia slntelbcc litle sens. of cars or -citas. tha&t the staine vere nov vworn.t~yii htSldt rquicei shrpeye to m ~~uueic enc of frge t Atas remaineel e cburtc~ boards h cavercalnl diCê eb tsa iy on, boii. Onenéi . ij àth vliit tiy ge wya lu e or m go, enim fieat.wwu- aller whcheetret aie tohe t lsy e-ben-' dresser, a lfgcm.y iinmense quÂntt 'f pois eof a deli;-,and iivas onl tde ones'e avardo ethé ceive b>' tha -W eIty na i fb[= liungb-e su the huge aideadfi-la Ori "yellow brac9" projieete fa -out ovol' the fireplace towar thse &Mr sud under i an iiiside&arethh'e long hbo-s or ChInm.y co r esal, , ' whieh nearly s dozen persans could soi of a vinter eveni M.Burke> s ilu s aIdusIof p=î itqmlus«~fo Ona Par af thieldOuse tothe t1ae'Ï4Ç* a larýge buuehaf briglit koya jinghig aet ona ide, sud a litge lhou"e~Fb oea viii s round piuoushiou'danglngb. side it ai tise-,ther, JemmiyBurke hiniseif, a lsc i te - soleimumace mn, vas stiig un 0ic. bbin qunestion coniplacantly' smôking liiipipa,,v*haut. cvertUicgiawing 'raînnnts a-ài u j. menueturfifire hblug *iugiisg kotetti 1and beslte it pou i« a rasied cals iras thetealct, -"willu"' 1as 'the ser- -vantse sero lu the. habit ýo.epîessiug ht, ioi ihe 'wasthdr sud ýùisfires'ebrrak- IPadtY, whéo waq .weil knavn sud a grecit iavoiirite an hie-rounds, teSived ea varr nd haspitable 've1eoii -,om Jenny'Burke, vlia made liii sud the girl ait upon the hlob aud ininedintay> ordered the bieakfaat. "Here, Nanecy Devlil, get Pesty sud the giralsa their ekinfuls ai etirabaut an' niuik. Bi over to the lIre, sianna, au' verni yonrseblf" "'Warin, inagh 1" repjled Peety; "wliy' surs it's not s ire smcha sbleàsed morniii' a tîis slia'd vaut-wn' s bleue. esI mnit' it la, glriar> o aGa il-" "*Thrae, an' yau'ro right, sure euough- l'y"replied ftie good-natured iar. iner;,lsablssed saison lt-la for gattin' dawiî tuse raps. Go ovar thare, nov, youî au' tie girgluz to that aiir tabla, an'-vili e -kiek tliem pige su', doge ont o' theoliouse, an' bc d-d lta ihem 1 Onc- cacit lient thair cars iorthem-yau alcgi le1ir8la, an'lot us se vlîtyn eau lo. -Nancy>, achoa, jist daso a gaioguc o' sveetrnilk itt their nog. gius-tlicy're sot likc nuthat's veR iad ever>' day-ht's but seidani thcy gott ha likesr, ftic cratuireso cialhinlua brave qawlioguei o' the-svect izik iur tien. Tu'ke your tinia, - Peaty--alay, alanna, til you get Iwhat I'nisayi'; if 'Il nour- icli an' put etrinth in you." "Ali, Miether, Burke," replied Peety, te a toue of gratitude -paculiar ta bis cicas, "yon'rc the OUMsI man tilI-ever an' aiviys the large liet an' the la-- ish band-an' go sign'm on it-fui an'- pîitt>' laupon yçn au' about )'Otc-. ia>' it ever be #;o vid you ani' youriv chiei-iia, Ipmyn>! An' boyis tic mio" tliresc, six?2" 'Tilissaver>' val!, Pety-haè no raiseon to complain, tlinnk Godi' "lTlank Gad, indeadi n' betthar inysebisnuy-worst telelito lier- ai lie le i. Isu't the. viole country ringin' vid hie praisca ;-tbc blessin' a' Goal'an you, aeshla"ý-this vas ta Nancy ieviu, ounliaudiug tien th. cccv mnikll-drw over, darlin' nenrer ho tlic tabIo-there now"-tila ta hlm daîîglitek, whou h. mtibed affectionate- 1' ho lher foDia. 1"AT, indeoci>," lie pro. ceedeal, "sure there s on>' lie One Word' of it over tihe viole Baron>' vo're sittiu' in-that there's neither ieclinor ieloôw, for hlm tirougli the viiole parish. Sne people, indeed, sa> tint . Brysu M'Mahoii cornes near liii; but oui>' oine, for it'e gven np to Masther Hycy nIl ta-pioca." 'l'-aix, in' furon oe, .alileougl i n bis fathr-amn't I, Rosis ?' ho addsd, gochuniuuircdly addrassii~ i hta*ii, mlio had juiltoême lutotlkihe froni above atairs. 'Throtli,' sais Idais ife, Whio neyer re- plied4w>h goodhunoUr unlees whenuad- dîesmed h àMms.Busrke, 'you're fil off for socnetiig ta spesit about. Hov arc you, i'eety?2 au' boy ks your âtie gir ' "I 'In good heelth, ma'atl4 ilcanla GosI au'..you; au' ivety well cmpJàyed ai lthe prCisolt tise, dinketôo a ma s 1, t _Tuo ibs IfrÉ# ý t1ke Isâàd un raply;. is cimiced a vonan ofbg rts s cis, ha iabeau moot ufruse ly tiiovu avwa>', ifnetai isîotoelarbat, upoa sliabasel- -viiom iii. Considerad1 as avel" ay unworuli>'oai er. Haer father had rieeuiutathe pasaeeaon Qi soie unenxoeted pcrt vien iv as toolat to esow pan 'era. sutable1 educatian, aud 'thée causcqnene8va that, in, addition ta ustura vuit>' ow the score of beaut>', saiiesguod deal -..iroubledviipumrsende,wbie, wuza icaliksiueu bhty f., ry w adintio n taiseetvas>mn retrin sud incurable sser,thote~sgaan lively o;an;sd veised s IF"eay ual icatvermli.diellu isape of ovweelils caigin ta tise ýinanuecetfime Breakfas t, leuigtIu4 as'ersd m thece muu ieifo làriiein goilcan ite sd e o procecelta-- .'Nov, baye,' isid Jemmy, after drap., ~lgm S*Sptlec lucýh p jepwging ~-i Ovnitlih ifslittlInger, sud puluIýV I hi lucohais vaisheosipocicet, 'me a 0,~i ~0di- Ijiiiin -a manner uhai l2akened eÏsuder- iiifIf notaeroospinits. HRe wvM dired luntajibootst, green ldlng.cSi,ý yeUlov-valswi- isd dalicasmr 'amail loilies-quita te jocié trm -4tu ,âcyleu breafastva ist-i. 'vontt sand 1h. Ah, if 'iudî nyr parentg -w re eofithe arne gao. 'TwiIIChse i Cid orion, teaveu - . lit- (To iiE anor and rep cain, = ni -A>"g Cü ,r, I tuit bctweet-yonansd lue, thl., r' s> sbrmagros.sl as ansfrani *l'&e 1 Mlniaisd pouder vajeappari. ac .-cone . elgf'ià mùmsud vasf lave tlic ,enunerion. ai thc marie tae~ couse u voesdeeë%1sic. Ha me. Iliigoliador'Il1 gatithiontio ,i vaswu t emiddéieqadrtngk.bu abà e. ins.Xnî fsciit vaulai 'It k don.,' ha-repliait.; oyur sitis. n pS le= Q y«-dnl~ eiffieulti ta Sud'a Young getia pavers ara gret lmdar naiber rem iabb.of ai ulier beering or note- utrâl- eousequenîiy i la eià 0ynrlsd,~ ing pareousi attractions. Hsfetre ye, viw ithl i e ercaltsh &na voe.reguýwad, i s eanp1elaz rel . severaltimes n .tilia sn _ sud - yintbful loÃ"ne.sud altagefier, yong datigiter of P's-"' Dli ir h fibere vas nils1contenance snd Évicls utance ta vhcb ve ove the mnstance _, sppesrancc a >clccrfidi, easy, generoil, aibelobct patronage nov abouitaeloo unrelbcting daeli ai cliaractar tiat net -lbc recordad. oui> -made hlm s iavauritc on erstse.' ' *]oUie,' i. praceedcd, I tintitui qusiintance, but von confidence b>' an voulba, as bnito reacue tiai inter- opennees ai munner thài conpctpY ' estiug iii. girl oai-Peety' Dbu'fri ases dimamed>susicIon. 1h nulqici bave beel i leià omzendlcane>.' tiie observe& h'oWever, thbisi-Idi laugli, -11k. 'Frana awhat ?îia eneakeal, stariug ut Se"ou hie notier's, navat, or ai least sieldei, hlm.' - î ma' came diteeti>' fron Uie beari, and that -$IVy,'he replied, nov resU>' aunions guet> ticre vas a liard cxpression about bis ta imitebimeliunderxtood-fro; t ls ente othervise vebi.forméd'nanti, anbch adiegrâceful lina af iféic e's bringing lier toc], rarel>' iidicated genarosit>' ai feeling, up ta. Tnsau ah t ie u u po if or any acqushutasce viii the kiner vide far lier.' pa impulsas a our nature, Ha' vas blet 'Whan I do, Hycy,' rephea hies incthu. dai> ioher's pet sud -favorite, sud lber prin. or, bnitlllug, lit van't b.' a bcggsr'.ilehca cpiwish vas uhai hie shoulai bolokeel elsughter lner s niace af Pllp hgs'sA upos andal 'dresed Ua sgeulîceixas, -e-orrov bit.' 1ter. sud for liai parpase slic encoliragad hini 'Ais for hiem being s nioce of Hogcni's Pa" ta assaclale vit h hase oui viwose rauk yonkuow it ieb>' isniother'g aide; dill andI position inlu ic rendered su>' s- btouldn't 1h lue a feailer l ierca -ont sumption ai aqualit>'on hiep art aquall ogtndrîespoeta fslilcaycre wa arrogant sud obtruxive. iln bis ovu respectable voisu ubhougi? The pak waval fn-ul'is bearlcg tovwarde s parentsrociaga aisapersan 1ke youýMra; Burke typi ws, im'pont oi faet,the reversefaivint vulel be tbe mcunig. aflier-ny yard ante, ch ouglit -ta bave beau. lHe' st oui>' and iboueur it votIle.' Fl'a) trestea blis fatli luaocuhhlug bar-. "Ahcun!-slahiul1- do yoîî tlcnk seten dcriug on 'but joed his H3ïysi> 'deit nothariu a - amnt .peida vhich _' Tut, malier-tiat ludecal 1- lucre kijoN kepha p bevaïling the fate cau beno doubi about il?2' a b>'e viel il a -eau d0ooncata- bc- "Well lIces, in thht case, 1Thinit' es canle lits wve. Nor did sic harseli ma>' stay-that le, iftheliathr fsl coun. o comae off botter athbisebiaxde. Whilst sautt hait.' youj bic Ibatereal li r anity, sud turneelier 'Thsuk >yoen ouer, for tlsniexanplc 'iltet fubles tahie ovu selvautage, tnder the of'rtcto sd-saoenc.I feol liglit gus of ver>' dutiful affection, bis de- 9t 0 iSi> itascral'po ee se -imant twavad lier, vas maritad b>' 4ibz your sida of the hbosansd are de- vas afrnical respect, vlnch vas tha more rread fri>'ourelf-tlcarse au lbc5 n o hn 'iicdfensiblc sud unsuiy ;rbecause ebc donhi ef thne, à'bo aud netoetha roigl iti. Tise pool' 'InsIeel I thisit sa mysebi Hycy,' for thon voman bisel takae up tic oapi*nlas at vicare else vould>yen, gt hben? 'Ynonuli difficult sud unintelcgible laciguage vas have tîce M'Sviggi n se ; an',i canýt- fou ose test ofasgentlemn ansd liar*sou; b. froany'one cIm e'u iaIcey6ounliglîyour b>' he use ai sucli 1=908#e, l0t no notiong. All 'ou shiov aif ýthe genile- SucI eportnity au ni, c» han=glur inai, Hycy, itsa net lard tpalea tien ses sud ecéhiiug bis owIVIi hve tfron, TI eit.dcià 'Wlierc aid Yeu ride ta ibis nuorulug, thersol nga8lny *l a"ni-P Misilier Hyoy 2' tances 1 don't few awmue asi.pc 'Dovcc'otake àlookat TomnBurhou's lu lier sonmueliofaitic.- gentleman as marc, Cruq- mexaen-yaursel-n>' voôrdaudlionoa)inotier.' M ifAm y i'boy,$, tc biorée sys>', 'flhave, H>'cy-beinve ý,nov,' she t10v TheC 'seedint ai no dI>'" repiee leiWgrlug howvertuti'sqal 'Ton urto t' e.oclood Ic. aubir iil, na s>'rate.' li 'Toim Bro;n ' so youred ut on ahé We need scarcel>' sa>' that' thc' poor r l'ot Butaoan ; au ' Asv oninn';liosemeudicant vas delilgted at Uic notian thse1 dai' seoundral, tiat vould é4te salut ofisvlng hie daugiter placad lu tic dogl- Potier. Hycy, mnimanjf Yeu 'go te ffanl>'of se aran sd independelit aar look for vool te Tom-you J~ome home tsua e> uk.Tttopo siorx.' 1little fellov aid sot separato fron the u a "Our vicar stif preachas chat Peter sud tic affection lie bora lier. Sue wa his e ,tl Pouleliu Lai4 a.xnjuig mnug e e n thé hoiby oui>' obld-the humble but-solilar>' Juxu boisu epir' floyer uh al >osoned for-hlm upon the hi - anddepi -ý desert of.jli,étile Thask you. father-ncli liged; yaen b-vabetve sto,' s in li$ eesan '.' entartaîn a. goodopinionuoaime.' img Mna. Burke vith er uli y. thai" Iiahlibon' b.hooeun of' as 1h. ouý i>'easure an!.' pinsg 1ii 'DoI,ýfath Dn'tli to sre fave lthis orlal.. h. hepoor An 'l'y. banglit ber ahtau>' rte,' saisid nélal u* aeàad edoi i "' H>'y-'hlrv'Ives tia i~ure IsitScnipture vassi; su'lunasvis'. her ulie'sl s a vo L t he 11ii uudher your care, I bava mi ny>' ltie'u '~onghi a flftj. hapes lu this ll vl ier htiiih, 'su' h boluel' . uxe, mdotheya expetma'sm, you'll guand lier sm' look Aftlier Brop ,a'hw i a. mer oy ei e±iet ber as ific vwas ose af your ovu.,' ah s ta ioh T'his tnhucki>'allusion lhi bave roa kcaixlp fle *holaar- lrin voru.y ISu iiii enteucu4rme- angemeutp lied not Itycl ie d inte 1 yclelled Janils EriteEssimsa-vlo edta 1eI a icas thié ,,hdndttr Of beis i* S.,tvetfrmetyfe feuetpree orutalit ai tie bitrony, H.4tBâiroit Ihpatosi.P 'esaid&'lia i m hr ad1 tiii aecoiuplislced. M>'vortly (r sii îuily setsile 2illc1toiur MI$. BurkeItei fork ont.' fdos ansd yblif dueitl<ir b>' taldug c ,If I do, tiat I mu>'-' uh~irl9 uder hlirprotoction Sic'Épst. >ShMi 'Silence; poor creaturê l' salel bis ié ae ?' tIra el& iung ler iaud upsln his inoùti Iai<çlki Imim o ashiar.vcit' cialls. 5.rely, 'And of iea~atag l iaget lier %8*ôNi j'on bi Yua netntUa1er t~oIaitble , t *lnsii.-o nmg me'ýHhiW i am 1c te bll e mis >'rep, - sWcn-ti. su ne o> crapors, Iam, lunîiuroth.' bs theredasel pestheredthibs va>', su' Myi -.And, ili't ima>'ble .tlhe cnaklugai ofo nonicI plain Jemen> Burke ?'?onr daiglcter's fortune ?' 'Tanu seo, Uycy, th i y~ navld.,atie >c. oc i Cone ont,' uul lOnirRAdLa hir~galer wsiuuil àyH an of bai Misther Burkte, are yon to oeil yôson muhliihrespecta'git', thse pnrwh Cý iv*i varsemouneel t 1h Herings l of eléîàtiuig'lhirte tic.true peinai. Huntian auy oibergetlealnximolig.pies oidonibleuMad'sii le pootion? caef ilisin p have yoltî]l u Hiiel "thfl urol, air, 1t l=nie bre o'vez, oNa, nGod 1 bnrri' thtIialn s Mae uaeut'niaci an' no gintleiais; aWne 'Nor thai eau tcsh eh l th lieireesi Pqg' for H>'ey, , ticolesin cai "M;#. Burke, fithcr, iyou Pluephymies, togetiervlfiththe, - vl or- ss lh interposed l H>c>'; remanIer, vsour tam in fAlgelueie Equstians i he ii. -iffc 'Paisut H>'ee>', 'lcn ehu ob-otulel require tieni?" fsh 'iti fo.tuctsanthé'i sohr oa I buron>' enter j logttmtsme u ellycla eau anmatch lier nt tihen b l acounts, tions itead of bci'Uie lg '.stpi>ck au. épièdPaetyeat"ilg th.eearncst en-' in saine Hunt ,isbtietcSiI i'tiulm, otf lycy 1canr. - tail plougi yen oughtta lue, or olbt 1inthée nâst viiido, PFeet>'; >'ol sac yotir- safe filskaepin'thiian tu iclrbuase.' sciiinother,' lie àadleeliking lier asid 1id thrce gineu eo emlt snna>, a Thalial so oce I ai ai I f-va 1,siiLti_.son;liai'itk t Mii*?l-v.4,vuc t.siye lice helvn ablia pburponeoait reunng; lcentios J lu veraboute ver>' veli, v about for a vbile, aucl tceini" iii ils companion, viam lie ea rarlngIl"Surl>' ti is an j id roon, fia' T canna Sud the àI 'e beau booking fan h iaore Iaf bn."" Ioun nstbisg 3lt ai. tofic eroani," bicenghe c~na; I"but ana thilgI t11 Ip l "il bas a tremn AGJK or? OUR Wonîae-Na masn ses vaîh attémipt ta fin upc cie ysari since tibis orldbhm rg ils rounds ilthe- orbut it )ing. bi. Lyshi, thi, graatesa1 oî f tic ge, gives au opinion, 'el p o îe v o -r i b he'e t e s h m a n y c lnng cil leanit. Uuiirhy-Ilve tse mrs. Fmoni tiat msenne clate ti y tièe have bei-cia vcry reun ag'en oail tuesunorhers part e rrran continent, oaili vilent CI Whnt cy-cles af i ine musi ssci ava>' liore thce vaters bl Ia canai itomcitake Erie ho larlo 1 fat teu lthe lia andel hla4irs-ttlit plpil tic- eaythai ,r vars entirely diffsrnt frpr csreveaiei iufa !p edatiîg he begtenng oa. Ni >e iy imillios ofaiycars. Whcoe zofinth abeginn or fi% up( itmuation ofitbisfalrvordi? Goal -vetli whec it hegaci, oew1isa 1 liitaO's Tsucscr-"Joli ci>'a sow vci(lecmniasdat ni a?'-1 Yers.'-Was ii mnigut lil '-'I as fse inri; you ces Syaiim bani ame yoirfae- c thons au>' ligL ,t-shtelxigifra ouse vithin a ruile i nfs.,- c if tiare van no mnooc stai ligit frou au>' hau, aumI *so acouldut eve s si- Your laucl arée, ihow arc you se positive -v vaethe nias, sud lîa dul luis 'm Wi Cnff yan sec iiggei strnek nia, de sfifeië c sys s.biïgi t a5i ou miglit i cpapin.' Y.CIPE 'o R TATTLYiL-4.-A bini se amugiit ta lis suffilent If m n ckstallis ruait ssppi] cng s handini aifltce veoI i cuaut, ticscamle qunhiy o« e calsal Niunblc.tounoi àsel herm Baekbîite (eilir before ai Ydayn), a hsblcepaouf olto'l 1-it, cix lrachixs ai Malice, i )p oi.Envy-, -vic casa lic puri an>' quantit>' ath e uap ai bitia Tatab)le. 51fr Ucani we âcy, sud sicruxer tien for ha ir avpr Uic lire of Diseouteni IcI th a ltIle .Jeciions'; tien stre inugi tic rag ai Mlsconception, tI iup itehle battue ai Mlevhý b ang upon a sitein ai Streetl 1 de ht ocesonal>' ion a kv 1 tiiWlile fit ion use. Let ma qm lue laItes Iscore- valing oui à*eci vii le enaulel ta sei mzer oi evil, sud tcat continu& UNÂW1IL Co.cPAuisN.-Sir Wi vu, a pomponsort of mmi,- 1 ariîbk meeting, silh' eoma s ei, vbici ver- albjocteclto me. Wifuglesnegcd, hlies fàtarr gSr, du you itnow aie beau lo vo niniverecies t , àel tie fumer, 'vIatb1f tics s a authat suciesl tva oves1 observatIon 1 made vses, tihe uciceel the 'greatper'aîf hé j 'Vlbin- neyer hesmelthee le se viale vas stranldeaon the punchasesiroesa.spaclaio

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