Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1872, p. 3

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'.~n,,»rIij~(.uri~r D~ua, eoamo e. D.- 01 fkUZD. U»PU=elY Or for 1theWSIOicéwàrk 3in JuL Kt I o btiXeri,- Yronl n, Uit, I T7VMLBtS D west or amy tenderun1ea otherwiaesa$1s- ~reier Oad~t Undrn, ~lb, rarwL, 'Two, r G. tIT. U;l-l efiye Iy ita Parties 'ç*'ose tendersam *e cepte4 wilbe e1,Uoeig WsriIarrfreut n iea8b, Ulnoka, atioa:requireate gi ësatlafactory seonrity* for the 1'tI1J,iItlti. U t 001%0au,1v ,c AS-SI,'15 ab; o6L205P ~etion of thbir contracte.-~ JIrc'kXcrrloues reriv,2e) Ke4sr KiWluii, Kirkratrick, Lmcert Langevinz, Longi- MI8offl W*e-ocal. 8.171 I Er,, yeoi% 1.50 GOH A )cii, ,LpuLawso.iUr t Luinte, Lttl, it. m.; gi4zroa.,11 M arie i Mlxcd, ô6556 m GO .DATF muedutlbli4 (Sir Joint A, itaodôwld (Andi- The iruLinqîenby 'vbUe.lheh Io 22 min Miod ed Luohibrg,.Chara5sn RniIdig Commftte., ~Middlesex), Mmaolwr t8oulllnjgt!),* Milgon P-.-W. & Pi P. IL R.-LeLavea Port Pervy,-St May 231, "72. 1.i M MaUnn ?#douall (Lau.- .00, a. m, and, ÃŽeturninng,baye. 'Whithfa et aniI], licdeugiiil (Three iver.], )toGbreey, ,80 p.m. N WYR OEBP Dit [XÇlgral, mailro, Natfiin,, elaou, Ul>'in -Mt cOcâ l@WibYPU011" Rm irrr, Irîe.iti 'uvIcry, PieLard Pnsneil, WbIiby tme-Gumi BuEau. 00a. m audtlip. sm. Pope 'uPot, Pcrwer >Cbita*ilkttie. uham (ei Wou, .10 &.ui;, sMW '.16 p.uhn. Nrh U - plaitn]1, Ryarîn£Kiugsq, i .], j ' fbuoîrreai a. î Raredleuers W 4uMbe u. ' I, ai WoiLShvAry, $rji,ýiaz, b&rîver, aut ewiektle m iiaM,.lsngfui Sitnrnud, bunltii flelkrkj, Smith f Wen,îor.. ngllsh âMaie@mi, very'1huay eveniing,~H v pnd~ d aex land]. éprout ltephenaci. Street, Sylvaiu, AtIf1 .1 .m, pert Canadfin aeaemr ; every aeop'9 n oen Thousîpatuili f u)lbool, TJknly, Toiuangeau, Snnadzy, 19.15 A. nM., per cUaad ateainAr. - Stockr of Gent Trnnrnn>Ii(yTullper, %Nallac f Alberfl. >Wallace, Tiheabove a là bY tim a. 1Vicu erIland], Walsh, Web,*wite ~~aet 5fd7 A D B ~ ' A lln , The H1ounie then divided on Mr. Blake's ues111tisil.cuuyj amendînent : For the aniendxnent, 52Y >IINS*RVCE reight andi pumae roduced. Passen-_ #gaiinst it, 124. ALL L D. Cayley. Coa t the ame rate - ipsecond-dus by C TO Yis-Msr.Aligliri, Bochard Bloke, Cà.vuoieCnuxca-livory sunnay moriting, ai the flan Une. WHITE C TU Bowel,1ouu,&,,3w!utanmeroitliiroil, hal(.poat elgini and h-patfin, atentely-Rer. J. LEWIS ALN Caruihneiil, Clinnval, Conneil, Coupnn Dolorme J. Shoi,- residence, Oohawa. TAgent, y* UoQtlrîinuj, Godin, Unijiar, Hllenu, joly, Jolies and 6.30, p m.-Rev. Mr. Fraser. May lat, 1872. 20-8m GLOVES, fllnixKelnipt,Mnncdosîrnld [Gletngurrfl Mac« CANVAVA PAKS5TTUIALi<CHUeSC-At Il a. M., und _____ _____________ fortunnne, bMnotkerrzre. bugilitlecCoekey, ic 6 a0 r. in. Rev. AIr. Iiailenîylie. 0,T C-E.CAIPOO nlnctti[Ieitrwl, McMloniUes bMtUalS NÃŽB, is, UZLB5TA5 MahonI0>1TCXURsCX-At 10,30 avn. and I. DolonsieiqrnnOliver. I nquôt, poiiler, .so p.m.-Rev. Mr. Coaford. .rsrvc IL qsutelnnonafu.NIlTES AC PIozer, itelford, Rcnniaudliosts [P'.E.]. lfsa CoxassxAînoxAt Ciuc-At il . m., and 6.30 Fosevc h eaute1m i;frN C TIS LA E tYcoaN lu., os [Wýellùrjgtou. ti.u]. ij.- pm.-Rev. Mr. Gibbrs >nlrr old Durrn) Bull, sni rnnritliru, bîijier, ltitn, Tirnni unon ____M__0__U__R__N__1 fIrhlridjTlruîinsorr (Ortario). Wells, M U R W Il te[l1;ltslnri, Wrod, Wrightî IYurk, W. leii kfau.- Eppa's Cocon.- Grateia Lrg R.), yotrg-5,2. - and VnîmIortng.-"BIy a thororigir know- A Large A Stock of. 7NAYS-Mutimit. Aliniott, drclinnnbaiilt Autliledge ot thoeiturailtt1mw.whiclr govern tire 44i laktr,-Bortlie, Brrty, Beauhion, Berose oneanorotl asind ndutrition, sud by .R E M U Sy n JcrrltIieunrrd:BlnclntBkor, Bw~J, : lk ~ thoe fine p roodt fWliclr lnerrecently becoarnetire prnerty of C L O T H IN G our rrncnumttabls wCn a lrerelv lrvorid Wliiby. Tire iollnrwiîrg le tire pedigree ofsnid- [Peev l]o, Cmpeli a brvnrae whicl iny sîrve nit uiny henvyBllaohonIl eulyO ldBock.,_ NEW TEAS:AND GROCERIE& C>rstfur Leenir], Cumîîberand, Carrier, ,,nket lg lrrhelled-JMESM Eyn & C~>~îOmIoenos iggeLîrurer, by Chnarles (lis) ; g. dam, r Wib, 2d 82 Ditoinic, rcw , Ds elgoîr e rvnrîs, pn le Ceinjn. m, oud~oi' Almo, nakn- Lut,5l i mrp.) b y Sir Chrrex ( 13705); g.g.I__________________ toiîî, nr . T. <4nl a,, edeti, Bris> Cocosoroc-rs nId am.Youlirg Rose, by Rcmuna (119S7). tit, > ir fini t,Jtiet irî. Gaucher,U;eudronn, Mili.> S;erviCe cin remises ocrtipild Il the oninera, Gilm iat rl rover, (larrison, lcaili, ci1 lot 29, in Ïlai coi. W hithy. Priée, 82. D M N Ã" 81rF.llltçkmlioli lougliton, ilurdoîn, IVLum.er, t, tý: Le ,i nd Urelvile], Wltby hYlcrle's. ENOCH KING &SON. ~ D ] IJN O Xce RIdr, Jtrlin, Kirk;,arnîrnk, l,ücerfe,*Lnînge- ityMa15h1822-S p el~Viir, 1Lirlis. , irl, 1niiwmoii, LeVescunte 2 oraîisnriînl., MÂT 22nd, 1872. WhtyMy15,1822-8 Litilnü, îir Jotir A. Macdoseald, Mactirltninl Fr11 W tient---------------...... $58 LAI;>g)iotunnrl] Mmcdi nald (Lîurncinhurg), lise- %RnWierW rnt----------1.8. $1 40 I tflna(àliddlîsez), blinigoi lon Nira) ias-. Bnrl:y ...............6"en a463 II .I N E R'V soirtlerinnîî),lClui rMcDîognl(flire Pou% ----------------------5 @070 iiivor,.>, lM vurnv , Mclonggey, ?Merriti, li<ye ....-------------------..60 a 65 Mouirnii, Morris, Motrinonr(Niagara). Maure, tls........................ 45c 0 50. WILL BE OP Nailiuir, Nelitoî, O<'Connîor, i>arou i'cPrry l'otntn.e?4................. 4.5c@ o cQI Jnulkîîrd, llînî Poînut,1npe. Poulînit Power' Hrny---------------*....... .. 18 1 l" IilIînilelsa (Clrainîplnnnir), ilome(baOndesL): lover soed................-55 QO@$5.010. li Khing-,Nl.) yann (Moitre.i W %esi>, TinnînLhIy--------------------:::$03 ()0 NTEî<CoLONIAI, RAILW Y. A RD Y N ' nrvnry Schltiz, ecriher, bliiniiy, Sirnni Mapin bugnr-------------... oz * i4nit iuîunk) bnrtr(Vetmnoenrd)Sl;roat, Eggs .........-------..loi. ta 12c-.perdoà - ~te hc.naor, ~teet nivnn.Tliinpsnii<Cai. Butter ............... ...5. rx Q18 'Tbe Comnnission ers mppointed foi teune ~- W T . trrn~ '~e~ onrnigna.Tnennbiay. lnrppbr, Clrese---------------------..b . Iec ructioli oKlne Iintercînlonnlliai Lalway, hereby Wttllacn(Albert), 'saic(..,Wir!, Webb 13eef, hind ir--------------...8 @ 8 .give Publie Notice tirat ticy arc preparcd te Whniter(Ltnt liir,.tînngb,) 's'. litheatd, Wiisojî, # ore qr............... 70 7 S0 receivetenders for'Lraek -laying an bin '< -N E s- L %%Vurkmau, slnd Wigîte (t)ttirwn Cotinnt»-124. Woodtiercwt ............6.50 @ $6 50.on about 63% ilies ofthe iiie. riin t It AT 5 BONNE S L Tie flouserthein diviclcd on the motion Wo ....1.. ad ii ieP» tteMt Iâ .re Tn Wooi-------------------...... 50 c iu ni ul 'ite ieMu ie-'u ~A .U "for thie second xeadifng of tho Bill, which ;____________________ dors te bc furr ire whoie distance. e H WaiTi d. Ycas, 121 ; nays, 55., S---------- ipocificntioiis anc torins oft "dér cari ho Ys.-esra bbtî AchmauiAuNEW .AL VERTIREMIENTS.oltieJntreOréaieCe!n eË&Mbr,A yt,Arcrn Rt ul, )i!iious, nlhneN11ewcof the aLigee~rr S uiainfrth ttklter, Bîii anitt fl ouibren, Bellerose, - , iuskn, nîrd atmtinst.)ilicns ohftirtheîS !I;Uinot, BrYtraird, innîielct, lioltennr, J3wir, rîaloi Tenders, înnirked nIr Teiners,"* sndth n tfstdosT te 144nnisseitn, Jlnrpcne, Onnieron ([nverniess) Cram. .arrnen to tire Corrminnsioners. will bo ete asfstdo T te car('),Camnpbell, Curling, Carinicheal, .cived i t iroir onSàce inn ffîîawa, nrp te 12 o'olook i t hnl ir UJ. K Cartir, Cayley, Clîsuvonu, ioenTEDY, tll lil of -lUNE, 1872. - * (AIlrCiiby, Crirwiord (irock viiie,), Crowlord ocon . T'fD iLeeJtII,,iunitibel'itnnd, Cjumivr, 1luoist, De- Touriers wiil lmoho- - r u te o a i-ù r g a d D Co;nùîos, LDelormne (i'rovoinuirer), Dobinie, Lrew, "OUNTY OP ONTARIO. lame and place, for 250 loirs ofetaRilroail$lpkes(.;1 3JJ.O.L.JL Dukua, kiigu,oit. Peris, Sir A. T. liait, Gan.-.c- eccordirng teo ainpie tte e en nt the ahove ciier, Outici, Uçndreîr, (ibîns, Orii Urover, ofiIces. Terrdais toi alite jirice per ltocf 2,240 iJlirgrr, ilnrrsoii, lilerniir,"eir F. Iliînckn, A meeting of thellteeve undneDeput7 Reeves tbi., deivered mi tiù-insGrird'Iriîk Railwaty .hiîiîem, Ioor lougliîorilinnii roin e, of lte variaus Munici>nalitiea o1 the Siyof9aioin uaihiver du Lionp, inn eqtal qunitfies, .îe uri nine (Leeds asnd ireiiviiiej, Ren-Ier, Ontkano, will bc held in the Concil Chani or, lifire routbs of Juiy, AraguKtaind boptcnitor kiii k nitrîck, Lincrte, Lanngevini, Larir- Court House, iu the iexi. M y1 h 872 0l ii, [lnîî, i.nsri aoctn.Ltiir- A. WALSFI, Johnl A. iiirduuetid, Mnnnlduiauld (Aiiii<oiîisll), T1OWvN 0F N IIITBY' Ei. B. CHAMLEU, âliiedoiaid (Luireiroiurg), bllrcdonàtld (Mindle- .C. J.. RY DG ES, 5rîx), Mineeir (louiaiigetn), Massoin (Torre- ON>A . W. àBeLELLAN, boiir), MecCni i nîn, M oclougueil (Laîrark), Mbo-0N Intc-reolorii Iîrrlwny Coin niisiosîerg. net (Igari (lie vrs),McUreuevey, Bclteagnny, ED , dN , 17, Commianionecra' Office, Mmmgýt l buniRt, Morris, Murnrianulr (ingirb..), (JdU E- t,, 172ttaa, àMaty Inn,182 Nîrllirui, Neisoii, O'Coinnor, 1'i>arsoi, Pnrry, AT WO 'CCKINH FER O, iekurni, 'ilitasolinirauit, l'ope,Pn.uiioi-,'owver, A W 'LC NTEATNO, N O V N C I S9 N IZOK (i tiipluti, Rsé(Durnr.irnv), R> an (Kinig, In order ta <arn-nthe Couittil of the Corpora- N.ý ) ,,Cýt ýý 59 N c N. 1.),ldyriij(Monutrent '.Yci).luaivnry, $cliiîltz, tion of the aforesaid COunty. .8 EIMN IlERETo. SirnÇ,ilr t'oInoinni, Srt pin "sàour .J.MC NL, In the ma r of Tlomae Jack8o olli. htion byvain, ilionipsonaibo) inS Clerk, County of 0ntRio. -day, Dan Hollis'au, an icrîard Touiramnrgeau, Irennîtay, Tulipor, Wallace (AI- County Clenka Office, usela »oaw invd- lin-i), WAUlîrve <U V. i.), Wain.lî, VIobb, w titi,. Whitby, May 22, 1872. .TzcscfHa soa s biqwe8 h idi o.vidNG- liei, -'*I li MorWokinan, Wrighti (tiawa lyancn, r tefr r A N Co-2. ~Counntypapers one iniinrtioîi.copartne p c ng *on luoine8s MÂs- mar.Anglin, Jiocuard, Blaske, - .Under the nam 8h and firin of Respectfully in * Bodweill ouirssa, Bnnwe!i, Bowinan, Browîr, N 0 T I C E 1 Holliday ef tison, *aovcnta.. and oni-raund Cnion (littruîr), Cheval, Conneil, Cou al,N Iuelorrîne (.,I. 1)Ltionlini), Dorion, Portier, kon- Dividenîd et. (Nos. B.) 1 bena pro- titi, Foiriinr, nntlrir t.Goionr, Joiy, Jouesm Notice berheby gvntaea hexira pareni open Ohjcinii util the otil day' Mantie à M, (lilaiix), Keniijt, àsindouiald loingarn>), lion of lwenty days from the date hereof, ap-cf Jinr.o, 2, ulter wliich dividen liiibc * rnlnnul,îlmiîevizie, bungîl!, aiConke ', plication will ho made to the Surroniate ceirt-Ipalid. Ssdoni(kteirfrew), Meàlonie», Muenica n and for the Counly oi Ontario y Chris- JAME.g HOLDEN, Whiclx are noi Mille, hSi neno (Vicorra),- Mujjro, Oliver, Pu- liane Barbara Diesfield, of the Village of officiailAsaigîee. ment comprisîi nîrîc, i'elleticr, I'nzor, lienanid, lobitailis, Prince Albert, in the County of Ontario, kife tad at Whitiny, l411n lay. 1872. 20 liomse(I,. L.), liosa (veictorîi). lins. (nieliiig. of Jobhn Dies:fteld, uof the sanie place, Watvh- ticles in 1h. Ira tonI), l>îrrnni, Slunelierd, Siider, ltrtuti, malier, la ho appointod Guardian of 'the in- aeeto 1irîîimrilrditioniin), Pirîî r lîî( ntarin), faut children af William Dol Tale, of the aeeto r.t Ua, W'sU illistitaî), rn hile (East ilsiige), eaid Village of Prince Albert, Watchmaker, of~ very spro 's's'oîr, Wniglit (Yurk>, Youlirgb deceaseti. sp TIe ho Bivani thon read a second lime, Daled 22nd May, A. D. 1872. experience in and on motion of Sir. Johin A. Macdon. MARTIN & CAUSCAILEN,- Montrcal. nid eferod on Cmmiîce f to Whle.Hamilton, Ont., &Co. 10,w showing a' verylargeaànd vari'gd, oral D)ry Gooda, comprising in theao&8ye fo GUY COTTONs, !ESSIANS, HOLLANDS, ]ZOTIERY, HATS, SHIRTS, 1- '. . CARPETS, ES, & WINDOW CURETAINS, 1ING G00008!D Cloths and Canadian Tweeds. MADE 10 ORDER. S. CHOICE AINES AND LIQUORS. 1; WAIRE]ROOMS ( SHOW ROOM' PEN ON A.ND AFTER XT, THE 18THi INSTANT, )MPLETEi STOCK 0F WCES-, IIBBONS, FLOWERS KRS, &c.,Le Season, and p1easing to* <Prémiases 1ately occu ffhitby, Mhy 14, 18~72, NYOTED -FOR CHEAP ANDBLL4J Jeweilery, Desks and -Worik-boxes, Bags, Porte-monnaies,, &e. Electro-Plated Goods! Wate-hes & Clocks from the best Makers, .tM' Each carefully examined, proved, and timed, 'and,-their performance, guarantéeed. .JAMES J OH NSTONt Practical Wàtch and. Clock Mak-er. ,'irock-st, Whitby, May 7th, 1872. 19 SP.RINI SiJTIIIER 1IMP0 R TA TION S, Y. GIB SON lias'just received a fuil and complete Stock, in ail the Unes of the selason. '&Silks,' Laces Gloves, Fancy ond Dress Goods. Parasols in great variety and of every shade.. Cloths, Tweeds, and Gents' Outfitting Goods,- which in quality and style canno t be surpassUd Also Hats airEi Caps, to which special attention is called.11 GT1OCETR ,1S - vt'w r v pSnelz - res~madngtoOrd5r$ 'h loicest, Fre-shest, and Best. LOWES &,POWELL. AND STEWART hivite the Ladies oh Whilby iding country to-visit their !illinery Show'Rooms, ow open4ed. This Depart- ;s the monit fashionabie ai- rade, and La tinder thse man- M!ISS ROBINSON, a lady ir taste, wha hani lad great n the ieading Houses in. rand Staple Dry Gooda as and weil- assarled. .r Praduce taken as Caslh. ay, 1872. 1 &. R 5STA4SIPED PLUG 0F YOrO. L.E N'AV Y@ *- o eneiof th ont hFontenac -- - --.i ie no uneup im.itations Saturday afternonl. Mr. S. Campbell H 1- amilion, April 2irdi 1872. . ir ia hl4 nsthe Tcmpirno alAnrT TESNOFra ak s w as ,1e v d b t s h i , an d M r. Jam es T i. 15 T Titi' Agnew wani appointod k$ecretary. Mr. TTlTioe e lrse Rakea (witi. tIen mon linptave- Carruthers and thse chairman explained ME- flIÀ AJ.L, Psmen@,)are uow hein-g ntufactured by tbe thse object of tIse meetiing, îvhich was to a ne; tIno> are self acting, are madie of ine' ON vr boit material, sud are the mccl perfect prpaârefor tise next eieetion for thse Do. anîrele cf tire kinni ovor niroduced to the <arm- miniums.L Several gehtiemen addresnied MONDAY y£VleNINC , Y tht n' comunnnnlir, for doiug lire work quickly te meeting. WedInesday, tho 29th day t,ïe. intert.sfting Programme. _-Fl i ell. Sel inig ai fnom 88 to $9 apmece. G ra nd O e in > S l Hall, Cataraqu., ivas appointed for a e a olsBusupnat73;t meefing af Reformera for the abovo pur. once aI S. -. OOT& MANURE DRILLS. -OF - pose. - They are snpet !or tuo nu thing ef the kind vol - WANTED fr 3 newmanufacinreti, andi are weil calculateti to save i r G O D Mua»numAND SusCwn.-Chicalgo, May AG-ENTS janTEDefo nov tions telirner butin ihOr andi exînenice. N ~L7.-isiamonnusg acarpeter amed s ~ iBo s STRAW CUTTEIL4, wurk dl--ys '1.T3inmorni a a eteri tie d TE îgi'Pin > ice ophRs, baudt, are nnequaîied ; tlrey are ouf> workea O H P.N T 6imonsslot ie if thouh te 4ad Tsuad nmc ialeine oget oui ofordenr simd scld e FaiH PRN -'SJM MER R DA iiiflicted la fatal wound, and thoph a Squirreis, &c. Throove hein away and e ver> lowv figure. TA E -bullel thrangis hie own head, and fél esleitseif as quic-.k as ils isame indicalee's. U iiead by hon aide. Tise couple hsad boon Samnple and erun2s te agente, by expressS & REVOLVIING CHURNS, S i n rs C h ýp .C s t r nmairied eiglit yeais, but lived unhappily One Dollar. CLOT13ES WIBNGERMSF DoETRUCTVEF=o.-Detîot, Midis., Te-IetgranhRIF PCISRSSoufflera, Wheelbarros Brook Street,- W hitby. May 20.- Warner's block, tise Iving SharpensUCgin vee and ocia5cis instant- sud ail otiner kindi cf agrienîtaral Imlulmenia Flouse, Roostwell's stables, and other ly, and wil cul glass like a- diamond.- wiîin ail lieo receut impnovoemmtt.- Oiur stock will be tound'replete wiîht henws4tlsérmts olw builings in Flint, Micis., were burndSample, post pii ,by mail, Ufty enuts.- ais u prof h our om lt eoe 5 kBlsn aain nleSoeGraSaih di on Saturday. Loose 140,000;insurance Maco, 12 MTolcombined nn one nglu s (mau isc i dthe naiosonpis ekl ud i n nsrkotatan annglsh n othir,IIb rnGeaSpnhR in 850,000, ment, ho be carried Lun1the vest pocko- ailed te ezocuie nil ordera tor- Our.goodeibtis season wili h sold'che&per tihan ever, and vo-are deter- Pockeh RnIoR'BnIer, Square floel, $ore* Mr. F. W. Stone, cf Guelph%.iias sold Driver, Chisel, Compasses, Scissors, But- P A R. MI NG IMPLEMENTS mlned to eess up'ousi reputationrae the.cbeeposî.house in tovin. V> baveîh. best 2 las pure-broui Hereford bull "Sir Charies" ±> w ae tai 5dvii lli y»jc.py goode procurale cfal kinde an& te Ide sargù-ie InÏde vwoei i othe, loweet ivingý ta Mr. T. L. Miller cf Chicago, for tise nxl (oihd hlulysdwt, wac, adt' gaatefrn.W0hv PCILLN of Nev Goods vinicisvv ii , 0er te'îtnepublic sum cf 1000. reéa .hvme-. or uens eipesstifclu aao vaa er than roula',Wholésals pric«- WÃŽ. ssjOqtfnlly soliitan oarly inajuect1ça cf Stratford beat St» Mary's in e.boat Saver nlato;e dpaed #1 d-JAISCLATTON seStc, w illooSldsr it le sseureË.é the b.gotàda nnehr purchnaW dor raob for #40 by tosn bot'a lengti hi. 100 dreo C OMBINAI M -WOOLr ., Brook 8rS"t. Do * yard.e t Sftford on Thurudy. utcn5., I;.w york.Wiby a 1,12 Hardware of ail kinds, Oils, Paints, &c. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, New, Choice, aîîd Good. AUl the leading varieties of Turnip, Mangold Wurtzel, Carrot, Cabbagce, Onion, and ether Field and Garden Seedni. S2,000 hushels* of Peas Wanted. Y.GIBSON, Wbitby, April 17, 1872. JOfl.2V ýrehfItVD3E RW A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes, - ALL THE -LATEST STYLES. Ladies' Balmorals, Pruneilas, Gaiters, Ties, Croquet Slippers, Newports, &c.- Gentiemens' Boots .and ýýhoes, in great vatiety. Boys' and Girls' sewed work,-very cheap. Ail1 ordered worki promptly attended to.: REPAIRS NEA.TLY EXECUTED. SRemember the right place. JOHN SAUNDERS, Whitby, May 8, 1872. Brock. Stre.et.1 *FRANC-1,8'S No* îs the -time for ail interested lu Seed- gro1wing to select their Seeds at the Il Great Epimporiuim."' Just arrived Fpresïlhfrom the markets con'prising a cornpiete *Stock. of Field, Veget4i'b)e, and Flower S'eeds. ,-&- OnionSets, Englieh Potatoe, Top 'or utn ~ai Shaliots.- Eariy-and laIte variety cf-Potatoes, viz :-KLug of Raýr1ies, Early, Rose, Ash Top, Gocndrîcb, Junio r êreses. Proliflo. LaIe varieties, viz,:-Breeees, Peresa, Çlimeo,x,, (.4nnet Chilli, and thé oeiebrated Patterson Bovin *a r. Càttle Feeder- Pota- toe, (atteininthe enOrniousasnze cf friu.û two'ton four pouis.) Alao the ceiotiated Sciionene OsIi. e - LABS-ST0R.9TO LET In-tins To hitby, on k Street, in the heoaricf -theb 1q cf line town- Twoestorlea, 65r16. T g l i ew, ce of mie best husiliad ninh e town, sud can ho fitteilusi ny binn yaànipper portion fora eluinngi eoeaa. did deiiermnge. ni moderse App tlot be made te tine proprieton. JOSIIUA RICHARDSON. i loih y1872. 15 1MPORTED BOAR. Polo and i Cina-pure bred-all white, bred Iuy the éélebrated Chancey B. t3izbury 111, wVill serve on tine prenies, lot No. 3, Snnjcoin cegsionapiokerluiz. 'Chargé 81.50; tô b. paid et urne ofhisrvice. B1. S. WILSON. Pickering, May 7,1872.- 4t-19 N O T I C.E" (lhuunty of Ontanio, L(TS ffRERBY GWVEN TO vii: j I - tal the CourteofGen- crel Sessions ufthtin Peace, and Connlyr Court, lu and formhe Coty cf Ontnnio,wiII b. hclden et theCourtHouffe, nu the Town ef Whimy, on TTJESDÂY, lUNE lltht 1872, ai the Iour cf Twelv:e o'clock, neon, cf winich ail J ustices of the Peaco, Cdrosners, Coustabîçil and nli olberaoconerned, wili tek. notice sln goverinn enssoves accordnngly. .' NELSON G. REYNOLDS. i . Sterifi, C. 0. Shertff's Office, W!ithy, Mey 8, 1872 19 F A'RM-'ORs- SALE TOWINSRIP - 0F F PIKERING. The Soutiîeniy 90 Acres cf -lime Soutinhait] cf Lot 21, Con. 4, Pickerinag. A Hanse sud Borin are ou tine preomises. A neyer fellini' stressât cf vater crosses the fanr. Thora ara tinne ocres of hall -nikeat asud-threos acres of nye mcv in lina greund. Abaust tixly- acreis are cleared ; tiné renai- der la in bushl et Piue-eHemok sund iladwocd. Ail fairly fenoed. ýinmediste poasessiou gi- en. Apply le JAMES RENDRSON, ol.tro- Toronto. JOHN IIARTRICK, , Pickering P.On0- May 14th, 1872. - 20tt T OTRACTORS. E NDElwi1be rem! ment utilne ou Thn frtn underm nticned wi AT TOE4 Asylum r tl fiera, stýble, (ov- us - ,l Noralse o! te pattornte Poôemp t gslvanized itou vork .Salvanized'irou vork : ATL ris Dept SSrd ifa. Asyluim f< Cottages tar ine mItei > T BE Deaf and I forer andeg Wnsho, efoî irorki ca ne s Uit BelZ Lonni [Bulov*d' sDB cftorn eau il Thi owest or Depanmmeut -if i - Teironto, N .. ,--- - -- -T T9- AM DA iýMtjýy,

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